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the day that followed句子分析

2023-07-20 07:37:20

the day that followed句子分析

The day that following=The following day

名词:The day

定语从句:that followed



意思:随后的这天 / 接着的这/那天,


英 [ˈfɔləu] 美 [ˈfɑlo]

vt.& vi. 跟随,接着

vt. 继承;(按时间、顺序等)接着;从事;采用

vi. 理解;发生兴趣;由此产生;跟着人(或物)去(或来)

n. 追随,跟随;[台球]推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法)

跟随; 跟; 遵循;

跟踪 过去式:followed





If you follow someone who is going somewhere, you move along behind them because you want to go to the same place.

We followed him up the steps into a large hall..

. 我们跟着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。

Please follow me, madam..

. 请跟我来,夫人。

They took him into a small room and I followed.


2. 动词尾随;跟踪 If you follow someone who is going somewhere, you move along behind them without their knowledge, in order to catch them or find out where they are going.

She realized that the Mercedes was following her...


I think we"re being followed. 我想我们被跟踪了。

3. VERB 动词追随 If you follow someone to a place where they have recently gone and where they are now, you go to join them there.

He followed Janice to New York, where she was preparing an exhibition.


4. 动词接着…发生;在…后发生 An event, activity, or period of time that follows a particular thing happens or comes after that thing, at a later time.

the rioting and looting that followed the verdict...


I remember nothing else about the days following Daddy"s death...


He was arrested in the confusion which followed...


pursue, follow, chase, hunt, trace, track, trail


pursue: 指坚持不懈、毫不动摇地紧跟、追赶某人、某物或某个事业。

follow: 普遍用词,含义最广,多指跟随起引导作用的人或物,跟随的动机可以是善意的,也可能是恶意的。

chase: 指快速追赶或决心追踪,褒义贬义均可用。

hunt: 原义为"追猎、猎取",现用于指追捕或搜寻逃犯等。

trace: 指根据线索或足迹进行跟踪。用于抽象意义时指找到某事物的根源。

track: 指沿着人或动物留下的印迹或行迹追踪。

trail: 一般指跟踪追击。

1.We feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow.


2. Go through the arch and follow the path.


3. to follow instructions faithfully


4. The project could fail if there is inadequate follow-through.


5. The book is a follow-up to her excellent television series.





【the day 先行词】【 (that关系代词,从句主语)( followed从句谓语) 定语从句】





that followed是定语从句,修饰前面的名词 the day, “接下来的一天”



  follow有跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意;遵循;沿着等意思,那么你知道follow的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    follow的用法大全:   follow的用法1:follow的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。   follow的用法2:follow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。   follow的用法3:follow作“从事,经营”解时,不直接以行业名称作宾语,而应以profession或trade等作宾语。   follow的用法4:follow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。   follow的用法5:follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。   follow的用法6:as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。    follow的用法例句:   1. "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."   “在那儿等着!”凯瑟琳站起身来,“不,我改主意了。跟我来。”   2. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   3. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.   他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后再要一份苹果派。   4. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.   这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况报告会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。   5. All we had to do was follow the map.   我们所要做的就是按照地图走。   6. I respect his judgement and I"ll follow any advice he gives me.   我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。   7. They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.   他们正在灌录他们1989年畅销专辑的续篇。   8. Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next.   无论今世还是来生,好运都会伴随你。   9. Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.   抓紧我的手,跟着我。   10. He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.   他给自己定下了男子汉的任务,并希望别人效之。   11. Where eastern Germany goes the rest will surely follow.   东德怎样做,其他地方一定会效仿。   12. He decided to follow through with his original plan.   他决定把最初的计划执行到底。   13. Take your time, don"t cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.   慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。   14. The patient was seen for follow-up visits once every three months.   这位病人每三个月接受一次随访就诊。   15. "Get in your car and follow me," he com-manded.   “上你自己的车,跟在我后面。”他命令道。
2023-07-19 22:27:551

follow-up meeting是什么意思

根据语境可以翻译为 接下来的会议或者接下来的见面。望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-19 22:28:101

follow up汉语是什么意思

follow up英 [u02c8fu0254lu0259u u028cp] 美 [u02c8fɑlo u028cp] vt.把…贯彻到底,对…采取进一步行动; 跟着,追逐,继续I want to follow up this subject. 我想继续研究这个问题。
2023-07-19 22:28:572

follow-up 是副词还是形容词 给出理由 高手回答

follow-up adj. 继续的, 作为重复的如:follow-up letter 警告书, 预告书, 再次通知书 follow-up examination 复查 用来修饰名词 也可以作名词,如:follow-up n. 后续工作异形词:followup,如:followup study 继续考察。followup wave 跟进部队 follow up: vt. 穷追, 跟踪, 重复补充, 继承, 监督, 贯彻到底 vi. 跟进, 采取措施 I want to follow up this subject。我想继续研究这个问题。 followly 向上,没有follow-uply
2023-07-19 22:29:192

follow up是什么词性,名词还是动词?谢谢

follow up动词~follow-up名词~
2023-07-19 22:29:263

follow up 和follow on 什么区别

vt. 穷追(跟踪,重复补充,继承,监督,贯彻到底)例句与用法: 1. It is a dangerous plan, one you"ll have to follow up on your own account. 这是一项危险的计划,你要继续干下去,就得自己担风险。 2. I want to follow up this subject. 我想继续研究这个问题。 3. But on the debit side, as you leave office, the nation is saddled with a$2.6 trillion debt, an enormous deficit, caused perhaps by the tripling of military spending and tax cut. How does this jibe with the goals that you set eight years ago and I"d like to follow up. 可是在负债方面,阁下离任时,国家负担了二兆六千亿的债务。这是一笔可观的赤字,可能系由军费增加三倍和减税所致。这如何能与阁下八年以前所订的目标相吻合?本人愿闻其详。 follow on: a. 继续下去例句与用法: 1. Surrey scored only200 runs and had to follow on. 萨里只得了200分,只好继续击球。 2. She followed on after. 她在后面跟著.
2023-07-19 22:29:422


问题一:跟进用英语怎么说? keep up with 问题二:持续跟进英文表达的翻译是:什么意思 keep following up ; continuous follow-up 就是继续跟踪XXX的进展 问题三:跟进项目 英语怎么说 Follow up the project 问题四:“有重点的跟进”用英语怎么说 你好! 有重点的跟进 Follow up with emphasis 问题五:跟进生产进度用英语怎么说 跟进还是用 follow up 好一点,keep track of 是与…保持联系、留意的意思 生产进度是production schedules,schedule要用复数 所以翻译应该是 follow up production schedules 问题六:我们会进一步跟进事件的进展用英语怎么说 we will pay attention closely to it. 问题七:用英语怎么说“这个项目就算了,我们会继续跟进的” The project in Sichuan is not that hurry. And We will keep up with it. 算了是什么意思? 你让他回来? 如果是的话就加这么一句:You can e back now. You can e back now.The project in Sichuan is not that hurry. And We will keep up with it.
2023-07-19 22:29:481


2023-07-19 22:29:582


follow的基本意思是“跟随”,可用于时间、顺序,也可用于逻辑上或理解上的相随,引申可表示“追求”。follow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。follow作“从事,经营”解时,不直接以行业名称作宾语,而应以profession或trade等作宾语。 follow的用法 follow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。 follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。 as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。 follow的短语 Follow after 追随,追求,跟在...后面 Follow from是从...得出的 Follow on 继续,随之发生 Follow suit 照着做 Follow through保持, 坚持 Follow-up 定期复查,随访 Follow up 跟随 Followed by 然后,续集
2023-07-19 22:30:071

follow up 和follow on 什么区别

follow up 紧追不舍,是彻底实行,更进一步(行动),进一步推进follow up a victory乘胜追击follow on/upon稍后继续,(中止后)再接着进行,因......而起,起因于......,紧紧跟着
2023-07-19 22:30:421

follow up on 这句话怎么连读啊?

2023-07-19 22:31:131

follow up follow up with 区别

后者没有特别意思吧?With 只是一个介词,后面跟somebody
2023-07-19 22:31:233

follow-up meeting

2023-07-19 22:31:313

follow和follow up可以翻译为跟踪吗

我认为追踪最好用“trace”这个词。 1跟踪,追踪: The murderer was traced to Paris. 那个凶手被追踪到巴黎。 2追溯;探索: The book traces the history of social development. 这本书追溯了社会发展史。 They tried to trace the rumour to its source. 他们试图追查谣言的根源。 3查出,探出,找到,发现(或探查出)(史前遗迹等): Her annoyance can be clearly traced in her letter. 在她的信中可以很清楚地看出她的不快。 The family are trying to trace the missing dog. 全家人正在设法找寻失踪的狗。下面把follow和follow up的意思贴出了供你参考。 follow vt. 跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意,注视;注意;倾听 vi. 跟随;接着 n. 跟随;追随 follow up 1穷追,紧追不舍: The hunter is following up a wolf. 那猎人正在追踪一条狼。 2用进一步行动来加强…的效果,对…采取进一步行动: After Mary sent a letter to apply for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager. 玛丽发出求职信后,她接着还找人事部经理面谈。 3追究到底;干到底: to follow up a lead, clue,rumour 4顺着头绪、线索、谣言进行调查进一步照…行事: I think we should follow up his suggestions;it sounds reasonable. 我想我们应该进一步照他的建议去干,它听起来可行。 5对(病人)随访;继续;继承 6(足球队员)靠近盘球队员作后援
2023-07-19 22:31:401

发邮件里面的follow up是什么意思?

跟进 的意思
2023-07-19 22:31:495

longitudinal study与follow-up study有什么区别

这两种研究不是一回事,而且不会有交集,因而没有可比性。longitudinal study:纵向研究,追踪调查。这是一种在特定时期内,针对同一个研究对象按时间划分区段,定时做同一种调查研究。数月、数年,甚至更长时间才能得出结果。也称历史性研究,发展性研究。follow-up study:跟踪调查。指在某项研究得出结果后,对其后续发展做补充调查,而不是新的研究。
2023-07-19 22:32:031


  follow有跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意等意思,那么你知道follow的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来follow的同义词及辨析,欢迎各位同学们学习!   follow同义词:   pursue, follow, chase, hunt, trace, track, trail   follow同义词辨析:   这些动词均含"跟随,追踪"之意。   pursue 指坚持不懈、毫不动摇地紧跟、追赶某人、某物或某个事业。   follow 普遍用词,含义最广,多指跟随起引导作用的人或物,跟随的动机可以是善意的,也可能是恶意的。   chase 指快速追赶或决心追踪,褒义贬义均可用。   hunt 原义为"追猎、猎取",现用于指追捕或搜寻逃犯等。   trace 指根据线索或足迹进行跟踪。用于抽象意义时指找到某事物的根源。   track 指沿着人或动物留下的印迹或行迹追踪。   trail 一般指跟踪追击。   follow的例句:   1. "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."   “在那儿等着!”凯瑟琳站起身来,“不,我改主意了。跟我来。”   2. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility.   他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。   3. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.   他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后再要一份苹果派。   4. A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.   这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况 报告 会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。   5. All we had to do was follow the map.   我们所要做的就是按照地图走。   6. I respect his judgement and I"ll follow any advice he gives me.   我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。   7. They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.   他们正在灌录他们1989年畅销专辑的续篇。   8. Good fortune will follow you, both in this world and the next.   无论今世还是来生,好运都会伴随你。   9. Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.   抓紧我的手,跟着我。   10. He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.   他给自己定下了男子汉的任务,并希望别人效之。   11. Where eastern Germany goes the rest will surely follow.   东德怎样做,其他地方一定会效仿。   12. He decided to follow through with his original plan.   他决定把最初的计划执行到底。   13. Take your time, don"t cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.   慢慢来,不要图省事,要严格按照说明去做。   14. The patient was seen for follow-up visits once every three months.   这位病人每三个月接受一次随访就诊。   15. "Get in your car and follow me," he com-manded.   “上你自己的车,跟在我后面。”他命令道。
2023-07-19 22:32:561

初一 英语 follow是什么意思 请详细解答,谢谢! (28 19:46:1)

2023-07-19 22:33:076

follow in和follow up的区别?

follow in跟着follow up 穷追
2023-07-19 22:33:242

following-up on是什么意思

following-up on跟踪跟进拼音双语对照双语例句1Follow-up-As with online meetings, following-up on a webinar is extremely important.跟进对于在线会议来说,跟进每一次的会议是极其重要的。
2023-07-19 22:33:321

follow up action中文是什么意思

2023-07-19 22:33:391

本周拜访 下周拜访 issues in follow-up status 是什么意思

issues in follow-up status在后续状态的问题( b) Presenting the status of the work on practical issues of implementation made in the area by other international organizations and making proposals on follow-up action.(b)介绍其他国际组织在该领域就实施的实际问题所开展的工作的情况,并提出后续行动方案。
2023-07-19 22:33:461


1. 保持简短:估计有 70% 的电子邮件是在移动设备上阅读的,因此请保持简短并快速切入主题。 2. 时间很重要: 在白天的正确时间发送,不要在周末或下班后发送。在发送后续电子邮件之前等待两到三天(除非需要尽快回复)。 3. 个性化:虽然电子邮件后续模板(例如下面提供的模板)是一个很好的起点,但应该个性化的电子邮件以建立更牢固的联系。 4. 包括时间安排:如果需要回复,请明确说明日期和时间。如果向客户索取信息,请准确告诉他们需要什么以及何时需要。不要忘记告诉他们将如何处理这些数据。 5. 着眼于未来:不回复无需解释;关注未来的关系。 1)提出建议后邮件跟进 Subject line: Following up on my proposal Dear R, I am following up on the proposal that I sent to you on 12 September. If you have any questions about the proposal or discuss any aspects of it, please get in touch. I can provide any additional detail or supporting information that can support you in making a decision Please feel free to contact me to arrange a meeting. I"m looking forward to working with you in the future. Yours sincerely, Lena 2)提出报价后邮件跟进 Subject line: Following up on quotation (reference) Dear R, I am following up on the quotation that I sent to you on 12 September. If you have any questions about the quotation and payment schedule or would like to discuss any aspect of the proposal, please feel free to contact me at any point I await your reply. Yours sincerely, Lena 3)付款后跟进 Subject line: Unpaid invoice (reference number) Dear R, I am contacting you about the invoice (insert details) I sent to you on 12 September. The invoice is currently overdue for payment. Please can you advise me when we can expect to receive payment? If you are experiencing problems with paying this invoice, please get in touch with me immediately. I await your reply. Yours sincerely, Lena 4)没收到客户反应,需要进一步推进 Subject line: Information required Dear R, I am contacting you to follow up on an email I sent on 12 September. I"m unable to make any progress until I receive your reply. If there"s likely to be a delay in providing me with the information I need, do let me know, and I can make alternative arrangements. Yours sincerely, Lena 5)跟进有意向客户 Subject line: Just checking in… Dear R, I am contacting you to follow up on an email I sent on 12 September. I know you"re busy at the moment, but I feel that working together could benefit us both. You"ll find all the information you need about us in the last email. After you"ve checked it out, you can contact me here to set up a call or a meeting. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me at any point. Yours sincerely, Lena 6)开会后跟进 Subject line: Meeting follow-up Dear R, I"m contacting you to share my contact details after our meeting. It was great to meet you and learn more about you and your organization. I"m looking forward to working together in the future. If you have any questions about my role or organization, feel free to contact me at any point. Yours sincerely, Lena 7)老客户跟进 Subject line: Catching up Dear R, I"m currently contacting old clients and customers that we haven"t spoken to in a while. We enjoyed working with you and your organization. We are interested in learning if there are any current or planned projects we may be suitable for? I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you. On a call or in a meeting, I can share some exciting new developments in our business that may benefit you. You can contact me here to set up a call or a meeting. I"m looking forward to chatting with you. Yours sincerely, Lena
2023-07-19 22:33:531

follow和follow up可以翻译为关注吗

2023-07-19 22:34:022

提示Too many follow-up requests:21怎么解决

你好!提示Too many follow-up requests:21的翻译是:这么多后续的,接踵而至的请求:21
2023-07-19 22:34:581


2023-07-19 22:35:095

电话回访 用英语怎么说

telephone follow-up 电话回访; [例句]The effect of the health education was evaluated through reexamination ortelephone follow-up half a year later.半年后来院复查或电话随访评价健康教育效果。
2023-07-19 22:35:321


2023-07-19 22:35:422


follow me ~
2023-07-19 22:36:0413


My name is kiki, 26 years old, 200x xxxx graduated from the school, interest is swimming, reading. I have 2 copies of work experience with the Clerk. The last one is a secretary with the single, the scope of work is responsible for general clerical work, need to play the file, receiving guests, prepare minutes of meetings, follow-up orders! I knew Chinese and English typing, quick typing familiar, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, I knew all the sofare. Putonghua is my strength, because I follow all the guests set the domestic colleagues, and overseas guests are using e mail munication. oasionally also need to plant the Air and colleagues back home color samples, In so many years of work experience, learn from the experience of many offices, but also make me grow up in the pressure, not afraid of hard work, that I enjoy my work.,参考: google 翻译,My named kiki, 26 years old, the 200x year graduate from xxxx school, the interest are the swimming, reads. I have 2 freight bill officer work experience. Last is secretary the freight bill, is responsible for the operating region have the general civilian post work, needs to hit the document, the reception visitor, the pilation council book, follows up the order form! I know well the Chinese and English typing, knows well the intensive typing, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, is the sofare which I know well. The standard spoken Chinese is also my strong point, because I follow up the visitors who subscribes am the domestic colleague, but the overseas visitors are municate with e mail. In also needs to return to homeland the factory with the colleague to look kind, in these many year work experience, from the middle school to many office"s experience, can also cause me to grow in the pressure, does not fear laboriously, I good enjoy my work.,My name is Kiki, 26 years old, 200x xxxx graduated from the school, interest is swimming and reading. I had o work experience with the clerk. The last one is a secretary with the single, the scope of work is responsible for general clerical work, need to play the file, receiving guests, prepare minutes of meetings, follow-up orders! I am familiar with chinese and english typing, quick typing familiar, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, all I knew of the sofare. Mandarin is my strength because I set out to follow up with colleagues and guests are domestic visitors were from overseas to municate with email. Colleagues were also among the needs and the air proofs of domestic factories back in so many years of work experience, learn from the experience of many offices, but also make me grow up in the pressure, not afraid of hard work, that I enjoy my work. 希望可以帮到你啦!!! 2010-10-14 13:27:54 补充: 唔好意思!!打错了第一句XP 第一句应该系:My name is Kiki, 26 years old, 200x xxxx graduated from the school. My interest is swimming and reading.,参考: Goggle 字典,My name is KiKi, 26 years old, I graduated from xxxx school in xxxx (the year), I am interesing in swimming, readings. I have experienced in the position of clerical working for follow-up orders. My latest job is an assistant of Secretary, I am good at data entry Chinese & English and can handle sofare as Word, Excel, Power Poing, Outlook e. I can speaking Mandarine. I always contact overseas & China customers thru emails. I sometimes back to China Factory for cheching quality, my working experience earn from my works. As I can work under pressure and hard working, I enjoy my work so much.,我公司是推广健康新文化目标是将健康这个使命推广出去~近日公司扩充业务,需要大量热心认真的推广员~ *** 一星期二,三晚有二,三千元另外full time可到12000以上~如果你认为健康业有发展空间我诚意邀请你来了解请登入这个网址,会有专人连络.lossweight-now/join(大专及大学人士优先),The content above usually all listed in the resume or CV instead of writing in the application letter as it can easily review the personal details & qualification of applicant. The application letter will focus on how suitable you are for the vacancy.,My name is kiki, 26 years old, 200x xxxx graduated from the school, interest is swimming, reading. I have 2 copies of work experience with the Clerk. The last one is a secretary with the single, the scope of work is responsible for general clerical work, need to play the file, receiving guests, prepare minutes of meetings, follow-up orders! I knew Chinese and English typing, quick typing familiar, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, I knew all the sofare. Putonghua is my strength, because I follow all the guests set the domestic colleagues, and overseas guests are using e mail munication. oasionally also need to plant the Air and colleagues back home color samples, In so many years of work experience, learn from the experience of many offices, but also make me grow up in the pressure, not afraid of hard work, that I enjoy my work.,,参考: me,
2023-07-19 22:36:471


Follow me,please.
2023-07-19 22:36:575


follow me
2023-07-19 22:37:363


2023-07-19 22:37:566

at a median follow-up period 什么意思

at a median follow-up period在中位随访期period[英][u02c8pu026au0259riu0259d][美][u02c8pu026ariu0259d]n.时期; (一段)时间; 学时; 句号; adj.具有某个时代特征的; (关于)过去某一特定历史时期的; (家具、服饰、建筑等)某一时代的; 复数:periods以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe better than any other financial firm, period. 或许还优于任何时期的其他任何一家金融公司。
2023-07-19 22:38:111

half a year 和a half years.和half year哪个正确.为什么

1. half a year :正确。在一年的前面加上half就是半年了,当然对的。one and half years. 一年半。2. a half years:错误。不能这么用,years是复数了,前面怎么能加a?3. half year:正确。He still owes me half year"s rent.他还少我半年的房租。也可以写 half-year,如:The first half-year we got a lot of money.上半年我们赚了很多钱。
2023-07-19 22:38:191

App上传照片时出现Too many follow-up requests:21怎么解决

可以通过一张一张地上传,或者一组一组地上传来解决,不要一次性上传,否则便会提示Too many follow-up requests。
2023-07-19 22:38:261

follow up question是什么意思

follow up question跟进型问题Thinking that Edison is crazy, a follow up question is asked of him: “Why in theworld would you fish without bait?” 这简直是让人无法不认为,他这全然是个疯子嘛! 于是关于他的又一个问题来了:“为什么这个世界上会有一个像你这样的人,钓鱼不用诱饵的?”~很高兴为您解答如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-19 22:38:363


fafsa在网上提交确认 恭喜你,杰伊!您fafsa成功地提交给联邦学生援助。 我们建议您打印并保持此页作为您的记录。如果您没有一台打印机,写下来,完成确认号码作为证明,联邦学生援助收到您的fafsa 。 你的确认号码是:女600021457胡锦涛2008年7月28日22时29分57秒 开始了一个新的应用与您的父母的资料,已经填补了 如果您提供的资料,您的父母和他们想要上填写了一份fafsa为另一个孩子在这个时候,选择开始一个新的应用与家长的信息已填入您所有的家长信息(除签名)将复制到新的应用。 您的估计,预期家庭贡献(环境及食物委员会)是: 0 您估计的创业基础条件的基础上,您提供的信息,在此fafsa 。它可能会改变取决于您的学校的核查您提供的信息。该创业基础条件是不是数额的金钱,您或您的家庭必须提供。相反,你应该想的创业基础条件作为一个指数,学校使用,以确定您是否有资格为联邦学生援助。 如需了解更多关于创业基础条件,去 ,选择“资金” ,然后选择“学生援助的资格”和向下滚动,以“我将如何知道我有资格” ? 根据您的估计,创业基础条件,您可能有资格获得联邦补助金佩尔。 1佩尔补助金不须偿还的-它是免费提供的金钱,由联邦政府向学生有资格。 您的财政援助奖,也可能包括额外的联邦学生援助像其他赠款,低利息的学生贷款,勤工助学的机会,这取决于哪个联邦制学生援助计划你的学校参加英寸您也可能有资格获得资金从您的国家或学校。所有这一切是在除任何私人奖学金,您可能会收到。如需有关奖学金或其他来源的援助访问。问题补充:现在会怎样? 答:您的fafsa将处理3到4天。您可以检查的地位,您的应用程序选择检查状态的一个提交fafsa或打印签名Page下fafsa后续节首页。 乙收到并审核您的学生援助报告( SAR ) 。 如果您提供了一个有效的电子邮件地址,您将收到通知电子邮件,说明如何查看您的2008年至2009年,特区线上。您也可以打印一份选择查看并打印您的学生援助的报告,根据fafsa后续节首页。 如果您没有提供一个电子邮件地址,我们将用电子邮件发送给您一份文件, 2008年至2009年特区。 c.输入我们的地址到您的电子邮件通讯录。 一些电子邮件提供商,只会传送邮件到您的收件箱,如果寄件人的地址是列在您的通讯簿。加入我们的来源地址到您的地址簿:**************
2023-07-19 22:39:144


我会继续跟踪该事宜 I will continue to follow up this case.
2023-07-19 22:39:232


The Beatles - Help视听:歌词:Help, I need somebody,Help, not just anybody,Help, you know I need someone, help.When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody"s help in any way.But now these days are gone, I"m not so self assured,Now I find I"ve changed my mind and opened up the doors.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me.And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,My independence seems to vanish in the haze.But every now and then I feel so insecure,I know that I just need you like I"ve never done before.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me.When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody"s help in any way.But now these daya are gone, I"m not so self assured,Now I find I"ve changed my mind and opened up the doors.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh.
2023-07-19 22:39:327


2023-07-19 22:39:451

英语作文:how to get yourself prepared for your future

With more and more graduates from colleges and universities every year, job hunting has become more and more difficult. in order to gain an upper hand, it is necessary for us to prepare ourselves when we are still on campus. u3000u3000There are several measures college students can take to sharpen their edges. first, it is important to learn the kind of writing skills that will help us get an interview. writing effective resumes, letters of application, and interview follow-up letters can give us an edge in the job market. second, we should have knowledge of the job itself. the job we are looking for should neither be beyond our reach nor should it be too easy. instead, it should bring your abilities into full play. u3000u3000If i do get an interview, take time to prepare well for it. it could be the most important meeting of my career. try to anticipate what questions will be asked and have answers ready. present your best appearance and conduct. as a matter of courtesy, and to strengthen your case, write a follow-up letter to thank the interviewer for the interview. u3000u3000In a word, opportunity will only favor those with a ready mind. we should get well-prepared for the future success.
2023-07-19 22:39:542

you are the customer services manager of the auirline.Write a follow-up letter to Mr Bennet telling

auirline 这个应该是 airline 航班的意思你是这一航班的客户服务经理。写一封跟踪信给Bennet先生,告诉他如下的事宜:
2023-07-19 22:40:201

as follow 与 as follows 的区别

as follow [简明英汉词典]依下列各项as follows [简明英汉词典]如下
2023-07-19 22:40:298

2017下半年电影上映时间表 2017下半年电影大片排期有哪些

敦刻尔克 Dunkirk(上映时间:2017年7月21日)导演克里斯托弗·诺兰将自编自导二战题材影片《敦刻尔克》,汤姆·哈迪、马克·里朗斯主演。讲述的是二战时期敦刻尔克战役和英法军队大撤退事件。星际特工:千星之城 Valérian and the City of a Thousand Planets(上映时间:2017年7月21日)由导演吕克·贝松执导的科幻电影,该片由中国基美影业和法国欧罗巴联合投资、制作、出品,讲述一个发生在未来28世纪星际警察穿越时空的故事。环太平洋2 Pacific Rim: Maelstrom(上映时间:2017年8月4日)由查理·汉纳姆、菊地凛子 、查理·戴主演。正义联盟 Justice League(上映时间:2017年11月17日)  由扎克·施奈德执导,本·阿弗莱克,亨利·卡维尔,盖尔·加朵等主演的超级英雄电影。改编自DC漫画,是DC扩展宇宙的第五部影片。
2023-07-19 22:40:121


危害就是伤硬盘,把缓存调大就好点,BT没有不伤硬盘的,迅雷也属于BT 大的危害就是危害外国的服务器,不过这属于道德问题。
2023-07-19 22:40:133


2023-07-19 22:40:141


inside用法包括用作形容词、名词、副词和介词。形容词意思是里面的,内部的; 内幕的; 内侧的。名词意思是里面,内侧; 内脏; 内容,内幕。介词意思是在…以内。例如As soon as he got inside他一进来;The doors were locked from the inside门从里面锁上了。 扩展资料 inside用法包括用作形容词、名词、副词和介词。形容词意思是里面的,内部的"; 内幕的; 内侧的。名词意思是里面,内侧; 内脏; 内容,内幕。介词意思是在…以内。例如The doors were locked from the inside门从里面锁上了。
2023-07-19 22:40:111

有一个长假应该用have a long vacation还是have a long holidays?为什么?

2023-07-19 22:40:101

船舶主机型号SXD-DAIHATSU 8DKM-28,哪里造

2023-07-19 22:40:072