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AI绘画midjourney羽毛羽毛篇Softness - 柔软Flight - 飞行Delicate - 精细Grace - 优雅Lightness - 轻盈Plumage - 羽毛Colors - 颜色Floating - 漂浮Beauty - 美丽Flutter - 飘动Down - 绒毛Elegance - 高雅Quill - 羽轴Airy - 空灵Ornament - 装饰Fanning - 展开Texture - 质地Translucent - 半透明Wing - 翅膀Feathery - 羽状的Float - 漂浮Adorn - 装饰Fluff - 蓬松Serenity - 宁静Vanish - 消失Gliding - 滑翔Sheen - 光泽Plume - 羽毛Floating - 飘浮Decorative - 装饰性的Majestic - 威严Whisper - 耳语Quiver - 颤动Ethereal - 飘渺Flapping - 拍动Luminous - 发光的Adorned - 装饰的Feathered - 有羽毛的Lightweight - 轻量级Plush - 豪华Graceful - 优雅Vanishing - 消散Fluttering - 飘扬Airborne - 空中的Silky - 丝绸般的Fluffiness - 蓬松度Whisk - 扫过Gossamer - 轻薄Embellish - 装饰Winged - 有翅膀的

请问 have a good journey 和 have a life 和 have Friday off 中的have,有“度过”的意思吗?谢谢。

最简单的have做动词的时候 是有的意思有这个词算不上动词,它属于一个状态所以一般情况have都当做助动词来使用可以翻译成很多意思,看情境去翻译英语如果非得翻译成汉语的话有时候味道会变的,因为翻译是门艺术我是一疯子哦 说的很对,不要逐字翻译,去体会它在句子中 的意思have a life一般都会带上祝福 have a good life 生活愉快幸福have Friday off 星期五休假





dose your grandma like collecting old vases?的肯定回答

Dose your grandma like collecting old vases?你外婆喜欢收集旧花瓶吗?肯定回答是:Yes, she does.是的,她喜欢。

The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless & free your action will be !请翻译成中文谢谢


Turbulence的《Love You》 歌词

歌曲名:Love You歌手:Turbulence专辑:Notorious - The AlbumLove YouFree DesignBubbles[by:Jasondon"t be afraid to be young and free.Give a little time for the child within you,Undo the locks and throw away the keysand take off your shoes and socks, and run you.La, la, la...Give a little time for the child within you,don"t be afraid to be young and free.Undo the locks and throw away the keysand take off your shoes and socks, and run you.La, la, la...Run through the meadow and scare up the milking cowsRun down the beach kicking clouds of sandWalk a windy weather day, feel your face blow awayStop and listen: Love you.Roll like a circus clown, put away your circus frownRide on a roller coaster upside downWaltzing Matilda, Carey loves a kinkatchooJoey catch a kangaroo, hug you.Dandylion, milkweed, silky on a sunny skyReach out and hitch a ride and float on byBalloons down below catching colors of the rainbowred, blue and yellow-green: I love you.Bicycles, tricycles, ice cream candyLollypops, popsicles, licorice sticksSolomon Grundy, Raggedy AndyTweedledum and Tweedledee, home free.Cowboys and Indians, puppydogs and sandpailsBeachballs and baseballs and basketballs, too.I love forget-me-nots, fluffernutters, sugarpopsI"ll hug you and kiss you and love youLa, la, la... Love you.http://music.baidu.com/song/8231298

yours is learning是啥意思


头文字D I Need Your Love 歌词翻译

移动您的车体i 变发狂在想您i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上而且每一次 i 步行而且每一次 i 见到您的脸夜i 试着很孤独但是 i 今天不能阻塞我自己想您是我的移动您的车体对时间底i 变发狂在想您i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上i 需要您的爱发生跑向我i 需要您的爱本人变得越来越高级去是这么免费的i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上i 需要您的爱发生跑向我i 需要您的爱本人变得越来越高级去是这么免费的i 需要感觉您的中心i 需要显示您本人是那一因为您现在本人要找路告诉您该做我的爱什么在这里不知何故移动您的车体对时间底i 变发狂在想您i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上i 需要您的爱发生跑向我i 需要您的爱本人变得越来越高级去是这么免费的i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上i 需要您的爱发生跑向我i 需要您的爱本人变得越来越高级去是这么免费的而且每一次 i 步行i 试着很孤独移动您的车体i 变发狂在想您i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上i 需要您的爱发生跑向我i 需要您的爱本人变得越来越高级去是这么免费的移动您的车体i 变发狂在想您i 需要您的爱"引起本人在火上i 需要您的爱i 需要您的爱i 需要您的爱i 需要您的爱

River Of No Return 歌词

歌曲名:River Of No Return歌手:Little Bob专辑:Lost TerritoriesThe River of No ReturnMarilyn MonroeIf you listen, you can hear it cal:WailareThere is a river called the river of no returnSometimes it"s peaceful and sometimes wild and freeLove is a traveller, on the river of no returnSwept on Forever, to be lost in the stormy seaWailare, I can hear the river callNo return, no return, no return, no return,Wailare. I can hear my lover call, come to meI lost my love on the riverAnd forever my heart will yearnGone, gone forever Down the river of no returnWailare, Wailare,you"ll never return to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2791817


清教徒的骄傲Puritan 清教徒priden. 自豪;骄傲;自尊心vt. 使得意,以…自豪vi. 自豪n. (Pride)人名;(英)普赖德

美国Puritan`s pride普利普莱是换包装了吗?


Puritan Pride水解胶原蛋白的味道为什么是酸苦的?是不是假的啊?但查了下防伪码又是正的啊。在网上买的


HD是什么?turn HD on又是什么意思?


美国普丽普莱puritans pride苹果醋吃了便秘怎么办

    苹果醋有促进消化的作用。吃的量不变,喝了苹果醋后,吸收的多了,排走的就少了。 时间一长,毒素滞留体内,会引起各种各样的毛病。此外,大便不正常,可能会引起便秘。再往后,还可能引起肛门出血,甚至生痔疮。后果不好啊。 通常吃多了或吃腻了喝点苹果醋可以帮助消化。建议不要当保健品喝。  喝苹果醋便秘怎么办?  1、饮食中必须有适量的纤维素。  2、每天要吃一定量的蔬菜与水果,早晚空腹吃苹果一个,或每餐前吃香蕉1-3个。  3、主食不要过于精细,要适当吃些粗粮。  4、晨起空腹饮一杯淡盐水或蜂蜜水,配合腹部按摩或转腰,让水在肠胃振动,加强通便作用。全天都应多饮凉开水以助润肠通便。  5、进行适当的体力活动,加强体育锻炼,比如仰卧屈腿,深蹲起立,骑自行车等都能加强腹部的运动,促进胃肠蠕动,有助于促进排便。  不好意思,可能触犯到某些苹果醋厂家的利益了,为了大家的正确认识,健康的生活,我不得不把这些知识公之于众!

Supernatural 里dean sam 是谁演的?

詹森-阿克斯(Jensen Ackles)饰迪恩-温彻斯特(Dean Winchester): 迪恩·温彻斯特简介:出生日期: 1978年 3月1日  出生地点: 德克萨斯州达拉斯  地区: 美国   身高: 185 厘米 别名昵称: JA(昵称),   眼睛:淡褐色   最爱的节日:圣诞节   喜爱的食物:牛排,意大利面   爱好:滑雪,冲浪,足球,(看)篮球   喜欢的演员:meg ryan harrison ford,paul newman,johnny depp   喜欢的电视剧:《白宫风云》   最害怕的是:改变自我,变得太好莱坞化  全名 Jensen Ross Ackles  出生年月日地点 1978 年 3 月 1 日,美国,德州,达拉斯(Dallas, Texas, USA )  身高 6" 1" (1.85 m) 1996 年毕业於德州理查森(Richardson, Texas) L. V. Berkner 高中  他的哥哥 Joshua, 比他大三岁,他有一佪妹妹,Mackenzie 比他小七岁。  四岁时担任儿童模特儿,後来放弃,又在十岁时重新开始。  在高中时打棒球跟长曲棍球。  达拉斯牛仔队的支持者。  在他决定往洛杉矶尝试演戏之前,他原本计画去德州科技大学读运动医学,想成为物理治疗师。  E喜欢骑马。  1993 年毕业於德州理查森(Richardson, Texas) Apollo 初级中学。  1990 年毕业於德州理查森(Richardson, Texas)Dartmouth Elementary 小学。  曾经在 2001 年跟 Tom Welling 同时竞争超人前传 Smallville 里 Clark Kent 的角色,在第四季时参加该剧,演出 Lana 的男朋友。  同时会唱歌跟玩吉它。  演员 Alan Ackles 之子。扎德-帕达莱基(Jared Padalecki)饰山姆-温彻斯特(Sam Winchester):   出生日期: 1982年 7月19日   出生地点: 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥   地区: 美国   身高: 193 厘米   别名昵称: Jared Tristan Padalecki(昵称),  出演《邪恶力量》系列电视剧 电影〈恐怖蜡像馆〉〈光的画家--圣诞小屋〉  《十三号星期五》  全名 Jared Tristan Padalecki   可以翻译为:杰瑞--帕达里基  小名 Sasquatch ,Jare   出生年月日地点 1982 年 7 月 19 日,美国,德州(San Antonio, Texas, USA )  身高 6 呎 4 吋(193 公分)  杰瑞十二岁开始学习演戏。他 1999 年赢得了 Claim to Fame Contest (是一个选秀的比赛,隶属于 Teen Choice Awards ,所以他得到一个在 TCA 露脸的机会,也在这里认识了他的经纪人,杰瑞出生在德州圣安东尼奥(San Antonio),James Madison 高中毕业。他曾经被提名,2000 年总统奖学金的侯选人,毕业之後,2000 年,移居加州洛杉矶,开始演员生涯。他在名为奇异果女孩(Gilmore Girls)的影集中饰演迪恩,展开拍片的工作。

请问in future跟from now on什么区别?

in future 从今以后; 今后from now on 从现在开始

八年上英译汉 Turn it over from time to time.(译为汉语)

不时的把它翻一翻. 小朋友你炒菜呢吗 from time to time意思:时常,有时,不时 turn it over意思:把它翻过来


Excel 没有 Currency。Currency 就是货币的意思。单价是 UnitPrice



Get your back 什么意思?

Get your back:回来吧Have your back:支持你At your back:在你背后Behind your back :在你背后

Are you out of your mind是什么意思


2. Are you out of your mind? 你疯了吗?3. Do you mind

Change Your Mind帮忙翻译一下歌词,谢谢

嘿女孩这是全城那么怎么来的,我到最后才发现那你要离开一些其他的家伙帮我明白了,为什么啊,为什么告诉我,他为你做什么有什么事,我并没有这样做?所有这些深夜我独自一人离开了你当时我正在为我们的幸福家园(然后我就来了解一下) (哦,哦)(那你要走出)(宝贝你为什么给我这样一个困难时期我知道他说他爱你胜过我这是一个谎言,让我改变了主意)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦你之前犯了一个大错(婴儿停止你打开之前,必须停止走开给我你的时间,让我改变了主意)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦我知道,如果你离开宝宝总有一天,你会回头看它是在这里,你应该已经但是你不能跑回来给我(不要让我找人新) (哦,哦)(当所有我想要的是你)(宝贝你为什么给我这样一个困难时期我知道他说他爱你胜过我这是一个谎言,让我改变了主意)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦你犯了一个大错之前(你打开之前,必须停止走开给我你的时间,让我改变了主意)(哦,哦,哦,哦,哦哦,哦,哦,哦,哦哦,哦,哦,哦,哦哦,哦,哦,哦,哦)(不要让我找新的人当所有我想要的是你)宝贝你为什么给我这样一个困难时期我知道他说他爱你胜过我这是一个谎言,让我改变了主意哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦你犯了一个大错之前,婴儿停止你打开之前,必须停止走开给我你的时间,让我改变了主意哦,哦,哦,哦,哦......Hey girl it"s all over townSo how come I"m the last to find outThat you"re leaving with some other guyHelp me understand, why oh whyTell me what he does for youIs there something that I didn"t do?All those late nights I left you aloneI was working for our happy home(And then I come to find out) (oh oh oh)(That you"re about to walk out)(Baby why do you give me such a hard timeI know he said he loves you more than IThat"s a lie, let me change your mind)Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh(Baby stop before you make a big mistakeStop before you turn and walk awayGive me your time, let me change your mind)Oh oh oh oh ohI know if you were to leave babySomeday you"d look back and seeThat it"s right here that you should"ve beenBut you can"t run back to me(And don"t make me look for someone new) (oh oh oh)(When all I wanted is you)(Baby why do you give me such a hard timeI know he said he loves you more than IThat"s a lie, let me change your mind)Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh(Baby stop before you make a big mistakeStop before you turn and walk awayGive me your time, let me change your mind)(Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh)(Don"t make me look for someone newWhen all I wanted is you)Baby why do you give me such a hard timeI know he said he loves you more than IThat"s a lie, let me change your mindOh oh oh oh oh oh ohBaby stop before you make a big mistakeStop before you turn and walk awayGive me your time, let me change your mindOh oh oh oh oh……

give backcome backgo backget back eturn的区别。

give back还给。。。come back回来go back回去(这两个是方向问题) get back回来return回来 be return

return,return to,get back to,get back,go back to与go back怎么用

go back to 后面必须加宾语go back 后不加成分get back to和go back to意思一样get back和go back一样

get/come/return back 各有什么区别?

get/come/return back get here,过来。come here 过来return 回来back 回来不过你这只不过是片面的分析这4个单词。get本身的意思是得到的意思。get sth for sb.但是get还有很多特殊意义比如,i get it. 我明白了。get up 起来。get lost,滚蛋come 便是一个意思,就是来。come here, 过来,come up,上来。come over,过来。return 也是一个意思,就是sth go back to some place,i returned,我回来了,returned home, 回家了。returned books,还书。back的意思有很多种,you hurt my back,你把我的后背弄疼了。i am back,我回来了。back then,以前,back home,在我故乡。你并没有returned back有回来的意思,my friendly returned back to his room.我朋友回到他房间了。i returned back my friend"s books.我把朋友的书还给他了。

Supernatural中Dean Winchester扮演者的详细资料




·求解一道英语题,并说明return、get back和return back词义及用法区别。


return,give back ,get back之间的区别?

give back送还,归还 get back回来,取回 return回来,返回,回答,回报

get back与returen 的区别


out of your mind是什么意思

Out of your mind 是 ”发疯“ 的意思如:Are you out of your mind?你疯了吗?


About Myself自我介绍My name is xxx.I"m xx years old now.I"m from xxxx.I major in English, because I have the gift for language study.我叫xxx。我现在已经xx岁了。我来自xxxx。我的专业是英语,因为我有学习语言的天赋。In my opinion, English is well-known all around the world.If I can speak excellent English, I could travel to everywhere in the world without language barriers.Now I can speak English like an American.Most of my classmates always envy my oral English.在我看来,英语是全世界都出名的。如果我能讲一口流利的英语,我可以没有语言障碍在世界各地旅行。现在我英语说得像美国人一样。我的大多数同学都羡慕我的英语口语。I like traveling very much.Through traveling, I can widen my perspective and know more about our world.Now I have been to so many cities, such as Guangzhou, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan.These cities are nice, clean and modern.我非常喜欢旅游。通过旅游我可以开阔我的视野更加的了解这个世界。我到现在为止去过很多城市,如广州,珠海,中山。这些城市是很好,干净的和现代化的。I think I"m easy-going and hard-working.When I"m at work, I always try my best to do everything well.I never let others do anything that I can do, and I never put off today"s work to tomorrow.When you have difficulties, I"m eager to give you a hand if I"m able to.I hope I can be your best friend.我觉得我很随和,勤奋。我在工作时,总会尽我最大的努力把一切事情办好。我不会让别人来替我做我能做的事情,我从来不会把今天的工作留到明天。当你有困难时,如果可以的话我很愿意帮忙。我希望我能成为你最好的朋友。

give back和return back和get back和take back


get back与return

go back == get back 你在某处想回到某出时用 return to 还某物给... 报答, 回到

填空并翻译句子:"_____does your pen friend say in his letter?""He likes China a lot."


inverted yield curve是什么意思

inverted yield curve反向收益率曲线双语对照词典结果:inverted yield curve[财]反向收益率曲线; 例句:1.Bond markets usually signal recession through an inverted yield curve, when long-termrates are lower than short-term ones. 债市通常通过反向收益率曲线长期利率低于短期利率来预示经济衰退

求High On Your Love ---Sharon Doorson的歌词

High On Your Love - Sharon DoorsonYou beat my drum, drum, drum And it"s dynamite You beat my drum, drum, drum And it feels so right I"m like a bomb, bomb, bomb Ready to explode Yeah, I"m on fire, on fire Tonight you"re gonna save my world Baby it"s there tonight You"re gonna light my world I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love You"ll take me high, high, high Like a paper kite Up in the sky, sky, sky On a starry flight I"m like a bomb, bomb, bomb Ready to explode Yeah, I"m on fire, on fire Tonight you"re gonna save my world Baby it"s there tonight You"re gonna light my world I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m high on your love You make me fly on love You make me cry, you make me sigh You make me die for love I"m high on your love You make me fly on love You make me cry, you make me sigh You make me die for love All of my days I dream of you All of my nights I get high on you Giving me wings, that"s what you do Boy you make my dreams come true Tonight you"re gonna save my world I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love I"m getting high on your love

dont get high on your own supply什么意思?

dont get high on your own supply 是James Cameron说的

Get Your Walk On 歌词

歌曲名:Get Your Walk On歌手:Xzibit专辑:Restless(Yeah) I can drink a whole Henessey fifthSome call that a problem but I call it a giftXzibit make the whole continent shift (hell yeah)Invadin your territory in a blaze of gloryA soldier story, livin off nothin but instinctBitch niggaz continue to floss and lip-syncAnd I"ma just continue to flow, while rockin the boatProbably smoke three-hundred thousand dollars in dopeDon"t make my desert eagle barrel touch the back of your throatAlways approach niggaz that"s known for killin your folksBe surprised who could turn around and bust on y"allCatch your mother or your sister comin out of the mallBang holes through they coats and they Macy bagsNo retaliation you basically runnin with fagsIn these streets, you only good as your last transactionFunny style, and these niggaz ain"t laughinY"all got it all fucked up in zero-zeroThink life is a video for "Last Action Heroes"XzibitFace the price you pay for the games you playWhen it"s all said and done at the end of the day, you gottaGet your walk on, get your head rightI know you feelin the shit, shit is dead rightGet your bounce on, back dat ass upBitch pass me the bottle, fill your glass upJudge and jury, don"t get your case dismissedWhen I get pissed and smash through the makeshiftUplift, dump this, make your shit knockHypnotical hardrock that don"t flopIt"s the best thing crackin my niggaLot of rappers talk of flashin the trigger but don"t ever deliverFrom the home of the toe tag, lowriders and body bagsearthquakes police with automatics and nerve gasLearn fast or get left behind quick (yeah)You testify, you get wrapped in plastic (hell yeah)Xzibit turn your SUV into a casketMailed your body parts in a tub full of sulfuric acidfor all the shit you gotta go through to get highStand by, do or die for the West coastWanna fuck with Xzibit but can"t come close motherfuckersTell y"all people to call my peopleRecognize all men are not created equalI"m lethal, all y"all faggots remain see-throughOnly the kid from "The Sixth Sense" can peep you (DEAD PEOPLE!)When I get through the world"ll be a better placeA little Jesus Christ mixed with some LeatherfaceGo find some punch to spike, find some dope to lacePull a pistol from my waist, nigga reach for spaceSmack the taste out of your mouth if you talk shitor hit so hard to the chin it make your back flipMy transcript number one up in this conferenceIt"s nonsense, all y"all niggaz want is conflictOnly associate with pros and the convictsXzibit roll up in the spot with a bomb bitchand then bounce with a couple, motherfuck a tussleYou never have enough muscle to stop a nigga hustlehttp://music.baidu.com/song/31430434


MidJourner关键词食尸鬼篇Ghoul - 食尸鬼Corpse - 尸体Undead - 不死生物Flesh - 肉体Cannibalism - 食人行为Cemetery - 墓地Graveyard - 墓地Death - 死亡Rotting - 腐烂Decay - 腐朽Hunger - 饥饿Blood - 血液Gore - 血腥Monster - 怪物Horror - 恐怖Pale - 苍白Eerie - 怪异Haunting - 鬼魅Macabre - 恐怖的Necromancy - 巫术Cursed - 被诅咒的Chilling - 寒冷的Rot - 腐烂Cadaver - 尸体Grave - 墓穴Tombstone - 墓碑Decompose - 分解Feast - 盛宴Morbid - 病态的Rotten - 腐烂的Undead Army - 不死军团Crypt - 地窖Mutilation - 残忍Pale Skin - 苍白的皮肤Eerie Atmosphere - 怪异的氛围Haunted House - 鬼屋Macabre Ritual - 恐怖仪式Cursed Curse - 被诅咒的诅咒Chilling Scream - 寒冷的尖叫Rotting Flesh - 腐烂的肉体Cadaverous Stench - 尸体的臭味Graveyard Silence - 墓地的寂静Tombstone Engraving - 墓碑的雕刻Decomposed Corpse - 分解的尸体Feast of Death - 死亡的盛宴Morbid Fascination - 病态的迷恋Rotten Decay - 腐烂的腐朽Undead Horde - 不死的军团Cryptic Mystery - 神秘的谜团Mutilated Body - 被肢解的尸体Pale Moonlight - 苍白的月光Eerie Shadows - 怪异的阴影Haunting Whisper - 鬼魅的低语Macabre Art - 恐怖的艺术Cursed Relic - 被诅咒的遗物Chilling Wind - 寒冷的风Rotting Bones - 腐烂的骨骼Cadaverous Visage - 尸体的面容Graveyard Ghost - 墓地的幽灵Tombstone Epitaph - 墓碑的碑文

英语Don’t get high on your own supply怎么翻译?

Don"t get high on your own supply,翻译;不要对自己的食物期望太高。

Only The Strongest Will Survive 歌词

歌曲名:Only The Strongest Will Survive歌手:Hurricane #1专辑:Only The Strongest Will SurviveOnly the Strongest Will SurviveHurricane #1Well my life is worth nothing to someWhile to others I am number one.And it can be so hard to knowWhen to try, when to give up and goNow this feeling is reeling me inI can feel it like it was my skinIn my head I repeat a new rulePain is easy, pleasure is cruelI tell you,Only the strongest will surviveThese days you"ve got to kill yourself just to stay aliveWell there"s only one life and you know,It won"t take you where you want to goYesterday was a walk in the parkBut tomorrow is a step in the darkAnd my life is worth nothing to someBut to you I hope I am number one.In my head I repeat a new rulePain is easy, pleasure is cruelI tell you,Only the strongest will surviveThese days you"ve got to kill yourself just to stay aliveOnly the strongest will surviveThese days you"ve got to kill yourself just to stay aliveEverybody"s talking like they want to see the party beginI"ll be in the alley, get a taxi, cos I"m staying inOnly the strongest will surviveThese days you"ve got to kill yourself just to stay aliveOnly the strongest will surviveThese days you"ve got to kill yourself just to stay alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/31388450

your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword 什么意思


我想问下美国往事中着句话Your youngest and strongest will fall by the sword比较好的解释~~


get on中on是什么词性和成分,turn on中的on呢,不一样的吧

get on中的on可以是介词,后接介词宾语get on the train,介宾短语合起来做表语 on也可以是副词,后面什么都不接,副词on做表语turn on中的on通常是副词(做“打开”的意思),作状语turn on the light,turn it on

get on your knee是什么意思

跪下 的意思


paste和slurry的区别paste 的词义是:n. 面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的) 铅质玻璃;vt. 粘贴,张贴; 以…覆盖于;slurry 的词义是:n. 泥浆,浆;

slime creatures from outer space 歌词

slime creatures from outer space 歌词 歌曲名:slime creatures from outer space 歌手:Weird Al Yankovic 专辑:dare to be stupid Things just haven"t been the same, Since the flying saucer came. Now the aliens are on the loose. Well, we tried to hold "em back, Tried to ward off their attack, But our atom bombs were just no use. They were ugly, they were mean, Biggest heads I ever seen. They made everybody scream and shout. First they leveled Tokyo, Then New York was next to go. Boy, I really wish they"d cut it out! They wasted everybody on my block. There goes the neighborhood. They"ll zap you with their death-ray eyes, And blow you up real good. Run for your lives! (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re not very nice to the human race. (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) There"s more in" every day, And they just won"t go away. Now they"re reproducing in the sewers. They got slimy lizard skin, And an evil-lookin" grin, And they sure could use some manicures. They got hands all covered with fungus. They got eyes like some kinda bug. I sure hope they don"t e in here, I just shampooed the rug. Run for your lives! (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re really makin" a mess of this place. (Slime Creatures.) (Slime Creatures.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"ll rip your head off just for fun. They"ll paralyze your mind. They"re wearin" out their wele. I don"t think I like their kind. They"ll suck your brain out through a straw. You just can"t trust those guys. So hide the children, lock the doors, And always watch the skies. Look out! Here e the... (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re an intergalactic disgrace. (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) I wish they"d just get outta my face. (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) (Slime Creatures from Outer Space.) They"re makin" a big, fat mess of this place. (Slime Creatures.) (Slime Creatures.) Where did they e from? What do they want from us? Who do they think they are? (Slime Creatures. Slime Creatures.) Why don"t they leave me alone? (Slime Creatures. Slime Creatures.) They"re really getting on my nerves. :music.baidu./song/14071660 must,they,from,outer,be,creatures,space 连词成句 They must be creatures from outer space . Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space 歌词 歌曲名:Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space 歌手:Every Time I Die 专辑:Ex Lives Every Time I Die - Underwater Bimbos From Outer Space I want to be dead with my friends, I want to be dead with my friends. Wide-eyed, brilliant, tie them in rags. I want to be dead with my friends. I want to be dead with my friends. When the iron sharpens the iron. When the iron sharpens the iron. When the iron sharpens the iron, sharpens the iron. I want to be dead with my friends I want to be dead with my friends Throw the load, unfettable end I want to be dead with my friends. Let boredom cease the beating of our purple hearts, Against this, even gods fight violently in vain, What chance could we have stood? We"re the last of the lost, But now we are the first of the fashionably late. Loved ones depose, You"ll dance around their bones Most of us are holy ghosts All of us are holy ghosts We made the scene when we made a scene And though it was brief, it meant everything. Oh what a pity, now they"re bound to make us saints. Oh what a pity, now they"re bound to make us saints. Against this, even boys fight violently in vain, What chance could we have stood? We"re the last of the lost, But now we are the first of the fashionably late. I refuse to be the only man put to rest in a mass grave. I refuse to be the only man put to rest in a mass grave. I refuse to be the only man put to rest in a mass grave. You were all there with me. You were all there with me. You were all there with me. :music.baidu./song/15698079 we came from outer space 歌词 歌曲名:we came from outer space 歌手:Pet Shop Boys 专辑:relentless Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Very plicated with the With the police? Yes, all We"re, we"re just here What is this? What is that? Complication high of it! You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. We came from outer space to To our parents parents, ... parents Parents? Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Very plicated with the You know the difference beeen the o genders? What is this? What is that? No. We came from outer space to You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. We came from outer space to (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry) It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live (Aah, cry) It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live (Aah, cry) Pet Shop Boys It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live (Aah, cry) It"s a nice place to live, it"s a nice place to live Look from heaven We"re crawling through the munication on the air Black rain Something"s not right, I can"t make it out Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. We came from outer space to Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Nice place, nice place, nice place, nice place) (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Nice place, nice place, nice place, nice place) Wanna try again to be on the quarter too? No, this will e aha Female or male? He Is "he" female or male? Male Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Hi, guys! Hello? My name is - Hello, they have sent us from outer space Somebody from California said something about men and women, Do you know of he don"t know us? Wanna try again to be on the quarter too? No. Wanna try again to be on the quarter too? No. Don"t leave me, don"t leave me Don"t leave me, I love you (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, don"t leave me (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, I love you (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, don"t leave me (Aah, cry) Don"t leave me, I love you (Aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry, aah, cry) (Aah, cry) Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to (Aah, cry) Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to Something"s not right, I can"t make it out You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. Something"s not right, I can"t make it out We came from outer space to You know the difference beeen the o genders? No. :music.baidu./song/14214062 Co *** os (Outer Space) 歌词 Co *** os(Outer Space) 演唱:t.A.T.u. t.A.T.u.-Co *** os(Outer Space) Games we don"t want to play Same winner everyday Kill for the second best Feel no more, feel no less We have our minutes cut We lose our feelings but That"s what the movies show This is where stories go Stars we don"t want to reach Scars we don"t want to stitch Go where we haven"t been Fly away, time machine Cloud we will chase him out Crowds, we will face them down This is our secret place Outer space, outer space Our home forever is outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer space, outer space t.A.T.u.-Co *** os(Outer Space) Ground we don"t want to feel Found what they didn"t steal Time, we were really lost Bridges burnt, fingers crossed We, shall we ever be free With no guarantee Life on another plane Same before, same again Go where you want to go So no one ever knows Only what we decide Is it gone Has it died Dry every tear in my eye You can tell me why This is our secret place Outer space, outer space Our home forever is, outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer Space, outer space Outer space is where we get together And this place we"re meant to be Stars are dancing and the time is fading Dead forever, You and me, You and me Racing stars and mon moons are plas In the co *** os, we are free There"s no atmosphere And no obsessions It"ll always be It"ll always be Our home forever is, outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer Space, outer space Our home forever is, outer space Black stars and endless seas, outer space You hold your destinies, outer space Forever we"ll be in Outer Space, outer space t.A.T.u.-Co *** os(Outer Space) :music.baidu./song/10302326 求outer space-we are the plantes歌词 We Are the Plas STORYBOT 1 We can see the whole Solar System from here. STORYBOT 2 I think we can hear it from here too. ALL PLANETS (CHORUS) We are the plas of the Solar System Different sizes for every one The music never ends We are such good friends And we all orbit the sun SUN Here es the Sun rapping first on this track, from the beginning I"m the center of the solar system, plas be spinning Around me, so hot, I"m roasting, ya see? Now I pass the mic to the pla closest to me MERCURY Mercury! The *** allest pla, *** all as Earth"s moon (MOON: "Yo!") I get super hot and cold and I spin very slow VENUS I"m Venus! I"ve got mountains and volcanoes that spray I"m the same size as Earth but spin the opposite way EARTH Yeah, I"m Earth, I"m the home to every boy and girl (Sung by Stars) Such a beautiful, beautiful world MARS I"m Mars, the red pla, I"ve got deserts and ice And I"ve got o moons - nice - that"s like one moon, ice! JUPITER I"m Jupiter! the biggest pla, I"m humungous, gargantuan I spin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I"m handsome, BAM SON! SATURN Oh please, I"m Saturn, check out my beautiful rings Made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things URANUS I"m Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I lied I"m embarrassed "cause I"m the only pla lying on its side (Uranus lies on its side and the mic flies to Neptune) NEPTUNE I"m Neptune, I"m cold, dark, windy and mysterious I"m very stormy, so bring an umbrella - I"m serious ALL PLANETS (CHORUS) We"re the plas in the Solar System Different sizes for every one The music never ends We are such good friends And we all orbit the sun STORYBOT 1 Well, we are done exploring the Solar System. STORYBOT 2 I am thirsty. Let"s explore the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy. Nobody knows whether there are any living creatures ___ in outer space.A.exist B.existedC.existing C 宾语从句是 there are any living creatures ___in outer space,这句因为是there be句型,已经有了are这个系动词,后面再出现动词属于非谓语,只能选择现在分词或过去分词的一种,直接排除A与D。然后分析前面 living creatures 与 exist 之间属于主动关系,因此选择表示主动的现在分词C。 Have you ever seen a c_____ from outer space? creature 生物 希望对你有帮助,有不明白的地方再问哟! (*^__^*)

英语,翻译一下。besides we should be confident in ourselves


谁知道李宇春唱的那首《EYES LIKE YOURS》的歌词啊??

Oh, you know I have seen A sky without sun A man with no nation Saints, captive in chains A song with no name For lack of imagination Ya he... And I have seen Darker than ebony Ya he Ya he Ya la he And now it seems, that I Without your eyes could never be My one desire, all I aspire Is in your eyes forever to live Traveled all over the seven oceans There is nothing that I wouldn"t give Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours Oh, You know I seen A woman of means In rags and begging for pleasure Crossed a river of salt Just after I rode A ship that"s sunk in the desert Ya he Ya he Ya la he And I have seen Darker than ebony Ya he Ya he Ya la he And now it seems, that I Without your eyes could never be My one desire, all I aspire Is in your eyes forever to live Traveled all over the seven oceans There is nothing that I wouldn"t give Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours rabboussamai fikarrajaii fi ainaiha aralhayati ati ilaika min haza lkaaouni arjouka labbi labbi nidai Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yoursMy one desire, all I aspire Is in your eyes forever to live Traveled all over the seven oceans There is nothing that I wouldn"t give Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut Looking for someone comparing to you Tearing down windows and doors And I could not find eyes like yours

self-assured 与 confident 有什么区别?

self-assued 用在句尾 be confident in 用在句中

英语作文how to improve ours self-confident

No confidence hegemony,she gradually found how can cut down the Mr Prince?No confidence,XiQin just how out of the letter and unify the whole country?No confidence,how can 102 qin shut to replace LiuHan banner?No confidence,how can the genghis khan fighters on the Danube land?Do not complain about life too much to its own suffering,too many twists and turns,and too much pain to himself a smile!Let you in a calm and less formal; increase the number of happy,less sad; plus some self-confidence,by a trace of inferiority.



请问plate的复数加s,后面读【iz】还是【ts], cigarette 读【iz】还是【ts], picture 读【z],还是【iz]呢

plates: [ts]cigarettes: [ts]pictures: [s]

i returned home exhausted

exhausted在这里是作状语表示小明旅游回来后的状态-----精疲力竭,表伴随情况 这里指旅游一事把小明给累坏了,表被动,所以是【过去分词】

Mercury Rising 歌词

歌曲名:Mercury Rising歌手:Darius专辑:Dive InDarius - Mercury RisingEleven days,A dozen nights,A thousand tears,And you are my shoulder.From summer"s haze, on morning light,The sun is rising...Just like I told you.If you fall, I"ll never let your spirit break,If you call, I"ll always soothe the cries you make,If it"s all I can do,I"ll slowly kiss your dreams awakeYou"re not alone for heaven"s sake,Mercury risingFrom winter skies,A cold embraceThe shadows meet,And they drag you under...The moonlight"s mineAnd yours to chaseYour star is rising,Beyond your wonder...You"re not alone for heaven sakeYour tears run so freely,Your fears run so deeply down...The pressure is breaking.Quicksilver awaking now...Can you feel it rise?Can you see it rise?Droplets of dreamsThat you touched, disappear...There"s change in the weather,And wind in your hair,And Mercury"s rising,Mercury"s risingRising...Rising...Mercury"s rising...http://music.baidu.com/song/444295

I said that was ok and that i was sure she would get over it直接英语变间接英语咋变?

Isaidtoher,"ItisOKandIamsureyouwillgetoverit"直接引语就是直接引用别人的话,一般放在引号内;间接引语就是用自己的话转述别人的话,不加引号。直接引语变成间接引语时,间接引语通常以宾语从句的形式出现。直接引语变成间接引语时还要注意人称、时态、指示代词、时间及地点状语的变化。还有就是别忘了去掉直接引语中的引号。这是直接引语,将话语放括号内原文引用Hesaid"Lisa,wecangotheretogether."这是间接引语,转述别人的话HesaidtoLisathattheycouldgotheretogether.引述别人的话时,一般采用两种方式:一是引用别人的原话,把它放在引号内,称为直接引语;二是用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内,称为间接引语。间接引语在大多数情况下是一个宾语从语。直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。  1.直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that引导。例如:  Shesaid,"Iamveryhappytohelpyou."→  Shesaidthatshewasveryhappytohelpyou.  2.直接引语是一般(选择/反意)疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether或if引导。例如:  Heaskedme,"Doyoulikeplayingfootball?"→  Heaskedmeif/whetherIlikedplayingfootball.  注意:大多数情况下,if和whether可以互换,但后有ornot,或在动词不定式前,或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只用whether。例如:  Sheaskedmewhetherhecoulddoitornot.  Hehesitatedaboutwhethertodriveortakethetrain.  3.直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,由相应的疑问词who,whom,whose,how,when,why,where等引导。例如:  Mysisteraskedme,"Howdoyoulikethefilm?"→  MysisteraskedmehowIlikedthefilm.  4.直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell,ask,order等的宾语。例如:  Thecaptainordered,"Bequiet."→  Thecaptainorderedustobequiet.  注意:此种情况的否定句,在动词不定式前加not。  Myteacheraskedme,"Don"tlaugh."→  Myteacheraskedmenottolaugh.  5.一些注意事项  (1)直接引语是客观事实、普遍真理等,变成间接引语时,时态不变。例如:  Theytoldtheirson,"Theearthgoesroundthesun."→  Theytoldtheirsonthattheearthgoesroundthesun.  (2)直接引语变间接引语时,指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应的变化。如:this/that→these/those,now→then,today→thatday,yesterday→thedaybefore,lastyear→theyearbefore,ago→before,here→there等。例如:  Hesaid,"Ihaven"tseenhertoday."→  Hesaidthathehadn"tseenherthatday.  注意:如果转述时就在原来的地方,就在说话的当天,就不必改变指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等。  (3)间接引语一般要用陈述句的语序,即主、谓、宾的顺序。例如:  HeaskedLucy,"Wheredidyougo?"→  HeaskedLucywhereshewent.  Tomsaid,"Whatdoyouwant,Ann?"→  TomaskedAnnwhatshewanted.

p=patch(isosurface(x,y,z,f,0.5));是什么意思啊?patch 怎么解释呢? xiexie


curtain trashbin fresh mirror是什么意思

curtain trashbin fresh mirror窗帘垃圾桶新鲜的镜子curtain trashbin fresh mirror窗帘垃圾桶新鲜的镜子

four generations是什么意思

four generations是4代的意思

four generations是什么意思?generations of什么意思?

four generations 4 代(人、或事物)这个 代 是这样用的:我父亲这一代人有些思想保守,而我们这一代就思想比较开放了。 e.g. our future generation 我们的下一代;我们的后代generations of sth(一般指科技方面的事物。可以更新的)其中generation也是指 “代” 的意思e.g. a new generation of vehicle 新一代交通运输工具


  turn up :出现; 翻起; 开大; (尤指失去后偶然) 被发现;  get up :站起来; (使) 起床; 安排; 举起;  如果回答有不完善的地方,或不明白的地方,可以追问  希望采纳  谢谢!

请问在哪里可以找到奥斯卡.王尔德的《The picture of Dorian Gray》英文版原著?谢谢了!


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《The Picture of Dorian Gray》(Oscar Wilde)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ozXVpmLxmyV-6dfc1Xpecg 提取码:tkek书名:The Picture of Dorian Gray作者:Oscar Wilde豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2003-2-4页数:304内容简介:在线阅读本书Enthralled by a portrait of himself, young Dorian Gray makes a Faustian bargain to exchange his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Thus he is able to indulge in his desires, as only the portrait bears the traces of his decadence and becomes a nightmarish picture of his soul.Edited with an Introduction by Robert MighallPreface by Peter Ackroyd作者简介:奥斯卡·王尔德Oscar Wilde(1854—1900)英国作家、戏剧家、诗人王尔德一生创作颇丰,童话、戏剧、小说如今均已是文学经典。在他生活的维多利亚时代,世人将他的童话与安徒生相提并论,对他的剧作追捧至极,但小说《道林·格雷的画像》却因艺术观不被接受而备受争议。当一场同性恋爱使王尔德官司缠身,这本小说竟成为罪证之一,最终他被判“严重猥亵罪”入狱两年。出狱三年后,王尔德在巴黎一家小旅馆去世,年仅46岁。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------译者简介:孙宜学,博士,同济大学国际文化交流学院教授,博士生导师。现任中国比较文学学会理事、上海市比较文学研究会副会长等。主要从事比较文学与世界文学、海外汉学、汉语国际传播研究。已出版学术专著10余部,编、译著30余部。已出版作品:翻译:王尔德《狱中记》编译:《审判王尔德实录》《奥斯卡·王尔德自传》著作:《凋谢的百合——王尔德画像》《眩晕与跌落:王尔德评传》孙宜学教授将王尔德比喻成烈焰中炫羽的孔雀,华美、热烈而悲情。

picture of dorian gray 章节简介chapter1&2


请给以下句子选择最佳译文。 What are your strengths and weaknesses?

请给以下句子选择最佳译文。 What are your strengths and weaknesses? A.你的缺点是什么?B.你擅长做什么?C.你的优点和缺点是什么?正确答案:C

give in屈服 give up放弃 give off...等give+prep.的词组。以及go,get,turn+prep.的词组

give away泄露,分配

歌词有wish you were here,hurts me so bad,fall apart是什么歌

Within Temptation - Shot in the Dark I"ve been left out alone like a damn criminalI"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it allI"m not done,It"s not over.Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fallAnd I"m desperately holding on to it allBut I"m lostI"m so damn lostOh I wish it was over,And I wish you were hereStill I"m hoping that somehow‘Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the dark,What did they aim for when they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do?Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkIn the blink of an eyeI can see through your eyesAs I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the criesAnd it hurtsHurts me so badAnd I"m wondering why I still fight in this life‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strifeAnd it"s sadIt"s so damn sadOh I wish it was over,And I wish you were hereStill I"m hoping that somehow‘Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the dark,What did they aim for when they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do?Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkI feel you fading awayI feel you fading awayI feel you fading awayI feel you fading away‘Cause your soul is on fireA shot in the dark,What did they aim for when they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do?Don"t let it fall apartOh, your soul is on fireA shot in the dark,What did they aim for when they missed your heart?I breathe underwaterIt"s all in my handsWhat can I do?Don"t let it fall apartA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the darkA shot in the dark

give in.hand in.turn in都是上交的意思.有什么区别吗?

give in :to deliver;hand in 递交,呈交,(一般是上级……)hand in:to deliver;give by hand 一般是上交、交给……(上级、长辈,或者平辈都可以)turn in:1、交回、交还行的上交,you must turn in your gun when y...

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?

这三个词组用在“上交”的意思时,用法是一样的。hand in:上交give in :上交;登记;投降;塌陷turn in:上交; 上床睡觉;履行,执行

give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?


give in。hand in。turn in都是上交的意思。有什么区别吗?


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为了调试远程机器的内存及线程等情况,需要进行远程连接调试,按照如下方法进行: 1. 下载YourKit Java Profiler 首先在server上进行安装,即本机。 下载Linux版本的YourKit Java Profiler 在client端进行安装,即远程主机,由于我们使用的是远程主机操作系统为linux,所以以此为准。 2. 本机安装后,需要有key,可以发送邮件获得15天免费使用 由于远程linux主机使用的是console模式,不需要key,即可使用 3. 对远程主机jdk进行设置 方法是: 1) 首先java –version 获得java的一些版本信息,我获得是 注意红框,这里标注了是32 bit还是64 bit,下面的设置需要,请留意。 2) 对jvm 进行设置: Java –agentpath: <profiler directory>/bin/linux-x86-64/libyjpagent.so 成功后会在相关提示的目录写log信息(截取部分信息):如: 4. 开始远程监控 开启本机的YourKit Java Profiler,要与远程机器的版本相同。 在<profiler directory>/bin/ 目录下,执行脚本yjp.sh 方法:<profiler directory>/bin/yjp.sh –attach [/align]技术问题可以去itjob技术交流群大家一起探讨

tomorrow will surely be better为什么be动词在副词后面?

您好,都是情态动词will惹的祸。换言之,如果没有情态动词,则副词surely用作be动词之后。例如,He surely likes English.

2000年欧锦赛的歌曲..女声的 不是CHAMPION EURO 2000

《L’Accordeur 调音师》里面的那首钢琴曲是啥名字?

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