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sperm whaie的音标

拼写应该是sperm whale。 音标:[sp:m] [weil] 关于whale,英式发音是[weil],美式发音是[hweil]。记得采纳啊

一首英文高潮开头是hey la 高潮有句I whaiwe for you 歌曲结尾好像是重复两句一样的歌词



大概是把 You love me for what I am (你爱我是由于我所从事的职业”)眉毛胡子一把抓,致使不仅单词缺胳膊少腿,而且句子也支离破碎。注:what 是关系代词型连词,引导名词从句, 此处的 for what I am 是表示理由的原因状语从句,意思是 “因为我所做 ... 的工作/职业”。

whai can you do in the library?什么意思

楼主你好. 句子应该是:What can you do in the library? 中文意思:你在图书馆里可以干什么? 满意请采纳,谢谢.

What do you think he is doing还是Whai do you think is he doing?

What do you think he is doing

() on the sofa ?there are two hats.a what b whai's c what are 选哪个


Whai does Peter like doing?

peter喜欢做什么?很简单的阿,答案也很多 比如说 he like singing他喜欢唱歌 he like to sing like+动词的ing形式 like to+动词原形

Whai did you do last weekend?怎么回答?


Whai is Mike going to do in the supermarket问,怎么回答?

-What is Mike going to do in the supermarket?迈克在超市里打算做什么?-He is going to be a cashier there.他打算在那做收银员。

whai time can you get there

what 你什么时间能到?

Whai do they eat?


鲸的英语作文,开头:Whaies are........They live in...

Whales live in the ocean, but they are not fish. They are warm-blooded mammals and must have air to breathe. The babies are born alive and drink milk from the mother"s body. It took millions of years for the whale to develop as it is today.Every spring groups of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places to bear their young. Each group goes to the same place every year. The mothers take very good care of their babies. The fully grown whales are very gentle and playful with each other, and with humans. They “talk” to each other with a high noise that sounds beautiful. This“talking” can be heard for more than 300 kilometers in open waters.Yet humans kill over a hundred whales a day. They kill them to make whale oils and a lot of other things. Killing them is a modern business with modern machines and even harpoons( 鱼叉炮) that explode( 爆炸) inside the whales. A whale dies very slowly and in great pain. Some ships kill every whale they can find, even the mothers and babies. Then there are no young whales to grow up or to bear more young.