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我正在等待你 zou好好学习,


I am waiting for you. 我在等着你.




Right Here Waiting



waitingforyou.along.time 汉语是 什么意思

waiting-for-you-along-time等待你的时间 双语例句1. I am waiting for you at Time coordinate cafe!不见不散,我在时间坐标.来自互联网2. His excellency the President will be waiting for you in the hall.总统阁下会在大厅等你。来自柯林斯例句3. There"ll be a car waiting for you.会有辆汽车等你。来自柯林斯例句查看更多权威例句1. There"s a glass of wine waiting for you.来自THETIMES2. Not a mass market product for a long time.来自BBC3. The thrill of playing it for the first time?来自BBC




你说的那句歌词应该是“all my live I"ve been waiting for,I"ve been praying for”出Matisyahu演唱的《One day》中文名字《终有一天》。歌曲原唱:Matisyahu;作词:Mr.P;作曲:Matisyahu;音乐风格:雷鬼乐;歌曲语言:英语。歌词(附中文翻译):sometimes I lay有时候我躺着under the moon(躺)在月光下and thank God I"m breathing感谢上帝让我还继续呼吸着then I pray然后我祈祷don"t take me soon别这么快把我带走cause i"m here for a reason因为我留在这是有原因的sometimes in my tears I drown有时候,我沉溺在我的眼泪中but I never let it get me down但是我从不被此击垮so when negativity surrounds所以每当被消极的情绪包围着I know some day it"ll all turn around我知道,总有一天,一切都会好转because因为all my live I"ve been waiting for我这一生所等待的I"ve been praying for我一直为之祈祷的for the people to say为了让人们说that we dont wanna fight no more我们不想再打仗there"ll be no more wars再也没有战争了and our children will play我们的孩子将开始玩耍one day x6有一天 ×6it"s not about不再是关于win or lose赢或输we all lose我们都输了when they feed on the souls of the innocent当他们以无辜的灵魂为食blood drenched pavement鲜血淋湿道路keep on moving though the waters stay raging继续前进 穿过水流 保持愤怒in this maze you can lose your way (your way)在这个迷宫里你会迷路(你的路)it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)它也许会让你发疯 但是别让它吓得你无路可走(无路可走)sometimes in my tears I drown有时候,我沉溺在我的眼泪中but I never let it get me down但是我从不被此击垮so when negativity surrounds所以每当被消极的情绪包围着I know some day it"ll all turn around我知道,总有一天,一切都会好转because因为all my live I"ve been waiting for我这一生所等待的I"ve been praying for我一直为之祈祷的for the people to say为了让人们说that we don"t wanna fight no more我们不想再打仗了there"ll be no more wars再也没有战争了and our children will play我们的孩子将开始玩耍one day x6有一天×6one day this all will change有一天这些都将改变treat people the same对所有人一视同仁stop with the violence停止暴力行为down with the hate不再有仇恨one day we"ll all be free有一天我们都会自由and proud to be都会骄傲under the same sun都会为站在同一个太阳下(而感到骄傲)singing songs of freedom like唱着自由的歌就像one day x4有一天×4all my live I"ve been waiting for我这一生所等待的I"ve been praying for我一直为之祈祷的for the people to say为了让人们说that we don"t wanna fight no more我们不想再打仗了there"ll be no more wars再也没有战争了and our children will play我们的孩子将开始玩耍one day x6有一天×6for the people to say为了让人们说that we don"t wanna fight no more我们不想再打仗了there"ll be no more wars再也没有战争了and our children will play我们的孩子将开始玩耍one day x6有一天×6


歌曲:Right Here Waiting歌曲原唱:理查德·马克斯填词:理查德·马克斯谱曲:理查德·马克斯歌词Oceans apart day after day海隔一方,日复一日And I slowly go insane我开始恍惚I hear your voice on the line你的声音在线可闻But it doesn"t stop the pain但哪能消解心中愁闷If I see you next to never倘若此生不能相见How can we say forever何能誓说海枯石烂Wherever you go任凭天涯海角Whatever you do任凭天马行空I will be right here waiting for you此生为你守候Whatever it takes莫道付出天大代价Or how my heart breaks莫道我心破碎I will be right here waiting for you为你此地守候I took for granted all the times我曾一直笃信That I thought I would last somehow你我能共度良宵I hear the laughter I taste the tears我内心窃喜But I can"t get near you now我孤芳自赏Oh can"t you see it baby哦亲爱的,你哪能不知?You"ve got me goin" crazy让我身心如此癫狂?Wherever you go凭天涯海角Whatever you do任凭天马行空I will be right here waiting for you此生为你守候Whatever it takes莫道付出天大代价Or how my heart breaks道我心破碎I will be right here waiting for you为你此地守候I wonder how we can survive好想知晓,如何安享此情此爱?This romance这种浪漫But in the end if I"m with you但倘若有一天能回到你身边I"ll take the chance我会奋不顾身Oh can"t you see it baby哦亲爱的,你哪能不知?You"ve got me goin" crazy让我身心如此癫狂?Wherever you go任凭天涯海角Whatever you do任凭天马行空I will be right here waiting for you此生为你守候Whatever it takes莫道付出天大代价Or how my heart breaks莫道我心破碎I will be right here waiting for you为你此地守候Waiting for you为你守候歌曲背景:Right Here Waiting是美国歌手理查德·马克斯(Richard Marx)创作并演唱的一首歌曲。理查德·马克斯(Richard Marx)第一次巡回演出时,爱妻辛西娅·罗德斯去拍片已3个月,由于签证问题,理查德无法前去探望辛西娅,他感到非常郁闷。这时,他的朋友说:“你郁闷的时候会写出最好的歌曲。”于是,理查德坐在钢琴旁,在一种强烈的冲动下,只用了20分钟就写完了《此情可待》创作,这首歌成为广为流传的经典情歌。在海湾战争期间,这首歌在美国成了亲朋分别时相互告慰、互祝平安的歌曲。


waiting for you正在等待,用于现在进行时wait for you一般用于将来时都是同一个短语前面是现在进行时时态不一样




此情可待 Right here waiting