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2023年6月27日,上海——第11届勒芒经典赛自6月29日至7月2日期间正式开赛,意式态度先锋玛莎拉蒂将携扛鼎阵容强势亮相,为兼具复古氛围与经典传承的赛道传奇盛事增添意式格调,向热衷竞技赛事的汽车爱好者们献上一场震撼人心的视觉盛宴。勒芒24小时拉力赛,以无与伦比的赛道设计成为当之无愧的殿堂级耐力赛事,也是赛车界最激动人心的比赛之一。三叉戟品牌携兼具独特风格和卓越设计的经典车型,以及一系列结合现代前沿技术的车型亮相,并将于勒芒赛道上极具传奇色彩的弯道之间驰骋,尽显意式锋芒。不单是挑战耐力极限,勒芒经典赛还致力于展示个性魅力十足的复古车型。每隔两年,来自世界各地的汽车爱好者、绅士车手与汽车收藏家都将齐聚,共襄盛事。玛莎拉蒂将与观众一同见证大约500款于1923年至1981年期间参加勒芒24小时赛的经典车型,其中更有曾在勒芒赛历史中留下难忘篇章的传奇赛车,还原纯粹的竞技传奇魅力。玛莎拉蒂超越百年的历史中,拥有一系列标志性车型,成为无数车迷梦寐以求的经典之作。在法国的赛事中,兼具夺目外观与极致性能,仅生产了5辆的1961年玛莎拉蒂Tipo 63将于现场亮相。车辆采用极富特色的“Birdcage”鸟笼底盘和12缸V型发动机,曾经的传奇惊喜亮相赛事现场。此外,还有动力强劲且运动气息十足的1974年玛莎拉蒂Bora,搭载备受喜爱的中置后驱发动机,也将屹立于现场。往昔的经典之作魅力十足,而并驾齐驱的全新GranTurismo One-Off Luce概念车型则诠释了玛莎拉蒂与时俱进的意式态度,100%纯电驱动带来强劲性能,使其成为电气化时代汽车工业的艺术品,同时也彰显了玛莎拉蒂未来的宏伟蓝图。此外,还有定制款MC20,采用流光橙(Orange Glow)配色,通过三叉戟品牌的Fuoriserie个性化定制项目,为具备无畏精神的运动车型爱好者量身打造,展现活力与个性。赛道上还将设置一个特别区域,1962年的玛莎拉蒂3500 GT将伫立现场,展现传奇风采。这款备受赞誉的带有Touring车身的轿跑,是1950年代著名的六缸赛车的继任者,可达220马力的澎湃动力使其最高时速超过230公里。同时,还将展出全新GranTurismo One-Off Prisma概念车型,搭载震撼人心的 “Nettuno海神”V6发动机,车身未来主义色彩十足,以卓越的意大利工艺勾勒前卫理念。玛莎拉蒂的车队由全新GranTurismo Trofeo跑车、格雷嘉Trofeo SUV、MC20 Cielo敞篷跑车和定制款MC20组成,将在全长达13公里的赛道上进行令人热血沸腾的热身圈,与经典车型的比赛交替进行。三叉戟品牌与时俱进的现代车型,将在世界上最负盛名的赛道之一上畅享速度激情,展现独特魅力。【本文来自易车号作者环球汽车网,版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。内容仅代表作者观点,与易车无关】

our world和power up的区别

区别如下:1、our world非常适合展开了往里面填内容,可以极大化的拓展知识。2、Power up,既能提升能力,又能针对剑少考试。Our World是一套适合小学阶段的综合性英语教材,共7个级别(A1-B1)。该系列通过有趣又真实的美国国家地理内容、图片、视频,激发学习者的学习动力,在学习英语语言的同时,培养学生的21世纪技能。每个单元从英语语言学习、歌曲、游戏、视频、价值观、项目活动等板块展开教学,有效结合音频和视频资源,给予学生多样的学习体验。





conchita wurst-heroer歌词大意是什么?



....湖人队是美国的 怎么可能用汉语拼音呢?

conchita wurst-heroer歌词大意是什么?



Midjourner原画风格篇Realism —— 现实主义Impressionism —— 印象派Cubism —— 立体派Surrealism —— 超现实主义Abstract —— 抽象派Expressionism —— 表现主义Pop Art —— 波普艺术Minimalism —— 极简主义Pointillism —— 小点派Fauvism —— 野兽派Symbolism —— 象征主义Romanticism —— 浪漫主义Art Nouveau —— 新艺术Renaissance —— 文艺复兴Baroque —— 巴洛克Gothic —— 哥特Post-Impressionism —— 后印象派Dadaism —— 达达主义Photorealism —— 照片写实主义Modernism —— 现代主义Contemporary —— 当代艺术Abstract Expressionism —— 抽象表现主义Neo-Expressionism —— 新表现主义Conceptual Art —— 概念艺术Installation Art —— 装置艺术Street Art —— 街头艺术Graffiti —— 涂鸦艺术Digital Art —— 数字艺术Mixed Media —— 综合媒体艺术Collage —— 拼贴艺术Watercolor —— 水彩画Oil Painting —— 油画Acrylic Painting —— 壁画Ink Wash Painting —— 水墨画Pastel Painting —— 粉彩画Charcoal Drawing —— 炭笔画Pencil Sketch —— 铅笔素描Digital Painting —— 数字绘画Mixed Media Collage —— 综合媒体拼贴画Sculpture —— 雕塑Pottery —— 陶艺Glass Art —— 玻璃艺术Wood Carving —— 木雕Metalwork —— 金属工艺Printmaking —— 版画Calligraphy —— 书法Mosaic —— 马赛克Textile Art —— 纺织艺术Ceramics —— 陶瓷艺术Engraving —— 雕刻Stained Glass —— 彩色玻璃Etching —— 蚀刻画Bronze Sculpture —— 青铜雕塑Paper Quilling —— 纸艺卷轴Woodblock Printing —— 木刻印刷Batik —— 蜡染Metal Sculpture —— 金属雕塑Screenprinting —— 丝网印刷Collagraphy —— 胶版画Fiber Art —— 纤维艺术


Midjourney艺术风格艺术风格篇Abstract Expressionism — 抽象表现主义Impressionism — 印象派Cubism — 立体派Surrealism — 超现实主义Pop Art — 波普艺术Realism — 现实主义Romanticism — 浪漫主义Minimalism — 极简主义Fauvism — 野兽派Dadaism — 达达主义Post-Impressionism — 后印象主义Renaissance — 文艺复兴Baroque — 巴洛克Art Nouveau — 新艺术Symbolism — 象征主义Abstract Art — 抽象艺术Neo-Expressionism — 新表现主义Photorealism — 照片写实主义Op Art — 光影艺术Constructivism — 构成主义Conceptual Art — 概念艺术Land Art — 地质艺术Performance Art — 表演艺术Street Art — 街头艺术Installation Art — 装置艺术Digital Art — 数字艺术Kinetic Art — 运动艺术Graffiti Art — 涂鸦艺术Classical Realism — 古典写实主义Contemporary Art — 当代艺术Abstract Expressionism — 抽象表现主义Impressionism — 印象派Cubism — 立体派Surrealism — 超现实主义Pop Art — 波普艺术Realism — 现实主义Romanticism — 浪漫主义Minimalism — 极简主义Fauvism — 野兽派Dadaism — 达达主义Post-Impressionism — 后印象主义Renaissance — 文艺复兴Baroque — 巴洛克Art Nouveau — 新艺术Symbolism — 象征主义Abstract Art — 抽象艺术Neo-Expressionism — 新表现主义Photorealism — 照片写实主义Op Art — 光影艺术Constructivism — 构成主义

conchita wurst-unbreakble歌词

歌曲:unbreakble演唱:conchita wurst词曲:conchita wurst歌词:Without a warning or reason whyHe walked away with no goodbye.He was your everythingThat"s what you thoughtTill he tore your heart out and ripped it upLeft you broken on your needsLeft you feeling like oppisites you see Bitter memories without a cureHow did you pull yourself off from the floor?You lost the battle but not the warLook at you now!Look at you[Chorus]From the pieces of your shattered worldYou made a grit into a pearlNow you shine, you"re beautifulYou"re unbreakable.And nobody can hurt you nowNo, nobody can bring you downCause you"re strong, you"re beautiful,You"re unbreakable.Now in the mirror who do you see?You"re not the one you used to be, so naiveThe story"s over there once uponYou turn the page now you"re moving onBitter memories they have no endwhen you decided not to look back againYou lost the battle but that was then,and look at you now!Look at you![Chorus]From the pieces of your shattered worldYou made a grit into a pearlNow you shine, you"re beautifulYou"re unbreakable.And nobody can hurt you nowNo, nobody can bring you downCause you"re strong, you"re beautiful,You"re unbreakable.That"s what you areInvincible, inside your heartYou lost the battle, but healed the scarsNow you"re unbreakable[Chorus]From the pieces of your shattered worldNow you shine, you"re beautifulYou"re unbreakable.You made a grit into a pearlNow you shine, you"re beautifulYou"re unbreakable.And nobody can hurt you nowNo, nobody can bring you downCause you"re strong, you"re beautiful,You"re unbreakable.

empirical; experience ;treasury ;这英语用谐音怎么读?


有首歌开头是 one two one two three four 是什么歌


找一首英文歌.女声.慢摇.DJ类. 开头是 one .two . one .two.three.four.


conchita wurst是谁

肯奇塔·沃斯特(Conchita Wurst),变性歌手,1999年出生于奥地利。详细资料http://baike.baidu.com/view/12082807.htm

conchita wurst是谁

Conchita Wurst一个蓄着胡须有异装癖的艺术家奥地利电视台决定推荐作为2014年欧洲歌唱大赛的官方选手Conchita Wurst通过她的声音、穿女性衣服、化浓妆和蓄起大胡子让自己独树一帜。浓密的面部毛发是艺术家引起人们关注自己的方式,因为人们对一个脸上布满毛发的女人不会无动于衷。这种“猥琐的哥伦比亚”式的胡子是真的,它属于这张面具后那个的男人,24岁的Tom Neuwirth。2006年他第一次出现在聚光灯下,当年他在电视选秀节目Star Mania中名列第二,但是随后他完全从公共视野中消失,直到2011年他以全新的面貌和Conchita Wurst这个名字一起出现。她已经成为Tom的化身,他/她说现在有两颗心脏在他的胸口跳动,一颗是奥地利男人的,另一颗是那个热血沸腾的哥伦比亚表演者的。他上了妆穿上女人的衣服后,就变成Conchita,并且要求别人也这样称呼他。他的行为举止就像一个女人,甚至还使用女士的更衣间,但一旦表演结束,他又变回Tom。当被问到把生活分裂成两半会不会很混乱,这个艺术家说他其实建议人们尝试下这种变身生活,因为这很有趣,可以让你像自己曾经幻想的那样生活。

有首英文歌开头是one two one two three four~ (很重的音) 求歌名 主唱是个黑人


歌词是one two put on your shose, three four open th

One two,put on your shoes;Three four, shut the door;Five six,pick up sticks;Seven eight,open the gate;Nice ten,say it again.


ensure:to make certain that something will happen properly eg.facilities to ensure the safety of cyclists guarantee:to make it certain that something will happen eg.In movies, talent by no means guarantees success. 一个是保证事情正确发生,一个是保证事情发生

一首韩国女子组合唱的歌。歌词里好像有one two three four 泡 请问是什么歌?


英语style your HTML mark up怎么翻译?


http://url.cn/BE9v79 这段视频的所有背景音乐

Pop Danthology 2012-Mashup of 55 Pop Songs00:01 Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone00:02The Wanted - Glad You Came00:04Flo Rida - Whistle00:19Christina Aguilera - Your Body00:21 (CHORUS:Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch - Ass Back Home)00:24 Usher - Scream00:35 Ellie Goulding - Lights00:39Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - Dance Again00:41Chris Brown - Don"t Wake Me Up00:46LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking00:50Fun. - Some Nights00:56Kelly Clarkson - Stronger01:05 Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life01:11Jessie J-Domino01:13Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music01:28Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo - Let"s Go01:32Maroon 5 - One More Night01:43Carly Rae Jepson - Call Me Maybe01:51P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)"01:59Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones02:03Rita Ora - "How We Do (Party)02:29 Adele-Set Fire To The Rain02:43 Katy Perry-Part Of Me03:00 Ne-Yo - Let Me Love You03:02 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break03:33 Fun-We Are Young (VERSE, PRECHORUS: We Are Young VSKarmin - Brokenhearted)03:43Katy Perry-Wild Wake03:48 Nelly Furtado - Big Hoops04:01 Justin Bieber-Boyfriend04:04 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back04:11 (CHORUS:Tyga - Rack City)04:22Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time04:29 Nicki Minaj-Starships04:36 PSY-GangnamStyle04:37 Alex Clare-Too Close04:40 Usher-Climax04:42 Justin Bieber-As Long As You Love Me04:51 Ke$ha-Die Young04:54 One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful05:07Rihanna-Diamonds05:13 Nicki Minaj-Pound The Alarm05:15 Rihanna-Where Have You Been05:43 Adele-Skyfall05:47 David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium06:15 One Direction--Live While We Are Young06:25 will.i.am/Eva Simons-This is love06:27 Chris Brown/Pitbull-International love06:30 David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine06:37Swedish House Mafia - Don"t You Worry Child06:40 Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know06:45Enrique Iglesias feat. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You07:00 Zedd feat. Matthew Koma - Spectrum07:15Madonna feat. M.I.A. & Nicky Minaj - Give Me All Your Luvin07:30Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen-Good Time来自百度知道(极度音乐团)团员解答!拥有娱乐分类解答能力经常回答问题的朋友都可以申请加入本团!本团链接 - 欢迎各位高手的加入!http://zhidao.baidu.com/team/view/%E6%9E%81%E5%BA%A6%E9%9F%B3%E4%B9%90%E5%9B%A2

英文歌里有one,two,three,four 一个男的说唱,在夜店呢电影里放过


love yourself 歌词justinbieber

Love Yourself (爱你自己)For all the times that you rained on my parade,你让我扫兴的次数从来都多得数不清楚,And all the clubs you get in using my name,还常常淘气地冒我之名进那些夜店和俱乐部,You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake,你以为你伤透我心 但上帝 根本没这回事,You think I"m crying oh my own well I ain"t,你以为我会为你夜夜以泪洗面 但其实也还好,And I didn"t wanna write a song,我甚至不愿写歌怀念你怀念从前,Cause I didn"t want anyone thinking I still care,我不想让别人以为我对你还有眷恋,I don"t, but you still hit my phone up,你依然会来电寒暄 而我却不是那么想接,And baby I be movin" on and I think you should be somethin",亲爱的我已将一切释怀 而你于我而言,I don"t wanna hold back maybe you should know that,只是不愿再回想起的从前 你也该明白这一点,My mama don"t like you and she likes everyone,我妈妈待人和善但对你却并不那么喜欢,And I never like to admit that I was wrong,我也不愿去承认我曾经的错,And I"ve been so caught up in my job, didn"t see what"s going on,一直以来醉心工作却e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333366303734浑然不知我们之间发生了什么,And now I know I"m better sleeping on my own,但我现在独自一人却也能安然入睡,Cause if you like the way you look that much,而如果你也喜欢上了现在的自己,Oh baby you should go and love yourself,那你就该这样 去好好地爱你自己,And if you think that I"m still holdin" on to somethin",若你还以为我始终都放不下,You should go and love yourself,那你就错了 你该好好地去爱你自己啊,But when you told me that you hated my friends,记得你曾对我说过你不喜欢我那些朋友,The only problem was with you and not them,我想对你说其实问题在于你而他们并没有错,And every time you told me my opinion was wrong,你也曾无数次反驳我说的话,And tried to make me forget where I came from,让我几乎忘了原来我也有自我啊,And I didn"t wanna write a song,我也不愿去写歌怀念你怀念从前,Cause I didn"t want anyone thinking I still care,我不想让别人以为我对你还有眷恋,I don"t but you still hit my phone up,你依然会来电寒暄 而我却不是那么想接,And baby I be movin" on and I think you should be somethin",亲爱的我已将一切释怀 而你于我而言,I don"t wanna hold back maybe you should know that,只是不愿再回想起的从前 你也该明白这一点,My mama don"t like you and she likes everyone,我妈妈待人和善但对你却并不那么喜欢,And I never like to admit that I was wrong,我也不愿去承认我曾经的错,And I"ve been so caught up in my job didn"t see what"s going on,一直以来醉心工作却浑然不知我们之间发生了什么,And now I know I"m better sleeping on my own,但我现在独自一人却也能安然入睡,Cause if you like the way you look that much,而如果你也喜欢上了现在的自己,Oh baby you should go and love yourself,那你就该这样 去好好地爱你自己,And if you think that I"m still holdin" on to somethin",若你还以为我始终都放不下,You should go and love yourself,那你就错了 你该好好地去爱你自己啊,For all the times that you made me feel small,你曾一度让我感到自己无比渺小,I fell in love now I fear nothin" at all,而我现在偶尔坠入情网 却也不再会害怕什么,I never felt so low when I was vulnerable,内心脆弱不堪时我也未曾如此迷惘失落,Was I a fool to let you break down my walls,是否是我太笨才让你轻松卸下心防 难掩笨拙,Cause if you like the way you look that much,而如果你也喜欢上了现在原原本本的自己,Oh baby you should go and love yourself,那你就该这样 去好好地爱你自己,And if you think that I"m still holdin" on to somethin",若你还以为我始终都放不下,You should go and love yourself,那你就错了 你该好好地去爱你自己啊,Cause if you like the way you look that much,而如果你也喜欢上了现在的自己,Oh baby you should go and love yourself,那你就该这样 去好好地爱你自己,And if you think that I"m still holdin" on to somethin",若你还以为我始终都放不下,You should go and love yourself.那你就错了 你该好好地去爱你自己啊。

you are caught up with your homework. you caught up with your homework.

Lost Stars - Begin AgainPlease don"t seejust a boy caught up in dreamsand fantasiesPlease see me reaching outfor someone I can seeTake my hand let"s seewhere we wake up tomorrowBest laid plans sometimesit"s just a one night standI"d be damned Cupid"s demandingback his arrowSo let"s get drunk on our tears andGod, tell us the reasonyouth is wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?Who are we?Just a spec of dust within the galaxyWoe is me if we"re not carefulturns into realityDon"t you dare let all these memoriesbring you sorrowYesterday I saw a lion kiss a deerTurn the page maybewe"ll find a brand new endingWhere we"re dancing in our tears andGod, tell us the reason youthis wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?I thought I saw you out there cryingI thought I heard you call my nameI thought I heard you out there cryingJust the sameGod, tell us the reasonyouth is wasted on the youngIt"s hunting seasonand the lambs are on the runSearching for meaningBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?I thought I saw you out there cryingI thought I heard you call my nameI thought I saw you out there cryingBut are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dark?But are we all lost stars,trying to light up the dar

以Honor our parents为题英语作文

To be a filial little citizen, everyone has their own parents, parents gave us life, care of our growth, they put a lot of work for the children, as children, we should alwayshonor your parents, your parents is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.However, these only children, because of their childhood is a pearl in the palm of parents, some people will "Little Emperors", "little princess" itself, in the home isdependent on their parents, live on the labour of others, parents take care of yourself a little unhappy, will temper tantrums, parents would not listen, also grufflyparents, not to mention the caring parents, help my parents do. You said, this is therespect, honor their parents performance? In a 次思 product class, the teacher asked us to write the birthday of their parents and love, did not think of, more than half of the students do not know, even if a person has some self answers, so care for parents of little number. Next to my house there is a small boy, thinking only ofplay, usually loved his mother told him to do homework, he was shouting, crying,also hit up the things to come. My mother was very angry, scolding him, he toldmother strike violently, scratch and bite, gas mother call to Dad, you said that the child is filial piety the parents the child? Your parents is every citizen should do, a own parents do not care about, not filial person, how to others, love for the motherland? Students, let us act, to listen to their parents, to be polite to parents,caring parents, do a respect for elders, filial parents of the children, do a caring,concerned about the collective, social concern, concern about the country"s good citizen.



谁知道“show me what love is can be ture”是哪首歌里的歌词啊? 急!!! 谢谢了~!......


英语My love just be ture怎么翻译?

英语原文:My love just be ture;中文翻译:我的爱都是真挚的;just be: 正是,都是

综合教程1第五单元课文翻译How to be true to yoursel


Heaven By Your Side 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven By Your Side歌手:A1专辑:Here We ComeChristian: you and i, cannot hideThe love we feel indside,The words we need to say.Mark: i feel that iHave always walked alone.But now that you"re here with me,There"ll always be a place that i can go.Paul: suddenly our destinyHas started to unfold.Ben: when you"re next to meI can see the greatest story love has ever told.All: now my life is blessedWith the love of an angel.Ben: how can it be true?All: somebody to keep the dream alive.Ben: the dream i found in you.All: i always thought that love would be the strangest thing to meBen: but when we touch, i realise that i found my place in heaven by your side.Paul: i could fly, when you smile.I"d walk a thousand miles to hear you call my name.Ben: now that i have finally found the one who will be there for me eternally my everlasting sun.Mark: suddenly our destiny has started to unfold.Christian: when you"re next to me i can see the greatest story love has ever told.All: now my life is blessed with the love of an angel.Ben: how can it be true?All: somebody to keep the dream alive.Ben: the dream i found in you.All: i always thought that love would be the strangest thing to me.Ben: but when we touch, i realise that i found my place in heaven by your side.That i found my place in heaven by your sideAll: heaven by your side, heaven by your side, heaven by your side.Ben: when your next to me, i can see the greatest story love has ever told.All: now my life is blessed with the love of an angel.Ben: how can it be true?All: somebody to keep the dream alive.Ben: the dream i found in you.All: i always thought that love would be the strangest thing to me.Ben: but when we touch, i realise that i found my place in heaven by your side.All: now my life is blessed with the love of an angel somebody to keep the dream alive.I always thought that love would be the strangest thing to me.Ben: but when we touch, i realise that i found my place in heaven by your side.http://music.baidu.com/song/8756781



turn out to be true是什么意思

turn out to be true结果属实; 双语例句1In the event those reports turn out to be true, what will the Japanese government be getting for all that cash?如果这些报道被证明属实,那么日本政府花这么一大笔钱得到的岛屿究竟长得什么样呢?2I know better than anybody else does that you have to try out hypotheses that may not turn out to be true.我比谁都清楚,你得反复验证那些最终可能是错的猜想。

be true to yourself是什么意思


食品很好,服务也不错。(be ture of)翻译成英语

The food taste good and the service is perfect



be true to yourself是什么意思

be true to yourself做真实的自己Be true to yourself — that"s one lesson in browne"s success story.布朗尼的第一条成功法则是——做真实的自己

有“l will always be you always be ture”的歌词的歌叫什么

你好,这首歌是容祖儿的《betrue》 动摇问我彷徨问我 恋爱若不妥患难一起过苦恼共对快乐沉醉 找到了理想知已那根据若然犯错共同踏破 但逃避不过现实的奔波未来让我珍惜你重来过 不怕太少见又如何看着前途就似跨几个栏河我亦从不太啰嗦暗中会陪你切磋计划未来尚有很多若旅途颠簸 沿路记住有着我 总可以更痛快的激破Iwillalwaysbewithyou哪怕风雨同步抵挡不会输IwillalwaysbewithyouAlwaysbetrue长伴身边的隽语

be ture with/of/for的区别,详细点,谢谢

区别是true的对象、true的具体含义和被形容为true的客体.根据所看到的例句,常见区别:sth be true for sbsth be true of sth/sb (常与as well,too,the same有并列含义的词组联合使用)sb be true with sbsb/sth be true to sb前两条中true偏向于“真实的”的含义,其中的sth常指某个事实,往往会使用it开头、that殿后的主语从句;后两条,偏向于“真诚的”的含义be true of 对…一样,对…也是真的1.The same should be true of mutual concessions.互让也是如此.2.That could be true of the proposed merger too,of course.上述合并案当然也是这样.be true with对……坦诚以待Osmond is the closest man to her and the only one she can be true with.be true to 忠实于,对……忠诚While my heart beats,it"ll be true to you.只要我的心跳着,它始终忠诚地向着你.be true for对于……来说是真实的It"s true for me.

You are my sunflower, I am your little sun .什么意思

你是我的向日葵,我是你的小太阳 应该是这样吧

[A] friends[B]strangers[C]tourists[D] guests


be true to yourself是什么意思


On Your Own 歌词

歌曲名:On Your Own歌手:Lalah Hathaway专辑:Self PortraitOn your own blurblurBlurOn Your OwnHoly man tiptoed his way across the gangesThe sound of magic music in his earsVideoed by a bus load of touristsShiny shellsuits on, and drinking lemonade.Now, Ive got a funny feeling which I bought mail orderFrom a man in a tee-pee, california.He said he once was the great game show performerThen he blew all his money away,Blew it all away.So take me home, dont leave me aloneIm not that good, but Im not that badNo psycho killer, hooligan geurillaI dream to riot, oh you should try itR. e. perot, get gold card soulMy joy of life is on a rollAnd well all be the same in the endCos then youre on your ownThen youre on your ownWell, we all go happy day glow in the discoThe sound of magic music in our brainsSomeone stumbles to the bathroom with the horrorsSays lord, give me time, for Ive jumped into spaceIm in outer space.So take me home, dont leave me aloneIm not that good, but Im not that badNo psycho killer, hooligan geurillaI dream to riot, oh you should try itR. e. perot, get gold card soulMy joy of life is on a rollAnd well all be the same in the endCos then youre on your ownSo take me home, dont leave me aloneIm not that good, but Im not that badNo psycho killer, hooligan geurillaI dream to riot, oh you should try itR. e. perot, get gold card soulMy joy of life is on a rollAnd well all be the same in the endCos then youre on your ownThen youre on your own...http://music.baidu.com/song/8199537

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语法分析 accept the obligation of revealing the course of reasoning

accepttheobligation是动宾结构,即“承担这个职责”ofrevealingthecourseofreasoning是修饰obligation的定语,即“(承担)这次论证过程的职责”。具体结构如下:及物动词:accept宾语:theobligationofrevealingthecourseofreasoning 其中——  【宾语核心名词】theobligation  【介词+动名词构成的后置定语】ofrevealingthecourseofreasoning(其中的thecourseofreasoning是动名词revealing的宾语;而介词短语ofreasoning又是thecourse的后置定语)

Everybody Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody Hurts歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Bewitched - Music From The Motion PictureWhen the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,when you"re sure you"ve had enough of this life, well hang on.Don"t let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it"s time to sing along.When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)if you feel like letting go, (hold on)when you think you"ve had too much of this life, well hang on.Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.Everybody hurts. Don"t throw your hand. Oh, no. Don"t throw your hand.If you feel like you"re alone, no, no, no, you are not aloneIf you"re on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,when you think you"ve had too much of this life to hang on.Well, everybody hurts sometimes,everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)http://music.baidu.com/song/8974177

Force of Nature 中文是什么,还有歌词,谢谢


force of nature -lenka的中文歌词大意求大神帮助

enka - Force Of Nature You move a little closer You feel the force of nature We touch and something charges The air you look into my eyes And you can"t look away It"s no surprise I planned it out this way And now I know Ah, a-whoo You"re completely bewitched Caught under my spell Ah, a-whoo Completely bewitched Your body will tell you what to do It"s sorcery the way I draw you to me So don"t try to struggle You are captured in my web Just like a voodoo doll I make you move "Cause I know what I like and I like you Ah, a-whoo You"re completely bewitched Caught under my spell Ah, a-whoo Completely bewitched Your body will tell you what to do Ah, a-whoo You"re completely bewitched Caught under my spell Ah, a-whoo Completely bewitched Your body will tell you what to do Now close your eyes And surrender to the moment Reach out your hand and touch me I am your gravity Ah, a-whoo You"re completely bewitched Caught under my spell Ah, a-whoo Completely bewitched Your body will tell you what to do Ah, a-whoo You"re completely bewitched Caught under my spell Ah, a-whoo Completely bewitched Your body will tell you what to do Enka公司-自然力 您移动一点更密切 您觉得部队的性质 我们联系,一些收费 空气你考虑我的眼睛 你不能回避 这是毫不奇怪 我计画它这种方式 现在我知道 啊,一个睡眠 你完全迷住 触犯我国拼写 啊,一个睡眠 完全迷住 你的身体会告诉你该怎么办 这巫术的方式 我提请你给我 所以不要试图斗争 你是我的网络抓获 就像一个巫毒娃娃 我要搬家 因为我知道我想和我喜欢你 啊,一个睡眠 你完全迷住 被我拼写 啊,一个睡眠 完全迷住 你的身体会告诉你该怎么办 啊,一个睡眠 你完全迷住 触犯我国拼写 啊,一个睡眠 完全迷住 你的身体会告诉你该怎么办 现在已接近你的眼睛 投降的时刻 伸出你的手和触摸我 我是你的重心 哎,一个睡眠 你完全迷住 被我拼写 啊,一个睡眠 完全迷住 你的身体将告诉你该怎么办 啊,一个睡眠 你完全迷住 触犯我国拼写 啊,一个睡眠 完全迷住 你的身体会告诉你该怎么办

force of nature


your beautiful love歌曲表达意思

your beautiful love歌曲表达意思是:作者对于美好往事的回忆之情。《your beautiful love》这首曲子是一首经典的轻音乐,听到的一瞬间就被饱含深情而略带忧伤的旋律吸引,柔情而悠长的旋律,丝丝入扣,像是对美好往事的回忆,又像对缠绵爱意的倾诉,抒发着缕缕的思念和情愫。久久地聆听,一种来自心灵的感动,在缓缓流淌,唤起深深的眷恋和款款的柔情,不由自主地融入朦胧而空灵的意蕴中!Back To Earth简介他们是一支由来自于瑞士两兄弟组成的新世纪音乐组合,风格偏向舒缓轻松。组合的两位成员分别是:Thomas和Bruno Hasler。他们研究着,尝试着,将多种声乐和谐而自然地融入他们的乐曲当中,这些乐器包括钢琴,吉他,鸣笛,大提琴,小提琴等等。


Gnuradio 3.3.0源码编译与安装要进行gnuradio的研究首先需要在linux环境下对开源源码进行编译与安装操作。 1、相关资源 目前gnuradio的主要资源都在其官方网站上,当然也有部分是各大论坛上的。 gnuradio官方网站(英文):http://gnuradio.com (这里有各种linux平台安装gnuradio的资料) gnuradio中文官方网站:http://gnuradio.cc/ (这里有很多很好的中文参考资料) 2、初次安装gnuradio 本人已经在Ubuntu 11.04上完成gnuradio3.3.0(源码)编译安装。以下是我的安装步骤: step1: 安装Ubuntu 11.04 系统。(利用U盘安装,此步骤省略) step2: 安装gnuradio编译的相关tools (1)严格按照gnuradio官方网站上的方法安装tools。首先安装Lucid ubuntu (10.04)版本相关组件,安装命令如下: sudo apt-get -y install libfontconfig1-dev libxrender-dev libpulse-dev swig g++ automake autoconf libtool python-dev libfftw3-dev libcppunit-dev libboost-all-dev libusb-dev fort77 sdcc sdcc-libraries libsdl1.2-dev python-wxgtk2.8 git-core guile-1.8-dev libqt4-dev python-numpy ccache python-opengl libgsl0-dev python-cheetah python-lxml doxygen qt4-dev-tools libqwt5-qt4-dev libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev pyqt4-dev-tools python-qwt5-qt4 (2)安装libxi-dev sudo apt-get -y install libxi-dev 注:可以直接拷贝到终端窗口的命令行下。安装这些组件总大小差不多600M多,需要一些时间(本人是在教育网上下载速度挺快,如果是其他网络比较慢 :))。这些组件必须全部安装完成,否则后期编译无法通过。step3:编译gnradio源码,安装 (1) 安装完组件之后,需要在官网上下载最新的gnuradio源码包,我下载的是3.3.0版本。然后利用tar -xzvf XXX 解压缩源码包。 (2) 配置相关参数 命令:./configure (3)开始编译 命令: make 注: 编译过程时间较长,另外3.3.0版本存在一个固有的bug,编译过程中会报错(cannot convert ‘int*" to ‘usrp2::usrp2*" in initialization)。其解决的方案是: 修改gnuradio目录下usrp2/host/lib/usrp2.cc 文件:源文件->

哪为朋友知道什么好听的英文歌,比较有激情的(take me to your heart和西域男孩的my love)

baby one more time布兰妮的

请问英文歌《The colour of the night》是哪个欧美女歌手唱的

哈哈 笑话 帖吧 全是这种笑话 楼主 用不了1分钟就可以在baidu搜索到的东西 非得发出来 让这些人去给你搜索出来贴上 都懒得骂了

the colour of the night演唱者Lauren Christy的资料

劳伦 克莉丝汀   专辑lauren chirsty  发行时间: 1994-09-27  版本特性: Extra tracks  出版者: Polygram Records  介质: Audio CD  曲目:  rain  You Read Me Wrong  Steep  The Rumour  River Of Time  Vanessa"s Father  The Color Of The Night  My Jeans I Want Them Back  Adult Afraid Of The Light  Meet Me In America  Woman"s Song  Take Me To The Church  the color of the night 夜色 ,意想不到的享受。  这首歌最初是在一部香港的连续剧《冤家宜结不宜解》的片尾曲中听到的,当时觉得这首歌旋律很美。   直到上了大学买了几盘奥斯卡经典歌曲,才知道它的出处。原来不仅曲子美,歌词更加的富有韵味。只是听到后来,慢慢的觉得它很悲。   现在一个人走在晚上的街,常常不经意哼起的就是这首《 The Color of the Night》。也许有时人喜欢一首歌常常是因为它表达了他或她的心境吧。  The colour of the night是她的的经典歌曲   英文介绍!   Lauren Christy was born in London and from an early age she wanted to be a ballet dancer. From age 11 to 17 she studied at the Bush Davies Ballet School before realizing her true aspirations lay as a singer/songwriter.   She played with several bands, her first band was called "Pink Ash", six guys and "Susie Reptile" She locked herself away for a year with a couple of keyboards, a four-track recording studio and wrote a whole load of songs, with the idea that her way to being "a star" was to get a publishing deal as a songwriter. By 18, Lauren had both a publishing deal and a major label record contract.   Now living in Los Angeles, Lauren Christy released her self titled semi autobiographical debut album in 1993. She was brought up listening to the "techno" stuff like The Human League and producer Tony Peluso gave the album the 90"s sound Lauren was looking for. You could classify the music on this first album as Adult Contemporary.   Two singles were released from this album, "You read me wrong" and "Steep". After this, she wrote a song for the Bruce Willis movie "The Color of Night". The song is on the soundtrack album of this movie and is also added as a bonus-track on the re-release of her debut album.   the colour of the night. 夜色 奥斯卡同名电影主题曲  英文歌词及中文翻译   u & i moving in the dark   你我行走在黑夜中   bodies close but souls apart   是如此的靠近,然而心却离得如此的远   shadowed smiles secrets unrevealed   诡秘的微笑和掩藏的秘密   i need to know the way u feel   我想知道你的感受   i"ll give u everything i am   我将给你我所有的一切   and everything i want to be   以及我想拥有的一切   i"ll put it in your hands   我将把它放到你的手心   if u could open up to me oh   只要你愿意敞开你的心扉   can"t we ever get beyond this wall   我们能够越过这堵墙吗?   cause all i want is just once to see u in the light   我想要的只是一次在光亮处好好的端详你   but u hide behind the color of the night   但你却总是藏在夜色的背后   i can"t go on running from the past   我不能逃避过去   love has torn away this mask   爱将这面具撕开   and now like clouds like rain i"m drowning   现在我迷失在象雾象雨又象风的爱里   and i blame it all on u   现在我企求你   i"m lost god save me   我迷失了,拯救我吧   i"ll give u everything i am   我将给你我所有的一切   and everything i want to be   以及我想拥有的一切   i"ll put it in your hands   我将把它放到你的手心   if u could open up to me oh   只要你愿意敞开你的心扉   can"t we ever get beyond this wall   我们能够越过这堵墙吗   cause all i want is just once to see u in the light   我想要的只是一次在光亮处好好的端详你   but u hide behind the colorof the night   但你却总是藏在夜色的背后   woo~ woo~ woo~ woo~   god save me   woo~ woo~   i"ll give u everything i am   我将给你我所有的一切   and everything i want to be   以及我想拥有的一切   can"t we ever get beyond this wall   我们能够越过这堵墙吗?   cause all i want is just once forever again   我想要的只是与你永远在一起   i"m waiting for u i"m standing in the light   我站在光亮处等待着你   but u hide behind the color of the night   但你却总是藏在夜色的背后   please come out from the color of the night   请不要总隐藏在夜色里

Wessaintlaurent 香烟 详细介绍

到现在为止,我抽过的烟(狂热的香烟爱好者)   从高一开始抽烟,到现在大四,七年的烟龄其实不长也不短。相比之下,我喜欢男士香烟,对女士烟不是很钟情。     1Camel(骆驼)抽过五种包装。   2Davudaff(大卫.杜夫) 抽过黑色还有奶白两种包装宽窄四款的。   3Marlboro(万宝路) 抽过白色,红色,绿色,加长特纯的。   4520 抽过绿色包装和蓝色包装两种,我个人觉得太淡了,不是很喜欢。   5白沙 湖南的烟(普通白沙,精品白沙,磨砂白沙,白沙银世纪。珍品白沙)我喜欢珍品白沙,过滤嘴是蓝色嘴的,比较漂亮。   6海王 贵州的烟,薄荷味的。   7中南海   8红金龙 湖北的烟。我抽过那种上面写的盛世腾龙.火之舞。我一个武汉的朋友说这是武汉最好的烟,我也不知道,不过,我喜欢那红色的过滤嘴,很性感,嘿嘿。   9Kent(健牌)抽过标志上端是黑色的,白色的,蓝色的还有褐色的四种)   10More(摩尔)抽过绿色和蓝色的包装。   11Memory(记忆)   12ESSE(爱喜) 抽过绿色的,蓝色的,和红色包装。   13长寿 台湾的烟。   14SOBRANIE(寿百年)——抽过粉红,绿色,纯白,天蓝,银白色的包装) 喜欢蓝色的寿百年是蓝嘴的。   15ERA   16THIS 韩国的香烟。   17CABIN(卡宾)   18LUCKIES(美国好彩)   19BLUE (韩国BLUE药烟)   20 FIGO (韩国鸽子)   21HILTON (希尔顿) 抽过四种包装   22 West   23CAPRI   24Winfield 抽过红色包装和黄褐色包装的   25Seven Stars抽过四种包装的。   26 Wessaintlaurent(圣罗兰)抽过红色普通的,和绿色宽窄两种包装的。   27DJ 系列总共有四种口味(黑色,绿色,黄色,粉红)   28Dunhill(登喜路)抽过红色宽的,白色普通的包装。   29Time抽过两种包装的,据说还有一款是2002年世界杯的纪念版,但是没看到过:(   30Duporot (都彭)我个人非常喜欢的香烟。抽过银白色,黑色,白色三种包装的。   31555 抽过星座纪念版的,不同扁包的,上盖抽过绿色的,灰褐的,褐色的。   32Havana Cigar 哈瓦那雪茄。很纯,很喜欢。   33Good Companion良友   34将军(山东)普通的,银将军,金将军,红将军。   35齐鲁(山东)   36泰山(山东)   37一只笔(山东)我个人认为不好抽   38利群   39双叶(杭州)薄荷味道的,超级便宜。我觉得味道都还可以。嘿嘿。   40大鸡(山东)这香山东的老乡知道的,是山东最便宜的烟了。嘿嘿~!   41金圣 (江西) 我江西的同学说,这个烟男人抽了,可以壮阳,里面加了中药:)   42哈德门(山东)   43大前门 这烟也是太古老了:)   44海洋(甘肃)   45兰州(甘肃) 普通兰州,极品兰州,紫兰州。我个人比较喜欢紫兰州的味道。   46芙蓉王(湖南)湖南的烟都还不错。   47芙蓉后(湖南)   48宏图(好象是重庆的)在重庆抽过。   49五叶神(广东)味道也还行。   50三峡(湖北)   51中华都是抽老爸的。那烟丝果真是蜂蜜泡过的么?感觉还真有点绵绵的。   52红塔山(云南)   53云烟 抽过普通的,极品的,精品的,紫云烟。我还是喜欢紫云烟。并且也不贵。   54玉溪(云南)   55香格里拉(云南)抽过蓝色和红色包装的。   56南京   57琥珀 (忘了是哪个省的了)记得高三逃学时买过。   59黄果树 (贵州)抽过6款包装的,大约。我喜欢磨砂黄果树。   60遵义(贵州)   61茶花(云南)   62挂花 便宜的烟:)   63红双喜      ......  暂时就能想起这些。以后接着补充。大家进来把你喜欢的烟的名字留下:)

ysl sac de jour包有分大小型号吗


yves saint laurent怎么读

YSL全名:Yves Saint Lauret中文名:【伊夫圣罗兰】港台也有译为:伊夫圣洛朗。Yves Saint Lauret是法语,其正确发音:【Eve Sonn Lo"re-en】在百度翻译中键入Yves Saint Lauret会有读音标识,点击读音标识即可听到发音。

saint laurent by hedi slimane 怎么读

Saint 和Laurent 的t都不发音,读起来大概像是say in lao ‘rang(点是重读)后边就是英语:掰 嗨低 私哩慢

为什么回报这个错no transactionmanagerlookup configured

no transaction manager, lookup configured没有事务管理器,查找配置

YSL三个字母叠起来标志的衣服品牌.( Yves Saint Laurent )是什麽? 


惊讶的: 1.open-eyed 2.openmouthed 3.astonished. Examples: 1.使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了. To our astonishment,they arrived on time. 2.我感到惊讶的是你们谁都不喜欢那个剧. I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play. 3.使我惊讶的是,它消失得无影无踪了. To my astonishment it had completely disappeared. 4.她的话是令人惊讶的. Her words are astonishing. 震惊的: 1.shocked 2.outraged 3.thunderstruck. Examples: 1.总之,他的行为是令人震惊的. His behavior was,in a word,shocking. 2.有件令人十分震惊的事,你要有所准备! Prepare yourself for a nasty shock! 3.不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折 A sudden shock,revelation,or turn of events. 4.他听到那令人震惊的消息后大发雷霆. He gave bridle to his anger when he heard the shocking news. 吃惊的: 1.amazed 2.wide-eyed 3.open mouthed. Examples: 1.他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时,脸上呈现异样的表情. His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news. 2.他从前的朋友正以令人吃惊的速度离开他. His former friends are moving away from him with surprising speed.

laura mercier 眼部遮瑕膏好不好用啊


Tennis St-Laurent 1700 BOUL JULES POITRAS, Saint-Laurent, QC H4N 1Z3, 加拿大

代表地址,Saint-Laurent是城市名,QC意思是魁北克城,H4N 1Z3,是邮编

朋友在国外带的圣罗兰包,包上面的标志是SAlNT LAURENT,不是全称,请问懂行的朋友告知是否是正品?

名品的圣罗兰是YSL, yvessaintlarent


惊讶的: 1.open-eyed 2.openmouthed 3.astonished. Examples: 1.使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了. To our astonishment,they arrived on time. 2.我感到惊讶的是你们谁都不喜欢那个剧. I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play. 3.使我惊讶的是,它消失得无影无踪了. To my astonishment it had pletely disappeared. 4.她的话是令人惊讶的. Her words are astonishing. 震惊的: 1.shocked 2.outraged 3.thunderstruck. Examples: 1.总之,他的行为是令人震惊的. His behavior was,in a word,shocking. 2.有件令人十分震惊的事,你要有所准备! Prepare yourself for a nasty shock! 3.不寻常的事突发的令人震惊的事、新发现或事件的转折 A sudden shock,revelation,or turn of events. 4.他听到那令人震惊的消息后大发雷霆. He gave bridle to his anger when he heard the shocking news. 吃惊的: 1.amazed 2.wide-eyed 3.open mouthed. Examples: 1.他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时,脸上呈现异样的表情. His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news. 2.他从前的朋友正以令人吃惊的速度离开他. His former friends are moving away from him with surprising speed.


SAINT LAURENT PARIS 伊夫圣罗兰。YSL,全称 yves saint laurent ,中文翻译为伊夫圣洛朗,在中国被广泛成为圣罗兰,是法国著名的顶级奢侈品牌,主要经营高级时装、箱包、护肤品、香水等。1、开始开箱:防尘袋。2、右下角纸袋是说明书什么的。本来藏在包里面。3、打开说明书的包装。4、侧面看包。5、除了简洁美,真没看出来值一万五。6、背面,鳄鱼纹。拍的时候,把玩了一下,手感也没有很出众。7、吊坠蛮有质感。不是一般的五金工艺。8、奢侈品的做工还是有水准的。9、包的侧面。纹路不错,但是看着厚度,真是装不了多少。参考资料来源:YSL圣罗兰美妆官网-「星钻墨水气垫」耀世来袭



saint laurent怎么读

saint英 [seu026ant] 美 [sent] Laurent[u02c8lu0254ru0259nt]

YSL高级定制时装屋:意大利米兰圣罗兰(SAINT LAURENT)奢侈品店

奢侈品牌YSL-圣罗兰(Saint laurent)在意大利米兰市开设了一家新店,是由该品牌的创意总监hedi slimane进行的店面室内设计,店面形象持续了其他旗舰店的精致风格。店面采用了高度抛光的大理石面进行装饰,店面中的中央楼梯采用不锈钢镜面板条与之互动映射,形成一种较为耀眼的空间效果。店面为了增强空间立体效果,在座椅和照明方面均采用了悬臂式设计,不仅较为精致简洁,同时也为店面形象增强的不一样的购物体验。

given the nature of

Given 是介词prep.(表示原因)考虑到;(表示假设)倘若,假定 这里就是表原因的状语

Yves Saint Laurent 是哪个国家的品牌?

色彩大师: 伊夫·圣罗兰 Yves SaintLaurent      ·1936年,生于阿尔及利亚,父母是法国人。      ·1954年,赴法国学习时装设计。      ·1955年,他的设计草图得到法国某时装杂志编辑的青睐,当即被介绍给迪奥先生,他本人也被迪奥聘作助手。      ·1957年,迪奥去世时,这位21岁的年青人圣洛朗成为这家全球最有声望的时装公司的首席设计师。      戴安娜·弗里兰说:“与圣洛朗沿着花园的小径散步,最终总能发现‘一罐金子"”。时装杂志评论他为“太阳王”、“懂得如何在变革和延续之间寻求完美平衡的天才”。      ·1958年,他在克里丝汀·迪奥时装公司展示了他设计的第一套时装系列,并且一举成名。1960年他被炒了鱿鱼。      ·1962年,圣洛朗在得到强大的财力支持后开设了自己的时装公司。      ·1966年推出了他的成衣生产线“左岸圣洛朗”,使女性们得以将优雅和舒适合而为一,当年他将“中性化”概念引入时装界,首创衬衫式甲克和双排钮呢上装,使裤子套装显得时髦。      ·1968年,他大胆启用不戴胸罩的模特展示薄透时装;就这样他的撒哈拉短袖上衣(1968年推出)和衣裤套装(1969年推出)都成了现代人衣橱中的经典服装,“所谓幸福的女人,就是穿黑裙子、黑毛衣、黑袜子,戴新奇首饰,并且身边有一个爱她的男人。”      ·1971年,他推出的女装展示,东方神秘主义系列开创了70年代的嬉皮服装潮流。他被媒体贬为“品位拙劣”,他也因此得了“伊夫圣失败者”的绰号。然而,他当年的设计现在正在古驰品牌中复苏流行。圣洛朗一年两次的时装发布会已成为一种潮流,      ·1996年他的春夏装以“左岸”为主题,以粉红色的背景,配合以“巴黎粉红梦”艳丽的化妆,使女性自然婉约,柔媚感性。他著名的“致敬”(hommage)系列高级时装的设计理念影响和启发了后来的许多设计. 设计风格: 他全身心地投入成衣世界,推出了名为RIVEGAUCHE的专卖店。这样他就开创了一种时装潮流。他的风格是通过色彩、生命、动感和女性的历史体现出来的。五十年代的大部分经典时装,都是由圣洛朗开的先河。   在圣洛朗的眼中,黑色是色彩之王,因为黑色所表现的色彩深度感觉,在他的黑色系列中,他赋予黑色不同寻常的生命。他用自己的设计展现黑色的愤怒,展现黑色的诱惑,他将黑色变得光彩夺目,气象万方。评论家们不禁感叹“昨日,黑只是黑,今日,黑即是色”。   他全身心地投入成衣世界,推出了名为RIVEGAUCHE的专卖店。这样他就开创了一种时装潮流。世界上几乎每位成功的设计师都跟随这股潮流,时装设计的重心因而从高级时装的设计转移到了成批生产的衣服上。 另: 克里斯汀·迪奥 Christian Dior      ·1905年1月,出生于法国诺曼底      ·1920年-1925年,攻读政治学      ·1928年-1931年,画商      ·1931年-1937年,自由设计师      ·1937年-1939年,Piguet(皮盖)服装店助理设计师      ·1941年-1947年,Lelong(勒隆)服装店设计师      ·1946年,开设自己的商店      迪奥的名字“Dior”在法语中是“上帝”和“金子”的组合。以他的名字命名的品牌Christian Dior(简称CD),自1947年创始以来,一直是华丽与高雅的代名词。不论是时装、化妆品或是其他产品,CD在时尚殿堂一直雄踞顶端。      星路历程:      ·1935年,独立的早期,Dior经历了一段非常黑暗的时光。每天他得从报纸上的小广告中搜索工作机会,他没有固定的地址,时而与朋友同住,时而露宿街头,饥一餐,饱一餐,最终得了肺结核。尽管如此,Dior始终没有垮下。      ·有一天当Dior因找不到工作而陷入深深失意时,一位时装界的朋友建议他画一些时装设计图,不料却大受欢迎。每一份设计都充分展露出他独特的才能,他紧紧抓住生活中的动态,每一份设计都如此地栩栩如生。      ·1937年,他终于成为“Pignet”公司的时装设计师。就在此时,第二次世界大战爆发,Dior被迫离开巴黎与家人团聚。当他重新返回巴黎时,他那“Pignet”公司时装设计师的位置已被他人替代,他只好成为一位助理。当时的Dior已年过40,而他周围的朋友均事业有成,该轮到Dior大干一场了。      ·多年的尝试与失败使迪奥日渐成熟,他清楚地意识到了自己的天赋。他是一个天生的设计师,从没学过裁剪、缝纫的技艺,但对裁剪的概念了然在胸,对比例的感觉极为敏锐。      ·1947年2月12日,这是个辉煌的日子,迪奥开办了他的第一个高级时装展,推出的第一个时装系列名为“新风貌”(New Look)。该时装具有鲜明的风格:裙长不再曳地,强调女性隆胸丰臀、腰肢纤细、肩形柔美的曲线,打破了战后女装保守古板的线条。这种风格轰动了巴黎乃至整个西方世界,给人留下深刻的印象,使迪奥在时装界名声大噪。当一个个模特儿出现在面前时,人们几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛:那圆桌摆大的长裙,那细腰,那高耸的胸脯,还有斜斜地遮着半只眼的帽子……顿时让人们眼前一亮,坐在观众席中的女士们为当时自己身上穿着的短裙及绑在身上的茄克开始感到懊恼、不安。这一天Dior大获成功。      ·不久,Dior带着他第一个时装系列"新时尚"成功地将崛起的事业发展到大西洋的彼岸--美国。消息很快传遍纽约,Dior终于在纽约的第七街(闻名全国的街道)扎下根。Dior的到来给一度曾因战火而与欧洲断绝往来的"山姆大叔"的家乡带来了欧洲时尚特有的魅力和色彩。人们开始告别超短裙、灯笼袖、平跟鞋和椰菜花式的帽子。Dior的设计同时也打破了战前风靡一时的香奈儿(Channel)式时装。Dior那半遮脸的宽边帽及沙沙作响的大摆长裙,让人们追忆到更古典的时代。这便是Dior强调的一种新风格。      ·Dior在第二期创作中大胆地运用了黑色。那黑色纯羊毛长裙的裙围周长竟达40米。Dior将第二期作品取名为"Dierame"。      ·随后,Dior有计划地将他的事业发展到古巴、墨西哥、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国等国家。短短的几年中在世界各地建立了庞大的商业网络。      ·1947年,以“Miss Dior”命名的第一瓶香水闻世,紧接着“Diorama”、“Diorissimo”纷纷出名。      ·五十年代推出的“垂直造型”及“郁金香造型”就是迪奥提倡时装女性化这一设计理念的表现。      ·1952年,迪奥开始放松腰部曲线,提高裙子下摆。      ·1953年,更是把裙底边提高到离地40厘米,使欧洲社会一片哗然。      ·1954年,设计的收减肩部幅宽,增大裙子下摆的“H”型,以及同年发布的“Y型”、“纺缍型”系列,无不引起哄动。这些简洁年轻的直线型设计,依旧体现着他那种纤细华丽的风格,并始终遵循着传统女性的标准。      ·1985年,“Poison”问世。      ·1991年,“Dune”问世。      ·1995年,“DolceVifa”问世。

saint laurent怎么读

【Saint Laurent】【圣罗兰】【国家】法国【创建年代】1961年【创建人】伊夫圣罗兰先生 (Yves Saint Laurent) 与皮埃尔·贝尔热 (Pierre Berge)【现任设计师】艾迪·斯理曼 (Hedi Slimane)

SAⅠNT LAURENT裤子是有这几个字母是什么意思?

SATNT LAURENT是“圣罗兰”品牌,YSL(Yves Saint Laurent),是法国著名奢侈品牌,由1936年8月1日出生于法属北非阿尔及利亚的伊夫圣罗兰先生创立,主要有时装、护肤品、香水、香水、箱包、眼镜、配饰等。(Saint Laurent)圣罗兰的女装的常见款式,像吸烟裤、吸烟装,厚质感面料的挺括与造型设计的雅致相得益彰。如果用柔软质感的面料的设计,不管是修长的连衣裙,还是正式套装,圣罗兰也会处理的非常柔美与舒适。


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Saint Laurent最著名的经典套装是怎样的?


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如果你要收藏经典包包,那肯定少不了 Saint Laurent,作为一个巴黎时装奢侈品牌,不断更新新的款式,简约 时尚 大方的设计,配上金色的YSL Logo,无论是休闲还是正式的场合都可以被携带。有独特标识的单品,经典出色,下面就让我介绍五款最经典的设计。 LouLou是以三十多年来的伊夫·圣洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)的密友和缪斯女神LouLou de la Falaise命名,LouLou是圣洛朗(Saint Laurent)设计中最受欢迎的手袋之一。它的标志是柔软但四角的结构,前翻盖闭合和缝V形饰面。LouLou已成为Saint Laurent经典手包,现在有更多尺寸可供选择,从小巧的挎包到超大尺寸的提包,足以容纳更多您的必需品。 对于初次购买者,我们建议从黑色或灰色的经典Puffer中号袋开始。无论什么季节,它都可以在任何场合使用。对于季节性变化,黑色永远是最百搭的颜色。 简单的Lou包是每个极简主义者最好的朋友。Lou以相机包为蓝本,具有柔软却又宽松的结构,外加实用的细节,例如外露的拉链扣和可调节的肩带。Lou还提供多配色被选择。 如果您正在寻找永不过时的日常包,黑色或奶油色皮革制成的Lou配金色LOGO是一个完美的选择。尽管它本质上是一款低调的包包,但奢华的外观(例如漆红色的麂皮绒和黑色麂皮)使您穿着的任何服装显得更有气质。 凯特(Kate)是圣洛朗(Saint Laurent)最知名,最迷人的手袋之一。凯特(Kate)是晚装搭配的绝佳选择,拥有像钱包式内饰和薄链式肩带。在大多数情况下,可以将皮带拆下,以将这个 时尚 的包包转变成手拿包。Kate手提袋最引人注目的功能之一是精致的链子流苏,流苏悬挂在标志性的YSL标志下方,每走动都会轻轻晃动。 这个包是我们夜间出入各种场所的必备单品,我们偏向于它的高级面料和华丽的珠宝色调。黑色绒面的触感配上金闪闪的LOGO,让整个包包在夜光的照耀下更加楚楚动人。 Becky手提袋是Saint Laurent配件库中用途最广泛的手提袋之一,非常适合那些需要一个包包可以从白天到夜晚使用的人。它具有矩形形状和菱形缝皮革饰面,中央饰有链带和YSL标志。这个包有两个单独的隔层和一个拉链口袋,可为您的必需品留出足够的空间。 白色皮革贝基(Becky)饰有金色LOGO,为秋冬的衣柜增添了一丝高冷的感觉。迷你Becky斜挎包延续了小巧的包包的优势,就像Lou一样,与相机的形状有几分相似,但是又可以装很多女生出门要用的小物品。 创意总监Anthony Vaccarello于2018年夏季将Jamie手提袋引入圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)的系列。此后,由于其独特的CarréRive Gauche quil缝,在圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)的手提包迷中已成为必购品之一。它拥有宽敞的内部空间,内部有一个拉链口袋,一个链带以及一个肩带皮革带垫,中间是YSL的标志字母组合。杰米(Jamie)最初有黑色和红色皮革可供选择,现在也有浅粉红色,可以巧妙地柔化深色秋冬装的边缘。 Jamie包独特的图形设计,柔软的皮革更让人爱不释手。它是由羊毛制成的平纹针织面料。无论是休闲场合还是正式场合,都可以经得起考验。

saint laurent怎么读

YSL全名:Yves Saint Lauret中文名:【伊夫圣罗兰】港台也有译为:伊夫圣洛朗。Yves Saint Lauret是法语,其正确发音:【Eve Sonn Lo"re-en】执服装界牛耳的 Yves Saint Laurent,用巴黎左岸创新、时尚的独特风情开创了色彩缤纷、浪漫高雅的 Saint Laurent 时代。自1964年推出第一个彩妆系列起,Yves Saint Laurent 品牌始终传达着高雅、神秘以及热情的 Saint Laurent 精神。


Saint-Laurent圣劳伦特双语对照词典结果:Saint-Laurentabbr.(French=Saint Lawrence) (法语)圣劳伦斯河;
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