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百威广告 budweiser - puppy love 歌名是什么

Willi One Blood的《Whiney, Whiney》


Pow函数C语言中的指数函数,属于C语言自带函数。 Power函数在C语言中没有,只在C++中出现,属于C++的STL库中的自定义函数,使用方法和Pow差不多。Pow函数的使用:1,要加入头文件 math.h 2,pow(x,y);//其作用是计算x的y次方。x、y及函数值都是double型 例:计算2的5次方。源代码如下:#include"stdio.h"#include"math.h"main(){long total;int x = 2, y = 5;total = pow(x,y); /*调用pow函数*/printf("%ld",total);getch();}

java web 开发如何控制使用期限及绑定服务器mac

import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; /** * 与系统相关的一些常用工具方法. * * @author lvbogun * @version 1.0.0 */ public class SystemTool { /** * 获取当前操作系统名称. return 操作系统名称 例如:windows xp,linux 等. */ public static String getOSName() { return System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(); } /** * 获取unix网卡的mac地址. 非windows的系统默认调用本方法获取. * 如果有特殊系统请继续扩充新的取mac地址方法. * * @return mac地址 */ public static String getUnixMACAddress() { String mac = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; Process process = null; try { // linux下的命令,一般取eth0作为本地主网卡 process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ifconfig eth0"); // 显示信息中包含有mac地址信息 bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( process.getInputStream())); String line = null; int index = -1; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { // 寻找标示字符串[hwaddr] index = line.toLowerCase().indexOf("hwaddr"); if (index >= 0) {// 找到了 // 取出mac地址并去除2边空格 mac = line.substring(index + "hwaddr".length() + 1).trim(); break; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (bufferedReader != null) { bufferedReader.close(); } } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } bufferedReader = null; process = null; } return mac; } /** * 获取widnows网卡的mac地址. * * @return mac地址 */ public static String getWindowsMACAddress() { String mac = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; Process process = null; try { // windows下的命令,显示信息中包含有mac地址信息 process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ipconfig /all"); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( process.getInputStream())); String line = null; int index = -1; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); // 寻找标示字符串[physical index = line.toLowerCase().indexOf("physical address"); if (index >= 0) {// 找到了 index = line.indexOf(":");// 寻找":"的位置 if (index >= 0) { System.out.println(mac); // 取出mac地址并去除2边空格 mac = line.substring(index + 1).trim(); } break; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (bufferedReader != null) { bufferedReader.close(); } } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } bufferedReader = null; process = null; } return mac; } /** * windows 7 专用 获取MAC地址 * * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String getMACAddress() throws Exception { // 获取本地IP对象 InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // 获得网络接口对象(即网卡),并得到mac地址,mac地址存在于一个byte数组中。 byte[] mac = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(ia).getHardwareAddress(); // 下面代码是把mac地址拼装成String StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < mac.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append("-"); } // mac[i] & 0xFF 是为了把byte转化为正整数 String s = Integer.toHexString(mac[i] & 0xFF); sb.append(s.length() == 1 ? 0 + s : s); } // 把字符串所有小写字母改为大写成为正规的mac地址并返回 return sb.toString().toUpperCase(); } }写一个全局拦截的servlet,只要有请求的时候就调用这个类里面的获取mac地址的方法String os = getOSName(); System.out.println(os); if (os.equals("windows 7")) { String mac = getMACAddress(); System.out.println(mac); } else if (os.startsWith("windows")) { // 本地是windows String mac = getWindowsMACAddress(); System.out.println(mac); } else { // 本地是非windows系统 一般就是unix String mac = getUnixMACAddress(); System.out.println(mac); }记得判断一下是什么系统




1.最简单的方法:public static String reverse1(String str){ return new StringBuffer(str).reverse().toString();}2.最常用的方法:public static String reverse3(String s) { char[] array = s.toCharArray(); String reverse = ""; //注意这是空串,不是null for (int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) reverse += array[i]; return reverse; } 3.常用方法的变形: public static String reverse2(String s){ int length = s.length(); String reverse = ""; //注意这是空串,不是null for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) reverse = s.charAt(i) + reverse;//在字符串前面连接, 而非常见的后面 return reverse; } 4.C语言中常用的方法: public static String reverse5(String orig){ char[] s = orig.toCharArray(); int n = s.length - 1; int halfLength = n / 2; for (int i = 0; i <= halfLength; i++) { char temp = s[i]; s[i] = s[n - i]; s[n - i] = temp; } return new String(s); //知道 char数组和String相互转化 }


c/c++ 等语言中 pow 是标准库里的 幂 函数,要加头文件 #include <math.h>函数原型是 double pow (double base, double exponent); 参数1是 底数,参数2是指数,都是双精度变量。power 是自定义函数,或是某语言中的函数,也许计算 数的几次方的值,也可能是功率计算。例如,自定义 计算 数的几次方的值 的函数:#include <iostream>using namespace std;double power(double x, int n) {double val = 1.0;while (n--)val *= x;return val;}int main(){double pw;pw = power(5, 2);cout << "5 to the power 2 is:" << pw << endl;return 0;}

https://www.jseea.cn/webfile/ 江苏教育考试院自学考试官网?

很多小伙伴问,关于江苏教育网官网登录入口:webfile/ 江苏教育考试院自学考试官网的相关问题,今天本站编辑就给大家整理了关于江苏教育网官网登录入口:webfile/ 江苏教育考试院自学考试官网全部问题,希望对你有帮助!江苏教育网官网登录入口:webfile/江苏教育网官网登录入口: webfile/ 经江苏省人民政府批准,2005年原江苏省高等学校招生委员会办公室、江苏省自学考试委员会办公室、江苏省普通高中会考办公室合并组建成江苏省教育考试院,主要承担全省高校招生考试的组织管理、高等教育自学考试的组织管理、普通高中学业水平考试管理及社会考试服务,承担普通高校招生考试、自学考试及普通高中学业水平考试命题等工作。 站在新的历史起点上,江苏省教育考试院秉承“科学发展、与时俱进、开拓创新、求真务实”的优良传统,坚持“公平、公正、公开”的招考理念,确立“服务考生、服务院校、服务基层”的工作宗旨,全局统筹各类招生考试项目,全力深化各类招生考试改革,全速推进各类招生考试发展,全面开展各类招生考试服务取得显著成绩。目前,江苏省教育考试院设置9个处室(中心),承担普通高考、成人高考、研究生招生、自学考试、社会考试等各类招生考试工作30多项,年均组织考试60多次,各类招生考试总规模达到600万人次,为全省教育事业的科学发展,为江苏教育强省建设和人力资源强省建设,为和谐社会作出了积极贡献。 (1).江苏教育网官网入口地址: (2).江苏教育网官网入口: (3).江苏教师教育网登录入口地址【官网】 (4).江苏教师教育网登录官网: (5).江苏教师教育网官网登陆入口 (6).江苏教师教育网登录地址:cmsplus/index.html (7).江苏教师教育网官网首页登录地址 (8).江苏教师教育网登录入口:cmsplus/index.html 领导分工 袁靖宇江苏省教育考试院院长、党委书记 主持省教育考试院全面工作,分管办公室、高校考试招生工作。分管院办公室(党委办公室)、高校招生处。 施邦晖江苏省教育考试院副院长、党委委员 分管自学考试、成人招生与高中招生工作。分管自学考试处、成人招生与高中招生处。 邓洪斌江苏省教育考试院副院长、党委委员 分管教育考试信息化工作,协助分管文秘、人事、宣传工作。分管网络信息中心,协管院办公室(党委办公室)。 王海林江苏省教育考试院纪委书记、党委委员 分管纪检工作。侧重全院党建和思想政治工作、安全保密、考风考纪、信访、财务等方面监督管理工作。 袁桂华江苏省教育考试院副院长、党委委员 分管社会考试、招生考试服务保障、院工会和共青团工作,协助分管高校考试招生工作。分管社会考试处、招生考试服务中心,协管高校招生处。 方 苑江苏省教育考试院副院长、党委委员 分管考试命题管理、教育考试招生研究与评价工作。分管考试命题中心、科研处。 ;自考以往的自考成绩如何查询以江苏省自考为例,查询以往的自考成绩的具体方法如下:一、打开百度搜索,在搜索栏输入“江苏省教育考试院”,搜索后找到江苏省教育考试院官网并点击进入。二、进入江苏省教育考试院官网后,找到“自学考试”一项,点击进入。三、进入自学考试后,找到“考生入口”一项,点击进入。四、进入考试入口后,找到“查询”一项,点击进入。五、进入查询后,找到查询成绩的类型,点击相应的进入一项。六、进入后,输入相应信息即可查询到成绩。江苏教育考试院网怎么样? A. 为什么我在江苏省教育考试院上是被录取,可是到被录取学校上查是未被录取 各个省市区、各个批次的录取通知书的发放时间不一样,从7月15日前后到8月底一直在发放录取通知书。 第一批(提前批、一本)已经或就要开始录取,正常情况下应该从现在到7月25日前后就能发放录取通知书。 第二批(二本)7月20日(有的省市区要到26日)前后开始录取,正常情况下应该在7月25日(有的省市区要到8月1日)前后就能发放录取通知书。 第三批(三本)7月26日(有的省市区要到8月1日后)前后开始录取,正常情况下应该7月在31日(有的省市区要到8月7日)前后就能发放录取通知书。 高职高专(包括)专科要到8月初才能开始录取,正常情况下应该在8月6日就能陆续发放录取通知书,有的要到中下旬才能发放通知书。 B. 怎么在江苏省教育考试院上查分 1、登陆江苏省教育考试院官网 //jseea.cn/ 2、选择右上角的“查询中心” C. 怎么在江苏省教育考试院网址查考生号 那是保密的,为了保证考生的切身利益,任何组织及机构不得公布考生信息。 D. 江苏教育考试院如何登陆 江苏省考试院作为江苏省教育厅直属财政全额拨款副厅级事业单位,是江苏省各类学历教育考试的 *** 主管部门,具体负责普通高校招生考试、自学考试、成人高考、高中学业水平测试考试、各类证书考试的组织管理工作。 1、网络上搜索“江苏省教育考试数据中心用户登录统一认证系统 ,登陆”。 (4)江苏教育考试院网扩展阅读: 江苏省考试院的高校招生: 1、承担全省普通高等学校、研究生招生考试(含评卷、录取,下同)的组织管理工作; 2、承担普通高中学业水平测试、中小学信息技术考试的组织管理工作; 3、承担体育、艺术类特长生等特殊专业加试的组织工作; 4、承担高等职业教育“对口单招”招生考试的组织管理工作; 5、负责高级中等职业教育招生考试的指导和管理工作; 6、内设科室:综合科、普高科、研究生与对口单独招生科、学业水平测试科 E. 江苏教育考试院 江苏教育考试院 电话号码 //./question/434438528 江苏省教育考试院联系电话 1、办公室联系电话: 文秘科:025-83235806 组织人事纪检科:025-83235817 财务科:025-83235822 《江苏招生考试》编辑部:025-83235812 《江苏自学考试》编辑部:025-83235815 2、高校招生处联系电话: 普通高校招生:025—83235839 研究生招生:025—83235853 艺术类招生:025—83235975 特殊类型招生:025—83235840 对口单招:025—83235857 学业水平测试:025—83235860 3、自学考试处联系电话: 计划:025—83235831 考务:025—83235887 助学:025—83235877 4、成人招生与社会考试处联系电话: 证书考试:025—83235917 成人招生:025—83235910 专升本招生:025—83235910 F. 江苏教育考试院官网 去他妈的投档线,普遍高七分,有没有想过我们考生的感受,不按常理出牌 G. 2018江苏教育考试院高考志愿填报网页打不开 高考志愿, 6月下旬高考成绩公布后报。 相关信息, 可询问学校教务处, 最直接的是问你的班主任。 祝你好运。 H. 江苏教育考试院网上报名具体怎么报 1、1月20日晚上7点,江苏省2016年高职院校单独招生(简称“高职单招”)报名工作已经结束了。 2、考生报名时同时填报专业志愿,每位考生最多可填报6个专业志愿和1个服从志愿。如果专业不能填报,可以更换浏览器试一试。 I. 江苏省教育考试院志愿填报密码遗忘怎么办 江苏考试教育院登录密码找回方法: 一:在设置密码时,会填写邮箱,可版以用邮箱找回权密码。 二:在设置密码时,会有密保问题,可以通过回答密保问题找回。 三:仔细回想,密码和其他号码是否有关系,如身份证,电话号码,门牌号等。 四:如果以上方法找不回密码,就重新注册即可。 J. 江苏省教育考试院的地址到底是多少啊 地址:江苏省南京市北京西路15-2号 邮编:210000 地铁:乘坐地铁1号线,到鼓楼站(2出口)下车,向西步行1.2公里。 公交:1、乘坐24路公交车,到北京西路.云南路站下车,向西步行450米。 2、乘坐56路公交车,到云南路站下车,向南再向西步行320米。 网络地图中的A点就是江苏省教育考试院,地图可放大或缩小。 江苏省教育考试院 地址:北京西路15-2江苏省自考网站江苏省教育考试院:www.jseea.cn江苏省自考网上报名网站:江苏自考成绩查询系统入口江苏自考成绩查询入口:江苏省教育考试公众信息服务平台自考成绩查询流程:第一步:通过百度找到江苏教育考试院的官网,点击进入;第二步:进入网页后,找到考生入口;第三步:点击考生入口后,选择考生成绩查询;第四步:根据网页提示,输入准考证号和考生姓名,然后点击查询;自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/

Number One (Tweenies) 歌词

歌曲名:Number One (Tweenies)歌手:Four Marks Primary School专辑:Hello Children Everywhere Children S Sing-A-Long PartyNumber OneEminemRelapseEminem - 《Number One》●Oooh! Ladies and gentlemen,the moment you"ve all been waiting for.In this corner, weighing 175 poundswith a record of 17 rapes, 400 assaults,and 4 murders, the undisputedmost diabolic villain in the world, Slim Shady!So crack a bottle, let your body waddle.Don"t act like a snobby model .You just hit the lotto.Uh oh uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe .Got one riding shotgun and no not one of them got glovesNow where"s the rubbers? Whose got the rubbers?I noticed there"s so many of them and there"s really not that many of us.Ladies love us and my posse"s kicking up dust.It"s on till the break of dawn and we"re starting this party from dusk.Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Dre…They see that low rider go by there, like “Oh my!”You ain"t got to tell me why you"re sick cuz I know why.I dip through in that six trey like sick ‘em Dre.I"m an itch that they can"t scratch, they"re sick of me.But hey, what else can I say? I love LA.Cuz over and above all, it"s just another dayAnd this one begins where the last one ends.Pick up where we left off and get smashed again.I"ll be dammed, just fucked around and crashed my Benz.Driving around with a smashed front end.Let"s cash that one in.Grab another one from out the stable.The Monte Carlo, El Camino or the El Derado.The hell if I knowdo I want leather seats or vinyl?Decisions, decisions. Garage looks like precision collisionOr maico beats quake like Waco.Just keep the bass low speakers away from your face though.So crack a bottle, let your body waddle.Don"t act like a snobby model.You just hit the lotto.Uh oh uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe .Got one riding shotgun and no not one of them got glovesNow where"s the rubbers? Whose got the rubbers?I noticed there"s so many of them and there"s really not that many of us.Ladies love us and my posse"s kicking up dust.It"s on till the break of dawn and we"re starting this party from dusk.Back when Andre, the giant, mister elephant tusk.Picture us, you"ll just be another one bit the dust .Just one up my mother"s son who got thrown under the bus.Kiss my butt. Lick my under cheese from under my nuts.It disgusts me to see the game the way that it looksIt"s a must I redeem my name n haters get murked (?).Bitches lust. Man they love me when I lay in the cut.Missed the cut. The lady give a (?) some paper cut.Now picture us. It"s ridiculous you curse at the thoughtCuz when I spit the verse the shit gets worse and worse cuz your softIf I could fit the words as picture perfect, works every timeEvery verse, every line, as simple as nursery rhymesIt"s elementary. The elephants have entered the room.I venture to say with the same repetition is trueNot to mention back with a vengeance and hit the signalOf the bat symbol. The platinum dude is back on you hoes.So crack a bottle, let your body waddle.Don"t act like a snobby model .You just hit the lotto.Uh oh uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe .Got one riding shotgun and no not one of them got glovesNow where"s the rubbers? Whose got the rubbers?I noticed there"s so many of them and there"s really not that many of us.Ladies love us and my posse"s kicking up dust.It"s on till the break of dawn and we"re starting this party from dusk.It"s sorta like pourin" Draino down a live volcano.You never know what"ll happen next, it may blow.Same things happen to the beats when Dre blowsI talk shit, but my dick"s long as my payrollI get ass like a ball player, but I"m a boss playerPimpin" hoes from here to Australia.Till I get heart failure.Look at ya half of ya"ll, all scared.Other half, hands up in the air, like “Awww yeah.”This is our year. This is what you call sheer talentbut I think at this point it"s just obviousFears, they say my music"s good for all queersCuz I make your ear ring bitch. Ears and all ears (?).Call us the mafia. We got the fuckin mob here.Gimme the hate and I"ll feed off of ya"s all year.Shit, I"m just doing my job here.You don"t want problem, do ya?Fuck it, I"ll even crack a bottle for ya.So crack a bottle, let your body waddle.Don"t act like a snobby model .You just hit the lotto.Uh oh uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe .Got one riding shotgun and no not one of them got glovesNow where"s the rubbers? Whose got the rubbers?I noticed there"s so many of them and there"s really not that many of us.Ladies love us and my posse"s kicking up dust.It"s on till the break of dawn and we"re starting this party from dusk.●----------END----------http://music.baidu.com/song/2779147

求关于How can we deal with the problem of drunk driving的情景对话 一定要四人的 不要很长 每人5-6句话

A: Are you ok ? Are you sure you can drive?B: I am sure! I haven"t drunk too much. I can control the car! Don"t worry.C: I am sure you can drive the car now. But I am not sure if there are cops on the road.B: It"s too late. Cops are all sleeping now.C:I think cops are all driving to home for sleeping now. You had better be careful!A: I really hate that I haven"t got my driving license yet. I am only the person who haven"t drunk any alcohol.B: What a pity! I really worry about the cops waiting on the road.C: You had better pay attention to the pedestrains and cars on the road, not to the cops only. Have you noticed that your car isn"t moving in the straight line.A: Oh, my god! There"s a cop!P: Stop and get off the car! I need to check!B: Oh no! Bad Luck!A: Make a wish that the cop were a idiot!P: I need to give you a alcohol test! Please blow to the equiments!A: Let me do it! P: You are not the driver! C: Yes, he is! You looked the wrong person.P: Did I ?A: Yep! Let me do it! See! I am not drunk!P: I got night blindness before. Perhaps I was wrong!C: So can we go now?P: Yep! you can! But I have to check the driving license before you go.B passed his driving license to the cop and drive the car away. C:

Andrew Lloyd Webber的《Masquerade》 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber专辑:The Magic of Andrew Lloyd WebberMasquerade!Paper faces on parade . . .Masquerade!Hide your face,so the world willnever find you!Masquerade!Every face a different shade . . .Masquerade!Look around -there"s anothermask behind you!Flash of mauve . ..Splash of puce . . .Fool and king . . .Ghoul and goose . . .Green and black . . .Queen and priest . . .Trace of rouge . . .Face of beast . . .Faces . . .Take your turn, take a rideon the merry-go-round . . .in an inhuman race . . .Eye of gold . . .Thigh of blue . . .True is false . . .Who is who . . . ?Curl of lip . . .Swirl of gown . . .Ace of hearts . . .Face of clown . . .Faces . . .Drink it in, drink it up,till you"ve drownedin the light . . .in the sound . . .Masquerade!Grinning yellows,spinning reds . . .Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacleastound you!Masquerade!Burning glances,turning heads . . .Masquerade!Stop and stareat the sea of smilesaround you!Masquerade!Seething shadowsbreathing lies . . .Masquerade!You can foolany friend whoever knew you!Masquerade!Leering satyrs,peering eyes . . .Masquerade!Run and hide -but a face willstill pursue you!http://music.baidu.com/song/54459496

国产美国罗威尔梅森钢琴LOWELL MASON与原装进口哈瑞梅森HENRY MASON差距大吗?

看自己的能力 价格差距还是大的 国产的也不错

Star Jewel的中文意思。


人鱼的旋律star jewel音译

  中文的:  趁著流星闪耀许下美丽的愿望  我将找寻出那七道真珠的光芒  即使分隔遥远无法掩盖jewel star  相信命运冥冥中牵引著我  到相遇的地方  眼中的泪飞进了大海 选择消失还是离开  无声无息随蓝色忧郁的浪花  变成泡沫变成空气被融化  周而复始寻找著失落的梦想  坏心情还包围著我  如果唱歌可以让我变得勇敢  即使被大雨包围 song for you  如果可以迎接一个重生的早晨  我会用同样的热情来面对生命  邂逅或者相逢奇迹让勇气激动  相信我终将会成为jewel star  散发爱的光芒  面对寂寞 还能做些甚麼  总有甚麼 触动著我  有时逞强 一个人面对著悲伤  谁的脸庞 能随时给我力量  终於知道 你是我的最终梦想 却发现你不在身旁  如果唱歌可以让我变得勇敢  即使被大雨包围 song for you  趁著流星闪耀许下美丽的愿望  我将找寻出那七道真珠的光芒  即使分隔遥远无法掩盖jewel star  相信命运冥冥中牵引著我  到相遇的地方  终於知道 你是我的最终梦想 却发现你不在身旁  如果唱歌可以让我变得勇敢  即使被大雨包围 song for you  如果可以迎接一个重生的早晨  我会用同样的热情来面对生命  邂逅或者相逢奇迹让勇气激动  相信我终将会成为jewel star  散发爱的光芒  英文的  Star Jewel lyrics  The reward points: 5 - from the end of the issue are 13 days 6 hours  "LStar Jewel"  Taking advantage of the beautiful meteor flashing under-the desire  I will find out that the radiance of seven Zhenzhu  Even if separated far away can not hide jewel star  Believe that the fate of the Ming Mingzhong traction I  To meet the local  Tears flew into the eyes of the sea disappear or leave the choice  With silent melancholy blue spray  A bubble was melting into air  Cycle to find a lost dream  Bad mood also surrounded me  If I can sing become brave  Even when surrounded by heavy rain song for you  If we can usher in a rebirth of the morning  I will use the same enthusiasm to face life  Met or emotional reunion miracle for courage  I believe that ultimately will become a jewel star  Dissemination of the radiance of love  What can the face of loneliness  What is the total touched me  Sometimes a person faced with sadness Chengjiang  Who"s ready to face me strength  I finally know that you are the ultimate dream is not found next to you  If I can sing become brave  Even when surrounded by heavy rain song for you  Taking advantage of the beautiful meteor flashing under-the desire  I will find out that the radiance of seven Zhenzhu  Even if separated far away can not hide jewel star  Believe that the fate of the Ming Mingzhong traction I  To meet the local  I finally know that you are the ultimate dream is not found next to you  If I can sing become brave  Even when surrounded by heavy rain song for you  If we can usher in a rebirth of the morning  I will use the same enthusiasm to face life  Met or emotional reunion miracle for courage  I believe that ultimately will become a jewel star  Dissemination of the radiance of love

《人鱼的旋律》里star jewel的歌词

Star Jewel (第一段) 趁著流星闪耀许下美丽的愿望 我将找寻出那七道真珠的光芒 即使分隔遥远无法掩盖jewel star 相信命运冥冥中牵引著我 到相遇的地方 眼中的泪飞进了大海 选择消失还是离开 无声无息随蓝色忧郁的浪花 变成泡沫 变成空气被融化 周而复始寻找着失落的梦想 坏心情还包围著我 如果唱歌可以让我变得勇敢 即使被大雨包围 song for you 如果可以迎接一个重生的早晨 我会用同样的热情来面对生命 邂逅或者相逢奇迹让勇气激动 相信我终将会成为jewel star 散发爱的光芒 (第二段) 面对寂寞还能做些什么 总有深蒙住的奢望 有时剩下一个人面对着悲伤 谁的脸庞 能随时给我力量 终于知道你是我追踪的梦想 却发现你不在身旁 如果歌唱可以让我变得勇敢 即使被大雨包围 song for you 趁著流星闪耀许下美丽的愿望 我将找寻出那七道真珠的光芒 即使分隔遥远无法掩盖jewel star 相信命运冥冥中牵引著我 到相遇的地方 终于知道你是我追踪的梦想 却发现你不在身旁 如果歌唱可以让我变得勇敢 即使被大雨包围 song for you 如果可以迎接一个重生的早晨 我会用同样的热情来面对生命 邂逅或者相逢奇迹让勇气激动 相信我终将会成为jewel star 散发爱的光芒

Wearing The Inside Out 中文歌词


Crystal Bowersox的《Mason》 歌词

歌曲名:Mason歌手:Crystal Bowersox专辑:Farmer"S DaughterCrystal Bowersox - MasonI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youI wanna take all this love I feel and IKnow that it"s stronger than steel with youI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youI wanna take all the lovely things you say andMake a love that"s stronger than clay with youYeah, yeah, yeahBridges burn and buildings falland time can tear down wallsLeave you begging on your kneesTime may steal your human waysLeave lines upon your face,Leave you drifting out to seaBut you will always have a hold on meI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youI wanna drink you up like a cool spring waterLay holdin" bricks and mortar with youI wanna drink you up like a cool spring waterLay holdin" bricks and mortar with youI wanna be your mason baby,I wanna build a life with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10538873

sweater inside out

这两个句子一个意思 :你把你的毛衣穿反了 inside out 字面意思:里面的在外面 不就是穿反了吗 have.on 就是穿的意思

Andrew Lloyd Webber的《Masquerade》 歌词

歌曲名:Masquerade歌手:Andrew Lloyd Webber专辑:Masterpiece: Live From the Great Hall of the PeopleMasquerade!Paper faces on parade . . .Masquerade!Hide your face,so the world willnever find you!Masquerade!Every face a different shade . . .Masquerade!Look around -there"s anothermask behind you!Flash of mauve . ..Splash of puce . . .Fool and king . . .Ghoul and goose . . .Green and black . . .Queen and priest . . .Trace of rouge . . .Face of beast . . .Faces . . .Take your turn, take a rideon the merry-go-round . . .in an inhuman race . . .Eye of gold . . .Thigh of blue . . .True is false . . .Who is who . . . ?Curl of lip . . .Swirl of gown . . .Ace of hearts . . .Face of clown . . .Faces . . .Drink it in, drink it up,till you"ve drownedin the light . . .in the sound . . .Masquerade!Grinning yellows,spinning reds . . .Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacleastound you!Masquerade!Burning glances,turning heads . . .Masquerade!Stop and stareat the sea of smilesaround you!Masquerade!Seething shadowsbreathing lies . . .Masquerade!You can foolany friend whoever knew you!Masquerade!Leering satyrs,peering eyes . . .Masquerade!Run and hide -but a face willstill pursue you!http://music.baidu.com/song/52579703



有谁吃过SVM LOSE WEIGHT,我想买?到处都找不到这个减肥药


lose your weight翻译成中文


hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without...

A 本题考查的让步状语从句。句意:如果你不减少饮食的话,无论你多么努力尝试,也难减肥成功。此处的关键字眼是hard,hard既然被提到主语前,说明引导词应和hard一起来引导从句,而能够修饰hard的只有however一词,所以答案选A。另外,however还可用作连接性副词,表转折,“然而”之意。此处的however意为“无论多么”。

She is on a special ________ to lose ________ weight. A.food; her B.food; / C.diet; her D

D 考查短语:be on a diet在节食,lose weight 减肥,句意:她在特殊的节食来减肥。所以选D。

有没有人知道SVM LOSE WEIGHT这种减肥药的?想找个好点的上家?具体情况如下图


She is on a special___to lose___weight. A.diet,her B.diet, 为什么选B. 选A不也可以吗?

减肥就是lose weight,不能在中间加“one"s”,这是固定搭配

有没有人知道SVM LOSE WEIGHT这种减肥药的?想找个好点的上家?具体情况如下图


If you keep exercise,you will lose weight.是什么意思?

If you keep exercise,you will lose weight.如果继续运动,将会减轻体重。

英语作文how to lose weight and keep fit

1规律饮食2经常锻炼3良好生活习惯4其他A healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and jump happily, do all the things you like to enjoy life. The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for you to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life. Trying every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.健康的身体对于我们每个人来说都很重要,当你生病的时候,你感到全身疼痛,没有精力工作,你唯一想做的一件事就是躺在床上。如果你身体健康,你就能吃得好、睡得好,能够快快乐乐的唱啊跳啊,你可以做你喜欢做的事情去享受生活。 保健的方法不尽相同。早晨你可以早起,去户外散步,呼吸新鲜空气、进行体育锻炼。跑步和游泳对于保持健康确实有用。如果你是个大忙人,抽不出特定的时间进行这些活动,也有其它有用的方法让你保健,最简单的方法就是步行到你所在的公司,而不是骑自行车或乘坐公共汽车。你还必须进行常规的体检,这样医生才会彻底知道你的身体状况,你应当尽可能的使自己的心情愉悦,如果你心情好,你才能吃得好、睡得好,你的身体状况就一定非常好。 健康是一个人一身中所期待的最具价值的财富,尝试使用每种方法去保健是我给想快乐生活在这个美好世界的所有人的建议。

lose weihht用的是动词,而weight loss 为什么后面就要用名词形式?


lose weight为什么不加the? lose the weight为什么不可以?


lost much weight什么意思


lose weight 和be thinner是同义词吗


请用lose weight 造一个英语句子谢谢

I want to lose wighe,because I am heavy.

lose weight等于什么

Be on diet?在减肥,在节食

she will lose weight. she goes on a diet.用if写句子

你好,正确答案:If she goes on a diet,she will lose weight.She will lose weight if she goes on a diet.

Many young girls wanted to lose weight有没有错误?

恭喜你,对了。这句话也可以用一般现在时来写,即Many young girls want to lose weight.

why apples can help people lose weight语法有没有错?

有错。特殊疑问句的结构是:特殊疑问词+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语+谓语+宾语?这个问句是想问为什么苹果能帮助人们减肥,其正确表达是:Why can apples help people lose weight?

How to lose weight?

首先,希望我用中文回答你能看懂,如看不懂,请说出来,我尽量翻译成英文给你;下面开始减肥方法建议:1、一定要用物理疗法,千万别吃药,有氧运动很有效2、跑步就行,不用到马路上跑,在跑步机上,或家里原地慢跑,一般60分钟左右,不要太短,也不要太长,太短会消耗不了体内脂肪,太长会导致疲劳过渡,伤害身体。3、饮食上注意,不要吃脂肪过高的食品,不过吃太多东西,7分饱就行,但也不要节食经过这些大概一个月就会有成效,坚持下来,you may success

书面表达英语作文以“how to lose,weight”

一、吃苹果减肥最快:A, eat the apple weight fastest:苹果称得上是金水果,它含有较多的钾,较少的钠,可降低血压;苹果的果胶可以降低胆固醇;苹果含有类黄酮,可以减少冠心病的发生和诱发心脏病;苹果含有非常丰富的抗氧化物ue584 可降低癌症发生的机会。Apple called the golden fruit, it contains more potassium, less sodium, lower blood pressure; apple pectin can lower cholesterol; apples contain flavonoids, can reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease and induced a heart attack; apples contain very rich in antioxidants dead can reduce the chance of cancer.想想,如果三天纯吃苹果,就能减肥3至5公斤,又能保持健康的话,你愿意尝试吗?Think about it, if three days of pure eating apples, you can lose weight 3 to 5 kg, and can keep healthy, would you like to try?吃苹果减肥的好处是不必挨饿,肚子饿就吃苹果。因为它是低热量食物,无论吃多少,都不会比日常生活所摄取的热量还多,所以体重自然减轻。Eat the apple diet benefits are not hungry, hungry eat apples. Because it is low in calories, regardless of how much to eat, not more than the daily caloric intake, so naturally reduce weight.吃苹果操作方法:Eat the Apple operating method:①连续三天只吃苹果,不吃其他水果和食物。The three consecutive days only eat apples, do not eat fruits and other foods.②你可以按照三餐的时间吃苹果,或是肚子饿就吃,吃饱为止。You can eat apples at the time of three meals, or hungry to eat, eat.③不管什么种类的苹果都可以,不过,最好是红苹果。青苹果比较酸,可能会刺激肠胃。No matter what kind of apple can, however, it is best to red apple. Green apple is more acid, may stimulate the stomach.④苹果要吃新鲜的,而且要洗净削皮,避免农药残存。The apples to eat fresh, and peel to clean, to avoid residual pesticides.⑤在这三天内,口渴时,你可以喝开水或没有刺激性的茶水,例如薄荷茶、麦茶、红花茶、鱼腥草茶等。Fifth in the three days, thirsty, you can drink boiled water or no irritant tea, such as mint tea, wheat tea, red tea, Houttuynia tea.⑦在苹果减肥期间,如果出现便秘问题,可以在第三天晚上,喝一两汤匙的橄榄油润肠,促进体内积蓄的毒素排泄。In apple diet period, if there is constipation, on the third day in the evening, drink one or two tablespoons of olive oil Runchang, promote the excretion of toxins accumulated in vivo.三天后的饮食要点Three days after the diet points三天的苹果减肥结束后,因为远离了刺激性食物,所以你的肠胃会很柔嫩,味觉也很敏感,而且胃会变小。Three days after the end of apple diet, as far away from spicy food, so your stomach will be very tender, taste is also very sensitive, and the stomach becomes small.第四天开始,你的饮食要慢慢恢复,不能一下子就吃很多食物,尤其不要吃零食。恢复饮食的头三天,最好先从吃粥、吃豆腐等开始。总之,减肥后恢复饮食时,食物要清淡而且不要过量,这样一来,减肥的效果才会持续。The fourth day, your diet should be gradually restored, can not eat a lot of food at once, especially not to eat snacks. The first three days of refeeding, the best start to eat porridge, eat tofu etc.. In short, the weight loss diet after recovery, food should be light and not too much, as a result, the effect of weight loss will continue.苹果减肥等于身体消化系统的大扫除。如果你真的很胖,想要做一次苹果减肥就恢复身材是不可能的。最好每一两个月就进行一次,直到减至理想体重为止。Apple lose weight is equal to the body"s digestive system cleaning. If you really want to do is fat, an apple on the restoration of body weight loss is not possible. The best every one or two months once, until reduced to ideal body weight.

减肥应该是keep fit还是lose weight?

lose weight

i want to lose weight什么意思


lose weight 的反义?

gain weight 增肥;长胖了

减肥是用lose weight还是用reduce weight还些??我的想法对吗?


英语翻译:这个lose weight怎么造句?


lose weihht用的是动词,而weight loss 为什么后面就要用名词形式?

Lose weight是动词短语,Weight loss是名词短语,两者最大的区别就是,一个做谓语,一个作宾语,所以这里区分了动词形式和名词形式,Weight losing不能直接这样用的

【单词】想减肥,lose weight 怎么用才正确?

Lose weight 夏天到了,很多人又开始减肥了。可是,如果要用英文表达自己想要减肥,那下面这个句子怪在哪里呢?? I want to lose my weight. 粗粗一看好像没什么问题,仔细看好像还是没问题。哈哈,其实问题出在my这个词。如果你说 my weight , 这意味着如果你想要的话,你也是可以减别人的肥的。my 暗示这次是 my 肥,下次可能是your 肥,以后可能是 her 肥,也就是说,你可以选择减谁的肥。 是不是很怪,所以解决办法就是去掉 my: √ I want to lose weight. 只要说lose weight,我们听了都会假定是主语那个人要减肥。 He"s pretty fat. I think he really needs to lose weight. (他很胖,我想他真的需要减肥。) She ate so much during Chinese New Year. Now she wants to lose weight. (她在过年时吃了好多,现在她想要减肥。) lose 与 weight 中间加某个词,通常不是表示谁的肥,而是要减多少肥。 He looks OK, but he needs to lose a little weight. (他看起来还不错,只要稍微减一点肥。) Wow, after she started jogging, she lost a lot of weight. (哇!她慢跑之后瘦了好多。) I"d like to lose some weight. (我想瘦一点。) 当然,如果要说减几公斤时,你可以省略weight这个词: I lost five kilos this summer! (我今年夏天减了五公斤!) I need to lose about ten pounds after eating like a pig during my Christmas vacation. (在圣诞节期间吃得像只猪之后,我需要减个十磅。) * 不用说减谁的肥,说 lose weight 就好了。 祝大家这个夏天瘦成闪电~



减肥是loose weight 还是lose weight?

lose weight

lose weight可数吗

lose weight v. 减肥;体重减轻 lose当友谊或朋友关系时可数;强调感觉或状态时不可数。 weight即可做可数名词,又可做不可数名词,weight在做“砝码,秤砣”时可数,还有在做“巨大重量之物,重压负担”的意思时可数。表示“重”“重量”“分量”,不可数。 weight在这里是不可数的。 扩展资料   例句:   She"s starving herself to try to lose weight.   她试图通过节食来减肥。   People will lose weight when they slim down with a friend.   人们若和朋友一起减肥,就会减轻体重。   He reacted testily to the suggestion he should lose weight.   有人建议他减肥,对此他很恼火。

lose weight是什么意思


英语lose weight是什么中文意思

  英语lose weight的中文意思   英 [lu:z weit] 美 [luz wet]   1. 减轻体重:人们为了增进健康(get in shape),减轻体重(lose weight),保持健康(stay in shape)或纯粹仅是为了娱乐(just for fun),从事户外运动的人口越来越多,一年到头都有各种各样、多彩多姿的户外运动.   2. 减轻体重,减肥:remember doing 记得做过某事 | lose weight 减轻体重,减肥 | get into an argument with sb. 与某人吵起架来   3. 体重减轻:lose way 减速 | lose weight 体重减轻 | lose 遗失   英语lose weight的情景对话   健康与健身   A:I don"t know what to do! I"ve been dieting for months and I just can"t seem to lose any weight!   我不知道做什么!我节食已经有好几个月了。好像还不能减少体重!   B:Are you doing any exercise?   你在做一些锻炼吗?   A:No, if I exercise, I get hungry, and then I end up eating too much.   没有,如果我锻炼我会感觉饿,结果是我会吃得更多。   B:I think that might be your problem.   我认为那可能就是你的`问题。   A:Really? Why?   真的吗?为什么?   B:Well, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to exercise as well as watch what you eat.If you don"t eat enough, your body will start going into starvation mode.   唔,如果你想减体重并保持住,除了注意饮食外你必须锻炼。假如你不吃饱,你的身体会开始处于饥饿状态。   A:So, what do you think I should do?   那么你认为我该怎么做?   B:You should make sure to eat at least three meals a day. And, you make sure to eat a balanced diet—dairy, fruit, vegetables, meat or fish, and carbohy drates, like bread and pasta.   你应该保证每天至少吃三顿饭,然后你应该保证均衡每日饮食,包括乳制品、水果、蔬菜、肉或鱼以及碳水化合物,像面包和意大利面。   A:But I heard that if you just eat fruits and vegetables, you would lose weight quickly.   但是我听说假如你光吃水果和蔬菜泥会很快减下重量。   B:You might at first, but then you"ll get hungry and tired and you won"t be able to do much.   这只是在开始,然后你就会感觉饥饿、疲倦,然后不能做太多的事情。   A:Maybe you"re right. I have been hungry and tired--and grumpy lately?   也许你说的对,我近来感觉饥饿、疲倦,脾气也不好!   英语lose weight的单语例句   1. Actress Charlize Theron has revealed that her modelling career was hampered by the fashion industry telling her to lose weight.   2. Four years ago, she was told by her friend that heroin could help her lose weight.   3. Many Chinese believe winter is a good time to gain some weight, but summer is when to lose it.   4. But now the adage has been turned on its head, with the creation of a lip gloss that claims to help women lose weight.   5. Researchers have known that people gain and lose weight at least in part by changing how much fat is in their fat cells.   6. Collins said she tried to feed Samantha fresh fruit and vegetables to help her lose weight but to no avail.   7. Certainly many consistently talk about overeating and needing to lose weight while consuming what Westerners would consider a very small meal.

lose weight什么意思

lose weight意思是:体重减轻。lose weight:lose,输掉、遗失、损失、被夺去、减轻、不明白、逃脱、浪费(时间)、走慢、删掉、亏损;weight,重量,分量,体重、重物、重心、重任,重担、权重,重要性、哑铃,杠铃片、砝码,秤砣;lose weight,体重减轻。实用场景例句Denise:You"ll never lose weight if you listen to your stomach.狄妮丝:如果听胃的话,你永远也别想减肥。Say your goal is lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets.比如说你的目标是节食减肥不吃甜食。He is walking proof that people can lose weight quickly.他是人能迅速变瘦的活见证。If you keep drinking Pu"er tea every day for a long time you will lose weight.长期喝普洱茶有减肥的功效。Lose weight too quickly and you will lose muscle tissue as well as fat.减肥太快会使你的肌肉组织和脂肪一起消失。

The Script的《We Cry》 歌词

歌曲名:We Cry歌手:The Script专辑:We CryWe CryThe ScriptLyrics&Timeline Edit: IrenicusTogether we cry...Together we cry...Jenny was a poor girlLiving in a rich worldNamed her baby Hope when she was just fourteenShe was hoping for a better worldFor this little girlBut the apple doesn"t fall too far from the treeWell she gets that callHope"s too far goneHer baby"s on the wayBut nothing left insideTogether we cry!What about the junk headCould have gone the whole wayLighting up the stage trying to get a dealNow he"s lighting up the wrong way"Something for the pain!"Man you wanna see this kid he was so fuckin" unrealWhen he gets that callHe"s too far goneTo get it together to sing one songThey won"t hear tonightThe words of a lullabyTogether we cry...Yeah, yeah, yeahTogether we cry...Whoa oh whoa oh whoaTogether we cry...Oh we cry we cry we cryTogether we cry...Oh we cry we cryWhoa oh whoa oh whoaOh... Mary"s ambitiousShe wanna to be a politicianShe been dreaming about it since she was a girlShe thought that she"d be the one who could change the worldAlways trying to pave the way for women in a... man"s worldBut life happened, house, kids, 2 cars, husband hits the jar, checks that don"t go very far nowNow she in it can"t change it, she keeps her mind on her wagesThe only rattling cages!Together we cryTogether we cryThere"s so much sad gonna flood the oceanWe"re all in tears for the world is brokenTogether we cry!There comes a time when every bird has to flyAt some point every rose has to dieIt"s hard to let your children goLeave homeWhere they go?Who knows!Getting drunkGetting stonedAll aloneTeach a man to fishYou"ll feed him never lieYou show your kids the truthHope they never lieInstead of reading in a letter that they"ve gone to something better"Bet your sorry now! I won"t be coming home tonight"I"m sick of looking for those heroes in the skyTo teach us how to flyTogether we cry!Together we cryTogether we cryThere"s so much sad gonna flood the oceanWe"re all in tears for the world is brokenTogether we cry!Presents by Irenicushttp://music.baidu.com/song/8751708

We Cry (Explicit) 歌词

歌曲名:We Cry (Explicit)歌手:The Script专辑:The ScriptWe CryThe ScriptLyrics&Timeline Edit: IrenicusTogether we cry...Together we cry...Jenny was a poor girlLiving in a rich worldNamed her baby Hope when she was just fourteenShe was hoping for a better worldFor this little girlBut the apple doesn"t fall too far from the treeWell she gets that callHope"s too far goneHer baby"s on the wayBut nothing left insideTogether we cry!What about the junk headCould have gone the whole wayLighting up the stage trying to get a dealNow he"s lighting up the wrong way"Something for the pain!"Man you wanna see this kid he was so fuckin" unrealWhen he gets that callHe"s too far goneTo get it together to sing one songThey won"t hear tonightThe words of a lullabyTogether we cry...Yeah, yeah, yeahTogether we cry...Whoa oh whoa oh whoaTogether we cry...Oh we cry we cry we cryTogether we cry...Oh we cry we cryWhoa oh whoa oh whoaOh... Mary"s ambitiousShe wanna to be a politicianShe been dreaming about it since she was a girlShe thought that she"d be the one who could change the worldAlways trying to pave the way for women in a... man"s worldBut life happened, house, kids, 2 cars, husband hits the jar, checks that don"t go very far nowNow she in it can"t change it, she keeps her mind on her wagesThe only rattling cages!Together we cryTogether we cryThere"s so much sad gonna flood the oceanWe"re all in tears for the world is brokenTogether we cry!There comes a time when every bird has to flyAt some point every rose has to dieIt"s hard to let your children goLeave homeWhere they go?Who knows!Getting drunkGetting stonedAll aloneTeach a man to fishYou"ll feed him never lieYou show your kids the truthHope they never lieInstead of reading in a letter that they"ve gone to something better"Bet your sorry now! I won"t be coming home tonight"I"m sick of looking for those heroes in the skyTo teach us how to flyTogether we cry!Together we cryTogether we cryThere"s so much sad gonna flood the oceanWe"re all in tears for the world is brokenTogether we cry!Presents by Irenicushttp://music.baidu.com/song/8866765

求推荐一些类似flower dance、moon flow、luv letter等有流行风格的钢琴曲,不要钢琴独奏和世界名曲

cut in love , 碎月(钢琴版), さくらの季节

求flowe dance如下视频的谱子

answers 最终幻想14主题曲 中文歌词


迅雷(Thunder)和 Web迅雷有什么区别?

web可以使thunder协议的下载连接得到无缝结合,获得更快的速度,但是对于其他ftp http mms下载的效果没有迅雷5好,并且web的稳定性不如迅雷5,并且在设置上,操作上都觉得不如迅雷5好哦


none 此元素不会被显示。 block 此元素将显示为块级元素,此元素前后会带有换行符。 inline 默认。此元素会被显示为内联元素,元素前后没有换行符。 inline-block 行内块元素。(CSS2.1 新增的值) list-item 此元素会作为列表显示。 run-in 此元素会根据上下文作为块级元素或内联元素显示。 compact CSS 中有值 compact,不过由于缺乏广泛支持,已经从 CSS2.1 中删除。 marker CSS 中有值 marker,不过由于缺乏广泛支持,已经从 CSS2.1 中删除。 table 此元素会作为块级表格来显示(类似 <table>),表格前后带有换行符。 inline-table 此元素会作为内联表格来显示(类似 <table>),表格前后没有换行符。 table-row-group 此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <tbody>)。 table-header-group 此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <thead>)。 table-footer-group 此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <tfoot>)。 table-row 此元素会作为一个表格行显示(类似 <tr>)。 table-column-group 此元素会作为一个或多个列的分组来显示(类似 <colgroup>)。 table-column 此元素会作为一个单元格列显示(类似 <col>) table-cell 此元素会作为一个表格单元格显示(类似 <td> 和 <th>) table-caption 此元素会作为一个表格标题显示(类似 <caption>) inherit 规定应该从父元素继承 display 属性的值。


block : 块对象的默认值。将对象强制作为块对象呈递,为对象之后添加新行 none : 隐藏对象。与 visibility 属性的hidden值不同,其不为被隐藏的对象保留其物理空间 inline : 内联对象的默认值。将对象强制作为内联对象呈递,从对象中删除行 inline-block : 将对象呈递为内联对象,但是对象的内容作为块对象呈递。旁边的内联对象会被呈递在同一行内 list-item : 将块对象指定为列表项目。并可以添加可选项目标志


display:inline 主要用在横排列表的时候,因为默认的<li>每个会占一行,转化为内敛元素,就会横排了display:none 主要用在做tab选项卡的时候,将不显示的部分隐藏,配合JS代码使用display:bock 将内联元素转化为块级元素。内联元素在宽度足够的情况下是横向一个个显示,块及元素是每个占一行显示。

We went to stonehenge 改为一般疑问句?

Did you go to stonehenge?

there were no gymsin in our city改为同义句是什么?

there were no gyms in our city改为同义句是什么?There were not any gyms in our city.

Sweet Honey Bee 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Honey Bee歌手:Duke Pearson专辑:Sweet Honey Bee「Sweet & Honey」作词∶hitomi作曲∶Jimmy Harry/Cathy Dennis歌∶hitomi女は真実の爱 男は挂け引きの恋永远を求めるモノ スリルを求めるモノ违う生き物って 理解し合えたなら 今顷ふたりどんなふうに分かり合って 一绪にいれたんだろう?Sweet & Honeyあなたが求めてる (この瞬间だけ)私が注ぎ込む (媚薬みたい)今からどこへゆく? (ふたりで消えたい)女は现実的で 男は梦旅人头脳犯装い あなたを操りたい互いを演じ切って 巧くやれる方法なんてあるの?あなたを诱惑して どこまでも连れ去りたいSweet & Honey甘い蜜を吸ってく (私はフラワー)ミツバチみたいにね (どこへ向かう?)危険地帯に狂う (クモの巣みたい)あなたはどこへゆく? (もう戻らない?)唇に触れる瞬间 鷲掴みにされるハートSweet & Honey (すれ违うふたり)Sweet & HoneySweet & Honeyあなたが求めてる (この瞬间だけ)私が注ぎ込む (媚薬みたい)今からどこへゆく? (ふたりで消えたい)あなたはどこへゆく? (もう戻らない?)【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2721273

Honey Well什么意思?



Both of them were helpful.





拜伦 When We Two Parted 的中文翻译




Mark Owen的《Clementine》 歌词

歌名:Clementine歌手:Mark Owen发行时间:2003-10-19所属专辑:《The Green Man (Repackaged)》歌词:She heard a voice from so far awayIt told her her mother had gone awayIn the next room down the corridorHer baby started to cryHer whole life had just fell apartThere was nothing then the hurting startedIn her heavy head on her knees she prayedcould somebody help herClementineIt was never meant to be this wayIt was never meant to be this wayClementineIt was never meant to be this wayit was never meant to be this wayIf only I"d told you yesterdayGot in her car and she sped awayInto the floodlit street down by your wayAs the sun rose by the morning dewWell she returned in such a stateHer baby knew not what was going onBut it could tell from her tears that something was wrong with mumDesperation let out its final screamBut our clementine didn"t hear a damn thing[REPEAT CHORUS]Into the mirror she stared at herselfAsked is that my life is that what I"m here forHer reflection chose not to respondAs she froze to the spot like a cold hard statueAnd bathed in her tears she said her time was through

21世纪 21st century 用英语怎么读 twentieth one

21st = twenty-first ["twenti "fu0259:st]

MOTUL/摩特踏板摩托车机油全合成 绵羊专用 SCOOTER POWER 跑多少公里换油!!!!!


皇后乐队的we well we well rock you 翻译过来的歌词是什么?

We"re causin nutter devastation 我们要进行疯狂破坏 When we step in to the place 当我们踏进这个世界 And better believe that you can see 相信你会看到 We"re gonna rock and never stop 我们要摇滚不停歇 And here we go again 就让我们再来一次 Hit you with the flow again 再次用声音震撼你 Kick it up the second time around 让你再次疯狂起来 We"ll bring it on again 让你再次成长 Shout it out 大声吼出来 Buddy, you"re a boy 伙计,你是一个小男孩 Make a big noise playing in the street 大声嚷嚷的在街头鬼混 Gonna be a big man some day 希望有一天能成为大人物 You got blood on your face 你脸上流着鲜血 You big disgrace 颜面尽失 Kicking your can all over the place 把铁罐到处踢来踢去 Singing we will, we will rock you (ha ha) 唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来 We will, we will rock you 我们要让你又摇又滚 How about a little something 怎么能让那些琐碎小事 Get you in the mood 影戏你的心情 Know what I mean知道我的意思吗 Watch your back 叫你当心 We got Queen on this track 天后也与我们为伴 Bring the feedback and let it drop 激情互动,顺其自然 As long as Five bring the fun 只要我们让你快乐 Queen bring the rock 天后来让你摇滚 And they don"t stop 大家都不停歇 Buddy, you"re a young man 老兄,你是个年轻人 Hard man selling in the street 是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣 Gonna take on thw rodl some day 总有一天要接管这个世界 You got blood on your face 你脸上流着鲜血 You big disgrace 颜面尽失 Waving your banner all over the place 到处挥舞著旗帜 Singing we will, we will rock you 唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来 We"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock you, baby 我们要摇滚,摇滚你一下,宝贝 we will, we will rock you 我们要你摇滚起来 We"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya 我们要摇滚,摇滚你一下 we will, we will rock you 我们要你摇滚起来 We"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock you, baby 我们要摇滚,摇滚你一下,宝贝 we will, we will rock you 我们要你摇滚起来 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Buddy, you"re an old man 老兄,你老了 Poor man pleading with your eyes 穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕 Gonna make you something some day 总有一天可以使你得到平静 You got mud on your face 你搞得灰头土脸 You big disgrace 狼狈至极 Somebody better put you back in your place 最好有人能把你赶回老家去

we will rock you 歌词 汉语

词we will rock you 歌手:five & queen 专辑:we will rock you buddy you"re a boy make a big noise playin" in the street gonna be a big man some day you got blood on your face, big disgrace kicking your can all over the place we will, we will rock you (ha ha) we will, we will rock you keep the beat up, why i"m gonna turn your head up gonna get you on the floor gonna burn your feet up rockin" you like i never rocked you before like the way i do got you screamin" for more we will, we will rock you (we gonna rock you baby) we will, we will rock you (we gonna rock you baby) we will, we will rock you (we gonna rock you baby) go, go, go, go ,go, go, go, go buddy, you"re an old man, poor man pleading with your eyes gonna make you something some day you got mud on your face, big disgrace somebody better put you back in your place we will, we will rock you we will, we will rock you we will, we will rock you... 小子,你是个男孩,吵吵闹闹在街头玩耍 有一天你将长大成人 你脸上糊着泥巴 样子一点也不雅 踢着铁罐四处跑 唱着 我们来摇滚 唱着 我们来摇滚 小子,你是个青年,一条硬汉 在街上叫嚷着有一天要征服世界 你脸上淌着血 摇着旗子四处跑 我们来摇滚 唱着 我们来摇滚 小子,你是个老头,穷苦的人 眼神在祈祷,有一天你能得到安宁 你脸上糊着泥巴 样子一点也不雅 最好能有人让你闭上嘴巴 我们来摇滚 唱着 我们来摇滚 大家一起 我们来摇滚 我们来摇滚

5ive和皇后乐队合唱的we will rock you 歌词

were causin utter devastationwhen were stepping to the placeand better believe that you can seewere gonna rock and never stopand here we go againhit you with the flow againkick it up the second time aroundwell bring it on again - shout it outbuddy you"re a boymake a big noise playin" in the streetgonna be a big man some dayyou got blood on your face, big disgracekicking your can all over the place (singing)we will, we will rock you (ha ha)we will, we will rock you (c"mon)how about little something to get you in the moodknow what i mean?watch your back, we got queen on this trackbring the feedback, and let it dropas long as five bring the funkqueen bring the rockand it dont stopbuddy youre a young man, hard man, shouting in the streetgonna take on the world some dayyou got blood on your face, big disgracewaving your banner all over the place (singing)we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya baby!)we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we gonna rock, we gonna rock ya)we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya baby!)we will, we will rock you (ha ha)go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go ...ah!buddy youre an old man, poor man pleading with your eyesgonna make you something some dayyou got mud on your face, big disgracesomebody better put you back in your place (singing)……杭州> pub 1991<棒儿……we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya baby!)we will, we will rock you (yeah!)we will, we will rock you (ah! ah!)we will, we will rock you (yeah, we gonna rock you)we will, we will rock youwe will, we will rock youwe will, we will rock you

继承者们第四集中的欲戴王冠必承其重的英文,网上有些说是One who wants to wear



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歌曲:We Can"t Stop 歌手:Miley Cyrus所属专辑:We Can"t Stop - SingleIt"s our party we can do what we want这是我们的派对,做我们想做的It"s our party we can say what we want这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽It"s our party we can love who we want这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的We can kiss who we want亲吻自己所爱的We can live how we want我们的热情,对著自己的爱人燃烧It"s our party we can do what we want这是我们的派对,做我们想做的It"s our party we can say what we want这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽It"s our party we can love who we want这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的We can kiss who we want亲吻自己所爱的We can live how we want我们的热情,对著自己的爱人燃烧Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere每人手中都有个红色的酒杯,他们汗流浃背、热情如火Hands in the air like we don"t care双手在空中摇摆著,我们已经脱离世俗Cause we came to have so much fun now因为现在,有太多有趣的事情正等著我们Got somebody here might get some now多邀请些人来与我们一道疯狂吧If you"re not ready to go home如果你还没准备回家Can I get a hell no我可以准备玩得疯狂吗?Cause we gonna go all night因为我们注定要玩通宵Till we see the sunlight alright直到我们看见太阳升起So la da da di we like to party来去派对吧!Dancing with Miley跟著Miley一起跳舞Doing whatever we want做一些未曾做过的事情This is our house这是我们的地盘This is our rules我们自己的规则And we can"t stop而我们就是停不了And we won"t stop而我们就是停不了Can"t you see it"s we who own the night你看见了吗?被我们包下的夜晚Can"t you see it we who bout" that life见识到了吗?人生由自己选择And we can"t stop我们不会停下And we won"t stop我们不会停下We run things, things don"t run we我们只负责跑摊、没有事能找麻烦Don"t take nothing from nobody别做些无中生有的事It"s our party we can do what we want这是我们的派对,做我们想做的It"s our party we can say what we want这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽It"s our party we can love who we want这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的We can kiss who we want亲吻自己所爱的We can live how we want对著爱人燃烧自己的热情To my homegirls here with the big butts给那些乖乖女一人来一大罐酒Shaking it like we at a strip club摇摆吧,就像置身于脱衣舞郎俱乐部Remember only God can judge us记住,只有上帝才管得著我们Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya忘了那些你讨厌的人吧 因为还有人迷恋著你And everyone in line in the bathroom很多人都在厕所搭上线了Trying to get a line in the bathroom试试可不可以钓一个看看We all so turnt up here我们都在这喝的滔天烂醉Getting turnt up yea yea你也来试试醉烂世界So la da da di we like to party来去派对吧!Dancing with Miley跟著Miley一起跳舞Doing whatever we want做一些未曾做过的事情This is our house这是我们的地盘This is our rules我们自己的规则And we can"t stop而我们就是停不了And we won"t stop而我们就是停不了Can"t you see it"s we who own the night你看见了吗?被我们包下的夜晚Can"t you see it we who bout" that life见识到了吗?人生由自己选择And we can"t stop我们不会停下And we won"t stop也不可能停下We run things我们只负责跑摊Things don"t run we没有事能找麻烦Don"t take nothing from nobody别做些无中生有的事It"s our party we can do what we want这是我们的派对,做我们想做的It"s our party we can say what we want这是属于我们的盛宴,不论你想做什麽It"s our party we can love who we want这是我们自己的派对,去爱我们想爱的We can kiss who we want亲吻自己所爱的We can live how we want对著爱人燃烧自己的热情It"s our party we can do what we want to这是我们的派对,做我们想做的It"s our house we can love who we want to这是我们的地盘,去爱我们想爱的It"s our song we can sing if we want to这是我们的歌曲,去唱出最热血的心情It"s my mouth I can say what I want to这是我的唇,不论我想说什麽Yea, Yea, YeahYea, Yea, YeahAnd we can"t stop而我们就是停不了And we won"t stop而我们就是停不了Can"t you see it"s we who own the night你看见了吗?被我们包下的夜晚Can"t you see it we who bout" that life见识到了吗?人生由自己选择And we can"t stop而我们就是停不了And we won"t stop而我们就是停不了We run things, things don"t run we我们只负责跑摊 没有事能找麻烦Don"t take nothing from nobody别做些无中生有的事Yea, Yea, YeaYea, Yea, Yea
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