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becauseadv.因为Because多用于表示直接原因for[fC:; fE]prep.[表示目的]为了struggle for existence生存竞争go out for a walk出去散步[表示目标、去向]向, 往leave for Shanghai动身去上海the train for Dalian开往大连的火车passengers for Beijing去北京的旅客He is getting on for sixty.他快到六十岁了。[表示对象、用途等]为, 对于; 适于; 供; 属于...的; 给...的books for children儿童图书an instrument for measuring pressure测压力用的仪器Not For Sale非卖品(常用于商品标签)That will be bad for your health.那将有损于你的健康。A letter for you!你的信![表示愿望、爱好、特长等]对于, 倾向于long for freedom渴望自由have a liking for music爱好音乐an eye for beauty审美的眼光[表示理由、原因]由于, 因为jump for joy高兴得跳起来a city famous for its beauty一个以美丽而著称的城市代, 替; 代表teach for sb.为某人代课[表示时间、距离、数量等]达, 计The meeting lasted(for) hours. 会议继续了几个小时。[表示赞成, 支持]拥护, 有利于vote for sb.投某人的票They are all for him.他们都拥护他。[表示让步] 虽然, 尽管For all your explantions, I understand no better than before.尽管你作了解释, 我还是不懂。至于, 说到, 就...而言for my part至于我, 讲到我He is tall for his age.就他的年龄而言, 他是个高个子。So much for today.今天就讲[做]这么多。[表示等价、报酬、 赔偿或比例关系] 交换sell for a dollar以一美元卖掉answer point for point逐点答复translate word for word逐字翻译[表示约定的时间]an appointment forSaturday星期六的约会[表示身分]看作, 当作, 作为take sb. for a fool把某人看成傻瓜give sth. up for lost认定某物已丢失而不找寻It was built for a pleasure boat.这条船是作为游艇建造的。[用于插入语, 表示列举]Many people want to buy it because, for one thing , the price is low.许多人想买它, 原因之一就是价格便宜。[与名词或代词连用, 后接动词不定式, 构成名词短语]make way for the car to pass给汽车让路It is time for him to go.他该走了。


because,英语单词,连词、介词,作连词时意为“因为,由于”,作介词时意为“因为某人(某事物)”。partly because部分原因是Because Therefore因为所以Because Threrfor因为所以surely because引导原因Because understanding因为了解Mainly because主要是因为Because young因为年轻Not because不是因为性 ; 不是因为我pleasure because因为快乐 ; 令人感到高兴

because和because. of 有什么区别

because后加句子,because of后加短语

because与because of 的区别与用法


because和because of后面分别接什么?

because引导原因状语从句,即后面接完整的句子,例如,Because you are dull ,so i cannot play with you .引导的句子中you 是主语are是胃语(系) dull是表语 。 because of 则是短语介词,后接名词,或者名词性短语,例如,because of your dull ,i cannot play with you .如有不明白欢迎继续提问。


because of 后面接名词动名词,或者主句、从句,because后面接主句,例如:I didn"t buy it because it was too expensive. 我没有买是因为它太贵了。because所引导的从句除用作原因状语外,还可用作表语。例如:It is because he loves you. 那是因为他爱你。because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what从句等。because of之后可接what 从句,但不能接that从句或没有引导词的句子。例如:He didn"t come because he was ill. 他因病未来。关于not…because结构:该结构中的否定词有时否定主句,有时否定从句,一般要根据句子的意思作出正确或合乎逻辑的理解。若not否定主句,最好在because之前用逗号,如下句在没有特定上下文时就有两种解释:I didn"t go because I was afraid. 我没有去是因为怕。/ 我不是因为怕才去的。不过若because之前有just修饰,一般认为not是否定从句的。例如:You shouldn"t get angry just because some people speak ill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。




第一句:that he didn"t turn up 是一个主语从句,because引导表语从句第二句:the reason 后常跟why引导表语从句,that引导表语从句。可以把它当句型来记。The reason why-定语从句 is that-表语从句。注意:主语是the reason 时,后面的表语从句不用because 引导。that 引导名词性从句时在从句中不做句子成分,没有含义。只起连词的作用。because 引导表语从句时的句型是:This is because-从句。当why引导名词性从句时要有本身的含义。例如:I don"t know why he is late.希望你满意我的解释。加油!


because引导直接原因He is at home because I can see him through the window(他在家因为我能通过窗子看见他)for仅仅是补充说明He is at home for the light are on(他在家因为灯是亮的)

because和because of后面分别接什么?

because引导原因状语从句,即后面接完整的句子,例如,Because you are dull ,so i cannot play with you .引导的句子中you 是主语are是胃语(系) dull是表语 。 because of 则是短语介词,后接名词,或者名词性短语,例如,because of your dull ,i cannot play with you .如有不明白欢迎继续提问。

because和because of区别 有哪些不同

because后接原因状语从句,because of应该接名词,代词,另外读音也不同、含义也不同。 because和because of用法不同 1.because 用法:because是从属连词,后接原因状语从句。 2.because of 用法:because of是个短语介词,不可以引导原因状语从句,而应该接名词,代词等。 because用法 because不能与so连用 汉语习惯上说“因为…所以…”,但英语习惯上却不能将 so与because 连用。 如:因为下雨,所以我们得呆在家里。 正:Because it was raining, we stayed at home. 误:Because it was raining, so we stayed at home. 3、because引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句的后面,because从句位于句首时要用逗号分开,放在句末时,可不用逗号分开。 because表示直接原因, 语气最强, 最适合回答why引导的疑问句。 如:Why you choose this sport? 你为什么选择这项运动?

because和because of的区别?





The woolly shrank because it was washed badly. 毛衣因洗的方法不好而缩水。I can"t get to sleep because of the noise outside. 由于外面声音嘈杂我睡不着。I didn"t go because I was afraid. 我没有去是因为怕。/ 我不是因为怕才去。I do it because I like it.我做这件事是因为我喜欢。You can trust those products because the quality never varies.你可以信赖那些产品,因为它们的质量从来不变。We went by bus because it was cheaper.我们乘公交汽车去,因为这样便宜一些。because引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句之后,because从句位于句首时要用逗号分开,放在句末 时,可不用逗号分开。because表示直接原因, 语气最强, 最适合回答 why引导的疑问句。


使用because的五大注意事项   导语:because是一个英语单词,可以用作连词,可以翻译为因为等。下面是我总结的使用because的五大注意事项,欢迎参考!   注意一 because 除用于引导原因状语从句外,还可引出表语从句。如:   It is because he is too foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了。   It is because youu2019re eating too much. 那是因为你吃得太多了。   注意二 汉语可以说“因为u2026u2026所以u2026u2026”,但是英语却不能使用 becauseu2026sou2026这样的.结构。改正的办法是,要么去掉其中的because,使之成为并列句;要么去掉so,使之成为主从复合句。如:   因为他很忙,所以不能来。   误:Because he is very busy, so he canu2019t come.   正:Because he is very busy, he canu2019t come.   正:He is very busy, so he canu2019t come.   注意三 汉语说“之所以u2026u2026是因为u2026u2026”,说成英语通常是The reason (why)u2026is thatu2026 其中的that最好不用because代替。如:   The reason (why) Iu2019m late is that [because] I missed the bus. 我迟到的原因是因为我没有赶上公共汽车。   注意四 在 not...because... 这一结构中,not 有时否定主句,有时否定从句,具体视语境而定。一般说来,若 not 否定主句, 最好在because 之前用逗号,否则会引起歧义,如下句在没有特定上下文时就有两种解释:   I didnu2019t go because I was afraid.   a. 我没有去是因为怕。   b. 我不是因为怕才去。   但是若 because 之前有 just 修饰,一般认为 not 是否定从句而不是主句。如:   You shouldnu2019t get angry just because some people speak ill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。   注意五 用于复合介词because of,其后可接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等。如:   He is here because of you (that). 他为你(那事)而来这里。   We said nothing about it, because of his wifeu2019s being there. 因为他妻子在那儿,我们对此只字未提。   He left the company because of what the boss said at the meeting. 他离开了这家公司,是因为老板在会上讲的话。   但是,because of后不能直接跟that从句或者是没有引导词的从句。如:   由于我的病我不能干这工作。   正:I canu2019t do the work because of my illness.   正:I canu2019t do the work because Iu2019m ill.   误:I canu2019t do the work because of Iu2019m ill.   误:I canu2019t do the work because of that Iu2019m ill. ;


指代不同:because:因为。cause:原因,起因。用法不同:because的基本意思是“因为”,强调直接造成某种结果的理由和原因。cause用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因,也可指导致某事情发生的人或事物。Because用法 1.because表示的是必然的因果关系,语气最强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前…… 2.通常用来回答why提出的问题。如: A:Why can"t you do it now?你为什么不现在就做呢? B:Because I"m too busy. 因为我太忙。 3.可引导从句作表语。如: It is because he is foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了。 4.可用于强调句。如: It is because he is honest that we likehim. 是因为他诚实我们才喜欢他。 5.not…because…这一结构中的 not 有时否定主句,有时否定从句,一般要根据句子的意思作出正确或合乎逻辑的理解。若not否定主句,最好在because之前用逗号,否则会引起歧义,如下句在没有特定上下文时就有两种解释。如: I didn"t go because I was afraid. (1)我没有去是因为怕。(2)我不是因为怕才去。 不过若because之前有just修饰,一般认为not是否定从句而不是主句。如: You shouldn"t get angry just because some people speakill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。 He was not readyto believe something just because Aristotle said so. 他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过如何如何,就轻易相信它。



because 的近义词 或词组 有哪些

beacause of 可以接名次,beacause接从句。because, for, as, since这组词都有“因为”的意思,其区别是:because 从属连词,语意强,着重直接的原因或理由,所引出的从句是全句的重心,用以回答why提出的问题。for 并列连词,语气较弱,所引出的句子一般放在后面,表示附带说明的理由或推断理由。as 从属连词,语意较because, since弱,着重在主句,所表示的原因或理由是“附带的”。since 语意比because弱,但比as强,一般用于表示“由于大家已知的事实”。1)because of 既可表示好的原因,也可表示坏的.大多数情况都是用于造成不太好结果的原因2)due to 绝对的表示造成不好结果的原因3)on account of 非常客观的表示原因,适用于任何情况4)thanks to 有多亏了...的意思.用于产生好的结果的原因


because用英语的说法:英 [bu026au02c8ku0252z] 美 [bu026au02c8ku0254u02d0z]。because,英语单词,连词、介词,作连词时意为“因为,由于”,作介词时意为“因为某人(某事物)”。短语搭配:partly because部分原因是。Because Therefore因为所以。Because Threrfor因为所以。surely because引导原因。Because understanding因为了解。Mainly because主要是因为。Because young因为年轻。Not because不是因为性 ; 不是因为我。pleasure because因为快乐 ; 令人感到高兴。双语例句:Because only I have the ability。因为只有我才有那能耐。But because of who I am with you。而是因为我喜欢和你在一起的感觉。But because of who I am when I am with you。而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的那个我。


  because的中文是什么,它的意思是什么?下面我为大家带来because是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!   because的意思   conj. 因为;   because的双语例句   I did it because they asked me to do it!   我做这事是因为他们请我做啊!   They bumped her off because she knew too much.   因为她知道太多,所以他们把她干掉了。   We could not reason out which way the robbers escaped, because we were unable to find anytrace of them.   我们推断不出这些强盗是从哪个方向逃走的,因为我们找不到他们的任何踪迹。   John watched every opportunity because he wanted to get on.   约翰盯住每一个机会,因为他想获得成功。   It is mainly because of my fault.   这主要是由于我的过错。   Everybody disliked him because of his hot temper.   大家都嫌他脾气太急。   Jack duked me because he said I had insulted him.   杰克用拳猛击我,因为他说我侮辱了他。   He undid his belt because it was too tight.   他解开了他的腰带,因为它太紧了。   I could not say all I wished because of the interruptions.   由于他不断的插话,我无法把想说的话都说出来。   Because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an airport in another city.   由于大雪,飞行员只得把飞机降落到另一座城市的一个飞机场。   Bamboo is light because it is hollow.   竹子很轻,因为它中间是空的。   The boy could not paint on,because his mother wanted him to be a teacher.   这男孩不能再绘画了,因为他母亲想让他成为一名教师。   We never confided in her, because she would blab.   我们从不跟她说心里话,因她会说漏嘴。   His business went under because of competition from the large corporations.   由于大公司的竞争,他的生意陷入了困境。   You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work.   你大可不必因为我提到你的工作就动怒。   because的英语例句   1. She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs.   她觉得自己掉价了,因为她知道丈夫有了外遇。   2. I denied my father because I wanted to become someone else.   我和父亲断绝了关系,因为我想成为一个不一样的自己。   3. I get very nervous because I"m using a lot of expensive equipment.   因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。   4. Because you"re not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.   由于没有消耗卡路里,你吃的所有东西都会变成脂肪。   5. He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.   他视力不好,算不上是一个出色的射手。   6. The man was known to the police because of previous convictions.   因为有犯罪前科,警察们都认识这个人。   7. I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly.   我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。   8. The boy was unhappy because he thought he was friendless.   这个男孩自认为没有朋友,所以闷闷不乐。   9. He won the election because the Democrats self-destructed in their primary.   民主党在初选中自毁长城,所以才让他赢得了选举。   10. His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.   他的政府由于一起金融丑闻而开始瓦解。   11. Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers.   出租车司机的抗议使得阿比让陷入了混乱。   12. Most of them are destroyed because they"ve served their purpose.   它们中大多数在完成使命后被销毁。   13. The reason women are drinking is just because they like it.   女人喝酒只是因为她们喜欢喝。   14. They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent"s that expensive.   他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。   15. Don"t try and double-cross me, Taylor, because I"ll kill you.   别跟我耍花招,泰勒,要不我会杀了你。   


becauseue65c生词本因为常见释义英[bu026au02c8ku0252z]美[bu026au02c8ku0254u02d0z]ue60e跟读例句They are here because of us.他们是因为我们来这里的。【because的意思、用法、搭配、使用场景】




because是一个连词,意思是“由于;因为”,它的主要用法如下:1. because 表示的是必然的因果关系,语气最强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前……2. 通常用来回答 why提出的问题。如:  A:Why can"t you do it now?你为什么不现在就做呢?  B:Because I"m too busy. 因为我太忙。3. 可引导从句作表语。如:  It is because he is foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了。4. 可用于强调句。如:  It is because he is honest that we like him. 是因为他诚实我们才喜欢他。




because 英 [bu026a"ku0252z]美 [bu026a"ku0254z] conj.因为 网络释义专业释义 因为 because [bi"ku0254z] conj. 因为,由于: The boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed. 这个男孩因花太长时间穿衣服总是迟到. I can"t do it now because I am busy. 因为我正忙着,现在不能做此事. I do that because I like that. 我那样做是因为我愿意那样做. [用于引导一个名词从句,相当于 that 或 the fact that]…这一事实,…这一点原因,原因是: The reason I am here is because I want to ask for your help. 我之所以到这儿来是想寻求你的帮助. [用于省略句,表示暂不便说明详细理由]: I think it would make her feel better because. 我想它会使她觉得好受些.原因嘛,现在不说. because of adv.因为;由于

有一首DJ 的歌词是one more time .you see高潮是:you never say me for cause you give me money money.

Nikasoul - Sexy And Funny (Andry J Remix)歌名也有写作"Sexy & Funny"试听: 或者是price tag by Jessie

the cat is andry with the mouse中with是什么意思?

be angry with对(某人)生气 生……的气;对生气;对…发怒;对发脾气这是一个词组,不能分开用

i wonder house 歌词

west life <my love> lovean empty street an empty housea hole inside hearti"m all alone and the roomsare getting smalleri wonder how i wonder whyi wonder where they arethe days we hadthe songs we sang togetherand oh! my lovei"m holding on foreverreaching for a lovethat seems so farso i say a litter prayerno my dream will take me therewhere the skies are blue to see youonce again my loveoverseas from coast to coastfind a place i love the mostwhere the fields are greento see you once againmy lovei try to read i go to worki"m laughing with my friendsbut i can"t stop to keep myselffrom thinkingi wonder how i wonder whyi wonder where they arethe days we hadthe songs we sang togettherand oh! my lovei"mholding on foreverreaching for a lovethat seems so farso i say a litter prayerno my dream will take me therewhere the skies are blue to see youonce again my loveoverseas from coast to coastfind a place i love the mostwhere the fields are greento see you once againto hold you in my armsto promise my loveto tell you from my heartyou are all i"m thinking ofreaching for a lovethat seems so farso i say a litter prayerno my dream will take me therewhere the skies are blue to see youonce again my loveoverseas from coast to coastfind a place i love the mostwhere the fields are greento see you once againmy loveand hope my dream will take me therewhere the skies are blue to see youonce again my loveoverseas from coast to coastfind a place i love the mostwhere the fields are greento see you once againmy love

press和publishing house的区别

1.publishing house 是出版社的意思 名词 在这里 publishing 是出版的意思 动词 也是出版社的意思 但是press多用于口语 publishing house是书面的写法

屈臣氏2010英文歌曲,里面歌词有..because of you because of you ..

歌名就是because of you

一首英文歌有这些歌词“love you easy because you are beautiful ",请大家帮忙找找看。

loving you(爱着你)原唱是Minnie Ripton

He used to be a shy boy.反意疑问句怎么变,两种

He used to be a shy boy,didn"t he? He used to be a shy boy.usedn"t he? 都可以. 第一种:used如果看作动词的话,那么需要用助动词did来引起疑问句. 第二种:直接把used看作系动词,那么直接就可以usedn"t来变反意疑问句.

He used to be a shy boy. 反意疑问句怎么变,两种


He used to be a shy boy.这是一个主谓宾结构还是主系表?为什么

主系表,系动词是be,只不过在系动词前面有了时态的体现used to,表示过去

歌曲Because I Love You内容是什么意思?

附上中英文歌词:   Because I love you   因为我爱你   If I got down on my knees and pleaded with you,   如果我跪下双膝向你恳求   If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you,   如果我横越亿万海洋 只为与你相守   Would you ever let me down?   你究竟会不会让我失望?   If I climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight,   如果我攀上最高的山峰 只为抱紧你   If I said that I would love you every single night,   如果我说我会在每晚都爱你   Would you ever let me down?   你究竟会不会让我失望?   Well I"m sorry if it sounds kind of sad,   哦 抱歉这些话听起来有些伤感   Just that worried, so worried that you"ll let me down.  只是我担心,很担心 你会让我失望   Because I love you, love you,   因为我爱你 爱你   Love you so don"t let me down.   我爱你 所以别让我失望   If I swam the longest river just to call your name.   如果我游过最长的河流只为了呼唤你的名字   If I said the way I feel for you would never change. ....   如果我说对你的感觉永远不变   Would you ever fool around?   是否你觉得被愚弄   Well I"m sorry if it sounds kind of bad,   哦 抱歉这些话听起来有点不好   It"s just that I"m worried I"m so worried that you let me down.   只因为我担心,很担心 你会让我失望   Because I ……   因为我爱你   Love you Love you   我爱你 爱你   Well I"m sorry if it sounds kind of bad,   哦 抱歉这些话听起来有点不好   Just that I"m worried I"m so worried that you let me down.   只因为我很担心 你会让我失望   Because I love you, love you,   因为我爱你   Love you love you, love you   爱你 爱你 爱你

韩文歌 中间有一句cause i need you so i love you/女生唱的 急求!!!

是城市猎人的插曲I love you,iwant you ,i need you吗??你听听看

求英文翻译“The house was a little rundown”


how to make money for their own use为什么是to make

How to make money for their own use.怎样挣钱为自己所用?这里面用的to make是疑问词加动词不定式。如果是前面还有主句的话,这就是一个疑问词,加动词不定式做的是宾语。如果把to make换成iMac,也就是说,主语加make这后面这个how, 引导的就成了宾语从句。

inhouse consulting是指什么

Inhouse Consulting is the international strategy and management consultancy of Deutsche Post DHL. Working “in house” we support the top management of Deutsche Post DHL in shaping the future of their businesses – worldwide. Above everything, our common goal is the long-term success of Deutsche Post DHL. Additionally, Inhouse Consulting provides Strategic Logistics Consulting to leading companies, across all industries globally. We help our clients keep pace in a fast-moving supply chain world, teaming up with a network of leading experts and supply chain institutions to support in identifying the optimal supply chain model to achieve their priorities. To learn more about how we can assist you, visit Founded in 1999 to support the top management of Deutsche Post DHL, Inhouse Consulting has grown to become a globally recognized company of more than 110 consultants located in four offices serving Europe, the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific. Inhouse Consulting, next to providing consulting services, successfully develops high potentials for management positions in the Group. For example, since the Americas office was established in 2005, over 20 of its consultants have moved into management positions at DPDHL. This is why we invest in the best logistics and supply-chain experts and build up new talent.

We all like him because he has a great (sensitive)____________of humor.

【答案】:sensesense 解析:我们喜欢他因为他有很强的幽默感.great为形容词,用来修饰名词,sensitive为形容词,因此换成它的名词形式sense。

英语作文a useful invention60个单词

A Useful InventionComputer is a important part in our life.It is our friend.Because it help us with our life.Doctor need computer to look over patient"s illness.Teacher need computer to teach students.we also need computer to study our subjects.If we fell tired.we can listen to the music in the computer. Computer is the most useful invention.

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. The first important way is that they prov...

小题1:No,itisn"t.小题2:Theyprovidemanwithfood,woodandotherproducts.小题3:Undertheshadeofatree.小题4:Itmeanstrees.小题5:Usebothsidesofpaper./Planttrees.试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是树木的重要性,他们在三个重要的方面对我们来说是非常有用的。一是树木可以为人类和其他动物提供食物、木材和其他的产品;二是树木可以为我们提供阴凉;三是树木可以防止干旱和洪水。所以保护树木是很重要的。小题1:根据短文第一段的最后两句话Treesprovidemanandanimalswithfoodtoliveontheearth.It"snoteasyformantoliveontheearthwithouttrees可知,树木给人类和动物提供食物,让他们住在地球上。对于人类而言,没有了树住在地球上是困难的。故这个题的答案是否定的。小题2:根据短文的第一段第二句话Thefirstimportantwayisthattheyprovidemanwithfood,woodandotherproducts可知,树对于人类来说第一个重要的方面是他们为人类提供食物、木材和其他的产品。故由此可知,这个题的答案为The订穿斥费俪渡筹杀船辑yprovidemanwithfood,woodandotherproducts。小题3:根据短文第二段中Onahotsummerday,peopleareeagerto havearestundertheshadeofatreeaftertheyhavewalkedalongway.可知,在炎热的夏天,人们在走了很长的路之后,急于在树荫下休息一下。故答案为Undertheshadeofatree。小题4:在短文的最后一段中,作者告诉了我们树的第三个重要的方面,即树木可以防止干旱和洪水。可是在世界上的很多地方,人们没有意识到树的这个作用。他们还是大量的砍伐树木,最后,他们就会失去这个最好的朋友。这里最好的朋友指的就是trees,即树木。小题5:这是一个开放性的问题,答案并不是唯一的。题目中问到的是为了保护树木,我们应该做些什么。例如我们可以节约用纸,用纸的两面书写;或者在生活中我们要保护树木,故乱砍滥伐,多种树等。

让大家帮忙详细解释一下:constraint [pk_users] primary key clustered

这是在userid列上创建一个唯一聚集索引的语句。primary key表明创建的是主键约束,culstered表示索引类型是聚集索引,IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF的作用是在向表中插入数据的时候,如果遇到表中已经存在userid的值,insert语句就会失败,并且回滚整个insert语句。ON [PRIMARY]表示是索引创建在主文件组上。[pk_users] 是主键的名称。

House appreciation.什么意思

House appreciation网络户型鉴赏双语例句1Suzhou Music Instrument House and other art appreciation places pass the pure wind rhyme;品味吴门琴行等艺术欣赏场所又传递着纯正的吴风古韵;

单式家庭房屋是什么意思?single family houses

独立屋在英语里有多种叫法,single-family detached home, single-family home,detached house,single-detached dwelling,separate house, 指房屋在外墙结构和基础设施方面完全不依附于其它建筑物,且能提供至少一户人家居住的房子。自己拥有整块土地和房子。独立屋形式上有平房(Bungalow和Raised-bungalow)、楼房(包括一层半、两层、两层半,甚至三层)和复式(又分后复式Backsplit和边复式Sidesplit)几种。在加拿大独立屋通常有地下室,包括有前院和后院及独立和相连的车库。 独立屋的优缺点 独立屋有优点,也有缺点。优点包括:房屋及周围都属于屋主,活动空间大,且有很大的私密性。在很多情况下(视联邦/州/省/地方法律而定),如果屋主有需要,可以在已有面积上增加更多的房屋。和Condo与镇屋不同,独立屋一般没有管理费。 缺点在于,所有房屋保养及维修费用—屋里屋外,屋上屋下—都得屋主支付。冬天除雪,夏天剪草,都得自己亲力亲为。周边设施也不如Condo和镇屋完备,如Condo和镇屋一般配备有游泳池,健身房和操场等。前后院景观设计、草地保养等,都需要屋主负责。 房间布局 在西方文化里,独立屋一般来说要包括如下一些房间。这些房间的名称,不同国家的称谓稍有不同。 客厅(Living room)--美国以前叫Parlor,但在英国,Parlor一般指餐厅(Dining room)。英国人也称Lounge,澳大利亚称Lounge room。在英国还有称Sitting room 和Drawing room的,但Drawing room一般来说只用于很气派的老房子。客厅通常是房子里最大的房间,用于招待和娱乐客人。 厨房(Kitchen)--准备食物的地方。有些房子的厨房是带餐厅的(eat-in kitchens),烧饭和吃饭都在同一个地方。 卧室(Bedroom)--不管什么类型的住宅,都至少要有一个卧室。 浴室(Bathroom)--通常包括浴缸(Bathtub),抽水马桶(Toilet)和水槽(Sink/Washbasin),也可以有一个淋浴(Shower)。只有Toilet没有Bath 和Shower的,美国和加拿大称之为Half-bath。 除了以上这些最基本的房间以外,独立屋还可以有以下房间。 前厅(Front room)--在美国英语里,Front room指的是你一踏进一幢House的那个空间。比较大的房子,这个空间通常叫Hall, foyer, vestibule, 或者是entry hall;小房子一般是叫titled hallway。简单说来,这就是个放外衣和脱鞋的地方。 在英国英语里,Front room是房子前面的一个客厅(sitting room),和主屋没有通道连接。 餐厅(Dining room)--如果空间允许,用餐可以和厨房分开,在餐厅进行。一般来说,便餐可以在厨房、早餐台(Breakfast Nook,厨房一角吃早餐的地方)和家庭室吃,比较正式的才在餐厅,因此又叫正式餐厅(Formal dining room)。在英国英语里,厨房餐厅在一起叫kitchen-diner(20世纪用语,已过时)、Kitchen-breakfast room, 或Eat-in-kitchen。有的房子还有单独的早餐间。 家庭室(Family room)-- 大多数情况下,家庭室是紧邻客厅(Living room)的非正式客厅(Casual living room)。由于它的非正式性,所以孩子们的玩具可以放在这里;大部分情况下,多媒体的娱乐设备也放在这里。这里是家人和孩子娱乐休闲的地方。 储藏室(Storage room):存放杂物和箱包的地方。如果没有洗衣房,也可以把洗衣机和甩干机放在这里 洗衣房(Laundry room):这是北美和澳洲的叫法,英国英语称Utility room。但在一些英国的豪华老宅子里,也有Laundry,但只叫Laundry,不叫Laundry room。 书房(Study):对于自雇和在家工作的人,这里也可以叫Home Office。 更大更豪华的独立屋,还可能有以下房间: 图书室(Library):在英国英语里,书房(Study)是屋主的私人空间;图书室(Library)则对家人及客人开放。 娱乐室(Playroom):在英国英语里,通常是指孩子娱乐的地方。它和家庭室(Family room)的功能有些交叉。一些大房子这两个房间都有。 酒窖(Wine cellar):如果主人喜欢酒,可以专门有一间屋做酒窖,用来储酒。这里必须要保持特定的温度,光线也要很暗。 工作室(Studio):艺术家和艺术爱好者用来创作的地方。 游戏室(Game room):这是美国叫法,英国叫Games room。一些游戏设施,如台球(Pool/Billiards),乒乓球、飞镖(Darts)等,都可以放在这里。一般来说,房间里会配一个小吧台(Bar)。在英国,如果整个房间都是台球,这个房间就叫台球室(以前叫Billiard room,现在Snooker流行,改叫Snooker room)。 家庭影院(Media room/Home cinema):随着平面电视及环绕立体声越来越便宜,家庭影院也越来越普遍。 音乐室(Music room):表演及练习音乐的地方。18-19世纪很流行,现在的房子一般已经没有音乐室了,除非是从那个年代保留下来的老房子里还有。 Bonus room:从床到弹子戏(Pinball machine),这里什么都可以放。一般来说,独立屋具备了所有的基本房间,但还有空余,就可以来一间Bonus room。这个用法在英国英语里没有。中文里也没有对应词,意思就是这个屋是个“Bonus”,额外的奖励。 术语(Terminology)编辑本段回目录 独立屋这个术语,即使在英语国家,使用也有差别。Single-family home (美/加用法),Detached house (英国/加拿大用法),,Single-detached dwelling(加拿大),Separate house(新西兰)。在英国,如果你说Single-family home,很多人都不知道你在说什么。

town likes B and E sprang up house large “comfortable” classes who had retired on thire...


I Love You Because 歌词

歌曲名:I Love You Because歌手:Margaret Whiting专辑:MargaretI Love You Because-Al MartinoI love you because you understand dearEvery single thing I try to do.You"re always there to lend a helping hand, dear.I love you most of all because you"re you.No matter what the world may say about me,I know your love will always see me through.I love you for the way you never doubt me.But most of all I love you "cause you"re you.I love you because the future is brighterThe door of happiness, you open wideNo matter what the world may say about me.I know your love will always see me through.I love you for a hundred thousand reasons,But most of all I love you "cause you"re you

He ran in the house and helped the little 改错

in-tokeeping-to keephave -hadsings-sing

重组句子 is area how this how house the big

1how safe is this area 2how big is the house

GTA4自由城之章 黄色停车位有几个啊 除了safehouse的那个。。找不到别的 最好有图



观看的是你是我的生命《你是我的生命》是由苏格拉瓦·卡那诺、萨维卡·恰雅德领衔主演的泰国电视剧 [1] 。这是两人的首次合作。2008年3月13日在泰国CH7台首播。

I“occasionally”use air quotes 是什么意思?在线等


the hush sound的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:the hush sound专辑:like vinesThe Hush Sound--lighthouseTake what you need while there"s timeThe city will be earth in a short whileIf I"m not mistaken it"s been in flamesYou and I will escape to the seasideThere is a storm in the distanceThe wind breathing warning of it"s imminenceThere is a lighthouse five hundred yards downYou and I will be safe thereThere is a girl who haunts that lighthouseShe saved me, I was swimmingSo young I almost drownedUnder the water she sang a storyOf losing her loverShe calls a warningLove, you are foolish, you"re tiredYour sleeplessness makes you a liarThe city is burningThe ocean is turningOur only chance is the lighthouseHer lover was a sailorShe went and she waited thereThe door locked from the outsideLover never arrived so she sings thereSoft as a siren luring the ships off their course, how alarmingWe went in, we climbed up and looked outThe door locked from the outsideThree ghosts in a lighthouse

The House Of Love的《Safe》 歌词

歌曲名:Safe歌手:The House Of Love专辑:The Fontana YearsPhil Wickham - SafeTo the one who"s dreams are falling all apartAnd all you"re left with is a tired and broken heartI can tell by your eyes you think your on your ownbut you"re not all aloneHave you heard of the One who can calm the raging seasGive sight to the blind, pull the lame up to their feetWith a love so strong and never let you gooh you"re not aloneYou will be safe in His arms"Cause the hands that hold the world are holding your heartThis is the promise He madeHe will be with You alwaysWhen everything is falling apartDid you know that the voice that brings the dead to lifeIs the very same voice that calls you to riseSo hear Him now He"s calling you homeYou will never be aloneThese are the hands that built the mountainsthe hands that calm the seasThese are the arms that hold the heavensthey are holding you and meThese are hands that healed the leperPulled the lame up to their feetThese are the arms that were nailed to a crossto break our chains and set us free


YUI - Why Me试听:下载:

电影《藏身之所》(《safe house》)中男主角从火车站寄存柜里拿出的背包是什么品牌的。


无主之地里Sledge"s Safe House的小吵闹的修理套件在哪?求助



《Safe House》(Clancy, Tom/ Pieczenik, Steve R./ Duane, Diane)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:1234书名:Safe House作者:Clancy, Tom/ Pieczenik, Steve R./ Duane, Diane出版社:Berkley Pub Group出版年份:2000-5页数:192内容简介:To save a prominent scientist and his son from a corrupt government"s agents, the Net Force Explorers embark on a terrifying virtual hunt for their enemies--before it"s too late....



safe house第一季成员

成员有Atthaphan Phunsawat-巴特潘·忽栓,卢克·普劳顿-Luke Ishikawa Plowden,Pirapat Watthanasetsiri-皮拉帕·瓦塔纳汕西瑞,Khaotung Thanawat Rattanakitpaisan-塔纳瓦·拉达纳奇派山,汪始慧-Sahaphap Wongratch,Naravit Lertratkosum-纳拉维特·勒拉格苏,陈普明-Phuwin Tangsakyuen,柴·尼姆塔瓦特-Trai Nimtawat,林阳-Tawan Vihokratana跟随着8个来自GMMTV的年轻艺人,通过在同一屋檐下从早到晚的直播,他们将一起角逐最后的大奖~9月13日起泰国时间每日早8点到9点,午后12点到14点,晚上18点到凌晨,请在GMMTV的YouTube频道和Facebook主页的Live中寻找答案吧~

《中情局》的安全屋(safe house)是一种怎样的资产?


问个英语问题 because fuel supplies are finite and many p


because fuel supplies are finite

英语中是没有of+不定冠词(a/an)的表达的,of后面加的一般都是限定性的名词性词组.所以不能用你所说的some type of a ……这种表达. solar heating device是单数没错,所以前面用了一个单数的量词a/some type of ...来修饰. 其实some(某个) type of 就像a piece of cake一块蛋糕,用法一样,cake前面也没有再用到a. 希望能帮你理解清楚~.怎么样连词成句?

There is a river near the house.房子附近有一条河。或There is a house near the river.河流的附近有一间房子。

use at your own risk.是什么意思

Use at your own risk!要使用它的话,风险自负!双语例句1Follow the tutorials and use at your own risk.按照您自担风险的教程和使用。2Read and use at your own risk.阅读和使用自己的风险。

use at your own risk.是什么意思

use at your own risk.使用您自己的风险。很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

翻译:I used to believe in the American Dream ,which



supply air diffuser供应送风散流器双语例句1Supply Air Diffuser Design of VAV System by ADPI采用ADPI方法选择变风量系统送风散流器2When air supply volumes ranged from 50 to 80 percent of the maximum airsupply volumes, square diffuser could not be very ideal with a variable airvolume in a cooling mode.当送风量处于最大送风量的50%~80%范围内时,方形散流器用于变风量系统供冷工况不理想。

user bio什么意思

用户个人简历bio(dot bio)是国际通用顶级域名(generic Top Level Domain)。2014年互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)完成.BIO资质审核,同年6月2日.BIO入根,与目前常用的.com、.org、.net一样正式成为通用顶级域名。bio在多国语言中表示“有机”,常作为有机标签出现在各国市场,.BIO是为有机食物和有机农业而创建的互联网域名空间。USER的意思是:用户,使用者;吸毒成瘾者。互联网中的“USER”的意思是:用户。

used to 和be used to 的区别

这两个表达方式词义不同,适用的语义环境也不一样。 used to 和 be used to 看上去只有一字之差,可词义却南辕北辙,所使用的语境也毫无共同之处。used to 是在动词 use 的过去式后面接另一个动词的不定式(to do),表达过去某一时间里的常规性行为。 used的用法 used to do sth,意为过去常常做某事,现在已经不再做了;be/get used to doing sth,意为现在习惯做某事;sth be used to do ,意为某物被用来做某事。 一、used to do sth:过去常常做某事,暗示现在已经不再做了。 1、used to do sth表示“过去常常做”与would do sth的`区别是表示“过去的常常做的动作”时,常用would do sth.其它都用used to do sth. 例句:when he was a child ,he would go camping in the open air. 当他是孩子时,经常到户外宿营。 2、there used to be sth+地点,表示某处过去常常有某物,暗示现在已不存在。 例句:There used to be a temple on the top of Tian zhong Hill. 天中山顶过去有一座寺庙。 二、get/be used to doing sth.(现在)习惯做某事=be /get accustomed to doing sth. 例句:I get used to reading English every morning. 我习惯每天晨读英语。 三、sth be used to do 某物被用来做某事=be used for doing sth. 例句:Scissors are used to cut things.

be use for 跟be use to do都是“被用来……”的意思,那有什么区别?

for是介词,后接名词或相当名词的成分 to 是不定式,后接动词原形, 他们意思是一样的.

used to和be used to的区别是什么?

1、意思不同:(1)used to表示过去的习惯性动作,过去如此,现在不再这样了。常译作“过去常常”。如:He used to play basketball when he was young. 他年轻的时候常常打篮球。(2)be used to do表示“被用来做某事”。如:Wood is often used to make desks and chairs. 木头常常被用来制作桌椅。2、用法不同:(1)used to后跟动词不定式。(2)be used to+doing 或者 be used to+ be sth。如:1)He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。2)She is not used to eating Chinese food. 她不习惯吃中餐。扩展资料:be used to doing表示“习惯于”某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。例句:1、People here are used to doing for themselves.这里的人对自救已经习惯了。2、I"m not used to doing it in this way.我不习惯于这样的做法。3、They got used to doing hard work.他们已习惯于做苦力了。

be used to doing的区别

be used to do、be used in、be used for的区别为:一、指代不同1、be used to do:被用来做...2、be used in:被用于...3、be used for:用于...二、侧重点不同1、be used to do:used作为谓语动词。2、be used in:used作为形容词。3、be used for:used作为非谓语动词。三、引证用法不同1、be used to do:used与介词to连用,表示“习惯于…的”,在句中一般用作表语。2、be used in:used的基本意思是“用过的,旧的,二手的”,指某物已被某人拥有过,使用过,作此解时在句中一般用作定语。3、be used for:其后只能接名词、代词、动名词,不能接动词不定式。如强调由不习惯到习惯,须用get或become而不能用be。

beused to do什么意思啊

be used to do:表示“被用来做某事”。(被动语态)be used to(doing) sth.习惯于……后必须接名词或动名词,可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。be可用get,become来代替。例如:He is used to life in the country.(He is used to living in the country.)他习惯于乡村生活。He will get used to getting up early.他将会习惯于早起。注意:be used to do的意思是“被用来做……”。例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来造纸。be used to doing和used to do的区别:used to do过去常常做某事。used todo过去经常的动作或状态。beused todoingsth结构中,used为形容词“习惯的”,意为“习惯于做某事”。结构中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。

used to和be used to doing都什么意思,有啥区别


be use to和use to有什么区别

be used to do:被用来做某事used to do:过去常常做某事,就是以前经常做现在不做了

used to be与be used to be的用法有什么不同?

电视动画西游记 CCTV主导制作的动画片,共52集。

be used to do sth是什么意思?

意思是:习惯于做某事。重点词汇:used英[ju:st]释义:adj.使用过的;二手的;习惯的动词use的过去式和过去分词.例句:用作形容词(adj.)He makes sweaters from used plastic bottles.他利用使用过的塑料瓶罐来制造毛衣。词语辨析:be used to,used toadj.(形容词)这两个短语的区别是:1、used to do中的used是动词,to后面接动词不定式;be used to中的used是形容词,to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。2、used to表示过去频率极高或十分经常的习惯性的动作,常译成“过去常常做…”,且含有与现在对比的意味;而be used to的意思是“熟悉并接受…”“习惯于…”。3、used to只能用于过去时,而be used to可用于各种时态。
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