
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

e-friend, your, where, does, live(?)

选does your friend 是第三人称单数


your email汉语意思:你的电子邮件

求一首英文歌曲 男歌手唱的 挺欢快的 里面歌词有 babye your love ,babye my love 。我不是太记得 歌词

what makes you beautiful ?

( )your e-mail 填空 急啊!


Your e is in your pencil case. 前面的e是提示词

橡皮擦 eraser

写出下列单词的完整形式your e下一个

你写错啦第一个应是he him his 第二个是she her hers

celebrat e your birthday with your friends

Would you like to celebrate your birthday with your good friends? Mr White lives on the twelfth floor in this building.

chos eyour own way是什么意思

chose eyour own way选择你自己的方式

do you loⅴe your teαchers 英语


how would you like your hair done,sir?这个句子我想做一下改变求大神指教下我对不哈。如下:

这一个意思不同吧- - 第一个是 你做了什么样式(的头发) 先生 而第二个大意是 你做过什么风格(的头发)?先生 看情况所取啊

Sir(Madame),how are you.Welcome to Tesco.Please keep your bags at the locker/inquiry desk.


attachment figure : 谁能解释一下?

safe haven,secure base,proximity maintenance,separation distress.安全避难所,基地的安全,接近维修,分离的困扰。attachment figure实习数字

How is yours,sir? 有几个意思?



enclosure是包含在里面的(如:随函附上)attachment, attach是感觉是在外面的(比如email的附件都是attachment)

turn on the road是什么意思中文翻译




Please find attachment for your reference是什么意思


attachment, accessory, enclosure这三个词有什么区别

1. 附件,邮件中用的较多2. 附属物品,比如些小零件,小辅材等3. 外壳,工业上指控制柜外壳比较多



求一首英文歌 高潮时I got alone ~~~ 然后是 before i can see your love 重复两遍 男声 速度较快

Def Leppard - Long Long Way To GoYou held my hand and then you slipped away 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开)And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸)So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚)Without love, what is life? 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么?)And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的)I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 )All this pain, does it go away? 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗? )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走)Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, to you 对你说...From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲)Turn on the TV and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(打开电视也看到你)In every crowd there"s always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象)Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 )Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )And you"re nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 )Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前To you, I wish you everythin" 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切)And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你)I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我)And even though I feel the pain即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛)I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 )The time will come, oh, and I"ll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )I got a long, long way to go 我有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye to you 在我与你道别之前Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go 真的有很长的路要走Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye 在离别之前To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew 曾经一样I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go 很长很长.....Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you 别离之前Say goodbye, say goodbye 别离Oh, I got a long, long way to go 说再见Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前


BOURIBOY不是美国花花公子的标志,花花公子的标志是Playboy 。花花公子创始于1953年,是美国纽约股票交易所上市的媒体集团企业,出版多种刊物,亦有电视、电影 等业务。其中花花公子杂志除了在美国出版外,更在多个国家出版当地版本。尽管竞争激烈,但如今它的平均发行量都可以维持在320万份左右,每月大约有1000万美国成年人购买。1953年创立于美国伊利诺斯州的世界著名品牌“花花公子”强调将现代时尚与传统经典相结合。洋溢着浓浓的绅士休闲味道,令人赏心悦目,风靡全球。“花花公子”服饰系列品牌由美国花花公子企业国际有限公司创始人休·赫夫纳一手主导推出。扩展资料:金融海啸来袭,就连在美国乃至全球都有着极高知名度的“花花公子”集团也在劫难逃。据英国《每日邮报》报道,在上一季度亏损高达1.03亿英镑(约合10.1亿人民币)之后,集团的股东们纷纷表示,如果有人给出合理的价钱购买,他们十分愿意将集团卖掉,不过除了旗下的《花花公子》。据英国《独立报》报道,随着金融海啸直卷全球,《花花公子》老板赫夫纳也受到严重冲击,其产业甚至面临破产威胁。赫夫纳可能要裁员度过困境。听到这一风声,赫夫纳旗下明星纷纷跳槽,以求自保。这一举动无疑是雪上加霜。赫夫纳一手打造的商业王国股价由6.2英镑急跌至1.55镑,生意亮起红灯。参考资料来源:百度百科_花花公子





请给出guarantee, indemnity, security在法律合同术语中的准确翻译


ensure,insure 和guarantee 的区别


ensure,insure 和guarantee 的区别

assure, ensure, insure, guarantee都含有一定的"保证"之意assure 表示向某人保证某事一定会发生(内含有让某人放心之意,以消除疑虑) assure sb. of sth /assure sb. that...He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题。The witness assured the judge that he was telling the truth .ensure "确定,保证" 确保某种行为一定会发生 ensure sth. /ensure that..I will ensure that the car arrives by six o"clock.我保证汽车六点钟以前到。This medicine will ensure you a good night"s sleep.这药能保证你睡一夜好觉。insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保My house is insured against fire.我的房子保了火险。guarantee 对某事物的品质或人的行为"提出担保",对事物、商品等无质量,性能等方面的欺诈行为做出保证The cooker is guaranteed for five years. 本炊具保用五年。Can you guarantee me a job when I get there?你可以确保我到那儿就可以找到一份工作吗?



ensure,insure 和guarantee 的区别

1、ensure "确定,保证" 确保某种行为一定会发生 ensure sth /ensure that……如:I will ensure that the car arrives by six o"clock. 我保证汽车六点钟以前到。This medicine will ensure you a good night"s sleep. 这药能保证你睡一夜好觉。2、insure “确保,投保,为…保险”,意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保。My house is insured against fire. 我的房子保了火险。3、guarantee 对某事物的品质或人的行为"提出担保",对事物、商品等无质量性能等方面的欺诈行为做出保证。The cooker is guaranteed for five years. 本炊具保用五年。Can you guarantee me a job when I get there? 你可以确保我到那儿就可以找到一份工作吗?

he turned down her proposal that she _____ at the conference.

c.He turned down the proposal that she offered at the conference.


Guarantee更倾向于保证 担保的意思 如果事情失败 后果由谁谁来担保Ensure是确保的意思 确保这件事情能够怎样怎样 使保证得到


ture真诚 advanture冒险 failure失败 future 未来 sure确定 nature自然 lure 诱惑cure治疗 fure愤怒

ensure,insure 和guarantee 的区别

ensure,insure,guarantee都含有一定的"保证"之意。  ensure "确定,保证" 确保某种行为一定会发生 ensure sth. /ensure that...  I will ensure that the car arrives by six o"clock.  我保证汽车六点钟以前到。  This medicine will ensure you a good night"s sleep.  这药能保证你睡一夜好觉。  insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保。  My house is insured against fire.  我的房子保了火险。  guarantee 对某事物的品质或人的行为"提出担保",对事物、商品等无质量、性能等方面的欺诈行为做出保证。  The cooker is guaranteed for five years.  本炊具保用五年。  Can you guarantee me a job when I get there?  你可以确保我到那儿就可以找到一份工作吗?

guarantee 与ensure的用法区别 两个都是保证的意思,用法有区别吗


Is that the reason_________you are in favour of the proposal? A.which B.what C.why D.for that

这句是强调句,可以把Is that先去掉,这句就成了the reason_________you are in favour of the proposal分析句子结构you are in favour of the proposal是一个完整的句子,所以缺少个状语,the reason__why_______可以当原因状语


本名:安室奈美惠 Namie Amuro(Amuro Namie)婚后名字:MARUYAMA NAMIE出生地:日本冲绳、那霸生日:1977年9月20日星座:处女座血型:O身高:158cm体重:40kg三围:B75cm/W58.5cm/H84.5cm血源 : 3/4 日本人,1/4 意大利人家庭 : 父母离异, 母亲已故 , 2个姊妹和 1个兄弟婚姻 : 与Masaharu Maruyama(来自 TRF 的Sam)生有一子 Haruto教育 : Joto Elementary School, Ishimine Junior School, Okinawa Actors School安室的最爱:食物: 烤肉、咖喱饭饮料: 汽水、乌龙茶运动: 全然不擅长,但喜欢看足球影片: 当哈利碰上莎莉电子游戏:俄罗斯方块书籍: 服装杂志和侦探小说动物: 小狗男艺人: 美木良介女艺人: 山口智子歌手: 珍尼杰克逊歌曲: TRF的歌颜色: 单色系列 如灰色地方: 床摆设: 地毯季节: 夏天国家: 牙买加最拿手的菜: 煎汉堡肉在家穿着: 宽大的T恤短裤最喜欢逛的地方: 涩谷 表参道 原宿如果到无人岛最想带的东西: 自己的CD下辈子投胎想变成: 男孩如果自己同好朋友同时爱上一个人: 我会先退出最想去的地方: 迪斯尼乐园最想演的角色: 坏女孩所属唱片公司:Avex TraxSUPER MONKEYS介绍:SUPER MONKEYS (SUPER MONKEYS" 4 and Amuro Namie with Super Monkey"s)Toshiba-EMI旗下的j-pop团体。这个团体后来分为Amuro Namie和MAX. 成员Amuro Namie (安室奈美恵) Takushi Nanako (沢诗奈々子) Ameku Minako (天久美奈子) Miyauchi Reina (宫内玲奈) Matsuda Rina (松田律子) 前任成员 Makino Anna (牧野アンナ) Aragaki Hisako (新垣寿子) 星路历程:1977年9月20日,namie出生在Naha, Okinawa的一个家庭中。在她3岁时父母离异,母亲独自抚养了她和兄弟姐妹们。他们过着卑微的生活,在那时namie想成为一个空姐。10岁时namie看到Yoshie Hayakasa(毕业于Okinawa Actors School)很出名,羡慕之后,就决定去Okinawa Actors School。每天,她都要步行2个小时去上学。起先namie一心想成为歌手,而只是歌手。但她很快意识到唱歌是不够的,学会怎样跳舞也是必要的。在12岁时,namie通过在电视歌唱比赛中多次得冠,向众人展示了她的才能。Namie的事业真在开始在1992年。她与许多有才能的学生组成了一个乐团Super Monkey"s, 这些成员是Namie Amuro, Minako Ameku, Nanako Takushi, Hisako Arakaki以及Anna Makino。日本东芝公司 EMI 发行了她们的第一张单曲[Koi no cute beat],但是没有获得任何成功。为了出名,她们去了东京,而此时Anna Makino由于个人原因(她是Okinawa Actors School董事长的女儿,她今天也成为了这个学校的老师),离开了乐团。因为成员现在只有4个,整个乐团就改名为Super Monkey"s 4。接着发行了两张单曲[Dancing junk]和[Aishite masukatto],不管Super Monkey"s 4出现在各种商业活动中,她们仍然没有获得成功。(题外话:这个遭遇使ruoyu想到了ayu在idol on stage比赛中,还有[NOTHING FROM NOTHING]同样没有获得成功。)而第四张单曲[Paradise train]中,Rino Nakasone代替了Hisako Arakaki。乐团又再次改名,变成了Namie Amuro with Super Monkey"s,显然不变的是namie一直是这个乐团的核心人物。在第五张单曲[TRY ME~watashi wo shinjite~]出来时,事情又发生了变化。Rino Nakasone离开了乐团,Reina Miyauchi和Ritsuko Matsuda加入了乐团。这张单曲非常卖座,而且顺利进入top 10。由于这张单曲,namie和她的队友们被邀请三加极大的年度表演 Kouhaku Utagussen 。 再接下来的两张eurobeat单曲[Taiyou no SEASON]和[Stop the Music],这是一个新的起步,它表明了namie已转向自己的单独事业,其他四位女孩只是在她后面伴舞。在1995年namie真正开始了个人事业。制作人Tetsuya Komuro连络了她,她开始成为Avex Trax的签约歌手。而此时,Minako Ameku, Nanako Takushi, Reina Miyauchi和Ritsuko Matsuda被要求组建新的乐团: MAX(题外话:一个不错的组合,ruoyu买了她们的一些唱片哦)。namie在Tetsuya Komuro的帮助下,很快成为新的流行音乐皇后。她的单曲大多数是舞曲风格。从单曲[Chase the Chance]开始就有百万销量的记录,而专辑[Sweet 19 blues]达到了最高点,370万,击败了同一时期的所有唱片。namie成为获得日本唱片奖赏最年轻的艺人,她的演唱会门票在半小时就被买完。在namie19岁时,日本出现namie社会现象。在各处都可以见到数以千计的狂热支持者。namie在任何地方,杂志,tv 表演,商业活动 (比如Mistio, Sea Breeze, Visee, Maxell, Nissan),明信片和笔记本,电视游戏机(Amuro Namie Digital dance mix on Sega Saturn),还有电影("That"s cunning? Shijou saidai no sakusen!" starring Tatsuya Yamaguchi from TOKIO). namie的独特地方是成为一个追求不同音乐风格的艺人,专辑[Concentration 20]就向我们证明了这点,从rock到reggae, rap到pop,还有ballad。单曲[Can you celebrate?]展现了namie成熟的个性,这首歌被选为年度最佳歌曲。1997年的9月和10月,这是一个对媒体和歌迷都震惊的时期。第一个月她剪掉了自己的长发,她说,是为了释放她的思想。而接下来的一个月,她宣布自己已有3个月的身孕,并和Masaharu Maruyama(来自TRF的Sam)结婚。她决定休息一年后再回来。在1998年4月19日,生下了Haruto。1998年12月31日,namie在Kouhaku Utagussen表演中回来并且唱了[Can you celebrate?]。她的复出单曲是[I have never seen]。她的名声已降低(题外话:ruoyu认为这有可能是Ayu的出现),但她并不在意。可当时不幸的事情接连发生,使namie的生活更为艰难。她的公公在年初三月17日逝世。而单曲[Respect the power of love]发行之际,她的母亲Emiko Taira被谋杀。namie严肃地决定要放弃自己的事业,但她想起了母亲是多么地以她为傲,于是重新振作,为了亡母要继续努力拼搏。(题外话:ruoyu打完这段,不知不觉眼角含着几滴眼泪,namie是我见过的最坚强的女艺人,加油,我们的Queen of Hip-pop) [Toi et moi]是她复出的第三张单曲,是电影[Pokémon]结尾主题曲。这里有个有趣的故事,namie不希望为电影[Pokémon]唱任何歌曲,所以她不把这张单曲收录在专辑中。1999年9月,namie的事业又有了新的起色,那就是发行了单曲[SOMETHING "BOUT THE KISS],这张单曲是由美国着名的Dallas Austin制作。namie第一次唱了真正的R&B song。她一直很喜欢这类风格的歌曲,我们记得在1996-1997年,她的promotional videos总是和黑人舞者合作,(Let"sing --Don"t wanna cry, Joy, Storm, Me love peace!!)。2000年对namie来说,是机遇之年。在专辑[Genius 2000]发行后,她在美国举办了个人第一场演唱会,或更精确说是在夏威夷。她又受邀在G8为各国领导演唱了名曲[Never end]。年底,专辑[Break the rules]发行(题外话:ruoyu第一次买namie的碟,就是从这张开始,也是从这张喜欢上了namie。当时,好象每天都哼着这张专辑的歌曲,真令人怀念),这张专辑同样是由Dallas Austin制作,不难发现专辑里R&B风味特浓。我们也注意到namie的英语发音有所提高。(题外话:ruoyu很喜欢namie的英文歌,比如我学英语专业,也是受了满多namie的影响啦)。2001年,单曲[Say the word]发行,namie开始尝试更多的国际风格。歌迷们说这张是进军美国的单曲,但事实上这张单曲是namie第一次作词的开始。年底,namie和其他歌手如Ayumi Hamasaki(题外话:ruoyu最爱!!!),BoA, Kumi Koda, Keiko...开始Song+Nation计划,9月11号,三张单曲及一张专辑所获得的利益全部捐给"911"事件的受害者。namie和Verbal from m-flo合作了单曲[Lovin" it]。2002年,单曲发行地越来越少,只有两张,[I will]和[Wishing on the same star],第二张其实是这首歌的日文版,先前已被一些美国的歌手唱过。同年7月18日,namie被登在个大报纸的头版上,谣言四起,人们讨论着她和Sam将要离婚的事情,虽然他们起先多次澄清事情的真相,但离婚的事实最后还是宣布啦。离婚的原因很简单,namie有太多的工作,Sam就要承担照顾孩子的义务。现在,两人仍住在同一个公寓,但不同层楼。2003年,namie加入了一个大计划SUITE CHIC,这是一个由一些R&B/Hip hop歌手组成的协作。一些有名的歌手有Zeebra, Dabo, Muro, Ryosuke Imai ou Michico等。在SUITE CHIC里,namie展现一个完全不同的自己,她不再是个坏女孩,但她不象以前那样明智。 www.77boke.com/special620.jsp 这里有她的专辑

帮忙翻译 The proposal died a bureaucratic death.


Céline Dion的《Nature Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Nature Boy歌手:Céline Dion专辑:A New Day...Live In Las VegasCeline Dion: Nature Boy(Eden Ahbez)There was a boy...A very strange enchanted boy.They say he wandered very far, very farOver land and sea,A little shy and sad of eyeBut very wise was he.And then one day,One magic day, he passed my way.And while we spoke of many things,Fools and kings,This he said to me,"The greatest thing you"ll ever learnIs just to love and be loved in return."http://music.baidu.com/song/9643055

谁有玛丽外宿中的Trax-Tell Me Your Love韩文歌词

Tell Me Your Love - TRAX歌手:玛丽外宿中所属专辑:玛丽外宿中歌词TRAX(ud2b8ub799uc2a4)tell me your love / 阳光耀眼的那时 tell me your love/ 没有了你,我一定会孤单一生fall in your love/ 渐渐淡忘的记忆中,满布的I love you (I love you) love you/ 不要放开我的手oh~ I love you ( love you)oh~Always tell me your love/ 当我闭上眼,似乎也会感觉到那时候的风/ 那时候你的香气,围绕在我的身旁/ 那让人颤抖不已的瞬间,就像一场梦,在模糊的记忆中,牵引着我/ 知道吗?这如梦般/ 和你共度的所有时光/ 都是这么的甜蜜tell me your love / 阳光耀眼的那时tell me your love/ 没有了你,我一定会孤单一生fall in your love/ 渐渐淡忘的记忆中,满布的你I love you (I love you) love you/ 不要放开我的手oh- I love you ( love you)oh- Always tell me your love/ 也许我们也会忘了现在的我们吧我一定会比现在更加的爱你/ 因为你总是在我的眼里/ 就算我看向别处/ 我的心里却依然有你tell me your love / 阳光耀眼的那时tell me your love/ 没有了你,我一定会孤单一生fall in your love/ 渐渐淡忘的记忆中,满布的你I love you (I love you) love you/ 不要放开我的手oh- I love you ( love you)oh- Always tell me your love/ 你的心也是这样的吗?!/ 听见了吗?你那软软的细语/ 那香气,也和我是一样的吧tell me your love / 阳光耀眼的那时tell me your love/ 没有了你,我这辈子就一点意义也没有fall in your love/ 满载的回忆中,唯一的你I love you (I love you) love you/ 不要放开我的手oh~ I love you ( love you)oh~ Always tell me your loveoh~ I love you ( love you)oh~ Always tell me your love

Three 6 Mafia Featuring Good Charlotte的《My Own Way》 歌词

歌曲名:My Own Way歌手:Three 6 Mafia Featuring Good Charlotte专辑:Last 2 WalkThree 6 Mafia - My Own Way(Feat. Good Charlotte)Our Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛Three 6 Ma-fi-UHH~! Good CharlotteHypnotize Minds, dat executiveSome real shit man, let"s drop itLet"s go!You know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own waySo many shysters in my ears fool, tryin to pop itOn my new fame, they will put new hands in my pocketStandin in the rain buck in hand man, about to cock itI take another one they wanna be up out the rocketI cain"t understand why they even wanna see me brokeWanna see me choke off my own blood from cuttin my throatI always wanted the money fame wasn"t worth my whileThat"s why I wore a mask on the front of "Mystic Stylez"But one night in March, my life changed in a secWhether for better or for worse I can"t answer that yetBut I"ll go to the pen before I lose my endsMurder one, one of you hoes tryin to get me for my BenjaminsYou know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own wayIn the field, it"s real, slip up, get killedGet robbed, get stuck, get messed off in a dealThese kids, are gone, on meth, and pillsThat"s why, I pack, I carry, the steelI"m posted, in the hood, got green, I"m goodTrap house, no doubt, is where, I stoodGot guap, got hot, "til shop, got poppedThese snitches, time cuts, it won"t, ever stopThe times ain"t gon" change change long as cocaine "caineGoes up the nose nose fries a nigga brain brainSee "em in the mornin time tryin to catch a train trainBack out on the block (block) doin the same thang thangYou know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own wayWhoahhhhhhhh...http://music.baidu.com/song/7877253

谁能用“ Talk about your favourite festivals.”写篇作文,几句就行!

Talk about your favourite festivals 是不是标题?如果是的话,那你可以这样写,只是一个例子,我给的例子是春节的。 My favourite festival is Chinese New Year. Chinese New year is our traditional festival, every time before the Chinese New Year come, I will be helping my parents to clean the house as house cleaning is part of the customs. It symbolizes getting rid of all the bad luck in the previous year and hope everything in the coming year will goes well. During Chinese New Year, we also have a chance to play with the firecrackers and enjoy the fireworks displays. 不知这样,你满不满意

BURN IT DOWN (Instrumental) 歌词

歌曲名:BURN IT DOWN (Instrumental)歌手:Linkin Park专辑:LIVING THINGS: Acapellas and InstrumentalsBurn It DownLinkin ParkThe cycle repeatedas explosions broke in the skyall that I neededwas the one thing I couldn"t findAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundThe colors conflictedas the flames climbed into the cloudsI wanted to fix this butcouldn"t stop from tearing it downAnd you were caught at the turncaught in the burning glowAnd I was there at the turnWaiting to let you knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundYou told me yes You held me highAnd I believed when you told that lieI played that soldier You played kingAnd struck me down when I kissed that ringYou lost that right to hold that crownI built you up but you let me downso when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundwhen you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the ground when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28238564


歌曲名:BURN IT DOWN歌手:Linkin Park专辑:BURN IT DOWNBurn It DownLinkin ParkThe cycle repeatedas explosions broke in the skyall that I neededwas the one thing I couldn"t findAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundThe colors conflictedas the flames climbed into the cloudsI wanted to fix this butcouldn"t stop from tearing it downAnd you were caught at the turncaught in the burning glowAnd I was there at the turnWaiting to let you knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundYou told me yes You held me highAnd I believed when you told that lieI played that soldier You played kingAnd struck me down when I kissed that ringYou lost that right to hold that crownI built you up but you let me downso when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnAnd you were there at the turnWaiting to let me knowWe"re building it upTo break it back downWe"re building this upTo burn it downWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundwhen you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the ground when you fall I"ll take my turnand fan the flames as your blazes burnWe can"t waitTo burn it to the groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14858702

burninit down歌翻译

命运证明它重复着The cycle repeated当爆炸在天空出现时As the explosions broke in the sky我所需要的All that I needed是我在这个世界找不到的Was the one thing I couldn"t find而你站在那儿And you were there at the turn等着要让我明白这一切:Waiting to let me know我们建立起世界We"re building it up再将它彻底摧毁To break it back down我们建立起世界We"re building it up再把它化作火光,燃烧殆尽To burn it down似乎迫不及待般地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground鲜血,白骨,灰尘,火光,交错堆叠The colors conflicted随着升腾的烈焰攀入云端As the flames climbed into the clouds我想修理弥补这一切I wanted to fix this但无法停止将它撕裂破坏But couldn"t stop from tearing it down而你站在那儿And you were there at the turn站在那燃烧的火光之中Caught in the burning glow而我在那里等候And I was there at the turn等着要让你明白:waiting to let you know我们建立起世界We"re building it up再亲手将它摧毁To break it back down我们建立起这一切We"re building it up再将它燃烧殆尽To burn it down似乎迫不及待般地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground你给我肯定的答案You told me yes你高高将我举起you held me high我也会去相信你所说的谎言And I believied when you told that lie我当士兵I played solider你做国王You played king在我低头亲吻你的戒指时趁我不备捅我一刀And struck me down when i kissed that ring你无权再拥有那王冠You lost that right to hold that crown我协助你登上高峰 但你却让我失望I built you up but you let me down在你马失前蹄时我就会采取行动So when you fall I"ll take my turn在你被焚烧之时扇一把风And fan the flames as your blazes burn而你就在那儿And you was there at the turn等着和我摊牌说:waiting to let me know我们建立起这一切We"re building it up只是为了要将它彻底摧毁To break it back down我们建立起这一切We"re building it up只是为了要将它燃烧殆尽To burn it down我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground所以当你失蹄时 我将伺机而动So when you fall I"ll take my turn而当你惹火上身时 我会扇风助燃And fan the flames as your blazes burn我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将你烧化为尘土To burn it to the ground所以当你失蹄时 我将采取行动So when you fall I"ll take my turn而当你惹火上身时 我会扇风助燃And fan the flames as your blazes burn我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将罪恶的当权者化为尘土To burn it to the ground

有哪一首英文歌的歌词有“……just one night stand……turn around around……”

怎么感觉是just one last dance啊?你确定歌词是正确的?

turn on 是什么意思

turn onna.转向;对…进行突击网络打开;接通;开启V.1.决定于,胜负取决于un.1.转身2.反驳,反对,对抗;不同意3.同…翻脸,翻脸攻击,反唇相讥4.转到,转过身来5.接通,拧开6.针对7.启动8.打开9.导通例句:1.Such a burst mode transmitter is able to turn on and off in short time.这样一个突发模式传输者能够在短时间之内被打开或者关闭。2.The United States might well provide that prod if it did not fear a united Europewould turn on America.如果美国不怕联合的欧洲会对它反目的话,它完全可以提供这种推动力。3.It is not uncommon for a machine to take several minutes to turn on and yet notrequire a restart for the next calendar year.这并非罕见的机器需要几分钟时间来打开,但不要求重新启动的下一个日历年。

Edward Hyde Burton是好人吗


Surface Pro能不能装VMWARE虚拟机?


Randy Raymond的《Burn It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Burn It Up歌手:Randy Raymond专辑:RBurn It UpRandy Raymond★Your dancin" Electro -珂珂sheery lyrics-Attérie par les bouteilles de champagneElle me dit que jai laire d"un PlayerElle connait Marc-Antoine Kamaro et CorneilleMais quand t"entend mes song d"jii put your hands in the ayerst"inquiette baby girl je mord pasBig quand jsuis sur le lit je dort pasces femme veulent être misent a mortquand t"est avec moi me amorBaby let"s fly so hight all nightBaby vien sur le dance floor ( burn it up x3 )Monte le song mister Dj ( turn it up x3 )Baby vien sur le dance floor ( burn it up x3 )si tu %$&* to the dj (lets ( turn it up x3 ) yeah x3Une femme like you ouais jadoreJai tant besoin de toi car je suis seul au mondeet parcequ"on vien de loin je vis se jour comme le dernierSi ta le rêve de star vie le mais pas les yeux fermésTic tac ouais le temps s"écoule nowSix pack qui t"attend c cool non ?Bad boys comme tu les adoreon s"connais apeine et alors ? met le feu alorsBaby let"s fly so hight all night go shawghtyBaby vien sur le dance floor baby ( burn it up x3 )Monte le song mister dj (let"s ( turn it up x3 )Baby vien sur le dance floor baby ( burn it up x3 )Si tu si tu %$&* to the dj (lets ( turn it up x3 ) yeah x3Si t"est enbas , vien sur le dance floorsir mister randy fly to guess bowl , Old man on frontSo line it up and all the sexy ladies ... BURN IT UP !Baby vien sur le dance floor baby ( burn it up x3 )Monte le song mister dj (let"s ( turn it up x3 )Baby vien sur le dance floor baby ( burn it up x3 )Si tu si tu %$&* to the dj (lets ( turn it up x3 ) yeah x3http://music.baidu.com/song/14443562

Turn The Beat Around 歌词

歌曲名:Turn The Beat Around歌手:Gloria Estefan专辑:Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss MeGloria Estefan - Turn The Beat Around《炮弹专家》(The Specialist)插曲Turn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn the beat aroundLove to hear percussionTurn it upside downLove to hear percussionLove to hear itBlow horns you sure sound prettyYour violins keep movin" to the nitty grittyWhen you hear then scratch of the guitar scratchin"Then you"ll know that rhythm carries all the actionTurn the beat aroundLove to hear percussionTurn it upside downLove to hear percussionLove to hear itTurn the beat aroundLove to hear percussionTurn it upside downLove to hear percussionLove to hear itFlute player play your flute "causeI know that you want to get your thing offBut you see I"ve made up my mind about itIt"s got to be the rhythm, no doubt about it, woah ohCause when the guitar player starts playingWith the syncopated shythm, with the scratch, scratch, scracthMake me wanna move my body yeah, yeah, yeahAnd when the drummer starts beating that beatHe nails that beat with the syncopated rhythmWith the rat, tat, tat, tat, tat, atat on the drums, heyTurn the beat aroundLove to hear percussionTurn it upside downLove to hear percussionLove to hear itLove to hear it, love to hear it, love to hear it. Yeah.Turn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn it up, turn it up, turn it upside downTurn the beat aroundLove to hear percussionTurn it upside downLove to hear percussionMa ma ma. Ma ma ma. Ma ma ma ma maYes, uh! Yes, uh!Ma ma ma. Ma ma ma. Ma ma ma ma maYes, uh! Yes, uh!Love to hear ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/8800417

Turn Up The Radio (Phillips Craig And Dean Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Up The Radio (Phillips Craig And Dean Album Version)歌手:Phillips& Craig And Dean专辑:8 Great Hits P C & DTurn it up!Yeah!I"m working hard, you"re working tooWe do it every dayFor every minute I have to workI need a minute of playDay in day out all week longThings go better with rockThe only time I turn it downIs when I"m sleepin it offTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreNow listen!I wanna shake, I wanna danceSo count it off a"one two threeI feel the beat, I"m in a tranceNo better place to beDaytime nightime, anytimeThings go better with rockI"m goin" twenty four hours a dayI can"t seem to stopTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some moreTurn up the radioI need the music, gimmie some more(Yeah!)Turn up the radioI wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)Turn up the radio(Come on!)I need the music, gimmie some more(Everybody)Turn up the radio(Turn it up!)I wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Whoooooooooooooooooooo!)Turn up the radio(Turn it up!)I need the music, gimmie some more(Gimmie some more)Turn up the radio(Whew! Come on)I wanna feel it got to gimmie some more(Gimmie all you got!)Turn up the radiohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2779023

Turn It Up的歌曲简介

此曲为Sonic Syndicate乐队在2010年推出专辑《We Rule The Night》中的歌曲。

Pixie Lott的《Turn It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn It Up歌手:Pixie Lott专辑:I Am On HolidayPixie Lott - Turn It UpBaby, its over, we both know, lets go forward.I love you, but in a different way, I love you, forever.Now that we"ve come to the end of a story-yAnd I know that it"s gunna be hard for me.Might hurt some, not too much, but I gotta let it wait.As the world turns around and we go different places,New things, new dreams, new faces.Wanna shake up, when we break up,But we keep our memories.I know you can"t stay,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the fall.We had our time, baby,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the call.Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Baby, it"s better, and I want you to be happy.Sometimes people find that it"s so hard just to say goodbye.It ain"t easy the more and the more you try.So there"ll be cheating, better saving,But not me and my boy.We understand that we"re friends and it just ain"t working,No point in the constant fighting.So when we go nuts, for a minute,And admit that we"re just not in it.I know you can"t stay,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the fall.We had our time, baby,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the call.Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".I might lose my mind for a while, but I"ll be fine (fiiiine).Have you heard there"s this thing that heals,And it"s called time (tiiiime).Clock can tick away, happy will fall in place.I know, my heart will break, a new me will fill this space.I know you can"t stay,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the fall.We had our time, baby,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the call.Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".REPEAThttp://music.baidu.com/song/7352780

Turn It Up (Feat. Belly & Danny Fernandes) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn It Up (Feat. Belly & Danny Fernandes)歌手:Mia Martina Feat. Belly & Danny Fernandes专辑:DevotionKelly Rowland - Turn It UpI can tear the whole world downI can tear the whole world downI guess it"s bad enough I"m drinking til I smileI can tear the whole world downI can tear the whole world downI guess it"s sad enough I"m thinking of your childI can tell her, I could tell her that you said you loved meI can tell her that you"re so unhappyInstead I"m sipping till I"m emptyEmpty, I"m sipping til I"m emptyI can tell her everything you told meI can make her feel just like meInstead I"m sipping till I"m emptyEmpty, I"m sipping til I"m emptyTurn it up, turn it up nowBuy another roundTurn it up, turn it up nowShots all aroundTurn it up, turn it up nowBuy another roundTurn it up, turn it up nowShots going downTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up, turn it upI can tell the whole world nowI can tell the whole world nowThat I had no idea that you were loving herI should tell your old girl nowI should tell your old girl nowJust to let her know how bad it"s gonna hurt(And you know it"s gonna hurt so bad)I can tell her, I could tell her that you said you loved meI can tell her that you"re so unhappyInstead I"m sipping till I"m emptyEmpty, I"m sipping til I"m emptyI can tell her everything you told meI can make her feel just like meInstead I"m sipping till I"m emptyEmpty, I"m sipping til I"m emptyTurn it up, turn it up nowBuy another roundTurn it up, turn it up nowShots all aroundTurn it up, turn it up nowBuy another roundTurn it up, turn it up nowShots going downTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up, turn it upWhat goes around, comes around, goes aroundBuy another round, buy another roundWhat goes around, comes around, goes aroundBuy another round, buy another roundWhat goes around, comes around, goes aroundBuy another round, buy another roundWhat goes around, comes around, goes aroundBuy another round, buy another roundTurn it up, turn it upTurn it up now, shots all aroundTurn it up, turn it upTurn it up now, shots going downTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up now, buy another roundTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up now, shots going downTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up now, buy another roundTurn it up, turn it, turn it upTurn it up now, shots going downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8966867

turn it up为什么lt必须在中间


Pixie Lott的《Turn It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Turn It Up歌手:Pixie Lott专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 76Pixie Lott - Turn It UpBaby, its over, we both know, lets go forward.I love you, but in a different way, I love you, forever.Now that we"ve come to the end of a story-yAnd I know that it"s gunna be hard for me.Might hurt some, not too much, but I gotta let it wait.As the world turns around and we go different places,New things, new dreams, new faces.Wanna shake up, when we break up,But we keep our memories.I know you can"t stay,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the fall.We had our time, baby,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the call.Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Baby, it"s better, and I want you to be happy.Sometimes people find that it"s so hard just to say goodbye.It ain"t easy the more and the more you try.So there"ll be cheating, better saving,But not me and my boy.We understand that we"re friends and it just ain"t working,No point in the constant fighting.So when we go nuts, for a minute,And admit that we"re just not in it.I know you can"t stay,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the fall.We had our time, baby,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the call.Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".I might lose my mind for a while, but I"ll be fine (fiiiine).Have you heard there"s this thing that heals,And it"s called time (tiiiime).Clock can tick away, happy will fall in place.I know, my heart will break, a new me will fill this space.I know you can"t stay,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the fall.We had our time, baby,So I won"t be waiting, anticipating for the call.Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say"We"re moving on and we"ll be okay".REPEAThttp://music.baidu.com/song/59864412

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求free!的真遥角色歌my base your pace钢琴谱和罗马音

罗马音 my base, your pace真琴: tokidoki fu to damarikon de to~i me o suruiwa nai de iru uchi wa muri ni kika nai kedo遥:kakeru kotoba sagashi nagara aruiteru kotoTsutawa~tte kuru dake de jubun tariru kara真琴:moshimo nani ka a~tta na ra itsu demo oshie te yosukoshi kurai chikara ni nareru koto are ba ii noni遥&真琴:nayanderu toki mo fuan na toki mo itsumo do~ri no futari gaPe~su ni aru kara kokorozuyoku te kyo mo mae o mukeru遥:jibungatte ni kime tarishi te tomadowase tarisobani aru yasashi sa ni bukiyo~ de iru kedo真琴: minna ga i te futari ga i te, ironna katachi dedore mo ore ta~chi na no wa tsumikasane ta jikan遥:tabun zutto kono mama de utagau koto mo nakusasae ta te ni tasuke rare tari shi te tsuzui te ku n daro u遥&真琴:wadakamari mo nai enryo mo ira nai muishiki no omoiyari gaPe~su o tsukutte nagareru kokochiyo sa wa mukashi no mama真琴:ie naku te mo daijobu, shizen to kizuku kara遥:hagemasare te tayorare te otagai, kuri kaesu n daro u~遥&真琴:nayanderu toki mo fuan na toki mo itsumo no~ri no futari gaPe~su ni aru kara kokorozuyoku te kyo mo mae o mukeruwadakamari mo nai enryo mo ira nai muishiki no omoiyari gape~su o tsukutte nagareru kokochiyo sa wa mukashi no mama

what colour are the sweaters?中文意思翻译一下

what colour are the sweaters?意思为:这些毛衣的颜色是什么?

these are your sweaters

1. can"t speak 2. Are these 3. are some children 4. Take off; please 5. are; different rows 6. Whose; you 7. What"s 8. Which 9. What time 10. Whose eraser is on the desk

white about your day,是什么意思?


It will also be more than 746 years in the future since we would noticeably begin travelling for


那些是你的毛衣吗? ( )( )your sweaters?

are that

请问:字典、词典与辞典的区别? dictionary vs thesaurus

dictionary- thesaurus-给出同义词和反义词

四十可以写成fourty吗?white day是什么意思?

这个拼写是错误的,正确写法是fourty;white day代表的是西方的白色情人节,这一天是男方送女方礼物、巧克力、玫瑰花。



linux grep -d skip/skip/recurse 是读目录文件采取读或者跳过,我感觉这个没有用啊,用了和没用一样!

grep命令 不是这样用的 你想实现什么 我告诉你

The Four Preps的《Big Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Big Man歌手:The Four Preps专辑:Frankie & Benny"s The Classic Years Volume 2Well I bit on my lip, and I kicked at my toesNo, I don"t need your lecture cause your lecture won"t showThat you told me so I told you soBut I would have managed, I would have been fineI"d do it myself and I"d do it just my way,I"m a big man for thinking just so.But somebody told me that your mother was bornWa-wa-wandering woman with a spirit so sworn of the riversideAnd it never surprised me but it meant that my love was immobilizedWell, it meant that my love was immobilizedCause when it comes, it comes when it does.But you came in the middle and you fell in my handsOh a, wonderful woman and an average man.See that makes me the lucky manI won"t be deserving, but I won"t be deniedSee, I fell in this position, I will still teach my kids prideBecause failure"s a part of it allAnd if failure don"t hurt then failure don"t work at allBut somebody told me that your nephew was bornOh, a beautiful baby, so smart and so sure of his little selfAnd in a wonderful way he was making me feel so smallWas making me feel so small, was making me feel so small.And I don"t think I"ve felt this before.In all the reasons to come, well they override my body and,I point to the sun, cause where it"s warm is where the wilderness growsAnd it grows, and it grows "til it all becomes nothingAnd nothing is left as you know.(We walked it for a thousand years, with broken eyes and salted earsComplaining "bout the weather like we ever had a choice.Through all the noise and self abuse, you waited for your fill of truthOh I"m terrified I"ll achieve nothing at all.)http://music.baidu.com/song/11055847

interrupt disturb break in的区别?打断课堂选哪个词?

interrupt .它是打断的意思.强调动作不能继续. disturb 打扰.虽然打扰了但动作仍可以继续 break in 插嘴的意思.因此你需要结合题给你的语境,应该是选interrupt



HR Management knowledge - Turnover Rate

更新1: It"s urgent to me.. ,I assume you ask about the staff turnover rate. The following lists out some approaches? Benchmark Portal calculation for turnover: the percentage derived from dividing: (Total number of staff leaving) / (Total number of staff at the beginning of the period). Rolling, annualized turnover rate: at the end of each week of the month I look at my staffing numbers and average those numbers for a monthly average. I then total the attrition number for the month as well. I track this monthly on a rolling 12 month period (current 12 months). Dividing the total turnover number by the average number of monthly staff and, factoring that number with the number of months you are tracking, will provide the annualized turnover rate. I track turnover weekly, monthly and annually but I always pute it annualized. For instance, if my total turnover for the 3-month period of Jan-Mar is 10, and average monthly staff is 100, then my annualized turnover is 40% (10 / 100) X (12 / 3). Many use another method of simply looking at a month alone, dividing their turnover by their staff numbers at the end of the month, and multiplying by 12. Although that calculation will get you close, it will always be higher than your true annualized turnover rate. Annualized turnover rate. This annualized figure provides a consistent basis for parison and trending. The calculation is as follows:Turnover = (# of agents exiting the job / avg. actual # of agents during the period) x (12 / # mos. in period) Or (terminations for the month) / (headcount at beginning of month + newhires).,参考: ining/WebModules/QueueTips/Questionx?ID=64,

Attached for your reference的用法


further down什么意思


Attached for your reference的用法


请问no less a figure than具体是什么意思啊


Attached you will find our latest catalogue.为什么attached可以放在句子的前面,那应该怎末理解啊?


beauty needs your help,as a gentleman you must unconditionally agree什么意


下面这句话中picture attached替换为attached picture有语法错误吗?

两个应该都可以吧,取决于个人喜好。如果硬要说区别的话,那么email with a pic attached句子的重点放在email上,而email with an attached pic感觉pic的重要性比email高些。

U.S. Treasury 是美国国库还是美联储?

U.S. Treasury / 美国财政部

scheduled departure是什么意思

原定出发时间;预定发车eg.The first available ship is scheduled for departure of August 10. 第一条可供货轮将于8月10日启航.


You"re my sunshine.你是我的阳光。例句:1. Baby, you"re my sunshine, first light. 宝贝,你是我的阳光,第一缕阳光。2. And I"ll never forget that you"re my sunshine. 我永远不会忘记你就是我的阳光。
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