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atthesametime和also可以用在一个句子中。比如:1.Being kind and smiling at people in your daily life can make others happy, and at the same time, it will also build happiness for you.在日常生活中保持友善、对他人微笑可以让他人快乐,同时,这也会为你营造幸福感。2.At the same time, this sea-water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail, an introduced pest that feeds on young rice plants.与此同时,海水也杀死了贪婪的巨型苹果蜗牛,一种以水稻幼苗为食的外来害虫。3.At the same time, people around the world should also work together to protect the plants.与此同时,世界各地的人们也应该共同努力来保护植物。



空运中的 date with also firms code at lax是什么意思


锻炼身体不仅可以保持健康而且能缓解压力的英文运用not only…but also句型

Taking exercise can not only help us keep healthy,but also can relieve our pressure.

not only but also 连接两个谓语时的问题

1。90%的情况下,是was not only voted这种用法,所以相反,应该是第2句最正规。 2。‘我认为not only but also是连接两个谓语的",你说得没错,但这里谓语是voted 3。not only 是副词用法。比如he is not only a teacher,but also a good father.他不仅仅是老师,也是个好父亲。 照你的说法,NOT ONLY就要放在IS 前面了?系动词最好紧跟名词。所以:HE IS NOT ONLY A TEACHER 比HE NOT ONLY IS A TEACHER说法要好。 4。我说了90%,HE NOT ONLY IS A TEACHER也马马虎虎可以。把NOT ONLY当插入语用。 5。但是,NOT ONLY如果出现在句首,要倒转。NOT ONLY IS HE A TEACHER。。。。。

my sister and i( )are pupils. A,both B,too C,also 选什么?为什么?

选A吧,too 放句尾的,而also 都是放be 动词后的吧。

英语,我想说,他总是骂我,he also scolds me,行吗?骂有没有更好的说法?

比较正式的说法:He often verbally abuses me.

not merely but also 接动词原型么?还是要加ing

The car is not merely fast But also comfortable.车子不仅快而且舒服。She was not merely beautiful, but also talented.她不仅长得美,而且有才干。Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man"s life and property.燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance,but also as a big threat to man"s life and property.燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man" s life and property.燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。可以加形容词,名词。动词的形式要看语境。

He also put up some signs asking for old bikes.


节日快乐请问These views of arguments also undermine reason什么意思


not only...but also...倒装的用法问题


写英语作文时用来提出观点的词。比如:firstly, also,then

the last not leastsecondly thirdlyat last

But for the fact that China _ also affected by the global economic crisis,we _fewer unemployed work

would have down fewer workerdown算什么呢?

also should?还是should also?

also不是应该放在be动词.助动词.情态动词的后面的吗?对啊 ,应该出错了吧??


also的意思是而且,此外,也,同样。同义词辨析:also:adv. 也。用于肯定句中,通常置于动词前,与 be 动词、助动词连用时则置于其后。例句:She also went away.她也离开了。either:adv. 也(不)。作为 too 的否定形式,常用于否定句中,且必须放在句末。例句:He can"t sing,or dance either.他不会唱歌,也不会跳舞。too:adv. 也,亦。通常用于肯定句中,置于句末,在正式用法中 too 之前常用逗号隔开。例句:I"m going,too.我也去。双语例句:1、She was not only intelligent but also very musical. 她不仅聪明,而且极具音乐天分。2、He not only read the book,but also remembered what he had read. 他不但读了这本书,而且记得所读的内容。3、Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. 预防在传统医学中也起着主导作用。4、This dictionary is also available in electronic form. 这部词典也有电子版本的。




读奥搜 是也的意思,




奥搜 差不多这么读吧






also的释义:也英:[ˈɔːlsəʊ]美:[ˈɔːlsoʊ]adv.而且; 此外; 也; 同样;


also 英["u0254:lsu0259u028a] 美[u02c8u0254lso] adv. 也;同样;并且 conj. 另外 [例句]Wii sales also fell off a cliff.Wii的销量同样暴跌。




also[英]["u0254:lsu0259u028a] [美][u02c8u0254lso] 简明释义:adv.也;同样;并且;conj.另外adv.而且;还;此外例:You can use also to give more information about a person or thing, or to add another relevant fact.It is the work of Ivor Roberts-Jones, who also produced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square...这是艾弗·罗伯茨-琼斯的作品,他还创作了议会广场上的丘吉尔塑像。He is an asthmatic who was also anaemic...他是个曾患贫血症的哮喘患者。She has a reputation for brilliance. Also, she is gorgeous.




正确写法是also,读音为英[u02c8u0254u02d0lsu0259u028a]美[u02c8u0254u02d0lsou028a]。also,英语单词,副词、连词、名词,作副词时意为“也;而且;同样”。作连词时意为“并且;另外”。作名词时意为“人名;(罗)阿尔索”。例句:However, I also have some regrets.然而,我也感到有一些遗憾。I not only talked with him but also got his signature.我不仅和他讲了话,而且还得到了他的签名呢。Not only he but also I like English.不仅他喜欢英语,而且我也喜欢英语。


also读音是u0254lsu0259u028a。also,英语单词,副词、连词、名词,作副词时意为“也;而且;同样”。作连词时意为“并且;另外”。作名词时意为“人名;(罗)阿尔索”。而且,汉语词语,拼音是ér qiě,意思是表示并列互相补充或递进。出处《荀子·富国》:故知节用裕民,则必有仁义圣良之名,而且有富厚丘山之积矣。唐·柳宗元《封建论》:人不能搏噬,而且无毛羽,莫克自奉自卫。短语搭配you also爱是美丽的、你还在、爱是美丽的你也是、你也是;Also enough也够;Also large还大;but also而且、从古沿用下来的连词、但也、而且还;Also home还家。Also may也可能、也可、还可、也会;however also然而也、但是也可以、不过也;and also而且、以及、并且而且、和也;Also astor亚拉斯托、阿拉斯特尔。also双语例句:1、However I also have some regrets.然而,我也感到有一些遗憾。2、I not only talked with him but also got his signature.我不仅和他讲了话,而且还得到了他的签名呢。3、Not only he but also I like English.不仅他喜欢英语,而且我也喜欢英语。


英[u02c8u0254u02d0lsu0259u028a]美[u02c8u0254u02d0lsou028a]also,英语单词,副词、连词、名词,作副词时意为“也;而且;同样”。作连词时意为“并且;另外”。作名词时意为“人名;(罗)阿尔索”。you also爱是美丽的 ; 你还在 ; 爱是美丽的你也是 ; 你也是Also enough也够Also large还大but also而且 ; 从古沿用下来的连词 ; 但也 ; 而且还Also home还家Also may也可能 ; 也可 ; 还可 ; 也会however also然而也 ; 但是也可以 ; 不过也and also而且 ; 以及 ; 并且而且 ; 和也Also astor亚拉斯托 ; 阿拉斯特尔

是also can还是can also

是can also,also can是人们口语上的错误


应该是 He also doesn"t ....also的用法 also用于实义动词之前 ▲also用于实义动词之前 They also agree with me. 他们也同意我的看法。 I also began to be interested in crickets. 我也开始对板球运动感到兴趣。also用于be动词之后 ▲also用于be动词之后 I was also there. 我也在那儿。 He is also an American. 他也是美国人。also用于第一个助动词之后 ▲also用于第一个助动词之后 His sister has also gone to town. 他的妹妹也到镇里去了。 The leisure center has also proved uneconomic. 休闲中心业已证明利润不大。also有时放在句首 ▲also有时放在句子的最前 Also, some students were tempted to add written comment of their own throughout the paper. 一些学生也冒险通过论文写出他们自己的评论。 I thought it was the perfect answer. Also, Tony and I had never done a historical subject. 我认为它是完美的答案。而且,托尼和我从没有作过历史科目。also不能放在句末 ▲注意:also一定不能放在句子的最后。 <><><> 但是 I must buy some bread also. 我还必须买一些面包。 They know him and I know him also. <><><> The son had gone also. 儿子也走了。 <><><> 学生只要在阅读是不要少见多怪就好了,自己的作文中最好不要这样表达,以求保险。 also也用于肯定句,常用于句子中间,放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前. e.g. He also swims fast. 他也游得很快. The girl can also ride a bike. 那个女孩也会骑车. [解题过程]also, too和either 三个词都可以表示“也,又”,但是用法各不相同: ① too用于肯定句,一般情况下用于句末,且前面要用逗号隔开. e.g. My brother is a student, too. 我哥哥也是一个学生. ② also也用于肯定句,常用于句子中间,放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前. e.g. He also swims fast. 他也游得很快. The girl can also ride a bike. 那个女孩也会骑车. ③ either用于否定句,只能放在句末,前面一般用逗号隔开. e.g. My father isn"t very tall, and I"m not tall, either. 我爸爸长得不高,我也长得不高 . She can"t speak Japanese, and I can"t, either. 她不会讲日语,我也不会. also的用法 1.表示“也”, 放在肯定句中,在be动词和情态动词后,实意动词前 例Lucy is listening to the radio, Lily is also listening. 露茜正在听收音机,莉莉也在听。 2.与其他单词构成短语 如:not only...but also(其中also可以根据习惯省去) 注意:只有当Not only… but also连接两个分句时,才在第一个分句用倒装结构。如果置于句首的Not only… but also仅连接两个并列词语,不可用倒装结构。

有个英语单词 also 怎么读啊?麻烦用汉字标一下,我不会拼的. 谢谢了


tomorrow,le@arn,also, always,wear都怎么读

tomorrow英 [tu0259"mu0252ru0259u028a] 美 [tu0259"mu0254ro]n. 明天;未来adv. 明天;未来地(等于to-morrow) [网络短语]Tomorrow 明天,明晚,明日After Tomorrow 明天以后,明天过后,阳光普照Sunshine Tomorrow 明日阳光learn英 [lu025cu02d0n] 美 [lu025dn]vi. 学习;获悉vt. 学习;得知;认识到[网络短语] Learn 学习,学会,得知learn from 学习,向,向某人学习learn off 记熟,背下来,背上去also英 ["u0254u02d0lsu0259u028a] 美 ["u0254lso]conj. 并且;另外adv. 也;而且;同样n. (Also)人名;(罗)阿尔索[网络短语]Also 也,并且,还要you also 爱是美丽的,你还在,你也是Also enough 也够alway英 [u0254u02d0l"weu026a] 美 ["u0254lwe]adv. 总是(等于always);永远n. (Alway)人名;(英)奥尔韦[网络短语]alway 永远,化妆品以及安利,总是Renee Alway 韵妮·奥唯go alway 去离,离开,停止wear英 [weu0259] 美 [wu025br]n. 穿著;磨损;耐久性v. 穿著;用旧;耗损;面露 [网络短语] wear 磨损,穿着,穿LEISURE WEAR 休闲服,休闲装,便装Wear rate 磨损率,磨耗率,磨损速率

有个英语单词 also 怎么读啊?麻烦用汉字标一下,我不会拼的. 谢谢了


also 的单词发音怎么读。



也[yě]副also; too; as well as; as wellalso英 [u02c8u0254:lsu0259u028a] 美 [u02c8u0254:lsou028a] adv.也;同样;并且conj.另外


正确写法是also,读音为英[u02c8u0254u02d0lsu0259u028a]美[u02c8u0254u02d0lsou028a]。also,英语单词,副词、连词、名词,作副词时意为“也;而且;同样”。作连词时意为“并且;另外”。作名词时意为“人名;(罗)阿尔索”。例句:However, I also have some regrets.然而,我也感到有一些遗憾。I not only talked with him but also got his signature.我不仅和他讲了话,而且还得到了他的签名呢。Not only he but also I like English.不仅他喜欢英语,而且我也喜欢英语。


also读音:[u02c8u0254u02d0lsu0259u028a],also是一个常用的英语词汇,用于表示增补、附加或补充信息。also在发音上,首先发音是长音的 "aw" sound,类似于"or"的音,接着是 "l" 的清晰发音,最后音调上升,发音类似于 "so"。如在句子中使用时,它通常位于句子中间或结尾,用来串联两个或多个句子,或者给出进一步的解释、陈述或举例子。这个词在口语和书面英语中都很常见。在句子中的位置,也可以说位置的突出程度,对语境和句子结构有一定的影响,可以根据需要进行调整。一般而言,它通常位于句子中间或结尾,在强调补充信息或提供额外的细节时比较常见。但在口语中,有时也可以放在句子开头,以强调这个观点。总之,also是一个常见的英语词汇,用于表达附加、补充或增加的信息。它在句子中的位置和突出程度可以根据需要进行调整。除了also,还有其他一些同义词可以用来表达类似的含义。根据具体的情境,选择适当的词汇可以增加语言表达的多样性和准确性。学习英语读音的好处学习英语读音是英语学习过程中的重要一环。掌握正确的英语读音可以有效提高口语表达的流利度和准确性。通过学习英语的语音规则、语调和重音,学生能够更清晰地表达自己的意思,并更好地理解和适应英语母语人士的语音习惯,通过学习英语读音,学生可以进一步提高自己的听力理解能力,更准确听出英语的细微语音差异,更好地理解和应对各种口语交流情境。正确的英语发音也对于培养良好的英语口语习惯和准确的发音能力至关重要。学习正确的英语发音能够帮助学生避免形成错误的习惯,提高发音的准确性和自信度。这对于在国际交流、商务谈判、学术研究等领域发挥更好的作用都非常重要。

not only......but also当前后句主语一致时后句如何省略?

后面接的内容如下:In China, cooking is regarded not only as a craftsmanship, but also as a skill.在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种手艺,而且还被视为一种技能。


你把两套知识点纠结在一起了1 “也”:too用于肯定句或一般疑问句句末,其前一般有逗号隔开;also,一般用于肯定句句中,行前系后;either,用于否定句句末。2 either 两者中的任意一个;neither 两者全否(就是都不要) both两者全肯定(就是都要)区别any(>=3)的任意一个;none (>=3)的全否,all (>=3)的全肯定

either,neither,also,too 放在句尾的区别

放在句尾的有either 和too



also ,too,either 的区别及用法

also,too 这两个词都是副词,又都表示“也是”的意思,但在修辞意味和使用场合上有所不同.它们的区别如下: (一)一般说来,also用于比较正式(formal)的场合,语气比too庄重; too是惯熟(familiar)的用语,使用范围较广. (二)also在句中的位置要紧靠动词; too在句中的位置比较灵活,有时插入句中,前后用逗号分开,有时放在句末. (三)too只能用在肯定句中,不可用于否定句内.在否定句中,只能用either;also则可以用在否定句中. 下面请看例句: The Hong Kong Chief Executive also heads the university as Chancellor. 香港行政长官也以(大学)校监身份领导大学. Reading books is learning,but application is also learning and the more important form of learning. 读书是学习,买践也是学习,而且是更重要的学习. We have not heard such a thing.Also,we have never seen such a scene. 我们没有听见过这种事情,我们也从来没有见过这种场面. 请注意,一般说来,also在句中的位置应紧靠动词,但有时为了强调其意,也可以将它放在句首或句末. Here,too,the colon must be followed by a dash. 这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号. Mary,too,can play the piano. 玛丽也会弹钢琴. Could you speak Japanese?—Yes,and Spanish too. 您会说日语吗?——会的,还会说西班牙语哩. Also虽然和too同义,但前者大都用于书面语,后者大都用于口语.例: The lady washed the children and also gave them dinner.(书面语) The lady washed the children and gave them dinner too.(口语) either用作代词时,意为“二者之一”,可单独使用,也可以和表示范围的of短语连用,of后的名词一般为复数,并且是特指.例如: —Do you want tea or coffee?你要茶还是咖啡? —Either is OK.哪一种都行. Is either of your parents coming to see you next week?下周你父亲或母亲要来看你吗? 注:either作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式,of后面的名词在数上应是“两个”,并带有限定词,如往往说either of the/your boxes,而不说either of boxes. 二、either用作形容词时,可修饰单数可数名词,意为“两个中任一个”,其谓语动词也应用单数形式.例如: Come on Saturday or Sunday.Either day is OK.星期六或星期天来吧,这两天哪天都行. There are lots of shops on either side of the street.(=There are lots of shops on both sides of the street.)街道两边有许多商店. 三、either用作副词时,意为“也(不)”,用于否定句的句末.例如: If you don"t go there,I won"t,either.如果你不去那里,我也不去.

also too either as well使用区别是什么?

also、too、either、as well:使用不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、使用不同1、also含“也”之意,also比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。2、too含“也”之意,too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。3、either含“也”之意,either用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。4、as well含“也”之意,as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。二、含义不同1、alsoadv. 而且;同样地。2、tooadv. 太;而且;很。3、eitheradj. 任一的。两方的,pron. 任一。conj. 或者(常用于either...or...的结构中)。4、as well也;又。三、用法不同1、alsoalso是较正式的用词,多用于书面语,基本意思是“也”“还”,表示两件事的性质相近或两件事情发生的时间相同,也可表示刚说过的话也适用于另一个人或物。在句中起补充追加的作用。also主要用于肯定句和疑问句。在书面语中,also偶可用在no,nothing或其他带有否定意义的词之前,而在否定词之后则不能用also,而要用either(但not also可用于反诘疑问句或修辞疑问句,偶尔也用于陈述句)。London was also called the modern Babylon.伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。2、too直接源自古英语的to,意为太。too的基本意思是“也”“还”“而且”,用于肯定句,否定句用either。too通常位于句末,其前的逗号可有可无,在书面语中,可位于句中,这时其前后一般应有逗号,在美式英语里,too可用于句首,其后必须有逗号。It"s too early for getting up.现在起床还太早。3、eithereither作代词时,意为“(二者之中)任何一个”,在句中作主语或宾语,表示单数概念;作主语时谓语动词一般用单数形式,但在否定句中常用复数形式。either可单独用,也可和of连用,of后跟复数名词或复数代词,但意义明确时可省略of短语。You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。4、as wellas well是一个英文常用语,一般至于一个语句的结尾,意思是“也,一样、同样地”。和英文单词‘also"意思一样,用法稍有区别。The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers.工头又雇佣了十多个人做泥瓦匠。


else,其它的某某东西,一般直接用在不定代词,疑问代词后面,如something else.what else.either,否定句中用的“也”,放在句子的末尾,如I don"t want to do that,either.too,肯定句中用的“也”,放在句子的末尾,如I think so,too.also,一般也是用在肯定句中的“也”,但是用在句中。如I also have two brothers.

sectional and auxiliary views are also commonly

辅助分视图一般是基于主视图部分区域的图的集合。sectional[英][ˈsekʃənl][美][ˈsɛkʃənəl]adj.断面的; 拼合而成的; 局部的; 部分(地区)的;auxiliary[英][ɔ:gˈzɪliəri][美][ɔɡˈzɪljəri, -ˈzɪləri]adj.辅助的; 备用的,补充的; 附加的; 副的; n.助动词; 辅助者,辅助人员; 附属机构,附属团体; 辅助设备; 复数:auxiliariesviews[英][v"ju:z][美][v"ju:z]n.看( view的名词复数 ); [建筑学]视图; 概观; 视力commonly[英][ˈkɒmənli][美][ˈkɑ:mənli]adv.通常地; 一般地; 平凡地; 粗俗地; sed 基于Design of a Compound Device B a sed on USB基于USB总线复合设备的设计present[英][ˈpreznt][美][ˈprɛznt]adj.目前的; 现在的; 出席的; [语法学]现在时的; part[英][pɑ:t][美][pɑ:rt]n.部分; 零件; 参加; 地区; vt.使分裂; 拆移; 使分开; vi.分开; 分离; 分岔; adv.不完全地,部分地; adj.不完全的,部分的; 第三人称单数:parts复数:parts现在进行时:parting过去式:parted过去分词:parteddetabbr.determine 决定; detach 分开; detachment 分开; detection 探测;Building the data det for WEKA为WEKA构建数据集

“它不仅能使你放松.而且对你的身体有好处”用英语怎么说(用not only ……but also和

It not only relaxs you,butalso good for you


too 意思是也,只能放在句尾,用于肯定句either意思是也,只能放在句尾,用于否定句also意思是也,一般放在句中,也可以放在句首 askvt.1. 问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1]She asked him his name.她问他叫什么.He asked me where Tom was.他问我汤姆在何处.2. 请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that]He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary.他要求准许他们用词典.I came to ask you a favor.我来是想请你帮我一个忙.I asked her to get in touch with Henry as soon as possible.我要求她尽快与亨利联系.3. 索(价);要求得到[(+for/of)]They asked too much of her.他们对她要求过高.He asked twenty dollars for it.这件东西他要价二十元.4. 邀请[O][O2]We have asked the Conrads to come for dinner on Friday evening.我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭.vi.1. 问;询问;问候[(+about)]Tell George my parents ask about him.转告乔治我父母问他好.Why do you ask?你为何要问?2. 要求;请求[(+for)]She asked for a cup of tea.她要一杯茶.

you also中文意思

(⊙o⊙)…,楼主要加油了呀~!意思是不是“你也是”?【参考翻译】修改后:you tooO(∩_∩)O哈哈~,记得采纳哟~!

also too either的区别

too, 位于句末,其前用逗号隔开also, 位于be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前either, 位于句末,其前用逗号隔开too, also 用于肯定句either ,用于否定句

这句话什么意思??there are known knowns,there are also unknown unknows..



also用语句中.I also like English.too 用于句末.I like English,too.either只用于否定句.I don"t like English, well(as)用于肯定句的句末.I like English as well.I like Englishas well as math.=I like English,and I like math as well. 一、as well 用法:1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开.如:I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going,too).我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去.I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ).我不但弹吉他,而且还演唱.2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气.如:You may as well go、你去也好.The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home.天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好.3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解.如:—We were too late to see the film.我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影.—Just as well、I hear it isn"t very good.不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样.二、as well as 用法1、as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,作“也,还”解.它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及.因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only ...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致.如:Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好.(=Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me、)Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy.电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能.2、as well as 用来表示同级比较,指“一样好”.如:You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好.He plays the guitar as well as you.他的吉他弹得和你一样好.

also,too,either,as well的用法区别

1 also用在句中(一般放在be动词和助动词之后,行为动词之前)。she also is good at English.she also like English.2 too 多用于口语,位于句未或句中,只用于肯定句,其前常有逗号。They are students,too.=They,too,are students.否定句为They are students,either.3 as well 用于肯定句,通常位于句中或句尾。He knows French,and he knows English as well.4either在否定句中使用,但是放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开.e.g:Lucy doesn"t go to the party,either.露西也没有去参加派对


1.tooeither都放在句末too用于肯定句前面要+“,”如:Icanplayfootball,too.either用于否定句前面要+“,”如:Ican"tplayfootball,either2.(1)also比too正式,一般也不用于否定句,它在句中的位置通常是紧靠动词,即放在行为动词之前,特殊动词之后。有时为了强调也放在句末(但不常见)。如: Healsocame./Hecamealso.他也来了。Sheisyoungandbeautiful,andalsorich.她年轻漂亮,而且有钱。 (2)also有时用于句首(其后通常有逗号),相当于连词and。如: Also,hismotherwasdead.再说,他母亲又过世了。

also too as well either neither 意思 区别

also,too 和 either also表示"也"是比较正式的用词,too 是普通用词,口语中用的多,使用时 应注意: also 一般用于句子中,其位置在行为动词之前,动词to be之后.如有 助动词或情态动词,一般应在助动词或情态动词后,为了强调,也可 放在前面.例如: *I also went. 我也去了. *You are also wrong. 你也错了. too常置于句末,前面可用逗号,如置于句中,其前后均有逗号.例如 *He is a singer ,too. 他也是歌唱家. *He,too,is a singer. 注意:also,too只能用于肯定句. either neither either 表示“也”,只能用在否定句中,必须放在句末.例如: *He didn""t go there.I didn""t either. 你不去那里,我也不去那里. neither表示"两者都不". Eg.In neither case can I agree. 两种情形我都不能同意. Eg.Neither of them wants to stop for a rest. 他们俩人谁也不愿意停下来休息. as well as 作并列连词相当于not only…but also和no less…than,但not only…but also侧重在后项,as well as 和no less…than 侧重在前项.例如: We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly,seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side or things. A true man should be practical as well as far-sighted. 在否定句中,as well as 的位置不同,句意往往有很大差别.比较下面的句子: He,as well as she,will not come.他将不来,她也将不来. He will not come as well as she.她将来,但他将不来.(否定前者,肯定后者) Henry,as well as his brother,doesn""t work hard.亨利同他弟弟一样,工作不努力. Henry doesn""t work hard as well as him brother.亨利工作不努力,但他弟弟努力. as well as 连接的应是平等成分,都作主语或都作宾语等.例如: She was there as well as me.(误) She was there as well as I .(正)

as well as,as well ,too ,also区别,最好有例题讲解

also, too 和 either also表示"也"是比较正式的用词, too 是普通用词,口语中用的多,使用时 应注意: also 一般用于句子中,其位置在行为动词之前,动词to be之后。如有 助动词或情态动词,一般应在助动词或情态动词后,为了强调,也可 放在前面。例如: *I also went. 我也去了。 *You are also wrong. 你也错了。 too常置于句末,前面可用逗号,如置于句中,其前后均有逗号。例如 *He is a singer ,too. 他也是歌唱家。 *He,too,is a singer. 注意: also,too只能用于肯定句。 either neithereither 表示“也”,只能用在否定句中,必须放在句末。例如: *He didn""t go there. I didn""t either. 你不去那里,我也不去那里。 neither表示"两者都不"。 Eg. In neither case can I agree. 两种情形我都不能同意。 Eg. Neither of them wants to stop for a rest. 他们俩人谁也不愿意停下来休息。 as well as 作并列连词相当于not only…but also和no less…than,但not only…but also侧重在后项,as well as 和no less…than 侧重在前项。例如: We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side or things. A true man should be practical as well as far-sighted. 在否定句中,as well as 的位置不同,句意往往有很大差别。比较下面的句子: He, as well as she, will not come.他将不来,她也将不来。 He will not come as well as she.她将来,但他将不来。(否定前者,肯定后者) Henry, as well as his brother, doesn""t work hard.亨利同他弟弟一样,工作不努力。 Henry doesn""t work hard as well as him brother.亨利工作不努力,但他弟弟努力。 as well as 连接的应是平等成分,都作主语或都作宾语等。例如: She was there as well as me. (误) She was there as well as I .(正)

also too as well either neither 意思 区别

also, too 和 either also表示"也"是比较正式的用词, too 是普通用词,口语中用的多,使用时 应注意: also 一般用于句子中,其位置在行为动词之前,动词to be之后。如有 助动词或情态动词,一般应在助动词或情态动词后,为了强调,也可 放在前面。例如: *I also went. 我也去了。 *You are also wrong. 你也错了。 too常置于句末,前面可用逗号,如置于句中,其前后均有逗号。例如 *He is a singer ,too. 他也是歌唱家。 *He,too,is a singer. 注意: also,too只能用于肯定句。 either neithereither 表示“也”,只能用在否定句中,必须放在句末。例如: *He didn""t go there. I didn""t either. 你不去那里,我也不去那里。 neither表示"两者都不"。 Eg. In neither case can I agree. 两种情形我都不能同意。 Eg. Neither of them wants to stop for a rest. 他们俩人谁也不愿意停下来休息。 as well as 作并列连词相当于not only…but also和no less…than,但not only…but also侧重在后项,as well as 和no less…than 侧重在前项。例如: We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side or things. A true man should be practical as well as far-sighted. 在否定句中,as well as 的位置不同,句意往往有很大差别。比较下面的句子: He, as well as she, will not come.他将不来,她也将不来。 He will not come as well as she.她将来,但他将不来。(否定前者,肯定后者) Henry, as well as his brother, doesn""t work hard.亨利同他弟弟一样,工作不努力。 Henry doesn""t work hard as well as him brother.亨利工作不努力,但他弟弟努力。 as well as 连接的应是平等成分,都作主语或都作宾语等。例如: She was there as well as me. (误) She was there as well as I .(正)

also,as well,as well as,either,also,both,too的区别

too, as well和 also用于肯定句和疑问句,too和as well多用于口语,一般放在句末,而also多用于书面语,一般放在句中与动词连用。either 用于否定句和否定的疑问句,往往放在句末。如: He went there too. He didn"t go there either. I like you as well. I also went there.also,too,as well与either 的区别 also,as well,too,用于肯定句,also常用于be动词,情态动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前;as well,too用于句末;either用于否定句中,置于句末。 例如, My father is a teacher. My mother is also a teacher. =My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher as well. =My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher,too.我爸爸是一名老师,我妈妈也是。 I can"t speak French.. Jenny can"t speak French,either.我不会说法语,詹妮也不会。如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好”。因此,“He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作:“他说西班牙语像说英语一样好”。语意的重点依旧在前部,不在后半部。 请注意 as well as以下的用法: She called on you as well as I. 不但我来看你,她也拜访了你。 She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。 在下列句中,as well as表示“像…一样”的涵义: She as well as you is an English teacher. 她像你一样也是英文教师。 all , both, 表示“都”,“全部”。 (1) both指两个人或物,而all指三个以上的人或物,在句中都可作主语、宾语、表语、同位语或定语。 Both of us want to go. 我们两人都想去。 All of us should work hard.我们都应努力工作。 (2) both和all都可直接修饰名词;名词前如有限定词时,其前只能用both of或all of。 Both brothers are clever. 兄弟俩都聪明。 Both of the books are useful.两本书都有用。 (3) both和all在句中的位置是位于be动词之后,行为动词之前,如有情态动词或助动词,则位于情态动词或助动词与主动词之间。 We are all here. 我们都来了。 [特别提醒] (1) both的反义词是neither, all的反义词是none。 Both of us are not doctors. 我们俩并非都是医生。 (部分否定) Neither of us is a doctor. 我们俩都不是医生。(全部否定) All of the books are not helpful. 并非所有这些书都对人有帮助。(部分否定)

also,as well,as well as,either,also,both,too的区别


too,either,also,as well有什么区别

有奖励too,either,also,as well有什么区别我来答有奖励格子里兮聊聊关注成为第264位粉丝as well,as well as,also,either与too 均可表示“也”,用法及其区别分述如下:1、too 和 as well两者多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。如:He divorced her, and a good thing too [as well]. 他和她离了婚,这也是一件好事。I will come on condition (that) she is invited too [as well]. 如果邀请她来, 那我就来。He was just another child from the shelters. There were other children too [as well]. 他只是来自收容所的另一个孩子,另外还有其他一些孩子。2、too 有时也紧跟在主语后(注:as well 不这样用),此用法较正式。如:But you, too, can buy coloured metal ones. 但是你也可以买彩色金属制品。The Internet, too, it goes without saying, is a good source of information. 不用说,因特网也是一个很好的信息来源。3、在 Me too, You too 这类简略答语中,通常不用 as well, also。如:“I"m feeling hungry.” “Me too.” “我觉得饿了。”“我也是。”“I love chocolate.” “Me too.” “我喜欢巧克力。”“我也喜欢。”4、关于 asloalso 比 too 和 as well 正式,一般也不用于否定句,它在句中的位置通常是紧靠动词,即放在行为动词之前,特殊动词之后。有时为了强调也放在句末(但不常见)。如:Airplanes are fast and also comfortable. 飞机快而且舒适。We bought a new sofa and also a new coffee table. 我们买了一个新沙发,还买了一张新的咖啡桌。The school also has the responsibility to develop pupils" characters. 学校也有职责培养学生的品质。Dogs, cats and monkeys are all animals, and man is also an animal. 狗、猫和猴子都是动物,而且人也是动物。also 有时用于句首(其后通常有逗号),相当于连词 and。如:Also, he has gone abroad. 而且,他已去了国外。It"s a nice house, but it"s very small. Also, it needs a lot of repairs. 这所房子不错,就是太小。另外,还需要大修。5、关于 eithereither(也)通常只用于否定句,且要放在句末。如:He can"t hear and he can hardly speak either. 他既听不见也几乎不能说话。I didn"t go to the meeting either. 我也没去开会。She can"t explain it and I can"t either. 她不能解释,我也不能解释。I don"t like John and I don"t like his wife either. 我不喜欢约翰,也不喜欢他的妻子。If you don"t go, I will not go either. 你若不去,我也不去。有时在肯定句之后跟一个否定句,表示“没有也…”之类的意思,此时英语要用too或also,不用either:He came, but she didn"t also came. 他来了,但她没有也一起来。He went to Washington, but not to New York too. 他去了华盛顿,但并不是也去了纽约。比较:He didn"t buy a computer, and she didn"t either. 他没有买电脑,她也没有买。He bought a computer, but she didn"t too. 他买了台电脑,但她没有也买台电脑。

The drug is oseltamivir, also known as tamiflu. aslo known as.... 在句中作同位语还是补语?





我只知道纳粹主义是Nazi 就行了,倒过来嘛,就很难理解!

And you will also be mine 句型对吗?

不对一般将来时态 will+动词原形also 用于肯定句句中,房子动词be ,情态动词和助动词后行为动词前And you will be also mine.

As the saying goes,life is like a revolving door. When it closes ,it also opens.怎么翻译


翻译The office has always been a place to get ahead Unfortunately, it is also a place where a lot


we have also posted our ad on our website的句子成分

with a few clever strategies 是宾语 in order ,to keep our place on top是目的状语 come up with是想出,提出的意思,have got to在这里和have to 意思一样.

a ,it ,day ,bad ,but ,day ,a ,also ,was ,good ,!连

It was a good day but also a bad day!

You are very good friend, also is a very good elder sister.是什么意思


69 Not only politics but also English is important. In other words , ___is important.



《The Journals of Ayn Rand》(Ayn Rand)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: taph书名:The Journals of Ayn Rand作者:Ayn Rand出版社:Plume出版年份:1999-08-01页数:752内容简介:Rarely has a writer and thinker of the stature of Ayn Rand afforded us access to her most intimate thoughts and feelings. From Journals of Ayn Rand , we gain an invaluable new understanding and appreciation of the woman, the artist, and the philosopher, and of the enduring legacy she has left us.Rand comes vibrantly to life as an untried screenwriter in Hollywood, creating stories that reflect her youthful vision of the world. We see her painful memories of communist Russia and her struggles to conveyy them in We the Living . Most fascinating is the intricate, step-by-step process through which she created the plots and characters of her two masterworks, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged , and the years of painstaking research that imbued the novels with their powerful authenticity.Complete with reflections on her legendary screenplay concerning the making of the atomic bomb and tantalizing descriptions of projects cut short by her death, Journals of Ayn Rand illuminates the mind and heart of an extraordinary woman as no biography or memoir ever could. On these vivid pages, Ayn Rand lives.

跪求!最后一句只是一个单词away的英文歌,一女的唱。副歌部分貌似有一句take me away,还有什么also right

我觉得很有可能就是take me away是摇滚的吧?节奏很cool我之前看美剧“辣妹辣妈”听过。最后一直是away away away

This activity can not only boradens our horizon but also foster our noble spirits .


If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars是什么意思?


if you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars 什么意


we must also consider the reaction of the person ______(receiver )the gift

前一个是分词作定语相当于定语从句…thepersonthathasreceivedthegift.而人收到礼物是主动所以用现在分词作定语。你的答案让整句句子有了两个动词而没有连词所以不对后一个是一个强调句,基本结构为Itis …that如果一句话中出现这个结构去掉此结构句子依然成立,此举为强调句。如这句话去掉后为OnlyafterIheardshebecomesick,Ilearnedshecouldnoteategg.

such as 用法 not only but also 用法

1. allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事或者 allow sb doing sth 2. such as conjunction分三类:coordinating, subordinating, correlative而such as 一个都属于第二个比如:We dislike people such as him. 我们不喜欢像他这号人。 因此有连词作用,但有跟but 不同but 属于 coordinating conjunction3.给你个例句:Not only him but also I am bad at geography.这就是主要用法了希望能帮到你~

also 和 in addition的区别是什么?

①also可以是副词,也可以是连词; a) 副词时,意思有两个; i.In addition; besides ---> 意思上和in addition相同 ii likewise,too b) 作连词 = (and) in addition; 可in addition用法完全相同,都可以引出独立句子; 微小的区别在于,人们认为相较而言,in addition比also稍正规些. ② in addition 则完全是连词; 和①b相同,稍正规些.

Although again sweet candy,also has a bitter day.什么意思


Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day什么意思

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