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wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。 (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?


wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in,put on表动作 It"s cold outside.Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on).In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child,dress oneself,be dressed in white, ②put on clothes,vk Get up and dress quickly.(快点起来穿好衣服.) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子. (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?




dress n. 女服, 童装, 服装, 衣服 v. (给...)穿衣 dress n. (统指)服装(尤指外衣); [a dress]女服; 童装 礼服, 盛装 覆盖物; 外形, 形式; 装饰品; (鸟等的)羽毛 care much about dress 讲究衣着 a summer dress 夏装 an evening dress 夜礼服 a full dress 大礼服 a bird in its winter dress 冬季羽毛丰满的鸟儿 Chinese poetry in English dress 中国诗歌的英译本 【习惯用语】 all dressed up and nowhere to go 打扮得整整齐齐却无处可去炫耀, 平白无故地打扮得漂漂亮亮 be dressed (up fit)to kill(=be dolled up fit to kill) [口]穿得过于时髦, 穿得过于花哨 be dressed up to the nines (=be dressed to death) 穿得非常时髦[华丽] evening dress 晚礼服 fancy dress 奇装, 奇装异服; (舞会等场合穿的)化装服饰 fatigue dress 【军】劳动服装 granny dress 长及踝部的宽大女服 Left dress! 【军】向左看齐! wear vt. 穿, 戴 v. (~ out) 磨损, 用旧, wear vt. (wore[wC:], worn[wC:n]) 穿; 戴着, 佩, 留着(胡须等) 使(身体某部)呈现; 显示; 表现 穿旧[破], 耗损, 磨损 使疲乏, 使软弱无力 消磨(时间) (船)挂(旗) wear white 穿白衣 wear black 穿黑衣, 戴孝 wear one"s hair long 蓄长发 wear a cheerful smile 带着愉快的笑容 wear one"s head high 头昂得高高的 wear a sour look 表现气呼呼的样子 He was worn with care and anxiety.忧虑和操心折磨着他。 【习惯用语】 be in general wear (服装等)时髦的; 流行的; 时兴的 be the worse for wear 被穿破, 被用坏 Better wear out than rust out. 与其锈掉不如用坏; 与其闲死, 不如忙死。 come into wear 成为流行式样, 风行, 时兴 in wear (经常)穿着; 时髦 wear and tear 耗损, 磨损; 折磨 wear away 磨损, (时间)消逝 wear down 磨损, 使衰弱, 疲惫不堪 wear off 磨损[灭]; 损耗; 逐渐消失 wear on (时间)慢慢过去 (以同样方式)继续下去 使恼火, 使烦躁不安 戴在...上 wear out 穿破[旧], 逐渐耗尽; 使疲惫不堪; 使虚弱, 使衰老 wear well 经久耐用 谢谢采纳!

wear 和dress的区别

wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服.) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子. (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?

Why Superman to wear underwear outside ?

because the superman want to

put on,dress,in,wear,with的区别

1)put on 和pull on 穿上;戴上。相当于及物动词,以衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的动作。put on 为普通用语;pull on多用于穿袜子、戴手套或比较随便地穿上。①It"s cold outside.You"d better put on your hat.外面很冷,你最好戴上帽子。②She put /pulled on her coat and went out of the room hurriedly.她穿上大衣,匆忙地走了。(2)wear 和have on 穿着;戴着。相当于及物动词,有衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的状态。have on不用于进行时态。①He always wears/has on black shoes.她一直穿着黑鞋。②She is wearing/has on a red coat她穿着红大衣。(3)dress 穿;戴。可用作及物动词,以人作宾语,即dress sb.(给某人穿衣);也可用作不及物动词。既可强调动作,又可表示状态,表示状态时常用be dressed in 结构。此外dress还可用作名词。①Mary is dressing her daughter.玛丽正给她女儿穿衣服。②She usually dresses well.她总是穿得很好。③He is dressed in a black jacket.他穿着黑上衣。(4)in 穿着;戴着。是介词,以衣物或表示颜色的名词作宾语,表示状态。构成的介词短词可作表语或定语。①My brother is in a blue jacket.我弟弟穿着蓝上衣。②The boy in a blue jacket is my brother.穿蓝上衣的孩子是我弟弟。③My brother is in blue.我弟弟穿着蓝衣服。wear “穿着;戴着”,表示状态,宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等。例如: You"d better wear blue or black pants with blown shoes. 穿棕色鞋子的时候, 最好要穿蓝色或黑色裤子。 Why does he often wear dark sunglasses? 他为什么经常戴着深色的太阳镜?

what side do you wear什么意思

what side do you wearfany :你穿什么衣服

what side do you wear ? 什么意思

what side do you wear ? 你穿哪一面吗?

用所给词适当形式填空。用wear,put on,dress,have sth on的适当形式填空。

She imagined__________ into the office and_handed__(hand) in her resignation.We use have to __talk___(talk) about obligation,__said__(say)that sth is necessary.He can _do__(do)it quite well.用wear,put on,dress,have sth on的适当形式填空It"s cold outside.He‘d better_put on_his coatThe mother is busy__dressing____her babyGrace is _wearing__ a beautiful dress todayShe __has_ a red jacket _on___Look!The emperor __has__ nothing ___on____!She ________ a pink barrette today.


I worn shorts and playing outside

我想知道put on与wear的语法

put on 是“穿上”,表示一个动作,即把衣服穿到身上。例句:It"s cold outside. Put on your haevy coat. 外面很冷,把你的厚大衣穿上吧。wear 是“穿着”,表示一个状态,即已经穿上了某件衣服。例句:Every time I see him, he always wears his old jacket. 我每次见到他时,他都穿着那件旧夹克衫。注意:这两个动词的宾语也可以是帽子、围巾、项链等,所以有时要分别翻译成“戴上”和“戴着”。

what side do you wear

what side do you wear?你穿的哪一面?

求dress put on wear之间的区别,详细点,不要太浅显,不要复制,我一定采纳。


wear和put on还有in的区别

wear 指“ 穿”的状态,做谓语

wear,put on,be in,with的区别



dress 和 wear 这两个词在英语中都与穿着和服装有关,但它们在用法和含义上存在一定的区别。dress:作为动词,dress 的意思是给自己或他人穿衣服、梳妆打扮。dress 可以用来描述为自己或他人穿上服装的过程。此外,dress 还可以作为名词,表示一件连衣裙。例如:a. She dresses her daughter every morning.(她每天早上给女儿穿衣。)b. He took an hour to dress and get ready for the party.(他花了一个小时打扮准备参加派对。)c. She bought a new dress for the wedding.(她为婚礼买了一条新连衣裙。)wear:作为动词,wear 的意思是戴着或穿着某物。wear 主要用来描述已经穿戴在身上的衣物、饰品或其他物品,强调的是穿着的状态。例如:a. She always wears a hat when she goes outside.(她出门时总是戴着帽子。)b. He is wearing a blue shirt today.(他今天穿了一件蓝色衬衫。)总结一下,dress 和 wear 的主要区别在于它们所描述的行为和状态。dress 通常表示穿衣服的过程,而 wear 则表示已经穿戴在身上的衣物或饰品的状态。在使用这两个词时,请注意它们的这些差异。

wear 和put on ,dress,in的区别

put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的:I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white,②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。)【例:】(1) Mary put on her hat and left the room.玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。(2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat?约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?4.to take off : (to remove-said also of clothes)【说明:】to take off (脱去)与put on 的意义相反,指脱去衣物鞋帽.民可以用put off, 但较不通用。【例:】(1) John took off his hat as he entered the room.约翰在这屋时脱下他的帽子。(2) Is Helen taking off her coat because it is too warm in the room?海伦是不是因为室内太暖和而脱去她的外衣呢?


Cdress 后跟人,为dress sb wear 指穿,强调结果

wear和put on的区别和用法,

wear 大部分时候是指 一种状态 例如 She wears a dress .她穿着一条连衣裙 put on 一般是指 一种动作 例如 She is putting on a cap.她正在带顶帽子

什么情况下用wear?put on的用法

wear表示状态,put on表示穿的动作。

wear、put on、dress、(be) in的区别和用法谁能告诉我?

put on 表瞬时,表示穿上这个瞬间动作wear 表状态,表示穿着什么样的衣服be in也表状态,但是和wear不同的是,be in 后面要加颜色,表示穿着什么颜色的衣服。dress是很宽泛的一个词,比较随意抽象 be in和wear的意思相同。都是表示穿着(什么东西)的意思。例如:I am in a shirt. 和I am wearing a shirt. 都表示我穿着一件衬衣的意思。又例如:I am in blue.和I am wearing blue. 都表示我穿着蓝色的衣服的意思。dress是:给(某人)穿衣。例如:Dress your son. 给你儿子穿衣服。Dress yourself. 你自己把衣服穿上。put on是:把(某一件衣服)穿上。例如:I am going to put the shirt on.我打算去把衬衣穿上。

帮忙辨析wear,put on,dress的用法及固定搭配,急用!!!!

wear=穿 ( im wearing a pair of dark blue trousers 我穿的是一条深蓝色的裤子, 像在介绍, 比较日常的用语。)put on = 穿上 (Put on your hat 戴上你的帽子 ) 更像是出门前的用语,是一种急促的时候用的 或是命令Dress = 着装 ( what is the dress code of the party? 排队的着装要求是什么? 这是一种比较正式的用语, 也有裙子的意思)

wear 和dress区别

wear 后跟 衣服穿 表示状态dress 后 某人或反身代词如She wears a red skirt today.She could dress herself when she was three years old.

Melle attack the mannequin with you weapon是什么意思


you can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went. you could swear, curs




求类似try , wear me out 这一类的歌





用Dreamweaver插入网页背景音乐的方法本文以mid格式文件和mp3格式文件为例,教你如何在网页中插入背景音乐。 1、MID 是用来插入背景音乐,但只适用于IE,其参数设定不多。如下: <bgsound src="your.mid" autostart=true loop=infinite> src="your.mid" :设定 midi 档案及路径,可以是相对或绝对。 autostart=true :是否在音乐档下载完之后就自动播放。true 是,false 否 (内定值)。 loop=infinite :是否自动反复播放。LOOP=2 表示重复两次,Infinite 表示重复多次。 这种方法就是直接把标记放于网页文件的...之间,设置好mid文件的路径就OK了 2、mp3 <EMBED src="1.mp3" autostart="true" loop="2" width=300 height=100> src:音乐文件的路径及文件名; autostart:true为音乐文件上传完后自动开始播放,默认为false(否) loop:true为无限次重播,false为不重播,某一具体值(整数)为重播多少次 volume:取值范围为"0-100",设置音量,默认为系统本身的音量 starttime:"分:秒",设置歌曲开始播放的时间,如,starttime="00:10",从第10开始播放 endtime: "分:秒",设置歌曲结束播放的时间 width:控制面板的宽 height:控制面板的高 controls:控制面板的外观 controls="console/smallconsole/ playbutton/pausebutton/stopbutton/volumelever" ·console:正常大小的面板 ·smallconsole:较小的面板 ·playbutton:显示播放按钮 ·pausebutton:显示暂停按钮 ·stopbutton:显示停止按钮 ·volumelever:显示音量调节按钮 hidden:为true时可以隐藏面板 其它的用播放器播放音乐的代码请看录录网其它技术文章!


基本语法<marquee> ... </marquee> <marquee>啦啦啦,我会移动耶!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我会移动耶!文字移动属性的设置方向<direction=#> #=left, right <marquee direction=left>啦啦啦,我从右向左移!</marquee> <P> <marquee direction=right>啦啦啦,我从左向右移!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我从右向左移!啦啦啦,我从左向右移!方式<bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate <marquee behavior=scroll>啦啦啦,我一圈一圈绕着走!</marquee> <P> <marquee behavior=slide>啦啦啦,我只走一次就歇了!</marquee> <P> <marquee behavior=alternate>啦啦啦,我来回走耶!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我一圈一圈绕着走!啦啦啦,我只走一次就歇了!啦啦啦,我来回走耶!循环<loop=#> #=次数;若未指定则循环不止(infinite) <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=scroll>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> <P> <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=slide>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> <P> <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=alternate>啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!</marquee> 啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!啦啦啦,我只走3 趟哟!速度<scrollamount=#>


下个插件放歌的 具体我也不知道叫什么自己找去




基本语法<marquee> ... </marquee><marquee>我会移动耶!</marquee> 我会移动耶!文字移动属性的设置方向 <direction=#> #=left, right<marquee direction=left>我从右向左移!</marquee> <P><marquee direction=right>我从左向右移!</marquee> 我从右向左移!我从左向右移!方式 <bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate<marquee behavior=scroll>我一圈一圈绕着走!</marquee> <P><marquee behavior=slide>我只走一次就歇了!</marquee> <P><marquee behavior=alternate>我来回走耶!</marquee> 我一圈一圈绕着走!我只走一次就歇了!我来回走耶!循环 <loop=#> #=次数;若未指定则循环不止(infinite)<marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=scroll>我只走 3 趟哟!</marquee> <P><marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=slide>我只走 3 趟哟!</marquee> <P><marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=alternate>我只走 3 趟哟!</marquee> 我只走 3 趟哟!我只走 3 趟哟!我只走 3 趟哟!速度 <scrollamount=#><marquee scrollamount=20>我走得好快哟!</marquee> 我走得好快哟!延时 <scrolldelay=#><marquee scrolldelay=500 scrollamount=100>我走一步,停一停!</marquee> 我走一步,停一停!外观(Layout)设置对齐方式(Align) <align=#> #=top, middle, bottom<font size=6><marquee align=# width=400>我会移动耶!</marquee></font>对齐上沿、中间、下沿。 我会移动耶!对齐上沿。我会移动耶!对齐中间。我会移动耶!对齐下沿。底色 <bgcolor=#> #=rrggbb 16 进制数码,或者是下列预定义色彩:Black, Olive, Teal, Red, Blue, Maroon, Navy, Gray, Lime, Fuchsia, White, Green, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Aqua <marquee bgcolor=aaaaee>我会移动耶!</marquee> 我会移动耶!面积 <height=# width=#><marquee height=40 width=50% bgcolor=aaeeaa>我会移动耶!</marquee> 我会移动耶!空白(Margins)<hspace=# vspace=#>********************************************<br>嗨,<marquee hspace=20 vspace=20 width=150 bgcolor=ffaaaa align=middle>我会移动耶!</marquee>大家好!<br>******************************************** ********************************************嗨, 我会移动耶!大家好!********************************************


are we happyuff1f

Winter is coming. The weather is getting_____.A. colder and colder B. cold an...

A 试题分析:句意:冬天到了。天气变得越来越冷了。固定句式the more,the more越……,越……,前后都用比较级。故选A。点评:固定句式的考查也是英语考查的一个重点,熟记这些句式可以减少答题中的分析判断时间,所以平时加强句式记忆也是学好英语的关键环节。

Porsche Design eyewear p8000 这个眼镜在保时捷4S店多少钱?


朋友送我了个Polaroid Porsche Design eyewear p8000 的偏光太阳镜。想知道价格,专业人士回答。。。


Porsche Design eyewear p8000 现在市场售价多少钱?


Y.M.C.A.歌词 以及I Swear 卑鄙的我2

是要原版还是要黄小豆版?我先给你黄小豆版的吧——《Underwear》(念)Ah la bo ta...Ta la chi ma to li na laAh...La ba di bo chi la lo taaa(唱)U bla ma chi je chi...Fo pah pu seh la ma niUnderwear...La ka leh li leh wi i leh miaMa co leUnderwear...La pak lete est poi lu de la teteLa beh leh...Underwear...La jeh te li ti ta i leh kuaLa kua leh eh...Leh soh li yeh tuLa geh leh i tuLeh ah boh i tuLeh pak tu ti ba tu ti ba laUnderwear(念)Ah tu le amo ti underwear===========================《Y.M.C.A》Mocha, fa les duo ma laki, boji. Mocha, fa ta qui ba dada, boda. Mocha, Linguini Banaki, Loto lato les boo hey la….(mia mia mia mia mia) La bada gei a luo, "Tu pues des bras", La bata gei a luo. "Tu pues des bras", fa la quelè mi duo, fa la tous les loka, kappa boyé les paprikas. La bada gei a luo. "Tu pues des bras",la bada gei a luo. "Tu pues des bras",linda lou les bono, li les Carbonara,les ji chie les calita.

How much is this sweater?(改为同义句)

What"s the price of the sweater?How much does the sweater cost?

单词cold 、warm、 cool、 hot 、weather,并用这几个词各造一个句子?

What"s the weather like in your countryuff1fIt is hot in summer .And it"s cold in winter.It is quite warm inside.In autumn, it is fine and cool.

there is a sweater_____(hang) on the clothes line. 横线处应该填hung还是hanging?



wow和wear发音相同 发/w/wine和white发音相同 发/w/how和whole都不发音,发音也算相同。

a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life是什么意思

a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life 全部释义和例句>> 外语是人生奋斗的武器struggle 英[u02c8stru028cgl] 美[u02c8stru028cɡu0259l] vi. 奋斗; 搏斗; 努力; 争取; n. 奋斗; 打斗; 竞争; [例句]A struggle for the soul of the Republican Party为实现共和党的基本宗旨而进行的奋斗[其他] 第三人称单数:struggles 复数:struggles 现在分词:struggling过去式:struggled 过去分词:struggled

英文 wearing怎么读?





wear的发音为 /wu025br/。英音[ weu0259(r) ] 美音[ wer ]释义v. 穿(衣服)穿衣服,戴(首饰等);蓄(须),留(发);销蚀,磨损,踩出1·She doesn"t often wear heels.她不常穿高跟鞋。《牛津词典》2·Do you have to wear uniform ?你非得穿制服不可吗?《牛津词典》3·She"s too vain to wear glasses.她太爱虚荣,不肯戴眼镜。《牛津词典》4·I used to have to wear braces.我以前不得不戴牙箍。


Mika《kick ass》歌词:We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We could rule the world On a silver platter From the wrong to the right light To an open stream With a crash and burn We could make it better Turn it upside down Just you and me We are the dream No other way To be We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees I could change the world I could make it better Kick it up and down Take a chance on me When you fake a smile And you think you"re better Gonna put it down Rip it at your feet No bridge to burn Nowhere to turn For me We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees What do they know about us? Are they thinking of somebody else? Are they wondering what we might be? Are they thinking of you or of me? We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees We are young We are strong We"re not looking for where we belong We"re not cool We are free And we"re running with blood on our knees

sunny weather怎么读

sunny weather阳光明媚的天气

screeching weasel的《cool kids》 歌词

歌手: Echosmith所属专辑:《Talking Dreams》《Cool Kids》是美国另类摇滚乐队。Echosmith,2013年10月4日发行的专辑《Talking Dreams》中的一首主打单曲。歌词Cool Kids - EchosmithShe says they"re walking in a straight lineBut that"s not really her styleThey all got the same heartbeatBut hers is falling behindNothing in this world couldEver bring them downYeah, they"re invincibleAnd she"s just in the backgroundAnd she saysI wish that I could be like the cool kids"Cause all the cool kidsThey seem to fit inI wish that I could be like the cool kidsLike the cool kidsHe says I"m talking with a big smileBut they haven"t got a clueYeah, they"re living the good lifeCan"t see what he is going throughThey"re driving fast carsBut they don"t know where they"re goingIn the fast laneLiving life without knowingAnd he saysI wish that I could be like the cool kids"Cause all the cool kidsThey seem to fit inI wish that I could be like the cool kidsLike the cool kidsI wish that I could be like the cool kids"Cause all the cool kidsThey seem to get itI wish that I could be like the cool kidsLike the cool kidsAnd they saidI wish that I could be like the cool kids"Cause all the cool kidsThey seem to fit inI wish that I could be like the cool kidsLike the cool kidsI wish that I could be like the cool kids"Cause all the cool kidsThey seem to get itI wish that I could be like the cool kidsLike the cool kidsI wish that I could be like the cool kids"Cause all the cool kidsThey seem to fit inI wish that I could be like the cool kidsLike the cool kids百度音乐:http://music.baidu.com/song/s/330753d88ad085518e453


wearKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 穿着;戴着;佩带着;涂抹(香水、化妆品)wear perfume(makeup, cologne)涂抹香水(化妆品,古龙水)She was wearing a gold ring.她戴着一个金戒指。2. (习惯性地)戴着(假发、眼镜等)wear glasses(a wig)戴眼镜(假发)3. 面露,面带,面有...色He was wearing a pleasant smile.他一直面露愉快的微笑。4. (将胡须、头发)留成...的样子;保持...的样子He wore a short beard.他蓄着短胡子。She wears her hair long.她留长发。5. (船只)升、挂(旗);(骑师、骑士)打着(旗)6. 穿破,磨损,磨出;冲刷;冲蚀The rocks were worn away by the sea.岩石受海浪冲蚀。His trousers have been worn into holes.他的裤子已破了好些洞。7. 使疲乏,使厌烦;使力竭She was worn down with fatigue.她已疲惫不堪。8. 消磨(时间)vi.1. 磨损;穿破;变旧;用坏I like this shirt, but the neck has worn.我喜欢这件衬衫,但领子已旧了。2. 耐久;耐穿;耐磨[Q]That cloth will wear for years and years.那种布料可以穿好多年。3. (时间)逐渐消逝[(+on/away)]The hours wore on; night came.时间一点点过去,夜色降临了。n.[U]1. 穿;戴;佩;使用This jacket is for everyday wear.这件短上衣供日常穿用。2. (常用于复合词)衣服,服装;时装3. 磨损,损耗This sofa is showing signs of wear.这只沙发开始显得破旧了。4. 耐用性,经久性There is plenty of wear left in the machine.这台机器还可用好长一段时间



亚当·斯密在国富论(The Wealth of Nations)里很有名的一句话,原句英文在哪里?请给链接,万分感谢.


I get my sister. I get my backpack. I get my swea





?UNARMED MELEE 10.0 1.6 -1 -1 0 UNARMED 4 1 null?BRASSKNUCKLE MELEE 10.0 1.6 331 -1 0 UNARMED 4 1 null?GOLFCLUB MELEE 10.0 1.6 333 -1 1 BBALLBAT 1 1 null?NIGHTSTICK MELEE 10.0 1.6 334 -1 1 BBALLBAT 1 1 null?KNIFE MELEE 10.0 1.6 335 -1 1 KNIFE 1 1 stealth_kn?BASEBALLBAT MELEE 10.0 1.6 336 -1 1 BBALLBAT 1 1 null?SHOVEL MELEE 10.0 1.6 337 -1 1 BBALLBAT 1 1 null?POOLCUE MELEE 10.0 1.6 338 -1 1 BBALLBAT 1 1 null?KATANA MELEE 10.0 1.6 339 -1 1 SWORD 1 1 null#?SKATEBOARD MELEE 10.0 1.6 340 -1 1 SKATEBOARD 1 1 null?CHAINSAW MELEE 10.0 1.6 341 -1 1 CHAINSAW 1 201 null# gifts ----------------?DILDO1 MELEE 10.0 1.6 321 -1 10 DILDO 1 1 null?DILDO2 MELEE 10.0 1.6 322 -1 10 KNIFE 1 1 null?VIBE1 MELEE 10.0 1.6 323 -1 10 DILDO 1 1 null?VIBE2 MELEE 10.0 1.6 324 -1 10 KNIFE 1 1 null?FLOWERS MELEE 10.0 1.6 325 -1 10 FLOWERS 1 1 null?CANE MELEE 10.0 1.6 326 -1 10 SWORD 1 1 null#- special -------------?PARACHUTE MELEE 10.0 1.6 371 -1 11 UNARMED 1 1 null## Gun Weapons#-------------------------------ranges------modelIds----slot-animgrp----ammo-dam----offset--------------skill---------------loop1--------loop2----break-flags-------old_shot_data-------# A B C D E F I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e################$ GRENADE PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 342 -1 8 grenade 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 8 99 100 0.25 -1.0 800.0 1.0$ TEARGAS PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 343 -1 8 grenade 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 10 99 100 0.25 -1.0 800.0 1.0$ MOLOTOV PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 344 -1 8 grenade 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 8 99 100 0.25 -1.0 2000.0 5.0$ ROCKET PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 345 -1 8 null 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 10 99 100 0.25 -1.0 800.0 1.0$ ROCKET_HS PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 345 -1 8 null 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 10 99 100 0.25 -1.0 800.0 1.0$ FREEFALL_BOMB PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 345 -1 8 null 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 10 99 100 0.25 -1.0 800.0 1.0################$ PISTOL INSTANT_HIT 25.0 30.0 346 -1 2 colt45 17 25 0.25 0.05 0.09 0 0 0.75 1.0 6 17 6 6 16 6 99 3033$ PISTOL INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 346 -1 2 colt45 17 25 0.25 0.05 0.09 1 40 1.0 1.0 6 15 6 6 15 6 99 3033$ PISTOL INSTANT_HIT 35.0 35.0 346 -1 2 colt45pro 34 25 0.25 0.05 0.09 2 999 1.25 1.0 6 18 6 6 17 6 99 3833$ PISTOL INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 346 -1 2 colt_cop 17 25 0.25 0.05 0.09 3 5000 1.0 1.0 6 15 6 6 15 6 99 7031$ PISTOL_SILENCED INSTANT_HIT 25.0 30.0 347 -1 2 silenced 17 40 0.40 0.05 0.15 0 0 1.0 1.0 6 20 6 6 20 6 40 7001$ PISTOL_SILENCED INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 347 -1 2 silenced 17 40 0.40 0.05 0.15 1 500 1.25 1.2 6 18 6 6 18 6 40 7011$ PISTOL_SILENCED INSTANT_HIT 35.0 35.0 347 -1 2 silenced 17 40 0.40 0.05 0.15 2 999 1.5 1.5 6 17 6 6 17 6 40 7031$ DESERT_EAGLE INSTANT_HIT 25.0 30.0 348 -1 2 pythonbad 7 70 0.41 0.03 0.12 0 0 0.75 1.0 7 36 8 6 30 7 40 7001$ DESERT_EAGLE INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 348 -1 2 python 7 140 0.41 0.03 0.12 1 200 1.0 1.2 6 30 7 6 28 7 40 7011$ DESERT_EAGLE INSTANT_HIT 35.0 35.0 348 -1 2 python 7 140 0.41 0.03 0.12 2 999 1.25 1.5 6 28 7 6 28 7 40 7031################$ SHOTGUN INSTANT_HIT 30.0 40.0 349 -1 3 shotgunbad 1 10 0.82 -0.02 0.23 0 0 1.0 1.0 6 40 7 6 40 7 28 2001$ SHOTGUN INSTANT_HIT 35.0 40.0 349 -1 3 shotgun 1 10 0.82 -0.02 0.25 1 200 1.2 1.1 6 38 7 6 40 7 20 2011$ SHOTGUN INSTANT_HIT 40.0 40.0 349 -1 3 shotgun 1 10 0.82 -0.02 0.25 2 999 1.4 1.3 6 38 7 6 40 7 25 2031$ SAWNOFF INSTANT_HIT 25.0 30.0 350 -1 3 sawnoff 2 10 0.56 0.0 0.15 0 0 0.7 1.0 6 15 6 6 15 6 30 3033$ SAWNOFF INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 350 -1 3 sawnoff 2 10 0.56 0.0 0.15 1 200 0.8 1.1 6 15 6 6 15 6 30 3033$ SAWNOFF INSTANT_HIT 35.0 35.0 350 -1 3 sawnoffpro 4 10 0.56 0.0 0.15 2 999 0.9 1.3 6 15 6 6 15 6 30 3833$ SPAS12 INSTANT_HIT 35.0 40.0 351 -1 3 buddy 7 15 0.75 -0.06 0.22 0 0 1.4 1.0 6 18 7 6 18 7 35 7001$ SPAS12 INSTANT_HIT 40.0 40.0 351 -1 3 buddy 7 15 0.75 -0.06 0.22 1 200 1.8 1.0 6 16 7 6 16 7 35 7011$ SPAS12 INSTANT_HIT 40.0 40.0 351 -1 3 buddy 7 15 0.75 -0.06 0.22 2 999 2.0 1.2 6 16 7 6 16 7 35 7031################$ MICRO_UZI INSTANT_HIT 25.0 30.0 352 -1 4 colt45 50 20 0.25 0.0 0.11 0 0 0.75 1.0 6 10 6 6 10 6 99 3013$ MICRO_UZI INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 352 -1 4 colt45 50 20 0.25 0.0 0.11 1 50 1.05 1.0 6 10 6 6 10 6 99 3033$ MICRO_UZI INSTANT_HIT 35.0 35.0 352 -1 4 colt45pro 100 20 0.25 0.0 0.11 2 999 1.1 1.0 6 10 6 6 10 6 99 3833$ TEC9 INSTANT_HIT 25.0 30.0 372 -1 4 colt45 50 20 0.45 -0.05 0.11 0 0 0.75 1.0 11 15 12 6 11 7 99 3013$ TEC9 INSTANT_HIT 30.0 35.0 372 -1 4 colt45 50 20 0.45 -0.05 0.11 1 50 1.05 1.0 11 15 12 6 11 7 99 3033$ TEC9 INSTANT_HIT 35.0 35.0 372 -1 4 colt45pro 100 20 0.45 -0.05 0.11 2 999 1.1 1.0 11 15 12 6 11 7 99 3833$ MP5 INSTANT_HIT 35.0 40.0 353 -1 4 uzibad 30 25 0.51 -0.01 0.20 0 0 0.75 1.1 6 9 7 6 9 6 30 7001$ MP5 INSTANT_HIT 40.0 45.0 353 -1 4 uzi 30 25 0.51 -0.01 0.20 1 250 1.0 1.3 6 9 7 6 9 6 30 7011$ MP5 INSTANT_HIT 45.0 45.0 353 -1 4 uzi 30 25 0.51 -0.01 0.20 2 999 1.2 1.5 6 9 7 6 9 6 30 7031################$ AK47 INSTANT_HIT 40.0 70.0 355 -1 5 riflebad 30 30 0.78 -0.06 0.13 0 0 0.40 0.9 6 10 7 6 10 7 99 7001$ AK47 INSTANT_HIT 45.0 70.0 355 -1 5 rifle 30 30 0.78 -0.06 0.13 1 200 0.50 1.0 6 10 7 6 10 7 99 7011$ AK47 INSTANT_HIT 50.0 70.0 355 -1 5 rifle 30 30 0.78 -0.06 0.13 2 999 0.60 1.1 6 10 7 6 10 7 99 7031$ M4 INSTANT_HIT 40.0 90.0 356 -1 5 riflebad 50 30 0.74 -0.04 0.13 0 0 0.45 0.9 6 10 7 6 10 7 99 7001$ M4 INSTANT_HIT 45.0 90.0 356 -1 5 rifle 50 30 0.74 -0.04 0.13 1 200 0.65 1.0 6 10 7 6 10 7 99 7011$ M4 INSTANT_HIT 50.0 90.0 356 -1 5 rifle 50 30 0.74 -0.04 0.13 2 999 0.80 1.1 6 10 7 6 10 7 99 7031#################$ COUNTRYRIFLE INSTANT_HIT 50.0 100.0 357 -1 6 sniper 1 75 0.7 -0.05 0.2 0 0 0.75 1.0 6 17 7 6 17 7 99 A018$ COUNTRYRIFLE INSTANT_HIT 55.0 100.0 357 -1 6 sniper 1 75 0.7 -0.05 0.2 1 300 1.0 1.2 6 17 7 6 17 7 99 A008#$ COUNTRYRIFLE INSTANT_HIT 60.0 100.0 357 -1 6 sniper 1 75 0.7 -0.05 0.2 2 999 1.25 1.3 6 17 7 6 17 7 99 A038#$ SNIPERRIFLE INSTANT_HIT 40.0 100.0 358 -1 6 sniper 1 125 0.7 -0.05 0.2 0 0 0.75 1.0 6 17 7 6 17 7 99 A014$ SNIPERRIFLE INSTANT_HIT 50.0 100.0 358 -1 6 sniper 1 125 0.7 -0.05 0.2 1 300 1.0 1.0 6 17 7 6 17 7 99 A014#$ SNIPERRIFLE INSTANT_HIT 60.0 100.0 358 -1 6 sniper 1 125 0.7 -0.05 0.2 2 999 1.25 1.0 6 17 7 6 17 7 99 A014################$ RLAUNCHER PROJECTILE 50.0 55.0 359 -1 7 rocket 1 75 0.42 0.0 0.05 1 0 1.0 1.0 11 19 12 14 99 15 99 48214$ RLAUNCHER_HS PROJECTILE 50.0 55.0 360 -1 7 rocket 1 75 0.42 0.0 0.05 1 0 1.0 1.0 11 19 12 14 99 15 99 48214$ FTHROWER AREA_EFFECT 4.0 5.1 361 -1 7 flame 500 25 0.98 0.0 0.40 1 0 1.0 1.0 11 12 11 11 12 11 35 30238 0.5 0.0075 1000.0 2.0$ MINIGUN INSTANT_HIT 65.0 75.0 362 -1 7 flame 500 140 1.15 0.0 0.40 1 0 1.0 1.0 11 12 11 11 12 11 35 238#############$ SATCHEL_CHARGE PROJECTILE 30.0 40.0 363 364 8 grenade 1 75 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 99 6 0 99 9 99 100 0.25 -1.0 800.0 1.0$ DETONATOR USE 25.0 25.0 364 -1 12 null 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.13 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 10 3 0 10 3 99 0################$ SPRAYCAN AREA_EFFECT 4.0 6.1 365 -1 9 spraycan 500 1 0.20 0.0 -0.1 1 0 1.0 1.0 12 58 13 11 58 13 99 0431 0.05 0.5 1000.0 0.01$ EXTINGUISHER AREA_EFFECT 10.0 10.1 366 -1 9 flame 500 1 0.45 0.10 0.15 1 0 1.0 1.0 11 12 11 11 12 11 35 0038 0.1 0.5 1000.0 0.01$ CAMERA CAMERA 70.0 100.0 367 -1 9 rifle 36 0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 10 99 11 14 99 15 0 4################$ NIGHTVISION USE 70.0 100.0 368 -1 11 goggles 0 0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 10 99 11 14 99 15 0 0$ INFRARED USE 70.0 100.0 369 -1 11 goggles 0 0 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 10 99 11 14 99 15 0 0#$ JETPACK USE 25.0 25.0 370 -1 9 null 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.13 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 10 3 0 10 3 99 0## Gun Aiming Offsets#-------------------AimX----AimZ--------DuckX---DuckZ---RLoad-A/B---CrouchRLoad-A/B--# A B C D E F G H I% python 0.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 254 633 254 633% pythonbad 0.1 0.55 0.05 0.0 254 633 254 633% colt45 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.1 254 633 254 633% colt_cop 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.0 254 633 254 633% colt45pro 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.0 254 633 254 633% sawnoff 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.1 189 815 254 633% sawnoffpro 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.0 189 815 254 633% silenced 0.1 0.55 0.1 0.0 254 633 254 633% shotgun 0.18 0.44 0.0 0.0 0 726 0 726% shotgunbad 0.15 0.15 0.0 0.0 0 726 0 726% buddy 0.22 0.1 0.0 0.0 383 689 271 619% buddybad 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.0 383 689 271 619% uzi 0.19 0.45 0.1 0.0 382 933 382 933% uzibad 0.18 0.25 0.1 0.0 382 933 382 933% rifle 0.20 0.48 0.10 0.0 380 897 380 897% riflebad 0.16 0.2 0.1 0.0 380 897 380 897% sniper 0.20 0.48 0.10 0.0 429 633 429 633% grenade 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 % flame 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0% rocket 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 254 633 254 633% spraycan 0.0 0.44 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0

grades 用 poor 还是weak

grades 用 poor。grades 是成绩等级的意思,是一个动词。比如:The teach will encourage those students with poor grades,意思是:这位老师会鼓励那些成绩差的学生。

Rain的有一首歌歌词有I weat to be bad boys(我要做个坏男孩)的歌叫做什么名字??


These Kids Wear Crowns的《Lifetime》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifetime歌手:These Kids Wear Crowns专辑:JumpstartThese Kids Wear Crowns - "Lifetime".She knows, we all have to grow old,And walk the winding road,The fires we burn go cold.Today, she stumbles on her way,To find the words to say,Get back to yesterday..Give it all that you got,Cause you got to feel your heart pound,And you got got got to put your foot down,Let""s figure it out now..We""re living a lifetime in a minute.It""ll pass right by if you let it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.A lifetime in a minute.If you blink your eyes, you could miss it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimewe just wanna live.She waves, she never makes mistakesBut she""ll never get away.You can""t always play it safe..Give it all that you got,Cause you got to feel your heart pound,And you got got got to put your foot down,Let""s figure it out now..We""re living a lifetime in a minute.It""ll pass right by if you let it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.A lifetime in a minute.If you blink your eyes, you could miss it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetime.So get up get up get up, ohGet up get up get up, ohGet up get up get upCause this is our lifetime.Just when we thoughtIt would last last foreverWe""re counting down the secondsIt""s now or it""s neverThese moments disappear.I know, we all have to grow old....We""re living a lifetime in a minute.It""ll pass right by if you let it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.A lifetime in a minute.If you blink your eyes, you could miss it.So make it tonight, make it tonight.Cause this is our lifetime.So get up get up get up, ohGet up get up get up, ohGet up get up get upCause this is our lifetimewe just wanna live.Get up get up get up, ohGet up get up get up, ohGet up get up get upCause this is our lifetimeAnd we just wanna live it.http://music.baidu.com/song/5551231

sweat dream和sweet dream区别

sweet dream是 甜美的梦sweat dream我不知道是什么意思,但是根据sweat 是汗水的意思,我觉得应该是辛勤耕耘梦想吧


wealthy[英][u02c8welθi][美][u02c8wu025blθi]adj.富有的; 充分的; n.富人,有钱人,阔人; 最高级:wealthiest比较级:wealthierwise[英][wau026az][美][wau026az]adj.聪明的,有智慧的; 博学的,博识的; 明白的; 像智者的; vt.使知道,使懂得; 教导; 指点; vi.了解,知道; 第三人称单数:wises最高级:wisest现在进行时:wising比较级:wiser过去式:wised

雅诗兰黛double wear粉底液到底哪个色号最白?

雅诗兰黛doublewear粉底液的风吹了两年了竟然有越吹越大的趋势?在此本资深粉推荐一下白皮及想要提亮的黄皮色号。 本人皮肤很白,超级大油田,以前爱长痘,现在经期会长痘。 dw色号很多,我这里就比较三个颜色1c1,2c0,1n1。 1c1粉调第一白,白的话没有特别感受到,但是真的粉,我皮肤冷调一白了,上脸觉得红,是那种别人都能看出来你脸怎么红红的,所以除了特别需要提气色的,不建议买这个色号。 2c0粉调二白,明显没有1c1粉,我上脸觉得很自然,略微那么提亮一点点点点,贴近我肤色,是我最推荐的色号,适合白皮和不是很黄的黄皮。 1n1自然调一白,从试色看跟2c0非常接近,但实际上还是比2c0黄一点,上脸后颜色还是很自然,但是我感觉不到任何提亮,所以第四瓶又买回了2c0。我觉得应该挺适合黄皮的。 没有买其他颜色了,看试色都说1w1黄就没打算过入手。2c0和1n1的色号挺适合中国人的,dw没有那种像韩妆一样白到发亮的色号。 说回妆效,dw确实干,但没有那么那么干,做好保湿并且用湿美妆蛋不会卡粉,我夏天上完dw会用muf散粉定妆(另一个控油神器),冬天用保湿粉饼定妆,在这种情况下我能保持8小时妆效。我不是一般的油,换了普通粉底液打散粉最多4小时,不打散粉两小时不到就开始花妆。要知道dw主打的是持久,并且遮瑕也很好,适合瑕疵皮,所以它就不可避免的会干会厚,如果皮肤好只是追求持妆建议可以少量涂抹。 现在dw是我的不可或缺的神器了,毕竟一天在外面跑8个小时太正常了,特别是夏天,建议大家可以都备一只,而且发现一个小秘密,游泳的时候防水真的不错。 理论上最白色号是1c0,1w0,1n0。字母的区别代表肤色冷暖调的区别。 雅诗兰黛粉底液的色号还是很容易区分的,有没有发现雅诗兰黛粉底液色号都是非常有规律的,都长这样:1w0、2n1、1n0等……可以总结成: 数字一 + 字母 + 数字二 的结构。 那么每个数字或字母都代表什么意思呢?要如何选出最白的色号或是适合自己肤色的色号呢? 数字一:通常是1、2或3 颜色的深浅从一到三依次递增。即 1 代表最白色号,2 代表自然色,3 代表 健康 小麦色。 字母:通常是C / W / N cold 冷色调;warm 暖色调;neutral 中性色 数字二:通常是1、2或3 从1到3依次变深。 冷色调为从白到粉;暖色调为从白到黄 。 是不是挺好记忆分辨的

how sweet house weather like today

how is the weather today?

red weapon 6k与red epic dragon哪个好


jeans wear是什么牌子啊?

美国Perry Ellis International 公司下属的一个系列品牌也有个jeans wear是主要做牛仔类的韩国也有这样一个牌子

有谁知道关于形容weather的中英对照,如:cold,sunny 等等

cold冷的 hot热的sunny阳光灿烂的rainy有雨的 cloudy多云的 cool凉爽的gloomy 昏暗的 令人沮丧的(多与心情有关)

I can guess you were in a hurry.You _______ your sweater inside out.


Wearing The Inside Out 中文歌词


sweater inside out

这两个句子一个意思 :你把你的毛衣穿反了 inside out 字面意思:里面的在外面 不就是穿反了吗 have.on 就是穿的意思


none 此元素不会被显示。 block 此元素将显示为块级元素,此元素前后会带有换行符。 inline 默认。此元素会被显示为内联元素,元素前后没有换行符。 inline-block 行内块元素。(CSS2.1 新增的值) list-item 此元素会作为列表显示。 run-in 此元素会根据上下文作为块级元素或内联元素显示。 compact CSS 中有值 compact,不过由于缺乏广泛支持,已经从 CSS2.1 中删除。 marker CSS 中有值 marker,不过由于缺乏广泛支持,已经从 CSS2.1 中删除。 table 此元素会作为块级表格来显示(类似 <table>),表格前后带有换行符。 inline-table 此元素会作为内联表格来显示(类似 <table>),表格前后没有换行符。 table-row-group 此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <tbody>)。 table-header-group 此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <thead>)。 table-footer-group 此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <tfoot>)。 table-row 此元素会作为一个表格行显示(类似 <tr>)。 table-column-group 此元素会作为一个或多个列的分组来显示(类似 <colgroup>)。 table-column 此元素会作为一个单元格列显示(类似 <col>) table-cell 此元素会作为一个表格单元格显示(类似 <td> 和 <th>) table-caption 此元素会作为一个表格标题显示(类似 <caption>) inherit 规定应该从父元素继承 display 属性的值。



uneasy lies the head that wears a crown是什么意思


继承者们第四集中的欲戴王冠必承其重的英文,网上有些说是One who wants to wear


One who want to wear the crown. Bear thecrown是什么意




wear resistance是什么意思

wear resistance[英][wu025bu0259 riu02c8zistu0259ns][美][wu025br ru026au02c8zu026astu0259ns]耐磨性;



This morning our water supply was __________because of the cold weather.



因为是不可数名词。russian,american和chinese,japanese等词不一样,后者复数不加s,本身就是复数形式。 当russian做形容词讲——俄国的。
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