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wash的读音是:英[w??]。wash的读音是:英[w??]。wash的详尽释义是n.(名词)沃什湾(靠英国英格兰东部)洗东西处洗衣店要洗的衣服,洗好的衣服【地】(水流的)冲积物,冲积层,沙滩洗涤剂洗,洗涤,冲洗,沐浴废液,泔水沼泽,泥塘,浅水湾,洼地干河床水的奔流,汹涌,水的撞击,流水的拍打声味淡的液体食品,淡酒,淡饮料【海】排出流薄涂层,涂料。wash过去式:washed;过去分词:washed;现在分词:washing;第三人称单数:washes。一、详尽释义点此查看wash的详细内容n.(名词)沃什湾(靠英国英格兰东部)洗东西处洗衣店要洗的衣服,洗好的衣服【地】(水流的)冲积物,冲积层,沙滩洗涤剂洗,洗涤,冲洗,沐浴废液,泔水沼泽,泥塘,浅水湾,洼地干河床水的奔流,汹涌,水的撞击,流水的拍打声味淡的液体食品,淡酒,淡饮料【海】排出流薄涂层,涂料v.(动词)洗,洗涤,洗去洗刷使湿,使浸透,使湿透(猫等)舔净镀金属薄层于冲洗,弄湿(伤口等)(光)布满,弥漫于漫过,流过,(被浪花等)拍打,冲击冲击,冲成,冲蚀【化】洗涤使打旋洗澡,洗脸,洗手耐洗用作洗涤剂粉刷,涂(漆、颜料)于(常用在疑问和否定句中)经得住考验,论点站得住脚【矿】洗(矿)使人接受,令人相信abbr.(缩略词)华盛顿=washingtonadj.(形容词)耐洗的(证券交易)冲销性的,洗售的二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. 洗; 洗涤 make clean with water or some other liquidvi. 耐洗,经洗 be able to be washed without spoiling; bear cleaning with liquid without damagevi. & vt. 冲走; 冲击,拍打 carry with water; beat or strike with watern.(名词)[S] 洗; 洗涤 act of cleaning or being cleaned with water[S] 洗的衣物的数量 quantity of clothes, sheets, etc. (to be) washed三、英英释义Noun:a thin coat of water-base paintthe work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway);"from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water"the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propellera watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the othergarments or white goods that can be cleaned by launderingany enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out;"at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash"Verb:clean with some chemical processcleanse (one"s body) with soap and watercleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water;"Wash the towels, please!"move by or as if by water;"The swollen river washed away the footbridge"be capable of being washed;"Does this material wash?"admit to testing or proof;"This silly excuse won"t wash in traffic court"separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., toremove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent;"he washed the dirt from his coat""The nurse washed away the blood""Can you wash away the spots on the windows?""he managed to wash out the stains"form by erosion;"The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"make moist;"The dew moistened the meadows"wash or flow against;"the waves laved the shore"to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking;"The cat washes several times a day"四、例句This dress material shrinks in the wash.这种衣料一洗要缩水。We"ll toss a coin to see who does the wash.我们将掷币决定谁来洗衣服。She has a large wash this week.这星期她有大量衣服要洗。Silk clothing should not use washing machines wash.丝绸衣物不宜用洗衣机洗涤。Cheap clothes tend to fall apart when you wash them.便宜衣物洗涤时容易破碎。I must wash my hands before dinner.吃饭前,我必须洗手。Cotton clothes will shrink if you wash them in hot water.如果你用热水洗涤,纯棉衣服会缩小。I am afraid you must wash out this stain.恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍。五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词wash bottle洗瓶子wash car洗车wash clothes洗衣服wash dish洗盘子wash face洗脸wash hands洗手wash oneself洗澡wash out one"s hope使希望告吹wash out that idea打消那个念头wash out the mouth漱口wash walls with white把墙刷白wash wound洗伤口~+副词wash well耐洗wash admirably大量地洗涤wash adroitly熟练地洗涤wash advantageously有效地洗涤wash aptly恰当地洗涤wash assiduously持之以恒地洗涤wash automatically自动洗涤wash briefly简洁地洗涤wash carelessly粗心地洗涤wash casually漫不经心地洗涤wash cautiously小心地洗涤wash completely彻底洗涤wash conditionally有条件地洗涤wash deliberately从容地洗涤wash delightfully愉快地洗涤wash fastidiously讲究地洗涤wash freely随意地洗涤wash frequently经常洗涤wash futilely徒劳地洗涤wash habitually习惯地洗涤wash immediately立即洗涤wash incessantly不停地洗涤wash laboriously吃力地洗涤wash listlessly无精打采地洗涤wash personally亲自洗涤wash reluctantly不情愿地洗涤wash scrupulously认真地洗涤wash slightly轻微地洗涤wash slowly慢慢地洗涤wash surreptitiously偷偷地洗涤wash thoroughly彻底地洗涤wash unconditionally无条件地洗涤wash unnecessarily不必要地洗涤wash unwillingly勉强洗涤wash usually经常洗涤wash utterly完全洗涤wash willingly欣然洗涤wash away冲垮wash away the river banks冲垮河堤wash off(使)清洗掉wash off stains洗掉污点wash out(使)清洗掉,冲掉或冲垮(桥梁、道路)wash out the ink洗掉墨水wash up用水洗(碟子、锅等),洗脸和手等wash up dishes洗盘子~+介词wash...for替…洗涤wash the dishes for sb替某人洗这些盘子wash in cold water用冷水洗澡wash into冲进wash off洗掉wash...with用…洗wash...with soap用肥皂洗用作名词 (n.)动词+~come out in the wash(某物)洗掉了,(某问题)圆满解决了do a/the wash洗衣服get a wash须洗一洗give sb/sth a wash给…洗一洗have a wash洗衣服need a wash需要洗一洗stand wash耐洗,经洗形容词+~good wash彻底洗,好好洗a large wash一大堆要洗的衣服dirty wash家丑,隐私dry wash洗好晾干而未加熨烫的衣服huge wash很多要洗的衣服mere wash淡得像水一样的(茶,汤)wet wash洗好但尚未干燥和熨烫的衣服名词+~car wash洗汽车distilled water wash蒸馏水洗涤eye wash洗眼用药水hair wash洗发剂mouth wash漱口药水ore wash洗矿石~+名词wash ball香皂wash basin脸盆wash board洗衣板wash bottle洗涤瓶wash bowl脸盆wash cloth浴巾wash drawing淡水画wash house洗衣房wash mill洗涤装置wash pipe冲洗管wash room厕所wash stand脸盆架wash tub洗衣盆介词+~at the wash在洗衣房in the wash正在洗in the wash of the ship在船翻起的波浪中~+介词wash of a river河流的冲积wash of the waves波涛的拍击声六、情景对话PlansB:Do you have any plans?有什么计划吗?A:I"m going to (watch movies/ read a book/wash my bicycle).我打算去(看电影/看本书/清洗我的自行车)。烹饪A:What are you cooking?你正在做什么?washB:I"m making pizza.我在做匹萨。washA:Yummy! Do you have all the ingredients you need?真香啊!需要的全部调料你都有么?B:I"ve got everything, unless you want salami on your pizza.都准备好了,除非你要吃带意大利香肠的匹萨。A:That would be good. I can run to the store and buy some. What other ingredients are you going to put on the pizza?那太好了, 我可以去商店买一些, 你还需要其它调料么?B:Pizza sauce and cheese, of course. And then mushrooms, green peppers, onions, olives, and bacon.当然还有匹萨沙司和乳酪,蘑菇,青椒,洋葱,橄榄核烤肉。A:Did you make the pizza crust or buy it from a store?你是自己做匹萨卷还是从商店买?B:I made it from scratch.我自己做。A:Was it difficult?难么?B:No, I just had to mix some flour, water, and a little yeast. It"s almost ready to come out of the oven.不难,只不过把面粉、水和一些发酵粉。差不多要准备出炉了。wash的翻译A:Do I have time to get the salami?来得及去买意大利香肠么?wash什么意思B:Yes, but be quick. I"ve just got towash the vegetables and cut them into little pieces. And then we can add the tomato sauce and the toppings.是,但要快,我正好洗了蔬菜并切碎,然后我们可以加点番茄沙司和装饰配料。Cooking-(做饭)A:I"d like to help pitch in with? dinner.我想帮忙一起做饭。B:Really? You"re joking.真的吗?你在开玩笑吧。A:No. I"d like to do something special for you on your birthday.没开玩笑。我想在你的生日为你做点儿特别的事情。wash什么意思B:I"d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.好啊,那你先把围裙带上吧。A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??好的…现在,我怎么帮忙,亲爱的?B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.嗯,让我看看…烧点水,然后再打两个鸡蛋。A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.这容易。我闭着眼睛都能干。(过了一会儿)做好了。B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.也不错嘛,现在你从冰箱里取一些肉和土豆。A:How many potatoes do you need?你需要几个土豆?B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.三个。再拿四个青椒。A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.明白…好了,拿来了。B:Nowwash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.现在把它们洗一下,然后把土豆和青椒切成丁儿,然后再把肉切成片。A:Where"s the peeler?削皮刀在哪儿?B:It"s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn"t work.在橱柜里…亚当,煤气灶坏了。A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.什么?哦,该死!我切到手指了。B:Let me take a look at that… I can"t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.让我看看…我没法给你止血。我们得去医院。A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.我想做饭并不像我想的那么简单。七、词义辨析n.(名词)下面三句的意思不同:She had a wash.她洗了一个澡。She did a wash.她用洗衣机洗了衣服。She did some washing.她洗了洗衣服。wash的相关近义词bath、bathe、clean、shower、bath、bathe、cleaning、flowwash的相关临近词washer、was、Washe、Washi、washy、Washo、Washio、Washim、washup、Washid、washed、washin点此查看更多关于wash的详细信息

machine wash cold,tumble dry low是什么意思


machine wash warm, tumble dry.

机洗 machine wash 不可漂白do not bleach 中温蒸汽熨steam iron warm 用烘干机烘干TUMBLE DRY 如果是专业干洗 IF PROFESSIONALLY DRY CLEANED 这是衣服上的的水洗标.

The first load of wash should be white things.Such as bed sheets,pillowcases, towels,hand


The sheets for you bed 空 washing A needs B are needing C want D are wanting 到底选哪个?

选择A.sheets"被单",为单数.need doing 主动表被动,相当于need to be done.

wash dark colours separately啥意思

wash dark colours separately将黑颜色的衣服分开洗

wash separately是什么意思

wash separately 分开洗涤


介个.很难通过这种方式说吧, 你去词霸的网站,把这些词挨个儿输进去,点那个喇叭,他会教你读的,而且比较标准.

toilet和 restroom和 washroom有什么不同

TOILET卫生间,设有标准的马桶设备WASHROOM,洗浴间,设有洗澡设备,有没有TOILET功能敢肯定,一般都是含有的,不排除另有单独的TOILET,那就叫奢华RESTROOM,起居室,有的含有WASHROOMtoilet来自中古法语toilette,原义是理发、刮脸用的罩布<toile布厕所,卫生间,洗手间Where is the toilet, please? 请问卫生间在哪儿?rest room 公共卫生间,公共厕所washroom洗手间,卫生间toilet本来是“梳妆,打扮”的意思;随着英语语言的发展,用这个词表示“厕所”、“盥洗室”的用法逐渐被人们所接受,用起来还显得有些文雅。lavatory一词也有同样的特点。W.C.是water closet的缩写,指有抽水马桶的厕所。“上厕所”的表示方法主要有:⑴go to the toilet/lavatory (去卫生间)⑵go to the ladies (去女厕所)⑶go to the gents (去男厕所)⑷May I be excused? 我可以方便一下吗?⑸wash one"s hands (解手)Where can I wash my hands? 请问厕所在哪儿? 按照英文的解读,WC的全称Water Closet,词义本身与Toilet区别不大,且有“免费”(without charge)的意思,但给人的印象是简陋、不太卫生;而Toilet则不仅让人有洁净、舒适的感觉,而且还可以在里面梳妆打扮一番。既然上海的公共厕所已经达到“Toilet”的标准,如再继续沿用“WC”就有点“自贬身价”了。由此可见,“WC”与“Toilet”显然不在同一个档次上,若不加以区分,不但与身份不符,很可能还会闹笑话。曾让佛山人引以为豪的“佛山公厕”,这几十年来一直以整洁著称,且深受外地游客的赞许;但人们在此却很难找到“Toilet”的标识,举目了望满街还是“WC”的居多,这也许是佛山人“多干少说”的“美德”使然吧。但在下以为,在加入WTO后的今天,在对外交流早已深入到社会生活每一个层面的佛山,在这样一座拥有“国家卫生城市”、“国家历史文化名城”和“优秀旅游城市”等多项荣誉称号的城市里,我们应当毫不谦逊地将街头上的那些“WC”,改造成“Toilet”。当然,仅仅把“WC”涂掉,再重新填上“Toilet”是很方便的,但我们绝不应干那种挂着“Toilet”的招牌,但实际上停留在“WC”层次的事。 告别简陋,享受舒适,是每个人的正当要求。让我们这里的公共厕所都“Toilet”起来吧,这至少会受到女士们的欢迎;因为据说Toilet这个词来源于法语,就连法语“香水”一词(l'eaudutoilet)也和Toilet有关,可见这里有多高雅。参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/11159077.html?an=0&si=3; http://iask.sina.com.cn/b/1558209.html


rest room 公共卫生间,公共厕所washroom洗手间,卫生间来是“梳妆,打扮”的意思;随着英语语言的发展,   用这个词表示“厕所”、“盥洗室”的用法逐渐被人们所接受,   用起来还显得有些文雅

wash outside 是什么意思


“Let the rain wash away”"all the pain yesterday"是哪一首歌啊

看看是不是 come clean --hilary duff

翻译:She spent the next 10 year taking in washing s


he can wash the clothes on the weekend这句话用英语说对吗?

He always washes the clothing on the weekend.




没有这个字,只有woodpecker这个字,意思是啄木鸟。啄木鸟科(学名:Picidae):是鸟纲鴷形目的1科,约有221种。体长 90~560毫米。该科鸟类头亦大,但颈较长,嘴强硬而直,呈凿形,舌长而能伸缩,先端列生短钩;脚稍短,具3或4趾;尾呈平尾或楔状,羽干坚硬富有弹性,在啄木时支撑身体。共有约34属221种。除大洋洲和南极洲外,均可见到。啄木鸟可以在树上凿孔钩虫,它的嘴巴又长又尖又硬,能一直插进坚硬的木质部,舌头又长又细,长了许多倒刺,表面布满一层粘液,可以准确无误地把害虫钩出来。主要吃隐藏在树干内部蛀食的天牛、透翅蛾、吉丁虫等害虫。被称为“森林医生”。该科鸟类头亦大,但颈较长,嘴强硬而直,呈凿形,鼻孔裸露;角舌骨延成环带状,两侧自咽喉绕过枕部至上嘴基。舌长而能伸缩,先端列生短钩;脚稍短,具3或4趾;初级飞羽9片。头骨为蜥腭型,锄骨被一些成对的骨片所代替,颌腭骨细小远离两侧,胸骨后端每侧有2切刻,胸骨柄分叉。腿肌肉缺栖肌和副股尾肌;尾呈平尾或楔状,尾羽大都12枚,羽干坚硬富有弹性,在啄木时支撑身体。 啄木鸟最为常见的是绿啄木鸟和斑啄木鸟。绿啄木鸟体羽主要是绿色,下体污灰色带有绿色沾染。雄鸟的头顶为红色,非常鲜艳。斑啄木鸟的体形略小,上体羽色是黑底有白斑,以翅膀上居多,下体棕白色,尾下部是红色,雄鸟的头的后部也是红色。还有一种体形更小的啄木鸟叫蚁鴷,也较为常见,它的羽色比较特别,上体是淡银灰色的底色,密布着暗褐色的斑纹,好像蛇皮的花纹,下体近白色。它不会攀登树木,也不啄木捕虫,却在地上觅食蚂蚁,所以也叫地啄木鸟。啄木鸟有极为高超的捕虫本领,它的嘴强直而尖,不仅能啄开树皮,而且也能啄开坚硬的木质部分,很像木工用的凿子,它的舌细长而柔软,能长长地伸出嘴的外面,还有一对很长的舌角骨,围在头骨的外面,起到特殊的弹簧作用,舌骨角的曲张,可以使舌头伸缩自如,舌尖角质化,有成排的倒须钩和粘液,非常适合钩取树干上的昆虫及幼虫。它们用嘴敲击树干,在寂静的林中发出“笃,笃……”的声音,如果发现树干的某处有虫,就紧紧地攀在树上,头和嘴与树干几乎垂直,先将树皮啄破,将害虫用舌头一一钩出来吃掉,将虫卵也用粘液粘出。当遇到虫子躲藏在树干深部的通道中时,它还会巧施“击鼓驱虫”的妙计,用嘴在通道处敲击,发出特异的、使害虫产生恐惧的击鼓声,使害虫在声波的刺激下,昏头转向,四处窜动,往往企图逃出洞口,而恰好被等在这里的啄木鸟擒而食之。它们一般要把整株树的小囊虫彻底消灭才转移到另一棵树上,碰到虫害严重的树,就会在这棵树上连续工作上几天,直到全部清除害虫为止。啄木鸟啄食的害虫包括森林中鞘翅目的象甲、伪步行甲、天牛幼虫、金龟甲,鳞翅目的逼债蛾、螟蛾,以及花蝽象、臭蝽象、蝗虫、蚂蚁、蛴螬、小囊虫、天牛幼虫、蛴螬、白蚁等。啄木鸟每天敲击树木约为500—600次,啄木的速度极快,几乎是音速的两倍,这样它的头部则不可避免地要受到非常剧烈的震动,但它既不会得脑震荡,也不会头痛。原来在啄木鸟的头上至少有三层防震装置,它的头骨结构疏松而充满空气,头骨的内部还有一层坚韧的外脑膜,在外脑膜和脑髓之间有一条狭窄的空隙,里面含有液体,减低了震波的流体传动,起到了消震的作用。由于突然旋转的运动比直线的水平运动更容易造成脑损伤,所以在它头的两侧都生有发达而强有力的肌肉,可以起到防震、消震的作用。这种精妙的防震设置原理,给防震工程学提供了安全运动防护帽和防震盔的正确设计方案,现代的防护帽都具有一个坚硬的外壳,里面为一个松软的套具,它们之间留有一定的空隙,帽中再加上一个防护领圈,以防止在突然碰撞时造成旋转运动。由于啄木鸟为保护树木所作出的巨大贡献,人们称它们为“森林卫士”或“树木医生”。在k国的一些古书里,很早就有关于啄木鸟啄木食虫的记载,例如《禽经》中有“ 志在木”,《异物志》中有“穿木食蠹”的记载,明朝李时珍的《本草纲目》则指出:“此鸟斫裂树木取蠹食故名”,还指出:“(啄木鸟)刚爪利嘴,嘴如锥,长数寸,舌长于嘴,其端有针刺,啄得蠹,以舌钩出”。此外还有“南山有鸟,其名啄木。饥则啄树,暮则巢宿。无干于人,惟志所欲,性清者荣,性浊者辱。”,以及“丁丁向晚急还稀,啄遍庭槐未肯归。终日为君除蠹害,莫嫌无事不频飞。”等歌咏啄木鸟的诗作,可见啄木鸟自古就受到人们的喜爱和赞美。元音字母组合oo在单字里发短元音/u028a/的音,发音时,舌后部抬高,舌位中高,牙床半合,双唇呈圆形,小而突出,这个音大多出现在字中,也常出现在非重读的字末,但很少出现在字首,如:book 书wood 木头cookie 甜饼干,曲奇wool 羊毛foot 脚,英尺(英制长度单位)cook 烹调hook 钩住look 看希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

介绍一下Washington Irving作品的style?还有他著名作品Rip Van Winkle象征了美国的什么生活面貌?

你要英语的?早说。中文的在百度百科。Irving left for Europe in 1815. In 1819-1820 he published The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, which includes his best known stories, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip van Winkle”. During this stay in Europe he was a member of the American Legation to England but in his spare time he traveled to the continent and widely read Dutch and German folk tales. The pieces for The Sketch Book were originally written by Irving in Europe and were sent to his publishers in New York for publication in periodicals in the U.S. While in England, his sketches were published in book form by British publishers without his permission and from then on he published in Europe and the U.S. concurrently to protect his copyright.“Rip Van Winkle” was written overnight while Irving was staying with his sister Sarah and her husband, Henry van Wart in Birmingham, England, a place that also inspired some of his other works. Bracebridge Hall or The Humorists, A Medley is based on Aston Hall there.Irving wrote The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1828, the Conquest of Granada a year later, and, the Voyages of the Companions of Columbus in 1831, during his 4-year stay in Spain. The first of these invented the durable myth, taught for more than a century in many US elementary schools, of Columbus proving the world round. Just prior to his return to the United States, he wrote Tales of the Alhambra, which was to be published concurrently in England and the United States. (The actual title is more lengthy, as its contents amounted to a collection of sketches. In 1851 he wrote an “Author"s Revised Edition” entitled [[Tales of the Alhambra]].)Irving returned to the United States in 1832 and published Legends of the Conquest of Spain in 1835. But primary among his works of this period were three “Western” books, designed to put to rest the notion that Irving"s time in England and Spain had made him more European than American. His first western book was A Tour on the Prairies, published in 1835; the beginning of Chapter 10 includes the following, interpreted by some literary critics to be a comment on concerns about his public persona:We send our youth abroad to grow luxurious and effeminate in Europe; it appears to me, that a previous tour on the prairies would be more likely to produce that manliness, simplicity, and self-dependence, most in unison with our political institutions. His second Western book was Astoria; he wrote it during a six-month stay with the then-retired John Jacob Astor. It was a worshipful account of Astor"s attempt to establish a fur trading colony at present-day Astoria, Oregon.During Irving"s stay with Astor, Benjamin Bonneville paid a visit. His tales of his three years in Oregon Country were said to have enthralled Irving. A month or two later, when Irving encountered Bonneville in Washington, D.C., Bonneville, struggling to write about his journey, decided instead to sell his maps and notes to Irving for $1,000. Irving used that material as the basis for his 1837 book The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, which is often considered the best of his three Western books.

约翰尼 德普2011年主演的sleepy hollow 与美国作家washington irving写的他the legend of sleepy hollow


wash inside out hand是什么意思?


wash inside out with similar colours only and iron inside out的中文意思?


Donnie Klang的《Brainwashed》歌词

[RaVaughn:]You manipulate and dictatedWhat I"m supposed to thinkI don"t understand how youSwept in and blinded meI was so in love,Yea I was so dedicated to you (yeaahh)Thought everything was perfectAnd I thought nothing would changeNow all of a suddenI can see right through your gamesAnd I can"t believe I gave my whole life to you[Hook:]It hurts so much insideI don"t know how you controlled my mindAnd there"s no way you can make it rightDon"t think I could forgive you if I tried[Chorus:]Cus you brainwashed meThinking that we would last foreverBut now it"s overI really need to clear my head and start overI don"t know how I let you brainwash meYou have me thinking I could live without youWhy didn"t I see it,I must have really been a fool to believe itBut I believed it[Donnie:]Girl you got me out hereTrying to figure out just how to breatheI know which way to goIt"s been so long since I was freeI often change my lifeYou left me hung out dry when you (led me on)Thought everything was perfectAnd thought nothing would changeNow all of a suddenAnd I could see right through your gamesAnd I can"t believe I gave my whole life to you (noooo)[Hook:]It hurts so much insideI don"t know how you controlled my mindAnd there"s no way you can make it rightDon"t think I could forgive you if I try[Chorus:]Cus you brainwashed me (hey, yeah)Thinking that we would last forever (thinking we would last forever)But now it"s over (baby)I really need to clear my head and start overI don"t know how I let you brainwash me (do brainwash me)You have me thinking I could live without you (I could live without you)Why didn"t I see it,I must have really been a fool to believe itBut I believed it[RaVaughn:]I closed my eyesEverything around me is much clearerThese eyes so blind[Donnie:]And I would let you take over my whole lifeI"m gonna start a newAnd it"s gonna be without you[RaVaughn:]Make sure this never ever happens againBut I won"t be too afraid to take a chanceAnd I"ll never let another dude[Donnie:]I swear to myself I"ll never let another girl brainwash me[Chorus:]You brainwashed meYou have me thinking that we would last foreverBut now it"s overI really need to clear my head and start overI don"t know how I let you brainwash meYou have me thinking I could live without youWhy didn"t I see it,I must have really been a fool to believe itBut I believed it




wash vt. 清洗 ,洗刷She washed her face with cold water.她用冷水洗了脸。They looked as if they hadn"t watered in days.他们看样子好几天没有洗澡了。brush vt. 刷 , 洗刷After Li Ming gets up , he brushes histeeth and washes his face. 李明起床后,他刷牙、洗脸。

musti wash

正确答案:A 解析:A:你不需要;B:不,必须不能; C:是的,你需要;D:是的,你必须; 根据句意:You can do it tomorrow,你可以明天做, 所以排除C,D(表示今天必须做) mustn"t禁止,不符合题意,所以A为正确答案

she was his aunt so he washer son什么意思

nephew是侄子 niece是侄女 因为她是他的姑姑或者姨,所以他就是他的侄子或者外甥 只能用nephew

Heavy rain not only wash away tha soil but cause serious floods as well.

第一个would不能放在not only后面,would是助动词后面可以去掉,would也是助动词,且与前面的相同,可以省略

求片一部93年的老电影《The Saint of Fort Washington》(华盛顿堡的圣徒、燃烧华盛顿、同是天涯沦落人)


I washed my clothes 是什么意思


Although zheng believes that basic life shills,such as cooking and washing clothes,

1, If Zheng had a teenager son, what would she encourage him to learn? Answer: She would encourage him to lear basic life skills, such as cooking and washing clothes.

Although zheng believes that basic life shills,such as cooking and washing clothes,

What would she think if the basic life skills are so important?

Although zheng believes that basic life shills,such as cooking and washing clothes,

1. What is basic life skills accoding to Zheng ? Answer: cooking and washing clothes2. On which aspect does Zheng think teenager doesn"t get enough practice? Answer: life skills, such as cooking and washing clothes.

Deep Love (Washes Whiter Album Version) 歌词

Deep Love歌手:川嶋あい作词 : 川嶋あい作曲 : 川嶋あい空から 闻こえてくる 今にも 壊れそうな声现在仍能听见 从天空传来的那破碎的声音やがて访れる闇に 怯えて黑暗不久就要到来了 我是真的很害怕あなたを 心で呼んでたよ所以 我用我的心灵来呼唤你都会に 染まる色は如果在喧嚣的城市里沾染上颜色どんなものもきれいじゃない无论是什么东西 都不会再美丽変わるもの 変わらないものが那些会改变的 和不会改变的事物时代の中で溢れてる充斥着整个时代一人きりで 歩いた道は孤单一人走过的路とても长く 风もなかった真的很漫长 连一丝风都没有気付かないまま 舍てられたもの在不经意间 被舍弃的本当は私だった其实是真正的自我爱する我爱你优しさ 强さを 何もなかった私にくれた你把温柔与坚强送给了原本一无所有的我青空 见ながら あなたの你仰望着蓝天笑颜を缲り返したよ向我露出的总是笑脸あなたと 出会えるまでは在遇到你之前一人が淋しい我总是寂寞一人一人で 时代の波に浚われてた一个人 在时代里随波逐流救ってくれたのは あなた而拯救了我的 正是你叶わないよ 希望なんてね还是不会实现的吧 愿望这种东西なんの想い 伤ついたんだろう怎么样的思念 会造成伤害呢冷たい风に 当たったみたい在寒风中 好像被人迎头重击似的蚀まれてた 弱さ那在被腐蚀的脆弱生きてる意味が分かったよ我明白了生存的意义大事なものを守りたいんだ那就是想要守护珍贵的事物あなたを苦しめるすべて那令你痛苦的一切一切消して见せるよ この手で我都会用这手 替你全部抹去空の近くに咲いたなら如果能靠近天空地盛开名も知らないけれども即使连名字都不被知晓精一杯爱になった也一定会盛开成努力无悔的爱涙が こんなにきれいに泪水原来可以这样美丽地流淌流れるものだとやっと分かった我终于明白了沢山 沢山 伤つき那么多 那么重的伤痛命までも确かめた连生命 我也都明白了翼はなくても飞べるよ即使没有羽翼 我也能够飞翔あなたがそばにいてくれるなら如果有你陪伴在我身旁的话神様もう坏さないで请不要再害怕上帝海より空より  deep love因为我们的爱比天高 比海深http://music.baidu.com/song/2723603



如何选用 washer、gasket、o-ring”


gasket 与 washer 有什么区别?

gasket[5^Askit]n.束帆索, 垫圈, 衬垫washer[5wCFE]n.洗衣人, 垫圈, 洗衣机, 洗碗机

---Hobo,can I eat your hamburger? ---Sure, if the dishes____. A.wash B.are washed C.will wash D.


---Hobo,can I eat your hamburger? ---Sure, if the dishes____. A.wash B.are washed C.will wash D.

答案:B这里谈到dishes(盘子)是否清洗过,所以是“被清洗过的盘子” ,用被动语态be动词加过去式所以选B. are washed


LOW WASH是清洗液液位低指示灯的意思。该灯亮起证明您爱车的雨刮清洗液不够,加上就好了。

spirality after wash是什么意思

spirality after wash 洗后扭曲

intimate wash是什么意思


英语intimate wash gel怎么翻译?


intimate wash是什么意思

  intimate wash的中文翻译  intimate wash  贴心的洗

George Washington 的英文小故事


客人要求在洗水唛上增加这句turn inside-out to wash iron是什么意思

……wash and iron,洗熨时请将衣物里外翻转。

body drink lotion,body glimmer wash翻译成中文什么意思?


马克吐温的 whitewashing the fence是说什么都,文章翻译。(翻译成中文)

马克吐温,第二章汤姆索亚,,1876。星期六的早晨到了,夏天的世界都是明亮的和新鲜的,充满了生命的气息。每一颗心都有一首歌,如果心是年轻的,在嘴唇发出的音乐。每一步都有欢乐,每一步都有一个春天。蝗虫在开花,开花的芬芳弥漫在空气中。加的夫山,远处的村庄和它的上面,是绿色的植被,这就远远不够了,就像一块土地,梦幻般的,安静的,并邀请。汤姆出现在人行道上一桶油漆和一把刷子。他审视着篱笆,满心愉悦地离开了他,一个深沉的忧郁在他的精神上落下。三十码长九英尺高。生活对他来说似乎是空虚的,而存在却又是一种负担。叹息,他把刷子递给沿着最顶上一层木板;重复操作;又;微不足道的白色条纹与unwhitewashed篱笆深远的大陆相比,坐在一棵树上箱气馁。吉姆走了出去用锡桶门,唱放牛的姑娘。从镇泵把水一直被可恶的工作在汤姆眼中,之前,但现在他可不这样看了。他记得当时有一家公司在泵。白,黑白混血儿,黑人男孩和女孩总是在那里排队,休息,交换玩具,争吵,打架,嬉戏。他还记得,虽然当时的泵只有一百五十码远,吉姆从来没有回来过一个小时的水桶,甚至有人一般都会去追他。汤姆说:“说,吉姆,我要你会掩饰一些拿水。“吉姆摇摇头说:“不行,汤姆少爷。老太太,她叫我去提水,不停在路上跟任何人。她说她猜到汤姆少爷你会让我去粉饰,“所以她叫我去"长"倾向于自己的事业–她低她会倾向于去看看的。”“噢,你不介意她说什么,吉姆。她总是这样说。把水桶给我–我不会去只有一一分钟。她永远不会知道。”“哦,我不敢,汤姆少爷。老太太她会把我的头给拧下来。“她会的。”“她!她从来不会舔人–下他们和她的顶针–头和关心,我想知道。她说得很糟,但说不痛,不管她是不是哭。吉姆,我会给你一个奇迹。我会给你一个白胡同!“吉姆开始动摇。“白胡同,吉姆!这是一个欺负法。”“我的!这是一个强大的同性恋的奇迹,我告诉你!但汤姆少爷我强大的“怕老太太–”“而且,如果你能给我你我的痛脚。”吉姆只是人,这对他来说太吸引人了。他放下水桶,接过白石头子,弯腰的脚趾感兴趣而绷带被解开。在另一个时刻他飞到街上拎着桶和刺痛后,汤姆粉饰与活力,波莉姨妈此时从场上手里拿着一只拖鞋和胜利在她的眼睛。但是汤姆的能量没有过去。他开始想到他为这一天所计划的乐趣,和他的悲伤倍增。很快,自由自在的孩子们就会蹦跳着各种美味的探险,他们会开心他世界有工作–一想到这,他像火一样燃烧。他走出了他的世故,仔细研究了这一点:玩具、大理石和垃圾桶;买了一个交换工作,也许,但不足以买半小时的纯自由。所以他回到他的生活他的口袋,并放弃了试图购买男孩的想法。在这个黑暗和无望的时刻,一个灵感迸发在他身上!没有什么比一个伟大的,伟大的灵感。他拿起刷子,一声不响地干。罗杰斯跃入眼帘目前–非常的孩子,所有的孩子们的嘲笑,他一直害怕的。本的步伐跳一跳–足以证明他的心是光和他的期待高。他正在吃苹果,不时地发出长长的、悠扬的呐喊,,其次是低沉的叮当,叮当,他这是在扮演一个轮船。当他走近,他减慢速度,走到街中间,靠右舷四缓慢吃力,情况–他扮演“大密苏里号”,并认为自己是画的九英尺的水。他是船,船长和发动机的钟声相结合,所以他不得不想象自己站在他自己的飓风甲板上,让他们的命令和执行:“阻止她,先生!叮——啊铃——铃!“车头时距几乎跑了,他慢慢地走到人行道上。“船到后!叮——啊铃——铃!“他的胳膊直直,身子僵硬了下来。“把她放在右舷!叮——啊铃——铃!周先生!周先生!周先生!“他的右手,同时,描述它的庄严界–代表一四零足盘。“左舷后退!叮——啊铃——铃!周代!“左手开始划圈。“右舷停!叮——啊铃——铃!左舷停!右舷前进!阻止她!让你的外转慢!叮——啊铃——铃!周自己!走出那头线!活泼的现在!来吧,用你的Spring去吧,你在那里的是什么!转转,在它的海岸线的树桩!站在舞台上,现在,让她走!用引擎做的,先生!叮——啊铃——铃!SH不!s"h不!SH不!“(试水位旋塞)。汤姆继续粉刷–没有注意到轮船。本盯了一会儿,然后说:“嗨,易!你是一个残桩,不是你!“没有答案。汤姆对他最后以艺术家的眼光,然后他给他刷另一个温柔地刷之前。本和他在一起。汤姆的嘴浇水为苹果,但他仍然坚持工作。本说:“喂,老伙计,你得工作,嘿?“汤姆突然转过身,说:“为什么,是你,本!我没注意到。”“说–我去游泳来着,我。难道你不希望你可以吗?当然,你宁愿–工作吗?你当然会!“汤姆打量了一下那男孩,说:“你叫什么工作?““为什么,这不是工作吗?“汤姆继续刷墙,漫不经心地说:“嗯,也许是,也许不是我所知道的,是的,它适合我。”“噢,现在,你不想让你喜欢它吗?“刷继续移动。“喜欢吗?嗯,我不知道我为什么不喜欢它。一个男孩得到一个机会去粉刷篱笆的每一天?“把那东西放在一个新的灯。本停止了啃苹果。汤姆把刷子刷地来回–后退了几步,看看效果–这里那里加一下–批评又–Ben看的一举一动,越来越感兴趣的影响,越来越多的吸收。目前他说:“说,汤姆,让我刷一点。”汤姆认为,要同意;但是他改变主意:“没有-我想这不会很难,本。你看,波莉姨妈对这面墙是很讲究–就在街上,你知道–不过要是后面的栅栏,我不介意和她做不到。是的,她很在意这栅栏;它得很小心;我认为没有一个男孩一千二千,也许,这样的方式是一定要做的。”“不,是那样吗?哎,现在雷米,只是尝试。只是一个小–我会让你,如果你是我,汤姆。”“本,我想,说真的;但波莉姨妈–嗯,吉姆想做的,但她不让他;希德也想干,她也不让希德。现在你不知道我是怎么修理的吗?如果你要处理这道篱笆,什么事都要发生了“哦,没事,我会小心仔细。现在让我来试试吧。我要把我的苹果给你。”“嗯,这里–不,本,现在不要,我怕–”“我会给你所有的!“汤姆给了他脸上勉强的刷,他心里美滋滋的。而后期的大密苏里号在烈日下干活流汗,退休的艺术家坐在树荫下,跷着二郎腿,嚼着他的苹果,并计划更多的滥杀无辜。没有物质的缺乏;男孩每过一会儿;他们来嘲笑,但仍掩盖。在本累得精疲力尽时,汤姆已经换成了一个风筝,比利-费舍尔下次机会,良好;当他发挥出来,约翰尼米勒用一只死老鼠和一个字符串,摇摆它与–等等,等等,一小时一小时。当下午来了,从清晨一个贫困潦倒的穷小子,汤姆的阔佬。他除了之前提到的事情,十二颗弹珠,一个破口琴,一块蓝玻璃看,阀芯的大炮,关键不解锁的话,一截粉笔,一个一个大酒瓶塞子、一个锡兵,一对蝌蚪、六个鞭炮,一只独眼小猫,黄铜的门把手,一个狗项圈–但没有狗–一把刀的柄,四片桔子皮,和一个破旧的窗框。他有一个很好的,好的,空闲时间都在–很多公司–和栅栏已经刷了三遍!如果他没有用完的粉饰他会让村里的每个男孩都破产了。汤姆对自己说,这不是一个空洞的世界,毕竟。他发现了人类行为的一大法则,不知道它–即是为了让一个男人或男孩垂涎的东西,它做的事情很难达到仅仅是必要的。如果他是一个伟大而明智的哲学家,就像这本书的作者,他现在已经理解,无论什么样的工作都必须要做的,而“玩”就是一个人没有义务去做。这将帮助他理解为什么假花或表演上跑步机,是工作,而轧制十针或攀登勃朗峰是唯一的消遣。在英国,有很多的绅士在每天二十或三十英里的线路上开着四匹马拉车,因为这是一个相当大的钱,但是如果他们被提供给该服务的工资,那将把它变成工作,然后他们会辞职。男孩思考了一会的实质性变化都发生在他身边的,然后就到司令部报告。汤姆历险记的完整记录是来自弗吉尼亚大学。PBS - Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer Whitewashing the Fence http://www.pbs.org/marktwain/learnmore/writings_tom.html

wash(第三人称单数) grandpa(名词所有格) 丨(宾格)


wash(第三人称单数) grandpa(名词所有格) 丨(宾格)

washes, grandpa"s

bead blast 和stonewash的区别

bead blast是做喷砂处理stonewash直译石洗,应做研磨处理,研磨料选石丸

Absurd (Whitewash Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Absurd (Whitewash Mix)歌手:Fluke专辑:Progressive History Xxx歌:KOTOKO作词:KOTOKO作曲:C.G mix编曲:C.G mix探りあう心の微妙な距离が辛くてすこと それも出来なくて「三人で会おう…」と またはぐらかし逃げてる大切なもの 手放せないこんなに摇れてるのは 君が优しいから”友情” それは弱い仆达の言い译会いたい思いが 加速度をつけてゆくけれど过ごした时间が 仆らの邪魔をする见つめてそらした 瞳の温もり 消せないね隐した气持ちが 今 溢れてくるよ一番大切にしたい君のその笑颜坏すこと それだけ恐くてはみだす感情を握りしめて堪(こら)えてた互いに手探りの毎日门惑いながら距离を近づけてゆくの?”友情”そんな言叶 舍てられたらいいのに…伤つけあうこと 恐れて泪を拒むけど爱しい思いで 胸が苦しくなる会えなくなるなら このまま 今のままでいいと揺らめく愿いを この手で坏したい会いたい思いが 加速度をつけてゆくけれど过ごした时间が 仆らの邪魔をする切ない想い出 このまま增え续けるのならもう仆は逃げない君を抱きしめるよ心で……この手で……君だけ……http://music.baidu.com/song/2745829

becase water washes my sand castle away怎么读?

becase water washes my sand castle away.意思是:因为水把我的沙子城堡冲走了。按英语语音去读。(将英语句子copy到英语app上, 点击发音,跟随读音,可反复练习)。

英语听力:Washington DC Marchers Protest Darfur Genocide

  英语听力:华盛顿游行者抗议达尔富尔的种族灭绝   Washington DC Marchers Protest Darfur Genocide   More than 100 people marched and attended an interfaith rally Sunday in Washington to protest the status of genocide victims in the Darfur region of Sudan.   "President Obama, President Obama, President Obama, President Obama, stop the violence in Sudan, stop the violence in Sudan."   The march began under gray skies and light rain symbolically at the Holocaust Museum, where the murder of six million Jews in World War II is documented and remembered.   Darfur rebel groups have been fighting troops and militia of the Sudanese government since 2003.   The United Nations says the violence has killed up to 300,000 people and displaced some 2.7 million others.   The march was called Hope for Darfur, Justice in Sudan.   "We are hoping to send out a message to people in Darfur that there are people who still care, people who worry about them and people willing to work and take to the streets to support their needs and their cause," said march co-chair Richard Young.   The march was organized by the Darfur Interfaith Network, which consists of Christians, Muslims, Jews and other faiths in congregations throughout the Washington area.   "Well I think we hope to both empower and to educate," said the Senior Rabbi of Washington Hebrew Congregation M. Bruce Lustig. "To take an opportunity to make sure that the indifference that the American people have had to the cause in Darfur ends, that we recognize we are all part of one human family and that it is very important that we stand up and that we make our voices be heard."   A recent report from the United Nations says clashes between government forces and rebel groups continue to cause substantial civilian casualties, displace communities and hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance.   The marchers are calling for more pressure on the Sudanese government from the Obama administration.   Three years ago a group of interfaith activists began to hold monthly vigils at the Sudanese Embassy in Washington to speak up for the people of Darfur.   "We really are calling upon President Obama to make this a priority the way that President Clinton did with Bosnia," said group member Laura Cutler. "You know you can send all the envoys in the world, you can listen, you can encourage, but I understand all the priorities that he has tugging at him, but I think that that is what it is going to take."   As the march reached the White House and a rally was held across the street at Lafayette Square, Darfur activist and native Mohamed Yahya joined the protest.   "It is very unfortunate to see those tragedies going on in Darfur," he said. "Our people are brutalized and killed, and I lost 21 of my family members in one day."   Talks have been underway in Doha, Qatar between negotiators for the Sudanese government and various rebel groups, but so far there has been little visible progress to end the fighting.   These protesters vow to keep the issue in front of the American public until peace and justice prevail in Darfur.

英语翻译George Washington Carver was born in 1864.He was born a?

乔治华盛顿凯文1864年出生,他生来便是一个奴隶,在他还是一个婴儿的时候就找不到他的母亲,他便从属于他的主人了.,8,乔治华盛顿凯文1864年出生,他生来便是一个奴隶,在他还是一个婴儿的时候就找不到他的母亲,他便从属于他的主人了。,2,乔治华盛顿凯文出生于1864年,他生来就是一个奴隶。当他还是个婴儿的时候,他的妈妈便抛弃了他。他由他主人抚养成人。,2,乔治华盛顿凯文生于1864年,他是一个奴隶的孩子。当他还是一个孩童的时候他的母亲便被拐走,于是他被他的主人抚养。,1,英语翻译 George Washington Carver was born in 1864.He was born a slave (奴隶).When he was still a baby,his mother was stolen.He was kept by his master.

george washington carver的成就

卡弗(Carver,George Washington) 美国农业化学家。1864年生于密苏里州代蒙德格罗伏附近;1943年1月5日卒于亚拉巴马州特斯基吉。人们并不清楚卡弗确切的生辰,因为他是黑人。在他出生的那个年代和地点,黑人还处在奴隶地位,被人视若牛马,不当人看。对于他们的生和死,谁也不重视去统计。卡弗这个年轻的孩子直到1865年美国取缔奴隶制度的第十三届宪法修正案通过之前,在法律上一直是一个奴隶。他生下来还只有几个月的时候,他和他的母亲就被一群袭击者(盗卖奴隶者)抢走,带到阿肯色州。卡弗从此失去母亲,但他的原主人摩西斯·卡弗却被允许以一匹价值三百美元的种马把孩子赎回卡弗夫妇在土法法公布、孩子从奴隶地位获得解放之后收养了他,它孩子此后一生便改用养父的姓。卡弗夫妇设法让这个聪明过人的小伙子受到教育,但那是很困难的。勉强算是在另一市镇的一间黑人学校读完了他的基础课程。但到考大学的时候,他不得不到北方去。1889年他考入了衣华州印第安诺拉的辛普森学院,从而成为该学院有只以来第一位黑人学生。卡弗学习得很好,毕业后又去上衣阿华州立农业学院,并以第一名的成绩毕业。1892年取得硕士学位,后在该校任教。但是一个更崇高的职位在召唤他。在亚拉巴马州的特斯基吉,教育家布克·华盛顿创办了一所黑人学院----特斯基吉学院。卡旨被邀去教书,年薪一千五百美元,外供食宿。总之,学校提供了所能提供的一切。1896年他接受了这一邀请,回到南方以帮助黑人获得他曾经无法觅得的高等教育。为些,他拒绝了来自别处的更加优厚的一切聘约。他担任特斯基吉学院农业研究纱主任并在他的学生们的帮助下,逐渐地、实际上是从无到有的建立起一座实验室。他还大量利用附近的沼泽地和堆肥改造荒瘠的土。在南方各地做这类工作是他的使命。这个地区的传统作棉花和烟草已的已把土壤的肥力耗尽,南方的农民劳而不获、负债累累。卡弗终于成功地发动了一场播种花生与甘薯以使土壤肥沃的运动。然后,为了给这些剩余的花生与甘薯安排出路,卡弗一心一意地从事发展副产品的工作。他竟成为研究化学的伯班克了;研究的不是新的农作物,而是新的农产品。光从花生一项,他就研制出近三百种合成材料。从染料、肥皂到牛奶、人造干酷无所不包。从甘薯一项则有一百一十八种产品。他所有的研究都公诸于世,无意于图私利。卡弗始终认为他在特斯基吉学院的工作在改善黑人命运方面有着头等重要的意义,所以他拒绝了那些巴结讨好的邀请要他参加到爱迪生或福特的事业中去。在他们那里,他可能变得相当富足,并且,那样的话,他就要住在北方,生活当然就舒适得多了。他也拒绝了要他到苏联担任他们的棉织业顾问的邀请。总之,南方是大大地受惠于这位生下来便是奴隶的黑人的劳动的。1939年他荣获了罗斯福奖章,奖章上刻有“奖给恭顺地遵循上帝指引的科学家,白人和黑人的共同解放者”的字样。1953年,即他死后十年,他出生的那个农庄被辟为国家纪念馆。









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不知道你要的秋田市的哪里的邮编 要很具体才行哦秋田県点字図书馆 011-0943秋田市土崎港南3丁目2番58号秋田市身体障害者协会 010-0975秋田市八桥字戌川原2番地の18秋田市老人福祉センター内琴丘町社会福祉协议会 018-2104秋田県山本郡琴丘士鹿渡字町后263番地还是有点差别的呢 所以要具体点才能查




1.A/T control可能是空调控制,也可能就表示自动控制2.后雨刷3.前雨刷4.点烟器

川嶋あい(Kawashima Ai)的时雨的罗马音

Itsu no ma ni nakushiteta omoide Utsuri yuku toki ga namida ni kawaru Furi dashita kono ame ni mujou ni mo Kawaita sora ga hirogatte iku Wagamama na jiyuu dake nozonde ita Orokana kako kaeshite Tsumetai kokoro wo tokasu hikari ga tada hoshi katta kara Kisetsu wa nagare nagare aki Kokoro wa itami itande fuyu ne Watashi no chi ni furi dasu shigure Parapara to douka furi yande Ashidori ga omoku naru kono ieji Sukima darake no kokoro ga susabu Kowasareta yukusaki no mejirushi mo Mie nai kusari ni shibarareteru Modotteko nai toki ga ijirashii Hibiiteku amaoto Dareka ni uketomete hoshikatta Sabishii tte tsutaetakatta kara Kisetsu wa nagare nagare aki Kokoro kanashimi kuyande fuyu ne Watashi no chi ni furi dasu shigure Parapara to tatakitsuke nai de Toritome mo nai kodoku no naka Hitosuji no koe kiita Itsu no hi ka kono kokoro ni Kasa wo sashite hoshikatta kara Kisetsu wa nagare nagare aki Kokoro wa itami itande fuyu ne Watashi no chi ni furi dasu shigure Parapara to douka furi yande Kisetsu wa nagare nagare haru Kokoro wa itsumo itsudemo fuyu ne Watashi no chi ni furi dasu shigure Parapara to douka furi yande Onegai furi yande kudasai

Eager mean you donu2019t wash out

eager mean you dont wash out 渴望意味着你没有精疲力尽口语表达可以这么说,但如果是写作,eager前面应该加双引号,表特指

Bobby Washington的《Get Naked》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Naked歌手:Bobby Washington专辑:Face DownGet NakedMethods Of MayhemThe Girl Next Door O.S.T.喜欢欧美音乐的朋友可以加QQ群2517240,里面都是音乐爱好者欧美音乐发烧友QQ群2517240Craig David发烧友群2517240,Tommy Lee:——517499969 孔清冽Seventy-seven million dollars made from watchin" me cumUnder the sun on my vacation (after hours on Spectravision)Shootin" my jizzy jizzumThe woody has rissy rizenI ain"t gettin" paid to entertain your bridal showersRockin" my porno tape for hours"n"hoursClitoris"s are fearin me it"s bigger than Ron JeremyFred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that make my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekSo if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak after we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee :Get, Get NakedCome on baby make it hotGet, Get NakedRide the cock til you hit the spotGet, Get NakedCome on baby make it hotGet NakedGeorge Clinton:Roof roofDoin" it doggy styleBow wow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow yippy yo yippy yayTilo:The little Geisha ho from Tokyo who said she could blowTen dollas love me long time in a limoFor really dohI"m just try in to fly with the flowsFreak up some hosBlow up the shows make a little dough-hoAs if you didn"t knowBack to the strip club freakin" up some ho-ho"sSwingin" my dingaling it ain"t no thingTommy Lee & Tilo:It"s those intergalatic ho"s who come down in thoseSpace probes five green hienasRepresentin with no clothesMix Master Mike, Mix Master MikeMakin" the pussy tightNo jimmy no gimme no lustIn the Methods of Mayhem we trust!Its a must so rip off yer clothes and expose yer BUST!Fred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that make my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekSo if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak after we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!You only Love me when you want punannyLil Kim:Queen bitch red lipstickThe all black harlot call me black BarbieFuck a blow job it"s a motherfuckin" hobbieUnder 7 inches uhh sorryMinute men I can"t fuck wit themI like to ride the cock till you hit the spotUhh come on baby make it hotGot a convertable drop the topBefore we do a thing I want the diamonds and the ringsThe furs the minks the jewels the linksYou know I"m freaky so ya got to eat me and uhI know you hate it but uhGET NAKED!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee:You ain"t lickin" thisYou ain"t stickin" this we don"t want the dickFuck the dumb games you girls that complainAnd I ain"t leavin" until you"re sleepin on the cum stainshttp://music.baidu.com/song/15081132


ecowash洗衣机是伊莱克斯牌子。伊莱克斯的创始人爱尔克·温尔格林1912年发明了世界上第一台家用吸尘器,1925年又生产出第一台家用冰箱。在后来的70多年里伊莱克斯收购并兼并了近400家家电厂商和品牌,除传统家用电器以外还涉及饮食服务设施、园林设备并成为专业家用电器制造商。公司拥有10万名雇员,在欧洲拥有22座工厂,2004年销售额超过160亿美元,占据了世界家电市场25%的份额。全球3亿5千万个家庭拥有或使用着伊莱克斯的家电电器产品。洗衣介绍:波轮式外型尺寸:520*530*890mm洗涤容量:6Kg安全锁:童锁额定耗水:0L额定耗电:0千瓦/小时预约时间:24小时洗衣程序:标准、浸泡洗、快速、轻柔¥1418海尔XQB50-7288类别:洗衣机 产品系列:神童王产品类型。波轮式全自动外型尺寸:500*510*888mm水位:十段洗涤容量:5Kg额定耗水:0L额定耗电:0千瓦/小时预约时间:24小时洗衣程序:10分钟快速洗记忆/强力/¥1528海尔XQB65-728手搓类别:洗衣机 产品系列:双动力产品类型。波轮式外型尺寸:550*560*925mm洗涤容量:6.5Kg安全锁:童锁额定耗水:0L额定耗电:0千瓦/小时预约时间:24小时额定电压:220V-50H其他特点:*抗菌材料*记忆功能其他参数。






按照单词顺序。1、过去式:asked过去分词:asked现在分词:asking2、过去式:washed过去分词:washed现在分词:washing名词复数:washes3、过去式:combed过去分词:combed现在分词:combing名词复数:combs4、过去式:finished过去分词:finished现在分词:finishing名词复数:finishes5、过去式:worked wrought过去分词:workedwrought现在分词:working名词复数:works6、过去式:stayedstaid过去分词:stayedstaid现在分词:staying名词复数:stays7、过去式:borrowed过去分词:borrowed现在分词:borrowing8、过去式:passed过去分词:passed现在分词:passing名词复数:passes9、过去式:paid过去分词:paid现在分词:paying10、过去式:showed过去分词:shownshowed现在分词:showing名词复数:shows11、过去式:promised过去分词:promised现在分词:promising名词复数:promises12、过去式:gave过去分词:given现在分词:giving名词复数:gives13、left本来就是过去式。所以它原型是:leave14、过去式:ordered过去分词:ordered现在分词:ordering名词复数:orders15、过去式:looked过去分词:looked现在分词:looking名词复数:looks16、过去式:repeated过去分词:repeated现在分词:repeating名词复数:repeats

wash the bowls

用wash 比较好. 用clean the bowl有点歧义,也可以指把碗里的吃光的意思. 就像2楼说的,还有其他的说法, 比如 do the dishes 洗碗 do the laundry 洗衣服


kicked cooked washed里的ed都发成[t]cleaned里的ed发成[d]






kick, cook, wash这三个词都是以清辅音结尾的,加ed时,发/t/;clean是以浊辅音结尾的,加ed时发/d/。

white powder wash、lotion、emulsion、day essence这四样东西分别是什么?使用顺序还望告知,我护肤菜鸟

white powder wash洁面粉lotion、emulsion分别指水和乳day essence是日用精华水——乳——精华或者水——精华——乳差别其实不大,因为两种顺序都有洁面的不用说了吧

Douche Scrub、Body Lotion、Body Wash都是干什么用的啊?是什么意思啊?

分类: 美容/减肥/化妆 解析: Douche Scrub应该说的是那种需要用水清洗的去皮肤角质的东东 我想是相对于那种可以用面巾纸擦去的去角质产品而言的 Body Lotion 就是抹到身体上的香香咯 身体乳液 LOTION 跟MOISTURIZER的区别就是前者是液体状的 滋润的程度比不上后者的 看皮肤的类型咯 如果皮肤不是很干的话 用膏状的MOISTURIZER应该会有比较油腻的感觉的 Body Wash就是沐浴液吧 我总感觉像是那种SCRUB之类的东西还是尽量少用比较好 如果睫毛液或者化装用品不是防水的那种的话 用一般的洁面乳CLEANSER就可以完全洗掉了 我觉得那种东西应该是像比如面膜MASK一类的 一周最多用一次就可以了 用的多了的话皮肤会越来越薄吧 MM小心长皱纹哦


华盛顿 地图上的相应位置



washington英文 人物介绍

George Washington (February 22, 1732u2013December 14, 1799) commanded the American colonies" Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775u20131783), and was the first President of the United States, from 1789 to 1797. Because of his central role in the founding of the United States, Washington is often called the "Father of his Country". His devotion to republicanism and civic virtue made him an exemplary figure among early American politicians.Washington had command experience during the French and Indian War (1754u20131763). Due to this experience, his military bearing, his dramatic charisma, and his political base in Virginia, the Second Continental Congress chose him as commander-in-chief of the American forces. He scored a victory by forcing the British out of Boston in 1776, but later that year was badly defeated and nearly captured as he lost New York City. By crossing the Delaware and defeating enemy units in New Jersey in the dead of winter he revived the Patriot cause. As a result of his strategic oversight, Revolutionary forces captured the two main British combat armies, first at Saratoga in 1777 and then at Yorktown in 1781. He handled relations with the states and their militias, worked with Congress to supply and recruit the Continental army, dealt with disputing generals and colonels, and came to personally represent the military prowess of the new nation. Negotiating with Congress, the states, and French allies, he held together a fragile army and a fragile nation.He retired to his plantation on Mount Vernon, an exemplar of the republican ideal of citizen leadership rejecting any sort of strong-man rule. Alarmed at the weaknesses of the new nation, he presided over the Constitutional Convention that drafted the stronger United States Constitution in 1787.In 1789 Washington became President and created a system of cabinet government that marked a sharp departure from parliament. He established many of the customs and usages of the new government, all of whose leaders he selected. He sought to create a great nation capable of surviving in a world torn by war between Britain and France. He supported Alexander Hamilton"s plans to build a strong central government through funding of all the state and national debts, an effective tax system, and creation of a national bank. When rebels in Pennsylvania defied Federal authority, he rode at the head of the army to quiet the Whiskey rebellion. He avoided war and started a decade of peace with Britain with the Jay Treaty in 1795 and used his popularity to get it ratified over intense opposition from the Jeffersonians. Although he never officially joined the Federalist Party, he supported its programs and was their hero. He set the norm that no president should serve more than two terms, retiring to his Virginia plantation in 1797. His Farewell address was a primer regarding republican virtue and a warning against involvement in European wars. As the symbol of republicanism he embodied American values and across the world was seen as the symbol of the new nation. Scholars rank him among the three greatest presidents.

I drank tea and wash my clothes这样的句子对吗?

没有任何时态的话,应该是I drink tea and wash my clothes。看上去奇怪估计是因为喝茶和洗衣服没有什么必要的联系。

Straitford’s briefs don’t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing,

试着翻译一下,共同学习!Straitford"s briefs don"t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong.Straitford的简报听起来并不像以往通常的华盛顿往来报告,因此代理们(或是分公司)都不做引人注意的声明用以避免可能犯的错误。back and forth 是来往地,是副词词性,但在这里加了一个ing作为名词词性,代指往来报告。望采纳!
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