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who is winning 为什么要加ing呢?who is win


The team won和The team is winning什么区别?


was winning

有时,动词的进行时有表示将来的意思.这句就属于这种类型. was winning 意思是:那时就要取得胜利了.就是那时还没有胜利呢,但是就要达到胜利了. he 主语 was winning 谓语(过去进行时时态 ,表过去将来的意思). the psychological battle宾语



will win 与is winning




since winning the

since sth won the bid .改为since winning the bid to.为什么 won变winning? (因为since在这里被当成介词用了,介词+动词-ing 形式) festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year.这里time为什么加s 9因为节日不止一个,所以一年中重要的时刻也不止一个,要加s.) he rose to his feet in one swift movement at the sight of the police 这里的 rose to his feet 怎么理解呀 (rose to his feet :抬起(或端起)他的脚) not many stories are found written in that particular style 这里的not many stories 怎么理解 (not many stories:不是很多/ 不是所有的故事/ 没有多少故事) mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she has been shouldering since her marriage to father.这句的a role .后为什么这样写? (这个我也不理解 =.=**) Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_____ a.force b.strength c.mind d.ability 这里在咋选b 其他怎么不行? (因为做运动是为了强身健体,所以选B是比较符合题意的..) (就是类似做运动是为了增加力量的意思..)

we won和we are winning的差别是什么


winning the competition是什么时态?


who is winning ? 为什么要加ing呢?who is win?哪不对啊?


My view on winning.求英语作文.急.


求英语作文winning is not everything!!词数200-300 高分悬赏 速度写作


who is winning ? 为什么要加ing呢?who is win?哪不对啊?

要么说who wins? 一句话不会有两个谓语动词

What made her so happy? __. A.Win B.Winning C.Won D.Wins A跟B,想不清楚

选 B 只有动名词能做主语 而其他选项都不能做主语。

英文作文《what winning means》

Directions:Some people say winning means being rich, some people say winning means being powerful, and other people say winning means being happy. Please write a paragraph of about 120 words about YOUR understanding of winning. Sample 1Some people say that winning means being rich, some say winning means being powerful, and others think winning means being happy. I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it. Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 70 or 80 years. We shouldn"t think too much about what we can get from this world. Instead, we should think about what we can leave in this world. The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner. For example, cleaning the street is a humble job in many people"s eyes, but in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners. They make our city more beautiful. They give us a better environment and consequently a better life. On the contrary, some people make money at the cost of the environment. Some are even worse: They cheat or kill others in order to gain power or earn money. Winners or losers? It"s time to give it a second thought.The quadrennial choice for president is the only time all Americans vote on the same question. At the same time we do that, we also elect one-third of the Senators and the entire House of Representatives, but in smaller geographic units.It used to be that, if the winning side in an election did not have enough of a majority to pass its legislation, it knew it needed to compromise with the losing side. And the losers knew that they could influence the legislative outcome because the winners needed their votes. But, having lost the election, they tended to accept the fact that the winners got to set the agenda and the framework for the legislative solutions to problems and that their own role was to tweak - sometimes in important ways - the legislation.Now that the 2012 election is behind us, the first big question is whether or not the Republicans, having lost the White House and the Senate, will follow that tradition. Even more, it is whether John Boehner, as Speaker of the House can keep the members on his rightward fringe in check and be able both to craft compromises with the Democrats and to deliver enough votes that, when added to those of House Democrats, legislation can pass that moves the country forward on the many problems we face. If he cannot, How will the President respond? And what will he be able to do on his own, without legislation, to address those vexing problems.On one such issue, Barack Obama made it clear during the campaign that to get our fiscal house in order would require increased revenue as well as cuts in spending. More specifically, he argued that the megarich should pay more in taxes, the rest of us were already paying enough, and what money we had was needed to enable us to buy things and, thus, support demand that could, in turn, fuel the economic recovery. Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, made a case for a different approach. The president won. And Mr. Romney and the Republicans, not able to persuade the voters of their position, lost. Yet, today, even though Republicans lost a number of winnable Senate seats and have a smaller caucus than in the last Congress, Mitch McConnell, their leader in the Senate, said he would not permit taxes to be raised on anyone. Will the president call his bluff and let all the Bush tax cuts expire - including those on the 99 percent - and then make the case to the country that Republicans insisted that taxes go up for everyone in order to keep the richest one percent from having to pay a higher share?On Medicare, both candidates proposed cutting spending - they even agreed on the amount. But the president, wanting to preserve the program"s value for seniors and others who depend on Medicare, proposed doing it without reducing benefits. Instead, he would save millions by ending the windfall that private insurers earn from the Medicare Advantage program and by reducing payments to some providers. He would also use Medicare policy to stimulate providers of services to find ways to improve the quality of care and keep down the costs. Republicans defined the Medicare problem more simply. They just want to limit federal spending, which they would do by capping it at a fixed amount and distributing those funds to Medicare beneficiaries in the form of vouchers. Then, the beneficiaries would apply the vouchers toward the purchase of coverage in the private health insurance marketplace. The main problem, of course, is that Republicans cannot guarantee that the voucher would cover all the services people need or that it would keep up with the rising cost of insurance. Inevitably, beneficiaries would wind up with less coverage than they have now.It is fair to say that, to the extent that voters focused on policy issues like these, the majority voted for the president"s proposals and rejected those of Governor Romney and his fellow Republicans. So, why doesn"t the election result entitle the president to act on these matters as he said he would? And, to the extent that the Congress must act (e.g., on tax and spending legislation), why doesn"t it leave members of the House and Senate to make adjustments around the edges? Isn"t that what winning means?这是大学作文

winning is not everything

Winning isn"t everything but wanting to win is. ——Vince Lombardi 胜利并不能代表一切,胜利的欲望才能代表一切. ——文思·伦巴第 【注】 文思·伦巴第:美国著名橄榄球教练

关于your understanding of winning的英语作文

Everybody has their understandings of winning.Some people think winning meansrich,some people think winning means happiness.As far as I am concerned,winning meansthat trying your best to complete what you are doing now.In contemporary times,because of the temptation of anything,more and more peoplewant to accomplish great things,but most of them fail in the end.It is known to all,our biggestenemy is ourselves,if we don"t have the ability to work in large blocks,we should rathercomplete what we are doing now than reach for what is beyond our grasp.In fact,it"s also hardto complete a small thing that you are doing now.we need insist in doing it and carry on,andtry our best to notice any detail.So if we can finish it perfectly,you also can be regarded as areal winner!The importance of winning is not the result but process,the process of going for winningis just the process of testing the ability of yourselves,do you think so?


不是固定搭配。the winning team,意思是“获胜队、冠军”。winning是形容词,意思是“获胜的;赢的”,做定语修饰名词team。所以这只是一般短语。



winning prize是什么意思


Moyan,the first Chinese____(win) the Noble Prize

the first Chinese winning the Noble Prize

关于your understanding of winning的英语作文

Everybody has their understandings of winning.Some people think winning means rich,some people think winning means happiness.As far as I am concerned,winning means that trying your best to complete what you are doing now. In contemporary times,because of the temptation of anything,more and more people want to accomplish great things,but most of them fail in the end.It is known to all,our biggest enemy is ourselves,if we don"t have the ability to work in large blocks,we should rather complete what we are doing now than reach for what is beyond our grasp.In fact,it"s also hard to complete a small thing that you are doing now.we need insist in doing it and carry on,and try our best to notice any detail.So if we can finish it perfectly,you also can be regarded as a real winner! The importance of winning is not the result but process,the process of going for winning is just the process of testing the ability of yourselves,do you think so?



win的现在进行时是怎样写的 win的现在进行时是wining还是winning?

是winning . 谢谢采纳

who is the _(win)of the game

winnerwho is the _(win)of the game谁是比赛的优胜者?




为你找到的信息如下:1. 株式会社Winning Spirit,地址:883-4 Tokujocho, Nara, 630-8144日本。电话:+81-742-936955。上述信息可能存在变化,请核对信息当前是否有效。




winning的意思是:1、adj.动人的;迷人的;可爱的;吸引人的。2、n.备采煤区;采煤;采矿。winning基本解释:形容词:获胜的,赢的;成功的,胜利的; 吸引人的; 迷人的。名词:获胜; 赢得物; 备采煤区。动词:win的现在分词。Winning用法举例:1、I hope to announce the winner shortly.我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字。2、The prizes were distributed among five winners.奖品发给了五位优胜者。3、He had much charm and a winning personality.他魅力十足,个性迷人。4、The winner won three games out of five.优胜者在五局中胜了三局。5、Hill has never been on the winning side.希尔在哪一方,哪一方就输。

Is there any possibility of our ____(win) the ch



winning看版型一眼就看出真假 国内假货发泡内胆看起来比较鼓 手背手腕接缝处缝线也很好辨别真假

请问这里to winning什么用法,什么意思?


China is a big country with50,000- year- old.翻译是什么?

China is a very big country with five thousand years history ,It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean.China covers 9,600,000square kilometers.People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.China is becoming stronger and stronger.Especially in these years ,we can say ,world can not be without China.翻译中国是一个有五千年历史的大国,它位于亚洲,位于海洋的西海岸。中国面积960万平方公里。大约13亿人在这片土地上共同生活和工作。56个民族构成了中国的全部人口。中国正在变得越来越强大。特别是这些年,我们可以说,世界离不开中国。作文注意事项:1、记事中要围绕中心,抓住重点,不要面面俱到。重点部分(一般指事情发展高潮处)要详写,写具体,写详尽,给读者以深刻的印象。2、写事离不开写人,同此在记事过程中,一定要把人物的语言、神态、动作、心理活动等写细致,写逼真,这样才能表达出人物的思想品质,才能更好地表达这件事所包含的意义,即文章的中心思想。



youarewinning 翻译

you are winning你们赢了。winning英 ["wu026anu026au014b]美 ["wu026anu026au014b]n. 胜利;获得;成功v. 获胜(win的ing形式)adj. 胜利的;获胜的n. (Winning)人名;(英、瑞典、法)温宁更多释义>>[网络短语]Winning 中奖,赢钱,致胜Winning rate 中奖率Winning Post 冠军赛马,赛马大亨,终点竿


是日本 winning手表吧



what does winning mean to you

For me. winning mean a new beginning,










win的中文意思:在……中获胜;作名词时译为”胜利“。win的英音【wu026an】,美音【wu026an】。【v.】赢;(在比赛、赛跑、战斗等中)获胜; (在比赛、赛跑、选举等中)赢得,夺取,获得,挣得;(尤指通过自己的努力)取得。【n.】(在比赛、竞赛等中的)胜利。【其他】第三人称单数:wins;现在分词:winning;过去式:won;过去分词:won。win用法和例句:win的基本意思是“获胜”“赢得”,指人、参赛队、赛马、赛犬等在竞赛中或战斗中“击败对方”,也可指通过努力获得,还可指偶然获得。引申可表示经过努力“取得成功”“到达(山顶等)”“猜中,猜对”。当宾语为人称代词时,还可作“说服”解。win既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接表示“比赛”“奖品”“战役”或“胜利”“荣誉”等意义的名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可由介词for引出。win还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。1、France won by six goals to two against Denmark.法国队以六比二战胜丹麦队。2、Britain won five gold medals.英国夺取了五块金牌。3、They are trying to win support for their proposals.他们在努力争取人们支持他们的建议。4、They have not had a win so far this season.他们这一赛季迄今还没有赢过一场。






【winning和winner共同点】1)两者都可以做名词。2)两者都与胜利有关3)两者作为获胜之物时,含义相同。【winning和winner区别】1)做名词时含义不同winner是指n. 获胜的人; 胜券在握; 制胜的一记入球; 成功的东西winning是指n. 获胜; 赢得物; 备采煤区2)winning词性更多除了名词,winning还可以做形容词;还是win的现在分词3)用法不同winner只做名词,winning还有其他词Hill has never been on the winning side希尔在哪一方,哪一方就输。She will present the trophies to the award winners她将给获奖者颁奖。




1. winning 形容词, 表示: 胜利的,获胜的;吸引人的,有说服力的 一般修饰名词。例如:a winning smile 动人的一笑Winning starts with beginning. 胜利始于开始。 2. winning 还可以表示 win 的现在分词形式。 用于现在进行时。 例如:"Why stop playing when I"m winning, " replies the Belgian. “连赢的时候为什么要停下呢?”比利时人回答说。 望采纳~

the Winning中的Winning为什么要双写n加ing?



可用采用派生词的拆分法中的加后缀法。winning:adj. 胜利的;获胜的;n. 胜利;获得;成功;v. 获胜(win的ing形式);n. (Winning)人名;(英、瑞典、法)温宁。拆分记忆法拆分法可分四步:形象思维发现英语单词构成规律——依据规律拆分英语单词——赋予各个一部分特定的意义——掌握英语单词。(1)派生词的拆分法共有三种:加前缀法;加后缀法;加前后缀法。例如:加前缀法:view(观察),preview(预习),review(复习);加后缀法:will(将要),willing(乐意的),unwilling(不乐意的);加前后缀法:struct(结构),construction(构建),constructional(构造上的)。(2)合成词拆分法合成词指的是由两个或以上词干或独立词组合起来的英语单词。合成词拆分法是揭示合成词构成顺序的方法。例如:blackboard(黑板)=black(黑色的)+board(木板);headache(头疼)=head(头)+ache(疼痛);however(无论如何)=how(怎样)+ever(曾经)。(3)复合词的拆分法复合词,也叫混成词,是由不同单词的一部分构成或一个英语单词加上其他英语单词所构成的英语单词。采取拆分法学生能产生更深刻的记忆。例如:motel(汽车旅馆)=motor(发动机)+hotel(旅馆);workfare(工作福利)=work(工作)+welfare(福利)。(4)简单词的拆分法单纯词指那些不可以再被拆分为更小表示完整含意的英语单词。拆分法记忆简单词是根据将英语单词的每个一部分附加特定的含意随后尝试记忆的。例如:family(家庭)= fatherandmother,Iloveyou。(爸爸和妈妈,我爱你们。);chew(咀嚼)=cow,horseeatweed。(奶牛、马在吃野草。)。


winning [形容词]:获胜的反义词:losing 失败的;defeated 被击败的winning [名词]: 获胜反义词:failure失败;non-success不成功


win won won winning


winning--win V.获胜 adj.获胜的,胜利的


照着读——win ning

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泰勒?斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)究竟有过多少个男友?

作为一个忠实的霉粉,虽然我也只是希望大家关注的点应该放在霉霉的音乐作品和她个人的音乐天赋上面,而不是注重于这些花边新闻或者是绯闻。但是每每看到媒体对于泰特斯威夫特的恶意重伤心中难免会打抱不平。就因为她明星,所以才没有一点点私人空间,任何事情都要进行放大报道。霉霉的爱情是掌握在她自己手里的,并不需要其他人说三道四。再而言,媒体爆出的是否就是真实的呢?那可说不定。1. Harry Styles(哈里·斯泰尔斯)哈里是当时小破团(One Direction)里面的花美男,两人恋爱传出了很大的风波,但是听说当时正在小岛上度假的两人发生了激烈争吵,霉霉气的直接坐飞机回了美国,党史的两个人都比较年轻,有些小吵小闹也是正常的。2. Tom Hiddleston(抖森)霉霉与抖森恋情曝光的时候就像是一枚核弹砸在了万千少女的心上,不少人就像是见证了奇迹:两人最不可能在一起的人在一起了。两人高调的爱情只持续了三个月就立马分道扬镳了。霉霉认为工作应该和私人关系分开,因为提出了分手,一段令人羡慕的恋情就此戛然而止,令人惋惜。但是我认为霉霉做的非常对,在爱情面前也应当理智起来。3. Joe Alwyn(乔·阿尔文)乔是李安导演的《比利·林恩的中场战事》中的男主角,在剧中他饰演一个大兵而深入人心。乔是霉霉的现任男友,两人在一起也有两年了,我非常希望这次霉霉能修成正果,希望霉霉能够得到属于自己的幸福,爱情事业双丰收!

求Taylor Swift 好听歌曲和作曲背景

Love storyBack to December

Taylor Swift的we are never ever getting back together MV 1:40的戴墨镜的人是谁

Taylor Swift:泰勒·斯威夫特,1989年12月13日,全名泰勒·艾莉森·斯威(Taylor Alison Swift),美国乡村音乐女创作歌手,会用Koa木吉他、钢琴演奏。她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。歌唱风格有些类似早期的雪瑞儿·克洛。2006年10月24日发行第一张专辑《Taylor Swift》,就获得了美国Billboard乡村排行榜的第一名和美国Billboard 200的第五名的成绩。

We will never ever ever be apart 这是句歌词还是什么 顺便翻


Taylor Swift 的 we are never ever getting back together音译歌词!是音译!

啊瑞曼波问喂不爱可,则佛斯塔姆谁赢贼死啊还得因那副考斯来客喂还den森一尺阿泽因额骂哦死问又塞得有你的四百四...我特?zen有卡姆额如昂的呃根案的sei卑鄙啊米思有案的啊四外阿木杠了比称职chua四特 迷瑞门钹好在特拉斯dei的fao额dei?啊sei啊黑特有,喂不爱考,又考米,啊辣无有。奥,嗷嗷嗷~喂考米诶特奥夫额跟赖斯那艾特巴特,奥嗷嗷嗷~贼死塔姆 阿木太冷有阿木太冷有!维阿耐玩爱玩爱玩该听百特改则,维阿耐玩爱玩爱玩该听百特改则有狗逃课图要富润的逃课吗富润的逃课图谜,巴特维阿耐玩爱玩爱玩该听百特改则拉艾克...爱玩

求 taylorswift 首单 We are never ever getting back together 的歌词 中英文对照

I remember when we broke up, the first time   我记得那是我们初次分手   saying this is it I"ve had enough,   我说就这样吧我已经受够了   cause like we hadn"t seen each other in a month   因为似乎我们一个月都没有见面了   when you said you needed space…what?   那时你说你需要空间?是吗   Then you come around again and say   之后你又来对我说   baby I miss you and I swear I"m gonna change   宝贝,我想你了,我发誓一定改   trust me   信我一次   remember how that lasted for a day?   可持续了有一天吗?   I say I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you.   我说我恨你,我们分手吧!你给我打电话说你爱我   Oh Woo-Oh   You called it off again last night   昨晚你又打给我   but oh woo-oh, this time I"m telling you,   但这次我明确告诉你   I"m telling you,   听清楚!   We are never ever ever getting back together.   我们再也回不到从前了   We are never ever ever getting back together.   我们再也回不到从前了   You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me   你让你我的朋友都来说服我   but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.   但我们真的再也回不到从前了   Like…ever.   真的    I"m really gonna miss you picking fights   我会想念你挑起的那些争执   and me falling for a screaming that I"m right   我曾大声告诉你我并没有做错什么   and you hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that"s much cooler than mine   你躲开并在那些比我酷得多的独立音乐里面找到你自己   Oh, oh, You called it off again tonight   昨晚你又打给我   but oh woo-oh,this time I"m telling you,   但这次我明确告诉你   I"m telling you,   听清楚!   We are never ever ever getting back together.   我们再也回不到从前了   We are never ever ever getting back together.   我们再也回不到从前了   You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me   你让你我的朋友都来说服我   but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.   但我们真的再也回不到从前了   I used to think that we were forever, ever   我以前以为我们能走很久   and I used to say never say never   我以前告诉你永远不要说没有永远   so he calls me and he"s like   所以他告诉我就像他说的那样   “I still love you.”   “我依然爱你”   and I"m just like “this is exhausting…you know...we are never getting back together.   但就像我说的“我累了,我们真的回不到从前了”   Like ever.”   真的   We are never ever ever getting back together.   我们再也回不到从前了   We are never ever ever getting back together.   我们再也回不到从前了   You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me   你让你我的朋友都来说服我   but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.   但我们真的再也回不到从前了   Oh Woo-oh oh   You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me   你让你我的朋友都来说服我   but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.   但我们真的再也回不到从前了

we can talk with our mouths 为什么不用on?

因为他要表达的是我们通过嘴来进行沟通交流,重点强调的是通过什么方式,用什么工具。这里就是通过我们的嘴,用来和大家进行沟通交流。1.介词with的用法第一种用法:表示和某人或某物在一起with有“和…在一起;和;同;跟”之意。例句:He lives with her parents.他和他父母住在一起。I want to eat a nice steak with a bottle of red wine.我想来一份非常棒的牛排,再配上一瓶红酒。2.第二种用法:表示某件物体上有某种东西。I have a jacket with a hood.我有一件带护帽的短上衣。I have a cat with blue collar.我有一条带红领的猫。3.第三种用法:表示通过某件物体来做某件事情。You can cut it with a knife.你可以用刀把它切开。I often do my homework with a black pen。我经常用一支黑色的钢笔做我的家庭作业。本题考察的就是这个用法,也就是说通过嘴来完成正常的沟通交流,嘴就充当发音的一种工具。4.某些固定搭配。比如说生某人的气The cat are angry with the mouse。猫对老鼠非常生气,可以理解为,猫就是老鼠的天敌。

Taylor Swift《We Are Never Ever Getting together》歌词

I remember when we broke up, the first timesaying this is it I"ve had enough,because like we hadn"t seen each other in a monthwhen you said you needed space…what?Then you come around again and saybaby I miss you and I swear I"m gonna changetrust meremember how that lasted for a day?I say I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you.You called it off again last nightbut this time I"m telling you,I"m telling you,We are never ever ever getting back together.We are never ever ever getting back together.You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to mebut we are never ever ever ever getting back together.Like…ever.I"m really gonna miss you picking fightsand me telling you and screaming that I"m rightand you hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that"s much cooler than mineYou called it off again last nightbut this time I"m telling you,I"m telling you,We are never ever ever getting back together.We are never ever ever getting back together.You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to mebut we are never ever ever ever getting back together.I used to think that we were forever, everand I used to say never say neverso he calls me and he"s like“I still love you.”and I"m just like “this is exhausting…we are never getting back together.Like ever.”

求Taylor Swift《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》歌词翻译

I remember when we broke up,the first time.  我记得那是我们初次分手. saying this is it I"ve had enough.  我说就这样吧我已经受够了. cause like we hadn"t seen each other in a month. 因为似乎我们一个月都没有见面了. when you said you needed space…what? 那时你说你需要空间?什么? Then you e around again and say.  之后你又来对我说. baby I miss you and I swear I"m gonna change.  宝贝,我想你了,我发誓一定改.  trust me.  信我一次. remember how that lasted for a day?  可持续了有一天吗? I say I hate you,we break up,you call me,I love you.  我说我恨你,我们分手吧!你给我打电话说你爱我. Oh Woo-Oh   You called it off again last night.  昨晚你又打给我.  but oh woo-oh,this time I"m telling you,  但这次我明确告诉你. I"m telling you, 听清楚! We are never ever ever getting back together.  我们再也不能一起回到过去了.We are never ever ever getting back together.  我们再也不能一起回到过去了. You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me.  你让你我的朋友都来说服我. but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.  但我们真的再也不能一起回到过去了.  Like…ever.  真的. I"m really gonna miss you picking fights.  我会想念你挑起的那些争执. and me falling for a screaming that I"m right.  我曾大声告诉你我并没有做错什么. and you hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that"s much cooler than mine.  你躲开并在那些比我酷得多的独立音乐里面找到你自己. Oh,oh,You called it off again tonight.  昨晚你又打给我. but oh woo-oh,this time I"m telling you,  但这次我明确告诉你 I"m telling you,  听清楚! We are never ever ever getting back together.  我们再也不能一起回到过去了. We are never ever ever getting back together.  我们再也不能一起回到过去了 You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me.  你让你我的朋友都来说服我. but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.  但我们真的再也不能一起回到过去了.I used to think that we were forever,ever .  我以前以为我们能走很久. and I used to say never say never.  我以前告诉你永远不要说没有永远. so he calls me and he"s like .  所以他告诉我就像他说的那样. “I still love you.”   “我依然爱你”. and I"m just like “this is exhausting…you know...we are never getting back together.  但就像我说的“我累了,我们再也不能一起回到过去了”. Like ever.”   真的. We are never ever ever getting back together.  我们再也不能一起回到过去了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们再也不能一起回到过去了. You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me.  你让你我的朋友都来说服我. but we are never ever ever ever getting back together. 但我们真的再也不能一起回到过去了了.Oh Woo-oh oh   You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me.  你让你我的朋友都来说服我. but we are never ever ever ever getting back together.  但我们真的再也不能一起回到过去了.


win7系统玩不了仙剑7,这是硬件上的限制,无法解决,具体配置如下:操作系统:win10(64位)。注:由于2020年1月14日微软已正式停止支持Windows 7系统,仙剑七所用的UE4.25引擎亦停止对该系统的支持。受此影响,《仙剑奇侠传七》无法在Win7系统上运行。处理器:Intel Core i5-7500 / AMD R5-1500X。内存:8G。显卡:GeForce GTX 960/或其他同级别型号。特色系统1、烹饪系统烹饪系统开启后,在城镇的餐馆和野外的灶台附近可进行烹饪品尝。成功后的料理可对角色产生相应的增益状态。在主界面的左侧会显示增益时效,例如29:09。不同的莱品和饮品搭配得当,会有几率产生额外的附加增益效果。2、连携攻击连续按下轻攻击就可以进行连携攻击,最多可以连续攻击6次(又称6段攻击),轻攻击后按下重攻击键就可以放出连携技能。3、释放技能可以装备两组技能盘,每组4个技能。技能盘可以在技能界面自行设置,在战斗中可以切换不同技能盘,满足快速释放各项技能的要求。

social Critic with Verve是那篇文章


一首好听的英文抒情歌 结尾是一句but i guess will nener know

Grapes Of Wrath - But I Guess We"ll Never KnowFeeling so innocent despite This room of jaded overtones I said come see me if you"d like And when you took me for a ride You took away about all I"d assumed And when I said it"s not to be It made a lot of sense to me And it only makes more now That"s not to say that it"s all changed Sometimes the feelings are the same But I guess we"ll never know A promise is no guarantee What"s said is meant to follow through As much as you had hoped to see These chances I would never take Until I"d know how much we"d had at stake And when I said it"s not to be It made a lot of sense to me And it only makes more now That"s not to say that it"s all changed Sometimes the feelings are the same But I guess we"ll never know Love, you said to me, is like being struck by lightning I wonder if it ever will Answer all your prayers and scar you for a lifetime But then again I guess you"d never tell And when I said it"s not to be It made a lot of sense to me And it only makes more now That"s not to say that it"s all changed Sometimes the feelings are the same But I guess we"ll never know或者是KATE WINSLET "What If"Here I stand aloneWith this weight upon my heartAnd it will not go awayIn my head I keep on looking backRight back to the startWondering what it was that made you changeWell I triedBut I had to draw the lineAnd still this question keeps on spinning in my mindWhat if I had never let you goWould you be the man I used to knowIf I"d stayedIf you"d triedIf we could only turn back timeBut I guess we"ll never knowMany roads to takeSome to joySome to heart-acheAnyone can lose their wayAnd if I said that we could turn it backRight back to the startWould you take the chance and make the changeDo you think how it would have been sometimesDo you pray that I"d never left your sideWhat if I had never let you goWould you be the man I used to knowIf I"d stayedIf you"d triedIf we could only turn back timeBut I guess we"ll never knowIf only we could turn the hands of timeIf I could take you back would you still be mine"Cos I triedBut I had to draw the lineAnd still this question keep on spinning in my mindWhat if I had never let you goWould you be the man I used to knowWhat if I had never walked away"Cos I still love you more than I can sayIf I"d stayedIf you"d triedIf we could only turn back timeBut I guess we"ll never knowWe"ll never know




WIN10的SMB是3.x的 NAS的SMB是1.x的 我的老NAS使用WIN10访问也出现了找不到的问题,还在解决中


Don"t talk in class.Listen carefully.We must obey the rules.The earth circles the sun.The thing surprised me.It means you must stop.The book costs $20.Can you post the letter for me?I wish you good luck.You can mail him on the Internet.It doesn"t matter.The meeting ended at 9p.m.You must check your answers carefully.

at the cost of with the cost of 有什么差别

at the cost of是固定短语,意思是“以......为代价”with the cost of不是固定短语,意思不一而定。如:Wages is out of step with the cost of living. 工资与生活费不成正比。Of course, this comes with the cost of an additional portal request that puts more load on the portal server. 当然,这也带来了额外门户请求的开销,加重了门户服务器的负载。

at the cost of with the cost of 有什么差别



win+r就是同时按照win和r键,win键在最下面一行 ctrl和alt之间,键盘上的r就是r键。win+R输入命令1、appwize.cpl----添加、删除程序。2、access.cpl-----辅助功能选项。3、Accwiz---------辅助功能向导。4、cmd------------CMD命令提示符。5、command--------CMD命令提示符。6、chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查。7、certmgr.msc----证书管理实用程序。8、calc-----------启动计算器。9、charmap--------启动字符映射表。10、cintsetp-------仓颉拼音输入法。11、cliconfg-------SQLSERVER客户端网络实用程序。12、clipbrd--------剪贴板查看器。13、control--------打开控制面板。14、conf-----------启动netmeeting。

windows xp 有哪些自带的局域网聊天工具,各怎么使用






Ginuwine的《Pony》 歌词

歌曲:Pony歌手:Ginuwine发行时间:2010-02-10所属专辑:《Greatest Hits》I"m just a bachelorI"m looking for a partnerSomeone who knows how to rideWithout even falling offGotta be compatibleTakes me to my limitsGirl when I break you offI promise that you won"t want to get offChorusGinuwineIf your horny, Let"s do itRide it, My PonyMy saddle"s waitingCome and jump on itIf your horny, Let"s do itRide it, My PonyMy saddle"s waitingCome and jump on itSitting here flossingPeeping your steeloJust once if I have the chanceThe things I will do to youYou and your bodySend chills up and down you spineJuices flowing down your thighChorusIf we"re gonna get nasty, BabyFirst we"ll show & tellTill I reach your ponytailLurk all over and through you babyUntil I reach your streamYou"ll be on my jockey teamChorusrepeats and ends(Ride it)(My Saddle"s)


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