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The rain was heavy and _________ the land was flooded. A.consequently B.environmentally C.

A 试题分析:句意:大雨持续不断,因此陆地被水淹没了。Consequently因此environmentally环境地previously以前severely严重地,可知选A。

consequently,some measures should be taken to。

综上所述,我建议要采取一些措施 因此,要解决这个问题,一定得采取一些措施


therefore 适合解释原因 因为你用了我的答案 therefore你会过关的thus 适合用来说结果一类 这个问题我回答了 thus这个问题解决了consequently 是用来说不好的后果 我没回答这个问题 consequently你没完成作业hence 就像说从今以后 你这次过关了 hence你还会提问so 和therefore差不多 我帮了你 so你也帮了我



consequently 和 so 有什么区别?


consequently / therefore ?

In fact they are exactly the same.意思及用法完全相同 修词变化而以。两者皆要识。 consequently 因而= as a result =therefore 因此/所以 = 前因.A........后果B as long as = so long as 只要 (条件是...) = on condition that for fear that= lest = 以防/ 万一 = in case


consequently 一般是“结果是”的意思so 一般是因此,所以的意思

consequently 可以用在句首吗,若可以需要用逗号隔开吗?

可以用在句首,不需要逗号搁开. Mr Foster has never been to China.Consequently he knows very little about it. 福斯特先生从未去过中国,所以对中国了解得很少.


consequently,英文单词,副词,作副词时意为“因此;结果;所以”。consequently ad因此 ; 所以 ; 因此从而 ; 因而consequently say因此说deliver consequently不断地递送consequently nija郭羡妮store consequently不断贮藏consequently by因此consequently demonstrate从而论证consequently ensure提供有力保障And Consequently和结果Consequently, who can tell me how i can control my heart ?所以,谁能告诉我怎样才能控制住我自己的心?Consequently I am able to show interest in him as a person.结果是,我可以对作为一个人的他感到有了兴趣。Consequently, heroes have to be respected because since they have helped us, we need to care about them and their causes as well.所以,英雄是需要被尊敬的,他们帮助我们之后,我们也应该关注他们,了解他们的初衷。


n.结果,成果;[逻辑]结论;重要性;推论。 1、n.结果;后果;影响。An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security。 2、结果,因此。( in consequence , as a consequence)His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement。 3、重要的;有价值的。(of consequence)Where he is from is of no consequence to me。

Consequently 跟 therefore 的用法意思一样吗?

consequently 是结果,therefore是因此。有轻微的区别



consequently 和 so 有什么区别

  前者  John was building a small house, but it was blown down in the storm. Consequently, he was back to square one and had to start all over again.  约翰正在建造一幢小房子,但是在暴风雨中房子被吹倒了。结果他又回到了原状,只得重新开始。  At the dinner, Mr Blank was in his cups when he made his speech and consequently it was the most amusing speech of the evening.  酒席上,布兰克先生喝醉时发表了一番讲话,因此,那天晚上他的讲话最逗人。  He had been ill for a long time and consequently he was behind in his work.  他病了很久,因此耽误了功课。  后者  He disconnected the phone so as not to be disturbed.  他为了不受打扰,把电话线路关掉了。  How could you be so stupid as to believe him?  你怎么这麽笨竟相信他的话?  He is divorced and so am I.  他离了婚,我也离了婚。


consequently [`kɑnsəˌkwZntlI; ˋkɒnsikwəntli]副词(无比较级、最高级)因此,所以


这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意. accordingly:书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号. consequently:正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果. hence:较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性. so:用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用. therefore:通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论. thus:多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用.


consequently:adv.因此;所以;consequently正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果,用来修饰动词,也可以放在句首。 扩展资料   例句:   Consequently angularities are apt to occur both below and above unconformities.   因此,交角往往出现在不整合面的上部或下部。   Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria .   因此,她成功利用天然甜味剂制作了一种糖果,这种甜味剂可以减少口腔细菌。   Consequently, most of you will get better at it.   因此,你们中大部分人会做得越来越好。


consequently表示递进。解析:Consequently,在英文写作中是一个比较正式的词语,表示发生的结果在逻辑上是合乎常理的,使用这个词语时经常是为了引出一个推断出来的结论,说明一个结果是有前面的事实做铺垫,本就应该得出这样的结论的意思。这个单词表示的结果一般都是有规矩和证据可寻,发生某种结果有着极大的概率,但是这不能说明做出的假设和推断一定会发生,当然,这个词语也经常用来表达后面的事情结果是前面已经发生事情的必然结果。这种情况下的结果一般都是指不好的一面。consequently双语例句:1、Consequently, who can tell me how i can control my heart ?所以,谁能告诉我怎样才能控制住我自己的心?2、Consequently I am able to show interest in him as a person.结果是,我可以对作为一个人的他感到有了兴趣。3、Consequently, heroes have to be respected because since they have helped us, we need to care about them and their causes as well.所以,英雄是需要被尊敬的,他们帮助我们之后,我们也应该关注他们,了解他们的初衷。


可以连词和其他的逻辑关系词的区别在于,连词前面有无逗号均可;而其他的逻辑关系词的前面要么句号,要么加and 例如:and consequently、and on the contrary


consequently翻译:因此;所以。双语例句:1、Relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close. 因此,两家公司之间的关系一直都不太亲密。2、Consequently, we should have no problem reaching our goals this year. 因此,我们达成今年的目标应该没有问题。3、This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health. 这会对农业和食物链造成威胁,由此而危及人的健康。4、My mother had consequently made her own shrewd deductions about what was going on in my marriage. 我母亲已据此对我的婚姻状况作出了她自己精明的推断。5、Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points. 结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。6、Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都与轮椅为伴了。7、She missed the train and consequently was late for work. 她没有赶上火车,结果上班迟到了。8、Consequently angularities are apt to occur both below and above unconformities. 因此,交角往往出现在不整合面的上部或下部。9、Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria . 因此,她成功利用天然甜味剂制作了一种糖果,这种甜味剂可以减少口腔细菌。10、Consequently, with flexible decision making enterprise can avoid loss agilely. 这样就使得决策更具灵活性,能更好的避免损失。


consequently[英][u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ntli][美][u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwentli]adv.所以,因此; 因此,因而; 终于,这样; 合乎逻辑的推论是; 例句:1.House prices are consequently a product of sociology as well as economics. 房价因此成了一种社会学和经济学的产物。.----------- ------------------------很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


consequently因此双语对照词典结果:consequently[英][u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ntli][美][u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwentli]adv.所以,因此; 因此,因而; 终于,这样; 合乎逻辑的推论是; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.House prices are consequently a product of sociology as well as economics. 房价因此成了一种社会学和经济学的产物。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


consequently:因此;所以。consequently,英文单词,副词,作副词时意为“因此;结果;所以”。短语搭配:consequently ad因此 ; 所以 ; 因此从而 ; 因而consequently say因此说deliver consequently不断地递送consequently nija郭羡妮store consequently不断贮藏consequently by因此consequently demonstrate从而论证consequently ensure提供有力保障And Consequently和结果双语例句:Consequently, who can tell me how i can control my heart ?所以,谁能告诉我怎样才能控制住我自己的心?Consequently I am able to show interest in him as a person.结果是,我可以对作为一个人的他感到有了兴趣。Consequently, heroes have to be respected because since they have helped us, we need to care about them and their causes as well.所以,英雄是需要被尊敬的,他们帮助我们之后,我们也应该关注他们,了解他们的初衷。


consequently 英[u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ntli]美[u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwentli]adv. 所以,因此; 因此,因而; 终于,这样; 合乎逻辑的推论是;[网络] 结果; 所以; 于是;[例句]They often dont want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow.他们通常不想冒犯别人,所以开始会使用一些特定的表达来缓和接下来的内容。[其他] 形近词: subsequently consequences consequence

aftermath;consequence;consequently 这英语怎么读?!


therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently的用法和区别= = 好乱啊求高手解答万分感激了!


therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently的用法和区别= = 好乱啊求高手解答万分感激了!

这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。 accordingly: 书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。 consequently: 正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。 hence: 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。 so: 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。 therefore: 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。 thus: 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。


这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意. accordingly:书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号. consequently:正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果. hence:较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性. so:用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用. therefore:通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论. thus:多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用.

therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently的用法和区别= = 好乱啊求高手解答万分感激了!

这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。accordingly: 书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。consequently: 正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。hence: 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。so: 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。therefore: 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。thus: 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。

accoridingly与consequently区别 直接翻词典貌似是翻不出来的~~

这两个词的意思其实不一样,先看词典解释。accordingly [ə"kɔ:diŋli] adv.1. [通常用于句末]照着(做,办等);相应地;符合地,一致地2. [通常用于句首或句中]因此,因而,所以;从而;于是consequently 报错 adv. 因此;结果;所以accordingly根据某种原因而得出的结论,不是某种原因导致的结果。consequently 是结果的意思他必须去看医生,不是她生病导致的结果,而是我根据这个生病情况得出的结论。用accordingly他可能死亡是他的肺炎可能导致的结果。 用consequently