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英语听力:Washington DC Marchers Protest Darfur Genocide

2023-06-20 06:13:30


  Washington DC Marchers Protest Darfur Genocide

  More than 100 people marched and attended an interfaith rally Sunday in Washington to protest the status of genocide victims in the Darfur region of Sudan.

  "President Obama, President Obama, President Obama, President Obama, stop the violence in Sudan, stop the violence in Sudan."

  The march began under gray skies and light rain symbolically at the Holocaust Museum, where the murder of six million Jews in World War II is documented and remembered.

  Darfur rebel groups have been fighting troops and militia of the Sudanese government since 2003.

  The United Nations says the violence has killed up to 300,000 people and displaced some 2.7 million others.

  The march was called Hope for Darfur, Justice in Sudan.

  "We are hoping to send out a message to people in Darfur that there are people who still care, people who worry about them and people willing to work and take to the streets to support their needs and their cause," said march co-chair Richard Young.

  The march was organized by the Darfur Interfaith Network, which consists of Christians, Muslims, Jews and other faiths in congregations throughout the Washington area.

  "Well I think we hope to both empower and to educate," said the Senior Rabbi of Washington Hebrew Congregation M. Bruce Lustig. "To take an opportunity to make sure that the indifference that the American people have had to the cause in Darfur ends, that we recognize we are all part of one human family and that it is very important that we stand up and that we make our voices be heard."

  A recent report from the United Nations says clashes between government forces and rebel groups continue to cause substantial civilian casualties, displace communities and hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

  The marchers are calling for more pressure on the Sudanese government from the Obama administration.

  Three years ago a group of interfaith activists began to hold monthly vigils at the Sudanese Embassy in Washington to speak up for the people of Darfur.

  "We really are calling upon President Obama to make this a priority the way that President Clinton did with Bosnia," said group member Laura Cutler. "You know you can send all the envoys in the world, you can listen, you can encourage, but I understand all the priorities that he has tugging at him, but I think that that is what it is going to take."

  As the march reached the White House and a rally was held across the street at Lafayette Square, Darfur activist and native Mohamed Yahya joined the protest.

  "It is very unfortunate to see those tragedies going on in Darfur," he said. "Our people are brutalized and killed, and I lost 21 of my family members in one day."

  Talks have been underway in Doha, Qatar between negotiators for the Sudanese government and various rebel groups, but so far there has been little visible progress to end the fighting.

  These protesters vow to keep the issue in front of the American public until peace and justice prevail in Darfur.



2023-06-19 23:35:004

activist;theatrical;vertical 这英语在美音中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

activist爱克(轻音)踢为斯特。 激进者 theatrical 翡阿chuo扣。 戏剧的vertical ver特(轻音)扣。 垂直的
2023-06-19 23:35:081


背景介绍:这部影片是美国导演及编剧凯文·史密斯自编自导的第一部作品,是部成本很低的黑白喜剧片,在美国引起较大争议。它描写了美国东部一个小镇里几位20岁出头的年轻人平实又荒诞的生活。主人公在一家小杂货店当店员,本篇对话就发生在店里,一名社会活动家正试图说服一位买烟的顾客。   CUSTOMER: Pack of cigarettes.   ACTIVIST: How much do you spend a week on cigarettes?   CUSTOMER: Fity-three dollars.   ACTIVIST: Fity-three dollars. Would you pay someone that much money every week to kill you? Because that"s what you"re doing now, by paying for the so-called privilege to smoke!   CUSTOMER: We all gotta go sometime...   ACTIVIST: It"s that kind of mentality that allows this cancer-producing industry to thrive. Of coure we"re all going to die someday, but do we have to pay for it? Do we have to actually throw hard-earned dollars on a counter and say, "Please, please, Mister Merchant of Death, sir; please sell me something that will give me bad breath, stink up my clothes, and fry my lungs." Do we?   CUSTOMER: I"s not that easy to quit.   ACTIVIST: Of course it"s not; not when you have people like this mindless cretin so happy and willing to sell you nails for you coffin!   顾客:买包烟。   活动家:你一星期花多少钱买烟?   顾客:53块。   活动家:53块。你会每星期花这么多钱让人杀你吗?其实你已经这么做了。你为了所谓的吸烟特权在付钱!   顾客:我们大家早晚都会死。   活动家:正是这种心理状态使癌症制造业兴旺发达。是的, 每个人早晚都会死。但我们要为死付钱吗?有必要把辛辛苦苦挣来的钱扔到柜台上说:“求求你,死亡商先生,请你卖给我一样东西,能让我有口臭,使我的衣服气味难闻,煎炸我的肺。”有必要吗?   顾客:戒烟可不是件容易事。   活动家:当然不容易,特别是碰到像他(售货员)这样没头脑的白痴,乐得卖给你钉子去钉你的棺材板儿!   语言点:   1. activist,活动家。在西方,许多人四处奔波,宣传自己的思想主张,希望改变他们认为不好的事情。显然,影片中的活动家是来商店宣传吸烟有害健康的。   2. so-called,所谓的,当形容词用。一般带有贬义。   3. gotta,俚语,等于Got To,是Have Got To的缩写,意思与Must相近。   4. to sell you nails for your coffin:卖给你钉棺材的钉子。有趣的是:美国俚语Coffin Nail(棺材钉子)的意思是香烟,作者这里是在做文字游戏。
2023-06-19 23:35:151


亲爱的同学们,今天是赵校长英语小课堂坚持日更的第13天。 一天一个英语小知识,相信日积月累的力量。 在整个 初高中阶段,以act开头的单词有好多,而且意思也很接近, 如果在脑海里区分得不是很清晰的话,到考试时,遇到完形填空和词汇运用的题,就很容易做错。 赵校长帮大家整理了一下,来一起看: (1) 初中阶段: act:(动词) 行动、表演 action:(名词) 行动,动作 active:(形容词) 积极的,活跃的 activity:(名词) 活动 actor:男演员 actress:女演员 (2)高中阶段: actual:真正的,实际的 actually:事实上,实际上 activist:积极分子,比如入党积极分子 activate:(动词) 激活 activation:(名词) 激活,触发 activator:(名词) 催化剂;触媒 (3)最后照例放上思维导图,帮助理解和记忆:
2023-06-19 23:35:281


adj. 好动的; 积极主动的; 定期进行的,起作用的; (思想等)活跃的; 切实的; (火山)活的; 主动语态的; 活性的; (疾病)恶化的; 服役的; 参战的; (动词)表动作的; (电路系统)在运转中的n. 主动语态词根: act adj. activated 活性化的;活泼的 adv. actively 积极地;活跃地 n. action 行动;活动;功能;战斗;情节activity 活动;行动;活跃act 行为,行动;法令,法案;(戏剧,歌剧的)一幕,段;装腔作势actor 男演员;行动者;作用物activation [电子][物] 激活;活化作用activist 积极分子;激进主义分子activism 行动主义;激进主义activator 催化剂;[助剂] 活化剂;[助剂] 激活剂;触媒剂activeness 主观能动性;活动积极性activewear 运动服(等于active wear)
2023-06-19 23:35:361


2023-06-19 23:36:191

shareholder activist是什么?怎么翻译最好?

.hareholder Activism一般译为股东权益运动、股东积极主义、 积极股东行动主义、股东行动主义。 . 所谓的股东积极主义,就是当上市公司董事会的决策, 不符合股东利益,身为「有识之士」股东的就纠集力量, 令董事会改组,甚或逼管理层下台。此处所谓股东, 其实并非一般小股东,而是以以机构投资者为主的股市中实户。 他们积极参与公司治理的动力, 主要取决于持股成本与发动改革的收益的比较。 具体决定于机构投资者的持股比例、持股时间和监督成本等. 机构投资人对公司治理的态度, 已倾向以企业经营模式来发挥其最大的影响力。 . 机构投资人自期为投资大众的”守门员” -Watch Dog,强调监督『经营责任』 (Management Accountability),更为自己追求最大『股东价值』 (Shareholder Value)。Wall Street Rules 衍成Market-Based Governance Model 。 . 股东积极主义近年在欧洲搞得如火如荼, 更可为小股东带来相当的回报。据一份在伦敦商学院(London Business School)研讨会上发表的独立学术研究指, 英国的法律及文化环境极为适合股东权益运动壮大规模, 学者追踪一个名为Hermes UK Focus Fund 的表现,发现该基金在研究期间, 专门锁定一些股价落后大盘或被低估了的公司,经营绩效差、 公司治理品质与内涵不良、法人持股比重高、 内部人持股比重低之企业作投资对象,投资额占被锁定公司的1% 至15%权益,然后针对公司治理、 财务结构等导致股价积弱的原因,作出积极参与, 例如与管理层谈判,甚至撤换董事会成员。 值得留意的是,该基金很少在公开的股东会高调行事, 反而多在幕后发招,以达到提高派息率、改善认股权计划等目的。 而在这些公司大动作的公布期前后, 有关公司的股价表现往往脱胎换骨,此亦正是该基金的杰作。 在亚洲,南韩的三星电子也开始正视类似的股东集体挑战, 香港民间非营利机构民主人民团结组织(People"s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy;PSPD)前(2005) 年就曾经在股东大会上,对总裁担任董事的提案,集结到3.75% 的反对票,虽未足以左右大局,但对当地企业界已响起警讯, 更代表股东权益运动的起步。正如PSPD在其创立宣言中所言述, "We are going to raise the flag of Solidarity for a society in which everyone can have a voice, and people with diligence and honesty may lead life they deserve.To be the real sovereigns of the country, we should become watchdogs of the government, screening the daily decision-making process it derives its power from." 说明把公民参与的意识带到公司治理的范畴。 前(2004)年,德国证券交易所(Duetsche Borse)想收购英国伦敦证券交易所。 岂知拥有德国证券交易所8%股权的TCI突然出手, 一手放空伦敦证券交易所的股票,另一手联合美林证券、 富达基金等德国证券交易所股东,反对德国证券交易所的收购建议, 最后搞到德国证券交易所的行政总裁Werner Seifert在2004年5月9日仓皇下台。 . 机构投资者积极参与公司治理,可以克服小股东治理激励不足, 弥补大股东内部控制的缺陷。
2023-06-19 23:36:261

activist investor是什么意思

2023-06-19 23:36:332


恩,pro 一般翻译成亲...,比如亲民党等.
2023-06-19 23:36:413


a real romanticist,an ardent perfectionist,an activist full of emotion,a self-confidentist full of conflicts.
2023-06-19 23:36:564


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 u2013 April 4, 1968) was an American political activist, the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement, and a Baptist minister. Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races, he received the Nobel Peace Prize before he was assassinated in 1968. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter in 1977, the Congressional Gold Medal in 2004, and in 1986, Martin Luther King Day was established in his honor. King"s most influential and well-known speech is the "I Have A Dream" speech
2023-06-19 23:37:132

If you were an animal rights activist,

If you were an animal rights activist, how would you stop the physicians doing animal research.中文意思是:如果你是一名动物权利活动家,你会怎样停止医师们做动物实验。
2023-06-19 23:37:342


The great journey of learning伟大的学习之旅Malcolm X was an African-American civil rights activist, religious leader, writer, and speaker. Born in 1925, he was mysteriously assassinated in 1965. By the time of his death, his own telling of his life story, The Autobiography of Maclcolm X, had been widely known. He was born Malcolm Little into a poor household. Later, he took the name Malcolm X after joining an organization called the Nation of Islam, a religious group that had changed major practices and beliefs of mainstream Islam to apply more specifically to the condition of African-American people in the United States in the early 1960s.马尔科姆·艾克斯是一位非裔美国民权活动家、宗教领袖、作家和演说家。他生于 1925 年, 1965 年被神秘地暗杀。在他去世之前,他对自己生平的自述——《马尔科姆·艾克斯自传》已闻名遐迩。他出生于一个贫民家庭,取名马尔科姆·利特尔。后来,他加入了一个叫“伊斯兰民族”的组织,之后改名为马尔科姆·艾克斯。“伊斯兰民族”是个宗教团体,它改变了美国主流伊斯兰教的一些主要的习俗和信仰,使之更适用于 19 世纪 60 年代早期非裔美国人的特定情况。Malcolm X learned about the Nation of Islam while in prison for committing criminal acts such as theft. Because he was poorly educated, he felt inadequate to teach his new beliefs to others. As a young man, he could sketch his thoughts with poor grammar and little vocabulary using the simple, unsophisticated language of people on the street. As an adult, when he tried to inform people about his new beliefs at a rally, he found that he didn"t have the adequate communication skills he needed. In his own words, he "wasn"t even functional".马尔科姆·艾克斯因当时犯有诸如偷窃等罪而入狱。他在监狱里得知了“伊斯兰民族”组织。由于没有受过良好的教育,他在向别人传授他的新信仰时感到力不从心。作为一名年轻人,他可以用草根语言来概述自己的想法,语言简单、粗浅、语法差劲,且词汇贫乏。可作为一名成年人,当他在大型公众集会上向人们阐述他的新信仰时,他发觉自己缺少了所需的语言交流技能。用他自己的话说,他“甚至没有这个功能”。In a bid to increase his knowledge and improve his skills, desperate Malcolm X devised a scheme. He turned to books, believing this would be beneficial. However, when he tried to read serious books on his own, he was distressed as he didn"t know most of the words. "They might as well have been in Chinese," he wrote. He skipped all the words he didn"t know and then would end up with no clue as to what the book was about. "became frustrated," Malcolm X wrote in his autobiography, speaking of his inadequate language skills.为了增长知识,提高沟通技能,深陷绝望的马尔科姆·艾克斯为自己制定了一个计划。他决定求助于书籍,相信书会使他受益匪浅。可是当他试图阅读一些严肃的书本时,他不禁倍感苦恼,因为大部分的词他都不认识。他写道:“这些书还不如是用中文写的。”他跳过了所有不认识的词,可是最终他全然不知这本书里写了什么。马尔科姆·艾克斯在他的自传里谈到他贫乏的语言技能时是这样写的:“我变得沮丧起来。”
2023-06-19 23:37:571

翻译两句话 英翻中 谢谢

1毛泽东是活跃份子,一个主要的动人,一个创始人和被交互惊奇,紧张和缓和达成的策略主人。 2他久有在热忱轻视方面被他的同侪拿着;现在轻视不是较长的兴奋剂。
2023-06-19 23:38:063


 想知道《模拟人生4》这个游戏有什么秘籍吗?下面我为大家整理了《模拟人生4》秘籍大全,希望能帮到大家!    1、金钱修改   Motherlode   5k   sims.modify_funds 5000000   500w直接到位   sims.modify_funds -170000   减少17w    2、人物修改   先开启   testingcheats true   然后   cas.fulleditmode   再shitf点击人物 直接进修改接口就能修改所有人物基因数据了    3、抱负奖励   aspirations.complete_current_milestone   马上完成抱负    4、技能点数升级   stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10   钓鱼   stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10   恶作剧   stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10   吉他   stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping 10   收割   stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10   程序设计   stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10   园艺   stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10   米其林烹饪   stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10   喜剧   stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10   魅力   stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10   写作   stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10   电玩游戏   stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10   小提琴   stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10   火箭科学   stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10   绘画   stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10   钢琴   stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10   逻辑   stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10   灵巧   stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10   烹饪   stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10   调酒   stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10   健身   stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10   瑜伽   stats.set_skill_level major_baking 10   烘焙   stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism 10   药草学   stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 5   摄影   stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5   跳舞   stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ 10   DJ   stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10   唱歌   stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10   社交(儿童)   stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10   运动(儿童)   stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10   创意(儿童)   stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10   心智(儿童)    5、职业升级   请注意,现在为止职业分支只能2选一,选完了以后就算降级回去还是不能重新选,所以要慎重   Careers.promote Culinary   厨艺   Careers.promote Painter   画家   Careers.promote Writer   写作   Careers.promote SecretAgent   特工   Careers.promote Criminal   罪犯   Careers.promote Astronaut   宇航员   Careers.promote Entertain   演员   Careers.promote TechGuru   计算机专家   Careers.promote Business   商业   Careers.promote athle   运动员   Careers.promote Detective   侦探   Careers.promote Doctor   医生   Careers.promote Scientist   科学家..   careers.promote SocialMedia   社群媒体   careers.promote Activist   政治家   careers.promote Careers_Adult_Critic   评论家    儿童少年职业:   Careers.promote Gradeschool   上小学   Careers.promote Highschool   上中学   Careers.promote Babysitter   保姆   Careers.promote Barista   咖啡调制   Careers.promote RetailEmployee   售货员   Careers.promote FastFoodEmployee   快餐员工   Careers.promote ManualLaborer   体力劳动者   Careers.demote [职业代号]   降职
2023-06-19 23:38:141


2023-06-19 23:38:223


If you love a person, please let her free to fly; if she returned to your side, then she loves you; if she did not come back, do not sad, because she never belong to you.
2023-06-19 23:38:323


  不管是残疾人还是正常人,在世上要活得有价值,要多做一些对社会有意义的事,这样自己会觉得充实和快乐。让我们一起为残疾人加油,为残疾人喝彩吧。   下面是我带来的我的信念和残疾人的 英语 励志文章 ,欢迎阅读!    英语励志文章——我的信念   Ibelieve it is possible for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things. For me, the difference between an "ordinary" and an "extraordinary" person is not the title that person might have, but what they do to make the world a better place for us all.   我相信平凡的人可以做出不平凡的事。在我看来,普通人和伟人的区别并不在于头衔,而在于他们做了什么对人类有益的事。   Ihave no idea why people choose to do what they do. When I was a kid I didnu2019t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I did know what I didnu2019t want to do. I didnu2019t want to grow up. And I certainly didnu2019t think about being an activist. I didnu2019t even really know what one was.   我不知道人们选择从事某项工作的理由。当我还是个孩子时我并不知道我长大以后想做什么,我只知道我不想做什么。我不想长大,也从未想过做一个激进主义者。我根本不了解激进主义者是什么。   My older brother was born deaf. Growing up, I ended up defending him and I often think that is what started me on my path to whatever it is I am today.   我哥哥生下来就耳聋。随着我渐渐长大,最终是我保护他。我想这大概就是促使我走上今天这条道路的原因。   If I have any power as an individual, itu2019s because I work with other individuals in countries all over the world. We are ordinary people and weu2019ve all worked together to bring about extraordinary change.   如果我个人拥有某种能力,那是因为我同世界各国的人们一起奋斗。我们都是平凡的人,但我们通过共同努力带来了神奇的变化。   Ibelieve that words are easy. I believe that truth is told in the actions we take. And I believe that if enough ordinary people supported our desire for a better world with action we could accomplish absolutely extraordinary things.   行动胜于言行,真理蕴含在我们的行动里。我坚信如果有许许多多的普通人拿出行动来支持我们创造一个英语短文更加美好的世界的愿望,我们一定能够完成伟大的事业。    英语励志文章——残疾人   Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we can. Since they can not see as much, or they can not walk as fast, they need our help.   We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help, in the neighborhood or the community. You can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel chairs. l Set up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. As they are disabled, it is more difficult for them to earn as much as normal people do. Thatu2019s why they usually need help in physical things. As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them. Now, I would suggest, do whatever we can to help them. We can donate our pocket money. We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the street. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. However, donu2019t always think we are better than the disabled. As normal people, we always make normal mistakes.   We take it for granted that we can see things while the blind can not. If you know the story about Helen Keller, you will understand why you are wrong. The blind can not see with their bare eyes, but they can see better with their ears. They can see better with their hands. So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people!   残疾人是正常人,只是他们看不到我们能看到的东西,或者他们走不快。因为他们看不到那么多东西,或者走不那么快,他们需要我们的帮助。   我们可以立即列出一长串帮助他们的方法,例如,每个学生都可以在附近或社区找到一个可以帮助的人。你可以帮助他们过马路。你可以帮他们推轮椅。我建立了一个组织。 收集 一些钱。用这笔钱帮助他们,给他们买生活必需品,帮助他们的孩子完成学业。由于他们是残疾人,他们比正常人更难挣到钱。这就是为什么他们在身体上通常需要帮助。由于他们是残疾人,他们感到孤独。他们认为自己不如正常人。他们很容易变得孤独、悲伤、失望。他们很容易失去生活的希望。他们更需要精神上的帮助。他们需要和人聊天。他们需要人们鼓励他们继续生活。他们需要人们消除对他们的偏见。现在,我建议,尽我们所能帮助他们。我们可以捐出零花钱。我们可以走上前去帮助残疾人过马路。我们可以通过探望残疾人、给他们打电话、给他们发电子邮件等方式和他们交朋友。但是,不要总是认为我们比残疾人强。作为正常人,我们总是犯正常的错误。   我们想当然地认为我们能看到东西,而盲人不能。如果你知道海伦凯勒的 故事 ,你就会明白为什么你错了。瞎子用肉眼看不见,但用耳朵看得更清楚。他们用手能看得更清楚。所以,当你像对待普通人一样对待残疾人时,帮助他们。他们是正常人!
2023-06-19 23:38:511


1、南加州大学University of Southern California如果你对USC的印象只停留在「盛产加州富孩」,那你的格局就小了。USC在2022年U.S.News最佳大学排名27,常年稳居Princeton Review本科游戏设计专业排名第一。想学游戏设计?它绝对是你的首选梦校。最值得一吹的就是师资,随便一位教授的履历拎出来都是吊打同行的程度。游戏设计部门主任Tracy Fullerton写了享誉全球的教科书《Game Design Workshop》,全球游戏设计者必读的入门圣经之一。USC全职教授Richard Lemarchand,曾任索尼互动娱乐旗下子公司顽皮狗(Naughty Dog)出品的热门系列游戏《Uncharted》的首席设计师。负责高级课程的Laird Malamed曾经是动视暴雪(Activist Blizzard)的高级副总裁和开发部主管。除了师资,它家提供给学生的硬件和匹配设施也很牛逼。比如与微软合作的Kinect开发实验室,不需要任何控制器,凭相机捕捉三维空间中玩家的运动,并且可识别人脸和声音。还有基于Vicon和Xsens的动作捕捉舞台,帮助你更好地研发游戏。如果你想在本科阶段发布自己的游戏,USC推出了Summer Bridge的孵化器项目。在为期十周的实践研讨会上,你将与行业专家、 USC游戏学院合作,把疯狂想法变成现实。你还可以在USC Games Demo Day向全校同学展示你的项目。正因为这些宝贵的锻炼机会,USC学生一毕业就被动视暴雪、EA、迪士尼等知名游戏企业纷纷录用。USC本科阶段有两个方向供你选择:一个是电影艺术学院下的互动媒体和游戏的文学士学位(B.A. in the Interactive Media & Games),适合对设计感兴趣的同学,申请需要递交作品集。另一个是Viterbi工程学院下的计算机科学学士学位(B.S. in Computer Science),适合想钻研技术的同学。它还提供为期4周的学分夏校课程,不需要你有编程经验。你不仅能学到游戏设计的入门知识,也能接触到USC的教授和游戏领域的专家。对USC和游戏设计感兴趣的同学不妨体验一下~2、纽约大学New York University如果说USC注重对学生专业化的培养,像是游戏设计中的大U,那么NYU倾向于让学生了解游戏制作的方方面面,像是游戏设计中的文理学院。2022年Princeton Review本科游戏设计专业排名第二、U.S.News最佳大学排名28,NYU Tisch是很多独立游戏制作人的梦中情校。NYU提供4年制的艺术学士学位(B.F.A. in Game Design),游戏设计专业隶属于纽约大学Tisch艺术学院。这样设置是因为,NYU把游戏视为一种创造性的艺术形式,与Tisch的电影、舞蹈和戏剧项目一样。申请Tisch的游戏设计需要作品集,它为高中生提供为期4周的夏校,让你提前感受教学氛围。不过Tisch的游戏设计没有为了追求艺术性,与技术脱节。它所处的370 Jay也是Clive Davis录音学院、Tandon工程学院、Courant数字研究所等多个部门的家,其中的教室、黑盒剧院、录音室、3d打印机、游戏图书馆等设施都可供你使用。这些部门聚集在一起,催生出了很多跨学科合作的机会。NYU对跨学科的热情还体现在课程设置上,官网一再强调文科基础的重要性。所有游戏专业的学生在追求专业知识的同时,能接受到博雅教育,比如在论述性写作、人文学科、社会科学和硬科学(Hard Science)取得一定的学分。大学四年你既能学到游戏设计,又能思考对社会的影响。另一大亮点是求职服务,确保你在毕业前找到实习和工作。每年春天,Tisch举行大量研讨会和活动,邀请行业大牛来做演讲,开招聘会。当地开发商在现场测试他们的游戏,你有大量与游戏行业巨佬们谈笑风生的机会。Tisch每年会挑选出具有商业潜力的项目进行孵化,为学生们提供空间、资金和专业指导。难怪NYU的毕业生遍布全球顶级游戏工作室,比如拳头游戏、动视暴雪、迪士尼、雪崩工作室等。不少独立游戏制作人甚至开办了自己的公司,用创意想法改变着游戏世界的版图。3、罗切斯特理工学院Rochester Institute of Technology位于纽约州罗切斯特市的RIT,在2022年Princeton Review本科游戏设计专业排名第四,U.S.News全美最佳游戏设计项目排名第六。RIT提供B.S.学位,可申请STEM-OPT。它家还提供5年的本硕连读学位,官网的课程安排非常合理,既有深度又有广度,与行业趋势接轨。它的特色之一是Co-op教育,上学期间去到美国知名游戏大厂带薪工作。当其他学校的学生还在苦苦network、寻找实习,RIT的学生自带Buff加成,项目要求每位学生有两个学期的实习经验,也就是说,毕业生的履历上至少有两段扎实的工作经历。RIT对求职服务的用心还体现在Creative Industry Day。学校会邀请游戏领域的大牛们帮你看作品集,你不仅能得到作品集的反馈,了解创意产业的信息,还能顺便找实习和全职工作。最人性化的一点,这个活动不仅为RIT在校生举办,毕业多年的校友也能回到学校,享受这份求职资源。RIT硬件配套设施也很能打。MAGIC Spell工作室是RIT的创业和商业中心,包括7千平方英尺的功能齐全的电影声场、混音和色彩校正后期制作室、4K杜比全景声影院和几个工作媒体实验室。你能在学习游戏设计的过程中,接触到最专业的器材设备。学校还为你提供了免费的工作室,让你全身心投入游戏创作。RIT毕业生的去向也都是圈内耳熟能详的公司:EPIC Games、动视暴雪、EA、Twitch…但你以为学游戏设计的人只能做游戏吗?那你就大错特错了。RIT官网上还罗列了其他的就业方向:UI/UX设计师、前端工程师、软件开发工程师…用四个字来概括:前途无量。其实不仅是上述三所学校,理工牛校如CMU和Cornell都提供游戏设计的辅修专业(Minor)。作为新兴的跨学科专业,游戏设计结合了工程、编程和艺术,近几年受到不少学生的喜爱。也许此刻的你正担心自己申不上这些学校。这也是很多申请者的误解:我一定要做出很牛的游戏,才有资格申请这些学校。但在申请阶段,技术不是最重要的,这是你大学四年的学习内容。美国大学更想看到你对游戏的理解?你的理念是什么?你未来想做出什么样的独特游戏?好的技术也许能帮你走得更快,但好的创意和想法一定能让你走得更远,路走得更宽。正如Tisch在官网上写的:我们想找对游戏有热情,对编程、视觉设计、系统设计、讲故事有批判性思考的人。我们希望你有远见制作游戏,有能力表达自己的观点,有潜力改变游戏行业的未来。
2023-06-19 23:38:581


英文的简介: John Winston Ono Lennon, MBE (born John Winston Lennon; 9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) was an English rock musician, singer, songwriter, artist, and peace activist who gained worldwide fame as one of the founding members of The Beatles.In his solo career, Lennon wrote and recorded songs such as "Give Peace a Chance" and "Imagine". Lennon revealed his rebellious nature and wit on television, in films such as A Hard Day"s Night, in books such as In His Own Write, and in press conferences and interviews. He was controversial through his work as a peace activist, artist, and author.Lennon had two sons: Julian Lennon, with his first wife Cynthia Lennon, and Sean Ono Lennon, with his second wife, avant-garde artist Yoko Ono. After a self-imposed retirement from 1976-1980, Lennon reemerged with a comeback album, but was murdered one month later in New York City on 8 December 1980. In 2002, respondents to a BBC poll on the 100 Greatest Britons voted Lennon into eighth place. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked Lennon number 38 on its list of "The Immortals: The Fifty Greatest Artists of All Time" and ranked The Beatles at number 1. {中文的}约翰·列侬(John Lennon,1940年10月9日-1980年12月8日),生于英国利物浦,著名乐队披头士成员。[生平]1959年,列侬和四位当地青年保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)、乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)、斯达特·苏特克里(Stuart Sutcliffe)、彼得·贝斯特(Peter Best)组成了一支摇滚乐队,他们先是在本地演出,后又到德国汉堡工作。乐队几经易名,最后定为“披头士”(The Beatles 、又译“甲壳虫”)。布莱恩·易普斯坦(Brian Epstein)在利物浦洞穴俱乐部看到乐队表演后,主动提出担任乐队经纪人。此时斯达特已经离队。易普斯坦四处向唱片公司宣传乐队,引起乔治·马丁(George Martin)的注意,后者同意为他们录制唱片。 1962年10月,由于马丁对贝斯特的技术提出异议,乐队吸收了林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)作代替贝斯特担任鼓手。乐队在1962年10月5日发行了首张单曲《爱我吧》(Love Me Do),上升到排行榜17位。次年1月11日发行的第二首单曲《请取悦我》(Please Please Me)引起了巨大的轰动,首张专辑也名登英国排行榜首。 1963年3首单曲连续获得第一名《从我到你》(From Me to You)、《她爱你》(She Loves You)和《我想握往你的手》(I Want to Hold Your Hand)。同年在英国的巡回演出取得了空前的成功,接着他们开始向大洋彼岸的美国乐坛进军。1964年“披头士”以迅雷不及掩耳之势迅速征服美国。唱片及单曲洪水般占领排行榜,“披头士狂热”(Beatlemania)迅速在世界范围蔓延。据统计,1964年第一季度,“披头士”的唱片销售量高达美国唱片总销售量的十分之四,《辛劳之夜》(一夜狂欢,A Hard Day"s Night)和《救命!》(Help!)两张专辑在艺术和商业上取得的巨大成功,使列侬和麦卡持尼被公认为是摇滚时代最有才能的作曲伙伴。1965年的单曲《昨天》(Yesterday)深受世界各国歌迷的喜爱。1967年,“披头士”乐队发行了一张受到空前欢迎的专辑《胡椒军曹寂寞芳心俱乐部乐团》(Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band),这张在流行音乐史上占有重要地位的唱片不仅是“披头士”乐队的鼎盛之作,同时也是乐队的一个转折点,布莱恩·易普斯但之死,事业上的不顺利,乐队内部的争执,给“披头士”乐队带来了不祥的阴影,尽管如此,他们还是在1968年创作并发行了一套名为“披头四”的双唱片集,因封套是雪白的,故以「白色专辑」(White album)著称。同年成立“披头士”自己的苹果公司(Apple)。约翰·列侬认识了日本先锋艺术家小野洋子。并与她合作发行了一张名为《两个处子》(Two Virgins)的唱片,随后又组建了“塑胶小野乐团”(Plastic Ono Band)。1969年,列侬的第一首个人热门歌曲《给和平一个机会》(Give Peace A Chance)是一首反战歌曲,同年与小野洋子结为夫妇。此时“披头士”内部矛盾重重,发行了两张专辑《艾比路》(Abbey Road)和《让它去》(Let it Be)之后,乐队于1970年宣布解散。1971年,列侬和小野洋子离开英国移居美国纽约。他们从1971年到1974年不断有唱片专辑问世,包括《想像》(Imagine)、《纽约城瞬间》(Sometime in New York)、《思想游戏》(Mind Games)、《墙与桥》(Walls and Bridges)。1975年,列侬的儿子西恩列侬(Sean Lennon)出生,使他毅然放弃了一切音乐活动,和妻儿平静地生活在一起,流行乐坛有5年之久没有听到他的声音。1980年,约翰·列侬和小野洋子的新作双重幻想(Double Fantasy)的出版似乎预示着列侬在1980年代将有更多的佳作问世。[死亡]1980年12月8日晚10点49分,列侬在自己的寓所前被一名据称患有精神病的狂热男性歌迷、美国人马克·大卫·查普曼(Mark David Chapman)枪杀,得年40岁,引起举世震惊。摇滚乐坛也失去了有史以来最富传奇色彩的人物。如果还需要更多的英文参考可以看这个网站。
2023-06-19 23:39:061

写一篇题为“Introduce a person who you admire”的作文

是托福么?the person i admaire most is my mother. i admire her for she is the one who gave me life and who loves me from the very beginning of my life. she is the one who cares most of me and who educate me ever since i was born. i "ve heard a song before. it says that there is no other love that like a mother"s to her child. so i think mothers should be admired by everyone in the world and is definetely the one who should be most admired.非常口语,可能有错,你凑合了吧,我们要考试了,我上网时间有限~
2023-06-19 23:39:131


德语: Franz Liszt匈牙利语:Liszt Ferenc(1811.10.22--1886.7.31)匈牙利作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家和音乐活动家,浪漫主义音乐的主要代表人物之一。弗朗兹·李斯特于1811年10月22日生于匈牙利雷定(Raiding, Hungary)。当时匈牙利是奥匈帝国的一部分,李斯特的父亲是匈牙利人,母亲是奥地利的日耳曼族人,因此他有两个名字,分别是匈牙利和德语两种拼法。李斯特从小随母亲说德语,直到晚年才学会用匈牙利语写作。李斯特六岁起开始学习音乐,并于此后不久移居维也纳,曾先后作为萨里埃里(Antonio Salieri,或译萨列里)、车尔尼(Carl Czerny)、雷哈、巴埃尔的弟子。 1823年,李斯特来到巴黎,受雨果、拉马丁、夏多布里昂等浪漫主义文艺家思想的影响,向往资产阶级革命。在音乐上他主张标题音乐,首创了交响诗体裁,作有《塔索》、《前奏曲》、《匈牙利》等交响诗共十三部。李斯特还受帕格尼尼的影响,创作了十九首《匈牙利狂想曲》和十首钢琴练习曲。他树立了与学院风气、市民习气相对立的新的浪漫主义原则,并支持阿尔贝尼斯、斯美塔那、肖邦、柏辽兹、瓦格纳等作曲家的创作。相传贝多芬听了他的演奏后,非常赞赏他的天才,曾上台拥抱亲吻李斯特,这成为李斯特音乐成长的佳话。1848年起他常住魏玛(Weimar),担任了魏玛宫廷乐长,并经常来往于罗马(Rome)、布达佩斯(Budapest)之间。1876年他创建了布达佩斯国立音乐院并任院长。1886年7月31日李斯特因肺炎死于拜罗伊特(Bayreuth)。李斯特创作活动的进步的民主主义的倾向在很大程度上是与匈牙利的民族解放运动相联系的。钢琴曲《匈牙利狂想曲》是和李斯特的名字分不开的,正如圆舞曲和施特劳斯、交响曲与贝多芬的名字分不开一样。李斯特的作品多姿多彩、极富想象力,充分挖掘了钢琴的音响功能,对演奏者的技巧提出了很高的要求。作为那个时代最杰出的钢琴家,他对键盘音乐的发展作出了重大的贡献,在他的后期作品中最早使用了20世纪才普遍采用的和声语言。它的钢琴曲已列入世界古典钢琴曲的文献宝库。李斯特所创作的十九首钢琴曲《匈牙利狂想曲》,在他的钢琴作品中占有特殊重要的地位。这些作品不但充分发挥了钢琴的音乐表现力,而且,为狂想曲这个音乐体裁创作树立了杰出的音乐典范。这些作品部是以匈牙利和匈牙利吉普赛人的民歌和民间舞曲为基础,进行艺术加工和发展而成的,因而都具有鲜明的民族色彩。这些乐曲结构精炼、乐思丰富活跃,音乐语言与音乐表现方法同匈牙利乡村舞蹈音乐和城市说唱音乐有密切联系,乐曲的形式虽然不时的变化,可是音乐形象始终鲜明而质朴,体现了自然美和艺术美的完美统一。他是最早把匈牙利民族音提高到世界水平的民族音乐家,他有爱国思想和民主思想,有积极要求变革生活的热情,也有怀疑和失望的消极情绪,但占主要地位的常常是前者而不是后者。李斯特是肖邦的同代人,但他离开祖国的时间比肖邦更早,因此,他的思想和创作不能简单地纳入“民族乐派”。然而,作为一个匈牙利人,李斯特对祖国的事业真诚关注;民族的历史和英雄人物,民间音乐的音调和节奏,在他的创作中都得到生动的反映和运用;加之他对东、北欧及俄罗斯青年作曲家的大力提携和鼓励,使他在欧洲民族乐派的发展上起了积极的推动作用。在他的祖国,人民始终尊崇他为伟大的“民族艺术家”。李斯特创造了交响诗的形式,他一共创作了13首交响诗,又是现代钢琴技术的创追者之一。李斯特最重要的作品是《浮士德交响曲》、《但丁交响曲》、《匈牙利狂想曲》、交响诗《前奏曲》、《马捷帕》、两首钢琴协奏曲、《B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》、《12首超技练习曲》和《旅行岁月》。李斯特最值得收藏的唱片版本为:1. 卡拉扬(Karajan)指挥柏林爱乐乐团演奏的交响诗,包括《前奏曲》、《马捷帕》、《塔索的悲伤与胜利》和《第二号梅菲斯特圆舞曲》、《匈牙利民歌幻想曲》、第二号和第五号《匈牙利狂想曲》, DG, CD编号415 967-2(两张)或447 415-2,包括《前奏曲》、《马捷帕》、《第四号甸牙利狂怒曲》和斯梅塔那的《沃尔塔瓦》,企鹅评价三星。2. 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)指挥坦莱沃德(Tanglewood)节日合唱团、波士顿交响乐团演奏演唱的《浮士德交响曲》, DG, CD编号447449-20企鹅评价三星。3. 里赫特(Richter)演奏,康德拉辛指挥伦敦交响乐团的两首钢琴协奏曲,Philips, CD编号446 200-2,企鹅评价三星。4.贝尔曼(Berman)、演奏的《旅行岁月》全集, DG,CD编号437 206-2(3张)。5. 博列特(Bolet)演奏的《12首超技练习曲》,Decca, CD编号414 601-2。企鹅评价三星保留一星。6. 齐夫拉(Cziffra)演奏的15首《匈牙利狂想曲》和《西班牙狂想》,EMI, CZSS 69003-2(两张),企鹅评价三星。7. 普列特涅夫演奏的《第一号梅菲斯特圆舞由》、《艾斯特庄园水的嬉戏》、《沉思的人》、《第十五号匈牙利狂想曲》、《B小调奏鸣曲》。Melodiya,CD编号MCD172o 8. 齐伯尔斯坦(Zilberstein)演奏的《两首叙事曲》、《两首传奇》、《6首安慰曲》、改编自巴赫的《幻想曲与赋格》、《即兴曲》与《国舞曲》,DG, CD编号447 755-2。9. 格斯特指挥约翰学院合唱团(Atkinson, Tinkler,Royall, Kendall, Suart演唱,Cleobury管风琴)的《合唱弥撒》,Decca, CD编号430 364 - 2(与德沃夏克的《D大调弥撒》同为一张)。10. 菲舍尔·迪斯考演唱,巴伦博伊姆伴奏的歌曲集,DG, CD编号447 508-2(3张)。German: Franz Liszt Hungarian: Liszt Ferenc (1811.10.22 - 1886.7.31) Hungarian composer, pianist, conductor and music activist, romantic music one of the main representatives. Franz Liszt on October 22, 1811, born in Hungary Reddin (Raiding, Hungary). At that time, Hungary was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Liszt"s Hungarian father, the mother is Austria"s Germanic people, so he has two names, namely Hungary, and the two German spelling. Liszt young German with her mother said, until his later years only by Hungarian Society of writing. Liszt began studying music since the age of six, and shortly thereafter moved to Vienna, has as Saliaili (Antonio Salieri, or translation, Saleh), the car Erni (Carl Czerny), Leiha, Bael disciples . 1823, Liszt came to Paris, by Victor Hugo and Lamartine, Chateaubriand, and other literary Romanticism thinking of the impact of home, longing for bourgeois revolution. In music, he advocated the title music, pioneered the symphonic poem genre, for "Tassos", "Prelude" and "Hungary" Symphonic Poem a total of 13. Liszt also affected by the impact of Paganini, the creation of the 19 "Hungarian Rhapsody" and 10 Piano Etudes. He set a trend with the Institute, the public habits opposed to the principle of the new romanticism, and support阿尔贝尼斯, Smetana, Chopin Berlioz, Wagner and other composers of the creation. Legend has it he listened to the Beethoven concert, very much appreciate his genius, had embraced kissing Liszt came to power, this is the music by Liszt growth story. 1848 from his residence in Weimar (Weimar), as the court music of Weimar, and often from Rome (Rome), Budapest (Budapest) between. In 1876 he founded the Budapest and President of the National Music Institute. July 31, 1886, Listeria monocytogenes, died of pneumonia Bayreuth (Bayreuth). Liszt creation of the democratic progress of the tendency is to a large extent with Hungary"s national liberation movements linked. Piano, "Hungarian Rhapsody" and Liszt"s name is inseparable from, as Waltz and Strauss, and Beethoven"s Symphony No. inseparable from the same name. The colorful works of Liszt, very imaginative, fully tap the piano sound feature, the player"s skills to a very high demand. That era as the most outstanding pianist, his keyboard music on the development made a significant contribution in his earliest works of the late 20th century to use the common language of harmony. The piano has been included in the world of classical piano literature treasure trove. Listeria monocytogenes is the author of 19 Shougang Qinqu "Hungarian Rhapsody", in his piano works in a special importance. These works not only bring into full play the piano performance of music, and Rhapsody for the creation of this music genre has set an outstanding example of the music. These works are the Ministry of Hungary and Hungary"s gypsy folk songs and folk dance as the basis for processing and art evolved, so have a distinctive national colours. These pieces of refining, Lok Si rich active, music, language and music performance method of dance music with Hungarian villages and cities with close ties to rap music, although from time to time in the form of music changes, but music has always been clear and pristine image, reflects the natural beauty and the arts The United States and the perfect unity. He was the first to sound the Hungarian nation to the world the national level musicians, he is thinking of the patriotic and democratic ideas, have demanded changes in the lives of passion, doubt and despair have the negative sentiment, but are often dominated by the former rather than The latter. Chopin Liszt is the same generation, but the time he left earlier than Chopin, and his thinking and creativity can not be simply integrated into the "national music camp." However, as a Hungarian, Liszt on the cause of the motherland"s sincere concern for the history and national hero, the folk music of the pitch and rhythm, in his creations are vivid and reflect the use of his addition to the East, the Nordic and Russia strongly Tixie young composers and encouragement of his faction in the European nation in the development of music has played a positive role in promoting. In his motherland and people have always respected him as the great "national artist." Liszt created a symphonic poem in the form, he created a total of 13 symphonic poems, but also a modern piano technology, one of a recovery. Listeria monocytogenes is the most important works, "Faust Symphony", "Dante Symphony", "Hungarian Rhapsody", the symphonic poem "Prelude" and "Ma Jie Pago," Piano Concerto No. 2, "B Minor Piano Sonata, "" 12 Chaoji Etudes "and" travel time. " Listeria monocytogenes, the most favorite album version: 1. Karajan (Karajan) command the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to perform symphonic poems, including "Prelude," "Ma Jie Pago", "Tassos sorrow and victory" and "Waltz No. 2 Meifeisite" , "Hungarian folk music Fantasia", the No. 2 and No. 5 "Hungarian Rhapsody", DG, CD No. 415 967-2 (2) or 447 415-2, including "Prelude," "Ma Jie Pago" "No. 4 Austin dental benefits Kuangnu song" Si Meita and that the "Woertawa," Penguin evaluation Samsung. 2. Bernstein (Bernstein) command Tanlaiwode (Tanglewood) Festival Chorus, Boston Symphony Orchestra concert performances of "Faust Symphony", DG, CD # 447449-20 Penguin evaluation Samsung. 3. Doherty, (Richter) performances, Kangdelaxin command of the London Symphony Orchestra Piano Concerto No. 2, Philips, CD No. 446 200-2, Penguin evaluation Samsung. 4. Berman (Berman), playing the "travel time" Complete Works, DG, CD No. 437 206-2 (3). 5. Bo out special (Bolet) to perform "12 Chaoji Etudes", Decca, CD No. 414 601-2. Penguin Samsung retained a star rating. 6. Qi Fula (Cziffra) to perform 15 "Hungarian Rhapsody" and "Spanish Rhapsody", EMI, CZSS 69003-2 (2), Penguin evaluation Samsung. 7. Prieto Tenie Fu performances of "Dance No. 1 by Meifeisite round", "Yi Site manor water play," "The Meditation" and "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 15", "B Minor Sonata. " Melodiya, CD # MCD172o 8. Qibo Falstein (Zilberstein) play the "two ballads", "two legendary", "six comfort", adapted from Bach"s "Fantasia and Fugue," "Improvisation" and "States Dance ", DG, CD No. 447 755-2. 9. Ge Site conductor John College Choir (Atkinson, Tinkler, Royall, Kendall, Suart concert, Cleobury organ), "Mass Choir", Decca, CD # 430 364 - 2 (Dvorak"s "D-flat Mass, "the same as one). 10.菲舍尔迪斯test concert, Barenboim set the accompaniment of songs, DG, CD No. 447 508-2 (3).
2023-06-19 23:39:291


  自20世纪90年代开始,《中国日报》等具有影响力的英语媒体就不断构建各种国内和国际的英语演讲比赛平台,激发了大学生提高英语演讲能力的热情。下面是我带来的英语励志演讲短文,欢迎欣赏!   英语励志演讲短文篇1   希拉里?克林顿的演讲(节选)   So I want to say to my supporters: when you hear people saying or think to yourself “If only” or “What if”, I say, please, donu2019t go there. Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.   我要告诉我的支持者:如果你听到别人说或者你自己曾经这样想,“如果某件事没有发生”或者“要是出现了另一种情况”,那么我会说,请不要这样。为往事叹息会阻碍我们前进。   Life is too short; time is too precious; and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been. We have to work together for what still can be. And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama becomes our next president.   生命短暂,时间宝贵,沉湎于空想的代价实在太大。面对现实,我们必须团结起来,这就是我全力支持奥巴马参议员当选下一任总统的原因。   When we first started, people everywhere asked the same question: could a woman really serve as commander-in-chief? Well, I think we answered that one. As we gather here today in this historic, magnificent building, the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting overhead. If we can launch 50 women into space, we can someday launch a woman into the White House. Although we werenu2019t able to shatter* that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, itu2019s got about 18 million cracks in it.   当选举刚开始的时候,到处都有人在问:“一个女人真的能够领导国家吗?”我想,我们已经对这个问题做出了回答。当我们今天在这里集会的时候,第五十位女性正在我们的头顶,绕地球飞行。如果我们能够将五十位女性送入太空,那么总有一天,我们也会将一位女性送入白宫。英语演讲短文虽然这一次我们无法打破那最高、最坚硬的玻璃天花板,但是由于你们,它出现了1800万道裂缝。   And the light is shining through as never before, filling us all with hope. Indeed, the path will be a little easier next time.   光明从未像现在这样明亮,它让我们充满希望。确实,下一次这条道路将变得更容易一些。   英语励志演讲短文篇2   我的信念This I Believe   I believe it is possible for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things. For me, the difference between an "ordinary" and an "extraordinary" person is not the title that person might have, but what they do to make the world a better place for us all.   我相信平凡的人可以做出不平凡的事。在我看来,普通人和伟人的区别并不在于头衔,而在于他们做了什么对人类有益的事。   I have no idea why people choose to do what they do. When I was a kid I didnu2019t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I did know what I didnu2019t want to do. I didnu2019t want to grow up. And I certainly didnu2019t think about being an activist. I didnu2019t even really know what one was.   我不知道人们选择从事某项工作的理由。当我还是个孩子时我并不知道我长大以后想做什么,我只知道我不想做什么。我不想长大,也从未想过做一个激进主义者。我根本不了解激进主义者是什么。   My older brother was born deaf. Growing up, I ended up defending him and I often think that is what started me on my path to whatever it is I am today.   我哥哥生下来就耳聋。随着我渐渐长大,最终是我保护他。我想这大概就是促使我走上今天这条道路的原因。   If I have any power as an individual, itu2019s because I work with other individuals in countries all over the world. We are ordinary people and weu2019ve all worked together to bring about extraordinary change.   如果我个人拥有某种能力,那是因为我同世界各国的人们一起奋斗。我们都是平凡的人,但我们通过共同努力带来了神奇的变化。   I believe that words are easy. I believe that truth is told in the actions we take. And I believe that if enough ordinary people supported our desire for a better world with action we could accomplish absolutely extraordinary things.   行动胜于言行,真理蕴含在我们的行动里。我坚信如果有许许多多的普通人拿出行动来支持我们创造一个更加美好的世界的愿望,我们一定能够完成伟大的事业。   英语励志演讲短文篇3   今天又是新的一天Itu2019s a new day   As you slowly open your eyes, look around, notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are any new sounds that you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.   当你慢慢睁开眼,环顾四周,你会发现阳光洒满你的房间;侧耳倾听,看看能否发现新奇的声音;用身心去感受,看自己能否感觉到新鲜空气。   Yes, yes, yes, itu2019s a new day, itu2019s a different day, and itu2019s a bright day! In your mind, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the places you intend to go, the relationships1 you desire to develop and the positions you aspire to reach.   是的,今天是新的一天,今天是与众不同的一天,今天是阳光明媚的一天。在你心里,你梦寐以求的东西,你渴望到达的地方,你想要发展的关系,你渴望得到的职位,都清晰可见。   You know all this is real as long as you are confident, passionate and committed! And you are confident; you are passionate; you are committed!   你知道,只要你有信心、有激情,肯下决心,所有这些都能实现。此刻你充满信心,满怀激情,跃跃欲试吗?永远都不要放弃对美好的追求。   You will never waver in your pursuit. After all, you are the best, and you deserve the best! As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will be open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must follow the plans you make and take action as you plan, you must never stop, and you must never fear.   因为你是最棒的,而且你应该是最棒的!作为你的老师和朋友,我敢肯定,通向所有美好事物的门都会向你打开,然而开启这扇门的钥匙却把握在你的手中。你必须尽职尽责,忠实履行自己的计划,并将它们付诸行动。不要退缩,不要恐惧。   I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it and you will succeed! Now stand firm and tall, get excited and shout it out: "I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!"   我知道你必须、应该,也一定会这样做而且你一定会成功!坚定而自信地站起来, 用激扬的声音告诉所有人:"我必须成功!我能成功!我一定会成功!"
2023-06-19 23:39:361


行动家复数:activists n.名词单数:activist n.名词动作:action v. 动词 n.名词
2023-06-19 23:39:561


activity 复数activities, 意思是活动
2023-06-19 23:40:243

environmental activists是什么意思

2023-06-19 23:40:322


翻译如下我是行动派I am in favor of action
2023-06-19 23:40:412

10个ist 后缀的单词

2023-06-19 23:40:471


activism造句如下:1、Her activism on climate change has inspired many people around the world.(她关于气候变化的主张激励了世界各地的许多人。)2、We need more youth activism to create a better future for our planet.(我们需要更多的年轻人积极参与,为我们的星球创造一个更美好的未来。)3、The organization"s activism has led to significant changes in social policy.(该组织的积极行动已经导致了社会政策的重大改变。)4、Student activism played a key role in the civil rights movement in the United States.(学生积极参与在美国的民权运动中起到了关键作用。)5、His activism for animal rights has gained widespread support from the public.(他为动物权利而进行的行动已经赢得了公众广泛的支持。)6、The activist group organized a protest to demand action on the issue of police brutality.(这个活动家小组组织了一次抗议活动,要求针对警察暴力问题采取行动。)7、Many activists believe that peaceful protests are an effective way to bring about change.(许多活动人士认为和平示威是促进变革的有效方式。)8、The young activist gave a passionate speech that moved many people in the audience.(这位年轻的活动人士发表了一次充满激情的演讲,感染了观众中的许多人。)9、The feminist activist fought for equal pay and rights for women in the workplace.(这位女权主义者为工作场所的男女同酬和女性的平等权利而战斗。)10、His activism during the AIDS crisis helped to raise awareness about the disease and its impact.(他在艾滋病危机期间的行动有助于提高人们对这种疾病及其影响的认识。)11. Some activists believe in using civil disobedience as a way to bring about change.(一些活动人士认为,采用公民不服从是促进变革的一种方式。)12、The activist group launched a petition calling for better protections for LGBTQ+ people.(这个活动家团体发起了一项请愿,要求对LGBTQ+群体施加更好的保护。)13、The environmental activist organized a beach clean-up to raise awareness about plastic pollution.(这个环保活动家组织了一次海滩清理活动,以提高人们对塑料污染的认识。)14、The human rights activist risked her own safety to rescue victims of human trafficking.(这位人权活动家冒着自己的安危营救人口贩卖的受害者。)15、The protest was organized by a group of activists who were demanding action on gun control.(这次抗议活动是由一批要求加强枪支管控的活动人士组织的。)
2023-06-19 23:41:011


英语单词词根:active 1.活跃的,积极的 2.主动的,起作用的 act(做,起作用)+ ive (表示性质或者倾向的形容词后缀)→(物)起作用的,(人)活跃的,积极的 activate vt.使活动起来,使开始起作用 active(行动,起作用的)+ate (动词后缀)→使活跃;使起作用 activist n.激进主义分子,行动主义分子,积极参加政治活动的人 active(活动,活跃)+ ist (表示坚持某种信仰的人)→激进主义分子(政治活动中太活跃的人) interact v. 相互作用,相互影响,沟通,合作 inter(相互) + act (做,行动) → 相互做→相互作用,合作 英语单词词根: react v.反应,反抗 re(前缀表示“back”向后) + act(做,起作用) →作用之后→反应(与to搭配) enact vt.1.制定(法律) 2.上演,扮演 en (表示使动的前缀)+ act (法案,节目) →.使法律制定;使节目上演 用法:enact laws制定法律
2023-06-19 23:41:351

求英语单词active, .actively , activity一类的五个例

2023-06-19 23:41:421


2023-06-19 23:41:492


At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
2023-06-19 23:41:591

求英语单词active, .actively , activity一类的五个例

success succeed successful
2023-06-19 23:42:092

英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part2:Healing Architecture

Michael Murphy: Architecture that"s built to heal | TED Talk Every weekend for as long as I can remember, my father would get up on a Saturday, put on a worn sweatshirt and he"d scrape a way at the squeaky old wheel of a house that we lived in. I wouldn"t even call it restoration;it was a ritual,catharsis. He would spend all year scraping paint with this old heat gun and a spackle knife, and then he would repaint where he scraped, only to begin again the following year. Scraping and re-scraping, painting and repainting: the work of an old house is never meant to be done. The day my father turned 52, I got a phone call. My mother was on the line to tell me that doctors had found a lump in his stomach -- terminal cancer, she told me, and he had been given only three weeks to live. I immediately moved home to Poughkeepsie, New York, to sit with my father on death watch, not knowing what the next days would bring us. To keep myself distracted, I rolled up my sleeves, and I went about finishing what he could now no longer complete -- the restoration of our old home. When that looming three-week deadline came and then went, he was still alive. And at three months, he joined me. We gutted and repainted the interior. At six months, the old windows were refinished, and at 18 months, the rotted porch was finally replaced. And there was my father, standing with me outside, admiring a day"s work, hair on his head, fully in remission, when he turned to me and he said, "You know, Michael, this house saved my life."Why would Murphy"s father do every weekend through out the year? scrape and repaint the house Why does Murphy mean when he says "the work of an old house is never meant to be done" ? People enjoy the process of restoring old houses. Murphy compares his house to a "squeaky old wheel" to show it needed some repairs. If one"s illness is terminal they are expected to die. To keep myself to distracted I went about finishing what he could now no longer complete. So the following year, I decided to go to architecture school. But there, I learned something different about buildings. Recognition seemed to come to those who prioritized novel and sculptural forms, like ribbons, or ...pickles? And I think this is supposed to be a snail. Something about this bothered me. Why was it that the best architects, the greatest architecture -- all beautiful and visionary and innovative -- is also so rare , and seems to serve so very few? And more to the point: With all of this creative talent, what more could we do? Just as I was about to start my final exams, I decided to take a break from an all-nighter and go to a lecture by Dr. Paul Farmer, a leading health activist for the global poor. I was surprised to hear a doctor talking about architecture. Buildings are making people sicker, he said, and for the poorest in the world, this is causing epidemic-level problems. In this hospital in South Africa,patients that came in with, say, a broken leg, to wait in this unventilated hallway, walked out with a multidrug-resistant strand of tuberculosis. Simple designs for infection control had not been thought about, and people had died because of it. "Where are the architects?" Paul said. If hospitals are making people sicker, where are the architects and designers to help us build and design hospitals that allow us to heal?What does Murphy show several examples of buildings? to illustrate modern architecture"s emphasis on form and appearance Why did Dr. Paul Farmer expressent need for architects? Hospitals were designed in a way that made patients sicker. Architecture involves designing and constructing buildings. That following summer, I was in the back of a Land Rover with a few classmates, bumping over the mountainous hillside of Rwanda. For the next year, I"d be living in Butaro in this old guesthouse, which was a jail after the genocide. I was there to design and build a new type of hospital with Dr. Farmer and his team. If hallways are making patients sicker, what if we could design a hospital that flips the hallways on the outside, and makes people walk in the exterior? If mechanical systems rarely work, what if we could design a hospital that could breathe through natural ventilation, and meanwhile reduce its environmental footprint? And what about the patients" experience? Evidence shows that a simple view of nature can radically improve health outcomes , So why couldn"t we design a hospital where every patient had a window with a view ? Simple, site-specific designs can make a hospital that heals. Designing it is one thing; getting it built, we learned, is quite another. We worked with Bruce Nizeye, a brilliant engineer, and he thought about construction differently than I had been taught in school. When we had to excavate this enormous hilltop and a bulldozer was expensive and hard to get to site, Bruce suggested doing it by hand, using a method in Rwanda called "Ubudehe," which means "community works for the community." Hundreds of people came with shovels and hoes, and we excavated that hill in half the time and half the cost of that bulldozer. Instead of importing furniture, Bruce started a guild, and he brought in master carpenters to train others in how to make furniture by hand. And on this job site, 15 years after the Rwandan genocide, Bruce insisted that we bring on labor from all backgrounds, and that half of them be women.Why did Murphy go to Rwanda? to help design a new hospital How did Bruce Nizeye save costs? The hill was excavated with the help of the community. Bruce was using the process of building to heal, not just for those who were sick, but for the entire community as a whole. We call this the locally fabricated way of building, or "lo-fab,"and it has four pillars: hire locally, source regionally, train where you can and most importantly, think about every design decision as an opportunity to invest in the dignity of the places where you serve. Think of it like the local food movement, but for architecture. And we"re convinced that this way of building can be replicated across the world, and change the way we talk about and evaluate architecture. Using the lo-fab way of building, even aesthetic decisions can be designed to impact people"s lives. In Butaro, we chose to use a local volcanic stone found in abundance within the area, but often considered a nuisance by farmers, and piled on the side of the road. We worked with these masons to cut these stones and form them into the walls of the hospital. And when they began on this corner and wrapped around the entire hospital, they were so good at putting these stones together, they asked us if they could take down the original wall and rebuild it. And you see what is possible. It"s beautiful. And the beauty, to me, comes from the fact that I know that hands cut these stones, and they formed them into this thick wall, made only in this place with rocks from this soil. When you go outside today and you look at your built world, ask not only: "What is the environmental footprint?" -- an important question -- but what if we also asked, "What is the human hand print of those who made it?"What is the call philosophy behind the lo-fab method of construction? The people who construct a building benefit from it as much as the people who use it. Why does Murphy find great significance in the words "human hand print"? It was made with local material and by local people. The source regionally means to use local material. We started a new practice based around these questions, and we tested it around the world. Like in Haiti, where we asked if a new hospital could help end the epidemic of cholera. In this 100-bed hospital, we designed a simple strategy to clean contaminated medical waste before it enters the water table, and our partners at Les Centres GHESKIO are already saving lives because of it. Or Malawi: we asked if a birthing center could radically reduce maternal and infant mortality. Malawi has one of the highest rates of maternal and infant death in the world. Using a simple strategy to be replicated nationally, we designed a birthing center that would attract women and their attendants to come to the hospital earlier and therefore have safer births. Or in the Congo, where we asked if an educational center could also be used to protect endangered wildlife. Poaching for ivory and bush meat is leading to global epidemic, disease transfer and war. In one of the hardest-to-reach places in the world, we used the mud and the dirt and the wood around us to construct a center that would show us ways to protect and conserve our rich biodiversity. Even here in the US, we were asked to rethink the largest university for the deaf and hard of hearing in the world. The deaf community, through sign language, shows us the power of visual communication. We designed a campus that would awaken the ways in which we as humans all communicate, both verbally and nonverbally. And even in Poughkeepsie, my hometown, we thought about old industrial infrastructure. We wondered: Could we use arts and culture and design to revitalize this city and other Rust Belt cities across our nation, and turn them into centers for innovation and growth? In each of these projects, we asked a simple question: What more can architecture do? And by asking that question, we were forced to consider how we could create jobs, how we could source regionally and how we could invest in the dignity of the communities in which we serve. I have learned that architecture can be a transformative engine for change.What did the birthing center they designed in Malawi prioritize?getting pregnant women to come in earlier What did Murphy and his team emphasize in their design for the university for the deaf and hard of hearing? different ways in which humans communicate People who use sign language communicate with hand and body gestures. About a year ago, I read an article about a tireless and intrepid civil rights leader named Bryan Stevenson. And Bryan had a bold architectural vision. He and his team had been documenting the over 4,000 lynchings of African-Americans that have happened in the American South. And they had a plan to mark every county where these lynchings occurred, and build a national memorial to the victims of lynching in Montgomery, Alabama. Countries like Germany and South Africa and, of course, Rwanda, have found it necessary to build memorials to reflect on the atrocities of their past, in order to heal their national psyche. We have yet to do this in the United States. So I sent a cold email to info : "Dear Bryan," it said, "I think your building project is maybe the most important project we could do in America and could change the way we think about racial injustice. By any chance, do you know who will design it?" Surprisingly, shockingly, Bryan got right back to me, and invited me down to meet with his team and talk to them. Needless to say, I canceled all my meetings and I jumped on a plane to Montgomery, Alabama. When I got there, Bryan and his team picked me up, and we walked around the city. And they took the time to point out the many markers that have been placed all over the city to the history of the Confederacy, and the very few that mark the history of slavery. And then he walked me to a hill. It overlooked the whole city. He pointed out the river and the train tracks where the largest domestic slave-trading port in America had once prospered. And then to the Capitol rotunda, where George Wallace had stood on its steps and proclaimed, "Segregation forever." And then to the very hill below us. He said, "Here we will build a new memorial that will change the identity of this city and of this nation."What does Bryan Stevenson do? He is an activist for racial equality in the U.S. What did Murphy learn about Montgomery when he visited it? Despite a long history of racism, the city did little to acknowledge it. A memorial is a structure built to preserve the memory of something. Our two teams have worked together over the last year to design this memorial. The memorial will take us on a journey through a classical, almost familiar building type, like the Parthenon or the colonnade at t
2023-06-19 23:42:311


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2023-06-19 23:42:551


the activist of party application(入党积极分子)
2023-06-19 23:43:032

用free time activisties造句

用free time activisties造句It good for young people to take part in free time activities.Free time activities are good for young people.I have plenty of free time activities.I never participate in free time activities.I have no interest in free time activities.I am rather fond of free time activities.I am currently participating in four different kinds of free time activities.以上的句子,我想必定足够了罢。若果满意请采纳,谢谢你。很希望会对你有帮助。
2023-06-19 23:43:101

英语 用active提问

actively activist actor activity
2023-06-19 23:43:172


  人生的哲理,大多蕴藏和镶嵌在我们生活的细节里。本文是,希望对大家有帮助!   :科学,种思维方式   Many scientists, from their earlier work, know enough to make good guesses on the solutions to the problems they are working on.   许多科学家从他们早期的工作中积累了很多知识,足以对他们钻研的问题的解决方案做出很好的猜想。   In making new discoveries, they may use trial-and-error, they may use past experience, duanwenw or they may try to find out what others have discovered. They may e up with new experiments and new ways of testing their results. Scientists have to train themselves to use their brains efficiently; that is, they train themselves to think.   在探索新事物的时候,他们可以采用反复试验的方法,可以利用过去的经验,或者是借鉴别人的探索成果。他们可以设计出新的试验,研究出新的方法来检验他们的结果。科学家们得训练自己有效地使用大脑;也就是说,训练自己去思考。   For example, when Thomas A. Edison was trying to make an electric lamp, he needed a substance for the filament* inside the bulb that would glow brightly without burning up quickly. He tried more than a thousand different filaments before he found one that he could use. After each trial he thought about how the new substance had behaved. He kept notes and pared results. After he had experimented for a long time, someone asked Mr. Edison if he was ever discouraged by the time they thought he had wasted. He replied, "I have not been wasting time. I have just found a thousand materials that won"t work. Now I can look for others that will." Edison"s statement is important. Above all, scientists demand to know when and where they are wrong. A good question to ask in science is not, "Am I right? "but, "Am I wrong?"   例如,当托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生在发明电灯过程中,他需要一种既能发出明亮的光又不会很快烧毁的材料来作灯泡里的灯丝。他尝试了一千多种不同的灯丝后才找到一种适合的材料。每一次尝试之后,他都在思索新的材料该如何发挥作用。他不断地记笔记,比较结果。经过很长时间的实验之后,有人问爱迪生,如此浪费时间他难道不感到沮丧?爱迪生回答说:"我并没有浪费时间。我已经找出有一千种材料不管用。现在我可以寻找其他材料了。"爱迪生的话非常重要。最重要的是,科学家应该知道他们是在何时、何处错了。在科学上,一个问得高明的问题并不是"我对不对?"而是"我错没错?"   Scientists spend many years studying and training themselves to use their brains and the tools of investigation. duanwenw They also use each other"s work. Isaac Newton, the famous British scientist who lived over 300 years ago, once said he saw further than others because he stood on the shoulders of giants.   科学家经过多年的研究,训练自己使用大脑和各种研究手段。他们也相互借鉴研究成果。生活在300多年前的英国著名科学家艾萨克·牛顿就曾说过,他之所以比别人看得更远,是因为他站在巨人的肩膀上。   :我的信念   I believe it is possible for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things. For me, the difference between an "ordinary" and an "extraordinary" person is not the title that person might have, but what they do to make the world a better place for us all.   我相信平凡的人可以做出不平凡的事。在我看来,普通人和伟人的区别并不在于头衔,而在于他们做了什么对人类有益的事。   I have no idea why people choose to do what they do. duanwenw When I was a kid I didn"t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I did know what I didn"t want to do. I didn"t want to grow up. And I certainly didn"t think about being an activist. I didn"t even really know what one was.   我不知道人们选择从事某项工作的理由。当我还是个孩子时我并不知道我长大以后想做什么,我只知道我不想做什么。我不想长大,也从未想过做一个激进主义者。我根本不了解激进主义者是什么。   My older brother was born deaf. Growing up, I ended up defending him and I often think that is what started me on my path to whatever it is I am today.   我哥哥生下来就耳聋。随着我渐渐长大,最终是我保护他。我想这大概就是促使我走上今天这条道路的原因。   If I have any power as an individual, it"s because I work with other individuals in countries all over duanwenw the world. We are ordinary people and we"ve all worked together to bring about extraordinary change.   如果我个人拥有某种能力,那是因为我同世界各国的人们一起奋斗。我们都是平凡的人,但我们通过共同努力带来了神奇的变化。   I believe that words are easy. I believe that truth is told in the actions we take. And I believe that if enough ordinary people supported our desire for a better world with action we could acplish absolutely extraordinary things.   行动胜于言行,真理蕴含在我们的行动里。我坚信如果有许许多多的普通人拿出行动来支援我们创造一个   :谱写生命的乐章   Suppose someone gave you a pen —a sealed, solid-colored pen.   假如有人送你一支笔,一支不可拆卸的单色钢笔。   You couldn"t see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few words or last just long enough to create a masterpiece or several that would last forever. You don"t know before you begin.   你无法看出里面究竟有多少墨水。或许你刚写上几个字,墨水就用完了;或许里面的墨水足够用来创作一部不朽钜著或是几部。但这些在你动笔之前是无法预知的。   Under the rules of the game, you really never know. You have to take a chance!   在这样的游戏规则下,你永远无法预知结果。你只能去碰运气!   Actually, no rule of the game states2 you must do anything. Instead of picking up and using the pen, duanwenw you could leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up, unused.   事实上,这个游戏里没有规则指定你必须要做什么。相反,你甚至可以根本不去动用这支笔,而是把它扔在书架上或是抽屉里让它的墨水干枯   But if you do decide to use it, what would you do with it? How would you play the game?   但是,如果你决定要用它的话,你会用它来做什么呢?你将怎样来进行这个游戏呢?   Would you plan and plan before you ever wrote a word? Would your plans be so many that you never even started writing?   你会不会老是做计划,一个字也不写?你会不会由于计划过于巨集大而来不及动笔呢?   Or would you take the pen in hand, plunge right in and just do it?   或者你拿起笔就一头扎进去,一直写个不停?   Would you write cautiously and carefully, as if the pen might run dry the next moment, duanwenw or would you pretend or believe or pretend to believe that the pen will write forever?   你会小心谨慎地书写,仿佛这支笔在下一刻就可能会干枯;还是相信或假装相信这支笔能够永远写下去而信手写来呢?   And of what would you write: Of love? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing? Everything?   你会写下些什么呢:爱?恨?喜?悲?生?死?虚无?万物?   Would you stay in or on the lines, or see no lines at all, even if they were there?   你会写线上内还是线上,还是根本看不到线,即使有线在那里?   There"s a lot to think about here, isn"t there?   这里面有许多东西要考虑,对不对?   Now, suppose someone gave you a life...   现在,假如有人给你一支生命的笔……   
2023-06-19 23:43:341

求2008高考疯狂英语 一篇关于海伦:凯勒的文%E

那本红色的,是有关高考复习的:Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) was an American author, activist and lecturer. She was the first deafblind person to graduate from college. The story of how Keller"s teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become known worldwide through the dramatic depictions of the play The Miracle Worker. What is less well known is how Keller"s life developed after she completed her education. A prolific author, she was well traveled, and was outspoken in her opposition to war. She campaigned for women"s suffrage, workers" rights and socialism, as well as many other progressive causes
2023-06-19 23:44:004


以其发明者,约瑟夫.鲁夫特和哈里顿.英格拉姆的名字命名的约哈里之窗,是描述建立信任的最为有效的模型。一个由四块玻璃拼成的“窗口”将人的意识分为四个区:开放区,隐秘区,盲目区和未知区。分隔这四块玻璃的线如同窗户的遮光帘--它们可以随着交流的进行而移动。我们将自己的隐秘区向他人开放以建立信任,这样我们就成了一个开放的窗口。(摘自《论人类行为》,约瑟夫 鲁夫特。mayfield 出版公司,1969)1 开放区。自己知道,他人也知道的信息。这个窗口里应该有什么样的信息呢(例如你有多高,你的发型,你戴不戴眼镜)?2 隐秘区:自己知道而他人不知道的信息。当我们打开了这扇窗,就意味着我们想与他人分享一些关于我们自己的信息。 坦诚可建立信任。这个窗口里又会有什么信息呢(例如宗教信仰,政治倾向,恐惧的事物及梦境)?3 盲目区。关于自我的他人知道而自己不知道的信息。当你向别人开放了这个窗口,你就会在你与他人之间建立信任。你可以决定何时,何地,如何以及多长时间一次地接收这种反馈。这个窗口里会有什么信息呢(例如,简单来讲,你牙齿上有菠菜叶;更严肃点的,你在会议上讲得太多了,或者你很容易让别人感到放松。)4 未知区。自己不知道,他人也不知道的信息。这是个彼此发现,合作,和获得意外惊喜的区域--是“幸运的巧合”。未来就在这个窗口里。这个窗口里是我们在与他人互动和建立关系时会发现的关于别人以及关于自己的信息。比如有什么呢?彼得 哈尼和阿兰 玛弗得发现了四种主要的学习风格(经验型,理论型,反思型和实用型)。专注于你所偏爱的学习风格,你可以试着将这种学习风格运用到学习新东西的过程中。如果你更在意你自己本身的学习风格,你很有可能会更容易更快地学习到新的东西。你也有可能了解到为什么其他人更喜欢用别的方法去学习。实际上,大多数人的学习风格不止一种。在思考自己如何才能更有效率地学习之前,最好先找到自己最主要的学习风格。
2023-06-19 23:44:071


  社会活动,就是某个人参加的有关社会上各行各业或者某一社会性质问题调查或走访的活动,具有以社会为媒介的性质,是基于“社会”这一事物而产生的。那么你知道社会活动用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下社会活动的英语说法吧。   社会活动的英语说法1:   social activities   社会活动的英语说法2:   social events   社会活动的相关 短语 :   参与社会活动 Participate in social activities   社会活动家 social activist   社会活动中心 center of social life   个人社会活动 Personal social activities   社会活动的英语例句:   1. Community involvement is now integral to company strategy.   参与社会活动如今已是公司战略中必不可少的内容。   2. An exam, or even an exciting social event may produce butterflies in the stomach.   一场考试,甚至是一次令人兴奋的社会活动,都有可能让人心里发慌。   3. Women can use their own surnames and given names and participate in production and social activities.   妇女有独立的姓名权,有参加社会生产和社会活动的自由.   4. Their wives, too, were unhappy for the same reasons and gave up their social activities.   他们的妻子也同样为此郁郁不乐, 终止了一切社会活动.   5. This no doubt was a great frustration, since he had led such an active public life.   这无疑是一件令他感到非常失意的事, 因为他过去一向非常活跃地从事社会活动.   6. That bank responsible for sponsoring a social programme does not wallow in self - glory.   银行不要因为承担了赞助社会活动的责任而自我陶醉.   7. Students are now taking active part in social activities.   学生们现在正积极参加社会活动.   8. Its main task was organizing cultural and social activities.   它的主要任务是组织 文化 与社会活动.   9. The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.   大厅给婚礼和其他社会活动提供了场所.   10. Other social activities provide experiences in the political and judicial world.   其他的社会活动使我积累了政治和司法世界的 经验 .   11. Social activities can serve as a bridge between theory and practice.   社会活动是理论联系实际的桥梁.   12. The youth of today are very positive in social activities.   现在的年轻人对社会活动很积极.   13. I often take part in some social activities to accumulate experience.   我经常参加一些社会活动来积累经验.   14. Don"t let social activities distract you from your study.   不要让社会活动影响你的学习.   15. All social activities are related with benefit and benefit pursuing any exception.   人类的全部社会活动,都莫不与利益和对利益的追逐有关.
2023-06-19 23:44:151


She is kind.她非常和蔼。
2023-06-19 23:44:2415

martin luther king 英文简介

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was anAmericanpolitical activist, the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement, and a Baptist minister. Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equaltreatmentfor different races, he received the Nobel Peace Prize before he was assassinated in 1968. He was posthumouslyawarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter in 1977, the Congressional Gold Medal in 2004, and in 1986, MartinLuther King Day was established in his honor. King"s most influential and well-known speech is the "I Have A Dream" speech.
2023-06-19 23:45:071


在tahrir 广场我问一位社会活动人士,ahmed,在组织抗议活动方面,因特网扮演什么角色,他说“网上搞组织活动很重要,因为活动人士不用组织会议进行讨论,在网上就可进行讨论,并做出决定,而且,组织会议很可能被警察驱散”,
2023-06-19 23:45:251


问题一:心形用英语怎么说 心形 1.heart-shaped diamond 2.heart 3.shape of my heart 4.cardioid面心;形心 1.centroid 2.westbank centroid心形的 1.cordiform 2.heart心形线 1.cardioid心形线;心形的 1.cardioid 问题二:爱心用英语单词怎么说 英语里没有专门表达爱心的说法,就看你表达的主要是爱还是心,如果是跟情感有关,用love就可以,如果是心形的东西或者心本身,就用heart. 问题三:爱心形状用英语怎么说 heart-shaped 问题四:显示某人的爱心用英语怎么说 show one"s love 问题五:“有爱心的” 用英语怎么说? 1.(有热情; 有兴趣) enthusiastic; ardent; earnest; w搐rmhearted;Caring: 热心传授技术 make earnest efforts to pass on one"s skill; 热心提倡 enthusiastic about promoting; 热心科学 eager to promote science; 热心为顾客服务 warmheartedly serve the customers; 热心防止环境污染的人士 eco-activist2.(热情) enthusia *** ; earnestness; ardour; zeal 问题六:“爱心”用英语怎么说 yer yet. Your employer? Yes, I"m Mrs. Owen"s secretary. 问题七:心英语怎么说 heart 问题八:"有爱心的"用英语怎么翻译 benevo亥ent [be"nevu30fbou30fblent || -nt] adj. 仁慈的, 有爱心的, 厚道的; 行善的, 慈善的; 亲切的, 善意的 问题九:富有爱心的,用英语怎么说 kind-hearted
2023-06-19 23:45:321


原文:费孝通是我国著名的社会学家和社会活动家,他1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭,2005年4月24日因病于北京逝世。Fei xiaotong is China"s famous sociologists and social activist, he 1910 November 2, born in a wealthy family, April 24, 2005 in Beijing because of illness, died原文:他在大学的时候,先从事于医学学习后又改行。。He was in the university, first engaged in medical profession after studying again原文:费孝通在1930——1935年于 Yenching University学习,之后到英国继续深造,期间写了著名的Peasant Life in China,并由此获得博士学位Fei Xiaotong in 1930--1935 year in Yenching the University study, continues to England to pursue advanced studies afterwards, period has written famous Peasant Life in China, from this and obtains the doctorate 原文:1938年后,费孝通曾任教于清华大学和北京大学Thirty-eight years later, fei xiaotong taught to qinghua university and Beijing university 原文:费孝通一生致力于社会科学研究,促进中国农村经济发展Fei xiaotong devoted his life to social science research, promoting China"s rural economic development
2023-06-19 23:46:046


The great journey of learning伟大的学习之旅Malcolm X was an African-American civil rights activist, religious leader, writer, and speaker. Born in 1925, he was mysteriously assassinated in 1965. By the time of his death, his own telling of his life story, The Autobiography of Maclcolm X, had been widely known. He was born Malcolm Little into a poor household. Later, he took the name Malcolm X after joining an organization called the Nation of Islam, a religious group that had changed major practices and beliefs of mainstream Islam to apply more specifically to the condition of African-American people in the United States in the early 1960s.马尔科姆·艾克斯是一位非裔美国民权活动家、宗教领袖、作家和演说家。他生于 1925 年, 1965 年被神秘地暗杀。在他去世之前,他对自己生平的自述——《马尔科姆·艾克斯自传》已闻名遐迩。他出生于一个贫民家庭,取名马尔科姆·利特尔。后来,他加入了一个叫“伊斯兰民族”的组织,之后改名为马尔科姆·艾克斯。“伊斯兰民族”是个宗教团体,它改变了美国主流伊斯兰教的一些主要的习俗和信仰,使之更适用于 19 世纪 60 年代早期非裔美国人的特定情况。Malcolm X learned about the Nation of Islam while in prison for committing criminal acts such as theft. Because he was poorly educated, he felt inadequate to teach his new beliefs to others. As a young man, he could sketch his thoughts with poor grammar and little vocabulary using the simple, unsophisticated language of people on the street. As an adult, when he tried to inform people about his new beliefs at a rally, he found that he didn"t have the adequate communication skills he needed. In his own words, he "wasn"t even functional".马尔科姆·艾克斯因当时犯有诸如偷窃等罪而入狱。他在监狱里得知了“伊斯兰民族”组织。由于没有受过良好的教育,他在向别人传授他的新信仰时感到力不从心。作为一名年轻人,他可以用草根语言来概述自己的想法,语言简单、粗浅、语法差劲,且词汇贫乏。可作为一名成年人,当他在大型公众集会上向人们阐述他的新信仰时,他发觉自己缺少了所需的语言交流技能。用他自己的话说,他“甚至没有这个功能”。In a bid to increase his knowledge and improve his skills, desperate Malcolm X devised a scheme. He turned to books, believing this would be beneficial. However, when he tried to read serious books on his own, he was distressed as he didn"t know most of the words. "They might as well have been in Chinese," he wrote. He skipped all the words he didn"t know and then would end up with no clue as to what the book was about. "became frustrated," Malcolm X wrote in his autobiography, speaking of his inadequate language skills.为了增长知识,提高沟通技能,深陷绝望的马尔科姆·艾克斯为自己制定了一个计划。他决定求助于书籍,相信书会使他受益匪浅。可是当他试图阅读一些严肃的书本时,他不禁倍感苦恼,因为大部分的词他都不认识。他写道:“这些书还不如是用中文写的。”他跳过了所有不认识的词,可是最终他全然不知这本书里写了什么。马尔科姆·艾克斯在他的自传里谈到他贫乏的语言技能时是这样写的:“我变得沮丧起来。”
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