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warming up 是什么意思?

名词 n. 1. 准备运动;准备活动以下结果来自互联网网络释义 warming-up1. (发动机)暖机.预热进口汽车维修技术英语词典A-Z[洛阳信息港...warming-up (发动机)暖机.预热http://bbs.ly.ha.cn/d...warming up1. 加热,升热光电英语词汇(W) | 英语迷warming up 加热,升热http://www.enfans.com... 2. 暖机焊接专业关联词汇(机械专业W-Z)


"Warming up" 在教案中加连字符和不加的区别可以从以下两方面进行解释:用法和含义上: "Warming-up" 是一个名词或形容词短语,通常指某个活动之前的预备活动或准备工作,例如体育活动前的热身运动。如果在教案中使用 "Warming-up" ,通常是指课程开始前的活动或任务,用于帮助学生逐渐进入学习状态,提高学习效果。而 "Warming up" 则是一个动词短语,指进行热身或准备活动的具体行为,例如做一些简单的运动或游戏等。如果在教案中使用 "Warming up" ,通常是给出具体的行动指令。书写格式上: 教案通常是规范的文档,书写格式较为固定。有些情况下,可能会要求将短语中的单词连写成为一个单独的词,以增强短语的表达力。在这种情况下, "Warming-up" 就是 "Warming up" 的连字符形式,用于表示 "Warming-up" 这个名词或形容词短语在教案中必须强调。而在其他情况下, "Warming up" 就是 "Warming up" 的普通形式,用于描述具体动作或行为,不需要在书写时添加连字符。

warming up 意思是??求指点。。

warming up:现在分词短语表示正在暖身, 正在加热。例如:He is warming up before the match.他正在做比赛前的活动。It"s important of warming up the engine before driving.驾车前加热引擎是很重要的.

英语warming up什么意思?

warming up热身

英文warming up是什么意思

这个词组原型是warm up1. warm up的确属于动副词组。该短语中的warm作动词时,兼有及物动词和不及物动词两者理解。1)warm做及物动词时,意思是“使...温暖/暖和/活跃/热烈”,所以此时短语为warm sb/sth/oneself up.如果是本意“使...变暖”时,则up可以省略;但是如果warm...up如果表示引申义“使更活跃/使更激动/使更热烈/使作准备活动”时,则up一般不省略。2)warm做不及物动词时,则短语为(sb/sth)warm up,即指“某人/某物(自己)/暖和起来/更活跃/更激动/更热烈/作准备活动”时,不用被动语态。做本意时此up可以省略,做引申义时则up一般不省略。2. 同理,wake sb up中的wake为及物动词,这个up也可以省略。如:The noise woke me. = The noise woke me up. 那闹声把我唤醒了。wake up做不及物动词时,表本意“醒来”时,up可以省略;wake up表引申义“引起注意/认识到/觉悟/活跃起来/更感兴趣”时,up一般不省。如:I woke at the sound of the alarm clock. = I woke up at the sound of the alarm clock.闹钟一响我就醒了。

warming up是什么意思

warming up [词典] [化] 暖机,暖管; 热身[例句]In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event一个小时后车手们将做好准备参加这项重要的赛事。

“warming up”意思是?

暖机,暖管。warming up,读音:英 [u02c8wu0254:miu014b u028cp]常用词组:热身运动:做热身运动Warming Up加热:机械专业英语词汇 ...warming up 暖炉,暖机,暖管;加热,预热warming-up condensate drain-off connections 启动疏水装置.加温:warmer 取暖器warming up 加温warmth 暖;热情;亲切;激动造句:Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging.先慢跑热热身,免得拉伤肌肉。Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up.热身时卡尔腰椎间盘不慎错位了。The soup is warming up on the stove.汤正在炉子上热着。Food prices will go up because of global warming?食品价格会因为全球变暖而上涨吗?Warming up is very important for a triathlon.热身对三项全能运动是很重要的。Try wagging your tailbone or warming up by raising your fur.试着摇摇尾骨或者通过抬高皮毛来热身。

warming up是什么意思

warming up生词本[u02c8wu0254:miu014b u028cp][化] 暖机,暖管网 络热身运动;热身活动;加热;加温双语例句1. Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging. 先慢跑热热身,免得拉伤肌肉。2. Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up. 热身时卡尔腰椎间盘不慎错位了。3. The soup is warming up on the stove. 汤正在炉子上热着.4. In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event. 一个小时后车手们将做好准备参加这项重要的赛事。5. Carrie related the incidents of the rehearsal , warming up as she proceeded. 嘉莉把排戏中发生的事一五一十地告诉他, 说着说着情绪高涨起来.

英语翻译这电饭煲上面的英文翻译一下.Start,reheat,keep warm,hrs,Min,timer,?

start: 开始 reheat: 重新加热 keep warm: 保温 hrs: 小时 min:这个可以是minute(分钟)的缩写,也可以是minimum(最小)的缩写,这里既然是跟在小时附近的话因该就是分钟了吧 timer: 计时器 quick cook: 快煮 nasi lemak: 椰浆饭, 是马来西亚的一种饭,先把饭浸在椰浆里后再把饭拿去蒸,一般来说用不到的 sushi: 寿司饭 slow cook: 满煮 porridge: 这个是煮粥的,13,英语翻译 这电饭煲上面的英文翻译一下.Start,reheat,keep warm,hrs,Min,timer,quickCook,nasilemak,sushi,slowCook,(1h)porridge,词量比较多

cool hot warm cold 这些单词在小学几年级教过??

上海一年级 就教了吧

找出下面四个单词中的不同类:cool warm cold sunny

sunny吧 理由形容天气很好 别的是不是下次你形容温度的 我不确定啊

单词cold 、warm、 cool、 hot 、weather,并用这几个词各造一个句子?

What"s the weather like in your countryuff1fIt is hot in summer .And it"s cold in winter.It is quite warm inside.In autumn, it is fine and cool.


cold是自来水的温度,warm30⑷0度,hot是60度。 查看原帖>>


cool hot的反义词才是cold

差一个同类的英语单词~ cool,cold,hot,warm,类似的英语单词还有哪些?还差一个.




cold. cool. hot. warm,他们四个当中哪一个,不同类?


cold cool warm hot 区分的标准

cold是寒冷的意思,cool是凉爽的意思,warm是温暖的意思,hot是炎热的意思。这是两对反义词。 扩展资料   The old feel the cold more than the young.   老年人比年轻人怕冷。   The cylinder is cooled by a jet of water.   气缸可用喷水冷却。   You"re always sure of a warm welcome there.   到了那里你肯定会受到热烈欢迎。   Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.   把手伸进去看看水有多热。

cool cold warm 分别是什么意思?

cool凉,凉爽的 cold 冷的 warm 温暖的


hot, cold, warm, cool是形容词,表示温度或热度的程度或状态。它们不是名词或动词


这种词都是人体感觉相关的, 你一定要用温度来衡量么,那就没什么意义了 这些都是相对的 比如说,你发烧39°,大夫摸你的头,如果他手的温度本来就很高,那他觉得很温暖,如果他手温正常,那他觉得hot,这些都是相对的.不需要温度来衡量




sunny:天气晴朗的,阳光充足的,和煦的; warm:天气暖和的,温暖

somewhere 是不定代词还是不定副词? somewhere warm,这个词组中somewhere是什么词?

答案是:somewhere 既是不定代词又是不定副词,要看它在句中的作用和与其它词语的关系.例句:(1)I must find my key somewhere.(我定要在某个地方找到我的钥匙.)这里是不定副词,修饰动词 find.(2)John comes fr...

the host greeted us with warm _____(greet)



work不同,or读[ɜ:]fork 中的 or 与warm 中的 ar 读[ɔ:]

在写英语教案中应该写warming up 还是warm up? lead in 还是leading in?3q

Warming up

lead in 和warm up谁在前面

warm up和lead in可以认为是先后紧紧连在一起的两个环节,前者为后者做铺垫。好的warm up为成功lead in奠定基础。

warmup与lead in的区别是什么?

教学法中warm up和lead in的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.warm up意思:(机器或引擎)预热,(使)启动;(使)活跃起来,(使)兴奋起来,暖场。2.lead in意思:引导入内,导入二、用法不同1.warm up用法:warm up是属于热身环节。是一个刚入门的老师备课环节。目的就是要讲完课后对要对你当堂课所讲知识进行再一次重复,让学生了解这堂课的主要知识点。2.lead in用法:lead in导入,好的导入是好的课程一半,导入方式可以很多种,要新颖,有趣,点题、热身环境是属于本课知识点的初级了解阶段。三、侧重点不同1.warm up侧重点:侧重于将对象引入到教学环境中,类似开场白,开场语。2.lead in侧重点:侧重于将注意力引入到讲解的内容中,并且做铺垫。

warmup与lead in的区别是什么?

教学法中warm up和lead in的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.warm up意思:(机器或引擎)预热,(使)启动;(使)活跃起来,(使)兴奋起来,暖场。2.lead in意思:引导入内,导入二、用法不同1.warm up用法:warm up是属于热身环节。是一个刚入门的老师备课环节。目的就是要讲完课后对要对你当堂课所讲知识进行再一次重复,让学生了解这堂课的主要知识点。2.lead in用法:lead in导入,好的导入是好的课程一半,导入方式可以很多种,要新颖,有趣,点题、热身环境是属于本课知识点的初级了解阶段。三、侧重点不同1.warm up侧重点:侧重于将对象引入到教学环境中,类似开场白,开场语。2.lead in侧重点:侧重于将注意力引入到讲解的内容中,并且做铺垫。

warm up和lead in的区别是?

教学法中warm up和lead in的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.warm up意思:(机器或引擎)预热,(使)启动;(使)活跃起来,(使)兴奋起来,暖场。2.lead in意思:引导入内,导入二、用法不同1.warm up用法:warm up是属于热身环节。是一个刚入门的老师备课环节。目的就是要讲完课后对要对你当堂课所讲知识进行再一次重复,让学生了解这堂课的主要知识点。2.lead in用法:lead in导入,好的导入是好的课程一半,导入方式可以很多种,要新颖,有趣,点题、热身环境是属于本课知识点的初级了解阶段。三、侧重点不同1.warm up侧重点:侧重于将对象引入到教学环境中,类似开场白,开场语。2.lead in侧重点:侧重于将注意力引入到讲解的内容中,并且做铺垫。

warm up和lead in的区别是什么?

教学法中warm up和lead in的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.warm up意思:(机器或引擎)预热,(使)启动;(使)活跃起来,(使)兴奋起来,暖场。2.lead in意思:引导入内,导入二、用法不同1.warm up用法:warm up是属于热身环节。是一个刚入门的老师备课环节。目的就是要讲完课后对要对你当堂课所讲知识进行再一次重复,让学生了解这堂课的主要知识点。2.lead in用法:lead in导入,好的导入是好的课程一半,导入方式可以很多种,要新颖,有趣,点题、热身环境是属于本课知识点的初级了解阶段。三、侧重点不同1.warm up侧重点:侧重于将对象引入到教学环境中,类似开场白,开场语。2.lead in侧重点:侧重于将注意力引入到讲解的内容中,并且做铺垫。

warmup与lead in的区别是什么?

教学法中warm up和lead in的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.warm up意思:(机器或引擎)预热,(使)启动;(使)活跃起来,(使)兴奋起来,暖场。2.lead in意思:引导入内,导入二、用法不同1.warm up用法:warm up是属于热身环节。是一个刚入门的老师备课环节。目的就是要讲完课后对要对你当堂课所讲知识进行再一次重复,让学生了解这堂课的主要知识点。2.lead in用法:lead in导入,好的导入是好的课程一半,导入方式可以很多种,要新颖,有趣,点题、热身环境是属于本课知识点的初级了解阶段。三、侧重点不同1.warm up侧重点:侧重于将对象引入到教学环境中,类似开场白,开场语。2.lead in侧重点:侧重于将注意力引入到讲解的内容中,并且做铺垫。

英语老师备课中warming up和 lead in区别

我按剑桥的来说吧Warming Up的意思是预热Lead in的意思是开始


warm up和lead in可以认为是先后紧紧连在一起的两个环节,前者为后者做铺垫。好的warm up为成功lead in奠定基础。有时不注意的话就有可能看成是一个环节。 扩展资料 warm up的主要作用是将对象引入到教学环境中,类似开场白。lead in是要将注意力引入到讲解的内容中,并且做铺垫。

教学法中的warm up和lead in有什么区别

warm up和lead in可以认为是先后紧紧连在一起的两个环节,前者为后者做铺垫。好的warm up为成功lead in奠定基础。有时不注意的话就有可能看成是一个环节。


He+us+warm+very+day+at+the+school+gateGreat和warm怎?===============没有句子呀。希望得到补充。勤学好问 天天进步!

soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~happy kitty sleepy?

软软的小猫,温暖的小猫,毛茸茸的像小球~快乐的小猫,熟睡的小猫,呼噜噜噜噜噜~歌名是Soft Kitty by Matt LeDoux and Magick 美剧《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory 里有该歌的一些片段作为插曲,可以去看看该剧.,4,软软的kitty,暖暖的kitty,就像一团小毛球~~开心的kitty,瞌睡的kitty,呼噜呼噜呼噜~~,0,soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~happy kitty sleepy kitty pur pur pur~中文意思

歌词为“soft kitty,warm kitty,little ball of fur…”


soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur

soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur~~happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr~~

drink warm liquids为什么表示液体的liquid要加s

liquid这个词通常是不可数名词 liquids的形式表示多种液体 如There is some liquid in the jar There are many liquids in the bottles on the table

The weather in Beijing is warmer than______in in Harbin winter. A it Bthat C one D this

B that

climate change and global warming 英语作文

The Global Warming People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years.Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree(无雪的) winters.Drought lasts longer in some dry areas.People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer daysg. The side effects of global warming are alarminS.A warmer global climate melts the ice caps,raising sea levels.What is more,it disturbs weather patterns,causing droughts,severe storms,hurricanes (飓风).People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming. To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts.We hope the situation will soon change.Global warming catches and holds our concern,for it affects us and will affect our later generations.We cannot wait any longer.Do it.Do it right.Do it right now.

what is global warming?


take a warm shower是什么意思


The Warmth of the Sun 歌词

歌曲名:The Warmth of the Sun歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:Greatest Hits: 50 Big OnesWhat good is the dawnThat grows into dayThe sunset at nightOr living this wayFor I have the warmth of the sun(Warmth of the sun)Within me at night(Within me at night)The love of my lifeShe left me one dayI cried when she saidI don"t feel the same wayStill I have the warmth of the sun(Warmth of the sun)Within me tonight(Within me tonight)I"ll dreams of her armsAnd though they"re not realJust like she"s still thereThe way that I feelMy love like the warmth of the sun(Warmth of the sun)It won"t ever die(It won"t ever die)http://music.baidu.com/song/55397898

The consequences of global warming: 请用英文列举,越详细越好。

effects include rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and warming of the ocean surface, leading to increased temperature stratification.

Warm on a Cold Night -honne 歌词和中文翻译 谢谢

Ok, it"s 3:17 AM现在是凌晨3时17分You"re tuned in感谢您的收听with your main man Tommy Inglethorpe我是Tommy InglethorpeThis next song"s gonna keep you接下来这首歌希望能伴你Warm on a cold, cold night度过这个寒冷的夜晚So if you don"t got a lover如若你此刻独身一人just close your eyes请闭上眼睛And listen to Honne.让鼓膜跟紧honne。Like a rabbit in headlights就像是聚光灯下的兔子They"re stunned by all your charm他们屏息叹然于你的魅力And I feel so damn lucky而我何德何能To have you on my arm能这样把你拥入怀里And I can"t help but wonder我也时常回望感叹How we ended up alright在最后我们也能如此契合投欢And I love you like no other可我深知自己是多么爱你Cause this has never felt so right从未有过这样美妙的感觉Yeah You can keep me warm on a cold night冰冷的夜晚因你而变得温暖Warm on a cold cold night满溢着温暖Yeah You can keep me warm on a cold night冰冷的夜晚因你而变得温暖Warm on a cold cold night温暖了这个冷涩的夜晚I want to treat you something special我想倾尽所有Give you what you deserve我明白你值得我这样做I want to take you to paradise也想把你扔进五零款的梅赛德斯(benz)In a 1950"s Merc让你欲罢不能And I can"t help but wonder我也时常回望感叹Just how we ended up alright在最后我们也能如此契合投欢and I love you like no other我已经难以自拔And this has never felt so right但从未感觉如此绝妙You can keep me warm on a cold night就好像在寒夜有你相伴Warm on a cold cold nigh满溢着温暖Yeah You can keep me warm on a cold night就好像在寒夜有你相伴Warm on a cold cold night满溢着温暖Girl you can keep me warm你所给过的感受You can keep me real warm都是如此的真实There"s just one thing有些事我知道,我真的知道Girl you could have anyone周围的一切你都唾手可得So why you choosing me但你却选择了我And not leaving me on my own而不是放任我一人孤独Girl you could be with anyone亲爱的,你本该配得上更好的人So thanks for making me your number one感谢你,让我成为你的唯一You can keep me warm on a cold night冰冷的夜晚因你而变得温暖Warm on a cold cold night满溢着温暖Yeah You can keep me warm on a cold night就好像在寒夜有你相伴Warm on a cold cold night温暖这个冷冽的夜晚Yeah Wrap me up and keep warm on a cold night抱紧我Warm on a cold cold night驱散心中的寒冷Oh yeah you can keep me warm on a cold night让我随你一起Warm on a cold cold night燃烧这个冰冷的夜晚

what can we do about global warming?


what can we do about global warming?

Global Warming and the Greenhouse EffectThe Earth is kept warm by it"s atmosphere, which acts rather like a woolly coat - without it, the average surface temperature would be about -18 degrees Centigrade. Heat from the sun passes through the atmosphere, warming it up, and most of it warms the surface of the planet. As the Earth warms up, it emits heat in the form of infra-red radiation - much like a hot pan emits heat even after it"s taken away from the cooker. Some of this heat is trapped by the atmosphere, but the rest escapes into space. The so-called "greenhouse gases" make the atmosphere trap more of this radiation, so it gradually warms up more than it should, like a greenhouse (although a greenhouse actually does this by stopping warm air rising and escaping from it).What Causes The Greenhouse Effect?There are some natural greenhouse gases: water vapour, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. However, over the past fifty years, production of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane has risen sharply, and a new type of chemical - the chlorofluorocarbon, or CFC - has been introduced as a refrigerant, solvent and aerosol propellant, but it is also a very powerful greenhouse gas, because it can trap a lot of radiation - one molecule of CFC is 12,000 to 16,000 times as effective at absorbing infra-red radiation as a molecule of carbon dixide.This graph shows how much each gas contributes to the greenhouse effect, taking into account how much of it there is and how much radiation it can absorb.The carbon dioxide comes mainly from burning fossil fuels in power stations, which also causes acid rain. It is also created by living animals breathing, and is naturally converted by plants back to oxygen. However, deforestation is reducing the planet"s carbon dioxide absoring capability. Nitrous oxide is a by-product of nylon production, and is also released by fertiliser use in agriculture. The extra methane is produced in coal mining, natural gas production and distribution (natural gas is methane), and waste disposal. One fifth of all methane generated by human activity comes from microbial decay of organic material in flooded rice fields.What Causes The Greenhouse Effect?There are some natural greenhouse gases: water vapour, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. However, over the past fifty years, production of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane has risen sharply, and a new type of chemical - the chlorofluorocarbon, or CFC - has been introduced as a refrigerant, solvent and aerosol propellant, but it is also a very powerful greenhouse gas, because it can trap a lot of radiation - one molecule of CFC is 12,000 to 16,000 times as effective at absorbing infra-red radiation as a molecule of carbon dixide.This graph shows how much each gas contributes to the greenhouse effect, taking into account how much of it there is and how much radiation it can absorb.The carbon dioxide comes mainly from burning fossil fuels in power stations, which also causes acid rain. It is also created by living animals breathing, and is naturally converted by plants back to oxygen. However, deforestation is reducing the planet"s carbon dioxide absoring capability. Nitrous oxide is a by-product of nylon production, and is also released by fertiliser use in agriculture. The extra methane is produced in coal mining, natural gas production and distribution (natural gas is methane), and waste disposal. One fifth of all methane generated by human activity comes from microbial decay of organic material in flooded rice fields.The Greenhouse Effect - Possible SolutionsReducing use of fossil fuels would considerably reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced, as well as reducing the levels of the pollutants which cause acid rain. This can be achieved by either using less energy altogether, or using alternative energy sources. You can help save energy in lots of ways:* Turn off lights when you leave a room * If you have a car, don"t use it for short journeys * Get your parents to insulate their house properly * Basically, anything at all that uses less energy Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect." 123HelpMe.com. 27 Aug 2009

How can we help the earth aviod global warming?

The biggest cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels like oil and coal are burned for energy. So when we save energy we fight global warming (and save money of course). Here are some easy steps we can take: Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a pact fluorescent light bulb. Clean or replace filters on air conditioners. Choose energy efficient electrical appliances when making new purchases. Look for the Energy Star label on electrical appliances to choose the most efficient models available. Do not leave electrical appliances on standby (e.g. TV). Cover the pots while cooking. Use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full. Take a shower instead of a bath. Use less hot water. Be sure we are recycling at home (e.g. put bottles and c in recycle bins). Buy recycled paper products. Choose products that e with little packaging and buy refills when we can. Reuse shopping bags. Reduce waste. Plant more trees. Switch to green power (e.g. wind and solar power). Buy fresh foods instead of frozen food. (Frozen food uses 10 times more energy to produce.) Buy anic foods as much as possible. Eat less meat. If we need a car choose an efficient vehicle. Drive *** art. Get the engine tuned up and keep the tires inflated -- both help fuel efficiency. Drive less. When possible choose alternatives to driving (public trit biking walking carpooling) 参考: Geography notes Reuse energy 参考: shieley There are five categories of actions that can be taken to mitigate(=avoid) global warming: - Reduction of energy use (per person) - Shifting from carbon-based fossil fuels to alternative energy sources - Carbon capture and storage - Geoengineering including carbon sequestration - Birth control to lessen demand for resources such as energy and land clearing 参考: en. *** /wiki/Mitigation_of_global_warming

高三英语阅读atmosphere — and yet that carbon dioxide will not contribute to global warming. In a pr


global warming关键词3分钟英语演讲

global warmingGlobal warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earthu2019s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. Many cannot take the change, so they die.What is the greenhouse effect?The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sunu2019s heat and light is trapped in the earthu2019s atmosphere. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows, but it canu2019t get back out. This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it canu2019t get out. As a result, the temperature rises.The squiggle lines coming from the sun are visible light and the lines and arrows inside the car are infrared light. The sunu2019s heat can get into the car through the windows but is then trapped. This makes what ever the place might be, a greenhouse, a car, a building, or the earthu2019s atmosphere, hotter. This diagram shows the heat coming into a car as visible light (light you can see) and infrared light (heat). Once the light is inside the car, it is trapped and the heat builds up, just like it does in the earthu2019s atmosphere.Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on. Without it, the earth would be freezing, or on the other hand it would be burning hot. It would be freezing at night because the sun would be down. We would not get the sunu2019s heat and light to make the night somewhat warm. During the day, especially during the summer, it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter it, so people, plants, and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it, if there gets to be too many gases, the earth can get unusually warmer, and many plants, animals, and people will die. They would die because there would be less food (plants like corn, wheat, and other vegetables and fruits). This would happen because the plants would not be able to take the heat. This would cause us to have less food to eat, but it would also limit the food that animals have. With less food, like grass, for the animals that we need to survive (like cows) we would even have less food. Gradually, people, plants, and animals would all die of hunger. What are greenhouse gasses?Greenhouse gasses are gasses are in the earthu2019s atmosphere that collect heat and light from the sun. With too many greenhouse gasses in the air, the earthu2019s atmosphere will trap too much heat and the earth will get too hot. As a result people, animals, and plants would die because the heat would be too strong. What is global warming doing to the environment?Global warming is affecting many parts of the world. Global warming makes the sea rise, and when the sea rises, the water covers many low land islands. This is a big problem for many of the plants, animals, and people on islands. The water covers the plants and causes some of them to die. When they die, the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat. Although animals have a better ability to adapt to what happens than plants do, they may die also. When the plants and animals die, people lose two sources of food, plant food and animal food. They may also lose their homes. As a result, they would also have to leave the area or die. This would be called a break in the food chain, or a chain reaction, one thing happening that leads to another and so on. The oceans are affected by global warming in other ways, as well. Many things that are happening to the ocean are linked to global warming. One thing that is happening is warm water, caused from global warming, is harming and killing algae in the ocean.

人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching Aims:   In this class Ss will be able to   ① practice skimming and scanning for information needed like what are the two concerns and what are Earth Careu2019s suggestions.   ② Master the phrases such as: put up with, so long as, and so on, make a difference, have no effect on u2026 , by making sentences or by using them into the post er.   ③ become aware of the serious effects of global warming and the importance of saving energy to be environmentally friendly.   ④ Summarize the points according to their understanding.   ⑤ work together to design a poster by using the suggestions in the article.   教学重难点   Teaching Difficulties:   Students may find it hard to add more suggestions about how to save energy in our daily life and to summarize the points according to those suggestions. Students may not know clear what is a poster and how to design an attractive and persuasive poster in short time.   教学过程   Teaching Procedure:   Step1. Lead-in (individual & collective work)   1. Teacher begins the class by asking: Have you ever seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? and then let students enjoy a short movie clip with the following two questions:   ① What kinds of disasters have you seen in the film?   ② Can you guess how they came about (happen)?   2. introduce the topic: global warming. And then have a further question:   ①What other disaster will be caused by global warming?   【Designing Purpose】   To arouse studentsu2019 interest by watching the movie clip and educe the topic, that is global warming. And then by showing a lot of pictures, make students know and understand the terrible effects of global warming, thus making preparations for promoting environmental protection.   Step2. While Reading (Individual work)   Skimming: Go through the first letter to f ind:   ① who is the writer?   ② what are his two concerns?   Scanning: Read the second letter and answer the following questions:   ① Does Earth Care agree with Ouy ang Guangu2019s opinion that individuals can have no effect?   ② what are Earth Careu2019s suggestions?   ③ Can we carry those suggestions out? Why?   【Designing Purpose】   To help the students grasp the main information of the two letters by skimming and scanning. While stud ents get the answer to question1, ask them to find the supporting sentence : Together, individuals can make a difference. We do not have to put up with pollution. Guess the meanings of the two italicized phrases according to the surroundings and their understanding.   Step3. Post reading (Pair work)   1. Discussion: Make students discuss whether they can find more ways or suggestions about reducing carbon dioxide and saving energy in our daily life.   Suggested ways:   1) Use less hot water 7)Change a light bulb 8)Try car sharing   2) Take a shower instead of a bath   3) Buy fresh food instead of frozen   4) Buy things that are actually in season   5) Eat less high fat food like KFC and Macdonald   6) Clean filters(过滤 器) on your air conditioner.   【Designing Purpose】   To cultivate students to work in pairs and learn to summarize an opinion and share the knowledge of saving energy in daily life. To practice the ability of understanding the meaning of new words and expressions to remove the obstacles in reading.   Step4. learn what is a poster (collective work)   Know what is a poster by giving a simple sample and try to get the structure.   【Designing Purpose】   To know clearly a poster should have a heading, contents and an eye-catching slogan, which will make it easy for students to design an acceptable poster.   Step5. Prepare the poster (individual & group work)   1. Decide our content s:   ①Choose and decide five most important suggestions. (individual work)   ②Write them down on your paper and try to make them persuasive by using imperative   sentences. (individual work)   ③Compare your list with your group members and decide five for your poster. (group   work)   2. Slogan and heading: showing sample posters to help them decide a heading and a slogan for your poster.   【Designing Purpose】   This is the most important part of this writing task. Students will be able to summarize and compose sentences by choosing and organizing what they want to say, thus improving their writing ability and the process of output based on what they have learned in reading part. And by learning some sample posters to help them decide their own heading and slogan.   Step6. produce &show time (group work)   With the heading, slogan and ways, students will not find it difficult to make a poster. What they   Should pay attention is how to illustrate their poster and make it more attractive. And then choose several pairs to represent their posters.   【Designing Purpose】   Making the poster will improve their cognitive capability of the importance of environmental protection and at the same time they can enjoy a sense of achievement in show time. And they make believe that individuals can really make a difference.   课后习题   Homework:   Put their poster up around the school to make more students know about energy saving and global warming. Write a short passage to tell others how to solve the problem of global warming based on the suggestions you have collected and send it in your QQ zone or blog.   板书   板书设计:tsunami/ flood/   More suggestions: make full use of paper/ use both sides of paper   reuse water   limit the time of using private cars   send emails instead of cards   use less hot water   always take a shopping bag with you   drive a bicycle but not e-bicycle   人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching goals 教学目标   1. Target language 目标语言   a. 重点词汇和短语   energy, light (v.), heat (v.), renewable, non-renewable, fuel, blame, run out   b. 交际用语   Expressing agreement and disagreement   Yes, I agree with you.   Yes, I think so.   I believe that youu2019ve got it right.   I donu2019t think so.   I donu2019t think thatu2019s right.   Iu2019m afraid you are wrong.   2. Ability goals 能力目标   Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy and express their own ideas.   3. Learning ability goals 学能目标   Help the students learn how to give their ideas about the use of energy.   教学重难点   Teaching important points 教学重点   Enable the students to express agreement and disagreement.   Teaching difficult points 教学难点   Enable the students to learn how to express agreement and disagreement.   教学过程   Step ⅠRevision   T: Good morning, everyone.   Ss: Good morning, teacher.   T: Sit down, please. Before class, Iu2019ll check your homework first. Mary, would you read your homework to us?   Check the studentsu2019 homework and have a discussion with the students about the mistakes Mary made. Let the students have a clear understanding about the mistakes and then correct them.   Step ⅡWarming up   T: As we all know, we depen d on energy to do many things in our daily life. Some people even say we could do nothing without energy. Can you tell me what we use energy for?   Sa: Energy lights our cities.   Sb: Energy heats our buildings.   Sc: Energy entertains us. With the help of electricity, people have got a lot of fun from watching TV, playing computers and so on.   Sd: There are many other electrical appliances that make our life more convenient and comfortable such as washing machines, microwaves, air conditioners and so on.   Se: Today energy also helps people realize many so-called dreams in the past. For example, people can “fly” from one place to another by plane which runs on energy.   Sf: Itu2019s true. In fact, not only planes but also cars, ships and trains run on energy.   T: Well done. All that youu2019ve just said is right. So it seems that energy plays a very important role in the modern world. Then where does all the energy come from? Open your books and turn to page 25. Look at the pictures on this page. They may help you find out the answers.   After a while.   T: Whou2019d like to tell us your answers?   Sg: Wind power.   Sh: Coal power.   T: Right. Is there any difference between them?   Si: Yes. Wind will never run out while coal is a limited source.   T: Itu2019s true. As we know, an energy source is renewable when supplies of it never run out while some supplies, such as coal, will definitely run out one day. Energy of this kind is called non-renewable sources. Please think of as many sources as you can and decide which energy sources on your list are renewable and which are non-renewable.   If necessary, give some words related to the pictures which might be difficult for the students such as oil refinery, hydroelectric power and so on.   The teacher should also collect as much information about different sources of energy as possible and show it to the students in class through a computer. In this way, the students will become more interested in this topic and their knowledge on this aspect will be enlarged.   Sample answers:   Step Ⅲ Listening and Discussing   T: Fromwhat weu2019ve just talked about, it is clear that energy does a lot of good to us.But every coin has two sides. Is there any negative effect of using energy?   Sa: Yes.People use too much energy which is resulting in an increase in carbon dioxide.That is how the global warming comes about.   Sb: Andmeanwhile it pollutes the environment.   T: Itu2019strue. Many people have realized the problem. Next weu2019ll do some listeningpractice on this topic. Letu2019s see what other people think of this issue.   Thestudents are asked to read the questions quickly to find out the listeningpoints first. Then listen to the tape twice and give the correct answers.   T: Nowplease turn to page 31. Letu2019s do listening. Before you listen to the tape,please read fast the statements in Exercise 1 to find out the listening points.Pay much attention to the key points while listening.   Play thetape for the first time. Help the students get a general understanding aboutthe dialogue. The students listen and try to finish Exercise 1. Play the tapeagain, train the studentsu2019 ability to spot specific information and understandthe implication in the dialogue. The students listen and finish Exercise 2.   Severalminutes later.   T:Have you finished the exercises?   Ss: Yes.   T: OK,letu2019s check your answers.   Explainsome difficult points if necessary.   T: Nowread what Professor Chen and Li Bin say. Work in groups. Discuss who you agreewith and give reasons. Use some of the phrases listed in Exercise 2 or anyothers you know.   课后习题   Homework   1. Review the new words and expressions you learned in this class.   2. Preview Reading.

Topic: global warming

global warming, the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth"s lower atmosphere as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution. The temperature of the atmosphere near the earth"s surface is warmed through a natural process called the greenhouse effect. Visible, shortwave light comes from the sun to the earth, passing unimpeded through a blanket of thermal, or greenhouse, gases composed largely of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Infrared radiation reflects off the planet"s surface toward space but does not easily pass through the thermal blanket. Some of it is trapped and reflected downward, keeping the planet at an average temperature suitable to life, about 60°F (16°C). Growth in industry, agriculture, and transportation since the Industrial Revolution has produced additional quantities of the natural greenhouse gases plus chlorofluorocarbons and other gases, augmenting the thermal blanket. It is generally accepted that this increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases is trapping more heat and increasing global temperatures, making a process that has been beneficial to life potentially disruptive and harmful. During the past century, the atmospheric temperature has risen 1.1°F (0.6°C), and sea level has risen several inches. Some projected, longer-term results of global warming include melting of polar ice, with a resulting rise in sea level and coastal flooding; disruption of drinking water supplies dependent on snow melts; profound changes in agriculture due to climate change; extinction of species as ecological niches disappear; more frequent tropical storms; and an increased incidence of tropical diseases. Among factors that may be contributing to global warming are the burning of coal and petroleum products (sources of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone); deforestation, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; methane gas released in animal waste; and increased cattle production, which contributes to deforestation, methane production, and use of fossil fuels. Much of the debate surrounding global warming has centered on the accuracy of scientific predictions concerning future warming. To predict global climatic trends, climatologists accumulate large historical databases and use them to create computerized models that simulate the earth"s climate. The validity of these models has been a subject of controversy. Skeptics say that the climate is too complicated to be accurately modeled, and that there are too many unknowns. Some also question whether the observed climate changes might simply represent normal fluctuations in global temperature. Nonetheless, for some time there has been general agreement that at least part of the observed warming is the result of human activity, and that the problem needs to be addressed. In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, over 150 nations signed a binding declaration on the need to reduce global warming. In 1994, however, a UN scientific advisory panel, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, concluded that reductions beyond those envisioned by the treaty would be needed to avoid global warming. The following year, the advisory panel forecast a rise in global temperature of from 1.44 to 6.3°F (0.8–3.5°C) by 2100 if no action is taken to cut down on the production of greenhouse gases, and a rise of from 1 to 3.6°F (0.5–2°C) even if action is taken (because of already released gases that will persist in the atmosphere). A UN Conference on Climate Change, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 resulted in an international agreement to fight global warming, which called for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations. Not all industrial countries, however, immediately signed or ratified the accord. In 2001 the G. W. Bush administration announced it would abandon the Kyoto Protocol; because the United States produces about one quarter of the world"s greenhouse gases, this was regarded as a severe blow to the effort to slow global warming. Despite the American move, most other nations agreed later in the year (in Bonn, Germany, and in Marrakech, Morocco) on the details necessary to convert the agreement into a binding international treaty, which came into force in 2005 after ratification by more than 125 nations. Improved automobile mileage, reforestation projects, energy efficiency in construction, and national support for mass transit are among relatively simpler adjustments that could significantly lower U.S. production of greenhouse gases. More aggressive adjustments include a gradual worldwide shift away from the use of fossil fuels, the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons, and the slowing of deforestation by restructuring the economies of developing nations. In 2002 the Bush administration proposed several voluntary measures for slowing the increase in, instead of reducing, emissions of greenhouses gases.

求一篇英语作文,How to fight global warming?演讲稿格式的!如题

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China"s target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so grea

warmest regards是什么意思


nice and warm是什么意思


warm hospitality是什么意思?


英语连词连句 1) on,floor,music,the,is,room,second,the 2)is,today,warm,Beijing,It,in

1The music room is on the second floor2 It is warm today in Beijing3 Is this the doctor"s office?4How many books are there in your bags?5 What"s like the weather in Kunming

Rachel Goswell的一首歌叫Warm Summer Sun的歌词

warm summer sunbad news are fell over some ways todaydidn"t take that step forwardbad news are fell over some ways todaydidnt take that step forwardI stop chasing summer sunIt"s not really meI won"t waste my time on thisthat"s still me feelingI wanna see those autumn resco mad in bloom todayblessed away the green sound of summertake a walk down by the river of todaywatch where drifts flow down toi stop chasing summer sunit"s not really me i wont waste my time on thisthat"s not me feeling

so warmly welcomed was the voice of china ______ thousands of audience were

填 that. 你的句子的句型是so -- - that -- - - 结构,是结果状语从句。完整的句子可能是:So warmly welcomed was the voice of china __THAT____ thousands of audience were excited to tears the first time they heard it in Europe.



Our house will be cool in summer and warm in winter.为什么后面的warm不跟be动词,不是要和前面一样吗


warm hearted与enthusiastic区别

一个是热心 一个是热情洋溢的,满腔热情的 程度比前一个强烈

Love To Keep You Warm (Radio 1 Session Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Love To Keep You Warm (Radio 1 Session Version)歌手:Whitesnake专辑:LovehunterLove to Keep You Warm (Andy Peebles Radio 1 Session)WhitesnakeLove HunterIf you want love, you gotta be coolAnd if you deny it, then baby you"re a foolI"m telling you now, don"t you hide it awayBecause you need to keep you warm both night and dayI could come home late at nightAnd after some loving, baby, it would be alrightI"ve given up trying lying my wayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayI said, baby, if you need my loveYou better come home with meMaybe if you want my loveYou know you got it easilyBut, when the sun goes down, and the night is coldYou know I won"t be far awayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayIf you want schooling baby, I"ll be aroundI"m ready for fooling, but, don"t hang aroundAnd every morning I know you will sayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayI said, baby, if you need my loveYou better come home with meMaybe if you want my loveYou know you got it easilyBut, when the sun goes down, and the night is coldYou know I won"t be far awayBecause you need love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayYou gotta have love to keep you warm both night and dayI said you need love to keep you warm both night and dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10414184

It becomes warmer.谁是系动词?

It becomes warmer.句子中becomes是系动词。

i light one more match to keep me warm


It was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is warm but not...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:D小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在一个晴朗的春天早上,布莱克先生看到公交站上站着个老人,手里拿着把雨伞。布莱克先生问老人是认为会下雨吗,老人说不是;又问他是因为太阳太晒了吗,老人也说不是。他拿雨伞的原因是把它用来当做拐杖,因为拿拐杖的话会让别人认为他很老了。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述It was a beautiful spring morning这是个美丽的春天早晨。故选A。小题2:细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is warm but not hot.天空没有一丝云,太阳很温暖但不热;故选C。小题3:细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella(雨伞)in his hand.一个老人站在公交站,手里拿着把大的粗壮的黑雨伞;故选D。小题4:判断推理题。根据文中第二段内容得知,老人的腿不是那么强壮,所以一定要有根拐杖,故选B,他拿着雨伞来当拐杖。小题5:判断推理题,根据文中第二段们描述,老人不想拿着拐杖,因为那会让别人说他很老了,所以他每天拿把雨伞;故选D,他不想别人说他老了。

It is warm and ___(rain) in spring.


cold , warm , hot ,cool的意思


When the temperature is below 0℃,the weather will be ___. A.freezing B.cold C.warm D.hot


the sun gives us light and warmth是主谓双宾还是主谓宾补


请问“今天是最温暖的一天”。怎么翻译,Today is the most warm daY还是TODAY IS A WARMEST DAY

Today is the most warm day

what van we do about global warming文章?



warm的最高级,意思为温暖的。greet的进行时,意思为问候,迎接,招呼hug意思为紧抱;拥抱;怀抱doubtly应该是doubtless,意思为无疑地,必定地separate意思为分隔;分割;使分离;使分散[(+from/into/off/up)]gathered应该是gatherer意思是名词 n.收集者;采集者uncertain意思为不明确的;含糊的;不确定的


地球变暖 跟global-warming全球变暖差不多吧


rain 雨 all 都 autumn 秋天 star 星星 party 派对 聚会warm 温暖 quarter 刻 一刻钟


这种词都是人体感觉相关的, 你一定要用温度来衡量么,那就没什么意义了 这些都是相对的 比如说,你发烧39°,大夫摸你的头,如果他手的温度本来就很高,那他觉得很温暖,如果他手温正常,那他觉得hot,这些都是相对的.不需要温度来衡量

warm characterization 怎么翻译

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