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system manufacturer是什么牌子

“System Manufacturer”不是什么牌子,“System Manufacturer”是英文中“系统制造商”的意思。例如Windows操作系统的系统制造商就是微软(Microsoft)。制造商的定义:制造商或称为“生产厂商”,指创造产品的企业。制造商以原料或零组件(自制或外购),经过较为自动化的机器设备及生产工序,制成一系列的日常消费用品(CONSUMER GOODS)。较有规模或品牌信誉的供应商除了制造的功能外,通常还从事营销(MARKETING)及商品流通(PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION)或进出口的功能。制造商作为品牌产品的创造者,制造商广为人知并被认为是渠道的源头和中心。像通用电气、通用汽车、索尼、飞利浦这样成功的制造商在各自的分销渠道中占据着举足轻重的位置。但事实是:许多服务于工业领域的制造商并不广为人知,并不是所有的制造商在各自的销售渠道中都占据着主导地位。

maker与manufacturer的区别 一段文章中有这两个单词,

从意思上就可以了 maker n.制造者,上帝,发期票的人 manufacturer n.制造商

manufacturing plant与manufacturer的区别?



在查主板型号的时候,发现系统制造商是:system manufacture。应该是一块没有品牌的杂牌主板。如果是微星主板,系统制造商那里是:Mcro-star International Co,. Ltd


factory是泛指工厂、厂房。factory也有代理店的意思。manufactory是指手工生产的工厂。用在手工制造业,也可以是小加工业,但是那种大型的流水线作业比如说像一汽那样的企业就不能用这个了,可以用factory。manufacturer 制造商,制造厂; 厂主; [经]厂商;


manufacturern.制造商,制造厂; 厂主; [经] 厂商





manufacturer有复数形式吗 有manufacturers的形式吗? 是集合名词还是单复数同行?

您好,很高兴为您解答:manufacturer 生产商,制造商是可数名词,复数加s为manufacturers,其可单数可复数,并非集合名词。-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------

OEM.ODM manufacturer是什么意思

  ODM(即ORIGINAL DESIGN MANUFACTURER)意为“原始设计制造商”,是指一家公司根据另一家公司的规格来设计和生产一个产品。  OEM(即ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER)意为“原始设备制造商”,是指一个公司根据自己的规格设计和生产一个产品,然后将其出售给另一家公司来冠注商标和分销  OEM/ODM是现代工业高度分工下的产物,以这两种方式生产销售的产品越来越多,因为这两种模式能更加有效地整和资源,达到双赢的目的。   OEM(即ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER)意为“原始设备制造商”,是指一个公司根据自己的规格设计和生产一个产品,然后将其出售给另一家公司来冠注商标和分销。在计算机制造行业,OEM通常被用作动词。当人们说,一家公司OEM其它公司的产品,是指该公司从另一公司(即OEM公司)处购买完整的并且已设计好的成品(即“原始设备”)。大多数时候,购买方要求出售方只改变产品的品名和颜色,而对产品的其它方面不作修改。只有产品品名和型号是不同的。   ODM(即ORIGINAL DESIGN MANUFACTURER)意为“原始设计制造商”,是指一家公司根据另一家公司的规格来设计和生产一个产品。例如,计算机公司如HP公司可能会就其想推向市场的一款笔记本电脑作出具体规格。它们会具体地列明产品的外观要求,如屏幕的尺寸和技术要求、输入/输出端口、键盘的前倾度、电脑包的外形和颜色、扬声器的位置等。它们还通常会具体列明对产品的主要内部细节如CPU或视频控制器的规格要求。但是,它们并不设计图样,不具体列明电源用的交换晶体管的型号,也不对背光变流器频率加以选择。这些都是ODM的工作。ODM根据计算机公司提出的规格要求来设计和生产笔记本电脑。有时候,ODM也可根据现有样品来生产。ODM方式往往更加注重合作,而在OEM的情形下,购买方对产品的具体规格基本不参与意见。




foundry 铸造商,这种厂商只做铸件,即casting,而不做其他的。(当然有的铸造商会有部分机加工的能力和焊接的能力,因为铸件需要一些修理,也叫挖缺补焊,就是对一些铸造缺陷的修补....)而manufacturer 制造商,可以是制造任何产品的制造商,汽车 (car manufacturer), 电脑制造商(computer manufacturer)......

制造商Manufacturers 有没有英文缩写,规格,尺寸,型号,产地英文及缩写

英文:manufacturer英文简称 : mfrs.中文全称 : 制造商英文:country of origin英文简称 : Made in中文全称 : 产地英文:dimension英文简称 : DIM中文全称 : 尺寸英文:Part number英文简称 : P/N中文全称 : 型号英文:level中文简称 : Lv中文全称 : 级别

外国人眼里manufacturer和factory 哪个更好一些


电脑系统里面product manufacturer什么意思

产品制造商 的意思。祝好运!

Manufacturer ,factory,plant的区别

Manufacturer制造商factory是工厂plant也是工厂 但是电厂是power plant,水厂是water plant。不能用factoryplant还是个多义词n 植物,庄稼 V 种植, 培养, 栽培

请问make, produce, manufacturer的区别。

make与produce如果解释为制作, 生产,意思差不多,但make有多种意思make vt. 做; 制造; 被制造;做出, 制定, 产生;使, 使得;获得, 挣得;总计, 等于;成为, 使成为;到达;准备; 整理;认为; 估计 vi. 开始; 试图;行进, 趋向;增长起来 n. 制造, 样式, 牌子, 类型;体格; 气质 produce vt. & vi. 生产, 产生, 出产;制作, 创作 vt. 出示, 提供;引起; 导致;出版; 上演 n. 产品, 农产品 manufacturer(名词)制造商, 制造厂,制造者,生产商

History Is Made At Night (SMASH Cast Version featuring Megan Hilty & Will Chase) 歌词

歌曲名:History Is Made At Night (SMASH Cast Version featuring Megan Hilty & Will Chase)歌手:SMASH Cast专辑:BombshellPut down the playbookCause the things I wanna show you can"t be written downLet my lips do the teachingTurn off the cameraKick your shoes off for this scene you should be sitting downYeah sitting close enough for reachingTurn down the lampFor the last page has been turnedWhen the dawns breaking throughWe can stop and review all the lessons you"ll have learnedCause history is made at night so close the books turn off the light and listenLet my heart be the teacherNo one here to disapproveAs we review the lessons you"ve been missingLet the moon be our only lightCause history is made at nightI see the questions burning in your eyes or is it just reflectionsMm of the stars high above youFind More lyrics at www.Oh I"m just your student and I hope you won"t be shy please make correctionsYeah on the sweetest way to love youCome whisper close tell me just when to say whenThen we"ll sleep through the dayThen whenever you say that"s when school begins againCause history is made at night so close the books turn off the light and listenLet my heart be the teacherNo one here to disapproveAs we review the lessons you"ve been missingLet the moon be our only lightCause history is made at nightSomeday they"ll write lots of booksAbout our fame and gloryBut if all their reports are just movies and sportsThey"ll be missing the whole story !Yes our history was made at nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/38865153

manufacturer 这个英语单词怎么读


电脑系统里面product manufacturer是什么意思?

  意思:产品制造商  【电脑系统】  操作系统(Operating System,简称OS)是管理和控制计算机硬件与软件资源的计算机程序,是直接运行在“裸机”上的最基本的系统软件,任何其他软件都必须在操作系统的支持下才能运行。  操作系统是用户和计算机的接口,同时也是计算机硬件和其他软件的接口。操作系统的功能包括管理计算机系统的硬件、软件及数据资源,控制程序运行,改善人机界面,为其它应用软件提供支持,让计算机系统所有资源最大限度地发挥作用,提供各种形式的用户界面,使用户有一个好的工作环境,为其它软件的开发提供必要的服务和相应的接口等。实际上,用户是不用接触操作系统的,操作系统管理着计算机硬件资源,同时按照应用程序的资源请求,分配资源,如:划分CPU时间,内存空间的开辟,调用打印机等。




很高兴为您 manufacturer 生产商,制造商 是可数名词,复数加s为manufacturers,其可单数可复数,并非集合名词. ------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ -------------------------------

factory, manufactory, manufacturer 区别






Sakura will I breath again中的breath可以换成breathe吗?

是的,"Sakura will I breath again" 中的 "breath" 应该改成 "breathe" 才正确。 "breath" 是名词,指呼吸的气息,而 "breathe" 是动词,表示呼吸的动作。所以,正确的句子应该是 "Sakura, will I breathe again?",意思是"樱花啊,我还能再次呼吸吗?"。




manufacturern.制造商,制造厂; 厂主; [经]厂商; Britain remains the sixth-biggest manufacturer in the world. 英国仍是世界上第六大制造商。

graphic feature是什么意思

graphic feature图形特征

the end or failure of an institution的英文单词解释?


my soul your beats中文歌词


Burning My Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Burning My Soul歌手:Dream Theater专辑:The Rudess ExperimentBurning My SoulDream TheaterFalling Into InfinityMusic: Dream TheaterA thorn in my side, a chip on my shoulderA lump in my throat, the size of a boulderThe chill up my spine, can"t get any colderAnd you wonder why I can"t smileA knot in my gut, an ape on my backIn the heat of the moment, I"m knocked off the trackYou drop the ball, I pick up the slackAnd you ask me why my hairs grayTwisting, turningLosing all sense of yearningLiving and learningThe pressure keeps on burning my soulBurning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)I say it"s green and then you tell me it"s redKeep your thoughts and ideasLocked inside of your headWe"ve got someoneWho can think for you insteadAnd he sounds just like the last oneTwisting, turningLosing all sense of yearningLiving and learningThe pressure keeps on burning my soulBurning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Responsible thinkersThrow caution to the windBut I find myselfSpeaking from withinI can"t live my lifeWalking on eggshellsTo stay on your good sideUsing your wordsControlling my lifeCan"t you see it"s my wordsThat gives you your lifeSo I hurt your feelingsWell I"m really sorryBut I don"t give a shit...Twisting, turningLosing all sense of yearningLiving and learningThe pressure keeps on burning my soulBurning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)Burning my soul (Burning my soul)http://music.baidu.com/song/57005236

求 Angel Beats [My soul, your beats] 中文歌词

My Soul, Your Beats!「Angel Beats! OP」作词/作曲:麻枝准睡意反复袭来的清晨将衣领紧紧系住走进教室的房门便稍能挺起些胸膛迈出脚步就在这样的生活之中吹过了一阵风我仿佛听到了我仿佛感觉到了仿佛在我颤动的心中那就要发生了将那数亿的星辰消逝送别挥挥手说声 真好清扫的途中 俯视走廊的角落这情形真是奇怪我的时间理应停止了却又像是过着另一段不同的生活尘埃如雪花般飘落、堆积仿佛在等着我仿佛在呼唤着我就在颤动我的这一刻我仿佛找到了失去的记忆唤醒了过来这永恒故事的终结不知从何时起跑了起来被你的手所拉着昨天已远去 明天很快到来稀松平常的事情却让我的心跳动不已我仿佛听到了我仿佛感觉到了仿佛在我颤动的心中那就要发生了那新生的太阳 驶过数千的白昼仿佛在等着我仿佛在呼唤我颤抖着的灵魂仿佛已找到了将那数亿的如梦似幻般逝去的时光送别挥挥手说声 谢谢

my soul your beats 什么意思

My soul, my heart,you can have it go。

delphi中 image.picture.graphic


my soul,your beats谐音

my 买【一声】soul 嗖【四声】your 药儿beats 必刺是这样吗?= = 我错了。。。我以为是翻译英语单词呢orz 对不起我不会日语orz

求《My Soul, Your Baet》的歌词。

『一次一次在朝阳中醒来』  目覚(めざ)めては缲(く)り返(かえ)す 眠(ねむ)い朝(あさ)は  me za me te wa ku ri ka e su ne mu i a sa wa  『系紧领带』  襟(えり)のタイをきつく缔(し)め  e ri no ta i o ki tsu ku shi me  『踌躇的走进教室』   教室(きょうしつ)のドアくぐるとほんの少(すこ)し  kyo u shi tsu no do a ku gu ru to ho n no su ko shi  『踏出自信的一步』  胸(ねむ)を张(は)って歩(ある)き出(だ)せる   ne mu o ha a te a ru ki da se ru  『在那清风吹拂的日常生活裏』   そんな日常(にちじょう)に吹(ふ)き抜(ぬ)ける风(かぜ)   so n na ni chi jyou ni fu ki nu ke ru ka ze  『似乎聆听到了』   闻(き)こえた気(き)がした  ki ko e ta ki ga shi ta  『似乎感觉到了』   感(かん)じた気(き)がしたんだ   kan ji ta ki ga shi ta n da  『现在双手颤抖不已』   震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この腕(うで)で  fu ru e da su i ma ko no u de de  『似乎就快来了』   もう来(く)る気(き)がした  mou ku ru ki ga shi ta  『数亿星辰将要渐渐消逝』   几(いく)亿(おく)の星(ほし)が消(き)え去(さ)ってくのを  i ku o ku no ho shi ga ki e sa a te ku no o  『目送著它们』   见送(みおく)った   mi o ku u ta  『挥一挥手』   手(て)を振(ふ)った   te o fu u ta  『为它们祝福』   よかったね、と   yo kaa ta ne to  『在清扫之时 从走廊俯视下面』  廊下(ろうか)の隅(すみ)见(み)下(お)ろす 扫除(そうじ)の途中(とちゅう)  ro u ka no su mi mi o ru su sou ji no to jyu u  『觉得这是一件有趣的事』  おかしなものだと思(おも)う   o ka shi na mo no da to o mo u  『明明我心中的时间已经停止』  あたしの中(なか)の时(とき)は止(と)まってるのに  a ta shi no na ka no to ki wa to ma a te ru no ni  『却还渴望不同生活的每天』  违(ちが)う日(ひ)々を生(い)きてるようにchi ga u hi bi o i ki te ru you ni  『尘埃如雪般堆积』   埃(ほこり)は雪(ゆき)のように降(ふ)り积(つ)む  ho ko ri wa yu ki no yo u ni fu ri tsu mu  『仿佛在等待著』   待(ま)ってる気(き)がした  maa te ru ki ga shi ta  『仿佛在呼唤著』   呼(よ)んでる気(き)がしたんだ  yon de ru ki ga shi ta n da  『如今这一刻不禁颤抖』   震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この时(とき)が  fu ru e ta su i ma ko no to ki ga  『似乎已经寻找到了』   见(み)つけた気(き)がした   mi tsu ke ta ki ga si ta  『唤醒了失去的记忆』   失(うしな)われた记忆(きおく)が呼(よぶ)び覚(め)ました  u shi na wa re ta ki o ku ga yo bu bi me ma shi ta  『故事』   物语 (ものがたり)   mo no ga ta ri  『永远的』   永远(えいえん)の   e i e n no  『这样结束了』   その终(お)わり   so no o wa ri  『在什麼时候跑了出去』  いつの间(ま)にか駆(か)けだしてた  i tsu no ma ni ka ka ke da si te ta  『被你拉著手跑出去了』   あなたに手(て)を引(ひ)かれてた  a na ta ni te o hi ka re te ta  『昨日渐远 明日既临』   昨日(きの)は远(とお)く 明日(あした)はすぐ   ki no wa to o ku a shi t

Dear Mary, I have received your e-mail 这个为什么不用 I had receive your e-mail 呀,呵呵,谢谢啦~

had received是过去的过去,此处不需要啊

Carmin Turco的《My Soul》 歌词

歌曲名:My Soul歌手:Carmin Turco专辑:Angel加藤ミリヤ - My Soul作词:Miliyah作曲:Miliyahまだ纳得いかない矛盾だらけnowadays才能だけじゃどうにもならないsicken sicken (uh)気付いた时には世界はdirty dirty dirtyここで今は胜たなきゃいけない 戦おう(Tell me how ya feel This is how I feel)この手にしてきたもの努力なしじゃ成し得ない(all those other womenI got the better of the other chicks)私の存在価値 私自身が证明いつでもIt"s alright ooh girl,I"m better It"s okayいつかわかる真実そうさ my soul, my body, my future戦う毎日 平坦ではない道やってみせようじゃないそうだ my time, my life, my feeling単纯な言叶でプライド伤付けられ世界にabout me わからせてあげるU got me, got me(uh)ただの小娘だと思ったら大マチガイ胜手な批评 中身を见てからしてちょうだい(Tell me how ya feel This is how I feel)着実に确実に近付いてる 理想に(all those other womenI got the better of the other chicks)真実は明かされる 谁が最もいいのかいつでもIt"s alright ooh girl,I"m better It"s okayいつかわかる真実そうさ my soul, my body, my future戦う毎日 平坦ではない道やってみせようじゃないそうだ my time, my life, my feelingyo ladies yeah yo ladies yeahoh no what"s the world comin towhatever u wantwhatever u needu, u, u got to knowいつでもIt"s alright ooh girl,I"m better It"s okayいつかわかる真実そうさ my soul, my body, my future戦う毎日 平坦ではない道やってみせようじゃないそうだ my time, my life, my feelingいつでもIt"s alright ooh girl,I"m better It"s okayいつかわかる真実そうさ my soul, my body, my future戦う毎日 平坦ではない道やってみせようじゃないそうだ my time, my life, my feelingおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15064173

which is your e-mail address


to know your eneny,you must become your enemy

要了解你的敌人 你必须先成为你的敌人

thanks for your e-mail的同义句

Thanks for your reply /letter

close your e and guess what is in my hand



you are welcome[英][ju: ɑ: u02c8welku0259m][美][ju e(r) u02c8wu025blku0259m][用于礼貌地回答别人的感谢]别客气,不用谢; 例句:1.If you are still determined to read along, you are welcome! 如果你依然决定继续读下去,我们热烈欢迎!2.Besides, it is always good to go where you are welcome. 此外,去自己受欢迎的地方总是比较好的。3.Make sure you regularly tell them "you are welcome to see what I"m doing anytime." 确保时常告诉你的配偶,“我很乐意你随时来看看我在做什么。”

figure和graphic 的区别

graphic 和figure 有什么差别下面让我来比较一下英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同。A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。因此, red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。graphic 和figure 有什么差别: graphic 和figure 有什么差别 下面让我来比较一下英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同。A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。因此, red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。

Justin Bieber的新专辑《Purpose》中各歌曲歌词翻译。

No Pressure - Justin Bieber&Big SeanYou ain"t gotta answer none of my callsI"m believing you"ll pick up one dayI don"t wanna add to your pain at allI"m praying that time makes a change in your lifeI"m realizing how much you made a change in my lifeAnd I don"t wanna spend it with nobody elseHear me don"t nobody deserve myselfOh no baby what I"m saying isYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowCalm down don"t rush no pressureThought that you were in it for the paperNever thought I"d take you seriousNow I need you not a moment laterLosin" it I"m so deliriousAnd I"m a put up a fight for itNever give up a love like thisFinally I found someoneThat can do me like no otherTalking to my conscienceI made a few mistakesI did it to myselfI"m the only one to blameI know you need a little while to believe againTo love againYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll be waiting for youDon"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll stillDon"t rush no pressurePut my key in the ignitionDon"t rush it girl just stretch it out for meI know that you ain"t got no plans to leaveGirl I need your attentionAnd every time I see you make that faceI wanna love you all over the placeDon"t do it babyDon"t do it to me no noI know you don"t wanna talk rightWe"ve been on and off like the cross lightsYou heard I"m playin" with them hoes like I golf rightWhen I touch you I get frostbiteGirl you"re so cold so cold so coldHow we so young but livin" so oldIn the bed together but we sleepin" soloThat could drive you locoYou supposed to me my uno Yoko onoOh no round two againWe"ve been fighting more than Ryukyu and kenLast time we argued eight straight daysI learned my lesson I got straight asAnd I know it"s deeper than masseusesOh you know I eat the cookie like I"m lusciousGo ahead and take the timeBut it"s a waste of time if your waist ain"t on mineThink about itYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll be waiting for youDon"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll stillDon"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI know I did you wrongLet your heart healDon"t rush no pressureBeen You - Justin Bieber Feeling the remnants gone in an instant Blink of an eye no goodbye I had a notion deep as the ocean Blue like the sky oh my Like a permanent stain wishing I could just wash away away Prayed our love wasn"t vain Who was to blame for all the pain for all the pain If I would"ve known if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you If I had the chance if I had the chance I"d make us brand new I never wanted to be wanted to be your remnants No but if I if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you been you been you There are percussion"s I"m missing your loving Must be the night the ghost of a life All of the memories A serenity dwindling my mind All the time Like a permanent stain wishing I could just wash away away Prayed our love wasn"t vain Who was to blame for all the pain for all the pain If I would"ve known if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you If I had the chance if I had the chance I"d make us brand new I never wanted to be wanted to be your remnants No but if I if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you been you been you If I would"ve known if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you If I had the chance if I had the chance I"d make us brand new I never wanted to be wanted to be your remnants No but if I if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you been you

电脑开机是蓝屏:Recovery Your PC needs to be repared.然后我按


you can wait your e_mail

1.需要加for. 地点副词here是修饰动词wait的状语,you是for的宾语,与地点副词无关. 2.here前无需加at,here已经是副词作地点状语.at 是介词,介词后只能加名 词,动名词和代词宾格. 所以这句话应该是 You can wait for you baby here. 举几个简单的例子 We waited 20 minutes for a bus. They"re waiting for the children to come home.


Verify your e mail now现在验证你的电子邮件

your fashion e|emeni 中文是什么意思


I hope ______your e-friend.

答案是 A. to be I hope to be your e-friend.我希望做你的网友

请高手人工翻译英语,谢谢One day King Henry the Fourth of France hunted in a large forest.

有一天,国王亨利四世在法国一个大森林打猎。到了傍晚,他告诉他的手下,而他的另一种方式去骑车回家的主要道路。当他在森林里,他看到了一个男孩,他似乎在等待着有人。 “好了,我的孩子,”国王说,“你找你的父亲吗?”“”不,先生,“他回答说。 “我期待为王。他们说,他在树林里狩猎,也许他会骑这种方式让我等着看他。”“哦,如果这是你的愿望,”国王亨利说,“对我的马,我会带你去看他。”男孩坐在后面的国王在一次。 “国王亨利总是有一些人,他说:”男孩。 “我怎么知道是他?”“哦,那会很容易,”国王回答。 “所有其他的人将脱下自己的帽子,但国王将保持他的。”“”你的意思是一个与他的帽子上是王吗?““当然。”很快,他们来到主路和国王的人在等待。他们迎接*之王脱下自己的帽子。 “好了,我的孩子,”金恒RY说,“你认为谁是王吗?”“我不知道,”他回答说,“但它必须是你还是我,我们都有我们的帽子。”

your e-mail wreceived just now

have去掉 learn-learning what 去掉 is 去掉 beside-besides away- a way hear-hearing 希望能够帮到楼主

初一英语作文300字:I’m happy to get your e- mail

初一英语作文300字:Iu2019m happy to get your e- mail Iu2019m happy to get your e- mail. I know how you feel. There are many rules in my home, too. I must exercise every moring. I canu2019t play with my friends after school. At first , I donu2019t like them. But now I think some of the rules are good for us. You can talk with your parents and tell them what you think. I wish you happy every day.

英语填空:dear ted ,thank you_your e -mail

for 是一个句型

my soul your beats什么意思


首字母填空:"E__10__your vegetables!"


My Soul,Your Beats! 歌词

歌曲名:My Soul,Your Beats!歌手:Lia专辑:Lia Best Album_Key Lia Best 2001-2010My Soul, Your Beats! - TVアニメ《Angel Beats》OP呗:Lia词曲:麻枝 准编曲:ANANT GARDE EYES目覚(めざ)めては缲(く)り返(かえ)す/睁开眼睛眠(ねむ)い朝(あさ)は/又是一个慵懒的早晨襟(えり)のタイをきつく缔(し)め/拉起领结 收紧衣襟教室(きょうしつ)のドアくぐるとほんの少(すこ)し/走进教室 在穿过门的瞬间胸(むね)を张(は)って歩(ある)き出(だ)せる/些许自信 飞入胸中そんな日常(にちじょう)に吹(ふ)き抜(ぬ)ける风(かぜ)/这不变的日子里 有风吹过闻(き)こえた気(き)がした/仿佛能够听见感(かん)じた気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛能够感知震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この胸(むね)で/胸口激昂 无可遏抑もう来(く)る気(き)がした/能感受到 它的到来几亿(いくおく)の星(ほし)が消(き)え去(さ)ってくのを/亿万星辰 消逝于远方见送(みおく)った/目送着手(て)を振(ふ)った/挥着手よかったね、と/「太好了呢」廊下(ろうか)の隅(すみ)见下(みお)ろす/打扫卫生的途中扫除(そうじ)の途中(とちゅう)/行至走廊一角おかしなものだと思(おも)う/属于我的时间あたしの中(なか)の时(とき)は止(と)まってるのに/早已静止违(ちが)う日々(ひび)を生(い)きてるよに/角落的灰尘 却如积雪般日渐增多埃(ほこり)は雪(ゆき)のように降(ふ)り积(つ)む/无言地诉说着 时间的流逝待(ま)ってる気(き)がした/仿佛正在等待呼(よ)んでる気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛正在呼唤震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この时(とき)が/静止的时光 开始震颤见(み)つけた気(き)がした/仿佛握住了线索失(うしな)われた记忆(きおく)が呼(よ)び覚(さ)ました/在失落的记忆终被寻回时物语(ものがたり)/唤醒的故事永远(えいえん)の/昭示着终结その终(お)わり/「永恒」的终结いつの间(ま)にか駆(か)けだしてた/不知不觉间 开始奔跑あなたに手(て)を引(ひ)かれてた/被你拽着手 向前飞驰昨日(きのう)は远(とお)く/昨日已经远去明日(あした)はすぐ/明天即将到来そんな当(あ)たり前(まえ)に心(こころ)が跃(おど)った/平凡的现实 让心灵开始跃动闻(き)こえた気(き)がした/仿佛能够听见感(かん)じた気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛能够感知震(ふる)え出(だ)す今(いま)この胸(むね)で/胸口激昂 无可遏抑もう来(く)る気(き)がした/能感受到 它的到来几千(いくせん)の朝(あさ)を越(こ)え/万千黎明之后新(あたら)しい阳(ひ)が/迎来新的朝阳待(ま)ってる気(き)がした/仿佛正在等待呼(よ)んでる気(き)がしたんだ/仿佛正在呼唤震(ふる)えてるこの魂(たましい)が/此魂此魄 开始震颤见(み)つけた気(き)がした/仿佛握住了线索几亿(いくおく)の梦(ゆめ)のように消(き)え去される日(ひ)を/如亿万幻梦的消逝般 告别的时刻终将到来见送(みおく)った/目送着手(て)を振(ふ)った/挥着手ありがとう、と/「谢谢你」http://music.baidu.com/song/17795051

()()()()()e() Does your


My Soul, Your Beats! 什么意思?

这是动漫Angle beats 的主题opbaike.baidu.com/view/3785673.htm

you can hear . Cleab your e---



英文原文:you"re six英式音标:[ju028ar] [su026aks]可能是:you"re sex 你是第6


可能是:you"re sex你是第6要有语境才好解



Your E Still My Man 歌词

歌曲名:Your E Still My Man歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:Artist Collection Whitney HoustonDear Whitney, Rest in peaceThanks for your beautiful voice to keep me company every night.By:星期天同学 Q:329318393On the day that you left meYou said you had no regretsThere"s a bond between usThat hasn"t been broken yetAnd the feelings between usWill never diappearHow can you be far awayWhen your spirits hereYou"re still my manNothing can change itWe still belong togetherYou"re still my manNothing can change itOur love will last foreverAnd the seasons of our loveWill always change I knowMaybe that"s the reasonYou felt you had to goBut soon you"ll be missing meDarling, I know you wellThere"s a magic we share togetherAnd no one can break that spellYou"re still my manNothing can change itWe still belong togetherYou"re still my manNothing can change itOur love will last foreverI"ll wait for youThe thought that keeps me going each dayIs I believe you still love meI love you more than words can sayYou"re still my manNothing"s gonna change itDon"t you know, you oughta know we belong togetherYou"re still my manAnd nothing can change itOh baby oh darling you"re in my heart foreverCause you"re my manWithout youDarling, our love at allYou"re still my manNothing can change itDon"t you know, you oughta know we belong togetherYou"re still my manAnd nothing can change itOh baby oh darling you"re in my heart foreverYou"re still my manNothing can change itI"m yours, you know you"re mineYou"re in my heart foreverYou"re still my manNothing can change itDon"t you know you ought to know we belong togetherYou"re still my manBy:星期天同学 Q:329318393http://music.baidu.com/song/1501811

justin bieber purpose歌词翻译

No Pressure - Justin Bieber&Big SeanYou ain"t gotta answer none of my callsI"m believing you"ll pick up one dayI don"t wanna add to your pain at allI"m praying that time makes a change in your lifeI"m realizing how much you made a change in my lifeAnd I don"t wanna spend it with nobody elseHear me don"t nobody deserve myselfOh no baby what I"m saying isYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowCalm down don"t rush no pressureThought that you were in it for the paperNever thought I"d take you seriousNow I need you not a moment laterLosin" it I"m so deliriousAnd I"m a put up a fight for itNever give up a love like thisFinally I found someoneThat can do me like no otherTalking to my conscienceI made a few mistakesI did it to myselfI"m the only one to blameI know you need a little while to believe againTo love againYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll be waiting for youDon"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll stillDon"t rush no pressurePut my key in the ignitionDon"t rush it girl just stretch it out for meI know that you ain"t got no plans to leaveGirl I need your attentionAnd every time I see you make that faceI wanna love you all over the placeDon"t do it babyDon"t do it to me no noI know you don"t wanna talk rightWe"ve been on and off like the cross lightsYou heard I"m playin" with them hoes like I golf rightWhen I touch you I get frostbiteGirl you"re so cold so cold so coldHow we so young but livin" so oldIn the bed together but we sleepin" soloThat could drive you locoYou supposed to me my uno Yoko onoOh no round two againWe"ve been fighting more than Ryukyu and kenLast time we argued eight straight daysI learned my lesson I got straight asAnd I know it"s deeper than masseusesOh you know I eat the cookie like I"m lusciousGo ahead and take the timeBut it"s a waste of time if your waist ain"t on mineThink about itYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll be waiting for youDon"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowRight now don"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind upYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI"ll stillDon"t rush no pressureYou ain"t gotta make your mind up right nowI know I did you wrongLet your heart healDon"t rush no pressureBeen You - Justin Bieber Feeling the remnants gone in an instant Blink of an eye no goodbye I had a notion deep as the ocean Blue like the sky oh my Like a permanent stain wishing I could just wash away away Prayed our love wasn"t vain Who was to blame for all the pain for all the pain If I would"ve known if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you If I had the chance if I had the chance I"d make us brand new I never wanted to be wanted to be your remnants No but if I if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you been you been you There are percussion"s I"m missing your loving Must be the night the ghost of a life All of the memories A serenity dwindling my mind All the time Like a permanent stain wishing I could just wash away away Prayed our love wasn"t vain Who was to blame for all the pain for all the pain If I would"ve known if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you If I had the chance if I had the chance I"d make us brand new I never wanted to be wanted to be your remnants No but if I if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you been you been you If I would"ve known if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you If I had the chance if I had the chance I"d make us brand new I never wanted to be wanted to be your remnants No but if I if I would"ve known If I would have known it could have been you been you

What is your E() name

What is your English name

Do you e开头什么your new school

Do you enjoy your new school?Do you enter your new school?

zipe your lips 是什么意思



wave 挥手wave your hands ,please.请挥动你的手。

I Knowe your ming英文翻译

好像不对表达我了解你的想法,一般用 I read your mind


没有youre有you"re 就是读成 you are

source of variation是什么意思

source of variation 英[su0254:s u0254v u02ccveu0259ru026au02c8eu026au0283(u0259)n] 美[su0254rs u028cv u02ccvu025briu02c8eu0283u0259n] [词典] 变异来源; [例句]A Study on Process Control for Multiple Source of Variation多变异来源的工序方法在机械制造过程中的应用

Please selecte your location什么意思??

请选择你的 位置

be to always nice friende your 连词成句

Be always nice to your friends. Always be nice to your friends. Be nice to your friends always.

e___ your work.

enjoy 享受,喜欢.

Please send your e catelouge最后两个词是什么意思啊 指邮箱吗?

你的问题的最后一个单词错了吧?应当是catalogue(目录, 商品目录);e即electronic(电子的; 电子器件的; 电子设备的)的缩写。这句话的意思是:请发送电子目录。

eαt your fⅰll是什么意思汉语?

eαt your fⅰll你的钱是多少

your 与youeself意思有什么区别 这类的反身代词意思上有什么改变

your你的 yourself你自己

How much ar e your schoolbag 这一句哪个单词错了?

解释如下How much are your schoolbag ?这一句are应该改为isHow much is your schoolbag?你的书包多少钱?
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