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如何理解:I booked a tour with the lady who runs the guest house……



it+will+be+high+appreciated这将是高的,例句:1.Your prompt reply would be high appreciated. 如蒙即可答复,将不胜感激。2.An early reply will be appreciated. 请早日示复为荷。


上门服务 刚开始实习 修不好不要钱 修好看着办 mm不要钱 正好练习练习 (修坏了不赔...应该不会坏吧) :)

如何给bootcamp 5 降级,以安装win8

1.把boot rom version信息添加到 BootCamp-Info.plist的DARequiredROMVersions下面2.把Info.plist 里面的 PreUSBBootSupportedModels,这当中的Pre三个字母删掉然后就可以运行BOOTCAMP,看到制作U盘win7的选项了。但是10.9开始,如果你这么改一通。那么,bootcamp就闪退了。其实很好解决。还是一样修改,改完之后,打开bootcamp是闪退的。进终端,输命令sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp Assistant.app然后再输入你的开机密码.再去试试看你的bootcamp,是不是可以打开了?并且也有了创建u盘win7的选项了?

Then you can join with me.有没有语法错误


mac 10.9.5 怎么用 usb 安装win7

配备了英特尔处理器可以使用Windows,但不能使用win7的话要问经销商,硬件如果是的MacBook Pro,那么它应该是没有问题的,现在苹果似乎已经没有这个竞价排名,并且可以支持windows系统。不过,我们建议您使用Mac系统,毕竟,具有更好的硬件兼容性,然后你会发现,用习惯了MAC比Windows有用。像我用的是双系统,差别还是比较明显的,如果你不玩游戏的话MAC MAC OS机器绝对是第一选择,很多知名游戏都有一个对应的MAC版本,有魔兽世界,像极品飞车。 QQ和MSN也有官方的Mac版,甚至连办公室有Mac版本,但苹果自己也有相应的软件来使用它做好。



如何给bootcamp 5 降级,以安装win8



  修改info.plist:  Add your model to DARequiredROMVersions  Delete the word "Pre" from UEFIModels and add your model  Delete the word "Pre" from USBBootSupportedModels and add your model  Remove your model from Win7OnlyModels (if its there)  关机  按了开机按钮后执行组合键CMD+R  命令行输入:csrutil disable  重启  替换文件  终端执行命令:sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp Assistant.app/ --deep  查看效果,我刚搞定,趁热敲一遍  还有要注意的,双系统的Windows只能安装在主硬盘,光驱位硬盘安装不了...MacOS倒是在哪个硬盘无所谓...

mac pro 在装win7是出现了Boot Camp 助理 意外退出。该怎么办?

不知道怎么处理啊 也重启了 多装不了 有高人吗?

How happy I will________(be)if you join me!

How happy I will___be_____(be)if you join me!


outstanding-winner优秀冠军winner[英][u02c8wu026anu0259(r)][美][ u02c8wu026anu025a]n.获胜的人; 胜券在握; 制胜的一记入球; 成功的东西; 复数:winners相关单词:Winner

win10出现out of range 怎么调回来?

win10系统出现out of memory是内存不足的意思。 右键点击此电脑——高级系统设置——性能(点击设置)——高级——虚拟内存(点击更改),选择分区进行设置 如果内存比较少,或不够用 可升级硬件,加内存条 平时也可以清理加速下内存 打开腾讯电脑管家

The new safety regulations were agreed on after _____ with the work-force. A.conference B.p.

D  consultation商议:hold a consultation with sb. about sth.(与某人商谈某事)。  conference讨论会;participation参加,参与;intervention干预,干涉。

更新win7系统后,显示屏显示out of range.


win8开机出现start pxe over ipv4怎么办

  win8开机出现start pxe over ipv4怎么办?如果曾将ghost win8系统初始化的话,那么就一定遇到过这样的问题,开机的时候出现大大的提示:start pxe over ipv4,其实这对于系统来说并不算是什么大的问题,也不能说是故障,只是开启了网络唤醒功能造成的,下面我就教你win8开机出现start pxe over ipv4的解决方法。   win8开机出现start pxe over ipv4的解决方法:   1.开机进入安全模式,依次进入BIOS->config->network。   2.如上图中所示,咱们将三个选项后面的状态都更改为disabled,直接用左右键操作就可以了。





《Get Programmingwith Go》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Get Programming with Go》(Nathan Youngman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/185xQk2EO73nX0pKZzsceBA 提取码: rund书名:Get Programming with Go作者:Nathan Youngman豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:Manning Publications出版年份:2018-9-30页数:360内容简介:Hobbyists, newcomers, and professionals alike can benefit from a fast, modern language; all you need is the right resource! Get Programming with Go provides a hands-on introduction to Go language fundamentals, serving as a solid foundation for your future programming projects. You"ll master Go syntax, work with types and functions, and explore bigger ideas like state and concurrency, with plenty of exercises to lock in what you learn.作者简介:Nathan Youngman organizes the Edmonton Go meetup and is a mentor with Canada Learning Code.Roger Peppé contributes to Go and runs the Newcastle upon Tyne Go meetup.

up with词组都有哪些?要十个以上,谢谢


up with词组都有哪些?要十个以上,谢谢





  具体解决方法如下:  第一步、右击任务栏声音图标,点击选择菜单中的“播放设备”  如果声音图标未显示,请在控制面板(大图标查看方式)中,点击选择“声音”  第二步、在声音对话框,点击选中扬声器,然后点击下面的“属性”  第三步、在扬声器 属性对话框,点击调整至“级别”选项卡,将“Realtek HD Audio output”下面的滑块调整到最大(100)  第四步、然后再点击切换到“增强”选项卡,点击选择“均衡器”,然后再点击“设置”后面的的省略号按钮图标  第五步、在Graphic EQ对话框,将相关滑块进行调整,直至达到个人满意为止。


1、电脑耳机有杂音滋滋怎么办win10。 2、耳机总是有电流声怎么办。 3、手机插耳机声音很小怎么回事。 4、有一只耳机没有声音怎么办。1."电脑耳机有杂音滋滋怎么办,为您提供电脑耳机有杂音滋滋怎么办图文信息,以windows系统为例,右击音量图标,选择声音。 2.点击播放。 3.选择扬声器,再点击属性。 4.点击级别。 5.点击RealtekHDAudiooutput旁边的平衡。 6.左前调为0,再点击确定。

如何删除win10里qq电脑管家 删不掉



1. 电脑麦克风没声音怎么办 电脑麦克风没声音怎么办 1.电脑麦克风没声音 麦克风要插入声卡的麦克风输入插口上(粉红色插口),查好后如果没有声音还要进行适当的设置和测试才能正常使用,方法如下: 首先用鼠标选择桌面右下方的扬声器图标,右击鼠标,在出现的快捷菜单中选择“打开音量控制”,会出现“主音量”窗口,在“选项”菜单中,点击“属性”,在出现的“属性”窗口中将“麦克风音量”选项前的方框中打√,然后按“确定”。 返回“主音量”窗口,将“麦克风音量”按钮往上调大,并注意在下方的“静音”选项前是否有√,如有,应将此√去掉。然后进入“控制面板”(从“开始菜单”-“设置”-“控制面板”),在“控制面板”窗口中选择“声音和音频设备”,打开此窗口,选择“语声”,在该窗口的下方点击“测试硬件”按钮,再按照提示,一步一步进行,如果你的连接正常的话,通过此测试,你的耳麦应该可以会有声音的。 2.电脑麦克风没有声音怎么办 点击桌面左下角开始--控制面板--声音和音频设备--里面的所有设置都是灰色的,即是不可以用的。如果存在以上两种情况的任一种,这时你直接到下载“驱动精灵”软件,安装好它后,双击打开--驱动更新--勾选“声音视频和游戏控制器”--开始更新--更新完毕后重启电脑。 如果不存在以上两种情况,请直接看以下步骤。 第③步:如果桌面右下角没有小喇叭,开始--控制面板--声音和音频设备--勾选上“将音量图标放入任务栏”--确定。第④步:点击桌面右下角小喇叭--选项--属性--所有选项打上勾勾点击“确定”,这时你会看到一条长长的窗口,还有很多还未显示,拉动下面的滚动条你就会看到,保证所有的“静音”都没有选上,并把所有的音量条拉到中间。 选项--属性--录音--所有选项打上勾勾点击“确定”,并把所有的音量条拉到中间。第⑤步:确保你的麦克风(耳机)是正确地插在主机箱前面,如果你主机箱后面插有音箱,请关掉音箱,但音箱的线可以不用拔。 单击桌面左下角“开始”--控制面板--看到有“Realtek高清晰音频配置” 。 3.请问我的电脑麦克风没有声音该怎么解决 麦克风声音小解决方案 方案1 首先在任务栏的右下角右键单击小喇叭,选择“打开音量控制”,在对话框里点“选项”-“属性”。在属性框框里混音器那一栏Realtek HD Audio output换成Realtek HD Audio Input,然后在“显示下列音量控制”里把所有的都选上。 再在任务栏的右下角右键单击小喇叭,点击“调整音频属性”,选择“语声”,调整录音音量,再测试硬件。(按向导的指引走) 然后再试试。 如果这不行的话 方案2【在方案一已实行的基础上】 在“开始”的“控制面板”里选择“声音、语音和音频设备”,选择“Realtek高清晰音频配置”。在Realtek里选择“混频器”,在上面那一栏 “重放”里把所有的滑块都调到最高,滑块下面的小喇叭的叉叉选掉。对话框的最左边有两个小箭头,点击它可以看到更多滑块,都调到最大,叉叉选掉。下面的“录制”不要管它。最后点击“OK”保存设置即可。 3、双击音量=》选项=》属性=》=》=》=》reltek hd audio input =》全选 确定=》选择麦克风就能用了 如果选择立体声混音那么只能内放 4.麦克风没有声音 如果你的声卡正常安装,耳机有声音,只是麦克风没有声音,请检查你的麦克风是否连接正确,你的麦克风是否设置和测试好,请按下面的方法检查和测试一次:1.用鼠标选择桌面任务栏右边的扬声器图标,右击鼠标,在出现的快捷菜单中选择“打开音量控制”,会出现“主音量”窗口,在“选项”菜单中,点击“属性”,在出现的“属性”窗口中将“麦克风音量”选项前的方框中打√,然后按“确定”。 返回“主音量”窗口,将“麦克风音量”按钮往上调大,并注意在下方的“静音”选项前是否有√,如有,应将此√去掉;2.进入“控制面板”(从“开始菜单”-“设置”-“控制面板”),在“控制面板”窗口中 选择“声音和音频设备”,打开此窗口,选择“语声”,在该窗口的下方点击“测试硬件”按钮,再按照提示,一步一步进行,如果你的连接正常的话,通过此测试,你的麦克风应该会有声音的。 5.大家好 声卡驱动安装了吗!任务栏里有小喇叭吗? 如果声卡驱动安装了,任务栏里也有小喇叭的话,你可以: 1.双击任务栏小喇叭——将主音量的都调至最高,去掉所有“静音”包括“麦克风”静音的对勾。 2.在控制面板双击打开“realtek 高清晰音频配置”—— 点击“混频器”——去掉所有音量包括麦克风音量的“*”——最后点击“OK”。 3.登录“QQ”——点击左下角“主菜单”——系统设置——好友和聊天——语音视频——语音设置——语音——分别在“声音输入”和“声音输出”的下拉菜单中选择“realtek HD Audio Input”——确定。 于此同时,你可以对着麦克风试试,那里面有实验选项。 6.电脑麦克风没有声音,绝对的高手进来 首先你最好说清楚电脑什么时候配的。 新电脑:麦克风跟耳机在前置面板不能用是因为前置音频没有开。 华硕以外的主板都是-开始-设置-控制面板-Realtek高清晰音频配置-音频I/O-模拟-手板(是一个图标)-禁用前置面板 在前面打勾就可以了。 华硕的主板就比较讨厌了,要重启机器在BIOS里面设置。进入Bios后Advanced menu-Onboard Devices Configuration-Front Panel Type将[HD Audio]改成[AC97] 不同的华硕主板路径也不一样,在网上搜索一下,总之是把HD Audio改成AC97.然后按F10.保存就可以了,如果这样前面还是没有声音,检查一下主板前置音频跳线有没有跳。 麦克风没有声音:在小喇叭双击打开后点左上角属性-弹出一个对话框-在一堆英文那里有个下拉菜单,你选择另外一个,然后在设置喇叭的属性,新主板里这里一个是输出属性一个是输入属性,默认打开的是输出属性,所以你设置的是能够听到自己说话。而不是麦克风的音量。 老电脑的话就检查跳线吧,麦克风很可能坏了。 7.电脑麦克风没有声音 一、检查音视频总线和声卡驱动是否正常。 二、检查麦克风连接是否正常,麦克风有无损坏。 三、设置麦克风属性: 1、右击电脑屏幕右下角的"小喇叭"图标-选“打开音量控制器”,打开"音量控制"对话框。 2、点击对话框左上角的"选项"-"属性""录音"-勾选"麦克风"-"确定"-打开"录音控制"的对话框-勾先“麦克风”其下的“选择”,同时把音量调大。 3、点击对话框左上角的"选项"-"属性"-“播放”-勾选"麦克风"-"确定"-打开"录音控制"的对话框-去掉“麦克风”其下“静音”勾选,同时把音量调大。 4、右击电脑屏幕右下角的"小喇叭"图标-选“调整音频属性”,打开"声音和音频设备属性"对话框-音量-去掉“静音”勾选。


Realtek HD Audio Output : 你的音频总输出音量控制Rear Green in:机器后面 绿色口音量控制Rear Black in:机器后面 黑色口音量控制Rear Orange in:机器后面 橙色靠音量控制Rear 后方 front 前方Grey 淡绿色Pink 粉红Side 声场景宽度Center 中置Subwoofl 重低音

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windows 7h电脑被黑客锁住了怎么办




求taylor swift的Untouchable歌词及中文翻译


求taylor swift的Untouchable歌词及中文翻译

Untouchable Untouchable like a distant diamond sky I"m reaching out and I just can"t tell you why 触摸不透 这感觉就像遥远的星空 我试着去接近 我却不能告诉你这是为什么 I"m caught up in you I"m caught up in you 我不自觉的喜欢上你 我不自觉的喜欢上你 Untouchable Burning brighter than the sun And when you"re close I feel like coming undone 触摸不透 这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈 当你在我身边的时候 我感觉我都要失去控制了 In the middle of the night When I"m in this dream 在深夜 我的梦魇里 It"s like a million little stars Spelling out your name 那漫天的小星星都在显示你的名字 You gotta come on, come on Say that we"ll be together 你快来吧 快来吧 说我们要在一起 Come on, come on Little taste of heaven 来吧 来吧 我的情绪很低落 It"s half full and I won"t wait here all day I know you"re saying that you"ll be here anyway 已经过了半天 我不会再继续等下去 虽然我知道你说你会来的 But you"re untouchable Burning brighter than the sun Now that you"re close I feel like coming undone 但是你是那么触摸不透 这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈 现在你在我身边 我都要失控了 In the middle of the night When I"m in this dream 在深夜 我的梦魇里 It"s like a million little stars Spelling out your name 那漫天的小星星都在显示你的名字 You gotta come on, come on Say that we"ll be together 你快来吧 快来吧 说我们要在一起 Come on, come on 来吧 来吧 Oh In the middle of the night We could form this dream 在深夜里 我们可以做这样的梦 I wanna feel you by my side Standing next to me 我希望能感觉到你在我身边 You gotta come on, come on Say that we"ll be together 你快来吧 快来吧 说我们要在一起 Come on, come on Little taste of heaven 来吧 来吧 我的情绪很低落 I"m caught up in you 我不自觉的喜欢上你 Oh, oh, oh Untouchable Burning brighter than the sun And when you"re close I feel like coming undone 触摸不透 这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈 当你在我身边的时候 我感觉我都要失去控制了 In the middle of the night When I"m in this dream It"s like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we"ll be together Come on, come on Oh, oh In the middle of the night When I"m in this dream It"s like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we"ll be together Come on, come on Little taste of heaven Come on, come on It"s like a million little stars Spelling out your name 后面几段歌词是重复的 我就不再翻译了 至于歌词下载,千千静听可直接搜索下载。 追问: 懒得下 千千静听 了,可以直接给个地址吗? 回答: 你留下地址,传给你,我不太熟悉找歌词的地址。 追问: 邮箱?335359652@.qq.com


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untouchable中英文歌词taylor swift

Untouchable like a distant diamond sky触摸不透 这感觉就像遥远的星空I"m reaching out and I just can"t tell you why我试着去接近 我却不能告诉你这是为什么I"m caughtup in you我不自觉的喜欢上你I"m caught up in you我不自觉的喜欢上你Untouchable触摸不透Burning brighter than the sun这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈And when you"re close I feel like coming undone当你在我身边的时候 我感觉我都要失去控制了In the middle of the night在深夜When I"m in this dream我的梦魇里It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧Little taste of heaven我的情绪很低落It"s half fulland I won"t wait here all day已经过了半天 我不会再继续等下去I know you"re saying that you"ll be here anyway虽然我知道你说你会来的But you"re untouchable但是你是那么触摸不透Burning brighter than the sun这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈And now that you"re close I feel like coming undone现在你在我身边 我都要失控了In the middle of the night在深夜When I"m in this dream我的梦魇里It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧OhIn the middle of the night在深夜里We could form this dream我们可以做这样的梦I wanna feel you by my side我希望能感觉到Standing next to me你在我身边You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧Little taste of heaven我的情绪很低落I"m caught up in you我不自觉的喜欢上你Oh,oh,ohBut you"re untouchable但是你是那么触摸不透Burning brighter thanthesun这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈Now that you"re close I feel like coming undone现在你在我身边 我都要失控了In the middle of the night在深夜When I"m in this dream我的梦魇里It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on来吧 来吧Oh,ohIn the middle of the night在深夜里When I"m in this dream我们可以做这样的梦It"s like a million little stars那漫天的小星星都在Spelling out your name显示你的名字You gotta come on,come on你快来吧 快来吧Say that we"ll be together说我们要在一起Come on,come on,come on来吧 来吧In the middle of the night在深夜里We can form this dream我们可以做这样的梦I wanna feel you by my side我希

求 Taylor swift 《untouchable 》中文歌词

Untouchable like a distant diamond skyI"m reachitaylor swiftng out and I just can"t tell you why触摸不透 这感觉就像遥远的星空我试着去接近 我却不能告诉你这是为什么I"m caught up in youI"m caught up in you我不自觉的喜欢上你我不自觉的喜欢上你UntouchableBurning brighter than the sunAnd when you"re close I feel like coming undone触摸不透这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈当你在我身边的时候 我感觉我都要失去控制了In the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dream在深夜 我的梦魇里It"s like a million little starsSpelling out your name那漫天的小星星都在显示你的名字You gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be together你快来吧 快来吧说我们要在一起Come on, come onLittle taste of heaven来吧 来吧我的情绪很低落It"s half full and I won"t wait here all dayI know you"re saying that you"ll be here anyway已经过了半天 我不会再继续等下去虽然我知道你说你会来的But you"re untouchableBurning brighter than the sunNow that you"re close I feel like coming undone但是你是那么触摸不透这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈现在你在我身边 我都要失控了In the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dream在深夜 我的梦魇里It"s like a million little starsSpelling out your name那漫天的小星星都在显示你的名字You gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be together你快来吧 快来吧说我们要在一起Come on, come on来吧 来吧OhIn the middle of the nightWe could form this dream在深夜里 我们可以做这样的梦I wanna feel you by my sideStanding next to me我希望能感觉到你在我身边You gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be together你快来吧 快来吧说我们要在一起Come on, come onLittle taste of heaven来吧 来吧我的情绪很低落I"m caught up in you我不自觉的喜欢上你Oh, oh, ohUntouchableBurning brighter than the sunAnd when y ou"re close I feel like coming undone触摸不透这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈当你在我身边的时候 我感觉我都要失去控制了In the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onOh, ohIn the middle of the nightWhen I"m in this dreamIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your nameYou gotta come on, come onSay that we"ll be togetherCome on, come onLittle taste of heavenCome on, come onIt"s like a million little starsSpelling out your name 至於,歌词地址你可以去QQ音乐、酷狗音乐下载这首歌自然就有歌词【百度知道团队灵犀之音——喂美女zzz为你解答】 <收起




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Mac双系统切换: 在电脑开机或重启电脑时,按着“option”键不松手。(详细请看下图) 进入引导界面,用方向键选择“Macintosh HD”和“windows”磁盘,进入Mac系统,用方向键选中“Macintosh HD”,回车即可进入。

Taylor Swift的Teardrops On My Guitar音乐链接可以用空间的


英文翻唱中文歌曲 第一句是one more night ann then we will say goodbye

这是萍聚英文版,歌名《One more kiss》,专辑《青春派对》网易云音乐地址:http://music.163.com/#/m/song?id=34200801&userid=61849646歌词如下:one more night and then we will say goodbyeeverything is gonna be alrighthow I hate to see teardrops in your eyescause it makes me feel so bad insidethough you"re tried to give thousand promisesbut it"s hard to keep all our love aliveone more kiss and thenwe will say goodbyeplease don"t let mesee your crying eyesone more night and then we will say goodbyeeverything is gonna be alrighthow I hate to see teardrops in your eyescause it makes me feel so bad insidethough you"re tried to give thousand promisesbut it"s hard to keep all our love aliveone more kiss and thenwe will say goodbyeplease don"t let mesee your crying eyesone more night and then we will say goodbyeeverything is gonna be alrighthow I hate to see teardrops in your eyescause it makes me feel so bad insidethough you"re tried to give thousand promisesbut it"s hard to keep all our love aliveone more kiss and thenwe will say goodbyeplease don"t let mesee your crying eyes

Winners And Losers 歌词

歌曲名:Winners And Losers歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:Classic: The Universal Masters CollectionWinners and losersWhich one am I,Is it the sameUnder the sky?Black motorcyclesAnd the will to surviveLosers and winnersLow and highIn this glass and wire worldSurly leeches gain the rightTo send their message screamingOne that has no meaningTo people who feelQuestions and questions -Plain as your nose -But who would believeA little rose?Winners and losersIn love with themselvesNo Santa ClausNo happy elvesIn this smokingGun existenceIt gets harder to unwindI"ll just eat my breakfastTry to keep my questionsStarving all nightOut in the suburbs I metMy true fine loveDown in the suburbs I metMy true fine loveShe gave me moneyShe gave me headShe gave me everythingAnd then she went dead.Stick out your thumbAnd hit the open roadCat in a MercedesGoes by, he"s oldHe"s got some, you got noneTogether maybe you can haveSome fun - winners and losersGentlemen boozersWinners and losersRoll roll roll rollRoll your money downRock rock rockadocTakin" over this town.http://music.baidu.com/song/1473344

taylor swift悉尼会曲目

You Belong With MeOur SongTell Me WhyTeardrops On My GuitarForever and AlwaysHey StephenWhite HorseLove Storyleavin" (Jesse McCartney Cover)should"ve said notim mcgrawlove storychangepicture to burn我从视频上一首一首扒下来的.. 没错的话就是这个...

TEAR DROPS with KG-——后藤真希歌词中文意思

TEAR DROPS with KG作词∶Kaori Moriwaka作曲∶KG/SHIKATA/AILI歌∶后藤真希寂しいかれ 笑っていたんだSabishii kare waratte itandaあなたの声が闻こえる场所でAnata no koe ga kikoeru basho te私は谁かと平気なふりWatashi wa dare kato heiki na furi気づいてほしいけれどKiduite hoshii keredo仆といるよりも楽しげなBokuto iru yori mo tanoshi gena君を见つけ なぜか伤つきKimi wo mitsuke nazeka kizutsuki君の幸せ祈れなくて 嫌になるKimi no shiawase inore nakute iyani naru爱されたいだけAisa retai dakeあなたもそうAnata mo sou私と同じように せつないほどWatashi to onaji youni setsunai hodoなのにねえ なぜNano ni nee naze爱し合えないAishi ae naiだからいつまでもそう ひとりDakare itsuma demo sou hitoriGive me ちょっとだけ勇気Give me chotto dake yuuki理想より リアルにRisou yori riaru ni祈るより言叶 届けてInoru yori kotoba todokete必ずどさらか 伤つく恋ならKanarazu dochira ka kizutsuku koi nara私が伤つこうWatashi ga kizutsu kou君を连れ去りたい欲望Kimi wo tsuresari tai yokubou言叶 隠す歪むプライドKotoba kakusu yugamu puraido仆は何を恐れこんなにBoku wa nani wo sore konna ni素直になれないんだSunao ni nare nainda爱してるほどAishi teru hodo苦しくなるKurushiku naru重すぎるなんて言われちゃうのかなOmo sugiru nante iware chau no kanaなのにねえ まだNanoni nee mada爱が足りないAi gatari naiどこまでも欲しくて 悲しいDoko made mo hoshiku te kanashiiSweet Sweet my TeardropsSweet Sweet Your TeardropsSweet Sweet Our TeardropsSweet Sweet… Yeah…爱されたいだけAi sare tai dakeあなたもそうAnata mo sou私と同じように 泣きたいほどWatashi to onaji you ni naki tai hodoなのにねえ なぜNanoni nee nazeわかり合えないWakari ae naiだからいつまでもそう ひとりDakara itsuma de mo sou hitoriYeah…怖くないよ (Oh My Teardrops)Yeah.. Kowaku nai yo (Oh My Teardrops)もう ここから先へ (Oh Your Teardrops)Mou koko kara saki e (Oh Your Teardrops)もう 涙拭いて (Oh Our Teardrops)Mou namida fuite (Oh Our Teardrops)爱し合おうAishi aou

taylor swift所有专辑名称?

1.《TaylorSwift》  TaylorSwift【地区】美国  【公司】BigMachine  【发行时间】2006-10-24  【语种】英语  【专辑类型】CD  【音乐类型】乡村音乐  【曾获奖项】  【专辑曲目】  1TimMcGraw  2PicturetoBurn  3TeardropsonMyGuitar  4APlaceinThisWorld  5ColdAsYou  6TheOutside  7TiedTogetherWithASmile  8StayBeautiful  9ShouldSaidNo  10OhMyMyMy  11OurSong  2.《TaylorSwift》DeluxeEdition  TaylorSwiftDeluxVersion  【地区】美国  【公司】BigMachine  【发行时间】2007年11月06日  【语种】英语  【专辑类型】CD  【音乐类型】乡村音乐  【曾获奖项】  【专辑曲目】  1.TimMcGraw  2.PictureToBurn  3.TeardropsOnMyGuitar(RadioSingleVersion)  4.APlaceInThisWorld  5.ColdAsYou  6.TheOutside  7.TiedTogetherWithASmile  8.StayBeautiful  9.Should"veSaidNo  10.Mary"sSong(OhMyMyMy)  11.OurSong(RadioSingleVersion)  12.I"mOnlyMeWhenI"mWithYou  13.Invisible  14.APerfectlyGoodHeart  15.Taylor"s1stPhoneCallWithTimMcGraw  3.《BeautifulEyes》  BeautifulEyes  【公司】BigMachine  【发行时间】2008-7-15  【语种】英语  【专辑类型】EP  【音乐类型】乡村音乐  【曾获奖项】  【专辑曲目】  01BeautifulEyes  02Should"veSaidNo  03TeardropsOnMyGuitar  04PictureToBurn  05I"mOnlyMeWhenI"mWithYou  06IHeart  4.《Fearless》  Fearless【公司】BigMachine  【发行时间】2008-11-11  【语种】英语  【专辑类型】CD  【音乐类型】乡村/流行音乐  【专辑曲目】  01LoveStory  02You"reNotSorry  03YouBelongWithMe  04Fearless  05Change  06TheBestDay  07TellMeWhy  08ForeverAndAlways  09TheWayILovedYou  10HeyStephen  11WhiteHorse  12Breathe  13Fifteen  5.《SoundsOfTheSeason》圣诞EP  【公司】BigMachine  【发行时间】2008-12-02  【语种】英语  【专辑类型】EP  【音乐类型】乡村/流行音乐  【专辑曲目】  1.LastChristmas  2.ChristmasesWhenYouWereMine  3.SantaBaby  4.SilentNight  5.ChristmasMustBeSomethingMore  6.WhiteChristmas  6.《Fearless》PlatinumEdition  【公司】BigMachine  【发行时间】2009-11-03  【语种】英语  【专辑类型】CD  【音乐类型】乡村/流行音乐  【专辑曲目】  1.NEW!JumpThenFall  2.NEW!Untouchable  3.NEW!ForeverAlways(PianoVersion)  4.NEW!ComeInWithTheRain  5.NEW!SuperStar  6.NEW!TheOtherSideOfTheDoor

苹果电脑装了win7后,关于Macintosh HD (E盘)的问题。


Taylor Swift的十首好歌

1、out of the woods(震撼)这首歌的MV真的很美,风格很独特的一首歌,旋律也很好听,歌词的内容大致是走出爱情的阴霾,用一个词来形容就是“震撼”2、I knew you were trouble通俗一点来讲就是讲了一个渣男,霉霉在维密上唱过这首歌,很值得一听。3、Blank Space霉霉的冠军热单,据说MV上花了大价钱,旋律很上口,轻快,在一个访问中,霉霉说这是她花费精力最少的一首歌,真的是才华来了挡也挡不住!4、Back to December(动听)一首比较忧伤的歌,写给前男友的。5、Cold as You霉霉学生时代受人排挤,才有了这一首歌,能听得出真情实感,很赞!6、Enchanted这首歌的词,我认为是写的很好的一首,一定要多听几遍。7、If This was a movie高潮很赞,听前奏的时候没有吸引到,但是在高潮处就按耐不住了,超好听8、Love Story节奏很甜的歌,属于一听便爱上的那种,这首歌我不用多说,因为听过的人都会爱上。9、We are Never Ever Getting Back Together旋律很欢快,很上口,一首吐槽的歌,节奏感很强,大胆猜测这首歌在许多年后会成为经典之一,大家期待。10、Safe &Sound这是饥饿游戏里的主题曲,听了这首歌才了解到饥饿游戏,真的好听,耳朵会怀孕的那种。

Taylor Swift 抱着吉他在床上唱歌是哪首歌的MV

teardrops on my guitar


Strawberry Swing歌词they were sitting they were sitting in the strawberry swing every moment was so precious they were sitting they were talking in the strawberry swing everybody was for fighting wouldn"t wanna waste a thing cold, cold water bring me round now my feet won"t touch the ground cold, cold water what ya say? it"s such it"s such a perfect day it"s such a perfect day i remember we were walking up to strawberry swing i can"t wait "til the morning wouldn"t wanna change a thing people leaving all the time inside a perfectly straight line don"t you wanna just curve away and it"s such it"s such a perfect day it"s such a perfect day ah… now the sky could be blue i don"t mind without you it"s a waste of time would be blue i don"t mind without you it"s a waste of time well the sky could be blue could be grey without you i"m just miles away well, the sky could be blue i don"t mind without you it"s a waste of time



英语里面‘游泳’这个单词有几个,swim、swimming、to swim、and swim、

游泳的英文是 swim,它的单数第三人称是 swims,过去式是 swam,过去分词是 swum,现在分词和动名词是 swimming,不定式是 to swim,总共有六种形式。具体用法如下:*我会游泳:I can swim. (动词原形)*他每天游泳:He swims every day.(单数第三人称形式)*去年我经常游泳:I often swam last year.(过去式)*他没有游出自己的最好水平:He has not swum his best.(过去分词)*我喜欢游泳:I like swimming.(动名词)*我是游泳冠军:I am the swimming champion. (现在分词)*我想去游泳:I"d like to swim.(不定式)




swim 英[swu026am] 美[swu026am] v. 游泳; 游动; 旋转; 眩晕; n. 游泳; [例句]She swam the 400 metres medley ten seconds slower than she did in 1980.她400米混合泳的成绩比其1980年慢了10秒。[其他] 第三人称单数:swims 现在分词:swimming 过去式:swam过去分词:swum


swim [英][swu026am][美][swu026am] vt.& vi.游泳; vi.眩晕; vt.浸; 泡; 洒满; 充溢着; 第三人称单数:swims过去分词:swum现在进行时:swimming过去式:swam But they can"t swim well. 但它们游泳不是很好. 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 祝生活愉快!

求本英语小说得内容,名字叫100 cupboards,作者是N.D.WILSON知道详细情节的速度来,

WELCOMEI CAPTURE THE CASTLEbyDodie SmithAlso by Dodie SmithThe Hundred and One DalmatiansThe Starlight BarkingI CAPTURE THE CASTLECopyright 1948, renewed 1976 by Dorothy Gladys Beesely.All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoeverwithout written permission except in the case of brief quotationsembodied in critical articles or reviews.For information, addressSt. Martin"s Press,175 Fifth Avenue,New york, N.y. 10010.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataSmith, Dodie.I capture the castle by Dodie Smith.ISBN 0-312-18110-8 (hb)ISBN 0-312-20165-6 (pbk)I. titleFirst published in the United States by Atlantic-Little, Brown BooksFirst St. Martin"s Griffin Edition: May 1999I: THE SIXPENNY BOOKI am sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the restof me is on the draining-board, which I have padded with our dog"sblanket and the tea-cozy. I can"t say that I am really comfortable,and there is a depressing smell of carbolic soap, but this is the onlypart of the kitchen where there is any daylight left. And I have foundthat sitting in a place where you have never sat before can beinspiring--I wrote my very best poem while sitting on the hen-house.Though even that isn"t a very good poem. I have decided my poetry isso bad that I mustn"t write any more of it.Drips from the roof are plopping into the water-butt by the back door.The view through the windows above the sink is excessively dreary.Beyond the dank garden in the courtyard are the ruined walls on theedge of the moat. Beyond the moat, the boggy ploughed fields stretchto the leaden sky. I tell myself that all the rain we have had latelyis good for nature, and that at any moment spring will surge on us. Itry to see leaves on the trees and the courtyard filled with sunlight.Unfortunately, the more my mind"s eye sees green and gold, the moredrained of all color does the twilight seem.It is comforting to look away from the windows and towards the kitchenfire, near which my sister Rose is ironing, though she obviously can"tsee properly, and it will be a pity if she scorches her only nightgown.(I have two, but one is minus its behind.) Rose looks particularlyfetching by firelight because she is a pinkish person; her skin has apink glow and her hair is pinkish gold, very light and feathery.Although I am rather used to her I know she is a beauty. She is nearlytwenty-one and very bitter with life. I am seventeen, look younger,feel older. I am no beauty but have a nea tish face.I have just remarked to Rose that our situation is really ratherromantic--two girls in this strange and lonely house. She replied thatshe saw nothing romantic about being shut up in a crumbling ruinsurrounded by a sea of mud. I must admit that our home is anunreasonable place to live in. Yet I love it. The house itself wasbuilt in the time of Charles II, but it was grafted on to afourteenth-century castle that had been damaged by Cromwell. The wholeof our east wall was part of the castle; there are two round towers init. The gatehouse is intact and a stretch of the old walls at theirfull height joins it to the house. And Belmotte Tower, all thatremains of an even older castle, still stands on its mound close by.But I won"t attempt to describe our peculiar home fully until I can seemore time ahead of me than I do now.I am writing this journal partly to practice my newly acquiredspeed-writing and partly to teach myself how to write a novel-I intendto capture all our characters and put in conversations. It ought to begood for my style to dash along without much thought, as up to now mystories have been very stiff and self-conscious. The only time Fatherobliged me by reading one of them, he said I combined stateliness witha desperate effort to be funny. He told me to relax and let the wordsflow out of me.I wish I knew of a way to make words flow out of Father. Years andyears ago, he wrote a very unusual book called Jacob Wrestling, amixture of fiction, philosophy and poetry. It had a great success,particularly in America, where he made a lot of money by lecturing onit, and he seemed likely to become a very important writer indeed. Buthe stopped writing. Mother believed this was due to something thathappened when I was about five.We were living in a small house by the sea at the time. Father hadjust joined us after his second American lecture tour. One afternoonwhen we were having tea in the garden, he had the misfortune to losehis temper with Mother very noisily just as he was about to cut a pieceof cake. He brandished the cake-knife at her so menacingly that anofficious neighbor jumped the garden fence to intervene and got himselfknocked down.Father explained in court that killing a woman with our silvercake-knife would be a long, weary business entailing sawing her todeath, and he was completely exonerated of any intention of slayingMother. The whole case seems to have been quite ludicrous, witheveryone but the neighbor being very funny. But Father made themistake of being funnier than the judge and, as there was no doubtwhatever that he had seriously damaged the neighbor, he was sent toprison for three months.When he came out he was as nice a man as ever-nicer, because his temperwas so much better. Apart from that, he didn"t seem to me to bechanged at all. But Rose remembers that he had already begun to getunsociable--it was then that he took a forty years" lease of thecastle, which is an admirable place to be unsociable in. Once we weresettled here he was supposed to begin a new book. But time went onwithout anything happening and at last we realized that he had given upeven trying to write--for years now, he has refused to discuss thepossibility. Most of his life is spent in the gatehouse room, which isicy cold in winter as there is no fireplace; he just huddles over anoil-stove. As far as we know, he does nothing but read detectivenovels from the village library. Miss Marcy, the librarian andschoolmistress, brings them to him. She admires him greatly and says


swim [英][swu026am][美][swu026am] vt.& vi.游泳; vi.眩晕; vt.浸; 泡; 洒满; 充溢着; 第三人称单数:swims过去分词:swum现在进行时:swimming过去式:swam But they can"t swim well. 但它们游泳不是很好. 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. 祝生活愉快!


swim,读作:英[swu026am],美[swu026am]。释义:vi.游泳;漂浮;浸;眩晕。vt.游过;使浮起。n.游泳;漂浮;眩晕。adj.游泳时穿戴的。变形:过去式swam,过去分词swum,现在分词swimming,第三人称单数swims。短语:have a swim游泳。in a swim头晕眼花。out of the swim不参加社交等活动。swim的例句1、I often swim across the river.我经常游泳横渡这条河。2、Where did you swim a week ago?一周前你去哪里游泳的?3、After a 2km swim, we felt tired.游了两千米后,我们都累了。4、We shall swim across the channel.我们将游过英吉利海峡。5、Also the night I learned to swim.我就是在那晚学会游泳的。6、On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy.大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。7、I had a lovely swim this afternoon.今天下午游泳游得好畅快。

swim是什么意思 swim的英文意思



简单现在时:I swim every morning.简单过去时:Yesterday, I swam at the beach.简单将来时:I will swim in the pool tomorrow.现在进行时:I am swimming in the lake right now.过去进行时:I was swimming in the river when I saw a fish.将来进行时:I will be swimming in the ocean next week.现在完成时:I have swum across the lake before.过去完成时:I had already swum 10 laps before my friend arrived.注:swim的过去分词同样是swum。

a box of chocolates为什么后面是of,不是with,in,for

这是一种固定表达,类似于汉语的量词,a box of 一盒...


swim的过去式?让我们一起了解一下吧。swim的过去式是swam,过去分词是swum,现在分词是swimming;第三人称单数是swims;它有名词和动词两种词性,不同的词性有不同的意思,分别是:1、名词的意思是:游泳;(构成复合词)与游泳有关的;2、动词的意思是:游水;游泳;游泳(作为娱乐);游动。例句:A strong wind added to his difficulties, but he was able to swim across the channel——大风增加了他的困难,但他还是游过了海峡。今天的分享就是这些,希望能帮助到大家。

swim怎么读 swim的意思是什么

1、swim的读音:英[swu026am],美[swu026am]。 2、swim的释义: (1)v.游水;游泳;游泳(作为娱乐);游;游动; (2)n.游泳; 3、例句: (1)go for a swim 去游泳; (2)swim with the tide v. 随波逐流; (3)swim bladder n. 鱼鳔,浮囊; (4)swim suit 游泳装。 4、第三人称单数:swims ;现在分词:swimming ;过去式:swam ;过去分词:swum。




  1、swim的读音:英[swu026am],美[swu026am]。   2、swim的释义:   (1)v.游水;游泳;游泳(作为娱乐);游;游动;   (2)n.游泳;   3、例句:   (1)go for a swim 去游泳;   (2)swim with the tide v. 随波逐流;   (3)swim bladder n. 鱼鳔,浮囊;   (4)swim suit 游泳装。   4、第三人称单数:swims ;现在分词:swimming ;过去式:swam ;过去分词:swum。


  swim有游泳等意思,那么你知道swim的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    swim的用法大全:   swim的用法1:swim的基本意思是“游泳”“游过”,指靠摆动身体在水中前进或漂浮。swim还可作“漂浮”“飘忽”“滑行”解,引申可表示“旋转,摇晃,眩晕”。   swim的用法2:swim可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。   swim的用法3:swim的过去式是swam,过去分词是swum。   swim的用法4:swim用作名词时意思是“游泳”,其前常加不定冠词a。   swim的用法5:the swim意思是“潮流”; in the swim作“熟悉内情,通晓时事,积极参与社会活动; 通晓现时风尚潮流”解; out of the swim的意思是“赶不上潮流”。    swim的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   swim about (v.+adv.)   swim across (v.+prep.)   swim before (v.+prep.)   swim for (v.+prep.)   swim in (v.+prep.)   swim into (v.+prep.)   swim with (v.+prep.)   用作名词 (n.)   go for a swim   in a swim   in the swim   out of the swim   swim的用法例句:   1. The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.   这些障碍物对于想要往上游游动的鱼儿来说是致命的。   2. Should our children be taught to swim at school?   我们的孩子应该在学校学习游泳吗?   3. All of the passengers started the day with a swim.   所有的乘客那天一开始就先游了个泳。   4. There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.   将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。   5. I never learned to swim and neither did they.   我从没学过游泳,他们也没有。   6. Children swim at the pool, under the watchful eye of lifeguards.   孩子们在救生员的监护下在水池里游泳。   7. They went off to swim in the pool, which was now deserted.   他们去一个已废弃的游泳池游泳。   8. Work out at a gym or swim twice a week.   一周去健身房锻炼两次,或游两次泳。   9. During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.   冬季来游泳的人很多,泳池人满为患。   10. She would go for a swim when she"d unpacked.   她打开行李取出衣物后就会去游泳。   11. The musty aroma of incense made her head swim.   熏香发霉的气味令她感到头晕。   12. If your ship doesn"t come in, swim out to it.--Jonathan Winters   如果你等的船没有向你驶来,那你就朝它游过去吧。   13. I swim 40 lengths a day.   我每天游20个来回。   14. I swim a mile a day.   我每天游一英里。   15. When can we go for a swim, Mam?   妈妈,我们什么时候能去游泳啊?


英 [swu026am]释义:vi 游泳;漂浮;浸;眩晕vt 游过;使浮起n 游泳;漂浮;眩晕adj 游泳时穿戴的[ 过去式 swam 过去分词 swum 现在分词 swimming 第三人称单数 swims ]短语:Swim cap 泳帽 ; 泳帽护发素扩展资料:重点词汇用法:Swimv (动词)1、swim的基本意思是“游泳”“游过”,指靠摆动身体在水中前进或漂浮。swim还可作“漂浮”“飘忽”“滑行”解,引申可表示“旋转,摇晃,眩晕”。2、swim可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。3、swim的过去式是swam,过去分词是swum。

亲们,求willow Smith新歌whip my hair歌词,急!~~



swim的名词是:swimming。swimming 英 ["swu026amu026au014b]     美 ["swu026amu026au014b]    n. 游泳。adj. 会游泳的;游泳的;动词swim的现在分词。Please keep the watch for me while I go swimming.我去游泳,请代我保管这表。Swimming is the best way to tone up your body.游泳是健体强身的最好方法。用法:swim的基本意思是“游泳”“游过”,指靠摆动身体在水中前进或漂浮。swim还可作“漂浮”“飘忽”“滑行”解,引申可表示“旋转,摇晃,眩晕”。swim可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。swim的过去式是swam,过去分词是swum。n. (名词)swim用作名词时意思是“游泳”,其前常加不定冠词a。the swim意思是“潮流”; in the swim作“熟悉内情,通晓时事,积极参与社会活动; 通晓现时风尚潮流”解; out of the swim的意思是“赶不上潮流”。

The Golden Willow Tree 歌词

歌曲名:The Golden Willow Tree歌手:aaron copland专辑:Copland Conducts Copland - Expanded EditionThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/18292333


swim英 [swɪm] 美 [swɪm] vt.& vi. 游泳 vi. 眩晕 vt. 浸;泡;洒满;充溢着 游; 漂浮; 眼花; 游水推进身体 过去式:swam 过去分词:swum 现在分词:swimming 第三人称单数:swims swim及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.游泳 He can swim well.他游泳游得很好。He has swum the English Channel three times.他已三次游过英吉利海峡。不及物动词 vi.1.眩晕 He was hot and tired and his head was swimming.他又热又累, 头晕目眩。名词 n.1.游泳 He goes for a swim every morning.他每天早晨去游泳。及物动词 vt.1.浸;泡;洒满;充溢着2.物体等仿佛在旋转,似在晃动(尤指生病或酒醉时的感觉)


思味姆 音标写出来还是【swim】




swum。swimming是原形为swum,swum的过去式为swum。过去式(past tense)是英语语法的一种,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。


就是现在进行时 swim双写m加ing,也就是swimming swim 不及物动词 (swam,‘古"swum,swum,swimming,swims) 1 眩晕; 眼花 His brain still ming with the effects of the last night"s champagne. 由于昨晚喝香槟的结果而使他的头至今仍眩晕 2 旋转; 摇晃 The room swam before her eyes and she had to lie down again. 房间好像在眼前旋转,她只得再躺下 名词 眩晕; 眼花 Her head was in a . 她感到头晕眼花 swim [swIm; swim] (swam[sw]m; sw]m]; swum[swx0fm; swx0fm]; swim.ming) 不及物动词 A 1 游泳 in a river 在河里游泳 go swimming [go to ] in the sea 到海里游泳 on one"s back [chest,side] 用仰式 [蛙式,侧式] 游泳 underwater 潜水游泳 You can wherever you like. 你可以在任何你喜欢的地方游泳 He swam back to the shore. 他游回岸边 I swam across the river. 我游过了河 2 (如游泳似地) 轻快地前进,轻盈地移动 She swam into the room. 她轻盈地走进房间 A cloud swam across my vision. 一片云从我的眼前飘过去 3 a.漂浮,漂流 The meat was swimming in gravy. 肉浮在肉汤里 Fat swam on the surface of the soup. 油浮在汤的表面上 b.充满著[…][with] Her eyes were swimming with tears. 她的眼睛里充满著泪水 B 1 晕眩 My head swam. 我头晕 2 (因头晕而) 看似在旋转 [摇晃] The room swam around me. 房间 (看似) 绕著我旋转 及物动词 1 a.游过 He swam the Strait(s) of Dover. 他游过多佛海峡 b.游 She can two lengths of the pool. 她在游泳池里能来回游一趟 c.游 (the) backstroke 游仰式 I cannot a stroke. 我完全不会游泳 2 a.参加 Let"s a race. 我们参加泳赛吧 b.与比赛…游泳 I swam him 800 meters. 我与他比赛八百公尺游泳 3 使 游过 (…) a dog across a river 使狗游过河 sink or swim→sink 可数名词 A 1 游泳 have [take] a 游一下水 go for a 去游泳 2 (又作 swim bladder) (美)泳鳔 (鱼的气囊) B 晕眩,不省人事 in the swim 熟悉内情; 顺应时代潮流 out of the swim 不明内情; 不合时代潮流


swim的过去分词:swam;过去时:swum;第三人称单数现在时:swims;现在分词:swimming。 swim的用法 swim的用法1:swim的基本意思是“游泳”“游过”,指靠摆动身体在水中前进或漂浮。swim还可作“漂浮”“飘忽”“滑行”解,引申可表示“旋转,摇晃,眩晕”。 swim的用法2:swim可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 swim的用法3:swim的过去式是swam,过去分词是swum。 swim的用法4:swim用作名词时意思是“游泳”,其前常加不定冠词a。 swim的用法5:the swim意思是“潮流”; in the swim作“熟悉内情,通晓时事,积极参与社会活动; 通晓现时风尚潮流”解; out of the swim的意思是“赶不上潮流”。 swim的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) swim about (v.+adv.) swim across (v.+prep.) swim before (v.+prep.) swim for (v.+prep.) swim in (v.+prep.) swim into (v.+prep.) swim with (v.+prep.) 用作名词 (n.) go for a swim in a swim in the swim out of the swim

swim 过去式,过去分词

过去式是swam, 过去分词是swum, 现在分词是swimming .

swim (过去分词) ____

【分析】 过去分词的特殊变换,swim过去式、过去分词分别为swam, swum。 【点评】 动词的过去式变“i”为a,过去分词变“i”为u,这类动词有sing, drink, begin等。


swim的过去分词是swum。swim过去式是swam,过去分词是swum。swim,作名词时意为“游泳、漂浮、眩晕”,作形容词时“游泳时穿戴的”,作及物动词时意为“游过、使浮起”,作不及物动词时意为“游泳、漂浮、浸、眩晕”。相关例句:Can you go to swim with me你能和我一起去游泳吗。What do you like to do besides swim除了游泳,你还喜欢干什么。


swim的英语读法是[swu026am]。swim的第三人称单数形式是swims,过去式形式是swam,过去分词形式是swum,现在分词形式是swimming,相关短语有have a swim游泳,go for a swim去游泳,the best fish swim near the bottom最好的鱼在底部附近游泳。可造句如下:1、The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.这些障碍物对于想要往上游游动的鱼儿来说是致命的。2、Should our children be taught to swim at school?我们的孩子应该在学校学习游泳吗?3、All of the passengers started the day with a swim.所有的乘客那天一开始就先游了个泳。4、There"ll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.将会有充足的机会去放松、游泳和晒太阳。


tun 现在分词 tuend 过去分词 getanswim过去分词swum 现在分词swimming很高兴为你解答本题,没问题的话,请及时点击右上角的采纳满意哈~


swim是动词,而swimming则是名词,表示游泳这项运动。swim,作及物动词时意为“游过;使浮起”,作不及物动词时意为“游泳;漂浮;浸;眩晕”。第三人称单数:swims现在分词:swimming 过去式:swam 过去分词:swum swim是动词,只能做谓语 swimming可看成动名词,即名词,可作主语、be swimming作谓语,swimming还能做伴随状语 例如 he"s thinking of something,swimming in the pool. swimming还能做后置定语,修饰前面的名词 如bread is eaten by a fish swimming in the pool. e.g. I usually swim a few laps as warm-up during practices.我一般都会在训练中先游几圈作为热身。 She swam the 400 metres medley ten seconds slower than she did in 1980.她400米混合泳的成绩比其1980年慢了10秒。 My hobbies are painting and swimming.我的兴趣是画画和游泳。 注:swim的现在进行时同样是swimming,不要把它和作为名词的swimming搞混了。 e.g. He is swimming right now.她现在在游泳。
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