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哲学高手请进!!! 麻烦介绍一下 Paulo Freire (巴西教育家) 的著作 "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"

Pedagogy of the Oppressed Ch 3问题与讨论日期:92.5.10(W6)地点:台中东海大学教育研究所会议室申:对於翻译部分有些问题。在对话的第三个基础:对於人们有高度的信心。比照原文是hope,指的应该是对人性的希望而不是人们的信念faith。新版的书有五点:love、humanity、faith、hope、critical thinking。 廖:hope和faith都有,所以应该是五个基础。赵:第二部分「革命领导者」这里提到:教育不是由”A for B”,也不是”A about B”,而是A with B。其中A about B廖老师翻成「周围」不知道大家是怎样去了解这个部分?我是翻成「关於」,也就是说教育不是由A为B所做的事,也不是由A来做有关B的事情,而是A跟B一起做的事。释:不管是for或是about都是单方面的,只有with是同时完成的。黄:这里with呼应到真正的教育是老师跟学生都要cooperative,而且要一起完成的。廖:没错。申:A for B应该是父权式的、慈善性的教育。about是客体化,把他变成thing在教学。With是说要共学,师生的权力关系要调整。廖:在探究的过程里面,好像看不到学生的进来?看不到对象?申:这里是说要有被研究者的参予。基本上被研究者有参予的权利,必须要让他进来。再来,就方法论的角度来看是要去分析,是专业人员indispensable act。申:word是一个关键。延续前面几次讲的problem-posing和dialogical,就方法论和知识论的角度来讲,第一个要检讨的就是word,因为对话最重要的工具就是word。但是word又不希望纯粹只是被reduce成符号,word应同时有两个性质:反省、行动。从语言学来说,它有能指和所指,而且要同时存在。我们要了解真实世界会透过naming,naming的过程会形成好几个符号系统,必须要从符号里面去了解真实reality是怎样透过符号去建构出来的。当我们去reflect然后给一个新的perspective的时候,problem自然会出现,然后才会去改变interpretation,产生naming的行动。举个例子来说「独角兽有几只角」,或是「独角兽有几只脚」?基本上这个问题是没有意义的,因为没有人看过真正的独角兽;它的name和所对应到的reality是有问题的。又比如说问西方人「木鱼有几种煮法」,我们知道木鱼根本不是鱼,可是从名字的解读会误以为木鱼是鱼而去思考这个问题,但事实上这个问题是不具有意义的。因此符号所建构的真实社会会让我们去问一些所谓的问题,但却是没有意义的问题。所以提问的时候,第一个要考虑的是word,再来是word和reality的关系,才有办法reflection。昱:回应刚刚所讲的,有次我们学姊买了一堆零食回家,她国小二年级的儿子就说这些全部是「进口」的,但事实上这些零食并不是从国外进口的,所以学姊就问他为什麼这麼说,他儿子就回答说:「这些等一下全都要进我的口,所以是”进口”的。」进口这一个词对一般人来说是指贸易往来的意思,可是对学姊的儿子来说却是有不同的解读。另外,上星期我们(暨大)外籍新娘识字班教「走进厨房」这一课,有个学员竟然把要教的单字全都先写好了,我问她怎麼先写了?她回答说是因为她看到这些字很熟悉,觉得很简单,所以就先写好了。所以当我们在提到word的时候,如果这个word对他的生活产生影响,那是会有不同的意义。申:前面两章提到要dialogical和problem-posing,第三章则是要解释他的方法论跟知识论是怎麼进行的。首先,要进行dialogical一定要有word作为工具。当word能表示世界的时候,就具备reflection,也就是能represent这个世界。这里回应到人跟动物的不同。这个世界透过字的再呈现跟重新组织,事实上也形塑了这个世界。如果不做reflection,就会有意识型态再制的问题,copy上层的意识型态。要了解到什麼是真正的dialogical,才能以爱心、信心等五个元素去转化,不然就只是语言哲学。所以Freire所说的「对话」是有特定义含的,并不是老师和学生在课堂上讲话就是对话那麼简单,要有reflection和action。人能represent世界所以和动物不同。所以这里应该是Freire方法论的建构。赵:Freire是透过和农民互动的经验,来形成他对教育的认识。黄:dialogical是一个比较规范性的,和一般的communication不一样。我在读这一章的时候,最困难的是这一章的第一页「word」的部分,他提到word有两个面向:reflection和action,不晓得这是属於哪个语言学派?申:这个不是语言学里面的。如果从纯粹的语言学来讲,有语法和语意等。语言学有好几个学派,如认为符号对应到的是真实存在的东西,能指与所指示相对应的。但是word在用的时候,不同情境又有不同的意函。例如我对黄崇宪老师说你是坏人,这是有道德谴责的意思。但如果情侣间讲这句话,却有不同的意思。Word和世界的关系事实上是有很多不同的构面,但对Freire来说是有word要有action和reflection两个dimension才称的上是dialogical。廖:word举例来说「我们要健康,台湾要美丽」说这样一句话,但却没有行动,那只是漂亮的一句话。但事实上这样的一句话是隐含reflection,思考我们要怎样的环境。黄:一般我们谈word不会给这个概念那麼大的意函,好像是生命中不可承受之重。赵:那是因为Freire面对的是不识字的农民,所以在那样的context之下他要去强调word的重要性。他是要农民透过识字,产生力量去改变现状,所以特别强调word。申:这是一部分原因,另一部分原因可能是他写这本书时是70年代,语言哲学兴盛,所以引用来作为说明的基础。黄:书中提到「speak a true is to transform the world」,这样的一句话太沉重。我们平常讲话不就要不停的去action和reflection?!如果我们讲一句真话,就是在transform the world。申:所以和Freire讲话是不能开玩笑的。昱:过去我们叫原住民「青番」的时候,他们是处於一个不平等的状态;现在叫他们原住民的同时,他们也能够有平等的对待。又如法师曾提到外籍新娘应改成「新移民者」,那这样是不是就是一种naming?黄:没错,原住民是六○年代的正名运动,因为语言反应结构背后的不平等。申:事实上正名运动背后有一种意识型态,命名的过程中是一种imposition,就是我把我的认知、对世界的认识强加在你身上。释:这是需要经过长时间的reflection才会有action出来。申:成教界在发展的时候是否有照Freire的方法论去做?这样的方法论经过30年后是否经过验证?这样的方法是否是普世皆可的?文莹:世新大学田露西老师带几个研究生和中学老师组一个工作坊,用Freire的方法来进行。但在进行提问式的教育时,老师们因得不到答案而显得更不之所措。Freire自己也声称他的东西是不可移借的,是「here and now」的;他要大家不要重复他所做的,要考虑到脉落情境的问题。研究者和参予者也反省到他们对Freire的东西其实也不是很了解。廖:如Freire所说的,一切从现实出发。所以任何场域都是可以实践的,但前提是要契合脉落情境。

tighten; populous ;intellectual; 这英语用谐音怎么读?

1.胎 ten2.pao 扑油乐(儿)思3.阴特(儿)赖克 chuo 哦

手表 saopaulo型号vdsbl210多少钱


英语以I was living in Sao Paulo开头的完形填空

Several men hit the Sao Paulo Museum of Art just

6.ran 7.avoided

第60的A 是 Sao Paulo,英语求解答!谢谢!

56-b57 a58 d59 a60 d眼睛都快瞅瞎了啊,不采纳说不过去了哈。下次能拍清楚点不

Sao Paulo North - Brazil离巴西还有多远


Heaven Can Wait (Live In Sao Paulo 2/3/08) 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Can Wait (Live In Sao Paulo 2/3/08)歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Flight 666: The Original SoundtrackHeaven Can WaitMasters Of Chants ChapterII格里高利圣咏(Gregorian)【英】Heaven can waitand a band of angelswrapped up in my heartwill take me through the lonely nightthrough the cold of the dayAnd I know, I knowHeaven can waitand all the gods come down herejust to sing for meand the melody"s gonna make me flywithout painwithout fear.Give me all of your dreamsand let me go along on your wayGive me all of your prayers to singAnd I"ll turn the nightinto the skylight of dayI got a taste of paradiseI"m never gonna let it slip awayGot a taste of paradisethat"s all I really need to make me stayJust like a child againHeaven can waitand all I got is time until the end of timeI won"t look back, I won"t look backLet the altars shine...And I know that I"ve been releasedBut I don"t know to wherenobody"s gonna tell me nowand I don"t really careNo no noI got a taste of paradiseThat"s all I really need to make me staygot a taste of paradiseIf I had it any sooner you knowYou know I never wouldhave run away from my homeHeaven can waitAnd all I got is time until the end of timeand I won"t look backI won"t look backLet the altars shineHeaven can waitHeaven can waitand I won"t look backI won"t look backLet the altars shinelet the altars shine...http://music.baidu.com/song/2839510

costa 529-socorro sao paulo的邮编是多少

ether the pilot project is working.

Sao Paulo,Brazil 是什么意思

巴西圣保罗 是一个地方

Sao Paulo是巴西的什么城市,汉语名称叫什么?


sao paulo在哪个国家 sao paulo在哪里

sao paulo在巴西。sao paulo位于巴西东南部一州。圣保罗是巴西最大的城市和最大的工业中心,大型工业企业有3000多家,工人达200余万,整体工业实力雄踞南美诸城市之首。圣保罗又是巴西的文化中心,科技中心。大量移民使得圣保罗成为一个国际性城市。圣保罗市东区则有拉美地区最大的购物中心之一Shopping Aricanduva。圣保罗市西也有多个高档购物区,圣保罗最昂贵的两个购物场所Iguatemi和Potio Higienopolis就位于此。发展历史:圣保罗最早是印第安人的村落。1554年1月25日,葡萄牙殖民者来到这里,发现其地理位置理想,便大兴土木兴建城镇,因这一天恰好是天主教纪念圣徒圣保罗的日子,便将这座城镇命名为圣保罗。1711年圣保罗设立市。1822年,巴西在这里宣布独立。到1880年,圣保罗仍只是一座面积2平方公里、人口4万的小镇,但到19世纪末期,因附近地区大面积种植咖啡和外国移民大量涌来,城镇开始迅速发展起来,到1940年城市人口已超过130万。据有关报道称,圣保罗是世界上发展速度最快的城市。

sao paulo怎么读

sao paulo怎么读:美 [sau028a u02c8pu0254lou028a]1、Sao Paulo has become the largest city in South america. 圣保罗已经成为南美洲最大的城市。2、You began your career when you were eight years old at Sao Paulo. 你八岁时在圣保罗开始了你的职业生涯,你在那里生活了十多年。3、Barretos lies in the northern part of Sao Paulo. 巴雷图斯坐落在圣保罗北边。4、The bus carries passengers in communities around Sao Paulo. 这些公交车在圣保罗各社区之间载客。5、Sao Paulo has almost twenty million people. Almost half of them ride buses every day. 圣保罗大约有2000万人口,几乎一半的人口每天都要乘坐公交车。6、Sao Paulo has a serious crime problem 圣保罗犯罪问题严重



歌词里有iloveyouloveyouloveyou....我爱你 loveyouloveyou 什么的

I Will Follow Him 翻唱:little peggy march

wiggle Jason Derulo,Snoop Dogg 无损音乐资源,求免费分享

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IhHe9KLvvvHEVw1r51VtUA 密码:mrw2歌曲名:Wiggle演唱者:Jason Derulo&Snoop Dog


《You Look So Good》。《You Look So Good》是Moe Shop、Pierre Octave演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Pure Pure》的英文歌曲。歌曲是由歌词和曲谱相结合的一种艺术形式,也是一种表现形式。词曲一一对应。歌曲的创作一般有三种方式:一是先有文辞,后据之谱曲;二是先曲后词,依声填词;三是通过已有曲或词,重新谱写词曲,属于改编或翻唱。



有一首外国歌 是一个男人唱的 歌词好像是 lougou lougoulougoulougou

Miguel Angel Munoz - Diras Que Estoy Loco http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTAyMzMxMDUy.html

找一首女声的英语歌,很轻快,高潮有很多youloveyouloveyoulove,不是《loving you》

Selena Gomez-Love You Like A Love Song


(普通版):你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞;你说你爱太阳,但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影;你说你爱风,但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子;你说你也爱我,而我却为此烦忧。(文艺版):你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望;后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香;后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量;后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘;我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。(诗经版):  子言慕雨,  启伞避之。  子言好阳,  寻荫拒之。  子言喜风,  阖户离之。  子言偕老,  吾所畏之。  (离骚版):  君乐雨兮启伞枝,  君乐昼兮林蔽日,  君乐风兮栏帐起,  君乐吾兮吾心噬。  (七言绝句版):  恋雨却怕绣衣湿,  喜日偏向树下倚。  欲风总把绮窗关,  叫奴如何心付伊。  (七律压轴版):  江南三月雨微茫,  罗伞叠烟湿幽香。  夏日微醺正可人,  却傍佳木趁荫凉。  霜风清和更初霁,  轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。  怜卿一片相思意,  尤恐流年拆鸳鸯。

febulous 什么意思


bulous 意思



其实也没多大的区别 平时可以互换be careful of=be careful about 小心 对什么谨慎 注意 表示注意自己健康等的方面 注意做到什么be careful with=be careful in 嘱咐别人小心做事 是要注意别让某东西毁坏 或者让某物或某事伤害到自己 但是Be careful of强调对...认真,细心,小心(比较褒义)be careful of …注意,小心.后接名词,动名词或从句.Please be careful of your spelling.Be careful of what they have said.be careful with…小心……嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名词或动名词.也可以说“Be careful (not) to do...”或“Be careful that you don"t...”.Be careful with the wet paint.小心,油漆未干.


Tuberculosis-screening结核病筛查screening[英][u02c8skri:nu026au014b][美][u02c8skrinu026au014b]n.放映,播放; 筛查; v.筛(煤、矿石等)( screen的现在分词 ); 审查; 放映(电影); 庇护; 复数:screenings例句:1.Prostate cancer screening has long been problematic. 前列腺癌的筛查一直成问题。2.Many resource-poor countries lack facilities for rigorously screening bloodsupplies. 许多资源贫乏的国家缺乏严格筛选血液供应的设施。





Want To Want Me-- Jason Derulo 中文歌词

Want To Want Me - Jason DeruloIt"s so hard to sleep 辗转反侧 难以入眠 I got the sheets on the floor 任床单滑落地板 Listen to me 听我说 And I can"t take it no more 我已承受不来 So hard I can"t breath 我快要窒息 I got one foot out the door 一只脚踏出门外 Where are my keys 却找不到钥匙 "Cause I gotta leave, yeah 因为我必须逃离这里 In the back of the cab 坐在的士的后座 I tip the driver, head to town 我跟司机说 直接开去市中心 Give me the best 让我暂忘这一切 I got your body on my mind 脑海里都是你的身影 I want it back 多想你回到我身边 Ooh, just the thought of you gets me so high, so high 只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已 Girl, you don"t want 女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 I want you to want me 我多盼望你能渴望我 And if you want, hey girl, you got me 只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你 There"s nothing I know I wouldn"t do, I wouldn"t do 手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 Girl, you don"t want 女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 I want you to want me 我多盼望你能渴望我 And if you want, hey girl, you got me 只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你 There"s nothing I know I wouldn"t do, I wouldn"t do 手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 You open the door 你打开门 There ain"t nothing but a smile drawn to the floor 除了个明媚的微笑外什么也没有 And you whisper in my ear, baby I"m yours 你在我耳畔低语 宝贝我专属于你 Ooh, just the thought of you gets me so high 只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已 So high so high 心绪难平 悸动不已 Girl, you don"t want 女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 I want you to want me 我多盼望你能渴望我 And if you want, hey girl, you got me 只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你 There"s nothing I know I wouldn"t do, I wouldn"t do 手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 Girl, you don"t want 女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 I want you to want me 我多盼望你能渴望我 And if you want, hey girl, you got me 只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你 There"s nothing I know I wouldn"t do, I wouldn"t do 手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 Just the thought of you gets me so high, so high 只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已 Ooh, just the thought of you gets me so high, so high 只是一想到你 我的心就悸动不已 Girl, you don"t want 女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 I want you to want me 我多盼望你能渴望我 And if you want, hey girl, you got me 只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你 There"s nothing I know I wouldn"t do, I wouldn"t do 手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 Girl, you don"t want 女孩 难道你并不期盼吗 I want you to want me 我多盼望你能渴望我 And if you want, hey girl, you got me 只要你愿意 女孩我就专属于你 There"s nothing I know I wouldn"t do, I wouldn"t do 手足无措 我不知道应该怎样做 Just to get up next you 才能更靠近你一点 I"ll do anything 我愿意做任何事 Just to get up next you 只为能更靠近你一点 Anything is everything 我说的是愿意付出一切 Just to get up next you 只为更靠近你一点 Baby 宝贝 Just to get up next you 只为更靠近你一点 Oh get up get up 只为更靠近你

synthetic cellulose sponge 是什么

我查了一下:synthetic合成的, 人造的cellulose(用于制作涂料、漆等的)纤维素化合物sponge海绵那应该是合成纤维的一种棉吧。

Jason Derulo - In My Head 中文歌词

Title:In my headArtist:Jason DeruloTranslated by 535242579Everybody"s looking for love. Oh. Oh.每个人都在寻找爱情,噢Ain"t that the reason you"re at this club. Oh. Oh.难道这不是你在这间俱乐部的原因吗,噢You ain"t gonna find these things with him. No. Oh.你在他身上没有找到这些东西,噢Got a better solution for you girl. Oh. Oh.女孩,我有更好的方法解决,噢Just stay with me now. Say the word and we"ll go.只要现在跟我在一起,说出来然后我们就一起走I"ll be your teacher. I"ll show you the ropes.我会成为你的老师,我会向你指点窍门You"ll see a side of love you"ve never known.你会看到从没见到过的另一面的爱情I can see it going down, going down.我能看到爱情被接受In my head, I see you all over me.在我脑海中,我看到你覆盖在我身上In my head, you fulfill my fantasy.在我脑海中,你满足了我的幻想In my head, you"ll be screaming more.在我脑海中,你会尖叫连连In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head. Yeah. In my head. Oh yeah.在我脑海中,耶,在我脑海中,噢耶I"m gonna do all the right things to serve.我会做一切美好的事来服侍你When it comes down to it, it"s all just a game.归结起来,这充其量不过是一场游戏Instead of talking let me demonstrate. Yeah.不用说话,让我表示出来,耶Get down to business lets. Get. Ball. Play.做正经的吧,一起合作吧Just stay with me now. Say the word and we"ll go.只要现在跟我在一起,说出来然后我们就一起走I"ll be your teacher. I"ll show you the ropes.我会成为你的老师,我会向你指点窍门You"ll see a side of love you"ve never known.你会看到从没见到过的另一面的爱情I can see it going down, going down.我能看到爱情被接受In my head, I see you all over me.在我脑海中,我看到你覆盖在我身上In my head, you fulfill my fantasy.在我脑海中,你满足了我的幻想In my head, you"ll be screaming more.在我脑海中,你会尖叫连连In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head. Yeah在我脑海中,耶Break it down. Ay-oh. Come on. Ay-oh. Ay-oh.消除矜持,哎噢,上啊,哎噢You singing to me baby in my head right now.此时我脑中,你正对我唱歌呢宝贝Ay-oh. Ay-oh. Come on.哎哦,来吧She"ll be screaming out when it all goes down.结束的时候她将会叫的乏力Just stay with me now. Say the word and we"ll go.只要现在跟我在一起,说出来然后我们就一起走I"ll be your teacher. I"ll show you the ropes.我会成为你的老师,我会向你指点窍门You"ll see a side of love you"ve never known.你会看到从没见到过的另一面的爱情I can see it going down, going down.我能看到爱情被接受In my head, I see you all over me.在我脑海中,我看到你覆盖在我身上In my head, you fulfill my fantasy.在我脑海中,你满足了我的幻想In my head, you"ll be screaming more.在我脑海中,你会尖叫连连In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head, I see you all over me.在我脑海中,我看到你覆盖在我身上In my head, you fulfill my fantasy.在我脑海中,你满足了我的幻想In my head, you"ll be screaming more.在我脑海中,你会尖叫连连In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head, it"s going down.在我脑中,是这样想In my head. 在我脑海中

Jason Derulo的《Breathing》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathing歌手:Jason Derulo专辑:Future HistoryBreathingJason Derulo......I only miss you when I"m breathingI only need you when my heart is beatingYou are the color that I"m bleedingI only miss you when I"m breathingThis ain"t no ordinary feelingYou are the only thing that I believe inI know you"re coming back to meI will be waiting here for you til the endI only miss you when I"m breathing!I only miss you when I"m breathing!Without your love, don"t know how I surviveIt"s you, it"s you that"s keeping me aliveI only miss you when I"m breathing!......Ay ay ay ay yoAy ay ay ay yoI wanna see pictures of you leaningI needs for walls, and on the ceilingGave you a kiss, but i"m dreamingThese crazy thoughts are so deceivingYou are the drug, I am needingParadise that I"m so seekingI"m still alive, hope there"s a reasonCan"t move my lips, but my heart"s screamingI only miss you when I"m breathing!I only miss you when I"m breathing!Without your love, don"t know how I surviveIt"s you, it"s you that"s keeping me aliveI only miss you when I"m breathing!......Ay ay ay ay yoAy ay ay ay yo Ay ay ay ay yoOh baby, I only miss you when I...I"m screaming at your name, but you don"t answer meI know I kissed your face, is this my fantasy?I start the alarm, tell everyone that I only miss youI only miss you when I"m breathing!I only miss you when I"m breathing!Without your love, don"t know how I surviveIt"s you, it"s you that"s keeping me aliveI only miss you when I"m breathing!I only miss you when I"m breathing...http://music.baidu.com/song/13714698





Kong Ling&The Fabulous Echoes的《Sukiyaki》 歌词

歌曲名:Sukiyaki歌手:Kong Ling&The Fabulous Echoes专辑:Back To Black Series - Kong Ling & The Fabulous Echoes Vol. 2It"s all because of you,I"m feeling sad and blue,You went away, now my life is just a rainy day,And I love you so,How much you"ll never know,You"ve gone away and left me lonely,Untouchable memories,Seem to keep haunting me,Another love so true,That once turned all my gray skies blue,But you disappeared,Now my eyes are filled with tears,And I"m wishing you were here with me,Soaked with love all my thoughts of you,Now that you"re gone I just don"t know what to doooo,If only you were here,You"d wash away my tears,The sun would shine,Once again you"ll be mine all mine,But in reality,You and I will never be,Cause you took your love away from meGirl,I don"t know what I did to make you leave meBut what I do know,Is that since you"ve been gone there"s such an emptiness inside,I"m wishing you to come back to meIf only you were here,You"d wash away my tears,The sun would shine,Once again you"ll be mine all mine,But in reality,You and I will never be,Cause you took your love away from me,Oh baby,You took your love away from,Meeeeeeeeeeeeee...http://music.baidu.com/song/7333906



找一首女声的英语歌,很轻快,高潮有很多youloveyouloveyoulove,不是《loving you》

曲:may i love you歌手:张智成 专辑:may i love you 打印预览 张智成 may i love you我要如何才能拥抱你呢紧紧抱着我吻你你附和从朋友晋升情人角色从苦涩转变成了快乐把钥匙交给了你你却转身将我囚禁在一扇叫做等待的门里你试过那么多心的锁怎么就不来开启我的爱情love you, love you, may i love you?tell me what to do 才能让你不孤单我不孤独一起找幸福当这个世界一步一步华丽到荒芜请放心我还是你的信徒love you, love you, may i love you?tell me you love me too 我可以继续付出付出就够我满足不相信爱情对我永远(的)残酷我奢望时间会为我祝福看着我这样投入难道你都没有感触不接受至少给我些帮助就说你感动到想哭多少能减轻一点我的痛苦

英语造句 用上 occasionally ridiculous 5个

occasionally ridiculous是分开还是合起来的我只会分开的What a ridiculous idea 多麽荒谬的念头!His ideas are always ridiculous. 他的想法总是十分荒谬。Your thought is ridiculous. 你的想法太可笑了。This plot is too ridiculous! 这个剧情太胡扯了。Friends visit them occasionally. 朋友偶尔拜访他们。He visits me occasionally. 他偶尔来看我He dropped in on us occasionally. 他不时来我这儿坐坐Think of some old friends occasionally. 偶尔想想旧的朋友。Occasionally I ride bicycle to school. 我偶尔骑车去学校

i am not being ridiculous

我不是在冒傻气强调的是现在的一种状态 而不是我本身很荒诞

you see how ridiculous my wishful thinking was什么意思


what is more ridiculous

此句正确,不是病句. 翻译:他们想的(东西)很荒唐. 解释: 此句为主从复合句. 主句主语为一个从句,即主语从句:what they thought 主语从句中,they是主语,thought是谓语,而what是宾语兼从句引导词. 主句谓语是系表结构,即系动词is加上形容词ridiculous构成的系表结构.

ridiculous,apply yourself什么意思

ridiculous,apply yourself的中文翻译全部释义>> 荒谬的,应用你自己

ridiculous 可以用来形容人吗?





ridiculous_百度翻译ridiculous [英]ru026au02c8du026akju0259lu0259s [美]ru026au02c8du026akju0259lu0259s adj. 可笑的,荒谬的;荒唐的,愚蠢的;胡枝扯叶 [例句]The u.s. tax system is ridiculous , and apple navigates it the same way any multinational corporation does.因为苹果驾驭荒谬的美国税务制度的方式和其他任何跨国公司并无二致。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助




ridiculous 英[riˈdikjuləs] 美[rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj. 1.可笑的,荒谬的,愚蠢的,荒唐的 形容词 adj. 1.可笑的,荒谬的,愚蠢的,荒唐的 It"s the most ridiculous thing I"ve ever heard in my life. 这是我有生以来听到的最为荒唐可笑的事. It is ridiculous to dispute about such things. 争论这样的事情是可笑的. It"s ridiculous that we should have to queue,when we have already got our tickets. 我们已经拿到了票,居然还要排队,未免可笑.



ridiculous 和funny的用法区别

ridiculous 可笑荒谬 (贬义)funny可笑有趣 (中性)It is funny to say "No money, no honey".(说者是否赞成这种讲法不明确 )It is ridiculous to say "No money, no honey". (说者不赞成)



It is ridiculous这太荒谬了。ridiculous 英[rɪˈdɪkjələs] 美[rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj. 可笑的,荒谬的; 荒唐的,愚蠢的; [例句]It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance暗示我们正在谈恋爱的说法真是太荒谬了。


ridiculous是一个英语单词。形容词,作形容词时意思是“可笑的;荒谬的”。1、Thatwouldberidiculous.那将是荒唐的。2、Graduation,letthisridiculousyouthsoitafterthe.毕业了,就让这荒唐的青春这样散场吧。3、Andyet,asoneofthesewomen,Ifindthis"news"particularlyridiculous.而作为这个年龄段的女性,我觉得这则“消息”特别荒谬。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

ridiculous 可笑的 这个单词怎么记忆



rridiculous的动词形式是idicule。动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。 扩展资料 动词”,表示人或事物的动作、存在、变化的`词,如: 走(walk)、笑(laugh)、有(have)、在(lie)、看(see)、写(write)、飞(fly)、落(land)、保护(protect)、开始(start)、起来(wake)、上去(up)。 动词通常充当句子的谓语或后接描述性补语充当谓语中心,表示主语的动作、存在、变化,或主语对宾语的动作,态度。如“他来了。”("He arrived")(不及物,表示主语的动态)“我们热爱祖国”("We love our motherland")(主语跟着宾语,表示主语对宾语的态度)。

rediculous和 rIdiculous的区别~~

ridiculous1. 荒谬的2. 可笑的(贬义词)3. 可笑的4. 可笑的;荒谬的ridiculous a1. 可笑的,荒漠的2. 荒谬的,可笑的ridiculous precieuses1. 可笑的女才子ridiculous thoughts1. 荒谬的想法2. 天马行空ridiculous [ri5dikjules]1. 荒谬的;可笑的2. 荒谬的,可笑的


ridiculous的意思是:可笑的。ridiculous,英文单词,形容词,释义为可笑的、滑稽的等。ridiculous in dress [shape] 衣服[形状]好笑的。 the ridiculous 可笑的事物。ridiculous造句1、I look ridiculous in this hat.我戴这顶帽子看上去很可笑。2、It"s ridiculous, it"s pathetic, it"s a joke.这真是荒唐、可悲、可笑。3、Don"t be ridiculous!Pat retorted angrily.别荒唐了!帕特生气地回答道。4、I used to wear trendy gear but it just looked ridiculous.我过去常穿时髦服装,但那看起来简直滑稽。5、The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.电影开始的时候比较逼真,然后却发展成为荒谬的幻想。6、Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdraw money.开立一个取钱时不荒唐地收取费用的储蓄账户。7、They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.他们没有把握大局而把时间花费在夸大荒谬的细节上。


荒谬的 可笑的

Ridiculous 怎么读

ridiculous 英 [ru026a"du026akju028alu0259s]


ridiculous可笑的双语对照词典结果:ridiculous[英][ru026au02c8du026akju0259lu0259s][美][ru026au02c8du026akju0259lu0259s]adj.可笑的,荒谬的; 荒唐的,愚蠢的; 胡枝扯叶; The u.s. tax system is ridiculous, and apple navigates it the same way any multinational corporation does. 因为苹果驾驭荒谬的美国税务制度的方式和其他任何跨国公司并无二致。




ridiculous音标: [英] [ru026au02c8du026akju0259lu0259s] [美] [ru026au02c8du026akju0259lu0259s]adj. 可笑的;荒谬的,荒唐的



英语谚语:There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous 中文意思: 可敬与可笑之间只有一步之差。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Merry is he that hath nought to lose 人无所失,不亦乐乎。 Merry meet merry part 好聚好散。 Method will teach you to win time 方法可教会你赢得时间。 Mickle power makes many enemies 权高树敌多。 Might is (or makes or overes) right 强权就是公理。 Mills of God grind slowly but sure 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Miracels are to those who believe in them 妖由人兴。 Mischief has swift wings 飞来横祸。 Misers put their back and their belly into their pockets 爱财如命。 Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows 落难时不择伙伴。 英语谚语: There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous 中文意思: 可敬与可笑之间只有一步之差。


  as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好。  【出处】  As long as you love me- Justin Bieber & Big Sean  As long as you love me (3x)  只要你仍爱我  We"re under pressure  我们的爱倍受压迫  seven billion people in the world trying to fit in  全世界七十亿人都试图将我们阻隔  keep it together,smile on your face even though your heart is frowning  十指紧握,你的心中皱眉但却面挂笑容  but, hey now, you know girl  但如今,你知道  we both know it"s a cruel world  我们都知道这是一个残酷冰冷的世界  but I will take my chances  但我会抓住所有希望  as long as you love me  只要你仍爱我  we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broken  我们可以食不果腹,可以流离失所,也可以支离破碎  as long as you love me  只要你仍爱我  I"ll be your platinum, i"ll be your silver, i"ll be your gold  我将会是你的白金,你的白银,你的黄金【我将会是你需要的一切】  as long as you lo-lo-lo-love me(x2)  只要你仍爱我  I"ll be your soldier  我将是守卫你的战士  fighting every second of the day for your dreams, girl  时刻为你的梦想而战,女孩  i"ll be your hova  我将会是你的平民  you can be my destiny"s child on a scene, girl  女孩,你就是我命中注定的那个人【你是我的天命真女】  so don"t stress, and don"t cry  所以不要害怕,不要哭泣  we don"t need no wings to fly  我们不需要翅膀也可以飞  just take, my hand  只要你紧紧握着我的手  as long as you love me  只要你仍爱我  we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broken  我们可以食不果腹,可以流离失所,也可以支离破碎  as long as you love me  只要你仍爱我  i"ll be your platinum, i"ll be your silver, i"ll be your gold  我会是你的白金,你的白银,你的黄金  as long as you love me (x2)  只要你仍爱我  【扩展】  Justin Bieber于2012年6月发行专辑《BELIEVE》,《As long as you love me》为其中一首歌。Justin Bieber全新专辑《Believe》再爆新单曲,联手嘻哈新星Big Sean《As Long As You Love Me》,as long as you love me. 只要你爱我就好。



韩国女子唱的saysaysayyouloveme 只记得这句 跪求歌名



更新1: 是组合吗? 图片参考:froogle.google/base_image?size=2&q=music/image/0/0_BVQkELivfH Don"t Say You Love Me [US CD5/Cassette Single] 1999 Including: Mewo Strikes Back Suite [Bonus Instrumental Score] Don"t Say You Love Me MV: *** /watch?v=CN79DyrhejQ Lyrics Got introduced to you by a friend You were cute and all that baby you set the trend Yes you did oh The next thing I know we"re down at the cinema We"re sitting there you said you loved me What"s that about [Verse 2:] You"re moving too fast I don"t understand you I"m not ready yet baby I can"t pretend No I can"t The best I can do is tell you to talk to me It"s possible eventual Love will find a way Love will find a way... [CHORUS:] Don"t say you love me You don"t even know me If you really want me Then give me some time Don"t go there baby Not before I"m ready Don"t say your heart"s in a hurry It"s not like we"re gonna get married Give me give me some time [Verse 3:] Here"s how I play here"s where you stand Here"s what to prove to get any further than where it"s been I"ll make it clear not gonna tell you ice Take it slow you keep pushing me You"re pushing me away Pushing me away... [CHORUS] [BRIDGE:] oooo na na na na na na na na na na na na na oooo na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Don"t say you love me You don"t even know me baby... Baby don"t say love me baby Give me some time... [CHORUS (repeat until fade out)] 参考: en. *** /wiki/M2M_(band) M2M 她们好多song都好好ga



whenyouloveme 出自那首歌?

Once一次Doesn"t mean anything to me对我来说并不意味着全部Come来吧Show me the meaning of complete告诉我完美的意义Where哪里Did our love go wrong我们的爱情(哪里)出了问题 Once we were so strong我们如此的深爱How can I go on?我如何继续When you told me you loved me当你说你爱我的时候Did you know it would take me the rest of my life你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn"t turn out right使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来When you let me believe that you weren"t complete当你告诉我没有我在你身边的时候 Without me by your side你过的并不完美how could I know我怎么会想到That you would go你竟然会走That you would run你竟然会离我而去Baby, I thought you were the one亲爱的,我原以为你是我的唯一Why为什么Can"t I just leave it all behind我不能彻底忘记I我Felt passion so bright that I was blind只觉得激情似火,照的我无法看清真相Then接着Something made me weak Talking in my sleep你在我睡梦中说的话让我更加脆弱Baby, I"m in so deep and you know I believed亲爱的,我陷入的太深,你相信我是很用情When you told me you loved me当你说你爱我的时候Did you know it would take me the rest of my life你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn"t turn out right使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来When you let me believe that you weren"t complete当你告诉我没有我在你身边的时候 Without me by your side你过的并不完美how could I know我怎么会想到That you would go你竟然会走That you would run你竟然会离我而去Baby, I thought you were the one亲爱的,我原以为你是我的唯一 Your lips你的唇Your face你的脸Something that time just can"t erase Find my heart还有那些时光不能摸去的记忆Could break All over again使我的心再一次完全的破碎 When you told me you loved me当你说你爱我的时候Did you know it would take me the rest of my life你想到了这句话会占据我的余生么to get over the feeling of knowingA dream didn"t turn out right使我从梦想破碎的感觉中恢复过来 When you let me believe that you weren"t complete当你告诉我没有我在你身边的时候Without me by your side你过的并不完美how could I know我怎么会想到That you would go你竟然会走That you would run你竟然会离我而去Baby, I thought you were the one亲爱的,我原以为你是我

一首歌歌词 里面有一句 貌似是 toyouloveme 求歌名



Once 曾经 doesn"t mean anything to me 我一无所知 come 未来 show me the meaning of complete 展现给我全部的意义 where 为何 did our love go wrong 我们的爱如此脆弱 once we were so strong 我们曾经如此相爱 how can i go on? 我该如何继续 when you told me you loved me 当你说爱我的时候 did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你可知道那将耗尽我的余生 to get over the feeling of knowing 深陷此中 a dream didn"t turn out right 无法自拔 when you let me believe that you weren"t complete 当你让我相信 without me by your side 你我将相伴到老 how could i know 我又如何知? that you would go 你将会离开 that you would run 你将会远去 baby, i thought you were the one 宝贝,我是如此爱你 why 为何 can"t i just leave it all behind 我不能忘记过去 i 我 felt passion so bright that i was blind 犹在寻找看不见的激情 then 那时 something made me weak 我脆弱的 talking in my sleep 梦中呓语 baby, i"m in so deep and you know i believed 宝贝,我是如此沉沦 when you told me you loved me 当你说爱我的时候 did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你可知道那将耗尽我的余生 to get over the feeling of knowing 深陷此中 a dream didn"t turn out right 无法自拔 when you let me believe that you weren"t complete 当你让我相信 without me by your side 你我将相伴到老 how could i know 我又如何知道 that you would go 你将要离开 that you would run 你将要远去 baby, i thought you were the one 宝贝,我是如此爱你 your lips 你的唇 your face 你的脸庞 something that time just can"t erase 无法随时光逝去 find my heart 我的爱 could break 再度 all over again 支离破碎 when you told me you loved me 当你说爱我的时候 did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你可知道那将耗尽我的余生 to get over the feeling of knowing 深陷此中 a dream didn"t turn out right 无法自拔 when you let me believe that you weren"t complete 当你让我相信 without me by your side 你我将相伴到老 how could i know 我又如何知道 that you would go 你将要离开 that you would run 你将要远去 baby, i thought you were the one 宝贝,我是如此爱你希望采纳





有一首英文歌开头是hibaby副歌是say youloveme

Marry you 出自Bruno Mars









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