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lecture notes in computer science 是期刊还是会议

这个问题我回答至少五次了。“lecture notes in computer science”既不是期刊,也不是会议,而是一套丛书,Springer公司出版的。自1973年至今已经出版了8000多卷,是计算机科学专业的经典著作。下面是该书的详细信息:Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceDescriptionThe series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI),has established itself as a medium for the publication of new developments in computer science and information technology research and teaching - quickly,informally,and at a high level.The cornerstone of LNCS"s editorial policy is its unwavering commitment to report the latest results from all areas of computer science and information technology research,development,and education.LNCS has always enjoyed close cooperation with the computer science R & D community,with numerous renowned academics,and with prestigious institutes and learned societies.Our mission is to serve this community by providing a most valuable publication service.LNCS commenced publication in 1973 and quite rapidly attracted attention,not least because of its thus far unprecedented publication turnaround times.The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a substantial growth in the series,particularly in terms of volumes published.In the late 1990s we developed a systematic approach to providing LNCS in a full-text electronic version,in parallel to the printed books.Another new feature introduced in the late 1990s was the conceptualization of a couple of color-cover sublines.Still,original research results reported in proceedings and postproceedings remain the core of LNCS.


按ESC延迟启动,然后会有选项出来1、开机或重启电脑,当屏幕刚点亮,即 出现灰屏 时,不停按 F10 ,但一定要注意,并非像其他品牌电脑出现logo时才操作。2、进入BIOS界面后,通过键盘方向键找到BOOT,选择 Hard DIsk Drives ,这里要注意一点,不同的主板选项可能会不一样。3、进入“Hard DIsk Drives”子菜单后,将第一选项修改为“ USB ”。4、最后按下“ F10 ”保存设置,并回车确定。

nvme configuration什么意思

nvme configuration意思是:非易失性内存主机控制器接口规范布局。NVMe是non-volatile memory express缩写,翻译过来就是非易失性内存主机控制器接口规范,在它首次投放市场的时候,许多人认为它只是一个新的、速度更快的SSD。但实际上,NVMe是一种基于性能并从头开始创建新存储协议,它可以使我们能够充分利用SSD和存储类内存(SCM)的速度。重点词汇:configuration英[ku0259nfu026aɡu0259'reu026au0283n]释义:n.布局,构造;配置[复数:configurations]短语:Configuration Management[计]配置管理;组态管理;结构管理;建构管理。

ccs的configuration file 怎么配置

  1. 确定安装程序所在文件夹的名称中不含中文及其它非法字符!  2. 关闭所有杀毒软件!  3.离开网络!  4.找出你的计算机名及网关地址:运行文件WinHostId.exe,弹出一个窗口,其中第一行HOSTNAME是计算机名,第二行FLEXID为MAC地址(以00开头)!复制下来!  5.生成ansys.dat文件:在MAGNiTUDE中,用记事本方式打开ansys.dat文件。第一行:其中用自己的计算机名代替原有的计算机名(15位),用自己的网关名代替原有的网关名(12位)。第二行:其中“DAEMON”改成“VENDOR”  6.生成license.dat:运行keygen,即可立即生成一个license.dat文件。  7.安装ANSYS10.0,全部按默认点击即可。当出现“Is this a license server machine? ” 点 “是”。接着下一步点击“否”,再下一步点“是”,其余全部按默认点击,关闭安装过程中出现的网页,完成整个安装过程。  8.设置环境变量:我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量-新建,变量名:ANSYS100, 变量值:ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE = 1055@host  (其中“host”用你的计算机名代替!)  9.重新启动计算机。  10. 配置license服务:"开始"-"所有程序"-“ANSYS FLEXlm License Manager" -"ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility"- "Install the License File"-选择用 KEYGEN.BAT生成的MAGNiTUDE目录下的"license.dat"文件,即提示安装成功。  不要退出该程序,在步骤12中要用到。  11.然后点“开始-程序-ANSYS FLEXlm License Manager - FLEXlm LMTOOLS Utility-  然后选中Configuration using Services 单选按钮,选中Config Services选项卡,service name显示为ANSYS FLEXlm License Manager。  设置或核对service name下面的lmgrd.exe,license,log文件的路径,如果在安装时已有,只要核对正确即可。步骤如下:  设置lmgrd.exe文件路径为c:Program FilesAnsys IncShared  FilesLicensingintellmgrd.exe  设置license文件路径为c:Program FilesAnsys IncShared  FilesLicensinglicense.dat  设置debug log文件路径为 C:Program FilesAnsys IncShared FilesLicensing*.log(这个无所谓,随便新建一个,改扩展名为log就可以了)  选中“Use Services”,再点中“Start Server at Power Up”然后点Save Service ,保存设置。  然后选中Start/Stop/Reread选项卡,点中“Start Server”按钮,显示Server Start Successful. 关闭该程序就可以了!  License安装成功!!!  12. 步骤10中打开的程序中,点“Start the License Manager”,提示“License Manager already Running!No action taken! ”然后,点击“Write to File”  将生成的文本文件任意命名保存在c:Program FilesAnsys IncShared Files中,然后关闭该程序。  13. 运行ANSYS 10.0-Ansys Product Luncher,在License下拉菜单中,选中自己想要的项目,这里选的是Ansys Multiphysics即可



华硕主板开机进入BIOS设置界面,哪里有 configuration

按F7改变界面模式为Advanced Mode(高级模式),然后中间会有个Advanced(高级),在这里就有。下面是B85-PRO Gamer的BIOS高级模式界面,供参考:





BIOS设置没有Graphics Configuration这个选项我该怎么交火?


Boot Settings Configuration是什么意思?要怎么设置?

Boot Settings Configuration(启动选项设置) 2007-06-20 19:42:40| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 这里是设置系统启动时的一些项目的!它可以更好的方便用户的习惯或者提升系统性能。 1. QuickBoot(快速启动)设置 本项目可以设置计算机是否在启动时进行自检功能,从而来加速系统启动速度,如果设置成“Disable”系统将会在每次开机时执行所有自检,但是这样会减慢启动速度!一般设置为“Enabled” 2. Full Screen Logo(全屏开机画面显示设置) 这里是设置是否开启开机Logo的设置的,如果你不想要开机Logo就可以设置为“Disable” 3. Add On ROM Display Mode(附件软件显示模式)本项目是让你设定的附件装置软 件显示的模式,一般设置成“Force BIOS”就可以了。 4. Bootup Nun-Lock(小键盘锁定开关) 就是设置开机时是否自动打开小键盘上的Num-Lock。一般设置为On 5. PS/2 Mouse Support 此项目时设置是否支持PS/2鼠标功能。设定为AUTO就可以。 6. Typematic Rate(键盘反映频率设置) 这个就是让你选择键盘反映快慢频率的选项,一般设置为“fast” 7. Boot To OS/2(OS/2系统设置) 本项目让你选择是否启动OS/2作业系统兼容模式,一般设置为“No” 8. Wait For ‘F1" If Error (错误信息提示) 本项目是设置是否在系统启动时出现错误时显示按下“F1”键确认才继续进行开机,一般设置为“Enabled” 9. Hit ‘DEL"Messgae Display (按DEL键提示) 这个选项选择是否在开机时显示按下Del键进入Bios设定的提示,如果选择“Disable”将不会看到本文章开头的那句“Press DEL to Run Steup,Presss TAB to display BIOS Post Message”的提示,一般设置为“Enabled” 10. Interrupt 19 Capture(PCI内建程序启动设置)当你使用PCI卡有自带软件时请将此 设置为“Enabled”

cpU COnfiguration是什么意思?


cpU COnfiguration是什么意思?

CPU configuration是中央处理器设置的意思。通常情况下,电脑进入BIOS setup才能找到了其中的CPU Configuration选项。因各个主板情况不同,无法准确说明详细,通常来说,在各大厂商的CPU Configuration中,可以对CPU的温度控制做三类设置:允许CPU的温度控制功能(enable)。在允许做CPU的温度控制后,选择CPU到什么温度后从主板底层发出警报。在允许做CPU的温度控制后,选择CPU到什么温度后直接从主板的硬件底层关闭整套电脑(和您安装的任何操作系统无关)。设置CPU的具体电压参数从来调整处理器超频或者降频扩展资料:在主板BIOS系统内,CPU configuration里面具有以下参数功能调节:Advanced-CPU configuration-C1E Support,C1E是直接内建于处理器的功能,当处理器温度上升达某一程度时,便会立刻降低时脉。Advanced-CPU configuration-Hardware Prefetcher(硬件预取),通过设置本项,可以打开或关闭硬件预取功能。CPU有硬件预取功能,在CPU处理指令或数据之前,它将这些指令或数据从内存预取到L2缓存中,借此减少内存读取的时间,帮助消除潜在的瓶颈,以此提高系统效能。通常情况下建议设置为Enabled。Advanced-CPU configuration-Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch(邻近快取同步撷取),邻近快取同步撷取功能设定选项,使用者可以透过打开或关闭本项决定CPU撷取快取资料时,是否同步撷取邻近64byte的资料,藉此提高系统效能,通常情况下设定为Enabled。Advanced-CPU configuration-Intel(R) Virtualiztion Tech(简称VT,Intel的虚拟化技术),是由Intel开发的一种虚拟化技术,利用VT可以对在系统上的客操作系统,通过虚拟机查看器(VMM,Virtual Machine Monitor)来虚拟一套硬件设备,以供客操作系统使用。Advanced-CPU configuration-Core Multi-Processing,打开或关闭CPU的多核功能。如不打开该功能,多核CPU在系统中也只能以单核运行。Advanced-CPU configuration-Execute-Disable Bit Capability(病毒防护),病毒防护技术开关选项,可以透过调整此选项决定是否开启CPU内建的病毒防护技术,藉此杜绝某些缓冲溢出。建议打开该功能,但如果发现跟某些软件冲突,可尝试关闭该功能。


configuration 英[ku0259nu02ccfu026agu0259u02c8reu026au0283n] 美[ku0259nu02ccfu026agju0259u02c8reu026au0283n] n. 配置; 布局,构造; [化] (分子中原子的) 组态,排列; [物] 位形,组态; [例句]IP groups, on the other hand, just represent configuration data so we will have to create those.另一方面,IP组只代表配置数据,所以必须要创建。[其他] 复数:configurations 形近词: transfiguration disfiguration prefiguration 求采纳


configuration 英[ku0259nu02ccfu026agu0259u02c8reu026au0283n] 美[ku0259nu02ccfu026agju0259u02c8reu026au0283n] n. 配置; 布局,构造; [化] (分子中原子的) 组态,排列; [物] 位形,组态; [例句]Prices range from$ 119 to$ 199, depending on the particular configuration.价格因具体配置而异,从119美元至199美元不等。

lecture notes in computer science 是期刊还是会议

专门收录接受的会议。就像 proceedings of 。。。。 类似。。。算是会议集了,不算期刊自1973年至今已经出版了8000多卷,是计算机科学专业的经典著作。下面是该书的详细信息:Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceDescriptionThe series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI), has established itself as a medium for the publication of new developments in computer science and information technology research and teaching - quickly, informally, and at a high level.The cornerstone of LNCS"s editorial policy is its unwavering commitment to report the latest results from all areas of computer science and information technology research, development, and education. LNCS has always enjoyed close cooperation with the computer science R & D community, with numerous renowned academics, and with prestigious institutes and learned societies. Our mission is to serve this community by providing a most valuable publication service.LNCS commenced publication in 1973 and quite rapidly attracted attention, not least because of its thus far unprecedented publication turnaround times. The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a substantial growth in the series, particularly in terms of volumes published. In the late 1990s we developed a systematic approach to providing LNCS in a full-text electronic version, in parallel to the printed books. Another new feature introduced in the late 1990s was the conceptualization of a couple of color-cover sublines. Still, original research results reported in proceedings and postproceedings remain the core of LNCS.


只要找到 GraphicsDrivers 右击——查找 Scalig ,在右框内即可看到scaling,右键scaling选择修改,将数值改为3即可,原值为4 以上是一般游戏

ps出现 configuration error怎么办


我的DELL电脑开机出现performing automatic IDE configuration



不同的显卡驱动不完全相同。我的电脑用的是NVIDIA GFORCE显卡。在我的电脑注册表中,CurrentControlSet或ControlSet001~003四个分支中 全都都没有GraphicsDrivers、Configuration项。其它人的电脑我也看,都没有。所以找不到属于正常。


1、首先这是BIOS系统设置窗口的选项。系统已经损坏,需要重装系统。2、其次当出现这个提示以后需要将光盘系统盘插入光驱内,选择boot 窗口,找到firstbootdevice点击一下,在新窗口内选择DVD,按F10键,回车。就进入系统盘界面。3、最后入系统盘界面以后,选择第一项就是装系统的。

电脑屏幕显示“enable acpi auto configuration”是什么意思?





这几个词用作连系动词均可表示变化,使用时注意以下几点: 1. become 和get主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化:become [get] angry, famous, fat, ill, old, well, deaf, strong, etc 生气,成名,发胖,得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等另外,become 和 get 还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势:It"s becoming [getting] cold (dark, cloudy, etc). 天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等)。Divorce is becoming [getting] more common. 离婚现象越来越常见了。2. go 和come表示变化时,前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物),后者则主要指向好的方面变化:go bald (deaf, insane, etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯等。The meat"s gone off (gone bad). 肉变味(变坏)了。The radio"s gone wrong. 收音机出毛病了。Her wish came true. 她的愿望实现了。Everything came right. 一切顺利。另外,go还可用于人或事物颜色的变色,与turn用法相同:She went [turned] blue with cold. 她冻得脸色发青了。The rotten meat went [turned] green. 这块腐烂的肉变绿了。【注】① 但是 go 一般不与 old, tired, ill 等连用,遇此情况要用其他连系动词:grow [get] old 变老,fall [become] ill (sick) 生病,get [feel] tired 疲劳② go后接形容词通常表示的结果(见上例),在个别搭配中也表示现状:go hungry 挨饿,go naked 光着身子③ come 除表示向好的方面变化外,还有以下常见搭配值得注意:come untied 解开,come loose 变松,come undone 松开3. grow 主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程:It began to grow dark. 天色渐渐黑了。The sea is growing calm. 大海变得平静起来。The pollution problem is growing serious. 污染问题日见严峻。4. 以上连系动词通常接形容词作表语,但有的还可接其他结构,如come, get, grow后可接不定式,become, turn后可接名词,get, grow后可接介词短语:You"ll soon grow to like her. 你很快就会喜欢她的。It"s becoming a serious problem.它正在成为一个严重问题。The little plant grew into a tree. 幼苗长成了一棵树。They went out of fashion years ago.它们好多年前已变得不时新了。【注】turn后接名词时,往往表示意想不到的变化,名词前通常用零冠词:He turned writer after he graduated from a medical college. 他从医学院毕业后当了作家。(比较:He became a writer after graduating from college.)


@Configuration用于定义配置类,可替换xml配置文件,被注解的类内部包含有一个或多个被@Bean注解的方法,这些方法将会被AnnotationConfigApplicationContext或AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext类进行扫描,并用于构建bean定义,初始化Spring容器。注意 :@Configuration注解的配置类有如下要求: @Configuration不可以是final类型; @Configuration不可以是匿名类; 嵌套的configuration必须是静态类。 一、用@Configuration加载spring 1.1、@Configuration配置spring并启动spring容器 1.2、@Configuration启动容器+@Bean注册Bean 1.3、@Configuration启动容器+@Component注册Bean 1.4、 使用 AnnotationConfigApplicationContext 注册 AppContext 类的两种方法 1.5、配置Web应用程序(web.xml中配置AnnotationConfigApplicationContext) 二、组合多个配置类 2.1、在@configuration中引入spring的xml配置文件 2.2、在@configuration中引入其它注解配置 2.3、@configuration嵌套(嵌套的Configuration必须是静态类) 三、@EnableXXX注解 四、@Profile逻辑组配置 五、使用外部变量



戴尔笔记本开机出现invalid configuration,选择“继续”后可进系统,怎么办?

您好,这个明显是系统BIOS设置错误,英文意思是无效的配置 invalid configuration,一般您周边硬件有变化,或者您设置有问题出现,一般您进下BIOS设置后,恢复下默认值,按F10保存,一般再次启动不会出现这个选项图


configuration是前缀con加词根figure加名词后缀tion。configuration 扩展词汇 英 [ku0259nu02ccfu026aɡu0259"reu026au0283n]     美 [ku0259nu02ccfu026aɡju0259"reu026au0283n]    n. 结构;布局;形态;格式塔心理完形[计算机] 配置.

ps出现 configuration error怎么办

方法/步骤 1 Win10系统安装Photoshop CS6及其运行的方法 第一步:下载Adobe Photoshop CS6压缩文件(略)。 第二步:解压压缩软件。 左键双击压缩文件图标,在打开的Adobe Photoshop CS6-WinRAR窗口,点击【解压到】,在接着打开的解压路径和选项窗口,确定解压后文件的保存路径后,点击:确定。 第三步:安装Adobe Photoshop CS6。 我们按照解压时文件保存的路径找到Adobe Photoshop CS6文件夹,点击打开; 点击后显示Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable文件夹,我们再点击打开; 在打开的文件中找到:!)Photoshop CS6 Portable.exe,左键双击!)Photoshop CS6 Portable.exe,在弹出的询问对话框中点击:是(Y); 此时又会弹出一个安装的对话框,因Photoshop CS6为绿色版,只要在这里点击安装就可以了,我们点击:安装; 稍微等待一下,就会显示:设置完毕 请执行主程序Photoshop.exe,点击:确定; 在同一个文件夹中找到主程序Photoshop.exe,左键双击:Photoshop.exe,在弹出的用户帐户控制对话框中点击:是(Y); 正在启动Adobe Photoshop CS6程序,稍候; Adobe Photoshop CS6程序启动成功,则Adobe Photoshop CS6已经成功安装。 第四步:Adobe Photoshop CS6的启动运行。





Boot Settings Configuration是什么意思?要怎么设置?

Boot Settings Configuration(启动选项设置) 2007-06-20 19:42:40| 分类: 默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 这里是设置系统启动时的一些项目的!它可以更好的方便用户的习惯或者提升系统性能。 1. QuickBoot(快速启动)设置 本项目可以设置计算机是否在启动时进行自检功能,从而来加速系统启动速度,如果设置成“Disable”系统将会在每次开机时执行所有自检,但是这样会减慢启动速度!一般设置为“Enabled” 2. Full Screen Logo(全屏开机画面显示设置) 这里是设置是否开启开机Logo的设置的,如果你不想要开机Logo就可以设置为“Disable” 3. Add On ROM Display Mode(附件软件显示模式)本项目是让你设定的附件装置软 件显示的模式,一般设置成“Force BIOS”就可以了。 4. Bootup Nun-Lock(小键盘锁定开关) 就是设置开机时是否自动打开小键盘上的Num-Lock。一般设置为On 5. PS/2 Mouse Support 此项目时设置是否支持PS/2鼠标功能。设定为AUTO就可以。 6. Typematic Rate(键盘反映频率设置) 这个就是让你选择键盘反映快慢频率的选项,一般设置为“fast” 7. Boot To OS/2(OS/2系统设置) 本项目让你选择是否启动OS/2作业系统兼容模式,一般设置为“No” 8. Wait For ‘F1" If Error (错误信息提示) 本项目是设置是否在系统启动时出现错误时显示按下“F1”键确认才继续进行开机,一般设置为“Enabled” 9. Hit ‘DEL"Messgae Display (按DEL键提示) 这个选项选择是否在开机时显示按下Del键进入Bios设定的提示,如果选择“Disable”将不会看到本文章开头的那句“Press DEL to Run Steup,Presss TAB to display BIOS Post Message”的提示,一般设置为“Enabled” 10. Interrupt 19 Capture(PCI内建程序启动设置)当你使用PCI卡有自带软件时请将此 设置为“Enabled”

conformation 和configuration 怎么区别



configuration对应的动词是:configurate,意思是配置、排列、使成形、......例如:How to Configurate Network Address Resolution如何配置网络地址解析


configuration [con·fig·u·ra·tion || k05n65f01gj03"re0106n]n. 结构; 形态; 表面配置; 行星的方位configuration [k05n05figju"rei0605n] n. 结构,布局,形态[计算机] 配置configurationKK: []DJ: []n.1. 结构;表面配置2. 【心】形态3. 【天】行星的方位;(地球表面的)外貌Configuration1.配置 3单击配置Configuration按钮选择连接Connection标签单击高级Advan ced按钮设置传输中 configuration1.构型 339 configuration构型 340 conformation构象 341 confomational isome构象异构体 342 2.组态 configuration 组态配置 connection 连接连线网络资料库 连接 constraint 约束条件 3.结构 configuration n轮廓结构. confiscate v没收充公. conflagration n建筑物或森林大火. 4.轮廓 configuration n轮廓结构. confiscate v没收充公. conflagration n建筑物或森林大火. configuration [k05n05figju"rei0605n] n. 结构,布局,形态[计算机] 配置




configuration_百度翻译configuration [英]ku0259nu02ccfu026agu0259u02c8reu026au0283n [美]ku0259nu02ccfu026agju0259u02c8reu026au0283n n. 布局,构造;配置;[化](分子中原子的)组态,排列;[物]位形,组态 [例句]This configuration does not deliver a system without frictions or attritions.这种结构并没有产生一个没有摩擦和损耗的体系。亲爱的提问者每一个答案都包含着汗水如果有帮助,请支持与采纳互相帮助才能携手共同进步不明白请及时追问,敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~


configurationn.结构; 构造; 图〔外〕形组合, 布置【天】(行星等的)相对位置, 方位;【化】(分子中原子的)构型, 排列;【物】位形; 组态


. 配置;结构;外形


configuration[英][ku0259nu02ccfu026agu0259u02c8reu026au0283n][美][ku0259nu02ccfu026agju0259u02c8reu026au0283n]n.配置; 布局,构造; [化](分子中原子的)组态,排列; [物]位形,组态; 复数:configurations形近词:transfigurationdisfigurationprefiguration1You can use the Network template file with the description for more than one customer subnetwork for the configuration.可以使用网络模板文件来完成配置,该文件中包含多个客户子网络的描述。


configuration美 [ku0259n.fu026aɡu0259"reu026au0283(u0259)n]英 [ku0259n.fu026aɡju0259"reu026au0283(u0259)n]n.结构;布局;构造;形状 配置;组态;构型复数:configurations 例句筛选1.How much time can you spend recovering the database and applicationconfiguration?可以花多少时间恢复数据库和应用程序配置?2.Generally, editing configuration settings is not recommended unless you aretrying to solve a specific problem.除非试图解决的是特定问题,通常建议您不要编辑配置设置。

Go back home now, Mary. Your parents ______ your safety. A.are concerned about B.are concer.

A 试题分析:句意:现在回家,玛丽。你的父母担心你的安全。Be concerned about 担心;be concerned with牵涉到,与……有关,其他不构成搭配,根据句意可知选A。

歌词里面有l am your soldier 的英文歌叫什么名

歌曲名称:superstar所属专辑:Toy Ride歌曲语言:英语歌曲类型:流行演 唱:TOY-BOX歌词:I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are (janmscool!!!!!!) Got many money honey, I"m a superstar My life is funny honey, have you seen my car? I know a lot of people, I"m a superstar Everybody know me, right from near to far (janmscool!!!!!!) I got a plane (got a plane) I love the fame (love the fame) You know my name (know my name) And i just want you to know (janmscool!!!!!!) I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are (janmscool!!!!!) I"ve got a red ferrari, I"m a superstar I really like to party, am I cool or what? I love a lot of women, I"m a superstar Stars got a freaky living, that"s the way we are (janmscool!!!) I got a plane (got a plane) I love the fame (love the fame) You know my name (know my name) And I just want you to know (janmscool!!!!!) I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are (janmscool!!!!!!) I got fortune I got fame Love it when you say my name Love to party I am naughty Prettier than everybody! I got muscles I"m a stud Jealous people kiss my butt Im so fly ill make you cry Cross my heart and hope to die (janmscool!!!!!!) I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and I don"t care who you are I am a superstar with a big big house and a big big car I am a superstar and i don"t care who you are



Kourtney Heart - My Boy的歌词

(Kourtney Heart:)He loves me,he loves me not.(Magnolia Shorty:)Ya, this ya girl Magnolia Shorty and Kourntey Heart.We bout to represent for our boys.Come onx4 (Kourtney Heart:)Cause it"s my boy(Magnolia Shorty:)My boy! x8(Kourtney Heart:)He"s everything I want.He"s everything I need.He"s everything I dreamed that a brother ever be.Never should be bad,never messing with them girls.Never out his touch cause I"m his whole world.Always got ma back and he always come through.He"s always on point.He"s gon always be true.Forever his girl,forever my heart.Forever,forever ever,we"re never apart.(Magnolia Shorty:)He love me so,this I know it makes me feel so good.He love me so,this I know,and I wish your chick would.(Kourtney Heart:)Cause it"s my boy(Magnolia Shorty:)My boy! x8(Kourtney Heart:)He try to be me,try to take ma place.Try to come around and be all up in his face.Better back up,better leave him alone.Better go ahead and find a boy of your own.They just wanna hate,wanna come in between.They be wanna flip and blow up the whole scene.Forever his girl,forever my heart.Forever,forever,ever ever,we"re never apart.He love me so,this I know,it makes me feel so good.He love me so,this I know,and I wish your chick would.(Kourtney Heart:)Cause it"s my boy(Magnolia Shorty:)My boy! x8Don"t trip,do the Kay Heart dip.x3You don"t know how to to dip,we gon show you right here.First you rock then you leanx3everybody everybody rock then you leanx4 I love him,and he loves me,and I"d be damned if he does me.I wish ya girl would,cause my boy,he"s so hood.And he loves me so,and this I know,cause I never caught him with them other ******And the way he treat me, he could never cheat me.And I"m back,you know Magnolia Shawty,y"all can never be me.(Kourtney Heart:)He loves me so,this I know,and it makes me feel so good.He loves me so this I know and I wish your chick would.(Magnolia Shorty:)Cause that"s my boy, that"s my boy,that"s my boy my boy my boyx3 (Kourtney Heart:)He loves me so,this I know,and it makes me feel so good.He loves me so this I know and I wish your chick would.(Kourtney Heart:)Cause it"s my boy(Magnolia Shorty:)My boy! x8 Don"t trip,do the Kay Heart dip.x3 You don"t know how to to dip,we gon show you right here.First you rock then you leanx3 everybody everybody rock then you leanx4(Kourtney Heart:)He loves me so,this I know,and it makes me feel so good.He loves me so this I know and I wish your chick would.

这句英语中间的 to my surprise 是什么意思?作什么成分的? punch可以换成enter吗?


英文歌《I Will survice》高手介绍一下!

是i will survive吗?若是,我在电影《女狼俱乐部》——Coyote Ugly里听过。

The Replacements的《Torture》 歌词

歌曲名:Torture歌手:The Replacements专辑:All Shook Down [Expanded Edition]Torture Michael Jackson(The Jacksons)MJ,你是永远的王者。我们永远爱你,支持你。It was on a street so evilSo bad that even hell disowned itEvery single step was troubleFor the fool who stumbled on itEyes within the dark were watchin"I felt the sudden chill of dangerSomething told me keep on walkin"Told me I should not have gone thereBaby, "cause you cut me like a knife (ooh)Without your love in my lifeAlone I walk in the night"Cause I just can"t stop this feelingIt"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s torture (ooh)She was up a stair to nowhereA room forever I"ll rememberShe stared as though I should have known herTell me what"s your pain or pleasureEvery little thing you find hereIs simply for the thrill you"re afterLoneliness or hearts on fireI am here to serve all mastersShe said, "Reality is a knifeWhen there"s no love in your lifeUnmerciful is the nightWhen you just can"t stop this feeling"It"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s tortureAnd I still can"t find the meaning, noNo, no, of the face I keep on seeingWas she real or am I dreamingDid the sound of your nameTurn a wheelStart a flame in me (ooh)It"s tortureIt"s tortureIt"s torturehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7883855

i will survive 这歌谁写的 到底有多少人翻唱过这歌?最好把名字列出来。

这首歌原唱者是美国的黑人女歌手Gloria Gaynor在1978年发行的歌曲。Gloria Gaynor 1949年生于纽泽西州的一个小镇,少女时代就决心闯荡歌坛,1974年以一首Never Can Say Goodbye成为唱片史上最早发行以迪斯科舞厅为对象的舞曲艺人,专辑中的歌曲没有分段以连续的方式发行以方便舞厅唱片骑师(DJ)播放,也造成了一股轰动,由于这张专辑里结合了"Honey Bee" 、"Never Can Say Goodbye" 、"Reach Out (I"ll Be There)"大为轰动、在 1975年三月,全美迪斯科舞厅DJ联盟在纽约举行的年度票选中,共同票选出"Gloria Gaynor"为迪斯科女王。不久这个光环很快被Donna Summer给抢走。更不幸的在1978年 春天"Gloria Gaynor"在欧洲登台时不小心跌落舞台,使得"Gloria Gaynor"脊髓受损并卧病在床达9个月之久,加上复健期间母亲又去世,这许多的打击几乎让她崩溃,康复后她努力振作,找来了两位制作人"Dino Fekaris"、"Freddie Perren"共同写下这首"I Will Survive"证明自己战胜了怯懦,这首"I Will Survive"的推出,便将"Gloria Gaynor"推上事业的巅峰就如同歌词所写到的"I"ve Got All My Life To Live,I Will Survive一样。但是一开始唱片公司并不是看好这首歌,只将他放在B Side,不料各地的DJ很快就注意到这首歌的潜力,纷纷的大力播放,也使的唱片公司不得不改变政策将这首歌改为主打歌,1978年12月这首歌开始进榜从87名一直窜升到6周冠军,1980年这首歌更是获得了葛莱美奖史上唯一的一座"最佳迪斯科录音"大奖,"I Will Survive"也从此成为经典,不但在各地迪斯科舞厅大受欢迎,也多次被电影收录为插曲其中包括1992年首映的德国电影走出寂静(Beyond Silence) 、1992年的神鬼战士(Gladiator)、1994年的你是我今生的新娘(Four Weddings & A Funeral )、1999年女狼俱乐部(Coyote Ugly)、1999年月亮上的男人(Man On The Moon )、2000 的十全大补男(The Replacements) 1994年的沙漠妖姬 (The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert)都曾经使用过这首歌曲来当作插曲。"I Will Survive"这首1979年蝉连6周冠军白金曲,成为当时70年代Disco必备歌曲,法国世界杯足球队开赛歌选用此曲;最重要的是,此曲也被滚石评为100首最伟大的作品之一。而后女权团体与同性恋组织也纷纷的看上它,把它当作活动的主题曲,象征这些社会上的弱势族群争取自我权力的决心,甚至到现在很多的同志酒吧还有扮装皇后都纷纷的以这首歌当作表演曲,也由于沙漠妖姬的受欢迎,使得这首歌在首次发行十五年后又再度登上澳洲排行榜冠军宝座!At first I was afraid I was petrified 起初我很害怕,不知所措 Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side 一直在想:没有你在身边,我一定活不下去 But then I spent so many nights 但是后来,我花了很多个夜晚 Thinking how you did me wrong 思考你是如何辜负了我 And I grew strong 我变得坚强 And I learn how to get along 学会了独立 And so you"re back from outer space 然而,你从外头回到了这里 I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face 我走进来,发现了满脸愁容的你 I should have changed that stupid lock 我早该换门锁 I should have made you leave your key 我早该叫你把钥匙留下 If I"d known for just one second you"d be back to bother me 如果我早知道你会回来骚扰我的话 *Go on now, go walk out the door 走吧!滚到外面去 Just turn around now 请你转身离开 (Cos) You"re not welcome anymore 你已经不受欢迎 Weren"t you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye 你就是那个用分手来伤害我的家伙 Did I crumble 难道是我搞砸了? Did you think I"d lay down and die 你以为我会坐以待毙 Oh no, not I, I will survive 哦!不,我会活下去 Oh as long as I know how to love I know I"ll stay alive 一旦我学会如何去爱,我就能活下去 I"ve got all my life to live 我会用一生好好过日子 I"ve got all my love to give and I"ll survive 我会用全部的爱去奉献,我会活下去 I will survive 我会活下去 It took all the strength I had not to fall apart 我用尽全身的力气,不让自己崩溃 Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart 努力修补着我心碎的碎片 And I spent oh so many nights 我花了多少个夜晚 Just feeling sorry for myself 为自己感到难过 I used to cry but now I hold my head up high 我曾经哭泣,但现在的我昂首阔步 And you see me somebody new 你可以看到我已脱胎换骨 I"m not that chained up little person still in love with you 我已不是那个还爱着你而被束缚的卑微女子 And so you feel like dropping in 你说想来看我 And just expect me to be free 希望我有空见你 Now I"m saving all my loving for someone who"s loving me 如今,我已把全部的爱都留给那个爱我的人

“Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions ,only time will tell”中,tell的宾语从句?

他们是否能成为未来的奥运会冠军,这个只有时间能证明。(时间会证明一切。)tell vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, 断定, 知道vi. 讲述, 泄密, 告发, 表明, 作证n. 讲的事, 传闻tell 作为及物动词时,后面才有宾语或者宾语从句而这里的tell是作为不及物动词,后面不需要加东西,意思是 证明,表明。

He turned around,with a bewildered look on his face (with部分作是作什么成分?on his face是定语吗?

with a bewildered look on his face是伴随状语修饰前面的句子He turned around.on his face是方位状语表明a bewildered look在哪里。

He turned around,with a bewildered look on his face (with部分作是作什么成分?on his face是定语吗?

He主 turned around谓,with a bewildered look on his face状语(表示方式).with a bewildered look宾语 on his face宾补介词短语作宾补with+宾语+宾补:本结构一般作状语,也可作定语。

跪求类似西海岸团体那首Return of the tres感觉的歌曲


英语get burned in the roaster怎么翻译?

Get burned in the roaster在烤炉里被烧焦

matlab安装中Name、Company和Please enter your Personal License Password (PLP)填什么?


matlab7.0安装中Name、Company和Please enter your Personal License Password (PLP)填什么?跪求啊!


Our team uff3f the football game last Friday. A.beat


grammarly用不了,提示No document is open or your document could not be detected什么原因


Screw up my courage什么意思?

1、screw up courage 鼓起勇气,奋勇 2、screw的本意是“螺丝”的意思,但是这个screw up和螺丝关系可不大.这个screw up有两个意思.第一个是:把某物揉成一团,扭歪的意思.例:He screwed up the letter and throw it away他把信揉成一团然后扔了.第二个意思是:毁坏,弄糟.例:You have really managed to screw everything up this time.你这次真把一切都弄糟了!还有个特殊用法:screw up one"s courage意为:鼓起某人的勇气的意思.祝好运! 3、screw up To muster or summon up: 召集或号召: screwed up my courage. 鼓起我的勇气 Slang To make a mess of (an undertaking). 【俚语】 把(事业)弄糟 Slang To injure; damage: 【俚语】 伤害;破坏: Lifting those boxes really screwed up my back. 抬这些箱确实令我的背部受到损伤 Slang To make neurotic or anxious. 【俚语】 使心情烦乱或紧张 网上找来的,供参考.,2,鼓起我的勇气,2,screw up是外国文雅一点的粗口,指的是ruin,糟蹋 screw up my courage 就是指打击了我的自信心了,1,摧毁了我的勇气,1,Screw up my courage什么意思 Screw up my courage 确定点的 下边俩答案意思相反。汗


shining your life 闪亮的人生

func(int a,int b) {return a+b);} main() {int x=6,y=7,z; z=fun(fun(x++,y++),fun(--x,--y)); printf


piss 和 urinate有什么区别?

都有上厕所撒尿的意思,pee是小孩子说的 piss是俚语,市井说的 有文化一点人说urinate

urine pee pisd有什么区别?不要复制别人的谢谢!

urine, pee, piss 三个词都既是动词又是名词,作动词都有“解小便、撒尿”的意思,作名词都有“尿,小便”的意思。所不同的是,urine为正式用语,而其他二者是非正式用语。

int func(int x,int y ) { return(x+y) } main() {int a=1, b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5;


Don’t forget to turn ________the lights when you leave the office.

B 试题分析:本句的意思是“当你离开办公室时,不要忘了关灯。”turn off是“关掉”的意思。而turn on是“打开”,turn up是“调大”,turn in是“向内弯曲”“归还”等。所以本题选B。点评:本题是考查有关turn的短语,需要在熟练掌握turn短语的情况下,根据句意选择合适的词或短语。另外turn down是“调小”的意思。



求一首歌名,里面有句歌词turn on the lights的歌,英文歌,很欢快。。。

同求啊!!高潮部分是女声英文“turn on the lights”...前面有一句什么it"s too far ...it"s too ..@#$%

初中英语 关于get look give take try go in on at away up come mind make keep run turn的短语

GET:get across vi. 通过;使...被理解get after攻击;追击;训斥get along with与…和睦相处;取得进展get away with侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱get cold feet沮丧;临阵退缩get down to business开始做正事,着手干正事get going出发;开始;着手get hold of抓住;得到;把握get in touch with与…联系;和…接触get nowhere无进展;一事无成get off the ground v. 开始发行;飞起;(使)取得进展get on with vt. 在…获得成功,于…友好相处;继续干get out of the rain躲雨;知道保护自己;有心计get ready for为……做准备get rid of摆脱,除去get somewhere使有所成就;使有些结果get the ball rolling让球滚起来(动起手来);开始get up to达到;赶上,追上get wise to vt. 知道,了解;明白LOOK:look after目送;照顾;关心look ahead预测未来,计划未来look around到处察看;到处寻找;游览look back回顾;回头看look before you leap三思而后行look down upon vt. 看不起look forward (to)盼望;期待look into窥视;浏览;观察look over从…上面看;检查,察看;原谅look round观光;环顾;仔细察看look sb in the eye: 直视…;直视某人;注视look sb. in the eye: 正视, 打量(某人);正视/直视某人;正视, 打量(某人)look sb。 in the eye: 正视, 打量(某人)look the same看起来一样look through看穿,识破;浏览,温习;从…中显露look up to尊敬looking at a crowded street看着熙熙攘攘的街道;看着拥挤的大街Looking At Camera注视镜头looking down往下看TAKE:take a break休息一下take a chance vt. 冒险take a hand in干预,参与,插手;帮助take a hike走路;滚开;哪凉快那歇着去take a look看一下take a rain check改期take action采取行动;提出诉讼take away带走,拿走,取走take care of照顾;注意;抚养take charge掌管,负责;主持;不受控制take delight in乐于take it or leave it要么接受要么放弃;不容讨价还价take ones time: 不要着急,慢慢地做;不焦急,不慌忙take ones time doing sth: 从容不迫不慌不忙做某事And no ones gonna take that time away: 当时采取的第二天,没有走take over接收;接管take photos摄影;照相,拍照take position坐盘;抢占位置;采取某种态度take possession of占有;占领take things as they come pron. 既来之则安之;安于现状,对一切事情处之泰然GIVE:give a talk做报告;做演讲give and take平等交换;交换意见;互相迁就give back归还;反射;恢复give birth产仔;生孩子give expression to表达出give full play to充分发挥give full weigh分量准足give me a break让我休息一下Give me a hand帮我一下give oneself up自首give over停止;交出give rise to使发生,引起give short weight短斤缺两;克扣分量give the floor to给予发言权give way to给……让路COME:come about v. 发生;产生;改变方向come along with随同,和……一起来come back回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行come down下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落泊,失势come down on申斥;惩罚;索取come down with付钱;染上病come in handy迟早有用come into进入;得到come into effect开始生效;开始实施come off duty下班come off it住口;别吹牛了come out with说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场come through经历;安然度过;获得成功come to a conclusion告终;得出结论come to terms with达成协议;让步;屈服;妥协;甘心忍受come true实现,成真;成为现实come up to v. 等于;达到come up with赶上;提出;想出come up with sth想出某事GO:go [ɡəu] vi. 走;趋于;达到;运转n. 去;尝试;进行vt. 忍受;以…打赌;出产go around四处走动;供应;(消息)流传go into effect生效go without没有…也行going concern继续经营企业KEEP:keep an eye on v. 照看;留意;密切注视keep away不接近;防范keep back隐瞒;留下;阻止keep company with与…结交keep cool镇定自若;保持凉爽;保持冷静keep down v. 控制;镇压;缩减keep faith with对…守信用;忠于信仰keep from隐瞒;阻止;抑制keep in touch with与…保持联系keep on with坚持;跟上,赶上;继续(做某事)keep ones word: 守信誉keep out of置身于外keep right靠右;不准左转keep the house不出门,待在家里Keep Top Side Up请勿倒立(公共标志语)keep under v. 控制;压制keep upright勿倒置;竖放MAKE:make a deal with与…做生意,和…妥协make a mistake犯错误make a point of重视;强调;特别注意…make a wish欲望,企图;幻想make as if假装make certain弄确实;弄清楚make good成功;补偿;赔偿make headway取得进展;有进展make money赚钱make much of极为重视;充分利用;理解make no difficulties表示无异议;不留难make offers报价;主动提供帮助make out of由…制造;用…做原料;理解make over转让;移交;修改make provision for为…预先采取措施;为…作好准备make sure确信;证实make sure about弄清;弄确实make the best of充分利用;尽力而为;妥善处理make up for补偿,弥补TURN:turn [tə:n] vt. 转动,使旋转;转弯;兑换;翻过来vi. 转动;转向;转变n. 转弯;变化turn down拒绝;向下转折turn into v. 变成;进入turn left v. 向左转turn over把…翻过来;翻阅;发动;移交给;营业额达到;反复考虑turn the tables扭转局势;反败为胜turndown ["tə:ndaun] n. 拒绝;低落;翻领adj. 可翻下的;翻领的;衰退的;下降的turning radius转弯半径,回转半径;旋转半径不好意思,我只整理到这儿了

Laura Fygi的《I Belong》 歌词

歌曲名:I Belong歌手:Laura Fygi专辑:ChangeTyler Hilton - I BelongIt"s hard to say the time and place that I knewIt got hard to think of anything else but me and youYeah some may take for granted oh but I could not imagineHow the world still spinswhen the door opens and you walk into the roomWhen you"re near, there"s a sound, there"s a sense I can feelSomething I can"t explain but it"s real, yeah it"s realFrom the time I"m wakingThrough the days I"m facingTill the sleep I"m fakingI belong with youTill the stars start fallingTill the wind stops callingTill they lose their momentI belong, I belong with youFrom the bells that ring on (?) AvenueTo the parking lot where our hearts lockedAnd the stories all come trueI"m aware, yeah sparks fly by through the airAnd the night lights up everywhere "cause you"re thereFrom the time I"m wakingThrough the days I"m facingTill the sleep I"m fakingI belong with you.Till the stars start fallingTill the wind stops callingTill they lose their momentI belong, I belong with youI belong with youEverything I do just reminds me againLike a picture of you painted under my skinIf love is a mystery then my only clueIs some belong together like I do to youFrom the time I"m wakingThrough the days I"m facingTill the sleep I"m fakingI belong with youTill the stars start fallingTill the wind stops callingTill they lose their momentI belong, I belong with youI belong with youOh, I belong, I belong with you.http://music.baidu.com/song/1224676

Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to s...

小题1:Yes, it is.小题2:Wearing a smile and a good mood.小题3:No matter how happy you are, it"s normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while./There are happiness and sadness in our life.小题4:We can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one.小题5:Three. Social relationships, work or school and your attitude towards life.小题6:Any reasonable answer is ok. 试题分析:这篇短文告诉我们幸福是一种感觉。微笑会让你更迷人,好的心情给你希望。影响幸福有三个因素,社会关系、工作学习以及面对生活的态度。既然改变不了生活,那就让我们尽我们最大努力把坏的情况变成一个好的。小题1:句意:幸福是一种感觉,对吗?根据第一段第一句Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes.可知答案Yes, it is.。小题2:句意:什么使你更迷人,给你希望?据Wearing a smile makes you more charming(迷人的)and helps you to win lots of friends. A good mood(心情)always gives you hope.可知微笑让你更迷人,好心情给你希望。故答案是Wearing a smile and a good mood.小题3:句意:根据第三段,划线句子的意思是什么? Life is full of ups and downs.生活充满了浮沉。与 No matter how happy you are, it"s normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while./There are happiness and sadness in our life.此两句话意思相似。小题4:句意:当我们不能改变生活本身的时候,我们能做什么?据We can"t change the way life is, but we can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one.可知当我们不能改变生活本身的时候,We can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one.我们可以尽我们最大努力把坏的情况变成好的。小题5:句意:有多少种影响幸福的因素?它们是什么?由One of the biggest factors is social relationships. Another factor is work or school .A third factor is your attitude towards life.可知影响幸福的因素有三个Three。他们是Social relationships, work or school and your attitude towards life.小题6:句意:在每天的生活中你怎样让自己快乐?举一个例子。

please.connect.usb.cable.to your.computer.and.ope


pleace connetc usb cable to your computer and open hisuite是什么意思


三星s4do not disconnect usb cable during the software update充电,开机连接电脑都没反应 咋回事


手机显示英文please connect usb cable t0 y0ur

please connect usb cable to your请连接USB线到你的

三星手机碰水了disconnect USB cable during the 怎么办


这句话是什么语法呢?where in particular did you want to go ? 还有几句翻译 we operate several tours u

in particular是插入语吧,UP是顶多嘛,就是不超过成本嘛

手机出现do not disconnect usb cable during the software update 怎么回事?


三星手机出现Do not disconnect USB cableduring the software update怎么办

刷机 试一下刷机大师

三星9220手机截屏显示unable to capture sereen try again是这



首先会进入 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 并且设置权限为null和是否授权为false,然后进入 ProviderManager 查找支持 UsernamepasswordAuthenticationToken 的 provider 并且调用 provider.authenticate(authentication); 再然后就是 UserDetailsService 接口的实现类(也就是自己真正具体的业务了),这时候都检查过了后,就会回调 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 并且设置权限(具体业务所查出的权限)和设置授权为true(因为这时候确实所有关卡都检查过了)。 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter 可以发现继承了 AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter ,那我们就来看下此类 1、继承了父类,父类是个过滤器,所以肯定先执行 AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.doFilter() ,此方法首先判断当前的filter是否可以处理当前请求,不可以的话则交给下一个filter处理。 2、调用此抽象类的子类 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.attemptAuthentication(request, response) 方法做具体的操作。 3、最终认证成功后做一些成功后的 session 操作,比如将认证信息存到 session 等。 4、最终认证成功后的相关回调方法,主要将当前的认证信息放到 SecurityContextHolder 中并调用成功处理器做相应的操作。 1、父类的 authResult = attemptAuthentication(request, response); 触发了自类的方法。 2、此方法首先判断请求方式是不是POST提交,必须是POST 3、从请求中获取 username 和 password ,并做一些处理 4、封装 Authenticaiton 类的实现类 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken 5、调用 AuthenticationManager 的 authenticate 方法进行验证 1、怎么触发的? 2、 ProviderManager.authenticate(Authentication authentication); **3、此方法遍历所有的Providers,然后依次执行验证方法看是否支持 UsernamepasswordAuthenticationToken** 4、若有一个能够支持当前token,则直接交由此 provider 处理并break。 5、若没一个 provider 验证成功,则交由父类来尝试处理 1、怎么触发的? 2、 DaoAuthenticationProvider 3、继承了 AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider 4、 AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.authenticate() 首先调用了 user = this.retrieveUser(username, (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken)authentication); 5、调用我们自己的业务处理类 比如: 6、调用完 retrieveUser 方法继续回到抽象类的 authenticate 方法 7、首先做一些检查 8、调用 createSuccessAuthentication 方法进行授权成功 9、回到起点 进行session存储和成功后的处理器的调用等 只是简单说下类之间的调用顺序。 大功告成! 只需要一个html,一段配置,一个Service自己的业务类即可。 疑问: 1、接口login在哪定义的? 2、用户名 username 和密码 password 在哪接收的? 3、没有控制器怎么进入我们的 MyUserDetailsService 的方法? 解答: 1、 SpringSecurity 内置的,并且只能为 POST 2、名称不能变,必须是 username 和 password 3、自己看我上面的源码分析

Authentication failure怎么解决

ubuntu的root用户默认是禁止的,需要手动打开才行 事实上ubuntu下的所有操作都用不到root用户,由于sudo的合理使用,避免了root用户下误操作而产生的毁灭性问题 root账号启用方法(其实我个人认为这没有多大必要):执行下面的操作:1.先解除root锁定,为root用户设置密码打开终端输入:sudo passwdPassword: <--- 输入你当前用户的密码Enter new UNIX password: <--- 新的Root用户密码Retype new UNIX password: <--- 重复新的Root用户密码passwd:已成功更新密码2、更改登陆,允许root登录打开 系统>系统管理>登录窗口)点“安全”选项页,选择“允许本地管理员登录”。3、注销当前用户,以root登陆如果要再次禁用 root 帐号,那么可以执行 sudo passwd -l root。
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