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suffer的意思是受苦suffer英 [ˈsʌfə(r)]   美 [ˈsʌfər] v.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨;遭受;蒙受;变差;变糟第三人称单数: suffers现在分词: suffering过去式: suffered过去分词: suffered记忆技巧:suf 下 + fer 带来,拿来 → 带到下面〔地狱〕→ 受苦牛津词典:1.[V] ~ (from sth) | ~ (for sth)(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lack of sth, etc.2.[VN] 遭受;蒙受to experience sth unpleasant, such as injury, defeat or loss.3.[V] 变差;变糟to become worse.柯林斯词典:1.VERB 遭受,经受(疼痛);感到(痛苦)If you suffer pain, you feel it in your body or in your mind.2.VERB (因疾病或处于其他不利境地而)受苦,受难,受折磨If you suffer from an illness or from some other bad condition, you are badly affected by it.3.VERB (因疾病或处于其他不利境地而)受苦,受难,受折磨If you suffer from an illness or from some other bad condition, you are badly affected by it.4.VERB 受挫;遭受打击If you suffer, you are badly affected by an event or situation.5.VERB (因不够关注或处于不利境况而)失利,失败,不成功If something suffers, it does not succeed because it has not been given enough attention or is in a bad situation.

suffer和suffer from用法的区别.

suffer from 后面加的是疾病、不适(身体或心理上的)意为受……的苦,如 suffered from ill health/ a headache suffer sth.意为遭受,经受:遭受或承受(痛苦的、有害的或不良的东西),如 suffer death,suffered heavy casualties/loss

第8为啥是Having suffered?

Having suffered 叫作现在分词的完成时,可以在句中作状语。表示动作在谓语动词didn"t have 之前完成,它的逻辑主语是句子的主语the boss 。本句中老板先遭受了巨大的损失,后才没有勇气。所以用having suffered 这种形式。

suffered from什么意思

suffered from遭受双语例句1Some of the first projects that I was involved with suffered from this problem.我涉及的一些项目正在遭受这些问题。2Historically, most software development teams have suffered from inadequate software configuration management support.从历史上来说,大多数软件开发团队都经历了软件配置管理支持不足的困境。



suffer与suffer from的区别


为啥不能用suffering,having suffered是什么语法知识?


suffer/ stand/ bear的区别



suffer from

Having suffered such heavy loss,the businessman didn"t have the courage to go on.


suffer for ,suffer from,suffer有什么区别?各举几个搭配,谢谢

suffer for,为什么而受煎熬: i suffer for him.suffer from,因什么而受煎熬: he suffers from cancer.suffer: 动词: he suffers.


这个词可以及物又可以作不及物动词用,直接遭受什么,就不用from,反之从什么哪儿遭受了就加.你的这句是直接遭受了许多.如:suffer from the disease 不是遭遇疾病,而是得了这个病,遭了很多痛苦

suffer from 和 suffer的区别?

很多人认为suffer只能与from连用才接宾语,其实suffer与suffer from后面接的宾语不同

suffer和suffer from

Asuffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。

suffer 及物和不及物时的区别

Suffer是一个动词,既可以当及物动词,也可以当不及物动词. 举几个例子来分别说明: (1)做及物动词的时候,suffer可以被解释为:忍受,经历等 例如:suffer the test 经受考验 suffer pain 忍受痛苦 suffer inconvenience 受委屈 (2)做不及物动词的时候,suffer可以被解释为 受苦、变差,如: He is still suffering after medicine 服药后他依然感到很难受 His sight suffered 10 years ago.10年前,他的视力变差了.


抱歉,未找到“ suffered ”,以下是相似词条:suffered suffer ed suffer-ed sufferer buffered differed sufferers offered supered severed 抱歉,未找到“suffered”查询中...现在立刻添加词条解释 向词友求助 外来语词汇专辑 与 suffered 相关的例句Christ suffered for sinners. 耶稣替罪人们受难。He suffered no pain. 他没受过苦。She suffered beyond endurance. 她饱受磨难,已到了无法忍受的地步。The army suffered terribly. 军队遭受了极大的磨难。Wenchuan suffered serious casualties. 汶川镇伤亡惨重.The enemy suffered heavy-ties. 敌人遭受惨重伤亡。Fortunately he suffered no pain. 幸好他不感到疼。He still suffered from insomnia. 他还失眠。He suffered agonies of remorse. 他饱受悔恨的煎熬.he suffered an epileptic seizure. 寻找疾病发作的原因。更多例句查看其他专业词典解释数学 物理 化学 生物 环境 信息 工程 健康 地球 交通 其他哈工大信息检索研究室提供部分查询提示技术

suffer与suffer from的区别

suffer和suffer from的区别在于意思、用法和读音:一、意思不同。1、suffer指一般的损害、痛苦、财产损失等抽象名词。如:They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。2、suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难以及具体疾病。如:The crops suffered from frequent blights.农作物经常遭受病虫害。二、用法不同。表示“遭受损失〔痛苦〕”时,suffer通常用作及物动词,后面直接接宾语,而不必用suffer from的形式。如:She couldn"t suffer criticism.她受不了批评。三、读音不同。1、suffer的英式读法是["sʌfə(r)];美式读法是["sʌfər]。  2、suffer from的英式读法是["sʌfə frɒm];美式读法是["sʌfər frʌm]。

suffer与suffer from的区别?

很多人认为suffer只能与from连用才接宾语,其实suffer与suffer from后面接的宾语不同



suffer和suffer from用法的区别。

suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 suffer vi.受痛苦;受损害 vt.遭受;忍受 suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries承受结果/遭受大损失/负伤 suffer from headache/illness 遭受头痛/疾病的困扰 suffer (vt.) 和suffer from的区别:suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 名词形式:suffering suffer 1.感到疼痛、痛苦 He died very quickly,he didn"t suffer much. 他死得很快,没有多少痛苦. 2.承受,遭受 You must be prepared to suffer consequences. 你要准备承担后果. suffer from 1.患有(疾病等) She suffers from headache. 她患头痛病 2.为...所苦,因...而吃苦头 Our business has suffered from lack of investment. 我们的企业因缺乏投资而受苦. I"m suffering from a real lack of time this week. 我这周为时间不够用而苦。 Mrs. White"s little boy is suffering from a bad flu bug again. 怀特太太的小孩又再患了严重的感冒。


suffer from 遭受。。


sufferKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 遭受;经历He suffered many humiliations before he became a football star.他在成为足球名将前受过许多屈辱。2. (常用于否定句)忍受I cannot suffer such rudeness.我不能容忍这种粗鲁的举止。3. 容许;任凭[O2]vi.1. 受苦;患病[(+from)]He suffered from poverty all his life.他一生受贫穷之苦。My father suffers from high blood pressure.我父亲有高血压。They suffered a great deal in those days.那时他们吃了不少苦。2. 受损害,受损失;变糟[(+for/from)]This scientific instrument suffered severely.这部科学仪器受到严重损坏。3. 受惩罚;被处决[(+for)]He suffered for his offence.他因自己的过错而受到惩罚。




suffer[英][ˈsʌfə(r)][美][ ˈsʌfɚ]vi.受痛苦; 受损害; 变糟; 变差; vt.遭受; 忍受; 容忍; 容许; 第三人称单数:suffers过去分词:suffered现在进行时:suffering过去式:suffered例句:1.Even emerging markets would suffer. 甚至新兴市场都将受到波及。






被忍受 整句翻就是有些地方太冷了不能忍受 这里suffer是及物动词忍受容忍的意思 作不及物动词时就是经常用的sb.suffer from


句子本身就有问题,suffer本身就是遭受的意思,不需要用be suffered被遭受。所以你说的He suffered many humiliation before he become a football star,这句是对的。




《The Taliban Shuffle》(Barker, Kim)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iF7k2HN4wEhVYbqISFr0mQ 密码:hnja    书名:The Taliban Shuffle作者:Barker, Kim出版年份:2011-3页数:320内容简介:A true-life Catch-22 set in the deeply dysfunctional countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, by one of the region"s longest-serving correspondents.Kim Barker is not your typical, impassive foreign correspondent—she is candid, self-deprecating, laugh-out-loud funny. At first an awkward newbie in Afghanistan, she grows into a wisecracking, seasoned reporter with grave concerns about our ability to win hearts and minds in the region. In The Taliban Shuffle, Barker offers an insider"s account of the “forgotten war” in Afghanistan and Pakistan, chronicling the years after America"s initial routing of the Taliban, when we failed to finish the job.When Barker arrives in Kabul, foreign aid is at a record low, electricity is a pipe dream, and of the few remaining foreign troops, some aren"t allowed out after dark. Meanwhile, in the vacuum left by the U.S. and NATO, the Taliban is regrouping as the Afghan and Pakistani governments flounder. Barker watches Afghan police recruits make a travesty of practice drills and observes the disorienting turnover of diplomatic staff. She is pursued romantically by the former prime minister of Pakistan and sees adrenaline-fueled colleagues disappear into the clutches of the Taliban. And as her love for these hapless countries grows, her hopes for their stability and security fade.Swift, funny, and wholly original, The Taliban Shuffle unforgettably captures the absurdities and tragedies of life in a war zone.

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dyeun. 染料,染色 vi. & vt. 给…上色; 着色派生:dyestuff n.染料



enough 和suffient的区别

sufficient, adequate, enoughenough,sufficient,adequate这三个词都表示“足够的”或“充分的”。其中只有enough可以用作副词或名词,含义仍为“足够的”。enough和sufficient在含义上几乎没有差异,只是enough的用法较多,这两个词都表示“完全满足需要,而且既不多余,也不缺少”。adequate虽然也表示“足够的”、“充分的”,但是和另二词之间有着比较明显的细微差异,因为这个词的内涵是:对于必不可少的东西在数量上应当是合理的、公平的或不苛刻的。Five men will be quite enough (or sufficient).这句话说的是:5个人就十分充足了, 再多给一个人就没有必要了His wages are adequate to support three people. 这句话说的是:他的工资够养活3个人的。即这些钱养活3个人够得上一般生活水平,并不苛刻。可见其差异非常细微。词义差别越细微,表意越准确。例如:“我为他干了3小时的活,他付给我20英镑。我觉得那20英镑的工钱是足够了的”。这两句话在英译时,其中的“足够的”必须用adequate,因为这里说的“足够”包含了“公平、合理”的意思。故这两句可译为:I worked for him three hours, and he paid me 20 pounds. I think the 20 pounds are adequate for my work. 此外, 应注意下面例句中enough的各种用法I like to be a professional singer, but I don"t think I have a good enough voice.我想当个职业歌唱家,但是我觉得我的嗓子不够好。A day may begin well enough, but suddenly everything seems to get out of control.一天的开端可能好得很,但突然一切似乎都失去了控制。The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.沿着船壁向上引导的以及与航行方向一致的气流足以给这种长有特大翅膀的大鸟以充分的支撑力和前进力。Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.我们的牧师老是为这事或那事筹募款项,但是从来也没能募集到足够把教堂大钟修复起来的钱。The problem set for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties arise. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thingthe English Gentleman wants to sell. He attends inadequately to technological development.向社会提出的问题,与其说是这号人的德行问题,毋宁说是他们是否能胜任其职责的问题,于是便出现了严重的困难。他们不肯充分考虑顾客的需要, 顾客不得不买的不是自己想要买的东西,而是英国绅士所要卖的。他们对技术的发展并不给予充分的注意。The majority of the patients attending the medical outpatients departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, abox of pills, or a small jar of ointment,…在医院门诊部就医的大多数病人认为,如果他们不能带一些实实在在的药物,如一瓶药水、一盒药丸、一小瓶药膏回家的话,他们就没得到充分的治疗……【分别解释】1.sufficientadj.形容词(1)Abbr. suf., suff. Being as much as is needed.缩写 suf., suff.充分的, 足够的充足的:满足需要的(2)Archaic Competent; qualified.[古语]有能力的;合格的例句:be sufficient for sb."s needs足够满足某人的需要have not sufficient courage for it没有做这事的充分勇气Not sufficient !存款不足(略 N/S)。The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.这年金不够应付生活费用。2.adequate足够的adj. 形容词(1)Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need.恰当的, 可以胜任的I hope you will prove adequate to the job.我希望你证明能胜位这项工作。The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求。(2)Barely satisfactory or sufficient 让人满意的, 尚可的,差强人意的:不很令人满意的或勉强够的:The skater"s technique was only adequate.滑冰者的技术只能说是差强人意3.enoughadj.形容词[修饰名词时, 放在名词前后均可] Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的:There is enough food [food enough] for everybody.有足够的食物供大家吃。We enough work to keep us all busy.足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作n.足够, 充分I have had enough of your impudence.对于你的无礼, 我已经受够了。E-has been said on this subject.关于这个问题说得已经够多了。pron.(代词)An adequate number or quantity:数目足够,数量充足“The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau)“天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利·戴维·索罗)adv.(副词)(1)To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently足够地,充分地:I am warm enough.我够暖和了。The meat is not cooked enough.这肉未烧到火候。Is the fish cooked enough?鱼做的火候够吗? (2)Very; fully; quite[用于被修饰语之后]很;十分;充分地,数量或程度上令人满意地:We were glad enough to leave.我们很高兴离开He was fool enough to agree.他同意了, 真够傻的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他跑得不够快, 没赶上火车。(2)Tolerably; rather:尚可;相当:She sang well enough, but the show was a failure.她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败interj.(感叹词)Used to express impatience or exasperation:用以表达不耐烦或恼怒:You"ve been practicing the violin all afternoon. Enough!你整个下午都在练小提琴。够了!【习惯用语】be good enough to do sth.劳驾, 务请做某事(Be good [kind] enough to reply early. 请早日赐复)be kind enough to do sth.劳驾, 务请做某事(Be good [kind] enough to reply early. 请早日赐复)be old enough to已经是...年龄了Cry“enough” ! 快认输[服输]吧 !cannot... enough无论怎样...都不够(I cannot thank you enough. 感恩不尽。)curiously enough[用作插入语]说也奇怪, 最奇怪的是oddly enough[用作插入语]说也奇怪, 最奇怪的是strangely enough[用作插入语]说也奇怪, 最奇怪的是have enough of(对某人或某事)感到厌烦have enough to do好容易才, 很吃力more than enough太多, 够多, 十二分not enough to swear by仅仅一点点sure enough果然不错, 确实well enough还不错, 还可以; 相当, 很, 极You know well enough.[口]你明明知道; 你心里明白; 你很懂得。enough and to spare足够, 绰绰有余E-is as good as a feast.[谚]足食犹如筵席。(不过分就好; 知足常乐。)E-is enough.适可而止。E-of that!够了够了!不要再说了!enough to go on with暂且够了, 目前足以应付

well camoufl 什么意思

well camouflage想表达的含义可能是伪装得很好



The ability to () themselves by camouflage enables some defenseless animals to survive.

The ability conceal themselves by camouflage enables some otherwise defenseless...conceal 掩藏 disguise伪装conceal themselves by camouflage 通过伪装掩藏他们自己camouflage 名词 伪装

tired camouflage是什么意思?

tired camouflage厌倦了伪装.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

camouflage cotton fabric是什么布啊,是服装英语来的

camouflage fabric是伪装织物,就是那种印有迷彩色的服装前面加了cotton,就是指面料为棉质即:棉质迷彩织物(布)





Stan Ridgway的《Camouflage》 歌词

歌曲名:Camouflage歌手:Stan Ridgway专辑:The Big HeatCamouflageWhat is this force around meJust like a tractor beam thatIs always pulling me down...and whenEver I get the chance toSpill my guts about youIt tries to tape up my mouthWhat good am IIf I just keep you quietWhat good am Iif I don"t speak, "cause...I don"t wanna be camouflageWhat I"m not"Cause what I got invades the worldI don"t wanna be in a boxAll I wantIs just to stop beingCamouflageI"m sick of trying to blendThinking that I should fit inLike I am somebody else...Why doI go against what I sayI come across like a fakeAnd keep you all to myselfIt"s not that IWanna shove it on somebodyIt"s just that IThat I can"t hideI don"t wanna be camouflageWhat I"m not"Cause what I got invades the worldI don"t wanna be in a boxAll I wantIs just to stop beingCamouflageI don"t wanna be camouflageWhat I"m not"Cause what I got invades the worldI don"t wanna be in a boxAll I wantIs just to stop beingI don"t wanna be camouflageCamouflageWhat I"m not"Cause what I got invades the worldI don"t wanna be in a boxAll I wantIs just to stop beingCamouflagehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2722856


camouflage扩展词汇 英 ["kæməflɑːʒ]     美 ["kæməflɑːʒ]    n. 伪装;掩饰;迷彩服v. 伪装;欺瞒The animal"s markings provide effective camouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。

camouflage bag是指什么样的包呢



camouflage英 [ˈkæməflɑ:ʒ] 美 [ˈkæməˌflɑʒ, -ˌflɑdʒ] n.伪装; 掩饰; 〈喻〉幌子vt.& vi.伪装; 掩饰; 欺瞒第三人称单数: camouflages 现在分词: camouflaging 过去式: camouflaged 过去分词: camouflaged 双语例 They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles. 他们身穿迷彩服,携带自动步枪。


camouflage英 [ˈkæməflɑ:ʒ] 美 [ˈkæməˌflɑʒ, -ˌflɑdʒ]n.伪装; 掩饰; 〈喻〉幌子vt.& vi.伪装; 掩饰; 欺瞒




camouflage英 ["kæməflɑːʒ] 美 ["kæmə"flɑʒ] n. 伪装,掩饰vt. 伪装,掩饰vi. 伪装起来


They used branches of trees as camouflage.他们用树枝做伪装。camouflage扩展词汇 英 ["kæməflɑːʒ]     美 ["kæməflɑːʒ]    n. 伪装;掩饰;迷彩服v. 伪装;欺瞒




conceal和camouflage区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同conceal:英 [kən"siːl]     美 [kən"siːl]。   camouflage:英 ["kæməflɑːʒ]     美 ["kæməflɑːʒ]。     2、意思不同conceal:vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;掩盖。camouflage:n. 伪装;掩饰;迷彩服;v. 伪装;欺瞒。3、用法不同He could hardly conceal his joy at his departure.他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。The animal"s markings provide effective camouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。


camouflage [英]"kæməflɑ:ʒ [美]ˈkæməˌflɑʒ, -ˌflɑdʒ n. 伪装;掩饰;〈喻〉幌子 vt. vi. 伪装;掩饰;欺瞒 [例句]Chameleon change colour for camouflage and to communicate. 变色龙为了伪装和交流而改变颜色. 更多示例用法 请采纳 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


camouflage意思如下:1、n. 伪装;掩饰;迷彩服。2、v. 伪装;欺瞒。举例:1、The animal"s markings provide effective camouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。2、Her angry words were camouflage for the way she felt. 她以气愤的言辞掩盖自己的真实感情。近义词mask音标:英 [mɑːsk]、美 [mæsk] 。释义:1、n. 伪装;面罩;面具;[计算机]掩码。2、v. 掩饰;戴面具;遮盖。举例:1、Her sociable manner is really a mask for a very shy nature.她那好交际的作风,实际上是她腼腆天性的伪装。2、The bank robber wears a stocking mask.那个抢劫银行的匪徒戴着长筒袜面罩。


camouflage英 ["kæməflɑːʒ]美 ["kæmə"flɑʒ]n. 伪装,掩饰vt. 伪装,掩饰vi. 伪装起来[网络短语]camouflage 伪装,军事伪装,伪装camouflage pattern 迷彩图案,伪装印花布,不容易分辨的颜色图案camouflage coat 迷彩服,迷彩战衣

下列词语都是什么意思啊swift and sure. The art of camouflage take a deep breath. Dizzy and sick


digital desert camouflage是什么颜色

不是 。cam.ou.flageAHD:[k²m“…-fläzh”, -fläj”] D.J.[6k#m*7fl$89, -7fl$8d9]K.K.[6k#m*7fl$9, -7fl$d9]n.(名词)The method or result of concealing personnel or equipment from an enemy by making them appear to be part of the natural surroundings.伪装,掩饰:通过使人或设施看起来像自然环境的一部分来隐藏他们不被敌人觉察的方法或结果Concealment by disguise or protective coloring.掩饰:通过伪装或保护色来隐蔽

you are not really happy,your happiness is just your camouflage,什么意思



该单词听难记的。多读多写。放句子里记忆。camouflage扩展词汇 英 ["kæməflɑːʒ]     美 ["kæməflɑːʒ]    n. 伪装;掩饰;迷彩服v. 伪装;欺瞒They used branches of trees as camouflage.他们用树枝做伪装。




you are too realistic camouflage你太现实的伪装双语对照例句:1.Some of you are realistic. 有些人是现实主义者。


camouflage: 伪装;伪装,迷彩;拿着白旗出来——伪装掩饰;保护色作用 所以是flag的远引申意


camouflage [英]"kæməflɑ:ʒ [美]ˈkæməˌflɑʒ, -ˌflɑdʒ n. 伪装;掩饰;〈喻〉幌子 vt. vi. 伪装;掩饰;欺瞒 [例句]Chameleon change colour for camouflage and to communicate.变色龙为了伪装和交流而改变颜色。更多示例用法请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

camouflage 翻译国语是什么意思


Brandy的《Camouflage》 歌词

歌曲名:Camouflage歌手:Brandy专辑:HumanBrandy - CamouflageI"m a work in progressI"m a seed grown into a flowerI"m a storm that"s risingGetting stronger with every hourAnd god knows I ain"t perfectTell me who in the world isAll I know is that I"m searchingFor somebody to love me withThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageFor love, for loveNo I won"t CamouflageFor love, for loveI won"t CamouflageI need a lot of improvementNot even half way to destinyBut I"m a train that"s movingAnd everyday I"m picking up speedAnd god knows you ain"t perfectSo who are you to put pressure on meThat"s why I"m still searchingFor somebody to love me withThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageFor love, for loveNo I won"t CamouflageFor love, for loveI won"t CamouflageI"ve learned from my mistakesThe only way you"re gonna be happyIs if someone"s down to TakeHere when it"s good and it"s bad you seeI tried giving half of meIn the end I came up emptyAnd that"s why I"m searching yeahFor somebody to love me with these flawsThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageFor love, for loveNo I won"t CamouflageFor love, for loveI won"t CamouflageI can"t CamouflageCause baby you ain"t worth itIf I have to camouflageBaby you ain"t worth itIf I have to camouflagehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1544511




camouflage是一个英语单词,意思是伪装。英 [ˈkæməflɑ:ʒ] 美 [ˈkæməˌflɑʒ, -ˌflɑdʒ]n:伪装;掩饰;〈喻〉幌子vt.& vi:伪装;掩饰;欺瞒例句1.Theyweredressedincamouflageandcarriedautomaticrifles.他们身穿迷彩服,携带自动步枪。2.Youwon"tseethemfromtheair.They"dbeverywellcamouflaged你从空中是看不见它们的,它们会被精心伪装起来。3.Hehasnevercamouflagedhisdesiretobetterhimself他从不掩饰自己的上进心。This vermian virus has stronger camouflage and alluring capacity.这个蠕虫病毒具有较强的伪装和诱惑能力。It once covered a plane in camouflage and painted "No one saw us coming" on the fuselage.它就曾经用迷彩色喷涂机身,还在机身上写“没人看见我飞过来”。


camouflage意思:伪装,掩饰。1.camouflage:开抹覆垃圾。开始在上面涂抹覆盖垃圾——掩饰,伪装。2. caput + muffle => camouflage "to muffle the head"。3. 谐音“开抹敷垃圾”。1917, noun, verb, and adjective, from French camoufler, Parisian slang, "to disguise," from Italian camuffare "to disguise, which is of uncertain origin, perhaps a contraction of capo muffare "to muffle the head。Probably altered by influence of French camouflet "puff of smoke," on the notion of "blow smoke in someone"s face." The British navy in World War I called it dazzle-painting。


  曾经,我们都相信ufo是存在的,现在我们是否会如相信它有英文全称一般继续相信它的存在呢?下面是我给大家整理的ufo的英文全称是什么,供大家参阅!   ufo的英文全称是什么   unidentified flying object   UFO的英语例句   1. There has been a surge of UFO sightings in America.   美国不明飞行物目击事件激增。   2. Did you actually see the UFO?   你真的见到不明飞行物了 吗 ?   3. Have any of you actually seen a UFO?   你们中间是不是有人确实看到过飞碟?   4. Everyone on board saw it and everyone thought, " UFO " Unidentified Flying Object.   机内的人都目睹这一景象,大家都认为这就是不明飞行物.   5. UFO is abbreviated from unidentified flying object.   "UFO" 是"unidentifiedflyingobject"(不明飞行物体)的缩写.   6. He maintains that he once saw a UFO.   他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟.   7. Is that a UFO in the sky?   天上那东西是不是个不明飞行物?   8. There have been reports about UFO"s lifting the animal off the ground.   据说UFO将动物吸离地面.   9. UFO small game, a very simple for beginners to practice hand.   UFO小游戏, 很简单适合初学者练手.   10. UFO sightings in France areto be revealed - exciting paranormal enthusiasts in the UK.   在法国,UFO的目击事件即将被透露 - 这使得联合王国的超常事件狂热者们兴奋.   11. The dimension of the UFO was 6 feet high, 15 feet in diameter.   ufo的尺寸是高6英尺, 直径15英尺.   12. What was the girl doing when the UFO took off?   当UFO起飞时,这个小女孩在做什么?   13. UFO reports. training and study modules wages. access to the certificate application.   UFO报表. 工资模块培训学习. 获得应用证书.   14. The boy was walking down the street when a UFO landed.   当一个UFO着陆的时候,那个男孩正在街上走.   15. Alexander the Great had two UFO encounters that were recorded.   亚历山大大人记录了二次UFO接触案例.   unidentified flying object的双语例句   The thing is, I am contacted far too often by people saying they have seen an unidentified flyingobject, or UFO.   事情是这样的,我经常与那些自称目击不明飞行物(UFO)的人接触。   However, serious scholars prefer to baptize these appearances with the technique name UFO(unidentified flying object).   然而,更严谨的学者更愿意给它们命一个更有技术含量的名字UFO(不明飞行物)。   By the early hours of the following morning, on Feb 25, military radar detected an unidentifiedflying object 120 miles offshore approaching the coastline.   在2月25日清晨的早些时候,军用雷达探测到了离岸120英里的一架不明飞行物正在接近海岸线。   This photo taken at 0:51 p.m. on Aug. 24 shows what is believed to be an unidentified flyingobject in the sky above Seoul"s Cheonggyecheon Street.   这张照片拍摄于8月24日的中午12点51分。它清楚的拍摄了一个在首尔清溪川大街上空的不明非飞行物。   In popular culture, the term UFO–or unidentified flying object–refers to a suspected alienspacecraft, although its definition encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena.   通俗地说,所谓UFO——或者不明飞行物——指疑似外星人的飞船,不过它的定义也包括无法解释的空中现象。   "UFO" is short for "Unidentified Flying Object".   它是个不明飞行物。   On another occasion, military officials took the unusual step of briefing ministers about anunidentified flying object photographed in the sky over Scotland alongside an RAF fighter jet.   在另一个场合,军方官员采取异乎寻常的步骤向大臣们作出简报,有关苏格兰上空拍照的英国皇家空军战机附近的不明飞行物的情况。   An unidentified flying object hung high in the sky.   不明飞行物高悬空中。   April 2004, a retired Royal Air Force officer while on holiday in Sri Lanka found that unidentifiedflying object, and the photos to the UK Ministry of Defence.   2004年4月,英国空军一名退役军官在斯里兰卡度假时发现不明飞行物,并把照片传给英国国防部。   In 1999 they scooped the Stirling prize for the building of the year by dragging cricket into the21st century with a media centre which arrived at Lord"s like a unidentified flying object.   1999年,他们因为设计了长相酷似UFO的劳德的媒体中心(theLord"smediacentre),一举夺下了当年的斯特林奖。   This means that any unidentified flying object is a UFO, regardless of its alleged source.   这意味着任何未经证实的飞行物体都是UFO,而不必考虑到它的所谓的来源。   A singular glow came from the unidentified flying object.   从不明飞行物上发出奇特的光。   It is reported that unidentified flying object were seen over our town last night.   据报道,不明飞行物昨夜在我市上空出现。   Can you earn the "Unidentified Flying Object" Achievement?   你是否能赚取的“不明飞行物”的成就呢?   Beware the little green men – the number of "unidentified flying object"(UFO) sightings has more than tripled this year, Ministry of Defence documents reveal. Daily Telegraph.   小心那绿色小人–国防部文件显示,今年目睹“不明飞行物体”(UFO)的数字是去年的三倍多。 英国《每日电讯报》。   


entitle指授予某人权力去做某件事entitle sb to do sthcalm 指天气、海洋的“风平浪静”,还可指人的心情“平静”、态度“安详”。例如:The sea was very calm. 海面很平静。The doctor did what he could to make the girl calm. 医生尽力让那女孩平静下来。suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 suffer vi.受痛苦;受损害 vt.遭受;忍受 suffer the result /heavy losses /injuries承受结果/遭受大损失/负伤 suffer from headache/illness 遭受头痛/疾病的困扰produce及物动词 vt. 1. 生产,出产;制造;创作2. 生育;产(仔) 3. 拿出;出示;提出4. 上演;上映;播放;出版5. 引起,产生;招致6. 【数】使(线)延长;使(面)扩展 不及物动词 vi. 1. 生产 2. 创作 名词 n. 1. 产品;农产品[U] 【固定搭配:produce by 后加生产者produce from 中的“from” 是表来源 后接产地 注:produce 多用在农业方面urge的词性:v.(动词)urged, urging, urgesurge的词性:v.tr.(及物动词)1. To force or drive forward or onward; impel.推进,驱策:(使)向前或继续前进;驱策2. To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort.恳求,规劝:恳切,通常重复地恳求;规劝3. To advocate earnestly the doing, consideration, or approval of; press for:极力主张,强烈要求:竭力做、考虑或赞同;竭力推行:用法与例句:urge passage of the bill; a speech urging moderation.竭力推行这个议案的通过;极力主张适度的讲演4. To stimulate; excite:剌激;使兴奋:用法与例句:“It urged him to an intensity like madness”(DH Lawrence)“这使他陷入一种发狂的状态”(DH劳伦斯)5. To move or impel to action, effort, or speed; spur.催促,力劝:促使行动、努力或加速;剌激urge的词性:v.intr.(不及物动词)6. To exert an impelling force; push vigorously.催促:成为驱动力;竭力推动7. To present a forceful argument, claim, or case.强烈要求:竭力主张,竭力要求,提出充足理由urge的词性:n.(名词)8. The act of urging.驱策,鼓动9. An impulse that prompts action or effort:骓动力:推动行动或努力的剌激:用法与例句:suppressed an urge to laugh.压制住笑的冲动

completely accurate和 sufficient accurate 程度区别?



本篇文章我们讲解缓存区 ByteBuf 八大主要类型中两种,未池化直接缓冲区 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 和 未池化不安全直接缓冲区 UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf 。 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 一个基于 NIO ByteBuffer 的缓冲区。 建议使用 UnpooledByteBufAllocator.directBuffer(int, int) , Unpooled.directBuffer(int) 和 Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(ByteBuffer) ;而不是显式调用构造函数。 有四个成员属性: 通过 allocateDirect(initialCapacity) 方法创建一个新的 NIO 缓存区实例来初始化此缓存区对象。 利用现有的 NIO 缓存区创建此缓存区。 通过 NIO 缓存区 buffer 对应方法获取基本数据类型数据。 根据目标缓存区 dst 类型不同,处理的方式也不同。 你会发现这些方法都是获取此缓存区对应 NIO 缓存区 ByteBuffer 对象,调用 ByteBuffer 对象的方法,与 IO 流的交互,进行数据传输 和 get 系列方法一样, set 系列的实现也是靠 NIO 缓存区 ByteBuffer 对应方法。 剩余方法也几乎都是和 NIO 缓存区 ByteBuffer 有关,而且也不难,就不做过多介绍了。 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 主要是通过 NIO 缓存区 buffer 来存储数据。而它获取和设置数据,也都是通过 NIO 缓存区对应方法实现的。 光看介绍,和 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 没有任何区别。它也是 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 的子类。 那么 UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf 和 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 不同处在那里呢? 通过复习 setByteBuffer 方法,获取 NIO 缓存区 buffer 对应的直接内存地址。 通过 UnsafeByteBufUtil 对应方法,直接从内存地址获取对应基本类型数据。 通过 UnsafeByteBufUtil 对应方法,直接向内存地址设置对应基本类型数据。 只有这个类型 hasMemoryAddress() 方法才会返回 true 。 UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf 就是通过直接从内存地址中获取和设置数据的方式,提高性能。

Netty ByteBuf入门

ByteBuf由一段地址空间,一个read index和一个write index组成。两个index分别记录读写进度,省去了NIO中ByteBuffer手动调用flip和clear的烦恼。 通过上图可以很好的理解ByteBuf的数据划分。writer index到capacity之间的部分是空闲区域,可以写入数据;reader index到writer index之间是已经写过还未读取的可读数据;0到reader index是已读过可以释放的区域。 三个index之间的关系是:reader index <= writer index <= capacity ByteBuf根据其数据存储空间不同有可以分为三种:基于JVM堆内的,基于直接内存的和组合的。 堆内受JVM垃圾收集器的管辖,使用上相对安全一些,不用每次手动释放。弊端是GC是会影响性能的;还有就是内存的拷贝带来的性能损耗(JVM进程到Socket)。 直接内存则不受JVM的管辖,省去了向JVM拷贝数据的麻烦。但是坏处就是别忘了释放内存,否则就会发生内存泄露。相比于堆内存,直接内存的的分配速度也比较慢。 最佳实践:在IO通信的线程中的读写Buffer使用DirectBuffer(省去内存拷贝的成本),在后端业务消息的处理使用HeapBuffer(不用担心内存泄露)。 通过hasArray检查一个ByteBuf heap based还是direct buffer。 ByteBuf提供了两个工具类来创建ByteBuf,分别是支持池化的Pooled和普通的Unpooled。Pooled缓存了ByteBuf的实例,提高性能并且减少内存碎片。它使用Jemalloc来高效的分配内存。 如果在Channel中我们可以通过channel.alloc()来拿到ByteBufAllocator,具体它使用Pool还是Unpool,Directed还是Heap取决于程序的配置。 markReaderIndex和resetReaderIndex是一个成对的操作。markReaderIndex可以打一个标记,调用resetReaderIndex可以把readerIndex重置到原来打标记的位置。 discardReadByte可以把读过的空间释放,这时buffer的readerIndex置为0,可写空间和writerIndex也会相应的改变。discardReadBytes在内存紧张的时候使用用,但是调用该方法会伴随buffer的内存整理的。这是一个expensive的操作。 clear是把readerIndex和writerIndex重置到0。但是,它不会进行内存整理,新写入的内容会覆盖掉原有的内容。 派生操作会产生一个新的ByteBuf实例。这里的新指得是ByteBuf的引用是新的所有的index也是新的。但是它们共用着一套底层存储。派生函数: 如果想要复制一个 全新 的ByteBuffer请使用copy,这会完全的复制一个新的ByteBuf出来。 引用计数记录了当前ByteBuf被引用的次数。新建一个ByteBuf它的refCnt是1,当refCnt == 0时,这个ByteBuf即可被回收。 引用技术主要用于内存泄露的判断,Netty提供了内存泄露检测工具。通过使用参数 -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=${level} 可以配置检测级别: 很多时候需要从ByteBuf中查找特定的字符,比如LineBasedFrameDecoder需要在ByteBuf中查找" "。ByteBuf提供了简单的indexOf这样的函数。同时也可以使用ByteProcesser来查找。 以下 gist 提供了一些example。

Netty 框架中ByteBuf转String的代码是什么?

没有最佳答案回答的那么复杂,通过查看StringDecoder、StringEncoder代码就能知道从ByteBuf中读取字符串:String str = in.readBytes(readLength).toString(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));就可以了。由于调用的是readxxx方法,所以会自动推进readerIndex。ByteBuf.readBytes方法有很多重载,选择你需要的。它返回的也是一个ByteBuf,用toString(Charset)方法就能转成String。PS:这里有个坑,ByteBuf.toString()返回的字符串跟toString(Charset)返回的完全不是同一个东西。。。


BANG&OLUFSEN 邦及欧路夫森(丹麦品牌)读法:Bang [bæŋ]   例句1、For the ultimate in-home theatre experience, The Chairman"s Suite also features a Bang& Olufsen sound system and speakers.      至于能够让客人体验更加完美的家庭影院,总统套房同时采用了Bang&Olufsen顶级音响系统及音箱。  2、This lovechild of Samsung and Bang& Olufsen sold for$ 2,000 in2007 and sported a slick-looking design that defied logic.      三星和Bang&Olufsen推出的这款手机在2007年售价是2000美元,外表看起来绚丽多姿,其实是相当的缺乏逻辑性设计。相关如下Bang & Olufsen,是世界顶级视听品牌,自1925 年在丹麦斯特鲁尔(Struer)成立以来,一直以不断创造卓越科技和感性魅力完美结合的音频、视频产品享誉全球,充分体现了Bang & Olufsen质疑常规、绵延惊喜的企业愿景。品牌介绍世界顶级视听品牌Bang & Olufsen 自1925 年在丹麦斯特鲁尔(Struer)成立以来,一直以不断创造卓越科技和感性魅力完美结合的音频、视频产品享誉全球,充分体现了Bang & Olufsen质疑常规、绵延惊喜的企业愿景。拥有80多年历史的Bang & Olufsen一直执着于运用精挑细选的材料和完美精湛的工艺。凭借卓越品质和超凡脱俗的设计,Bang & Olufsen更成为丹麦皇室御用品牌。从耳机、电话、数码音乐播放器等小型产品,到电视机、扬声器、DVD播放器等家庭影院系列,产品备受赞誉,除了满足消费者对顶级视听产品的不同需求,还为消费者带来了无与伦比的视听体验。

accomplish/achieve/complete/finish/fufil/perform/end 都带有完成的意思,可能他们能互换么?

我认为: accomplish,finish,complete 可以互换,表示通过努力完成了某个任务,比如I have accomplished/finished/completed the tasks. 我完成了任务achieve 除了表示通过努力完成还表示 获得了某个东西,比如I have achieved the xxx certificate 我获得了 证书fulfil 更多是表示完成了/实现了梦想,比如I"ve always wanted to be a doctor and I fulfiled this dream after graduation 我总想成为医生,毕业之后我就实现了这个梦想perform 表示表演更多,比如Langlang performed the Hungary Rhapsody.郎朗演奏了匈牙利狂想曲end 表示 结束,比如The cold war came to an end冷战结束了一点个人拙见,希望对你有帮助

法语 Entrée interdite,sauf au personnel.非公莫入 这句话我怎么看着像,禁止入内,除了个人呢?

Sometimes,you lose something and you earn something,how the hell shuold i do?

big l的《8 Iz Enuff》 歌词

歌曲名:8 Iz Enuff歌手:big l专辑:Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & DangerousYoMy crew is in the houseTerra, herb mcgruff, buddah blessBig twan, killa kam, trooper j, and mike boogieAnd i"ma set it like thisAiyo, folks who quote what i wrote get chokedYou better surrender before you get smokedYou niggas be thinkin this kid is a joke?I put chumps to rest fast, when my smith-wes" blastSo just dash or trespass and get your chest smashedRap new york rules, i sport jewels and extort crewsDon"t get me pissed, i got a short fuseI go bezerk when i put in work or do dirt, jerkSo stay alert, no smoke, cause these knuckles hurtI"m from the alley, not the valleyI"m hotter than cali, wicked like harryAnd fuck sally, i rather marry halleI revive crowds with live stylesDon"t hang with jive palsAdios, ghost, i"m 5 thous"Well, i"m flav, and i was down with the crime waveNow it"s time saved, yo, cause now i"m a rhyme slaveIn "87 i sold cracks, collected some dough stacksHold gats, a joker got his soul taxedN.o. rated, rappers you no-made itTell the terra to rotate it, his raps are gold-platedThis nigga terra is past butter, sharp like a glass cutterAss brother, i leave your rhyme trash gutterI"m more rare, the mc in this warfarePut you in a morgue where it"s too late for that lord prayerPower struck, terra drops the follow-upSour luck, niggas got and popped and swallow nutsFor those that don"t know, yo, i"m herb mcgruffI"m on some murder stuffAnd when i talk every word is ruffFront on this and get beat badWith big bats that bruise, break bonesBig LThen wind up bloody in a bodybagMc"s are live, but i"m mad liverAiyo, my rhymes are more funky than a afghan cab driverStep to this and get sliced with easeAte up like rice and peas(herb, can you fight?) yo, i"m nice with theseAsk the nigga in my last boutHe thought i just was on some gun shit, i had to knock his ass outMicrophones i gotta tearPeace to big l, straight from hellI"m the fuck up outta hereAiyo, it"s time to get drastic, but god bless the fantasticHerb passed it, now i melt the mic like it"s plasticI rag crews cause i"m bad newsIn a mad move i"m servin brothers quicker than fast foodStep to this and get your body blownCause i"m a ?nomaticom? for poems i slide the hotties homeHere"s some advice, i"m mad niceAiyo, i"m quick to lick the mag twiceAnd cold take a fag"s lifeMy swellin melon got niggas jealinAiyo, fuck bribes, i"m takin niggas lives like a felonYo, i bust chumps like a glock 10, when i drops inThe top ten is rocked when it"s locked inI just abuse the flow, don"t need a fuse to blowBruise the groove slow, when i rhyme i just kill the showI got lines that"s deeper than a jailBeen no frail, kids get nailed and read braille when they failYeah, ain"t i nasty, too nasty to trash meBash me, aiyo, that"s dead, so don"t ask meYou"d get bumped off if beef ever jumped offI never come soft, i gotta pump that sawed-offAnd when i let slugs out, you will get rugged outFor dissin, you come up missin like a cup scoutRappers be funny like flesh, cause they section"s 80 slaughter, sonTalk about nines and tecs, and never shot a watergunBut killa kam, i get erratic when it comes to staticThere you have it, a trigger fanatic with a automaticIncrease the peace that cease cause once i releaseMy crew from the east, we leavin at leastSo make tracks, i break backsI jack with def gats and black macsOn lennox ave. ain"t no light looks, you fight crooksLeft and right hooks, if you front, get your life tookI"m havin nail-sharp pains in my brain like a hellraiserI"m blazin trails from jail cells, so a trailblazerWho find crime and fill the nine with nothin but leadBoom-bye-bye, dem find another batty bwoy deadIn backyard alleys, but i call em crackyard valleysAnd i pack more rallys than riots back in caliAnd people wanna know the reason why i blow my fuseI"m in a daze and i"m so confused>from seein heads shake so many times the lead makeAnd mike boogie"s next up, and keep my head straightI should never rhyme cause every time i step into a contestKids evacuate the premises like it"s a bomb threatCause they know when i start droppin poemsThat i be knockin domes, poppin bones and sendin niggas hoppin homeWord to god, it"s kinda hard for a fag to touch thisSo if you"re comin to see me, nigga, bring a cask" and crutchesAnd niggas, i dont" need a gun for you, none of youCause i can kill you dead with the lead from my no. 2And it"s death in every paragraphAnd niggas learn when i burn they muthafuckin ass to ashNo need to question am i nice, cause it"s a fact, friendI shoot the gift like santa clause with a mac-10And niggas ain"t half as nice, so they get sacrificedAnd sent to the afterlife, they ain"t no match for mikeNow i"m bout to skate in a rush, just finished makin it toughPeace to big l, aiyo, 8 is enoughTrue, trueAnd before i get up outta hereI gotta say peace to d-whiz and short manBrothers that was there since the beginningWhat"s up to rockin" wheel from the hard pack crewPeace to mase murder and the b.b.o. crewThe best out crew, the m&m crewAnd all the other crews that"s representin in harlemYou know what i"m sayin?And last but not leastI gotta say peace to the 139th street nfl crewMy crewWord uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/9087917

steamed stuffed bun怎么读

思替姆得 思大夫得 爸嗯

loneliness是直接的痛苦还是什么,意思就是,是用suffer from 还是直接用suffer

loneliness 和 suffer from联用孤单本身并无痛苦带来的痛苦是间接的 不过口语上两种说法都可以
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