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be used to do sth.是什么意思


used to do 过去常常做某事的 否定形式和疑问形式 ?


BE USED TO DO 和be used for doing有什么区别呢?



用used to do sth.造句:I used to do business with him.我过去和他常有业务往来。



be used to do,be used in,be used for三者区别


用used todo sth.造句

I used to eat the噢利给




used to do过去常常做 used to doing 习惯于做

used to do sth和 used to doing sth 的区别?

used to do sth. 表示:过去常常做某事(现在这种情况不复存在了),如He used to play games. (他过去常常玩游戏。)used to doing sth. 前面应该加be/get,即be/get used to doing sth. (习惯于做某事),如He is used towalking in the park. (他习惯于在公园里散步。)


used to do sth和used to doing sth的区别:1、used to do sth. (一般过去时)表达”过去常常做的事情,"言下之意是现在不常做了。2、be used to doing sth. (一般现在时)表达“现在对做某事已经习惯了。”used to do sth和used to doing sth的用法1、Now he is used to getting up early.现在他已知经习惯早起了.2、He used to get up early.过去他经常早起.(意味着如今他不再早起了.)3、You"ll soon get/be used to hard work.你会很快习惯于艰苦的工作的.4、He was used to play baskedball when he was a little boy.当他还是个小男孩时属,他习惯于打篮球5、He was ueed to playing football.他现在习惯于踢足球。





used todo sth和used todo有什么区别?

used to do sth和 used to doing sth 的区别:1、used to do sth. (一般过去时)表达”过去常常做的事情," 言下之意是现在不常做了。 2、 be used to doing sth. (一般现在时)表达“现在对做某事已经习惯了。”拓展资料used to do sth1、I used to do that when you were a little girl, remember? 在你还是小女孩的时候我曾经那么做过,记得吗?2、When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me. 我还是个孩子的时候常常干那种事,每次妈妈总是打我的屁股。3、The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now. 这个讲师以前挺好,但如今似乎讲得差了。4、It"s okay. I used to do it too. 好了,我有时候也这样。5、Me and my friends, we used to do it all the time. 我和我的朋友,我们以前都这样玩。used to doing sth1、Are you used to doing hard work? 你习惯于做艰苦的工作吗?2、I "; m not used to doing it in this way. 我不习惯于这样的做法。3、They got used to doing hard work. 他们已习惯于做苦力了。4、People here are used to doing for themselves. 这里的人对自救已经习惯了。5、The chip"s a lot smaller than I"m used to doing it with, all right? 这个芯片比我过去玩过的小多了,对吧?

used todo的否定和疑问形式

used to do的否定是didn"t use to do或者usedn"t to do.He usedn"t to be a teacher./He didn"t use to be a teacher.used todo的疑问形式是将used提前,或者在句首加did.Used he to be a teacher?Did he use to be a teacher?

used to do和be used to do有什么区别

used to do 和 be used to do区别如下:1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,(意思现在不做了)例:I used to get up early and take an hour"s walk before breakfast.我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时 used to doing sth / be used to sth .是指习惯于做某事.(这里的to 是介词.)例:She isn"t used to living in the countryside now.她不习惯在乡下生活.Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? used to do sth.被用来做某事例:Computers are used to do many things for people now.现在计算机被用来做许多事情.

used todo什么意思?

used to do 和 be used to do区别如下:1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,(意思现在不做了)例:I used to get up early and take an hour"s walk before breakfast.我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时 used to doing sth / be used to sth .是指习惯于做某事.(这里的to 是介词.)例:She isn"t used to living in the countryside now.她不习惯在乡下生活.Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? used to do sth.被用来做某事例:Computers are used to do many things for people now.现在计算机被用来做许多事情.


were used to do表示的是过去常常做某事,而 used to be done表示的是过去常常被做某事,一个是被动,一个是主动。

usedtodo,beusedtodoing,beusedtodo造句 造句 快 急用

used to do过去常常做某事 I used to be a young pioneer. I used to jog in the evening. be used to doing习惯于做某事 I"m used to drinking a cup of water after meal. He"s been used to living at the campus. be used to do(和前面两者没有可比性,意思是“被用来做某事”) This machine is used to clean the wall. This word is used to express a kind of animal.


be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词.而used to do sth.则表示过去常常,to后跟原形动词.如:Now he is used to getting up early.现在他已经习惯早起了.He used to get up early.过去他经常早起.(意味着如今他不再早起了.)You"ll soon get/be used to hard work.你会很快习惯于艰苦的工作的.




不是,他是固定搭配 be used to doing 习惯于做某事还有比较容易混的 used to do 过去常常做某事,be used to do被用于做某事


used to do sth过去常常做某事be used to doing 习惯干某事


used to do sth意思是"过去习惯做某事",如:I used to visit the old people in the past. (我过去常常去看望老年人。)used to doing sth, 前边应该有一个be动词,根据be动词时态,确定是何时习惯做某事,例如:I am used to studying in a library. (我现在习惯在图书馆学习。) We will be used to living in the big city. (我们将习惯在大城市生活。)

used to do的否定句和疑问句

used to do sth. 句型表示“过去常常,过去习惯。”表示过去的某种习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作或状态)。 e.g. I used to live there when I was a child. n否定式:used not to do sth. 口语中:didn"t use to do sth. (used not可缩写为usedn"t或usen"t.) e.g. I used not to live there when I was a child. I didn"t use to live there when I was a child.疑问句:used sb. to do sth.? Did sb. use to do sth.?e.g. Used you to live there when you was a child.Did you use to live there when you was a child?used to do sth.与be used to (doing) sth.的区别1. used to do sth. “过去总做某事”(现在不做了)只用于过去时态。e.g. He used to get up early.2. be used to (doing) sth. 表“习惯于做某事”,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态,be可以用become, get等来代替,此处to是介词。e.g. He will be used to getting up early.


be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词.而used to do sth.则表示过去常常,to后跟原形动词.如:Now he is used to getting up early.现在他已经习惯早起了.He used to get up early.过去他经常早起.(意味着如今他不再早起了.)You\"ll soon get/be used to hard work.你会很快习惯于艰苦的工作的. be/get used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词。used to do sth.则表示过去常常,to后跟原形动词。一个表示现在的习惯(相当与一般现在时),一个表示过去的习惯(相当与一般过去时)He was used to play baskedball when he was a little boy.当他还是个小男孩时,他习惯于打篮球He was ueed to playing football.他现在习惯于踢足球。


used to do和used to doing的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、used to do:过去常常做某事。2、used to doing:习惯于。二、语法不同1、used to do:used的基本意思是“用过的,旧的,二手的”,指某物已被某人拥有过,使用过,作此解时在句中一般用作定语。2、used to doing:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语,其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。三、侧重点不同1、used to do:表达的是一种习惯。2、used to doing:表达的是一种倾向。

be used todo有哪些时态

used 本身就是过去式,所以 be used to do 只能用作过去时态,意思是“过去常常做”。


used to的意思是“过去经常”,其中的to是不定式符号,不是介词,所以其后接动词原形(不接动名词)。如: He used to live in Paris. 他过去一直住在巴黎。 I used to write poetry when I was young.我年轻时常常写诗。 扩展资料   用法:   1.used to作为情态动词,可直接在used后加not构成否定式,直接将used置于句首构成疑问式,但与一般的情态动词不同的,它也可像普通动词那样借助助动词did构成否定式和疑问式。如:   He usedn"t [didn"t use] to come. 他过去不常来。   You used to go there, usedn"t [didn"t] you? 你过去常到那儿去,是吗?   2.used to与副词连用时的`位置:   与often, always, never等副词连用时,通常置于副词之后,也可置于副词之前。如:   I always used [used always] to be afraid of dogs. 我过去老是怕狗。   3.used to 与 be used to的用法比较   (1) used to 意为“过去经常”,其中的 to 是不定式符号,后接动词原形。如:   He used to live in Paris. 他过去一直住在巴黎。   (2) be used to 意为“习惯于”,其中的to是介词,后接动词要用动名词。如:   He is used to living in the country. 他已习惯于住在乡下。


区别:used to do sth.过去常常做某事,(意思现在不做了)。be used to doing sth / be used to sth .是指习惯于做某事.(这里的to 是介词. )1、used to do解释成“过去常常做某事”,后面接动词原形。比如说:I used to play basketball.我过去常常打篮球。 2、am/is/are used to doing解释成“现在习惯做某事”。比如说:I am used to playing basketball.我习惯打篮球。 3、was/were used to doing解释成“过去习惯做某事”。比如说:I was used to playing basketball.我过去习惯打篮球。 4、be used to do解释成“被使用去做某事”。比如说:The water is used to drink. 水被喝。扩展资料(语态)动词和参与此动作的主语之间关系的一个术语。 当主语是动作的发起者(或之一)时,称为主动语态;如果动词不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者,不定式一般要用被动语态形式。如:It"s a great honour to be invited to Mary"s birthday party.(不定式作主语是被动语态to be invited是被邀请) It was impossible for lost time to be made up.(不定式作主语) I wish to be sent to work in the country.(不定式作宾语) Can you tell me which is the car to be repaired?(不定式作定语) He went to the hospital to be examined.(不定式作状语) My work is to clean the room every day.(不定式作表语)在There be结构中,修饰主语的不定式可用被动,也可用主动。如:There are still many things to take care of (to be taken care of).但有时两种形式表达的意思不同,如:There is nothing to do now.( We have nothing to do now. ) There is nothing to be done now.(We can do nothing now.)

used to是什么意思

be used to do:表示“被用来做某事”。(被动语态)be used to(doing) sth.习惯于……后必须接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。be可用get,become来代替。例如:He is used to life in the country.(He is used to living in the country.)他习惯于乡村生活。He will get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起。注意:be used to do的意思是“被用来做……”。例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。be used to doing和used to do的区别:used to do过去常常做某事。used todo过去经常的动作或状态。beused todoingsth结构中,used为形容词“习惯的”,意为“习惯于做某事”。结构中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。



used to do sth 什么意思

used to do sth是指过去常常做但现在不做了。used to emphasize...估计前面省略了一个be动词,be used to do sth是被用来做某事的意思,这样理解整个句子意思更通顺。而单独的used to do sth(前面不加be动词)才是指过去常做某事而现在没有做。

used todo什么意思?

(1)used to do表示“过去常常做某事”I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢足球。(2)be used to do表示“被用来做某事”This knife can be used to cut things.这把刀能够被用于切东西。(3)be used to + doing表示“习惯于……”,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。He is used to living in the country now.他现在习惯了住在农村。


used to do意思是:过去常做的事重点词汇:used英[ju:st]释义:adj.习惯的;二手的,使用过的v.用(use的过去式和过去分词)短语:Used Cars二手车;废车;二手汽车词语辨析:be used to,used toadj.(形容词)这两个短语的区别是:1、used to do中的used是动词,to后面接动词不定式;be used to中的used是形容词,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。2、used to表示过去频率极高或十分经常的习惯性的动作,常译成“过去常常做…”,且含有与现在对比的意味;而be used to的意思是“熟悉并接受…”“习惯于…”。3、used to只能用于过去时,而be used to可用于各种时态。

used todo什么意思?

used to表示过去常常做某事.例句:I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.be used to do的意思是被用来做某事;be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.be used to 被用来做 used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在.Mother used not to be so forgetful.Scarf used to take a walk.(过去常常散步) be used to + doing:对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词.He is used to a vegetarian diet.Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步) use doing 没有这个用法 虽然你的原问中有错误,但这个问题的确是学生们常常碰到,并且是个考试的热门考点,问得很好.used to do曾经/过去常常做某事,如:He used to live in the country.他曾经住在农村.be used doing习惯于做某事,这里的to 是介词,后面不跟动词原形,跟ing形式,如:He is used to living in the country now.他现在习惯了住在农村.be used to do被用于,如:This knife can be used to cut things.这把刀能够被用于切东西.

英语hid 为什么不是hidding?干啥不双写d 呢?还有,used to do 和used t


One of following cards must be used in this subcase: METHOD(STRUCTURE), METHOD(FLUID).

One of following cards must be used in this subcase: METHOD(STRUCTURE), METHOD(FLUID).意思是:在此子情况中必须使用下述卡中的一个:方法(结构),方法(流体)。

be focused on

focus on表主动.是动词.集中注意力于… be focused on是个形容语态,往往表被动,被要求于集中注意力.

Be used as 与be used for 有什么区别


vhdl语言问题Error (10482): VHDL error at dch3.vhd(16): object "m" is used but not declared

begin U0: 前面加上这句: SIGNAL time_is_up :STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL o,remain_time:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);

以prooblems caused by private cars为写一篇80字作文

with increasing nubmer of private cars, not only the quality of our air becomes worse, but also traffic jam and accidents have been increasing these days. More and more people become ill due to air pollution and a variety of people lose their lives because of traffic accidents. Besides, drivers who don"t obey traffic rules often drive cars after drinking. Because of this, both drive"s family and victims family suffer a lot. By the way, not "prooblem", it should be "problem".

cell phoneareused

回答:A. 解释:用的是被动,因为后一句中的主语they指的是cell phones。这句话的意思是:现在,手机真的很有帮助,他们在日常生活中被广泛应用。 希望能帮助到您!

life used to be for teenagers.they used to have money to spend


what shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has used up?

Water is the source of life. Human survival needs water, our lives and the functioning of economic and social systems can not do without water, the basic material. Water (H2O) is a hydrogen and oxygen are two elements of inorganic, in the ambient temperature and pressure for the odorless, colorless and transparent liquid. Water is the survival of all life, including humans, an important resource, is the organism The most important component. Water in the evolution of life also played an important role. Water is industry, agriculture, the lifeblood of the service industry. Back the origin of human civilization, no doubt, bred and brought up water The four ancient civilizations. Water history of civilization and world civilization Shi Miqie related. Earth"s water is constantly circulating and change. But it is not inexhaustible, but the most precious and irreplaceable natural resources. Look at the Earth from space, it seems to be a " Water polo. "Because 71% of the earth"s surface area is covered by water, with a total volume of 1.368 billion cubic kilometers (1 cubic kilometer = 10 billion cubic meters). However, most of which are sea water, accounting for the total amount of water 96.5%. The distribution of fresh water on land, only about 048 million cubic kilometers, accounting for 3.5% of the total amount of water. Therefore, the Earth"s available fresh water resources are extremely scarce. In daily life, we have a screw tap water to continuously flow out, the less water they may have no sense of crisis. But in fact, our survival as water, are increasingly a shortage. At present, the There are more than one billion world"s population lack access to clean water, human beings every year 3.1 million people were drinking dirty water, disease and death. China"s per capita water resources in the amount of 2173 cubic meters, only the world average of 1 / 4. In the water at the same time, due to economic development and population growth, China"s water consumption is increasing, water emissions are also increasing. Members have varying degrees aware of the life of the natural environment is constantly Changes in mankind"s survival of the rivers, wetlands and other ecosystems is also dramatic changes in some ecosystem degradation problems are shocking. Many parts of China facing "water are dry, water All dirt, "and" wetlands degradation, river drying up, groundwater overexploitation, reduced into the sea "and other serious water challenges. Facing the global water scarcity, the 47th United Nations General Assembly established March 22 every year as World Water Day. March 22, 2007, the first 15 World Water Day under the theme "Coping with Water Scarcity" in the hope Everyone to pay attention to water shortages. "No small streams converge into a river without." When we receive the water baptism day, when we enjoy the benefits of water to human beings at the same time, please do not forget the good faith "Thank you." Everyone Should cherish a heart of love and gratitude, we must cherish the fear of the water of the heart, from the start bit by bit, water, love of water, their water resources, protection of water resources, protect our beautiful world to live. Life-saving tips A clean cooking utensils, cutlery, if the oil too heavy, you can wipe grease paper first and then rinse. 2 with Wash rice in water, cook noodles soup, tea and spend the night cleaning bowls and chopsticks, you can go to the oil, saving water and detergent pollution. 3 wash dirt or grease stain at crowded places, you can first use the used tea bag (crossed and dried) some trace of mature oil painting dirty office, and then re-use the cloth with a detergent wipe, easy decontamination. 4 wash vegetables, do not directly under the faucet to wash, try to put into containers that hold water in, and adjust the cleaning sequence, such as: can be the first to have the skin peeled vegetables to mud, and then Cleaning; cleaning of leaf, fruit and vegetables, and then wash root vegetables. 5 do not use water to help thaw food. 6 with the device to replace the egg with a pot of water to egg. 7 hands, wash face, brush your teeth when you do not always lead to open, it should be intermittent drainage. Such as: Wash hands and face with soap should be closed when playing the lead, brushing should take at least a glass of water, close the Faucet. Bath to reduce the number of eight, each bath, the control release of water, about one-third of the water bath can be. 9 to collect for the preheating of the release of the water, for washing clothes. 10 bath or shower, stand in a collection container, collection of used water for flushing toilets or grazing. Do not open the nozzle a long time, should first be wet body and hair, and then close the nozzle, and The use of bath and shampoo, the last cleaning. 11 sub-files can be adjusted using the size of a water-saving faucet. 12 focus on clean clothes, less laundry times. 13 to reduce the use of washing machines as far as possible not to use full own patterns, and hand wash small pieces of clothing. 14 rinsing small items of clothing, it will be a small screw tap with flowing water rinse, and left empty pots in the following collection of used water rather than take Jipen water, rinsing several times. This will not only easy to drift net, but also reduce the Total water use, but also will collect the water recycling. 15 After rinsing water can be used as the next laundry washing water, or for grazing. 16 laundry detergent should be added when appropriate, and choose phosphate-free detergent to reduce pollution. 17, if conditions permit, please use a new type of water-saving toilet. 18 If you are using old-fashioned non-water-saving toilet can be a drink bottle filled with water into the toilet tank to reduce the volume of flushing water. (Note: This method should be careful not to impede body of water within the tank Movement. ) 19 toilet is not a trash can, not to the toilet and other debris dumped leftovers, avoid washing the debris caused by waste. 20 to collect laundry, vegetables, bath and other flush toilet. Tank equipment, periodic inspection and timely replacement or repair, and not to detergent and other cleaning materials into a water tank, which may result in a water tank rubber, pad of aging, leading to leakage, thereby making To waste. 21 eating out, as little as possible replacement plate, restaurant dishes to reduce the amount of washing, thus reducing water use. 22 develop a good habit of readily off the tap. 23 Use of water in cleaner cars. 24 education of children to save water and encourage them to not play water games. 25 do not waste left over to drink tea and mineral water used to water the flower. 26 do not readily drained before filling thermos bottle inside the leftover water can be collected together with other re-use of recycled water. 27 to teach children is not a water fight, do not waste a drop of water 28 selection of plants wax waterless car washing, water is also beneficial to both the vehicle maintenance. 29 Winter attention to the outdoor water pipes to deal with anti-Frost Crack. 30 to collect rainwater and use it. 31 outings, meetings, bring their own cup or small capacity of bottled water, bottled water, reducing the remaining waste. 32 called for municipal, residential construction to use permeable paving. Shrub planting trees to replace the large area of lawn. 33 appeals to the collective bathroom, Kai Shuifang, use bath and water billing cards. 34 not to rivers, lakes, garbage disposal, chaos is still used batteries to prevent the pollution of natural water resources. 35 washed their hands with a wash basin with the Flows of the method is more than the savings in water, washing fruits and vegetables or washing dishes even when the same non-stop open the tap water rinse is very charges, intermittent flush can save water. To keep down the water used can also be used again. If human beings are not from now on water conservation, environmental protection, human to see the last drop of water will be tears of his own 提供更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。 可以进行翻译的语言:阿尔巴尼亚语阿拉伯语爱尔兰语爱沙尼亚语白俄罗斯语保加利亚语冰岛语波兰语波斯语布尔文(南非荷兰语)丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾语芬兰语海地克里奥尔语韩语荷兰语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语克罗地亚语拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他语马来语马其顿语挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚语斯洛伐克语斯洛文尼亚语斯瓦希里语泰语土耳其语威尔士语乌克兰语西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语意第绪语印地语印尼语英语越南语中文

Grace歌词大意 My heart is so proud My mind is so unfocused I see the things You do through me as gr


be used to, be accustomed to, adjust to, adapt to 有何区别?

be used to+ do 被用来 used to+ doing 习惯 accustomed to+ 名词/doing 习惯于...,比be used to+ doing 正式adjust to适应,调节(气侯/生活等)adapt (oneself ) to + 名词,使..适合/适应(环境/情况)

Java 最简单的socket编程,连接不上本地,一直都有Connection refused: connect




there is no end to the story too much,you have to get used to meet and leave,什么意思

There is no end to the story too much, you have to get used to meet and leave.没有结局的故事太多 你要习惯相遇与离别

they used to have money to spend, and free to_____it in 完形填空,S开头


settle in/into 和 be used to doing 有何区别

settle in/into 表示的适应、习惯于主要指的是安顿下来,适应新家。be used to doing 习惯于...所使用的范围更广。

求BonnieRaitt 的 Used to Rule the world的歌词

Doctor Feelgood Sleepin" on a concrete benchCan I get a witness?Miss South Carolina 1975, Somebody stole your crown.You were sleeping In your happy home, When you woke up baby,Your life had come and gone. Now you"re mystified, Standing with the rest of usWho used to rule the world.Brother Lovejoy Rappin" up a blue streakCan I get a witness?Miss Hurricane can"t Keep your hands still Long enough to count your change.You were wrapped up In your daily grind, The cost of livingIt didn"t even cross your mind. Now you"re mystified, Standing with the rest of usWho used to rule the world.Mr. Blueprint Used to have it figured outNow you can"t find your car.Miss Cocktaill dress Standing at the bathroom sink Looking for a back way out.You can"t believe your very eyes. Everything that you were counting on Was nothing but a pack of lies.Now you"re mystified, Standing with the rest of usWho used to rule the world. Now you"re mystified, Standing with the rest of usWho used to rule, used to rule, used to rule the world.别问我要中文歌词啊 网上几乎不可能找得到的不过英文歌词也很简单 你肯定能懂的亲

I used to rule the world 这个句子中有两个动词, 可是一个句中不是不能有两个动词吗?

其实可以有两个 一个谓语动词 一个是非谓语。P.S. 这是<viva la vida>的歌词吧


"be used to" 是一个固定的短语,意思是"习惯于"。它后面一般不加助动词"do"。例如:I am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。She is used to living in a small town. 她习惯住在小城镇。They are used to eating spicy food. 他们习惯吃辣食物。当然,在口语中,有时也可以在"be used to"后面加上"do",但这种用法不太常见。例如:I am used to doing exercise every morning. 我习惯每天早晨做运动。此外,"be gradually used to"意思是"逐渐习惯于","be"后面一般不会加助动词"do"。例如:He is gradually getting used to the new environment. 他正在逐渐适应新的环境。


paused的意思是暂停。词典释义:(v.)暂停;(pause的过去分词);(n.)暂停;踌躇;中止。复数:pauses;原形:pause;第三人称单数:pauses;现在分词:pausing;过去式:paused;过去分词:paused。网络释义:暂停;暂停状态;已暂停;稍事。双语例句:1、She paused and refilled her glass with wine before going on.她停下来将杯子再斟满酒,然后又继续谈。2、He paused for a while to philosophize on racial equality.他停顿一会儿,接着大谈种族平等。3、She paused to glance round admiringly at the décor.她停下来赞赏地环视了一下房间的装饰。4、She had paused a tape on the VCR.她暂停了一下播放中的录像带。



How to Train Your Brain to Stay Focused.形容词Focused修饰动词stay,不太理解,求解释,最好有例句。

stay 这里可以理解为一种状态,是个名词。保持的一种状态。

美国亚马逊 used 和collectible有什么区别


美亚 new used collectible 什么意思

new used collectible新的二手的适宜收藏的东西collectible[英][ku0259"lektu0259bl][美][ku0259u02c8lu025bktu0259bu0259l]adj.可收集的,可代收的; 适于收藏的; n.适宜收藏的东西,业余爱好的收藏物; 传统收集之物(如:邮票,辅币,艺术品等); 非传统收藏品[亦作collectable]; 复数:collectibles例句:1.Ickee stikeez, tiny, squishy, collectible monster figures, have tiny suctioncups for feet. Ickee Stikeez外形是小小的、黏乎乎的的怪兽形象,非常适合收藏。

原文olive oil is probably the most widely-used oil for cooking it is mad

Olive oil (橄榄油) is probably the most widely-use oil for cooking.It is made (71) Fresh olives.Olive oil has been a main food in the Mediterranean (地中海) countries for thousands of years,and some oilve tress which are hundreds of years (72) still produce fruit. Almost everyone knows that olive oil is (73) for our health.But what most people may not realize is that olive oil is used for a lot is used for a lot more (74) just food.People make soap out of it,polish diamonds (钻石) with it,and burn it for light.In ancient times,olive times,olive oil was even (75) as a weapon (武器). These days,more() more people all over the world are discovering that olive oil may be the best oil for cooking.It the United States,people use five times (76) more olive il today than they (77) 20 years ago. Nowadays,most of the world"s olive (78) is still produced in the Mediterranean countries,though countries (79) as America and Australia also produce it.Spain (80) the most olive oil in the world,folowed by italy and Greece. 答案(71)from (72) (73)good (74)than (75) (76)and (77)did (78)oil (79)such (80)produced 还有两个我忘记了,这是我辛辛苦苦自己打的,如果你觉得好,就给我点赞,好吗?



be used for与use for各自有什么区别吗?

Be used for 是被动句.说某一样东西是用来做...的use for 主动句. 你用...来做...

The Way We Used to Be 歌词

歌曲名:The Way We Used to Be歌手:Stevie Hoang专辑:The CollectionStevie Hoang - The Way We Used To BeOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!Baby, hold up.Just wait a minute..It"s been a year, girl how you been?Fancy(?) see you again, tried to call, got no reply.So i thought i just let sleeping dogs lie(?)Apparently, you settled down, but your man"s never around.And if that"s so, baby you should know. (Yeah)If you have enough searching baby, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be free.Baby i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.You says he loves you if that"s he truth.Then why does he do those things to you.You give your heart, he pushes it why the hell do you stay?You say it"s love, just like a songBut baby I can"t prove you wrong, and if I can, I should be your man.If you have another enough, baby, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.I remember how, the love used to feel.My broken heart took time to heal.I can"t recall why we fell apart.You said you lookin" for love, girl be true to your heart.Baby, woah oh oh. (if you"ve had enough)If you have enough searching baby, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.If you have enough searching, you can come see me.If you need somewhere to ease your mind, let your soul be i got what you want, got what you need.So why can"t we get it together, the way we used to be.Do you remember? (the way we used to be)Do you remember? (the way we used to be)Do you remember? (the way we used to be)

When I was just a little girl My momma used to tu

When I was just a little girl My momma used to tuck me into bed and she read me a story It always was about a Princess in distress And how a guy would save her and end up with the glory 当我还是个小女孩我的妈妈常常在床上给我讲一个故事这个故事关于一个陷入困境的公主一个王子如何解救了她I""""d lie in bed and think about the person that I wanted to be Then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn""""t for me 我躺在床上,在有一天突然意识到那样的生活并不是我想要的I don""""t wanna be like Cinderella Sittin"""" in a dark old dusty cellar Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free I don""""t wanna be like Snow White waiting For a handsome prince to come and save me On a horse of white, unless we""""re riding side by side Don""""t want to depend on no-one else I""""d rather rescue myself 我不想当灰姑娘待在阴冷黑暗的地窖里等着有个人来解救我我不想当白雪公主等着英俊的王子骑着白马来解救我我不想依靠别人我宁愿自己救自己Someday I""""m gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart and mind Who""""s not afraid to show that he loves me Somebody who will understand I""""m happy just the way I am Don""""t need nobody taking care of me 有一天我希望找到一个欣赏我心灵的人一个敢于向我表达爱意的人一个明白我很快乐的人我不需要别人过多的照顾与关心I will be there for him just as strong as he, will be there for me When I give myself then it has got to be, an equal thing 我会勇敢得支持他就像他勇敢的支持着我我们同样的平等I don""""t wanna be like Cinderella Sittin"""" in a dark old dusty cellar Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free I don""""t wanna be like Snow White waiting For a handsome prince to come and save me On a horse of white, unless we""""re riding side by side Don""""t want to depend on no-one else I""""d rather rescue myself I can slay, my own dragon I can dream, my own dreams My knight in shining armour is me So I""""m gonna set me free 我能杀死自身的恶龙我能实现自己的梦想我那英勇的骑士就是我自己所以我将解救自己

The symbol used to represent trailing ground cove

主语:The symbol过去分词短语作后置定语:used to represent trailing ground covers谓语: dose not show宾语: an individual plant,状语:but rather a group of plants.

lost. confused区别


be confused at和be confused with有什么不同

be confused at基本翻译对困惑不解网络释义be at a loss = be puzzled at =be confused:迷惑的,不解的confused with基本翻译v. 弄混(相混淆)网络释义Confused …with…:搞错了You"ve confused me with someone else.:你认错人了That I confused my feelings with the truth:我的感觉将成为现实使我迷惑|我迷惑了我的感觉是真的吗



英语:根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 confused; unusual; pardon; introduce; mistake




feel confused about 和feel confused with有什么区别

区别是:be confused with 与…混淆be confused about 对...感到困惑The top down management support should not be confused with the rolloutapproach. 自顶向下的管理支持不应该与铺展过程相混淆。Many voters will be confused about who is officially standing, too. 许多选民可能还会困惑谁是代表官方。


puzzled 指情况错宗复杂,因而使人感困惑解。What he did puzzled me greatly. 他的所作使我深感迷惑解。confused指把事物混淆或弄乱或由于混淆、混乱而糊涂,语气较弱,常指暂时现象。They asked me so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了我多问题都把我搞迷糊了。


confusing 后面跟物体; confused 是人的感觉. 你可以说i"m confused about these words,也可以说these confusing words made me fustrated. 其实道理跟interested,interesting一样.


puzzle perplex confuse bewilder 都含“使困惑不解”的意思.puzzle 指“情况错宗复杂,因而使人感到困惑不解”,如:What he did puzzled me greatly.他的作为使我深感迷惑不解.perplex 较正式,除含有puzzle 的意思外,还侧重“心情的困惑和行动的不决,不知如何办”,如:His face was perplexed;he went away.他的脸色看起来茫然,然后就走了.confuse指“把事物混淆或弄乱“或“由于混淆、混乱而糊涂”,语气较弱,常指暂时现象,如:They asked me so many questions that they confused me.他们问了我那么多的问题都把我搞迷糊了.bewilder 指“由于迷惑不解或惊愕而慌乱、糊涂和不知所措”,语气比前两个词都强,如:The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city.从农村来的那个老太太被大城市的人流和交通搞得茫然不知所措.


(1)puzzle 指“情况错宗复杂, 因而使人感到困惑不解”, 如:What he did puzzled me greatly.他的作为使我深感迷惑不解。(2)confuse 指“把事物混淆或弄乱“或“由于混淆、混乱而糊涂”, 语气较弱, 常指暂时现象, 如:They asked me so many questions that they confused me.他们问了我那么多的问题都把我搞迷糊了。所以用哪个词要看语境是什么啦~




puzzle perplex confuse bewilder 都含“使困惑不解”的意思。 puzzle 指“情况错宗复杂, 因而使人感到困惑不解”, 如:What he did puzzled me greatly. 他的作为使我深感迷惑不解。 perplex 较正式, 除含有puzzle 的意思外, 还侧重“心情的困惑和行动的不决, 不知如何办”, 如:His face was perplexed;he went away. 他的脸色看起来茫然, 然后就走了。 confuse指“把事物混淆或弄乱“或“由于混淆、混乱而糊涂”, 语气较弱, 常指暂时现象, 如:They asked me so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了我那么多的问题都把我搞迷糊了。 bewilder 指“由于迷惑不解或惊愕而慌乱、糊涂和不知所措”, 语气比前两个词都强, 如:The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds and traffic in the big city. 从农村来的那个老太太被大城市的人流和交通搞得茫然不知所措。

confused 和confusing 的区别,怎么区别,怎么用?

confused和confusing同为动词confuse的分词confused 过去分词 表示感到疑惑的,修饰对象是人confusing 现在分词 表示使人疑惑的,修饰对象是物体 或 人例句: He was confused by the question 他对那个问题感到疑惑The question was confusing 这个问题使人感到疑惑

confused 和confusing 的区别,怎么区别,怎么用?

confused和confusing同为动词confuse的分词confused 过去分词 表示感到疑惑的,修饰对象是人confusing 现在分词 表示使人疑惑的,修饰对象是物体 或 人例句: He was confused by the question 他对那个问题感到疑惑The question was confusing 这个问题使人感到疑惑
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