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Arch Enemy的《Vultures》 歌词

歌曲名:Vultures歌手:Arch Enemy专辑:Rise Of The TyrantBreathing life into these mares where enemies turn into fleshThis is the abyss I fear the most – I feel their eyes staring at meWaiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…A solemn cry rises to the sky as heavy wings blacken outThe morning sun with infinite darkness. Am I dreaming or am I dead?Waiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…In search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartScreaming Voices in my head. A sudden pain then deadly silenceDevouring the remains of my heart – I can feel it dyingWaiting with carnivorous patience, their memory timelessFor all they know I must succumb sometime…In search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me apartPicking at the bones of my soulLeft me dead insideThe more I gave the more they tookLeft me dead insideIn search for my heart – Lost in this hellThe vultures are soaring above – Tearing me aparthttp://music.baidu.com/song/35234399

ANSYS中GUI方式General Postproc>Query Results>Subgrid Solu>DOF Solution>usum>max对应的命令流是什么


Charles Perrault是什么意思

Charles Perrault查尔斯佩罗双语对照词典结果:Charles Perrault夏尔·佩罗(人名); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Most modern versions of fairy tales come from two sources: the grimm brothers fromgermany, and frenchman charles perrault, the collector of the "mother goose" tales. 最现代版本的童话有两个出处:德国的格林兄弟,法国的查尔斯贝洛,他创造了“鹅妈妈”等故事。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


arch在狭义上是拱门,约等于一个二维的结构。举个例子,凯旋门的英文是triumphal arch,由此可以知道这里arch用来形容的是“门”,一个二维的结构。可以同时参考一下英文释义:a curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening and typically supporting the weight of a bridge, roof, or wall above it. u2022 an arched structure forming a passageway or a ceremonial monument: a triumphal arch. u2022 a shape resembling an arch or a thing with such a shape: the delicate arch of his eyebrows. u2022 the inner side of the foot.vault表示三维的拱顶,是多个arch在不同二维平面组成的三维结构。英文释义见:1 a roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches, typical of churches and other large, formal buildings. u2022 literary a thing resembling an arched roof, especially the sky: the vault of heaven. u2022 Anatomy the arched roof of a cavity, especially that of the skull: the cranial vault.个人觉得这二者的关系近似中国古建筑中的椽、檩、梁、枋与整个屋顶的关系。

The culture of Chinese tea

中国是茶的故乡,早在唐代以前,中国生产的茶叶便通过陆路及海运的方式远销各地。首先到达了日本和韩国,然后传到印度和中亚地区。在明清时期,又传到了阿拉伯半岛。在17世纪初期,中国茶叶又远销至欧洲各国,很多上层社会的贵族、绅士都养成了喝茶的习惯。中国的共和中国的丝绸及磁器一样,已经成为了中国在全世界的代名词。 "When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him."— Ancient Chinese poem China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. http://chinese.chnedu.com/web/aboutchina/culture/tea/ 这个网站满好的.里面应该有很多你需要的chinese tea cultureChinese tea culture has a long history.Tea culture entered its most prosperous ear in Tang and Song Dynasty, which had evolved into a condition that the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status as national beverage. And at that moment Luyu who was honored as “ the Saint of Tea” and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained. Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea industry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture. That the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status asnational beverage. And at that moment Luyu who was honored as “ the Saint of Tea” and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained. Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea industry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture. The Buddhist monks also began drinking tea in large quantity in order to attain a better meditation on Buddhism. Their study on tea, interpretation of tea and pursuit for tea was completely different from the secular people. With the introduction of religious tinge and Buddhist meditation into the tea culture, a unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese tea culture came forth, that is an integration of tea and Zen. After Ming and Qing Dynasty, tea culture seemed to take on a tendency of returning to the most basics in nature with less people deliberately seeking quality water and less occasions on which tribute tea was blindly elaborated. People paid more attention to and placed more stress on the pure flavor of tea and its inherent taste through which spiritual pursuit could be realized, solace to soul could be obtained and the pursuit for a supreme bourn that human being and nature had been integrated into one entity could be attained. Tea culture is of much elegance. In the contemporary society, tea culture plays a role of enriching cultural and leisure life, promoting the development of tea-related economy and trade, and propelling culture exchange between nations. In the 21st century, tea culture will grow to an even larger scale, involve an even wider range of fields, perform an even stronger function and bring an even closer integration of tradition and modern times which will in turn promote tea culture to an international level.http://chiangeer.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!c61386d8a4b43276!181.entryhttp://www.writetolearn.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=190这个也是噢 那篇文章满好的我的理解吧. Chinese tea is part of Chinese culture.Many people likes drinking tea,and a lot of kinds of tea have become famous.Tea has a long history in China.There are a variety of good tea which attract many foreigns.So we must do more to improve Chinese tea and add up more history stories and culture to it.At the same time ,we should prevent some bad tea from damaging the fame of Chinese tea.Only by doing so can Chinese tea become more and more popular and valuable.




动名词作主语When reading difficult text,…阅读困难课文时

系统内存不足。请对大型 ResultSet 使用服务器端游标: Java heap space。ResultSet 大小:128,993。


as a result和at last差别

你好as a result和at last 意思上就有很大差别的as a result 结果,表示一件事情的结果,是含有因果关系的as a result 前面的句子一定是表示原因的at last 最终,只是表示事情的先后顺序,没有因果关系很高兴为你解...

Utilisation appliquer sur peau seche une noie de prodult sur tout le visage .是什么语言啊 什么意思



public interface Assaultable { void addack();}

cult 什么意思


Mac m1 跑ChatGLM时出现以下问题: LLVM ERROR: Failed to infer result type(s)?

该错误信息提示,当在运行ChatGLM时,Mac M1遇到了一个与张量广播不兼容的问题。这个问题可能是由于在某个操作中使用了不同数据类型或形状的张量。为了解决这个问题,请尝试以下步骤:1. 检查代码中涉及张量操作的部分:定位到代码中可能导致问题的张量操作。检查涉及的变量是否具有正确的形状和数据类型。确保所有操作都与它们期望的输入类型一致。2. 调整张量形状:如果发现不兼容的张量形状,使用类似`torch.reshape`或`torch.squeeze`的函数调整它们的形状,使它们可以正确地广播。3. 转换数据类型:如果发现不兼容的数据类型,使用类似`torch.tensor.to()`或`torch.tensor.type()`的函数将张量转换为兼容的数据类型。4. 更新相关库和依赖:确保你的系统和库(如PyTorch、TensorFlow等)都是最新版,因为一些问题可能已经在新版本中解决。5. 查阅官方文档和教程:阅读与你使用的框架和库相关的官方文档和指南,了解如何正确地执行广播操作。





Are you results oriented?请帮我分析一下该句的语法结构吧~

results-oriented和的区别就是不存在results oriented。Do you encourage parental and citizen involvement?你是否赞成父母和国民参与?Is your word your bound? 你说话算话吗?



英语翻译31.People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” s?

31. People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” styles tend to _________. C. give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners 32. People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thought to be ________. A. loud 33. One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in munication is _____________. B. How they invite people. 34. In 2010, the Easter is on _________. A. 4th, April 35. Which of the munication style can"t be characterized as high considerateness? C. Mainstream American,5,你是要翻译这些文字还是要回答里面的问题?,2,英语翻译 31.People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” styles tend to _________. A.expect to be interrupted B.use polite listening sound C.give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners D.speak one at a time 32.People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thought to be ________. A.loud B.passive C.chatty D.pushy 33.One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in munication is _____________. A.How they say,“No.” B.How they invite people. C.How they teach people.D.How they accept people. 34.In 2010,the Easter is on _________. A.4th,April B.5th,April C.2nd,April D.6th,April 35.Which of the munication style can"t be characterized as high considerateness? A.Chinese B.Japanese C.Mainstream American D.Russian 能翻译最好 若嫌麻烦做出来也行

帮忙解释一个电力学名词:multiple phases








suspension culture是什么意思

悬浮培养1. To induce callus tissues and establish suspension culture of Marchantia polymorpha L.目的探计对地钱愈伤组织的诱导和悬浮细胞培养的条件.2. Panax quinquefolium L . cell suspension culture was carried out in a concentric tube air lift reactor.在不同的气升式反应器中对西洋参细胞进行了大规模培养.3. The progress epitomizes the process on callus culture, suspension culture and ferment of Panax quinquefolium"s cell.概述了国内外在西洋参愈伤组织培养 、 细胞悬浮培养和发酵培养方面的研究进展情况.4. Suspension culture was adopted in theproduction of coriolus versicolor , shortening the production period from cultivation.云芝的生产采用是浮培养法, 较其栽培法生产周期大大缩短.5. Embryogenic suspension cell is ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants.胚性悬浮细胞是禾谷类作物原生质体培养的理想材料.



The use of chopsticks become a part of Chinese culture.是用become还是becomes 为什么?

becomes三单主语是the use 用途不是筷子


result更强调前因后果,通常是你的行为导致的(好)结果 consequence通常是(坏)结果,可翻译为后果 outcome就不知道了,字典上说是the result of an effect,situation,ect...

consequence 和result有什么区别?



满意请采纳 result “结果”,指做某事产生的直接结果,或指某抽象概念的结果。 1) The students are intensely anxious to know the result of the entrance examination. 学生们非常渴望知道入学考试的结果。 2) As a general rule, the rise in unemployment is usually the result of inflation. 通常情况下,失业人数增加是通货膨胀的结果。 consequence “后果”、“经过”,多指某物产生的不良后果,但也可用于表示指 某抽象概念的结果,此时可与 result 互换。 1) It terrifies me to contemplate the consequence of your action. 想到你行动的后果就让我害怕。 2) If you behave so foolishly, you will be ready to bear the consequence. 如果你行为是如此的愚蠢,你就准备好承担后果吧。 3) This rise in price is an inevitable consequence / result of both demand and supply trends. 这种价格上涨是供需两方面的发展趋势不可避免的结果。 outcome “结局”、“结果”,指有待见分晓的结果或结局。 1) We are fully confident that negotiation between the two countries on trade will have a happy outcome. 我们有充分的信心,两国之的贸易谈判会有一个愉快的结果。 2) The vote has been completed, but the result/outcome will not be announced before next Wednesday. 投票已经结束,但结果要到下个星期三才会宣布。

as a consequence 和as a result有什么区别



esult更强调前因后果,通常是你的行为导致的(好)结果 consequence通常是(坏)结果,可翻译为后果 oute就不知道了,字典上说是the result of an effect,situation,ect...,7,

resault 和consequence 区别

都是指事情的结果,但consequence通常指的是事情的负面结果,如同中文的后果.result指的是由某事产生的直接结果,可以是好的也可以是坏的,如She"s fired as a result of neglect of duty / His success is the result of years of research .result可以指比赛,选举,考试等的结果,consequence不可以



result consequence outcome都是表结果,它们怎么区分

result 结果,导致。一般来说,不存在好或坏的区分,就是单纯指结果consequence 后果,这里更多的是指不好的结果outcome 成果,指好的结果。可以按上述进行区分,希望能帮到你


  (1)二者均有“结果”的意思  (2)result是最普通的用词,用途最广,指很多效果、后果的综合,带 “最后结果”的意味。  consequence这个词带有贬义,一般表示一种不好的结局,常译为“后果”。  (3)可以这么去体会一下。result一般直接用来陈述一个结果;而consequenc一词前面会陈述导致这个“结果”的事件或原因,而后用consequence总结:发生了…,结果……。




result [re·sult || ru026a"zu028clt]n. 计算结果, 成效consequence [con·se·quence || "ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns]n. 推论; 推理outcome ["au028atku028cm]n. 后果; 结局

inhouse consulting是指什么

Inhouse Consulting is the international strategy and management consultancy of Deutsche Post DHL. Working “in house” we support the top management of Deutsche Post DHL in shaping the future of their businesses – worldwide. Above everything, our common goal is the long-term success of Deutsche Post DHL. Additionally, Inhouse Consulting provides Strategic Logistics Consulting to leading companies, across all industries globally. We help our clients keep pace in a fast-moving supply chain world, teaming up with a network of leading experts and supply chain institutions to support in identifying the optimal supply chain model to achieve their priorities. To learn more about how we can assist you, visit www.dphl-consulting.com. Founded in 1999 to support the top management of Deutsche Post DHL, Inhouse Consulting has grown to become a globally recognized company of more than 110 consultants located in four offices serving Europe, the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific. Inhouse Consulting, next to providing consulting services, successfully develops high potentials for management positions in the Group. For example, since the Americas office was established in 2005, over 20 of its consultants have moved into management positions at DPDHL. This is why we invest in the best logistics and supply-chain experts and build up new talent.

International Art Consultant 答案!!!


property consultant是什么意思

意思是 房产顾问



l&d consultant 啥意思


Bond West Consultants是什么公司..

Bond West Consultants邦韦咨询有限公司

consult 和consultant的区别

consult 是动词vt. & vi. 商议, 商量 They consulted long, but could not decide. 他们磋商了很久, 但是不能做出决定。 vt. 请教, 咨询; 找(医生)诊治 He consulted the workers to understand the technical process. 他询问工人, 想了解技术上的程序。 consultant是顾问顾问 He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor. 他是市长的一个法律顾问。 高级顾问医生, 会诊医生 There"re many consultants in hospital. 医院里有很多会诊医生。 希望能帮到你

【consultant 中文】秒懂英文「consultant」的意思!

consultant 中文 意思是指「顾问;咨询师」的意思,consultant 的名词复数为 consultants。consultant 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出consultant的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.consultant 顾问;咨询师 (名词) consultant当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「顾问;咨询师」的意思。 consultant相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a management consultant 管理顾问 financial consultant 财务顾问 puter consultant 电脑顾问 consultant相关英文例句: 例:Jenny is a consultant. 珍妮是一名顾问。 例:Tom is now a hospital consultant. 汤姆现在是医院顾问。 consultant, consultant 中文, consultant 中文意思, consultant 中文的意思, consultant 中文解释, consultant 意思, consultant 用法, consultant 翻译, 英文 consultant


consultant 英[ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt]美[ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt]n. (受人咨询的) 顾问; 会诊医生,(顾问)医生; 求教者,(与人)商议者,征求意见者,查阅者,咨询者;[例句]Shirley"s brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.雪利的兄弟现在在瑞典做心脏外科高级顾问医师。[其他] 复数:consultants


我在notepad++里这样写可以实现,^([A-Z]+) 替换为1



帮忙看段linux C的文件复制程序 出先segment fault错误


come to result

A.conclusian本身就有结论的意思,而result则偏向于事情的结果,成绩的意思.come to a/no conclusion也是一固定词组

研究生英语读写译《western culture》翻译


——the experiment three times now with different results each time


HFSS result中怎么看E面,H面方向图

E面是指的远场最大辐射方向上与电场矢量平行的面,H面是与其垂直的面。温馨提示:以上信息仅供参考。应答时间:2021-04-29,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html

yakult的音标是什么 谢谢了

您好!发音是: 压酷了特




Yakult音译为“养乐多”和“益力多”(广州地区应用的产品名称),是一种风靡全球的、每瓶至少含有100亿特殊活性乳酸菌的乳饮品,每天饮用一瓶“养乐多”可以有效地增加人体肠道中益生菌的数量,帮您维持肠道生态平衡,提高免疫力,营造健康生活。益力多,台湾译养乐多,日文名ヤクルト,英文名Yakult,是在1930年日本京都大学教授代田稔研制的酸奶饮品。“Yakult”这个名称是取自世界语的“Jahurto”,意即酸奶。养乐多营养标示(每100ml):热量..............72.0大卡蛋白质............1.2公克脂肪................0.1公克碳水化合物....16.7公克钠.................16.0毫克内容量(100ml)每瓶含有100亿个以上的养乐多代田菌。养乐多代田菌(L. casei Shirota) 能通过胃酸及胆盐考验,让肠内有益菌增加。行销世界27个国家及地区。水银灯在动画第一季第八话中因为曾经对柴崎爷爷说出:“有摄取乳酸菌吗?”而成为许多同人画家恶搞成为养乐多代言人。Yakult和尼康一并为国际泳联2010年第10届阿联酋迪拜短池游泳世锦赛主赞助商。





阿迪达斯ultra boost和pure boost有什么区别

阿迪达斯ultra boost和pure boost有什么区别

国力通LP219关机状态,按开机键+音量上键,出现的英文 full phone test view phone test result item


我按了开机和音量键后,出了full phone test view phone test result item test BT EUT ctp calibrate


Full phone test Item test View testResult Exit Ea


手机工程模式刷机都是英文选哪个是出厂模式 full phone Test Item Test View Test Result Exit


我手机出现四行英文,Full phone test Item Test Viem Test Result Exit都是什么意思

full phone test (完整电话测试) item test(项目测试) View test Result (浏览测试结果)(Viem应该是View,没Viem这个词)Exit(退出)


叫 U叉~~



无法定位程序输入点 SetDefaultDllDirectories于动态链接库KERNEL32.dll 上.



Dungeons and Dragons DaggerdaleDnDGameConfig下的DefaultGame.ini修改上面的文档,记得备份,以免出错无法恢复!文件记事本打开DefaultGame.ini,"ctrl + F"查找本人英文水平有限,难免错翻.希望大家包涵[DNDGame.DNDPlayerPawn] // 这些应该是升级需要的经验,升第二级本来需要1W,现在只要1千了debugLogTuningData=true+NextXPLevel= 0 ; (1)+NextXPLevel= 1000 ; (2)+NextXPLevel= 4000 ; (3)+NextXPLevel= 8000 ; (4)+NextXPLevel= 13500 ; (5)+NextXPLevel= 20000 ; (6)+NextXPLevel= 28500 ; (7)+NextXPLevel= 40000 ; (8)+NextXPLevel= 55000 ; (9)+NextXPLevel= 70000 ; (10)[DNDGame.DNDGamePawn]MoveSpeedCap=1100;//这个我想应该是移动速度了[DNDGame.DNDDamagePawn]PlayerAttackerMissedShakeScale=0.3 //未命中几率?PlayerAttackerHitShakeScale=1.0 //命中几率?PlayerAttackerCritShakeScale=2.0 //这个应该是暴击伤害倍数[DNDGame.DNDEquipment] //装备显示的颜色PoorQualityColor=(R=180,G=180,B=180,A=255)垃圾装备NormalColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255)普通MagicColor=(R=65,G=126,B=241,A=255)魔法PlusMagicColor=(R=225,G=170,B=80,A=255)加强UniqueColor=(R=170,G=105,B=255,A=255)独一无二[DNDGame.DNDRandomLoot]PreferredItemForClassWheight = 0.20 //什么装备的重量,不明白,google翻译不明IncreasedDropChanceMultiplier = 0.25 //这是物品掉落率HealthMultiplier1P = 1.0 //这个应该是联机后的血量倍数,多少P代表多少人的情况下(邪恶中....)HealthMultiplier2P = 1.5HealthMultiplier3P = 2.0HealthMultiplier4P = 2.5DmgMultiplier1P = 1.0 //这个应该是联机后的伤害倍数DmgMultiplier2P = 1.3DmgMultiplier3P = 1.5DmgMultiplier4P = 1.7

multipart/form-data;boundary= 怎么提交

在网络编程过程中需要向服务器上传文件。Multipart/form-data是上传文件的一种方式。Multipart/form-data其实就是浏览器用表单上传文件的方式。最常见的情境是:在写邮件时,向邮件后添加附件,附件通常使用表单添加,也就是用multipart/form-data格式上传到服务器。表单形式上传附件具体的步骤是怎样的呢?首先,客户端和服务器建立连接(TCP协议)。第二,客户端可以向服务器端发送数据。因为上传文件实质上也是向服务器端发送请求。第三,客户端按照符合“multipart/form-data”的格式向服务器端发送数据。既然Multipart/form-data格式就是浏览器用表单提交数据的格式,我们就来看看文件经过浏览器编码后是什么样子。点击“Browse…”分别选择“unknow.gif”和“unknow1.gif”文件,点击“submit”按纽后,文件将被上传到服务器。下面是服务器收到的数据:服务器收到的数据这是一个POST请求。所以数据是放在请求体内,而不是请求头内。这行指出这个请求是“multipart/form-data”格式的,且“boundary”是 “---------------------------7db15a14291cce”这个字符串。不难想象,“boundary”是用来隔开表单中不同部分数据的。例子中的表单就有 2 部分数据,用“boundary”隔开。“boundary”一般由系统随机产生,但也可以简单的用“-------------”来代替。实际上,每部分数据的开头都是由"--" + boundary开始,而不是由 boundary 开始。仔细看才能发现下面的开头这段字符串实际上要比 boundary 多了个 “--” 紧接着 boundary 的是该部分数据的描述。接下来才是数据。“GIF”gif格式图片的文件头,可见,unknow1.gif确实是gif格式图片。在请求的最后,则是 "--" + boundary + "--" 表明表单的结束。需要注意的是,在html协议中,用 “ ” 换行,而不是 “ ”。下面的代码片断演示如何构造multipart/form-data格式数据,并上传图片到服务器。//---------------------------------------// this is the demo code of using multipart/form-data to upload text and photos.// -use WinInet APIs.////// connection handlers.//HRESULT hr;HINTERNET m_hOpen;HINTERNET m_hConnect;HINTERNET m_hRequest;//// make connection.//...//// form the content.//std::wstring strBoundary = std::wstring(L"------------------");std::wstring wstrHeader(L"Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=");wstrHeader += strBoundary;HttpAddRequestHeaders(m_hRequest, wstrHeader.c_str(), DWORD(wstrHeader.size()), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);//// "std::wstring strPhotoPath" is the name of photo to upload.////// uploaded photo form-part begin.//std::wstring strMultipartFirst(L"--");strMultipartFirst += strBoundary;strMultipartFirst += L" Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pic"; filename=";strMultipartFirst += L""" + strPhotoPath + L""";strMultipartFirst += L" Content-Type: image/jpeg ";//// "std::wstring strTextContent" is the text to uploaded.////// uploaded text form-part begin.//std::wstring strMultipartInter(L" --");strMultipartInter += strBoundary;strMultipartInter += L" Content-Disposition: form-data; name="status" ";std::wstring wstrPostDataUrlEncode(CEncodeTool::Encode_Url(strTextContent));// add text content to send.strMultipartInter += wstrPostDataUrlEncode;std::wstring strMultipartEnd(L" --");strMultipartEnd += strBoundary;strMultipartEnd += L"-- ";//// open photo file.//// ws2s(std::wstring)// -transform "strPhotopath" from unicode to ansi.std::ifstream *pstdofsPicInput = new std::ifstream;pstdofsPicInput->open((ws2s(strPhotoPath)).c_str(), std::ios::binary|std::ios::in);pstdofsPicInput->seekg(0, std::ios::end);int nFileSize = pstdofsPicInput->tellg();if(nPicFileLen == 0){return E_ACCESSDENIED;}char *pchPicFileBuf = NULL;try{pchPicFileBuf = new char[nPicFileLen];}catch(std::bad_alloc){hr = E_FAIL;}if(FAILED(hr)){return hr;}pstdofsPicInput->seekg(0, std::ios::beg);pstdofsPicInput->read(pchPicFileBuf, nPicFileLen);if(pstdofsPicInput->bad()){pstdofsPicInput->close();hr = E_FAIL;}delete pstdofsPicInput;if(FAILED(hr)){return hr;}// Calculate the length of data to send.std::string straMultipartFirst = CEncodeTool::ws2s(strMultipartFirst);std::string straMultipartInter = CEncodeTool::ws2s(strMultipartInter);std::string straMultipartEnd = CEncodeTool::ws2s(strMultipartEnd);int cSendBufLen = straMultipartFirst.size() + nPicFileLen + straMultipartInter.size() + straMultipartEnd.size();// Allocate the buffer to temporary store the data to send.PCHAR pchSendBuf = new CHAR[cSendBufLen];memcpy(pchSendBuf, straMultipartFirst.c_str(), straMultipartFirst.size());memcpy(pchSendBuf + straMultipartFirst.size(), (const char *)pchPicFileBuf, nPicFileLen);memcpy(pchSendBuf + straMultipartFirst.size() + nPicFileLen, straMultipartInter.c_str(), straMultipartInter.size());memcpy(pchSendBuf + straMultipartFirst.size() + nPicFileLen + straMultipartInter.size(), straMultipartEnd.c_str(), straMultipartEnd.size());//// send the request data.//HttpSendRequest(m_hRequest, NULL, 0, (LPVOID)pchSendBuf, cSendBufLen)


为了解决这个问题,今天我小小的研究了一下,发现了一个可以删除UltraEdit查找历史的方法,这不一定是最方便的,但是是有效的.方法是到目录C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication Da taIDMCompUltraEdit下用记事本打开Uedit32.INI,这个文件里包含了一些配置信息,找到[Find History]这一项,看到下面的东西了吗?那就是查找的历史记录,把不想在查找历史中出现的东西删掉吧.而替换的历史记录是这个文件的[Replace History]项下面(看来Uedit32.INI这个文件是个好东西啊),同样删掉不要的东西,再保存,关闭.当你再次打开UltraEdit的时候,就可以发现那些烦人的东西就不见了. 把操作步骤总结一下: 1.打开C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication Da taIDMCompUltraEditUedit32.INI 2.删除[Find History]和[Replace History]下的历史记录,并保存. 3.如果你比我还菜......把Uedit32.INI删掉吧. 注意,如果没有进行查找的话,Uedit32.INI里默认是没有[Find History]这一项的,如果没有进行替换的话,[Replace History]这项也是没有的. 以上是从网络上搜索来的解决办法,抱着UltraEdit的功能不会这么欠缺的想法,我把菜单和搜索功能研究了一下,发现可以办到清除那些搜索历史: 菜单里:高级 -- 配置... -- 工具栏/ 菜单 -- 杂项 -- 清除历史记录 --》重启Edit 而且有更多的设置。

ultraedit 是如何快速的打开大文件的

UltraEdit 可以处理超过4GB 的文件。UltraEdit 是基于磁盘进行编辑的,这意味着每次只在内存中载入文件的一小部分,因此它不使用所有的内存。我估计它应该根据行号建立了一些索引了。所以根据行号定位文件的速度也很快。像很多编辑器都是把整个文件都载入内存的,所以大文件就很慢了,而且也很卡


你这图中不仅是菜单栏没了,工具栏等等都没了。还是考虑还原界面吧:▼完全退出 UltraEdit ;▼打开这个路径(把这个路径粘贴到资源管理器的地址栏,回车):%AppData%IDMCompUltraEdit▼删除其中的这个文件:Uedit32.in0我试过把界面也弄成你这样子,但找不到更好的办法还原。要针对性地去改 Uedit32.in0 中的内容,是件麻烦事。若仍未解决,请“补充说明”或“追问”,我继续帮你。


估计是没有卸载完整。1、程序文件夹 ,如 C:program filesUltraEdit322、个人信息,如:C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataIDMCompUltraEdit(切记,备份后再删除!!!)3、注册表信息

Ultraedit 数字 求和


ultraedit 打开多个窗口





http://www.x-berry.com/ultraedit-v20/UltraEdit v20 破解版


在断网→脱机激活模式下ue 22脱机验讠正码分别为:1258523763和1378165281其他两项(许``与`码)任意输如果激活失败就是用户码改变了再“继续追问”发给我搞定望及时采纳:点击我的回答右侧的"采纳答案"



ultraedit 或 notepad++哪个好用



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