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【08江苏卷】21、22题。21. We went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of

1.by sea=by ship乘船,不加定冠词,后面特指横渡的那个州2.(用于接答歉意的表示)没有关系,不要记在心上Never mind, I"ll do it myself. 没关系,我自己来做。 not at all 根本不1.不要客气"Thank you for your help." "Not at all." "感谢您的帮助。" "别客气。"

We went right round to the west coast by sea instead of driving across continent。

答案B 此题考查固定搭配中零冠词的用法以及定冠词表特指的用法。句意:我们乘船绕道去西海岸,而没有开车(直接)穿过大陆去。by sea坐船,等于by ship,不需加冠词,类似的还有by bus, by air. continent这里是特指,为说话双方所知道,故其前加定冠词the。 查看原帖>>

Twenty Four Seven 歌词

歌曲名:Twenty Four Seven歌手:Tina Turner专辑:Twenty Four SevenAll saintstwenty four seventwenty four seven loveIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, love You knowjust what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, love You knowjust what I need, it′s what I needIn the morning, in the evening,In the winter, spring or summerWhat if it′s early, or it′s lateIt doesn′t matter, any timeTender loving, sweet devotionEvery second, minute, hourI′ll be waiting for youYou can put your loving on the lineTake me in your arms and let me know that it′s alrightLook into my eyes and let me see you deep insideTwenty four hours a day, seven days a weekI get to feel you here beside meI get to hold and squeeze you tightIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, love You knowjust what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needI′ve been praying, asking, sayingSend me some more like you just for meSomeone special, I belong toI could be yours and you′d be mineQuiet moments, filled with passionIn my heart, you know I′m yearningAll to please you, touch youSend me your loving right on downTake me in your arms and let me know that it′s alrightLook into my eyes and let me see you deep insideTwenty four hours a day, seven days a weekI get to feel you here beside meI get to hold and squeeze you tightIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3478394

I went ice fishing on the lake怎么改一般疑问句?

Did you go ice fishing on the lake ?

Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town. He had been there for twenty years before one da...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A小题4:C 试题分析:文章讲述了Mr. Brown去伦敦办事帮家人买雨伞的故事。小题1:B 推理题。根据文章第一句Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town.他在一家工厂上班说明他是一名工人,故B正确。小题2:C 上下文串联。根据he drew an umbrella on his hand. To his regret, he lost it at the station.说明C正确。小题3:A 推理题。根据第二段2,3,4行The woman"s umbrella was so nice that he carefully looked at it and said to himself not to forget to buy a few umbrellas like it.说明他非常喜欢这把雨伞,一直想买这样的雨伞,而忘记了这是别人的。故A正确。小题4:C 推理题。根据文章最后一句Looking at the four umbrellas, the old woman was satisfied with herself. “It seems that I had a better result than the other four women.” She thought.说明题认为有另外4个人的雨伞被他拿走,而她却没有,所以为自己感到幸运。故C正确。点评:故事类短文要注意细节的理解。把握文章的故事发展的过程,注意时间,地点,人物。

we went to the zoo by bike yesterday(替换by bike) a. rode bikes b.ride bikes c. on bike


one day a man went to see a doctor, after the doctor looked him over carefully,he said to the man


谁有CAD命令 帮忙发我邮箱 linwencheng0818@126.com感激不尽

只要记几个常用的就行了 大概一二十个吧

(test) (went) (secretary)哪个发音不同


take a deep breath,in he went 句型分析,主要后半句

倒装句,强调进去的动作=he went in


帮你改了一下,已测试通过<table width="604" height="180" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="eeeeee"> <%strsql="select top 6 * from [pro_list] order by id desc" set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")"这行如果你前面有,就删掉rs.Open strsql, conn, 1, 1if not (rs.eof and rs.bof) thenfor i=1 to 2%> <tr><%for j=1 to 3%><td width="202" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center"><%call showTab()%> </td><%next%></tr><%nextend if%></table><%rs.Close%><%sub showTab()if not rs.eof thenid=rs("id")pro_img=rs("username")pro_name=rs("username")rs.movenextelseid=""pro_img=""pro_name=""end if%><table width="161" height="140" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="118"><div align="center" class="STYLE7"><a href="opus_view.asp?id=<%=id%>"><img src="<%= pro_img %>" width="120" height="140" border="0"></a></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="187" height="22" background="image/2.gif" class="blue"><div align="center" class="STYLE2"><%= pro_name %></div></td> </tr> </table><%end sub%>

Mr Jones went to the sea f...




He_____for twenty years.A.has joined B.has been in the army C.joined D.have saved the army

B 吧。。。

After twenty years的续写

After twenty years,they met again in the same place where they had first met each other. 二十年后,他们在彼此首次相遇的同一个地方重逢了. after多与过去时态连用.

英语。 在二十多年前____twenty years ago 前面介词用什么


he has been dead for twenty years和he has dead的区别

不存在“has dead” 这种讲法。he has been dead for twenty years. 他已经死了二十年了。这个牵涉到一个延续性动词与非延续动词的问题。 简单来说就是,英语中的动词,根据其发生时间的长短和状态可以分为延续性与非延续性。die, 死亡是非延续性动词,因为死亡是无法重复发生,发生过后立即结束的一种动作行为。一般来讲,延续性动词,learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等,会与“时间段”相搭配,即是问题中的“for twenty years”。而非延续性动词,会通常与时间点搭配。例如,he dies twenty years ago. 他死于二十年前。 而问题中,die作为非延续性动词,却与“for twenty years” 搭配的原因是,die 变为了形容词dead,死亡的。你的问题一开始就错了,我之前所谓的不存在“has dead”,是指dead作为形容词,须接在be动词之后,即am is are,但是这种情况下用原型,be。而be属于动词的一种,由于现在完成时的影响,变形为been。我意识到我的讲解应该对于你一时间过于复杂化了。。。我建议你追问,我可以一步一步告诉你,把知识点分解开来。否则,你应该是无法一时消化掉这些东西的,连理解恐怕都成问题。

欧亨利 After twenty years 的英语读后感

The Meaning of Gift O.Henry was born in Greensboro,North Carolina.His father,Algemon Sidney Porter,was a physician.When William was three,his mother died,and he was raised by his parental grandmother and paternal aunt.William was an avid reader,but at the age of fifteen he left school and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch.He continued to Houston,where he had a number of jobs,including that of bank clerk.After moving in 1882 to Texas,he worked on a ranch in LaSalle County for two years.In 1887 he married Athol Estes Roach; they had one daughter and one son.,he died in New York on June 5th 1910. In this novel,there are many short ficition,every of them are worth reading,but The Gift of the Magi left me a deep impression is,I think this is a good article I have ever read,it is meaningful. In this article,O.Henry used his style of writing narrated a winding and simple story with humorous and a light sad,in western literary area this theme of presenting the gift in the Christmas eve is so ordinary,some of them is wonderful,but I think The Gift of the Magi is the best one. First,let钬檚 looked from the content.the entire article took one pair of poorly love husbands and wives in American presenting the Christmas gift as a middle line,The family housewife in order to save each coin,she count each one.Even though,entire family only left one dollar and eighty-seven cents on Christmas Eve.The author did not describe much about the poor family,he used one dollar and eighty-seven cents to draw the whole novel,the housewife Della who loves her husband deeply count the money three times,she cried sadly for she could not buy her husband an satisfactory gift.O.Henry was good at using little words to make the sketch and build atmosphere,then the reader will lost in the article,tasting and pondering the character"s destiny.The gloomy atmosphere which was built by one dollar and eighty-seven cents through the whole novel,even when the couples saw gifts,it still contained a little pain.The author had written a poor husband"s and wife"s pain,also enlightens for the people let them obtain beautiful influencing and lead the reader钬檚 interest to a deep boundary when he was describe the character钬檚 thought disposition and plot.This is the true value of The Gift of the Magi. In order to give her husband an exquisite watch chain,Della sold her beautiful hair though his husband James loved it.James realized that Della had worshipped long for the set of combs,side and back,in Broadway window,he also sold his valuable watch which belonged his grandparents.Della钬檚 hair and James钬 gold watch is the most precious property which in this poor family.In order to expresses the deep sincere love to the spouse,all of them had lost these two at the Christmas eve.Happiness in a twinkling had paid the expensive price,but following is the deep pain.after consider the true life ,O Henry had screened the main plot carefully,made this ordinary theme bright again,gold watch and beautiful hair are the great wealth for the poor family which gain 20 dollar per week,This regret brought astringent feeling,caused each reader钬檚 heart to tremble.This is condensing the real contradiction which the social real life is unable to solve multiplies really because of the writer deep style of writing,cause reader"s pitying with the sympathy,and lead them to a more profound ponder.For a while sentimental impulse Della and James had extremely sacrificed most precious thing for each other.In those only money all-powerful societies,their gift can not regard as wisdom,they lost wealth,but they deepened the precious sincere love.In love and in wealth contradiction they have sacrificed the latter. The novel revelation society reality does not depend on preaching,but depend on the development of character钬檚 emotion.Inspires the reader to touch,feels the character who have the tragedy color.In this society which money can buy love,psychology and sentiment appear the distortion,the sincere deep love between James and Della has filled with writer钬檚 idealism.O.Hery oes not write the money to ruin love in this society,but wrote the artistic flavor in this gloomy lens,admired the intelligence of James and Della,This is certainly unusual manpower pen,Therefore,the work gives us is not depression and gloomy,But is the beautiful pursue and the attachment,Thus lead the reader to the noble boundary. Processing novel ending,Is O Henry钬檚 most creative contribution,also causes him enjoys the great reputation in American and in the world history of literature.He is good at designing plot theatrically,lays down the foreshadowing,finally appears a beyond expectation result in the ending which makes the reader to feel suddenly sees the light,joy after sorrow,also beside anticipation and in reason,strike the table and shout bravo. O Henry is worth the world famous novelist,his excellent writing technique enabled his novel to have the title of O.Henry. I have read many kinds of article,before reading O.Henry钬檚 article,I liked detective book,but after reading this book,I knew short fiction is better,Henry钬檚 humors gave me a deep impression,it will never feel boring no matter how many times you have read.

after twenty years的中文意思是什么?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

一首英文歌开头喔喔喔do you remember twenty years a go

Twenty Years Ago歌手:Kenny RogersIt`s been a long time since I walkedThrough this old townBut oh how the memories start to flowAnd there`s the old movie houseThey finally closed it downYou could find me there every Friday nightTwenty years ago.I worked the counter at the drugstore down the streetBut nobody`s left there I would knowOn Saturday mornings that`s whereAll my friends would meetYou`d be surprised what a dime would buyTwenty years ago.All my memories from those days come gather round meWhat I`d give if they could take me back in timeIt almost seems like yesterdayWhere do the good times go?Life was so much easier twenty years ago.I guess I should stop by Mr.Johnson`s hardware storeHis only son was my friend JoeBut he joined the army back in 1964How could we know he would never come backTwenty years ago.All my memories from those days come gather round meWhat I`d give if they could take me back in timeIt almost seems like yesterdayWhere do the good times go?Life was so much easier twenty years ago.It almost seems like yesterdayTwenty years ago.

英语翻译 Twenty years from now you .....




my mother was young twenty years before哪错了

my mother was young twenty years ago

作文our city in twenty years

our city in twenty yearsOur city life will be different from in twenty years.we will see many robots ,shops ,hopitals and other places. There will be no cars,trans,buses , or taxis. people can fly to work in twenty years.Our city will be clean and tidy.For student ,they won"t take heavy school bags to school.they will have lessons on the computer at home.I think our city in twenty years will be great.

twenty years ago是什么意思

twenty years ago二十年前,双语对照例句:1.But dr. cohen says the work really began twenty years ago. 科恩表示,这项研究工作真正开始于20年前。 2.Twenty years ago state firms were nothing more than parts...

作文:my life in twenty years

My life in twenty years will be fantastic and wonderful. I will have a job that I like. I will be married and have children. I will get my favourite cars and drive my family around in the city. I will get the most beatiuful in town for my family. They are the things that will happen to me after 20 years


应该是这样 a few hours earlier (than ...) 所以一定要用earlier 才能表示比较 early没

for twenty years同义句

have passed since 20年过去了,自从他住在这里

since twenty years

since 前面的主句必须用持续性动词.married 不延续,所以这句话应该为 They have been married since twenty years ago. have been married 表示状态

After twenty years的续写

After twenty years,we will be still friends.


twenty中文翻译是20的意思。twenty作为名词是二十、二十年代的意思。作为数字是指二十。作为形容词是二十的的意思。twenty的复数形式是twenties。固定短语有Matchbox Twenty火柴盒二十、火柴盒乐队、表演者。Twenty Twelve二零一二。Twenty Years After二十年后。

用in twenty years time造句?

Speak out what you think may happen in twenty years time.

用twenty years from now作状语改写句子)

twenty years from now表示将来,所以改为What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now?

five and twenty years什么意思


twenty years from now 等于in twenty years 吗

twenty years from now = twenty years later

今后20年和20年之后是都翻译成in twenty years还是。。

今后20年:in the next twenty years20年之后:in twenty years

after twenty years的翻译是什么呀?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

英语问题:请问twenty-year-old和twenty years old的区别


twenty years a long time



twentyyearsago是时间段还是时间点?是时间点。20 years ago的意思是20年前,20年前是一个时间点。

after twenty years的中文意思是什么?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

twenty-year-old twenty years old 两个怎么用????

twenty-year-old 是形容词,后要接名词 twenty years old 不能接名词,如He is a twenty-year -old man .= The man is twenty years old .加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢

placebo twenty years 中文歌词

神呐 为什么要翻译。。。。

after twenty years主题是什么?

《after twenty years》即《二十年后》的中心主题是对资本主义上升时期的美国社会的深刻批判。《after twenty years》是美国作家欧·亨利的作品。两个美国青年——鲍勃和吉米·威尔斯是一对非常要好的朋友,当鲍勃要到西部去创业时,他们相约20年后在纽约大乔勃拉地饭馆相会。然而当在西部闯荡了20年并且正受芝加哥警方辑捕的鲍勃赶到纽约来践约时,在纽约已当了巡警的吉米以出人意料的手段逮捕了鲍勃。该小说通过这两个青年20年后重逢之际所发生的意外变化,反映了美国19世纪后半期到第一次世界大战前美国社会生活各方面的深刻变迁。从作品的主人公之一——被警方通缉的罪犯鲍勃身上,可以看到19世纪末20世纪初美国开发西部的一个侧面。如果说“警士”代表着资本主义制度文明的悲剧,那么“罪犯”则体现了资本主义竞争的惨烈。虽然美国“西部”不等于殖民地,但是所谓“西部开发”,就是向资本主义文明尚未渗透的西部进行充满掠夺与冒险的资本积累过程,这是一个孳生繁衍罪恶的温床。从作品的另一个主人公——成为警士的吉米身上,体现出美国所谓的高度文明对人的心灵的扭曲和摧残。吉米的一系列举动,都表现出一种带有机械性质的麻木和冷漠。他在去见20年前最好的朋友时(其时他并不知道他的朋友就是被通缉的罪犯),不急不喜,“一边走一边试试人家的门户是不是关好,一只手把警棍耍出许多复杂而美妙的花样”,充分体现出一个公安卫护人的形象。扩展资料《after twenty years》创作背景1862年,美国林肯总统在《宅地法》中规定,任何公民只需交15美元的证件费,便可在美国西部得到一块相当于160英亩的土地;在这块土地上连续耕作五年以上就可成为这块土地的主人,这一措施民主地解决了独立战争期间的土地问题,同时激发了美国人勤劳创业、发财的热情。这时的人们纯朴、勤劳、勇敢,充满活力和生气,他们彼此重义气、讲交情,尽管他们在对付满腔怒火的印第安人时也干尽了野蛮的掠夺、杀戮等强盗行径,正如在西部文学作品中所看到的那样。但也许是远离城市,西部资产阶级内部尚未染上唯利是图、尔虞我诈的恶习,或者说为对付险恶的自然环境他们尚未顾及内部的倾轧和吞并。19世纪末20世纪初期的美国,处于资本主义飞速发展阶段,出现了资本集中和无产阶级的贫困化,同时,中小资产阶级的破产及失业大军的不断扩大,使美国社会的阶级矛盾不断尖锐化和表面化。正是在这样的时代背景下,广大民众对美国的“民主”社会产生了怀疑和失望。他们曾经为消灭蓄奴制的战争流过血,以为消灭了蓄奴制的美国是世界上最先进的民主国家。但事实上,美国不但没有成为“人人享有民主、自由、幸福权利”的天堂,而且成了世界上贫富鸿沟最深的国家之一。在那里,一方面是一小部分卑鄙龌龊沉溺于奢侈生活的亿万富翁,另一方面是千百万永远在饥饿线上挣扎的劳苦大众。社会生活的发展变化,对美国文学产生了深刻的影响。参考资料来源:百度百科-二十年后

Me In Twenty Years,关于二十年后的我作文300字

Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in enty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them.

twenty years later的中文翻译

I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will change.For example: I will not go to schoool for study,I won"t go out to work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer.And I will go to work by my computer. No matter where I want to go, I will only have a thought.I will buy anything without anyone"s help. I will buy all kinds of things by internet. I will let my robbet help me do some house work.I think our life will be more interesting and wonderful after twenty years.二十年后我会变得越来越富有。一切都会改变。例如:我不去学校上学了,我不会出去工作。因为我会成为一名电脑工程师。我会在家自学电脑。我可以通过电脑上班。无论我去哪里,我只会有一个思想。我不需要任何人的帮助买东西。我会在网上买各种东西。我会让我的机器人帮我做家务。我想我们二十年后的生活会更精彩。

in twenty years什么意思?知道德告诉我下还有以这个题目写一篇60词英语作文。谢谢。


in twenty years 同义句是什么 要不一样,换一个,4个空的

in coming twenty years in next twenty years within coming twenty years within next twenty years

用所给词的适当形式填空:1.I______(be)twenty years old next ye?

will be ,next year 是“明年、下一年”的意思,所以这句话是一般将来时态,谓语动词应该使用将来形式 will be ,补充完整是 I will be twenty years old next year .



three and twenty years


有three and twenty years的说法吗?为什么?

没有,不过有three twenty years的说法,指的是320年. 说全了就是three( hundreds and )twenty years,括号里的口语中可以省略.

there are twenty years ago是哪首歌的歌词

years ago

the last twenty years.和the past twenty years的意思有什么区别

the last twenty years 是指过去了的20年,在现在角度来回过头来看,不包括现在.20 most important stories of the last 20 years.过去20年间最重要的20个故事.(不包括现在的重要故事)the past twenty years 是站在...

二十年已经过去了 网上翻译是Twenty years have passed.我们学的是Twenty years has passed. 到底哪个对呀



现代大学英语精读1 UNIT9 After TwentyYears 课文翻译20XX101018第九单元Translation of Text A二十年前1正在巡逻的警察精神抖擞的沿着大街走着。他这样引人注目并不奇怪ue008并不是为了招摇ue008 因为此时大街上根本没有什么观众。时间还不到晚上十点钟ue008但夹带着雨意的冷风几乎清空了整个街道。2警察边走边检查门是否关好了ue008他十分灵巧的不停转动着警棍ue008眼光还不时头像平静的街道ue008他那魁梧的身材ue008配上卓越不凡的气势ue008就是一副治安维持者的形象。那个地区的人晚上休息的很早。你偶尔还能看到一家雪茄店或是昼夜营业的饭店还在亮着灯ue008但是觉得大多数的店铺都已经关门了。3在一个街区的半路上ue008警察忽然放慢了脚步。在一家已经关门的五金店的门廊里ue008一个男子倚在那里ue008嘴里叼着一只未点燃的雪茄。当警察朝他走去时ue008 男人赶忙毫不犹豫的说。 4 “没事的ue008长官。 ”他坦然的说。 “我只是在等一个朋友ue008这是二十年前就定好的约会ue008 听起来有点荒唐。是吧ue00a哦ue008如果你想弄明白事情的真相ue008我就说个你听。

用in twenty years time造句?


Last twenty years 是二十年前还是二十年后的意思?

twenty years isalong time翻译过来汉语

答案B twenty years作主语时,将它看作一个整体,因此谓语应用单数形式.

in twenty years等于什么

in twenty years" time"s time可以省略

twenty years is a short time in history句子成分

twenty years 是主语is 是系动词a short time是表语 in history是状语the girl 是主语(standing under) the tree 是定语(is)是系动词 his daughter是表语

twenty yearsˊ和twenty_year的区别是什么?


twenty years中英文对照歌词

歌手:placebo 专辑:once more with feeling: singles 1996-2004 There are twenty years to go,and twenty ways to knowwho will wear,who will wear the hat,There are twenty years to go,the best of all i hope,join the ridethe medicine show,And thems the breaksfor we designer fakeswe need to concentrateon more than meets the eyeThere are twenty years to go,the faithful and the lowthe best of startsthe broken hearts, the stoneThere are twenty years to go,the punch drunk and the blowthe worst of startsthe mercy part, the phoneAnd thems the breaksfor we designer fakeswe need to concentrateon more than meets the eyeThems the breaksfor we designer fakesbut it"s you i take"cause you"re the truth not i,There are twenty years to go,a golden age i knowbut all will passwill end too fast you knowThere are twenty years to go,and many friends i hopethough some may hold the rosesome hold the ropeAnd that"s the end, and that"s the start of it,that"s the whole, and that"s the part of it,that"s the highs, and that"s the heart of it,that"s the long, and that"s the short of it,that"s the best, and that"s the test in it,that"s the doubt, the doubt the trust in it,that"s the sight, and that"s the sound of it,that"s the gift, that"s the trick in it,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i,You"re the truth not i.

A day in the life of...whizz-kid wendy

= = 特地打了...如果以后一直要译文的话 推荐《怎样学好牛津英语》与课本同步的神童温迪的日常生活15岁的温迪-王,一定是本市的优秀学生之一。她已经写了好几个很成功的电脑游戏。现在,她的家人都再她的公司里工作,可她还在上学!上午六点我六点起床,洗漱,穿好校服。我和家人一起吃早饭。我们有一个家族企业。我编写电脑游戏。幸运的是,这些电脑游戏都很受欢迎。我们每年要卖出五十多万个电脑游戏。我爸爸是公司的经理,我妈妈负责销售。我哥哥是公司的会计。每天早晨吃早餐期间,我们都要谈论生意。上午七点三十分我总是坐家里的车去上学。我们有一个司机。他每天开车送我去学校。在路上,我有时会打电话给我们的客户。上午八点我开始上课。我很高兴见到我的同学们,但是学校有些功课挺无聊的,因为对我而言太简单了。所有的学科我通常都能获得优等。我从来没有考试不及格。中午十二点三十分一周约有两次,我家的司机会把我从学校接走。我要和客户共进午餐,然后再回到学校。下午四点十五分放学后,我经常参加俱乐部活动。星期五,我们要召开电脑俱乐部的会议。其他同学常常请我帮助他们。周一和周四我去打篮球。我每周上一次小提琴课。我在晚餐前完成作业。晚上七点我总是和家人共进晚餐。我们讨论生意上的事情。之后,我去自己的办公室继续编写电脑游戏。我很少在晚上十一点半前睡觉。我通常不需要很多睡眠时间。

Learner strategies in language learning这本书,wenden 写的,出版商 Prentice Hall, 1987

Metacognitive Knowledge and Language Learning1ANITA L WENDENAbstractDating back to the early 80s, the FL/SL literature on learner strategies and on self-directed language learning documents an ongoing recognition of the need to help language learners reflect upon and refine their beliefs and knowledge about learning, ie. their metacognitive knowledge. To date, however, this literature has not been explicit about the function of this knowledge in language learning. This article reviews selected theoretical and research literature on metacognition to address this lack. It argues that insights provided by the review can enhance our understanding of those approaches to second language acquisition which assign an active role to the learner, and concludes with a consideration of practical implications for foreign and second language instruction

The day you went away歌词翻译


the day you went away是哪首中文歌的翻唱?

王心凌的 同名歌曲

the day you went away中英歌词

Well I wonder could it be我想知道这是真的吗When I was dreaming about you baby当我梦到你的时候You were dreaming of me你的梦中也有我吗Call me crazy有人说我疯狂Call me blind有人说我盲目To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time在这次事情过去以后仍然为此伤痛很傻Did I lose my love to someone better我该将属于我的爱给她吗And does she love you like I do她会像我那样爱你吗I do, you know I really really do是的,我是真的真的很爱你Well hey是的So much I need to say我多么想告诉你Been lonely since the day那一天起我是多么的孤独The day you went away你离去的那一天So sad but true我是真的很难过For me there"s only you对我来说你是唯一Been crying since the day那一天起我就一直哭泣The day you went away你离去的那一天I remember date and time我记得那一天那一刻september twenty second 9月22日sunday twenty five after nine星期天9点25分in the doorway with your case你带着行李站在门口No longer shouting at each other我们不再争吵There were tears on our faces泪水挂在我们脸上And we were letting go of something special我们因为特殊的事分手Something we"ll never have again那些事情在我们之间不会再发生I know, I guess I really really know我明白,我想我是真的真的明白了Why do we never know what we"ve got till it"s gone为什么直到失去我们还是搞不懂究竟发生了什么How could I carry on 我该怎样继续Cause I"ve been missing you so much I have to say 我不得不说我是多么的想你我在网上找到很多,也有几句话是错误的,也没有人改,一定都是复制来复制去的,我都改过了,都是自己打的,希望可以帮助到你

the day went away英文版谁能把英文写成汉文.唱



韩国SM女团Red Velvet可是顶级女团之一,妥妥的排在前三甲。Red Velvet成员颜值都很高,而且各有特色,魅力值爆表。SM在2019年已经回归三次了,年末带着新曲《Psycho》回归,不料wendy在年末表演时,不慎从楼梯上摔下来,盆骨裂了,真的很让粉丝心疼,现在仍在修养治疗中。《Psycho》这首歌曲真的很好听,会让听着很开心,得到治愈。一直都很喜欢红贝贝,看到5位成员,莫名就会让人很开心,有种幸福感。《Psycho》这首歌曲的MV拍摄的很好看,个个都是小仙女,再次被裴珠泫的美貌给惊艳到了,欧尼长得是真好看,关键气质出众。《Psycho》本来是要进行打歌舞台的,粉丝都很期待红贝贝的表演。可惜天有不测风云,在SBS歌谣大战彩排表演时,由于地板太滑,楼梯设计不合理,Wendy从楼梯上摔下来,摔得很严重骨盆裂了。所以这次打歌舞台也就没有了,粉丝们的期待破灭了。都怪SBS歌谣大战主办方,艺人表演,最起码要从基本的安全去考虑这一点都疏忽了,真的是太疏忽大意了。Wendy还在养伤中,骨头摔裂,这不是一件小事,而且还是对跳舞的爱豆来说。现在只希望Wendy能把伤养好,不要留下后遗症最好,毕竟身体才是最重要的。虽然《Psycho》宣传效果并不强,可是《Psycho》现在已经是6冠王了,不愧是红贝贝啊,实力还是一如既往地好。Wendy要好好养伤,千万要把伤养好再开始工作,身体是革命的本钱,你们五小只都要好好的,粉丝会一直陪伴在你们身边。期待她们五位下次完整的合体,和粉丝朋友们见面,大家都很想你们



丘吉尔这句话什么意思,谁来解释一下:If you are not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart?


分析一道英语题He went on to say that it was as important to respect others as __ by others. A....



Go shopping, go traveling是固定搭配。

out she went and back she went soon


yesterday i went to ___work on____food

空在哪?感觉没地方需要填啊 第一 A 乘飞机 第二 A go to work去工作,on foot 步行 第三 C 在医院工作 这个应该是完形填空吧,你看一下上文,如果出现过hospital,就要选in the hospital,第一次出现就选C





came home与went home d的区别?

1. 要点分析: 原题中came 和went分别是动词come与go的过去式。为分析方便,我们采用动词原形形式。come与go都是生活中常用的高频动词,做不及物动词使用。come表示到来、来到,go表示离去、离开。由这两个词的本义可知,它们主要的区别集中在动作的方向完全相反。2. 知识扩充: 具体将来,come home 的使用语境是说话人和听话人说话的当时就在家里,对于说话人而言,听话人离家回来就是来到家里come home。go home则是说话热和听话人都在家以外的地方,一方劝说另一方离开家以外的地方,然后朝家的方向走,这就是go home。3. 应用举例:Take your umbrella, Tom. Remember to come home before eleven.汤姆,带上伞。记得在十一点前回家。(两者现在都在家。)It"s dark. Let"s go home right now, or our parents will get worried.天黑了。咱们立即回家吧,否则父母会担心的。

为什么went overseas没有to

overseas是副词,前面不需要加介词。例如,go home, home 是副词,前面直接是动词go.
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