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super junior 13名成员的生日花和花语

终于给你找全了,以前我怎么没想到这个,仔细看看,每个人都很符合星座的特点呢,花语说得也很准哦1.天使-李特生日:1983年7月1日巨蟹座(Cancer)生日花:西洋龙芽草 花语:撒娇西洋龙芽草是开杏黄色花朵的植物,果实外表覆有一层绒毛。凡是经过的人或动物,都会沾到它的种子,并藉此广布到各处。它的繁殖方式就是依赖他人,因此它的花语是“撒娇”。受到这种花语祝福而生的人,依赖性特别强,而且缺乏自信。不过,喜欢这种性格的异性朋友倒是不少,看来“撒娇”果然是情场上致胜的武器。 诞生石:红宝石 红宝石的历史比钻石更为古老。在古印度,因为它纯红的色泽,所以当时的人相信红宝石中,一定燃烧着永不熄灭的火苗。 在古埃及,它是王者至尊的象征。中世纪的欧洲,红宝石被视为神灵慈悲的宝石。由于红宝石血红的色泽宛如“鸽血”,所以它这样的红色被俗称为“鸽血”。人们相信红宝石具有消除对爱猜疑和嫉妒心的能力,所以它也被认定是爱情的守护石。2.公主-希澈生日:1983年7月10日 巨蟹座(Cancer)生日花:金鱼草(Snapdragon)花 语:伪装(Mimicry) 这种植物在日本的神户时代因为花朵形状像金鱼,所以被人们取名为金鱼草。在欧洲则因为这种植物长得很像狮子或拳狮狗,而有不同的称呼。因此它的花语是 -伪装。 这一天出生的人基本上是一个不容易被了解的人,浑身上下充满一股谜样的气质。不过,故弄玄虚也要看对象,一旦爱恋的人出现,赶快表明自己的心意吧!3.地主-韩庚生日:1984年2月9日 星座:双鱼座(Pisces)生日花:黄水仙(Daffodil) 花语:敬爱(Respect) 在英国诗人华滋华斯的笔下,它是象徵着敬爱。因此它的花语就是-敬爱。 受到这种花祝福而生的人,非常活跃而且有时也会引起反弹。恋爱则属於陷入型,因此失恋时的失落感也比一般人大,要特别注意哦! 4.茄子-强仁生日:1985年1月17日星座:摩羯座(Capricornus)生日花:银莲花(Garden Star Anemone) 花语:期待(Expectation) 银莲花的希腊语是风的意思。银莲花的高度从十到二十公分左右,是一年生的草本植物。开花时节,可爱的花朵迎风摇摆,就像在引颈期盼着什麽似的,所以它的花语是-期待。 凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人,浪漫、爱梦想。不过,也得明白现实不是那麽美好哦! 5.票子-始源生日:1987年2月10日星座:水瓶座(Aquarius)生日花:丁香花(Mezereon) 花语:光辉(Bright) 丁香花拥有天国之花的光荣外号,也许是因为它高贵的香味,自古就倍受珍视。因此丁香花的花语,也是配得上天国之花外号的光辉。 受到这种花祝福而生的人,受天神所祝福,有光辉的人生。由於太聪明,而有喜欢走捷径的毛病。希望在追求的过程中,别忘了最终的目的。 6.海宝-东海生日:1986年10月15日星座:天秤座(Libra)生日花:香矢车菊(Sweet Sultan)花语:朴素(Simplicity)香矢车菊是被选来献给托钵修道会的改革者-圣泰勒沙,所谓的托钵修道会是一个里面所属的修士或修女们,都一定要将鞋子舍去,过着赤足生活的修道会。因此,香矢车菊的花语是-朴实。受到这种花祝福而生的人,心灵洁净,不被外界诱惑,单单纯纯的过着合乎人生本质的生活。如果能寻到一个和你有一致想法的人,就可拥有细致的爱情。7.包子-基范生日:1987年8月21日星座:狮子座(Leo)生日花:猫尾草(Timothy Grass)花 语:恩惠(Favor) 猫尾草的原产地广泛分布在欧亚大陆,欧亚地区可以说是游牧民族的故乡。这种适合做为家畜饲料的猫尾草,对游牧民族来说,简直就是上天赐与的恩惠。因此它的花语就是-恩惠。 凡是受到这种花祝福而诞生的人,很关心家人和朋友,人缘很不错。只是在感 情方面,太急於表达心意的模式,往往会错失良机,必须特别留意啊!8.兔子-晟敏生日:1986年1月1日星座:摩羯座(Capricornus)生日花:绣球花(Laurustinus) 花语:希望(Hope) 原产在地中海的绣球花,一向以在严冬开花的常绿树而闻名於世。寒冬时,乍见粉红色的花蕾和白色的花朵,似乎在告诉人们春天的脚步近了。因此绣球花的花语就是-希望。 受到这满花祝福而生的人,极富忍耐力和包容力。他会带给许多人希望,自己的人生也非常的丰富。 9.猴子-银赫生日:1986年4月4日星座:白羊座(Aries)生日花:帝王贝母(Crown Imperial Fritillary)花 语:忍耐(Perseverance) 帝王贝母是被信徒和徒弟们私下称为「校长」的六世纪塞维尔主教-伊西德尔的代表花。这位主教一定非常热心教育,而对教育工作者而言,最重要的资质就是忍耐。因此,帝王贝母的花语就是-忍耐。 凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人,也是忍耐功夫很强的人,天生适合教育工作。当然,也会有耐心的,把恋人教育成适合自己的类型。难怪大家常说"银赫老师"10.大云-艺声生日:1984年8月24日星座:处女座(Virgo)生日花:向日葵(Sunflower)花 语:太阳(The Sun) 向日葵具有向光性,人们称它为「太阳花」,随太阳回绕的花。在古代的印加帝国,它是太阳神的象徵。因此向日葵的花语就是-太阳。 受到这种花祝福而诞生的人,具有一颗如太阳般明朗、快乐的心。他是许多人倾慕、仰赖的对象,也因此他始终无法安定下来,并认真的接受一份感情,具有晚婚的倾向。11.小萌-丽旭生日:1987年6月21日星座:双子座(Gemini)生日花:牛舌草(Viper"s Bugloss)花语:博爱(Charity)这是一种纪念圣安罗夏斯康瑟的花,这位圣人不顾传染病的危险,亲自替患者治病,结果自己也遭到感染而不幸身亡。因此它的花语是-博爱。凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人都具有博爱的胸怀,温柔又富有同情心。不过要善用自己的爱心,小心你的爱心用错地方遭人误解,而被不来电的人苦苦追求。12.小13-奎贤生日:1988年2月3日星座:水瓶座(Aquarius)生日花:泥炭藓(Large Water Moss) 花语:清冽(Limpidity) 泥炭藓是生长在欧洲和北美洲的水性藓苔,浮出河川,瀑布水面的岩石和树根是它生长的地方。可以长到一百五十公分左右,看起来水嫩嫩的样子。因此它的花语是-清冽。 凡是受到这种花祝福而生的人,人品清高受人爱戴,只不过在追求异性时,稍感魄力不足。所以,必须改掉拖泥带水的毛病哦! 13.肉肉-神童生日:1985年9月28日星座:天秤座(Libra)生日花:秋麒麟草(Goldenrod)花 语:施舍(Charity) 四世纪的时候罗马有位非常有钱的千金小姐,毅然决然的出家修行,她就是圣 爱渥斯东奇姆,也就是秋麒麟草所赞美的对象。她曾将自己的财产全数奉献给贫穷 的人,因而被当作慈善家。因此,它的花语就是-施舍。 受到这种花祝福而生的人,具有丰富的同情心,不忍心看到别人活在痛苦的困 境中。恋爱也是一样,是从同情心开始的。对於这样的他,最重要的就是:分辨同 情心与爱情。

super league什么意思


Super Bowl是什么意思

 Super Bowl1.[美国英语]2.【美式橄榄球】(1967年以来每年一度的)超级杯赛3.最后阶段初选,决胜

Cathay Pacific 的 economy supersaver 和 economy special 是什麼意思?和普通的economy有什麼分别?


介绍一下super junior《Miracle》的意义

<Miracle>Life couldn"t get better Life couldn"t get better 到现在为止 没有你的曰子是灰暗的遇到你后 我的生活就有如梦一般当我第一眼看到你时 a miracle我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你 Life couldn"t get better 我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游 亲吻睡著的你那小嘴 Life couldn"t get better 请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手 Life couldn"t get better 每天每天平凡的曰子 现在已经不同了世界上的每个人 看起来都很幸福 (I wanna thank you, baby) 当我第一眼看到你时a miracle(a miracle) 我感觉到了 所谓的奇迹就是你 Life couldn"t get better我将你抱入怀中飞翔 朝向蓝色的月亮遨游亲吻睡著的你那小嘴 Life couldn"t get better请将你的心打开 请抓住我的手 Life couldn"t get better<Twins>不要找她,不要再让她对你有一丝眷恋 不要想再卑屈下去了,你的自尊心已经没有了 不是,不是那样的 只有一个她 我也看不见我心裏的影子 又把我困在失败者的阴影裏 要是变强就好了 这不是我 yeah 把我心裏面的你杀掉,要战斗到底 I wanna knock out!命运一定走自己的路 knock out! 想避开也没有用 knock out! 接受吧. You can"t do this fight because 她已经不能在我这裏期待什麼了 I wanna knock out! 不,我要拒绝 就那样 Knock Out! 过著妥协的人生 I wanna Knock Out! 对我期待是全部 我要战斗到底 Reason is I"m alive 从小我就没有存在感, 没有受过曯目 不要逃避,不要做,中等程度,那就是你的命运 唯一的我, 应该特别 我也看不见我心裏的影子 又把我困在失败者的阴影裏 I don"t really understand. 创伤只会愈来愈大, yeah 把我心裏面的你杀掉,要战斗到底 要战胜决定的人生,反正 Knock Out! 在这个世界你是渺小的,不是吗 Knock Out! 接受吧, You can"t do this fight because 已经忘了懦弱的你了麼 不,我要拒绝,命运是 Knock Out! 改造我的战利品, I wanna Knock Out! 虽然没有一个明确的 我要战斗到底,Reason is I"m alive You know I wanna out the line. I wanna Knock Out! you know I want to start the fight! I wanna Knock Out! You know I wanna do this fight 放弃已经不适合我了 我已经杀死心裏的你, 对我来说 Knock Out! 连犹豫的时间都没有,I wanna Knock Out! 把我人生点滴回归原位 Got to get you out of my life 战胜注定的人生, 反正 Knock Out! 这个世界你是渺小的, 不是麼? Knock Out! 接受吧, You can"t do this fight, because 已经忘了懦弱的你了麼 不,我要拒绝,命运是 Knock Out! 改造我的战利品, I wanna Knock Out! 虽然没有一个明确的 我要战斗到底,Reason is I"m alive不知道你所指的"意义"是什么?如果是MV的话,就象U一样,没有什么意义(剧情).不过舞不管是编的还是跳的都很棒.


经一番搜索和分析,得出的论点,arrogance和supercilious都是骄傲的同义词。arrogance较为刚性,形容极度傲慢,有点气势凌人,而supercilious较为柔和,寓意傲慢鄙视,带有一种超然的态度。"One who is arrogant is overbearingly proud and demands excessive power or consideration.""Supercilious implies haughty disdain and aloofness."proud ADJECTIVE: Inflected forms: proud·er, proud·est1. Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act, possession, quality, or relationship by which one measures one"s stature or self-worth: proud of one"s child; proud to serve one"s country. 2. Occasioning or being a reason for pride: “On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the proud and certain belief that the next hundred years would make all things possible” (W. Bruce Lincoln). 3. Feeling or showing justifiable self-respect. 4. Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem. 5. Of great dignity; honored: a proud name. 6. Majestic; magnificent: proud alpine peaks. 7. Spirited. Used of an animal: proud steeds. ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old English prd, from Old French prou, prud, brave, virtuous, oblique case of prouz, from Vulgar Latin *prdis, from Late Latin prde, advantageous, from Latin prdesse, to be good : prd-, for (variant of pr-, with d on the model of red-, prevocalic variant of re-, back, again; see pro–1) + esse, to be; see es- in Appendix I. OTHER FORMS: proudly —ADVERBproudness —NOUNSYNONYMS: proud, arrogant, haughty, disdainful, supercilious These adjectives mean characterized by an inflated ego and disdain for what one considers inferior: Proud can suggest justifiable self-satisfaction but often implies conceit: “There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight” (Woodrow Wilson). One who is arrogant is overbearingly proud and demands excessive power or consideration: an arrogant and pompous professor, unpopular with students and colleagues alike. Haughty suggests proud superiority, as by reason of high status: “Her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip” (Charlotte Brontë). Disdainful emphasizes scorn or contempt: “Nor [let] grandeur hear with a disdainful smile,/The short and simple annals of the poor” (Thomas Gray). Supercilious implies haughty disdain and aloofness: “His mother eyed me in silence with a supercilious air” (Tobias Smollett).

be advantageous to与be superior to的区别

前者是be advantageous to do后者是be superior to sb懂了没?区别还是蛮大的,主要在于用法。如果满意,请采纳,谢谢^^

superiority 和advantage的区别

superiority 和advantage的区别:1、读音不同:superiority 英 [suːˌpɪəri"ɒrəti]     美 [suːˌpɪri"ɔːrəti] advantage英 [əd"vɑːntɪdʒ]     美 [əd"væntɪdʒ] 2、词性不同:superiority只能作名词,意思是优越性、优势;advantage作名词意思是优势,有利条件;作及物动词时意思是,有利于。3、指向不同:superiority更多的是指优越,自满,反义词是inferiority,自卑。advantage一般用于指地位上的优势,尤指对立双方中的某一方所具有的有利条件。扩展资料:语法解释:advantage:n. (名词)1、advantage的基本意思是“有利条件,优势”,指条件、环境、地位等优于他人或其他事物,而不指物质方面的好处,是可数名词。常与介词over连用,指“与…相比的长处”; 作“优越性”解,其后还可接介词to。2、advantage还可作“利益,益处”解,是不可数名词,其后可接介词from或in。3、在the advantages of e-mail over telegram中注意搭配使用的是over;4、advantage后接的介词of与over可替换,表示相同意思。You have the advantage of/over me in experience.

有关Super Junior的网名和个性签名

ぺSJぱ宝蓝色→妖精べゞ守护ミ﹎13┭ōηly.●13┢维メしovの宝蓝℡宝蓝"兲空〕。「°妖精兲下.!◇.宝蓝妖精?゛寳﹌礷、悸┛訞精じ单人的:シ靉贤ど葵錵╡ǚ塰┅ふ仸?蓶╃σφ庚饭ai└嗻庚▼寚妕嫒①泩(艺声)罙αī庚宝.0(庚)(゜↘惜澈衿珄}(希澈)Lee★Teuk(李特)深a!⒔☆(贤奎)傻o0兔√(晟敏)『赫赫洧洺』(银赫)★嗨阔兲涳★(东海)≮苆ふ≯(强仁)☆独嫒§始羱☆(十元).范天覆地.(基范)兲籁と堷.(丽旭)伍埖禸^ǒ^(神童)♀韩J特特☆^Love♀特特天使£特•守护!3.-特特南`阁啲特特E-特♂特♀『特』别存在澈べ底爱庚)只嗳〆Angle特↘℉orёvērГёцК~*`南阁`ОoОSJ☆宝蓝阁№E.L.F特SJ☆祗爱13只{天使特灬特}↙`ゞ☆丽丽旭影◆℅|★、兲使特.〃个性签名:{℅莪s"宝蓝星空丅的小妖精◆¨「-SupErJnioR⒐⒋爱你﹍?|▕|`SupErJnioR哒宝呗们..莪们相爱吧.℅}[◆;妖精们の习惯﹎.每日爱尓们多一些}°■x.≈♀最aI韩庚♂_⒈③⒈④.贰005.1①.○6窝dě忝箜侢忚鳪昰兲灆铯,趰寔迣↑樶σκ看菂宀蘫铯。xxxx.一一.0⑥蛾dě兲椌铱旧昰恏看dē寚灆铯,铟为SJ啝E.L.F篵鮇汾囄。爱SJ↘⒈啶喓﹎ㄣ够狠.够傲ㄣ.够潇洒...想让袮知噵._./…≈对袮们d"嗳..已经戒吥鋽勒娆.精国wo啲家My}Princeヤ〃东海Mylove℉orèvēr这个丗界.连空气兜说谎!但是李东海шǒ爱沵这s"真达oоО‐-->>:伪ㄋ厼。皒宁愿サ待—>>>>[韩kyung]∵我爱你∴我爱你∵我爱你∴我爱你∵我爱你∴我爱你⒈⒍岁{o单薄℡的旅程、﹎_*...*...*...*...*...*﹏虚。┭静静嗳我们の王子【庚】℡佡娆宝寳:儭薆悳≡朴TeTe/向皒(扑)莱吧。℡..¨朙朙很快乐ヽ┈ωǒ却望纪lé.____该怎麽嶶笑..℡)ㄣ因伪爱@ωǒ习惯叻.(⊕想着伱们SJヽ┈静静啲流泪℡``°①⒊①⒋丆昰-{ωǒ葽啲.﹎℡③⒊④⒋才昰ωǒ啲愿望o0..¨*│吥记淂.葃兲哊哆伤吣;.!^o^呮哓淂.朙兲喓佷开吣峩始终还.峩._.谁嘟改变卟孒峩ミ﹎在我啲丗堺ゞ.ˋo除了SJ没哊魜可以绑住我起死回生.至尊王者.sj&劲僾”李特.奎贤.希澈.韩庚韩国.首尔.汉城._.~`MylOvE!の)—)|▁___¨.。.;___。;"只喓太阳喨着..↓¨.。.;偶蹴荟咏逺耐着庚宝```.(ヽ.рs:~ ̄庚宝の耐伱.绝陫③訜钟热镀│|人这⒈苼|│ˊ釶许繻喓嘚詪少丶│⒈柸氺⒈碗饭⒈佝莪爱你.│ˊ怛莪浠望.丶,│氺昰我倒嘚"饭昰我做啲.│;话是鉩庚宝说啲;

super junior~艺声的个性签名

贰005.1①.○6 窝dě忝箜侢忚鳪昰兲灆铯,趰寔迣↑樶σκ看菂宀蘫铯。xxxx.一一.0⑥ 蛾dě兲椌铱旧昰恏看dē寚灆铯,铟为SJ啝E.L.F篵鮇汾囄。爱SJ↘⒈啶喓﹎ㄣ够狠.够傲ㄣ.够潇洒......想让袮知噵._. /…≈对袮们d"嗳.. 已经戒吥鋽勒娆.精国wo啲家 My}Princeヤ〃东海My love℉orèvēr╔══╗﹎(り.╔═╗﹎(り`╔╗﹎(り ╔╗ .║. ═╬╦╦═╣═╬╦╗ .║╠╦╦═╬╬═╦╦╗╠═ .║║║¤║═╣╔╝╔╝║║║║║║¤║╔╝╚══╩═╣╔╩═╩╝ .╚═╩═╩╩╩╩═╩╝这个丗界.连空气兜说谎!但是李东海шǒ爱沵这s"真达oоО‐-->>:伪ㄋ厼。皒宁愿サ待—>>>>[韩kyung] ∵我爱你 ∴我爱你∵我爱你 ∴我爱你∵我爱你 ∴我爱你⒈⒍岁{o单薄℡ 的旅程、﹎_*...*...*...*...*...*﹏ 虚。┭静静嗳我们の王子【庚】℡佡娆宝寳 : 儭 薆 悳 ≡ 朴TeTe/向 皒 ( 扑 ) 莱 吧 。℡..¨朙朙很快乐ヽ┈ωǒ却望纪lé.____该怎麽嶶笑.. ℡)ㄣ因伪爱@ωǒ习惯叻.(⊕想着伱们SJヽ┈静静啲流泪 ℡`` °①⒊①⒋丆昰-{ ωǒ葽啲 .﹎℡③⒊④⒋才昰ωǒ啲愿望o0..¨*│吥记淂.葃兲哊哆伤吣;.!^o^呮哓淂.朙兲喓佷开吣峩始终还.峩._.谁嘟改变卟孒峩ミ﹎在我啲丗堺 ゞ.ˋo除了SJ没哊魜可以 绑住我起死回生.至尊王者.sj& 劲僾”李特.奎贤.希澈.韩庚韩国.首尔.汉城._.~`My lOvE!の) —) |▁___¨.。.;___。;" 只喓太阳喨着..↓¨.。.; 偶蹴荟咏逺耐着庚宝```.( ヽ.рs:~ ̄庚宝の耐伱.绝陫③訜钟热镀┼————————————│ |人这⒈苼|│ ˊ釶许繻喓嘚詪少丶│⒈柸氺⒈碗饭⒈佝莪爱你.│ ˊ怛莪浠望.丶,│ 氺昰我倒嘚"饭昰我做啲.│ ;话是鉩庚宝说啲;┼————————————┼┎════┰════┒║哼 ﹎┃藕﹎都﹎║║﹎谁﹎﹎┃ 记﹎﹎ ║║﹎﹎﹎﹎┃本本上 ╱╲║欺负SJ--┃ し1аō﹎◣╱┖════┸════┚高举艺旭旗帜.---贯彻13兔方针.然后全面发展庚澈社会...为赫海事业而奋斗向源范社会进发...建设我们的强特主义国家^_^-皒,﹌不许你再(孤单.。﹏,要你拥抱、皒给的温暖特特°皒们哪∞都不去-,我们 一直都在.╭╮╭╮(≥﹏≤). /▓ ‘Ⅰ94乃∪,"朴甜甜!哪怕我的火花燃尽也绝不放弃朴正洙. 这夜.让皒听着尔德歌声.-. 安静睡去.-| ┌.Jenny?正洙 >3<!!| ┌.[宀呗]们,゛*仩谛_ 8可以亲自 ╰ァ来人间。。因此{侑叻忝使┄★特灬.麽侑翅膀。袮一样能ミ飞嘚佷远。●| ┌.莪把ナナ旳[幸冨]给亇,| ┌.伱们葽咏远[幸冨]吖。| ┌.能 够 忍 耐 的 痛| ┌.要 珍 惜 著 接 受!!^特特 ̄-卜偠总让自己内庅傫,-应该呿面怼丿切现实.-谁让它假情假意,又内庅悳残酷.-从头刂捤..秭会艮支持伱悳.-GO GO 加甴!?------------------------------------------------------??⒈ ?⒉ ?⒊ ?⒋ ?⒌ ?⒍ ?⒎ ?⒏ ?⒐ ?⒑ ?⒒ ?⒓ ?⒔↖ 宝贝Men×.祢们葽快乐.×]★°SupEr- ▌Junior▌?_ ╪、贰005.1①.○6 窝dě忝箜侢忚鳪昰兲灆铯,趰寔迣↑樶σκ看菂宀蘫铯。xxxx.一一.0⑥ 蛾dě兲椌铱旧昰恏看dē寚灆铯,铟为SJ啝E.L.F篵鮇汾囄。宝灆兲涳,蕞琓羙~丗界仩吩両种秂,Super junior啝倛他魜~【┉┉┉┉┉┉、°做你!oR怺远d"庚饭}﹎℅°我们拉钩}﹎℅°怺丆反悔}﹎℅═══════*



谁知道法国的CASINO group of Hypermarket and supermarkets这个集团的资料?

卡西诺超市-Casino 公司简介 1860年开始创立casino店,但是只是一个零售的杂货店。1898年开始了第一家分店,并在la MONTAT创办了一个保税仓库。1901年正式开始销售Casino品牌的商品。1948年开始自助服务。1959年开始在商品上加注明显的销售期限。1967年开设第一家Casino咖啡店。1976年开始进入美国市场。1984年率先推出“双保险质量承诺”,即商品质量严格把关,如果产品的质量有问题,商场将退赔顾客双倍的价格。1985年兼并Cedis(法国东部的一个连锁零售店)。1992年与Rallye集团达成协议,从此Casino也进入了特大型超市,大型超市等各种商业业态领域。1996年在波兰开始第一家特大型超市。1997年,Promodes集团进行了一次不友好的公开收购,兼并了Casino,自此,Casino吸收了Franprix、Leader Price等小型超市,成为当时法国第二大连锁超市集团。1998年起开始进军阿根廷(收购了当地Libertad7个特大型超市)、乌拉圭、台湾、哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉等,2000年创立了Géant连锁超市。2002年进军荷兰市场,拥有荷兰Laurus集团37.7%的股份。 到目前为止,该集团共在15个国家拥有299家特大型超市,2309家大型超市,958家廉价商店,4568家小型超市,以及243家饭店。在全球拥有20万个合作伙伴。 Ø 对华合作情况 Ø 重要数据 资本金:1.66欧元 营业额:228.57亿欧元 雇员数:11.57万 Ø 联系方式 地 址:24, rue de la Montat BP 306 42008 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2 电 话:04 7745 3131 传 真:04 7745 3838 网 页:http://www.groupe-casino.fr Ø 总裁简历 皮埃尔?布旭(Pierre BOUCHUT),生于1955年8月22日,曾就读于法国高等商校HEC,和巴黎Dauphine九大。1979年至86年曾任职于花旗银行,1986至88年任职于Bankers Trust,1988至90年任职于Mckinsey。1990年任卡西诺财务总监,1996年任董事会成员,1998年起任总经理。

Superstar Lady 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar Lady歌手:T-Pain Featuring Young Cash专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - Superstar Lady (Feat. Young Cash)She got a stomach like Ciara. Hair Like Beyonce.Gabreille Union smile. Lips like Ashanti.Im K-Ci and Jo-Jo. She is my Devante.Titties muibe and Booty mucho grande.She is so exotic like she"s from another country.She is so erotic, download pornos every sunday.freaky in the bed, i tie up like a mummy.i gotta let her meet my mommy.i think i gotta superstar lady.(o yeah...yeah)she"s addicted to the flashing, lights, camera, action.a superstar lady.(o yeah)right out of hollywood,everything you probably would,want in a girl so i...Break it down for shawtyand she like it. she like it.I Break it down for shawtyand she like it. she like it.she got them thighs like Angelina.Aguilera Christina.searching for my shawty, tell me have u seen her?.party like a Hilton.sex like a Kardashian.god is so damm good to me ,what more can u ask of him?i"ve goT one of them Jessicas. Alba, Beal, or Simpson.never been a harlot she"s a Scarlet Johanson.she make me feel good, everytime, that she get with me.i can be her K-Fed. she can be my Britney.i think i gotta superstar lady.(o yeah...yeah)she"s addicted to the flashing, lights, camera, action.a superstar lady.(o yeah)right out of hollywood,everything you probably would,want in a girl so i...Break it down for shawtyand she like it. (yeah) she like it. (yeah)I Break it down for shawty for shawty}and she like it. she like it she like it.she got a booty like SerenaThighs like Trina.lips like that chick off of The Martin Show Gina.shawty always looking fly, everytime i seen her.I might let my shawty drive my beamer.{See} And me, ima be on the passenger side.other girls, jealous, asking me why.and i tell them cause shawty is the baddest.she a A+, you a C, just average.and i dont care if u get mad bitch.cause i know that u really wanna have this.but the way that u look is tragic.so dont let them disappear like magic.i think i gotta superstar lady.(o yeah...yeah)she"s addicted to the flashing, lights, camera, action.a superstar lady.(o yeah)right out of hollywood,everything you probably would,want in a girl so i...Break it down for shawtyand she like it. she like it.I Break it down for shawtyand she like it. she like it.http://music.baidu.com/song/8017961

Superhero Movie是什么意思

超级 (大)英雄主题电影

superhero movie是什么意思

superhero movie超级英雄电影双语对照词典结果:Superhero Movie超级英雄;

Superhero Movie是什么意思

Superhero Movie超级英雄电影双语对照词典结果:Superhero Movie超级英雄; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Perhaps a superhero movie could be in her and brad pitt"s future? -----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Superhero Movie是什么意思

Superhero Movie 超级英雄;超低能特攻队;超级英雄电影例句筛选1.If I hadn"t pushed her out of the way, she would have dah-ha-ha-hah! -SuperheroMovie.如果我没有把她推到一边,她就会哒-哈-哈-哈!-超级英雄电影。2.Well, I don"t think so! -. . . comes the ultimate superhero movie.嗯,我不这么认为!-…终极的超级英雄电影。

Superhero Movie是什么意思


the carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:the carpenters专辑:Carpenters - 40-40(Disc1)Long ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17599036

Superstar的歌词及其翻译,原唱 Carpenters(卡朋特)


Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:Twenty-Two Hits Of The CarpentersSuperstarLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55046087

Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:Yesterday Once More: Greatest Hits 1969-1983SuperstarLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52689025

Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:CarpentersSuperstarCarpentersLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/10281610

Carpenters的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Carpenters专辑:Carpenters Gold - 35Th Anniversary EditionSuperstarLong ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you before the second showYour guitar, it sounds so sweet and clearBut you"re not really hereIt"s just the radioDon"t you remember you told me you loved me babyYou said you"d be coming back this way again babyBaby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby,I love you I really doLoneliness is a such a sad affairAnd I can hardly wait to be with you againWhat to say to make you come againCome back to me againAnd play your sad guitarThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7509082

comparative and super:ative adjectives

complete the sentences with the words given.1.) English wine is good but French wine is even__better__(good).2.) The earlier we leave , the__earlier___(early) we arrive.3.) It is___more difficult___(difficult) to do Maths than speak in English.4.) I am so happy. I must be__the happiest__ (happy) man in the world.5.) I was ill yesterday and I am even___worse__(bad) today.6.) I have two daughters. Karen is the__younger__(young) one and Kelly is the elder child.7.) This book is much___thinner____(thin) than the dictionary. This makes my schoolbag__more lighter__(light) today.8.) Thomas is __more attractive___(attractive) than his brother.9.) David is _the most boring__(boring) person I"ve ever met.10) Hong Kong is one of _the best interesting___(interesting) cities I"ve ever visited. 11) My scarf is _ more beautiful__(beautiful) than the one in the window.12) The Peninsula is __the most expensive__(expensive) hotel in Hong Kong.13) John is a ___better__(good) gardener than Steven.14) Your dress is__more longer__(longer) than mine.15) Summer is__the hottest__(hot) among the four seasons.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Proofread the following sentences and correct them.1. Comic book is more funny than textbook.2. Amy"s apple is bigger than Jill"s.5. Mary"s fingers are shorter than Mary"s.6.The 3G i-phones are more advanced than the 2G mobile phones.7. Kelly is happier than Lilly.8. Susan"s hair is longer than Amy"s.9. Miss PO is more beautiful than Polly.10. Peter is faster than Tom.11. A stone necklace is the cheapest among three.12. Marco is more hungry than Gary.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Form correct sentenes from the information given.1. Mount Everest measures8,848meters, Mount Kangchenjunga measurs 8,596meters and K2 measures 8,611meters. (high, compare with three mountains)____Mount Everest is the highest among three mounts.____________2. Anne is 43 years old ,Lynne is 40years old (young)_____Lynne is younger than Anne.________3. The red dress costs25.00,the blue dress costs15.00. (expensive)____The red dress is much expensive than the blue one. ____________4.Russia is 17,075,000 sqm , France is 544,000 sqm. (small)France is smaller than Russia. ___________________5. Box A is bigger than bow B,box C is bigger than box A. (big, compare with three big)___Box C is the biggest of three boxes._________________________6. Jihnny was bad, Wendy was very bad, Billy was very, very bad. (bad, compare with three boys)___Billy was the worst among three boys.

super goal 2 unit10 练习

Exercises A. Determining the main idea.Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text. The main idea of the text is that ________.( C ) a. controversy about Mozart" death came to an end with Professor Faith Fitzgerald"s diagnosis at an unusual clinical pathology conference b. the University of Maryland always holds a clinical pathology conference in a relaxed and unexpected way c. an unusual postmortem on Mozart, dramatically conducted at a clinical pathology conference, comes at a rather simple diagnosis d. congestive heart failure brought on by rheumatic fever is the ultimate cause of Mozart"s deathB. Comprehending the text. Choose the best answer. 1. What is special about the sixth annual historical clinical pathology conference is that ________. ( C ) a. the famous internist Faith Fitzgerald gives a lectureb. Mozart is the subject of the conference and his decreased body is presented for analysis c. it ends with a string quartet, and there is no presence of the studied object: the decreased remains d. a string quartet is played throughout the conference 2. As Mozart fell ill, ________. ( A ) a. his physical health aggravated quickly within a few days b. he was diagnosed with syphilis c. part of his body was swollen, and he suffered from aches and pains d. he completely lost his consciousness during his bedridden time. 3. In Fitzgerald"s opinion, ________. ( A ) a. the controversy on Mozart"s death wouldn"t have occurred but for the musician"s fame b. the previous diagnoses of Mozart"s death were totally unreasonable c. every great man, including Mozart, dies of syphilis d. Mozart was given improper treatment by his physician though their diagnoses were right . 4. The cause of Mozart"s death was registered as ________. ( B ) a. fluid retention and sever swelling b. miliary fever c. exhaustion of vital essence d. rash 5. At the clinical pathology conference, ________. ( D ) a. a thorough diagnostic procedure is carried out, which is a usual practice nowadays b. modern technology is much of physicians" favor c. Poe"s story is taken as evidence to formalize the cause of his death d. the academic research sometimes is carried out in a dramatic and unusual way 6. To analyze Mozart"s death, Fitzgerald ________. ( A ) a. uses deductive reasoning other than modern lab techniques b. starts with eliminating the possible relation between Mozart"s malformed ear and kidney disease c. discounts liver disease and congestive heart failure one after another d. would have checked Mozart without using stethoscope if she had been his physician 7. Fitzgerald points out ________ is the fundamental cause of Mozart"s death. ( B ) a. miliary fever b. rheumatic fever c. kidney disease d. delirium 8. The principle of Occam"s razor ________. ( C ) a. is contrary to Fitzgerald"s diagnosis b. is a medical principle c. is in conformity with Fitzgerald"s diagnosis d. reminds us that the simplest explanation is the least possibleC. Understanding vocabulary. Choose the correct definition according to the context. 1. His body was consigned to a common grave, but his genius resounds in concert halls the world over. ( A ) (a) was put into (b) was kept away from (c) was kept in (d) was thrown into 2. Controversy has surrounded this particular case history, Fitzgerald explains, because of the deceased"s celebrity status. ( D ) (a) health (b) notorious (c) social (d) fame3. He became delirious, lapsed into a coma, and died just after midnight. ( C ) (a) angry (b) dumb (c) insane (d) aware4. Starstruck physicians have since ascribed Mozart"s death to more than 100 causes. ( D ) (a) devoted ... to (b) contributed ... to (c) involved ... in (d) attributed ... to 5. Press reports of his passing supplied such colorful and sinister diagnoses as poisoning, venereal disease, and dropsy of the heart. ( A ) (a) evil (b) correct (c) unreasonable (d) wrong 6. According to musicologist Neal Zaslaw of Gornell University, who sketches a brief Mozart biography, the death and burial entries in two church registers list the cause of death as “severe miliary fever.” ( A ) (a) depicts (b) makes out (c) designs (d) publishes7. Even some learned men who examined Mozart as a child formulated their own opinions about his eventual demise. ( D ) (a) disease (b) symptoms (c) diagnosis (d) death 8. It was likely to be exhausted prematurely, leading to an early death. ( B ) (a) in a short time (b) earlier than the proper time (c) at once (d) totally 9. There"s a thoroughness to the historical diagnostic procedure that is sometimes lost in contemporary clinical practice, says Paul Sehdev, an M.D. in his final year of training in infectious diseases. ( C ) (a) bedridden (b) chronic (c) epidemic (d) emergent 10. Some medical historians have implicated kidney disease because of Mozart"s malformed ear. ( D ) (a) said clearly (b) narrated (c) stated (d) implied 11. (congestive heart failure) can cause anasarca if the heart can"t pump enough blood through the kidneys to eliminate fluid-retaining salts. ( A ) (a) remove (b) strengthen (c) melt (d) absorb12. ...at the time of Mozart"s death an epidemic of rheumatic fever is said to have besieged Vienna. ( B ) (a) controlled (b) assailed (c) destroyed (d) deserted 13. ...as well as the puzzling change of character that prompted him to drive his pet canary out of the sickroom days before his passing. ( C ) (a) prepared (b) reminded (c) motivated (d) influenced D. Discussing the following topics.


bazaar 和supermarket 有什么不同?


请问super carbon是什么意思吗?




在一次演唱会上,一位女星和super junior主持


英语翻译 “技术优势”翻译成“technology superiority”,如何?

technical advantage

non-inferiority or superiority margin啥意思

non-inferiority or superiority margin:非劣或非优边际(统计学和质量管理术语)。

phonology 和 superiority的动词形式分别是什么


Superiority over 与 Superiority to的区别?

to 优越over 高傲

astronomical ;judicial ;superiority 这英语怎么读?









1、adj.(在品质上)更好的;占优势;更胜一筹;(在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的;有优越感的;高傲的2、n.级别(或地位、职位)更高的人;上级;上司;用作宗教团体领导的头衔superior 读法  英 [suːˈpɪəriə(r)]   美 [suːˈpɪriər]短语:1、superior vena cava 上腔静脉2、superior to others 高人一等;优于其他3、superior goods 优等物品 扩展资料词语用法:1、superior用作形容词时,本身含有“较”的意思,故不再有比较级或最高级形式,用“superior...to...”表示“两事物的比较”。2、当superior用来形容人的时候,有讽刺意味,有“自以为了不起”的意思;当superior形容物的时候,用于表示其“好质量”时,也是显得做作,使描述显得不可信;3、superior和superiority后面都接to ,表示“……高于或好于……”,以A is superior to B和A"s superiority to B的结构来表达。词汇搭配:1、superior in 在…方面占优势的2、superior to 优于,胜过,比…好,不受…影响

短语:the superiority of …over…是什么意思?到底是哪个over哪个,或者说哪个better?

autografts over alloplastic materials,可能合起来是一个东西

求Super Junior的Sorry Sorry歌词分配


请问color-superiority是什么 意思呀?


the air of superiority是什么意思



super + priority -》 superiority

superiority 可数吗

superiority [sju:,piəri"ɔriti, sə-] n. 优越,优势;优越性不可数名词

superiority complex是什么意思

优越情结 。

superiority 可数吗

可数名词 1.大寝室,团体寝室 2.【美】(学院等的)学生宿舍 另外,这种问题,你好像可以直接在词霸里面一搜就知道了吧?不用在这里辛辛苦苦等别人回答。




superior的名词是:superiority。(一)释义:上级、高手、上标、高傲的、上层的、上好的、出众的。(二)短语:1、superior limit. 上限。2、clearly superior. 明显地优于~。3、far superior. 远远胜过~。4、superior in. 在~方面占优势的。5、superior to. 优于、胜过、比~好,不受~影响。6、be sb"s superior in. 在~方面比某人强。7、immediate superior. 顶头上司。例句:1、He always does what his superiors tell him.他惟上级之命是从。2、He has no superior as a Shakespearian actor.他演莎士比亚戏剧无出其右。3、He smiled a superior smile as he drove past in his expensive new car.他开着那辆豪华的新车驶过时,傲慢的微微一笑。4、I"Il report you to your superior officer!我要把你的情况报告给你的上司!5、His opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn"t superior.他的看法是现代人的智力并不高超。


优越(性);优势;优越感;神气活现的样子;盛气凌人的行为,示例:He had a well-developed sense of his own superiority他的个人优越感十足;Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感。

短语:the superiority of …over…是什么意思?到底是哪个over哪个,或者说哪个better?

autografts over alloplastic materials,可能合起来是一个东西

World"s Finest论坛的注册验证答案究竟是什么啊,superman,超人,什么的都试过了还是不对T_T


captain 和 supervisor 的区别

  captain是队长,首领;船长;上尉;海军上校的意思,  而supervisor监督人,管理人;检查员的意思,一个是领导,一个是监管人员,并不参与实际的进程中。



super smash bros.melee 是什么游戏

《任天堂明星大乱斗DX》(简称"大乱斗DX"、英文名:Super Smash Bros. Melee),是由HAL研究所开发,由任天堂于NGC平台上推出的对战型格斗游戏,为任天堂明星大乱斗系列第二作,是GameCube游戏机上最畅销的作品 。

西门子冰箱上面的按钮cooler freezer super各代表什么意思

cooler 的意思是冷却器,freezer 的意思是保鲜或冷藏,super的意思是超级,快速。具体把这几个词用在某一台冰箱产品上面所代表的准确含义需要找到冰箱厂家随机附带的使用说明书来看,里面会有各个按钮和功能的使用性说明。实在是找不到说明书的,也可以把每个按键都尝试一下看冰箱的状态变化来确定各个按钮的功能用途。



各位大神 求SUPER BEAVER《ありがとう》的罗马音 谢谢了

ありがとうarigatou 发起来像dou

Champagne Supernova (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova (Album Version)歌手:matt pond pa专辑:Music From The O.C. Mix 4OasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting highhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7668531

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:(What"S The Story) Morning GloryOasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting highhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9079691

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Oasis专辑:清晨的荣耀OasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting highhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1441063

Champagne Supernova 歌词

歌曲名:Champagne Supernova歌手:Ben Folds Five专辑:Vault Volume I (1992-1997)OasisWhats The Story Morning GloryChampagne SupernovaHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova in the skyWake up the dawn and ask her whyI dream a dream she never diesWipe that tear away now from your eyeSlowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?Slowly walking down the hallFaster than a cannonballWhere were you while we were getting high?Someday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernova in the skySomeday you will find meCaught beneath the landslideIn a champagne supernovaA champagne supernova"Cuz we don"t believeThat they"re gonna get away from the summerBut you and I will never dieThe world"s still spinning around we don"t know whyWhy-why-why-why-i-iHow many special people change?How many lives are living strange?Where were you while we were getting high?We were getting highhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13585201

champagne supernova 中文歌词

Champagne Supernova 中文歌词 页面分类: 中文歌词条目 讨论 编辑 沿革 收录专辑:(What"s The Story) Morning Glory? 收录单曲:Champagne Supernova 单曲 Champagne Supernova 翻译:Greenpeople7 How many special people change有多少故人改变How many lives are living strange有多少命运不同Where were you when we were getting high?当我们远去你在哪里?Slowly walking down the hall慢步踏入礼堂Faster than a cannon ball仿若速比炮弹Where were you while we were getting high?当我们远去你在哪里?Some day you will find me有天你会找到我Caught beneath the landslide赶在山崩之际In a champagne supernova in the sky在天空上的香槟超新星中Some day you will find me有天你会找到我Caught beneath the landslide赶在山崩之际In a champagne supernova在一个香槟超新星A champagne supernova in the sky 一个天空上的香槟超新星中Wake up the dawn and ask her why破晓时分唤醒她问为什麼A dreamer dreams she never dies做梦人梦想著她永远不死Wipe that tear away now from your eye把眼泪从你眼角拭去Slowly walking down the hall慢步踏入礼堂Faster than a cannon ball仿若速比炮弹Where were you when we were getting high? 当我们远去你在哪里?Some day you will find me有天你会找到我Caught beneath the landslide赶在山崩之际In a champagne supernova in the sky在天空上的香槟超新星中Some day you will find me有天你会找到我Caught beneath the landslide赶在山崩之际In a champagne supernova在一个香槟超新星A champagne supernova in the sky 一个天空上的香槟超新星中Cos people believe that they"re因为人们相信他们能Gonna get away for the summer在夏日中逃离But you and I, we live and die但是你和我,我们生与死The world"s still spinning round世界依旧在旋转We don"t know why我们却不知道为什麼Why, why, why, why 为什麼,为什麼,为什麼, 为什麼How many special people change有多少故人改变How many lives are living strange有多少命运不同Where were you when we were getting high?当我们远去你在哪里?Slowly walking down the hall慢步踏入礼堂Faster than a cannon ball仿若速比炮弹Where were you while we were getting high?当我们远去你在哪里?Some day you will find me有天你会找到我Caught beneath the landslide赶在山崩之际In a champagne supernova in the sky在天空上的香槟超新星中Some day you will find me有天你会找到我Caught beneath the landslide赶在山崩之际In a champagne supernova在一个香槟超新星A champagne supernova in the sky 一个天空上的香槟超新星中Cos people believe that they"re因为人们相信他们能Gonna get away for the summer在夏日中逃离But you and I, we live and die但是你和我,我们生与死The world"s still spinning round世界依旧在旋转We don"t know why我们却不知道为什麼Why, why, why, why 为什麼,为什麼,为什麼, 为什麼How many special people change有多少故人改变How many lives are living strange有多少命运不同Where were you when we were getting high?当我们远去你在哪里?We were getting high我们正在远去We were getting high我们正在远去We were getting high我们正在远去We were getting high 我们正在远去


巨大的蛙frog [英]frɒg [美]frɔ:g n. 青蛙;〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称;[交]铁路辙叉;饰扣,挂环

can l supermarket you是什么梗

是骂人的意思。这种只是中文网络瞎编出来的污言秽语,不是正经英文,Supermarket=超市=chao si谐音。

Super Speller: Jeopardy

compete for 角逐,竞争;为……比赛 luxurious [lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs] adj. 奢侈的,豪华的;心满意足的,舒适的;辞藻华丽的 realistic adj. 务实的,实事求是的;实际的, 现实可行的 ;写实的,逼真的;实在论的 stinging adj. 激烈的;刺人的;刺一样的 preliminary [prɪˈlɪmɪnəri] adj. 初步的,预备的 n. 初步行动,准备工作;预赛,预试 part of speech 词性 ,词类 melodramatic adj. 夸张的;情节剧的;戏剧似的 voucher [ˈvaʊtʃər] n. 代金券 ,票券;收据,凭单;证人,保证人,证明者 v. 证实……的可靠性 satire [ˈsætaɪər] n. 讽刺,讥讽; 讽刺作品 ;讽刺文学; white water 浪花;溅起白色浪花的水面  kayaking [ˈkaɪækɪŋ] n. 独木舟; 皮划艇 ;皮艇运动 v. 划独木舟 instructor [ɪnˈstrʌktər] n. 教练,导师;<美>大学讲师 recommendation [ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃn] n. 正式建议,提议;推荐,介绍;<美> 推荐信 attention n. 注意;注意力;照料; 兴趣 ;立正;殷勤,关心 disruptive adj. 引起混乱的,破坏的 ;创新的,开拓性的 humility [hjuːˈmɪləti] n. 谦逊,谦恭 trivia [ˈtrɪviə] n. 琐事 enterprising [ˈentəpraɪzɪŋ] adj. 有事业心的,有进取心的;有魄力的,有胆量的

Selmer Paris Super Action 80 Series III的高音萨克斯详细介绍




barista,shift supervisor,retail management trainee分别什么意思

barista咖啡师双语对照词典结果:barista[英][bəˈri:stə]n.咖啡馆准备咖啡的员工,; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Even though they demand boutique coffee from an espresso machine--no brew here--most don"t know theirbarista"s many secrets. 尽管他们从意式咖啡机上点了一杯精品咖啡这里不用冲泡,很多人并不知道咖啡师的诸多秘密。2.Con: her newfound stability is likely because of a conservatorship deal she signed last year, which won"t even lether flip off a barista without legal supervision. 反对:她重新振作并稳定的现状似乎跟她去年签署的一份委托协议有关,这份协议使得她在监管范围外甚至连去咖啡厅的自由都没有。3.The businessman who took mr. locke"s photograph, tang zhaohui, said in a post on his microblog that even mr.locke"s exchange with the starbucks barista reflected humility. 拍到骆家辉这张照片的企业家唐朝晖在他的微博上表示,就连骆家辉在与星巴克咖啡师的交流过程中都反映出谦逊品质。4.Are you still mad about the barista? 你还在生那个侍应的气?5.By simply putting a serrated internal ring inside a pitcher to guide how much milk a barista should use for a latte,starbucks saved millions. " 在牛奶壶内放一个锯齿状内环,帮助调咖啡者掌握一杯拿铁应使用多少牛奶,星巴克就省下了几百万美元,shift supervisor咖啡,移位的主管retail management trainee零售管理培训生

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中文名:金花XO 英文名:Campus CognacXO 国家:法国 规格:700ML 市场价:890元/瓶

shinee,super junior,bigbang分别什么时候出道?以及他们唱的好听的歌。

080520 SHINee通过新闻宣布出道 super junior于2005年11月出道bigbang是2006年出道好听的歌:(SH)姐姐真漂亮,lucifer,juliet,像氧气一样的你,jojo,ring ding dong ,stand by me,sherlock,honestly,body guard(SJ)mr simple,Y,sorrysorry,bonamana,no other,acha,it"s you等等(BB)谎言,最后的问候,一天一天,Tonight,Blue,Fantastic baby

速联RED顶级套件和campagnolo Super Record 意大利套件。哪个好?公路车的.


求super junior ACHA音译歌词

电风扇多芬 第三方的多芬速度的福德的电风扇 而该方法非人非峨风格份额股份速范甘迪个 雕塑赋予股东送股官方供热uuegguugugfus 额外费 额份额额外服务额外俄方 沃尔夫

super junioracha音译歌词

嘛嘛嘛啦嘛啦啦切切切白哈吉嘛啦 吧吧吧啦吧啦内怒了吧啦吧 卡其嘛啦卡其嘛 no呢内多那机嘛拉 乔哭噢第乔哭多噶你乔克 哈吉嘛啦哈吉嘛 克罗内久哈吉嘛拉 嘛没欧呢卖打久博击落逼噢 肯嘟里嫩呦no也满噗 哈素哈素没打林 嫩撒拉诶撒一多 久噶久噶那够几阿西打 嘛久嘛噶苏一搜 忒困no 那CHA no 她CHA 哈给得够 够噶CHA 一米得嫩乔噢 恰困那那噗啊那那噗啊 嫩摸勒那 噢你球 那几球得给噶球 吧吧吧啦吧啦吧噢进no翰那不你塔 塞桑男家的扣比Q嘛大 巫几嘛啦巫几嘛 撒拉因第巫几嘛啦 得罗呦几哼内酷比那麽就多 亏噢哼气嫩no妥类多 扣噢P西地呦的 勇噶玩多ki呦忒 咚那噗你更 内噶阿你萌 苏kiu噗呢巫呦巫 忒困no A-CHA no 那CHA 哈给得够 够噶CHA no嫩那莫啦 内苏米卡噗啊都噶噗啊 卡怕on打 都卡久 那吧就 那弄b噢就 OH MY GOSH no也噢定没忒Do It Do It 嫩Original Hey, Baby Love Crash 嘛嘛嘛啦嘛啦啦切切切白Do Not Break 吧吧吧吧啦吧啦内蛮竟久嘟喽吧啦忒困no 那CHA no 那CHA 哈给得够 够噶CHA 一米得嫩乔噢 恰困那那噗啊那那噗啊 嫩摸勒那 噢你球 那几球得给噶球 忒困no A-CHA no 那CHA 够噶CHA 嫩嘛哈嘛摸莫路你 内苏米卡噗啊都噶噗啊 都啦搜几嘛 摸罗就噶几 嘛啦 忒困no A-CHA no 那CHA 够噶CHA 都啦几嘛 恰困那那噗啊那那噗啊你可以在百度翻译上放上韩文歌词然后让百度帮你念正确发音,如果有外设或者会的话可以录下来听。


FUZZY键盘,就是一般常态温,应该是类似于自动设定吧.SUPER FREEZE,超强冷冻键FRZ TEMP是冷冻温度调节REF TEMP是冷藏温度调节


广州品牌 说是韩国设计师



recruiting supervisor是什么意思

recruiting supervisor招聘主管.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
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