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figure out的同义词.

solve; work out; puzzle out; lick; work;

purple line这个名字有什么含义

“东方神起”成员之一的金俊秀(江湖人称:S-line)来解答: (下面是一段采访,“PJJ工作室”简称“PJJ”,“金俊秀”简称“俊秀”) PJJ:你好!秀秀,您的名字叫金俊秀,那个“金”,众所周知是你的姓氏,但是请问“俊秀”这个名字有什么特殊的含义吗? 俊秀:sorry,I don"t know Chinese. PJJ:卡其哟!卡或丝擦愣思米大,其汉落水烤火的思米大! purple line ?俊秀:这个问题问的好!其实这个词在很多地方都会用,直接翻译出来是“紫色的线”。但是在这首歌里,purple象征着晚霞。黄昏的时候看大海,水平线因为晚霞的红和海的蓝的融合而显出紫色(此刻俊秀缓缓转过身,背对着观众并且45度角望着天空。。。),那条水平线就是purple line了啦。所谓的水平线大概就是与我所在的地方相反的吧,我在的地方是“正”水平线是“反”,合起来就是“正反合”!不好意思,跑题了,现在介绍的是新歌。海的尽头一定有我向往的理想世界,但是跨过purple line 的话恐怕就到了美国了吧! 满意请采纳

figure out是及物动词短语吗?


figure out 与 work out 的区别是什么




php获取httpPost(url, params)的数据

var_dump($_POST); 不论他是什么语言,只要遵守http协议就可以通过$_GET或者$_POST获取。

如何替换 url 中的参数值

淘到了一个parseUrl函数,正好可以借此实现,代码整理如下: //分析url function parseURL(url) { var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; return { source: url, protocol: a.protocol.replace(":", ""), host: a.hostname, port: a.port, query: a.search, params: (function () { var ret = {}, seg = a.search.replace(/^?/, "").split("&"), len = seg.length, i = 0, s; for (; i < len; i++) { if (!seg[i]) { continue; } s = seg[i].split("="); ret[s[0]] = s[1]; } return ret; })(), file: (a.pathname.match(//([^/?#]+)$/i) || [, ""])[1], hash: a.hash.replace("#", ""), path: a.pathname.replace(/^([^/])/, "/$1"), relative: (a.href.match(/tps?://[^/]+(.+)/) || [, ""])[1], segments: a.pathname.replace(/^//, "").split("/") }; }//替换myUrl中的同名参数值 function replaceUrlParams(myUrl, newParams) { /* for (var x in myUrl.params) { for (var y in newParams) { if (x.toLowerCase() == y.toLowerCase()) { myUrl.params[x] = newParams[y]; } } } */ for (var x in newParams) { var hasInMyUrlParams = false; for (var y in myUrl.params) { if (x.toLowerCase() == y.toLowerCase()) { myUrl.params[y] = newParams[x]; hasInMyUrlParams = true; break; } } //原来没有的参数则追加 if (!hasInMyUrlParams) { myUrl.params[x] = newParams[x]; } } var _result = myUrl.protocol + "://" + myUrl.host + ":" + myUrl.port + myUrl.path + "?"; for (var p in myUrl.params) { _result += (p + "=" + myUrl.params[p] + "&"); } if (_result.substr(_result.length - 1) == "&") { _result = _result.substr(0, _result.length - 1); } if (myUrl.hash != "") { _result += "#" + myUrl.hash; } return _result; } //辅助输出 function w(str) { document.write(str + ""); } var myURL = parseURL("http://abc.com:8080/dir/index.html?id=255&m=hello#top"); w("myUrl.file = " + myURL.file) // = "index.html" w("myUrl.hash = " + myURL.hash) // = "top" w("myUrl.host = " + myURL.host) // = "abc.com" w("myUrl.query = " + myURL.query) // = "?id=255&m=hello" w("myUrl.params = " + myURL.params) // = Object = { id: 255, m: hello } w("myUrl.path = " + myURL.path) // = "/dir/index.html" w("myUrl.segments = " + myURL.segments) // = Array = ["dir", "index.html"] w("myUrl.port = " + myURL.port) // = "8080" w("myUrl.protocol = " + myURL.protocol) // = "http" w("myUrl.source = " + myURL.source) // = "http://abc.com:8080/dir/index.html?id=255&m=hello#top" var _newUrl = replaceUrlParams(myURL, { id: 101, m: "World", page: 1,"page":2 }); w("新url为:") w(_newUrl); //http。//abc。com。8080/dir/index.html?id=101&m=World&page=2#top

it can help hurt people 这句话对吗?受伤的人英语怎么说

受伤的人 the injured It can help the injured man

英语作文my friend in the future

  my friend in the future- the sea  我们眼中的大海永远是一望无垠、无边无际的,大海喜怒无常,虽然会给我们人类带来许多的海洋资源,但有时也会掀翻船只、毁灭沿海的城镇,给人类带来灾难。可是你可曾想过,在未来的21世纪里,我们人类将会与大海成为好友。人类将迎来科学开发海洋、利用海洋的新时代。  Us in the eyes of the sea is always boundless, boundless, sea moody, although it will bring many marine resources gives us, but sometimes capsized the vessel, the destruction of coastal towns, to the human disaster. But you may have thought that in the next twenty-first Century, we humans will become friends with the sea. Humans will usher in a new era of scientific development of the ocean, the use of the ocean.  未来,我们人类将会致力于开发海洋资源,来解决我们人类将来有可能会遇到的能源危机。一座座海洋石油平台将在未来矗立在海面上汲取大海中的石油,为我们的汽车提供更多的能源。而我们也会用更多的办法开发海洋中的天然气、煤、铁、铜、锡、锰、硫等,给我们提供更多的方便。而未来,随着人口的不断增加,我们开始开发海洋中的美味。我们的餐桌上会出现更多的来自海洋的高蛋白食品,一艘艘渔船将会在海上捕捉更多的美味。未来,人们不仅仅会单纯地捕捞,而是开启“耕海”时代,我们将会制造海底农场和海底牧场,海底农场的海藻将会成为牛羊等牲畜的粮食,而这些海藻拥有的蛋白质远远比陆地上的粮食高得多。我们未来的电可能全会来自海洋,海洋的潮汐发电站和海水温差发电站的建立会给我们带来无穷无尽而又价格低廉的电力。未来我们有了海洋的帮助也有办法阻止水荒的发生,将来淡化海水的成本日渐下跌,我们将使用淡化海水的方式解决一些干旱地区的水荒。未来,我们也许会在海底生活,住在海底的城市里。海底的城市既没有污水污气,又没有雾霾,而且还可以欣赏到美丽的海底景色,与可爱的鱼群成为邻居。谁又不愿去呢?  In the future, we human beings will be devoted to the development of marine resources, to solve the energy crisis that we human beings may encounter in the future. A seat for offshore oil drilling platform will be in the future stands on the sea draw sea oil, provide more energy in our car. And we will also use more methods to develop marine natural gas, coal, iron, copper, tin, manganese, sulfur, etc., to provide us with more convenient. And in the future, as the population continues to increase, we begin to develop the delicious food in the ocean. There will be more high protein food from the ocean on our table, and a fishing boat will catch more delicious food at sea. In the future, people will not only simply fishing, but open the "era of sea farming. We will make undersea farms and sea ranch, seaweed undersea farms will become food for the cattle and other livestock, and these algae have protein far than terrestrial food is much higher. Our future electricity may come from the oceans, the establishment of the ocean"s tidal power stations and the sea water temperature difference power stations will bring us endless and cheap electricity. The future we have the help for the ocean also has a way to stop the water shortage in future desalination costs of seawater gradually fell, we will use the desalination of seawater way to solve water shortage in some dry areas. In the future, we may live in the sea, in the city of the sea. The seabed of the city has no sewage and gas, there is no haze, but also to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea, and lovely fish to become neighbors. Who is not willing to go?  总之,未来我们人类科学开发海洋、利用海洋的前景十分美好,海洋会给我们的生活提供更多我们想象不到的便利。  In short, the future of our human scientific development of the ocean, the prospects for the use of the ocean is very good, the ocean will give our lives to provide more convenience we can not imagine.  不过,人类要开发和利用海洋,首先必须得做到保护海洋,珍惜海洋资源,不污染海洋环境,不向海洋乱抛杂物。只有做到这些,我们才能和海洋成为好友,人类才会真正迎来科学利用海洋、开发海洋的新时代!  However, human development and use of the ocean, the first must be done to protect the oceans, cherish the marine resources, do not pollute the marine environment, do not throw debris into the ocean. Only by doing this can we and the ocean become friends, human beings will truly usher in the scientific use of the ocean, the development of the new era of ocean!

[statistics] durbin-watson 有什么用?

简单来说 考虑你做了一条回归方程 y=ax+b+e (e是residuals) 若果你用了n个数据得出这条方程﹐那么你可以得到n个residuals﹐理论上它们应该是iid (independent and identically distributed) 的﹐不会有自相关(autocorrelation) Durbin-Watson 就是用来test residuals之间有冇autocorrelation. 若果证明到有则条回归方程有问题. 而下是详细说明 (我觉得英文可能好些) The Durbin-Watson statistic is a test statistic used to detect the presence of autocorrelation in the residuals from a regression *** ysis. It is named after James Durbin and Geoffrey Watson. If et is the residual associated with the observation at time t then the test statistic is 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/math/b/6/6/b663612c3de35913556f362d1e678cdf . Its value always lies beeen 0 and 4. A value of 2 indicates there appears to be no autocorrelation. Small values of d indicate successive error terms are on average close in value to one another or positively correlated. Large values of d indicate successive error terms are on average much different in value to one another or negatively correlated. To test for postitive autocorrelation at significance α the test statistic d is pared to lower and upper critical values (dL α and dU α): If d < dL α there is statistical evidence that the error terms are positively autocorrelated. If d > dU α there is statistical evidence that the error terms are not positively autocorrelated. If dL α < d < dU α the test is inconclusive. To test for negative autocorrelation at significance α the test statistic (4 - d) is pared to lower and upper critical values (dL α and dU α): If (4 u2212 d) < dL α there is statistical evidence that the error terms are negatively autocorrelated. If (4 - d) > dU α there is statistical evidence that the error terms are not negatively autocorrelated. If dL α < (4 u2212 d) < dU α the test is inconclusive. The critical values dL α and dU α vary by level of significance (α) the number of observations and the number of predictors in the regression equation. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Durbin-Watson_statistic

【跪求】《free loop》-daniel powter 和《breathless 》-shayne ward 的无损整轨MP3单曲的url地址!


find out 与make sure都有查明的意思 有区别吗


Laura Marling的《My Friends》 歌词

歌曲名:My Friends歌手:Laura Marling专辑:A Creature I Don"t Know (Deluxe Version)07.My Friends.My friends, my dear friendsAnd lovers, oh my loversI""d leave you for them.They got a hand on my back.Mama has money now and mama has friendsShe""s making rags for some uptown hagsWith their money in bagsAnd why are you so sad?.Why are you always so sad?Why do I not understand?Why don""t I see what it is you see?Why can""t I live and just be?.I""m full of guiltI am full of guiltYou""re very tall, you""re very handsomeYou have it all, your skin smells like man.You never know how I acheYou will never know how I ache.Ever considered the sea?I heard you had to be strongWhy not float around with me?It won""t take you so long.You can go where I""m atYou can hang around with me.A few good men will go where they oughtWhere they ought to beAnd a few good mothers go for what they,What they ought to teach.I long for a touch or reminder of us but,But it must not be.And a few strong branches over water reachfor what they ought not reach.I hope your mother knows where it is you have beenI hope your mother knows what it is you have seenShe""d be so proudhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13843669

跪求 Lupe Fiasco 的Hurt Me Soul 的中文大意

只有个大概的东西.我现在是不是tryna是最大的我用仇恨的嘻哈...烨,因为妇女退化但太元hort令我笑,像一个伪君子我打它1伪君子我,虽然我只背诵一半omittin单词“荡妇” , cursin我不会说这我和狗不能涉及, TIL的一荡妇i月原谅我最喜爱的字为她和她一样但我知道它从一首歌,我听到和sorta喜欢是啊,为icin , glamorized药物dealin是appealin 但座俱乐部不断从在前面我们buildin gangsta说唱基于拍戏成为buildin座儿童leakin天花catchin drippins与盆再加上组成由政府帐目委员会的NAS的: “这是书面” 在结构上与我的现实情况和感受生活条件的,宗教的,愚昧的智慧和艺术视野我开始记,塔的世界,听一听,下降我的妈妈不能给我,我拍我的男朋友我的性别为金钱,遮光罩不爱我缔约方想要杀害我来说,这废话我建和我得到noooo地方gooo 他们炸我村,他们呼吁我们的杀手我花了小康,他们的福利,无法负担他们的健康护理我的老师不会教我,我的主拍我它huuurts meee soooul 我有一个贫民窟的男孩的国际收支平衡表, Jay - Z的抵制"的原因,他说他从来没有向上帝祈祷,他祈祷,以戈蒂我thinkin正直,上帝警卫把我从ungodly 但我的第三十watchin “的街道是watchin ” 我回到givin道具再次,这是botherin 这不舒服,作为一个碰不得的touchin你主题歌曲niggas hustle ,以似乎是错误的,但这些歌曲是真正的comin 这是所有成为酷我发现一个避孕套,所持理由是约翰会暨到与思考什么构成的妓女是追求利润,然后,他们拖放该homie在西装,八,她就对接,然后岩石我似乎是seein同时现场通过盛行于不同的事情,与证人无动于衷,阻止它他们说,不敲它,心娅业务他的业务是不是地雷,并nigga pimpin了他们采取了我的女儿,我们是不是没有得到任何水我无法取得聘请,他们对两岸消防我们都暂停了,我只是得到被判刑所以我noooo地方gooo 他们投掷下来,我刚注册,我是不是没有得到任何坑时间他们谈谈我的运动鞋,毒害我们的领袖我父亲是不是看到了我,关闭我的电视"事业,它huuurts meee soooul 因此,通过严峻的收割机镰刀激化Macintosh的营销油田augering 巴西青少年裁军以色列的占领伊斯兰殉教,准确是啊,激光制导定位石油换食品,水和恐怖组织harborin 沙伪装军人CCF的sponsorin ,世界conquerin ,电话monitorin 路易威登modelin ,色情女演员honorin 弦理论ponderin , bullimic vomitin 天主教神父fondlin ,先发制人bombin与乌萨马和他们没有bombin 他们breakin在我的车再次,砍伐森林和overloggin和轩尼诗和催眠swallowin ,水和coughin 世界上所有的弊病, sittin对铬24英寸的车轮一样, 他们说我感染了病毒,这就是为什么我注入我曾它胎死腹中,我们获得了驱逐出境我的笔记本电脑了间谍软件,他们说我可以不在这里但我得到noooo地方gooo 我不能停止eatin ,我最好的朋友的leavin 我的牧师感动我,我爱这个国家我失去了我的听筒,我希望听到我y"all "事业,它huuurts meee soooul

求翻译  Dear Peter,   I’m glad to receive your lett


 短文改错Dear Mrs.Smith,My first week at college is over!No lecture this morning so I

答案:1.what--how 2.anything--everything3.find--found4.second--the second5.friend--friends6.on--with7.warmly--warm8.to stop--stop9.mine--my10.for--so附含有错误的原文:Dear Mrs.Smith, My first week at college is over! No lectures this morning so I think I"d email you and let you know what things are going. I"m glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on second floor. There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friend with them so that we can help each other on the course work. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here. Well, I had better to stop now. I"m going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon, for I"ve got some preparation to make, Keep in touch. Best, Carol

八年级下学期英语作文 My future life

八下英语作文范文 1. The life in the future In the future ,there will be computers in each home.They will help us know more about the world ,We will be able to talk online.Kids won`t go to school and study at home on computers .Scientists will make lots of robots.They can help us do some homework .For example,cooking ,cleaning.And I think there will be more cars and pollution.So we should grow more trees and find other useful solutions to protect our environment.In a word ,the life in the world will be wonderful. 2.问题 Dear Mary , I have a problem these days ,and I need your help.I"m not getting on well with some of my classmates.I don`t know why.Last Sunday ,one of my classmates had a birhtday party at home .He invited all the classmates except me .I feel worried and I don`t know what to do .Could you tell me what I should do? Bob 3.建议 Dear Bob, I have known your problems.There are a lot of things you could do .Here are some advice for you.From your letter,I know you have different ideas about your classmates. I think you should have a talk with him,because you can understand each other better. Or maybe you could write a letter to him,give him a birhtday gift.He will feel very surprised.I believe you can find a better way. Good luck! 4.成绩单,介绍学习情况: Dear Mum, I finished my end-of year exams last week and got my report card today.I always feel nervous when I got my report card ,but luckily I did Ok this time.My Chinse teacher said I was the best in class,because I had a really hard time with it .But my worst report was from my math teacher.He said I was lazy.And my八 science teacher said I could do better. That`s all for my report card .Best wishes. Tom 5.晚会规定:There will be an English party from 5pm to 9 pm on Friday.you can come to the party with your friends.Here are some rules you muat remember.Don`t bring food and drinks to the party.Don`t leave during the party.You mustn`t wear jeans.If you wear jeans ,we won`t let you in.And please bring your ID card. 6.爱好I like to collect many things,such as nice stones,names of movies,books,toys,photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.I have been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young,my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it.I 八下英语作文范文译文: 1.在未来的生活 未来,每个家庭将有电脑.电脑将帮助我们更了解世界,我们就可以在线交谈.孩子们将在家里的电脑上学习而不走到学校去学习.科学家将制造许多机器人.它们可以帮助我们做一些家务.例如,烹饪,打扫卫生.并且我认为会有更多的汽车和污染.因此我们应该种植更多的树木,并找到其他有用的解决方案来保护我们的环境.一句话,在全世界生活都将是美好的. 2.亲爱的玛丽, 这些日子我有一个烦恼,我需要你的帮助.我没有与我的一些同学友好相处.我不知道为什么.上周星期天,我的一个同学在家开生日聚会.他邀请所有除了我以外的同学.我感到焦虑,我不知道该怎么做.你能告诉我什么是我应该做的吗? 鲍勃 3.亲爱的鲍勃, 我知道你的烦恼.你可以做很多事情.以下是一些给你的建议.通过您的来函咨询,我知道你对你的同学有不同的想法.我想你应该和他谈谈,因为这样你们可以更好地相互了解.或者,也许你可以写一封信给他,给他一个生日例外.他会觉得很惊喜.我相信你可以找到一个更好的方法的.祝你好运! 4 亲爱的妈妈, 上周我完成了一年的期末考试,今天我拿到了我的成绩单.我总是在我得到了我的成绩单时感到紧张,但幸运的是我这次做得不错.我的语文老师说我是班上最好的,因为我已经花了很大工夫.但我最糟糕的报告是由我的数学老师给的.他说我懒惰.而我的理科老师说我可以做的更好.这就是我成绩单.致以最好的祝愿. 汤姆 5. 从星期五下午五时至晚上9时将有一个英语聚会.你可以与您的朋友们来这里.聚会有一些规则,你必须记得.不要携带食物和饮料到场.不要在聚会期间离开.不要穿牛仔裤.如果你穿牛仔裤,我们是不会让你进去的.还有请携带您的身份证. 6.我喜欢收集很多东西,比如漂亮的石头,电影,书籍,玩具,著名人物的照片,但我最喜欢收集邮票. 五年来我一直收集邮票.当我还很小的时候,我的叔叔从澳大利亚 邮寄给我一张邮票.我立即喜欢上了它.从那时起我试图收集邮票,并爱上了这件事, have more than one hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends,some were collected by myself;some were from foiregn countries,some were Chinese.I like them.Often,I take them out and show them to my friends. 7.向别人提出请求 Dear Mr Smith, I am glad to be your neighborhood.I know your work must be tired,because you got home very late.However, I don`t like sleep too late.Would you mind not make too much noise? Would you mind turning down your TV?Could you please keep quiet.?I am sorry to disturb you.But i think you can understand me,don`t you?Thanks! 8.介绍宠物 Many people like animls.I like dogs best.They are popular pets.Because they are easy to take care of .They are cheaper than rabbits or cats.But they are not quiet enough.I like my dog very much.At night he watches TV on my legs with me When I do my homework,he is always around me.When I have some sad things ,I enjoy talking with him.He`s my best friend. 9.致谦信:Dear Tom, Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I"d love to go but I can"t.My parents are out on business.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming end-of-year exam.I"m very sorry but I can"t go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time. Yours, Jim 现在我有一百多张了.有些是朋友们送给我的,有些是我自己收集的;一些是国外的,有些是中国的.我 很喜欢他们.我常常带他们出去,并把他们展示给我的朋友们看. 7.亲爱的史密斯先生, 我很高兴成为你的邻居.我知道你的工作一定很累,因为你回家很晚.然而我不喜欢太晚睡觉.请不要弄太多噪音,好吗?你介意把你的电视音量调小些吗?能否请你保持安静?我很抱歉打扰你了.但我想你能理解我的,不是吗?谢谢! 8很多人都喜欢动物.我最喜欢狗,他们是很受欢迎宠物.因为他们很容易照顾.它们比兔子或猫便宜.但他们不够安静. 我很喜欢我的狗. 晚上当我做我的功课时他就在我的腿上躺着看电视,他总是围绕着我转.当我有些伤心事时,我喜欢说给他听,他是我最好的朋友. 9.致谦信:.亲爱的汤姆, 非常感谢您邀请我参加你的生日聚会.我很想去,但我不能.我的父母都出差了.他们个才会回来.现在我要照看我的奶奶,因为她生病卧床休息.并且我还需要为我的期末考试而学习.我"非常抱歉,但我不能去你的聚会,谢谢你邀请了我.希望你们愉快. 你的,吉姆

Therion的《Lemuria》 歌词

歌曲名:Lemuria歌手:Therion专辑:Live GothicTherion - LemuriaIn the ocean, deep downUnder raging waves, wrapped in memories,you"ll findWrecks of stately ships,they all went astrayCaptain, did you findLand of Mu,Eldorado for the seaman?Or did you sink in dreams (and) lose your shipIn the Sirens" symphony?When the sailman"s sailing awayHe shows that the dream of Lemuria is trueA land lost he will find againHear the call from the depth of the anemone songDo you dare to enter the ship?Hear the call from below of an underwater worldLand of Mu is close to the starsIn the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotizedCall of Narayana, the seven-headed onLemuria, rise!When the sailman"s sailing awayHe shows that the dream of Lemuria is trueA land lost he will find againHear the call from the depth of the anemone songDo you dare to enter the ship?Hear the call from below of an underwater worldLand of Mu is close to the starsIn the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotized___________________________________________________________________http://music.baidu.com/song/52293543

Therion的《Lemuria》 歌词

歌曲名:Lemuria歌手:Therion专辑:The Miskolc ExperienceTherion - LemuriaIn the ocean, deep downUnder raging waves, wrapped in memories,you"ll findWrecks of stately ships,they all went astrayCaptain, did you findLand of Mu,Eldorado for the seaman?Or did you sink in dreams (and) lose your shipIn the Sirens" symphony?When the sailman"s sailing awayHe shows that the dream of Lemuria is trueA land lost he will find againHear the call from the depth of the anemone songDo you dare to enter the ship?Hear the call from below of an underwater worldLand of Mu is close to the starsIn the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotizedCall of Narayana, the seven-headed onLemuria, rise!When the sailman"s sailing awayHe shows that the dream of Lemuria is trueA land lost he will find againHear the call from the depth of the anemone songDo you dare to enter the ship?Hear the call from below of an underwater worldLand of Mu is close to the starsIn the arms of the sea you will live as hypnotized___________________________________________________________________http://music.baidu.com/song/52291292

Born in a Mourning Hall 歌词

歌曲名:Born in a Mourning Hall歌手:Blind Guardian专辑:LiveIn fact it was close to a real fallouteverything"s under controlthe speaker said with a serious smilebehind his maskhe knew the truthI"ll bring a new age of better waysthe TV preacher saidjust pay todaypay todayWorld"s dressed in blackon earth"s judgement dayand I?I know it can"t go onforbidden signs increaseI"m sitting still at homeand watchingRef.:Born in a mourning hallpale clouds feared the unborn childthen it grew up with growing plansof suicideBlind Guardianborn in a mourning hallshadows left the fear insidethat Peter Pan will never reachthe other sideIt"s frighteningexciting to sit at homeand watch the burning fieldsgethypnotized by the TV snakeObey and work hardand feel no angerjust sympathy for the higher classthere"s no chance in changing thingscause I amRef.:born in a mourning hallsilent cries ran outwhen the cradle breaksbroken dreams were unheared onthe other sideborn in a mourning hallshadows left the fearin the new born childthat Peter Pan will never reach(Solo)And I"m a part of the machinea puppet on the stringsa rebel, oncenow I"m an old manOh, I know this can"t go onbut the ghost called fear insidelames my tongue, my nerves, my mindeternal fall downsomeone cut the strings offI can"t moveto get back courageI"ve to face the truthbut not todaygoodbyeRef.:Born in a mourning hallcaught inside a web called lifethe only way to get out soonis suicideborn in a mourning hallpale souls built a frozen worldinfected brainswill never reach the other sidethe other sidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/56556126

my favourite season我最喜欢的季节-八年级英语作文带翻译

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《my favourite season我最喜欢的季节-八年级英语作文带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 Hello my dear friends! What"s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance. There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens the trees and the flowers. I think they may say “We"re very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don"t you think so. 你好我亲爱的朋友!我最喜欢的季节是什么?让我告诉你,我最喜欢的季节是春天。春天是一个可爱的季节,我想。我的房子后面有一个花园。春天,树木变绿,花朵散发芬芳。有许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花丛中。蝴蝶在跳舞,蜜蜂在唱歌。有时下雨。通常雨悄悄地。雨水滋润了树木和花朵。我想他们可能会说:“我们很渴。雨很好。它可以帮助我们,“什么是美丽的场景!你不这么认为吗。

What is your Motivation(你的动力是什么)

The more you use English, the more you will want to learn it. Because English is so popular, you can use it everywhere. You can use Google to find Englishlanguage websites with interesting information, you can watch American cartoons, you can play adventure games on your computer, you can read interesting books in English, or you can do other things that we write about. If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English. If you see that a new English word lets you understand your favorite TV show (or communicate with people, or beat a computer game), you will want to learn more words. So you will learn English more, use it more, learn it more, use it more... If you also use effective learning methods, your English will grow faster than you can imagine你使用的英语越多,你就会越想学习英语。因为英语是如此普及,你在任何地方都可以使用它。你可以使用Google去搜索那些有有趣信息的英语网站,你可以看美国卡通,你可以用电脑玩冒险游戏,你可以读有趣的英文书,或者你还可以做其他这里写到的事情。   如果你做这些事,你将不仅仅获得乐趣和对英语的学习。如果你发现一个新的英文单词使你理解了你最喜爱的电视节目(或者是与人们交往,或者是玩一个电脑游戏),你就会想学到更多的单词。因此你将要学习更多的英语,更多地使用英语,再更多地学习它,再更多地使用它…如果你还使用有效的学习方法,你的英语水平将会进步很快,甚至超乎你的想象。

MyFAVOURITESEASON写一篇短文 内容包括你:喜欢什么季节 天气 服装 活动


一篇以My favourite为题写一篇小短文(不少于60个单词)?

My favourite season Hello,my dear friends!What"s my favourite season?Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring.Spring is a lovely season,I think.There is a garden behind my house.In spring,the trees bee green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香).There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers.The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing.Sometimes it rains.It usually rains quietly.The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers.I think they may say,“We"re very thirsty.The rain is very good.It can help us.” What a beautiful scene!Don"t you think so?And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?不许抄袭,7,My Favorite Sport my favorite sport is running.I think that can make me strong an feel better.Do you know ?Run is the best of sport.Many ruuuers like this sport very much.If you are ill,don"t w...,3,英语作文偶已经彻底死心了,老子平常都是13 14的,中考给我10分,老子想不通,2,短文的内容呢??? 就这要求?,1,一篇以My favourite为题写一篇小短文(不少于60个单词) 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确.


surname意思:n. 姓,姓氏;绰号,别名。vt. 给…起别名;给…姓氏。读音:英 ["su025cu02d0neu026am] 美 ["su025d"nem] [ 过去式 surnamed 过去分词 surnamed 现在分词 surnaming ]firstname 意思:n. 名字。读音:[英][fu025c:st"neu026am][美][fu025c:st"neu026am]同义词:monicker , given name相关短语:FirstName LastName 名字姓氏multiply firstname 兼类姓Lastname and Firstname 姓名字段

purpose and motivation的区别?

purpose[5pE:pEs]n.目的, 意图, 用途, 效果, 决心, 意志vt.打算, 企图, 决心motivation[7mEuti5veiFEn]n.动机一个是目的,一个是动机···相当于,一个是想达到的,一个是动力的来源,还是有区别的

What is your Motivation(你的动力是什么)

The more you use English, the more you will want to learn it. Because English is so popular, you can use it everywhere. You can use Google to find Englishue011language websites with interesting information, you can watch American cartoons, you can play adventure games on your computer, you can read interesting books in English, or you can do other things that we write about. If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English. If you see that a new English word lets you understand your favorite TV show (or communicate with people, or beat a computer game), you will want to learn more words. So you will learn English more, use it more, learn it more, use it more... If you also use effective learning methods, your English will grow faster than you can imagine你使用的英语越多,你就会越想学习英语。因为英语是如此普及,你在任何地方都可以使用它。你可以使用Google去搜索那些有有趣信息的英语网站,你可以看美国卡通,你可以用电脑玩冒险游戏,你可以读有趣的英文书,或者你还可以做其他这里写到的事情。   如果你做这些事,你将不仅仅获得乐趣和对英语的学习。如果你发现一个新的英文单词使你理解了你最喜爱的电视节目(或者是与人们交往,或者是玩一个电脑游戏),你就会想学到更多的单词。因此你将要学习更多的英语,更多地使用英语,再更多地学习它,再更多地使用它…如果你还使用有效的学习方法,你的英语水平将会进步很快,甚至超乎你的想象。

根据图片写回信: Dear ( ), Thank you for your

Dear my friend:I‘m very sorry to say that I have no time the next week.Because I will go to see Liu Ying.She is my best friend. She has been ill for three days. In the next week, I"m going to see her. I heard that she was sent to the hospital by her parents this morning. The doctor looked her over carefully, gave her some medicine and asked her to stay in bed for a few days. I will help her with , I have no time to see you next week.Maybe I will see you the next time.See you!yours sincerely亲爱的朋友: 我很抱歉地说,我没有时间在未来星期,我会去看看刘英.她是我最好的朋友。她已经病了三天。在下周,我要去看看她。我听说她被她的父母到医院今天上午。医生经过仔细的看着她,给她一些药,并要求她卧床休息几天。我会帮她,我没有时间见你了,下个星期.我会看到你的!Dear my friend:I‘m very sorry to say that I have no time the next week.Because I will go to see Liu Ying.She is my best friend. She has been ill for three days. In the next week, I"m going to see her. I heard that she was sent to the hospital by her parents this morning. The doctor looked her over carefully, gave her some medicine and asked her to stay in bed for a few days. I will help her with her lessons.So I have no time to see you next week.Maybe I will see you the next time.See you!yours sincerelyxxx Dear....Thank you for your invitation.I am sorry I can not visit you this week.I am really busy.Today i have to help my mom do housewore,beacuse she is ill.tomorrow,i am going my consin"s birthday party.On wednesday,i have a guitar lesson and i have study for my test on Thursday .On Friday i am going shopping with some friends.Can you go shopping with us?Write soon.Dear Tom,Thank you for your invitation。 But I am so sorry I can`t go to your birthday party this weekend。 Because my parents were on business trip only to come back next month 。 My grandma was ill and she must lie down and needs I look after 。And my English exam is coming, I have to study for my English exam。 So I can`t go to your birthday party。YoursLin Ping 1. 上课不能迟到。  2. 教室要保持(keep)干净和安静。  3. 见到老师要问好。(greet)  4. 不允许在教室里吃东西。  5. 不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。  6. 不要损害花草树木。(pick flowers; climb trees)  School Rules   Welcome to our school, Mary. Here are some of our school rules. Let me tell you: We can"t arrive late for class. We can"t talk loudly in class. We have to be quiet in class, and we have to keep our class clean. When we meet the teachers on the way, we must greet them. 答案正确,请采纳,

Cards with messages of love were viewed with embarrassment in our family.And the words "i love you

Three Little WordsSilly birthday cards were always the norm in my family. Sentimental cards with messages of love were viewed with disdain and a faint sense of embarrassment. Looking back now, I don"t ever remember the words "I love you" being spoken.Then, just before I turned 29, Dad retired and my parents moved from Victoria to Queensland. As I"m an only child, my friends were shocked that my parents could move so far away from me. I just shrugged, not feeling at all fazed by the situation - instead seeing it as an opportunity to have somewhere warm to go on holidays.But six months into their retirement, my mother phoned to say she had some bad news: Dad had cancer. "But don"t worry," she told me. It was lymphoma and the doctors had assured her this was the most treatable kind. With chemotherapy, he would be "right as rain" in a couple of months. However, when I arrived in Queensland for a visit two months later, I was shocked by my father"s appearance. He was frail, underweight and had lost all his hair from the chemo. Although he was only 65, he looked as though he had aged 20 years.It was a sad sight and I felt my emotions welling up inside. Before I knew what was happening, I fell upon my dad with hugs and kisses, and for the ?rst time in my life I said, "I love you, Dad!"He seemed a little taken aback, but awkwardly told me he loved me, too.But the tidal wave of emotion didn"t stop there as I fell upon my mother in the same fashion, expressing my love for her, too. Then I gently pulled away, expecting some kind of reciprocation. But it never came. Instead, she appeared frozen in horror. Hurt and humiliated, I struggled to understand this rejection. What was wrong with me? What was wrong with her?The holiday was over all too quickly. When I was back at work once again, I overheard a workmate on a personal phone call to her mother. At the end of it she said, "I love you, Mum." As simple as that. Declarations of love were clearly effortless in her family. Why wasn"t it like that in mine? Tears welling up, I ran to the toilets, where I cried so hard I thought my heart would break. This wasn"t right! Something had to be done about this love situation once and for all.My opportunity came the next Sunday during my weekly phone call to my mother. After we had dispensed with our usual pleasantries and updates, I took a deep breath and asked, "Do you love me, Mum?" After a short hesitation, she replied brusquely, "You know I love you. Don"t be silly.""Do I? I don"t remember ever hearing it from you.""Well, we never said things like that in my family.""Well, I want it to be said in ours. From now on I want to end our conversations with "I love you." And that goes for Dad, too."My mother reluctantly agreed, and for the first time our telephone conversation ended with, "I love you, Mum," and she replied, "I love you, too." Within a short time, "I love you" became easy to say, until it was very natural and we couldn"t consider saying goodbye without it. Birthday and Christmas cards went from silly to sentimental, and when Mum bought Dad a Christmas card that year with the words "I love you!" spelt out in holly, I almost cried.In the meantime, Dad had bravely completed his cancer treatments and, 12 months after being diagnosed, thankfully went into remission. A year later the lymphoma ?ared up again, but once more he valiantly fought it off.Unfortunately, the stress and worry had taken its toll on my mother, and in May 2000 she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I was told that only ?ve per cent of patients survive.Just five months after being diagnosed, Mum was admitted to hospital. It was a few days before I was due to ?y out for another visit. Her condition was serious but not critical, and I phoned every morning to check on her. One morning when I rang, she sounded in good spirits, but that evening my instincts told me I needed to ring again.My worst fear was con?rmed when a nurse answered the phone and regretfully informed me that my mother"s condition had rapidly deteriorated. She wasn"t expected to make it through the night.Knowing I couldn"t get a fight in time, I asked the nurse to put the phone next to my mother"s ear so I could talk to her. "She"s barely conscious," the nurse replied. "It"s unlikely she"ll hear you." But I didn"t care. I wanted to do it anyway.Once she"d placed the phone by my mother"s ear, I started sobbing and telling Mum over and over again that I loved her, hoping she could hear. At ?rst, all I could hear from the other end was"Hmmmm" - but then, like a miracle, with a deep sigh she said, "Love you . . . love you, darling."It was the last thing she said before drifting into unconsciousness. She never spoke again. My mother died at 4 o"clock the next morning, with my father by her side.Although I was devastated by her death, the startling part was how well I coped. Of course, losing a parent is excruciatingly painful and I shed many tears, but receiving those lovely last words made it much more bearable. I had closure in the best possible way.Slowly, Dad has now adapted to living alone for the first time in his life. Now that there"s just the two of us, we"re closer than ever.Then last year, Dad was diagnosed with cancer again. This time it"s skin cancer, and to date he has been through two courses of radiotherapy. I don"t know whether Dad will win this latest battle. At 79, he"s not as strong as he once was, but he"s still as determined as ever to go down ?ghting. But there is one thing I do know: whatever happens, whatever the future holds - for Dad and for me - our last words to each other will be "I love you." Of that I"m certain.

关于英语中的first name和surname


简介four great inventions of china(中英对照)

Four Great Inventions of Ancient China is the world"s four great inventions impact. Namely, papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, movable type. 四大发明是指中国古代对世界具有很大影响的四种发明。即造纸术、指南针、火药、活字印刷术。 Compass Compass is used to determine position of a simple instrument. Formerly known as Sinan. The main components are mounted on a shaft can freely rotate the needle (commonly known as magnet). Needle on the ground magnetic field can be maintained at the tangent magnetic radial direction. Needle points to the geographical North Pole South Pole, take advantage of this performance can be a sense of direction. Commonly used in navigation, geodesy, travel and military and so on. 指南针 指南针是用以判别方位的一种简单仪器。前身是司南。主要组成部分是一根装在轴上可以自由转动的磁针(俗称吸铁石)。磁针在地磁场作用下能保持在磁子午线的切线方向上。磁针的北极指向地理的南极,利用这一性能可以辨别方向。常用于航海、大地测量、旅行及军事等方面。 Compass invented the ancient Chinese practice of long-term understanding of the results of magnetic objects. Ancient Chinese people into contact with magnetite, as he began to understand the nature of magnetism. It cited the first to discover the magnetic properties of iron. Then they discovered that the directivity of the magnet. After many experiments and studies, and finally invented the compass can be useful. 指南针的发明是中国古人在长期的实践中对物体磁性认识的结果。古代中国人接触了磁铁矿,开始了对磁性质的了解。人们首先发现了磁石引铁的性质。后来又发现了磁石的指向性。经过多方的实验和研究,终于发明了可以实用的指南针。 The Earth is also a big magnet, and its two very near the geographic South Pole, respectively, and the geographical North Pole areas. Therefore, the Earth"s surface magnets, free to rotate, they will repel the same sex due to magnet, opposites attract nature of the north-south direction. This principle is not enough to understand the ancients, but such phenomena they are very clear. 地球也是一个大磁体,它的两个极分别在接近地理南极和地理北极的地方。因此地球表面的磁体,可以自由转动时,就会因磁体同性相斥,异性相吸的性质指示南北。这个道理古人不够明白,但这类现象他们很清楚。 The device on the needle method, Shen Kuo describes four methods: 1. Water float - will be on a magnetic needle floating on the water surface wear Jigen rush, they can indicate direction. 2. Bowl lip and spin titration - will be sized needle resting on the edge of the needle can rotate to indicate the direction. 3. Fingernail spin titration - the needle resting on the top fingernails nail face as smooth, magnetic needle can rotate freely, indicating the direction. 4. Aquaticum hanging method - some painted in the central needle wax, a sticky silk, hung in places where there is no wind, you can direct the direction. 关于磁针的装置方法,沈括介绍了四种方法: 1.水浮法——将磁针上穿几根灯心草浮在水面,就可以指示方向。 2.碗唇旋定法——将磁针搁在碗口边缘,磁针可以旋转,指示方向。 3.指甲旋定法——把磁针搁在手指甲上面由于指甲面光滑,磁针可以旋转自如,指示方向。 4.缕悬法——在磁针中部涂一些蜡,粘一根蚕丝,挂在没有风的地方,就可以指示方向了。 Gunpowder With saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal made from these three kinds of material mixed, but when people have these three kinds of things as the treatment of drug, so the name "gunpowder", meaning "fire medicine." 火药 用硝石、硫黄和木碳这三种物质混和制成的,而当时人们都把这三种东西作为治病的药物,所以取名“火药”,意思是“着火的药”。 Since the Qin and Han dynasties, alchemy home sulfur, saltpeter and other items make pills of immortality, from the accidental explosion of the phenomenon of inspiration, and then after repeated practice, and found the powder formula. Wei during the Three Kingdoms state-owned smart technician Ma Jun, the method of gunpowder wrapped in paper made the entertainment of "explosive battle", created a powder application of precedent. 自秦汉以后,炼丹家用硫黄、硝石等物炼丹,从偶然发生爆炸的现象中得到启示,再经过多次实践,找到了火药的配方。三国时魏国有个聪明的技师马钧,用纸包火药的方法做出了娱乐用的“爆仗”,开创了火药应用的先河。 Tang Dynasty, gunpowder began to be applied to the military. People use riprap stone projectile machines, fire kits lit after the projectile out, burn the enemy, this is the most primitive artillery. Later, people will head spherical powder dressing in the shaft near the point of the lead after the shot with bows and arrows to gunpowder to burn the enemy. There is also the gunpowder, poison, coupled with some bitumen, tung oil and so on, stir together with poisoning caused the ball, lit after injection with bows and arrows, anti-enemy was a "million people in the enemy." By the Song dynasty, people will be in the bamboo tube filled with gunpowder, the gunpowder behind the bar there is a small "directional stick", lit on fire tube Huoxiao,Caused by the rapid combustion of gunpowder inside the barrel, resulting in forward thrust, so that flying bombing enemy positions, it is the world"s first gunpowder rockets. And later the invention of firearms and guns, which are made of raw bamboo-tube tubular firearm which was the ancestor of modern guns. 唐朝末年,火药开始应用到军事上。人们利用抛射石头的抛石机,把火药包点着以后,抛射出去,烧伤敌人,这是最原始的火炮。后来人们将球状火药包扎在箭杆头附近,点着引线以后,用弓箭将火药射出去烧伤敌人。还有把火药、毒药,再加上一些沥清、桐油等,捣在一起做成毒球,点着以后,用弓箭射出,杀伤敌人是后来的“万人敌”。到了宋朝,人们将火药装填在竹筒里,火药背后扎有细小的“定向棒”,点燃火管上的火硝,引起筒里的火药迅速燃烧,产生向前的推力,使之飞向敌阵爆炸,这是世界上第一种火药火箭。以后又发明了火枪和枪,这些都是用竹管制成的原始管形火器,是近代枪炮的老祖宗。 Papermaking Paper-making technology, the invention of the Chinese nation to world civilization, one of the outstanding contributions.About 3,500 years ago in the Shang Dynasty, China will have a carved turtle shell and animal bones in the text, called the Oracle. To the Spring and Autumn, when, with bamboo and wood turtle shell and animal bones alternative, known as bamboo and wood slips. Oracle Bones and Jane Du is very heavy, Warring States thinkers Huishi out lecture, with the Letters on the installed five cars, so there are learning-rich story of five cars. The Western Han Dynasty at the court aristocracy, he also used fine silk, or a tissue-paper writing. Thick waterproof silk is fine silk, silk is the general term for minor official party silk writing on fine silk, the ease of writing, not only write more than simple slips, but also in the above painting, but it is expensive, can only be used for a small number of aristocratic palace.2nd century BC, the early Western Han Dynasty have been made of paper. Is the Eastern Han period, the rumor was invented by Cai Lun. However, archaeologists have found the earlier paper. 造纸术 造纸技术的发明,是中华民族对世界文明的杰出贡献之一。 大约在3500多年前的商朝,我国就有了刻在龟甲和兽骨上的文字,称为甲骨文。到了春秋时,用竹片和木片替代龟甲和兽骨,称为竹简和木牍。甲骨和简牍都很笨重,战国时思想家惠施外出讲学,带的书简就装了五车,所以有学富五车的典故。西汉时在宫廷贵族中又用缣帛或绵纸写字。缣是细绢、帛是丝织品的总称吏一方缣帛上写字时,便于书写,不但比简牍写得多,而且还可以在上面作画,但是价格昂贵,只能供少数王宫贵族使用。公元前2世纪西汉初期已经有了纸。是东汉时期,传言是蔡伦发明。但是考古专家已找到更早的纸。 Inventor Yuan-Xing Han Teijin first year (AD 105), Cai Lun in the manufacture of silk crystal summing up the experience of their predecessors, based on the invention of using bark, broken fishing nets, rag, hemp as a first-class raw materials, manufacturing has become suitable for writing The plant fiber paper, only to make paper become widely used writing material. Known as the "Caihou paper." On paper the concept of a common understanding. What kind of articles called "paper." In ancient times, Egypt has a paper toilet paper, parchment Europe, China"s history of silk with cotton wadding paper and fine silk used for writing paper and Caihou paper,Only plant fiber manufacturing Caihou paper on the world paper industry development and the spread of human culture has far-reaching implications, the basic process still in use. According to historical records and future generations to study the basic points of papermaking Cai Lun sum up is to use plant fiber as raw material, through the cut, macerate cooking, rinsing, Chung pound, curtain copy, drying and other steps made of fabric laminates. Without going through the basic steps to deal with the fiber paper sheet, do not have the basic properties of paper, you can not call it the concept of China"s ancient tradition of paper. 发明人 东汉和帝元兴元年(公元105年),蔡伦在总结前人制造丝织晶的经验的基础上,发明了用树皮、破渔网、破布、麻头等作为原料,制造成了适合书写的植物纤维纸,才使纸成为人们普遍使用的书写材料。被称为“蔡侯纸”。对纸的概念有个统一认识。什么样的物品叫“纸”。在古代,埃及有纸草纸,欧洲有羊皮纸,我国历史上有丝絮纸和作书写用的缣帛纸和蔡侯纸,其中只有植物纤维制造的蔡侯纸对世界造纸业的发展及人类文化的传播具有深远影响,其基本工艺一直沿用至今。根据史书记载和后人研究,蔡伦造纸术的基本点,归纳起来就是用植物纤维为原料,经过切断,沤煮、漂洗、舂捣、帘抄、干燥等步骤制成的纤维薄片。没有经过造纸基本步骤处理的纤维薄片,不具备纸的基本性能,就不能称之为我国古代传统概念上的纸。 Invention of papermaking is improving, rather than the inventor of paper. If this is the statement in the article is contradictory. The world"s first paper is an Egyptian papyrus, and the European Middle Ages are commonly used in parchment, these two papers because the materials a single, limited room for improvement was the use of the plural types of materials, replaced by Chinese paper. 蔡伦只是改进造纸术,而不是纸的发明人。如果是这样的说法,在文章中是矛盾的。世界上最早的纸是埃及的纸莎草纸,而欧洲中世纪则普遍使用羊皮纸,这两种纸因为原料单一,改进余地有限,被使用复数种类材料的中国纸所取代。 Movable-type printing technique It began in the Sui Dynasty of block printing by Bi Sheng Song Renzong when the development of improved, resulting in movable type printing by the Mongols spread to Europe, so called after the completion of the printing press was promoted to the ancestor. China"s printing is a precursor of modern civilization of mankind, for the wide dissemination of knowledge exchange and create the conditions. 活字印刷术 它开始于隋朝的雕版印刷,经宋仁宗时的毕升发展、完善,产生了活字印刷,并由蒙古人传至了欧洲,所以后人称毕升为印刷术的始祖。中国的印刷术是人类近代文明的先导,为知识的广泛传播、交流创造了条件。 Woodblock printing is a knife in a wooden block carved into the bulge to the anti-write, and then the ink, printed on paper. Every kind of book printing, wood carving had to scratch, the speed is very slow. If the engraved version of things go wrong, but also re-engraved, the labors of hard work, is understandable. 雕版印刷是用刀在一块块木板上雕刻成凸出来的反写字,然后再上墨,印到纸上。每印一种新书,木板就得从头雕起,速度很慢。如果刻版出了差错,又要重新刻起,劳作之辛苦,可想而知。 Song lettering workers Bi Sheng in the year between 1004 to 1048, with fine quality and with a sticky clay, made a four-square long cylinder, inscribed in the above anti-written words on a word India, on the kiln where hard with the fire to form a movable type. Then the article content, the characters line up in accordance with the order placed in a box made of an iron plate, and then pressed flat on the fire heat, they can printed. Removed after the end of the movable type printing, the next can be reused. This improvement is called after the printing plate printing live. 北宋刻字工人毕升在公元1004年至1048年间,用细质且带有粘性的胶泥,做成一个个四方形的长柱体,在上面刻上反写的单字,一个字一个印,放在土窑里用火烧硬,形成活字。然后按文章内容,将字依顺序排好,放在一个个铁框上做成印版,再在火上加热压平,就可以印刷了。印刷结束后把活字取下,下次还可再用。这种改进之后的印刷术叫做活板印刷术。 Such printing methods may look primitive simple, yet with modern typeface typography the same way, so that the printing press into a new era. 这种印刷方法虽然原始简单,却与现代铅字排印原理相同,使印刷术进入了一个新时代。 Four great inventions in human history, science and culture left a brilliant page. These great inventions which have affected, and the benefit of the whole world to promote the progress of human history 四大发明,在人类科学文化史上留下了灿烂的一页。这些伟大的发明曾经影响并造福于全世界,推动了人类历史的前进

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we visited the great wall on saturday是什么意思

We visited the great wall on Saturday我们星期六参观了长城

请帮忙写一篇关于The future of Chinese的英语作文

China is the fastest growing aviation market in the world thanks to the expansion of its air freight and air passenger industries. With air freight growth volumes predicted to drop off this year, how will the country significance in the aviation market be affected? The growth of China air freight industry has led to a surge in the Asian cargo business over the last few years. This is reflected in the fact that air freight from Asia to Dallas Fort Worth airport (which is the leader in Asian cargo in the eastern and southern U.S) increased by 42% in 2004. However, it is expected that China air freight volume growth will ease off this year. This will happen as the market returns to a more stable expansion pace after the post SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) rebound in 2004 and 5. In 2004 and 2005, China air freight volume increased by 25% and 20% respectively. Passenger traffic also grew at this time; by 33% in 2004 and by 20% in 2005. This was as a result of people taking to the skies following the outbreak of SARS in the region. Although the growth rate of China air freight business is expected to ease off this year, it will not halt altogether. According to freight industry experts, air freight cargo volumes are anticipated to rise by 10% in 2006. If it does so, China air freight volume will be 3.36 million tons. Similarly, air passenger numbers are also likely to increase. China aviation regulator estimates that air passenger number swill increase by 15%. This will mean that 159 million people will travel by air out of China in 2006. The continued growth of China air freight and air passenger volumes is relevant to the country as it is the fastest growing aviation market in the world today. As a result China is an important battleground between Boeing and Airbus. Boeing has entered into discussions with China to supply the country with 150 jets. Whilst Airbus has signed a deal with China to supply 150 A320 jets to it. As a result China role in the global aviation market is likely to remain very significant despite a slight slow down in its air freight industry growth rate. GBS Freight provides the following services:Air Freight.Freight Forwarding UK.

Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.是什么意思?


韩国歌曲最后一句是I WANNA BE YOUR LOVE男生唱的

  (i wanna be)your underwear  歌手:bryan adams 专辑:18 till i die  (I Wanna Be) Your Underwear  I wanna be your t - shirt when i  T"s wet - wanna be the  Shower when you sweat  I gotta to be the tattoo on your skin - ya lemme be your  Bed baby - when you climb in  I wanna be the sheets when you sleep - lemme be the  Secrets that you keep  I gotta be the spoon - ta stir your cream  Bryan Adams  I wanna to be the one that really makes you scream  I wanna be - your lipstick when ya lick it  I wanna be - your high heels when ya kick it  I wanna be - your sweet love babe - ya when you make it  From your feet up to your hair - more than anything I swear  I wanna be - your underwear  I wanna be the itch that you scratch - wanna be your  Chair when you relax  I got to be your razor when you shave  Wanna be the habit that really makes you crave  I wanna be - your bathrobe - when you"re drippin"  I wanna be - your cocktail baby - when you"re sippin"  I just wanna be right there - more than anything I swear  I wanna be - your underwear  Wanna be your sleepin" bag - baby slip inside  Let me be your motorcycle n" take ya for a ride -  Alright  I wanna be - your hot sauce - ya when you"re cookin"  I wanna be - your sunglasses - hey good lookin"  I wanna be - wanna be the one - ya stick your hook in"  I just wanna be right there - more than anything I swear  Oh ya I wanna be - your underwear


《I wanna be your slave》是Maneskin演唱的一首歌曲,由达米亚诺·大卫、托马斯·拉吉、维多利亚德·安吉利斯和伊森·托基奥创作,属于专辑《ZITTI E BUONI》。

千里之行始于足下英文翻译A long journey always__the first step


有一首英文歌,歌词里有i wanna be your boy的。

20th century boy

求问一首歌,有句歌词i wanna be you(或者是your) lover,韩文歌

Love Alone-miss A

一首很有节奏感的英文歌。女生唱的。其中一句歌词大概是I wanna be your man I wanna be your什么的?


a thousand -li journey begins with the the first step中文意思


Focus on you need是否有语法错误? 那个和Focus on your need 是否有区别?

第一句应该改成 focus on what you need~~这样改完后 第一句与第二句的 句意相同。


(一)计算单一密度界面的Olderbury-Parker法R.L.Parker和P.W.Oldenburg(1972年,1974年)提出一种快速计算界面的正反演方法。目前,该方法应用较广泛。1.单一界面异常的波谱如图11-5所示,单一密度界面在水平面(xoy面)内的引力位为图11-5 单一界面快速反演法图示勘探重力学与地磁学引力位的波谱为勘探重力学与地磁学Erdelyi积分表(1954年)可知,1/(x2+y2+ζ2)1/2的波谱为2πe-ωζ/ω,根据傅氏变换(FT)的位移性质可知,1/[(x-ξ)2+(y-η)2+ζ2]1/2的波谱应为 ,因此引力位的波谱为勘探重力学与地磁学ξ和ζ的积分限是-∞~∞,而ζ的积分限是(h0+Δh)~h0,其中Δh为界面相对于平均深度h0的起伏,界面在h0以上Δh为负,在h0以下Δh为正,而Δh又是ξ和ζ的函数,故勘探重力学与地磁学又已知重力异常波谱与引力位波谱之间的关系为SΔg=ωSV,所以重力异常的波谱为勘探重力学与地磁学因为 !,而(-Δhw)0/(0!)=1,所以勘探重力学与地磁学式中:(SΔh)n为(Δh)n的波谱。上式即为单一密度界面的重力异常波谱公式。2.计算界面深度的迭代法将(11-30)式改写成勘探重力学与地磁学从上式解出勘探重力学与地磁学在已知界面平均深度h0和剩余密度ρ的条件下,可用迭代法计算界面深度。先忽略式中(SΔh)n的高次项,SΔh的一级近似为勘探重力学与地磁学将 代入(11-30)式计算SΔg的一级近似值:勘探重力学与地磁学计算SΔh的修改量:勘探重力学与地磁学而SΔh的二级近似值为勘探重力学与地磁学再将 代入(11-30)式求出SΔg的二级近似值 ,如此反复迭代下去,直到n次迭代后SΔg与 的均方误差小于给定的允许误差为止。对SΔh计算逆富氏变换求出界面起伏Δh,而界面深度为勘探重力学与地磁学在具体计算时,尚需加一适当的正则化因子,以防止高波数因子 的发散作用。(二)计算单一磁性界面的Olderburg-Parker方法根据磁位与引力位的关系——泊松公式的推导可知,均匀磁化体的磁性为勘探重力学与地磁学式中:V为引力位;ls,ms,ns为磁化强度M的方向余弦(即cosαs,cosβs,cosvs)。根据傅氏变换(FT)的线性和微分性质、磁位的波谱应为勘探重力学与地磁学式中:qs=j(lscosθ+mssinθ)+ns;wx=wcosθ;wy=wsinθ;wx,wy分别为与x轴、y轴对应的圆波数;θ为径向圆波数w的极角。(11-38)式是物体引力位与磁位波谱间的关系式,也称波数域的泊松公式。由ΔT的物理意义和位函数的方向导数性质可知:勘探重力学与地磁学式中:u2202T为地磁场T0方向的长度元,lt=cosαt,mt=cosβt,nt=cosγt为T0的方向余弦。依FT的线性和微分性质可知ΔT的波谱应为勘探重力学与地磁学勘探重力学与地磁学式中:qt=j(ltcosθ+mtsinθ)+nt。又根据前面介绍SΔg=wSV, (-w)n-1/n!,所以勘探重力学与地磁学令qs=qt=1时,便得到垂直磁化垂直磁异常ΔZ⊥的波谱公式:勘探重力学与地磁学下面介绍计算磁性界面深度的迭代法:将(11-41)式改写成勘探重力学与地磁学这样 由(11-42)式出发,在已知界面的平均深度h0和磁化强度M的条件下,可用迭代法计算界面深度。先忽略式中(SΔh)n的高次项,SΔh的一级近似值为勘探重力学与地磁学将 代入(11-41)式,计算 的一级近似值:勘探重力学与地磁学计算修正量:勘探重力学与地磁学而SΔh的二级近似值为勘探重力学与地磁学再将 代入(11-41)求出 的二级近似值 。如此反复迭代下去,直到几次迭代后 与 的均方误差小于给定的允许误差为止。对SΔh计算逆FT,求出界面起伏Δh,而界面深度为勘探重力学与地磁学在具体计算时,尚需加一适当的正则化因子,以防高波数因子 的发散作用。由以上所介绍的磁性界面的计算方法可见,利用的是垂直磁化垂直磁异常 或其波谱 。但是实际磁异常ΔZ或ΔT往往是斜磁化的,所以,在计算界面之前,须将斜磁化的ΔZ或ΔT转换成垂直磁化垂直磁异常ΔZ⊥或其波谱 。

cnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient这行代码到底有什么具体用处

CursorLocation 属性 (ADO)设置或返回游标引擎的位置。设置和返回值设置或返回可设置为以下某个常量的长整型值。常量 说明 adUseNone 没有使用游标服务。(该常量已过时并且只为了向后兼容才出现)。 adUseClient 使用由本地游标库提供的客户端游标。本地游标引擎通常允许使用的许多功能可能是驱动程序提供的游标无法使用的,因此使用该设置对于那些将要启用的功能是有好处的。adUseClientBatch 与 adUseClient 同义,也支持向后兼容性。 adUseServer 默认值。使用数据提供者或驱动程序提供的游标。这些游标有时非常灵活,对于其他用户对数据源所作的更改具有额外的敏感性。但是,Microsoft Client Cursor Provider(如已断开关联的记录集)的某些功能无法由服务器端游标模拟,通过该设置将无法使用这些功能。 说明该属性允许在可用于提供者的各种游标库中进行选择。通常,可以选择使用客户端游标库或位于服务器上的某个游标库。该属性设置仅对属性已经设置后才建立的连接有影响。更改 CursorLocation 属性不会影响现有的连接。对于 Connection 或关闭的 Recordset 该属性为读/写,而对打开的 Recordset 该属性为只读。Connection.Execute 游标将继承该设置。Recordset 将自动从与之关联的连接中继承该设置。Remote Data Service 用法 当用于客户端 (ADOR) Recordset 或 Connection 对象时,只能将 CursorLocation 属性设置为 adUseClient。

Settle On Your Skin 歌词

歌曲名:Settle On Your Skin歌手:swan lake专辑:Enemy MineSwan Lake - Settle On Your SkinIf you"re uncomfortable with silenceLet me shower you with these silly violetsYou can listen to the petalsAs they spin down to settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohBut my voice is tiredAnd my voice is roughMy arms are tiredAnd my aim is offIt"s the kind of dayWhere lovers stay homeI know you know the painI know you know the painOf entering your nameinto the lottery again and againI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle for your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohI"ll settle on your skin ohMy voice is tiredAnd my voice is roughMy arms are tiredAnd my aim is offSo get readyI am the iceAnd I am a volcanoQue sera seraI am the bow and I am the arrowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2209262

歌词里有 I Wanna Be Your Girl 外国男生唱的

Wanna Be Your Girl -----Die happy

I wanna be your slave什么意思?




求I wanna be yours歌词中文翻译

Look.. I know we been friends for a while now 哎。。我们是好朋友已经有一段时间了But, I just feel I can confess to you 我想。。我只想向你坦白It"s gon" be hard but.. Alright here it goes 这说出口很难,但是、、我必须要说Imagine if the pillow that you cried on was my chest 设想一下如果你趴在我胸膛上哭泣And the tissue that you wiped your face with was my hand 我来擦你脸上那眼泪Girl, imagine if you needed advice about some other guy, I"m the one that comes to mind 宝贝,设想一下如果你想找别人谈心,我就是第一个进入你脑海的人Not try"na hear you tell nobody that I"m just a friend我试着不去在乎你说我只是一个普通朋友 Just try"na make sure I"m that body that you call your man 我只是想试着确定一下确定,我是你的男朋友And anytime you need a shoulder, it"s yours night or day 不论何时,如果你需要一个肩膀,我会整天来给你依靠Well, what I"m try"na say is.. 好吧,我想说的是I wanna be, the last number you call late at night 我想成为,你夜里最后一个打电话的人Said I wanna be, the first one that you dial when you open your eyes我真的想成为,你睁开眼第一个打电话说的人Wanna be the one you run to, wanna be the one that ain"t gon" hurt you 想成为你选择的那个人,想成为一个绝不会伤害你的心的那个人I wanna be, yeah 我真的想成为你的那一个人Wanna be, yeah 我真的想成为你的那一个人Be the man makin" your girls jealous (Girl, I wanna be) 我想成为那种能让你的朋友都嫉妒的那个人(宝贝,我真的想)Be the guy shuttin" down all the fellas (ooh) 成为那个打败其他男人的人Whatever you need, girl it"s all on me 无论你想要什么,宝贝,都包在我身上Your soldier, your friend, or your lover (ooh) 你的,你的知心朋友,或者你的爱人,哦哦哦Girl, I wanna be 宝贝,无论什么,我都想成为那个人Would it be cool, would you mind if I called you my boo, (my boo) 这样会很酷,你会介意我把你当成吗? the next whip you was pushin" was the one I bought for you 如果我是下一个偷到你心的人Can I be the one that meets your Pops and r mama shoppin"我可以成为那个和你父母逛街的人吗Be the they liiike (wait!), have you thought about it 可以成为他们喜爱的人吗(等一下)你考虑过吗(wait), Really thought about it 认真的想一下Maybe you should take some time, call your girls and talk about it (yeah) 也许你该抽些时间,打电话给你的好朋友谈谈一下我Cause I done already made up my mind (my mind) 因为我早就下定决心了(信心)Don"t need no more time to know if I wanna be with you 我要再花时间想我会不会和你在一起I wanna be, the last number you call late at night 我想成为,你夜里最后一个打电话的人Said I wanna be, the first one that you dial when you open your eyes我真的想成为,你睁开眼第一个打电话说的人Wanna be the one you run to, wanna be the one that ain"t gon" hurt you 想成为你选择的那个人,想成为一个绝不会伤害你的心的那个人I wanna be, yeah 我真的想成为你的那一个人Wanna be, yeah 我真的想成为你的那一个人Be the man makin" your girls jealous (Girl, I wanna be) 我想成为那种能让你的朋友都嫉妒的那个人(宝贝,我真的想)Be the guy shuttin" down all the fellas (ooh) 成为那个打败其他男人的人Whatever you need, girl it"s all on me 无论你想要什么,宝贝,都包在我身上Your soldier, your friend, or your lover (ooh) 你的,你的知心朋友,或者你的爱人,哦哦哦Girl, I wanna be 宝贝,无论什么,我都想成为那个人Put me on your screen-saver, all over your Myspace and 把我的照片做成你的桌面,充满你的所有的空间Make me one of your five favorites, that"s where I wanna be 让我成为你最喜爱的五个人之一The one you cryin" for, stayin" fightin" for 那个你为了他而哭泣,彻夜不眠的人Wanna be your good, bad, love, hey, Girl! 我想成为你最好的最坏的爱,嘿。宝贝Cross my heart, hope to die, on everything that"s good 誓言在我心里,从未改变,一切都会美好I"ma do you right, show you right, Get this understood 我会展示我的爱,来让你明白Cross my heart, hope to die, on everything that"s good 誓言在我心里,从未改变,一切都会美好I"ma do you right, show you right, Get this understood 我会展示我的爱,来让你明白I wanna beeeee, the last number that you call late at night (oh) 我想成为,你夜里最后一个打电话的人first one that you dial when you open your eyes (when you open your eyes) 你第一个打电话说早安的人(当你醒来)Wanna be the one you run to 成为你最后选择的人Wanna be the one that ain"t gon hurt you (oh) 成为那个从不会伤你的心的那个人I wanna be, yeah (I wanna be yours) 我真的想成为(我想成为你的唯一)Wanna be, yeah 真的想啊Be the man makin" your girls jealous (Jealous, yeah) 成为那个会让你的朋友都会嫉妒的那个人(嫉妒啦)Be the guy shuttin" down all the fellas (Fellas) 成为那个打败其他男人的人(其他人)Whatever you need, (uhh) 无论你需要什么Girl, it"s all on me 宝贝,全都包在我身上Your soldier, your friend, or your lover 你的,你的知心朋友,或者你的爱人,哦哦哦Girl, I wanna be yours 宝贝,我想成为你的唯一Girl, I wanna be, yours 宝贝,我是属于你的I wanna be, yours 我是属于你的

focus on yourself 翻译

有这个短语. focus on your strength 意思是“集中到你的优势上面”,strength是“长处”的意思. Does your manager focus on your strengths?你老板发挥你的长处了吗? Keep your focus on your strengths,your talents and your abilities. Find your strengths and focus on them!找到自己的优势并发挥它们. Focus on your strengths,delegate your weaknesses!扬长避短. focus your strength on sth 也可以,意思是“把你的力量全部集中于某件事上”,strength是“力量”的意思.

in the light of = according to 可以说 in the light of a survey 么

in the light of1.按照,根据,依照;鉴于,由于,考虑到,照顾到;从…的观点 [亦作 in light of]2.当作according to作介词用]1) 按照,依照,据,根据…2) 依(或视)…而定,随着…而,以…为转移,取决于3) 按…次序4) 据(权...




这首歌的创作背景是1984年一个寒冷的冬天,北欧一个名叫特里亚的小镇一座当地比较出名的庄园突发大火,这座庄园的女主人的丈夫在一年前死于一场车祸。只留下了她和四个年幼的孩子,凶猛的火焰烧断通往二楼的木质楼梯,孩子的呼喊声女妇神经质的笑声里带着一丝解脱。干燥寒冷的小镇并没有因为这场火灾变得温暖。扩展资料:cradlesSub Urban作词:Sub Urban作曲 : Daniel Virgil MaisonneuveI live inside my own world of make believe.我活在自己臆想的世界当中Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities.孩子们在摇篮里尖叫谩骂I see the world through eyes covered in pink and bleach.透过我的双眼这个世界被一层粉色和漂白剂所覆盖Cross out the ones who held my cries and watched me weep.把看到我柔软一面的人都通通抹除I love everything.我是爱所有的一切的Fire spreading all around my room.当火焰不断吞噬我的房间My world"s so bright.这一刻我的眼中只有火光It"s hard to breathe but that"s alright.虽然很难呼吸但也无所谓了吧Hush.请别说话..Sh...嘘..Tape my eyes open to force reality.眼睛只能靠胶带的支撑来面对现实Why can"t you just let me eat my weight in glee?你为什么不让我开心的离开呢?I live inside my own world of make believe.我活在自己臆想的世界当中Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities.孩子们在摇篮里尖叫谩骂Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days.有时我觉得我的身体日益消瘦And some days I can"t tell if my body belongs to me.更有时我无法确定身体是否是我的一部分了I love everything.我是爱所有的一切的Fire spreading all around my room.当火焰不断吞噬我的房间My world"s so bright.这一刻 我的眼中只有火光It"s hard to breathe but that"s alright.虽然很难呼吸但也无所谓了吧Hush.请别说话..Sh...嘘..I wanna taste your content.我渴望着去品尝你Hold your breath and feel the tension.扼住你的呼吸并感受你的那份不安Devils hide behind redemption.救赎的背后隐藏着恶魔Honesty is a one way gate to hell.所以诚实也变成了一种堕落I wanna taste consumption.我内心向往着品尝浪费的感觉Breathe faster to waste oxygen.急促呼吸来消耗氧气Hear the children sing aloud.聆听着孩子们大声的歌唱It"s music till the wick burns out.在灯芯烧灭之前可真是动听啊Hush.请静下来吧..Just wanna be care free lately, yeah.我只想从现在开始变得无忧无虑的Just kicking up daisies.看那野菊花漫天飘落Got one too many quarters in my pockets.一个一个的四分钱在我口袋里躺着Count "em like the four leaf clovers in my locket.数他们就像数我盒子里的四叶草一样Untied laces, yeah, just tripping on dirt.没有系上的鞋带在地上提拉着Dreams got dirty little alibis playing up.梦里的内容有些已经没有印象了Might as well just ride around the nursery and count sheep.可能只是在幼儿园里打闹或者数羊的事吧


湖南教师发展网登录入口: https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f 7月8日-9日,2021年“国培计划”工作坊研修承办单位研讨会在湖南省中小学教师发展中心举行。来自省内外30家项目承办机构负责人、坊主团队代表参加了本次研讨会。研讨会采取先集中后分组的方式进行。集中阶段由省中小学教师发展中心远程培训与资源建设科科长陈益兰主持,省中小学教师发展中心党******、主任贾腊生致辞并为研讨会定下了主要基调:一是明确职责,二是加强沟通,三是做好管理,确保优质完成任务。随后,陈益兰科长对国培计划工作坊研修实施工作进行具体部署,对项目实施进度节点作出说明,对发展网平台提供研修课程进行了充分的阐述,最后对承办单位和研修平台的主要职责进行明确分工。“国培计划”工作坊研修项目首席专家陶佑钦,资深培训专家龙万国参加了会议。 分组研讨环节分设两个会场,其中自主选学试点项目组由项目指导专家黄朝霞教授、邓水平教授组织研讨。骨干校(园)长、骨干教师工作坊项目组由项目指导专家肖裔、冯辉梅教授主持讨论。与会代表围绕项目实施面临的困难和问题,意见和建议各抒己见、畅所欲言,为下一步项目实施工作的顺利开展打下了坚实的基础。 (1)、湖南省中小学教师发展网登录平台入口地址:https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f (2)、湖南省中小学教师发展网登录平台入口:https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f (3)、湖南省中小教师发展网管理平台登陆入口 (4)、湖南省教师发展网登录入口:https://sts.hnteacher.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f (5)、湖南教师工资标准表2021,湖南教师工资调整多少钱一个月 (6)、2021年湖南教师工资上调最新政策,湖南教师工资改革最新消息 (7)、2020年湖南教师工资待遇改革上调方案及调整时间标准细则 (8)、湖南乡村教师生活补贴政策及养老保险新规定 (9)、2021年最新湖南教师工资上调最新政策和标准 (10)、2020年湖南特岗教师工资待遇怎么样,湖南特岗教师工资一览表 ;


客户端游标游标类型有很多,比如服务器端、客户端、动态、静态等。 比较省资源,远程调用用的比较多

Rs.Cursorlocation=3 Rs.open strSql,Conn,2,2,1 这两句是什么意思啊

Rs.Cursorlocation=3数据集rs返回的游标位置为3Rs.open strSql,Conn,2,2,1从数据库读取记入,并存入rs中,其中strsql是自定义的SQL语句Conn是数据库链接对象,2,2,1依次为记录集的游标类型,锁定类型,常量参数


adUseClient 3使用本地游标库提供的客户端的游标。本地游标服务通常允许执行驱动程序提供的游标所不允许的许多功能,因此使用此设置可以充分利用即将启用的功能。为进行向后兼容,亦支持同义字 adUseClientBatch。adUseNone 1不使用游标服务。(此常量已作废并且只是为了向后兼容才出现。)adUseServer 2默认值。使用数据提供者或驱动程序提供的游标。这些游标有时很灵活,可以额外感知其他人对数据源所做的更改使用2就是服务器端游标,这种情况下,很多的操作不是我们决定的而是数据库服务器来决定的.但是3就是客户机游标,这种情况下,是一定能得到recordCount的

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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Europe是欧洲的意思,谁能帮我写一篇英文介绍Europe,不要太长!谢谢! 解析: “Europe”—the word calls to mind a land of famous old buildings, scenic countryside, and time-honored traditions. Europe is rich in history. Ancient stone castles, lavish palaces, and beautiful cathedrals dot the land. But it"s also one of the world"s most vibrant, modern places. Europe attracts visitors from around the world. They e to see its historic landmarks, world-class art museums, and great natural beauty. Scenic attractions include the rolling green hills of the British Isles, towering peaks of the Swiss Alps, and sunny Mediterranean beaches. PENINSULAS AND ISLANDSEurope is considered a separate continent. But it"s actually a peninsula—a piece of land that juts out from a mainland into water. Europe is a giant peninsula sticking west out of Asia, the mainland. The Ural Mountains east of Europe divide the continent from Asia. The mountains run right through Russia. Russia lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia. Europe has many *** aller peninsulas of its own. Greece and Italy are peninsulas. Spain and Portugal share another peninsula called Iberia. In the north, Denmark occupies the *** all peninsula of Jutland. Sweden and Norway occupy the larger Scandinavian Peninsula. Europe also includes many islands, such as Great Britain, Ireland, Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, and Crete. All of these islands and peninsulas give Europe a long coastline and many harbors, inlets, and seaports. A CROWDED CONTINENT Europe is the second *** allest of the world"s seven continents. Only Australia is *** aller. Europe is about the same size as the United States. Yet it has almost three times as many people. About 729 million people live in Europe. That makes it the most crowded of all the continents. Europe is divided into more than 40 countries, and Europeans speak more than 60 languages. Europe is home to dozens of great cities. Many of them, such as London and Paris, date to ancient times. Among Europe"s other famous cities are Athens, Berlin, Budapest, Madrid, Moscow, Prague, Rome, and Vienna. MANY LANDSCAPES You can see a great variety of landscapes in Europe. Many hills and mountains cover northwestern Europe. Around Norway"s coast, ancient glaciers carved deep inlets to the sea called fjords. Steep mountains thick with timber line the fjords, creating beautiful scenery. South of these highlands lies the Great European Plain. This low-lying plain reaches all the way from southern France to the Ural Mountains in Russia. Some of Europe"s best soils and most productive farms are found here. Europe"s highest mountains rise to the south of this plain. In the west stand the spectacular, snow-capped Alps. These jagged peaks include the world-famous Matterhorn. The Alps cover parts of Switzerland, France, Italy, and Austria. High mountains reach all the way to the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Europe"s tallest and steepest peaks, the Caucasus Mountains, stand in the southeast. They are home to Elbrus, the highest point in Europe at 18,510 feet (5,642 meters). GREAT CIVILIZATIONS The first great European civilizations arose along the calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The greatest of these was ancient Greece, which grew up on the islands and peninsula of Greece about 2,500 years ago. The center of power then shifted to ancient Rome. Starting in Italy, the Romans built an empire around the Mediterranean coast. Then they pushed north, through France and the British Isles, and east as far as Iraq. Greece and Rome laid the foundations for modern Europe. The Greeks made astounding advances in math, science, philosophy, and the arts. They invented democracy. The Romans made great strides in engineering, government, and law. They invented cement. Some Roman-built roads, c *** s, and bridges are still used today in Europe. A CHRISTIAN CONTINENT Christianity spread to Europe from the Middle East during Roman times. For many centuries, almost all the people of Western Europe belonged to the Roman Catholic Church. Most Eastern Europeans belonged to the Orthodox Christian Church. That church was based in Constantinople, a city on the eastern edge of Europe. Europeans today are still mostly Christian. But not all Western Europeans are Catholic anymore. Almost half are Protestants. Small minorities follow other religions, including Judai *** , Islam, and Buddhi *** . THE RISE OF EUROPE After the Roman Empire began to break apart in the ad 300s, Europe entered a period called the Middle Ages. Many *** all kingdoms arose to take the place of Roman rule. Struggles for power beeen kings and other nobles frequently broke the peace. Trade collapsed. Hardly anyone could read. Gradually, the power of the kings increased. They built strong kingdoms across Europe, with powerful armies and navies to defend them. By the 1400s, Spain and Portugal had bee great powers. They sailed all over the world and founded empires in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Later, The Netherlands, Britain, and France built impressive overseas empires. Meanwhile, Europeans began questioning their traditional beliefs. They questioned the power of the Catholic Church. Great progress was made in science and the arts. In the 1700s and 1800s, Europeans invented new power-driven machines for making goods. Big factories emerged. This was called industrialization. It made Europeans rich and powerful. FREEDOM IN EASTERN EUROPE In 1917, a group called the Communists took over Russia in eastern Europe. They turned Russia into an empire called the Soviet Union. Over time, the Soviet Union gained control of many other eastern European countries. Communist governments tried to control most aspects of life in their countries. In the 1980s, the Soviet Union crumbled. Russia and other Eastern European countries gained their freedom. EUROPE TODAY The years of Communist rule left their mark on Eastern Europe. The Communists built inefficient factories that polluted the environment. Few Eastern Europeans prospered under Communi *** . Today, this is changing. Eastern Europeans are modernizing their countries and working to build new sources of wealth. By the late 20th century, European countries had given up most of their remaining overseas colonies. Yet Europe remains a wealthy and powerful place. Today, as in centuries past, Europe is a world leader in art, science, industry, and learning.

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free和leisure的区别 确切地说是leisurely或者leisureful,leisure是名词,多表示时间比较充足,比较悠闲,有“业余时间”的意思,而free的意思就比较多了,表示时间空闲只是其中一种意思,表示空闲时有“不再诸事缠身”的意思 leisure spare free 区别 两者都含:空余时间、闲暇时间的意思 不同:spare time 侧重指 除……以外的时间。在汉语中等同于 休息 free time 侧重指 自己自由支配的时间。在汉语中等同于 休闲 两者都含:空余时间、闲暇时间的意思 不同:spare time 侧重指 除……以外的时间。在汉语中等同于 休息 free time 侧重指 自己自由支配的时间。在汉语中等同于 休闲 leisure time,spare time和free time区别 leisure time 是工作间隔的一点点时间 spare time 是闲着没事干的时间 free time是空余时间 leisure time / free time/ time off的区别 leisure time 休闲时间 free time空闲时间 time off| 休息时间 空闲时间|休假时间,病假时间 常用搭配take time off 请假 区别不大的 非要区别的话 自己意会吧 free 和 for free 的区别? 给你两个例句自己体会总结吧: 1. He got a free ticket. 2. He got a ticket for free. be free和free的区别 be free是 放松。free是空闲 be free of和be free to的区别! be free of 的意思是“远离……”“免于……” be free to的意思是“自由去做”“任意……” Our students are usually free to use the platform on which they are most fortable; most have at least one puter, and many have more. 我们的学生通常可以自由地选择他们使用最舒适的平台,大多数至少有一台计算机,且许多人有更多台。 Some GUI distributions have licenses that allow them to be used, even in mercial products, free of charge. 一些 GUI 分发版具有允许免费使用的许可证,甚至在一些商业产品中也是如此。 free from 和free of的区别 free from 和free of意思的不同主要体现在from和of上,from表示从...、来自...,那么free from就是从...释放出来,后面接释放出来的东西所属的事物;而of表示关于...,那么free of的意思就是后面的事物要被摒弃。 1、free from 英[fri: fru0254m] 美[fri fru028cm] [词典] (把…) 从…释放出来, 使摆脱; [例句]He is free from prejudice to everybody. 他对所有的人都不带有任何成见。 2、free of 英[fri: u0254v] 美[fri u028cv] [词典] 摒除, 打消…; 捝; [例句]I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice 我希望建立一个没有剥削和不公的社会。 for free和free of charge的区别? for free是本来要钱的,但是没有要你的钱 free of charge就是这个东西本来就是免费的


Parser parser = new 一个 PrototypicalNodeFactory p = new PrototypicalNodeFactory(); p.registerTag(new ScriptTag()); parser.setNodeFactory(p); NodeFilter filterJS = new NodeClassFilter(ScriptTag.class); NodeList nodelistJS=null; try { nodelistJS = parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(filterJS); } catch (ParserException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(nodelistJS.toHtml());

Parser parser = new Parser(url)报错

url访问不到 导致链接超时 timed out情确定url是可以访问得到的如 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ Parser parser = new Parser("http://www.baidu.com"); System.out.println(parser.getURL()); }

谁有动漫头文字D《rage your dream》歌词的假名标注

对不起,我不懂日文,我只是个过客,以下的歌词是我搜来的,不知道能否帮上忙.Rage your dreamI got no impression grayの感情ボカシも入れ过ぎ 街中はimitationRealを求めて 昂ぶるあなたが近づけないほどにアツくなる 〔近くによれないほどアツくなる〕Feel your frustration あなたの叫びをTaste your vibration 震える程に感じてるRage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく风も 光満ちてゆくRage your dream 待っていることだけをFeel the wind 忘れないでいてRage your dream 続く果てない道を爱も过去も振り向かずゆける あなた辉いてるRage your dream 今を生きているMy pride says " You gatta be wild and tough"そう 他人は介在しないnever stop 止まりたくない犠牲になった爱がcryしてもPeak目指してsweep the winding road 〔Peak目指してsweep the winding street〕Beep beep! 警告音なんてcheap 〔Beep beep! 警告音はso cheap〕Sheep达は道あけるCoz I"m never gonna stop streak my dreamEasyなmotivation すべてはsimulation逃げてみたって 何処でもsafety zone何かを手に入れて 何かを忘れてく世界は壊れても 変わらないBeasty shout 谁の手にさえ负えない激しい梦 时间さえも今越えてくRage your dream 风の中で眩しく叫ぶあなた 梦达とRage your dream 鼓动止まる位にI can feel 强く感じてるRage your dream 暗をはり裂いていくLike a streak to the peak 世界中の冻えきった夜を消してくRage your dream 道を开いてくDi-ding dang another round, never slowdownコンマゼロイチ秒でKnock down余韵残し消えてこうto the next town埃舞う 败者地に这う理屈だけのノーガキ达邪魔クサイからシカトしていこうStreaker去っていくStreetの向こうSomething they would knowRage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく风も 光満ちてゆくRage your dream 待っていることだけをFeel the wind 忘れないでいてRage your dream 続く果てない道を爱も过去も振り向かずゆける あなた辉いてるRage your dream 今を生きている

fight for your life翻译

为你的生命而战。扩展知识:励志英语句子:Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。learn to walk before you run.先学走,再学跑。bind the sack before it be full.做事应适可而止。When the whole world is about to rain, let"s make it clear in our heart together.当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。

求Matt Cardle唱的Run For Your Life的歌词

,MV里面应该有显示歌词吖 不怕麻烦就抄吧 我找个好多的网站都没看到有歌词······

给我rage your dream罗马歌词~

「Rage Your Dream」 I got no impression This town made by the imitiation Wanting your sensation In this silly simulation I wanna rage my dream I got no impression grayの感情 ボカシも入れ过ぎ 街中はimitation Realを求めて 昂ぶるあなたが 近づけないほどにアツくなる 〔近くによれないほどアツくなる〕 Feel your frustration あなたの叫びを Taste your vibration 震える程に感じてる Rage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく 风も 光満ちてゆく Rage your dream 待っていることだけを Feel the wind 忘れないでいて Rage your dream 続く果てない道を 爱も过去も振り向かず ゆける あなた辉いてる Rage your dream 今を生きている My pride says " You gatta be wild and tough" そう 他人は介在しない never stop 止まりたくない 犠牲になった爱がcryしても Peak目指してsweep the winding road 〔Peak目指してsweep the winding street〕 Beep beep! 警告音なんてcheap 〔Beep beep! 警告音はso cheap〕 Sheep达は道あける Coz I"m never gonna stop streak my dream Easyなmotivation すべてはsimulation 逃げてみたって 何処でもsafety zone 何かを手に入れて 何かを忘れてく 世界は壊れても 変わらない Beasty shout 谁の手にさえ负えない 激しい梦 时间さえも今越えてく Rage your dream 风の中で眩しく 叫ぶあなた 梦达と Rage your dream 鼓动止まる位に I can feel 强く感じてる Rage your dream 暗をはり裂いていく Like a streak to the peak 世界中の 冻えきった夜を消してく Rage your dream 道を开いてく Di-ding dang another round, never slowdown コンマゼロイチ秒でKnock down 余韵残し消えてこうto the next town 埃舞う 败者地に这う 理屈だけのノーガキ达 邪魔クサイからシカトしていこう Streaker去っていくStreetの向こう Something they would know Rage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく 风も 光満ちてゆく Rage your dream 待っていることだけを Feel the wind 忘れないでいて Rage your dream 続く果てない道を 爱も过去も振り向かず ゆける あなた辉いてる Rage your dream 今を生きている Romaji Lyrics I got no impression This town made by the imitiation Wanting your sensation In this silly simulation I wanna rage my dream I got no impression gray no kanjou BOKASHI mo ire sugi machijuu ha imitation Real o motomete takaburu anata ga chikaku ni yorenai hodo ATSUKU naru Feel your frustration anata no sakebi o Taste your vibration furueru hodo ni kanjiteiru * Rage your dream toki o kakenukete yuku kaze mo hikari michite yuku Rage your dream matteiru koto dake o Feel the wind wasurenaide ite Rage your dream tsudzuku hatenai michi o ai mo kakou mo furimukazu yukeru anata kagayaiteiru Rage your dream ima o ikiteiru My pride says "You gotta be wild & tough" sou tanin ha kaizai shinai never stop tomari takunai gisei ni natta ai ga cry shite mo Peak mezashite sweep the winding street Beep beep! keikoku oto ha so cheap sheep-tachi ha michi o akero Cos I"m never gonna stop streak my dream Easy na motivation subete ha simulation nigete mitatte doko demo safety zone nani ka o te ni irete nani ka o wasureteku sekai ga kowarete mo kawaranai Beasty shout dare no te ni sae oenai hageshii yume jikan sae mo ima koeteku Rage your dream kaze no naka de mabushiku sakebu anata yume-tachi to Rage your dream kodou tomaru kurai ni I can feel tsuyoku kanjiteru Rage your dream yami o hari saiteiku Life a streak to the peak sekaijuu no kogoe kitta yoru o keshiteku Rage your dream michi o hiraiteku Di-ding dang another round, never slowdown KONMA ZERO ICHI byou de Knock down yoin nokoshi kiete kou to the next town hokori mau haishachi ni hau rikutsu dake no NOOGAKI-tachi jama KUSAI kara SHIKATO shite ikou Streaker satteiku street no mukou Something they would know * repeat

run for your life是什么意思


跪求…日本动漫《头文字D》的主题曲《Rage Your Dream》的歌词,最好是中文和日文的一起!


谁有Rage your dream 的歌词?急啊啊啊!!!!

中文:Rage Your Dream我没有留下任何印象这个城市由假象所制造等待你的感动在这可笑的伪装中我要燃烧我的梦by :Initial D我没有留下任何印象 灰色的感情被颜料渲染得太过模糊 整条街道都是假象追求着真实 昂首挺胸的你热血沸腾到让人无法接近感受你的挫折感受你的叫喊尝试你的颤抖 连自己都在颤抖燃烧你的梦 去超越时间风也渐渐被光芒所充满燃烧你的梦 仅仅只是等待去感受风 请不要忘记燃烧你的梦 继续着没有尽头的路不会回望爱情与过去走下去 你是闪亮的星燃烧你的 梦活在现在我自豪的说你获得的是激情和强壮对 没有别人的介入从来没有停止也不想停止就算牺牲掉的爱情在哭泣向着山顶出发 扫过弯曲的街道叭叭!喇叭声如此的轻松胆怯的人快把路让开我从来没有终止我的梦想简单的手势 全是假装要是逃离 随处都是安全地带得到什么 忘记什么就算世界被破坏 也无法改变令人不快的呼喊声 谁都无法处理激情的梦 连时空都可以超越燃烧你的梦 在风中发出眩目的叫喊 和梦想一起燃烧你的梦 甚至让心跳停止我能感觉到 深深地感觉到燃烧你的梦 滑坡黑暗 飞向山顶扫除世上冰冷的夜晚燃烧你的梦 闯出一条路叮当又一圈 从来没有低速 燃烧你的梦 划破黑暗用零点一秒击败它余韵消失了 奔向下一个城镇尘土飞扬 失败者倒地满嘴歪理的小子们碍手碍脚的 赶快搞清楚在跑者离去的街道那边他们会明白一些事情燃烧你的梦 去超越时间风也渐渐被光芒所充满燃烧你的梦 仅仅只是等待去感受风 请不要忘记燃烧你的梦 继续着没有尽头的路不会回望爱情与过去走下去 你是闪亮的星燃烧你的 梦活在现在-----------------------------------日文:Rage Your DreamI got no impressionThis town made by the imitationWanting your sensationIn this silly simulationI wanna rage my dreamby:QQ:412522264I got no impression grayの感情ボカシも入れ过ぎ 街中はimitationRealを求めて 昂ぶるあなたが近づけないほどにアツくなる 〔近くによれないほどアツくなる〕Feel your frustration あなたの叫びをTaste your vibration 震える程に感じてるRage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく风も 光満ちてゆくRage your dream 待っていることだけをFeel the wind 忘れないでいてRage your dream 続く果てない道を爱も过去も振り向かずゆける あなた辉いてるRage your dream 今を生きているMy pride says " You gatta be wild and tough"そう 他人は介在しないnever stop 止まりたくない犠牲になった爱がcryしてもPeak目指してsweep the winding road 〔Peak目指してsweep the winding street〕Beep beep! 警告音なんてcheap 〔Beep beep! 警告音はso cheap〕Sheep达は道あけるCoz I"m never gonna stop streak my dreamEasyなmotivation すべてはsimulation逃げてみたって 何処でもsafety zone何かを手に入れて 何かを忘れてく世界は壊れても 変わらないBeasty shout 谁の手にさえ负えない激しい梦 时间さえも今越えてくRage your dream 风の中で眩しく叫ぶあなた 梦达とRage your dream 鼓动止まる位にI can feel 强く感じてるRage your dream 暗をはり裂いていくLike a streak to the peak 世界中の冻えきった夜を消してくRage your dream 道を开いてくDi-ding dang another round, never slowdownコンマゼロイチ秒でKnock down余韵残し消えてこうto the next town埃舞う 败者地に这う理屈だけのノーガキ达邪魔クサイからシカトしていこうStreaker去っていくStreetの向こうSomething they would knowRage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく风も 光満ちてゆくRage your dream 待っていることだけをFeel the wind 忘れないでいてRage your dream 続く果てない道を爱も过去も振り向かずゆける あなた辉いてるRage your dream 今を生きている---------------------------------------这就么多了!

头文字D的ed rage your dream罗马音

M.O.V.ERage Your Dream 罗马音歌词I got no impressionThis town made by the imitiationWanting your sensationIn this silly simulationI wanna rage my dreamI got no impression gray no kanjouBOKASHI mo ire sugi machijuu ha imitationReal o motomete takaburu anata gachikaku ni yorenai hodo ATSUKU naruFeel your frustration anata no sakebi oTaste your vibration furueru hodo ni kanjiteiruRage your dream toki o kakenukete yuku kaze mo hikari michite yukuRage your dream matteiru koto dake o Feel the wind wasurenaide iteRage your dream tsudzuku hatenai michi o ai mo kakou mo furimukazuyukeru anata kagayaiteiru Rage your dream ima o ikiteiruMy pride says "You gotta be wild & tough"sou tanin ha kaizai shinainever stop tomari takunaigisei ni natta ai ga cry shite moPeak mezashite sweep the winding streetBeep beep! keikoku oto ha so cheapsheep-tachi ha michi o akeroCos I"m never gonna stop streak my dreamEasy na motivation subete ha simulationnigete mitatte doko demo safety zonenani ka o te ni irete nani ka o wasuretekusekai ga kowarete mo kawaranaiBeasty shout dare no te ni sae oenaihageshii yume jikan sae mo ima koetekuRage your dream kaze no naka de mabushiku sakebu anata yume-tachi toRage your dream kodou tomaru kurai ni I can feel tsuyoku kanjiteruRage your dream yami o hari saiteiku Life a streak to the peak sekaijuu nokogoe kitta yoru o keshiteku Rage your dream michi o hiraitekuDi-ding dang another round, never slowdownKONMA ZERO ICHI byou de Knock downyoin nokoshi kiete kou to the next townhokori mau haishachi ni haurikutsu dake no NOOGAKI-tachijama KUSAI kara SHIKATO shite ikouStreaker satteiku street no mukouSomething they would know

谁知道头文字D里的"RAGE YOUR DREAM"是哪个女歌手唱的啊?

中文名:益田佑里 外文名:Yuri

求头文字D片尾曲Rage Your Dream罗马音


请问谁有<头文字D>片尾曲<Rage your dream>歌词的罗马拼音呀?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 动漫 解析: 「Rage Your Dream」 I got no impression This town made by the imitiation Wanting your sensationIn this silly simulation I wanna rage my dream I got no impression grayの感情 ボカシも入れ过ぎ 街中はimitation Realを求めて 昂ぶるあなたが 近づけないほどにアツくなる 〔近くによれないほどアツくなる〕 Feel your frustration あなたの叫びを Taste your vibration 震える程に感じてる Rage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく 风も 光満ちてゆく Rage your dream 待っていることだけを Feel the wind 忘れないでいて Rage your dream 続く果てない道を 爱も过去も振り向かず ゆける あなた辉いてる Rage your dream 今を生きている My pride says " You gatta be wild and tough" そう 他人は介在しない never stop 止まりたくない 犠牲になった爱がcryしても Peak目指してsweep the winding road 〔Peak目指してsweep the winding street〕 Beep beep! 警告音なんてcheap 〔Beep beep! 警告音はso cheap〕 Sheep达は道あける Coz I"m never gonna stop streak my dream Easyなmotivation すべてはsimulation 逃げてみたって 何処でもsafety zone 何かを手に入れて 何かを忘れてく 世界は壊れても 変わらない Beasty shout 谁の手にさえ负えない 激しい梦 时间さえも今越えてく Rage your dream 风の中で眩しく 叫ぶあなた 梦达と Rage your dream 鼓动止まる位に I can feel 强く感じてる Rage your dream 暗をはり裂いていく Like a streak to the peak 世界中の 冻えきった夜を消してく Rage your dream 道を开いてく Di-ding dang another round, never slowdown コンマゼロイチ秒でKnock down 余韵残し消えてこうto the next town 埃舞う 败者地に这う 理屈だけのノーガキ达 邪魔クサイからシカトしていこう Streaker去っていくStreetの向こう Something they would know Rage your dream 时を駆け抜けてゆく 风も 光満ちてゆく Rage your dream 待っていることだけを Feel the wind 忘れないでいて Rage your dream 続く果てない道を 爱も过去も振り向かず ゆける あなた辉いてる Rage your dream 今を生きている Romaji Lyrics I got no impression This town made by the imitiation Wanting your sensation In this silly simulation I wanna rage my dream I got no impression gray no kanjou BOKASHI mo ire sugi machijuu ha imitation Real o motomete takaburu anata ga chikaku ni yorenai hodo ATSUKU naru Feel your frustration anata no sakebi o Taste your vibration furueru hodo ni kanjiteiru * Rage your dream toki o kakenukete yuku kaze mo hikari michite yuku Rage your dream matteiru koto dake o Feel the wind wasurenaide ite Rage your dream tsudzuku hatenai michi o ai mo kakou mo furimukazu yukeru anata kagayaiteiru Rage your dream ima o ikiteiru My pride says "You gotta be wild & tough" sou tanin ha kaizai shinai never stop tomari takunai gisei ni natta ai ga cry shite mo Peak mezashite sweep the winding street Beep beep! keikoku oto ha so cheap sheep-tachi ha michi o akero Cos I"m never gonna stop streak my dream Easy na motivation subete ha simulation nigete mitatte doko demo safety zone nani ka o te ni irete nani ka o wasureteku sekai ga kowarete mo kawaranai Beasty shout dare no te ni sae oenai hageshii yume jikan sae mo ima koeteku Rage your dream kaze no naka de mabushiku sakebu anata yume-tachi to Rage your dream kodou tomaru kurai ni I can feel tsuyoku kanjiteru Rage your dream yami o hari saiteiku Life a streak to the peak sekaijuu no kogoe kitta yoru o keshiteku Rage your dream michi o hiraiteku Di-ding dang another round, never slowdown KONMA ZERO ICHI byou de Knock down yoin nokoshi kiete kou to the next town hokori mau haishachi ni hau rikutsu dake no NOOGAKI-tachi jama KUSAI kara SHIKATO shite ikou Streaker satteiku street no mukou Something they would know * repeat

求头文字D片尾曲Rage your dream歌词的中文发音


头文字D(动漫) 片尾曲Rage your dream(根谷美智子唱)的日文完整歌词 及中文翻译??


for your love是什么意思


一首英文歌歌词for love turn love...是首挺嗨的歌!求歌名!

Stewart Mac-I Love YouThere was once a broken man Who walked a lonely road And Gave up all his dreams I was once this broken man Stared into the sun and Just refuse to see I was lost amongst the clouds that would"nt fade I was looking for an answer I was searching but I didnu2019t take the time I was down and out and feeling so afraid I love you the Way that you turn me round And chase away my blues I love you the way that you change my world when Iu2019m with you Love may come and love may go but now its here to stay Forever and a day And when I See you smile I fall into your eyes to Never fade way I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away And to make the mornings bright again Iu2019m right here for you theres nothing more to say Iu2019m just happy that your mine and here to stay I love you the Way that you turn me round And chase away my blues I love you the way that ypu change my world when Iu2019m with you It doesnu2019t matter where we"re from and where we are going as long as your with me all the way And the nights are long and lonely and Iu2019m waking up to find a brighter day I love you the Way that you turn me round And chase away my blues I love you the way that you change my world when Iu2019m with you
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