
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

the day that followed句子分析

that followed是定语从句,修饰前面的名词 the day, “接下来的一天”

Directions: There is a passage in this section. The passage is followed by some st

原文尝试补充为: You are required to select the correct words to fill in the blanks.整段话的翻译为: A部分的指导,在这个部分,将有一个消息有十个空,你需要选择合适的词语填空。这里应该就是英语考试常见综合能力考查题型的完形填空,需要注意时态,语态,语法,语境以及相关的固定搭配和猜测词义等。

Why do you like Wednesday?为什么why在前面


A) described B) describing C) showed D) showing


歌词中anysobaby canwedance





renewed 英[ru026au02c8nju:d] 美[ru026au02c8nu:d] adj. 更新的; 重建的; 复兴的; 重申的; v. (使) 复原, (使)更新,赋予新的生命和活力( renew的过去式和过去分词 ); 重新开始; 继续; 补充; [例句]There was renewed fighting yesterday.昨天战斗重新打响了。

惠康 Wellcome - WEDGWOOD 镬 , 我如何用都「黐底」???

惠康极力推介WEDGWOOD,按道理应该不会差。 易洁镬的使用及保养要很小心,有些事情要特别注意: 1. 一定要使用胶或木镬铲,否则易洁镬的涂层会被刮花,导致黐底。 2. 应该先用慢火,再下油,油滚烫后才放进食物。 3. 煮菜之后不可马上清洗,应该让易洁镬冷却后才洗,而且只可用布或海棉。 4. 万一煮焦了食物而沾底,应待易洁镬冷却后才放入水浸泡,一段时候后再轻轻把焦黑的残渣清洗掉。 如果因为最初使用不当,那可能真的是没办法挽救,因为一旦涂层被刮花之后,不会有不沾底的效果。那只可以弃置,不然涂层会渐渐脱落而对健康做成不良影响。 其实应该有保养服务,试试寻求惠康的意见也好。 —般不锈钢镬多数都会黐底,▕所以商家才出品“易洁镬”。 你下次试试先预热镬至出烟,才下油煎 / 炒 (即猛火阴油) , 应该会改善。 唔好用金属的用具抄食物 会令个镬黐底 因为个保护层花左 炒野食会黐底 要用胶造的 再不是就加多少少油 参考: 自己

写一篇英语作文:Living In A Big City,用以下提示:For this patr,you are allowed thirty minutes to




The traffic administration indicates that airline passengers are only allowed to carry their lu...

C 试题分析:句意:交通管理表明坐飞机的乘客仅仅被允许携带他们的行李的重量不超过5千克。to weigh表将来,或目的,显然不符合这里的语境。这里luggage与weigh之间是主动关系,故选C。点评:本题难度适中。非谓语动词是高中阶段的重难点之一,内容多又杂,不容易理解,需要考生有分析理解复杂的句子结构的能力。题目的设置注重了情景化和结构复杂化,加大了考生对题干句的理解难度。设问的角度呈现出多样化趋势,不仅仅是非谓语间的互相干扰。即学即练:Mother was surprised at the news of his son ____ to college.A. had been admitted    B. admittedC. having been admitted   D. having admitted解析:C。句意:消息表达的应该是个事件,说明不是“被录取的孩子”,介词of后不可能接从句,说明of后为动名词的复合结构,答案是C。

天天向上欧弟模仿taeyang- wedding dress是哪期节目

2012 6月15日

river flows in your wedding dress 就是river flows in you里的人?


急!!!Enid’s wedding dress……帮忙找一下这篇英语原文

Enid"s wedding(婚礼)dress arrived at five o"clock in the evening just seventeen hours before her marriage!“I must try it on, Mother!” she cried, as she ran upstairs.Three minutes later Enid"s cries brought her mother in. The dress was much too big for her. It was baggy in the front, and the neckline looked all wrong. Enid was in tears.“Take it back to dressmaker"s,” Mrs Bale said. “She must alter it tonight. Hurry now. Take it off and go.”The dressmaker"s shop was closed. “CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK"S HOLIDAY” said a notice on the door. Fresh tears rose to Enid"s eyes. She ran home again to her mother.“This is unlucky, ”Mrs Bale said.” But what are we going to do? Shall I ask Mrs Peters to help? She was a dressmaker once. I"m sure she could alter it for you.”Mrs Peters was brought in and began to work. She could see what was wrong. She had to take in a lot of material at the front, and that was a big job. Then she altered the neckline—in fact she made it again. At ten o"clock the work was finished, and Enid tried the dress on. It fitted her beautifully.The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang. Mrs Bale answered it and looked into the worried eyes of a fat young woman. The woman was carrying a large, flat box. “Does Miss Enid Bale live here?” she asked breathlessly.“Yes. She"s my daughter.”“Oh, I"m glad I"ve found you! There"s been a mistake. Your daughter has my wedding dress, and I"ve got hers. And I"m getting married tomorrow! She held out the box to Mrs Bale.41. Why did Enid cry after she tried on the wedding dress? Because 。A. she found that she had taken another women"s dressB. the dress didn"t fit herC. she was very excited when she put on the dressD. she was very angry42. According to the passage, the word “alter” means “ ”.A. to buy something B. to repair something which is brokenC. to make something different D. to do something again43. The dress maker"s shop was closed , because_______. A. the dressmaker went on a holidayB. it was late in the eveningC. the dressmaker went home from workD. it was a holiday44. The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang because .A. they felt happy to get the wedding dress prepared before the weddingB. they were waiting for another women who would brought them another dress C. they were planning to attend the two weddings the next day. D. None of the above is right45. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Mrs Peters was a kind and helpful woman.B. The young woman was worried about her wedding dress very much. C. The dressmaker made a mistake when she sent out these two dresses. D. The young woman could not get married the next day答案:B C A A 

谁有太阳《wedding dress》的歌词 求完整版

你和他争吵不休有时会暗自神伤你的难过是我希望曙光不明所以只觉心疼难过你微微一笑又抚平我心生怕你会看出我的心思生怕你会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby 请回头看看为你等待已久的我请千万不要拉他的手乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress实在把你怨恨不懂我的心意偶尔会期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪已经干涸殆尽习惯性在心底向你默语每天每晚我都如此不安不懂自己怎么会变这样我闭上双眼梦漫无边际愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手请回头看看为你等待已久的我乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你一定要和他幸福我才能够把你忘却 忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此而长久消沉 no oh原来我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress

求东方神起wedding dress 罗马音歌词~~~~~

Yeah~Wedding DressYeah~Wedding DressYeah~Wedding DressYeah~Wedding Dress**空に届けsora ni todo keWedding Dress Wedding Dress君は白い羽根のAnglekimi wa shiro i ha ne no Angleきれいだki re i daWedding Dress say yes Baby girl想いを抱いて Wedding Dress for youomo i wo ta i de Wedding Dress for youAh Ah 幸せになろよAh Ah shiawa se ni na ro yoAh Ah いつまでも二人Ah Ah i tsu ma de mo futa riAh Ah Will you merry me?Wedding Dress**もう一つの世界がmo u hito tsu no se kai ga空の上にあるならsora no ue ni a ru na raもっと君の 辉く日を 见てるだろうmo tto kimi no kagaya ku hi wo mi de ro da ro u写真で见た姿にsya shin de mi ta sugata niやっぱり似てるかな?ya ppa ri ni de ru ka na?君のママが着たドレスkimi no ma ma ga ki ta do re su**Little little girl"s storyDing-Dong Ding-Dong今日からは 悲しみにGood Byekyo u ka ra wa kana shi mi ni Good ByeそしてKiss Me Kiss Meso shi te Kiss Me Kiss Me爱するFamily 守ってゆくよai su ru Family mamo te yu ku yo**空に届けsora ni todo keWedding Dress Wedding Dress君は白い羽根のAnglekimi wa shiro i ha ne no Angleきれいだki re i daWedding Dress say yes baby girl想いを抱いて Wedding Dress for youomo i wo ta i te Wedding Dress for youAh Ah 幸せになろよAh Ah shiawa se ni na ro yoAh Ah いつまでも二人Ah Ah i tsu ma de mo futa riAh Ah Will you merry meWedding Dress**そう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day大切なWhite Dresstai setsu na White Dressそう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day**君の心の中にkimi no kokoro no naka ni生きてる思い出ごとi ki te nu omo i de go to爱してゆくai shi te yu kuそれが仆にできることso re ga boku ni de ki ru koto君が泣いた分だけkimi ga na i ta pun da ke今度は笑颜になってkon do wa e gao ni na tte次に受け継いでゆこうtsuki ni u ke tsu i de yu ko u**Little little girl"s storyTick-tock Tick-tock 过ぎてくTick-tock Tick-tock su gi te ku100年後までhyaku nen go ma deいつもSmiling Smilingi ysu mo Smiling Smiling重なる Harmonykasa na ru Harmonyどんなときもdo n na to li mo**空に届けsora ni todo keWedding Dress Wedding Dress君は白い羽根のAnglekimi wa shiro i ha ne no Angleきれいだki re i daWedding Dress say yes baby girl想いを抱いて Wedding Dress for youomo i wo ta i te Wedding Dress for youAh Ah 幸せになろよAh Ah shiawa se ni na ro yoAh Ah いつまでも二人Ah Ah i tsu ma de mo futa riAh Ah Will you merry meWedding Dress**そう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day大切なWhite Dresstai setsu na White Dressそう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day**君の梦を今 叶えたいkimi no yume wo ima kana e ta i特别なドレスはMemorytoku betsu na do re su wa Memory永远にI love you moreei en ni I love you more誓うよI love you sochika u yo I love you soそばにいてほしいso ba ni i te ho shi i**そう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day大切なMy Girltai setsu na My Girlそう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day**空に届けsora ni todo keWedding Dress Wedding Dress君は白い羽根のAnglekimi wa shiro i ha ne no Angleきれいだki re i daWedding Dress say yes baby girl想いを抱いて Wedding Dress for youomo i wo ta i te Wedding Dress for youAh Ah 幸せになろよAh Ah shiawa se ni na ro yoAh Ah いつまでも二人Ah Ah i tsu ma de mo futa riAh Ah Will you merry meWedding Dress**そう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day大切なWhite Dresstai setsu na White Dressそう未来へ そう未来へ Dream Dayso u mi rai e so u mi rai e Dream Day自己手打得应该不会错 希望有帮到你^^

太阳的 wedding dress 歌词中文意思是?

-- 你和他争吵不休 有时会暗自神伤 你的难过是我希望曙光 不明所以只觉心疼难过 你微微一笑又抚平我心 生怕你会看出我的心思 生怕你会因此与我疏远 我屏住呼吸 紧咬着嘴唇 愿你能离开他到我身旁 Baby Cuz you should be my Lady Baby 请千万不要拉他的手 Cuz you should be my lady 请回头看看为你等待已久的我 乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久 我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来 你身穿的wedding dress 你身穿的wedding dress 你身穿的wedding dress 实在把你怨恨 不懂我的心意 偶尔会期盼你不要幸福 我的眼泪已经干涸殆尽 习惯性在心底向你默语 每天每晚我都如此不安 不懂自己怎么会变这样 我闭上双眼 梦漫无边际 愿你能离开他到我身旁 Baby Cuz you should be my Lady Baby 请千万不要拉他的手 Cuz you should be my lady 请回头看看为你等待已久的我 乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久 我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来 你身穿的wedding dress 你身穿的wedding dress 你身穿的wedding dress no oh 你一定要和他幸福 我才能够把你忘却 忘了我狼狈模样吧 虽然我必定会因此而长久消沉 no oh 原来我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中 至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白 你身穿的wedding dress 你身穿的wedding dress 你身穿的wedding dress

那位亲有bigbang的太阳wedding dress 英文歌词。

Bady ,all the times we"ve had...I kept my feeling wrappedI"ll always ask mysely"How did I lose her heart"Your love was in my reach, but now ,far goneI never thought that I would fall this hardI was afraid to tell you all the fellings in my heart...Thinking that if I told you ,you and I would fall apartI hesitated...and now our love is breaking"Cause you moved on and I"m still waitingBaby...He won"t ever love you like I do"Cause you should be my ladyWaited for so long to say to you ...Come back to meIt was so perfect in my dreamsDon"t you know that...I will always love you forever.But baby...When the church bells ring...You know I wanted us to be there together.Now you"re in your wedding dress.How could he be the one?Now you"re in your wedding dress.oh no...Now it all comes down to this.Our love was such a bliss.You"ve blessed me with the best and now he wants in your heart.I wanted you to know my heart bled for you.But would he ever do the same for you?We played this game called LOVE.But how is it that I came out gone?Wishing that this could have been real this time around ,our love...Tick,Tick.the time runs...And I can"t keep on it..."Cause time won"t tell.Will I make it home?Baby...He won"t ever love you like I do."Cause you should be my lady.Waited for so long to say to you ...Come back to me.It was so perfect in my dreams.Don"t you konw that... I will always love you forever.But baby...When the church bells ring...You konw I wanted us to be there together.Now you"re in your wedding dress.How could he be the one?How you"re in your wedding dress.Well,I guess the time has come ...The veil has to come off.He takes your hand,But baby...Please don"t say "I do".It"s tearing me apart.It"s choking me.It"s piercing my heart and my soul.It was so perfect in my dreams.Don"t you konw that...I will always love you forever.But baby...When the church bells ring...You konw I wanted us to be there together.Now you"re in your wedding dress.How could he be the one ?Now you"re in your wedding dress .

求bigbang太阳的wedding dress 的中英歌词互译,英文版哦

Some say it"s over till it"s overBut I guess this is really over nowThere"s something I gotta say before I let you goListenCan"t believe what"s goin" onGotta keep my cool, be calmWhen I heard you and he wasScreamin" out of controlAll I can think about is no, no,No he won"t, hurt the one i"ve caredFor so long-long, hell no!I know we"re done and nowIt"s none of my business, but how...Can two be wildin" out from only weeksIn goin" outJust makes me feelThat what we had was realCould it be, or is it too late?(Oh, oh baby)Baby, listen to your heart I won"t let you downCuz you should be my ladyNow that we"re apart Our love will show howLife carries on...I"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(I see you walkin" down in your)Wedding dressI can see you wedding dressI was never perfect, noBut i"ve never let it goTo a point, i"m regin", throwin",Makin" you uncomfortable What he done did to youWas un-ac-ceptableYou claimed everything was okayThat"s impossibleJust know i"m here for youAll clear for you from night to sunGotta be near to you, the feel of youGives me a rushIt makes me feelThat what we have is realIt could never be too late(Oh, yeah,yeah)Baby, listen to your heartI won"t let you downCuz you should be my ladyNow that we"re apart Our love will show howLife carries on...I"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(I see you walkin" down.. in your...)Wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(Oh yeh)Baby girl you won"t regretCome along just take my handWe"ll start this journey livin"Life so beautiful This happy home that weSpread love and seed goes deeperSo deep from our heartsI"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you in your wedding dressNever let goI can you in your wedding dressNever let goOh yeah

跪求日日wedding dress谐音歌词~好人啊好人~

自制太阳 Wedding Dress 中文音译歌词内 嘎 哥 哇 大 土 勾 太 伦 哥 坛 哎 无 勾 Him 得 喽 哈 岱 庙 南 会 忙 呃 呐 Ki 勾 - - 阿 姆 度 木 了 该 满 啊 啊 啊 破 勾 内 加 恩 米 苏 秒 度 单 单 嗨 几 勾 内 嘎 吼 西 那 耐 马 恩 门 啊 该 对 嘎 吧 啊 拉 波 里 秒 无 力 莫 喽 几 该 对 嘎 吧 南 孙 呃 句 够 度 一 素 呃 该 木 喽 加 吧 哥 了 多 那 内 该 哦 GiBaby Baby 加 吧 哥 哎 该 孙 呃 加 几 麻Cuz you should be my Lady 哦 兰 西 干 Gi 大 了 恩 拿 度 拉 吧 就怒 来 嘎 无 力 秒 一 介 诺 嫩 哥 哇 漂 桑 呃 喊 给 哈 就 哦 呢 一 哦 几 安 Gi 了 哥 喽 该 那 美 一 半 Gi 斗 嗨 嫩 待 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress内 麻 门 木 拉 就 单 内 嘎 诺 木 米 我 搜 嘎 跟 恩 内 嘎 不 行 哈 Ki 南 吧 来 搜 一 米 内 怒 目 恩 大 麻 麻 了 勾 不 了 瞧 落 魂 咋 诺 哎 该 麻 拉 勾 美 一 半 哥 喽 该 不 兰 嗨 单 过 不 秒 南 一 喽 该 对 过 兰 过 啊 拉 嫩 几 度 木 拉 南 怒 呢 嘎 麻 哥 梯 哦 嫩 古 木 扩 加 吧 哥 了 多 那 内 该 哦 GiBaby 加 吧 哥 哎 该 孙 呃 加 几 麻Cuz you should be my Lady 哦 兰 西 干 Gi 大 了 恩 拿 度 拉 吧 就怒 来 嘎 无 力 秒 一 介 诺 嫩 哥 哇 漂 桑 呃 喊 给 哈 就 哦 呢 一 哦 几 安 Gi 了 哥 喽 该 那 美 一 半 Gi 斗 嗨 嫩 待 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress不 底 哥 哇 杭 不 凯 诺 了 一 几 素 一 该 内 出 拉 汗 单 木 私 的 恩 大 一 哦 就 no oh比 路 汗 东 安 恩 那 句 哥 满 啃 Him 米 的 该 几 满 no oh诺 木 哦 兰 西 干 呃 加 嘎 素 该 呼 喽 怕 不 瞧 落 撒 拉 就 啊 几 度 内 哥 牛 嫩 那 不 古 塞 哈 呀 该 五 古 一 嫩 待 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressne ga ib eun Wedding Dress 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressne ga ib eun Wedding Dress 内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress

求个wedding dress中文版歌词,注意是中文版歌词

中文歌词:Some say, it"s not over till it"s overBut I guess this is really over nowThere"s something I gotta sayBefore I let you goListen...你和他争吵不休 有时会暗自伤神你的难过 是我希望的曙光不明所以 只觉心疼难过你微微一笑 又抚平我心生怕你 会看出我的心思生怕你 会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸 紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他 到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady为你等待已久的我 请回头看看乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的Wedding dressGirl 你身穿的Wedding dress那个人不是我 Wedding dressOh 你身穿的Wedding dressOh no...实在把你怨恨 不懂我的心意偶尔会 期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪 已经干涸殆尽习惯性 在心底向你默语每天每晚 我都如此不安不懂自己 怎么会变这样我闭上双眼 梦漫无边际愿你能离开他 到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady为你等待已久的我 请回头看看乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的Wedding dressGirl 你身穿的Wedding dress那个人不是我 Wedding dressOh 你身穿的Wedding dressOh no...你一定要和他幸福 我才能够把你忘却忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此 而长久消沉 No原来我 一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她 对我笑得如雪纯白你身穿的Wedding dressGirl 你身穿的Wedding dressDress Dress ...Wedding dressOh 你身穿的Wedding dressOh no...

求东方神起wedding dress 罗马音歌词~~~~~


求东方神起 wedding dress日语歌词的汉字假名~~

ub124uac00 uadf8uc640 ub2e4ud22cuace0 ub54cub860 uadf8 ub55cuc5d0 uc6b8uace0ne"ga" geu"wa" da"tu"go" ddae"ron" geu" ddaem"e" ul"go"ud798ub4e4uc5b4 ud560 ub54cuba74 ub09c ud76cub9dduc744 ub290ub07cuace0deul"eo" hal" ddae"myeon" nan" hyi"mang"eul" neu"ggi"go"uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub9d8 uc544-uc544-uc544ud504uace0a"mu"do" mo"reu"ge" mam" a"-a"-a"peu"go"ub124 uc791uc740 ubbf8uc18cuba74 ub610 ub2f4ub2f4ud574uc9c0uace0ne" jag"eun" mi"so"myeon" ddo" dam"dam"hae"ji"go"ub124uac00 ud639uc2dcub098 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cubd10ne"ga" hog"si"na" nae" ma"eum"eul" al"ge" doel"gga"bwa"uc54cuc544ubc84ub9acuba74 uc6b0ub9ac uba40uc5b4uc9c0uac8c ub420uae4cubd10al"a"beo"ri"myeon" u"ri" meol"eo"ji"ge" doel"gga"bwa"ub09c uc228uc744 uc8fduc5ec ub610 uc785uc220uc744 uae68ubb3cuc5b4nan" sum"eul" jug"yeo" ddo" ib"sul"eul" ggae"mul"eo"uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38je"bal" geu"reul" ddeo"na" nae"ge" o"gil"Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8Baby je"bal" geu"yi" son"eul" jab"ji"ma"Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918o"raen" si"gan" gi"da"ryeo"on" nal" dol"a"bwa"jweo"ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0no"rae"ga" ul"ri"myeon" i"je" neo"neun" geu"wa" pyeong"saeng"eul" ham"gge"ha"jyo"uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 o"neul"i" o"ji" anh"gi"reul" geu"reoh"ge" na" mae"il" bam" gi"do"haess"neun"de" ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" girl ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8uc796uc544girl ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" nae"ga" a"ni"janh"a"uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 uc624- ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4we"ding"deu"re"seu" o"- ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu"ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubab0ub77cuc92cub358 ub124uac00 ub108ubb34 ubbf8uc6ccuc11cnae" mam"eul" mol"ra"jweoss"deon" ne"ga" neo"mu" mi"weo"seo"uac00ub054uc740 ub124uac00 ubd88ud589ud558uae38 ub09c ubc14ub7acuc5b4ga"ggeum"eun" ne"ga" bul"haeng"ha"gil" nan" ba"raess"eo"uc774ubbf8 ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc740 ub2e4 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub9c8ub974uace0i"mi" nae" nun"mul"eun" da" ma" ma" ma"reu"go"ubc84ub987ucc98ub7fc ud63cuc790 ub108uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud558uace0beo"reus"ceo"reom" hon"ja" neo"e"ge" mal"ha"go"ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uadf8ub807uac8c ubd88uc548ud588ub358uac78 ubcf4uba74 ub09cmae"il" bam" geu"reoh"ge" bul"an"haess"deon"geol" bo"myeon" nan"uc774ub807uac8c ub420uaebcub780 uac74 uc54cuc558ub294uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77ci"reoh"ge" doel"ggeo"ran" geon" al"ass"neun"ji"do" mol"ra"ub09c ub208uc744 uac10uc544 ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 uafc8uc744 uafd4nan" nun"eul" gam"a" ggeut"i" eobs"neun" ggum"eul" ggweo"uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38je"bal" geu"reul" ddeo"na" nae"ge" o"gil"Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8Baby je"bal" geu"yi" son"eul" jab"ji"ma"Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918o"raen" si"gan" gi"da"ryeo"on" nal" dol"a"bwa"jweo"ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0no"rae"ga" ul"ri"myeon" i"je" neo"neun" geu"wa" pyeong"saeng"eul" ham"gge"ha"jyo"uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 o"neul"i" o"ji" anh"gi"reul" geu"reoh"ge" na" mae"il" bam" gi"do"haess"neun"de" ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" girl ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8uc796uc544girl ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" nae"ga" a"ni"janh"a"uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 uc624- ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4we"ding"deu"re"seu" o"- ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu"ubd80ub514 uadf8uc640 ud589ubcf5ud574 ub108ub97c uc78auc744uc218 uc788uac8cbu"di" geu"wa" haeng"bog"hae" neo"reul" ij"eul"su" iss"ge"ub0b4 ucd08ub77cud588ub358 ubaa8uc2b5ub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc78auc5b4uc918nae" co"ra"haess"deon" mo"seub"deul"eun" da" ij"eo"jweo"ube44ub85d ud55cub3d9uc548uc740 ub098 uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c ud798uc774 ub4e4uaca0uc9c0ub9cc no oh bi"rog" han"dong"an"eun" na" jug"eul" man"keum" i" deul"gess"ji"man"no ohub108ubb34 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04uc744 ucc29uac01 uc18duc5d0 ud640ub85c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc0b4uc558uc8e0neo"mu" o"raen" si"gan"eul" cag"gag" sog"e" hol"ro" ba"bo"ceo"reom" sal"ass"jyo"uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub0b4 uadf8ub140ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc0c8 ud558uc597uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc788ub294ub370a"jig"do" nae" geu"nyeo"neun" nal" bo"go" sae" ha"yah"ge" us"go" iss"neun"de"ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 oh no ub4dcub808uc2a4 ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" oh no deu"re"seu"girl ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4girl ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu"uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 uc624- ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 oh nowe"ding"deu"re"seu" o"- ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" oh no

帮我找下J.reyez英文版wedding dress歌词

歌词Wedding Dress English version Lyric>>Never should"ve let you goNever found myself at homeEver since that day thst you walkedRight out the doorYou were like my beating heartThat I,I can"t controlEven though we"ve grown apartMy brain can"t seem to let you goThinking back to the old timesWhen you kept me up late at nightWe use to mess aroundLaugh and play,fuss and fightIguess it"s too lateI"m dancing this dance aloneThis chapter"s doneThe story goes on*[Baby~Can"t believe that you are not with me"cause you should be my ladyAll I want is to set your heart free#But it you believe that you belong with himPromise me, you won"t let anyone hurt youRemember, I will always be here for youEven if it kills me to see youIn taht wedding dress (dress,dress)Oh see you in hat wedding dress (dress,dress)See you in that wedding dress (dress,dress)Oh see you in hat wedding dress (Oh no)]Snappin" out this miseryDepression this ain"t meBut I always turn around 180 degreesYou got control of meAnd I, I can"t explainSomebody call 911 EmergencyBefore I go insaneSince you"ve moved onYou took a piece of me give it backSo much pain in my chestBlacking out, heart attackI guess it"s too lateI"m dancing this dance aloneIt"s too late~repeat *[RAP]And I see you with your manAnd it"s hard to understandIf we belong, if I did you wrongWhere we even beganWe would always fuss and fightAnd it seems nothing was rightBut I loved you girl and you were my worldBut you"d never trust this guy"cause the things I do when I"m on the stageThey say I"m a superstarYou couldn"t understand all the female fansand then we grew apartAnd I just don"t getWhen you"re acting like some other personBut I try my best to hold onAt the times when it ain"t workingAnd everytime that you say it"s overIt breaks my heart and I don"t know why"cause you"ve done it a lot of timesin the past but I get back up and tryYou said we could work it outHow could you hurt me nowAnd you moved on to the nextI"m left with an imperfect smilerepeat #

求网络歌手的女生wedding dress中文版歌词

中文歌词:Some say, it"s not over till it"s overBut I guess this is really over nowThere"s something I gotta sayBefore I let you goListen...你和他争吵不休 有时会暗自伤神你的难过 是我希望的曙光不明所以 只觉心疼难过你微微一笑 又抚平我心生怕你 会看出我的心思生怕你 会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸 紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他 到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady为你等待已久的我 请回头看看乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的Wedding dressGirl 你身穿的Wedding dress那个人不是我 Wedding dressOh 你身穿的Wedding dressOh no...实在把你怨恨 不懂我的心意偶尔会 期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪 已经干涸殆尽习惯性 在心底向你默语每天每晚 我都如此不安不懂自己 怎么会变这样我闭上双眼 梦漫无边际愿你能离开他 到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady为你等待已久的我 请回头看看乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的Wedding dressGirl 你身穿的Wedding dress那个人不是我 Wedding dressOh 你身穿的Wedding dressOh no...你一定要和他幸福 我才能够把你忘却忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此 而长久消沉 No原来我 一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她 对我笑得如雪纯白你身穿的Wedding dressGirl 你身穿的Wedding dressDress Dress ...Wedding dressOh 你身穿的Wedding dressOh no...

Wedding Dress 歌词

歌曲名:Wedding Dress歌手:Wil专辑:By DecemberJ.Reyez & Tommy C - Wedding Dress(English Version)2 HNY.BI just want u to know thatI still love u,i still got u..Never should"ve let you goNever found myself at homeEver since that day that you walkedRight out the doorYou were like my beating heartThat I, I can"t controlEven though weve grown apartMy brain cant seem to let you goThinking back to the old timesWhen you kept me up late at nightWe use to mess aroundLaugh and play, fuss and fightI guess its too late, Im dancing this dance aloneThis chapters done, the story goes onBabyCan"t believe that you are not with me"Cause you should be my ladyAll I want is to set your heart freeBut if you believe that you belong with himPromise me, you wont let anyone hurt youRemember, I will always be here for youEven if it kills me to see youIn that wedding dressOh see you in that wedding dressSee you in that wedding dressOh see you in that wedding dressSnappin out this miseryDepression this aint meBut I always turn around180 degreesYou got control of meAnd I, I cant explainSomebody call 911 EmergencyBefore I go insaneSince youve moved onYou took a piece of me give it backSo much pain in my chestBlacking out, heart attackI guess it"s too late,Im dancing this dance aloneIt"s too lateBabyCan"t believe that you are not with me"Cause you should be my ladyAll I want is to set your heart freeBut if you believe that you belong with himPromise me, you wont let anyone hurt youRemember, I will always be here for youEven if it kills me to see youIn that wedding dressOh see you in that wedding dressSee you in that wedding dressOh see you in that wedding dressIt"s J.R ey ezAnd I see you with your manand it"s hard to understandIf we belong, if I did you wrong,where we even beganWe would always fuss and fightand it seems nothing was rightBut I loved you girl and you weremy world but you"d never trust this guy"Cause the things I do whenI"m on the stage,they say I"m a superstarYou couldn"t understand allthe female fansand then we grew apartAnd I just don"t get whenyou"re acting like some other personBut I try my best to hold onat the times when it ain"t workingAnd everytime that you sayit"s over it breaks my heartand I don"t know why"Cause you"ve done it a lotof times in the pastbut I get back up and tryYou said we could work it out,how could you hurt me nowAnd you moved on to the next,I"m left with an imperfect smileBut if you believe that you belong with himPromise me, you wont let anyone hurt youRemember, I will always be here for youEven if it kills me to see youIn that wedding dressOh see you in that wedding dressSee you in that wedding dressOh see you in that wedding dress.oh on

求wedding dress的音译歌词

太阳以下附上中英韩(音译)歌词你和他争吵不休有时会暗自神伤你的难过是我希望曙光不明所以只觉心疼难过你微微一笑又抚平我心生怕你会看出我的心思生怕你会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby 请回头看看为你等待已久的我请千万不要拉他的手乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress实在把你怨恨不懂我的心意偶尔会期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪已经干涸殆尽习惯性在心底向你默语每天每晚我都如此不安不懂自己怎么会变这样我闭上双眼梦漫无边际愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手请回头看看为你等待已久的我乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你一定要和他幸福我才能够把你忘却 忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此而长久消沉 no oh原来我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dressub124 uac00 uadf8 uc640 ub2e4 ud22c uace0内 嘎 哥 哇 大 土 勾ub54c ub860 uadf8 ub55c uc5d0 uc6b8 uace0太 伦 哥 坛 哎 无 勾ud798 ub4e4 uc5b4 ud560 ub54c uba74 ub09c ud76c ub9dd uc744 ub290 ub07c uace0Him 得 喽 哈 岱 庙 南 会 忙 呃 呐 Ki 勾uc544 ubb34 ub3c4 ubaa8 ub974 uac8c ub9d8 uc544 - uc544 - uc544 ud504 uace0阿 姆 度 木 了 该 满 啊 啊 啊 破 勾ub124 uc791 uc740 ubbf8 uc18c uba74 ub610 ub2f4 ub2f4 ud574 uc9c0 uace0内 加 恩 米 苏 秒 度 单 单 嗨 几 勾ub124 uac00 ud639 uc2dc ub098 ub0b4 ub9c8 uc74c uc744 uc54c uac8c ub420 uae4c ubd10内 嘎 吼 西 那 耐 马 恩 门 啊 该 对 嘎 吧uc54c uc544 ubc84 ub9ac uba74 uc6b0 ub9ac uba40 uc5b4 uc9c0 uac8c ub420 uae4c ubd10啊 拉 波 里 秒 无 力 莫 喽 几 该 对 嘎 吧ub09c uc228 uc744 uc8fd uc5ec南 孙 呃 句 够ub610 uc785 uc220 uc744 uae68 ubb3c uc5b4度 一 素 呃 该 木 喽uc81c ubc1c uadf8 ub97c ub5a0 ub098 ub0b4 uac8c uc624 uae38加 吧 哥 了 多 那 内 该 哦 GiBaby uc81c ubc1c uadf8 uc5d0 uac8c uc190 uc744 uc7a1 uc9c0 ub9c8Baby 加 吧 哥 哎 该 孙 呃 加 几 麻Cuz you should be my Ladyuc624 ub79c uc2dc uac04 uae30 ub2e4 ub824 uc628 ub0a0 ub3cc uc544 ubd10 uc918哦 兰 西 干 Gi 大 了 恩 拿 度 拉 吧 就ub178 ub798 uac00 uc6b8 ub9ac uba74 uc774 uc81c ub108 ub294 uadf8 uc640 ud3c9 uc0dd uc744 ud568 uaed8 ud558 uc8e0怒 来 嘎 无 力 秒 一 介 诺 嫩 哥 哇 漂 桑 呃 喊 给 哈 就uc624 ub298 uc774 uc624 uc9c0 uc54a uae30 ub97c uadf8 ub807 uac8c ub098 ub9e4 uc77c ubc24 uae30 ub3c4 ud588 ub294 ub370哦 呢 一 哦 几 安 Gi 了 哥 喽 该 那 美 一 半 Gi 斗 嗨 嫩 待ub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressub0b4 ub9d8 uc744 ubab0 ub77c uc92c ub358内 麻 门 木 拉 就 单ub124 uac00 ub108 ubb34 ubbf8 uc6cc uc11c内 嘎 诺 木 米 我 搜uac00 ub054 uc740 ub124 uac00 ubd88 ud589 ud558 uae38 ub09c ubc14 ub7ac uc5b4嘎 跟 恩 内 嘎 不 行 哈 Ki 南 吧 来 搜uc774 ubbf8 ub0b4 ub208 ubb3c uc740 ub2e4 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub974 uace0一 米 内 怒 目 恩 大 麻 麻 了 勾ubc84 ub987 ucc98 ub7fc ud63c uc790 ub108 uc5d0 uac8c ub9d0 ud558 uace0不 了 瞧 落 魂 咋 诺 哎 该 麻 拉 勾ub9e4 uc77c ubc24 uadf8 ub807 uac8c ubd88 uc548 ud588 ub358 uac78 ubcf4 uba74 ub09c美 一 半 哥 喽 该 不 兰 嗨 单 过 不 秒 南uc774 ub807 uac8c ub420 uaebc ub780 uac74 uc54c uc558 ub294 uc9c0 ub3c4 ubab0 ub77c一 喽 该 对 过 兰 过 啊 拉 嫩 几 度 木 拉ub09c ub208 uc744 uac10 uc544南 怒 呢 嘎 麻ub05d uc774 uc5c6 ub294 uafc8 uc744 uafd4哥 梯 哦 嫩 古 木 扩uc81c ubc1c uadf8 ub97c ub5a0 ub098 ub0b4 uac8c uc624 uae38加 吧 哥 了 多 那 内 该 哦 GiBaby uc81c ubc1c uadf8 uc5d0 uac8c uc190 uc744 uc7a1 uc9c0 ub9c8加 吧 哥 哎 该 孙 呃 加 几 麻Cuz you should be my Ladyuc624 ub79c uc2dc uac04 uae30 ub2e4 ub824 uc628 ub0a0 ub3cc uc544 ubd10 uc918哦 兰 西 干 Gi 大 了 恩 拿 度 拉 吧 就ub178 ub798 uac00 uc6b8 ub9ac uba74 uc774 uc81c ub108 ub294 uadf8 uc640 ud3c9 uc0dd uc744 ud568 uaed8 ud558 uc8e0怒 来 嘎 无 力 秒 一 介 诺 嫩 哥 哇 漂 桑 呃 喊 给 哈 就uc624 ub298 uc774 uc624 uc9c0 uc54a uae30 ub97c uadf8 ub807 uac8c ub098 ub9e4 uc77c ubc24 uae30 ub3c4 ud588 ub294 ub370哦 呢 一 哦 几 安 Gi 了 哥 喽 该 那 美 一 半 Gi 斗 嗨 嫩 待ub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressubd80 ub514 uadf8 uc640 ud589 ubcf5 ud574不 底 哥 哇 杭 不 凯ub108 ub97c uc78a uc744 uc218 uc788 uac8c诺 了 一 几 素 一 该ub0b4 ucd08 ub77c ud588 ub358 ubaa8 uc2b5 ub4e4 uc740 ub2e4 uc78a uc5b4 uc918内 出 拉 汗 单 木 私 的 恩 大 一 哦 就ube44 ub85d ud55c ub3d9 uc548 uc740 ub098 uc8fd uc744 ub9cc ud07c ud798 uc774 ub4e4 uaca0 uc9c0 ub9cc no oh比 路 汗 东 安 恩 那 句 哥 满 啃 Him 米 的 该 几 满 no ohub108 ubb34 uc624 ub79c uc2dc uac04 uc744 ucc29 uac01 uc18d uc5d0 ud640 ub85c ubc14 ubcf4 ucc98 ub7fc uc0b4 uc558 uc8e0诺 木 哦 兰 西 干 呃 加 嘎 素 该 呼 喽 怕 不 瞧 落 撒 拉 就uc544 uc9c1 ub3c4 ub0b4 uadf8 ub140 ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4 uace0 uc0c8 ud558 uc597 uac8c uc6c3 uace0 uc788 ub294 ub370啊 几 度 内 哥 牛 嫩 那 不 古 塞 哈 呀 该 五 古 一 嫩 待ub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressne ga ib eun Wedding Dressub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dressne ga ib eun Wedding Dressub124 uac00 uc785 uc740 uc6e8 ub529 ub4dc ub808 uc2a4内 嘎 一 本 Wedding Dress Some say it"s over till it"s overBut I guess this is really over nowThere"s something I gotta say before I let you goListenCan"t believe what"s goin" onGotta keep my cool, be calmWhen I heard you and he wereScreamin" out of controlAll I can think about is no, no,No he won"t, hurt the one i"ve caredFor so long-long, hell no!I know we"re done and nowIt"s none of my business, but how...Can two be wildin" out from only weeksIn goin" outJust makes me feelThat what we had was realCould it be, or is it too late?(Oh, oh baby)Baby, listen to your heart I won"t let you downCuz you should be my ladyNow that we"re apart Our love will show howLife carries on...I"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(I see you walkin" down in your)Wedding dressI can see you wedding dressI was never perfect, noBut i"ve never let it goTo a point, i"m regin", throwin",Makin" you uncomfortable What he done did to youWas un-ac-ceptableYou claimed everything was okayThat"s impossibleJust know i"m here for youAll clear for you from night to sunGotta be near to you, the feel of youGives me a rushIt makes me feelThat what we have is realIt could never be too late(Oh, yeah,yeah)Baby, listen to your heartI won"t let you downCuz you should be my ladyNow that we"re apart Our love will show howLife carries on...I"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(I see you walkin" down.. in your...)Wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(Oh yeh)Baby girl you won"t regretCome along just take my handWe"ll start this journey livin"Life so beautiful This happy home that weSpread love and seed goes deeperSo deep from our heartsI"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you in your wedding dressNever let goI can you in your wedding dressNever let goOh yeah

Wedding Dress 歌词

歌曲名:Wedding Dress歌手:Matt Nathanson专辑:Some Mad HopeWedding DressMatt Nathansonso we lie here in the darkall the wrong things on firesickness and in healthto be with youjust to be with youin your wedding dressto have and to holdeven at my bestI want to let goand you hold me in your armsand all that I can seeis my future in your handswith all that I can feelis how long ever after isits all that I can doto be with youjust to be with youin your wedding dressto have and to holdeven at my bestI want to let goand I lost youthought I lost you (I gave you away)thought I"d lost youjealous of the moon for how it moves the wavesin your wedding dressto have and to holdeven at my bestI want to let goand I want to be somebody else nowand I want to thicken my skinand I want to wish it alljust wish it allaway againAgain again

BIG BANG里太阳唱的wedding dress歌词讲述的是什么

bigbang太阳单曲wedding dress中文歌词ub124uac00 uadf8uc640 ub2e4ud22cuace0ub54cub860 uadf8 ub55cuc5d0 uc6b8uace0 ud798ub4e4uc5b4 ud560 ub54cuba74 ub09c ud76cub9dduc744 ub290ub07cuace0 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub9d8 uc544-uc544-uc544ud504uace0 ub124 uc791uc740 ubbf8uc18cuba74 ub610 ub2f4ub2f4ud574uc9c0uace0 ub124uac00 ud639uc2dcub098 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cubd10 uc54cuc544ubc84ub9acuba74 uc6b0ub9ac uba40uc5b4uc9c0uac8c ub420uae4cubd10 ub09c uc228uc744 uc8fduc5ec ub610 uc785uc220uc744 uae68ubb3cuc5b4 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38你和他争吵不休有时会暗自神伤你的难过是我希望曙光不明所以只觉心疼难过你微微一笑又抚平我心生怕你会看出我的心思生怕你会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8 Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918 Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady请回头看看为你等待已久的我ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0 uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dressub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubab0ub77cuc92cub358 ub124uac00 ub108ubb34 ubbf8uc6ccuc11c uac00ub054uc740 ub124uac00 ubd88ud589ud558uae38 ub09c ubc14ub7acuc5b4 uc774ubbf8 ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc740 ub2e4 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub9c8ub974uace0 ubc84ub987ucc98ub7fc ud63cuc790 ub108uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud558uace0 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uadf8ub807uac8c ubd88uc548ud588ub358uac78 ubcf4uba74 ub09c uc774ub807uac8c ub420uaebcub780 uac74 uc54cuc558ub294uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c ub09c ub208uc744 uac10uc544 ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 uafc8uc744 uafd4 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38 实在把你怨恨不懂我的心意偶尔会期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪已经干涸殆尽习惯性在心底向你默语每天每晚我都如此不安不懂自己怎么会变这样我闭上双眼梦漫无边际愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8 Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918 Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady请回头看看为你等待已久的我ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0 uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dressubd80ub514 uadf8uc640 ud589ubcf5ud574 ub108ub97c uc78auc744 uc218 uc788uac8c ub0b4 ucd08ub77cud588ub358 ubaa8uc2b5ub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc78auc5b4uc918 ube44ub85d ud55cub3d9uc548uc740 ub098 uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c ud798uc774 ub4e4uaca0uc9c0ub9cc no oh你一定要和他幸福我才能够把你忘却 忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此而长久消沉 no ohub108ubb34 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04uc744 ucc29uac01 uc18duc5d0 ud640ub85c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc0b4uc558uc8e0 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub0b4 uadf8ub140ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc0c8 ud558uc597uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc788ub294ub370ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 原来我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress

wedding dress韩文歌词-太阳(bigbang)


Wedding Dress 歌词

歌曲名:Wedding Dress歌手:Pentangle专辑:ReflectionMatt Nathanson - Wedding Dressso we lie here in the darkall the wrong things on firesickness and in healthto be with youjust to be with youin your wedding dressto have and to holdeven at my bestI want to let goand you hold me in your armsand all that I can seeis my future in your handswith all that I can feelis how long ever after isits all that I can doto be with youjust to be with youin your wedding dressto have and to holdeven at my bestI want to let goand I lost youthought I lost you (I gave you away)thought I"d lost youjealous of the moon for how it moves the wavesin your wedding dressto have and to holdeven at my bestI want to let goand I want to be somebody else nowand I want to thicken my skinand I want to wish it alljust wish it allaway againAgain again


亲,我也很喜欢这个MV呢,百看不厌,女主是新人,叫白胜熙,在韩版秘密花园里演那个被奥斯卡抛弃的女演员,第一集开头就有出现。 这里有提到

BIGBANG还有哪些类似《wedding dress》这样有节奏又不会太嘈杂的歌?

太阳solo i need a girl

bigbang 太阳的solo wedding dress里的另外一个男主角叫什么名字啊。


bigbang 太阳的"wedding dress" MV,里面的女主角是谁啊?很漂亮啊~


跪求....Melee组合07年The Masquerade专辑里的歌曲“Wedding Dress”的歌词!!!!!!!

听译的,难免有少许错误Do you feel like someone"s following you?They just waited for you to make a run.You keep running, but there"s no way to hide.Let me show you a place you can leave it behindJust wake upTonight is on your side.It"s on your side.Tonight is on your side.Welcome to your big viewWe put it on the real youSee the inside you never knewDance when your dream come true.Shine tonight, you got all the time,Come on now and join the masquerade.Do you feel like someone"s screaming inside?let the hungry for something out your mind.Let the moonlight pull you out of your skin,Let it cold you and diamonds let you in.Just wake upTonight is on your side,Just come with me,Tonight is on your side.Welcome to your big viewWe put it on the real yousee the inside you"ll never knewDance when your dreams come true.Shine tonight, you got all the time,Come now and join the masquerade.Do you know what it feels like?

最近很喜欢东方神起的《wedding dress》想要学一下 谁有这首歌的直译! 谢谢


求BIGBANG太阳wedding dress的英文歌词 在知道上面的好象不对

Some say it"s over till it"s overBut I guess this is really over nowThere"s something I gotta say before I let you goListenCan"t believe what"s goin" onGotta keep my cool, be calmWhen I heard you and he wasScreamin" out of controlAll I can think about is no, no,No he won"t, hurt the one i"ve caredFor so long-long, hell no!I know we"re done and nowIt"s none of my business, but how...Can two be wildin" out from only weeksIn goin" outJust makes me feelThat what we had was realCould it be, or is it too late?(Oh, oh baby)Baby, listen to your heart I won"t let you downCuz you should be my ladyNow that we"re apart Our love will show howLife carries on...I"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(I see you walkin" down in your)Wedding dressI can see you wedding dressI was never perfect, noBut i"ve never let it goTo a point, i"m regin", throwin",Makin" you uncomfortable What he done did to youWas un-ac-ceptableYou claimed everything was okayThat"s impossibleJust know i"m here for youAll clear for you from night to sunGotta be near to you, the feel of youGives me a rushIt makes me feelThat what we have is realIt could never be too late(Oh, yeah,yeah)Baby, listen to your heartI won"t let you downCuz you should be my ladyNow that we"re apart Our love will show howLife carries on...I"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(I see you walkin" down.. in your...)Wedding dressI can see you wedding dress(Oh yeh)Baby girl you won"t regretCome along just take my handWe"ll start this journey livin"Life so beautiful This happy home that weSpread love and seed goes deeperSo deep from our heartsI"ve never felt so strong life can lead usTo a happiness never ending if we justKnow that we belong to each otherNever worry-grow as we goSee you in your wedding dressI can see you in your wedding dressNever let goI can you in your wedding dressNever let goOh yeah

求《wedding dress》中韩音译版歌词

[ti: (Wedding Dress)] [ar:(中韩对照)] [al: (Wedding Dress)] [by:jinxingba] [00:03.35] (Wedding Dress)- [00:06.89] [00:08.73]LRC编辑:猥琐老囧 QQ:124317824 [00:12.31] [00:30.59] /有时你和他吵架 有时因为他而哭 [00:34.06] /你累的时候 我感觉到了希望 [00:37.64] --/自己一个人心 痛痛痛 [00:41.18] /因为你的微笑 我的心又变好 [00:44.53] [00:44.87] /怕你看出我的心思 [00:48.40] /怕你因为这个离我远去 [00:51.94] /我屏住呼吸 咬紧嘴唇 [00:55.17] /希望你离开他到我身边 [00:58.61] [00:58.99]Baby /baby 请不要拉着他的手 [01:05.17]Cuz you should be my Lady [01:07.98] /请回头看看为你等待很久的我 [01:12.99] [01:13.28] /音乐一开始 你就会和他天长地久 [01:19.53] /曾每夜祈祷过 今天不要到来 [01:26.06] girl ( )/你穿的wedding dress (那不是我) [01:33.87] oh oh no/wedding dress 你穿的wedding dress oh no [01:40.99] [01:42.26] /很恨不懂我的心的你 [01:45.63] /有时我也盼过你不幸 [01:49.26] /我的眼泪已经干涸 [01:52.74] /习惯的对你自言自语 [01:56.14] [01:56.38] /每天晚上我都如此的不安 [01:59.87] /我从来也没有想到会这样 [02:03.50] /我闭上眼睛 做无边无际的梦 [02:06.70] /希望你的离开他到我身边 [02:10.09] [02:10.48]Baby /baby 请不要拉着他的手 [02:16.68]Cuz you should be my Lady [02:19.50] /请回头看看为你等待很久的我 [02:24.54] [02:24.97] /音乐一开始 你就会和他天长地久 [02:31.07] /曾每夜祈祷过 今天不要到来 [02:37.66] girl ( )/你穿的wedding dress (那不是我) [02:45.41] oh oh no/wedding dress 你穿的wedding dress oh no [02:52.68] [03:08.03] /希望你能和他幸福 那样我才能忘记你 [03:11.58] /忘掉我那狼狈的身影 [03:15.31] no oh/虽然我可能有段时间很累 no oh [03:21.80] [03:21.99] /我在错觉中傻傻的生活了很长时间 [03:28.39] /到现在 她还是对我笑的雪白 [03:35.02] girl ( )/你穿的wedding dress (那不是我) [03:42.82] oh oh no/wedding dress 你穿的wedding dress oh no [03:51.16] 好像不是亲要的内中....... 不过我觉得如果要学 还是学罗马音要标准点 下面是罗马音歌词 Wedding Dress -Taeyang ni ka k wa da tu ko dae ron k dae me ur ko him d re har dae mien nan hi mang er n ki ko a mu do mo ru ke mam a a a a p ko nie za gen mi so mien do dam dam hie ji ko nie ka ho xi na nie ma um er ar kie duer ga ba ar a be ri mien u rin mer e ji kie duer ga ba nan sum er zu kio do ib su rer kae mur e jie bar k rer de na nai kie o kir baby jie bar k ie son er zab ji ma cause you should be my lady o rien xi kan ki da rio on nar do ra ba zuo no rie ka ur li mion i jie ne nun k wa piong sang er ham kie ha jio o nur i o ji an ki rer k re ke na mie ir bam ki do hae nun die nie ka i bun wedding dress girl nie ka i bun wedding dress wedding dress oh nie ka i bun wedding dress oh no~ nie mam er mor la zuo den nie ka ne mu mi wo se ka ku men nie ka bur hieng ha kir nan ba rie se i mi nie nun mur en da ma ma ma ru ko be ru ce rem hon za ne ie kie mar ha ko mie ir bam k re kie bur an hie hie den ker bo mien nan i re kie duer ge ran ker a ran nen ji do mor la nan nun er kam a gu qi em nun ku mer guo jie bar ku rer de na nie kie o kir baby jie bar k ie son er zab ji ma cause you should be my lady o rien xi kan ki da rio on nar do ra ba zuo no rie ka ur li mion i jie ne nun k wa piong sang er ham kie ha jio o nur i o ji an ki rer k re ke na mie ir bam ki do hae nun die nie ka i bun wedding dress girl nie ka i bun wedding dress wedding dress oh nie ka i bun wedding dress oh no~ bu di k wa hieng bo kie ne rer i zer su i kie nae cao ra hie den mo sub der en da i ze zuo bi ro kan dong a nen na zu ker man kum hi mi der kie ji man ne mu o rien xi kan der ca ka so kie hor lo ba bo ce rem sa ra jio a ji do nie k nio nen nar bo go sai ha ya kie u ko in nen die nie ka i bun wedding dress girl nie ka i bun wedding dress wedding dress oh nie ka i bun wedding dress oh no~采纳哦

Wedding Dress 英文版LRC歌词

Wedding dress I"m so sorry everything is overBut I guess it"s really over nowThere"s something I gotta say before I let you goListenCan"t believe what"s going onGonna keep my groovy calmWhen I heard you and he was screaming out of controlAll I can think about is “no, no, no, he won"t”Her tone don"t like it for so long, long, I hadn"t knownI know we"re done now and at least no amount concern for howCan"t too be wide enough for all reasons going nowJust makes me feel That what we have was realCould be our say to liveO,Oh BabyBaby, Listen to your heart I won"t let you downCause" you should be my ladyNow that we are apart, our love will show howI can"t reasonI never felt so strong like to lead us to a happy just never endlessThey just know that we belong to each otherNever worry girl it"s begoneSee you in your wedding dressI can see you in your wedding dressand say you want me nowI can see you in your wedding dressOh yehI was never perfect, no?But I never let it goSupport the reason thou" in making you uncomfortableBut even that to you was unacceptableYou can never think was okay, that"s impossibleJust know I"m here for you, I"m clear for you from out the sunGot up in near to you, the feel of you gives me a rushIt makes me feel that what we have is realIt can never be too lateOh yeh yehBaby, Listen to your heart I won"t let you downCause" you should be my ladyNow that we are apart our love will show howI can"t reasonI never felt so strong like to lead us to a happy just never endlessThey just know that we belong to each otherNever worry girl it"s begoneSee you in your wedding dressI can see you in your wedding dressand say you want me nowI can see you in your wedding dressOh yehBaby girl you won"t regretCome along just take my handLet"s start this journey living, life"s so beautifulIt"s happy, hold your breath from the love you seeIt goes so deep from my heartNever felt so strong like to lead us to a happy just never endlessThey just know that we belong to each otherNever worry girl it"s begoneSee you in your wedding dressI can see you in your wedding dressNever let goI can you in your wedding dressNever let goOh yeah

wedding dress 的中文音译歌词

很艰难啊, 真的给你了要加分啊, ub124uac00 uadf8uc640 ub2e4ud22cuace0 ub54cub860 uadf8 ub55cuc5d0 uc6b8uace0ne"ga" geu"wa" da"tu"go" ddae"ron" geu" ddaem"e" ul"go"ud798ub4e4uc5b4 ud560 ub54cuba74 ub09c ud76cub9dduc744 ub290ub07cuace0deul"eo" hal" ddae"myeon" nan" hyi"mang"eul" neu"ggi"go"uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub9d8 uc544-uc544-uc544ud504uace0a"mu"do" mo"reu"ge" mam" a"-a"-a"peu"go"ub124 uc791uc740 ubbf8uc18cuba74 ub610 ub2f4ub2f4ud574uc9c0uace0ne" jag"eun" mi"so"myeon" ddo" dam"dam"hae"ji"go"ub124uac00 ud639uc2dcub098 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cubd10ne"ga" hog"si"na" nae" ma"eum"eul" al"ge" doel"gga"bwa"uc54cuc544ubc84ub9acuba74 uc6b0ub9ac uba40uc5b4uc9c0uac8c ub420uae4cubd10al"a"beo"ri"myeon" u"ri" meol"eo"ji"ge" doel"gga"bwa"ub09c uc228uc744 uc8fduc5ec ub610 uc785uc220uc744 uae68ubb3cuc5b4nan" sum"eul" jug"yeo" ddo" ib"sul"eul" ggae"mul"eo"uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38je"bal" geu"reul" ddeo"na" nae"ge" o"gil"Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8Baby je"bal" geu"yi" son"eul" jab"ji"ma"Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918o"raen" si"gan" gi"da"ryeo"on" nal" dol"a"bwa"jweo"ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0no"rae"ga" ul"ri"myeon" i"je" neo"neun" geu"wa" pyeong"saeng"eul" ham"gge"ha"jyo"uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 o"neul"i" o"ji" anh"gi"reul" geu"reoh"ge" na" mae"il" bam" gi"do"haess"neun"de" ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" girl ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8uc796uc544girl ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" nae"ga" a"ni"janh"a"uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 uc624- ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4we"ding"deu"re"seu" o"- ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu"ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubab0ub77cuc92cub358 ub124uac00 ub108ubb34 ubbf8uc6ccuc11cnae" mam"eul" mol"ra"jweoss"deon" ne"ga" neo"mu" mi"weo"seo"uac00ub054uc740 ub124uac00 ubd88ud589ud558uae38 ub09c ubc14ub7acuc5b4ga"ggeum"eun" ne"ga" bul"haeng"ha"gil" nan" ba"raess"eo"uc774ubbf8 ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc740 ub2e4 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub9c8ub974uace0i"mi" nae" nun"mul"eun" da" ma" ma" ma"reu"go"ubc84ub987ucc98ub7fc ud63cuc790 ub108uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud558uace0beo"reus"ceo"reom" hon"ja" neo"e"ge" mal"ha"go"ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uadf8ub807uac8c ubd88uc548ud588ub358uac78 ubcf4uba74 ub09cmae"il" bam" geu"reoh"ge" bul"an"haess"deon"geol" bo"myeon" nan"uc774ub807uac8c ub420uaebcub780 uac74 uc54cuc558ub294uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77ci"reoh"ge" doel"ggeo"ran" geon" al"ass"neun"ji"do" mol"ra"ub09c ub208uc744 uac10uc544 ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 uafc8uc744 uafd4nan" nun"eul" gam"a" ggeut"i" eobs"neun" ggum"eul" ggweo"uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38je"bal" geu"reul" ddeo"na" nae"ge" o"gil"Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8Baby je"bal" geu"yi" son"eul" jab"ji"ma"Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918o"raen" si"gan" gi"da"ryeo"on" nal" dol"a"bwa"jweo"ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0no"rae"ga" ul"ri"myeon" i"je" neo"neun" geu"wa" pyeong"saeng"eul" ham"gge"ha"jyo"uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 o"neul"i" o"ji" anh"gi"reul" geu"reoh"ge" na" mae"il" bam" gi"do"haess"neun"de" ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" girl ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8uc796uc544girl ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" nae"ga" a"ni"janh"a"uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 uc624- ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4we"ding"deu"re"seu" o"- ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu"ubd80ub514 uadf8uc640 ud589ubcf5ud574 ub108ub97c uc78auc744uc218 uc788uac8cbu"di" geu"wa" haeng"bog"hae" neo"reul" ij"eul"su" iss"ge"ub0b4 ucd08ub77cud588ub358 ubaa8uc2b5ub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc78auc5b4uc918nae" co"ra"haess"deon" mo"seub"deul"eun" da" ij"eo"jweo"ube44ub85d ud55cub3d9uc548uc740 ub098 uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c ud798uc774 ub4e4uaca0uc9c0ub9cc no oh bi"rog" han"dong"an"eun" na" jug"eul" man"keum" i" deul"gess"ji"man"no ohub108ubb34 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04uc744 ucc29uac01 uc18duc5d0 ud640ub85c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc0b4uc558uc8e0neo"mu" o"raen" si"gan"eul" cag"gag" sog"e" hol"ro" ba"bo"ceo"reom" sal"ass"jyo"uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub0b4 uadf8ub140ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc0c8 ud558uc597uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc788ub294ub370a"jig"do" nae" geu"nyeo"neun" nal" bo"go" sae" ha"yah"ge" us"go" iss"neun"de"ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 oh no ub4dcub808uc2a4 ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" oh no deu"re"seu"girl ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub4dcub808uc2a4girl ne"ga" ib"eun" we"ding"deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu" deu"re"seu"。

求东方神起wedding dress歌词

Yeah Wedding Dress...空に届け Wedding Dress Wedding Dress 君は白ぃ羽根のangel向天空传达Wedding Dress Wedding Dress你是白色的天使きれいだ Wedding Dress美丽的 Wedding DressSay yes baby girl 想いを抱いて Wedding Dress for youSay yes baby girl 怀着这个念头 Wedding Dress for youah ah 幸せになろぅよ ah ah いつまでもふたり ah ah Will you marry me?ah ah 要幸福哟 ah ah 要两个人直到永远 ah ah Will you marry me?Wedding Dressもうひとの世界が 空の上にあるなら如果在天空之上存在另一个世界的话きっと君の 辉く日を 见てるだろう一定会见证你的光辉吧写真で见た姿に やっばり似てるかな?跟照片上看到的身姿 果然很像吧?君のママが着たドレス那是你妈妈穿过的礼服little little girl"s storyding-dong ding-dong 今日からは 悲しみにgood-byeding-dong ding-dong 从今天开始和悲伤说再见kiss me kiss me 爱するfamily 守ってゆくよ然后 kiss me kiss me 守护我们深爱的家庭吧空に届け Wedding Dress Wedding Dress 君は白ぃ羽根のangel向天空传达Wedding Dress Wedding Dress你是白色的天使きれいだ Wedding Dress美丽的 Wedding DressSay yes baby girl 想いを抱いて Wedding Dress for youSay yes baby girl 怀着这个念头 Wedding Dress for you

wedding dress这首歌是什么意思?


求wedding dress中文版歌词,注意不是翻译的歌词。


求个wedding dress中文版歌词,注意是中文版歌词

你和他争吵不休有时会暗自神伤你的难过是我希望曙光不明所以只觉心疼难过你微微一笑又抚平我心生怕你会看出我的心思生怕你会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby 请回头看看为你等待已久的我请千万不要拉他的手乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress实在把你怨恨不懂我的心意偶尔会期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪已经干涸殆尽习惯性在心底向你默语每天每晚我都如此不安不懂自己怎么会变这样我闭上双眼梦漫无边际愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby 请千万不要拉他的手请回头看看为你等待已久的我乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你一定要和他幸福我才能够把你忘却 忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此而长久消沉 no oh原来我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白

《wedding dress》 的歌词及意思

Wedding dress---taeyang (BigBang)  英文版  Can"t believe what"s goin" on  Gotta keep my cool, be calm  When I heard you and he were  Screamin" out of control  All I can think about is no, no  No he won"t, hurt the on-e i"ve cared  For so long-long, hell no!  I know we"re done and now  It"s none of my bizness, but how…  Can two be wildin" out from on-ly weeks  I‘m goin" out  Just makes me feel  That what we had was real  Could it be, or is it too late?  [Oh, oh baby]  Baby, listen to your heart it  Will never ever let you down  Cuz you should be my lady  Since we"ve been apart we can see  That love can teach us how  Life carries on…  I"ve never felt so strong life can lead us  To a happiness never ending if we just  Know that we belong to each other  Never worry-grow as we go  See you in your wedding dress  I can see you wedding dress  [I see you walkin" down in your]  Wedding dress  I can see you in your wedding dress  I was never perfect, no  But i"de never let it go  To a point, i"m regin", throwin"  Makin" you uncomfortable  What he done did to you  Was un-acceptable  You claimed everything was okay  That"s impossibleJust know i"m here for you  All clear for you from night to sun  Gotta be near to you, the feel of you  Gives me a rushIt makes me feel  That what we have is real  It could never be too late  [Oh, yeah]  Baby, listen to your heart  It will never ever let you down  Cuz you should be my lady  Since we"ve been apart we can see  That love can teach us how  Life carries on  I"ve never felt so strong life can lead us  To a happiness never ending if we just  Know that we belong to each other  Never worry-frow as we go  See you in your wedding dress  I can see you wedding dress  [I see you walkin" down.. in your...]  Wedding dress  I can see you in your wedding dress  [To me ... Oh yeah]  Baby girl you won"t regeret  Come along just take my hand  We"ll begin this journey livin"  Life so beautiful  This happy home that we  Spread love and seed goes deeper  So deep from our hearts  I"ve never felt so strong life can lead us  To a happiness never ending if we just  Know that we belong to each other  Never worry-grow as we go  See you in your wedding dress  I can see you in your wedding dress  [Wedding dress]  I can see you wedding dress ……

BIGBANG的《Wedding Dress》歌词?

Wedding Dress -Taeyangni ka k wa da tu kodae ron k dae me ur kohim d re har dae mien nan hi mang er n ki koa mu do mo ru ke mam a a a a p konie za gen mi so mien do dam dam hie ji konie ka ho xi na nie ma um er ar kie duer ga baar a be ri mien u rin mer e ji kie duer ga banan sum er zu kiodo ib su rer kae mur ejie bar k rer de na nai kie o kirbaby jie bar k ie son er zab ji macause you should be my ladyo rien xi kan ki da rio on nar do ra ba zuono rie ka ur li mion i jie ne nunk wa piong sang er ham kie ha jioo nur i o ji an ki rerk re ke na mie ir bam ki do hae nun dienie ka i bun wedding dress girlnie ka i bun wedding dresswedding dress ohnie ka i bun wedding dress oh no~nie mam er mor la zuo dennie ka ne mu mi wo seka ku men nie ka bur hieng ha kirnan ba rie sei mi nie nun mur en da ma ma ma ru kobe ru ce rem hon za ne ie kie mar ha komie ir bam k re kie bur an hie hie den ker bo mien nan i re kie duer ge ran ker a ran nen ji do mor lanan nun er kam a gu qi em nun ku mer guojie bar ku rer de na nie kie o kirbaby jie bar k ie son er zab ji macause you should be my ladyo rien xi kan ki da rio on nar do ra ba zuono rie ka ur li mion i jie ne nunk wa piong sang er ham kie ha jioo nur i o ji an ki rerk re ke na mie ir bam ki do hae nun dienie ka i bun wedding dress girlnie ka i bun wedding dresswedding dress ohnie ka i bun wedding dress oh no~bu di k wa hieng bo kiene rer i zer su i kienae cao ra hie den mo sub der enda i ze zuobi ro kan dong a nen na zu ker man kum hi mi der kie ji manne mu o rien xi kan derca ka so kie hor lo ba bo ce rem sa ra jioa ji do nie k nio nen nar bo go sai ha ya kie u ko in nen dienie ka i bun wedding dress girlnie ka i bun wedding dress wedding dress oh nie ka i bun wedding dress oh no~

BIG BANG里太阳唱的wedding dress歌词讲述的是什么?

bigbang太阳单曲wedding dress中文歌词ub124uac00 uadf8uc640 ub2e4ud22cuace0ub54cub860 uadf8 ub55cuc5d0 uc6b8uace0 ud798ub4e4uc5b4 ud560 ub54cuba74 ub09c ud76cub9dduc744 ub290ub07cuace0 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub9d8 uc544-uc544-uc544ud504uace0 ub124 uc791uc740 ubbf8uc18cuba74 ub610 ub2f4ub2f4ud574uc9c0uace0 ub124uac00 ud639uc2dcub098 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cubd10 uc54cuc544ubc84ub9acuba74 uc6b0ub9ac uba40uc5b4uc9c0uac8c ub420uae4cubd10 ub09c uc228uc744 uc8fduc5ec ub610 uc785uc220uc744 uae68ubb3cuc5b4 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38你和他争吵不休有时会暗自神伤你的难过是我希望曙光不明所以只觉心疼难过你微微一笑又抚平我心生怕你会看出我的心思生怕你会因此与我疏远我屏住呼吸紧咬着嘴唇愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8 Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918 Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady请回头看看为你等待已久的我ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0 uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dressub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubab0ub77cuc92cub358 ub124uac00 ub108ubb34 ubbf8uc6ccuc11c uac00ub054uc740 ub124uac00 ubd88ud589ud558uae38 ub09c ubc14ub7acuc5b4 uc774ubbf8 ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc740 ub2e4 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub9c8ub974uace0 ubc84ub987ucc98ub7fc ud63cuc790 ub108uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud558uace0 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uadf8ub807uac8c ubd88uc548ud588ub358uac78 ubcf4uba74 ub09c uc774ub807uac8c ub420uaebcub780 uac74 uc54cuc558ub294uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c ub09c ub208uc744 uac10uc544 ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 uafc8uc744 uafd4 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38 实在把你怨恨不懂我的心意偶尔会期盼你不要幸福我的眼泪已经干涸殆尽习惯性在心底向你默语每天每晚我都如此不安不懂自己怎么会变这样我闭上双眼梦漫无边际愿你能离开他到我身旁Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc758 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8 Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918 Baby 请千万不要拉他的手Cuz you should be my lady请回头看看为你等待已久的我ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0 uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 乐声已奏响 今后你会和他天长地久我每夜祈祷 希望今天不要真的到来你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dressubd80ub514 uadf8uc640 ud589ubcf5ud574 ub108ub97c uc78auc744 uc218 uc788uac8c ub0b4 ucd08ub77cud588ub358 ubaa8uc2b5ub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc78auc5b4uc918 ube44ub85d ud55cub3d9uc548uc740 ub098 uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c ud798uc774 ub4e4uaca0uc9c0ub9cc no oh你一定要和他幸福我才能够把你忘却 忘了我狼狈模样吧虽然我必定会因此而长久消沉 no ohub108ubb34 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04uc744 ucc29uac01 uc18duc5d0 ud640ub85c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc0b4uc558uc8e0 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub0b4 uadf8ub140ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc0c8 ud558uc597uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc788ub294ub370ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 原来我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress你身穿的wedding dress

wedding dress(韩国歌手太阳的个人专辑中的单曲)详细资料大全

《Wedding Dress》是bigbang成员太阳2010年发行的第一张迷你专辑《solar》中的单曲。该单曲包括韩文和英文两个版本,英文版本收录于后续的专辑《Solar》(International Release Album)中。 基本介绍 外文名称 :Wedding Dress 所属专辑 :solar 歌曲时长 :04:02 发行时间 :2010-07-01 歌曲原唱 :太阳 填词 :Teddy 谱曲 :Teddy 编曲 :Teddy 音乐风格 :R&B 歌曲语言 :韩语,英语 韩语歌词,英语歌词, 韩语歌词 ub124uac00 uadf8uc640 ub2e4ud22cuace0 有时你和他吵架 ub54cub860 uadf8 ub55cuc5d0 uc6b8uace0 有时因为他而哭 ud798ub4e4uc5b4 ud560 ub54cuba74 ub09c ud76cub9dduc744 ub290ub07cuace0 你累的时候 我感觉到了希望 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub9d8 uc544-uc544-uc544ud504uace0 自己一个人心 痛 痛 痛 ub124 uc791uc740 ubbf8uc18cuba74 ub610 ub2f4ub2f4ud574uc9c0uace0 因为你的微笑 我的心又变好 ub124uac00 ud639uc2dcub098 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cubd10 怕你看出我的心思 uc54cuc544ubc84ub9acuba74 uc6b0ub9ac uba40uc5b4uc9c0uac8c ub420uae4cubd10 怕你因为这个离我远去 ub09c uc228uc744 uc8fduc5ec 我屏住呼吸 ub610 uc785uc220uc744 uae68ubb3cuc5b4 咬紧嘴唇 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38 希望你离开他到我身边 Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc5d0uac8c uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8 baby 请不要拉着他的手 Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918 请回头看看为你等待很久的我 ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0 音乐一开始 你就会和他天长地久 uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 曾每夜祈祷过 今天不要到来 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ubab0ub77cuc92cub358 不了解我的你 ub124uac00 ub108ubb34 ubbf8uc6ccuc11c 怨恨着你 uac00ub054uc740 ub124uac00 ubd88ud589ud558uae38 ub09c ubc14ub7acuc5b4 有时我也盼过你不幸 uc774ubbf8 ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc740 ub2e4 ub9c8 ub9c8 ub9c8ub974uace0 我的眼泪已经干涸 ubc84ub987ucc98ub7fc ud63cuc790 ub108uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud558uace0 习惯的对你自言自语 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uadf8ub807uac8c ubd88uc548ud588ub358uac78 ubcf4uba74 ub09c 每天晚上我都如此的不安 uc774ub807uac8c ub420uac70ub780 uac74 uc54cuc558ub294uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c 我从来也没有想到会这样 ub09c ub208uc744 uac10uc544 我闭上眼睛 ub05duc774 uc5c6ub294 uafc8uc744 uafd4 做无边无际的梦 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub97c ub5a0ub098 ub0b4uac8c uc624uae38 希望你的离开他到我身边 Baby uc81cubc1c uadf8uc5d0uac8c uc190uc744 uc7a1uc9c0ub9c8 baby 请不要拉着他的手 Cuz you should be my Lady uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub824uc628 ub0a0 ub3ccuc544ubd10uc918 请回头看看为你等待很久的我 ub178ub798uac00 uc6b8ub9acuba74 uc774uc81c ub108ub294 uadf8uc640 ud3c9uc0dduc744 ud568uaed8ud558uc8e0 音乐一开始 你就会和他天长地久 uc624ub298uc774 uc624uc9c0 uc54auae30ub97c uadf8ub807uac8c ub098 ub9e4uc77c ubc24 uae30ub3c4ud588ub294ub370 曾每夜祈祷过 今天不要到来 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ubd80ub514 uadf8uc640 ud589ubcf5ud574 你一定要和他幸福 ub108ub97c uc78auc744 uc218 uc788uac8c 我才能够把你忘却 ub0b4 ucd08ub77cud588ub358 ubaa8uc2b5ub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc78auc5b4uc918 忘了我狼狈模样吧 ube44ub85d ud55cub3d9uc548uc740 ub098 uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c ud798uc774 ub4e4uaca0uc9c0ub9cc no oh 虽然我可能有段时间很累 no oh ub108ubb34 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04uc744 ucc29uac01 uc18duc5d0 ud640ub85c ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc0b4uc558uc8e0 我一直都像傻瓜般活在错觉之中 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub0b4 uadf8ub140ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc0c8 ud558uc597uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc788ub294ub370 至今我仍能看到她对我笑得如雪纯白 ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress ub124uac00 uc785uc740 uc6e8ub529ub4dcub808uc2a4 你身穿的wedding dress 英语歌词 Can"t believe what"s goin" on 不敢相信发生了什么 Gotta keep my cool, be calm 我要保持冷静,冷静 When I heard you and he were 当我听到你和他 Screamin" out of control 争吵,失去控制 All I can think about is no no 所有我能想到的是没有,没有 No he won"t, hurt the one i"ve cared 他不会伤害我,关心什么 For so long long, hell no 这么长时间长 I know we"re done and now 我知道我们做的 It"s none of my concern but how 现在没有我关心的如何做 Can o be wildin" out from only weeks 现在所有的理由都被拓得足够宽 In goin" out 她走了 Just makes me feel 只是让我感觉 That what we had was real 我们都是真的 Could it be or is it too late 可它,或是不是太晚了? Oh oh baby 宝贝 Baby listen to your heart 听你的心 I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望的 Cuz you should be my lady 因为你要成为我的夫人 Now that we"re apart love will show how 现在,我们分开的爱会如何 Life carries on 生活会失去一切 I"ve never felt so strong life can lead us 我从未感到如此强烈的生命可以引领我们 To a happiness never ending if we just 去创造快乐 如果我们只是 Know that we belong to each other 知道我们属于彼此 Never worry grow as we go 一种幸福从来没有结束 See you in your wedding dress 在你看到你的婚纱礼服 I can"t see you in your wedding dress 我不能看到你的婚纱礼服 I see you walkin" down, in your 我看见走下来,在你的 Wedding dress 婚纱 I can"t see you in your wedding dress 我不能看到你的婚纱礼服 Oh yeah 喔,耶 I was never perfect no 我永远不完美 But i"d never let it go 但我永远不会让你走 To a point i"m ragin", throwin" 持的理由 Makin" you uncomfortable 让你不舒服 What he done did to you 他对你做了什么 Was un-ac-ceptable 是不舒服的 You claimed everything was okay 你说一切都会变好的 That"s impossible 这不可能 Just know i"m here for you 只是知道我在这里等你 All clear for you from night to sun 清楚你从黑夜到太阳 Gotta be near to you, the feel of you 要接近你 你的感觉 Gives me a rush 给我一个高峰 It makes me feel 这让我感觉 That what we have is real 我们有什么是真实的 It could never be too late 它永远不会太晚了 Oh yeah yeah 喔耶耶 Baby listen to your heart 宝贝,听你的心 I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望的 Cuz you should be my lady 因为你要成为我的夫人 Now that we"re apart love will show how 现在,我们分开的爱 Life carries on 会如何生活 I"ve never felt so strong life can lead us 我从未感到如此强烈的生命可以引领我们 To a happiness never ending if we just 一种幸福从来没有结束 Know that we belong to each other 如果我们只是知道我们属于彼此 Never worry grow as we go 不要担心我们成长 See you in your wedding dress 在你看到你的婚纱礼服 I can"t see you in your wedding dress 我可以看到你的婚纱 婚纱 婚纱 婚纱 I see you walkin" down, in your 说你想要我 婚纱 Wedding dress 婚纱 I can"t see you in your wedding dress 我可以看到你的婚纱 婚纱 婚纱 婚纱 Oh yeah 喔耶 Baby girl you won"t regret 女孩,你不会后悔 Come along just take my hand 过来,握住我的手 This time, this journey livin" 这一次,这个旅程中 Life is so beautiful 生命如此美丽 This happy home that we 这幸福的家庭 Spread love and seed goes deeper 我们传播爱和种子的深入 So deep from my heart 从我们的心如此之深 I"ve never felt so strong life can lead us 我从未感到如此强烈的生命可以引领我们 To a happiness never ending if we just 一种幸福从来没有结束 Know that we belong to each other 如果我们只是知道我们属于彼此 Never worry grow as we go 不要担心我们成长 See you in your wedding dress oh hoo 在你看到你的婚纱礼服 I can see you in your wedding dress 我可以在你看到你的婚纱礼服 Wedding dress 婚纱礼服 oh never let go 噢,永不放手 I can see you in your wedding dress 我可以在你看到你的婚纱 never let go 不会让你走 Oh yeah 喔,是的  

wedding dress是什么意思啊??

wedding dress[英][ˈwediŋ dres][美][ˈwɛdɪŋ drɛs]n.结婚礼服; 复数:wedding dresses双语例句1He was just holding the wedding dress and crying?他只是抱着婚纱在那儿哭吗?什么意思中文?

这句话应该是。Wednesday it,s my favorite day.星期三是我最喜欢的一天。

求一首欧美的歌曲,歌词monday tuesday wednesday Friday Saturday

I gotta a feeling - black eyed peas

英文歌 从星期一到星期天Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday……一直重复唱的,很短的。

歌曲:happy day歌手:蕃茄女孩

i saw your face in a crowed place出自哪首歌

歌词:《you"re beautiful》 -----james bluntmy life is brilliantmy life is brilliantmy love is purei saw an angle of that i"m sureshe smile on the subwayshe was with another manbut i won"t lose no sleep on that cause i"ve got a planyou"re beautifulyou"re beautifulyou"re beautiful it"s turei saw your face in a crowed placeand i don"t know what to docause i"ll never be with youyes she caught my eyeas she walked on byshe could see from my facethat i was fucking high and idon"t think that i would see her again butwe shared the moment that will last till the endyou"re beautifulyou"re beautifulyou"re beautiful it"s turei saw your face in a crowed placeand i don"t know what to docause i"ll never be with youyou"re beautifulyou"re beautifulyou"re beautiful it"s turethere must be an angle with a smile on her facewith she saw that i should be with youbut it"s time to face the truthi will never be with youend



新婚快乐 happy new wedding 可以这么说吗?

newly married happinesshappy weddinghappy wedding day

wedding dress 什么意思

婚纱wedding 结婚dress 裙子希望采纳

The Wedding 歌词

歌曲名:The Wedding歌手:Julie Rogers专辑:True 60S LoveThe Wedding-Julie RogersYou by my side,(你躺在我身边)that"s how I see us.(这是我看见的未来)I close my eyes and I can see us.(我闭上眼睛我看见我们)We"re on our way to say I do.(在结婚的路上)My secret dreams have all come true.(我所有的梦想都成真)I see the church, I see the people.(我看见教堂,我看见人群)Your folks and mine happy and smiling.(你的家人我的家人笑得多么灿烂)And I can hear sweet voices singing(我听见合唱团唱着)Ave Maria.(Ave Maria)Oh, my love, my love,(吾爱,吾爱)this can really be.(终于等到了这一天)That someday you"ll walk(你和我手牵着手)down the aisle with me.(共同走进教堂)Let it be,(就是这样)make it be(梦想成真)that I"m the one for you.(你属于我)I"ll be yours, all yours,(我也属于你)Now and forever.(一直到永远)I see the church, I see the people.Your folks and mine happy and smiling.And I can hear sweet voices singingAve Maria.Oh, my love, my love,this can really be.That someday you"ll walkdown the aisle with me.Let it be,make it bethat I"m the one for you.I"ll be yours, all yours,Now and forever.Oh, my love, my love,this can really be.That someday you"ll walkdown the aisle with me.Let it be,make it bethat I"m the one for you.I"ll be yours, all yours,Now and forever.I see the church, I see the people.Your folks and mine happy and smiling.And I can hear sweet voices singingAve MariaAve MariaAve Maria

black wedding的歌词


a fall wedding什么意思


our wedding是什么意思





结婚1周年则为Paper wedding(纸婚、布婚





wedding 之前的介词是?


wedding dress是什么意思?


welcome to our wedding 的意思是什么?

Welcome to our wedding欢迎参加我们的婚礼



wedding day是什么意思

wedding day[英][u02c8wediu014b dei][美][u02c8wu025bdu026au014b de][法] 婚礼,结婚纪念日; 婚期; 佳期;






solemn oath

新婚快乐 happy new wedding 可以这么说吗?

newly married happinesshappy weddinghappy wedding day

happy wedding怎么读?



nuptials 英[u02c8nu028cpu0283lz] 美[u02c8nu028cpu0283u0259lz] n. 婚礼; 婚礼( nuptial的名词复数 ); [例句]She became immersed in planning her nuptials.她一门心思筹备自己的婚礼。[其他] 原型: nuptial wedding 英[u02c8wedu026au014b] 美[u02c8wu025bdu026au014b] n. 婚礼; 婚宴; 结婚纪念日; 结合; vt. 与…结婚; 使完婚; 使紧密结合; 把形式与作用紧密结合的风格; vi. 婚礼; 结婚; [例句]Most Britons want a traditional wedding.大多数英国人都想要传统的婚礼。[其他] 原型: wed 复数:weddings


wedding 英 [ˈwedɪŋ] 美 [ˈwedɪŋ] n. 婚礼; 结婚庆典; 汉语译音 :外定






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