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occurred是occur的过去时,中文意思是“出现”occur 英[u0259u02c8ku025c:(r)] 美[u0259u02c8ku025a] vi. 发生; 出现; 闪现;






Occurred是发生的意思,通常作为动词使用,表示某件事情已经发生了。以下为详细介绍:1.occurred的用法Occurred是英语中的常见单词,在口语和书面语中都可以使用。该词通常用作过去式或完成时的谓语动词。在句子中,它可以作为主语、宾语或谓语。2.occurred的双语例句(1)An accident occurred on the highway yesterday.昨天在高速公路上发生了一起事故。(2)The earthquake occurred at 8:00 p.m. yesterday.昨天晚上八点发生了地震。(3)I can"t believe what just occurred.我简直不敢相信刚才发生了什么。(4)Her words occurred to me as I was leaving.我离开时想起了她的话。3.occurred的近义词和反义词Occurred的近义词包括happened、took place、transpired等;反义词则是未发生或没有发生。4.occurred的语气和情感色彩Occurred本身并不带有强烈的语气和情感色彩,但是句子中加入适当的修饰语可以使其表现出不同的语态和情感。例如,“a terrible accident occurred"中的terrible表达了强烈的情感色彩。总结:Occurred是一个常用的动词,表示某件事情已经发生。在英语口语和书面语中都可以使用。了解该词的用法、双语例句、近义词和反义词以及语气和情感色彩,有助于提高英语表达和交流的能力。


occurs 英[u0259"ku025c:z] 美[u0259"ku025c:z] v.发生( occur的第三人称单数 ); 被想起; 被发现; (尤指基督教节日与别的节日)适逢同日; [例句]It "s not something that just naturally occurs.这些不是顺其自然发生的事。2.Intense dreaming occurs as a result. 强烈的虚幻感就会发生。3.The brainstorming occurs in your own head. 头脑风暴发生在你自己的头脑中。4.The same difficulty occurs with death. 同样的困难发生在处理死亡这件事上。5.That only occurs during a total solar eclipse. 那只发生在完全的日食中。

the wall street journal的网站为什么只能看各个栏目的首页,点文章后就加载不了


怎样用Nero Burning Rom v9.0.9.4c 简体中文精简版刻录CD


Nero Burning ROM 10.6.10600 中文版 序列号能用的


我用Nero Burning Rom 2015 (光盘刻录软件) v16.0.23.0 中文绿色特别版刻录CD盘


in your wildest dreams 歌词

歌曲名:in your wildest dreams歌手:moody blues专辑:the other side of life(Justin Hayward)Once upon a timeOnce when you were mineI remember skiesReflected in your eyesI wonder where you areI wonder if youThink about meOnce upon a timeIn your wildest dreamsOnce the world was newOur bodies felt the morning dewThat greets the brand new dayWe couldn"t tear ourselves awayMoody BluesI wonder if you careI wonder if you still rememberOnce upon a timeIn your wildest dreamsAnd when the music playsAnd when the worlds areTouched with sorrowWhen the music playsI hear the soundI had to followOnce upon a timeOnce beneath the starsThe universe was oursLove was all we KnewAnd all I knew was youI wonder if you knowI wonder if youThink about itIn your wildest dreamsAnd when the music playsAnd when the words areTouched with sorrowWhen the music playsAnd when the music playsI hear the soundI had to followOnce upon a timeOnce upon a timeOnce when you were mineI remember skiesMirrored in your eyesI wonder where you areI wonder if youThink about meOnce upon a timeIn your wildest dreamsIn your wildest dreamsIn your wildest dreamshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14243672

I apply to get into your life翻译成中文是什么意思?


Nero Burning Rom 7 官方简体中文版和NERO OEM我用哪个软件好


怎样使用Nero Burning ROM 11刻录系统盘

一、刻XP系统要使用CD(或DVD)光驱和CD-R光盘,这类光盘标准容量是700MB,正好在一张盘上刻一个完整的XP系统,买时要买质量好一点的,质量好的光盘不但能保证刻700MB以内的文件,还能超刻一些,质量差的有的只能刻650MB。刻Vista、WIN7系统文件因版本不同,但一般都要在1.3GB以上,要使用DVD光驱和DVD光盘,DVD光盘容量是4.7GB。二、从网上下载“Nero 11简体中文版”,安装Nero 。 三、从网上下载系统文件要完整无误,下载后不要作任何改动,存放到D分区。四、刻录系统光盘过程1、打开光驱,放入光盘。2、启动Neor Burning ROM软件。3、设置刻录如果用CD刻,在“新编辑”窗口左窗格左上角下拉列表中选定“CD”,点击“CD-ROM(ISO);如果用CD刻,点击“DVD-ROM(ISO)。设置选项:(1)信息(2)多重区段 :点选“启动多重区段”(3)ISO:数据:数据模式—选模式1文件:文件系统—选ISO9600+文件名长度—选11极大值=8+3字符字符集—选ISO9600(标准);宽带限制:勾选1、2、4选项。(4)标签:自动(5)日期:选“使用源文件的日期和时间”(6)其它:勾选“从硬盘或网络缓存文件”(7)刻录:操作:勾选“写入”写入:写入速度—16/24写入方式—光盘一次刻录刻录份数 14、打开刻录文件点击“打开”按钮,打开“打开“窗口“查找范围“下拉列表中选定存放ISO文件的磁盘D,从下边的列表中选定ISO文件夹,点击“打开”按钮,打开“刻录编辑”窗口。5、写入光盘在刻录编辑窗口打“刻录”标签,显示刻录进度,刻录完毕自动弹出光盘。

Nero-Burnig Rom刻录软件实用技巧大搜罗

Nero-Burnig Rom(以下简称)是大家用得非常多的刻录软件,现在又出了全新的版本,在此之际,让我们来回顾一下它的一些实用技巧是相当有必要的。很有可能里面有些你还不知道哦!1.使用向导窗口如果我们使用最新版的Nero,那它为我们提供了一个向导窗口,大家只要选择“开始”→“程序”→ahead Nero→Nero Express,就可以启动它。(如图1),在其中可以选择刻录机,也选择刻录盘片类型,然后顺着向导操作就可以了,非常方便。相信对于初学者很有帮助,在熟悉了它的操作之后,再切换到Nero-Burning Rom窗口操作肯定会更容易上手。小提示单击图1下方Nero按钮可以切换到Nero-Burning Rom窗口;单击?按钮可以打开帮助窗口;按下“更多”按钮则可以出现诸如保存轨道到硬盘、光盘信息、启动“光盘封面制作器”等更多功能(如图2),单击按钮即可执行,非常方便。2.利用Nero抓取CD音乐CD格式非常特殊,我们无法通过“资源管理器”中的复制和粘贴命令来拷贝CD音乐到机器上。很多人不得不使用第三方软件,但大多数CD抓取软件并不免费。其实,通过Nero就可以很轻松地把CD复制到硬盘上:将音乐CD放入光驱后,然后选择“刻录机”菜单下的“保存轨道”命令,在打开的“保存轨道”窗口中选择欲保存的轨道(如图3),再选择相应的文件类型(有四种文件格式可供选择)和存放文件夹,最后点下“完成”钮即可将CD音轨存为MP3或WAV等格式文件。小提示现在流行一种mp3Pro格式的音乐,我们从图3中可以看到,Nero-Burning ROM也支持把音乐CD转换成mp3Pro文件。不过,其内置的mp3Pro编码器在未注册之前最多只能够使用30次。3.利用Nero批量转换mp3Pro文件现在时下时尚给MP3文件减肥,而且越来越多的播放器支持mp3Pro格式的音乐了。但现成还是无法找到一个批量转换mp3Pro格式文件的转换软件(很多都提供转换功能,但一次只能够转换一首)。而Nero-Burning ROM中就带有mp3Pro编码器,利用它可以轻松把硬盘上的WAV文件批量转换成mp3Pro格式的文件。启动Nero后,选择“附加选项”→“文件编码”命令,在打开的“文件编码”窗口中单击“添加”按钮选择欲转换的文件,然后再在“输出格式”中选择“mp3PRO (*.mp3)”选项(如图4),再单击一下“目标文件夹”旁边的按钮选择一下输出文件夹,最后按下“继续”按钮即可批量转换。小提示★同样,Nero-Burning ROM中的mp3Pro编码器必须单独到Nero网站上注册购买,在未注册之前最多只能使用30次;★如果发觉转换出来的MP3并不小,请单击图2中mp3Pro旁的“设置”按钮,并在打开的窗口中选中“Enable mp3PRO”选项(如图5)。当然,如果您对音质要求比较高,那也可以在图5中对其他的控制选项进行设置。4.利用Nero制作精美光盘封面现在什么东西都少不了要包装,我们心爱的CD光盘也不例外。以前我们都是采用专用的CD光盘封面和标签设计工具来完成。其实在Nero刻录软件中已经内置了一个Nero Cover Designer(Nero光盘封面设计器),利用它我们就可以很方便地制作出精美光盘封面和标签来美化我们的CD。单击“开始”→“程序”→“ahead Nero”→“Nero Cover Designer”命令即可启动。而且是汉化界面,让使用中文的我们使用起来更加方便(如图6)!小提示★要制作出漂亮的CD封面,我们可以使用其内置的模板。这样可以大大减少制作步骤;★有关Nero Cover Designer的使用方法及技巧,大家可以参见本章相关章节。5.用Nero编辑音频想自由编辑自己录制下来的声音而苦于要购买价格昂贵的音频文件编辑器吗?那就来试一试Nero-Burning ROM中自带的Nero Wave Editor工具吧!单击“开始”→“程序”→ahead Nero→Nero Wave Editor命令可启动(如图7)。尽管它的名字叫:Nero Wave Editor,但可以打开Apple Aiff、MP3、mp3PRO、TwinVQ和WAV文件,并能对其进行自由编辑。同时,该编辑器中内置有多种音效及去噪音功能,可以为我们处理音频省力不少。最后,值得一提的是,它也具有录制功能,可以实时地录制外部声音,并把它数字化。而且,我们还能把它保存为mp3Pro格式。 小提示通过Nero Wave Editor把磁带转录成MP3,然后烧录到CD-R上,再放到MP3播放器上播放是一个不错的好解决方案。6.巧用Nero烧录信息如果在使用Nero中刻录数据时,暂时不想把它烧到CD盘上,可选择“烧录器”菜单下的“选择烧录器”命令,然后选择Image Recorder(如图8),单击“确定”按钮。以后在Nero中单击工具栏上“写入光盘”按钮时,Nero将会弹出对话框让我们把当前的内容烧录成NRG格式的文件到硬盘上(如图9)。通过这种方法,我们可以把一些资料保存到硬盘上。图9小提★通过这种方法保存后的数据文件扩展名为NRG,它是Nero的映像文件。如果我们要把这些NRG文件刻录到CD上,只要只要打开Nero,选择“文件”菜单下的“刻录镜像”命令(如图10),再打开这个NRG文件,即可把其中的内容写入光盘中。★如果要读出NRG文件中的内容,可以采用选择“开始”→“程序”→ahead Nero→Nero ImageDrive Installer来安装Nero自带的虚拟器。安装完成后,我们只要单击“开始”→“设置”→“控制面板”,双击Nero ImageDrive图标,并单击Options标签下...按钮,在打开文件对话框中打开NRG文件(如图11)。回到“资源管理器”中即可看到该NRG中的文件已经被虚拟成了一块光盘了。剩下来的操作大家不说也会了。★如果我们想让Windows启动时就装载NRG文件,则在Options选项卡中选中Mount the image at startup复选框即可。7.用Nero保存光盘信息如果拿到一张光盘,很想将它保存下来,但发现通过直接拷贝法不行。可以用Nero的保存轨道功能把它保存下来:将CD光盘放入光驱后,然后选择“刻录机”菜单下的“保存轨道”命令,在打开的“保存轨道”窗口中选择欲保存的轨道(如图12)。然择一个存放文件夹,Nero就会把选中光盘上轨道信息保存为NRG文件。小提示★如果我们的光盘是一次性刻录的,只会有一个轨道。反之,则会有多个轨道。可以分别保存。★保存下来的NRG文件,可以通过上面的方法刻录到CD-R上,也可以模拟成光盘文件,从中拷贝数据。★如果打开的是CD光盘,则单击“选项”按钮还会打开(如图13)的窗口,可以选择“紧急修正”、“删除静音”和“自动生成存贮音频音轨的M3U播放表”等功能。通过它,可以去除CD的爆音,还可以生成供Winamp播放的播放列表文件,供Winamp导入播放。8.烧录个性图标光盘在Windows下制作出来的CD插入光驱后图标千篇一律,缺乏个性。那能不能给自己烧录的光驱一个漂亮、与众不同的个性图标呢?其实,这真的很简单,只要我们在某文件夹下生成一个名为autorun.inf的文本文件,并在其中加上两句:[autorun]icon =cdrom.ico然后再将一自己制作的cdrom.ico图标文件也拖入CD-R的根目录中一并刻录,以后在Windows 资源管理器中显示的就是cdrom.ico图标的样子了。

are you sure什么意思


Nero Burning Rom 全中文版的下载地址,急用!!

本次搜索共找到约 7 条相关记录,软件搜索结果如下 1、 Nero Burning ROM 简体中文注册版 一个德国公司出品的光碟烧录程序,支持中文长文件名烧录,也支持ATAPI(IDE)的光碟烧录机,可烧录多种类型的光碟片,是一个相当不错的光碟烧录程序。使用Nero可让您以轻松快速的方式制作您专属的CD和... 类别:光盘刻录 大小:156.63 MB 日期:2006-11-23 2、 Nero Burning Rom 官方简体版 这是一个由德国公司出品的光盘烧录软件,它的功能相当强大且容易操作,适合各种层级的使用者来使用,他同时也支持了多国语系,当然也包括中文喔!此光盘烧录软件也支持长文件名称的烧录,还支持ATAPI系列的光盘... 类别:虚拟光驱 大小:156.64 MB 日期:2006-11-23 3、 Nero Burning Rom 全新的版本!使用Nero可让您以轻松快速的方式制作您专属的CD和DVD。不论您是所要烧录的是资料CD、音乐CD、VideoCD、SuperVideoCD、DDCD或是DVD,所有的程序都是一样的。使用... 类别:虚拟光驱 大小:150.95 MB 日期:2006-11-23 4、 Nero Burning Rom 官方繁体版 NeroBurningRom7.5.7.0官方繁体版 类别:虚拟光驱 大小:193.59 MB 日期:2006-10-17 5、 Nero Burning Rom 官方简体版 这是一个由德国公司出品的光盘烧录软件,它的功能相当强大且容易操作,适合各种层级的使用者来使用,他同时也支持了多国语系,当然也包括中文喔!此光盘烧录软件也支持长文件名称的烧录,还支持ATAPI系列的光盘... 类别:虚拟光驱 大小:194.07 MB 日期:2006-10-17 6、 Nero Burning Rom 全新的版本!使用Nero可让您以轻松快速的方式制作您专属的CD和DVD。不论您是所要烧录的是资料CD、音乐CD、VideoCD、SuperVideoCD、DDCD或是DVD,所有的程序都是一样的。使用... 类别:虚拟光驱 大小:188.06 MB 日期:2006-10-17 7、 Nero Burning Rom 简体中文注册版 一个能够将数据和CD音频文件烧录到CD-R和CD-RW磁盘上的应用程序。它支持所有标准的CD-ROM格式,包括ISO标准1和2、双字节Joliet模式、混和模式、ISO模式1和XA模式。该软件支持IS... 类别:光盘刻录 大小:10.73 MB 日期:2006-02-01 http://www.cn114soft.com

are you sure什么意思


求 Nero Burning ROM 简体中文破解版 V7.0.8.2 详细安装方法


哪里有Nero Burning Rom v7.0.1.2 官方简体中文版下载?

Nero Burning Rom v7.0.1.4B 官方简体中文版Nero Burning Rom v7.0.1.4B 官方简体中文版下载地址:http://dlb.pchome.net/utility/cdr/Nero- Burning Rom 7 最新注册机 [KeyGen]下载地址:http://down.51ct.cn/soft/keygen.rar一个德国公司出品的光碟烧录程序,支持中文长文件名烧录,也支持ATAPI(IDE)的光碟烧录机,可烧录多种类型的光碟片,是一个相当不错的光碟烧录程序。使用 Nero 可让您以轻松快速的方式制作您专属的 CD 和 DVD。不论您是所要烧录的是资料CD、音乐 CD、Video CD、Super Video CD、DDCD 或是 DVD,所有的程序都是一样的。使用鼠标将档案从档案浏览器拖曳至编辑窗口中,开启烧录对话框,然后激活烧录作业。 高速、稳定的烧录核心,再加上友善的操作接口,Nero 绝对是你烧录机的绝佳搭档!如果想体验这难得的烧录感受,那你一定不能错过这个由德国公司出品的光盘烧录软件。Nero 7 采用全新的引擎,支持最新的的HD-DVD和蓝光刻录机;功能更加强大的Nero Vision4,可以方便地制作DVD、电影、幻灯片以及从外部设备捕获视频;新增Nero Home,提供类似Media Center风格的操作界面,支持遥控器操作等。Code: 5C82-0010-8011-0000-1511-3978-9696

Nero Burning Rom 汉语什么意思啊

一个德国公司出品的光碟烧录程序,中文翻译是叫Nero的烧录存储器ROM 是read only memory,即只读存储器

are you sure?是啥意思


are you sure什么意思?

are you sure翻译为中文的意思为:你肯定吗;你能肯定吗;确定要;确实要。are you sure 双语例句1. Becom a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人知道你是谁。2. When you are preparing to engage, first make sure you clear all the trash except the last Colossus mobs before the door.确认一下,开怪之前把除门口那些个巨人以外的渣滓清干净。3. If you are on the lookout for a counselor, be sure to know where to find him.如果你是在寻找一个参赞,一定要知道该往哪里找他。4. We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditi***** at your end.根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。5. Even though we are not in same country, but weare sure that our hearts belong to you.尽管我们不在一个国家,我们的心都支持你6. Jay Himes, an executive director in Lynchburg, VA adds, Make sure you are providing value.弗吉尼亚州林奇堡的执行理事Jay Himes补充说:确保你的贡献是有价值的。

英语问题:IS your 和Are you的区别和用法???

your 你的you 你

lay down the burden的中文歌词翻译?

歌曲名:Lay Down The Burden Of Your Heart歌手:Cathy Viljoen专辑:Cathy Viljoen Collection Vol. 2hiding from the rain and snowtrying to forget but i won t let golooking at a crowded streetlistening to my own heart beatso many peopleall around the worldtell me where do i findsomeone like you girltake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand before i m oldshow me what love ishaven t got a clueshow me that wonders can be truethey say nothing lasts foreverwe re only here todaylove is now or neverbring me far awaytake me to your hearttake me to your soulgive me your hand and hold meshow me what love isbe my guiding starit s easy take me to your heartstanding on a mountain highlooking at the moon through a clear blue skyi should go and see some friendsbut they don t really comprehenddon t need too much talkingwithout saying anythingall i need is someone

孩子们沉重的负担Heavy Burden on Children

With petitions being increasinglyfierce in our society, more and more parents are busy enrolling their childrento a variety of hobby group, such as, math, English, mental arithmetic,singing, dancing, writing and so on. Parents think these are good for theirchildren to do preparation for their future. But I don"t agree with it. Maybethese interest groups will do good to the children, but too much stress from theinterest classes will give heavy burden on children.,随着社会竞争的日益激烈,越来越多的家长都忙着把自己的孩子送去参加各种兴趣班,如数学,英语,心算,唱歌,跳舞,写作等。父母认为这些有助于他们的孩子为未来做好准备。但是,我不这么认为。也许这些对孩子们是有好处的,但是从兴趣班中越来越大的压力会给孩子带来沉重的负担。,In the first place, taking too muchinterest classes will deprive children of their freedom time. Although childrenare in a young age, they still have to go to school, which will take up theirsome time. They have to take part in some hobby groups after school, which theymay not really interested in. Can you imagine how many free time do they have?They have to study and study during their whole childhood. This may havenegative effect on forming good characters for children.,首先,参加过多的兴趣班会剥夺了孩子们的自由时间。虽然孩子们还很年轻,但他们还是得去上学的,这就占用了他们很多的时间。他们要在课后参加的一些兴趣班。你能想象他们还能有多少空闲时间呢?整个童年他们都是在学习中度过的。这可能对儿童性格的形成造成负面的影响。,Last but not least, the so called interestclasses may not cause the interest of children. The cram classes that parentschoose for their children are not really the real hobby of their children. Ifthey have to be forced to do the things that they don"t like in a young age,how can they have a happy childhood? In addition, children may have no time todevelop their true interest, because they have to do the things that theirparents consider are their interest.,最后但并非最不重要的是,所谓的兴趣班可能根本就不是孩子们的兴趣。家长为孩子们选的兴趣班也许并不是孩子们真正的爱好。如果他们在小小年纪就被逼做一些不喜欢的事,他们怎么能有一个快乐的童年呢?此外,孩子们可能也没有时间去培养自己的真正的兴趣,因为他们必须要做他们父母认为他们感兴趣的事。,To sum up, forcing children to take up toomuch interest classes will increase the heavy burden on children. Parentsshould pay more time to figure out their children"s real interest and lead themto the right way, not force them to do things.

有一个英语问题 Are you 和Are your有什么区别,

这个问题很简单啊, 前者“are you”用于疑问句起始,表示“你是...” 如:are you a chinese?你是一个中国人吗? 后者“are your”同样用于疑问句起始,表示“你的...是吗?” 如:are your mother a chinese?你的母亲是一个中国人吗?

Has technology made our lives easier or more burdensome? Give examples to illustrate your view

我写几个要点吧,你发挥一下:Technoloys made our lifes easier rather than burdensome, e.g:1) It would be much easier and convenient to travel around with GPS system.2) Internet, as a fruit out of technology, has made life more colourful and broaden our eyes, making knowledge accessible all over the world.3) For self-learning in univ, no need to carry bunky dictionary around, just an app would be enough to check all new words.




Anna Abreu <are you ready>Are you ready, are you ready, are you ready for me, are you ready let"s goPull up to the club we don"t walk just strideWe know how to sell it all the fellas say hiHere with all the people that we"re meeting insideIt"s gonna be our night, it"s gonna be our nightWhen I hear he dance floor kickin" that grooveDJ"s got the beat to make your body go ooohEverybody"s checkin" as I start to moveIt"s gonna be our night, it"s gonna be our nightAre you ready, are you ready, are you ready for me, are you ready let"s goIf you come to party and you"re feelin" naughtyWhen you shake your body, go “oh, oh, oh”If your hands are dirty and you"re feelin" flirtyThen take off your shirt and go “oh, oh, oh”As the club is shakin" and the floors vibratin"Everybody"s saying “oh, oh, oh”So, if you"re ready for me, come and sing it with meIf you feel me, go “oh, oh, oh”Sexy senorita shakin" on byComin" on to you with my slither and my slideMy whole body"s movingAnd my hips are on fire, I got whatYou want what you"ve always desiredFeelin" sensations outta controlCan you feel the beat as it rips your soulEverybody"s freakin", it"s the weekend “oh, oh”It"s gonna be our night, it"s gonna be our nightAre you ready, are you ready, are you ready for me, are you ready let"s goIf you come to party and you"re feelin" naughtyWhen you shake your body, go “oh, oh, oh”If your hands are dirty and you"re feelin" flirtyThen take off your shirt and go “oh, oh, oh”As the club is shakin" and the floors vibratin"Everybody"s saying “oh, oh, oh”So, if you"re ready for me, come and sing it with meIf you feel me, go “oh, oh, oh”Keep your body movin"Keep your hot body groovin"There"s nothing to be losin"Keep your hands on meAre you ready, are you ready, are you ready for me, are you ready let"s goIf you come to party and you"re feelin" naughtyWhen you shake your body, go “oh, oh, oh”If your hands are dirty and you"re feelin" flirtyThen take off your shirt and go “oh, oh, oh”As the club is shakin" and the floors vibratin"Everybody"s saying “oh, oh, oh”So, if you"re ready for me, come and sing it with meIf you feel me, go “oh, oh, oh”Keep your body movin"Keep your hot body groovin"There"s nothing to be losin"Keep your hands on me

歌词前几句are you ready areyouready comeon

You ready?! Lets go!Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we"re all aboutIt"s like this y"all (c"mon!) 准备好了?一起来吧!为了那些想知道我们都是什么样的人就像这样 Chorus:This is ten percent luck, Twenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasure, Fifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the name! 10%的运气20%的技巧15%的集中注意力5%的欢愉50%的痛苦和100%地记住这个名字 Mike:MikeHe doesn"t need his name up in lightsHe just wants to be heard whether it"s the beat or the micHe feels so unlike everybody else, aloneIn spite of the fact that some people still think that they know himBut fuck em, he knows the codeIt"s not about the salaryIt"s all about reality and making some noiseMakin the story - makin sure his clique stays upThat means when he puts it down Tak"s pickin it up! let"s go! Mike他不需要他的名字闪耀光芒他只希望他的声音通过节奏或者麦克被人们听到他的感觉和每个人都不一样尽管事实上有些人仍然认为他们了解他但他们错了 他知道规则不是关于薪水都是关于现实 那么来点欢呼写下一个故事 确信他的团队还在就是说 当他写完 Tak接下去 Tak:Who the hell is he anyway?He never really talks muchNever concerned with status but still leavin them star struckHumbled through opportunities given to him despite the factThat many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin rapsPut it together himself, now the picture connectsNever askin for someone"s help, or to get some respectHe"s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reachAnd now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist 他到底是怎样的人?他从来话都不多也从不关心什么身份地位 虽然人们都崇拜他 他谦逊地等待机会的到来 尽管很多人都误解他 因为他以创作rap为生他自己把歌曲组合 于是画面展现他从不寻求别人的帮助 或者为了获得什么尊重他只专注于他的创作 他的意志超越了极限 现在一切都呈现出 一个艺术家的技巧Ryu:This is twenty percent skillEighty percent beerBe a hundred percent clear cause Ryu is illWho would"ve thought that he"d be the one to set the west in flamesAnd I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "Name Of The Game"Came back dropped Megadef, took em to churchI like bleach man, why you had the stupidest verse?This dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spotsHis stock"s through


are you ready意思是你准备好了吗。 否定回答是:Not yet. 扩展资料   Are you ready for this afternoon"s meeting?   今天下午的会议你准备好了没有?   The waitress appeared. "Are you ready to order?"   女侍者走上前来,“您准备好点餐了吗?”   Are you ready to board, Mr. Daly?   你准备好登机了吗,戴利先生?   "Are you ready to pull out?" — "I"m ready when you are, Captain."   “准备好出发了吗?”——“就等你了,船长。”   Are you nearly ready?   你快准备好了吗?


areyouready海绵宝宝下一句是Yes, I am.海绵宝宝开头动画音乐中Are you



are uready?是什么意思





are you ready意思是你准备好了吗。 回答是: 1、All set. 一切就绪。 2、I"m done. 我做完了。 3、I"m prepared. 我准备好了。 4、I"m all set. 我准备好了。 5、I"m finished. 我做完了。 6、I"m ready Freddy. 我准备好了,弗雷迪。 扩展资料   Are you ready for another one?   您准备好再来一杯吗?   Time for short messages, are you ready?   短信时代已经到来,你准备好了吗?   Are you ready? He made a sign to the man below.   “你们准备好了吗?”他向下面的.人作了个手势。   Chinese banks, are you ready for wto?   殷勤叩问中国的银行?   Have you decided what you"d like? Are you ready to order?   想好吃什么了吗?准备点菜了吗?

诊断的准确性大幅上升。翻译成: The accuracy of diagnosis increases significantly?


are you kidding with me what is your doing 这两句话有没

Are you kidding me.what are you doing


动名词做主 表示常做这类 有那个习惯。有那种爱好。

around the world和thourghouttheworld的区别

  around the world的中文意思是:世界各地;全世界;  而throughout the world中文意思也是:全世界:举世。  区别如下:  around the world是指环绕地球  throughout the world=all over the world 意思是遍及全球

Tom is the strongest boy in our class. Tom is___ ___ ___ ___boy in our class.

than any other

-Do you know __boy called Tom? -Of course.

a,the a是泛指the是特指

purchase co-coordinator 怎么翻译

purchase co-coordinator 怎么翻译 采购员。 coordinator 和 co-coordinator 有什么区别 coordinator 就是只有一个人任职。 co-coordinator是两个人的其中一个 hr coordinator 中文怎么翻译 人力资源协调员 ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! per purchase order 怎么翻译 每一个订购单 packing list of each Purchase Order怎么翻译 每个订单的装箱单。 purchase credit notes在ACCA中怎么翻译 你好! purchase credit notes 购买信用票据 contract of purchase 翻译  卖方和买方同意签订本合同的条款和条件的内分泌和一般以下附件条款和条件。 卖方特此确认买方已足够称为卖方注意划线和boldfaced一般条款的规定条件并释放出或减轻买方的责任和承担责任。这是由于卖方已经充分了解和理解这些条款和规定可能不利于他卖方已确定的purhase订立本合同。 卖方完全理解,买方,作为交易的一家贸易公司,应当签订本合同,为了要购买转售利润。 recober purchase翻译 recober purchase 意思是:恢复购买 求助:purchase mandate 等短语怎么翻译 股本审议,启动 social media coordinator 英文怎样翻译 social media coordinator 中文意思是:社交媒体协调员 也可以读作:Social media Coordinator social 英 [u02c8su0259u028au0283l] 美 [u02c8sou028au0283l] adj. 社会的,社会上的;交际的,社交的;群居的;合群的 n. 联谊会,联欢会;社交聚会 复数: socials media 英 [u02c8mi:diu0259] 美 [u02c8midiu0259] n. 媒体;介质;[解剖学]血管中层;[语音学] 浊塞音;[医]培养基 coordinator 英 [ku0259u028a"u0254:du026aneu026atu0259] 美 [kou028a"u0254:du0259nu02cceu026atu0259] n. 协调者;同等的人(或物) 复数: coordinators

为什么填the other Tom is American. All the other boys in our class are Chinese

d do under similar circumstanc

salut ma chere viviane. Bonjour ma chère Vivian

salut ma chere Viviane. Bonjour ma chère Viviane. 这是打招呼用的。 (恋人之间应该也可以用)salut “你好”,“再见”。在熟人之间用。 Bonjour “你好””。



our party _(do) a lot of improve the life of the farmers in the past few years.

第三人称用单数,in the past few years用完成时,故has done



Nature: 半金属和单层半导体之间的超低接触电阻

第一作者:Pin-Chun Shen, Cong Su, Yuxuan Lin, Ang-Sheng Chou 通讯作者:Pin-Chun Shen, Lain-Jong Li,Jing Kong 通讯单位: 麻省理工学院(MIT),台湾积体电路制造公司(TSMC) 先进的超越硅电子技术既需要通道材料,也需要发现超低电阻接触。原子薄的二维半导体具有实现高性能电子器件的巨大潜力。但是,到目前为止,由于金属引起的间隙态(MIGS),金属-半导体界面处的能垒(从根本上导致高接触电阻和较差的电流传输能力)限制了二维半导体晶体管。最近, 麻省理工学院(MIT)Pin-Chun Shen和Jing Kong,台湾积体电路制造公司(TSMC)Lain-Jong Li 等人 在国际知名期刊 “Nature” 发表题为 “Ultralow contact resistance between semimetal and monolayer semiconductors” 的研究论文。他们报道了半金属铋与半导体单层过渡金属硫化合物(TMDs)之间的欧姆接触,其中MIGS被充分抑制,TMD中的简并态与铋接触形成。通过这种方法,他们在单层MoS2上实现了零肖特基势垒高度,接触电阻为123欧姆微米,通态电流密度为1135微安/微米。就他们所知,这两个值分别是尚未记录的最低和最高值。他们还证明了可以在包括MoS2、WS2和WSe2在内的各种单层半导体上形成出色的欧姆接触。他们报道的接触电阻是对二维半导体的实质性改进,并接近量子极限。这项技术揭示了与最新的三维半导体相媲美的高性能单层晶体管的潜力,从而可以进一步缩小器件尺寸并扩展摩尔定律。 图1:半金属-半导体接触的间隙态饱和的概念 原文链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03472-9

铭瑄B150-MD4 turbo主板支持的固态硬盘接口?


谁有《Heavy in your arms》的歌词,急需啊啊啊啊 拜托啦 现在就要啊? 一定要带翻译啊

I was a heavy heart to carry 我是一颗沉重难载的心My beloved was weighed down 我的爱人沉溺其中My arms around his neck 我环着他的脖颈My fingers laced to crown. 十指紧扣I was a heavy heart to carry 我是一颗沉重难载的心My feet dragged across ground 我拖沓行过And he took me to the river 他引我至河边Where he slowly let me drown 缓缓将我放下My love has concrete feet 我的爱坚定不移My love"s an iron ball 我的爱坚毅如铁Wrapped around your ankles 将你紧紧包裹Over the waterfall 飞跃瀑布I"m so heavy, heavy 我是如此沉重,沉重Heavy in your arms 在你的怀抱中沉溺I"m so heavy, heavy 我是如此沉重,沉重Heavy in your arms 在你的怀抱中沉溺And is it worth the wait 这一切都值得这长久地等待么?All this killing time? Are you strong enough to stand 你是否足够强大来保护我们彼此的心?Protecting both your heart and mine? Who is the betrayer? 谁是背叛者?Who"s the killer in the crowd? 人群中谁是杀手?The one who creeps in corridors 那个在廊间无声匍匐的人就是And doesn"t make a sound My love has concrete feet 我的爱坚定不移My love"s an iron ball 我的爱坚毅如铁Wrapped around your ankles 将你紧紧包裹Over the waterfall 飞跃瀑布My love has concrete feet 我的爱坚定不移My love"s an iron ball 我的爱坚毅如铁Wrapped around your ankles 将你紧紧包裹Over the waterfall 飞跃瀑布I"m so heavy, heavy 我是如此沉重,沉重Heavy in your arms 在你的怀抱中沉溺I"m so heavy, heavy 我是如此沉重,沉重So heavy in your arms 在你的怀抱中无限沉溺This will be my last confession 这将是我最后的告解I love you never felt like any blessing 我爱你却从未奢求任何祝福(Ohhhh) Whispering like it"s a secret 像诉说秘密般轻声耳语Only to condemn the one who hears it 只惩罚那个听见的人With a heavy heart 用一颗沉重的心Heavy heavy i"m so heavy in your arms 沉重,沉重,我在你的怀抱中沉溺(i"m so) Heavy heavy i"m so heavy in your arms 沉重,沉重,我在你的怀抱中沉溺(i"m so) Heavy heavy i"m so heavy in your arms 沉重,沉重,我在你的怀抱中沉溺(i"m so) Heavy heavy i"m so heavy in your arms 沉重,沉重,我在你的怀抱中沉溺I was a heavy heart to carry 我是一颗沉重难载的心My beloved was weighed down 我的爱人沉溺其中My arms around his neck 我环着他的脖颈My fingers laced to crown. 十指紧扣I was a heavy heart to carry 我是一颗沉重难载的心But he never let me down 但他从未将我放下When he had me in his arms 当他将我抱在怀中时My feet never touched the ground 我双脚从未触地I"m so heavy, heavy in your arms. 我是如此沉重,沉溺于你的怀抱中Heavy, i"m so heavy in your arms.沉重,沉溺于你的怀抱中。

die in your arms 的歌词英文带汉文翻译!!!

Die In Your Arms Justin Bieber See you love me must the love you yeaa Would you hurt me baby, could you do that to me yeaa? Would you lie to me baby? Cuz the truth hurts so much more Would you do the things that drive me crazy, leave my heart still at the door? I can"t help it, I"m just selfish There"s no way that I could share you That would break my heart to pieces Honestly the truth is If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind cause everytime you touch me i just Die in your arms, oh it feels so right So baby baby please dont stop girl Oh baby, i know lovin you ain"t easy, but it sure is worth a try Ohhh if there is a reason to call me a fool Cuz i love too hard...are there any rules baby? If this is a lesson, then baby teach me to behave Just tell me what i gotta do, just to stay right next to you I cant help it im just selfish, theres no way that I could share you That would break my heart to pieces honestly the truth is If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind Cause everytime you touch me i just Die in your arms, oh it feels so right So baby baby please dont stop girl Basically im saying here, i cant live without my baby Loving you is so damn easy for me Aint no need for contemplating, promise you wont keep me waiting Tell me baby im all that you need If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind Cause everytime you touch me I just die in your arms, oh it feels so right So baby baby please dont stop girl If i could die in your arms. ( gonna make you believe girl ) I wouldnt mind Ay ay ayyyy. Dont stop baby no Its what you do to me yeah Woahhh oh no no no Baby please dont go girl noooooooo

求die in your arms-Ariana Grande的歌词

这个是贾斯汀比伯的歌词版本:See you love me must the love you yeaaWould you hurt me baby, could you do that to me yeaa?Would you lie to me baby? Cuz the truth hurtsso much moreWould you do the things that drive me crazy,leave my heart still at the door?I can"t help it, I"m just selfishThere"s no way that I could share youThat would break my heart to piecesHonestly the truth isIf i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mindcause everytime you touch me i justDie in your arms, oh it feels so rightSo baby baby please dont stop girlOh baby, i know lovin you ain"t easy,but it sure is worth a tryOhhh if there is a reason to call me a foolCuz i love too hard...are there any rules baby?If this is a lesson, then baby teach me to behaveJust tell me what i gotta do, just to stay right next to youI cant help it im just selfish, theres no way thatI could share youThat would break my heart to pieceshonestly the truth isIf i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mindCause everytime you touch me i justDie in your arms, oh it feels so rightSo baby baby please dont stop girlBasically im saying here, i cant live without my babyLoving you is so damn easy for meAint no need for contemplating, promise you wont keep me waitingTell me baby im all that you needIf i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mindCause everytime you touch meI just die in your arms, oh it feels so rightSo baby baby please dont stop girlIf i could die in your arms.( gonna make you believe girl )I wouldnt mindAy ay ayyyy. Dont stop baby noIts what you do to me yeahWoahhh oh no no noBaby please dont go girl noooooooo

I Surrender All 歌词

歌曲名:I Surrender All歌手:Ruben Studdard专辑:I Need An AngelCeline Dion: I Surrender(Louis Biancaniello/Sam Watters)There"s so much lifeI"ve left to liveAnd this fire"s burning stillWhen I watch you look at meI think I could find a wayTo stand for every dreamAnd forsake this solid groundAnd give up this fear withinOf what would happen if they end, youI"m in love with you"Cause I"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"d make you give them all to meI"d hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderI knowI can"t survive another night away from youYou"re the reason I go onAnd now I need to live the truthRight now, there"s no better timeFrom this fear, I will break freeAnd I"ll live again with loveAnd know they can"t take that away from meAnd they will see... yeahI"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderEvery night gets longerAnd this voice"s getting stronger babyI"ll swallow my prideAnd I"ll be aliveCan"t you hear my call?I surrender all...(I"ll surrender everything)(To feel the chance, to live again)I reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"ll make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderRight here, right nowI"d give my life to live againI"ll break freeTake me, my everythingI surrender all to you(Right now)Right now(I"d give my life to live again)I"d give my life(I"ll break free, Take me)Take me, take me(my everything)My everything(I surrender all to you, right now)Right now(I"d give my life to live again)I"d give my life to you babyI"ll break free, yeah freehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9634445

谁有Meredith Andrews的in your arms 的歌词。急需!!谢谢

In Your ArmsI"m turning the world offEmbracing the silenceWalking away from all the voicesThat are Screaming in my earI"ve been too caught upI"ve been so stressed outAll of the noise replaced the whisperThat used to be so clearSo I close every doorPut my face back on the floorAnd I"m in Your armsWhere I belongThere"s no other place for meThan right where You areSome things just don"t changeWhen I call Your nameYou never hesitate to wrap me in endless graceWhen I"m in Your armsI"m letting my fears goGiving You controlFor You are the one who holds me closerIn my soul"s darkest nightEverything I seeIs so temporarySo help me to run the race before meWith eternity in sightNow I close every doorPut my face back on the floorTo sit at Your feetAt Your table of mercyTo gaze on Your beauty, my LordTo drink from Your wellAnd be changed by Your gloryHow could I ask for moreJesus, how could I ask for more

Back In Your Arms 歌词

歌曲名:Back In Your Arms歌手:Magnum专辑:Rock ArtTaj Jackson - Back In Your ArmsEvery now and then,It comes back again,The thought of how you walked away from me,And the tears began,To fall again,Wondering if I could"ve stopped it from happening,I tried so hard to get,Get you off my head,And my heart knows you are the one,Can"t give it to just anyone,And the things we should"ve never said,And oh it made us so upset,Baby I"m not just missin" you,Ohhh how I"m missin" youWhere do you oh,Where do you go,Why can"t you come and tell me that its all out control,How do you fight,On your way back to the road,There be no escort to bring us back home,Back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,And back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,Wanna be in your arms,If they everydayEven wanted space,Knowin" where you are,The strain pulling me apart,I"m not afraid of change,Just of this way,Don"t you know that this going way too far,I wish I could forget,The first time we met,And looked in each others eyes,Was a moment that changed my life,I hope you think of me,Know that we were meant to be,Im constantly missing you,And I know that you"re missing me too,Where do you oh,Where do you go,Why can"t you come and tell me that its all out control,How do you fight,On your way back to the road,There be no escort to bring us back home,Back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,And back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,Wanna be in your arms,All I know is that we"ve spent enough time apart,I"m broken cos" you are the other half of my heart,And being with you is what I believe, because your love is right for me,Don"t want you travelling, I hope you didn"t go too far,Running to you cos" I want to be where you are,If you call my name i"ll listen you,Baby oh how I"m missing you.Where do you oh,Where do you go,Why can"t you come and tell me that its all out control,How do you fight,On your way back to the road,There be no escort to bring us back home,Back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,And back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,Wanna be in your arms,I need your love, back in my heart,Oh I want to be in your arms~http://music.baidu.com/song/2629871

求steady sturdy substantial stable区别

steady sturdy substantial stable区别 steady多表示发展、增长稳步的,稳定. sturdy多表示人体结实的,坚固的,肌肉发达,体格强壮的,健壮的. substantial多在正式场合出现,关系牢固;也可形容经验丰富.可译为:大而坚固的;结实的;牢固的. stable多表示某人人品可靠,或政治方面稳定平衡的,平稳的. ——团队【白墨青城】

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120单词 what is your definition of "success"

Success is someone has achieved a goal or reached an ambition either academically, financially or whatever, which they think and feel proud of themselves. Success can not be compared with or to another because everyone has different standard to treat their successes. Someone may call after holding a party for 1000 guests and went smoothly a success. Others may have to do much hard things and still not happy with themselves. Also whether you are a successful people, which varies in different people"s eyes. Your next door neighbour has 10 children and he is only a civil servant, yet he managed to send all of them to universities, which surely you would call him a very successful parent but some will only call Bill Gates or Donald Trump or Richard Brandson successful persons. Well, what do you think your success should be?

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your passwords do not match你的密码不匹配your passwords do not match你的密码不匹配


1)travel 通常泛指“旅行”,词义广泛,可以指长期、短期的,不论何种目的,不论使用何种交通工具的旅行,尤指长途的海外旅行.如:He is traveling in Africa.他在非洲旅行.2)tour的意思是“周游、巡视”,常带有根据一定的路线,事先预定了一些逗留地点,最后仍回到出发地.如:He visited the countries on good-will tours.他对一些国家进行了友好访问.3)journey 表示“旅行,旅程”,适用范围广,多指陆上旅行.不用于指距离很短的旅行.如:Wish you a good journey.祝你一路平安.4)trip通常指短期的短程的旅行,尤指暂时到外地办理业务上的事情.如:He went on a business trip yesterday.昨天他出差了.

tour, journey, travel, trip四个词的区别?



Tourist 游客 这个不用怎么说吧,他就是泛指大批的游客。我细致来讲就是从其他地方来此地旅游的人们。Travel 旅游 旅行 这个纸指的是旅游的行程。一般指在旅途过程中的一个漫长过程。这说白了是长途旅游。 Traveling 旅行 这是指旅游的一个状态。Tour 大多指的是近距离的旅行在本市的旅游。 没有跨省,也没有跨市。说白了是短途旅游。 也有游客的意思

trip ,travel,traveling和tour的区别和用法

还有一个journey吧.. journey意为从一地到另一地的旅行,在英式英语中可指长途或短途的常规旅行. trip意为往返某地,尤指短途旅行. 在美式英语中,短途旅行用trip. traver泛指旅行.travel不可数. travels则是出过或到其他地区去旅游. 至于traveling嘛..形容词是"旅行的,流动的"意思.名次是"旅游"不太能解释清.它在字典上的英文解释是 the act of travelling

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management是SCI还是EI

是EI杂志,从2008年开始收录,在General and Others类里,楼上那位先生杂志名都不对

your excellency能随便用吗

Your Excellency这个称呼是敬辞,是一个对称,就是直接称呼对方时使用的称谓,所以在礼貌的称呼对方的时候才能用,不能随便使用。Your Excellency 意谓阁下(是对大使、大臣、总督、主教等的尊称),所以会是Your(您),因为说话人是直接称呼对方时用的。如果要向第三者述及有关重要人物时,则会用 His 或 Her.例如:His Exellency.所以,我们在使用这个称呼的时候,一定要考虑对方的身份。

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一首英文歌,高潮部分是……on a Friday night,隔了一句有个turn on the radio

Stereo Heart

“大使阁下”怎么说?为什么有时是your honored, 有时是his honored?

大使阁下,全世界都通用“excellency”。但部长则因人 而异或因国而异了。英联邦国家大多用“The Honorable”,其他国家则多用 “Excellency”。 Your Excellency,Edgar Etian Edgar Etian大使阁下

哪首歌有come on come on turn the radio on it is friday night i won not b

澳大利亚女歌手Sia唱的Cheep Thrills

"your excellency" 和 "your honor" 有何区别

这两个称呼都是敬辞,都是对称,就是直接称呼对方时使用的称谓。Your Excellency 意谓阁下(是对大使、大臣、总督、主教等的尊称),所以会是Your(您),因为说话人是直接称呼对方时用的。如果要向第三者述及有关重要人物时,则会用 His 或 Her.例如:His Exellency.Your Honor,是美国对于法官的尊称。

"your excellency" 和 "your honor" 有何区别

两者都表示阁下的意思,但是excellency表示的级别要高一些,如领导等,很正式;honor是较普通的尊敬。关于尊敬的称谓:陛下Your/His/Her Majesty 殿下Your/His/Her Highness Royal Highness 阁下Your/His/Her Excellency/Hono

找一首外文歌.女的唱的.在电台上听到.歌词中有一句'......friday night and saturday morning.....'


Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 怎么搭配?

我在需要采访驻华大使的时候,写信的标题通常这样写 Request for Interview wiht HE xxx, Ambassador of xx in China然后里面的称呼就是Your Excellency, Ms./Mr. xxx采访N个了,很管用,所以,应该是对的。哈哈

Your/His/Her Excellency: 阁下。为什么前边要加Your/His/Her根据什么加不同的人称代词

这个就是固定的啊·~~一般就是用在皇室活着贵族的称呼上以及对对方的极度尊重啦~~~比如和西班牙大使说话Your Excellency the Spanish ambassador.而和别人提起他就用His 另外his 和her 的差别就不用告诉你了吧?

a typical friday night 什么意思?请翻译What does your mom do on a typical Friday night?

这个最好是要有上下文才能翻译准确 也可翻译为一个独特地星期五的晚上

找一首英文歌歌词中有反复的多句friday night ,saturday morning 女声,十几年前听到的,节奏轻快


how much are the pictures_______all 1.at 2.in 3.for 4.to 最好分别详细说明为什么 谢

2in all = altogether 总共【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

求ALI PROJECT - Pastel Pure中文歌词

pastel pure [圣母在上]OP(今野绪雪)——演唱:ALI PROJECT 薄薄的晨暮之中长长的白色小路 小鸟们唧唧喳喳 互道清晨的问候 尽管有时乌云低垂 遮蔽住温和的阳光 也能抬头挺胸 大步向前 因为 我清楚知道 无论乌云如何阴暗 上面仍是湛蓝天空 傍晚的钟声 回响在林阴小道 手牵着手 快一点吧 要天黑了哦 夜幕在身后不断追赶 渐渐吞噬了白天的梦想 时间啊 请不要一再催促 我始终相信 越是黑暗的夜晚 星星也愈发闪耀 走 去悠闲的逛一逛吧 看 花儿开的多么可爱 停住脚步 抬头望去 一定会是湛蓝的天空 我抬头挺胸 大步向前 因为 我清楚知道 那始终守护着我们的 湛蓝的天空
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