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burst,explode和blast的区别? 请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来,

burst是突发性的含有暴炸的意思,但更多我认为用于for exemple:the little girlburst into cry. explode是指爆炸或人使炸弹爆炸,即主语是人是物都可以 when the boiler exploded many people were injured she exploded into laughter. blast指物的爆炸 也指冲击 the film was blasted by the critics.


burst 强调因为包裹不住而破裂/胀破.例句:The doctor burst a blood vessel.医生使一条血管破裂了。State bank financing could explain why the Chinese bubbles have yet to burst.国有银行提供融资解释了为什么中国的泡沫尚未破裂。If the membrane is strong enough, at some point it may not burst.如果膜足够强韧,在某种程度上它或许不会爆裂。explode强调猛烈的性质.例句:The bloom exploded into a fire ball.气球爆炸成了一个火球。They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might explode.当你感觉自己要怒火爆发的时候,它们会帮助你冷静下来。If you are correct,the missile will explode.如果你是正确的,导弹将爆炸。

C语言编程时windows 上能不能用curses.h头文件


linux 没有curses库,要安装什么包才能用???

不知你是什么发行版,deb系的话可用sudo apt-get install libncurses*-dev,*请用版本号代替。yum系可以试试sudo yum install ncurses-devel。

火炬之光2出现 curses torchlight 2 has crashed 打不开游戏,怎么处理啊 求高手

我也是同样的问题, 英文版也同样报错。。。很纠结,我汉化版的补丁是3DM 13.0 ,也是报错。现在玩着都不敢联机,。。。

burst,explode,blow up的区别.

burst是里面的东西充的太多,而爆,比如气球,或者说一个人吃的太多时I feel I will burst.我吃太多了,感觉肚子要撑开了.explode这是一个不及物动词,就表示爆炸The bomb exploded on the road side.炸弹在路边引爆.blow...


burst是突发性的含有暴炸的意思,但更多我认为用于for exemple:the little girlburst into cry.explode是指爆炸或人使炸弹爆炸,即主语是人是物都可以 when the boiler exploded many people were injured she exploded into laughter.blast指物的爆炸 也指冲击 the film was blasted by the critics.希望对你有帮助~


explode 还可以是及物动词,burst只是不及物动词 另外,burst常用于人的爆发 而explode 用于物较多

火炬之光2玩不了,curses, torchlight 2 has crashed(火炬2崩溃了)求大神帮忙!




Python curses Redirection is not supported,该怎么解决

代码做测试:import curses myscreen = curses.initscr()myscreen.border(0)myscreen.addstr(12, 25, "Python curses in action!") myscreen.refresh()myscreen.getch()


有些玩家在玩火炬之光2的时候游戏经常,提示:Curses!Torchlight II has crashed!如下图所示:遇到这种情况主要是因为汉化补丁的问题,玩家在打上汉化补丁后,会出现各种地方都会崩溃,比如杀第一关的一个粉红色血条的怪会崩溃,钓鱼的时候会崩溃等等。在玩英文版的时候就不会出现这种情况。想解决汉化又不崩溃的问题,只有下载最新的汉化补丁才行。火炬之光2现在最新的汉化补丁已经出到8.5了,可到l 下载火炬之光2汉化补丁 V8.5。


python的库 一般解压后都有一个 setup.py 的文件,然后使用python来安装 在安装包当前目录执行 $python setup.py install

LINUX 致命错误:curses.h:没有那个文件或目录,这是怎么回事阿????怎么解决

我的是redhatas5版本的,在安装的镜像中找到rpm文件,拷贝到系统后,rpm -i ncurses-devel-5.5-24.20060715.i386.rpm,就可以了。希望能解决你的问题。




在英伟达的官网上下载对应系统版本的cuda5.5工具包,我的笔记本是32位的,下载的包是cuda_5.5.22_linux_32.run,当然下载deb包也可以,deb包可双击安装。推荐使用run包。检查自己的系统是否符合安装条件,这一点很重要,我开始没有检测GCC,导致后面几次安装失败。命令$lspci | grep -i nvidia ,检测电脑是否安装NVIDIA显卡,命令$gcc --version,检测GCC版本,注意:CUDA5.5只支持GCC4.6版本,如果显示的不是下图所示,则需要重新将GCC链接。同时安装头文件和编译环境$sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essentialgcc版本是4.6的跳过此步。如果gcc版本不是4.6的,则需要将GCC重新链接,在目录/usr/bin下,只需两个命令即可完成重新链接。$sudo mv gcc gcc.bak$sudo ln -s gcc-4.6 gcc删除之前的Ubuntu nvidia驱动包,$sudo apt-get –purge remove nvidia*,并将开源驱动nouveau屏蔽掉,使用命令$sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf,添加blacklist vga16fb blacklist nouveau blacklist rivafb blacklist nvidiafb blacklist rivatv。关闭图形环境,$sudo stop lightdm,按Ctrl+Alt+F1,打开一个终端,登录。进入下载的Ubuntu nvidia驱动安装文件所在目录,$sudo sh ./cuda_5.5.22_linux_32.run命令进行安装。如果遇到failed,不用着急,打开安装log,排查问题,warning不用管,看ERROR。安装完成后,需要重启。此时电脑清晰多了,说明安装成功。 从事GPU开发的我们还需要装上cuda和openCL库的支持:$sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-dev。

linux下如何创建中终端图形界面 使用curses


C语言编程时windows 上能不能用curses.h头文件


a curse in disguise什么意思

一个伪装的诅咒词典结果:disguise[英][du026asu02c8gau026az][美][du026asu02c8ɡau026az]vt.隐瞒,掩饰; 伪装,假装; 化装; 掩盖; n.伪装; 伪装品; 用作伪装的东西; 托辞,借口;


火炬之光2这款ARPG游戏让很多玩家都很喜爱,它独特的艺术风格也让自己赢得了玩家们的目光。对于这样一款游戏,自然也有玩家有遇到一些问题,譬如说近日有玩家在进游戏时出现curses错误。火炬之光2curses怎么办?一般出现这个错误是因为汉化的问题,相应的解决方法如下:1.出现这个问题最简单的解决方法就是玩英文版。2.下载相容的汉化补丁。3.在开始菜单中搜索save文件夹,找到火炬之光2的文件夹,然后不要手软,直接删掉就可以了,并且不要安装其他插件。ps:失的玩家可以用steam的正版存档火炬之光2(Torchlight 2)汉化中文破解版v1.25.9.5

curse 汉语解释



1.到网上下载这个库ncurses-5.6.tar.gz,同样的需要解压、configure、make。(./configure –with-named-curses-libs=/usr/lib/libncurses.so.5,指定目录比较重要,这里提供参考。)2.另一种方法就是简单的yum命令了,输入yum install ncurses-devel,自动完成。curses库是一组函数,程序员可以用它们来设置光标的位置和终端屏幕上显示的字符样式。curses库最初是由UCB的开发小组开发的。大部分控制终端屏幕的程序使用curses。曾经由一组简单的函数组成的库现在包括了许多复杂的特性。


歌曲名:Gifts And Curses歌手:Yellowcard专辑:Spider-Man 2 - Music From And Inspired ByMary belongs to the words of a song.I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her.But she will not wait for me, anymore, anymore.Why did I say all those things before? I was sure.(She is the one), but I have a purpose,(she is the one), and I have to fight this,(she is the one), a villian I can"t knock down.I see your face with every punch I take,and every bone I break, it"s all for you.And my worst pains are words I cannot say,still I will always fight on for you.Mary"s alive in the bright New York sky,the city lights shine for her, above them I cry for her.Everything"s small on the ground below, down below.What if I fall, then where would I go, would she know?(She is the one), all that I wanted,(she is the one), and I will be haunted,(she is the one), this gift is my curse for now.I see your face with every punch I take,and every bone I break, it"s all for you.And my worst pains are words I cannot say,Still I will always fight on for you.I see your face with every punch I takeand every bone I break, it"s all for youAnd my worst pains are words I cannot sayStill I will always fight on for you.Fight on for youFight on for you




curse用作动词时后面可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接as+ n. 作补足语的复合宾语,as不可省略。 扩展资料   英语单词curse有以下两种词性:   curse用作名词时,基本意思是“咒骂语,骂人话”,引申还可表示“咒语”。复数:curses。   curse用作动词时,基本意思是“诅咒,咒骂”,多指在心里诅咒和念咒语诅咒。   第三人称单数:curses;现在分词:cursing;过去式:cursed;过去分词:cursed。



英国人怎么写英文字cursive writing

英国人British people

关于tengwar cursive和tengwar quenya和tengwar annatar和tengwar 什么别的有什么区别么?

都是Tengwar,只是字体有点不同。有的可能相当于正楷,有的则是草书。对于同一种语言,Tengwar大体都是一样的,都遵循同一规则。不过由于书写者的个人习惯不尽相同,文本也会有一定区别。比如有些人习惯于将两个字母合成一个Tengwar字符(如果允许的话),而有的人则习惯把它们分开写;(具体又有两种情况)有的人可能直接按字母对照写,有的则根据读音来。但是对不同语言来说就不一样了。比如Quenya写成Tengwar和英语写成Tengwar所遵循的规则就不一样。大体就是这样吧。输入法应该不大,有的只是个字体文件,你可以下下来试试,这样就知道了。 一般下下来的字体还是要自己动手。我的意思是,不是说输入Anar就出来个对应的Tengwar。如果你觉得麻烦,可以找个翻译的网站,输入英文就给你转成Tengwar。以前还看到一个转换的软件,不过我在几个平台上测试发现都无法正常运行。给你提供个:http://tengwar.art.pl/tengwar/ott/start.php?l=en



cursive handwriting是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:cursive handwriting草书希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳


。有英文字帖的。 我也很喜欢英文草书也就是圆体字或称花体字。再学个意大利体也就够了。英文书法的钢笔要自己剪平笔尖的,所有字帖中都会教怎么做这种钢笔。 ==== 我在沈阳的书刊批发市场买的。 大的书城都会有的。

cursive的《Wowowow》 歌词

歌曲名:Wowowow歌手:cursive专辑:I Am GeminiCursive - WowowowThe hollow at night, a blood swollen moonAn organ-grinder, his chimp churn out of tuneCarnival lights, a barker"s decreePickled punks, oddities, freaks, all in one ringI heard there exists a set of Siamese twinsSisters sharing everything wow!An old cabaret, the dance of the beeLike a swan I float up on stage looking for honeyA back alleyway, cloaked in red lightCoquettes in concupiscent dress bat their eyesWhat have we here in my midst?So it"s true, you do existThoughts long lost come crashing inA birthday boy in the month of JuneBlew out his cake, his wish came trueSplattered blood all over the floorGemini, what have you done?What horrid wolves we"ve becomeOh-oh-ohWowowow!We are the aloneWe had no oneOnly ourselfNever ever leave meWithout the sun, there is no moonWithout a me, there is no youOh... oh... oh...Wowowow...http://music.baidu.com/song/15192363


这是CSS中的五大字体家族。serifserif 中文翻译为“衬线字体族”。serif 具有末端加粗、扩张或尖细末端,或以实际的衬线结尾的一类字体。可以看出 serif 总是在文字末端做文章,这样做的目的是增强可读性,也就是说在字号比较小的时候,serif 一族的字体仍然是比较好辨认的。serif 典型的字体有:Times New Roman、MS Georgia、宋体……serif 还可衍生出两种字体族:petit-serif(小衬线字体族(末端变化不明显))、slab-serif(雕版衬线字体族(末端变化非常明显))。由于显示器显示的字都不大,所以一般将小衬线字体族看作无衬线字体族,比如其中的黑体。sans-serifsans-serif 中文翻译为“无衬线字体族”。sans- 前缀是法语,发音为 /san/,意为“无”。sans-serif 字体比较圆滑,线条粗线均匀,适合做艺术字、标题等,与“衬线字体”相比,如果字号比较小,看起来就会有些吃力。sans-serif 典型的字体有:MS Trebuchet、MS Arial、MS Verdana、幼圆、隶书、楷体……cursivecursive 中文翻译为“手写字体族”。顾名思义,这类字体的字就像手写的一样。cursive 典型的字体有:Caflisch Script、Adobe Poetica、迷你简黄草、华文行草……fantasyfantasy 中文翻译为“梦幻字体族”。fantasy 主要用在图片中,字体看起来很艺术,实际网页上用得不多。fantasy 典型的字体有:WingDings、WingDings 2、WingDings 3、Symbol……monospacemonospace 中文翻译为“等宽字体族”。我们知道英文中各字母是不等宽的,但用 monospace,各个字母就是等宽的了,就可以像中文一样排版了。monospace 典型的字体有:Courier、MS Courier New、Prestige……总结总的来说字体分为两个大类:serif、sans-serif,这两个大类下又可以分:cursive、fantasy、monospace


cursive[英][u02c8ku025c:su026av][美][u02c8ku025c:rsu026av]adj.(指字迹)草书的; n.草书; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I posted a few updates, writing in cursive with the gamepad stylus. 我也发了几条更新帖,用gamepad触控笔手写的。

Yours sincerely是什么意思


bust burst的各种词性

bust vt.& vi.打破,打碎 vt.突击搜查(或搜捕);(使)降级,降低军阶 n.半身雕塑像;胸围;突击搜捕 adj.破碎,毁坏;破产burst vi.爆裂,炸破;使爆炸;充满,塞满;爆发 vt.使爆炸;冲破,胀破;分页,分隔 n.爆炸;爆裂;爆发;突发

bust burst的各种词性

bust vt.& vi.打破,打碎 vt.突击搜查(或搜捕);(使)降级,降低军阶 n.半身雕塑像;胸围;突击搜捕 adj.破碎,毁坏;破产burst vi.爆裂,炸破;使爆炸;充满,塞满;爆发 vt.使爆炸;冲破,胀破;分页,分隔 n.爆炸;爆裂;爆发;突发

burst,blow up和explode的区别

burst[bu0259:st] v.爆裂, 炸破, 急于, 爆发n.突然破裂, 爆发, 脉冲百科词典 vi.(burst; bursting; bursts)1. 爆炸;破裂2. 冲;闯3. 突然出现; 突然发生; 爆发4. (用进行时)塞满; 几乎要胀破vt.[AAA型] burst; burst; burst1. 使爆裂;使破裂2. 突然打开;冲出;炸出3. 使胀破n.(复)bursts1. 爆炸;破裂2. 缺口;裂口3. 爆发;突发4. [俚] 狂欢n.【计】 二进制位组; 字符组; 脉冲串同反义词 同义词:broken exploded 相关例句 1.rock burst 岩爆2.gas burst 瓦斯突出3.The bomb burst. 炸弹爆炸了。4.The balloon burst. 气球爆炸了。5.The tire"s burst. 车胎爆了。blow up生词本复制详细解释v.使充气, 爆炸, 放大百科词典 使充气, 爆炸, 放大【化】 爆发使形成使充气;扩张使放大(照片图像或打印使爆破使发脾气同反义词 相关例句 1.Blow up the bridge. 炸毁这座桥。2.Blow up a tire. 给轮胎充气3.These balloons blow up easily. 这些气球易于充气。4.They blow up the bridge. 他们炸毁了桥。5.Blow up the balloon about halfway. 把气球吹大一半。bomb[bu0254m] n.炸弹vt.投弹于, 轰炸百科词典 n. 炸弹vt. 轰炸, 投弹于vi. 失败【医】 弹, 炮(含有大量镭或放射性元素的容器,应用于体外照射)同反义词 相关例句 1.Health Bomb 健康弹2.atomic bomb 原子弹3.aerial bomb 航空炸弹4.neutron bomb 中子弹5.guided bomb 制导航空炸弹explode[iks"plu0259ud] vt.使爆炸vi.爆炸, 爆发, 破除, 推翻, 激发百科词典 vi. 爆炸, 爆发, 激增vt. 使爆炸【医】 爆炸, 爆发同反义词 同义词:blow up burst erupt 相关例句 1.Explode a hypothesis. 推翻假设2.Tending to explode. 易爆炸的3.explode a bombshell 干了一件使人震惊的事4.explode an idea 驳倒一种观念5.explode a magazine blast名、动“爆炸”,如blast a tunnel through the mountain在山里炸出一条通道,例:Several terrorists have claimed to be responsible for the blast几个恐怖主义者已经声称对这起爆炸负责。其同义词为blow up关于爆炸还有一个单词explode=ex(out)+ p + lode(矿脉)那么这几个爆炸如何区别呢,我们举个简单的句子:The hijackers threaten to blast/blow up the plane, but the bomb failed to explode.劫机者威胁要炸掉飞机,但是炸弹没有引爆。blast与blow up是同义词,以人为主语,而explode是以炸弹为主语。还有一个小型的爆炸,burst“爆裂”,例:One of my bike tyres burst.我自行车的一个胎爆了。Even another bite will make me burst.再吃一口我就撑死了。

Avery深情献唱好听新单Go Screw Yourself ,求歌词和翻译!!!



Of course he was a plain pro-nazi . 当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。 Of course i knew them both directly . 我当然一下子就认出了他们两个。 Of course it concerns neither of them . 双方自然都没有把自己摆进去。 It was , of course , within my right to do so . 我当然有权利这样做。 Lassitude occurs early in the course of the disease . 病初出现疲倦。 Each course created only a partial man . 每种道路产生的只是片面的人。 Our course must thwart those designs . 我们的方针是必须挫败那种企图。 The ship is holding a southeasterly course . 船只继续朝东南方向航行。 This is of course still the essential method . 这当然仍是本质的方法。 Can i sign up for this course in advance ? 我能事先申请上这一课程吗? What is the best course of action we can take ? 我们采取什么办法最好? It was pke a course in bull-fighting . 好象是一场斗牛的示范教程。 The checks are all good, of course . 当然,这些支票是完全有效的。 The continental drama ran its course . 欧洲大陆的形势继续演变著。 The garden neighbors on a golf course . 那花园与高尔夫球场相邻。 Gasopne , of course , must be saved in consumption . 汽油还是省著用吧。 Berenice had taken a nurse"s course . 白丽莱茜参加了一个护士班。 We have three courses of action to take . 我们从三方面著手行动。 What would be mr. carson"s course ? 卡逊先生会要采取什么行动呢? Winterborne pursued his own course homeward . 维恩特波恩踏上了回家的路。 What is the future course of the earth ? 地球将来的去向是什么? Regular procedures would take their course . 程序将按常规进行。 The best course is to let them alone . 最好的办法就是让他们一意孤行去吧。 Of course he chanted with the rest . 当然,他也和大家一起高喊。 They train technical cardres in short course . 他们办短训班培养技术干部。 The courses and topsails are set . 下桁大横帆和中桅帆均已扬起。 This is a normal course of exit out of the lung . 这是排出肺外的正常过程。 Of course his parents became terribly worried . 不用说,他的双亲万分忧虑。 The fever must run its course . 这种热病要经过一定过程才会好。 "of course the man"s a pedant. " “没错,他是个迂腐的家伙。” Of course she"ll fprt with anybody . 当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。 We of course wanted to recapture burma . 我们当然想收复缅甸。 The course of true love never did run *** ooth . 真正的爱情总不是一帆风顺的。 The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course . 船队开始顺风向北航行。 I"m as old as the hills, of course . 当然啦,我早已老态龙钟。 He shaved every day, of course . 他每天都刮胡子,这毫无疑问。 It is designed as a textbook for a one-term course . 它可用作一学期的教材。 The college offers courses in a variety of trades . 该学院开设多种职业课程。 No doubt nature took its course . 毫无疑问,事情就按照自然发展的规律发生了。 Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics . 第一种课程大量应用量子力学。 The destroyer was turning to a colpsion course . 驱逐舰改为迎面开来的航向。 Of course cepa will have custody of the children . 当然茜莉娅会照管孩子们。 Of course i contradict the tale everywhere . 我当然到处都把这番谣言加以否认。 Such was the course adapted by him . 他采取的就是这种策略。 "of course not," apce repped very readily . “当然不,”阿丽思立即回答道。 Of course , it is very agreeable to me . 当然行,我很喜欢。 The new railway is still in the course of construction . 新的铁路尚在修筑中。 The course of true love never did run *** ooth . 恋爱无坦途。 The ship kept to a steady course . 那艘船一直沿原航线航行。 The course of events can be foreseen . 事态的发展不难预料。

vba cursormovement属性为什么是long?


应该怎么理解up yours?


魔兽世界插件文件夹 在INTERFACE文件夹下,ADDONS是插件,那么Buttons,ICON,Glues和CURSOR该怎么办?



就是平均每个session open的cursors数量。30+并不是特别高,应该没什么问题。SQL> select 2 n.name,s.value 3 from v$mystat s,v$statname nwhere s.STATISTIC#=n.STATISTIC#and n.name like "%cursor%"; 4 5 6 NAME VALUE---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------opened cursors cumulative 95opened cursors current 1session cursor cache hits 47session cursor cache count 20cursor authentications 3


oracle10g,awr报告中的"Cursors/Session"值能说明什么问题就是平均每个session open的cursors数量。30+并不是特别高,应该没什么问题。SQL> select2 n.name,s.value3 from v$mystat s,v$statname nwhere s.STATISTIC#=n.STATISTIC#and n.name like "%cursor%"; 4 5 6


就是平均每个session open的cursors数量。30+并不是特别高,应该没什么问题。SQL> select 2 n.name,s.value 3 from v$mystat s,v$statname nwhere s.STATISTIC#=n.STATISTIC#and n.name like "%cursor%"; 4 5 6 NAME VALUE---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------opened cursors cumulative 95opened cursors current 1session cursor cache hits 47session cursor cache count 20cursor authentications 3

Eight Crazy Hours (In The Story Of Love) 歌词

歌曲名:Eight Crazy Hours (In The Story Of Love)歌手:Reba McEntire专辑:Keep On Loving YouReba McEntire - Eight Crazy HoursIt was somethin" as simpleAs makin" the bedThat kicked off the voiceInside her headShe was smoothin" the sheetWith the palm of her handWhen the thought struck home"I don"t know who I am"And she sat cross-leggedOn the bedroom floorAnd thoughtThere"s 3 people in this houseThat don"t need me anymoreAnd she cried like a babyIn a pile of dirty clothesOh, should I be more care freeShould I be more sexyShould I be more friend, than momAnd the dryer was buzzin"And the TV was blarin"And she wanted to call her motherIt was somethin" as simpleAs checkin" in to that cheap motelOut on Highway 10Was it the sting of leavin"Or usin" her maiden nameThat took all of the funOut of runnin" awayAnd she cried like a babyIn the tub of room 5Oh, should I be more care freeShould I be more sexyShould I be more friend, than momAnd her head was buzzin"And the TV was blarin"And she wanted to call her husbandIt was somethin" as simpleAs pickin" up the kidsThat her back to Earth againShe"d been to the dark side of the moonShe had to keep it to herselfSo she grabbed Kentucky Fried ChickenFor supperOh, but she looked more care freeAnd she looked more sexyAnd she looked more friend than momAnd the table talk was buzzin"And the TV, it was blarin"And they all sat and laughed at each otherIt was somethin" as simpleAs not givin" upAnd eight crazy hoursIn the story of lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/411885
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