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AJ13真的假的,刚买的在NIKE KICKS LOUNGE,1399

nike lounge只有线下吗




能推荐点好的lounge music吗 一定要好听的您听过的 可以是单曲 可以是艺人 可以是专辑 谢谢

《Kissing》《Felicidade》《Agua De Bebe》 《Mona Ki Ngi Xica》 《Bir Gunah Gibi》《Carnaval De Sao Vicente》《Solo Por Tu Amor》《Les Courants D"air》《La Blanka Ninya》《Shir Ha"keshet》Lounge music 简单的旋律,明快的节奏,优美的嗓音, lounge music就化身成为白领阶级、年轻时尚族群,忘却压力的主要方法,这正是她摇身成为时尚流行产物的主因,更带动了无压力状态及时尚名流聚集LOUNGE BAR的盛行。附上,雅燃音乐网有Lounge Music专辑下载。

business lounges是什么意思

business lounges商务休息室例句1.The funniest will win access to Flybe"s business lounges for a year.最有趣的见闻将会赢得公司赠送的一年商务休息室使用权。2.Priority status at check-in ? Exclusive business lounges优先登机手续独立商务休息室?3.I was shocked to find the only WiFi available in Heathrow"s business-class lounges costs a princely $15 for a couple of hours.如果你在伦敦希思罗机场,会惊奇地发现唯一可用的WiFi登录点位于商务舱乘客的休息室内,短短两小时的上网费竟然要15美元。4.Airport VIP lounges are no longer the sole preserve of those traveling business class, or with airline gold cards.机场贵宾室不再是商务舱乘客或航空公司金卡持卡人的专利。5.Washington used to have cigar bars and lounges. But a ban on all indoor smoking in 2005 put them out of business.华盛顿州曾经有一些雪茄吧和吸烟室,但是,2005年,一项全面禁止室内吸烟的禁令使他们停止了营业。

lounge suit 什么意思

你好!loungesuit英[laundu0292sju:t]美[lau028andu0292sut]n.普通西装网络西服; 日常西装; 西装仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。





耐克kicks lounge是什么意思

Nike Kicks Lounge 是一个让客人有贵宾级消费体验的零售店(或者说是概念店),以及这里会同步发售所有Nike别注版商品。店铺的灵感来自机场候机区的VIP贵宾室,而第 1 家 Kicks Lounge 开设在上海 iapm 。Kicks Longe 本来是一个 Nike 的活动,从香港到中国、到 NBA 球星访华活动,让球鞋迷们有了与球星和同好交流的机会。拓展资料:1、NIKE公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。公司生产的体育用品包罗万象,例如服装,鞋类,运动器材等。NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜利女神,中文译为耐克。2、耐克公司拓展市场的首要突破口是青少年市场,这一市场上的消费者有一些共同的特征:热爱运动、崇敬英雄人物,追星意识强烈,希望受人重视,思维活跃,想象力丰富并充满梦想。3、耐克品牌在中国市场的未来订单增长4%,剔除汇兑影响后增长1%。全球未来订单增长12%,上年同期增长6%。剔除汇兑影响后全球未来订单增长13%。耐克——百度百科



恒隆vic lounge什么意思

lounge英-[lau028an(d)u0292]美-[lau028andu0292]释义n. 休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间vt. 虚度光阴vi. 闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混

一汽大众Lounge SUVe 是什么车?


customer lounge要不要加the

lead the staff to provide high quality customer service of lobby lounge according to the requirement to stafisfy the customer.To master the whole teams attendance; Keep the team well groomed.Evaluate the staff work performance , report to supervisor regularlykeep an eye on the lobby lounge, figure out all kinds of problems in timeCarry out perfect shift hand-over and keep detailed working log.Master knowledge of all kinds of wineDeveloping and implement Systems and Procedures for wine, security ,Sanitation and etc.check the Sanitation and Tableware hygiene</ol>

executive lounge是什么意思

executive lounge行政酒廊,贵宾室; 执行室

departure lounge是什么意思

departure lounge[英][diu02c8pɑ:tu0283u0259 laundu0292][美][du026au02c8pɑrtu0283u025a lau028andu0292]n.候机室;启程处; 复数:departure lounges例句:1.Let"s go to the departure lounge to have a rest. 我们到候机厅去休息一下吧。2.Swiss banking officials met me as I got off the plane and rushed me to a private room inthe departure lounge. 瑞士银行官员们已经在机场等我了并簇拥着把我带到休息厅的一个私人房间内

lounge acces什么意思

lounge-acces休息室访问双语例句1. They checked in their luggage and found seats in the departure lounge. 他们办完行李托运,到候机室找了座位坐下。2. Let"s meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton. 我们在希尔顿酒店的酒吧间碰头吧。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

moonlight lounge 歌词

歌曲名:moonlight lounge歌手:Alabama专辑:pass it on downFlattop guitarDown around the campfireYou can smell that hickory burnin"Catfish fryin"Onions got us cryin"Hushpuppies they"re a turnin"Friends and kin comin" down the hillTrippin" in the ole starlightCookin" and kickin" do a little pickin"AlabamaParty tonightChorus:Come on down to the moonlight longeWhere the ceilin" is so blueWhere there ain"t no door and our dance floorIs covered with mountain dewWhere there ain"t no walls and the waterfallIs the only sound aroundYeah we"re havin" us a party down in the hollerWe call it the moonlight loungeMe and my ladyA fourteen hand chestnut mareA midnight hoot owlHe"s screechin" so loudKind of puts a chill in the summer airThe bushes are wigglin", somebody"s gigglin"Buck couldn"t wait to get a kissJimmy"s got the four wheel hooked to the wagonA hay ride you don"t wanna missRepeat chorusWon"t you... (repeat chorus again)TagYeah we"re havin" us a party everybody hollerWe call it the moonlight loungehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14236513

vip lounge是什么意思

vip lounge机场的贵宾室 贵宾休息室;贵宾厅;贵宾休息区例句 1.We have lavatory inside the VIP lounge.我们VIP休息室里设有洗手间。2.This Collectors" area will be next to a VIP lounge , restaurant and sculpture garden.这个收藏者区域将与VIP贵宾休息厅以及餐馆,还有雕塑花园毗邻。


LOBBY有很多种意思一般LOBBY是指酒店大堂LOBBY LOUNGE就是大堂吧(大堂酒吧)的意思


male lounge:男休息室male:adj. 男性的;雄性的;有力的n. 男人;雄性动物lounge:n. 休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间vi. 闲逛;懒洋洋地躺卧;闲混vt. 虚度光阴

common room和lounge有什么区别?请详细说明

lounge客厅,候机室,休闲室提现休闲慵懒的氛围,lounge bar 全天候休闲餐厅common room普通间

lounge lobby



lounge酒吧是指播放舒缓、松弛音乐的场所。在欧洲的夜店中常常会有一个分区或一个房间称为Chill Out Room,专门播放lounge音乐,让跳舞跳累的舞客们休息,或是给不喜欢太重太吵音乐的客人一个聊天或静静地欣赏音乐带来的遐想的空间。lounge该词出自音乐,特指驰放音乐,从流派的角度说它包括了一些轻快、缓慢、令人放松的电子音乐、一些结合了电子音乐的爵士乐。上世纪常见的钢琴酒吧便是Lounge的其中一种运营方法。虽然同样提供喝酒的氛围,但与一般Bar有别,Lounge理论上更加安静、没有舞池、没有散台。酒吧和夜店的区别:1、概念不同酒吧:指提供啤酒、葡萄酒、洋酒、鸡尾酒等酒精类饮料的消费场所。夜店:指营业到第二天凌晨的服务性场所,多是夜间娱乐、休闲、放松的娱乐场所。2、包含种类不同酒吧:比较细致化,只是提供酒精类饮料的场所,担负着社交的功能。夜店:包括娱乐性KTV、酒吧、迪吧、演艺厅、歌舞厅、DISCO、夜总会等,为客人提供酒水、食品、空间、设施设备,可尽情玩乐。



耐克kicks lounge是什么意思

耐克kicks lounge的话如果我没有猜错应该是球迷疯会。柿集上耐克鞋挺多的,还不错!你可以看看!

那英开的-V plus Lounge 酒吧现在经营的怎么样?






lounge 与 restroom区别

lounge是休息室restroom: 多用于美语,意思是(在酒店、饭店内的)公共厕所




lounge内衣是朵朵可可内衣牌子。是由中国家居服设计名师魏华女士所创立的家居服品牌,以时装化的设计突破了传统睡衣和家居服的格局。2009年11月,朵朵·可可作为唯一一个家居服品牌登陆时装周,并一举获得了2009中国十佳时装设计师的大奖,引领家居服走向了中国时尚界的最高舞台。“原来家居服也可以这么时尚”是了解朵朵·可可后的消费者的第一反应。朵朵·可可的生活观每个人都是天堂里的花朵绽放尘世,而盛花,努力地坚定着对生命宝贵的承诺与赞颂。朵朵·可可 倡导独立、开放、宽容的生活态度;朵朵·可可 倡导简约、归真的生活方式;朵朵·可可 孜孜以求,坚守生活的品位,追求超越物质的至高精神享受。针对的主要消费群体特征为具有一定的文化修养,有审美情趣追求,喜欢变化和愿意尝试变化,对流行敏感且具有独特见解的时尚人士。是为懂得享受生活,关爱自己,关爱家人,具有高度的社会责任感和家庭责任感的时尚女性所设计的高品质女性家居服饰。


lounge [lau028andu0292]n.(名词)休息室,休息厅, 休息处闲荡,闲逛v.(动词)懒散地消磨时间,吊儿郎当地混日子,懒散地混(时间),虚度(光阴),闲混闲荡,闲逛


lounge休息室双语对照词典结果:lounge[英][lau028andu0292][美][lau028andu0292]n.休息厅; 客厅; (机场等的)等候室; vi.闲逛; 懒洋洋地躺; vt.懒洋洋地打发(时间); 虚度光阴; 第三人称单数:lounges过去分词:lounged复数:lounges现在进行时:lounging过去式:lounged以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Turn any backyard into a chic lounge with this hefty backyard centerpiece. 这件摆放在院子中央的庞大装饰品能将后院变成时髦的休息室。



Nirvana的《Lounge Act》 歌词

歌曲名:Lounge Act歌手:Nirvana专辑:NevermindArtist: NirvanaAlbum: NevermindTitle: Lounge ActTruth - covered in securityI can"t let you smother meI"d like to, but it couldn"t workTrading off and taking turnsI don"t regret a thingAnd I"ve got this friend, you seeWho makes me feel and IWanted more than I could stealI"ll arrest myself, I"ll wear a shieldI"ll go out of my way to prove I stillI still smell her on youDon"t - tell me what I wanna hearAfraid of never knowing fearExperience anything you needI"ll keep fighting jealousyUntil it"s fucking goneAnd I"ve got this friend, you seeWho makes me feel and IWanted more than I could stealI"ll arrest myself, I"ll wear a shieldI"ll go out of my way to prove I stillI still smell her on youTruth! - covered in securityI can"t let you smother meI"d like to but it couldn"t workTrading off and taking turnsI don"t regret a thingAnd I"ve got this friend, you seeWho makes me feel and IWanted more than I could stealI"ll arrest myself, I"ll wear a shieldI"ll go out of my way to make you a dealWe"ve made a pact to learn from whoEver we want without new rulesWe"ll share what"s lost and what we grewThey"ll go out of their wayTo prove they stillStill smell her on you (x3)http://music.baidu.com/song/1192245

英语Executive Lounge怎么翻译?

1 行政酒廊 ue000 行政酒廊(Executive Lounge)作为商务楼层 的主要特色之一,可为 客人提供免费餐饮就是 服务,是供客人放松、 休憩的场所。2 行政休息室 饭店在翻修工程中增建了一个“行政休息室”(Executive lounge),它位于顶层8层,完全用于接待VIP客人。酒店还拥有将近650平米可以私家包场的活动区域,10间多功能厅可以最多接待250名宾客。3 俱乐部 和其他五星级酒店一样,执行级楼层的客人还可以在专属的执行俱乐部(executive lounge)享用早餐及晚间饮料及点心,包括国际美食如寿司及沙爹等等。

loungewear tokyo是什么牌子


权志龙一首歌里面开头英文有you see that?中间歌词也有很多句barsky lounge

i love it这首么???

lounge suit 什么意思

lounge suit 英[laundu0292 sju:t]美[lau028andu0292 sut]n. 普通西装;[网络] 西装便服; 普通套装;[例句]Male civilians are asked to wear either lounge suits or a morning suit, formal attire that includes a long jacket and a vest.其他男士要穿普通西装或日间礼服&即包括长风衣和西式马甲在内的正装。

Sex In The Lounge 歌词

歌曲名:Sex In The Lounge歌手:Nicki Minaj专辑:Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded The Re-UpNicki Minaj - Sex In The LoungeQQ : 349777127i think i gave him a discrete name,he replied with a street namepr at the heat game, no ball, repeat gamehe addicted to hustle; i"m addicted to famethough he packin" that muscle, i"m addicted to braini"m addicted to chillin", make a hell of a killin"don"t i stunt on these b*tches? man i"m bad as a villainget the gun, i"ma hunt "em; when i"m done, i"m a don "emwhen we leaving the lounge, i"ma keep it a hundredit went down, enough said, pull off in that thing, and it"s blush redsex in the lounge, girl, i"m gon" take ya downi"m gon" have you screaming, girl, they gonna hear the soundof our sex in the loungei can"t believe this has happened to me, girlhappened to me, girlso caught up in this girlshawty, got me hooked right nowkeeping true to myself, cause i"m so into hercause we doing it like nobody"s aroundand when we doing it, i can hear her make a soundshawty was singing like mehad that girl singing, singing like meshe be like, ooh, oh, oh, oh, ooh, oh~~she looking at me like she want iti"m over hereshe climbing on top of mei"ma make her scream, her screamsex in the lounge, girl, i"m gon" take ya downi"m gon" have you screaming, girl, they gonna hear the soundof our sex in the loungei can"t believe this has happened to me, girlhappened to me, girlsit that pussy on my bottom lipthen after that you know we gotta switchmy house so big that b*tch came with a lobbywe didn"t use a rubber, but i came on her bodyi laid her down and kiss her neck and talked dirty to herlike i get that pussy wetter than a dirty sewerf*ck with me, turn around and bust it open for meget on that d*ck and get that money, go oprah for meall you girls don"t like me, cause they know you love mebut if you scared, go to church, it"s open sundayi-i-i dig, i dig in that pussy, guess what i foundtunechi lee and nicki, sex in the loungesex in the lounge, girl, i"m gon" take ya downi"m gon" have you screaming, girl, they gonna hear the soundof our sex in the loungei can"t believe this has happened to me, girlhappened to me, girlsex in the lounge, girl, i"m gon" take ya downi"m gon" have you screaming, girl, they gonna hear the soundof our sex in the loungei can"t believe this has happened to me, girlhappened to me, girlNicki Minaj - Sex In The LoungeQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/31218206


idle 英[u02c8aidl] 美[u02c8au026adl] 过去式:idled 过去分词:idled 现在分词:idling adj. 1.空闲的, 闲着的 2.懒散的, 无所事事的 3.无根据的; 无聊的 4.无意义的, 无特别意图的 5.懒惰的;不努力的;懈怠的 6.闲置的 7.闲散的;没有工作的 8.漫无目的的;无效的;无用的 vi. 1.虚度, 闲逛 2.空转;挂空挡;未熄火 3. 混时间;闲荡;无所事事 n. 1.(尤指暂时地)关闭工厂,使(工人)闲着 形容词 adj.1.空闲的, 闲着的2.懒散的, 无所事事的3.无根据的; 无聊的4.无意义的, 无特别意图的 I don"t know why I asked—just idle curiosity.我不知道我为什么问这问题——只是出于无意义的好奇心吧。5.懒惰的;不努力的;懈怠的 6.闲置的 7.闲散的;没有工作的8.漫无目的的;无效的;无用的不及物动词 vi.1.虚度, 闲逛 They idled before cafes.他们在餐馆前闲逛。2.空转;挂空挡;未熄火 The car idled in the driveway.这辆车停在行车道上, 引擎发动着。3. 混时间;闲荡;无所事事名词 n.1.(尤指暂时地)关闭工厂,使(工人)闲着loaf 英[lu0259uf] 美[lof] n. 1.一条[块]面包 vt. & vi. 1.〈口〉虚度光阴 名词 n.1.一条[块]面包 He bought two loaves of bread.他买了两条面包。及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.〈口〉虚度光阴 Don"t loaf your life away.不要虚度光阴。lounge 英[laundu0292] 美[lau028andu0292] 过去式:lounged 过去分词:lounged 现在分词:lounging 复数:lounges n. 1.休息厅, 休息室; 客厅 2.(机场等的)等候室 3.(私宅中的)起居室 vi. 1.懒散地斜倚[靠坐];闲逛,闲荡 vt. 1.懒洋洋地打发(时间) 名词 n.1.休息厅, 休息室; 客厅 We had coffee in the lounge.我们在客厅里喝咖啡。2.(机场等的)等候室 3.(私宅中的)起居室 my mum is sleeping in the lounge.妈妈正在卧室里睡觉不及物动词 vi.1.懒散地斜倚[靠坐];闲逛,闲荡 He was lounging on a sofa.他懒洋洋地靠在沙发上。及物动词 vt.1.懒洋洋地打发(时间) He lounged the summer away.他散漫安闲地度过夏天。



lounge / lobby / hall 的区别

lounge休息室hall 大厅lobby两个意思都有



business lounge是什么意思

business lounge商务休息室



lounge bar怎么读?请用谐音标出来

[laʊn(d)ʒ] [bɑː]浪恩之吧


lounge / lau028andu0292 ; laundu0292 /英 / lau028andu0292 /a waiting room at an airport 〔机场的〕等候室,休息室.the departure lounge候机室bar / bɑu02d0 ; bɑr / 英 / bɑu02d0 /place to drink in 酒吧.


  lounge bar  n.高级酒吧;  [网络]高级酒巴;  [例句]The restaurant area has a fire place and lounge bar where you can try a selection of the many Belgian beers.  旅店中的餐厅设置了一个壁炉和一个高级酒吧,你可以在此享受多种多样的比利时啤酒。

lounge bar是什么意思

  lounge bar  n.高级酒吧;  [网络]高级酒巴;  [例句]The restaurant area has a fire place and lounge bar where you can try a selection of the many Belgian beers.  旅店中的餐厅设置了一个壁炉和一个高级酒吧,你可以在此享受多种多样的比利时啤酒。


lounge酒吧是指播放舒缓、松弛音乐的场所。在欧洲的夜店中常常会有一个分区或一个房间称为Chill Out Room,专门播放lounge音乐,让跳舞跳累的舞客们休息,或是给不喜欢太重太吵音乐的客人一个聊天或静静地欣赏音乐带来的遐想的空间。lounge该词出自音乐,特指驰放音乐,从流派的角度说它包括了一些轻快、缓慢、令人放松的电子音乐、一些结合了电子音乐的爵士乐。上世纪常见的钢琴酒吧便是Lounge的其中一种运营方法。虽然同样提供喝酒的氛围,但与一般Bar有别,Lounge理论上更加安静、没有舞池、没有散台。LOUNGE酒吧的特点Lounge为客户准备的只有座位,因为不播放跳舞音乐,所以便不会让大家在舞池跳舞或者在散台站立,去Lounge本身就是为了轻轻松松地坐着休息的。这么说起来,哪怕Lounge与Nightclub均为夜间去处,性质大有不同。Lounge提倡一些让人放松的音乐,例如Chill-Out/Lounge Music/Ambient/Jazz/Piano Music/Classical等等均属Lounge常见的音乐。再考虑到装修风格、布置、场地设计等方面,那么Lounge一定是Bar,但Bar不一定是Lounge。以上内容参考:百度百科-LOUNGE

一首lounge音乐 里边的歌词有ten...nine...eight...six... .... 有一句歌词重复的唱是to be number one

Straight To Number One

英语a sun lounger怎么翻译?


LAZY LOUNGER注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

LAZY LOUNGER商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,LAZY LOUNGER还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

sunny lounger什么意思


Clubs,Live Music Bar,Lounge Bar,Sports Bar个是什么类型的夜场啊?

club 基本上是总称,即各类夜店、夜总会,但规模要大一点,能跳舞能唱歌能喝酒。Music bar 是一种比较老派的高端夜总会,一般规模较大,有专门的大舞台和专属的乐队歌手。去的人以欣赏音乐和看show为主,但也会有像电影里一样的人坐在台下的圆桌旁谈生意。Lounge bar 是相对最为高端的夜总会,以饮酒为主,十分安静,格调高雅。国外一些顶级lounge bar必须穿正装进入。Sports bar是球迷们最爱的地方,店里的大电视常常不间断地放着足球赛,是世界杯时真球迷们纷纷涌入看比赛喝啤酒的地方。

cocktail lounge是什么意思

cocktail lounge鸡尾酒会

The BK Lounge 歌词

歌曲名:The BK Lounge歌手:Dane Cook专辑:Harmful If SwallowedSo many crappy- the first job I had, right. The first job when I was uh17 uh was Burger King. That was the first job that I had, alright.I didn"t want to call it Burger King either cause like yanno.So I used to call it the BK Lounge. If the girls were like.Where do you work?.I was like I work down at the BK Lounge.I"m a bouncer at the BK Lounge. Can we get in?Not without coups. Not without coups baby.So I get the job because my one older brother, my older brother Darrell.He"s the manager and I"m like this is gonna be awesome cuz my bro,manager hooked me up. He was a dick!He thought he was THE Burger King! You know what I"m saying?He sucked! He would put me on drive thru every single night.Why to this day do people insist on yelling at the drive thru?It"s modern technology. I"d have my little headset.Welcome to Burger King. May I please take your order?WHOPPER. Sir? WHOPPER NO ONION.Excuse me, I"m fucking bleeding from the ears here ok?Let"s turn the main down a tad, ok skidrow?LARGE FRY MOTHAFUCKA! I CAN"T HEAR YOU BURGER KING!ARE YOU READY TO ROCK BK BROILER?I would rather have had people yell,it was when people didn"t talk loud enough. That drove me CRAZY.I"d have like 10 cars out there and I"d be like Hi MamMay I please take your order?What do you want? What do you want?What do you want?. no no no no yes no cheese, extra picklesMam I can"t-hello?.pickle, extra pickles, cheese, bun seeds,and pickles all my pickles and some extra pickly pickles,cheese, picklesOK are you trying to molest me via drive thru. What are you saying?Chicken tenders. Sweet and sour sauce on my pussy!DRIVE AROUND GET SOME SAUCE DRIVE AROUND MAMSAUCE SAUCE SAUCE she want"s it her way. That"s our motto.It"s- come on sauce!I took I took a lady"s order one time. I"ll never forget this.I go like this. Mam. That"ll be $3.75. Please drive around.And then there"s like this long pause and then she goes.Where do I go? .Where do you go?!You follow the one fucking road you"re on to me!Where do you Ok mam you"re gonna go to the Texaco station.Take a right. Go 5 and a half miles southeast.You"re gonna see a guy in a yellow poncho. His name is Hank.He"ll take you to the whopper Lair. That"s where you go.And you"ve got 10 minutes to get there or we take your food!http://music.baidu.com/song/14197390