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罪恶王冠my dearest 和Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~中文谐音


请帮忙说下wealth, treasure, fortune三个词的区别



不是,只不过长得像而已fortune 运气,财富future 未来

英语作文What to Do When Your Parents are Disappointed with You

According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English,frustration,by definition,means the feeling of being upset or annoyed,especially because of inability to change or achieve something.Since frustration seems to be a negative feeling,some people may be tempted to think that frustration is bad for people.They believe that constant frustration may cause serious mental problems.People suffering from such psychological problems often resort to violence or suicide,which poses a big threat to the people around them and thus causes instability to the whole society.

imagine going to your doctor with

Imagine going to your doctor with frequent headaches.Your doctor takes a prescription pad and writes a word on it.The word isn"t “aspirin”,it"s “Mozart”. The idea isn"t so far-fetched(牵强附会的).Many kinds of music can stir(激发)the imagination and produce strong feeling.Scientists have found Mozart"s music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners. Many amazing cases have been known using Mozart as a healing aid.For example, a tiny newly-born baby named Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support.Doctors thought she had little chance of survival.Her mother insisted on playing Mozart for Krissy, and thought it could save her daughter"s life.Krissy lived, but she was very small for her age and slower than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an interest in music and her parents gave her violin lessons.To their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from memory, which was far beyond the ability of an average four-year-old child.Playing music helped her improve in all areas of her life. And there are other stories.Officials in Washington State report that new arrivals from Asia learn English more quickly when they listen to Mozart.Even animals respond to Mozart.In France, cows listening to Mozart give more milk. Why Mozart, rather than Bach or the Beatles﹖ Any kind of music can have an effect on some people.But Mozart has more balance.It isn"t too fast or too slow; it"s just right.Don Campbell, who wrote a book called The Mozart Effect, says, “It"s like food.A hot spicy meal will affect you more differently than a sweet dessert. And while you might love these foods, they aren"t good for you to eat every day.You need simple nutritious(营养的)food on a steady basis.That"s the way Mozart is.It"s like a nutritionally balanced meal that does good to your body.”72.Scientists find Mozart"s music has a special effect on ____.A. stirring people"s imagination B. curing certain illnesses C. increasing the growth of a newlyborn baby D. calming its listeners 73.From the third paragraph, we can conclude that Krissy ___ if she had not listened to Mozart. A. would not have played the violin B. would have died C. would have stayed in hospital longer D. would have stopped growth74.Which of the following statements is TRUE﹖A. Mozart was also a good doctor.B. When she was four, Krissy was a very normal child in all aspects.C. Even cows can enjoy the music of Mozart.D. Music has an effect both on people and on animals.75.The underlined phrase “respond to” in Paragraph 4 means “____”.A. write to B. call on C. resort to D. react to72-75:DBDD



求首歌有句歌词好像是the colour shine for you,不知歌名叫什么.

Coldplay - Yellowhttp://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=Coldplay%20%2D%20Yellow&t=2look at the stars,look how they shine for you,



Threshold resources什么意思!谢谢 急!!!!!!


threshold pressure是什么意思

threshold pressure 阈限压力

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.怎么翻译




By accidenton purposey chance有什么区别?


Syd Lawrence & His Orchestra的《Our Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Our Love歌手:Syd Lawrence & His Orchestra专辑:UnforgettableSophie Zelmani - Our LoveTo leave somebody like you made me crazySometimes you don"t wanna know what hearts can doTo leave you was the way to get happyTo leave your love was what I had to doI know that some places some moments will throw light upon our facesBut there will be no time I wish I had no scarAnd those little hands were holding togetherThat"s our loveThat"s our loveThat"s our loveTo save her from you was a thought too hard to imagineAnd I understand that some feelings really are goneBut maybe you can feel it when we are huggingThat is something he"s left I wouldn"t mind to stay strongAnd we"ve got a heart that won"t ever leave us brokenThat"s our loveThat"s our heartThat"s our loveThat"s our loveThat"s our loveThat"s our loveThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2724970



以Our Community为题写一篇英语作文

I live in a harmonious community. My home is a beautiful house. There are a lot of people in my community. The word "community" has three meanings. The first meaning is blood community, the second meaning is geopolitical community, and the third meaning is called the spiritual community. Whichever meaning it is, our community is very harmonious. And my neighbors are very friendly to me.

英语中neighbourhood 和 community怎样使用,意思差不多呀

邻里关系 社区

初一英语作文our community带翻译

Our CommunityI live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community.I love living in this community. Welcome to our community.翻译: 我们的社区我生活在一个美丽又安静的社区。我的家是一个公寓在第三楼住我的家庭。有3间卧室,一个客厅,一个厨房,一个餐厅在我的家里。有许多人生活在我的社区。我们的社区是非常干净和整洁。我的邻居非常友好和乐于助人。和我们社区有许多漂亮的花和树。我喜欢住在这个社区。欢迎到我们的社区。

forum与bbs的区别, buy与purchase的区别

forumKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 古罗马城镇的广场2. 公开讨论的场所;讨论会[(+for)]They are holding a forum on juvenile delinquency.他们正举行一个有关青少年犯罪的讨论会。BBSabbr.1. =Bulletin Board System 电子布告栏系统buyKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 买,购买[O1][O8]Mother bought me a pair of jeans.母亲给我买了一条牛仔裤。I bought my house cheap.我这房子买得便宜。2. 【俚】接受;同意;相信If you say it"s true, I"ll buy it.如果你说是真的,我就接受下来。3. (以一定代价)获得We won"t buy peace with our freedom.我们不会用自由换取和平。4. (用贿赂等)收买vi.1. 买They usually buy with credit cards.他们通常用信用卡购物。n.[S]1. 购买2. (可)买得的东西;便宜货It"s a good buy.买得真便宜。purchaseKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 买,购买He purchased this stamp at an auction.他在拍卖会中购得这枚邮票。2. 赢得,获得,努力取得We treasure this dearly purchased victory.我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利。3. 用起重装置举起(或移动)n.1. 买,购买[U][C]He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano.他工作了一整个夏天,为的是存钱买架钢琴。2. 所购之物[C]He filled the car with his purchases.他把买的东西装满车子。3. 紧抓,紧系He got a purchase on a branch until we came to his rescue.他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救下来。4. (地产的)年租,年收益5. 起重装置

游戏error during 3d initalisetion. shutting down怎么解决

翻译过来是 游戏中的3D initalisetion错误。关闭 这个问题是游戏中的配置和电脑的显卡配置驱动不同,无法正常启动,把显卡硬件换一下,匹配一下所有数据,在更新显卡

but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.句子成分分析请教?

主语he 谓语has never managed 宾语是后面的动词不定式to get… repaired。

managed to survive是一个短语吗?

manage to:设法;达成[网络] 设法做到manage to do:挣扎做某事;设法完成某事[网络] 设法做;设法做成manage to survive:设法生存例:The creatures on the ocean floor manage to survive without sunlight and get energy from other sources.生活在大洋底部的生物必须在没有阳光的情况下生存,并且能利用其他能源。

our community英语作文

你好: Our Community I live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community. I love living in this community. Welcome to our community. 希望对您有帮助! 满意请采纳!

odourless wild fish oil 是饭后吃吗?


澳洲swisse odourless wild fish oil深海鱼油的说明书、禁忌

澳洲swisse深海鱼油是一款非常热销的产品,这款产品不仅能预防动脉硬化,还能有效预防心脏病,很多老年人都会购买。不过澳洲swisse深海鱼油也不是任何人都能吃的,很多人不了解其禁忌,那么下面来给大家说一说澳洲swisse odourless wild fish oil深海鱼油的说明书以及swisse深海鱼油的禁忌吧。swisse深海鱼油说明书: 1、主要成分:DHA和EPA。 2、适用人群:适用于成人,包括血栓患者、动脉硬化患者、关节炎患者、视力衰退着、心脏病患者以及三高人群等。 3、用法用量:日常保健每天服用1粒即可;支持心血管健康需每天服用2粒;支持眼部健康需要每天服用3粒;支持情绪健康需要每次服用3粒,每天2次;一般随餐或餐后服用,建议患病者遵从医生的意见进行服用。 4、注意事项:注意不要过量服用swisse深海鱼油,避免增加肝脏负担或出现其他副作用;服用swisse深海鱼油两小时以内最好是不要服用其他的药物,避免产生不良影响。 5、禁忌:处于妊娠期、哺乳期、经常服药以及面临手术等人群慎用swisse深海鱼油,服用前最好咨询医生;有出血性疾病以及有出血倾向的人禁止服用swisse深海鱼油;注意swisse深海鱼油不能替代药品治疗疾病。

I want to copy one me to put in your eyes,your heart and your life





return 跟new没有什么直接的关系只是你的方法需要返回值,return new ..()就是临时产生一个对象返回回去


不能neighbourhood 范围比较小,一般情况下指邻里关系,Community 范围要比neighbourhood 要大,一般译为社区。指一个比较大的团体,或者组织。譬如华人社区。、表达含义不同region可以表示(界限不明的)地区,区域,地方;行政区;(一国除首都以外的)全部地区,所有区域。community指社区;社会;团体;社团;界;共享;共有。neighbourhood则表示街区;城区;(统称)某街区(或城区)的居民;所在地;邻近的地方。2、表示范围不同作为地区、社区等区域表达时,region表示的区域范围最大,比如the Arctic/tropical/desert, etc. regions 北极、热带、沙漠等地区;regions of North America 北美地区。而community和neighbourhood表达的区域范围较小,都可以指(同住一地的人所构成的)居住区,通常来说,范围大小为region>community>neighbourhood,但neighbourhood指城区时表示的区域范围会广于community。3、发音不同region读音为/u02c8riu02d0du0292u0259n/,community读音为/ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu0259ti/,neighbourhood的发音为/u02c8neu026abu0259hu028ad/。

our stay可数吗?




求类似THE CURE 风格的乐队

他们是后朋…绝对后朋…placebo 刚出道也是后朋…九寸钉和black kids 受他们影响挺多…他们只是穿得像哥特

用英语怎样用时间表路程,比如 two hours drive away,两小时的路程呢,2天的火车

给你举个例子, 两小时车程 two hours" by car其他的以此类推,会了吗?

My Love Is Your Love 歌词

歌曲名:My Love Is Your Love歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:The Essential Whitney HoustonMy love is your loveWhitney Houston(clap your hands, yall its alright)If tomorrow is judgement day (sing mommy)And I"m standin" on the front lineAnd the Lord ask me what I did w my lifeI will say I spent it withyouIf I wake upin WW 3I see destruction and povertyAnd I feel like I want to go homeIt"s okay if youcommin" with meCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold usCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold usIf I lose my fame and fortuneAnd I"m homeless on the streetAnd I"m sleepin" in Grand Central StationIt"s okay if you"re sleepin" with meAs the years they pass us bywe stay young through eachother"s eyesAnd no matter how old we getIt"s okay as long as I got you babeCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold usCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold usIf I should die this very dayDon"t cry, cause on earth we wasn"t meant to stayAnd no matter what people sayI"ll be waiting for you after jusdement dayCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold usCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold usCause your love is my loveand my love is your loveIt would take an eternity to break usAnd the chains of Amistad couln"t hold ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/12308239

蕾哈娜有一首歌里的歌词是your love is my love. my love is your love,是什么歌

You Da One.

帮忙翻译how deep is your love


All I wanna do is love your body 的歌词的歌名是什么


my love is your love什么意思?


英文歌曲how deep is your love的歌词中有哪些词组,语法,

1 in the morning 在早晨 2 feel you touch me :Feel *** do 3 in the pouring rain :in the rain 4 the moment that you wander far from me :that引导的同位语从句,短语far from 5 i n my arms :in one"s arm在某人怀抱里 6 e to *** :超某人走来 7 Keep me warm :keep加形容词,使谁保持一个状态 8 its me you need to show:这是个定语从句,省略that,you是先行词,有短语:need to do 9 cause were living in a world of fools:省略句,省掉We.a world of ,live in 10 When they all should let us be:when引导时间状语从句,let *** do 11 belong to :属于 12 I believe in you:believe in信任 13 How deep is your love:how引导的感叹句 14 door to my very soul:door to,very这里是强调句式,强调soul 15 I care for you:care for 在意 I know your eyes in the morning sun 在清晨的阳光里,我读懂你的眼睛 I feel you touch me in the pouring rain 倾盆大雨里,我感受你的爱抚 And the moment that you wander far from me 而在你从我身边迷途走失的时刻 I wanna feel you in my arms again 我想再次在怀抱中感受到你 And you e to me on a summer breeze 你走向我,恰似夏日凉风 Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave 用爱温暖我,而后悄悄离去 And its me you need to show 正是我,需要你来表达出: Chorus: How deep is your love 你的爱有多深 I really need to learn 我的确需要明白 cause were living in a world of fools 因为我们生活在一个愚人世界里 Breaking us down 我们不再坚持 When they all should let us be 当所有人都该让我们随心所欲的时候 We belong to you and me 我们这个字只属于我和你 I believe in you 我坚信你 You know the door to my very soul 你知道通往我灵魂深处的大门 Youre the light in my deepest darkest hour 你是我人生黑暗时刻的光明 Youre my saviour when I fall 你是我沉沦时刻的救世主 And you may not think 或许你不觉得 I care for you 我很紧张你 When you know down inside 其实从内心深处你该知道 That I really do 我是认真的 And its me you need to show 正是我,需要你来表达出



copy me on your email是什么意思啊?求解答

发邮件的时候抄送给我copy list 是抄送

要your love is my drug歌词

Maybe I need some rehab, or maybe just need some sleep也许我需要一些康复 或者,也许只是需要一些睡眠 I"ve got a sick obsession, I"m seeing it in my dreams我得到一个生病的困扰 I"m looking down every alley, I"m making those desperate calls我看到它在我的梦想 Im staying up all night hoping, Hit my head against the walls我期待下每条巷弄 What you"ve got boy is hard to find我使我们绝望的"事业 Think about it all about it all the time我熬夜希望 I"m all strung up my heart is fried撞墙,我的头 I just cant get you off my mind我只是不能让你远离我的脑海里Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 Won"t listen to any advice, mamma"s telling me to think twice不会听任何意见 妈妈在告诉我,我应该三思 But left to my own devices i"m addicted its a crisis!但是,爱我自己的设备 我上瘾,这是一个危机 My friends think I"ve gone crazy, my judgment is getting kinda hazy我的朋友都认为我疯了 My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead我的判断得到有点儿朦胧What you"ve got boy is hard to find你有什么孩子很难找到 Think about it all about it all the time我想到这一切的时候 I"m all strung up my heart is fried我所有的精神不振,我的心是油炸 Kesha Your Love Is My Drug lyrics found on 我不能让你把我的心 I just cant get you off my mind我只是不能让你远离我的脑海里Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物 Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I don"t care what people say我不在乎别人怎么说 The rush is worth the price I pay这个仓促是值得我付出的代价 I get so high when you"re with me我得到这么高的时候你我一样 But crash and crave you when you are away但是,崩溃和渴望,当你离开So I got a question;嘿,我得问题 Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?你想在我的地下室沉睡党? Do I make your heart beat like a native drum?我让你的心脏跳动像一个808鼓? Is my love, your drug?我的爱你的药? (huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug?您的药物,嗯您的药物 Is my love, your drug?是我的爱,你的药物Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你爱你爱你的爱 I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love (x2)你爱你爱你的爱Heyyy heyyy you love, your love, (whispered) is my drug 你爱你爱你的爱,是我的毒品



keha -your love is my drug歌曲链接,空间可以放的!!跪求~~

keha 《your love is my drug》已发送到你的 页面右上角百度私信和hi 信息请注意查收,如未收到,请留下邮箱!为保证永久可用,请及时采纳!请记得用你的小鼠标点一下赞同!【我本军团】

求一首QQ飞车里面的说唱歌曲名字,女生唱的,欧美,(不是Your love is my drug)


有一首英文歌里面有My love is your love your love is my love 是一位女歌手唱的 英文歌

Artist:Ke$ha Song:Your Love Is My Drug英文歌词 Maybe I need some rehab, or maybe just need some sleep I"ve got a sick obsession, I"m seeing it in my dreams I"m looking down every alley, I"m making those desperate calls Im staying up all night hoping, Hit my head against the walls What you"ve got boy is hard to find Think about it all about it all the time I"m all strung up my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind Because your love,your love,your love,is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love,your love,your love,is my drug Your love your love your love Won"t listen to any advice, mamma"s telling me to think twice But left to my own devices i"m addicted its a crisis! My friends think I"ve gone crazy, my judgment is getting kinda hazy My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead What you"ve got boy is hard to find Think about it all about it all the time I"m all strung up my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind Because your love,your love,your love,is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love,your love,your love,is my drug Your love your love your love I don"t care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you"re with me But crash and crave you when you are away So I got a question; Do you want to have a summer party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like a native drum? Is my love,your drug? (huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug? Is my love,your drug? Because your love,your love,your love,is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love,your love,your love,is my drug Your love your love your love (x2) Heyyy heyyy you love,your love, (whispered) is my drug

your love is my drug什么意思


your love is my drug歌词翻译

我可能需要一些康复 或者只是需要一些睡眠 我有个恶心的想法 一直在我的梦里出现我期待每条巷弄不顾一切的拨打电话我每天晚上都不睡觉就为了等你的电话孩子,你拥有的东西,很难得一见 我日日夜夜的想著(你拥有的东西)我整个人是精神不振,我心被炸 我就是不停的想念你因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱不听从任何意见 妈妈总告诉我,我应该三思 但每当我看到我自己的策略 我就像遇见危机似的,上瘾了 我的朋友都认为我疯了 我的判断变得有点朦胧 我的空间会被影响如果我继续保留了像一个想念爱情的白痴孩子,你拥有的东西,很难得一见 我日日夜夜的想著(你拥有的东西)我整个人是精神不振,我心被炸 我就是不停的想念你因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱我不在乎别人怎么说 这个仓促是值得我付出的代价 你在我身边时我总是很兴奋 但崩溃和渴望出现正是你离开的时候 所以我有个问题 你想不想在我的地下室办个夏日派对我会让你的心跳像打鼓样吗?我的爱是你的毒品吗你的毒品,你的毒品我的爱是你的毒品吗因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱 我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的毒品你的爱你的爱你的爱

Ke$ha的歌《Your Love is My Drug》中英歌词

Maybe I need some rehab Or maybe just need some sleep I got a sick obsession I"m seeing it in my dreams I"m looking down every alley I"m making us desperate "cause I"m staying up all night hoping Hitting my head against the wall What you got boy is hard to find I think about it all the time I"m all strung out" my heart is fried I just can"t get you off my mind Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Won"t listen to any advice Momma"s telling me I should think twice But love to my own devices I"m addicted" it"s a crisis My friends think I"ve gone crazy My judgements getting kinda hazy My esteem is gonna be affected If I keep it up like a lovesick crack-head What you got boy is hard to find I think about it all the time I"m all strung out" my heart is fried I just can"t get you off my mind Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I don"t care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you"re with me But crash and crave you when you leave Hey" so I gotta question Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum? Is my love" uh your drug? Your drug" uh your drug Uh your drug is my love" your drug Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love I said your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Hey...Hey... So? Your love your love your love" is my drug (spoken) "I like your beard"

Your Love Is My Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Your Love Is My Drug歌手:Ke$ha专辑:AnimalYour Love Is My DrugKe$haMaybe i need some rehabOr maybe just need some sleepI got a sick obsessionIm seein it in my dreamsIm lookin down every alleyIm makin those desperate callsIm stayin up all night hopen in my eyeWhat you got boy, is hard to findI think about it all the timeIm all strung out my heart is friedI just cant get you off my mind!Because your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveWont listen to any adviceMummas tellin me i should think twiceBut look into my own devices, im addicted its a crisisMy friends think ive gone crazyMy judgements gettin kinda hazyMyspace is gonna be affected if i keep it up like a love sick crack headWhat you got boy, is hard to findI think about it all the timeIm all strung out my heart is friedI just cant get you off my mind!Because your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveI dont care what people sayThe rush is worth the price i payI get so high when your with meBut crash and crave you when you leaveHey, so i got a questionDo you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?Do i make your heart beat like an 808 drumIs my love your drug? your drug?Hi, your drug?Hi, your drug?Is my love your drug?Because your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveBecause your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveYour love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveHey, heyy, soooYou love, your love your love, is my drughttp://music.baidu.com/song/585887

歌词my love is your love you love is my是什么歌

my love

Your Love Is My Drug 歌词

歌曲名:Your Love Is My Drug歌手:Kesha专辑:Absolute Dance Summer 2010Kesha - Your Love Is My DrugMaybe I need some rehabOr maybe just need some sleepI got a sick obsessionI"m seeing it in my dreamsI"m looking down every alleyI"m making us desperate "causeI"m staying up all night hopingHitting my head against the wallWhat you got boy is hard to findI think about it all the timeI"m all strung out, my heart is friedI just can"t get you off my mindBecause your love your love your love is my drugYour love your love your loveI said your love your love your love is my drugWon"t listen to any adviceMomma"s telling me I should think twiceBut love to my own devicesI"m addicted, it"s a crisisMy friends think I"ve gone crazyMy judgements getting kinda hazyMy esteem is gonna be affectedIf I keep it up like a lovesick crack-headI don"t care what people sayThe rush is worth the price I payI get so high when you"re with meBut crash and crave you when you leaveHey, so I gotta questionDo you wanna have a slumber party in my basement?Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum?Is my love, uh your drug?Your drug, uh your drugUh your drug is my love, your drugHey...Hey...So?Your love your love your love, is my drug(spoken) "I like your beard"http://music.baidu.com/song/59836497

kesha 的your love is my drug 歌词

Maybe I need some rehab也许我需要一些康复or maybe just need some sleep或者,也许只是需要一些睡眠 I"ve got a sick obsession,我得到一个生病的困扰I"m seeing it in my dreams我看到它在我的梦想I"m looking down every alley, 我期待每条巷弄I"m making those desperate calls我使我们绝望的"事业Im staying up all night hoping,我熬夜希望 Hit my head against the walls我的头撞着墙What you"ve got boy is hard to find孩子你得到的东西很难找到Think about it all about it all the time我想到这一切的时候I"m all strung up my heart is fried我所有的精神不振,我的心煎熬着I just cant get you off my mind我无法把你从我心中抹去Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……Won"t listen to any advice, 不会听任何意见mamma"s telling me to think twice妈妈在告诉我,我应该三思But left to my own devices但在我自己的头脑中i"m addicted its a crisis我上瘾,这是一个危机My friends think I"ve gone crazy, 我的朋友都认为我疯了my judgment is getting kinda hazy我的判断是越来越有点朦胧My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead我的自尊会受影响 ,如果我仍像一个生病的瘾君子What you"ve got boy is hard to find孩子你得到的东西很难找到Think about it all about it all the time我想到这一切的时候I"m all strung up my heart is fried我所有的精神不振,我的心煎熬着I just cant get you off my mind我无法把你从我心中抹去Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I don"t care what people say我不在乎别人说什么The rush is worth the price I pay这个仓促是值得我付出的代价I get so high when you"re with me当你和我在一起时我变得很兴奋But crash and crave you when you are away当你离开,我很崩溃但渴望和你在一起,So I got a question因此,我有个问题Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?你想在我的地下室来个聚会吗?Do I make your heart beat like a native drum?我是不是让你太紧张了?Is my love, your drug?我的爱是你的药物吗?(huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug?你的药物?你的药物?你的药物?Is my love, your drug?我的爱是你的药物吗?Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你的爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug因为你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug我说你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物Your love your love your love你的爱你的爱你的爱……Hey hey so you love, your love, is my drug嘿 嘿 因此你的爱你爱你的爱是我的药物

Your Love Is My Drug中文翻译


your love is my drug 什么意思


求翻译啊啊~The dominant American culture is English-speaking,




This is not typical of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language.

【答案】:B题意:在英语里这并不典型,但却是汉语的一个特色。句中typical意为:典型的,特有的。A项particular意为:特别的,详细的;例句:Each mineral.has crystals of a particular shape.每种矿物的晶体都有其特殊的形状。B项characteristic意为:典型的,特有的;例句:Feathers are a characteristic specific to birds.羽毛是鸟类特有的。C项remarkable意为:卓越的,非凡的;例句:Her tactfulness is a remarkable gift.她的机敏是一种非凡的天赋。D项idiomatic意为:惯用的,符合语言习惯的;例句:Did I make another Idiomatic mistake?我是不是又犯了什么俗语的错误?故本题选B。

four forty frog读音相同吗?

只能说f的发音是相同的,其他的就不好说了aqui te amo。

operation 和surgery有什么区别

第一个 进行手术 还有 机械上的 操作第二个 外科的意思 你一进院 有内科 medicine 外科 surgery





fourteen 和 forty的发音区别

前面teen 中的ee 发长音ty 发短音就可以了




surgery 是 外科手术 operation 是 手术的统称,而且还有别的很多意思


"Forty" 是表示数字 40 的正确拼写,而 "Fourty" 是错误的拼写。正确的拼写是 "forty",其中的 "o" 在音标中发音为 /u0254/,类似于 "aw" 的音。这种拼写规则也适用于类似的单词,如 "forty-one"(41)、"forty-two"(42)等等。"Fourty" 是一种常见的拼写错误,可能是因为拼写时混淆了其他类似的单词,如 "four"(四)和 "fifty"(五十)。但实际上,表示数字 40 的正确拼写是 "forty",没有 "u" 这个字母。所以,如果你要写数字 40,正确的拼写是 "forty",希望这能帮到你!




fourty是英文单词forty的一种错误写法,forty一词中包含了four的省略形式for,即u被省略了 。 它原本想要表达的中文意思应该是有四十,四十的,四十个的这三种意思。 基数词变化规律如下所示 1、1至10无规律可循:one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten; 2、11至19:eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、nineteen; 3、从20至99:整数的几十中除了twenty(二十)、thirty(三十)、forty(四十)、fifty(五十)、eighty(八十)为特殊形式外,sixty(六十)、seventy(七十)、ninety(九十)都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。 forty什么意思 “forty”数字名词,意思是“40”。 例如“He looks about forty years old.”“他看起来四十岁左右”。 固定搭配,“the forties(四十年代)”。 例如“The place was built as a temple in the forties.”“这个地方在四十年代建成了一个寺庙”。 “be in your forties(在你四十岁的时候)”。 例如“You may change your mind in your forties”“你可能在你四十岁的时候改变主意”。

procedure formality有何区别

procedure formality都有“手续”的意思,当它们都表达“手续”之意时,在语义上有细微的差别:前者主要有步骤的意思,强调的是步骤,而后者是真正意义上的手续。The chairman was quite familiar with the procedure for conducting a meeting.主席对开会的程序(顺序)很熟悉.It"s a formality that we have to go through.这是我们必须办理的手续.

创建存储过程是Alter和Create Procedure的区别

create 是建立时用的关键字,procedure建立好了,如果想修改的就要用到关键字,alter 了,





procedure program不是都是程序吗?有什么区别?谢谢




mysql procedure怎么用

你创建一个存储过程C先执行存储过程A,并得到返回值再判断返回值执行存储过程B例如:mysql> d //mysql> create procedure test(v_name char(20),out v_id int) -> BEGIN -> SELECT id into v_id from t1 WHERE name=v_name; -> END; -> //mysql> create procedure test1(v_id int,out v_name char(20)) -> BEGIN -> SELECT name into v_name from t2 where id=v_id; -> END; -> //mysql> create procedure test2(inout v_name char(20)) -> BEGIN -> DECLARE v_id int; -> CALL test(v_name,v_id); -> CALL test1(v_id,v_name); -> END; -> //mysql> set @aa="xx‘//Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> call test2(@aa) //Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)mysql> select @aa//+------+| @aa |+------+| x2 |+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql 怎么创建procedure

其实也很简单的,直接给你一个例子,你依照着实现 一个,然后再自己拓展就行了。mysql代码:DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insertInfo $$CREATE PROCEDURE insertInfo () BEGIN -- 插入数据表 insert into test (name) value ("admin") ; END$$DELIMITER ;最后调用:call insertInfo();

oracle 调用包里的PROCEDURE

oracle不支持带参数视图,但你的包已经有设参数和传参数的方法了,那你从视图里拿数据就调用包的设参数的方法就可以了.select * from view_student1 where PKG_REPORT.SET_VALUE( "2012-12-20") = "2012-12-20"这样当执行上SQL的时候SET_VALUE方法会把参数传进去,然后你的视图通过GET_VALUE方法获得参数.





mysql中create procedure myproc什么意思

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