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cause与bring about的区别

cause与bring about的区别:cause, bring about都含有“带来……的结果”的意思,但区别在于:①cause 强调施事者是造成某种结果的直接原因。如:The flood caused much damage. 水灾造成了很大损失。②bring about 表示施事者为了获得某种结果而有目的地行动。如:The Liberals wish to bring about changes in the electoral system.那些自由党党员希望对选举制度作一些改变。causen. 原因; 事业; 动机; 理由; vt. 引起; 导致; 成为…的原因; 使遭受;例句:Only a few people can find any cause for celebration 只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。bring about[词典] 实现; 使(船)掉转船头; 造成,引起[导致](某事); 创造; 例句: To that extent they helped bring about their own destruction 他们正是如此推波助澜,导致了自己的毁灭。

be famous 的句型有哪些(包括be famouse).它们的意思是什么.

1 be famous at=be a famous hand at善于2 be famous for 因为...而著名 3 be famous as 以...而著名 4 be famouse to=be popular to 在...的人群中著名5 be famous in+范围(这个好象不是固定搭配)(还有一个be fa...

美国waffle house indes(软饼指数)有没有具体的说明?

The Waffle House Index is an informal metric used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to determine the effect of a storm and the likely scale of assistance required for disaster recovery.If you get there and the Waffle House is closed? That"s really bad...The measure is based on the reputation of Waffle House for having good disaster preparedness and staying open during extreme weather or reopening quickly afterward.

歌词第一句是you can for youself歌名是什么?

我一直不知道这首歌是什么,如果你知道能告诉我么,谢谢!问题补充:《极限乔丹》的片尾曲。 你确定你的英语是写对了的? 你要的是这个吧,

The controversies surrounding the use of strike replacements. 翻译


the survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement 。。求翻译!


class path resource [com/bless/common/spring/springApplicationContext.xml] cannot be opened because


安装EplanP8后, C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataEPLAN下没有Common文件夹


I regret for any inconvenience this may cause you. 为什么grammarly 软件要去掉for?

Google 的免费翻译服务可提供简体中文和另外 100 多种语言之间的互译功能,可让您即时翻译字词、短语和网页内容。请上传以下格式的文档:.doc、.docx、.odf、.pdf、.ppt、.pptx、.ps、.rtf、.txt、.xls 或 .xlsx


如下图是common文件夹下的index.js 使用 Vue.prototype.$my_message = Message.install 方法导入,调用时直接使用 this.$my_message("这是一个message") ,可参考“ Vue 自定义全局消息框组件 ”

Under the dim night , she could only see the house number ------.

D 模糊地

color 4 dirs pause有什么用处

color a等于color 0a是改变批处理窗口文字颜色,前面的0是背景色。dir /s pause就是在当前目录查找文件名为pause的文件。如果是dir /s xxxamp;pause,就是查找名为xxx的文件,然后批处理暂停。

打开网站提示此网站需验证user authentication


color 4 dirs pause是什么命令

color a等于color 0a是改变批处理窗口文字颜色,前面的0是背景色。dir /s pause就是在当前目录查找文件名为pause的文件。如果是dir /s xxx&pause,就是查找名为xxx的文件,然后批处理暂停。

Tsubaki house 是什么?

tsubaki house系列Angel Vol.1 : 白鳥奈未門Vol. 3 :藤崎里美Versus : 中條華奈Vintage - An Ultimate Collection Vol.1門Vol. 2 : 沙里奈ユイ門Vol.1 : 小野谷実穂,島谷愛梨衣: 相田はるかSand Bag :藤沢理名鬱: 宇美野ひかり,海野ひかり上海夜會 : 稲森麗奈Sakura Sakura: 桜田さくら,Try Vol.3: 広澤なつみ夜桜苺 : 苺みるくColors: 中里愛菜Angel Vol.3 可愛ひなMizore : 白石ひよりTry Vol.2: 藍澤舞音Try Vol.1: 桜田さくらThe Battle 乙女梨緒,可愛ひな白石ひより TheaterBian : 白石ひより, 岡崎美女Vintage III - An Ultimate Collection Vol.3MAGNUM Body : レイナ男装麗人 LADY MAN -男と女二つのエクスタシー- : 得津江梨佳My Darling : フジワラナギサ99イトウアンナFirst Class 2 : 蛯原舞Love Time : - 少女が豹変した夜 - : 中村みりClub Naked : : 和田陽子, 福西舞子門Vol.7 : 赤坂ルナFirst Class : 七瀬彩門Vol.6 : 高宮あんPink ☆ Hall : 杉木彩Cream Punch: 春日澪Bitter Hall : リオナVintage II - An Ultimate Collection Vol.2門Vol. 5 : 月羽理名PRIDE : 成宮夏恋お嬢と召使い : 相楽ひかる,サクライミキ蠢荘( うごめくそう ) 守永未明門Vol. 4 : 大城楓


Pink - FunhouseI dance around this empty houseTear us downThrow you outScreaming down the hallsSpinning all around and now we fallPictures framing up the pastYour taunting smirk behind the glassThis museum full of ashOnce a tickleNow a rashThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downI"m gonna burn it down9" 8" 7" 6 5 4" 3" 2" 1" funEchoes knocking on locked doorsAll the laughter from beforeI"d rather live out on the streetThan in this haunted memoryI"ve called the moversCalled the maidsWe"ll try to exorcise this placeDrag my mattress to the yardCrumble tumble house of cardsThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downI"m gonna burn it down9" 8" 7" 6 5 4" 3" 2" 1" funOh" I"m crawling through the darkest homeMy key don"t fit my life no moreI"ll change the drapesI"ll break the platesI"ll find a new placeBurn this fucker downdo do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dodo do do do dadadadado do do do dodo do (9" 8" 7" 6 5 4" 3" 2" 1)do do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dodo do do do dodo dooThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downThis used to be a funhouseBut now it"s full of evil clownsIt"s time to start the countdownI"m gonna burn it down down downI"m gonna burn it down

Further the cause of world peace 。是推动世界和平的意思。但很不懂

这一类的题最好把原句子都贴上让人容易答复。比如这一句:Furthermore, we call on every person, every man, woman, and child in the world, to pick up the mantle of peace. In whatever way you can, we ask that you work to “further the cause of world peace” and restoration, making it a reality in your direct environments.整句话译文:此外,我们呼吁每个人,全世界每一个男人,女人和孩子,举起和平的旗子。我们要求你以任何可能的方式去努力,以进一步推动世界和平和恢复秩序,使得它在您的直接环境中成为现实。

仓木麻衣新单曲fuse of love里的I sing a song for you歌词

いつまでも心に刻む/什么时候也刻划于心itsumademokokoronikizamu君のこと 忘れたい 忘れない きっと/想忘记你的事 郤一直忘不了kiminokoto wasuretai wasurenai kitto静かにここから舞い上がり/ 静静地从这里飞扬shizukanikokokaramaiagari自由に空飞ぶ鸟のように/像在空中自由地飞的鸟儿般jiyuunisoratobutorinoyouni苦しみ全て解き放たれてゆくまで/直到苦恼的事完全被解开Kurushimisubetetokihanatareteyukumade君が触れたその手を 离さないでいて/请别把触摸着你的那只手放开kimigafuretasonotewo hanasanaideite新しい朝 I don"t want cry yet/在崭新的早上 I don"t want cry yetatarashiiasa I don"t want cry yet何も见えなくても 心にうつしたし/就算什么也看不见 温柔笑着的你nanimomienakutemo kokoroniutsushitashiやさしく笑ってる君が见えるようで/像能看见般映照于心了yasashikuwaratterukimigamieruyoudeI sing a song for youI sing a song for you覚えてる君の胸にもったね/感觉着你胸膛靠着的呢oboeterukiminomunenimottane耳をあて同じように打つことを闻いた/听到像对着耳朵一样般的敲打的声音mimiwoateonajiyouniutsukotowokiita今ころ部屋も眠っているよ/现在连房子也睡着啊imakoroheyamonemutteiruyo何度君の名前呼んでも/ 就算多少次呼唤你的名字nandokiminonamaeyondemo闻こえるのはね 全てで私守ると/能听见的呢 是以一切来守护我kikoerunowane subetedewatashimamoruto君が言った言叶が 心を震わすの/你所说过的说话 都是震动心灵的kimigaittakotobaga kokorowofuruwasunoどうしてもまた I don"t want say goodbye/无论如何 I don"t want say goodbyedoushitemomata I don"t want say goodbye何も见えなくても 心にうつしたし/就算什么也看不见 已映照于心了nanimomienakutemo kokoroniutsushitashi君が见えるから いつも傍にいてね/因为你能看见 所以永伴在旁呢kimigamierukara itsumosobaniiteneI sing a song for youI sing a song for you中文翻唱版词BY:京都の雨璀璨的星空 深院的寒蝉浅咏 这寂寞梧桐忘了是为何 忘了有多久 惶恐也许我只能将你当做内心秘密也许我唱歌为抒怀也许为祝福你断肠人只有一种都爱用歌声挥泄赢取认同对你的思绪犹如这前奏且让我完成这一阙接近到切歌时间I don"t cry,yet手里握住那根麦克风副歌声嘶力竭放开喉咙不求余音绕柱多惊艳万一抑郁情绪会失控I sing a song for you情歌那么多 适合我的却没有几首 看对唱过火一见你的影踪 胜过满席听众 围拢有些话怎么说还是带点言不由衷所以我只能唱配乐的词使你懂心语被不断安可幻想你如闻共鸣轻声附和肯定地我都被自己感动 可惜你却不曾有动容后来有人投你怀I don"t say goodbye无奈你的呵欠像冷风不是所有感情都能歌颂但是我依旧会带着微笑理解祝福和心痛I sing a song for youI sing a song for you


文赞,文玄雅姓名:文玄雅玄雅韩语:문현아英语:Moon HyunAh所属组合:NineMuses所属公司:Star Empire(明星帝国)队内职务:主唱、迷人的声音昵称:文赞,文熊,文麻麻,文女士,文抽抽,抽雅,文忙内,文蝙蝠女侠生日:1987年01月19日星座:摩羯座身高:172cm体重:50kg血型:O型语言:韩语,日语,中文家庭成员:父母,弟弟,MOYA,HAYA(两只可爱的猫咪)出生地:韩国首尔学校:培花女子大学玄雅舞台照(7张)爱好:听音乐,看电影,拼图特长:骑马,发呆性格:吉普赛mind理想型:眼睛小嘴大,笑起来好看的男人偶像:LadyGaga习惯动作:坐着,听音乐喜欢的食物:珍珠奶茶,寿司,妈妈做的饭喜欢的颜色:红色,紫色喜欢的数字:9常去的地方:珍珠奶茶店,咖啡店喜欢的电影:《Notebook》座右铭:像吉普赛人一样的生活个人经历:2007年SBS超级模特选拔大赛亚洲太平洋特别奖2008年f/w首尔服装展模特2008年南扬州市城市开发公社宣传大使2009年的组合“House Rulez”客串主唱

看家 英文可以用watch out for house吗?

看家 kānjiā[outstanding(ability);special(skill)] 指一个人的专长或特殊本领看家戏看家本领kānjiā[look after(或 mind)the house] 看管门户,也指留在工作单位维持日常工作

求终结者外传莎拉传第二季中《Donald Where’s Your Trousers》的歌词

歌曲名称:Donald Where"s Your Trousers演唱:群星所属专辑:The Greatest Scottish Karaoke…Ever!歌曲时长:1分58歌曲语言:英语歌词:I just down from the Isle of Skye I"m no very big but I"m awful shy All the lassies shout as I walk by, "Donald, Where"s Your Trousers?" Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low Through the streets in my kilt I go All the lassies cry, "Hello! Donald, where"s your trousers?" I went to a fancy ball It was slippery in the hall I was afeared that I may fall Because I nay had on trousers I went down to London town To have a little fun in the underground All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?" The lassies love me every one But they must catch me if they can You canna put the breeks on a highland man, saying, "Donald, where"s your trousers?"

Lenovo Mouse Suite可以删除吗,有什么作用啊

1、但如果使用的电脑属于联想电脑、鼠标属于联想鼠标的话,则不可以删除Lenovo Mouse Suite。否则就可以删除,删除后也不会影响电脑鼠标的使用。2、Lenovo Mouse Suite的作用:Lenovo Mouse Suite是联想鼠标都可以使用的通用驱动程序文件,安装后这个文件后才可以正常使用鼠标,才可以让用户去自定义鼠标的某些功能(如中键的功能、左右键的功能等)。扩展资料电脑里其他文件的意思和作用:1、POWERPNT.EXEPOWERPNT.EXE是Microsoft PowerPoint软件的相关程序文件,在建立powerpoint演示文档后进行文档演示时需要用到它。2、360downloads360downloads文件夹属于360安全卫士软件里的360软件管家自带的下载目录文件夹。通俗来说,通过360软件管家下载的软件安装包全都会自动存放在这个文件夹里。

求电影《last house on the left》(左岸魔屋),急,谢谢!

完形填空:My name is David.I live in a big house with my __1__.Our house__2_

答案:ADCAB BDBCA题目:完型填空 My name is David.I live in a big house with my 1.Our house 2 not near a city.It is twenty kilometres(公里)from the nearest city.There are 3 people in my family.I live with my parents,my two sisters and my brother.Our house has two floors.Where 4 a living room,four bedrooms,a dining room,a kitchen and:two bathrooms.I share a bedroom 5 my brother,Simon.Each of my two sisters 6 a bedroom.Our house has a big garden with lots of flowers.I like 7 in the garden with my brother and 8 .At weekends my school friends come to visit me.We play in the garden.9 it rains,we play in the room.Our house is a nice place to live in.I have 10 with my friends and family in our house.( ) B.families C.parents D.parent ( ) B.are C.has ( )3.A.four B.five C. six ( ) B.are C.has D.have ( )5.A.for B.with C.on ( )6.A.have B.has C.1ive D.with ( ) playing D.playing ( )8.A.sister B.sisters C.parent D.friend ( )9.A.But B.And C.When D.Then ( ) B.funs C.funny D.time

the lake house经典对白?

Kate:“Life is not a book, Alex.And it can be over in a second.I was havinglunch with my mother at Daley Plaza...and a man was killed right infront of me.He died in my arms.And I thought:"It can"t end just likethat on Valentine"s Day. "I thought about all the people who love him,waiting at home...who will never see him again.And then I thought:"Whatif there is no one?"What if you live your whole life and no one iswaiting?So I drove to the lake house looking for any kind of answer.AndI found you.And I let myself get lost.Lost in this beautiful fantasywhere time stood still.But it"s not real,Alex.I have to learn to livethe life that I have got.Please don"t write anymore.Don"t try to findme.Let me let you go.”“Alex...Iknow why you didn"t show up that night.It was you at Daley Plaza thatday.It was you.Please, don"t go.Just wait.Please.Don"t look forme.Don"t try to find me.I love you.And it"s taken me all this time tosay it,but I love you.And if you still care for me...wait for me.wait with me.just wait.wait...Wait two years, Alex..Come to the lake house.I"m here.”这样的故事 在现实中是不会发生的我们无力改变过去时间里发生的一切即使能够改变一个时间点的改变可能带来更多的不可预测的改变但是在这个故事里他们是很努力的想要在一起一个不死便带来了两人幸福的可能他们 只需要安静的等待时间的过去等待 有时 未必是一件坏事多等等 罗密欧和朱丽叶的生死误会便不会重演再等等 就可以看到爱人睁开眼睛 花好月圆    等待 是一个磨人心肠的词语可是 放弃了等待 又怎能知道谁笑到了最后等待 其实 是给自己一个机会就算等来的是悲 那便在痛苦中茁壮成长吧没有等待 又哪有惊喜何况 在等待的时间 我们也有很多事情可以去做...    TIME HAS TOLD ME. 时间告诉我们它告诉我们什么 JUST WAIT..."One man I can never meet him, I would like to give my whole heart to."我想 真正的感情 也是不会因为等待而变质的我开始 深信不疑...

A: Hi , Randall,Come on in . B: Uh, yeah, I by to see if you for a roommate to share your house.










share house什么意思?


normally a forest fire and damage _____ cause can be extensive

答案是 A. itnormally a forest fire and damage (it) cause can be extensive虽然句子语法上有错,它其实是下面句子的缩短句:normally a forest fire and the damage (that) it causes can be extensive一般来说森林火灾和它造成的损害有可能很广泛

blow the house down 歌词

歌曲名:blow the house down歌手:Siouxsie And The Banshees专辑:hyaenaweaving in his basket chair"twist you round a lock of hairmade of straw -- the wicker manmade of straw -- I"ll blow your house downbishops falling from the windowsthe lightening makes your hair stand on endthis dervish frenzy -- will make you run aroundSiouxsie And The Bansheesthis dervish frenzy -- will turn your head aroundblow the house downstretching a rubber band miracles trip overfeel where we standshift the ground -- caterpillar mancrumbling castles in the sandblow the house downfeebly we put our heads out of our foxy lairewe feel the chill from the night soarestanding in the storm -- waiting for the flash to crashit"s getting nearer ...blow the house downthis dervish frenzy -- will turn your head aroundstanding on the stairs that want to fall downit"s getting nearer don"t turn your head aroundmade of strawa lighted matchburn the house downturn your head aroundpillars of salt watch as it all burns downdown to the groundblow the house down



A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too

11. The phrase “to let the cat out of the bag” came from_______.  A. a woman and a pig B. a man and a cat  C. a pig and and a cat interesting story  12.The woman wanted to buy_____.  A. a cloth bag B. a little pig C. a black cat D. a bag and a pig  13.The man knew there was ___ in his cloth bag.  A. a bag B. a pig C. a cat D. nothing  14.At the end of the second passage"……everyone knew it", it means______.  A. there was a pig in the man"s bag B. the woman bought a cat  C. the cloth bag D. the man"s cat  15.John "let the cat out of the bag" means he _____.  A .makes everyone know a secret B. puts the cats away from the bag  C. buys a cat in the bag D.sells the cat in the bag 作业不会,学霸帮你立即下载满意回答11,D 注意There is an old interesting story about it.12,B 从 a woman asked a man for a pig13,C 从The man"s secret was out and everyone knew it. secret是“秘密”的意思,既然是秘密那他自己应该知道吧14,D a big black cat ran out. Not a pig! The man"s secret was out and everyone knew it15,A 从One is “to let the cat out of the bag" It is the same as “to tell the secret”.乐极生悲998 | 2013-06-08618宝宝知道作业帮百度知道万年历hao12秀美甲苹果助手逗比小方块女生秘密酷我音乐不凡精品游经期助手相关问题如何提高英语阅读_百度经验英语阅读理解(选择)1英语阅读理解选择英语阅读选择2英语阅读 选择篇英语阅读,选择式急!!!英语阅读 选择求助英语阅读选择更多相关问题>> 用作业帮一键提问“a...”问题其他回答D B C A A我自己做的,如果觉得有用请采纳。爷才是攻 | 2013-06-0833关于“英语阅读理解”的更多知识英语阅读理解解题技巧756怎样提高英语阅读理解能力!!418英语阅读理解技巧356英语阅读理解翻译。311如何提高英语阅读理解能力216求助关于"a bag..."的问题登录| 注册电脑版|客户端|联系我们|反馈 2014 Baidu作业帮App作业不会,学霸帮你

double relative clause 和embedded relative clause是什么意思

Double relative clause (双重限制关系分句) is a type of multiple post modification which is realized by more than one relative clause modifying the same head word,e.g.This is the only book I bought which challenges this common belief. embedded relative clause 是嵌入式关系分句

embedded clause是什么意思


embedded clause是什么意思

embedded clause〔语〕嵌入句子句;内崁分句;内嵌小句Embedded clause: in a complete sentence , the incorporated, or subordinate clause is normally called an embedded clause.从属子句:在一个复合句中,处于从属地位的子句。clauses which contain the embedded clause are not clause complex.含有嵌入句的小句不能算做小句复合体。

price waterhouse coopers为什么翻译成“普华永道”?

不知道,也许是谐音。有些是约定俗成或长期使用形成的惯例,没有什么为什么的,非要说的话,也许和粤语的英文发音有关系,你去那儿找找一般都有点蛛丝马迹。粤语的p发“普”的音,wa的发音谐“华”的音,“永道”就真不清楚了。比如香港的佐敦道,英文叫Jordan Road,就因为jor的发音谐“佐”,dan的发音谐“敦”嘛,其实你要是发音准确的话是发不出“佐敦”来的。



PHP问题-list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());

把时间戳和微秒分别存入到$sec和$usec中.microtime()//microtime() 当前 Unix 时间戳以及微秒数,本函数以 "msec sec" 的格式返回一个字符串.explode(" ", microtime());//按空格把微秒数和时间戳拆开成一个数组,因为microtime()返回的字符串是以空格为分隔符.explode(" ", microtime());//得到的是一个类似Array ( [0] => 0.57812900 [1] => 1286935327 ) 的数组list($usec, $sec) //list — 把数组中的值赋给一些变量 ,按数组下标顺序赋值. 得到类似:$usec = 0.57812900;$sec = 1286935327;

请问英文地址“Lot939 in DD369 House8 Tsak yue wu”怎么翻译中文?


my house和2篇英语日记 ps高一100字左右

My house I have a my own room, it is very warm and very cute. I like it very much. My room is a purple door east, to its left is a silver and black electronic piano, placed on top of it this Xiaopen the red flowers. Come back, orange is my bed, above a child my parents gave me many of the soft dolls, sleeping in the bed, very comfortably. Then, in the bed next to my black desk, desk top of a bookshelf, which placed many books I like to watch, for example: "Green Fairy", "A Hundred Thousand Whys" and "small Adventure cloth head "... ... the right of the shelves, are some of my learning tools and drawing tools; pen, exercise book, there is reference picture folder. The upper balcony to the left of the desk, the top priority with my Grandpa loved flowers and plants, summer, there are many flower buds reached into the window, the room full of fragrance. Finally, my storage closet, all my favorite small items are placed inside, there is also my grandfather"s old items and our family album, in order to decorate the storage cabinets, grandfather like some fake flowers placed on the inside, looking it is more natural flavor. I love my house very much!日记给你几篇,自己随便选吧。January 18 2011I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn"t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven"t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us. January 19 2011I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It"s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn"t know why thieves went to steal other"s things. Why don"t they hunt for a job? I don"t why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland. January 20 2011When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter! January 21 2011It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father"s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don"t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural. January 22 2011Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won"t stay to wait for somebody. You can"t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won"t leave them more. Today I found I hadn"t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do. January 23 2011I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn"t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the cold weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn"t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. Finally, I was ill. January 24 2011Today, when I awaked up, I found the air-conditioner didn"t work. I used the control, but it still didn"t work. I knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. I went downstairs. My father told me two air-conditioner and two computer had been broken. Because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. It led to the trouble. Oh! Whenever the government will let the factory use electric? If it lasts longer, I will be crazy!!January 25 2011It doesn"t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken. But my notebook-computer also was broken. I really don"t know what to do. So I went to play basketball. I didn"t know any one in that place. And I was the first time to go there to play basketball. At first, there was no person playing basketball. So I played basketball alone. A few minutes later, some students came to play. So we played together. Of course, we had a match. And It lasts two hours. After the match, I felt I would be dead. I was too tired. January 25 2011No computer, I will not know to do what. I have no solution to the problem. So I sent my notebook-computer to the Asus computer company. I must have my computer repaired. And the other one, it was thoroughly broken. It can"t be repaired again.The computer company told me that my notebook computer needed one week to repair. The electric led to all trouble. And many electrical appliances are broken. I don"t know when our country can solve the problem. January 26 2011I have lost two computers, but I had another one. I bought it about five years ago. It can be called curio. Though it was old. But it can still work. Although it works slowly, I was pleased. I can go on internet again. Chatting with my friends is a good relaxing. In the internet, one of my old friends invited me to tomorrow"s party. He told me that some friends would go, too. So I promised to go. A-ha! I can see my old friends. I was very happy and hopeful. January 27 2011It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o"clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the city center of Beijing. It was cold outside. When I arrived, my friends didn"t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC"s door. I haven"t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn"t come into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted, we went to the 5-star restaurant to have lunch. The lunch cost us 800 yuan. Oh, dear! They were all very rich, and one was poor. January 28 2011Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn"t see them in the future. I think next year we won"t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We all will prepare for the college entrance examination. It is the most important for us now. January 29 2011I was bored. So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang. I told my father my decision. To my surprise, my father agreed. My father thought I always at home was bad. He thought I should go out to see our country clearly. How beautiful our country is! My father drove me a travel service. I filled out an application form. After that, the agency would finish every things. At last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures. January 30 2011The screen of my father"s mobile telephone is broken. When you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. You can"t see from the screen. And my father is a businessman. He needed a new one. So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop. There are many new kinds of mobile telephones. At first, my father chose a Sumsung one. But all the telephones have sold out. Finally, my father chose a Motorola one. January 31 2011The food in Shanghai disagree me. I think the food in Beijing is the most delicious. Seafood in Beijing is very fresh. Prawns in restaurant are all alive. And there are many food that you can"t see in other cities. It is very cheap that you eat seafood in Beijing. The less money you pay, the more enjoyable you are. Maybe my stomach is ill. Whatever food I eat, I am still thin. And I am too thin, I want to be a litter fatter. So I must eat more.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O



假如你是李华, 英国的Bay House School将派遣15名中学生来到你的学校,其中有一名叫?

假如你是李华, 英国的Bay House School将派遣15名中学生来到你的学校,其中有一名叫?说清楚。

Bay House橙花纯露怎么样

  你好,我是易图记的廖老师,教授单词速记课程。这款水水是学生送给我用的,因为跟着我学习之后她成绩提高了20多分,你可以试试的。  橙花花水中所含的珍贵活性成分能增强细的活动力,帮助细胞再生,增加皮肤弹性,对于凹洞疤痕的皮肤有修补及滋润之功效。橙花花水有增强细胞活动力的特性,能帮助细胞再生,增加皮肤弹性。我个人认为最出色的就是补水功能了。刚开始用的几天会有热热的刺痛感,一周左右就完全没有了。敷水膜和做爽肤水都很好,水用够量脸就不会这么油了。



Bay House纯露怎么样?使用方法

英国Bay House 纯露是该品牌下的销量最好的明星产品,这款产品一共有6种不同的味道与成分,这里主要给大家介绍销量最好的橙花水、玫瑰水、薰衣草水三款产品的评测与使用方法。 橙花纯露怎么样 英国 Bay House (简称BH)empty,橙花纯露/花水、英国、瓶装(PE瓶)1000ml,美白提亮肤色、淡斑去黄、淡化痘印、嫩肤收毛孔、补水保湿 绝大多数人,包括我,第一次听说 Bay House 这个英国牌子的时候,肯定都是因为它的橙花水。Bay House 是英国芳疗贸易协会(Aromatherapy Trade Council)的成员,在纯露领域,Bay House 是当之无愧的NO.1 !橙花,是 Bay House 非常响亮的招牌,纯露里的头牌。 橙花纯露是弱酸性的,有活化肌肤的功效,对肤色暗淡、干燥枯燥、痘印色斑,都有不错的效果。橙花的主要功效就是美白去黄、提亮肤色、嫩肤补水,橙花是非常好的美白纯露,兼带不错的补水效果。 比起其他品牌的花水来说,BH的一打开,就会感觉浓度非常高,纯露的气味非常纯正,甚至都快有些冲鼻了。玫瑰水的味道非常香甜,当然有人感觉是发霉的玫瑰花瓣的味道,橙花则是幽雅的茉莉芳香,非常清香,而且还带一股青涩,因为都是没有添加芳香剂的原生植物气味,不是国产纯露那种小清新的香味,如果您偏偏喜欢那种芳香添加剂的话,我也没什么好说了。 有人第一次用 Bay House 的橙花,会说:为啥我用XXX牌子的橙花一点都不刺痛,什么感觉都没有,用 BH 的就刺痛得不行?答案很简单,有的牌子的橙花纯露浓度不好,或者直接说:掺水了。 当然了,水分充足、角质层不太薄的皮肤,用BH橙花也是没什么刺激感的。刺激感因人而异,我自己在用的什么也没什么刺激感,习惯了。 关于纯露的浓度,到底是浓点好还是淡点好?实际上,我就这个问题请教过持有国际芳疗师执照的朋友,她说如果直接使用纯度高的橙花水会有很迅速的美白功效,比如去黄气、提亮肤色、去除痘印的效果都会比较明显,但是若长期直接用会造成皮肤变薄、干燥、容易敏感。 所以如果你本身皮厚,偏油,或者需要集中火力歼灭痘印之类,可以直接用这种浓度高的橙花水来湿敷。 但若作为日常保养的程序,则建议用纯净水、矿泉水稀释后再敷。 稀释的比例可以自己琢磨着来,按照2:1或1:1,总之稀释到敷上去不觉得刺激为止。 对于混合型肌肤来说,玫瑰和橙花这两种花水都是可以常备的,根据季节、环境和肌肤状况来交替使用,更精细一点的还可以在干燥的脸颊和泛油的T字部位进行分区保养。 至于到底是买什么牌子还是各位自己的选择,我个人是觉得BH本来就比XX牌便宜浓度还高,咱自己掺水不好么,非要花更多钱买别人掺好水的货?便宜点掺几块一瓶的农夫山泉,就是讲究点儿去买瓶进口依云矿泉水来掺,也不怎么麻烦。 玫瑰纯露怎么样 这款BH玫瑰水,是我家回购率非常高的纯露。玫瑰纯露的主要功效是补水保湿、美白舒缓,而且非常温和,即使再敏感的肌肤,也可以放心使用,所以非常适合常年的日常补水。如果你对纯露有点脸盲,那么只需要记住:玫瑰就是补水、补水、补水!除了补水外,还兼有一定的美白功效,一定的提拉紧致、抗细纹的功效,一定的安抚舒缓敏感肌肤的功效。 在芳疗领域,玫瑰纯露本来就适应非常广泛的,可以算是万用纯露,功效非常全面!英国BH的很大特点,就是浓度高,纯正大马士革玫瑰(rose damacena flower water)提取。请不要拿那些低浓度的掺水纯露来和BH相提并论。 浓度高也有个需要注意的,就是新手第一次用,或者干燥肌直接接触,可能会轻微发红,不明真相的新手会认为这是过敏。我考虑了一下,还是建议新手用BH玫瑰纯露尽量先稀释一下,自己把浓度调低一点。比例非常好是玫瑰纯露占60~70%,纯净水占30~40%。 未经稀释的玫瑰纯露可能会反吸收皮肤里的水分,反倒让皮肤变得更干燥,甚至爆皮,所以我是建议稀释的! 为什么每次的气味和颜色都不太一样呢?什么原理呢,纯粹好奇~ 我答:可以先了解一下纯露的制作原理。纯露是植物花朵的提取物,不同批次的纯露,在气味、色泽、沉淀物多少、刺激感大小等方面都会不同。纯露是植物提取,并不是用化学成分按固定比例调配的,所以经常会有气味不一样、颜色不一样、沉淀物不一样、刺激程度不一样,属于正常情况,请放心使用。 更有甚者,不仅不同批次,气味、颜色、沉淀物多少、刺激程度会有不同,就连同一批次的两瓶,也会有一定的差异,这种情况实在太常见了。 薰衣草纯露怎么样 多数人皮肤状况就没有太好的,痘妹占比非常多,所以薰衣草一直都是很热卖的!卖 Bay House 的薰衣草纯露也有四五年了,接触成百上千位痘痘肌顾客后,我也对薰衣草纯露有了更深刻的认识。其实薰衣草的主要功效就是:祛痘、祛闭口粉刺、清除暗疮、调理问题肌肤。 如果您是比较爱长痘痘的肤质,那么选择薰衣草就对了。很多人第一次用纯露,都是因为痘痘和闭口粉刺,因为可能已经用遍了其他N多种祛痘产品,不是一点效果都没有,就是根本改善不了痘痘肌的根本,所以听人说薰衣草纯露挺好的,只要坚持使用,就能彻底改换痘痘肌的肤质,这些痘妹听到朋友这样介绍,基本也就抱着死马当作活马医的心态,到我家买了第一瓶薰衣草纯露。 买回去后,怎么看都不顺眼,这什么包装啊,这么难看?这什么味道啊,怪怪的!感觉又一次上了当,一边咒天怨地翻白眼,一边不情不愿地敷薰衣草水膜。可过了两三周,痘痘肌就慢慢发生了变化,首先是不再冒油光了,水油分泌调节顺畅了一些,然后就是不再往外冒新的痘痘了,然后就看到以前的痘痘在慢慢变小,后来就彻底没掉了。 这些老顾客,大多都有一个满脸痘痘的灰暗时期,大多都用薰衣草纯露彻底改换了这让人日夜心烦的痘痘肌。是的,薰衣草纯露就是祛痘、去闭口粉刺、清除暗疮、调理肌肤的,当然了,它也并非全能。 首先,薰衣草纯露并没有美白去黄、或者提亮肤色的功效,所以去痘印不是它的所长; 同时,薰衣草是收敛性质的,所以也没有补水保湿和滋润嫩肤的功效,干燥肌肤的话可以搭配补水保湿的产品一起使用,不然可能会越用越干,以至于皮肤变得粗糙。与此同时,有顾客问:「那橙花呢?玫瑰呢?」 ● 橙花主要是美白提亮、祛黄祛暗沉、活化肌肤; ● 玫瑰主要是补水保湿、滋润嫩肤。 如果要兼顾祛痘印,可以捎带一瓶橙花纯露,和薰衣草纯露一起使用。过请注意橙花的比例不要超过三分之一,因为橙花有活化肌肤的功效,占比太多担心会活化皮肤底层的痘痘,引发痘痘冒出来。当然,如果您就是想催熟痘痘,让他们都长出来后再一一清理,那也可以适当增加橙花的比例。 或者如果现在的肤况本来就已经很干燥了,再用薰衣草可能会更干燥,那么就可以捎带一瓶玫瑰,和薰衣草兑在一起使用,这样在祛痘的同时,还可以做好补水保湿,皮肤一点也不会干燥。玫瑰是非常温和的纯露,基本不会过敏,搭配薰衣草可以放心使用。 有人一提到法国薰衣草、薰衣草庄园什么的,就会觉得特别浪漫,实际上,原本的薰衣草的气味并不怎么香,反倒有一种苦涩的味儿。所以,用这种原生薰衣草做出来的纯露,就也带着这种略带苦涩的植物味道。 如果您用惯了那种芳香扑鼻的国产纯露,可能会对 Bay House 这种没有添加香精的纯露不太适应。我坦诚地告诉您,如果您特别想要芳香扑鼻的纯露,请直接购买国产的,国产的每一款都香。如果您看中的是功效、浓度、无添加,那么选择 Bay House 无疑是非常明智的。 因为只要不是国产的,所有国外的薰衣草纯露,都没有太好闻的。但即使再难闻,也还远没有中药那么臭,它只是涩,薰衣草植物原本的苦和涩。下面是大家对薰衣草纯露的评价,你会发现,味儿虽然有点怪,但仍然有很多人非常喜欢! 三款纯露的使用方法 ● 使用方法一:玫瑰纯露敷「水膜」 洁面后,取本品15ml左右,倒入面膜瓶中,加入5ml纯净水稀释,然后然后放入纸膜,等纸膜浸湿后,平整敷在脸上。每次敷15分钟,摘掉面膜纸,不用清洗,直接涂上保湿的乳液和面霜。 ● 使用方法二:「玻尿酸精华」+「玫瑰纯露」 有人每天补水,但还是感觉皮肤干燥,那就建议搭配玻尿酸保湿精华一起使用,这样保湿效果更佳。每天早晚,玫瑰纯露当爽肤水使用,洁面后直接拍在脸上,后面再涂上玻尿酸保湿精华,用于锁住水分,保持一整天的水分。 ● 方法三:「三明治面膜」 洁面后,先在脸上薄薄地抹一层凝胶,然后再盖上一层吸满纯露的纸膜,然后再在纸膜外敷上一层凝胶,可以比第一层稍厚一点。敷上10-15分钟左右,不要等它完全干掉,就可以揭下来了,用清水洗掉。(有人问,敷完一定要洗吗?不能当做睡眠面膜一直敷着?答案是:尽量洗掉,因为凝胶变干后,会让皮肤比较紧绷,导致毛孔不太通畅,整夜不洗的话,可能就会闷出痘痘。) ● 方法四:单独使用 用小喷瓶装着,做爽肤水使用。

--- Our new house was completely in_______ mess after the party was over. --- Don’t worry. We c..

A 考查冠词的用法。这两个空都是固定短语,in a mess 一团糟,by means of 凭借什么样的方式,手段,所以选A。

It took a long time for the effective use of natural gas ------------- 填 to be made 帮我翻译一下,


more natural resources should be made good use of

倒装句 正常的语序是:To meet the increasing need of energy,more natural resources should be made use of. 为了满足日益增长的能源需求,(我们)必须利用更多的自然资源

完形填空seven days is not natural beause …


英语作文,编童话:girl ,lost ,forest ,house ,rabbit ,friend

One little girl was lost in the forest. She walked and found one wooden house, she opened the door and one rabbit jumped out. The rabbit asked her why she was here. The little girl told the rabbit that she was lost and couldn"t find the way to home. The rabbit said don"t worry and I can lead the way and take you out of forest. The little girl was glad and they became friends. The little girl was on her right way to home. She say goodbye to the rabbit and invite the rabbit to her home as guest.


One little girl was lost in the forest. She walked and found one wooden house, she opened the door and one rabbit jumped out. The rabbit asked her why she was here. The little girl told the rabbit that she was lost and couldn"t find the way to home. The rabbit said don"t worry and I can lead the way and take you out of forest. The little girl was glad and they became friends. The little girl was on her right way to home. She say goodbye to the rabbit and invite the rabbit to her home as guest.


One little girl was lost in the forest. She walked and found one wooden house, she opened the door and one rabbit jumped out. The rabbit asked her why she was here. The little girl told the rabbit that she was lost and couldn"t find the way to home. The rabbit said don"t worry and I can lead the way and take you out of forest. The little girl was glad and they became friends. The little girl was on her right way to home. She say goodbye to the rabbit and invite the rabbit to her home as guest.



lead to和cause的区别

他们都有造成的意思。但如果后面要接复合结构形式不同。lead to sb doing somethingcause sb to do something造成某人做什么事情。

cause和lead to的区别

cause常用于坏的方面lead to好坏中性均可用cause 引起某事,使某事发生cause sb/sth to do sth1.Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway.重型货车造成高速堵塞.2.The fire caused $500,000 worth of damage.这场火灾造成500,000美元的损失.3.The policy changes have caused great uncertainly for the workforce.政策变化引起了劳动力的巨大变化.4.What caused you to change your mind?是什么让你改变主意?lead to 导致,lead sb to do sth使某人做某事1.The events that lead to start of the First World War.2.What led him to kill his wife?3.He had led everyone to believe that his family was were wealthy.cause,lead to 直接跟名词cause sb/sth to do sth,lead sb to do 是固定用法.

cause 和leadto区别

cause常用于坏的方面lead to好坏中性均可用cause 引起某事,使某事发生cause sb/sth to do sth1. Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway. 重型货车造成高速堵塞。2. The fire caused $500,000 worth of damage. 这场火灾造成500,000美元的损失。3. The policy changes have caused great uncertainly for the workforce.政策变化引起了劳动力的巨大变化。4. What caused you to change your mind? 是什么让你改变主意?lead to 导致,lead sb to do sth使某人做某事1. The events that lead to start of the First World War. 2. What led him to kill his wife?3.He had led everyone to believe that his family was were wealthy.cause, lead to 直接跟名词cause sb/sth to do sth, lead sb to do 是固定用法。

So many people use the cell phone so frequently e


cell phoneareused

回答:A. 解释:用的是被动,因为后一句中的主语they指的是cell phones。这句话的意思是:现在,手机真的很有帮助,他们在日常生活中被广泛应用。 希望能帮助到您!


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linux下用id命令显示为 uid=1001(user) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),16(dialout),33(video)


user 路由器 初始密码是什么




God Is In The House 歌词

歌曲名:God Is In The House歌手:Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds专辑:No More Shall We PartGod Is In The HouseNICK CAVE & THE BAD SEEDSal:God Is In The HouseWe"ve laid the cables and the wiresWe"ve split the wood and stokedthe firesWe"ve lit our town so there is noPlace for crime to hideOur little church is painted whiteAnd in the safety of the nightWe all go quiet as a mouseFor the word is outGod is in the houseGod is in the houseGod is in the houseNo cause for worry nowGod is in the houseMoral sneaks in the White HouseComputer geeks in the school houseDrug freaks in the crack houseWe don"t have that stuff hereWe have a tiny little ForceBut we need them of courseFor the kittens in the treesAnd at night we are on our kneesAs quiet as a mouseFor God is in the houseGod is in the houseGod is in the houseAnd no one"s left in doubtGod is in the houseHomos roaming the streets in packsQueer bashers with tyre-jacksLesbian counter-attacksThat stuff is for the big citiesOur town is very prettyWe have a pretty little squareWe have a woman for a mayorOur policy is firm but fairNow that God is in the houseGod is in the houseGod is in the houseAny day now He"ll come outGod is in the houseWell-meaning little therapistsGoose-stepping twelve-stepping TetotalitarianistsThe tipsy, the reeling and the drop down pissedWe got no time for that stuff hereZero crime and no fearWe"ve bred all our kittens whiteSo you can see them in the nightAnd at night we"re on our kneesAs quiet as a mouseSince the word got outFrom the North down to the SouthFor no-one"s left in doubtThere"s no fear aboutIf we all hold hands and very quietly shoutHallelujahGod is in the houseGod is in the houseOh I wish He would come outGod is in the houseend...

I knew she was joking because she had a big grin on her face.(同义句转换)

red apple

韩国歌曲because i am a girl 请大侠帮填歌词

因为是女子 到底能否了解男人的心? 何时爱着我 把心交出 而你却弃我而去 你曾说第一次这样心动 去感受一个特别的人 这话让我深信不疑 让我幸福 言尤在耳 你的爱却已不再 傻傻的我却还追在你的左右 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 轻易将自己付出 却很快让你厌倦 男人们就是这样无情意 下定决心不再轻易付出 再次陷入爱的漩涡的还是女人 许是因了这样 你不再爱我 傻傻的我却还追在你的左右 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 为了爱情 付出一切 心甘情愿 请别不要利用女人这柔弱天性 身为女人 原该被一生宠爱 不曾想爱是如此辛苦和艰难 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 (女独白)今天, 我们分手了,希望我能够幸福, 能够找到比你更好的人. 你也像其他的男人一样, 忘了说过的一切. 说实话, 我不希望你能够幸福,我担心你能找到比我更漂亮的女孩子,幸福 的过日子, 那你就会真的把我忘记的,我是那么的难过, 心如刀绞, 我想我爱你爱的太深了,不要利用可以为了爱不惜一切的女人的善良的本性, 生为一个女人, 被人爱是如此的难. 虽然我在骂你, 但我心里是那么的想你,因为,把爱视为全部的我— —是女人. (男独白 申贤俊)有一个我深爱着的女人,虽然我不能和她在一起, 不过,我仍然深爱着她. oh,yeah ...yeah! do de che ar su ga obso nam ja du rui maum wonhar ten on je go da ju ni i je to nan de i ron jog choum i ra go no nun thug byor ha da nun gu marur mi dosso ne gen heng bo giosso marur ha ji guresso ne ga shirho jyo da go nun chi ga obnun nan nur bo che gi man hesso no ru ryo gha myon so do manhi guri ur go ya sa rangi jon bu in na nun yo ja i ni ka mo dun gor swib ge da ju myon gum bang shirh jung ne nun ge nam ja ra du rosso thollin mar gath jin a nha da shi nun so gjia nhuri maum mo go bo ji man to da shi sa range mu no ji nunge yo ja ya ma rur ha ji gu resso 中文发音版 oh,yeah ...yeah! 多得着啊书嘎哦不社 男眨督略麻鲁 我能等昂着过 大据你一着多男得 一龙左错误一拉谷 诺伦图比尔哈大鲁 古麻鲁米多索 呢跟衡波几哦索 麻鲁哈吉古勒索 勒嘎西落几哦大过 伦几嘎哦冷那 努步切更曼黑索 诺努由嘎米用索多 麻你古你乌鲁过呀 沙朗义穷步因 那能哟杂义你嘎 目顿过西课大举明 棍棒西京勒能个 难杂拉督罗索 图林麻嘎进啊那 大西能书几啊努力 曼莫过波几曼 督大西差朗额 木诺几能歌哟杂呀 马努哈几古罗索 那个西冷角大谷 卤鸡嘎我冷那 论不解根曼黑索 诺努哟干明说多 麻里克里乌鲁过呀 沙朗一穷不因 哪能哟杂依你嘎 (女子独白: 乌鲁一根黑而杜说,哭个横波卡个说) 沙朗怒为儿说那米哦 目吨大黑书为努 哟杂额擦看波努为努 易用哈吉怒骂辣椒 很有嘉璐车有那 沙朗八廓撒冷可 以洛克横渡鲁 哦里哦目就没拉锁 落鲁由嘎明索多 马里库里乌鲁过呀 沙朗伊穷不无因 那冷哟杂依你嘎 落鲁由嘎明索多 马里库里乌鲁过呀 沙朗伊穷不无因 那能哟杂依你嘎

英语use opposite case怎么翻译?


be useful to和be useful for的区别


user interaction是什么意思


House Call是什么意思?


求歌词:T-ARA的 i go crazy because of you

这是歌词的注音:Bwado bwado bwadoNaega bwado bwado bogo shipeoNeo ddaeme onjongil michyeoNae yeonghon majeo michyeoKkochyeo kkochyeo kkochyeoNaega neoegero kkochyeo kkochyeoGgeullineun nae momi kkochyeoNeo ddaeme naega michyeoNae hyanggie ni gamgageul neukkyeobwaEungeunhi gamssaneunNeoneun sexy shadowMeoljjeonghage ddwigo itneun shimjangiDa manggajildeushiNeoneun make em crazyOH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!Cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptgeCheoreoptge cheoreoptge saldaga michyeoOH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!Cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptgeCheoreoptge saldaga naega michyeoDADADADADADADADADADA SEXY SHADOWDADADADADADADADADADA MAKE ME CRAZYDora dora doraNaega ireodaga naega doraNeo ddaeme onjongil doraNae yeonghon majeo doraEojil eojil eojil nuniNae meoriga ajjilajjilGgeullineun nae momi michyeoNeo ddaeme naega michyeoNae hyanggie ni gamgageul neukkyeobwaEungeunhi gamssaneunNeoneun sexy shadowMeoljjeonghage ddwigo itneun shimjangiDa manggajildeushiNeoneun make me crazyOH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!Cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptgeCheoreoptge cheoreoptge saldaga michyeoOH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!Cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptgeCheoreoptge saldaga naega michyeoNae hyanggie ni gamgageul neukkyeobwaEungeunhi gamssaneunMeoljjeonghage ddwigo itneun shimjangiDa manggajildeushiHey come oneOneulbam gotcheo beorilgot gateoNa micheo beorilgot gateoNohwana doradora ddarararaOneulbam dooriseo Take itJjolgithan neuggimeul Make itYoohokeui bbajeobwa sonbareul Do itOnmomeul deoncheo Like itOH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!Cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptgeCheoreoptge cheoreoptge saldaga michyeoOH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!Cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptge cheoreoptgeCheoreoptge saldaga naega michyeoDADADADADADADADADADA SEXY SHADOWDADADADADADADADADADA MAKE ME CRAZY

Ghost In This House 歌词

歌曲名:Ghost In This House歌手:Alison Krauss专辑:Forget About ItAlison Krauss - Ghost In This HouseI don"t pick up the mail,I don"t pick up the phone,I don"t answer the door,I just soon be aloneI don"t keep this place up,I just keep the lights down,I don"t live in these rooms,I just rattled aroundI"m just a ghost in this house,I"m shadow upon these walls,As quietly as a mouse,I haunt these halls,I"m just a whisper of smoke,I"m all that"s left of two hearts on fire,That once burned out of control,You took my body and soul,I"m just a ghost in this houseI don"t care if it rains,I don"t care if it"s clear,I don"t mind stayin near,There"s another ghost here,He sits down in your chair,And he shines with your light,And he lays down his head,On your pillow at nightI"m just a ghost in this house,I"m just a shadow upon these walls,I"m living proof of the damage heartbreak does,I"m just a whisper of smoke,I"m all that"s left of two hearts on fire,That once burned out of control,You took my body and soul,I"m just a ghost in this houseThat once burned out of control,You took my body and soul,I"m just a ghost in this house

l a have house big 连词成句

I have a big house. 我有一座大房子。

To have a large house is our dream 同义句转换?

To have a large house is our dream. (有一所大房子是我们的梦想。) To have a large house 是动词不定式短语作主语,作同义句转换时可以采取用形式主语it代替,句子写成: It is our dream to have a large house.

it is my dream___a big house

it is my dream___a big house是动词时态填空吧。应该是:it is my dream_to_have/own_a big house意思是:拥有一个大房子是我的梦想。



did you dream 什么 a new house

Did you dream of/ about having a new house?你梦想拥有一座新房子吗?dream做动词的用法:dream of / about + n./ doing...梦想着做...dream + 从句:例句: He often dreams of becoming a scientist. = He oftens dreams that he will be a scientist in the future. 他经常梦想着成为科学家.

六年级英语作文 my dream tree house求助求助

Welcome to our school.Our school is very beautiful.There are three teaching buildings in our school.There is a garden behind the main teaching building.And there are lots of beautiful flowers in the garden.Look,there is a big house next to the teaching building.It"s our library.There is a reading room in the library.There are some trees in front of the library.There is a dining room near the library.We often have lunch there.
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