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转录组测序数据77× coverage什么意思

coverage是cover的名词形式。可以解释为“覆盖范围”, 也可以引申为一些经济上的术语。

在ArcGIS10.2 中如何创建coverage文件

现在初步了解到大概用到的下面的接口和类:IEngineEditorIEngineEditTaskIEngineEditLayersIEngineEditEventsIEngineEditPropertiesControlsEditingSketchToolClassControlsEditingEditToolClassControlsEditingCopyCommandClassControlsEditingPasteCommandClassControlsEditingClearCommandClass现在使用 IEngineEditor、IEngineEditTask、IEngineEditLayers这三个接口,再加上Command命令和Tool可以是实现新建要素、复制、剪切、黏贴、删除、移动要素。下面说明一下我实现新建图形功能的思路:1、根据workspace和map开启编辑。2、设置目标图层。3、设置编辑操作的任务类型。4、激活SletchTool,ControlsEditingSketchToolClass。5、这时就可以在AxMapControl中画图形了。图形的点线面类型,SletchTool工具会根据目标图层的类型自动识别。使用了全局变量IEngineEditor,保证在其他的模块该变量的值private IEngineEditor m_EngineEditor = new EngineEditorClass();private void btnNewFeature_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if(m_engineEditor.EditState==esriEngineEditState.esriEngineStateNotEditing){//Start editing the workspace of the first feature layer found.//设置编辑的WorkSpace和编辑对象图层ILayer currentLayer = mMap.get_Layer(0);if (currentLayer is IFeatureLayer){IFeatureLayer featureLayer = currentLayer as IFeatureLayer;IDataset dataset = featureLayer.FeatureClass as IDataset;IWorkspace workspace = dataset.Workspace;m_engineEditor.StartEditing(workspace, mMap.Map);((IEngineEditLayers)m_engineEditor).SetTargetLayer(featureLayer, 0);SetCurrentTask(ref m_engineEditor, "新建要素");}}}/// /// 设置编辑的任务类型/// /// /// 自己命名的任务名称public static void SetCurrentTask(ref IEngineEditor pEngineEditor, string taskName){IEngineEditTask edittask;if (pEngineEditor.EditState == esriEngineEditState.esriEngineStateEditing){switch (taskName){case "新建要素":edittask = pEngineEditor.GetTaskByUniqueName("ControlToolsEditing_CreateNewFeatureTask");if (edittask != null){pEngineEditor.CurrentTask = edittask;}break;case "修改图形":edittask=pEngineEditor.GetTaskByUniqueName("ReshapePolylineEditTask_Reshape Polyline_CSharp");if (edittask != null){pEngineEditor.CurrentTask = edittask;}break;case "修改要素":edittask= pEngineEditor.GetTaskByUniqueName("ControlToolsEditing_ModifyFeatureTask");if (edittask != null){pEngineEditor.CurrentTask = edittask;}break;}}}删除、复制、黏贴的功能,将m_EngineEditor 置于开启编辑的状态后,直接调用下面的命令就好了ControlsEditingEditToolClass //用于选择要素对像ControlsEditingCopyCommandClassControlsEditingPasteCommandClassControlsEditingClearCommandClass撤销和重做的功能/// /// 撒消编辑/// /// IMap 地图对象public void MapUndoEdit(IMap m_pMap){IEngineEditProperties ep = new EngineEditorClass();ILayer m_pCurrentLayer = ep.TargetLayer;if (m_pCurrentLayer == null) return;IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer;IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;if (pDataset == null) return;IWorkspaceEdit pWorkspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)pDataset.Workspace;bool bHasUndos = false;pWorkspaceEdit.HasUndos(ref bHasUndos);if (bHasUndos)pWorkspaceEdit.UndoEditOperation();IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap;pActiveView.Refresh();}/// /// 重做/// /// IMap 地图对象public void MapRedoEdit(IMap m_pMap){IEngineEditProperties ep = new EngineEditorClass();ILayer m_pCurrentLayer = ep.TargetLayer;if (m_pCurrentLayer == null) return;IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer;IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;if (pDataset == null) return;IWorkspaceEdit pWorkspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)pDataset.Workspace;bool bHasUndos = false;pWorkspaceEdit.HasUndos(ref bHasUndos);if (bHasUndos)pWorkspaceEdit.RedoEditOperation();IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap;pActiveView.Refresh();}



请问生物测序中的de novo genome assembly是什么意思?还有coverage?


保险学院里作业homeowners coverage

承担100000美元*daniel carelessly spills a can of black paint while painting her bedroom and badly damages a wall to wall carpet.丹尼尔不小心泄漏一罐黑漆而画自己的卧室,严重损害了地毯。*water backed up from a clogged drainpipe,flooded the basement,and damaged some books stored in a box.*背水从堵塞的排水管,地下室被淹了,并损坏了一些书籍存放在一个盒子。*daniel"s house is destroyed in a hurricane.her valuable doberman pincher,bowser,was killed in the storm.丹尼尔的家在一个hurricane.her宝贵的杜宾狗,摧毁库巴,在风暴中丧生。*smoke from an industrial plant damaged daniel"s house and it must be repainted at a cost of $3,000.*从工业厂房破坏了丹尼尔的房子,它必须重新粉刷了耗资3000美元的烟。*daniel went on a vacation where a thief broke into her hotel room and stole her jewelerry,money,clothes,and an airline ticket.丹尼尔去度假了,一个小偷闯进了她的酒店房间偷走了她的jewelerry,钱,衣服,和一张机票。*daniel"s son hit a line drive baseball through the living room window,costing $800 to replace*丹尼尔的儿子击出棒球通过客厅的窗户,耗资800美元更换

怎么使用 code coverage 查看覆盖率

使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib) 1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录 emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入 2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/ 修改启语句   使用 emma 2.1 (emma-stable-2.1.5320-lib)   1. 新建 /home/q/java/emmalib 目录 emma.jar 与 emma_ant.jar 放入   2. 复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/   修改启语句   nohup java -Xmx1800M -Xms800m -Xbootclasspath/p:/home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseParallelGC -server -classpath "$jarFile" com.qunar.common.mobileArc.MobileServer conf/ conf/ >> $LOG_HOME/error.log 2>&1 &   复制 /server/bin/mobileserver/   添加覆盖率导命令   插入 emma 统计代码   使用root账号   1. 备份mobileserver.jar   cp /server/TripAssistant/mobile-server.jar $MOB_JAR_BAK/mobile-server.jar.{$timestamp}   2. 执行插入命令   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma instr -m overwrite -cp mobile-server.jar -out coverage.em   输:   EMMA: processing instrumentation path ...   EMMA: instrumentation path processed in 3117 ms   EMMA: [1000 class(es) instrumented, 126 resource(s) copied]   EMMA: metadata merged into [/server/TripAssistant/coverage.em]  3. 运行mobileserver   sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/ && sudo sh /server/bin/mobileserver/    /server/mobileserverlog/error.log见:   EMMA: collecting runtime coverage data ...   EMMA: runtime controller started on port [47653]   emma control 进程已启  [ /server/mobileserverlog]# netstat -na | grep 47653  tcp 0 0* LISTEN 20926/java  4. 执行 覆盖率文件导命令  java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma ctl -connect localhost:47653 -command coverage.get,   见输:   EMMA: processing control command sequence ...   EMMA: executing [coverage.get (,true,true)] ...   EMMA: coverage.get: local copy of coverage data merged into [/server/TripAssistant/]   EMMA: coverage.get: command completed in 79 ms   EMMA: control command sequence complete   并且前目录文件  5. 报告  java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in coverage.em,  指定源代码产覆盖率报告(需先传源码)   java -cp /home/q/java/emmalib/emma.jar emma report -r html -in /server/TripAssistant/coverage.em,/server/TripAssistant/ -Dreport.html.out.file=mycoverage/coverage.html -sp /home/liang.zhou/mob_code_dir/mobs_trunk/src/main/java  emma 式启 mobserver   ==================================   1. 判断mobserver.jar size 于5M 已插入 于5M未插入(需要执行插入)   2. 执行插入   3. 启  4. 检查启状态  47653 端口打   mobileserver 进程打  emma 式停止 mobserver  ==================================   1. 检查47653端口打状态, 检查coverage.em否存   2. 导覆盖率文件, 备份coverage.em (加间戳)   3. 导覆盖率HTML report (加应间戳)   4. kill mobserver 进程   ls -lt mobile-server.jar   判断 $? == 0  判断mobile-server.jar size否于 5M  #!/bin/bash   function stop_mob_server(){   #!/bin/bash   function stop_mob_server(){   pid=`ps aux | grep MobileServer | grep -v grep | awk "   Unknown macro: {print $2}   "`   ` kill -9 $   Unknown macro: {pid}   `   sleep 1   echo "Stop mobileserver success."   }   #判断 emma ctl 否启   port_check_result=`netstat -na | grep 47653 | awk "   Unknown macro: {print $1}   "`   if [ -z $   Unknown macro: {port_check_result}   ]; then  echo "Emma ctl port 47653 is not LISTEN. export operation aborted."   else   #emma ctl 启状态导, 并备份至 /home/q/mobsrv_cov   if []   fi

在ArcGIS10.2 中如何创建coverage文件

ArcGIS DeskTop是不可以创建coverage数据的,如果想要创建coverage数据并进行相关编辑处理,需要在ArcInfo workstation下面处理,最高版本10.0,以后的版本不再更新了。在ArcGIS DeskTop下面可以通过Toolbox 里面的转换工具(Conversion Tools->To Coverage)将shp文件转换成coverage格式数据。



eclipse coverage变色怎么关闭

依次点“window--show view--other”搜cov,点击open

coverage 与reporting的区别

coverageKK: []DJ: []n.1. 覆盖,覆盖范围2. 保险项目(或范围)3. 信贷准备金4. 新闻报导reportingKK: []DJ: []n.1. 报导


连在一起的意思还是? 连在一起是 没有网络覆盖 分开是 no,network,coverage不,没有;网络;覆盖





在影视行业 Coverage 是什么意思


arcgis 10 里怎样创建coverage格式的文件

工具,coverage tool 里选择create coverage



eclipse coverage变色怎么关闭


coverage 和reporting 的区别

reporting [简明英汉词典][ri5pC:tiN]n.报告coverage [简明英汉词典][5kQvEridV]n.覆盖




区别:1)Cover”作名词时的含义及翻译在说明邮寄情况的句子中,含义是“一个信封,一次邮寄”,可译为“用信件、用邮件、函”等。常用的短语有in one cover(附在信中, 随函邮寄);under separate cover(另函邮寄或另行邮寄);under registered cover(挂号信邮寄,挂号函)和in a separate cover(另函或另函包内)。例如:The negotiating bank should send all documents in one cover to our international division.议付行应将所有单据用信件一次性寄交我方国际贸易部。We are sending you under separate cover by airmail some sales promotional literatures.兹另函航邮寄上一些促销资料。2)Coverage”为“cover” 的另一个派生词,作名词,主要用于保险场合,其含义是“保险、险别、投保”,如:Risks & Coverage 险别increasing coverage , extending coverage 加保renewing coverage 续保We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport.我公司可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。



Run Away (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Run Away (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Chicago专辑:Chicago 13Thriving Ivory - RunawayI am more than you know,street lights and open roadsI am more than a face,stuck living in one placeSo call me CaliforniaCall me what you willCause I am bigger than this place,And so far from aloneI don"t believe in your hate"cause these scars are gonna fadeSo pour me out like water,and soak me up like rainLike a runaway,spend these night counting starsLike a runawayAnd maybe I could call this home tonightLike a runawayI whisper all these secrets,to a blank page on a lineI said we don"t speak like lovers,and my words are dripping with wineSo call me CaliforniaCall me what you will"Cause I"m bigger than this placeAnd so far from aloneLike a runawayspend these night counting starsLike a runawayAnd maybe I could call this home tonightWhen burning bridges won"t come downLike symphonies without a soundI spend these nights counting starsAnd wonder if there"s hope for me out there, out thereLike a runaway,spend these night counting starsLike a runawayAnd maybe I could call this home tonightLike a runawayspend these night counting starsLike a runawayAnd maybe I could call this home tonight

有一首英文歌 歌词里有down down 歌词最后还有every every 或者是ever ever 女的唱的并且是快歌 跪求!!


across,over,between,off,along,in,on.into,out of,under有什么区别?

小品词词类判断 什么叫小品词? 小品词就是副、介同形的单词,由于在句中的作用不同,词性也就不同。在没有搞清是介词,还是副词的时候,就称之为“小品词”。【理解要领】※介词、副词形一样,句中作用不相同,介词后面要宾语,副词后面宾不用。※介词要和动一起,副词可与动分开;及物动词加副词;不及物动词加介词,加了介词相当于及物动词。1. 常用介、副同形的单词有:in onupdownoffoutoveralongbythroughacrossroundacrossroundnearbeforebehindpastsinceunder最难区别的几个小品词:in onupoutoffdownoverthroughalongby2. 介词、副词的区别方法:【判别方法】 He got off the bus /at the corner.(按照意群来划分,bus是off的宾语,所以这里的off是介词)  他在拐角处下了公共汽车。 He get off /at the corner.(按照意群来划分,off后面没有词,所以这里的off是副词)  他在拐角处下车。I found him in. (in后没有名词,它就是副词。)我发现他在里面。I found him /in the room. (按照意群来划分,in是和the room联系在一起构成介词短语的,所以它是介词。)我发现他在室内。3. 副词的不同使用方法【副词使用方法】这种副词两边分,有的跟动词联系紧;有的句末单独行。可跟动词一起构成短语动词的副词in onupdownoffoutoveralongbythroughacrossround只能放在句末使用的副词beforebehindpastsinceundernear更多例句:They were here/ before six.(介词)  他们6点之前在这里。He has done this sort of work before.(副词)  他以前干过这种工作。Push the car /across the bridge. (介词)请把车推过桥。Put your hands across and tie them together. (副词)请把双手交叉,并将它们捆起来。Peter is /behind us.(介词)  彼得在我们的后面。He′s a long way behind.(副词)  他远远地落在后面。The train passed/ through the tunnel. (介词)列车穿过了隧道。Let me pass through, please. (副词)请让我通过。She climbed/ over the wall.(介词)  她爬过墙头。You′ll have to climb over too.(副词)  你也得爬过去。When the meeting was over, the delegates went home.(副词)  会议结束后代表们各自回家了。(这里over=finished结束)The shop is just/ round the corner.(介词)  商店拐过街口就是。Come round(to my house)any evening.(副词)The earth moves /around the sun. (介词)地球绕着太阳转。The good news soon got around. (副词)He is sitting /on a chair. (介词)Go on! Come on! (副词)Turn the lights on. (副词)  晚上有空来我家串门。He ran /up the stairs.(介词)  他跑上楼梯。He went up/ in the lift.(副词)  他乘电梯上去了。  这些词中许多可以用来构成短语动词The plane took off.  飞机起飞了。(离开了地面)She put the scarf/ round her neck. (介词)He came round.(副词)  他恢复知觉了。(恢复了意识)4. 固定短语的分类固定短语可以分为以下几类:1)动词类: 动词加其它词构成的短语就叫做动词固定短语1.1)不及物动词+副词=不及物动词不及物动词+副词词义例句break outhappen爆发The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937.抗日战争爆发于1937年。come over/drop invisit 来访Come over anytime; we"re always in.什么时候来访都行,我们总在家里。hurry upgo quickly赶紧We must hurry up, or we"ll be late.我们的赶快走,不然就要迟到了。go farspread far走得远,持续久The news went far. 这消息传得很远。This small tin of paint does not go far.这一小罐油漆用不了多久。pull instop aside停靠The train pulled in two hours late.火车晚两小时到站。stop overstay for short中途停留Because the car broke down, we had to stop over for the night in the nearest town.由于汽车拔锚,我们只得在最近得小城镇里留宿。take offfly up起飞The pilot took off smoothly.飞行员平稳地驾机起飞了。get uparise 起立,起床He gets up at 6:00 in the morning every day. 他每天早上6:00起床。1.2)不及物动词+介词=及物动词词例词义例句注解listen to听He is listening to a radio now.他在听收音机。listen不能直接接听的对象,加to就可以了look for寻找She is looking for her pencil now.她在寻找她的铅笔。look是看的意思,加了for就是新的词义“寻找”look after照看My mother looks after my baby.我母亲照看孩子look 后面的介词不同,词义就不同,但与look有关,hear from收到来信(等)Mother hasn"t hear from you for quite some time.母亲好久没有接到你的来信了。hear from 成了固定的词义,表示受到来信,信函等hear of听到,得知I"ve never heard of the place.我从未听说过那个地方。hear of是听别人谈到过的意思read of读到I have read of Lu Xun. 我读过关于鲁迅的书籍。read of不是直接读鲁迅,而是读到过关于鲁迅的资料或书籍laugh at嘲笑They laughed at the young man.他们嘲笑过那位年轻人。laugh at 可以带宾语,而且表示嘲笑,嘲弄的意思run after追赶,追求Some boy spend a lot of time and money running after girls.一些男孩子花去很多的时间和金钱去追求女孩子。run后加after,主要是追赶某人或某种时尚:run当及物动词用,通常是管理或经营的含义stand for代表,象征What does “PTO” stand for? “PTO”代表什么?stand for 一起使用,就相当于一个新词,表示:代表,象征的含义1.3)不及物动词+副词+介词(三个词在一起构成当作一个词来使用)动+副+介相当于例句cut down onreduce削减We must all cut down on spending. 我们必须削减消费。do away withabolish取消They have done away with the old laws.他们已经取消了这些就法律。get out ofleave离开He got out of the car and shook hands with me.他下车和我握手了。get through withfinish完成She finally got through with the subject.她终于完成了这个题目。go along withagree同意I can"t go along with you in this matter. 在这件事上我不能同意你。look forward toexpect期待He is looking forward to seeing his new friend.他期盼着见到他的新朋友。put up withtolerate容忍He puts up with almost anything. 他几乎容忍一切。walk out onabandon放弃He walked out on the subject. 他放弃了这个计划。1.4)及物动词+副词及物动词+副词相当于例句bring upeducate 教育,培养They have brought their children up well.他们把孩子教育得很好。call upsummon征召,打电话He was called up in 1971.他在1971年被征召入伍。Call me up tomorrow morning. 明早给我打电话。find outdiscover发现,理解Think over. You must find it out for yourself. 想想吧,你必须自己理解它。put offpostpone延期The meeting has been put off.会议延期了。make outunderstand理解It"s not easy to make out his ideas.弄懂他的种种想法不是容易的。take indeceive欺骗You can"t take me in like that.你不能那样欺骗我。turn upappear出现She really turned on the charm on the stage.她在台上表现得真迷人。back upsupport支持They supported the school a lot.他们给学校支持很大。give upquit放弃He has given up smoking.他已戒烟。make downchange sth. smallerThe clothes are made down for her sisters.宾语在句中的位置1.5)及物动词+名词+介词(带介词宾语)词例词义例句catch(lay, get, take, seize) hold of抓住,占有The boy took hold of the ladder and began to climb.那孩子抓住梯子开始往上爬。I"ll explain, and you will soon get hold of the idea.我要解释一下,你很快就会懂得这个意思的。do a favor to/do sb. a favor给别人帮忙,给别人恩惠Will you do me a favor to lend that book to me?你能不能帮个忙把那本书借给我?Can you do a favor to me? 劳驾,可以帮我一下吗?have confidence in信人I have perfect confidence in them. 我完全信任他们。have an edge on占优势,胜过I can"t beat you at tennis, but I have an edge on you in ping-pong.打网球我无法赢你,但是打乒乓球我比你强。lay emphasis on强调,着重Some schools lay special emphasis on language study.有些学校特别重视语言的学习。make a fool of愚弄,欺骗Enough!,Don"t make a fool of me!够了!不要捉弄我了。make use of利用,使用You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practicing English. 你必须利用好你所有的练习英语的机会。pay attention to注意Pay attention to it. 请注意take part in参加,参与I have a meeting to take part in this afternoon. 今天下午我要参加一个会议。会议take account of考虑,重视Have you taken account of possible shift in demand? 需求有可能变化,你考虑到了吗?5. 学习和考试注意事项【重点学习内容】主要学会:1. 不及物动词后加适当介词可以构成相当于及物动词的动词短语:Wait for sb.就是典型的例子:常有人说 I will wait you here. 还不知道错了。应该说成 I will wait for you here.因为wait 是不及物动词,不能带宾语。类似的还有:look at look for look after , listen to 等等,并且注意类似于: read of 和hear of 这样的短语的区别。2. 介词后面的名词,或者相当于名词的词就是介词宾语,既然是宾语就要用宾格,特别要注意的代词宾格。He is looking at me.She is looking after her sister.We waited for him for a long time.I heard of him before.3. 同一动词后加不同介词/副词就会有不同的含义,要当作一个新词来记:look atlook aboutlook aheadlook aroundlook as iflook awaylook backlook down uponlook forlook forward tolook inlook downlook intolook likelook on /look uponlook up tolook on withlook outlook out ofrlook overlook roundlook throughlook tolook to be4. 及物动词带有副词后接宾语与不及物动词后接介词再加宾语是不同的。1) 不及物动词后接宾语时,动词和介词是不可分开的,两者成为一个整体。2) 及物动词后接副词,该副词可以和动词分开,特别是宾语为代词宾格的时候,这个代词就要放在动词和副词之间。He is always looking for his shoes. (不能分开)He always forgets to turn the lights off. He always forgets to turn off the lights.He always forgets to turn them off. (这个句子中的them指的是等,不能放在off的后面,因为它是代词宾格)

Aviation的You Were My Everying歌词的中文意思

<you were my everything>--aviation You Were My Everything确实是一首没的说的歌,经典说唱..虽然出了很久了,但是很难听腻的....一直都很受欢迎呢...歌词写的很好:(Talking)This goes out to someone that wasOnce the most important person in my life从前有一个人在我的生命中很重要I didn"t realize it at the time 当时我并没有珍惜I can"t forgive myself for the way I treated you so 我不能原量自己对你的伤害I don"t really expect you to either我也不希望你原谅我It"s just... I don"t even know 我只是...我也不是太清楚Just listen… 只要听我说就好了...You"re the one that I like, the one that I need你是我的唯一,惟一我需要的人The one that I gotta have just to succeed 有了你,就等于成功.When I first saw you, I knew it was real 当我第一眼看到你,就象梦想成真.I"m sorry about the pain I made you feel 但我非常抱歉给你带来痛苦.That wasn"t me; let me show you the way 我不是有意的,请听我解释一下.I looked for the sun, but it"s raining today 我对未来充满信心,但现实却令人失望.I remember when I first looked into your eyes 我记得我第一次看着你的眼睛.It was like God was there, heaven in the skies 仿佛天堂就在不远处.I wore a disguise "cause I didn"t want to get hurt 我对你不够真心,只是因为我怕受到伤害.But I didn"t know I made everything worse 但我不知道却把事情搞杂了.You told me we were crazy in love 你告诉我不想跟我再玩了.But you didn"t care when push came to shove 但你并没了解我当时的困境.If you loved me as much as you said you did 如果你爱我象你说的那样.Then you wouldn"t have hurt me like I ain"t **** 那你就不因该象那样伤害我.Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me 现在你离开了我就象没有认识过我.I loved you with my heart, really and trul 我爱你是真心的,千真万确.I guess you forgot about the times that we shared我想你忘记了我们曾经一起快乐的日子.When I would run my fingers through your hair 当我抚摸你的秀发.Late nights, just holding you in my arms 在宁静的夜里.抱你在怀里.I don"t know how I could do you so wrong 我真是不知道自己做错了什么.I really wanna show you I really need to hold you 我很想你明白,我很想抱着你的感觉.I really wanna know you like no one could else know you 我很想听你说说心里话you are number one, always in my heart 你是最好的,你永远在我心中.And now I can"t believe that our love is torn apart 但现在我真不敢相信我们分手了.I need you and 我需要你I miss you and 我挂念你I want you and 我想你了I love you ‘cause 我爱你I wanna hold you, 只是因为想抱着你I wanna kiss you 吻着你You were my everything 你是我的生命And I really miss you 我真的很挂念你I need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man我知道你要坐下和你的新男朋友调情.And then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand 当时你还握着他的手The thought of that just shatters my heart 一想下去我的心快要崩溃了It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart 我的灵魂和我的肉体已经分离了At times we was off I was scared to show you 以前每次再见时,都不敢说出真心话Now I wanna hold you until I can"t hold you现在只是想抱着你直到分开Without you, everything seems strange没有了你,世界已经变得陌生了Your name is forever planted in my brain你的名字已经深深的印在我的脑海里了Damn it, I"m insane,妈的!我快要疯了Take away the pain踢开那伤痛Take away the hurt踢开那伤害Baby, we can make it work我们能熬过去的What about when youLooked into my eyes当你再次看着我的眼眸Told me you loved me告诉我你还爱我As you would hugged me当你抱着我时I guess everything you said was a lie我想你说的都是假的I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes我想着想着.都要流泪了Now I"m not even a thought in your mind现在我在你心里已经一文不值了I can see clearly, my love is not blind我明白了,我的爱不在盲目了I need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss you(Talking) I just wish everything could have turned out differently我只是希望将来会好起来I had a special feeling about you我曾经对你很有感觉I thought maybe you did too我想可能你也一样You would understand, but…你会明白的,但...No matter what, you"ll always be in my heart无论如何,你会一直在我心中You"ll always be my baby永远是我的宝贝Our first day, it seemed so magical记得我们第一次美好的约会I remember all the time that I had with you那美好的时光一直留在我心中Remember when you first came to my house?记得你第一次来我家里You looked like an angel wearing that blouse你穿着那白上衣就象天使一样We hit it off, I knew it was real我们在一起了,我知道那都是真的But now I can"t take all the pain that I feel但现在我却不能忍受离开你的伤痛Reach in your heart, I know I"m still there在你的心里,我知道你还想着我.I don"t wanna hear that you no longer care我不想听到你说对我不再在呼Remember the times? Remember when we kissed?还记得我们的亲吻吗I didn"t think you would ever do me like this现在我不会奢望你了I didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed我知道你不想看到我不开心I thought you"d be there for me, this I confess我祈祷你会回心转意You said you were my best friend, was that a lie?而你说我们还是朋友,是骗我的吗Now I"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy你现在已经不认识我了,你已跟别人相爱I tried, I tried, I tried, and I"m trying我一试再试的忘掉你Now on the inside it feels like I"m dying我的心已经死了I need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss youI need you andI miss you andI want you andI love you ‘causeI wanna hold you,I wanna kiss youYou were my everythingAnd I really miss you(Talking) And I do miss you我真的很挂念你I just thought we were meant to be我曾想过我们会永远在一起I guess now, we"ll never know但现实却是残酷的The only thing I want is for you to be happy我只想你开心.

Well, you can cry me a river 那首歌里的?

Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake

歌词是i remember everything ...i know you want me to.

<you were my everything>——Chuckie Akenzyou were my everything u3000u3000this goes out to someone that was u3000u3000once the most important person in my life u3000u3000i didn"t realize it at the time u3000u3000i can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you so u3000u3000i don"t really expect you to either u3000u3000it"s just... i don"t even know u3000u3000just listen... u3000u3000you"re the one that i want, the one that i need u3000u3000the one that i gotta have just to succeed u3000u3000when i first saw you, i knew it was real u3000u3000i"m sorry about the pain i made you feel u3000u3000that wasn"t me; let me show you the way u3000u3000i looked for the sun, but it"s raining today u3000u3000i remember when i first looked into your eyes u3000u3000it was like god was there, heaven in the skies u3000u3000i wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurt u3000u3000but i didn"t know i made everything worse u3000u3000you told me we were crazy in love u3000u3000but you didn"t care when push came to shove u3000u3000if you loved me as much as you said you did u3000u3000then you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shit u3000u3000now you pushed me away like you never even knew me u3000u3000i loved you with my heart, really and truly u3000u3000i guess you forgot about the times that we shared u3000u3000when i would run my fingers through your hair u3000u3000late nights, just holding you in my arms u3000u3000i don"t know how i could do you so wrong u3000u3000i really wanna show you i really need to hold you u3000u3000i really wanna know you like no one could else know you u3000u3000you"re number one, always in my heart u3000u3000and now i can"t believe that our love is torn apart u3000u3000refrain:i need you and u3000u3000i miss you and u3000u3000i want you and u3000u3000i love you "cause u3000u3000i wanna hold you, u3000u3000i wanna kiss you u3000u3000you were my everything u3000u3000and i really miss you (x2) u3000u3000i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man u3000u3000and then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand u3000u3000the thought of that just shatters my heart u3000u3000it breaks in my soul and it tears me apart u3000u3000at times we was off i was scared to show you u3000u3000now i wanna hold you until i can"t hold you u3000u3000without you, everything seems strange u3000u3000your name is forever planted in my brain u3000u3000damn it, i"m insane, u3000u3000take away the pain u3000u3000take away the hurt u3000u3000baby, we can make it work u3000u3000what about when you u3000u3000looked into my eyes u3000u3000told me you loved me u3000u3000as you would hugged me u3000u3000i guess everything you said was a lie u3000u3000i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes u3000u3000now i"m not even a thought in your mind u3000u3000i can see clearly, my love is not blind u3000u3000refrain u3000u3000i just wish everything could have turned out differently u3000u3000i had a special feeling about you u3000u3000i thought maybe you did too u3000u3000you would understand, but... u3000u3000no matter what, you"ll always be in my heart u3000u3000you"ll always be my baby u3000u3000our first day, it seemed so magical u3000u3000i remember all the time that i had with you u3000u3000remember when you first came to my house? u3000u3000you looked like an angel wearing that blouse u3000u3000we hit it off, i knew it was real u3000u3000but now i can"t take all the pain that i feel u3000u3000reach in your heart, i know i"m still there u3000u3000i don"t wanna hear that you no longer care u3000u3000remember the times? remember when we kissed? u3000u3000i didn"t think you would ever do me like this u3000u3000i didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed u3000u3000i thought you"d be there for me, this i confess u3000u3000you said you were my best friend, was that a lie? u3000u3000now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy u3000u3000i tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m trying u3000u3000now on the inside it feels like i"m dying u3000u3000refrain u3000u3000[talking] and i do miss you u3000u3000i just thought we were meant to be u3000u3000i guess now, we"ll never know u3000u3000the only thing i want is for you to be happy u3000u3000whether it be with me, or without me u3000u3000i just want you to be happy

Attention (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Attention (Album Version)歌手:The Academy Is...专辑:Almost HereAttention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.This table has taken a turn for the worst.Rock bottom and over the edgewell it"s not like it hurts that much anyway.Upside down and inside out.When I leave here I"m going alone.Well it"s not like, it not like it hurts much anyway.Attention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something that"ll never happen.Will you hear what I have to?This balance has weighed out our heart"s desire.I"m trying to make it alone.Well it"s not like it hurts that much anyway.Upside down and inside out.When I leave here I"m going alone.But I"m dying, I"m dying to touch.And it"s not like, it not like it hurts much anyway.Attention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something, something.Attention! Attention!May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room,if only, if only for one second.Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something that"ll never happen.Will you hear what I have to (say)?Attention! Attention!Upside down and inside out.Attention! Attention!Upside down and inside out.Note: there is a (demo?) version of this song wherefirst stanza is the complete chorus with words"Will you hear what I have to say?Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell?To the fact that we could have something that"ll never happen"

After Forever的《Eccentric》 歌词

歌曲名:Eccentric歌手:After Forever专辑:Invisible Circles -The End RecordsWhat do they see when they look at me?Who are they to judge meIf they never spoke with me?Never looked without laughingNever tried to see, see meI can"t believe that it is only meThe person to hate,The only left outI can"t believe how they can be so meanIf they could feel the brutal stings of their words,And the bitter cold when they laughOnce more I"m runningRunning away, I must hideCan"t take anymoreA fight to free me from an endless struggle with lifeRunning, tell me how far should I goIf they"re all the sameThis fight...I am fighting my way throughI don"t really want to be like themThe way they behave,The way that they liveI don"t really need someoneNo people like that,But someone in a world with warmth and respectA world without the feelingI must be runningRunning away, I must hideCan"t take anymoreA fight to free me from an endless struggle with lifeRunning, tell me how far should I goIf they"re all the sameThis fight...I am fighting my way through

never you gone歌词

曲名:never gone歌手:backstreet boys专辑:never goneThe things we did the things we saidkeep coming back to me and make me smile againYou showed me how to face the truthEverything Thats good in me I owe it to you..Though the distance thats between us now may seem to be too farIt will never seperate us deep inside I know you are..Never Gone never far in my heart is where you are.Always close everyday ever step along the wayEven if we never got to say goodbyeI know you will be forever in my lifeNever gone……I walk along these empty streetsThere is not a second your not here with meThe love you gave the praise you showedyou ll always give me strength and be my scrawling stoneSomehow you found a way to see the best I have in meAs far as time goes on i swear to you that you will be……Never Gone never far in my heart is where you are.Always close everyday every step along the wayEven if we never got to say goodbyeI know that you will forever be in my lifeNever Gone Come find me..There is one thing I believe……I believeI will see you somewhere down the road againNever Gone never far in my heart is where you are.Always close everyday every step along the wayEven if we never got to say goodbyeI know that you will forever be in my lifeNever Gone never far in my heart is where you are.Always close everyday every step along the wayNever Gone never far in my heart is where you are……

never your gone的中文歌词翻译


请问一下英文歌曲Cry me a river的中文意思及翻译歌词

You were my sun 你是我的太阳You were my earth 你是我的地球But you didn"t know all the ways I loved you, no 但你完全不知道我爱你的方式So you took a chance 于是你抓住一个机会And made other plans 实行其他的计划But I bet you didn"t think that they would come crashing down, no 但我打赌你没想到他们会把你击败You don"t have to say, what you did, 你没有必要说出你都做了些什么I already know, I found out from him 因为我已经知道了,从他那里知道的Now there"s just no chance, for you and me, there"ll never be 现在已经没有机会,对于你和我已经不再会有了And don"t it make you sad about it难道你不会因此很伤心吗 You told me you loved me 你对我说你爱我Why did you leave me, all alone 但为什么你要把我一个人丢下Now you tell me you need me 现在你又告诉我你需要我When you call me, on the phone 就在你给我打电话的时候Girl I refuse, you must have me confused 但女孩我拒绝了你,因为你弄糊涂了With some other guy 你把我和其他人混淆了Your bridges were burned, and now it"s your turn 你和别人的关系都毁了,所以现在是轮到你To cry, cry me a river 哭泣了,为我泪流成河Cry me a river-er 为我泪流成河Cry me a river 为我泪流成河Cry me a river-er, yea yea 为我泪流成河I know that they say 我知道他们是这么说的That somethings are better left unsaid 即使他们没有说出口It wasn"t like you only talked to him and you know it 只有当你和他说话的时候你才不像你,而这点也只有你知道(Don"t act like you don"t know it)不要装得好像你不知道 All of these things people told me人们告诉我的这些事情 Keep messing with my head 在继续让我混乱(Messing with my head) 让我混乱You should"ve picked honesty 你应该诚实Then you may not have blown it也许那样你就不会受打击了(Yea..) You don"t have to say, what you did, 你没有必要说出你都做了些什么(Don"t have to say, what you did) 没有必要说出你都做了些什么I already know, I found out from him 因为我已经知道了,从他那里知道的(I already know, uh) 我早已知道Now there"s just no chance, for you and me, there"ll never be 现在已经没有机会,对于你和我已经不再会有了(No chance, you and me) 没有机会了,你和我And don"t it make you sad about it 难道你不会因此很伤心吗You told me you loved me 你跟我说你爱我Why did you leave me, all alone (All alone) 但为什么你要把我一个人丢下Now you tell me you need me 现在你又告诉我你需要我When you call me, on the phone 就在你给我打电话的时候(When you call me, on the phone)Girl I refuse, you must have me confused 但女孩我拒绝了你,因为你弄糊涂了With some other guy 你把我和其他人混淆了Your bridges were burned, and now it"s your turn 你和别人的关系都毁了,所以现在是轮到你(It"s your turn) 轮到你了To cry, cry me a river 哭泣了,为我泪流成河(Go on and just) 继续Cry me a river-er 为我泪流成河(Go on and just)Cry me a river 为我泪流成河(Go on and just)Cry me a river-er, yea yea 为我泪流成河Oh (Oh)The damage is done 伤害已经造成So I guess I be leaving 所以我想我也该离开了Oh (Oh) The damage is done 伤害已经造成So I guess I be leaving 所以我想我也该离开了 Oh (Oh)The damage is done 伤害已经造成So I guess I be leaving 所以我想我也该离开了 Oh (Oh) The damage is done 伤害已经造成So I guess I be... leaving 所以我想我也该离开了You don"t have to say, what you did, 你没有必要说出你都做了些什 (Don"t have to say, what you did) I already know, I found out from him 因为我已经知道了,从他那里知道的(I already know, uh) Now there"s just no chance, for you and me, there"ll never be 现在已经没有机会,对于你和我已经不再会有了(No chance, you and me) 没有机会了,你和我And don"t it make you sad about it 难道你不会因此很伤心吗Cry me a river (Go on and just) Cry me a river-er (Baby go on and just) Cry me a river (You can go on and just) Cry me a river-er, yea yea Cry me a river (Baby go on and just) Cry me a river-er (Go on and just) Cry me a river (Cause I"ve already cried) 因为我已哭过Cry me a river-er, yea yea (Ain"t gonna cry no more, yea-yea) 我不再哭泣了Cry me a river Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (Cry me, cry me)

When You Told Me You Loved Me (Lp Version) 歌词

歌名:When you told me you loved歌手:Jessica SimpsonJessica Simpson - When you told me you lovedOnce【曾经。】Doesn"t mean anything to me【任何事对于我都没有意义。】Come【出现。】Show me the meaning of complete【展现了所有的含义。】Where【在哪里。】Did our love go wrong【我们在爱的道路上出错。】Once we were so strong【曾经我是那么坚强。】How can I go on?【我该如何继续?】When you told me you loved me【当你告诉我你爱我。】Did you know it would take me the rest of my life【它使我的生命都要静止,你知道吗?】to get over the feeling of knowing【恢复知觉。】A dream didn"t turn out right【梦始终没有结果。】When you let me believe that you weren"t complete【当你让我确信你无法完成时。】Without me by your side【我不在你身边、】how could I know【我怎样才能知道。】That you would go【你要走。】That you would run【你要离开。】Baby I thought you were the one【宝,我想你是唯一。】Why【为什么?】Can"t I just leave it all behind【差一点我就离开了它。】IFelt passion so bright that I was blind【我感觉感情如此美丽使我盲目。】Then【那时。】Something made me weak【一些东西使我虚弱。】Talking in my sleep【在我的睡梦中讲话。】Baby I"m in so deep and you know I believed【宝,你知道我深信不疑。】Your lips【你的唇。】Your face【你的脸。】Something that time just can"t erase【那些重要的东西,时间已经无法抹去。】Find my heart【找回我的心。】Could break【可以毁掉。】All over again【一切重来。】---------the end---------歌名:When you told me you loved歌手:Jessica SimpsonJessica Simpson - When you told me you lovedOnce【曾经。】Doesn"t mean anything to me【任何事对于我都没有意义。】Come【出现。】Show me the meaning of complete【展现了所有的含义。】Where【在哪里。】Did our love go wrong【我们在爱的道路上出错。】Once we were so strong【曾经我是那么坚强。】How can I go on?【我该如何继续?】When you told me you loved me【当你告诉我你爱我。】Did you know it would take me the rest of my life【它使我的生命都要静止,你知道吗?】to get over the feeling of knowing【恢复知觉。】A dream didn"t turn out right【梦始终没有结果。】When you let me believe that you weren"t complete【当你让我确信你无法完成时。】Without me by your side【我不在你身边、】how could I know【我怎样才能知道。】That you would go【你要走。】That you would run【你要离开。】Baby I thought you were the one【宝,我想你是唯一。】Why【为什么?】Can"t I just leave it all behind【差一点我就离开了它。】IFelt passion so bright that I was blind【我感觉感情如此美丽使我盲目。】Then【那时。】Something made me weak【一些东西使我虚弱。】Talking in my sleep【在我的睡梦中讲话。】Baby I"m in so deep and you know I believed【宝,你知道我深信不疑。】Your lips【你的唇。】Your face【你的脸。】Something that time just can"t erase【那些重要的东西,时间已经无法抹去。】Find my heart【找回我的心。】Could break【可以毁掉。】All over again【一切重来。】---------the end---------

but whatever you do,keep moving forward.的中文意思

不管你做什么(whatever you do) 你都要向前进 (You have to keep moving forward)

Once a man wanted to go from one side of a river to the ----?

othe,4, 呆呆005 举报 lake 可不可以??? 不可以 one side 一边 the other side 另一边,上下文是对应的啊,应该填写:other。固定搭配 one....the other.... 一边(个)......另一边(个......,专指由两部分组成的事物的一个怎么样,另一个又怎么样 例如:one side , the other side 一边,另一边,,2,应该填写:other。这里是固定搭配 one....the other.... 一边(个)......另一边(个......,专指由两部分组成的事物的一个怎么样,另一个又怎么样,1,填other,是one...the other 结构,表两者中“一个......另一个”,河有两边,故用该句型。,0,Once a man wanted to go from one side of a river to the ------side of a river in a boat 完形填空

A configuration error occurred during startup,Please verify the preferece field with the prompt ;

解决方法,推荐第三个 1、在Tomcat Launch Mode中,由Debug mode切换成 Run mode 。 2、在环境变量PATH前端添加jdk路径,如D:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_13/bin;然后重启机器。 3、打开eclipse,window>preferences>myeclipse>application server>tomcat 5 要选中Enable;然后后面tomcat home dircetory要选择你机器上tomcat的安装目录。 继续window>preferences>myeclipse>application server>tomcat>jdk 选择你机器上的jdk ,建议用add从新选择添加一个转载地址:希望对你有帮助哦!

Keep moving and never give up! 与 Keep moving and never giving up! 哪一个正确啊?请专业人事指点

keep doing something 固定搭配,没啥 只能牢牢记住第二个举个例子吧 i never sleep before 10pm. 没有人会说 i never sleeping before 10pm. never 后面跟动词原形. never 没有啥固定搭配,所以后面照常用,该用什么,单三,过去式的正常用,楼主不要害怕

Hot (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Hot (Lp Version)歌手:John Klemmer专辑:HushLafee - Hot?So this is the girl you chose over me.Say was it worth it?You two look oh so sweet.I"m over you and she"s cute indeedAnd yes, I can see why you picked her over meBut the way you look at me behind her backI can"t belive you do something like thatDo you wish you had backWhat you once had?You don"t know what you got until it"s gone badHot! No, she"s notNo, she ain"t got what I gotNo, she ain"t hotThat girl ain"t hot and you know she"s notShe ain"t got what I gotNo, she ain"t gotWhat do you want from me when you have her?The perfect matchYou and your dreamgirlSay are you thinkin" of me while makin love to her?I thought she"s all that you needor is something missing thereNo she ain"t got what I gotNo she ain"t hot

在windows server 2008系统中有哪些注册表的经典安全策略

一、系统及程序1、屏幕保护与电源桌面右键--〉个性化--〉屏幕保护程序屏幕保护程序 选择无更改电源设置 选择高性能选择关闭显示器的时间 关闭显示器 选 从不 保存修改2、安装IIS管理工具--〉服务器管理器--〉添加服务器角色--〉勾选 Web服务器(IIS)勾选下列 角色服务ASPCGI(和PHP有关)ISAPI扩展ISAPI筛选器在服务器端包含文件(用于支持SSI shtml)也可以之后添加服务器管理器--〉角色--〉web 服务器(IIS)--〉角色服务 点击 添加角色服务如需安装SQL2005,则下列角色服务必须勾选1. 常见的 HTTP 功能静态内容 默认文档目录浏览HTTP 重定向2. 应用程序开发ASP.Net.NER 扩展ISAPI 扩展ISAPI 筛选器3. 安全性Windows 身份验证4. 管理工具 IIS6 管理兼容性IIS 6 元数据库兼容性IIS 6 WMI 兼容性设置日志、输出缓存的目录添加默认文档index.asp index.php Default.asp 等启用父路径ASP 启用父路径 False 改为 True增加IIS对MIME文件类型的支持MIME类型.rmvb application/vnd.rn-realmedia.iso application/octet-stream.rar application/octet-stream.7z application/octet-stream.mkv application/octet-streamWin2008或IIS7的文件上传大小限制解决方案默认情况下,IIS7的上传限制为200K。当上传文件小于30M时,可以通过如下方法设置:在iis7中找到asp设置,在“asp”的“限制属性”中最后一行“最大请求主体限制”,修改该值为你所想要的,如2G(2000000000,单位为B)。当上传文件要求大于30M时,继续如下修改:1. 停止IIS72. 找到“C:WindowsSystem32inetsrvconfigschemaIIS_schema.xml”文件。这个文件是只读的,即使用管理员权限也不能修改。要先修改文件的权限,然后去掉只读属性才可以。1) 右键文件->属性->安全,选中目标用户,点击高级,修改文件所有者;2) 确定后点击编辑,就可以修改当前用户的权限了,添加“写入”权限。至此,权限设置OK了。3) 将文件的只读属性去掉。用记事本打开该文件,找到“”,将“30000000”修改为你想要的值(如2000000000)保存。将“C:WindowsSystem32inetsrvconfigschemaIIS_schema.xml”文件加上只读属性。启动IIS7。本人上传120M视频文件通过。但是,win2008最大只能上传小于2G的文件。这个要注意。3、配置php把php安装包解压的一个目录下,C:php拷贝一个php.ini-development副本,把它重命名为php.ini。配置php.ini 文件,搜索如下配置并修改相应的配置值:extension_dir = "C:phpext"; date.timezone = 改为 date.timezone = Asia/Shanghai如果不改以上的date.timezone可能打开网页会提示500错误组件extension=php_mbstring.dllextension=php_gd2.dllextension=php_MySQL.dllextension=php_mysqli.dll phpMyAdmin使用PHP 5.3以上版本使用fastcgi模式,配置IIS 7需要在IIS添加一个处理程序映射处理程序映射--〉添加一个模块处理程序:*.phpFastCgiModuleC:phpphp-cgi.exePHP_vis_FastCGI默认文档中添加index.php 为默认文档PHP目录 Users 读取运行权限php测试<?php phpinfo();?>新版本的Windows版本PHP,在出现错误时,会将详细的错误信息自动存储到Windows系统的TEMP临时目录,文件名为:php-errors.log。在Windows2003系统中路径一般是:C:WINDOWSTempphp-errors.log。用记事本打开这个文件,就可以看到详细的php错误记录了。HTTP 错误 500.0 – Internal Server Error发生未知 FastCGI 错误发生此错误的关键原因在于没有安装VC9运行库 即VISUAL C++ 2008 (installer自动带上了Visual C++ 2008)Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)下载地址: Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)下载地址:如果安装VC9运行库仍出现上面错误,多数是因为php安装目录没有给IIS_IUSRS用户读取和执行权限造成的。4、Mysql 5安装二、系统安全配置1、目录权限除系统所在分区之外的所有分区都赋予Administrators和SYSTEM有完全控制权,之后再对其下的子目录作单独的目录权限2、远程连接我的电脑属性--〉远程设置--〉远程--〉只允许运行带网络超级身份验证的远程桌面的计算机连接选择允许运行任意版本远程桌面的计算机连接(较不安全)。备注:方便多种版本Windows远程管理服务器。 server 2008的远程桌面连接,与2003相比,引入了网络级身份验证(NLA,network level authentication),XP SP3不支持这种网络级的身份验证,vista跟win7支持。然而在XP系统中修改一下注册表,即可让XP SP3支持网络级身份验证。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa在右窗口中双击Security Pakeages,添加一项“tspkg”。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProviders在右窗口中双击SecurityProviders,添加credssp.dll;请注意,在添加这项值时,一定要在原有的值后添加逗号后,别忘了要空一格(英文状态)。然后将XP系统重启一下即可。再查看一下,即可发现XP系统已经支持网络级身份验证3、修改远程访问服务端口更改远程连接端口方法,可用windows自带的计算器将10进制转为16进制。更改3389端口为8208,重启生效!Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWds dpwdTds cp]"PortNumber"=dword:0002010[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWinStationsRDP-Tcp]"PortNumber"=dword:000020101.在开始--运行菜单里,输入regedit,进入注册表编辑,按下面的路径进入修改端口的地方2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWinStationsRDP-Tcp3.找到右侧的 "PortNumber",用十进制方式显示,默认为3389,改为(例如)6666端口4.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWds dpwdTds cp5.找到右侧的 "PortNumber",用十进制方式显示,默认为3389,改为同上的端口6.在控制面板--Windows 防火墙--高级设置--入站规则--新建规则7.选择端口--协议和端口--TCP/特定本地端口:同上的端口8.下一步,选择允许连接9.下一步,选择公用10.下一步,名称:远程桌面-新(TCP-In),描述:用于远程桌面服务的入站规则,以允许RDP通信。[TCP 同上的端口]11.删除远程桌面(TCP-In)规则12.重新启动计算机4、配置本地连接网络--〉属性--〉管理网络连接--〉本地连接打开“本地连接”界面,选择“属性”,左键点击“Microsoft网络客户端”,再点击“卸载”,在弹出的对话框中“是”确认卸载。点击“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”,再点击“卸载”,在弹出的对话框中选择“是”确认卸载。解除Netbios和TCP/IP协议的绑定 139端口打开“本地连接”界面,选择“属性”,在弹出的“属性”框中双击“Internet协议版本(TCP/IPV4)”,点击“属性”,再点击“高级”—“WINS”,选择“禁用TCP/IP上的NETBIOS”,点击“确认”并关闭本地连接属性。禁止默认共享点击“开始”—“运行”,输入“Regedit”,打开注册表编辑器,打开注册表项“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameters”,在右边的窗口中新建Dword值,名称设为AutoShareServer,值设为“0”。关闭 445端口HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNetBTParameters新建 Dword(32位)名称设为SMBDeviceEnabled 值设为“0”5、共享和发现右键“网络” 属性 网络和共享中心 共享和发现关闭网络共享文件共享公用文件共享打印机共享显示我正在共享的所有文件和文件夹显示这台计算机上所有共享的网络文件夹6、用防火墙限制Ping网上自己查吧,ping还是经常需要用到的7、防火墙的设置控制面板→Windows防火墙设置→更改设置→例外,勾选FTP、HTTP、远程桌面服务 核心网络HTTPS用不到可以不勾3306:Mysql1433:Mssql8、禁用不需要的和危险的服务,以下列出服务都需要禁用。控制面板 管理工具 服务Distributed linktracking client 用于局域网更新连接信息PrintSpooler 打印服务Remote Registry 远程修改注册表Server 计算机通过网络的文件、打印、和命名管道共享TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper 提供 TCP/IP (NetBT) 服务上的 NetBIOS 和网络上客户端的 NetBIOS 名称解析的支持Workstation 泄漏系统用户名列表 与Terminal Services Configuration 关联Computer Browser 维护网络计算机更新 默认已经禁用Net Logon 域控制器通道管理 默认已经手动Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcNs*远程过程调用 (RPC) 默认已经手动删除服务sc delete MySql9、安全设置-->本地策略-->安全选项在运行中输入gpedit.msc回车,打开组策略编辑器,选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->本地策略-->安全选项交互式登陆:不显示最后的用户名       启用网络访问:不允许SAM帐户的匿名枚举      启用 已经启用网络访问:不允许SAM帐户和共享的匿名枚举   启用网络访问:不允许储存网络身份验证的凭据   启用网络访问:可匿名访问的共享         内容全部删除网络访问:可匿名访问的命名管道       内容全部删除网络访问:可远程访问的注册表路径      内容全部删除网络访问:可远程访问的注册表路径和子路径  内容全部删除帐户:重命名来宾帐户            这里可以更改guest帐号帐户:重命名系统管理员帐户         这里可以更改Administrator帐号10、安全设置-->账户策略-->账户锁定策略在运行中输入gpedit.msc回车,打开组策略编辑器,选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->账户策略-->账户锁定策略,将账户锁定阈值设为“三次登陆无效”,“锁定时间为30分钟”,“复位锁定计数设为30分钟”。11、本地安全设置选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->本地策略-->用户权限分配关闭系统:只有Administrators组、其它全部删除。通过终端服务拒绝登陆:加入Guests组、IUSR_*****、IWAM_*****、NETWORK SERVICE、SQLDebugger 通过终端服务允许登陆:加入Administrators、Remote Desktop Users组,其他全部删除12、更改Administrator,guest账户,新建一无任何权限的假Administrator账户管理工具→计算机管理→系统工具→本地用户和组→用户新建一个Administrator帐户作为陷阱帐户,设置超长密码,并去掉所有用户组更改描述:管理计算机(域)的内置帐户13、密码策略选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->密码策略启动 密码必须符合复杂性要求最短密码长度14、禁用DCOM ("冲击波"病毒 RPC/DCOM 漏洞)运行Dcomcnfg.exe。控制台根节点→组件服务→计算机→右键单击“我的电脑”→属性”→默认属性”选项卡→清除“在这台计算机上启用分布式 COM”复选框。15、ASP漏洞主要是卸载WScript.Shell 和 Shell.application 组件,是否删除看是否必要。regsvr32/u C:WINDOWSSystem32wshom.ocxregsvr32/u C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll删除可能权限不够del C:WINDOWSSystem32wshom.ocxdel C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll如果确实要使用,或者也可以给它们改个名字。  WScript.Shell可以调用系统内核运行DOS基本命令  可以通过修改注册表,将此组件改名,来防止此类木马的危害。  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.Shell及HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.Shell.1  改名为其它的名字,如:改为WScript.Shell_ChangeName 或 WScript.Shell.1_ChangeName  自己以后调用的时候使用这个就可以正常调用此组件了  也要将clsid值也改一下  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.ShellCLSID项目的值  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.Shell.1CLSID项目的值  也可以将其删除,来防止此类木马的危害。  Shell.Application可以调用系统内核运行DOS基本命令  可以通过修改注册表,将此组件改名,来防止此类木马的危害。  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.Application  及  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.Application.1  改名为其它的名字,如:改为Shell.Application_ChangeName 或 Shell.Application.1_ChangeName  自己以后调用的时候使用这个就可以正常调用此组件了  也要将clsid值也改一下  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.ApplicationCLSID项目的值  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.ApplicationCLSID项目的值  也可以将其删除,来防止此类木马的危害。  禁止Guest用户使用shell32.dll来防止调用此组件。  2000使用命令:cacls C:WINNTsystem32shell32.dll /e /d guests  2003使用命令:cacls C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll /e /d guests禁止使用FileSystemObject组件,FSO是使用率非常高的组件,要小心确定是否卸载。改名后调用就要改程序了,Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")。  FileSystemObject可以对文件进行常规操作,可以通过修改注册表,将此组件改名,来防止此类木马的危害。  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTScripting.FileSystemObject  改名为其它的名字,如:改为 FileSystemObject_ChangeName  自己以后调用的时候使用这个就可以正常调用此组件了  也要将clsid值也改一下  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTScripting.FileSystemObjectCLSID项目的值  也可以将其删除,来防止此类木马的危害。  2000注销此组件命令:RegSrv32 /u C:WINNTSYSTEMscrrun.dll  2003注销此组件命令:RegSrv32 /u C:WINDOWSSYSTEMscrrun.dll  如何禁止Guest用户使用scrrun.dll来防止调用此组件?  使用这个命令:cacls C:WINNTsystem32scrrun.dll /e /d guests15、打开UAC控制面板 用户账户 打开或关闭用户账户控制16、程序权限"net.exe","net1.exe","cmd.exe","tftp.exe","netstat.exe","regedit.exe","at.exe","attrib.exe","cacls.exe","","c.exe"或完全禁止上述命令的执行gpedit.msc-〉用户配置-〉管理模板-〉系统启用 阻止访问命令提示符 同时 也停用命令提示符脚本处理启用 阻止访问注册表编辑工具启用 不要运行指定的windows应用程序,添加下面的at.exe attrib.exe c.exe cacls.exe cmd.exe net.exe net1.exe netstat.exe regedit.exe tftp.exe17、Serv-u安全问题安装程序尽量采用最新版本,避免采用默认安装目录,设置好serv-u目录所在的权限,设置一个复杂的管理员密码。修改serv-u的banner信息,设置被动模式端口范围(4001—4003)在本地服务器中设置中做好相关安全设置:包括检查匿名密码,禁用反超时调度,拦截“FTP bounce”攻击和FXP,对于在30秒内连接超过3次的用户拦截10分钟。域中的设置为:要求复杂密码,目录只使用小写字母,高级中设置取消允许使用MDTM命令更改文件的日期。更改serv-u的启动用户:在系统中新建一个用户,设置一个复杂点的密码,不属于任何组。将servu的安装目录给予该用户完全控制权限。建立一个FTP根目录,需要给予这个用户该目录完全控制权限,因为所有的ftp用户上传,删除,更改文件都是继承了该用户的权限,否则无法操作文件。另外需要给该目录以上的上级目录给该用户的读取权限,否则会在连接的时候出现530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist。比如在测试的时候ftp根目录为d:soft,必须给d盘该用户的读取权限,为了安全取消d盘其他文件夹的继承权限。而一般的使用默认的system启动就没有这些问题,因为system一般都拥有这些权限的。如果FTP不是必须每天都用,不如就关了吧,要用再打开。

stream上dayz下好了 服务器连不上 提示 bad version connection rejected

[右] 220 FTP server ready.[右] USER abcabc[右] 331 User name okay, need password.[右] PASS (hidden)[右] 230 User logged in, proceed.[右] SYST[右] 215 UNIX Type: L8[右] FEAT[右] 211-Extension supported[右] CLNT[右] MDTM[右] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[ -TZ];filename[右] SIZE[右] SITE PSWD;EXEC;SET;INDEX;ZONE;CHMOD;MSG[右] REST STREAM[右] XCRC filename;start;end[右] MODE Z[右] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;[右] 211 End[右] CLNT FlashFXP[右] 200 Noted.[右] PWD[右] 257 quot;/quot; is current directory.[右] CWD /web[右] 250 Directory changed to /web[右] PWD[右] 257 quot;/webquot; is current directory.[右] MODE Z[右] 200 MODE Z ok.[右] 侦听于端口: 3298等候连接[右] PORT 192,168,1,166,12,226[右] 200 PORT Command successful.[右] MLSD[右] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD.[右] 426 Data connection closed, transfer aborted.[右] 列表 错误-- 紫霞游戏平台为您解答

蓝宝石HD5770驱动 更新了 怎么有两项没变? 2D Driver Version OpenGL Version




1.have you ever been to a science museum?为什么不能说成2

到过哪里应该用be in比较好。比如Have you ever been in Beijing. go是一个动作,表示去,如果用一般过去时可以(Did you ever go to ……),而visit是指参观,即参观过,这个经历一直延续到现在,所以可以。


sqlserver数据库迁移的几种方式 方法一:将Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQLDATA文件夹中的syntt_data.mdf和syntt_log.ldf文件复制到安装有数据库服务器的机器的文件夹中(可以是本机的Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQLDATA文件夹),然后进入企业管理器。 右键点击“数据库”,在浮动菜单中选择“所有任务”中的“附加数据库”。在随后的提示页面中选择刚才复制过来的.MDF文件,如果想指定数据库的所有者,在“指定数据库所有者”选择框中选择你认为合适的用户。 如果想修改数据库的名字,可在“附加为”框中输入新的数据库名字(对本数据库,不建议这么做,因为这样的话,整个程序中所有涉及数据库连接的代码都要随之修改,那将是不必要的劳动)。在进行完上述的工作之后,直接点击“确定”就可进行数据的SQL Server 数据转移转移。 方法二:(方法一)是针对数据库中没有本数据库的服务器,如果数据库中已经建有与该数据库名称相同的数据库,则直接按照备份数据库的恢复操作就可完成数据的SQL Server 数据转移转移。方法如下所述:这种方法首先要在本机上建立一个备份文件,具体操作介绍如下:1、 在企业管理器中打开服务器组以及指定的服务器。 然后右键点击需要备份的数据库在这里是syntt,在浮动菜单中选择“所有任务”菜单下的“备份数据库”,打开数据备份对话框。2、 选择“常规”选项卡,在名称对话框中输入本分 *** 名称,在“描述”文本框中输入备份集描述文本信息。 在“备份”组下选择备份操作类型,共有以下几种:数据库—完全:完整备份数据库。数据库—差异:增量备份数据库。 事务日志:事务日志备份。文件和文件组:数据库文件和文件组备份。 在“目的”组中指定备份设备或者备份文件名称,选择“添加”按钮添加备份设备或者文件;“删除”按钮用来删除备份设备和备份文件;选择“内容”按钮,则可查看已经存储在备份设备或文件中的备份信息。在“重写”组中有两种选项:追加到媒体:选择该选项,表示需要保存备份设备或文件中以前的备份数据。 重写现有媒体:要求本次被分数据覆盖以前的备份数据,从而节省存储空间。在“调度”组中,安排数据备份的时间。 用来指定数据库备份在将来的某个时间执行3、 “选项”选项卡,设置数据库备份操作选项。其中的内容主要有以下几项:完成后验证备份:要求在备份结束时对备份数据进行校验。 备份后弹出磁带:只对磁带备份设备有效,他要求在备份结束时自动卸带。删除事务日志中不活动的条目:要求在事务日志备份结束时删除事务日志中的已经完成的事务日志条目。 检查媒体集名称和备份集到期时间:要求在备份前检查介质集名称和原备份集中备份SQL Server 数据转移的有效期,以防止意外重写破坏原来的备份数据。备份集到期时间:设置备份集的有效期。 初始化并标识媒体:只对磁带设备有效。选择该选项后,SQL Server在备份时将Microsoft定义的磁带格式信息写入介质的开始部分。 此时,可以在“媒体集名称”和“媒体集描述”文本框中定义介质集名称和介质描述信息。4、 在进行完上述的操作之后,剩下的任务就是点击“确定”,使系统开始进行数据库的备份操作。 到目前为止,我们已经有了一个数据库的备份文件,剩下的任务就是怎么将这个文件还原至另外的数据库服务器中了。1、因为使用企业管理器进行数据库的恢复只能是在本机进行,所以在进行数据还原之前,必须将刚才所作的备份文件复制到本机,然后在本机选择“syntt”数据库,右键点击它,在显示出来的浮动菜单中选择“所有任务”下的“还原数据库”。 2、在还原数据库对话框中,在“常规”选项卡中的选择“从设备”的数据恢复方法,通过“选择设备”按钮选择刚才复制过来的文件。“常规”选项卡与“选项”选项卡中的具体内容如下所示:“常规”选项卡:数据库恢复方法:包括“数据库”、“文件组或文件”、“从设备”三种恢复方式。 “数据库”方式:选择该项时,从“显示数据库备份”列表中选择需要显示的指定数据库备份 *** ,从“要还原的第一个备份”列表框中选择首先使用哪一个备份集恢复数据库;“文件组或文件”:选择它时,数据库恢复部件列出指定数据库备份 *** 中备份的数据库文件或文件组,管理员可从这些备份文件中选择恢复那个数据库文件或文件组;“从设备”:选择它时,管理员选择恢复数据库或其日志所使用的备份设备,之后再从该备份设备中选择使用哪一次备份中的数据恢复数据库或其日志。3、点击“确定”,完成恢复操作。 非原创。 sql server中有行迁移现象吗 有的,和oracle一样,SQL中也有行迁移行迁移记包含forwarding_stub 和forwarded 两种类型。 这两类记录是因为数据页不能容纳更新后的记录而产生的,不是因为记录长度超过8060B引起的,所以这两类记录依然是行内记录,与行溢出记录是不同的。这两种记录总是成对出现的,当出现forwarding_stub时,在别的页面中一定有与之对应的一条forwarded记录。 forwarding记录也叫forwarding_stub记录,记录头标志为0x04,它是一条完整的数据记录。虽然结构看起来特殊,但还是符合一般记录的结构,记录中主要内容就是在行中用8字节保存了指向移出后的记录的位置指针。 forwarded 记录,有时直接叫做迁移记录。记录头部标志为0x32. 它也是一条完整记录,格式跟一般记录略有差异,大体结构还是相同的。 这里是存储了溢出前的那条记录的真实数据。 这两种记录的具体存储结构比较简单和直观,其逻辑结构会在下面的实例列举中结合具体数据记录来分析说明。 测试这种的方法太长了,不在这里具体列出,你可以到51CTO里面找一下,搜索SQL行迁移有具体的测试方法。 sql server中有行迁移现象吗 有的,和oracle一样,SQL中也有行迁移 行迁移记包含forwarding_stub 和forwarded 两种类型。这两类记录是因为数据页不能容纳更新后的记录而产生的,不是因为记录长度超过8060B引起的,所以这两类记录依然是行内记录,与行溢出记录是不同的。 这两种记录总是成对出现的,当出现forwarding_stub时,在别的页面中一定有与之对应的一条forwarded记录。 forwarding记录也叫forwarding_stub记录,记录头标志为0x04,它是一条完整的数据记录。虽然结构看起来特殊,但还是符合一般记录的结构,记录中主要内容就是在行中用8字节保存了指向移出后的记录的位置指针。 forwarded 记录,有时直接叫做迁移记录。记录头部标志为0x32. 它也是一条完整记录,格式跟一般记录略有差异,大体结构还是相同的。这里是存储了溢出前的那条记录的真实数据。 这两种记录的具体存储结构比较简单和直观,其逻辑结构会在下面的实例列举中结合具体数据记录来分析说明。 测试这种的方法太长了,不在这里具体列出,你可以到51CTO里面找一下,搜索SQL行迁移有具体的测试方法 SQL数据库如何自动备份和恢复 一、备份数据库 1、打开SQL企业管理器,在控制台根目录中依次点开Microsoft SQL Server 2、SQL Server组-->;双击打开你的服务器-->;双击打开数据库目录 3、选择你的数据库名称(如论坛数据库Forum)-->;然后点上面菜单中的工具-->;选择备份数据库 4、备份选项选择完全备份,目的中的备份到如果原来有路径和名称则选中名称点删除,然后点添加,如果原来没有路径和名称则直接选择添加,接着指定路径和文件名,指定后点确定返回备份窗口,接着点确定进行备份 二、还原数据库 1、打开SQL企业管理器,在控制台根目录中依次点开Microsoft SQL Server 2、SQL Server组-->;双击打开你的服务器-->;点图标栏的新建数据库图标,新建数据库的名字自行取 3、点击新建好的数据库名称-->;然后点上面菜单中的工具-->;选择恢复数据库 4、在弹出来的窗口中的还原选项中选择从设备-->;点选择设备-->;点添加-->;然后选择你的备份文件名-->;添加后点确定返回,这时候设备栏应该出现您刚才选择的数据库备份文件名,备份号默认为1(如果您对同一个文件做过多次备份,可以点击备份号旁边的查看内容,在复选框中选择最新的一次备份后点确定)-->;然后点击上方常规旁边的选项按钮 5、在出现的窗口中选择在现有数据库上强制还原,以及在恢复完成状态中选择使数据库可以继续运行但无法还原其它事务日志的选项。在窗口的中间部位的将数据库文件还原为这里要按照你SQL的安装进行设置(也可以指定自己的目录),逻辑文件名不需要改动,移至物理文件名要根据你所恢复的机器情况做改动,如您的SQL数据库装在D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLData,那么就按照您恢复机器的目录进行相关改动改动,并且最后的文件名最好改成您当前的数据库名(如原来是zw0001.mdf,现在的数据库是zw0002,就改成zw0002.mdf),日志和数据文件都要按照这样的方式做相关的改动(日志的文件名是.ldf结尾的),这里的恢复目录您可以自由设置,前提是该目录必须存在(如您可以指定d:sqldatazw0002.mdf或者d:sqldatazw0002.ldf),否则恢复将报错 6、修改完成后,点击下面的确定进行恢复,这时会出现一个进度条,提示恢复的进度,恢复完成后系统会自动提示成功,如中间提示报错,请记录下相关的错误内容并询问对SQL操作比较熟悉的人员,一般的错误无非是目录错误或者文件名重复或者文件名错误或者空间不够或者数据库正在使用中的错误,数据库正在使用的错误您可以尝试关闭所有关于SQL窗口然后重新打开进行恢复操作,如果还提示正在使用的错误可以将SQL服务停止然后重起看看,至于上述其它的错误一般都能按照错误内容做相应改动后即可恢复 如何设置才能使sql每半小时备份一次 SQL Server数据库备份工具 2.2 数据库使用过程中历史表记录的增多数据库的增大导致以下问题的出现 1 数据库性能大幅下降 2 报表生成等要求数据库大数据量操作时导致数据库响应短暂停止甚至完全停止响应 3 数据库备份或同步等数据库维护时间加长 本程序为绿色软件无需安装, 正确配置参数后即可运行,通过使用备份计划(可配置)定时将数据库中历史表的历史记录转移到备份机器上,减小生产机运行数据库,转移报表生成等大幅占用数据库操作到备机以减小生产机压力 实现说明: 1 增加一台备份机器 2 备机上建立一个还原库用以还原当前数据库的备份和一个历史库用以保存历史数据 3 根据调度计划定时将当前生产机数据库备份到备机 4 还原备机还原库并将还原库中新增或更新数据导入备机历史库,目的为尽量少的占用当前数据库而使用备机资源 5 删除生产机数据库中已成功转移的历史数据 6 删除使用过的文件和清理数据库日志,减少磁盘占用 特点: 1 所有参数可配置 2 占用生产机数据库资源少, 仅备份操作(历史表数据转移后备份时间大大减短且大多数情况下仅进行差异备份) 3 操作速度快,且费时操作部分都基本在备机,不占用生产机资源 4 自动备份当前数据库日志和截断备份机器上数据库日志 5 自动删除使用过的文件,减少磁盘空间占用 6 整个操作过程提供详细错误日志以方便维护 7 与SQL SERVER自带的发布订阅功能不同,历史数据只在备机上保留一份(如需备份备机历史数据请自行解决或定制此需求),生产机数据库只保留有生产必须的数据量即可,可尽可能的减少当前生产机数据库的数据量减少资源占用,将历史数据转移到备机上 8 无需更改现有系统 9 和其他备份程序的区别:主要针对历史数据转移需求,数据库备份只是一个前提,转移历史数据减小生产机数据库压力才是此程序的实质 升级说明: 1 去除所有标识部分,供公共使用 2 延长一次运行时间限制到30天 附: 1 如果有意请联系public_release@sina 2 可提供源代码(vc)和实现其他定制需求 3 此共享发布程序每次运行限制为30天(可放开),请不要相信其他的所谓破解版,实为其他非善意软件的安装程序包,如果不想有一次运行30天的限制,使用额外的程序在29天时关闭程序后重新启动即可 如何查询SQL Server备份还原历史记录 SQL Server在msdb数据中维护了一系列表,用来存储执行所有备份和还原的细节信息。即使你正在使用第三方的备份应用程序,只要这个应用程序使用SQL Server的虚拟设备接口(Virtual Device Interface---VDI)来执行备份和还原执行,那么执行细节依然被存储在这一系列表中。 存储细节的表包括: backupset backupfile backupfilegroup (SQL Server 2005 upwards) backupmediaset backupmediafamily restorehistory restorefile restorefilegroup logmarkhistory suspect_pages (SQL Server 2005 upwards) 你可以在Books Online里面找到上面这些表的具体说明。 下面这个脚本可以帮你找出每个数据库近期的备份信息: SELECT, a.type, MAX(a.backup_finish_date) lastbackup FROM msdb..backupset a INNER JOIN master..sysdatabases b ON a.database_name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT = COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT GROUP BY, a.type ORDER BY, a.type 指定数据库最后20条事务日志备份信息: SELECT TOP 20 b.physical_device_name, a.backup_start_date, a.first_lsn, a.user_name FROM msdb..backupset a INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id WHERE a.type = "L" ORDER BY a.backup_finish_date DESC 指定时间段的事务日志备份信息: SELECT b.physical_device_name, a.backup_set_id, b.family_sequence_number, a.position, a.backup_start_date, a.backup_finish_date FROM msdb..backupset a INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily b ON a.media_set_id = b.media_set_id WHERE a.database_name = "AdventureWorks" AND a.type = "L" AND a.backup_start_date > "10-Jan-2007" AND a.backup_finish_date

every time/the time /a time/ one time/的区别

the time

歌词是such a feelings coming over me是什么曲子

Top of the world 世界之巅

歌词 i see you everyday dream me

歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:《Millennium》发行时间:2014-06-23《No One Else Comes Close》歌词 - Joe[欧美]When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething just not rightBut girl you know that I"d neverever let another"s touch come between the two of usCause no one else could never take your placeNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come closeAnd when I wake up toThe touch of your head on my shoulderYou"re my dream come trueOh girl you know I"ll always treasureEvery kiss everyday love you girl in every wayNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come close

求Love Psychedelic Orchestra的《ALL OVER LOVE》中文歌词

all over love消えないから shake it 想いは渗んだ tears 胸を刺すように everything has gone 爱しい人足迹は light I don"t wanna believe it 终えるのさ 想い出と I"m dreaming "目の前から?夺えない君へ"と baby, turn around I"m alright ☆ you turn away how could I laugh away? now, you"ll never gonna know that you still can turn me on oh, 今少しだけあたしを揺らしてよ 抱きしめたい all of your love turn around, and baby, show me your face I"m alright 消えないから堕ちるように泣いても cry 君をただ忘れない lay your heart, lay my heart 过ぎ去りし日々より散りたいわ love, baby 今そこにある stay with me, stay with me I don"t wanna mean it 终えるのさ 淡い日の I"m dreaming "この想いから薄れない君へ"と baby, turn around I"m alright ★ you find your way how could I hide away? now, I"ll never gonna show that you still can turn me on oh, 君から今すべてが消えるまで 始まらない all over love ☆ ref. oh, 今少しだけあたしを揺らしてよ 抱きしめたい all of your love turn around, and baby, show me your face I"m alright you turn away.. you find your way.. 梦果てるように you fade away ☆ ref. oh, 今少しだけあたしを揺らしてよ 抱きしめたい all of your love ★ ref. oh, 君から今すべてが消えるまで 始まらない all over love turn around, and baby, show me your face I"m alright.

天国 (Orchestra Ver.) 歌词

  天国 (Orchestra Ver.) 歌词:  歌名:天国 (Orchestra Ver.)歌手:Bigbang专辑:Big Show 2009 Bigbang Live Concert Live歌词:一个人站在熟悉的海边.微风吹过了我的脸.勾起了我对你的思念.Baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗.I Miss You.不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了.在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐.整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着.想着我们曾经在一起度过的每个时刻.有欢笑,有难过,有快乐,有失落.你扔下我一个人去了天国.那里没有悲伤和难过.却只有幸福和快乐.每当想起你的时候.我抬头望着天空.希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔.望着我听着我对你诉说.当年我失去你以后的生活.而我总是一个人难过,一个人失落.那根本就是我自己懦弱.无法面对失去你的结果.所以难过围绕着我.寂寞陪伴着我.孤寂牵着我的手一起走.还记得小时候. 经常在我家.我们一起玩过家家.你在我耳边说你以后除了我谁都不嫁.我一直没有忘记这句话.直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍.从来都不害怕. 没有温暖没有家.不想那么多. 只管现在能够相爱在说.在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩.一起加油一起努力的度过.你说你喜欢听我唱歌.喜欢我在你面前饶舌.因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过.能够让你快乐.每当我们在一起的时候.你总是躺在我怀里.听着我唱起我的原创歌曲.一遍又一遍从来不会觉得厌倦.总是拍手说我唱的好听.鼓励我继续努力.以后当个大明星要找我签名.现在你已经离开了我一个人去了天国.你离开了我的世界我的生活.还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐.宝贝不用担心不用难过.好好在那边和你妈妈一起生活.我对你的思念就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边.每当流星划过寂静的天边.都会为你许下祝福的心愿.每当夜深人静想起你的时候.眼泪总是忍不住的往下流.我努力的举起你牵过的那双手.擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流.雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸.我依旧对你那么思念.不管我们的爱已经离我多么远.我对你的爱永远不会改变.每当夜深人静想起你的时候.眼泪总是忍不住的往下流.希望时光倒流回到我们的过去.保护着你不再让你离我而去.Baby. 这首歌曲献给你.一个人在天国要过的快乐喔.I Love You

求中惠光城-四面楚歌-Mitsuki ver-中文歌词及罗马音


翻译一个句子Paper is jammed Open the front cover(s).Pull out the unit and remove the jammed paper.

纸被夹住了。打开前盖,把零件拿出来,之后移除被夹到的纸。 可能跟打印机有关。

Express Yourself (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Express Yourself (Album Version)歌手:Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd. Street Rhythm Band专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Charles Wright & The Watts 103Rd St. Rhythm BandDon"t go for second best babyPut your love to the test you know, you know you"ve got toMake him express how he feels and maybeThen you"ll know your love is realYou don"t need diamond rings or eighteen karat goldFancy cars that go very fast you know they never last no, noWhat you need is a big strong hand toLife you to your higher groundMake you feel like a queen on a throneMake him love you till you can"t come downLong stem roses are the way to your heart butHe needs to start with your headSatin sheets are very romanticWhat happens when you"re not in bedYou deserve the best in lifeSo if the time isn"t right then move onSecond best is never enoughYou"ll do much better baby on your own, baby on your ownExpress yourselfYou"ve got to make himExpress himselfHey, hey, hey, heySo if you want it right now, make him show you howExpress what he"s got, oh baby ready or notAnd when you"re gone he might regret itThink about the love he once hadTry to carry on, but he just won"t get itHe"ll be back on his knees to express himselfYou"ve got to make him express himself, hey hey


该系列讲述了周三·亚当斯作为Nevermore学院的学生,充满了侦探、超自然的奥秘。在这里,她试图掌握自己新发现的通灵能力,挫败了一场恐吓当地小镇的残忍杀戮狂潮,并解开了25年前困扰父母的超自然谜团——所有这些都是在探索新的、复杂的人际关系。2022年6月7日——珍娜·奥尔特加的哥特少年周三首次亮相,这是亚当斯家族真人系列的首次亮相。[5] 8月18日的新闻《星期三》披露了汉字预览。[6] 据新浪网报道,8月28日,Netflix的真人连续剧《星期三》发布了新的预告片。[7] 9月22日,蒂姆·波顿(Tim Burton)的Netflix系列周三的新预告片披露了格温多琳·克里斯蒂(Gwendoline Christie)作为永久学院院长拉里莎·威姆斯(Larissa Weems)的优雅形象。[8] 蒂姆·波顿(Tim Burton)的《亚当斯家族》(Addams Family)周三衍生剧的海报已于9月24日发布。[9] 北京时间10月19日,据新浪网报道。周三,《亚当斯家族》(Addams Family)的Netflix真人系列节目发布了官方预告片。[11] 10月20日,蒂姆·波顿为他的新剧《星期三》发布了幕后特辑。[12] 11月1日,《亚当斯家族》(Addams Family)真人版周三上映了第一张人物海报。[13] 当地时间11月16日,亚当斯家族衍生剧周三在洛杉矶首映。[14] 周三,由蒂姆·波顿执导的《亚当斯家族》衍生片发布了一些导演的幕后照片



The Song Is Over 歌词

歌曲名:The Song Is Over歌手:The Who专辑:Who"S NextThe Song Is Over曲终人散The Who-谁人乐队歌词By:Linken JoeThe song is overIt"s all behind meI should have known itShe tried to find meOur love is overThey"re all ahead nowI"ve got to learn itI"ve got to sing outI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeWhen I walked in through the doorThought it was me I was looking forShe was the first song I ever sangBut it stopped as soon as it beganOur love is overIt"s all behind meThey"re all ahead nowCan"t hope to find meI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeI"ll sing my song to the wide open spacesI"ll sing my heart out to the infinite seaI"ll sing my visions to the sky high mountainsI"ll sing my song to the free, to the freeThis song is overI"m left with only tearsI must rememberEven if it takes a million yearsThe song is overThe song is overSearchin" for a note, pure and easyPlaying so free, like a breath rippling by





没有什么不同 曲婉婷 everything in the world

歌曲名:《没有什么不同》作词∶曲婉婷作曲∶曲婉婷演唱:曲婉婷发行时间:2012-04-24所属专辑:《Everything in the World》歌词:又是你的面孔 带给我是笑容在我哭泣的时候又是你的问候 带给我是感动在我孤寂的时候虽然没有天生一样的但在地球上我们是一样的尽管痛的苦的没说的但哪有一路走来都是顺风的因为我们没有什么不同天黑时我们仰望同一片星空没有追求和付出哪来的成功谁说我们一定要走别人的路谁说辉煌背后没有痛苦只要为了梦想不服输再苦也不停止脚步又是你的面孔 带给我是笑容在我哭泣的时候又是你的问候 带给我是感动在我孤寂的时候虽然没有天生一样的但在地球上我们是一样的尽管痛的苦的没说的但哪有一路走来都是顺风的因为我们没有什么不同天黑时我们仰望同一片星空没有追求和付出哪来的成功谁说我们一定要走别人的路谁说辉煌背后没有痛苦只要为了梦想不服输再苦也不停止脚步每一天 每一年 都可以是新的起跑线也可以是终点 看你怎么选望着无边无际遥远的地平线哪里会是你的极限我们没有什么不同天黑时我们仰望同一片星空没有追求和付出哪来的成功因为我们没有什么不同天黑时我们仰望同一片星空没有追求和付出哪来的成功谁说我们一定要走别人的路谁说辉煌背后没有痛苦只要为了梦想不服输再苦也不停止脚步我们没有什么不同天黑时我们仰望同一片星空没有追求和付出哪来的成功谁说我们一定要走别人的路谁说辉煌背后没有痛苦只要为了梦想不服输再苦也不停止脚步我们没有什么不同天黑时我们仰望同一片星空没有追求和付出哪来的成功谁说我们一定要走别人的路谁说辉煌背后没有痛苦祝您生活愉快,望采纳

求高达G 歌曲“trust you forever” 英文版的歌词

I"ll Trust You Forever (English Version)G Gundam I"ll Trust You Forever (English Version) Ain"t nothing gonna stop me now, I"m gonna make it I"m running hard and straight ahead Can"t even take the time to mop The sweat that"s streamin" like the rain off my head Didn"t know what I was living for, I couldn"t take it I stood there with nothing I could believe My life was just a mystery I hid my heart and soul way up in my sleeve Now that we"re both together Trading lines to help each other understand Now I"m awfully glad we got mad at each other at all *Down and out when U don"t know what to do That"s the time you reach your hand out softly to me No way we"ll ever be parted again We"ll be friends, you"ll see my eyes are following you **No matter what the changes the future may bring It"s you I"ll remember always I"ll trust you forever And as I run into the wind, I feel myself reviving Blowing the sweat off of me now Until I am awakening into a day to make a dream come true It could be anybody Everyone has got a jewel shining inside But if they"re covered in fears let the tears Wash those troubles away Fight on strong until the sun goes down Raise your fist and wave it in the air like a flag Wounds all over from your head to your toes So it goes, but you have learned to laugh through it all We lie upon our backs and feel the Earth down below And squint at the stars above us. * repeat Don"t give up! You"re gonna make it today Move ahead, forever forward and never look back You"re not alone or by yourself anymore You"ve got someone you can count on everyday. **repeat You"ll carry us on

G高达 trust you forever这首歌的中文歌词

RUST YOU FOREVER束の间のやすらぎも振り切って「头也不回地抛弃那短暂的安稳」ひたすら真っ直に走り続けた「只顾一味向前飞奔」流れる汗拭わずに「静静注视着汗水 来不及擦拭它留下的痕」 信じるものも无くただ独り「什么事都无法相信 只有一个人」优しい心 隠して「将温柔的心悄悄藏深」本当の自分 见失いそうな日々「日复一日之间 几乎要迷失真正的自己」ぶつかることで 深く结びつく友情「有过争执冲突 友情才会因此而变得更加深厚」伤ついたことは 无駄じゃなかったね「曾受过的伤害 我不想认为它没有意义」 悲しみに暮れた时 「当沉浸于悲伤的时候」そっと手を差し伸べてみよう「会有人轻轻向你伸出援助之手」きっといつまでも友は「你我一定永远都是朋友」You"ll be friends 君を见守っている「You"ll be friends 我将会一直在此守候」いつか时代が変わっても「就算是沧海桑田全都改变…」仆は忘れない「我也绝不会忘记你」I trust you forever「I trust you forever…」 吹き渡る风が頬をかすめてく「远方吹来的风儿轻轻掠过了脸颊」全てが目を覚ました「一边唤醒沉睡的一切」新しい梦 叶う日を愿いながら「一边祈祷全新梦想实现的那一天」きっと谁もが 胸の奥 光る宝石「无论是谁一定 内心深处都有着光辉的宝石」汚れた时は 涙で洗ってる「若沾上了污秽 那用泪水清洗便是」 阳が落ちるまで「直到太阳落山时为止」拳を握り殴り合って「握紧了拳头一直互殴着」伤だらけのままで「虽然满身都是伤痕」“似た者同士”と笑ってた「仍笑着说“我们很相似”」背中を大地に合わせると「后背紧紧地靠着大地」 星空がにじんでた「然后便能前往星空」悲しみに暮れた时 「当沉浸于悲伤的时候」そっと手を差し伸べてみよう「会有人轻轻向你伸出援助之手」きっといつまでも友は「你我一定永远都是朋友」You"ll be friends 君を见守っている「You"ll be friends 我将会一直在此守候」あきらめない明日を 「请别放弃明天的希望」そして振り向かない昨日を「也不要回首昨天已逝的时光」一人じゃないから 「绝不会让你独自彷徨」so long time 誓い合おう きっと「相互发誓永远不会让你受伤」 いつか时代が変わっても「就算是沧海桑田全都改变…」仆は忘れない「我也绝不会忘记你」I trust you forever「I trust you forever…」We"ll look honest world「We"ll look honest world…」-----------------------------------------------------------------出处:

everything in the world中文歌词 要一句一句翻译

Your life, belongs to nobody else 很喜欢这句。也很喜欢这首歌,看到这信息的都是知音了,呵呵!感谢楼上朋友的回复,作为答谢,给大家【爆个料】,绝对给力!这一招帮你100%买不到假货!100%能捡到便宜!感兴趣的可以搜下我的博客: 蒲匀元推荐指数:★★★★★

求大佬 请问the world over可以做状语吗

可以egBureaucracies the world over are the butt of criticism over red tape.

I Ll Be There (First Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Ll Be There (First Version)歌手:Gerry & The Pacemakers专辑:You Ll Never Walk Alone (The Emi Years 1963-1966)Sclub7i"llBeThereLooking in my memory, what did I see?All the good times you gave to me.Even from the park, way after dark,Listen to the radio in my car.It"s times like these you see the wood from the trees,You come to my aid when I"m on my knees.The next time you feel alone, just pick up the phone.Reach out and touch, whisper my name.I will deliver, again and again.Straight from the heart, honest and true,I promise you this, I will be there for you.When I think, I"d be lost without you.Makes me wonder what I did before youWhen it mattered you were there for me,You were my rock boy, you were my energy.Time flies but I"ll never forget, the way it was the day we met.Don"t be surprised, you know it"s true.I"m gonna be there for you.Reach out and touch, whisper my name.I will deliver, again and again.Straight from the heart, honest and true,I promise you this, I will be there for youThrough the sun, through the rain,I will still feel the same,Be it good, be it bad,I"ll always understand.When you"re down, when you"re blue,I will be there for you.Cause nobody does it betterWe"re gonna get there together.Through the sun, and through the rainI"ll be there for youThrough the sun, and through the rainBe there, I"ll be there for you.Reach out and touch, whisper my name.I will deliver, again and againStraight from the heart, honest and true,I promise you this, I will be there for you<THEEND>



法语中penser croire certaine touver vouloir propose区别

首先certain(e)是形容词,表示确定的某人或某物,其他都是动词,至于要不要加后面的e就看跟着的名词的阴阳性,阳性不加,阴性加,复数的话还要加s penser,意为“想”,相当于英语的think croire,意为“相信”,相当于英语的believe trouver(拼写错了,不是touver),意为“找到,觉得”,相当于英语的find和feel vouloir,意为“想要”,相当于英语的want proposer(propose是该动词的一种变位形式),意为“提出,建议”,相当于英语的suggest 这样应该说得很明白了吧,希望能帮到你

every coin has two sides什么意思?



由于must在这里表示判断,意思是一定、准,所以这句话的否定式改为:The girl over there can"t/can not/cannot be a student.那边的那个女孩不可能是学生。很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

偶尔听到一首英文歌,男声,很悲伤的。歌词大概是 everything I do(?) , wrong(?)...everything you ...

不会是right here waiting吧

一首男生唱的英文歌 高潮部分有女声伴唱 和every breath you take 风格差不多的

I"ll be missing you

谁知道有一个every breath you take 女声的翻唱版本?


有一首英文歌,女的唱的,抒情歌,歌词有一句大概是every step i take,every move i made ,you are there

Sweetbox - Every Step ?

求 藤田惠美every breath you take的歌曲链接!


跪求Karen Souza 翻唱的《every breath you take 》的有效空间链接~~~~

已发 请查收百度HI

求一首英文女生歌!!!!!every word you say .........everything you did

Every word you say Bergitta Victor

every breath you take一个女人翻唱的,很轻快

名字一样的 是日本歌手lisa唱的

英文歌词里有every step rm taking 这首歌叫什么名字

Every Breath You Take原唱:The PoliceEvery breath you takeEvery move you makeEvery bond you breakEvery step you takeI""ll be watching youEvery single dayEvery word you sayEvery game you playEvery night you stayI""ll be watching youOh can"t you seeYou belong to meHow my poor heart achesWith every step you takeEvery move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI""ll be watching youSince you""ve gone I""ve been lost without a traceI dream at night, I can only see your faceI look around but it""s you I can"t replaceI feel so cold and I long for your embraceI keep crying baby, baby, pleaseOh can"t you seeYou belong to meHow my poor heart aches( With every breath you take )Every move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI""ll be watching youEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI""ll be watching youEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you break

有一首歌,里面有一句every step you take,every………………,每句基本就是EVERY开头的

every breath you take every breath you takeevery move you makeevery bond you breakevery step you takei"ll be watching youevery single dayevery word you sayevery game you playevery night you stayi"ll be watching youo can"t you seeyou belong to mehow my poor heart acheswith every step you takeevery move you makeevery vow you breakevery smile you fakeevery claim you takei"ll be watching yousince you"ve gone i been lost without a tracei dream at night i can only see your facei look around but it"s you i can"t replacei feel so cold and i long for your embracei keep crying baby,baby,pleaseo can"t you seeyou belong to mehow my poor heart achesevery step you takeevery move you makeevery vow you breakevery smile you fakeevery claim you takei"ll be watching youevery move you makeevery step you takei"ll be watching youi"ll be watching youi"ll be watching youi"ll be watching you

女生唱的 纯吉他伴奏歌词里有cant you see 有很多every 是一首比较安静的歌 我在音乐一百点一上听到的

你找的应该是这一首《 Every Breath You Take》,纯吉他闷声伴奏。原唱是The Police,你听的可能是小野丽莎 版的。歌词如下:【every】 breath you take and 【every】 move you make【every 】bond you break, 【every】 step you takei"ll be watching you【every】 single day and【 every】word you say【every】 game you play, every night you stayi"ll be watching youoh, 【can"t you see】 .you belong to mehow my poor heart aches with every step you takeevery move you make ,every vow you breakevery smile you fake, every claim you stakei"ll be watching yousince you"ve gone i"ve been lost without a tracei dream at night, i can only see your facei look around, but it"s you i can"t replacei feel so cold and i long for your embracei keep crying baby, baby pleaseoh, can"t you see .you belong to mehow my poor heart aches with every step you takeevery move you make ,every vow you breakevery smile you fake, every claim you stakei"ll be watching youevery breath you take, every move you makei"ll be watching youevery breath you take....满意望采纳~

藤田惠美的Every Breath You Take这首歌属于什么曲风的?

Bossa Nova爵士曲风她也是Bossa Nova天后推荐:la vie en rose( 玫瑰人生):歌手:Edith Piaf 曾用于:《天下无贼》开头部分配乐mermaid song :曾用于:chivas 广告dream a little dream :曾用于:金莎朱古力广告i wish you love :Album:Blue Champagne 听着很舒服,歌词意义也很好:I wish you shelter from the storm, A cozy fire to keep you warm ,But most of all,when snowflakes fall,I wish you love.....I will never fall in love again:singer:Bobbie Gentry Album:Blue Champagne Yesterday when I were young:singer:Matt Monro Album:Blue Champagne Fly meto the moon:singer:Alma Cogan Album:Blue Champagne Busame Mucho:singer:Danny Aiello Album:Blue Champagne

every breath you take原唱是谁

every braeth you take的原唱是The police
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