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分式方程怎么去分母.怎样找公分母??? 因式分解我会关键因式分解完了找公分母 谢谢了 小号没多少分

把公分母提出 如(x+1) (3x+3) (5x+5) 因式分解x+1 3(x+1)5(x+1)找共有的 (x+1)乘一个 不共有的1,3,5找最小公倍数 用公倍数15乘共有的(x+1)得15(x+1)就可以了,望采纳,谢谢!


等字有几种用法:1.表示列举未完。运用情况是:被省略的部分或因不重要或不必要而不一一列出,或因知道得不确切而无法说出。2.表示列举后煞尾。这种用法的“等”,后面经常带有前列各项总计的确切数字。你 说的情况属于第二种。助词“等”常用于书面语,放在两个或两个以上并列的词或短语之后,其作用有二:1.表示列举未完。运用情况是:被省略的部分或因不重要或不必要而不一一列出,或因知道得不确切而无法说出。2.表示列举后煞尾。这种用法的“等”,后面经常带有前列各项总计的确切数字。例如:①我国有长江、黄河、黑龙江、珠江等四大河流。②六年来我们学习了语文、数学、思想品德、历史、地理、自然常识、音乐、美术、体育等九门课程。例①②中的“等”字后都带有前列各项总计的确切数字,这种用法的“等”字可以去掉而不影响原意的表达。









今天的睡前故事时间又到了。 好了,宝贝们今天的故事讲完了。要乖乖睡觉哦(汉译英)

Bedtime story time again today. Well, kids today finished his story. Darling sleep well .希望可以帮助你。


OK,I"ll check and let you kown. ok,I"ll give you my feedback after check it through.


Umbrella(Matte Remix)


that is ok and i will give the feedback after check.


我们刚刚开完了会We just left the meeting.


finish (reading) without any stop


I finished that book yesterday.


We just completed the meeting.我们刚刚开完了会

你画完了那幅画没有? 汉译英

You finished the painting not?


中:在晚饭前他看完了这部小说。英:He finished reading the fiction before supper.


完成时Have you finished reading?一般时Do you finish reading?


你好!小猫吃完了鱼The cat ate fish


He has memorized/remembered/recited two thousand/2000 words.

中译英 他工作干完了才去睡觉

He finished the job in the work before going to bed


I have just done my exam. Good luck to myself.当然,西方人并不会真的说祝我好运。更加普遍的说法是 God bless me. 意思是上帝保佑。


He has already finished reading it..


其实汉译英和英译汉差不多, 只是汉译英的时候需要注意词汇的位置, 翻译时不要以中文次序去翻译,要注意英文的次序 而且句与句之间要加连贯词,使文章有连贯性。 平常多练习就应该差不多了,






毕业论文.... 你还是本科英语专业的..? 用得着这样子吗?


你去其他的国家应该还是属于国际生的范畴,毕竟你的护照还是属于中国的 ,不过你有一个本科的学术背景,可能在语言上会有一定的优势,有的学校可能会免去你的雅思或者托福成绩~~


He had dinner in a hurry and then went back to school希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~


I"m sorry to say that i lost the book which you lend me recently.I say sorry to you from my deep heart! It"s really a good book,i think,and i will buy another one to you!It will never happen again!


位置名称: 售卖专家 (SWG) 量:30 操作位置: 北京,上海,广州,沈阳市,济南,郑州,西安 ,杭州,南京,武汉,成都, 深圳 工作范围: 售卖专家负责直接地对客户卖 IBM 软件产品。 他们被指定为他们持有对引导售卖周期的时期是必需的售卖和技术上的专长特定的机会。 对于分配的机会,售卖专家负责关售卖和肯定地用诺言和提供挤入客户的满足。


just do it


完了 英语怎么说

over or The End


  在什么时候,我们会使用完了的英文,那个时候我们是什么心情?下面是我给大家整理的完了的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   完了的英文是什么   come to an end; be over   完蛋了 be doomed   完了的英语例句   1. I managed to get all the ironing done this morning.   我今天上午努力熨完了所有的衣服。   2. Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out.   情况越来越糟糕,贮备物资也快用完了。   3. We were breathing really fast, and using the air up quickly.   当时我们呼吸非常急促,很快就要把空气用完了。   4. When they reached his house, Scobie idled a bit, finishing his cigarette.   他们到他家后,斯科比闲逛了一会儿,抽完了他的香烟。   5. "Have you read the whole book?" she asks, gimlet-eyed.   “整本书你都读完了吗?”她目光敏锐地问道。   6. By now the plane was running out of fuel.   现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了。   7. This horse made light work of the cross-country course.   这匹马轻松地跑完了越野赛程。   8. She flicked through a romantic paperback between occasional dips in the pool.   用在泳池里游一阵后歇一阵的几个空当,她翻完了一本平装本言情小说。   9. Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec.   菲莉丝·史密斯控制好速度,用51.32秒跑完了比赛,获得了参赛资格。   10. In half an hour"s whirl of activity she does it all.   经过半个小时的忙碌,她全都做完了。   11. In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over.   晚上我回来告诉菲莉丝我们之间完了。   12. Barnes also knows that he is fast running out of time.   巴恩斯也知道他的时间很快就要用完了.   13. We had lots before but now we"ve run out.   我们以前有很多,但是现在已经用完了。   14. He nevertheless completed the film with breathtaking speed.   但他还是以惊人的速度拍完了这部电影。   15. This relationship is on its last legs.   这段关系已经快玩儿完了。   come to an end的双语例句   1. Unfortunately, like all good things, it had to come to an end.   然而不幸的是天下没有不散的宴席.   2. The meeting has come to an end.   会议结束了.   3. Flowers fade when they come to an end.   花儿开过就凋谢了.   4. After man, if he could come to an end, there would be nothing.   在人类绝迹后 —— 如果人类有一天会绝迹的话 —— 也没有什么会再存在.   5. The world will come to an end when an icy winter will seize the earth.   一旦寒冷的冬天笼罩地球,世界的末日就到来了.   6. Don"t cry because it come to an end, smile because it happend.   不要为他的结果而哭, 应当为他的发生而笑.   7. When the water is empty, feelings also come to an end.   当水空了, 感情也就走到了尽头.   8. Now the award ceremony has come to an end.   颁奖仪式到此结束.   9. Yeah. Our trip about to come to an end, and.   好了, 我们游览就要结束了, 有机会欢迎大家再来.   10. But all good things must come to an end, as they say.   但正如人们所说,天下没有不散的筵席.   11. As the Chinese say, All feasts must come to an end.   就如中国人说的: “天下无不散的宴席. ”   12. For when my days have come to an end.   总有一天,我的性命将抵达尽头.   13. The life of any hit product will come to an end someday.   任何成功产品的寿命总有一天会结束.   14. Mr Smith: " All good things must come to an end. "   史密斯先生: “ 天下没有不散的筵席. ”   15. Linkage as the mobility of the recovery may come to an end.   作为联动,流动性回收工作可能告一段落.   


over finish 都可以


完了的英文是finish。 英 ["fɪnɪʃ]  美 ["fɪnɪʃ]    v. 完成;结束;最后加工;用完n. 结束;完成;最后一层涂饰例句:When do you finish your college course?翻译:你什么时候完成大学课程?用法v. (动词)1、finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。2、finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。扩展资料:近义词end 英 [end]  美 [end]    n. 结束;末端;目标;死亡;部分;终点站;端点;半边球场;剩余物,残余;过世v. 终止,结束例句:The battle finally brought the war to an end.翻译:这一仗使这场战争终告结束。用法n. (名词)1、end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end还可作“目的”解,是可数名词,说“达到目的”时常可与accomplish,achieve,attain,compass,gain,obtain,reach,secure,win等动词连用。end作“结局”“结果”解时可加不定冠词。



最近看完了《慈悲城》里面人物描写很立体 书荒 求推荐类似高质量文笔好的小说 不一定是黑道文






用sell out 造句 电影票几乎快要卖完了

Movie tickets are almost sold out

表示售完 用sell out ,sold out? 比如我和朋友说 那个东西已经卖完了.该用哪个?

要用被动式,因为是被买完的. 那本书已经买完了:That book has been sold out.




Requiescat in pace拉丁文 也就是现在说的 riprest in peace


This is to certify that XXX, passport number (XXX) for the employees of our company since 2009 July, worked so far, good work performance; current director of sales, monthly income (after-tax) RMB Wu Qian Wu Bai circle (CNY 10500). Application of Zheng Minzhi from August 15, 2013 to September 15th at their own expense to the country tourism resort, and ensure compliance with local laws and regulations in your country, scheduled to return after the holiday. Our company has been granted leave of absence, and for its reserve position and salary. Please help to handle the visa procedures.If you have any questions, please contact our company及其准确的!请楼主相信我


呕吐的时候,要观察呕吐物的颜色及形态,才能在看病的时候让医生更清楚的知道狗狗到底怎么了,如果吐出来的东西是白白的,很粘,粘到象一陀泡芙,或是像喝冰咖啡时在上面加的Cream,而且粘到可以一拉就全部拿起来,这种东西,是唾液,大多数是食道的问题,如食道异物(食物卡在食道内,通常是骨头居多数),或是心脏的先天性疾病—永存性右动脉弓,这点可以由医生的检查得知!如果吐出来的是食物,而且又马上把食物吃回去,之后就没事了,这样的呕吐是属于生理性的呕吐,也就是类似反刍的呕吐,这样的呕吐是不必看医生的。如果呕吐物的颜色是透明或是白白稀稀的,这就是胃液,也就是胃分泌的胃酸,这类的呕吐以急性胃炎的情况为最长见,但是如果吐完以后就正常的,可以先不看医生,只要禁食12小时就可以了,如果呕吐持续,那还是要看医生,因为也有可能是胃肠道阻塞异物等等问题或是是肝脏问题或是肾脏问题或是胰炎所引起的呕吐!如果呕吐物的颜色是黄黄绿绿的,那代表的是胆汁被吐出来了,通常看到这种颜色的呕吐是要看医生的!因为这代表的状况就很多了,除了上述的肝肾胰等问题以外,还有胃肠道的溃疡问题!还有一种状况是吐出来的是黄黄绿绿的,但是多发生在尚未进食之前,而且吐完以后狗狗整天都正常,这就是胆汁呕吐症候群如果吐出来的呕吐物颜色为咖啡色,不是饲料或是食物的颜色,而是胃液的颜色是咖啡色的时候,这就代表着胃部有出血,最常见的是胃溃疡及十二指肠溃疡!如果是鲜红色,那么别再犹豫了,这是急性出血,快快送医吧!整体看来,虽然狗狗常常在呕吐以后就若无其事的样子,其实除了生理性的呕吐问题以外(反刍),最好都带去医院看看,如果加强轻微的只要吃吃药就可以了,但是如果觉得它看来还满好的,而不带它去医院看的话,它可能会由单纯的发炎转而变成严重的溃疡或是出血,到时候的难受的却是你心爱的狗狗了!犬最好不吃骨头,尤其是鸡鸭类的尖锐骨头。因为犬吞入这些带有尖角或锐边的骨头容易造成胃内黏膜损伤,进步可发展成急性胃溃疡,病犬突然现要是是拉浠的话~~~不吐~大便无血应该是消化问题.泡"参苓白术散"(冲剂)给它喝,我家狗狗到是会喝呢~两天搞定~~~平时少喂一点,感觉吃多了丢颗乳酸菌片给它吃吃~不是大问题~LZ不要急狗狗有多大了,如是幼犬可喂小儿痢宝(庆大霉素颗粒!1岁以后可喂诺氟沙星胶囊.另处婴儿素,乳酸菌素,乳酶生片都可以,根椐不同情况是消化不好还是细菌感染,消化药不要和抗菌素同时喂,间隔1到2小时.我的经验仅供参考.呕吐、不食、腹痛等急性症状,延误治疗会发展为慢性胃溃疡。mydogislovely 2008-5

韩国的afreecaTV怎么注册!我下的是中文版的 按照步骤做完了就是不行啊



很简单了,像我的cs1.5下载安装cs1.6后也会变成cs1.6。 同类软件的升级吧,只有御载后才安装新的,要用旧的时再把新的御载掉,然后再安装旧的。

英语单词填空 悬赏分用完了 不好意思

1 lighted 2belonging 3was crying




方式一:用回调的方式,将要执行的方法放在异步函数的回调方法里面方法二:promise了解下,结合async, awit,将异步方法,写成同步方法。


Have you finished your homework?重点词汇解释finish 英 ["fɪnɪʃ]  美 ["fɪnɪʃ]    v. 完成;结束;最后加工;用完n. 结束;完成;最后一层涂饰When do you finish your college course?你什么时候完成大学课程?用法v. (动词)1、finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。2、finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。3、finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“...…完了,...…停止,...…结束”。

我一口气读完了一本书 用英语怎么说

I finished reading a book in one shot





用ACDSSEE 改变我动图大小 改变完了怎么不动了



Fifth, English emotion pedagogy significance 1st, influences student"s emotion sentiment The sentiment mainly includes the moral intention, the reason feeling and the esthetic sense, it is stable and the implicit emotion, is the individuality category, is in a person individuality structure constituent. Develops the student good individuality, includes the lofty sentiment naturally the raise. But in lofty sentiment"s raise, the moral intention influences is one of thought moral education primary coverages, exactly said that it involves in the student personal character “the emotion” the ingredient raise. Its one in the emotion teaching, the teacher can through do missionary work by the sentiment, the display emotion"s infection function, lets the student obtain the positive moral intention the mood experience. The teacher through the rich expression"s explanation, reappears the moral intention which in the teaching material content contains, causes the student to obtain, the moving feeling clearly, and has the corresponding mood experience from this; The teacher infects the student through own moral intention in the concrete teaching situation"s performance, causes it to have the corresponding mood experience. Second, in the emotion teaching, the teacher can blend through the teachers and students emotion, initiates student"s moral emotion. Initiates student"s emotion directly through the emotion migration function, lodges the sentiment Yu Xing performance through the teacher, causes the student to feel the world personal the noble moral sentiment. 2nd, strengthens student"s study enthusiasm Regardless of being takes in the teaching domain the traditional topic, the realistic topic, how does arouse student"s study enthusiasm, is the most important question which throughout the school teacher faces. The teacher not only need control the cognition information content which outputs to the student and present the way, moreover must try to adjust the student interior cognition processing condition. Although this question mainly with student"s academic motivation stimulation with raise related, but because the emotion teaching has displayed emotion each kind of function fully in the teaching function, can also enhance student"s study enthusiasm through the following two aspects. Its teacher can through learn through playing, the display emotion"s power function, enhances student"s study enthusiasm. The emotion power function tells us, the emotion has universally the potency which to person"s behavior activity increases the strength or tries. This generally performance is, when a person mood surges upward, the emotion tends the display increases the action of force, but works as when fall in the blues, then tends reduces the action of force. The implementation learns through playing the principle, is lying in establishes the student joyful - interest the emotion to increase the action of force. In the teaching practice may see that when the student full joyful lies within the interest mood carries on the study, often can cause the attention maintains high centralized and the long time stability, activities and so on observation, memory and thought the direction which needs toward the teaching positively will also launch, presents the total involvement investment the enthusiasm and overcomes each kind of difficult courage which in the study appears. Second, the teacher blends through the teachers and students emotion, arouses student"s study enthusiasm. This is also the teachers and students interpersonal relationship to a student learning activity influence important aspect. The good teachers and students emotion relations, can enhance student"s study enthusiasm to a great extent, otherwise, will then dampen the study enthusiasm, this will be because, the teachers and students emotion relations, first will affect the teacher to the student the manner and the expectation, and aware or not on own initiative displays in teaching activity each aspect, will cause the student to obtain the different feeling.

