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out of curiosity 造句

out of curiosity 英[aut ɔv ˌkjuəriˈɔsiti] 美[aʊt ʌv ˌkjʊriˈɑsɪti] [词典] 出于好奇心; [例句]Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else赖尔更多的是出于好奇才同意的。

be curiosity 后接什么?

一般是be adj. 或者be of n.curiosity 是n. 应该是be of curiosity 也许你想问的是curious adj.,应为 be curious about 对...好奇

out of curiosity是什么意思

out of curiosity意思是:出于好奇1.He asked out of curiosity. 他因好奇而发问。2.Just out of curiosity, what will you make them pay? 出于好奇,我想问一下你准备让他们怎么赎罪?3.Some stared out of curiosity because a strange man strolling in a dark gray suit on a summer evening was something of an oddity. 一些人是出于好奇而注视我,因为在夏日的傍晚,一个身着深灰色外套的陌生男子独自散步,总有几分奇怪。4.He asked it out of curiosity. 他因好奇心而问。5.She has been once or twice out of curiosity, "but didn"t understand it much". 她只是曾经一次或两次出于好奇心,“但不是很懂教会”。

with curiosity和with wonder有什么区别?

with wonder 以探究,求知的心态去做某事with curiosity 带有好奇心地去求知当表示求知,探索新鲜事物时,这两个词是同义词。区别在于, curiosity还有罕见、奇葩的意思,同odd, rarity. 此外还有猎奇的意思,比如想探索一下不该知道的事情。

out of curiosity类似短语

1.好奇 2.好奇地 3.对……感到好奇 4.急于做/极想做 5.出于好奇 6.好奇地 7. the curious children 8. is curious about 9. curious to 10. out of curiosity

Her curiosity aroused,she tried to.... 这个句子里面的“curiosity aroused”是什么用法什么意思啊?



嘿,好奇先生 他们所说关於你的话都是真的吗 你会害我吗 你已经照顾了一只猫 帮忙那些觉得它是负担的人 是真的吗 或者只是八卦呢 说它是谜或什 也好 只要你打给我就好 你有没有收到我给你的讯息 说这个灾难性的事件 原本不该造成伤害 但认定一切都没错本身就是个问题 我这次在找寻爱 听来充满希望却使我哭泣 爱是个难解的谜 好奇先生... 回来我这里 我是个伺候先生又从来没耐心,你看不出来吗 跟你离开我的时候一样,离开我 匆匆地去检查我的拼音 我已经被忌妒的绿色画了底线 还有铅笔红 而且我已忘了你说过的 你是否会为了死者停下工作而回来 好奇先生我需要一点灵感 今天我生日而我找不到庆祝的动机 事态严重,但你若救了我,我会勇敢一点 整个情况被传闻所充满 我这次在找寻爱 听起来充满希望却使我哭泣 这爱是个谜 好奇先生 嘿先生拜托你 来找我 来吧 我这次在找寻爱 听起来充满希望却使我哭泣 (试著别问为什 ) 因为爱是难解的谜 好奇先生 嘿,先生拜托 一定要来找我当你时机不对的时候,爱是盲目的 但我又是谁,有资格乞求能有所不同呢 在远方的顷刻寻找爱 但我不介意 噢爱,至少我尝试过了

请问一道英语选择题 as a teacher,he thinks his business is to stir up curiosity


have a curiosity about是什么意思


out of curiosity是什么意思

out of curiosityna.在好奇心驱使下出于好奇;出于好奇心;不要好奇例句1."I look at the left and right to see, out of curiosity to appreciate this special" flower.我左瞧瞧,右看看,好奇地欣赏着这特殊的“花”。2.Just out of curiosity, how old are you?出于好奇,请问你有多大?3.Out of curiosity, Knutson tries to find things that excite it as much as the prospect of sex and drugs.出于好奇,克努森试图寻找东西,激发作为性和毒品的前景也一样。4.The letter wasn"t addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity .那封信不是写给我的,而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。5.Out of curiosity, I asked him why he had decided to become a monk.出于好奇我问当初为什么出家当和尚。


歌曲名:好奇先生(Mr Curiosity)歌手:陈晓东专辑:星空梦游-EC Music好奇先生(Mr Curiosity) - 陈晓东Hey Mr Curiosity是否所有爱情都会如此越来越熟悉我知道她爱吃的东西也猜到她想发的脾气这叫接近 也叫我不再好奇我还记得我们的开始问她爱谁的电影问她爱谁的诗相信她的所有历史够我听到世界末日却忘了从那天开始对所爱的人慢慢不再好奇…被我拥有的爱情难道注定越来越不美丽当两个人在一起能否一辈子一样神秘天天好奇天天重新的开始想知道她今天的故事推测她明天的运气就算是平凡的日子也充满快乐的秘密为什么我们越接近越觉得我们对大家不好奇所以有时候我会觉得她的衣服她的工作 会比我更加得到了她的注意她记得我那天生日却忘了从哪天开始对所爱的人慢慢不再好奇被我拥有的爱情难道注定越来越不美丽当两个人在一起Mr.Curiosity可否让她永远都美丽被我拥有的爱情难道注定越来越不美丽(越来越多怀疑…)当两个人在一起Mr.Curiosity可否让她永远都美丽就算经过春去秋来的日子能不能天天重新开始天天都像第一次说我爱你对于爱情总是好奇http://music.baidu.com/song/1054455

out of curiosity是什么意思

out of curiosity出于好奇心1.I"m not judging anyone here, by the way… just asking out of curiosity. 顺便说一下,我可不是在这里评判任何人。 只是出于好奇而问。2.Just as with humorous images, the user tends to select pornographic images out of curiosity. Thus, the most distracting images tend to be pornographic in nature. 就像幽默图片一样,用户在好奇心的驱使下选择了色情图片。因此,最令人分心的图片往往是色情的。

Curiosity Kills 歌词

歌曲名:Curiosity Kills歌手:Jane"s Addiction专辑:The Great Escape ArtistTrapt - Curiosity KillsEverybody turn your cameras on look who"s on the run,the night is young and this time its more than just for funlet me know, let me know how far you take itlet me know, let me know I"ll watch you break itDon"t you know you"re diggin too deep, too deep tonightthere"s a little to much for you to hidewhen you"ve had enough to fill the emptyness insideDon"t you know you"re diggin too deep, too deep tonightthere"s a little to much for you to hideyou"re fallin into every lie just say goodbyeCuriousity kills what you don"t know won"t hurt you,what you don"t know won"t break outSo why do you startCuriousity kills what you don"t know wont burn you,what you don"t know won"t make it smartWe"ve reached the end,so I pretend were on againwhen you know you"ve found another friendlet me know, let me know how far you take itlet me know, let me know I"ll watch you break itI just can"t leave it alone nothing ever stays the samewhat can I say the seasons change andI know you must be on your waylet me know, let me know how far you take itlet me know, let me know I"ll watch you break itDon"t you know you"re diggin too deep, too deep tonightthere"s a little to much for you to hidewhen you"ve had enough to fill the emptyness insideDon"t you know you"re diggin too deep, too deep tonightthere"s a little to much for you to hideyou"re fallin into every lie just say goodbyeCuriousity kills what you don"t know won"t hurt you,what you don"t know won"t break outSo why do you startCuriousity kills what you don"t know wont burn you,what you don"t know won"t make it smartSomebody pull the world over my eyesignorance is bliss I only wish that I"d been blindthe evidence was left for me to findoh I want to let it go I want my peace of mindthey say to me that you should let it dieyou dont have to know the truth you dont have towaste your timeDon"t you know you"re diggin too deep, too deep tonightthere"s a little to much for you to hidewhen you"ve had enough to fill the emptyness insideDon"t you know you"re diggin too deep, too deep tonightthere"s a little to much for you to hideyou"re fallin into every lie just say goodbyeCuriousity kills what you don"t know won"t hurt you,what you don"t know won"t break outSo why do you startCuriousity kills what you don"t know wont burn you,what you don"t know won"t make it smartCuriousity killsCuriousity killsCuriousity killshttp://music.baidu.com/song/10527659

《Mr. Curiosity》歌词中文翻译

Mr. Curiosity   好奇先生      Hey mr. curiosity   is it true what they"ve been saying about you   are you killing me   you took care of the cat already   and for those who think it"s heavy   is it the truth   or is it only gossip      嘿,好奇先生,   他们说的都是真的吗?   你真的要毁了我吗?   旁人苦恼的锁事,   你却都处置若是,   这到底是真是假?   抑或只是流言蜚语?      call it mystery or anything   just as long as you"d call me   i sent the message on did you get it when i left it   see this catastrophic event   it wasn"t meant to mean no harm   but to think there"s nothing wrong is a problem      说是个谜也好,是其他也罢,   只要你还这样称呼着我,   我给你的留言你收到了吗?   看看这天降的祸事,   这可不会安然无事。   当什么事都没发生,却总是教人忐忑。      i"m looking for love this time   sounding hopeful but it"s making me cry   love is a mystery   mr. curious...      这一次,我想试着爱一次,   听似希望满怀,却又教我潸然泪下,   爱真是个谜,   好奇先生…      come back to me   mr. waiting, ever patient can"t you see   that i"m the same the way you left me   in a hurry to spell check me   and i"m underlined already in envy green   and pencil red   and i"ve forgotten what you said   will you stop working for the dead and return   mr. curious well i need some inspiration   it"s my birthday and i cannot find no cause for celebration   the scenario is grave but i"ll be braver when you save me   from the situation laden with hearsay      回到我身边吧,   你看不出我这个等待先生没什么耐心吗?   和你离开我时一样,   我还是迫不及待地要证明自己,   可我却已经妒忌得不能自己,   我早忘了你说过的那些,   求你别再那么伤人,回到我的身边吧。   好奇先生,我需要灵感倾注,   我的生日,却找不到理由庆祝,   仿佛置身绝望孤坟,   有你的拯救起码能勇敢一分,   从这纷纷扰扰中彻底抽身。      i"m looking for love this time   sounding hopeful but it"s making me cry   and love is a mystery   mr. curiosity   be mr. please   do come and find me      这一次,我想试着爱一次,   听似希望满怀,却又教我潸然泪下,   爱真是个谜,   好奇先生…   请成为我的希望先生,   快点出现吧,快来找我吧…      i"m looking for love this time   sounding hopeful but it"s making me cry   trying not to ask why   this love is a mystery   mr. curiosity   be mr. please   do come and find me      这一次,我想试着爱一次,   听似希望满怀,却又教我潸然泪下,   我试着不去追问缘由,   这场爱,本来就是个谜,   好奇先生…   请成为我的希望先生,   快点出现吧,快来找我吧…      love is blinding when the timing"s never right   oh who am i to beg for difference   finding love in just an intstant   well i don"t mind   at least i"ve tried   well i tried, i tried      爱情总是不契时机,爱情总是让人盲目,   我又能奢求谁会是那一个例外呢?   真爱一瞬,转眼即逝,   好吧,我不在意,   至少我已尽力,我已尽力,已尽力…




这谁的歌啊?~ 有好多首curiosity的~ 是最近的那个女生版的么?

元気ロケッツ的《Curiosity》 歌词

歌曲名:Curiosity歌手:元気ロケッツ专辑:元気ロケッツ I-Heavenly Star-「Curiosity」作词∶Tetsuya Mizuguch/Kenji Tamai/Kaori Fukano作曲∶Kenji Tamai/Akiko.N歌∶元気ロケッツWhenever you feel confusedLost in the clouds Mind driftsTry to find the meaning of lifeAnd take a moment breathe in deepAnd open your heartThere"s always sunshineImagineAll the good things in your lifeRelease all the painLook up highAbove starsDarkness there to synchronize skyAnd where we are just a step from the lightLook through the clouds there is paradiseSee the sky, there is only hope ‘cause it"s in your future CuriosityAnd feel the sense bloom inside of youReach to your heart there is ParadiseAnd you will shine wherever you areIt"s only brightnessRefine, take a chance and surviveFind yourself standing aloneReality No truth It"s all in the virtual mindCaught in the eclipse of timeBetween day and nightThere"s only silenceImagine We are connected mindIt"s just around the worldBelieve change, and Believe lifeThe light will guide you to your heartAnd where we are just a step from the lightLook through the clouds there is paradiseSee the sky, there is only hope ‘cause it"s in your futureImagine All the good things in your lifeRelease all the painLook up high Above starsDarkness there to synchronize skyAnd where we are just a step from the lightLook through the clouds there is paradiseSee the sky, there is only hope ‘cause it"s in your future【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/20459027

Larry Groupe的《Curiosity》 歌词

歌曲名:Curiosity歌手:Larry Groupe专辑:Apt PupilChrishan - Curiosityive known you since you moved in round my wayall them silly games we used to playfeel like it was almost yesterdaygirl dont you rememberwhen everything we had was all we needwhether good or bad simplicitygoing everywhere togetherwe were good friendsalways good friendswe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of meso what would you say when i say thati guess its from here we cant go backi tell you the truth matter a fact (as a matter a fact)baby i love youthere hasnt been a nightthat ??? went byand add up all the yearsits been a long timedont tell me youve never felt this way like ivebeen feeling foreverwe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mei have spent my whole life loving youwont you spend the rest of yours loving me tooSo...baby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8827136


《Curiosity》是Carly Rae Jepsen演唱的一首歌,收录在同名《Curiosity》专辑中。 基本介绍 中文名称 :好奇心 外文名称 :Curiosity 所属专辑 :Curiosity 歌曲时长 :3分26秒 发行时间 :2012-02-14 歌曲原唱 :Carly Rae Jepsen 音乐风格 :Pop MV导演 :Colin,Minihan 歌曲语言 :英语 公司 :604 Records 语种 :英语 地区 :欧美 歌词,歌手简介,专辑歌曲, 歌词 Break a bone 我伤筋断骨 Got me on my knees 跪在自己的腿上 You break my heart 你伤了我的心 Just to watch it bleed 但却只在那儿看它流血 I"m sick with love 我因爱而病 Sick like a disease 就像得了真正的病 Don"t call me up Just so I can please you 请别让我站起来 这样就可以跪着求你 I can"t stand the way you"re *** iling 我难以忍受你的微笑的样子 I can"t stand the way I"m lying 以及我对我自己说谎的方式 I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我了解,我深知,你猜到了我的心思 And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 并且你知道,你也了解,你也清楚,那是因为我爱你 It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but 你知道这并不由你决定,但 Curiosity will never let me go 好奇心不肯让我放手 Oh oh oh oh oh oh Uh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Will never let me go Oh oh oh oh oh oh Uh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Look at me 看着我 Left here in the corner 离开角落 Stupid girl 这女孩真傻 I really tried to warn her 我真的已经试过警告她了 Walked the streets all night 整晚在街上游荡 Until you came around 直到你来了 Knew that you would come 我知道你将会来 Before you ever even made a sound 在你发出声音以前 I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我了解,我深知,你拿到了她房间的钥匙 And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你了解,你清楚,那是为了我好 It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but 你知道这并不由你决定而是我,可 Curiosity will never let me go 好奇心不肯让我放手 Oh oh oh oh oh oh Uh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Will never let me go Oh oh oh oh oh oh Uh oh Curiosity So don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别让我难过心碎 This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情 And you know I"m gonna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去 Through the rain 就在雨中 Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱 And you know I"m gonna follow you home 并且你知道我将会跟着你回去 Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱 and you know I"m gonna to follow you... 并且你知道我将会跟着你回去 I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我了解,我深知,你猜到了我的心思 You know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你了解,你清楚,那是为了我好 Well I think that we should try it out and see yeah 好吧,那我认为我们应该试试看找到解决的办法,耶 Curiosity... 好奇心 So don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别伤害我 This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情 And you know I"m gonna follow you home 而且你知道我会跟着你回家 Through the rain 在雨中 Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱 Yes I need your love 是的,我需要你的爱 So don"t break (don"t break) me tonight (me tonight) 所以今夜请别拒绝我 This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情 And you know I"m gonna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回家 Through the rain 就在雨中 Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱 Yes I need your love 是啊,我需要你的爱 Will never let me go 永远不会让我离开 Oh oh oh oh oh oh Uh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Will never let me go 永远不让我离开 Oh oh oh oh oh oh Uh oh Curiosity will never let me go 这该死的好奇心是绝不会让我离开的 Carly Rae Jepsen - Curiosity 歌手简介 Carly Rae Jepsen是一位来自加拿大的女歌手,生于1985年11月20日。Carly Rae Jepsen有自己独有的风格,有自己味道,专辑中的歌曲非常的顺畅,都带着该歌手那种女孩的爱情世界观,显示出Carly Rae Jepsen的细腻。第一首Bucket曲风活泼,旋律很灵动,很喜欢被这个动听的声音唤醒,甜淡、清爽的感觉。2011年9月20日,Carly Rae Jepsen发行了自己的新单曲《Call Me Maybe》。2012年2月,在上榜15周后(Billboard Canadian Hot 100),Carly终于迎来了个人的第一首冠单! 专辑歌曲 1 Call Me Maybe Curiosity专辑封面 2 Curiosity 3 Picture 4 Talk to Me 5 Just a Step Away 6 Both Sides Now


1.curiosity的形容词:curious 英 [kjris] 美 [kjris] adj.求知欲强的;好奇的;稀奇古怪;奇特;不寻常 2.curiosity的副词 :curiously 英 [kjrsli] 美 [kjrisli] adv.好奇地;奇异地,奇怪地;说来古怪地 扩展资料 例句:Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. 说来也怪,一模一样的事情在一年以后又发生了 He is such a curious boy, always asking questions. 他这个孩子求知欲很强,总是爱提问。




curiosity歌手:carly ra... 专辑:《curiosity》Break a bone 我伤筋断骨Got me on my knees 跪在自己的腿上You break my heart 你伤了我的心Just to watch it bleed 但却只在那儿看它流血I"m sick with love 我因爱而病Sick like a disease 就像得了真正的病Don"t call me up Just so I can please you 请别让我站起来 这样就可以跪着求你I can"t stand the way you"re smiling 我难以忍受你的微笑的样子I can"t stand the way I"m lying 以及我对我自己说谎的方式I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我了解,我深知,你猜到了我的心思And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 并且你知道,你也了解,你也清楚,那是因为我爱你It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but 你知道这并不由你决定,但Curiosity will never let me go 好奇心不肯让我放手Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me goOh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohLook at me 看着我Left here in the corner 离开角落Stupid girl 这女孩真傻I really tried to warn her 我真的已经试过警告她了Walked the streets all night 整晚在街上游荡Until you came around 直到你来了Knew that you would come 我知道你将会来Before you ever even made a sound 在你发出声音以前I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我了解,我深知,你拿到了她房间的钥匙And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你了解,你清楚,那是为了我好It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but 你知道这并不由你决定而是我,可Curiosity will never let me go 好奇心不肯让我放手Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me goOh oh oh oh oh ohUh oh CuriositySo don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别让我难过心碎 This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gonna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱And you know I"m gonna follow you home 并且你知道我将会跟着你回去Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱and you know I"m gonna to follow you... 并且你知道我将会跟着你回去I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我了解,我深知,你猜到了我的心思You know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你了解,你清楚,那是为了我好Well I think that we should try it out and see yeah 好吧,那我认为我们应该试试看找到解决的办法,耶Curiosity... 好奇心So don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别伤害我This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gonna follow you home 而且你知道我会跟着你回家Through the rain 在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱Yes I need your love 是的,我需要你的爱So don"t break (don"t break) me tonight (me tonight) 所以今夜请别拒绝我This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gonna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回家Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱Yes I need your love 是啊,我需要你的爱Will never let me go 永远不会让我离开Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me go 永远不让我离开Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh oh Curiosity will never let me go 这该死的好奇心是绝不会让我离开的Carly Rae Jepsen - Curiosity


curiosity作为名词,有好奇心、求知欲、罕见而有趣之物、奇物、珍品的意思。curiosity的词性变化:1、curious是curiosity的形容词,curious的意思有二种。一是“好奇的”,用于褒义时可指“好求知的”,用于贬义时可指“爱打听的,爱管闲事的”,在句中可作主语或表语;二是“奇妙的,稀奇的”,在句中主要用作主语,也可用于形式主语结构。2、curiously是curiosity的副词,意思为好奇地。3、curiosity的复数形式是curiosities。curiosity的例句:1、Children show curiosity about everything.儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。2、The child showed a healthy curiosity.这孩子的好奇心很正常。3、There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.有着一种期待和好奇的感觉。4、The swift burst of curiosity and eagerness flickered out.突发的好奇和渴望心理逐渐消失。5、He folded up his newspaper,his curiosity satiated.好奇心满足之后,他叠起报纸。






curiosity 英[u02cckju028au0259ru026au02c8u0252su026atu026a] 美[u02cckju028ariu02c8ɑsu0259ti] n. 好奇心;奇人;珍品,古玩




curiosity美 [.kju028ari"ɑsu0259ti]英 [.kju028au0259ri"u0252su0259ti]n.好奇心;求知欲;珍品;罕见而有趣之物 好奇号;有好奇心;火星探测车好奇号复数:curiosities句筛选1.He never lost that childhood sense of wonder and of curiosity.他从未丧失孩童般的疑问和好奇。2.She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of curiosity.她是如此古怪,被看作一个奇人。


The curiosity leads us to know the world in nature.好奇心引导我们自然而然的了解世界

《Mr. Curiosity》歌词中文翻译

你好,这是你需要的歌词 和翻译:英文:Hey Mr. Curiosity Is it true what they"ve been saying about you Are you killing me You took care of the cat already And for those who think it"s heavy Is it the truth Or is it only gossip Call it mystery or anything Just as long as you call me I sent the message on did you get it when I left it See this catastrophic event It wasn"t meant to mean no harm But to think there"s nothing wrong is a problem I"m looking for love this time Sounding hopeful but it"s making me cry Love is a mystery Mr. Curious... Come back to me Mr. waiting never patient can"t you see That I"m the same the way you left me In a hurry to spell check me And I"m underlined already in envy green And then to red And I"ve forgotten what you"ve said Will you stop working for the dead and return Mr. curious well I need some inspiration It"s my birthday and I cannot find no cause for celebration The scenario is grave but I"ll be braver when you save me From this situation laden with hearsay I"m looking for love this time Sounding hopeful but it"s making me cry And love is a mystery Mr. Curiosity Be mr. please Do come and find me I"m looking for love this time Sounding hopeful but it"s making me cry Trying not to ask why Cause love is a mystery Mr. curiosity Be mr. please Do come and find me Love is blinding when your timing"s never right Oh who am I to beg for difference Finding love in a just instant But I don"t mind at least I tried, well I tried... 翻译:嘿,好奇先生 他们说你正在摧毁我,这是真的吗? 那些对别人来说太过繁重的事你都是轻易地就安置妥当了(存疑) 这是真的 抑或只是流言飞语罢了 称它为一个谜或者其他什么都好 只要你召唤我 而我发给你的信息你收到了吗 你看看这发生的惨事,其实它并不是为了带来伤害 但要说一切安好,却也并不是真的有这么完美我正追寻着爱 这句话听起来是多么充满希望却让我不禁落泪 爱真是一个谜啊 好奇先生 回来吧 难道你不知道我是一个没有耐心的等待先生吗 我现在还是一副离开你时的老样子 迫不及待地想证明自己 被嫉妒心掩埋,心头日渐空虚却把你说过的一切都抛至脑后 (而现在)你可不可以不再让我绝望,回到我的身边 我需要一些灵感 (因为)我连自己的生日到了都找不到任何庆祝的理由 这场游戏啊就像是一个坟墓,但是如果你能来这充斥者流言的不堪境地搭救我,我想我就会变得勇敢一些 我正追寻着爱 这句话听起来是多么充满希望却让我不禁落泪 爱是一个谜 好奇先生 请成为幸福先生 真真切切地出现,并找到我 我正追寻着爱 这句话听起来是多么充满希望却让我不禁落泪 我试着不去追问缘由 因为爱本来就是一个谜 好奇先生 请成为幸福先生真真切切地出现,并找到我 当时间不对时爱就往往变得盲目 但又是谁在迫不及待地追寻着它,奢求一个例外? 我不在意 至少我已尽力,我已尽力,我尽力了... 希望可以帮助到你:)


curiosity表示“奇人,奇物,珍品,罕见而有趣之物”时是可数名词。 可数名词是名词的分类之一,与不可数名词相对,也可理解为可知准数量词。可数名词能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西。在英语等欧洲语言中,通常会出现可数名词的复数形式,当可数名词的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。

curiosity — carly rea jespen 歌词翻译

Break a bone Got me on my knees 我伤筋断骨 跪下来You break my heart 你伤了我的心Just to watch it bleed 只在那儿看它流血I"m sick with love 我得了爱情病Sick like a disease 就像得了真正的病Don"t call me up Just so I can please you 不要让我站起来 这样就可以跪着求你I can"t stand the way you"re smiling 我难以忍受你的微笑的样子I can"t stand the way I"m lying 以及我说谎的方式I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我明白,我明白,你猜到了我的心思And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你知道,你知道,这就是我It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but Curiosity will never let me go 你知道这并不由你决定,而是我,但是,好奇心不肯让我放手Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me goOh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohLook at me 看着我Left here in the corner 离开角落Stupid girl 这女孩真傻I really tried to warn her 我真的已经试过警告她了Walked the streets all night 整晚在街上游荡Until you came around 直到你来了Knew that you would come 我知道你将会来Before you ever even made a sound 在你发出声音以前I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我明白,我明白,你得到了钥匙And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你知道,你知道,那是为了我It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but Curiosity will never let me go 你知道这并不由你决定,而是我,但是,好奇心不肯让我放手Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me goOh oh oh oh oh ohUh oh CuriositySo don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别伤害 This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Cause I need your love and you know I"m going to follow you... 因为我需要你的爱并且你知道我会跟着你回去I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我明白,我明白,你猜到我的心思You know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你知道,你知道,这就是我 Well I think that we should try it out and see yeah 我认为我们需要实验下看看结果Curiosity 好奇心So don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别打断我This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱Yes I need your love 是啊,我需要你的爱So don"t break (don"t break) me tonight (me tonight) 所以今夜请别打断我This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱Yes I need your love 是啊,我需要你的爱Will never let me go 永远不让我离开Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me go 永远不让我离开Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh oh Curiosity will never let me go 好奇心是绝不会让我离开的

英语作文the meaning of curiosity

First,curiosity can be a driving force to motivate us.For example,I can relate to my private experience.Iu2019ve never lived abroad.I took conventional English education in junior high school and high school in Japan.Iu2019m not in abundant English environment at workplace.But Iu2019d like to know how high level such a person reaches at.Itu2019s no exaggeration to say that this curiosity drives me to improve my English.

Carly Rae Jepsen-curiosity中文歌词

Break a bone Got me on my knees 我伤筋断骨 跪下来You break my heart 你伤了我的心Just to watch it bleed 只在那儿看它流血I"m sick with love 我得了爱情病Sick like a disease 就像得了真正的病Don"t call me up Just so I can please you 不要让我站起来 这样就可以跪着求你I can"t stand the way you"re smiling 我难以忍受你的微笑的样子I can"t stand the way I"m lying 以及我说谎的方式I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我明白,我明白,你猜到了我的心思And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你知道,你知道,这就是我It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but Curiosity will never let me go 你知道这并不由你决定,而是我,但是,好奇心不肯让我放手Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me goOh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohLook at me 看着我Left here in the corner 离开角落Stupid girl 这女孩真傻I really tried to warn her 我真的已经试过警告她了Walked the streets all night 整晚在街上游荡Until you came around 直到你来了Knew that you would come 我知道你将会来Before you ever even made a sound 在你发出声音以前I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我明白,我明白,你得到了钥匙And you know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你知道,你知道,那是为了我It"s not up to you, you know it"s up to me but Curiosity will never let me go 你知道这并不由你决定,而是我,但是,好奇心不肯让我放手Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me goOh oh oh oh oh ohUh oh CuriositySo don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别伤害 This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Cause I need your love and you know I"m going to follow you... 因为我需要你的爱并且你知道我会跟着你回去I know, I know, I know you got the key 我明白,我明白,我明白,你猜到我的心思You know, you know, you know that it"s for me 你知道,你知道,你知道,这就是我 Well I think that we should try it out and see yeah 我认为我们需要实验下看看结果Curiosity 好奇心So don"t break me tonight 所以今夜请别打断我This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱Yes I need your love 是啊,我需要你的爱So don"t break (don"t break) me tonight (me tonight) 所以今夜请别打断我This is crazy love 这疯狂的爱情And you know I"m gunna follow you home 你知道我会跟着你回去Through the rain 就在雨中Cause I need your love 因为我需要你的爱Yes I need your love 是啊,我需要你的爱Will never let me go 永远不让我离开Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohWill never let me go 永远不让我离开Oh oh oh oh oh ohUh oh Curiosity will never let me go 好奇心是绝不会让我离开的



Curiosity (Killed The Cat) 歌词

歌曲名:Curiosity (Killed The Cat)歌手:Little River Band专辑:Premium Gold (Int"L Only)Chrishan - Curiosityive known you since you moved in round my wayall them silly games we used to playfeel like it was almost yesterdaygirl dont you rememberwhen everything we had was all we needwhether good or bad simplicitygoing everywhere togetherwe were good friendsalways good friendswe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of meso what would you say when i say thati guess its from here we cant go backi tell you the truth matter a fact (as a matter a fact)baby i love youthere hasnt been a nightthat ??? went byand add up all the yearsits been a long timedont tell me youve never felt this way like ivebeen feeling foreverwe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mei have spent my whole life loving youwont you spend the rest of yours loving me tooSo...baby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/11277883


做 罕见而有趣之物;奇物;珍品 的意思时,是可数的,There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums...可以看到很多城堡、奇珍异品和博物馆。做 好奇心,求知欲 的意思时,是不可数的Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else...赖尔更多的是出于好奇才同意的。






~ (about sth/to do sth) being curious(1a); inquisitiveness 好奇心; 爱打听的癖性: curiosity about distant lands 对於遥远国家的好奇心 * her burning curiosity to know what"s going on 她想知道发生了何事的强烈欲望 * He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister. 他抑制不住好奇心, 拆开了别人写给他妹妹的信. [C] strange or unusual thing or person; strange or rare object 稀奇或罕见的事物或人; 奇物; 珍品: She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity. 她非常古怪, 算是个奇人. (idm 习语) curiosity killed the `cat (saying 谚) (said to sb to stop him being too inquisitive 谓某人不可过於好奇的用语).

Iggy Pop的《Curiosity》 歌词

歌曲名:Curiosity歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:New ValuesChrishan - Curiosityive known you since you moved in round my wayall them silly games we used to playfeel like it was almost yesterdaygirl dont you rememberwhen everything we had was all we needwhether good or bad simplicitygoing everywhere togetherwe were good friendsalways good friendswe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of meso what would you say when i say thati guess its from here we cant go backi tell you the truth matter a fact (as a matter a fact)baby i love youthere hasnt been a nightthat ??? went byand add up all the yearsits been a long timedont tell me youve never felt this way like ivebeen feeling foreverwe can sit we can talk try to work it outeven tho we know what its all aboutdont pretend evidently theres no doubtbaby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mei have spent my whole life loving youwont you spend the rest of yours loving me tooSo...baby tell mearnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uswe"ve been living in a friend zone building up trustpossibilities baby you and mecould be writing on the wall could be destinyarnt you curiouswhat it"d be like with uscause i would give it all just to taste your lovepossibilities baby you and mesuch an easy thing to seec-curiosity has got the best of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9220638


curiosity的形容词是curious。curiosity的副词是curiosly。curiosity的意思是好奇心,求知欲,罕见而有趣之物。curious的意思是求知欲强的,好奇的。curiosly的意思是好奇地,奇异地,奇怪地。 扩展资料 curiosity的例句:There was an air of expectation and great curiosity(有着一种期待和好奇的"感觉);The child showed a healthy curiosity(这孩子的好奇心很正常)。




curiosity的形容词curiosity 好奇心,爱打听的癖性; curiosity n.好奇心;求知欲;罕见而有趣之物;奇物;珍品; 复数: curiosities 扩展资料   If parents don"t answer children"s questions, their natural curiosity will be squashed.   如果父母不回答孩子的问题,就会挫伤他们好奇的天性。   I asked out of curiosity.   我因为好奇问了问。   He was seized by curiosity.   他好奇心顿起。   There was much curiosity about what manner of man he was   他究竟是什么样的人,大家都十分好奇。

Carly rae jepsen Curiosity中文歌词

这是“Call me maybe"的歌词!!


The following are my opinions of the benefits of curiosity for university students:1. You will uncover the truth - All that seems obvious in life is not necessarily true. A curious person doesn"t just take someone"s word for it; they discover the truth for themselves. The curious dig deep into the details, and when they finish their detective work, they don"t only know “what” or “when”, they know “how” and “why”.2. You will increase your productivity of your study – A curious mind dives beneath the surface of common acceptance to unravel the details driving the process. The more you comprehend the details, the better you will understand the process. Thus, the more productive you will be.3. You will learn more often – When your curiosity steers you into the unknown you will return with a greater wealth of knowledge. You will stretch the boundaries of your mind. The more you learn, the more you will want to know. Every new awareness will lead you to another stimulating challenge.4. You will become more efficient in your learning – Curious students look at a challenge from multiple angles. They discover alternative ways of accomplishing the same task. The greater the pool of possible solutions, the more likely it is that they will expose a better way to get things done.5. You will be more positive about your study – It is much easier to be negative about something than it is to be positive. If you don"t understand something, or it is unusual to your senses, it"s easy to write it off as being useless or dumb. Only when you truly understand something will you be able to appreciate it. Human beings tend to be more positive toward the things they understand. Curiosity naturally broadens a person"s horizons, and thus their understanding of the things around them.有帮助别忘了采纳哦!


curiosity是名词 curious是形容词。 adj:好奇的;好求知的;奇特的;异常的。 curiosity没有动词形式。 扩展资料   He is such a curious boy, always asking questions.   他这个孩子求知欲很强,总是爱提问。   It was curious that she didn"t tell anyone.   她没有告诉任何人,这很反常。   Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.   马克为什么要离去,大家都感到好奇。   My eye fell on a curious object.   我突然见到了一样奇怪的东西。   It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappypersonal lives.   这真是个奇怪的矛盾现象——职业喜剧演员的私人生活往往并不快乐。


curiosity作为名词,有好奇心、求知欲、罕见而有趣之物、奇物、珍品的意思。curiosity的词性变化:1、curious是curiosity的形容词,curious的意思有二种。一是“好奇的”,用于褒义时可指“好求知的”,用于贬义时可指“爱打听的,爱管闲事的”,在句中可作主语或表语;二是“奇妙的,稀奇的”,在句中主要用作主语,也可用于形式主语结构。2、curiously是curiosity的副词,意思为好奇地。3、curiosity的复数形式是curiosities。curiosity的例句:1、Children show curiosity about everything.儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。2、The child showed a healthy curiosity.这孩子的好奇心很正常。3、There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.有着一种期待和好奇的感觉。4、The swift burst of curiosity and eagerness flickered out.突发的好奇和渴望心理逐渐消失。5、He folded up his newspaper,his curiosity satiated.好奇心满足之后,他叠起报纸。


curiosity 英[u02cckju028au0259riu02c8u0252su0259ti] 美[u02cckju028ariu02c8ɑu02d0su0259ti] n. 好奇心; 求知欲; 罕见而有趣之物; 奇物; 珍品;


好奇心;求知欲;罕见而有趣之物;奇物;珍品复数: curiosities记忆技巧:curi〔= cur跑〕+ osity 性质,状态,情况 → 都跑过来看 → 好奇心例句:Children show curiosity about everything.儿童对一切事物都显露出好奇心。a certain curiosity to see what would happen next想知道下一步会发生什么事的好奇心The letter wasn"t addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity .那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。His answer did not satisfy my curiosity at all.他的答复丝毫没有满足我的好奇心。The museum is full of historical curiosities.这座博物馆有许多珍奇历史文物。


curiosity 英[u02cckju028au0259ru026a"u0252su0259tu026a] 美[u02cckju028ariu02c8ɑsu026ati] n.好奇心,爱打听的癖性;奇人;奇物,古玩;奇特性 名词复数:curiosities [例句]She seemed to find my curiosity unnatural. 她似乎发现我的好奇心有些异常.




curiosity美 [.kju028ari"ɑsu0259ti]英 [.kju028au0259ri"u0252su0259ti]n.好奇心;求知欲;珍品;罕见而有趣之物好奇号;有好奇心;火星探测车好奇号复数:curiosities 例句1.He never lost that childhood sense of wonder and of curiosity.他从未丧失孩童般的疑问和好奇。2.She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of curiosity.她是如此古怪,被看作一个奇人。3.She is so eccentric that she is regarded AS a bit of a curiosity.她非常古怪,算是个奇人。4.Due to curiosity, he squeezed himself into a crowed to see what had happened.出于好奇,他挤进人群中去看究竟发生了什么。5.Sally"s curiosity led her to be a very passive prisoner in Mary"s hold.莎莉的好奇使她很驯服地做了玛丽手中的俘虏。

Dr.Atl(即Gerald Murillo)的详细资料

Description:Gerald Murillo was a Mexican painter who signed his work "Dr. Atl". He began to study painting at an early age in Jalisco, under Felipe Castro. At the age of 21, Murillo entered the National School of Fine Arts in Mexico City to further in his studies. After showing his abilities, Murillo was granted a pension by President Porfirio Díaz to further his studies of painting in Europe. There he broadened his scope of learning. WikipediaAlso known as:Dr. Atl AtlBorn:1875Died:1964Related Searches:painterLandscape artistMexicanAmputeesocialist partynahuatlRecipient of the Belisario Domínguez Medalponce de leonFrom GuadalajaraItalian Socialist PartyCómo nace y crece un volcán, el ParicutínFrancisco de la TorreNahuatl languageGerald MurilloFelipe CastroIztaccíhuatlSee more阿特尔(dr. atl,1875—1964),本名gerald murillo,墨西哥画家,墨西哥民族主义艺术运动和壁画复兴的先驱者之一。他的画作主要表现他个人对墨西哥火山的着迷。

Capturing every moment of my life.是什么意思?非常感谢!

Capturing every moment of my life.



as long as it is a comedy,i’d rather cry during the process.什么意思

As long as it is a comedy,i"d rather cry during the process只要是个喜剧结局,过程你让我怎么哭都行。

高分!急求Outcast(Cherine Nouri的)歌词!!

I"m seek in the traffic jamHands to my head as lights turning redI"m seek feels like coincideTimes running out gonna figure this outYeah it"s on wheel were threeAs my head my heart disagreedHead says no heart says yesI my own world"s enemyI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youAnd I"m damned if I doShamed if I don"tYeah forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youWhen we it"s like a life timeWith you all I want we"ve been through it allI can"t no I can"t be a murdererHe"s given it allWhat more could I wantFell in love in a secondWe were lost now found once moreWhat feels right seems so wrongYet the truth will never lieI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youAnd I"m damned if I doShamed if I don"tYeah forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youDamned if I doShamed if I don"tDon"t if I doBlamed if I don"tI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youAnd I"m damned if I doShamed if I don"tYeah forbidden yes forbiddenI"m forbidden to say that I love youI"m search in the traffic jam

有feel surised at sth这个句型吗?

surprised后面跟 to, at, by, with都是没问题的;feel 是和be动词有相同的作用,因此这个用法没问题哈~


使用区别是surprise是名词,意思是吃惊,惊讶。surprised是形容词,意思是吃惊的,惊讶的。例句辨析:surprise1、I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland! 我有一个惊喜的消息要告诉你:我们要搬去瑞士了!2、We"ll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone.我们要自己解决这件事,然后让所有人感到吃惊。3、Surprise a new neighbour with one of your favourite home-made dishes. 做一道拿手的家常小菜,给你的新邻居一个惊喜。surprised1、This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet.这位女士对发生在自己宠物身上的事感到非常惊讶。2、Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty.张看到偌大的客厅里空无一人,似乎很惊讶。3、Reading the ideas of the so-called experts, I am not surprised the country is in sucha state. 读了这些所谓的专家的想法后,我对于该国的这种现状一点也不感到奇怪了。

Suri Cruise的出生日期?

苏瑞·克鲁斯 (Suri Cruise)出生日期:2006年4月18日。Suri Cruise,汤姆·克鲁斯与凯蒂·赫尔姆斯的女儿,名字源于希伯来文,意谓"公主",而在波斯文的意思是"红玫瑰" 。2006年9月6日初次亮相登上了杂志《UsWeekly》的封面。她每次亮相必会引起轰动,受关注度已经超多了很多的大牌明星。她被福布斯评为世界十大最有影响力明星宝宝之首。是众多时尚品牌最年轻的客户。她被《人物》杂志票选2007年度"最佳着装明星宝宝"。





《天真的预言》(Auguries of Innocence)的全文

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. ——《天真的预言》 一颗沙里看出一个世界, 一朵野花里一座天堂, 把无限放在你的手掌上, 永恒在一刹那里收藏。 ——威廉·布莱克 一颗沙里看出一个世界, 一朵野花里一座天堂, 把无限放在你的手掌上, 永恒在一刹那里收藏。 ——梁宗岱 译 在一颗沙粒中见一个世界, 在一朵鲜花中见一片天空, 在你的掌心里把握无限, 在一个钟点里把握无穷。 ——张炽恒 译 从一粒沙看世界, 从一朵花看天堂, 把永恒纳进一个时辰, 把无限握在自己手心。 ——王佐良 译 一花一世界,一沙一天国, 君掌盛无边,刹那含永劫。 ——宗白华 译 一沙一世界,一花一天堂。 无限掌中置,刹那成永恒。 ——徐志摩 译

求意大利品牌珠宝Staurino Fratelli的资料

60年代於义大利北部城镇 Valenza Po 建立的 Staurino Fratelli,至今由 Davide 及 Stefano Staurino 打理,家族生意已经经营至第三代。在这40年间,公司的设计随着不同时代的潮流及所需而变迁:70年代是风格化的黄金;八十年代是更大胆创新的设计,亦见证了公司的海外发展;高贵、简洁的线条及形状则主导了90年代。廿一世纪,Davide 及 Stefano Staurino 将会继续接受挑战,以独特的女装首饰设计,及限量的男装袖扣设计去吸引顾客。Staurino Fratelli 一向以融合传统手工艺及现代设计、科技见称,着重细节的设计,用上优质的宝石,创作出高贵、恒久的完美首饰,包括项链、耳环及指环。人手打造的白金与黄金,配以珍贵的宝石,如:红宝石、祖母绿、土帕石、钻石及不同色调的蓝宝石,幻化出光影、色彩的无穷变奏。设计的款式独特,名字同样叫人惊叹,适合不同的场合—由配衬日常便服的「Pret a Porter」系列,至度身订造、出席隆重场合的「Haute joaillerie」系列。大自然一向是 Staurino 锺情的创作主题。名为 Nature 的一个系列,当中包括发饰与胸针二合为一的设计,用钻石镶嵌成蝴蝶、蜻蜓的形状,翅膀部分可灵活拍动。与之形成强烈对比的是「Oversize」系列,夸张、粗线条、不规则的设计,为女仕提供另类选择。Tartan 系列是一款几何设计,专为坚定且浪漫的女仕而设。系列的名字与历久不衰的传统花格布料相同,作品把钻石、红宝石、祖母绿及蓝宝石镶嵌於白金之中,看似一匹色彩绚丽的布料。而 Spaghetti 系列则转向简洁、抽象的线状设计。2001年 Davide 及 Stefano Staurino 打破公司一向专注珠宝设计的界限,推出名为「Staurino Timepieces」的中性腕表。这个富有品味、於瑞士制造的系列,被誉为灵巧工艺的结晶,受到一众时尚男女所喜爱。Staurino Fratelli 对时装的敏锐触角,为日后多次与时装界的合作埋下契机。2004年罗马,Staurino Fratelli 的作品便於义大利时装设计师 Raffaella Curiel 的高级时装展中被模特儿完美演绎。Staurino Fratelli 首饰的销售点,设於多个义大利城市、美国、墨西哥、南非及数个欧洲、亚洲及中东国家。STAURINO FRATELLIVia B. Cellini, 2315048 ValenzaItalyTel. + 39 0131 943137Fax + 39 0131 952908www.staurinofratelli.com楼主可上关网,有意大利语和英文的,历史。创新。产品都在里面


curie的读法是:英 [u02c8kju028au0259ri],美 [u02c8kju028ari].


occur,英语单词,主要用作不及物动词,意为“发生;出现;存在”。所以occuron只有在on和in时间上的区别1、 表示在较长的时间里(如周/月份/季节/年份/世纪等)。如:in a week; in May; in spring/summer/autumn/winter; in 2008; in the 1990"s等。 表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening。in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night。“in + 一段时间”表示“多久以后/以内”,常与将来时连用。如:in half an hour; in ten minutes; in a few days等。2、表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)。如:on May 4th,1919;on Monday; on Teachers"Day;on my birthday;on that day等。表示某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:on the morning of July 2; on Sunday afternoon; on a cold winter evening等。

js中encodeURI() 是什么意思?

可把字符串作为 URI 进行编码

Financial Aspects of Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

威廉正考虑着是否在2007年1月1日开一家餐馆。该地方可容纳100个座位。他原计划只在周一至周六内供应早餐及午餐。但在合同中,要求餐厅每天都须供应早餐。所在地的平均营业额和食物消费的数据估算如下: 营业额(次)平均利率 早餐(星期一至星期六。 ) 2.50 3.80美元 午餐(星期一至星期六。 ) 2.25 6.25美元 早餐(周日) 2.75 7.50美元 饮料销售收入约为早餐食品收入的15%和午餐食品收入的30%。 除了餐厅,威廉还打算在餐厅旁边设立一个宴会厅。每月从此处赚取的食品总收入将在8000美元左右。 其中,饮料销售收入预期将占到食品收入的35%。 食品销售成本是食品总收入的40%,饮料销售成本约为饮料总收入的30 %。 其它相关资料: -年薪水约为20万美元, -其他所有雇员的工资预计为餐厅总收入的15% -雇员福利将占到总工资的10% -其他业务费用估计为年度总销售收入的12% , -固定费用每年约7 0,000美元 要求: 请为食品部和饮料部编写一份截至07年12月31日的年度亏损预算表。

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2023年6月27日,上海——第11届勒芒经典赛自6月29日至7月2日期间正式开赛,意式态度先锋玛莎拉蒂将携扛鼎阵容强势亮相,为兼具复古氛围与经典传承的赛道传奇盛事增添意式格调,向热衷竞技赛事的汽车爱好者们献上一场震撼人心的视觉盛宴。勒芒24小时拉力赛,以无与伦比的赛道设计成为当之无愧的殿堂级耐力赛事,也是赛车界最激动人心的比赛之一。三叉戟品牌携兼具独特风格和卓越设计的经典车型,以及一系列结合现代前沿技术的车型亮相,并将于勒芒赛道上极具传奇色彩的弯道之间驰骋,尽显意式锋芒。不单是挑战耐力极限,勒芒经典赛还致力于展示个性魅力十足的复古车型。每隔两年,来自世界各地的汽车爱好者、绅士车手与汽车收藏家都将齐聚,共襄盛事。玛莎拉蒂将与观众一同见证大约500款于1923年至1981年期间参加勒芒24小时赛的经典车型,其中更有曾在勒芒赛历史中留下难忘篇章的传奇赛车,还原纯粹的竞技传奇魅力。玛莎拉蒂超越百年的历史中,拥有一系列标志性车型,成为无数车迷梦寐以求的经典之作。在法国的赛事中,兼具夺目外观与极致性能,仅生产了5辆的1961年玛莎拉蒂Tipo 63将于现场亮相。车辆采用极富特色的“Birdcage”鸟笼底盘和12缸V型发动机,曾经的传奇惊喜亮相赛事现场。此外,还有动力强劲且运动气息十足的1974年玛莎拉蒂Bora,搭载备受喜爱的中置后驱发动机,也将屹立于现场。往昔的经典之作魅力十足,而并驾齐驱的全新GranTurismo One-Off Luce概念车型则诠释了玛莎拉蒂与时俱进的意式态度,100%纯电驱动带来强劲性能,使其成为电气化时代汽车工业的艺术品,同时也彰显了玛莎拉蒂未来的宏伟蓝图。此外,还有定制款MC20,采用流光橙(Orange Glow)配色,通过三叉戟品牌的Fuoriserie个性化定制项目,为具备无畏精神的运动车型爱好者量身打造,展现活力与个性。赛道上还将设置一个特别区域,1962年的玛莎拉蒂3500 GT将伫立现场,展现传奇风采。这款备受赞誉的带有Touring车身的轿跑,是1950年代著名的六缸赛车的继任者,可达220马力的澎湃动力使其最高时速超过230公里。同时,还将展出全新GranTurismo One-Off Prisma概念车型,搭载震撼人心的 “Nettuno海神”V6发动机,车身未来主义色彩十足,以卓越的意大利工艺勾勒前卫理念。玛莎拉蒂的车队由全新GranTurismo Trofeo跑车、格雷嘉Trofeo SUV、MC20 Cielo敞篷跑车和定制款MC20组成,将在全长达13公里的赛道上进行令人热血沸腾的热身圈,与经典车型的比赛交替进行。三叉戟品牌与时俱进的现代车型,将在世界上最负盛名的赛道之一上畅享速度激情,展现独特魅力。【本文来自易车号作者环球汽车网,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

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Beijing Natural History Museum The Beijing Natural History Museum is the earliest natural history museum in China after the founding of the People"s Republic of China. Located in the Chongwen District, the museum was prepared in 1950. In 1958, the Exhibition Building of the museum was pleted with a space of 3,600 square meters for exhibition. It houses more than 80,000 precious items, which are displayed in the Halls of Paleontology, Zoology, Botany and Mankind Evolution. Its spacious galleries contain some fine specimens of fossils including various invertebrates, mammals, early humans, reptiles, dinosaur skeletons and eggs excavated in China. It also contains a large collection of minerals, as well as a fantastic display of naturally carved and polished stones used in the traditional Chinese art of miniature rockery. The "Dinosaur World" can be divided to two parts, "Jurassic Park" and "Cretaceous Park". The "Jurassic Park" reappears the ecology sight in 140 million years ago and the dinosaurs in different types in that period, such as Mamenxi dinosaur, Tuojiang dinosaur, Lufeng dinosaur, and flesh-eater Yongchuan dinosaur and Qi dinosaur and so on. The Hall of Paleontology features fossil remains from the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, forming a wordless chronicle of prehistoric life that flourished between 500 million and 1 million years ago. Among the exhibits there are a Mamenxi dinosaur fossil of 22 meters long, which is 140 million years old, a flying Yi dinosaur and a swimming Yu dinosaur, which lived and was extinct in the same period as dinosaurs. The Hall of Zoology and the Hall of Botany display various species to show the long course of biological evolution. The Hall of the Origins of Mankind reveals the process of how human beings stem from the animal.

My favourite -----( 节目) is The Voice of China.填program还是show

您好! 填program 是对的。 show 指脱口秀类的节目。 program 泛指节目,是所有节目的总称。 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!



ONLY LOVE (Nana Mouskouri)的中文歌词

Only love- Only love can make a memory. Only love can make a moment last. You were there and all the world was young and all it"s songs unsung. and I remember you then when love was all all you were living for and how you gave that love to me. Only then I felt my heart was free. I was part of you and you were all of me. Warm were the days and the nights of those years. Painted in colors to outshine the sun. All of the words and the dreams and the tears live in my remembrance. Only love can make a memory. Only love can make a moment last. Life was new there was a rage to live each day a page to live and I remember you then when love was all all you were living for and how you gave that love to me Only then I knew my heart was free. I was part of you and you were all of me. 只有爱能留下回忆 只有爱能使瞬间永恒 你好似在那方而且全世界因你而年轻 还有很多一同未唱的歌 此时我又想起了你 当爱情已成为全部 就如同你视为自己的生活中 有许多的爱你给了我 只有这样才能让我心感到自在 而我是你的一部份 你郤是我的全部 那年的白天与晚上所住的温暖之处 著出缤纷多姿色彩比阳光还璀璨 啊!所有的文字、想像及泪水 都深深的埋藏在我回忆里 只有爱能留下回忆 只有爱能使瞬间永恒 全新的生活就好像隔成山一样的遥远 每一天生活就像页面一样的单调 此时我又想起了你 当爱情已成为全部 就如同你视为自己的生活中 有许多的爱你给了我 只有这样才能让我心感到自在 而我是你的一部份 你郤是我的全部 只有爱能留下回忆 只有爱能使瞬间永恒 全新的生活就好像隔成山一样的遥远 每一天生活就像页面一样的单调 此时我又想起了你 当爱情已成为全部 就如同你视为自己的生活中 有许多的爱你给了我 只有这样才能让我心感到自在 而我是你的一部份 你郤是我的全部

Favourite girl歌词+翻译

I always knew you were the best 我一直认为你是最好的the coolest girl I know 最美妙的so prettier than all the rest 最美的the star of my show 我心里最闪耀地明星so many times I wished 很多次地祈祷you"d be the one for me 你只属于我but never knew you"d get like 但始终不知道你是否愿意this girl what you do to me 你对我做了什么you"re who I"m thinkin of 让我始终思索着你的一切girl you ain"t my runner up 女孩你让我无法停止那一切and no matter what you"re always number one 无论你是否永远是最好的my prize posession 你始终是我最宝贵的one and only 唯一的仅有的adore ya girl i want ya 只想爱慕着你the one I cant live without 你是唯一地一个让我无法离开的人that"s you that"s you 就是你,只有你you"re my special little lady 你是我专属地宝贝the one that makes me crazy 只为你痴狂of all the girls I"ve ever known你是我所认识的女孩中的唯一it"s you, it"s you 就是你,只有你my favorite, my favorite 我的最爱,我的挚爱my favorite, my favorite girl 我的最爱,我的挚爱my favorite girl 让我深爱着的女孩you"re used to goin out"your way 你曾多次独自离开to impress these mr. wrongs 那让我铭记住自己的错误but you can be yourself with me 在我面前你可以随心而欲I"ll take you as you are 你就是你I know they said believe in love 人们说只能信仰爱情it"s a dream that cant be real 说那只是梦想不可能成为现实so girl let"s write a fairytale 所以爱人让我们书写出现实中的童话and show "um how we feel 展现我们的真实感受you"re who I"m thinkin of (翻译同上)girl you aint my runner up and no matter what you"re always number one my prize posession one and only adore ya girl I want ya the one I cant live without that"s you that"s you you"re my special little lady the one that makes me crazy of all the girls ive ever known it"s you, it"s you my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl baby it"s you my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl 我深爱着的女孩you take my breath away 你让我无法呼吸with everything you say 还有你说的每一个字i just wanna be with you 只想和你在一起my baby my baby oh 我亲爱的宝贝,噢my miss dont play no games 我的思念无法停止treat you no other way 对你我无能为力than you deserve 没有什么比你更值得那样cuz you"re the girl of my dreams 宝贝你是我的梦想my prize posession 你始终是我最宝贵的one and only (翻译同上)adore ya girl I want ya the one I cant live without that"s you that"s you you"re my special little lady the one that makes me crazy of all the girls I"ve ever known it"s you, it"s you my prize posession one and only adore ya girl I want ya the one I cant live without that"s you that"s you you"re my special little lady the one that makes me crazy of all the girls ive ever known it"s you, it"s you my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl my favorite, my favorite my favorite, my favorite girl my favorite girl

Therion的《Lemuria》 歌词

歌曲名:Lemuria歌手:Therion专辑:Live GothicTherion - LemuriaIn the ocean, deep downUnder raging waves, wrapped in memories,you"ll findWrecks of stately ships,they all went astrayCaptain, did you findLand of Mu,Eldorado for the seaman?Or did you sink in dreams (and) lose your shipIn the Sirens" symphony?When the sailman"s sailing awayHe shows that the dream of Lemuria is trueA land lost he will find againHear the call from the depth of the anemone songDo you dare to enter the ship?Hear the call from below of an underwater worldLand of Mu is close to the starsIn the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotizedCall of Narayana, the seven-headed onLemuria, rise!When the sailman"s sailing awayHe shows that the dream of Lemuria is trueA land lost he will find againHear the call from the depth of the anemone songDo you dare to enter the ship?Hear the call from below of an underwater worldLand of Mu is close to the starsIn the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotized___________________________________________________________________http://music.baidu.com/song/52293543
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