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最喜欢这个:~i"m breaking all the rules since i"m going to hell anyway


Query queryEmployeeByFirstName = entityManager.createQuery( "SELECT OBJECT(emp) FROM Employee emp WHERE emp.firstName = :firstname");queryEmployeeByFirstName.setParameter("firstName", "Joan");Collection employees = queryEmployeeByFirstName.getResultList();

Tomcat启动报The Network Adapter could not establish the connection错误。


我下载《战神的挑战2(Puzzle Quest 2)》鸾霄汉化版,运行就出现unknown software exception



IC [ai"si:] abbr. 集成电路(=Integrated Circuit)TY abbr. 谢谢 (=Thank you)VG =Voice Grade 音频段 (300 VG 3000 cps)btw abbr. 随便说一下(=by the way)bbl abbr. 桶(=barrel)brb abbr. 马上回来(=be right back)CUL abbr. 再见=See you later.ILY I love you 我爱你IMO abbr.在我看来(=in my opinion)IOW abbr. (英国)怀特岛(Isle of Wight)

English is used for business between different countries.为什么是between?


Please advise the difference between" so much" and "very much "in Business English, thanks.

very, much, so 都有“很,非常”的意思。它们之间有什么区别呢?解答如下:我们先来了解一下,这三个词本身都有与别的词不同的意思。它们之间不同的含义应该容易区分。例如:1、very 本身有个特殊的含义,就是起强调作用。例如:Your very presence will do. 你只要出席就可以了。He is the very man that came yesterday. 他正是昨天来的那个人。He was caught in the very act of stealing. 他正在偷东西时当场被捕。2、much 有“许多的, 大量的”的意思,是形容词。例如:He hasn"t much money left. 他剩下的钱不多了。There is not much hope. 无多大希望。Much coal has been saved. 节省大量的煤。3、so 有两个特殊的含意,一是代表前面说过的事物(代词);而是表示“因为,所以”等(连词);I think so. 我想是这样。Well, I told you so, didn"t I? 我不正是对你这样说的吗?You say he is dilligent; so he is. 你说他很勤奋, 他确实很勤奋。He was sick, so they were quiet. 他病了,所以他们很安静。It was late, so we went home. 天晚了, 所以我们就回家去了。He was sick, so they were quiet. 他病了, 所以他们 很安静。但这三个词都有一个相同的意思,即都能表示“很、非常” 的意思。用语法的词汇来说就是它们都是表示“程度”的副词。这时,它们有什么区别呢?请大家多看例句,再进行思考小结。1、very 一般只修饰形容词或副词。very quickly 很快a very good cake 很好吃的蛋糕a very exciting book 一本非常有趣的书I am not very fond of music. 我不太喜欢音乐。Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. 血液吸收精制糖非常快。Most people have very little difficulty in seeing why a Van Gogh is a work of genius.2、much 有“非常、很”等意思,但它修饰的词类不同。(1) 可以修饰动词I was much surprised at what he said. 我对他的话甚感惊异。This painting is much admired. 这幅油画备受称颂。I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。 She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.她是一个电视迷,能看多少就看多少。(2) 可以修饰比较级She said she was much better than before. 她说她比过去好多了。 How much longer can you wait? 你还能等多少时间?You"d be so much happier if you could see yourself the way I see you...如果你能像我这样看到你自己,你会更加高兴。3、so 也有 “非常,太”等意思;但它还“这么、那么”等意思。(1) 有“非常,太”等意思,修饰形容词。这时可以与very 互换。I"m so glad to hear from you. 接到你的来信, 我非常高兴。It"s so kind of you. 你太好了。I feel so guilty and angry about the whole issue. 对整个问题我感觉非常内疚和气愤。(2) 在表示程度时还有“这么、那么”的意思。so important an event 这么重要的一件事Don"t speak so fast. 别讲得那 么快。Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all. Chris 那么有雄心和决心去做完那件事。(3) so 可以与 many, few, much, little 等连用,表示“这么、那么”的意思。There was so much food that we couldn"t eat it all. 食物太多了,我们吃不完。I"m afraid that he"ll forget it if he misses so many lessons. 我担心的是,如果他耽误这么多的课程他会忘掉的。 Miss Zhao got so little money a month. 赵老师每月只领这么少的钱。

limma 包的normalizeBetweenArrays和其他数据矫正方法

原文链接: 可以看到,肿瘤样品的表达量整体就比正常对照样品的表达量高出一大截,这样的数据进行后续分析,就会出现大量的上调基因。 因为我一直强调,做表达矩阵分析一定要有三张图,见: 你确定你的差异基因找对了吗? ,所以就让粉丝继续摸索,其中PCA如下:第一个策略是直接normalizeBetweenArrays处理,然后走差异分析。 第二是先去除批次效应,然后走差异分析。 建议你比较一下,这两个差异分析的区别。 然后粉丝的行动也很迅速,两三天就回复了邮件,给出了两个摸索结果: 可以看到,直接normalizeBetweenArrays处理其实就是一个quantile的normalization而已,大家可以去看quantile normalization到底对数据做了什么 - ,了解一下。 从韦恩图可以看到,没有进行normalizeBetweenArrays处理之前呢,上调基因真的是超级多啊!经过了normalizeBetweenArrays处理之后呢,其中616个上调基因变成了没有显著性改变的基因,然后637个居然由上调基因变成了下调基因,当然了,也有341个基因维持原来的上调属性。 是不是很可怕!!!但是,如果是bulk转录组测序,或者表达量芯片,就基本上不可能做到区分具有生物学差异的两个样品的批次效应了。虽然说我在《生信技能树》写过不少相关教程,比如: 多种批次效应去除的方法比较 ,但那样的去除是针对生物学差异与批次效应交叉的情况来去除。比如: 这个时候,就可以使用 limma 的 removeBatchEffect 函数或者 sva 的 ComBat 函数,把批次效应去除掉,然后保留生物学差异供后续的差异分析。 但是如果你的实验设计是: 那我就只能奉劝你,对这个数据集说拜拜了! normalizeBetweenArrays removeBatchEffect

The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other

The British isles is made up of two large islands①: One is called Ireland and the other 1 . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is 2 into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.   The United Kingdom is that 3 of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 4 of Britain, and also about oneue011sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The 5 of Ireland is selfue011governing. The 6 name of the United Kingdom is 7 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.  8 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most 9 of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 10 “England” and “English” when they 11 “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 12 . The Scots in particular are very 13 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard 14 as English, and have a culture and even a 15 of their own.   Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 16 ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 17 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still 18 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland 19 to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.   The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain②, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to 20 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

Elegance is the balance between proportion , emotion & surprise是什么意思

Elegance is the balance between proportion , emotion & surprise 意思是:高贵雅致是相称成比、激动情绪和惊喜的事之间的调和制衡。句子里的:“Elegance is”意思是:高贵雅致是 ;“the balance between”意思是:之间的调和制衡 ;“proportion”意思是:相称成比 ;“emotion”意思是:激动情绪 ;“&”意思是:和 ;“surprise”意思是:惊喜的事。

I have two big__.I go to school on___(foot)

I have two big feet. I go to school on foot.我有两只大脚我走路上学

he have two big feet have的正确形式

has feet have eyes is

he has two big feet

feet foot的复数形式为feet

two big feet的问题 feet已经表示一双脚,再加two不是重复了吗?

feet 是 foot的复数形式,可以表示一双脚,比如you have big feet,也可以表示很多脚,如your families have big feet.two是数词,限定了feet的个数就是两个.


callitwhatyouwant不是写给卡莉的,The #CallItWhatYouWant# lyric video is out now! Watch it here: (13 minutes ago) #CallItWhatYouWant#的歌词版MV已出



Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Joan Baez专辑:Diamonds & RustThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Fate will twist the both of you 何意

twist有使苦恼的意思。这句话的意思是:命运会使你们苦恼。 或者说命运会将你们缠绕在一起。 我感觉应该是这个意思吧。

跪求Twist of Fate(萧敬腾王子的新衣原曲) 有效的MP3歌曲链接啊!!谢谢各位大虾了~~

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Joan Baez专辑:Classic Joan Baez - The Universal Masters CollectionThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Jeff Tweedy专辑:I"M Not There (Music From The Motion Picture)They sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Blood On The TracksThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate



Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Simple Twist Of FateThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Live At Budokan_Disc2They sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

A Twist Of Fate (Based On Serenade By Schubert) (1995 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:A Twist Of Fate (Based On Serenade By Schubert) (1995 Digital Remaster)歌手:Andy Williams With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra专辑:Greatest Love Classicslife is a bookeachday is a pageeach word a moment in timeand as you reedthe story unfousit"s there to see in your mindin my berg of memoryare words I don"t understandsomeone else has written therea pen and a different handas I look backand think of the pastwould I have chosen this wayone never knowswhat life has instoreyou live it day by dayA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateTurn on the the big red light"Cause here I comeGonna tell the worldHe"s the greatest scumWhen you defied my loveI told my heartThat if I fall againI"ll leave this partGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateAre you lonesome ?look at your pastWhat did you do to make it last ?Are you It"s the way, I wanna beI know that you"ll be missing meYou"ll be missing meA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateRAP


《英雄联盟》的CG动画《TWIST OF FATE》中,插在崔斯特的是傲之追猎者的长矛。

Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Twist Of Fate歌手:Emilia专辑:Big Big Worldwo....wo......… music …This is my free willThis is my songI"m telliing you boyThis is so wrongYou can"t go on like thisPlaying this game"Cause all it will bringIs hurt and painGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateTurn on the the big red light"Cause here I comeGonna tell the worldHe"s the greatest scumWhen you defied my loveI told my heartThat if I fall againI"ll leave this partGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateAre you lonesome ?look at your pastWhat did you do to make it last ?Are you It"s the way, I wanna beI know that you"ll be missing meYou"ll be missing meA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateRAP

twist of fate 中文翻译

twist of fate 命运之转折;曲扭的生命(歌曲名)

compromise between/on是什么意思

折中,妥协 与/在……上希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~

compromise between/on是什么意思



one two在英语中是基数词,用来表示数量first second 在英语里是序数词,专门用来表示次序,第几你要说one floor, two floor就是把floor看为可以数的物品,一个楼层,两个楼层,这样说会让老外混淆,入乡随俗表达第几层需要使用序数词 the second floor.



What is China afraid of? Why can not open ft Chinese network

What is China afraid of? Why can not open ft Chinese network什么是中国害怕吗?为什么不能打开FT中文网络

一首中文歌曲是女声的。里面歌词好像有one day twoday three day ...旋律很轻快。。很早就听到了。歌名是

大家来恋爱 (涩女郎主题曲)--刘若英,徐怀钰,孔令奇LRC:mackjm徐:要一见钟情 要一箭穿心 一瞬间就决定 才是真的爱情刘:要想清楚 要一步一步 等缘分都停驻 才有真的幸福合唱:干嘛要想得很美想得很远 只要这秒有感觉孔:吻一下 拥抱一下 就胜过誓言徐:一恋爱我会撒娇又耍赖刘:一恋爱我会体贴又关怀刘/徐:看着情人小事也变得浪漫 听冷笑话都会笑到流汗徐:一恋爱我的人会亮起来刘:一恋爱我会活的更精采刘/徐:热恋的人总会特别可爱 微笑像有翅膀停不下来 大家来恋爱Rap:Why you talki" that mess huh? Why you trippin"but love huh?Why can"t you just let it go Just don"t say noGive it to me now mommaYou must be dreamin"if you think love is so 完美So you best stop dreamin"lemme tell you love is a gameIt"slike round n round spinnin here we go you be like"Is this really ture?"I say I don"t know can"t tell you right nowBut you can stii be my booIt"s just like somethih" about you makes me feel on so goodSo just don,t don"t fight the feeiingWouidn"t stop if you could徐:要一见钟情 要一箭穿心 一瞬间就决定 才是真的爱情刘:要想清楚 要一步一步 等缘分都停驻 才有真的幸福合唱:干嘛要想得很美想得很远 只要这秒有感觉孔:吻一下 拥抱一下 就胜过誓言徐:一恋爱我会撒娇又耍赖刘:一恋爱我会体贴又关怀刘/徐:看着情人小事也变得浪漫 听冷笑话都会笑到流汗徐:一恋爱我的人会亮起来刘:一恋爱我会活的更精采刘/徐:热恋的人总会特别可爱 微笑像有翅膀停不下来 大家来恋爱Rap:I look at love simply give me some please徐:一恋爱我会撒娇又耍赖If you don"t want it pass it on move quickly刘:一恋爱我会体贴又关怀Tese girls they need attentionMy time love and affection刘/徐:看着情人小事也变得浪漫 听冷笑话都会笑到流汗Day one all on stressDay two up in your neckDay three where did this come fromDay four comes around baby girl I"m gone合 : 恋爱是两个人互相依赖 恋爱是默契好过双胞胎有另一半总会勇敢起来 可以到达最幸福的未来大家来恋爱

select t.*,ROW_NUMBER() as rowno FROM table t where rowno between 1 and 20 order by id desc

语法错了,下面这条应该是你想要的,select * from (select t.*,ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by id ) as rowno FROM table t ) o where o.rowno between 1 and 20 order by id desc

求助电脑高手阿!!找不到software licensing service!!!



1Select * From (select *,ROW_NUMNER() OVER (Order By id desc) As RowRank From A) T Where T.RowRank Between 10 AND 202Create Procedure ProcQuery(@PageIndex int) AsSelect * From (select *,ROW_NUMNER() OVER (Order By id desc) As RowRank From A) T Where T.RowRank Between 10*(@PageIndex-1) AND 10*@PageIndexGOEXEC ProcQuery 2

The Kalin Twins的《When》 歌词

歌曲名:When歌手:The Kalin Twins专辑:Rock N RollWhen You Believe(From The Prince Of Egypt)Mariah Carey & Whitney HoustonMany nights we"ve prayedWith no proof anyone could hearIn our hearts a hopeful songWe barely understoodNow we are not afraidAlthough we know there"s much to fearWe were moving the mountains longBefore we knew we couldThere can be miracles when you believeThough hope is frail, it"s hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieveWhen you believeSomehow you willYou will when you believeAnd this time of fearWhen prayer so often proves in vainHope is like the summer birdsTo swiftly flown awayNow I"m standing hereMy heart so full I can"t explainSeeking faith and speaking wordsI never thought I"d sayThere can be miracles when you believeThough hope is frail, it"s hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieveWhen you believeSomehow you willYou will when you believeThey don"t know this answer when you ask themAnd it"s easy to give in to your fearBut When you fly as high past your painYou can see your way through the rainMore of us still receive your adviceSays nothing"s there we needThere can be miracles when you believeThough hope is frail, it"s hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieveWhen you believeSomehow you willNow you willYou will when you believeYou will when you believeJust believeJust believeYou will when you believe

The Kalin Twins的《When》 歌词

歌曲名:《When》歌手:The Kalin Twins发行时间:2004-01-05所属专辑:《Rock N Roll》流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:When You Believe(From The Prince Of Egypt)Mariah Carey & Whitney HoustonMany nights we"ve prayedWith no proof anyone could hearIn our hearts a hopeful songWe barely understoodNow we are not afraidAlthough we know there"s much to fearWe were moving the mountains longBefore we knew we couldThere can be miracles when you believeThough hope is frail, it"s hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieveWhen you believeSomehow you willYou will when you believeAnd this time of fearWhen prayer so often proves in vainHope is like the summer birdsTo swiftly flown awayNow I"m standing hereMy heart so full I can"t explainSeeking faith and speaking wordsI never thought I"d sayThere can be miracles when you believeThough hope is frail, it"s hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieveWhen you believeSomehow you willYou will when you believeThey don"t know this answer when you ask themAnd it"s easy to give in to your fearBut When you fly as high past your painYou can see your way through the rainMore of us still receive your adviceSays nothing"s there we needThere can be miracles when you believeThough hope is frail, it"s hard to killWho knows what miracles you can achieveWhen you believeSomehow you willNow you willYou will when you believeYou will when you believeJust believeJust believeYou will when you believe

求一首英文歌,歌词,bang!she shot me one time bang she shot me two time ! bangbangbang

歌曲名:Bang! Bang!歌手:The Knux专辑:Bang! Bang!Bang Bang - K"naanShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot meBang bang Get out the way yoAhh there she goes againThe girl is EthiopianIn other words she came through explodinIn the podium dynamiteNapoleon like sodium mixed with petroleumSlowly but surely she was walking toward meCut the convo short cause she had to wake up earlyBut continuing the storyDon"t worry she gave me digits for her BlackberryYou"re very handsome is what she saidAnd the way she looked in my eyes said Put me to bedOh my oh my I should have known when she said to me on the phoneYou do not know me very well but I would never hurt a flyThen she aimed at my chest with love in her eyeI said she aimed at my chest with love in her eyeShe was walkin around with a loaded shotgunReady to fire me a hot oneIt went bang bang bangStraight through my heart Straight through my heartAlthough I could have walked awayI stood my ground and let her sprayShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot meBang bangShe"s so hot she"s a scorchianKilling me softlyLauryn or KevorkianCouldn"t tell if she"s coo coo or corky whenI asked her her name she said Call me TenTesting testingThings just got more interestingShe"s dressed in a vest pin double breasted holsterA very Western toasterShe ain"t nothing KosherAh she lets me closerHotter than a pepper crusted SamosaWhile I try to keep my composureShe was walkin around with a loaded shotgunReady to fire me a hot oneIt went bang bang bangStraight through my heart Straight through my heartAlthough I could have walked awayI stood my ground and let her sprayShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot meBang bangAm I wrongBut what is love without the pain to go alongAnd what is pain if not the reason for me to sing this songAnd this song is for the weak and for the strongCause I was strong and stillShe got me she got meBang bang she got meShe got me she got meShe was walkin around with a loaded shotgunReady to fire me a hot oneIt went bang bang bangStraight through my heart Straight through my heartAlthough I could have walked awayI stood my ground and let her sprayShe shot me she shot meBang bang she shot meShe shot me she shot me

单选英语When I arrived I saw the place was already ________ by two strangers in uniform


一首韩文歌 歌词有onetwotreefour

是这首吗视觉梦想One Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798ucd09ucd09ucd09 uc624 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub0b4 uc785uc220uc5d0  Come Come Come ucc9cucc9cud788 uadf8ub798 ub2e4uac00uc640  Tic Tac Toe uc624 uc544ucc14ud558uac8c ub124uac8c ud479  ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub179uc544ubc84ub9b0uac78ucc98uc74c ub290ub080 uc774 uac10uc815 My Deep Love Core  uc810uc810 ub728uac70uc6ccuc9c0ub294 uc5bcuad74 uc228uc774 ub9c9ud788ub294 uc21cuac04  uc5b4uca4cuc9c0 ub5a8ub9acuace0 uc788uc5b4 (boy boy boy boy)  uace0ubbfcuace0ubbfc ud574ubd10ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc5b4  uc0c1uc0c1ub9ccuc73cub860 uc815ub9d0ub85c ud558ub098ub3c4 uc624  how to do my first kiss just wait a minute?  ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 my love get into my coreOne Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798  ucd09ucd09ucd09 uc624 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub0b4 uc785uc220uc5d0  Come Come Come ucc9cucc9cud788 uadf8ub798 ub2e4uac00uc640  Tic Tac Toe uc624 uc544ucc14ud558uac8c  ub124uac8c ud479 ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub179uc544ubc84ub9b0uac78ub0b4 ub9d8 uc18d visual ub108ubb34 uc644ubcbdud574  ub124 uac00uc9c0 uace0ubbfc uc5b8uc81c uc5b4ub514uc11c ubb34uc5c7uc744 uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub9cc ube7cuace0ud5e4ub9e4uace0 uc788uc5b4 (Core Core Core Core)  uc6b0ubb3cucb48ubb3c ud558ub2e8 ub193uce60uc9c0 ubab0ub77c  ub9dduc124uc784 the end uc5ecuae38 ubd10 ub450uadfcub450uadfc pop pop  ub4e4ub9acuc9c0 uc5b4ub54c Core of my love  uc9c0uae08uc774uc57c ubc14ub85c start! jump into love coreOne Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798Take you higher oh my love ooh yeah  visual dreams ub290uaef4ubd10 beating of my heartOne Two Three Four uc9dcub9bfud558uac8c uc5b4uba38ub098  One Two Three Four ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 uc774ubbf8 ub09c  One Two Three Four uc194uc9c1ud55c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744  ub2e4 ub4e4ucf1cubc84ub9b4ub798 ub2e4 ub4e4ub824uc904ub798ucd09ucd09ucd09 uc624 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub0b4 uc785uc220uc5d0  Come Come Come ucc9cucc9cud788 uadf8ub798 ub2e4uac00uc640  Tic Tac Toe uc624 uc544ucc14ud558uac8c  ub124uac8c ud479 ube60uc838ubc84ub9b0uac78 ub179uc544ubc84ub9b0uac78ONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了CHU CHU CHU 在我甜蜜的嘴唇上COME COME COME 慢慢的 就那样走近我TIC TAC TOE OH令人恍惚的 一下子被你迷住 被你融化了第一次感受到这种感情 MY DEEP LOVE CORE脸渐渐的热起来了 呼吸停止了的瞬间该怎么办BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY即使在苦恼苦恼 却无法知道只是靠幻想 真的一点都不知道OH HOW TO DO MY FIRST KISSBOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOYJUST WAIT A MNUTEBOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY不要犹豫MY LOVE GET INTO MY COREONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了CHU CHU CHU 在我甜蜜的嘴唇上COME COME COME 慢慢的 就那样走近我TIC TAC TOE OH令人恍惚的 一下子被你迷住 被你融化了我心中的VISUAL非常完美什么时候在那怎样才能消除你给我带来的苦恼CORE CORE CORE CORE 正在徘徊 CORE CORE CORE CORE犹豫犹豫这 失去了都不知道踌躇 THE END 看看这里噗通噗通POP POP 让你听听怎么样CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE OF MY LOVE CORE CORE CORE CORE就是现在现在就START!JUM INTO LOVE COREONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了TAKE YOU HIGHEROH MY LOVE OOH YEAHVISUAL DREAMS感受吧BEATI NG MY HEARTONE TWO THREE FOUR 酥麻麻的 诶呀ONE TWO THREE FOUR 我已经想要你了ONE TWO THREE FOUR我坦诚的心 全都被发现了 全都被听到了CHU CHU CHU 在我甜蜜的嘴唇上COME COME COME 慢慢的 就那样走近我TIC TAC TOE OH令人恍惚的 一下子被你迷住 被你融化了


风筝与风 朋友仔 丢架 双失情人节 瓶中沙 丟架 士多啤梨蘋果橙 翱翔的小鸟 香浓 星光游乐园 森巴 同样的两个梦 数彩虹 莫斯科没有眼泪 八十块环游世界 下一站天后 瓶中沙 风筝与风 见习爱神。。 相爱六年 桃红吉他 瓶中沙 风筝与风 你最勇敢 你不是好情人 布拉格之恋 双失情人节 我很想爱他 多谢失恋 伤心情歌 眼红红 丢架 我们的纪念册 女校男生 拍住上 精选 世界变 友谊第一 咖啡迷 施比爱 爱情突击 受之有愧 乱世佳人 大浪漫主义 救生圈 Ichiban 兴奋 恋爱大过天 饮歌 没法做足一百分 天与地 朋友的爱

有between each other的说法吗?只有 on each other?

这要看语境了,没有单独的短语是between each other 和on each other的,个人认为,between后面应该用复数的形式,或者复数的次,所以感觉没有between each other


类型:大小:评分:平台:标签:多田李衣菜的单曲CD,放在COOL组中和凛的单曲难度一样,属于中等,阶级跳跃幅度比凛的难度小LV7~LV24之间,非常有青春有活力的曲子。下面就由小编为大家带来偶像大师灰姑娘女孩星光舞台TwilightSky歌曲解放条件 歌曲介绍。歌曲:TwilightSky 演唱:多田李衣菜(青木_璃子)作_:NBGI(渡_量)作曲:NBGI(渡_量)_曲:NBSI(渡_量)以上是小编为大家带来的偶像大师灰姑娘女孩星光舞台TwilightSky歌曲解放条件 歌曲介绍。更多相关讯息请留意本站偶像大师灰姑娘女孩星光舞台专题。

Neuraxis的《Driftwood》 歌词

歌曲名:Driftwood歌手:Neuraxis专辑:Truth Passage ImageryTravis - DriftwoodEverything is openNothing is set in stoneRivers turn to OceanOceans tide you homeHome is where your heart isBut your heart had to roamDrifting over bridgesNever to returnWatching bridges burnYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood hollow and of no usewaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youNobody is an islandEveryone has to goPillars turn to butterButterflying lowLow is where your heart isBut your heart has to growDrifting under bridgesNever with the flowAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeEverywhere there"s troubleNowhere"s safe to goPushes turn to shovel"sShovelling the snowFrozen you have chosenThe path you wish to goDrifting now foreverAnd forever moreUntil you reach your shoreYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood hollow and of no useWaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting for a long, longDrifting for a long, long time

艾丝琳Aselin Debison的《Driftwood》 歌词

歌曲名:Driftwood歌手:艾丝琳Aselin Debison专辑:Sweet Is the MelodyEverything is openNothing"s set in stoneRivers turn to oceansOceans tide you homeHome is where the heart isBut your heart had to roamDrifting over bridgesNever to returnWatching bridges burnYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood, hollow and of no useWaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youNobody"s an islandEveryone had to goPillars turn to butterButterflying lowLow is where your heart isBut your heart has to growDrifting under bridgesNever with the flowAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you"ve turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeEverywhere there"s troubleNowhere"s safe to goPushes turn to shovelsShovelling the snowFrozen you have chosenThe path you wish to goDrifting now foreverAnd forever moreUntil you reach your shoreYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood, hollow and of no useWaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you"ve turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting, for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting, for a long, long time

Travis的《Driftwood》 歌词

歌曲名:Driftwood歌手:Travis专辑:The Man Who (Bonus Track Version)Travis - DriftwoodEverything is openNothing is set in stoneRivers turn to OceanOceans tide you homeHome is where your heart isBut your heart had to roamDrifting over bridgesNever to returnWatching bridges burnYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood hollow and of no usewaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youNobody is an islandEveryone has to goPillars turn to butterButterflying lowLow is where your heart isBut your heart has to growDrifting under bridgesNever with the flowAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeEverywhere there"s troubleNowhere"s safe to goPushes turn to shovel"sShovelling the snowFrozen you have chosenThe path you wish to goDrifting now foreverAnd forever moreUntil you reach your shoreYou"re driftwood floating underwaterBreaking into pieces, pieces, piecesJust driftwood hollow and of no useWaterfalls will find you, bind you, grind youAnd you really didn"t think it would happenBut it really is the end of the lineSo I"m sorry that you turned to driftwoodBut you"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting for a long, long timeYou"ve been drifting for a long, longDrifting for a long, long time


应该是真的 在国外买过 而且60天内无偿退货 但是我也不太确定国内什么情况 最好多问问吧


按照目前TWICE取得的成绩,TWICE更火。TWICE在韩国的人气非常高,目前韩国女团专辑销量第一就是TWICE,而且她们也是获得最多一位的女团,虽然BLACKPINK的油管成绩非常厉害,但是TWICE的油管成绩也非常不错。TWICE最厉害的就是她的音乐,TWICE的音乐和舞蹈,在韩国,不管老老少少都会唱,而且她们的忠实粉也非常多。TWICE是JYP Entertainment于2015年10月20日推出的女子演唱团体,由林娜琏、俞定延、平井桃(Momo)、凑崎纱夏(Sana)、朴志效、名井南(Mina)、金多贤、孙彩瑛、周子瑜9名成员组成。2015年10月20日,发布首张迷你专辑《THE STORY BEGINS》,正式出道;12月,获得第17届Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳女子新人奖。2016年4月,发布第二张迷你专辑《PAGE TWO》,主打曲发布后在MelOn、Mnet、Naver Music等8个音源网站的排行榜上获得第一名;同年,她们还相继获得韩国金唱片大奖唱片部门新人赏、Mnet亚洲音乐大奖最佳女子团体奖。2017年1月,TWICE首次获得韩国金唱片大奖音源部门大赏;10月,发行首张团体正规专辑《Twicetagram》。2018年12月,在Mnet亚洲音乐大奖颁奖礼上拿下了包括最佳女子团体在内的五项殊荣;2020年10月26日,发行第二张团体正规专辑《Eyes Wide Open》。



英语谚语:He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither 中文意思: 追逐两只兔,两头都落空。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Joy shared with others are more enjoyed 与人同乐,其乐无穷。 Judge not according to the appearance 不要以貌取人。 Judge not of men and things at first sight 审人论事宜谨慎,一见之下莫断定。 Justice has long arms 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Keep good men pany and you shall be of the number 近朱者赤。 Keeping is harder than winning 创业不易,守业更难。 Keep some till more e 更多的到手以前,要保持手里的一点。 Keep thing seven years and you will find a use for it 备而不用。 Keep your breath to cool your porridge 少管闲事。 Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards 婚前张开眼,婚后半闭月。 英语谚语: He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither 中文意思: 追逐两只兔,两头都落空。



two pair of的用法归纳

pair可以用作名词。 pair的基本意思是“一双,一对,一副”,可指连在一起共同使用的由相同、相通或相关的两部分构成的单件物品,如:glasses, scissors等; 也可指两件虽分开但有密切关系的物体,如:chopsticks, socks; 还可指有共同特征或相互关联的两个人或物。 扩展资料   pair可以用作动词。   pair的基本意思是使单个事物配成双、配成对,引申可作“交尾”解。   pair既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语。   pair后接off表示“成双,结对”; 接up表示“结成对”; 接with表示“与…配成对”。

卡巴斯基Kaspersky Lab Network Agent服务启动不了?急!!!

这个是卡巴企业版网络代理的服务 如果启动不了 试一下重装netagent 这个程序在安装盘里就有 如果安的时候报错 用windows clearup 卸了再重新装 再不行看看有没有15000端口被占用的 不行找客服吧

一首很可爱的歌,一个小孩唱的,开始好像是:ai one two……这是什么歌


求一首韩文歌 男女唱的 很动感 一开始是one two three go 然后就是WO-OOOOO WO-OOOOO WO-OOOOOO

trouble maker

雅思剑9中:Perfect.And could you bring along the names of two referees?的referees什么意思。


Two life-saving medicine的全文及其翻译

Two life-saving medicine两救命药

应用程序发生异常 unknow software exception(0*c000001e) 位置为0*04f7c772

未知的软件运行意外 可能是软件不兼容配置

应用程序发生异常unknown software exception(0xc0000094)位置为0x00403267


应用程序发生异常 unknown software exception (0xc000001d),位置为 0x004609d3。


应用程序发生异常unknown software exception(0xc0000409).位置

应用程序发生异常 未知的软件异常1.病毒木马造成的,在当今互联网时代,病毒坐着为了获得更多的牟利,常用病毒绑架应用程序和系统文件,然后某些安全杀毒软件把被病毒木马感染的应用程序和系统文件当病毒杀了导致的。2.应用程序组件丢失,应用程序完整的运行需要一些系统文件或者某些ll文件支持的,如果应用程序组件不完整也会导致的。3.系统文件损坏或丢失,盗版系统或Ghost版本系统,很容易出现该问题。4.操作系统自身的问题,操作系统本身也会有bug 。5.硬件问题,例如内存条坏了或者存在质量问题,或者内存条的金手指的灰尘特别多。应用程序发生异常怎么办1.检查电脑是否存在病毒,请使用金山卫士进行木马查杀。2.系统文件损坏或丢失,盗版系统或Ghost版本系统,很容易出现该问题。建议:使用完整版或正版系统。3.安装的软件与系统或其它软件发生冲突,找到发生冲突的软件,卸载它。如果更新下载补丁不是该软件的错误补丁,也会引起软件异常,解决办法:卸载该软件,重新下载重新安装试试。顺便检查开机启动项,把没必要启动的启动项禁止开机启动。4.如果检查上面的都没问题,可以试试下面的方法。打开开始菜单→运行→输入cmd→回车,在命令提示符下输入下面命令 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1回车。完成后,在输入下面for %i in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32.exe /s %i 回车。如果怕输入错误,可以复制这两条指令,然后在命令提示符后击鼠标右键,打“粘贴”,回车,耐心等待,直到屏幕滚动停止为止。(重启电脑)。

unknown software exception(0xc00000d)位置为0x07dad889该怎么解决?

一般情况下不是大问题,有时重启一下或修复一下IE就好,如果是玩游戏出现,建议卸载重装该游戏。如果还不断出现就按下列办法:(本答案谢绝复制)1.进安全模式用360安全卫士或超级兔子卸载插件清除垃圾. 2.运行容量较大的程序或大型游戏时,要重启一下微机,及时释放内存. 3. 如果计算机系统不小心感染了病毒或者发生了误删除操作,那么与系统内存读写操作有关的系统文件很可能受到损坏,就容易遭遇内存读写故障提示。你可以按照如下步骤修复一下系统,看看系统是否存在损坏的文件: 首先对系统进行病毒查杀,其次使用系统自带的“sfc”命令,将受到损坏的系统文件修复到正常状态。在修复受损系统文件时,单击“开始”/“运行”命令,在弹出的系统运行对话框中,输入字符串命令“sfc (空格)/scannow”,单击回车键后,该命令程序就会对系统每个角落处的系统文件进行搜索扫描,一旦发现系统文件的版本不正确或者系统文件已经损坏的话,它就能自动弹出提示界面,要求你插入Windows系统的安装光盘,以便从中提取正常的系统文件来替代不正常的系统文件,从而达到修复系统文件的目的。要是系统修复操作成功的话,重新启动计算机系统时,就不会看到有什么不正常的现象了。(有的系统盘不好用,我试过,系统盘最好找张专业版的)4. 还有一种方法: 在开始-运行里输入CMD确定,在命令行窗口下输入以下内容后按回车 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.ocx) do regsvr32 /s %1 完了后,再输入以下内容并回车 for %1 in (%windir%system32*.dll) do regsvr32 /s %1 这个要好久,耐心等候,但也可能需要重启后整个效果才会出来。 注:第1、2、4项不能解决时再用第三项。

应用程序发生异常unknown software exception(0xc000000d),位置为0x0190a4e。要终止程序,请单击“确定


Tweet的《oops oh my》 歌词

歌曲名:oops oh my歌手:Tweet专辑:Southern Hummingbird(feat. Fabolous, Missy)Tell you what I did last nightI came home, say, around a quater to threeStill so highHypnotizedIn a tranceFrom the start it, so butter and brown and tantalizingYou woulda thought I needed help from this feeling that I feltSo shook I had to catch my breathOops, there goes my shirt up over my headOh myOops, there goes my skirt dropin" to my feetOh myOoh, some kinda touch careesing my faceOh myOoh I"m turning redWho could this be?I tried and I tried to avoidbut this thing was happeningSwollow my prideTweetLet it ride and partyBut this body felt just like minesI got worriedI looked over to the leftA reflection of myselfThat"s why I couldn"t catch my breathOops, there goes my shirt up over my headOh myOops, there goes my skirt dropin" to my feetOh myOoh, some kinda touch careesing my faceOh myUh, yeah, yeah, Desert storm, yeahFabolous, yeah, Tweet, yeahShorty I strickly wanna spank youThe most I gotta do is spell my name to get yourVickies to your anklesI"m serious mamiYou"re fuckin wit the kidaka William H period BonnieYou know I"m the typethat be Crushin and merkinHavin ladies touchin the herkEarly in the morning rushin for workinScreaming Ooh My F-A-B-O-L-O-U-SEach night I"m freakinMa, you ain"t gonna talk me to deathcause you got free nights and weekendsGhetto Fab"s all over the placeOops there goes my kids all over you faceOoh My(I looked over to the left)Umm I was looking so good I couldn"t reject myself(I looked over to the left)Umm I was feeling so good I had to touch myself(I looked over to the left)Umm I was eyein my thighs butter pecan brown(I looked over to the left)Umm comin outta my shirt and then the skirt came downOops, there goes my shirt up over my headOh myOops, there goes my skirt dropin" to my feetOh myOoh, some kinda touch careesing my faceOh myOoh I"m turning redWho could this be?Ooh My




GREATWALL轮胎 长城轮胎佳通,一家拥有近半个世纪轮胎制造历史的新加坡公司。1993年,凭借丰富制造经验、国际化管理团队、先进研发科技、强大的销售网络,以及不懈追求卓越品质的企业目标进驻中国市场。厚积薄发位列世界顶尖轮胎品牌今天,佳通已经迅速崛起为世界轮胎行业第十三强,产品畅销全球 100 多个国家,在美国、欧洲等核心市场以较快的速度增长。佳通,始终致力于为全世界的整车厂商、客货运车队以及爱车一族提供更高价值,创造安全、舒适、迅捷、自如的操控新境界。品类齐全满足多种需求为满足客户的多样需求,佳通轮胎实施多品牌战略。其麾下囊括了佳通、佳安、路得金、银轮、登特路、长城、桦林、路得福等知名品牌,销售遍布全国。专注工艺 实行统一管理 保证产品品质佳通集团拥有佳通安徽、佳通福建、佳通银川、佳通桦林、和佳通重庆五大生产基地。设备先进,工艺精湛,在中部统辖下,实行严格统一的原料采购、生产流程和质量监控系统,以“追求零缺陷”为生产目标,保证每一条胎均达到国际专业水平。










长城 Great Wall 即 长城 (中搜索国古代第一军事工程) 。 长城又称“万里长城”,是中国古代在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。长城始建于春秋战国时期,始修于燕王,他的国土小、兵马少、力量弱,随时都有被邻国吃掉的危险。为了保住国土,燕王就征用了民夫,在他的国土边界山顶上筑起高高的城墙,以防外敌入侵。长城历史长达2000多年。今天所指的万里长城多指明代修建的长城,它东起鸭绿江,西至内陆地区甘肃省的嘉峪关。国家文物局2012年宣布中国历代长城总长度为21196.18千米,分布于北京、天津、河北、山西、内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、山东、河南、陕西、甘肃、青海等15个省区,包括长城墙体、壕堑、单体建筑、关堡和相关设施等长城遗产43721处。此前,国家文物局曾于2009年首次公布明长城调查数据,中国明长城总长度为8851.8千米。[


汽车品牌名称 -(长城) - 中国; 长城汽车是长城汽车股份有限公司的简称,长城汽车的前身是长城工业公司,是一家集体所有制企业,成立于1984年,公司总部位于河北省保定市。

I Wanna Be (Your Tittytwister...) 歌词

歌名:I Wanna演唱:MC Lier『Hip Hop LRC 专业制作团队』By:E.SongQQ群:3996988●●Here"s a song让我唱完希望你能听见我的心灵真心 希望上帝给我一次机会来忏悔曾经的错对 im sorry 都是我的不对如果有可能的话我希望时间能够倒退无奈为什么犯下错之后才会感到后悔难道这是与生俱来的人性但我真的不敢相信我试图闭上双眼去感受自己 让自己变成空气试着换种方式继续 让自己真实的活下去I want to flybut i Never triedI want to go backIf really I canI want to god give me just one more chanceI wanna I wanna but I still right here一年一月一天一时一分一秒 生命如此的渺小想起当年的无知 天真的像一个白痴到底受过多少打击之后才会慢慢的认识到其实有多少次机会可以让你从头再来I know always you are right.I know always my bad我想知道 现在回头Maybe not so much perhaps但至少我想改变试图改变 就算一切无法改变但是我的信念一直在脑海浮现你I want to flybut i Never triedI want to go backIf really I canI want to god give me just one more chanceI wanna I wanna but I still right here﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^ ﹏_﹏﹏

谁能帮帮Fleetwood Mac的《rhiannon》 歌词中文翻译

等一下宝贝……留在我身边awhileSaid你会给我lightBut你从来没有告诉我关于fireDrowning在大海的loveWhere每个人都会喜欢drownbut现在是goneIt没关系anymoreWhen你建立你的houseThen叫我回家他就像一个伟大的黑暗的翅膀wingWithin stormI认为我碰见了我的比赛——他是singingAnd解开,解开了lacesSara lacesUndoing,你是诗人在我heartNever改变,从不stopBut现在是goneIt没关系anymoreBut当你构建你的houseCall我homeHold在晚上来了,八哥飞了daysI会呆在家里晚上抵达伽想去任何地方,任何地方,anywhereAsk我……在大海的loveWhere每个人都会喜欢drownbut现在是goneIt没关系anymoreIf你建立你的houseThen homeSara请打电话给我,你在我的heartNever诗人改变,从不stopAnd现在是什么并不重要goneIt forWhen你建立你的houseI会来byDrowning在大海的loveWhere每个人都会喜欢drownAnd现在不见了......




分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 华人明星 解析: 好像一共有18张专辑: 1.专辑:Twins x At17 拉阔音乐会 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2005年09月23日 1.Opening 2.明爱暗恋补习社 3.女扮男生 4.女校男生 5.正教育 6.士多啤梨苹果橙 7.我爱班房 8.成人礼 9.三分钟后 10.变变变 11.Talk 12.Porcelein 13.始终一天 14.森巴皇后 15.千金+女人味+千金Medley 16.Talk 17.星光游乐园 18.下一站天后 19.风筝与风 20.十八变 21.丢架 22.Talk 23.你讲你爱我 24.唱歌 25.The best is yet to e 26.他和她的事情 27.天生一对+流星雨 28.十个救火的少年 29.La La 世界 30.忘情森巴舞 31.心急人上 32.博览道fans 杀人事件 2.专辑:Samba 歌手:Twins 语种:国/粤语 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2005年6月24日 歌曲名称 试听 歌词 点歌 收藏 *** 1.快乐红白蓝 2.咖啡迷 3.黑色喜剧 4.热粉红 5.森巴皇后 6.救生圈 7.红睡星 8.狂想曲 9.两星期 10.一点一滴 11.森巴 (“森巴皇后”) 3.专辑:见习爱神 (第二版) 歌手:Twins 语种:国/粤语 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2005年04月21日 1.无敌超人 (O.T. 大红大紫) 2.见习爱神 (O.T. 明爱暗恋补习社) 3.莫斯科没有眼泪 (O.T. 下一站天后) 4.只要我长大 (O.T. 眼红红) 5.香浓 6.瓶中沙 7.一半女生 8.星光游乐园 9.同样的两个梦 (O.T. 风筝与风) 10.数彩虹 11.老鼠爱大米 (广东版) Twins 12.老鼠爱大米 (国语版) Twins 4.专辑:见习爱神 歌手:Twins 语种:国语 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2005年03月18日 1.无敌超人 2.见习爱神 3.莫斯科没有眼泪 4.只要我长大 5.香浓 6.瓶中沙 7.一半女生 8.星光游乐园 9.同样的两个梦 10.数彩虹 5.专辑:八星报喜贺贺喜 (新曲+精选) 歌手:Twins 语种:暂无 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2005年1月21日 6.专辑:Such a Better Day(新曲+精选) 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语 发行公司:2004年12月10日 发行时间:英皇娱乐 1.精选 (New) 2.冬令时间 (New) 3.士多啤梨苹果橙 4.下一站天后 5.饮歌 6.千金 7.你讲你爱我 8.女人味 9.夏日狂哗 10.双失情人节 11.大浪漫主义 12.二人世界杯 13.眼红红 14.女校男生 15.18变 (New) 16.追女仔 (New) 17.多谢失恋 18.死性不改 (Twins + Boy"z 合唱版) 19.爱情当入樽 20.乱世佳人 21.朋友的爱 22.恋爱大过天 23.丢架 24.大红大紫 25.风筝与风 26.拍住上 27.梨涡浅笑 28.我们的纪念册 7.专辑:Singing in the Twins Wonderland Vol.4 歌手:Twins 语种:英文 发行公司:英皇娱乐集团(HK) 发行时间:2004-9-6 1.Goodbye to you 2.Three blind mice 3.Fishes,Fishes Where are You? 4.Starry skies 5.The more we get together 6.Friends 7.How Much 8.The three little kittens 9.I habe got six pence 10.How do you do? 11.Ring a ring of roses 12.Froggie Froggie 13.Our school will shine 14.I had a little nut tree 15.Table and chair 16.To the circus 17.When I was a young girl 18.The train 19.Everbody jump 20.Sunny Day 8.专辑:英皇钢琴热恋系列 歌手:Twins 语种:暂无 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2004年7月 1.乱世佳人 2.饮歌 3.风筝与风 4.下一站天后 5.多谢失恋 6.朋友的爱 7.眼红红 8.女校男生 9.恋爱大过天 10.陈永仁 11.大浪漫主义 12.明爱暗恋补习社 13.我们的纪念册 14.和平日 15.士多啤梨苹果橙 16.童子军 17.慌心假期 18.人比人 19.你讲你爱我 20.双失情人节 9.专辑:Girl Power 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2004年6月25日 1.女人味 2.约会自己 3.受之有愧 4.施比爱 5.爱无敌 (电影 千机变II之花都大战 主题曲) 6.07 奥运 7.丢架 8.安全感 9.美丽无比 10.烈女 11.拍住上 10.专辑:Singing in the Twins Wonderland Vol.3 歌手:Twins 语种:英语/粤语 发行公司:英皇娱乐集团 发行时间:2004年4月3日 1.The Music Room 2.I ve Got No Strings 3.Good Morning To You 4.Did You Ever See A Lassie? 5.The Library 6.Cuckoo Clock 7.Sing A Song 8.Ding Dong Bell 9.Hide And Seek 10.Are You Sleeping? 11.Can Tou Tell Me What This Is? 12.Follow Me 13.I Have Two Hands 14.On The Way To School 15.DONKEY DONKEY 16.Boy & Girl 17.Ten Green Bottles 18.The Hokey Pokey 19.Merry Go Round 20.By The Beach 21.伟大的发明家 - 爱迪生 22.童话作家 - 安徒生 23.护士之母 - 南丁格尔 11.专辑:Magic 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2004年01月14日 1.两个好 2.士多啤梨苹果橙 3.饮歌 4.轻功 5.零四好玩 6.Gimme 5 7.陈永仁 8.双失情人节 9.蜜月 10.世界儿女 11.帅哥无用 (国语) 12.专辑:Singing in the Twins Wonderland Vol.2 歌手:Twins 语种:英/粤语 发行公司:英皇娱乐 发行时间:2003年11月21日 1.Baa Baa Black Sheep 2.Bingo 3.Colour Song 4.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 5.Old MacDonald Had A Farm 6.Finger Song 7.Two Little Eyes 8.Auld Lang Syne 9.Row Row Row Your Boat 10.Do Re Mi 11.I Saw Three Ships 12.Oh!Suzanna 13.Silent Night 14.The Morning Song 15.Head And Shoulder Knees And Toes 16.Hush Little Baby 17.Looby Loo 18.Little Bird 19.ABC 20.Hickory Dickory Dock 21.葡萄园的农夫 22.得意忘形的蚊子 23.背盐的驴子 13.专辑:进化论 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语 发行公司:英皇唱片 发行时间:2003.09.04 1.乱世佳人 2.你讲你爱我 3.慌心假期 4.You Know What I Mean 5.朋友的爱 6.夏日狂哗 7.高温瑜伽 8.香港纽约 9.Beautiful Day 10.三角圆舞 14.专辑:下一站天后 歌手:Twins 语种:国语 发行公司:- 发行时间:2003年5月 1.下一站天后 15.专辑:Twins 歌手:Twins 语种:国语 发行公司:未知 发行时间:2003年4月 1.风筝与风 2.百试不厌 3.明爱暗恋补习社 4.女校男生 5.学生手册 6.换季 7.我们的纪念册 8.风筝与风(Lost And Found Version) 9.NO 1 10.爱情当入樽 11.二人世界杯 12.Ichiban兴奋 13.你是我的UFO 14.大红大紫 15.高手看招 16.星星月亮太阳 17.眼红红 18.恋爱大过天 19.朋友仔 20.梨涡浅笑 21.发梦见过你 22.人比人 23.快熟时代 24.大浪漫主义 16.专辑:我们的纪念册 歌手:Twins 语种:国语 发行公司:未知 发行时间:2002年 1.二人世界杯 2.发梦见到你 3.分飞燕 4.高手看招 5.哥哥 6.活动教学 7.没法做足一百分 8.朋友仔 9.我们的纪念册 10.眼红红 11.友谊第一 17.专辑:双生儿 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语 发行公司:英皇唱片 发行时间:2002年 1.大浪漫主义 2.涉谷车站见 3.神奇两女侠 4.着睡衣睡觉 5.孖宝668 18.专辑:爱情当入樽 歌手:Twins 语种:粤语 发行公司:英皇唱片 发行时间:2002年 1.爱情当入樽(Air Mix) 2.爱情当入樽 3.飞线 4.和平日(We Mix) 5.和平日 6.恋爱大过天 7.女校男生(Back To School Mix) 8.学生手册 9.有所不知(Marie主题曲) 这是我所知道的,也是别人告诉我的^_^不知道还有没有。也不知道有没有错,多多指教。我也蛮喜欢TWINS的^_^


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