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用 be used to doing造5个句子,谢谢!

Lawyers are used to weighing the evidence of witnesses. 律师们习惯于权衡证人提供的证据。Many volunteers are used to doing difficult or important work. 许多义务工作者惯于干艰巨而重要的工作。I am used to doing group dancing every day, which is simple and relaxing. 我已经习惯每天去跳集体舞,既简单又轻松。He was used to being peered at on arriving in a strange town. 到一个陌生的城镇被人盯着看,他已习为常了I was used to him messing up the kitchen. 我对他把厨房弄脏已经习惯了。

请教used to do和be used to doing的区别

这个是个被经常问到的问题,引用来区分一下:1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,(意思现在不做了)例:I used to get up early and take an hour"s walk before breakfast.我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时 used to doing sth / be used to sth .是指习惯于做某事.(这里的to 是介词.)例:She isn"t used to living in the countryside now.她不习惯在乡下生活.Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? used to do sth.被用来做某事例:Computers are used to do many things for people now.现在计算机被用来做许多事情.

be used to doing和used to do的区别

1、 used to do sth. used to 意为“过去常常”,可看作半助动词或情态动词,其后跟动词原形,表示过去的习惯、经常发生的动作或状态。如: He used to be a teacher in our school. 他曾经是我们学校的一位老师。 There used to be an old temple near the village. 过去村子的附近有一座古庙。2、 be used to doing sth. be used to doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”,其中to是介词,后接名词或动名词。如: The old man and his wife have been used to living a simple life. 这对老夫妇已经过惯了简朴的生活。 I am not used to my new job. 我不习惯我的新工作。 Is she used to walking after supper? 她习惯晚饭后散步吗? be used to还可用get used to表示“渐渐习惯于……”。如: You"ll get used to your new job. 你很快就会习惯新工作的。

be used for doing sth 和 be used to do sth的区别是什么?

区别仅仅在于to后接动词原形,也就是do而for介词(“为了....”)后接动词的现在分词,也就是ing形式。sth be used to do be used for doing 某物被用于做某事be used to doing 习惯做某事used to do 过去常常做某事如果你再细心一点会发现词组纸上有一个词组是be used for doing sth = be used to do sth,只有used to do 和它们不一样哦,它是表示习惯做某事,不能用for doing,亲一定是三个词组混淆了,这是固定搭配。

to do是动词不定式,do为动词原型,为什么还有be used to doing?


used to doing和used to的区别

used to do sth和 used to doing sth 的区别:1、used to do sth. (一般过去时)表达”过去常常做的事情," 言下之意是现在不常做了。 2、 be used to doing sth. (一般现在时)表达“现在对做某事已经习惯了。”拓展资料used to do sth1、I used to do that when you were a little girl, remember? 在你还是小女孩的时候我曾经那么做过,记得吗?2、When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me. 我还是个孩子的时候常常干那种事,每次妈妈总是打我的屁股。3、The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now. 这个讲师以前挺好,但如今似乎讲得差了。4、It"s okay. I used to do it too. 好了,我有时候也这样。5、Me and my friends, we used to do it all the time. 我和我的朋友,我们以前都这样玩。used to doing sth1、Are you used to doing hard work? 你习惯于做艰苦的工作吗?2、I "; m not used to doing it in this way. 我不习惯于这样的做法。3、They got used to doing hard work. 他们已习惯于做苦力了。4、People here are used to doing for themselves. 这里的人对自救已经习惯了。5、The chip"s a lot smaller than I"m used to doing it with, all right? 这个芯片比我过去玩过的小多了,对吧?

be used to do 和 be used doing 的区别

be used to do 是被用来做某事,be used to doing 是习惯于做某事。时态取决于be的形式。be是一般过去时就表示过去时,be是一般现在时就表示现在。

used to do, be used to doing , be used to do 有什么区别?

used to do, be used to doing , be used to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、used to do:过去常常做某事。2、be used to doing:习惯于做某事,习惯做某事,习惯于作某事。3、be used to do:被用来...二、用法不同1、used to do:日常用语,基本意思是“用”“使用”,多指一种比较明显地、物质地消耗,有时也可指不含或含有很少的消费、消耗的意思,强调目的性与实际效益。2、be used to doing:是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。也可接由as短语或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。use偶尔可接人作宾语,意为“利用某人”,即把某人作为手段或工具。3、be used to do:use用作名词时,基本意思是“使用,应用”,引申可作“用途,效用”解。use通常与介词of连用,有时of可省略。三、侧重点不同1、used to do:表示过去经常存在的一种状态。2、be used to doing:表示习惯进行的一种动作。3、be used to do:表示某物被用来做什么。

used to do,be used to doing和 be used to do的区别,并举例说明

used to do指:过去常常 例:I used to go to school on foot. be used to doing指:习惯于做某事 例:He used to taking a shower after lunch. be used to do指:被用于,主语往往是物. 例:This tool is used to open the box.

be used to doing和be used to doing的区别是什么?

前后两个都是 be used to doing 意思是“习惯于做某事”,没有区别。

be used to do和be used to doing的区别在哪里

be used to do sth 被用来做某事be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事如The knife is used to cut down the grass.He is used to getting up early.


use的用法:used to表示过去常常做某事;be used to 被用来做;use doing 没有这个用法;be used to + doing习惯于;be used to do被用于。 扩展资料   use 用法常见用法   used to表示过去常常做某事.   例句:I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.   be used to do的`意思是被用来做某事;be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.   used to 过去常常做某事   be used to 被用来做   used to / be used to (楼上的几位请注意,be used for才是被用来做什么)   used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在.   Mother used not to be so forgetful.   Scarf used to take a walk.(过去常常散步)   be used to + doing:对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词.   He is used to a vegetarian diet.   Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)   used to / be used to   used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在.   Mother used not to be so forgetful.   Scarf used to take a walk.(过去常常散步)   be used to + doing:对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词.   He is used to a vegetarian diet.   Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)

be used to doing造句

I am used to walking around the park after lunch.午饭过后,我通常会在公园走走.


used to do和used to doing的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同。used to do中文意思为“过去常常做某事”,是一般过去时时态; used to doing中文翻译为“习惯于做...…”,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词形式,是一般现在时时态。used to do和be used to doing的含义不同,be used to doing表达习惯于做某事的意思。used to所表示的意思是“过去常常做某事”,强调过去发生的事,所以一般用于描述发生在过去的事情。used to do的含义及用法介绍used to do意为过去常常做某事,即现在不做某事了。例句有:1、l used to do that when you were a little girl, remember?在你还是小女孩的时候我曾经那么做过,记得吗?2、The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now。这个讲师以前挺好,但如今似乎讲得差了。3、After all, that is what China used to do。毕竟过去的中国一直就是这么做的。4、Finally, an example is used to do analysis。最后佐以一个案例分析。5、Property can be used to do the same for a form。属性也可以在窗体中实现同样的功能。used to doing的含义及用法介绍used to doing意思为习惯于做......,后面可接名词、代词或者动名词。例句有:1、She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork她过去总是强迫我写作业。2、People here are used to doing for themselves。这里的人对自救已经习惯了。3、You get used to doing your own business on your own time。你们必须学会用自己的时间做自己的事。4、In the end, l got used to doing the hard work。最后,我终于习惯干苦活了。5、That is because women can continue to do something they are used to doing。那是因为妇女能继续做他所一直习惯做的事情。

be used to do sth 还是be used to doing sth?

没有be used to do sth这一表述方式,只有used to do sth.和be used to doing sth.1. used to do sth.的意思是“曾经做过某事”。例如:I used to study in Britain.(我曾在英国学习过。)2. be used to doing sth.的意思是“习惯于做某事”。例如:I"m used to studying late in the night.“我习惯在深夜学习。”

used to后什么时候加doing?什么时候加do?

表示习惯于做某事用doing,被用来做某事用do,都是be used to

be used to do/doing什么意思啊 used to do意思是“被用来做某事”例如:The pen is used to write.钢笔被用来写字 used to doing 意思是“习惯做某事”例如:I am used to getting up early 我习惯于早起。3.used to do意思是“过去常常”例如:I used to get up late.我过去常常起得晚。

used to do,be used to do,used to doing 有什么区别


be used to do和be used to doing有什么区别?

您好 be used to do 和 be used to doing 的区别在于:1)be used to do 中的 use 是(完全动词)译为【用】,所以 be used to do 是完全动词(use)的被动语态,译为【被用来做……】,比如:Wood is uesd to make chairs.(木头被用来制造椅子。)2)be used to doing 中的 used 是 use 的(过去分词)作为(形容词)使用,也就是(be + 形容词 + 介词 + 名词)的结构,和(be good at something, be interested in (doing) something)是雷同的结构,译为【习惯于(做)某事】,这里的 doing 应该是 doing something 的(动名词词组)形式,比如:I am used to getting up in the morning(我习惯于早起。)I will be used to taking buses to work in the morning.(我将会习惯于早上乘坐公交车去上班。)

be used to doing sth.和used to do sth.的分别


be used to doing的用法?

be used to doing 的 be used to 属于复合情态动词,to 是介词,后跟动名词 doing,意思是“习惯于做某事”。


一共是三个Be used to do 被用于,被用来做什么标准被动语态The box is used to be a rubbish can.这盒子被用来当垃圾桶。Be used to doing 习惯于I am used to Get up at six.我习惯于早六点起床used to do过去常做,但是现在不这么做了I used to Get up at six.我过去常常六点起床,(但是现在不这样了。)手打完毕,希望有帮助。

be used to doing和used to do的区别是什么?

used to do和be used to doing的含义不同,be used to doing表达习惯于做某事的意思;used to所表示的意思是“过去常常做某事”,强调过去发生的事,所以一般用于描述发生在过去的事情。used to do的否定形式是didn"t use to do 或 usedn"t to do;疑问形式是Did you use to do sth?例句:My brother used to go swimming in the sea.我哥哥过去常常在海里游泳。否定形式是My brotherdidn"t use to go swimming in the sea.疑问形式是Did your brother use to go swimming in the sea?be used to doing的例句:I am used to having a cup of tea in the morning.我习惯于早上喝一杯茶。

be used to doing什么意思用法?

be used to doing sth喜欢于做某事to是介词He is used to living in the countryside.他习惯住在乡下。

be used for doing sth 和 be used to do sth的区别是什么?

【used to do sth】和【be used to do sth】①used to do 过去常常(表示现在不再)eg: I used to swim in the lake near my village when I was young.②be used to do 被用于。。。=④be used for sth./doing Wood can be used to make paper.③be used to doing习惯于做某事eg: My grandpa is used to going for a walk after dinner.③和①②很容易区别,而②可以认为和be used for doing sth意思一样。【be used to do 和be uesd for sth /doing sth.都可以表示“被用来……(表目的)”区别如上, 动词的形式不同。 e.g. The knife is used to cut apples. =The knife is used for cutting apples. 】Originally posted by ashao at 2010-02-09 2250:be used to do貌似这个易和be used to doing sth——过去常常做某事or习惯于——混淆,呵呵希望能解决您的问题。

used to do,be used to,be used to doing有什么区别

be used to doing=get used to doing与一般现在时用He is used to reading now他习惯读书used to +原形 过去经常He used to do homeworkbe used to=be used for doing 被用来做什么

be used to doing 是什么意思?

你好!be used to doing 习惯于做某事

used to do,be used to do、be used to doing 三个短语读法有没有不同

在美语中,由于受后面 / d / 的影响,字母 / z / 的音:/ ju:zd /英国英语没有这一影响, 仍发 / s / 的音,后面的 / d / 则清辅音化:/ juu02d0st /used 在上面三个短语中的发音是一样的。

请教used to do和be used to doing的区别

used to do过去经常,以前常常(现在不做了) ,例如:We used to go there every year. 我过去每年都去那儿。 (现在不去了)He is not what he used to be. 他已不是旧日的他了。 be used to doing习惯于做某事 ,例如:He"s quite used to hard work.(working hard) 他颇习惯于艰苦工作。 1.used to的一般疑问句有两种构成方法:1)将used提前至句首,结构为:Used + 主语 + to do sth...?2)将did提前至句首,结构为:Did + 主语 + use to do sth...?例如:Used he to get up early?= Did he use to get up early?2. used to的反义疑问句有两种构成方法,例如:1)He used to smoke,didn"t he?2)They usedn"t to like opera,did they?3. 同样,其否定句也有两种构成方式:1)直接在used后面加上not,也可一起缩写成usedn"t.结构为:主语 + used not to do sth... 或 主语 + usedn"t to do sth...2)借助于助动词didn"t,其结构为:主语 + didn"t use to do sth....例如:He used not to get up early.= He usedn"t to get up early.= He didn"t use to get up early.4、be(get,become)used to结构在意义上相当于accustomed to“习惯于”,从形态上看,used是个分词型形容词,to是介词,因此后面只能跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:1)They got used to living in the countryside.他们已习惯于住在农村。2)I"ve got used to being a vegetarian.我已经习惯吃素食。3)He is used to hard work.他习惯于艰苦工作。5、be used to表示“习惯于某事”的状态,而get used to则表示由“不习惯”到“习惯于”这一动态的过程,意思是:“(变得)习惯于”;“开始习惯于”。试比较:He was used to the cold weather after he lived there for two years.在那里住两年后,他已习惯了寒冷的天气。I think it is a bit difficult for you to get used to the humid weather here.我想,让你习惯于这里潮湿而炎热的天气有点困难。You"ll soon get used to living in the country.很快你就会习惯于住在乡下了。6、当主语是物的时候是指被用来做某事,be used to是动词use的被动语态,在这种结构里,to是不定式符号。例如:A metal bar was used to force the door open.用金属棒把门撬开。The threshing ground was used to hold a mass meeting.打谷场曾用于举行群众大会。

请教used to do和be used to doing的区别

used to do 过去习惯。只能表达过去时间里发生的事情。

used to do和be used to doing的区别

used to do和be used to doing的含义不同,be used to doing表达习惯于做某事的意思;used to所表示的意思是“过去常常做某事”,强调过去发生的事,所以一般用于描述发生在过去的事情。used to do的否定形式是didn"t use to do 或 usedn"t to do;疑问形式是Did you use to do sth? 例句:My brother used to go swimming in the sea.我哥哥过去常常在海里游泳。否定形式是My brotherdidn"t use to go swimming in the sea. 疑问形式是Did your brother use to go swimming in the sea? be used to doing的例句:I am used to having a cup of tea in the morning. 我习惯于早上喝一杯茶。

be used to doing还是be used to doing?

be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事如He is used to getting up early.

use to,be used to do,be used to doing和be used for的区别


be used to doing sth的用法是否正确.

正确答案如下:1. be used to do sth 被用来做某事,如This machine is used to clean the wall.这个机器是用来刷墙的.This word is used to express a kind of animal.这个单词是用来表达一种动物的.be used to doing 习惯于做某事,如I"m used to drinking a glass of water after meal.我习惯于饭后喝一本水.He"s been used to living at the campus.他已经习惯校园生活了.used to do 过去常常做某事,如I used to be a young pioneer.我原来是一名少先队员.I used to jog in the evening.我原来常常在晚上散步.

be used to doing和used to do的区别

例句:I used to cut fruit with the knife which is used to cut meat, so now I am used to eating fruit with the flavor of meat.直译:我过去常常用切肉的刀来切水果,所以现在我习惯于吃带肉味的水果了解析:1.used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”变否定句既可以在used的前方加didn"t,也可以在used后方加not.I used to be short, but now I am tall.我过去很矮,但是现在很高。He used to be afraid of dark, didn"t he? / usedn"t he?他过去很怕黑,不是吗?be used to do sth.表示“被用来做某事”,这是一个完整的被动语态形式。to do可以用介词for来替换,be used for sth.Knives are used to cut fruit.刀用来切水果。Knives are used for cutting.刀用来切东西。be used to doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”,此处的to是一个介词,介词后一律加动词的ing形式。I am used to walking along the river after dinner.我习惯于饭后沿着河边走一走。PS:常见的to是介词的短语。be accustomed to doingdevote oneself to doinglook forward to doingpay attention to doingprefer doing to doing。

used to,be used to be used to doing什么意思有什么区别?

1.used to do sth 意思是过去常常做什么,暗含现在不这样的意思。如:He used go to school on foot.他过去常常走路去上学。 used to do sth 是被动语态。主语被用来做什么。 used to doing sth习惯性做某事。如:He is used to walking after dinner.他习惯于晚饭后散步

be used to do和be used to doing

1)  be used to do的意思是被用来做某事;be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.be used to 被用来做used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。Mother used not to be so forgetful.Scarf used to take a walk. (过去常常散步)2)be used to + doing:;已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。He is used to a vegetarian diet.Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)

used to doing还是be used to doing?

used to do 和 be used to do区别如下:1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,(意思现在不做了)例:I used to get up early and take an hour"s walk before breakfast.我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时 used to doing sth / be used to sth .是指习惯于做某事.(这里的to 是介词.)例:She isn"t used to living in the countryside now.她不习惯在乡下生活.Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? used to do sth.被用来做某事例:Computers are used to do many things for people now.现在计算机被用来做许多事情.

be used to doing


“be used to do,be used to doing, used to do”怎么造句?

The room is used to study for you.I"m used to living here.I used to be lazy.

be used to doing sth和used to do sth的区别?

get used to 习惯于(强调转变)后接名词,代词,v-ing 形式be used to 习惯于(强调状况)后接名词,代词,v-ing 形式be used to do sth 被用来做什么,后接动词原形

be used to 后面是不是只能加doing


be used to doing是什么意思? used to do意思是“被用来做某事”例如:The pen is used to write.钢笔被用来写字 used to doing 意思是“习惯做某事”例如:I am used to getting up early 我习惯于早起。3.used to do意思是“过去常常”例如:I used to get up late.我过去常常起得晚。

used to do和be used to doing的区别是什么?

一:意思不同1、used to do意思为过去常常做某事(现在已经不做)2、be used to doing意思为习惯做某事二:词性不同1、used to do中used是谓语动词,所以其后跟随的“to”为不定式符号2、be used to doing中used是形容词,真正的谓语是be,后面的“to”是介词三:用法不同1、used to do中“used”单独做谓语动词表示过去经常,一般过去时态(常态)。示例:He used to go to our school。他曾在我们学校就读。2、be used to doing中“used”是形容词,表达“习惯”的意思,而不是谓语动词,真正的谓语动词为Be动词,时态可以是一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时。示例:I am used to the hot weather。我习惯于热天气。

be used to doing是什么意思


求翻译the soldier was accused of running away when t


Both sides have accused of breaking the contract of ____. A.another B.the other C.neither

B B. “the other+单数名词”表示“(两个中的)另一个”,根据上文中的both sides可判断出双方相互指责对方违约。another是“另一个”的意思,指多个东西中的另一个,具有名词和形容词性质。neither意为“(两者)都不”;each意为“每一个”,表示多于两个。

the policeman could not swear to having seen the accused man at the scene of


求电影《The Accused》下载地址

留个QQ邮箱 你那个邮箱地址错误

3. It ___ quite a few years ___ the accused was declared innocent and set free.

选a话 since 是现在完成时的标志,所以选它就要用完成时,可是题目中用的是was declared是过去时,所以不能选a

暴劫梨花/控诉 (The Accused) 中字完整资源


it was quite a few years before the accused was declared innocent and set free.

应该是不可以的。 假设换成that ,那么这个句子就是:The accused was declared innocent and set free quite a few years 。这不是一个正确的句子吧,似乎缺了点东东。所以不能构成强调句。请帮忙详细的分析一下句子成分,谢谢大家啦~~

The way he did it 主语 was different from 谓语 what we were used to 宾语

I don’t know. Be the way you used to be, surprise me, take my breath away.


Visual C++2005无法安装,出现ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user..


be focused on是focused on的被动语态么

恩,是的I focused my eyes on the clothes when passing by the shop yesterday.The clothes were focused on by my eyes when passing by the shop yesterday

是focus on还是be focused on


是focus on还是be focused on

前者对 后者是不是LZ打错了啊....focus应该是被动形式的


紧张工作后怎样缓解exhausted的感觉1. 意识到exhausted的情况很多人在紧张的工作中没有意识到自己已经exhausted了,因此第一步应该是认识到这个问题。如果你正在感到疲惫不堪,注意身体的各种信号,昏昏欲睡,头痛,手脚酸痛,情绪低落,这些都是身体在发出警告信号,需要及时调整。2. 休息和放松为了缓解exhausted的感觉,最重要的是休息和放松。这可能意味着给自己一点空间,暂停紧张的工作,睡个午觉,听听音乐或读一本好书。如果你一直在催眠的状态下工作,那么可能需要在一段时间内减轻工作量,给自己一个假期,重新找回精力。3. 运动和锻炼运动和锻炼可以帮助你缓解exhausted的感觉。任何形式的运动都可以,从简单的散步到激烈的训练,都能让你感觉到更清爽和生气勃勃。运动和锻炼可以帮助你释放压力,减轻焦虑和紧张,让你感觉更加平衡和紧张。4. 改善饮食改善饮食习惯也是缓解exhausted的一个重要因素。每天保证三餐,不要跳过早餐,不要吃太多油腻的食物,多吃蔬菜和水果,保证体内足够营养和水分的摄入。饮食不好会影响人的睡眠,精神以及整体的体力状况,所以要注意。5. 寻求帮助exhausted和抑郁有时会相伴而生,如果你觉得自己无法摆脱exhausted的情绪,可以考虑寻求专业的帮助。与朋友和家人聊聊天可以减轻压力和焦虑感,但这并不总是足够的。找医生谈谈可以让你拥有更好的保护,同时他们可以提供有效的建议和治疗方法。6. 提高生活质量提高生活质量可以对缓解exhausted情况有很大的帮助。可以从花更多的时间和家人和朋友共度美好的时光开始,约会上去或者到户外旅行或活动。这些都可以让你在心理和身体上都得到更好的放松和休息。7. 清除不必要的负担另外一个减轻exhausted的方法是清除不必要的负担。例如,确定你的优先事项并在减小不必要的待办事项时给自己留出时间。如果不得不思考一些问题或做出重要的决定,请确保做好足够的准备。避免浪费时间,以及深入思考和理解问题的根本,会减轻你的压力和焦虑,从而达到放松的状态。8. 总结exhausted的感觉让人很难受,但如果你采取正确的方式缓解它,你可以恢复精力和能量,重新注入生活和工作中。通过意识到自己已经exhausted,休息和放松,运动和锻炼,改善饮食,寻求帮助,提高生活质量和清除不必要的负担,可以帮助你摆脱exhausted的状况,恢复更好的生活工作状态。



The Boy I Used To Know 这歌的中文翻译

we used to be so close 我们曾经那样亲密not one of those 不同于其它人shallow relationships 那种浅薄的关系that comes and goes 然而它来了又去we were the best 我们是最好的not like the rest 不同于他人all my girlfriends used to tell me i was blessed 女友们都认为我是受上天眷顾的so tell me what happend 那么告诉我发生了什么where did we... ha ha ha 哪里so tell me where did we go wrong 到底是哪里出了问题 you used to touch me 你曾经那样的爱抚我give me that look 那样的看着我tell me those words 那样的对我说话that made me think that love was forever 我们的爱会天荒地老you used to kiss me 你曾经那样的吻我give it to me 一向慷慨never held back on the good stuff 从不吝啬tell me where, where did he go 告诉我他去了哪里the boy i used to know 我曾经认识的男孩啊we used to be as one 我们曾经就像一个人一样second to none 那样美好,天下无双i thought the story of our lives 我以为我们的幸福had just begun 才刚刚开始you were so cool 你那么酷nobody"s fool 不是任何人的玩偶i thought that you were the exception to the rule 你就是造物主法则的一个例外you used to touch me 你曾经那样的爱抚我give me that look 那样的看我tell me those words 那样的对我说话that made me think that love was forever 我们的爱会天荒地老you used to kiss me 你曾经那样的吻我give it to me 一向慷慨never held back on the good stuff 从不吝啬tell me where, where did he go 告诉我他去了哪里the boy i used to know 我曾经认识的那个男孩啊got a tatoo with my name 把我的名字纹在了身上the boy i used to know 我曾经认识的那个男孩啊i know he"ll never be the same 总是带来惊喜the boy i used to know 我曾经认识的那个男孩啊i know that life goes on 生活在继续but where, where did he go... 可他去了哪里。。哪里na na, na na na, na na na you used to touch me 你曾经那样的爱抚我give me that look 那样的看着我tell me those words 那样的对我说话that made me think that love was forever 我们的爱会天荒地老you used to kiss me 你曾经那样的吻我give it to me 一向慷慨never held back on the good stuff 从不吝啬tell me where, where did he go 告诉我他去了哪里the boy i used to know 我曾经认识的男孩啊

寻一首英文歌,歌词中有:I will love you for who you are not who you used to be


求翻译:At one time, people used to travel to foreign countries because they thought they



为你解答。I used to rule the world.过去我统治过世界。解释:这个句子中是有两个动词, 但并非说一个句中不能有两个动词。两个动词一种是可以通过并列连词and来连接,还有就是像这个句子这样用不定式连接。used是谓语动词,不定式to rule则是非谓语动词,这样出现两个动词是正常的。

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 如何解决?非常感谢!




kings and queens used to live in the old castles there 用英语解释


解释句子(Kings and queens used to live in the old castle there)

Kings and queens always lived in the old castle there in the past.

Kings and queens used to live in the old castles there 是什么意思



You have triggered ana bused etection me chanism你有触发机制来检测分析

He used to be a shy boy.反意疑问句怎么变,两种

He used to be a shy boy,didn"t he? He used to be a shy boy.usedn"t he? 都可以. 第一种:used如果看作动词的话,那么需要用助动词did来引起疑问句. 第二种:直接把used看作系动词,那么直接就可以usedn"t来变反意疑问句.

I used to be a shy boy and I never joined in any activities.开头的完形填空,包括翻译 速度


He used to be a shy boy. 反意疑问句怎么变,两种


He used to be a shy boy.这是一个主谓宾结构还是主系表?为什么

主系表,系动词是be,只不过在系动词前面有了时态的体现used to,表示过去

used to 和be used to 的区别

这两个表达方式词义不同,适用的语义环境也不一样。 used to 和 be used to 看上去只有一字之差,可词义却南辕北辙,所使用的语境也毫无共同之处。used to 是在动词 use 的过去式后面接另一个动词的不定式(to do),表达过去某一时间里的常规性行为。 used的用法 used to do sth,意为过去常常做某事,现在已经不再做了;be/get used to doing sth,意为现在习惯做某事;sth be used to do ,意为某物被用来做某事。 一、used to do sth:过去常常做某事,暗示现在已经不再做了。 1、used to do sth表示“过去常常做”与would do sth的`区别是表示“过去的常常做的动作”时,常用would do sth.其它都用used to do sth. 例句:when he was a child ,he would go camping in the open air. 当他是孩子时,经常到户外宿营。 2、there used to be sth+地点,表示某处过去常常有某物,暗示现在已不存在。 例句:There used to be a temple on the top of Tian zhong Hill. 天中山顶过去有一座寺庙。 二、get/be used to doing sth.(现在)习惯做某事=be /get accustomed to doing sth. 例句:I get used to reading English every morning. 我习惯每天晨读英语。 三、sth be used to do 某物被用来做某事=be used for doing sth. 例句:Scissors are used to cut things.

used to和be used to的区别是什么?

1、意思不同:(1)used to表示过去的习惯性动作,过去如此,现在不再这样了。常译作“过去常常”。如:He used to play basketball when he was young. 他年轻的时候常常打篮球。(2)be used to do表示“被用来做某事”。如:Wood is often used to make desks and chairs. 木头常常被用来制作桌椅。2、用法不同:(1)used to后跟动词不定式。(2)be used to+doing 或者 be used to+ be sth。如:1)He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。2)She is not used to eating Chinese food. 她不习惯吃中餐。扩展资料:be used to doing表示“习惯于”某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。例句:1、People here are used to doing for themselves.这里的人对自救已经习惯了。2、I"m not used to doing it in this way.我不习惯于这样的做法。3、They got used to doing hard work.他们已习惯于做苦力了。

be used to doing的区别

be used to do、be used in、be used for的区别为:一、指代不同1、be used to do:被用来做...2、be used in:被用于...3、be used for:用于...二、侧重点不同1、be used to do:used作为谓语动词。2、be used in:used作为形容词。3、be used for:used作为非谓语动词。三、引证用法不同1、be used to do:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语。2、be used in:used的基本意思是“用过的,旧的,二手的”,指某物已被某人拥有过,使用过,作此解时在句中一般用作定语。3、be used for:其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。如强调由不习惯到习惯,须用get或become而不能用be。

beused to do什么意思啊

be used to do:表示“被用来做某事”。(被动语态)be used to(doing) sth.习惯于……后必须接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。be可用get,become来代替。例如:He is used to life in the country.(He is used to living in the country.)他习惯于乡村生活。He will get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起。注意:be used to do的意思是“被用来做……”。例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。be used to doing和used to do的区别:used to do过去常常做某事。used todo过去经常的动作或状态。beused todoingsth结构中,used为形容词“习惯的”,意为“习惯于做某事”。结构中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。

used to和be used to doing都什么意思,有啥区别


used to be与be used to be的用法有什么不同?

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