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username意思是用户名。用户名(英文名:Username),是网络术语之一。就是要登录(登入、登录、进入等)的帐户名,即在所在网站的识别码 。 可以使用汉字、字母、字码等,如珠穆朗玛峰,zmlmf,12345,等,都作为用户名。n. 用户名(由字母或数字组成的用户名称;以标明用户的身份)用户名(英文名:Username),是网络术语之一。就是要登录(登入、登录、进入等)的帐户名,即在所在网站的识别码 。 可以使用汉字、字母、字码等,如珠穆朗玛峰,zmlmf,12345,等,都作为用户名。name和username的区别在哪?就是昵称和账号名的区别,前者可以随便命名,后者必须唯一,不能与其他用户重名,并且有不能包含特殊字符的限制。


育碧username是育碧账号的用户名,主要用来账号登录,可以取自己记得住的用户名。username即在所在网站的识别码 。 可以使用汉字、字母、字码等,如珠穆朗玛峰,zmlmf、12345,等,都作为用户名。一般来说,凡是允许用户注册的网站,都会在其主页显著位置上设置“ 注册”标签,让用户申请。扩展资料育碧账号服务包括游戏、可下载内容、季票和其他游戏软件(包含在光盘或其他物理媒体中,或已下载或串流软件)、其他软件产品、在线及移动服务和前述各项的任何更新及升级产品、相关网站、Uplay平台和任何其他Ubisoft平台、Uplay+订购服务、所举办的直播赛事、服务器、软件。以及UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT S.A.或其任何子公司或关联公司(包括UBISOFT EMEA SAS和UBISOFT LTD)当前或未来向您提供前述服务时使用的框架系统。必需创建一个用户名和/或化身才可访问和使用具体服务。用户名和/或化身与玩家的账户相关联,并会公开显示。因此建议您不要将姓名用作用户名。

linux 默认的username是什么





肯定要赋值的 在登录页面 Session["UserName"]=TextBox.Text;一般用做判断用户是否登录.if(Session["UserName"]==null)返回登录页面 Response.Redirect("UserLogin.aspx");






username一般填用户名,就是你注册的那个名字! 如果没有注册,注册一下; username使用计算机程序或系统时用以识别身份的用户名; 一般来说,凡是允许用户注册的网站,都会在其主页显着位置上设置“ 注册”标签,让用户申请。假如该名已经被他人注册,都会给以提示。这种情况下,只能再次申请,直到注册成功。 扩展资料   登录(login)是进入操作系统或者应用程序(通常是在远程计算机上)的过程。应用范围有计算机领域和互联网领域。为了保证系统的安全和记账方便,系统要求每个用户有单独的账号作为登录标识,系统还为每个用户指定了一个口令。用户在使用该系统之前要输入标识和口令,这个过程被称为“登录”。   害怕别人在控制面板里面找到你的用户名么?试试看这个方法 (在你隐藏的用户后面加一个$):   开始,运行,输入cmd.exe,回车,再输入如下语句:net user abcd$ /add   这样就可以添加一个名字叫abcd的隐藏帐户了,这样的帐户只有用计算机管理里面的用户管理功能才能看到   如果要厉害一点,可以修改一下注册表,克隆一个帐户。这样的话计算机不会多出一个奇怪的用户名,也就不会引起别人的怀疑。   把默认的 Administrator 的.名字改掉   XP系统默认有一个叫做 Administrator 的用户,如果不改掉其用户名,则很容易被黑客扫描到,并且有可能破解出系统的密码。   只要一个简单的操作就可以避免这样的情况:右键点击我的电脑,选择管理,打开计算机管理窗口。在左窗格中定位到本地用户和组,右窗格中双击用户进入本机的用户列表。找到 Administrator ,右键单击给它重命名就可以了。比如将 Administrator重命名成 Guest...(在这之前你必须对原有的 Guest 用户重命名) 这样绝对会让黑客看得一愣一愣的。你的系统安全也就得到了保障。





username 什么意思



username意思是:用户名。用户名可以使用汉字、字母、字码等,如珠穆朗玛峰,zmlmf,12345,等,都作为用户名。一般来说,凡是允许用户注册的网站,都会在其主页显著位置上设置“ 注册”标签,让用户申请。只要符合其规定,并在其他用户还没有注册此名时,即可注册;假如该名已经被他人注册,都会给以提示。这种情况下,只能再次申请,直到注册成功。扩展资料用户可以通过用户名向系统服务进行身份验证,并获取相关授权,但身份验证并不代表授权。为了会计、安全、数据收集和资源管理,用户通常需要一个密码以登录账号。用户名和密码经常被用来登录受到保护的作业系统、手机、自动取款机等。通常,电脑用户需要密码来登录系统、收发电子邮件、以及控制程序、数据库、网络和网站,甚至在线浏览新闻等。一般而言,增加密码长度、避免连贯的字词(例如abc、123等)或常见的字词(例如admin)可以增加密码强度。

when he was a boy,he used to go there and watch-----


when he was a boy,he used to go there and watch-----


结婚典礼的时候唱because of you可以吧??

建义你唱love to be loved by you


caused是什么意思如下:n.原因, 导致某事发生的人或事, 动机, 理由, 根据, 目标, 理想, 事业vt.引起, 惹起, 使(发生), 促成相关例句1. Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.(0.16K)大雪导致道路上交通一片混乱。2. The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans.(0.16K)她宣布挂拍告退的消息引起了网球迷的震惊。3. Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land.(0.16K)这个地区的集约化农业使得土壤严重贫瘠化。4. The bomb caused widespread devastation.(0.16K)炸弹造成大面积破坏。5. discoloration caused by the sun(0.16K)因日照引起的退色6. The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress.(0.16K)报上的文章给这位演员带来极大的痛苦。7. The news caused great excitement among her friends.(0.16K)这消息使她的朋友们兴奋不已。


caused[英] [kɔ:zd] [美] [kɔ:zd] 人为的相关例句1. Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.(0.16K)大雪导致道路上交通一片混乱。2. The announcement of her retirement caused consternation among tennis fans.(0.16K)她宣布挂拍告退的消息引起了网球迷的震惊。3. Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land.(0.16K)这个地区的集约化农业使得土壤严重贫瘠化。4. The bomb caused widespread devastation.(0.16K)炸弹造成大面积破坏。5. discoloration caused by the sun(0.16K)因日照引起的退色6. The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress.(0.16K)报上的文章给这位演员带来极大的痛苦。7. The news caused great excitement among her friends.(0.16K)这消息使她的朋友们兴奋不已。

Excuse me, would you please tell me____ buy a digital camera?


i can your crayon use yellow

Do you like strawberries?It has a long tail Can I use your crayon?

now he uses a digital camera,一般疑问句?

Does he use a digital camera now?动词前提

digital,use ,is ,easy,to,a,it,camera怎么连成句和汉语翻译?

It is easy to use a digital camera .用数码相机很简单。


do choresdo housework

MUSE的《Resistance》 歌词

歌曲名:Resistance歌手:MUSE专辑:ResistanceMuse - ResistanceIs your secret safe tonight?And are we out of sight?Or will our world come tumbling down?Will they find our hiding place?Is this our last embrace?Or will the world start caving in?He could be wrong could be wrongBut he should of been rightHe could be wrong could be wrongLet our hearts igniteHe could be wrong could be wrongAre we digging a hole?He could be wrong could be wrongThis is out of controlHe could be wrong could be wrongIt could never lastHe could be wrong could be wrongMust you raise it fast?He could be wrong could be wrongBut he could have been rightHe could be wrong could be wrongLove is our resistanceThey"ll keep us apart and they won"t stop breaking us downHold meOur lips must always be sealedIf we live our life in fearI"ll wait a thousand yearsJust to see you smile againKill a breath for love and peaceYou"ll wake the thought policeWe can hide the truth insideHe could be wrong could be wrongBut he should have been rightHe could be wrong could be wrongSo let our hearts igniteHe could be wrong could be wrongAre we digging a hole?He could be wrong could be wrongThis is out of controlHe could be wrong could be wrongIt could never lastHe could be wrong could be wrongMust you raise it fast?He could be wrong could be wrongBut it could have been rightHe could be wrong could be wrongLove is our resistanceThey"ll keep us apart and they won"t stop breaking us downHold meOur lips must always be sealedThe night has reached its endWe can pretendWe must runWe must runIt"s time to runTake us away from hereProtect us from further harmResist this!



求resistance muse的英文歌词

  Resistance  Is your secret safe tonight? 你的秘密今晚安全吗?  And are we out of sight? 我们现在是不是逃离了监视?  Or will our world come tumbling down?或者,我们的世界会不会崩塌?  Will they find our hiding place? 他们会找到我们的藏身之处吗?  Is this our last embrace? 这是我们最后的拥抱吗?  Or will the walls start caving in? 或者,这些墙壁会开始崩塌吗?  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  But it should"ve been right 但是这本该是对的  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  Let our hearts ignite 让我们的心灵燃烧  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  Are we digging a hole? 我们是在自掘坟墓吗?  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  This is outta control 情况已经失控  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  It could never last 这不能持续  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  Must erase it fast 必须赶快抹杀  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  But it could"ve been right 但是这本该是对的  (It could be wrong, could be...) 这有可能是错的,有可能是...  Love is our resistance 爱是我们的反抗  They keep us apart and they won"t stop breaking us down 他们使我们分离而且不会停止拆散我们  And hold me, our lips must always be sealed 抱着我,我们的唇必须永远紧闭  If we live our life in fear 如果我们生活在恐惧之中  I"ll wait a thousand years 我会等待一千年  Just to see you smile again 只为再次看到你的笑容  Quell your prayers for love and peace 停止你对爱与和平的祈祷  You"ll wake the thought police 你会引来思想警察  We can hide the truth inside 我们可以将真相深藏于内心  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  But it should"ve been right 但是这本该是对的  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  Let our hearts ignite 让我们的心灵燃烧  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  Are we digging a hole? 我们是在自掘坟墓吗?  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  This is outta control 情况已经失控  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  It could never last 这不能持续  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  Must erase it fast 必须赶快抹杀  (It could be wrong, could be wrong) 这有可能是错的,有可能是错的  But it could"ve been right 但是这本该是对的  (It could be wrong, could be...) 这有可能是错的,有可能是...  Love is our resistance! 爱是我们的反抗!  They keep us apart and won"t stop breaking us down 他们使我们分离而且不会停止拆散我们  And hold me, our lips must always be sealed 抱着我,我们的唇必须永远紧闭  The night has reached its end 夜色将尽  We can"t pretend 我们无法伪装  We must run 我们必须奔跑  We must run 我们必须奔跑  It"s time to run 是时候奔跑了  Take us away from here 带我们离开这里  Protect us from further harm 保护我们免遭更严重的伤害  Resistance! 反抗!

初三英语题 It is bad for herlth to hurry to move into a house----has new furnture in it.




The water of the rive___ quickly because of the heavy rain. 用rose还是has risen 为什么

没有上下文的话, 都可以!用rose 陈述过去有回这样的时用has risen 指现在的情况如不明白请追问手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步

盆栽哥的Earned it,歌词Cause girl you earned it后面的旋律是啥乐器发出的声音


请问 used 是被动为什么前边没有被be词? associated是不是被动

be associated with 意思是与……什么有关,在这里是固定短语,而非被动。used在这里作定语。

1、The house is c_____ ;no one is living there.

1closed 2knock the door 3had

win8 中c:Users***AppDataLocal/Packages 里的文件能删吗 ?

求找英文歌,其中有一句经常出现:"cause I human⋯"是一慢歌


我知道UAT是user accept test用户接收测试 。UVT 是什么?大家来填词User 【?】test

User Verification Testing发生在项目部署以后

米奇妙妙屋的咒语是Misga Musga Mickey Mouse吗?


mickey mouse 这个服装品牌怎么样?价格贵不贵?


Mickey Mouse(米老鼠)的生日是什么时候?

米老鼠 1928年,米奇诞生于火车上,这源于沃特·迪斯尼的一次心血来潮。刚出道时的米奇顽劣成性。可是随着时间的推移,米奇变成了一个形象可爱、性格温驯的绅士。而迪斯尼王国也由它开始了辉煌的历史。 如今,米奇的乐观善良已影响了整个美国乃至整个世界。人们都爱煞了这个整天傻笑的胖老鼠。 米老鼠档案: ●米奇老鼠是于1928年11月18日初登银幕,电影名《Steamboat Willie》。 ●米奇老鼠是第一只商品化的卡通角色,时为1929年。同年,米奇老鼠拥有了Mickey Mouse Club。 ●1955年开始,米奇老鼠移居迪斯尼乐园做亲善大使,接待中外名人不计其数。所以捏~11月18日就是他滴生日咯!



How old is Mickey Mouse?

he is very old.

mickey mouses mouth是什么意思?


有没有英文很牛的人帮我写一段mickey mouse的英文介绍

Google一下Miky mouse,ok?

《全金属外壳》最后美军唱的《mickey mouse》全歌词?

"We play fair and we work hard我们处事公正工作勤奋And we"re in harmony相处和谐M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E米老鼠Forever let us hold our banner high让我们永远高举旗帜Boys and girls from far and near远近各处男孩女孩You"re welcome as can be无限欢迎你们"M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E米老鼠"Who"s the leader of the club...."他是俱乐部领衔

请用60个词左右给大家描述一下Mickey Mouse的外部形象

Mickey Mouse has large black ears, a black round nose,and long slender black tail. Mickey has a creamy white face, a pair of big hands and feet. He likes to wear big white gloves and big yellow shoes. Mickey sings and dances. He is friendly and funny, which is why Mickey is a favorite of children of all ages. I love Mickey Mouse.

用英语五句话介绍一下mickey mouse

Mickey Mouse, is a founded in 1928 by Water Disney and Ubud E. Waxman in the Walt Disney Studios cartoon characters. 米老鼠,是一个于1928年由华特·迪士尼和乌布·伊沃克斯于华特迪士尼工作室创作的卡通人物. Mickey Mouse is an anthropomorphic black rats, and usually wear red shorts, yellow shoes and white gloves. 米老鼠是一只拟人化的黑色老鼠,且通常穿着红色短裤、黄色大鞋和白色手套. His charisma and friendliness made him a central figure in clubhouse, and his warmth and emotion made him a rich history of the most popular cartoon image. 他的感召力和友善使他成为妙妙屋的中心人物,而他的亲切和丰富情感使他成为史上最受欢迎的卡通形象. As the official mascot of the Walt Disney Company, Mickey Mouse is one of the world"s most famous cartoon character. 作为华特迪士尼公司的官方吉祥物,米老鼠是世界上最知名的卡通人物之一 The Mickey Mouse character design and lucky rabbit Oswald similar .米老鼠的角色设计与幸运兔子奥斯华相近.

什么是mickey mouse?

mickey mouse米奇老鼠(又称米老鼠或米奇)是华特迪士尼和Ub Iwerks于1928年创作出的动画形象,迪士尼公司的代表人物。1928年11月18日,随着米老鼠的首部电影短片《汽船威利号》在殖民大戏院(Colony Theater)上映,米奇老鼠的生日便定为了那天。米老鼠在1928年至1946年都是由华特迪士尼亲自配音,1946年起由吉姆麦当劳取而代之,1983年起由Wayne Allwine配音,他是麦当劳先生早期的助手。他的感召力和友善使他成为妙妙屋的中心人物,而他的亲切和丰富情感使他成为史上最受欢迎的卡通形象。

为什么迪士尼手表上面有mickey mouse的标志呢


Mickey Mouse来自哪里?

米老鼠英文名称:Mickey Mouse 中文名称:米奇 / 米老鼠 / 米奇老鼠出生日期:1928年11月18日出生地区:美国加利福尼亚 首次登场:1928年11月18日于《威利汽船》(Steamboat Willie) 经典衣着:红色衬衣、短裤和黄色鞋子 角色性格:冒险、乐观、向上、独立、谦逊、激情、领导、靠得住、聪明机智、好分析问题、有修养、乐于助人、完美的化身曾获奖项:1932年奥斯卡特别奖口头禅:“糟了!”、“噢,小家伙!”、“噢!土豆!”、“那一定是很时髦的!”、“笨蛋,向右转……”、“快注意!”等等 来自美国的

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme歌词

M I C K E Y M O U S EIt"s meM I C K E Y M O U S EIt"s the Mickey Mouse ClubhouseCome inside, it"s fun insideIt"s the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse roll callDonaldPresentDaisyHereGoofyHyuck, hereMinnieHi, herePlutoRuff, ruff, ruffMickeyRight hereIt"s the Mickey Mouse ClubhouseCome inside, it"s fun insideM I C K E Y M O U S E



用英语五句话介绍一下mickey mouse

Silly dog

Mickey Mouse是什么意思?

Mickey Mouse  米老鼠(米奇)这一形象考验着“好人难觅”的说法。米奇乐观豁达,拥有男孩子的热心天性,使他成为一个真正的赢家。他有孩子般的友好真诚,健康的价值观和敢想敢为的精神,这更是让米奇人见人爱。他不装腔作势,谦逊朴素,虽然声名远播,有很多辉煌的成就,在大家心目中建立了一个优秀的形象,但他却谦恭的做着一个普通人。米奇积极向上,诚实正直,敢想敢为的良好品质让他成为我们都想拥有的好朋友,也成为我们效仿的好榜样。  Minnie Mouse   米妮是一个典型的邻家女孩,有着善良,关心他人,热心助人等的女性美。她言谈高贵大方,举止优雅动人,具有少女的迷人魅力。他为人坦率天真,保留着乡村女孩的那份单纯朴实。他对人礼貌得体,尽管腼 ,却保留了她那份独立和自尊。  喜欢快乐的米妮尽情的享受着美好的生活。作为一个能力很强的演员,她热爱音乐,拥有甜美的歌声,常常一个人哼哼唱唱。她甜蜜端庄但不幼稚,她聪明伶俐,有自己的想法,让人觉得安全和坚强,使得她的搭档米奇光芒四射,而她只在一旁安然优雅得分享着他的荣耀。  Donald Duck   唐老鸭(唐纳德)总以渴望的心情开始他满怀抱负的一天,盼望着一切都按照他的计划和意图进行,可是这个世界好像并不想跟他合作。总的来说,唐老鸭为人友好,性格乐观,是个乐天派,但当事情进行得不顺心时,便常常大发脾气。他有无穷的决心,坚毅得他近乎是固执。唐老鸭很在乎和关心他的家人和朋友,有福同享,有难同当,办事还算信得过。他的弱点就是我们的弱点,所以就比较多。他是一个可爱的底层小人物,虽失败不断却坚持不懈。  Daisy Duck   黛丝时髦而世故,像摩登妇女一样兴趣广泛。她有着坚强的毅力和极强的个性,自信而独立,这是她跟米妮的一大相同点。黛丝在优越的环境中长大,对生活中美好的事物充满激情,她打扮优雅,香气袭人,知道自己很漂亮,喜欢被美好东西簇拥的感觉。黛丝就像是一个意志坚强的美国南方小美女,知道自己想要什么,更知道怎么去得到它,所以他更是一个聪明的贵族美女。  Goofy   高飞(古飞)是一个天性善良,心地纯洁,笑口常开的朋友。他总是兴高采烈的,容易相处。可爱又带点愚昧的高飞用朴实的魅力赢得了大家的钟爱。虽然有时会犯点小错误,但过失总被他乐观,热情,积极和让人惊讶的好运气所弥补。高飞对朋友们始终忠心耿耿,是一个真正的绅士,也是一个运动健将,很受女孩子们的欢迎。他总是兴致高昂,不乏幽默感,让人觉得他灵感不断,无论遇上什么麻烦,总能笑对人生。  Pluto   布鲁托,就是一只可爱忠心的狗。它友善忠诚,思想简单并充满好奇心。长大成熟的布鲁托依然像小孩子一样爱玩闹,就是“童心未泯”。它是米奇最重要,最忠诚的玩伴,随时听从米奇的召唤,热心地想取悦米奇。布鲁托喜欢在圆满完成任务后获得奖赏,渴望得到大家的承认和友爱,同时自己也很有爱心。心地善良的它是一个好孩子,一个信得过的真心朋友。  Ariel(美人鱼爱丽儿公主)   爱冒险,有着世界上最美的歌喉  作为一条可爱的小美人鱼,爱丽儿向往的却是人鱼法律禁止她们接触的人类世界。她聪明美丽,非常勇敢,爱冒险,几乎可以用探险家来形容她。她是大海之王川顿国王最心爱的女儿,因为她有着世界上最美妙的歌喉。她最好的朋友是小比目鱼小胖和音乐大臣赛巴斯丁。她乐于收集一切人类世界的东西,虽然她不知道怎么用。在又一次的探险中,她救起了几乎溺水的亚力克王子,并对他一见钟情。而她的一腔热情也让恶毒的海底女巫乌苏拉有机可趁,可是父亲的智慧保护了她,终于愿望成真。  Snow White(白雪公主)   纯正的皇室血统,纯洁而美丽  白雪公主是一个年轻美丽的小公主,她美丽优雅年轻,说话温柔,为人和善,对身边朋友充满爱意。她是一位真正的公主。她的美丽被恶毒的继母妒嫉,她逃离王宫,在森林和七个小矮人成为朋友。由于她的单纯,不幸被继母的毒苹果毒害。可是也正是有余她的单纯可爱,赢得了朋友,赢得了森林里小动物们的友谊,最重要的是,赢得了属于自己的白马王子的爱情,王子的一吻让她从此过上了幸福快乐的生活。   Belle(贝儿公主)   知性美丽,聪明优雅  贝儿她天生丽质,纯真自然,还是一位聪颖殷切的好学者。对遥远的城堡和激动人心的冒险有着一份渴望。她最喜欢的娱乐活动是读书。虽然身边不乏追求者,可是贝儿仍然觉得自己在期待着真命天子的到来。当野兽俘虏了贝儿的父亲以后,她甘愿用自己的自由来换取父亲的生命;贝儿用自己的善良和聪明发现了野兽身上的许多闪光点,最后发现自己竟然爱上了他。凭着内心的坚韧和美丽的外貌,就在她吻下野兽的瞬间,奇迹发生了,野兽变成了英俊的王子,两人翩翩起舞,实现她完美的梦想。   Cinderella(仙蒂公主)   温柔婉约,机智幽默,善良美丽  仙蒂是一位美丽聪明的姑娘,爱唱歌,她能从动物朋友那里找到快乐,能够边工作边歌唱,她拥有  着真正的高贵品格。仙蒂的头脑敏捷,但是这点,她很聪明的藏了起来,不让残暴和自私的继母和两个姐姐发现。虽然在家里继母只把她当佣人使唤,但是仙蒂对自己的梦想她却从未放弃。机会终于到来,在仙女的帮助下仙蒂穿着水晶鞋,乘坐着豪华马车,来到了王子的身边,凭着自己的高贵品格让王子对她一见钟情。  Aurora(爱洛公主)   爱幻想,美丽,单纯  睡美人爱洛公主出生的时候受到了黑女巫邪恶的诅咒,诅咒她十六岁生日那天会被纺针刺死。还好她的神仙教母为她扭转了危机,承诺她不会死去,只是沉睡,只要得到王子真心的吻,就可以重生。公主十六岁时果然变成了睡美人,黑女巫为了防止咒语被解除,绑架了公主的爱人--菲力王子。公主的神仙教母救出了王子,并且赐予他神剑魔盾,打败了黑女巫。王子的一吻,让爱洛公主苏醒过来,从此过上了幸福甜蜜的生活。  Jasmine(茉莉公主)   美丽聪明,独立勇敢,好奇心强  茉莉公主是苏丹王的女儿,聪明,有主见(或许有些反叛),勇敢(却有点孤独)的美丽公主。她万分不愿意依照法律的规定在即将到来的生日前结婚,她需要是一个和她一样聪明勇敢的人。在拒绝了一个又一个求婚者以后,她遇到了街头流浪汉阿拉丁,并深深地喜欢上了他。有趣的是,阿拉丁为了追求茉莉公主,假扮成一个王子,而至到他终于展现本色,茉莉公主终于找到了自己深爱的那个人。


mickey mouse 音标:["miki maus] 意思:米奇老鼠

Mickey Mouse是什么意思

mickey mouse[英][u02c8mu026aki maus][美][u02c8mu026aki mau028as]尝试; 例句:1.There"s no question that angry birds can be rovio"s mickey mouse--the company"s central symbol. 毫无疑问,《愤怒的小鸟》有望成为Rovio的米奇——该公司的核心标志。2.It is hard to imagine any of them donning mickey mouse ears. 很难想象任何一个这样的场景要是溜进米老鼠的眼睛会是什么结果。3.I guess it would look pretty nice if you got rid of all the barbed wire and guns and mickey mouse army shacks. 我猜想要是把带刺的铁丝网、大炮和一钱不值的军用棚屋都清除掉,那看上去就顺眼多了。4.Mickey mouse will never recover. 米老鼠永远都不会回来了。5.Unfortunately, even mickey mouse may not save hong kong from higher taxes. 不幸的是,就算米老鼠对香港更加繁重的税收也是无可奈何。

好好先生 片尾曲 yes man Munchausen By Proxy 的英文歌词

Yes Man - Munchausen By Proxy (f/ Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva) Click clickGot you in the moment stuck in greyTough shitThere"s so many of you in up the sinkCome on get onRiding moment the right timeThis is itIs your love changing or is it mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineCould this be itI like to think my mind could change ours.Just stick with itSee"s something different deep in your eyesCut the shitDishonesty could be my demineWho you kidding?Let"s make it Your place or how bout mine?Yes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineLet"s go for a rideCome onLet"s go for a rideYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineLet"s go for a rideCome onnnLet"s go for a rideCome onnnLet"s go for a ride

好好先生 片尾曲 yes man Munchausen By Proxy 的英文歌词


Munchausen By Proxy (f&Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva)的《Yes Man》 歌词

Yes Man演唱:Muncausen by Proxy (feat. Zooey Deschanel & Von Ivaby:allan716Click clickGot you in the moment stuck in greyTough shitThere"s so many of you in up the sinkCome on get onRiding moment the right timeThis is itIs your love changing or is it mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mine...Could this be itI like to think my mind could change ours.Just stick with itSee"s something different deep in your eyesCut the shitDishonesty could be my demineWho you kidding?Let"s make it Your place or how bout mine?Yes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineLet"s go for a rideCome onLet"s go for a ride...Yes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineYes manLet"s go for a rideThere"s so many lanes that we could tryThere are so many rules no need to obeyThrow my helmet on hold on tightOh yeah you"re mine oh mineLet"s go for a rideCome onnnLet"s go for a rideCome onnnLet"s go for a ride

什么样的house音乐叫做deep house?

House是八○年代中期由美国芝加哥的DJ所玩出来的东西。DJ放曲子时最少都会使用两个唱盘,除了在衔接歌曲时相当方便外,当一个唱盘在放歌时,另一个唱盘可不会闲著。有时DJ会在另一个唱盘上同时放其他曲子,将两个唱盘的音乐重叠(也可说Mix)在一起,尝试做出不同的效果。 后来这些DJ们试著将一些黑人灵魂乐,和德国电子乐团体Kraftwerk的音乐,及用电子鼓编出的4/4 mix在一起,而这样的音乐很受舞客欢迎。八○年代正是Disco舞曲风行的时候,虽然Disco也会使用电子合成的元素,但Disco毕竟是以"歌曲"取向,反倒没有这些DJ玩的玩意新鲜。电子取向的Kraftwerk音乐,黑人灵魂歌声和稳定的4/4拍节奏,就成了House曲风的基本原型。而House也成为电子舞曲始祖,也渐渐由舞厅出现在商业市场上。现在相当多的流行歌曲常被重新混音成House版本,有些反而比原曲更受欢迎,当然有更多是滥竽充数。 在现在的标准House曲风中,你可以听到高亢或著浑厚的女声歌唱,简单而快速的旋律,即充满律动感的4/4节拍。由于它的曲式简单,编曲上不复杂,它也是流行乐舞曲中最常被使用的音乐元素。韩国的酷龙(Clon)就是个好例子。 至于它为什么会被称作House呢?一个意义是,它最早是在舞厅,在室内播放的。二来只要你自己有简单的录音设备,你甚至可以自己创作这种曲子。 House现今已有庞大的发展体系,它最少发展出了下列分支: 1.Acid House:也就是融合了TB-303的Acid声的House乐。这类曲风刚诞生时,以其极端的Acid声旋律备受瞩目。 2.Deep House:著重于浓厚的灵魂唱腔,又叫作Garage,很有速度感,蛮流行化的.。像M-People就是个好例子。当年M-People的经典Moving On Up真是红遍舞厅。 3.Hard House:简单来说,就是节奏较重,较猛的House. 4.Progressive House:这类House没啥灵魂唱腔,反而比较注重旋律和乐曲编排.有一 点像"演奏类"的House乐,不过这类曲风定义很广。像SASH!的专辑It"s My Life便是很好的Progressive House专辑.英国名DJ Paul Oakenfold自己的厂牌Perfecto也以Progressive House为主. 5.Epic House:就是"史诗"House。Epic House有著优美、流畅的旋律和磅礴的气势,很少会有vocal在里面(几乎是没有!)。BT的音乐就是很棒的Epic House,而他也被称作"Epic House天皇".。其实连Rock也有"Epic Rock"呢,经典摇滚团Pink Floyid的专辑Dark Side Of The Moon甚至在排行榜上待了十年之久。 6.Trible House:带有非洲原始风貌或是印地安人的鼓奏的House是啥样? 这就是Trible House。这种House除了有一般House稳定的节奏外,在每拍之间,会加入一些带有原始风貌,零碎的鼓点, 蛮有趣的。 deephouse在这里说的不是很详细,但是它主要有一个特点,就是以低音重鼓为主,节奏很给力,偶尔参杂一些灵魂唱腔,嘣嘣嘣嘣嘣嘣嘣嘣 还有一种比较流行的house就是电子house:electrohouse

阅读理解。 Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You ...

1-4: CBAD

in ancient Chian,people used to b____ water over the fire in the open air




arise, raise, rising, arouse的区别是什么?

这些单词都有“上升”或“激起”的含义,但是它们在使用和意义上有些区别:1. Arise:意为“出现”、“起身”、“产生”。通常用于描述某个事件的发生,而这个事件通常比较抽象。例句:A problem arose during the meeting.(会议中出现了一个问题。)2. Arouse:意为“唤起”、“激起”、“引起”。通常用于描述某种感觉,如兴趣、好奇心、情感等,或者是唤起人们的注意。例句:The loud noise aroused my curiosity.(这个巨大的声响唤起了我的好奇心。)3. Rise:意为“上升”、“升高”。用于描绘物体或温度等的升高,或者是人的地位、收入等的增加。例句:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起。)rising 正在上升的n.起义;反抗;造反;叛乱;酵母;adj.崭露头角的;新成名的;新兴的;成长中的;成熟中的;升起的;上升的;逐渐升高的;向上倾斜的;adv.接近;几乎,例句:Prices are rising.价格不断上涨4. Raise:意为“举起”、“提高”、“培养”。用于描述人或物体被举起或抬高,或者某种状态被提高。例句:She raised her hand to ask a question.(她举手询问问题。)综上所述,这些单词虽然有些相似,但因为用法和意义的不同,所以需要根据具体语境进行选择


Use volumn key to select up/down用音量键选择上下

Sipho Mabuse的《Im Waiting》 歌词

歌曲名:Im Waiting歌手:Sipho Mabuse专辑:Lets Get It On《Right Here Waiting 》Sung By "Richard Marx"Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn"t stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can"t get near you nowOh, can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me goin" crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I"m with youI"ll take the chanceOh,can"t you see it babyYou"ve got me going crazyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youWaiting for you

求一首英文歌,歌词前面是 excuse me, l like thing so ,,,什么的

Love Me Harder - Ariana GrandeTell me something, I need to knowThen take my breath and never let it goIf you just let me invade your spaceI"ll take the pleasure,take away the painAnd if in the moment I bite my lipBaby, in the moment,you"ll know thisIs something bigger than us and beyond blissGive me a reason to believe itCause if you want to keep me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harderAnd if you really need me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harderGotta love me harderLove me, love me, love meHarder, harder, harderI know your motives and you know mineThe ones that love me, I tend to leave behindIf you know about me and choose to stayThen take this pleasure and take away the painAnd if in the moment you bite your lipWhen I get you moaning you know it"s realCan you feel the pressure between your hips?I"ll make it feel like the first timeCause if you want to keep me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harder(I"ll love you harder)And if you really need me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harder(love me harder)Love me, love me, love meHarder, harder, harderLove me, love me, love meHarder, harder, harderSo what if I can"t figure it out?You got to try, try, try againSo what if I can"t figure it out?I"m gonna leave, leave, leaveCause if you want to keep me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harder(I"ll love you, love you, love you)And if you really need me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harder(love me, love me, baby)Cause if you want to keep me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harder(love me harder)And if you really need me,you gotta gotta gotta gotta gottalove me harder(I"mma love you harder)Love me, love me, love meHarder, harder, harder(Love me, love me, baby)Love me, love me, love me(Just a little bit)Harder, harder, harderHarder, harder, harder


user-generated:用户生成的;例如:User-generated video用户生成的视频User-Generated Advertising用户产生广告User-generated functions使用者创造功能User-Generated Material用户生成内容user-generated media用户生成媒体新年快乐,如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

Why can water be used to put out fire

Often the main way to extinguish a fire is to spray with water. The water has o roles: 1. In contact with the fire it vaporizes and this vapour displaces the oxygen (the volume of water vapour is 1 700 times greater than liquid water); leaving the fire with not enough bustive agent to continue and it dies out. 2. The vaporization of water absorbs the heat; it cools the *** oke air walls objects in the room e that could act as further fuel and thus prevents one of the me that fires grow which is by "jumping" to nearby heat/fuel sources to start new fires which then bine. The extinction is thus a bination of hyxia and cooling. The flame itself is suppressed by hyxia but the cooling is the most important element to master a fire in a closed area. hyxia - condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen I hope this can help your understanding. =) Because water seems to cost nothing and very abundent on earth. 参考: me ^^

名词变复数 man women sheep people goose tooth foot mouse child fish Chinese radio photo zoo tomato


请问:"随着用户数增加" 准确的翻译!as the number of user increases, as an increasing number of users

With the increase of the number of users 随着用户数增加

—Where is your new house?—_____________ near the Ginza mall. A.This is B.That’s C.It’s

C 试题分析:This is这是;That"s那是;It"s它是; They are他们是。句意:你的新房子在哪儿?英语中常用人称代词指代上文提到的人或者事物。结合语境可知下文人称代词指代的是上文的单数名词your new house,非生命物体,故选C。点评:代词之间的最大区别就是指代对象不同,在句子中的语法功能不同。如主格人称代词不能作宾语,宾格人称代词不能作主语等。

the past tense is indicatedbytheuse of past tense marker ,represented here by V sub d中sub什么意思

我问过老师了, sub是subscript的缩写,意思是下标。


trousers,读音:英 ["traʊzəz] 美 ["traʊzərz] n. 裤子词汇搭配:1、long trousers 长裤2、be dressed in trousers 穿着长裤3、Climbing trousers 登山裤 ; 爬山裤4、Down trousers 鸭绒裤 ; 羽绒裤

smart trousers是什么意思啊 不太理解...






trousers是什么意思 trousers的意思

1、trousers是一个英语单词,主要作为名词,作名词时意为“裤子,长裤”。 2、短语搭配: Climbing trousers登山裤;爬山裤 Down trousers鸭绒裤;羽绒裤 flare trousers喇叭裤;中腰长阔裤 cotton trousers棉裤;棉毛裤;棉制长裤

trousers ; loneliness ; metro 这英语用谐音怎么读?

trousers:chua wu re ri loneliness :lou en li ne smetro:mai chuo ou



be equal to child buse


trousers 的中文意思。



trousers英 [u02c8trau028azu0259z] 美 [u02c8trau028azu0259rz] n.裤子v.收受;赚得trouser的第三人称单数和复数
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