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I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat.这句话是谁说的?

这句话是Churchill 1940年5月10号成为英国首相后,在5月13号met his Cabinet时做的第一次演讲,题为“Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat”,这句话意思是“我能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。” 原文为: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, it is victory. Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. Let that be realized, no survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal. I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.” 我能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、泪水和汗水。我们所面临的将是一场极为残酷的考验,我们面临的将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。你若问我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来概括,那就是胜利。不惜一切代价去夺取胜利,不畏惧一切恐怖去夺取胜利,不论前路再长再苦也要多去胜利,因为没有胜利纠无法生存!我们必须意识到,没有胜利就没有大英帝国,没有胜利就没有大英帝国所象征的一切,没有胜利就没有多少世纪以来强烈的要求和冲动:人类应当向自己的目标迈进。此刻,我的精神振奋,满怀信心地承当起自己的人物。我确信,只要我们大家联合,我们的事业就不会挫败。此时此刻千钧一发之际,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要呼吁:“来吧,让我们群策努力,并肩迈进!”

I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat.这句话是谁说的?


weak not for the passed一句歌词 and In the time you b

1.《buring》Passion is sweet Love makes weak You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go Follow your fate Love and hate Never fail to seize the day But dont give yourself away . Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I Said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous Oh the thought keep spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If your the rock I"ll crush against Trapped in a crowd The music is loud I said I love my freedom to Now I"m not sure I do All eyes on you Rings so true Better quit while you"re ahead Now I"m not so sure I am Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I Said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous Oh the thought keep spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If your the rock I"ll crush against My soul my heart If you"re near if you"re far My life my love You can have it all....ooohaaaah. Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I Said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous Oh the thought keep spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If your the rock I"ll crush against ooh, if your the rock I"ll crush against. 燃烧 激情令人幸福 爱情令人脆弱 你曾说过自由至上 因此你不愿被束缚 命中注定 爱很情仇 日夜追逐你的梦想 从未放弃 哦当夜幕降临 你孤身一人 在你沉睡之时 你梦见了什么 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉 噢 我却无法满足 曾答应不再想你索取 然而 你的延伸摄人心魄 对你的思想挥之不去 我们可否坦诚相对 纵使结局无法预料 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火 置身于茫茫人海之中 乐声嘈杂 我曾说过 我同样珍爱自由 现今却不置可否 视线被你占据 我已经看清一切 感情深入之时 却是分手之日 然而我却无法做到 我的灵魂 我的芳心 无论你近在咫尺或是远在天涯 我的生命 我的挚爱 请一并带走 哦...2《Because Of You 》 Kelly ClarksonI will not make the same mistakes that you did 我不会和你犯相同的错误 I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery 我不会允许自己给自己的心带来如此多的痛苦 I will not break the way you did, You fell so hard 我不会改变你的做法(有疑惑),你已如此不幸 I ve learned the hard way To never let it get that far 我已经知道不让它发展成那样的艰难的方法 Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk 因为你,我从不离开正途太远 Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连 Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 因为你,我发现很难相信自己甚至身边的人 Because of you I am afraid 因为你,我很害怕 I lose my way And it s not too long before you point it out 当我迷失自我,你很快为我指明道路 I cannot cry Because you know that s weakness in your eyes 我不能哭泣,因为你知道那正是你眼中的懦弱 I m forced to fake A smile, a laugh everyday of my life 我被迫要在生命中的每一天假装微笑、开怀大笑 My heart can t possibly break 我的心不可能破碎 When it wasn t even whole to start with 因为它从一开始就未曾完整过 Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk 因为你,我从不离开正途太远 Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连 Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 因为你,我发现很难相信自己甚至身边的人 Because of you I am afraid 因为你,我很害怕 I watched you die 我眼看着你死去 I heard you cry every night in your sleep 我听着你每晚睡梦中的哭泣 I was so young 我还太年轻 You should have known better than to lean on me 你早就应该明白你不能依靠我 You never thought of anyone else 你从未顾及到别人 You just saw your pain 你只看到了自己的痛苦 And now I cry in the middle of the night 而现在我在每个午夜哭泣 For the same damn thing 却是为了相同的该死的东西 Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk 因为你,我从不离开正途太远 Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连 Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything 因为你,我拼命的想要忘记过去的一切 Because of you I don t know how to let anyone else in 因为你,我不知道如何接纳任何人 Because of you I m ashamed of my life because it s empty 因为你,我因生活的空虚而感到羞愧 Because of you I am afraid 因为你,我很害怕 Because of you Because of you 因为你,因为你 3《It"s Not Goodbye》 Laura Pausin现在,如果我从来没有亲吻你的嘴唇再次 或感受到淡淡的甜你的怀抱。 怎样,我会永远继续下去吗? 如果没有你有没有地方属于 总有一天,好爱,是要带领你回到我的, 但直到它离开,有一个空洞的心。 因此,我将不得不相信有些地方在那里你考虑我 直到一天,我让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 有一件事我不能否认它不再见 你认为我会坚强足以令它通过 与崛起时,作以上表示雨中摔倒。 但抯所以要争取成为强大的时候,你已经失踪有人这么久 这只是个时间问题,我敢肯定, 以及时间需时,我不能忍着点, 所以不会你尝试努力,你可以 把我破碎的心一起再次? 直到一天,我让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 有一件事我不能否认它不再见 这不是不再见… … 。 直到一天,我会让你去, 直到我们说我们下次你好它不再见。 直到我看见你再次 我会在这里的记忆是什么时候。 如果时间是站在我们这一边 将不会有眼泪,哭了就下来道 我也不能否认的,而不是再见 这不是再见 直到我看见你 我会在这里的记忆,当 时间是站在我们这一边 没有更多的眼泪,哭了 我和斜面否认 这不是再见 再见 没有更多的眼泪,哭了 是的,这不是再见。 Now what if I never kiss your lips again Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace. How would I ever go on?, Without you there"s no place to belong Well someday love is going to lead you back to me, But till it does I"ll have an empty heart. So I"ll just have to believe some where out there you"re thinking of me Till the day I let you go, Until we say our next hello its not goodbye. Till I see you again I"ll be right here remembering when. And if time is on our side There will be no tears to cry on down the road There is one thing I can"t deny its not goodbye You think I"d be strong enough to make it through And rise above when the rain falls down. But it抯 so hard to be strong when you"ve been missing somebody so long It"s just a matter of time I"m sure, Well time takes time and I can"t hold on, So won"t you try as hard as you can Put my broken heart together again? Till the day I let you go, Until we say our next hello its not goodbye. Till I see you again I"ll be right here remembering when. And if time is on our side there will be no tears to cry on down the road there is one thing I can"t deny its not goodbye It"s not goodbye..... Till the day I"ll let you go, until we say our next hello its not goodbye. Till I see you again I"ll be right here remembering when. And if time is on our side there will be no tears to cry on down the road And I can"t deny it"s, not goodbye Its not goodbye Till I see you I"ll be right here remembering when Time is on our side No more tears to cry And I cant deny It"s not goodbye Goodbye no more tears to cry It"s, it"s not goodbye.



swear与curse 如何区别


英语wish is to explode wealth怎么翻译?


Youth is hot and bold,Age is weak and cold,Youth is wildand Age is tame请问这出自莎士比亚的哪首诗

THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM全文如下:THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM by William Shakespeare 1 When my love swears that she is made of truth, I do believe her, though I know she lies, That she might think me some untutored youth, Unskilful in the world"s false forgeries. Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young, Although I know my years be past the best, I smiling credit her false-speaking tongue, Outfacing faults in love with love"s ill rest. But wherefore says my love that she is young? And wherefore say not I that I am old? O, love"s best habit"s in a soothing tongue, And age in love loves not to have years told. Therefore I"ll lie with love, and love with me, Since that our faults in love thus smothered be. 2 Two loves I have, of comfort and despair, That like two spirits do suggest me still; My better angle is a man right fair, My worser spirit a woman coloured ill. To win me soon to hell, my female evil Tempteth my better angel from my side, And would corrupt my saint to be a devil, Wooing his purity with her fair pride. And whether that my angle be turned fiend, Suspect I may, yet not directly tell; For being both to me, both to each friend, I guess one angel in another"s hell. The truth I shall not know, but live in doubt, Till my bad angel fire my good one out. 3 Did not the heavenly rhetoric of thine eye, "Gainst whom the world could not hold argument, Persuade my heart to this false perjury? Vows for thee broke deserve not punishment. A woman I forswore; but I will prove, Thou being a goddess, I forswore not thee: My vow was earthly, thou a heavenly love; Thy grace being gained cures all disgrace in me. My vow was breath, and breath a vapour is; Then, thou fair sun, that on this earth doth shine, Exhal"st this vapour vow; in thee it is: If broken, then it is no fault of mine. If by me broke, what fool is not so wise To break an oath, to win a paradise? 4 Sweet Cytherea, sitting by a brook With young Adonis, lovely, fresh and green, Did court the lad with many a lovely look, Such looks as none could look but beauty"s queen. She told him stories to delight his car; She showed him favours to allure his eye; To win his heart, she touched him here and there; Touches so soft still conquer chastity. But whether unripe years did want conceit, Or he refused to take her figured proffer, The tender nibbler would not touch the bait, But smile and jest at every gentle offer: Then fell she on her back, fair queen, and toward: He rose and ran away; ah, fool too froward. 5 If love make me forsworn, how shall I swear to love? O never faith could hold, if not to beauty vowed: Though to myself forsworn, to thee I"ll constant prove; Those thoughts, to me like oaks, to thee like osiers bowed. Study his bias leaves, and makes his book thine eyes, Where all those pleasures live that art can comprehend. If knowledge be the mark, to know thee shall suffice; Well learned is that tongue that well can thee commend: All ignorant that soul that sees thee without wonder; Which is to me some praise, that I thy parts admire. Thine eye Jove"s lightning seems, thy voice his dreadful thunder, Which, not to anger bent, is music and sweet fire. Celestial as thou art, O do not love that wrong, To sing heaven"s praise with such an earthly tongue. 6 Scarce had the sun dried up the dewy morn And scarce the herd gone to the hedge for shade, When Cytherea, all in love forlorn, A longing tarriance for Adonis made Under an osier growing by a brook, A brook where Adon used to cool his spleen. Hot was the day; she hotter that did look For his approach, that often there had been. Anon he comes, and throws his mantle by, And stood stark naked on the brook"s green brim: The sun looked on the world with glorious eye, Yet not so wistly as this queen on him. He, spying her, bounced in whereas he stood; "O Jove," quoth she, "why was not I a flood!" 7 Fair is my love, but not so fair as fickle; Mild as a dove, but neither true nor trusty; Brighter than glass, and yet, as glass is, brittle; Softer than wax, and yet as iron rusty; A lily pale, with damask dye to grace her; None fairer, nor none falser to deface her. Her lips to mine how often hath she joined, Between each kiss her oaths of true love swearing! How many tales to please me hath she coined, Dreading my love, the loss thereof still fearing! Yet in the midst of all her pure protestings Her faith, her oaths, her tears, and all were jestings. She burned with love, as straw with fire flameth; She burned out love, as soon as straw out-burneth; She framed the love, and yet she foiled the framing; She bade love last, and yet she fell a-turning. Was this a lover, or a lecher whether? Bad in the best, though excellent in neither. 8 If music and sweet poetry agree, As they must needs, the sister and the brother, Then must the love be great "twixt thee and me, Because thou lov"st the one and I the other. Dowland to thee is dear, whose heavenly touch Upon the lute doth ravish human sense; Spenser to me, whose deep conceit is such As passing all conceit needs no defence. Thou lov"st to hear the sweet melodious sound That Phoebus" lute, the queen of music, makes; And I in deep delight am chiefly drowned When as himself to singing he betakes. One god is god of both, as poets feign; One knight loves both, and both in thee remain. 9 Fair was the morn, when the fair queen of love, Paler for sorrow than her milk-white dove, For Adon"s sake, a youngster proud and wild, Her stand she takes upon a steep-up hill, Anon Adonis comes with horn and hounds; She, silly queen, with more than love"s good will, Forbade the boy he should not pass those grounds. "Once", quoth she, "did I see a fair sweet youth Here in these brakes deep-wounded with a boar, Deep in the thigh, a spectacle of ruth! See, in my thigh," quoth she, "here was the sore." She showed hers; he saw more wounds than one, And blushing fled, and left her all alone. 10 Sweet rose, fair flower, untimely plucked, soon vaded, Plucked in the bud and vaded in the spring! Bright orient pearl, alack, too timely shaded! Fair creature, killed too soon by death"s sharp sting! Like a green plum that hangs upon a tree, And falls through wind before the fall should be. I weep for thee and yet no cause I have; For why thou left"st me nothing in thy will. And yet thou left"st me more than I did crave, For why I craved nothing of thee still: O yes, dear friend, I pardon crave of thee, Thy discontent thou didst bequeath to me. 11 Venus with young Adonis sitting by her Under a myrtle shade began to woo him; She told the youngling how god Mars did try her, And as he fell to her, so fell she to him. "Even thus", quoth she,.the warlike god embraced me", And then she clipped Adonis in her arms; "Even thus", quoth she, "the warlike god unlaced me", As if the boy should use like loving charms; "Even thus", quoth she, "he seized on my lips", And with her lips on his did act the seizure; And as she fetched breath, away he skips, And would not take her meaning nor her pleasure. Ah, that I had my lady at this bay, To kiss and clip me till I run away! 12 Crabbed age and youth cannot live together: Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care; Youth like summer morn, age like winter weather; Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare. Youth is full of sport, age"s breath is short; Youth is nimble, age is lame; Youth is hot and bold, age is weak and cold; Youth is wild and age is tame. Age, I do abhor thee; youth, I do adore thee; O, my love, my love is young! Age, I do defy thee. O, sweet shepherd, hie thee, For methinks thou stay too long. 13 Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good, A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly, A flower that dies when first it "gins to bud, A brittle glass that"s broken presently; A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower, Lost, vaded, broken, dead within an hour. And as goods lost are seld or never found, As vaded gloss no rubbing will refresh, As flowers dead lie witherid on the ground, As broken glass no cement can redress: So beauty blemished once, for ever lost, In spite of physic, painting, pain and cost. 14 Good night, good rest: ah, neither be my share; She bade good night that kept my rest away; And daffed me to a cabin hanged with care, To descant on the doubts of my decay. "Farewell," quoth she, "and come again to-morrow"; Fare well I could not, for I supped with sorrow. Yet at my parting sweetly did she smile, In scorn or friendship nill I conster whether; "T may be, she joyed to jest at my exile, "T may be, again to make me wander thither: "Wander", a word for shadows like myself, As take the pain, but cannot pluck the pelf. Lord, how mine eyes throw gazes to the east! My heart doth charge the watch; the morning rise Doth cite each moving sense from idle rest, Not daring trust the office of mine eyes. While Philomela sings, I sit and mark, And wish her lays were tuned like the lark. For she doth welcome daylight with her ditty, And drives away dark dreaming night: The night so packed, I post unto my pretty; Heart hath his hope and eyes their wished sight; Sorrow changed to solace and solace mixed with sorrow; For why, she sighed, and bade me come to-morrow. Were I with her, the night would post too soon, But now are minutes added to the hours; To spite me now, each minute seems a moon; Yet not for me, shine sun to succour flowers! Pack night, peep day; good day, of night now borrow; Short night, to-night, and length thyself to-morrow. 15 It was a lording"s daughter, the fairest one of three, That liked of her master as well as well might be, Till looking on an Englishman, the fairest that eye could see, Her fancy fell a-turning. Long was the combat doubtful that love with love did fight, To leave the master loveless, or kill the gallant knight; To put in practice either, alas, it was a spite Unto the silly damsel! But one must be refused; more mickle was the pain That nothing could be used to turn them both to gain, For of the two the trusty knight was wounded with disdain: Alas, she could not help it! Thus art with arms contending was victor of the day, Which by a gift of learning did bear the maid away: Then, lullaby, the learned man hath got the lady gay; For now my song is ended. 16 On a day, alack the day! Love, whose month was ever May, Spied a blossom passing fair, Playing in the wanton air. Through the velvet leaves the wind All unseen "gan passage find, That the lover, sick to death, Wished himself the heaven"s breath, "Air", quoth he, "thy cheeks may blow; Air, would I might triumph so! But, alas! my hand hath sworn Ne"er to pluck thee from thy thorn; Vow, alack! for youth unmeet, Youth, so apt to pluck a sweet. Thou for whom Jove would swear Juno but an Ethiope were; And deny himself for Jove, Turning mortal for thy love." 17 My flocks feed not, my ewes breed not, My rams speed not, all is amiss; Love is dying, faith"s defying, Heart"s denying, causer of this. All my merry jigs are quite forgot, All my lady"s love is lost, God wot; Where her faith was firmly fixed in love, There a nay is placed without remove. One silly cross wrought all my loss; O frowning Fortune, cursed fickle dame! For now I see inconstancy More in women than in men remain. In black mourn I, all fears scorn I, Love hath forlorn me, living in thrall: Heart is bleeding, all help needing, O cruel speeding, fraughted with gall. My shepherd"s pipe can sound no deal; My wether"s bell rings doleful knell; My curtal dog that wont to have played, Plays not at all, but seems afraid; My sighs so deep procures to weep, In howling wise, to see my doleful plight. How sighs resound through heartless ground, Like a thousand vanquished men in bloody fight! Clear wells spring not, sweet birds sing not, Green plants bring not forth their dye; Herds stand weeping, flocks all sleeping, Nymphs back peeping fearfully. All our pleasure known to us poor swains, All our merry meetings on the plains, All our evening sport from us is fled, All our love is lost, for Love is dead. Farewell, sweet lass, thy like ne"er was For a sweet content, the cause of all my moan: Poor Corydon must live alone; Other help for him I see that there is none. 18 When as thine eye hath chose the dame, And stalled the deer that thou shouldst strike, Let reason rule things worthy blame, As well as fancy, partial might; Take counsel of some wiser head, Neither too young nor yet unwed. And when thou com"st thy tale to tell, Smooth not thy tongue with filed talk, Lest she some subtle practice smell- A cripple soon can find a halt- But plainly say thou lov"st her well, And set thy person forth to sell. And to her will frame all thy ways; Spare not to spend, and chiefly there Where thy desert may merit praise, By ringing in thy lady"s ear: The strongest castle, tower and town, The golden bullet beats it down. Serve always with assured trust, And in thy suit be humble true; Unless thy lady prove unjust, Press never thou to choose anew: When time shall serve, be thou not slack To proffer, though she put thee back. What though her frowning brows be bent, Her cloudy looks will calm ere night, And then too late she will repent That thus dissembled her delight; And twice desire, ere it be day, That which with scorn she put away. What though she strive to try her strength, And ban and brawl, and say thee nay, Her feeble force will yield at length, When craft hath taught her thus to say: "Had women been so strong as men, In faith, you had not had it then," The wiles and guiles that women work, Dissembled with an outward show, The tricks and toys that in them lurk, The cock that treads them shall not know. Have you not heard it said full oft, A woman"s nay doth stand for nought? Think women still to strive with men, To sin and never for to saint: There is no heaven, by holy then, When time with age shall them attaint. Were kisses all the joys in bed, One woman would another w

sow sping weave bless dive cling sting 的过去式和过去分词

sow - sowed - sown 播(种)spring - sprang - sprung 蹦,跳weave - wove - woven 编,织,编制,编织bless - blest - blest 保佑dive - dove - dived 跳水:潜水cling - clung - clung 附着于sting - stung - stung 叮,螫伤; 刺伤
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