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two score还是two scores

是two scores可数名词复数


不是,没有定语。will take是谓语动词,measures是宾语。


Ten little indians歌词One little, two little, three little Indians: Four little, five little, six little Indians; Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians; Ten little Indian boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians; Seven little, six little, five little Indians; Four little, three little, tow little Indians; One little Indian boy.

歌词中有一句歌词是one little two little bady ducks 的儿童歌曲,是什么名字

u300aEight Little Baby Ducksu300b

one little two little threelittle……four little……的歌名是什么

Ten Little Indian Boys

one little two little three little raibow出自哪首歌曲?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

one little, two little, three little raibow是什么歌?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。


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在宝贝计划里面,成龙唱的那首“one little,two little,three little ....",歌名是什么啊


one little two little three little raibow什么歌?


SJ《TWINS》和《Marry You》的歌词

Super Junior《TWINS》的中文歌词 [始源]不要找她,不要再让她对你有一丝眷恋 [韩庚]不要想再卑屈下去了,你的自尊心已经没有了 [晟敏,李特]不是,不是那样的 只有一个她 [希澈]我也看不见我心裏的影子 又把我困在失败者的阴影裏 [晟敏,强仁]要是变强就好了 这不是我 yeah [历旭]把我心裏面的你杀掉,要战斗到底 [基范] I wanna knock out!命运一定走自己的路 [众]knock out! [基范]想避开也没有用 [众]knock out! [基范]接受吧. You can"t do this fight because [众]她已经不能在我这裏期待什麼了 [众]I wanna knock out! [东海]不,我要拒绝 就那样 [众]Knock Out! [东海]过著妥协的人生 I wanna [众]Knock Out! [东海]对我期待是全部 [众]我要战斗到底 Reason is I"m alive [晟敏]从小我就没有存在感, 没有受过曯目 [始源]不要逃避,不要做,中等程度,那就是你的命运 [众,艺声]唯一的我, 应该特别 [众] 我也看不见我心裏的影子 又把我困在失败者的阴影裏 [众]I don"t really understand. 创伤只会愈来愈大, yeah [历旭] 把我心裏面的你杀掉,要战斗到底 [希澈]要战胜决定的人生,反正 [众]Knock Out! [希澈]在这个世界你是渺小的,不是吗 [众]Knock Out! [希澈]接受吧, You can"t do this fight because [众]已经忘了懦弱的你了麼 [银赫]不,我要拒绝,命运是 [众]Knock Out! [银赫]改造我的战利品, I wanna [众]Knock Out! [银赫]虽然没有一个明确的 [众]我要战斗到底,Reason is I"m alive [基范]You know I wanna out the line. I wanna [众]Knock Out! [基范]you know I want to start the fight! I wanna [众]Knock Out! [基范] You know I wanna do this fight [李特]放弃已经不适合我了 [银赫]我已经杀死心裏的你, 对我来说 [众]Knock Out! [银赫]连犹豫的时间都没有,I wanna [众]Knock Out! [银赫]把我人生点滴回归原位 [艺声]Got to get you out of my life [东海]战胜注定的人生, 反正 [众]Knock Out! [东海]这个世界你是渺小的, 不是麼? [众]Knock Out! [东海]接受吧, You can"t do this fight, because [强仁] 已经忘了懦弱的你了麼 [希澈]不,我要拒绝,命运是 [众]Knock Out! [希澈]改造我的战利品, I wanna [众]Knock Out! [希澈]虽然没有一个明确的 [众]我要战斗到底,Reason is I"m aliveMarry u (旧): [Eun Hyuk]Love~ oh baby my girl~ geu daen na e jeon bbu 【恩赫】你是我的全部 nun bu si ge a reum dda woon na e sin bu si ni ju sin seon mul 耀眼的美丽,我的新娘,是神赐予我的礼物 haeng bo kan gga yo geu dae e gga man nu ne seo nun mu ri heu reu jyo 幸福吗?黑色的眼睛 流着眼泪 gga man meo ri pa bbu ri doel ddae gga ji do 直到你满头白发 na e sa rang na e geu dae 我的爱,我的你 sa rang hal geo seul na maeng se hal ge yo 我发誓一直爱你 [Sung Min]geu dae reul sa rang han dda neun mal 【晟敏】爱你的那句话 pyeong saeng mae i rae ju go si peo 想每日向你表白 [Ryeo Wook]Would you marry me? neol sa rang ha go a ggi myeo sa ra ga go si peo 【丽旭】爱你一生,珍惜一世 [Kang In]geu dae ga ja mi deul ddae ma da 【强仁】想让你枕着 nae pa re jae wo ju go si peo 我的手臂入睡 [Hee Chul]Would you marry me? i reon na e ma eum heo ra kae jul rae? 【希澈】你愿意接受我的心吗? [Kyu Hyun]pyeong saeng gyeo te it seul ge I do 【奎贤】我会一直留在你身边 I do neol sa rang ha neun geol I do 我对你的爱 I do [Yeh Sung]nun ggwa bi ga wa do a ggyeo ju myeon seo I do 【艺声】珍惜每一刻 I do neo reul ji kyeo jul ge My love 守护着你 My love [Dong Hae]ha yang deu re seu reu ri beun geu dae 【东海】穿着白色婚纱的你 tok ssi do reu ri beun na e mo seub 穿着礼服的我 bal geo reu meul mat chu myeo geot neun woo ri jeo dal rim ggwa byeo re I swear 我们共同面对星月 向她发誓 geo jit mal si reo ui sim si reo 不要谎言 不要猜疑 sa rang ha neun na e gong ju Stay with me 我爱的公主Stay with me [Si Won]woo ri ga na i reul meo geo do woot seu myeo sa ra ga go si peo 【始源】我们要笑着一起老去 [Lee Tuek]Would you marry me? 【李特】na e mo deun na reul ham gge hae jul rae? 和我度过一生 [Ryeo Wook]him ddeul go eo ryeo wo do I do 【丽旭】即使疲惫 I do neul nae ga it seul ge I do 也守护在你身边 I do [Yeh Sung]woo ri ham gge ha neun ma neun nal dong an I do 【艺声】我们一起走过的日子I do mae il gam sa hal ge My love 每天都在感恩 My love [Kyu Hyun]o rae jeon bu teo neo reul wi hae jun bi han 【奎贤】那枚为你准备已久戒指 nae so ne bit na neun ban jji reul ba da jwo 在我手中闪闪发光 [Yeh Sung]o neul wa ga teun ma meu ro ji geu me yak ssok gi eo kal ge 【艺声】请接受吧 永远守护我们的约定 Would you marry me? [Sung Min]pyeong saeng gyeo te it seul ge I do 【晟敏】我会一直留在你身边 I do neol sa rang ha neun geol I do 我对你的爱 I do nun ggwa bi ga wa do a ggyeo ju myeon seo I do 珍惜每一刻 I do neo reul ji kyeo jul ge I do 守护着你 My love [All]him ddeul go eo ryeo wo do I do 【全体】即使疲惫 I do neul nae ga it seul ge I do 也守护在你身边 I do woo ri ham gge ha neun ma neun nal dong an I do 我们一起走过的日子 I do mae il gam sa hal ge My love 每天都在感恩 My love [Eun Hyuk]nae ga geu dae e ge deu ril geo seun sa rang bak ge eob jjyo 【恩赫】能给你的只有爱 geu jeo geu bbu nin ggeol bo jal geot eob jyo 即使微不足道 seo tul reo bo i go ma ni bu jo kae do 我会守住我的爱,我的你 na e sa rang na e geu dae ji kyeo jul ge yo 我们共同的约定 han gga ji man yak sso kae jul rae? 无论什么事情 mu seu nil it seo do woo ri seo ro sa rang ha gi ro... 我们都彼此相爱 geu bbu ni ya 仅此而已 [Ryeo Wook]na wa gyeo ro nae jul rae I do 【丽旭】嫁给我吧I do Marry u (再版): [Eun Hyuk]Love~ oh baby my girl~ geu daen na e jeon bbu 【恩赫】你是我的全部 nun bu si ge a reum dda woon na e sin bu si ni ju sin seon mul 耀眼的美丽,我的新娘,是神赐予我的礼物 [Hee Chul]haeng bo kan gga yo geu dae e gga man nu ne seo nun mu ri heu reu jyo 幸福吗?黑色的眼睛 流着眼泪 gga man meo ri pa bbu ri doel ddae gga ji do 直到你满头白发 na e sa rang na e geu dae 我的爱,我的你 sa rang hal geo seul na maeng se hal ge yo 我发誓一直爱你 [Sung Min]geu dae reul sa rang han dda neun mal 【晟敏】爱你的那句话 pyeong saeng mae i rae ju go si peo 想每日向你表白 [Ryeo Wook]Would you marry me? neol sa rang ha go a ggi myeo sa ra ga go si peo 【丽旭】爱你一生,珍惜一世 [Kang In]geu dae ga ja mi deul ddae ma da 【强仁】想让你枕着 nae pa re jae wo ju go si peo 我的手臂入睡 [Han Kyung]Would you marry me? i reon na e ma eum heo ra kae jul rae? 【韩庚】你愿意接受我的心吗? [Kyu Hyun]pyeong saeng gyeo te it seul ge I do 【奎贤】我会一直留在你身边 I do neol sa rang ha neun geol I do 我对你的爱 I do [Yeh Sung]nun ggwa bi ga wa do a ggyeo ju myeon seo I do 【艺声】珍惜每一刻 I do neo reul ji kyeo jul ge My love 守护着你 My love [Dong Hae]ha yang deu re seu reu ri beun geu dae 【东海】穿着白色婚纱的你 tok ssi do reu ri beun na e mo seub 穿着礼服的我 bal geo reu meul mat chu myeo geot neun woo ri jeo dal rim ggwa byeo re I swear 我们共同面对星月 向她发誓 geo jit mal si reo ui sim si reo 不要谎言 不要猜疑 sa rang ha neun na e gong ju Stay with me 我爱的公主Stay with me [Si Won]woo ri ga na i reul meo geo do woot seu myeo sa ra ga go si peo 【始源】我们要笑着一起老去 [Lee Tuek]Would you marry me? 【李特】na e mo deun na reul ham gge hae jul rae? 和我度过一生 [Ryeo Wook]him ddeul go eo ryeo wo do I do 【丽旭】即使疲惫 I do neul nae ga it seul ge I do 也守护在你身边 I do [Yeh Sung]woo ri ham gge ha neun ma neun nal dong an I do 【艺声】我们一起走过的日子I do mae il gam sa hal ge My love 每天都在感恩 My love [Kyu Hyun]o rae jeon bu teo neo reul wi hae jun bi han 【奎贤】那枚为你准备已久戒指 nae so ne bit na neun ban jji reul ba da jwo 在我手中闪闪发光 [Yeh Sung]o neul wa ga teun ma meu ro ji geu me yak ssok gi eo kal ge 【艺声】请接受吧 永远守护我们的约定 Would you marry me? [Sung Min]pyeong saeng gyeo te it seul ge I do 【晟敏】我会一直留在你身边 I do neol sa rang ha neun geol I do 我对你的爱 I do [Kyu Hyun]nun ggwa bi ga wa do a ggyeo ju myeon seo I do 珍惜每一刻 I do neo reul ji kyeo jul ge I do 守护着你 My love [All]him ddeul go eo ryeo wo do I do 【全体】即使疲惫 I do neul nae ga it seul ge I do 也守护在你身边 I do woo ri ham gge ha neun ma neun nal dong an I do 我们一起走过的日子 I do mae il gam sa hal ge My love 每天都在感恩 My love [Eun Hyuk]nae ga geu dae e ge deu ril geo seun sa rang bak ge eob jjyo 【恩赫】能给你的只有爱 geu jeo geu bbu nin ggeol bo jal geot eob jyo 即使微不足道 seo tul reo bo i go ma ni bu jo kae do 我会守住我的爱,我的你 na e sa rang na e geu dae ji kyeo jul ge yo 我们共同的约定 [Shin Dong]han gga ji man yak sso kae jul rae? 【神童】无论什么事情 mu seu nil it seo do woo ri seo ro sa rang ha gi ro 我们都彼此相爱 geu bbu ni ya 仅此而已 [Ryeo Wook]na wa gyeo ro nae jul rae I do 【丽旭】嫁给我吧I do

Wilson [K] Six Two于Wilson [K] Surge差别在哪?


Usher&Pharrell的《Twisted》 歌词

基本信息:歌曲名:Twisted歌手:Usher&Pharrell专辑:Looking 4 Myself时间:3:43音乐风格:R&B歌曲语言:英语唱片公司:索尼音乐发行时间:2012-06-12歌词:New Kids On The Block - Twistedyou wanna feeli"ll let you feelcome over herecan"t help what lovecould do to youyou know that cuts, scars, bruises hurtso whatyou like it, you like all theScrews, tattoos, coolthat I can do,You"re tellingyou"re telling me you"rea little bit (little bit)Twisted (oohhh)Can"t feel your heartYou want me to twist it (for ya)A little bit (little bit)Twisted (tell me where it hurts)Where does it hurtTell me where to kiss it (kiss it)Kiss it (kiss it)kiss it (kiss it)Where does it hurtTell me where to kiss itHow do you feelI got you illfrom all the lovetry not to kill yaYa close enough but,you with cuts, scars, bruises hurtso whatyou like it, you like all theScrews, tattoos, coolthat I can do,You"re tellingyou"re telling me you"reA little bit (little bit)Twisted (oohhh)Can"t feel your heartYou want me to twist it (for ya)A little bit (little bit)Twisted (tell me where it hurts)Where does it hurtTell me where to kiss it (kiss it)Kiss it (kiss it)kiss it (kiss it)Where does it hurtTell me where to kiss itYou need a little moreget you where you wantpush you how you want itJust tell me where to pullYou want it (Harder)Need it (Harder)Girl It"s (Turnin)How you (Like It)Girl (Whatever)You been (Missin)You (Need me to)Come andTwist It For yaI"ll come and (Twist it for ya)I"ll even (clean it for ya)I"ll hurt ya (if you like it)and then I"ll (kiss it for ya...)Kiss it for yakiss kiss kiss it for yadismiss it for yakiss it for yakiss it for yatw tw tw twist it for yasadistic for yait"s good for yait"s just for yaA little bit (little bit)Twisted (oohhh)Can"t feel your heartYou want me to twist it (for ya)A little bit (little bit)Twisted (tell me where it hurts)Where does it hurtTell me where to kiss it (kiss it)Kiss it (kiss it)kiss it (kiss it)Where does it hurtTell me where to kiss ittw tw tw twist it for yatw tw tw twist it for yatw tw tw twist it for yatw tw tw twist it for yatw tw tw twist it for yawhere does it hurttell me where to kiss it

inter 词根为什么是 在什么之间的意思吗?和between 和 middle 什么关系?

词根INTER,意为居中. 字首 inter 源自拉丁文介系词 inter,原已有 between,among 的意思. 像interdict v. [禁止],interest n. [兴趣,权益] 等字是比较特别的. interdict 出自拉丁文 interdicere,dicere 本为动词 [说话] 之意,加上 inter,由 [以言语插入] 转为 [判决],再变成现代英文 [禁止]. interest 出自拉丁文 interesse,字根部分的 esse 为拉丁文 be 动词,原义为 [在其中],后又引申出 [互异],[参与],[利害相关] 等字义. esse 的第三人称单数现在式形态为 est,因此 interesse 拼法成为 interest. 以下列出一些inter为词根的单词,希望帮助您的学习! interaction 交相影响,交互作用 intercede 说项,调停 intercept 中途拦截,中途逮捕 interchange 交换,交替 intercourse 交际,交通 interdict 禁止 interest 兴趣,关心; 利益; 使感兴趣 interfere 干涉,干预 interim 中间时期,过渡时期 interior 内部,内在的 interject 插入 interlace 使组合,使交织 interlude 间隔的时间,插曲 intermediary 中间的 intermediate 中间的 intermingle 混合,搀杂 intermission 休息时间,中断 intermittent 间歇,断续的 internal 内在,内部的 international 国际的 interplay 相互影响,交互作用 interpolate 添进,插入字句 interpose 置於中间,插入,仲裁 interrogate 讯问,质问 interrupt 打断,妨碍 intersect 相交,贯穿 intersperse 散置,点缀 interstice 裂缝,空隙 intertwine 交缠,纠缠 interval 间隔时间,间隔 intervene 插入,干扰 Inter在词根上的意义和between是一样的. 而middle从中文意思上,能分出和inter以及between的区别,前者是中间,后两个是之间. 也就是说middle是正中间,而inter和between,则是之间,并非一定要是正中间,也包含正中间.

东方神起的Two hearts歌词和中文翻译

Two hearts 歌词を见る 作词:H.U.B. 作曲:AKIRA 日语 now listen to me come on girl I love you oh girl to me 夜明けも ためらう扉を 仆らは 开けてしまうkiss you ぬくもりを 残したままで ずるいよね 君の中のtwo hearts oh baby make you mine ずっとここで待ってるのに 会いたくて会えないよmy girl 明日が来なくていいと 思うほどせつなさはso pain of love どこまで行けば终われるの? 自由と引き替えのyour love 见つめ合う 光と影を 重ねては 抱きしめてるtwo hearts oh baby make you mine きっと答えが远くても 忘れられない梦をtonight 痛みよりも爱しさが 身体まで缔め付けるoh chain of love be my girl in my world be the one gonna make you mine be my girl in my world be the one make you mine ずっとここで待ってるのに 会いたくて会えないよmy girl 明日が来なくていいと 思うほどせつなさは ‘so pain of love but I"m gonna make you mine" きっと答えが远くても 忘れられない梦をtonight 痛みよりも爱しさが 身体まで缔め付けるoh chain of love I love you oh girl 罗马: NOW LISTEN TO ME COME ON GIRL I LOVE YOU OH GIRL TO ME yo ake mo tamerau tobira wo bokura wa akete shimau KISS YOU nukumori wo nokoshita mama de zurui yone kimi no naka no TWO HEARTS OH BABY MAKE YOU MINE zutto koko de matteru no ni ai takute aenai yo MY GIRL ahita ga konakute i i to omou hodo setsunasa wa SO PAIN OF LOVE dokomade ikeba owareru no? jiyu to hikikae no YOUR LOVE mitsume au hikari to kage wo kasanete wa dakishime teru TWO HEARTS OH BABY MAKE YOU MINE kitto kotae ga toku temo wasure rare nai yume wo TONIGHT itami yori mo itoshisa ga karada made shimetsukeru OH CHAIN OF LOVE BE MY GIRL IN MY WORLD BE THE ONE GONNA MAKE YOU MINE BE MY GIRL IN MY WORLD BE THE ONE MAKE YOU MINE zutto koko de matteru no ni ai takute aenai yo MY GIRL ahita ga konakute i i to omou hodo setsunasa wa "SO PAIN OF LOVE BUT I"M GONNA MAKE YOU MINE" kitto kotae ga toku temo wasure rare nai yume wo TONIGHT itami yori mo itoshisa ga karada made shimetsukeru OH CHAIN OF LOVE I LOVE YOU OH GIRL 中文: now listen to me come on girl I love you oh girl to me 无论是破晓 还是犹豫的门扉 我们 都将开启kiss you 将余温 留在这里 未免太诈 在你心中的two hearts oh baby make you mine 虽然我一直在这里等你 想见你却见不到你my girl 明天不再来临也没有关系 越想越痛心 so pain of love 究竟要走到哪里才能结束 拿自由来交换your love 互相凝视的 光与影 交织缠绵 紧拥在怀里two hearts oh baby make you mine 相信即使答案再远 有些梦还是无法忘怀tonight 比起痛楚更多的是爱意 紧紧缠绕着我的身体 oh chain of love be my girl in my world be the one gonna make you mine be my girl in my world be the one make you mine 虽然我一直在这里等你 想见你却见不到你my girl 明天不再来临也没有关系 越想越痛心 ‘so pain of love but I"m gonna make you mine" 相信即使答案再远 有些梦还是无法忘怀tonight 比起痛楚更多的是爱意 紧紧缠绕着我的身体 oh chain of love I love you oh girl

钻石耳钉 Qty 2 =1.10ct tw 表示一只一克拉还是一对加起来一克拉?

两颗加起来。QTY是英文quantity的缩写,表示数量,所以翻译过来,就是 数量2=1.10克拉。再者,一般耳钉没有单颗1克拉的,因为钻石太大,耳朵根本挂不住,太沉,耳朵会非常疼。0.5克拉的的已经很沉了,长时间戴也会受不了。

over the two years是什么意思?

在这两年中,(over是介词意思是在,,,期间,它的另一意思是超过, 那时是副词后接数词)


Four eyes see more than two.四只眼睛总比两只眼睛看得多1Four eyes see more than two eyes.一个人的眼光总比两个人的好。2Four eyes see more than two.四只眼睛总比两只眼睛看得多。3Four eyes see more than two.两人总比一人看得周到。4Four eyes see more than two.两人总比一人看得周密。5Four eyes see more than two.两人总比一人看得殷勤。

It is a townhouse with two floors 什么意思?

It is a townhouse with two floors这是两层的别墅

it a townhouse with two floors汉语什么意思?急需拜拖了?

it a townhouse with two floors它是一栋有两层的市内别墅双语对照例句:1.They would uh, they would scrub the floors with it! 他们他们会用它来刮地板!2.It will use the top two floors as offices for its future european operations. 这栋楼的最上面两层将被用作未来的波司登欧洲运营中心


MT全称为metric ton,是质量的单位,即吨。吨是数学质量单位,生活中多用于计量较大物品的重量。质量单位,公一吨等于1000公斤。美制质量或重量单位。英国为英吨,美国为美吨。部分行业用吨标识罐体的体积:实则是1立方米的水质量大约为1吨。MT是公吨,在中国指的就是吨,在外国和吨有所区别。公吨是公制的单位,中国采用公制,所以我们中国人平常说的"吨"指的就是"公吨",可把"吨"看作是"公吨"的简称1公吨(tonne/metric ton)= 1000公斤而在英美,"吨"是不大一样的1公吨(tonne/metric ton)= 1000公斤1吨(ton)= 1016公斤(英)或907.2公斤(美)那么我们学习的英文里吨就是ton,这怎么解释呢?因为1公吨在英文中原本的表达法为tonne或者metric ton,由于用公吨的人太多,人都喜欢偷懒,故常把metric ton缩略为ton。所以外国人说ton的时候,有可能是指metric ton(公吨),也可能指在自己国家的ton(吨),而我们中国人说ton(吨),其实指的都是公吨.在我国,1公吨=1吨在英国,美国,1公吨近似于但不等于1吨





Clint Eastwood & General Saint的《H.A.P.P.Y.》 歌词

歌曲:HAPPY作词:藤原基央 作曲:藤原基央歌手:BUMP OF CHICKEN健康な体があればいい / 要是有健康的身体就好了大人になって愿う事 / 作为成年後的一个愿望心は强くならないまま / 但是在变坚强之前耐えきれない夜が多くなった / 难耐的夜晚却越来越多少年はまだ生きていて / 少年仍然在不断成长命の値段を测っている / 衡量著生命的价值色々どうにか受けとめて / 接受了各式各样的事物落书きの様な梦を见る / 书写著自由的梦想优しい言叶の雨の下で / 温柔的话语如雨倾下涙も混ぜて流せたらな / 也随眼泪一起流逝了吧片付け中の头の上に  / 待理的事一件一件これほど容易く日は升る / 就好像太阳每天升起一样悲しみは消えるというなら  / 悲伤如果消失的话喜びだってそういうものだろう / 称之为喜悦也不为过吧谁に祈って救われる  / 祈祷被谁拯救つぎはぎの自分を引き摺って / 最後还是要靠自己闘う相手さえ解らない  / 就连战斗的对手都不清楚だけど确かに痛みは増えていく / 却切实的感觉到疼痛在增加教わらなかった歩き方で 注意深く进む / 遇到没有走过的路 就要小心谨慎的前进膨大な知识があればいい / 要是有丰富的知识就好了大人になって愿う事 / 作为成年後的一个愿望心は强くならないまま / 但是在变坚强之前守らなきゃいけないから / 还有很多不得不守护的事情少女はまだ生きていて / 少女仍然在不断成长本当の事だけ探している / 追寻著属於自己的真实笑う事よりも大切な / 比有趣的事更为重要的谁かの手を强く握って / 是紧握住的谁的手优しい言叶の雨に濡れて / 被温柔话语的雨淋湿伤は洗ったって伤のまま / 即便被清洗过但伤口仍然存在感じる事を谛めるのが / 如果放弃了琐碎的小事これほど难しい事だとは / 那麽更难的问题又将如何面对终わらせる勇気があるなら / 如果有坚持不懈的勇气続きを选ぶ恐怖にも胜てる / 对於未知前路的恐怖也能战胜无くした後に残された / 虽然丢失後所剩下的只有空虚爱しい空っぽを抱きしめて / 却可以尽情的享受这一无所有借り物の力で构わない / 就算是借助他人之力也无所谓そこに确かな鼓动があるなら / 只要能从中确实的受到鼓舞どうせいつか终わる旅を  / 就在这终将结束的旅途仆と一绪に歌おう / 与我一起放声歌唱吧Happy birthday! Happy birthday!Happy birthday! Happy birthday!优しい言叶の雨は乾く / 温柔话语的雨停歇後他人事の様な虹が架かる / 事不关己似的出现了彩虹なんか食おうぜ そんで行こうぜ / 去吃点什麽吧 那麽走吧これほど容易く日は升る / 就好像太阳每天升起一样悲しみは消えるというなら  / 悲伤如果消失的话喜びだってそういうものだろう / 称之为喜悦也不为过吧谁に祈って救われる  / 祈祷被谁拯救それよりも大切な手をとって / 比这个更重要的是谁的手胜ち负けの基准も解らない / 虽然不知道胜负的标准だけど确かに守るものがある / 但是确实有想要守护的东西教わらなかった梦と共に / 伴著未知的梦想少年は大人になった / 少年就成为了大人続きを进む恐怖の途中 / 前进的道路布满曲折続きがくれる勇気にも出会う / 总会涌起继续下去的勇气无くした後に残された  / 虽然丢失後所剩下的只有空虚爱しい空っぽを抱きしめて / 却可以尽情的享受这一无所有消えない悲しみがあるなら  / 即使有无法消退的悲伤生き続ける意味だってあるだろう / 反正还有活下去的理由どうせいつか终わる旅を  / 就在这终将结束的旅途仆と一绪に歌おう(歌おう) / 与我一起放声歌唱吧Happy birthday! Happy birthday!Happy birthday! Happy birthday!

有一首英文歌,是女生唱的,歌词有一部分是one two three four five six

ladybug picnic

有一个女的唱的英文歌 中间是four one four two... four five那歌叫什么名字




求一首英文歌曲,男的唱的,高潮部分有one two three four

没猜错的话是这首,歌名:five days 演唱:patrick nuo



彩虹乐队 《twinkle twinkle》

twinkle, twinkle words:ken music:ken梦(ゆめ)は 儚(はかな)き梦(ゆめ)は まだその眼(め)に热(ねつ)を伝(つた)えているの?空(そら)に この手(て)を今(いま)空(そら)へ 届(とど)かないまま翳(かざ)してみよう果(は)てた実(み)を庇(かば)う术(すべ)はもう そこへ埋(う)めてYeah流(なが)れてゆく 星(ほし)の涙(なみだ)を 数(かぞ)えながら揺(ゆ)れる时(とき)をわたって君(きみ)の傍(そば)で 仆(ぼく)の眼(め)の前(まえ)に 晒(さら)されだした 全(すべ)ての爱(あい)で lost yourself in happinessChanging, nothing gonna changing.彷徨(さまよ)い巡(めぐ)る 季节(きせつ)に 惑(まど)わされて缒(すが)る この血(ち)が今(いま)缒(すが)るものに 身(み)を委(ゆだ)ねてみよう 果(は)てた実(み)はやがて空(そら)へ 向(む)かうだろうYeah流(なが)れてゆく 星(ほし)の涙(なみだ)を 数(かぞ)えながら揺(ゆ)れる时(とき)をわたって君(きみ)の傍(そば)で 仆(ぼく)の眼(め)の前(まえ)に 晒(さら)されだした 全(すべ)ての爱(あい)で lost yourself in happinessGet it on! Get it on! Get it on ! Nothing to fearYeah零(こぼ)れてゆく 星(ほし)の涙(なみだ)は 消(き)えてゆくけどほら また一(ひと)つ 生(う)まれ来(く)る君(きみ)の傍(そば)で 仆(ぼく)の心(こころ)に 今(いま) 刻(きざ)みこむ全(すべ)ての爱(あい)で lost yourself in happinessGet it on! Get it on! Get it on ! Nothing to fear恩,还有发音twinkle, twinkle words:ken music:kenyumewa hakanaki yumewa madasono meni netsuwo tsutaete iruno?sorani konotewo imasorahe todokanai mamakazashite miyouhateta miwo kabau subewamou sokoheumeteYeahnagareteyuku hoshino namidawo kazoe nagarayureru tokiwo watattekimino sobade bokuno meno maeni sarasare dashitasubeteno aide lost yourself in happinessChanging, nothing gonna changing.samayoi meguru kisetsuni madowa saretesugaru konochiga imasugaru mononi miwo yudanete miyouhateta miwayakate sorahe mukau darouYeahnagareteyuku hoshino namidawo kazoe nagarayureru tokiwo watattekimino sobade bokuno meno maeni sara saredashitasubeteno aide lost yourself in happinessGet it on! Get it on! Get it on ! Nothing to fearYeahkoborete yuku hoshino namidawa kiete yukukedohora mada hitotsu umarekurukimino sobade bokuno kokoroni ima kizamikomusubeteno aide lost yourself in happinessGet it on! Get it on! Get it on ! Nothing to fear twinkle twinkle 是没有PV的~

如何解决software protection服务无法启动

方法/步骤开始→运行→输入:services.msc 点击确定(或按回车键)打开服务。依次找到:Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc)→右键启动。如果启动菜单是灰色的(不可用)服务属性→启动类型→自动或者手动→应用→启动→确定。如果这个Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc)没有,需要从好的相同的操作系统中导入相应的注册表项目。在好的电脑中在【开始】→【运行】中输入: regedit 按回车键之后,打开注册表编辑器。依次展开:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicessppsvc然后,右键点击sppsvc项→导出。然后取名,保存。然后,再将其保存在u盘,再在有问题的操作系统中双击导入→是。同样,如果系统的服务里面没有SPP Notification Service服务(服务名称sppuinotify)也可以使用相同的步骤,从好的操作系统中导出注册表备份,再倒入到有问题的操作系统中即可。在注册表中的位置是:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicessppuinotify (右键点击sppuinotify 项→导出)然后到有问题的电脑中打开注册表→文件→导入→指向从好的操作系统注册表中备份的文件,完成导入。如果开启相应的服务出错,一般是激活Windows系统出问题了。可以尝试在注册表中删除debugger这个键值。打开注册表,依次定位到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionssppsvc.exe(如果没有此项,就不属于这个问题)。




歌曲名:REVOLUTION歌手:FASTWAY专辑:SUPER EUROBEAT presents INITIAL D ABSOLUTE ALBUM feat.TAKUMI FUJIWARAFastwayRevolutionHold on to your sideYou were born to flyYou gotta feel it in your soul, nowWhat is emotionBaby, no escapeFear is far awayUooh, everything is changed nowA revolutionGo to be wildA hunter in the game called freedomFollow the lightThe dark is just a state of your mind, soTurn on the night boyRevolutionWake up the sleepy samuraiFightin" in your spiritRevolutionYou got the fire in you, in your heartAnd now the world will keep on burnin"RevolutionSwitch the lazy samuraiLet me feel the powerRevolutionYou got the fire in you, in your heartAnd like the sun you got the world onRevolutionTurn your head aroundNever lose your groundYou gotta feel you"re back in town, boyReal emotionReally havin" funFightin" on the runUooh, they can"t knock you down, nowA revolutionGo to be wildA hunter in the game called freedomFollow the lightThe dark is just a state of your mind, soTurn on the night boyRevolutionWake up the sleepy samuraiFightin" in your spiritRevolutionYou got the fire in you, in your heartAnd now the world will keep on burnin"RevolutionSwitch the lazy samuraiLet me feel the powerRevolutionYou got the fire in you, in your heartAnd like the sun you got the world onRevolutionRevolutionRevolutionGo to be wildA hunter in the game called freedomFollow the lightThe dark is just a state of your mind, soTurn on the night boyRevolutionWake up the sleepy samuraiFightin" in your spiritRevolutionYou got the fire in you, in your heartAnd now the world will keep on burnin"RevolutionSwitch the lazy samuraiLet me feel the powerRevolutionYou got the fire in you, in your heartAnd like the sun you got the world onRevolution


  lost without you  没有你我会迷失; 失去了你; 没有你 我不知所措; 黛儿塔; 不能失去你;  [例句]I"d be lost without you here.  没有你在这里我都不知怎么办好。

Two shots of happy, one shot of sad 歌词

歌曲名:Two shots of happy, one shot of sad歌手:Matt Dusk专辑:Smooth Jazz Cafe Vol 7Two shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadYou think I"m no good, well I know I"ve been badTook you to a place, now you can"t get backTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadWalked together down a dead end streetWe were mixing the bitter with the sweetI Don"t try to figure out what we might of hadJust two shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m just a singer, some say a sinnerRolling the dice, not always a winnerYou say I"ve been lucky, well hell I"ve made my ownNot part of the crowd, but not feeling aloneUnder pressure, but not bent out of shapeSurrounded, we always found an escapeYou Drove me to drink, but hey that"s not all badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadGuess I"ve been greedy, all of my lifeGreedy with my children, my lovers, my wifeGreedy for the good things as well as the badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadMaybe it"s just talk, saloon singingThe chairs are all stacked, the swinging"s stopped swingingYou say I hurt you, you put the finger on yourselfThen after you did it, you came crying for my helpTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m not complaining, baby I"m gladYou call it a compromise, well what"s thatTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sad

Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad 歌词

歌曲名:Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad歌手:Matt Dusk专辑:Two ShotsTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadYou think I"m no good, well I know I"ve been badTook you to a place, now you can"t get backTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadWalked together down a dead end streetWe were mixing the bitter with the sweetI Don"t try to figure out what we might of hadJust two shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m just a singer, some say a sinnerRolling the dice, not always a winnerYou say I"ve been lucky, well hell I"ve made my ownNot part of the crowd, but not feeling aloneUnder pressure, but not bent out of shapeSurrounded, we always found an escapeYou Drove me to drink, but hey that"s not all badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadGuess I"ve been greedy, all of my lifeGreedy with my children, my lovers, my wifeGreedy for the good things as well as the badTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadMaybe it"s just talk, saloon singingThe chairs are all stacked, the swinging"s stopped swingingYou say I hurt you, you put the finger on yourselfThen after you did it, you came crying for my helpTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadI"m not complaining, baby I"m gladYou call it a compromise, well what"s thatTwo shots of happy, one shot of sadTwo shots of happy, one shot of sad

A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the 以提供翻译+讲解

ops这个abandon by不会是个倒装吧a person who serves as mediator abandon the right by agreeing....

上海酒吧经常放的一首歌 很high 歌词大概是one shot two shot

你听一下是不是two shots of happy ,one shots sad

200分 关于Santak TwinGuard500电路板上的一个电阻


Duane Eddy的《Twango》 歌词

歌曲名:Twango歌手:Duane Eddy专辑:TwangoGeorge Strait - TwangWhen I get off of work on Fridayafter working like a dog all weekI go to meet the boys for a cold oneat a little joint up the streetThey got a jukebox in the cornerfull of old country tunesFeed it five dollars worth of quartersis the first thing I always do"Cause I need a little twangA little hillbilly bending on some guitar stringsSome peddle steel whining likea whistle of an old freight trainTo get that foot stomping honkeytonkin" feeling going through my veinsI ned a little twang, twang, twangWell, I like a lot of kinds of musicI try to keep an open mindDepending on the mood to strike meIf I"m gonna stay till closing timeSo when I wanna lift my spirits toget me feeling worth a dangI know I"m gonna have to heart it"Cause I gotta have some Hank to hang"Cause I need a little twangA little hillbilly bending on some guitar stringsSome peddle steel whining likea whistle of an old freight trainTo get that foot stomping honkeytonkin" feeling going through my veinsI ned a little twang, twang, twang"Cause I need a little twangA little hillbilly bending on some guitar stringsSome peddle steel whining likea whistle of an old freight trainTo get that foot stomping honkeytonkin" feeling going through my veinsI ned a little twang, twang, twangI need a little twang, twang, twang

Martin Delray的《Twang》 歌词

歌曲名:Twang歌手:Martin Delray专辑:What Kind Of ManGeorge Strait - TwangWhen I get off of work on Fridayafter working like a dog all weekI go to meet the boys for a cold oneat a little joint up the streetThey got a jukebox in the cornerfull of old country tunesFeed it five dollars worth of quartersis the first thing I always do"Cause I need a little twangA little hillbilly bending on some guitar stringsSome peddle steel whining likea whistle of an old freight trainTo get that foot stomping honkeytonkin" feeling going through my veinsI ned a little twang, twang, twangWell, I like a lot of kinds of musicI try to keep an open mindDepending on the mood to strike meIf I"m gonna stay till closing timeSo when I wanna lift my spirits toget me feeling worth a dangI know I"m gonna have to heart it"Cause I gotta have some Hank to hang"Cause I need a little twangA little hillbilly bending on some guitar stringsSome peddle steel whining likea whistle of an old freight trainTo get that foot stomping honkeytonkin" feeling going through my veinsI ned a little twang, twang, twang"Cause I need a little twangA little hillbilly bending on some guitar stringsSome peddle steel whining likea whistle of an old freight trainTo get that foot stomping honkeytonkin" feeling going through my veinsI ned a little twang, twang, twangI need a little twang, twang, twang


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BIOS中 调内存延时的 DRAM tWR 是什么意思 下面的劳驾也解释一下吧

说白了就是为了让数据通过这条通道的速度更快。。参考资料:内存时序 一种参数,一般存储在内存条的SPD上。2-2-2-8 4个数字的含义依次为:CAS Latency(简称CL值)内存CAS延迟时间,他是内存的重要参数之一,某些牌子的内存会把CL值印在内存条的标签上。RAS-to-CAS Delay(tRCD),内存行地址传输到列地址的延迟时间。Row-precharge Delay(tRP),内存行地址选通脉冲预充电时间。Row-active Delay(tRAS),内存行地址选通延迟。这是玩家最关注的4项时序调节,在大部分主板的BIOS中可以设定,内存模组厂商也有计划的推出了低于JEDEC认证标准的低延迟型超频内存模组,在同样频率设定下,最低“2-2-2-5”这种序列时序的内存模组确实能够带来比“3-4-4-8”更高的内存性能,幅度在3至5个百分点。 在一些技术文章里介绍内存设置时序参数时,一般数字“A-B-C-D”分别对应的参数是“CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS”,现在你该明白“2-3-3-6”是什么意思了吧?!^_^下面就这几个参数及BIOS设置中影响内存性能的其它参数逐一给大家作一介绍: 一、内存延迟时序“CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS”的设置 首先,需要在BIOS中打开手动设置,在BIOS设置中找到“DRAM Timing Selectable”,BIOS设置中可能出现的其他描述有:Automatic Configuration、DRAM Auto、Timing Selectable、Timing Configuring By SPD等,将其值设为“Menual”(视BIOS的不同可能的选项有:On/Off或Enable/Disable),如果要调整内存时序,应该先打开手动设置,之后会自动出现详细的时序参数列表: Command Per Clock(CPC) 可选的设置:Auto,Enable(1T),Disable(2T)。 Command Per Clock(CPC:指令比率,也有翻译为:首命令延迟),一般还被描述为DRAM Command Rate、CMD Rate等。由于目前的DDR内存的寻址,先要进行P-Bank的选择(通过DIMM上CS片选信号进行),然后才是L-Bank/行激活与列地址的选择。这个参数的含义就是指在P-Bank选择完之后多少时间可以发出具体的寻址的L-Bank/行激活命令,单位是时钟周期。 显然,也是越短越好。但当随着主板上内存模组的增多,控制芯片组的负载也随之增加,过短的命令间隔可能会影响稳定性。因此当你的内存插得很多而出现不太稳定的时间,才需要将此参数调长。目前的大部分主板都会自动设置这个参数。 该参数的默认值为Disable(2T),如果玩家的内存质量很好,则可以将其设置为Enable(1T)。 CAS Latency Control(tCL) 可选的设置:Auto,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5。 一般我们在查阅内存的时序参数时,如“3-4-4-8”这一类的数字序列,上述数字序列分别对应的参数是“CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS”。这个3就是第1个参数,即CL参数。 CAS Latency Control(也被描述为tCL、CL、CAS Latency Time、CAS Timing Delay),CAS latency是“内存读写操作前列地址控制器的潜伏时间”。CAS控制从接受一个指令到执行指令之间的时间。因为CAS主要控制十六进制的地址,或者说是内存矩阵中的列地址,所以它是最为重要的参数,在稳定的前提下应该尽可能设低。 内存是根据行和列寻址的,当请求触发后,最初是tRAS(Activeto Precharge Delay),预充电后,内存才真正开始初始化RAS。一旦tRAS激活后,RAS(Row Address Strobe )开始进行需要数据的寻址。首先是行地址,然后初始化tRCD,周期结束,接着通过CAS访问所需数据的精确十六进制地址。期间从CAS开始到CAS结束就是CAS延迟。所以CAS是找到数据的最后一个步骤,也是内存参数中最重要的。 这个参数控制内存接收到一条数据读取指令后要等待多少个时钟周期才实际执行该指令。同时该参数也决定了在一次内存突发传送过程中完成第一部分传送所需要的时钟周期数。这个参数越小,则内存的速度越快。必须注意部分内存不能运行在较低的延迟,可能会丢失数据,因此在提醒大家把CAS延迟设为2或2.5的同时,如果不稳定就只有进一步提高它了。而且提高延迟能使内存运行在更高的频率,所以需要对内存超频时,应该试着提高CAS延迟。 该参数对内存性能的影响最大,在保证系统稳定性的前提下,CAS值越低,则会导致更快的内存读写操作。CL值为2为会获得最佳的性能,而CL值为3可以提高系统的稳定性。注意,WinbondBH-5/6芯片可能无法设为3。 RAS# to CAS# Delay(tRCD) 可选的设置:Auto,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7。 该值就是“3-4-4-8”内存时序参数中的第2个参数,即第1个4。RAS# to CAS# Delay(也被描述为:tRCD、RAS to CAS Delay、Active to CMD),表示"行寻址到列寻址延迟时间",数值越小,性能越好。对内存进行读、写或刷新操作时,需要在这两种脉冲信号之间插入延迟时钟周期。在JEDEC规范中,它是排在第二的参数,降低此延时,可以提高系统性能。建议该值设置为3或2,但如果该值设置太低,同样会导致系统不稳定。该值为4时,系统将处于最稳定的状态,而该值为5,则太保守。 如果你的内存的超频性能不佳,则可将此值设为内存的默认值或尝试提高tRCD值。 Min RAS# Active Timing(tRAS) 可选的设置:Auto,00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15。 该值就是该值就是“3-4-4-8”内存时序参数中的最后一个参数,即8。Min RAS# Active Time (也被描述为:tRAS、Active to Precharge Delay、Row Active Time、Precharge Wait State、Row Active Delay、Row Precharge Delay、RAS Active Time),表示“内存行有效至预充电的最短周期”,调整这个参数需要结合具体情况而定,一般我们最好设在5-10之间。这个参数要根据实际情况而定,并不是说越大或越小就越好。 如果tRAS的周期太长,系统会因为无谓的等待而降低性能。降低tRAS周期,则会导致已被激活的行地址会更早的进入非激活状态。如果tRAS的周期太短,则可能因缺乏足够的时间而无法完成数据的突发传输,这样会引发丢失数据或损坏数据。该值一般设定为CAS latency + tRCD + 2个时钟周期。如果你的CAS latency的值为2,tRCD的值为3,则最佳的tRAS值应该设置为7个时钟周期。为提高系统性能,应尽可能降低tRAS的值,但如果发生内存错误或系统死机,则应该增大tRAS的值。 如果使用DFI的主板,则tRAS值建议使用00,或者5-10之间的值。 Row Precharge Timing(tRP) 可选的设置:Auto,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7。 该值就是“3-4-4-8”内存时序参数中的第3个参数,即第2个4。Row Precharge Timing (也被描述为:tRP、RAS Precharge、Precharge to active),表示"内存行地址控制器预充电时间",预充电参数越小则内存读写速度就越快。 tRP用来设定在另一行能被激活之前,RAS需要的充电时间。tRP参数设置太长会导致所有的行激活延迟过长,设为2可以减少预充电时间,从而更快地激活下一行。然而,想要把tRP设为2对大多数内存都是个很高的要求,可能会造成行激活之前的数据丢失,内存控制器不能顺利地完成读写操作。对于桌面计算机来说,推荐预充电参数的值设定为2个时钟周期,这是最佳的设置。如果比此值低,则会因为每次激活相邻紧接着的bank将需要1个时钟周期,这将影响DDR内存的读写性能,从而降低性能。只有在tRP值为2而出现系统不稳定的情况下,将此值设定为3个时钟周期。 如果使用DFI的主板,则tRP值建议2-5之间的值。值为2将获取最高的性能,该值为4将在超频时获取最佳的稳定性,同样的而该值为5,则太保守。大部分内存都无法使用2的值,需要超频才可以达到该参数。 Row Cycle Time(tRC) 可选的设置:Auto,7-22,步幅值1。 Row Cycle Time(tRC、RC),表示“SDRAM行周期时间”,它是包括行单元预充电到激活在内的整个过程所需要的最小的时钟周期数。 其计算公式是:row cycle time (tRC) = minimum row active time(tRAS) + row precharge time(tRP)。因此,设置该参数之前,你应该明白你的tRAS值和tRP值是多少。如果tRC的时间过长,会因在完成整个时钟周期后激活新的地址而等待无谓的延时,而降低性能。然后一旦该值设置过小,在被激活的行单元被充分充电之前,新的周期就可以被初始化。 在这种情况下,仍会导致数据丢失和损坏。因此,最好根据tRC = tRAS + tRP进行设置,如果你的内存模块的tRAS值是7个时钟周期,而tRP的值为4个时钟周期,则理想的tRC的值应当设置为11个时钟周期。 Row Refresh Cycle Time(tRFC) 可选的设置:Auto,9-24,步幅值1。 Row Refresh Cycle Time(tRFC、RFC),表示“SDRAM行刷新周期时间”,它是行单元刷新所需要的时钟周期数。该值也表示向相同的bank中的另一个行单元两次发送刷新指令(即:REF指令)之间的时间间隔。tRFC值越小越好,它比tRC的值要稍高一些。 如果使用DFI的主板,通常tRFC的值不能达到9,而10为最佳设置,17-19是内存超频建议值。建议从17开始依次递减来测试该值。大多数稳定值为tRC加上2-4个时钟周期。 Row to Row Delay(RAS to RAS delay)(tRRD) 可选的设置:Auto, 0-7,每级以1的步幅递增。 Row to Row Delay,也被称为RAS to RAS delay (tRRD),表示"行单元到行单元的延时"。该值也表示向相同的bank中的同一个行单元两次发送激活指令(即:REF指令)之间的时间间隔。tRRD值越小越好。 延迟越低,表示下一个bank能更快地被激活,进行读写操作。然而,由于需要一定量的数据,太短的延迟会引起连续数据膨胀。于桌面计算机来说,推荐tRRD值设定为2个时钟周期,这是最佳的设置,此时的数据膨胀可以忽视。如果比此值低,则会因为每次激活相邻紧接着的bank将需要1个时钟周期,这将影响DDR内存的读写性能,从而降低性能。只有在tRRD值为2而出现系统不稳定的情况下,将此值设定为3个时钟周期。 如果使用DFI的主板,则tRRD值为00是最佳性能参数,4超频内存时能达到最高的频率。通常2是最合适的值,00看上去很奇怪,但有人也能稳定运行在00-260MHz。 Write Recovery Time(tWR) 可选的设置:Auto,2,3。 Write Recovery Time (tWD),表示“写恢复延时”。该值说明在一个激活的bank中完成有效的写操作及预充电前,必须等待多少个时钟周期。这段必须的时钟周期用来确保在预充电发生前,写缓冲中的数据可以被写进内存单元中。同样的,过低的tWD虽然提高了系统性能,但可能导致数据还未被正确写入到内存单元中,就发生了预充电操作,会导致数据的丢失及损坏。 如果你使用的是DDR200和266的内存,建议将tWR值设为2;如果使用DDR333或DDR400,则将tWD值设为3。如果使用DFI的主板,则tWR值建议为2。 Write to Read Delay(tWTR) 可选的设置:Auto,1,2。 Write to Read Delay (tWTR),表示“读到写延时”。三星公司称其为“TCDLR (last data in to read command)”,即最后的数据进入读指令。它设定向DDR内存模块中的同一个单元中,在最后一次有效的写操作和下一次读操作之间必须等待的时钟周期。 tWTR值为2在高时钟频率的情况下,降低了读性能,但提高了系统稳定性。这种情况下,也使得内存芯片运行于高速度下。换句话说,增加tWTR值,可以让内容模块运行于比其默认速度更快的速度下。如果使用DDR266或DDR333,则将tWTR值设为1;如果使用DDR400,则也可试着将tWTR的值设为1,如果系统不稳定,则改为2。 Refresh Period(tREF) 可选的设置:Auto, 0032-4708,其步进值非固定。 Refresh Period (tREF),表示“刷新周期”。它指内存模块的刷新周期。 先请看不同的参数在相同的内存下所对应的刷新周期(单位:微秒,即:一百万分之一秒)。?号在这里表示该刷新周期尚无对应的准确数据。 1552= 100mhz(?.??s) 2064= 133mhz(?.??s) 2592= 166mhz(?.??s) 3120= 200mhz(?.??s) --------------------- 3632= 100mhz(?.??s) 4128= 133mhz(?.??s) 4672= 166mhz(?.??s) 0064= 200mhz(?.??s) --------------------- 0776= 100mhz(?.??s) 1032= 133mhz(?.??s) 1296= 166mhz(?.??s) 1560= 200mhz(?.??s) --------------------- 1816= 100mhz(?.??s) 2064= 133mhz(?.??s) 2336= 166mhz(?.??s) 0032= 200mhz(?.??s) --------------------- 0388= 100mhz(15.6us) 0516= 133mhz(15.6us) 0648= 166mhz(15.6us) 0780= 200mhz(15.6us) --------------------- 0908= 100mhz(7.8us) 1032= 133mhz(7.8us) 1168= 166mhz(7.8us) 0016= 200mhz(7.8us) --------------------- 1536= 100mhz(3.9us) 2048= 133mhz(3.9us) 2560= 166mhz(3.9us) 3072= 200mhz(3.9us) --------------------- 3684= 100mhz(1.95us) 4196= 133mhz(1.95us) 4708= 166mhz(1.95us) 0128= 200mhz(1.95us) 如果采用Auto选项,主板BIOS将会查询内存上的一个很小的、名为“SPD”(Serial Presence Detect )的芯片。SPD存储了内存条的各种相关工作参数等信息,系统会自动根据SPD中的数据中最保守的设置来确定内存的运行参数。如过要追求最优的性能,则需手动设置刷新周期的参数。一般说来,15.6us适用于基于128兆位内存芯片的内存(即单颗容量为16MB的内存),而7.8us适用于基于256兆位内存芯片的内存(即单颗容量为32MB的内存)。注意,如果tREF刷新周期设置不当,将会导致内存单元丢失其数据。 另外根据其他的资料显示,内存存储每一个bit,都需要定期的刷新来充电。不及时充电会导致数据的丢失。DRAM实际上就是电容器,最小的存储单位是bit。阵列中的每个bit都能被随机地访问。但如果不充电,数据只能保存很短的时间。因此我们必须每隔15.6us就刷新一行。每次刷新时数据就被重写一次。正是这个原因DRAM也被称为非永久性存储器。一般通过同步的RAS-only的刷新方法(行刷新),每行每行的依次刷新。早期的EDO内存每刷新一行耗费15.6us的时间。因此一个2Kb的内存每列的刷新时间为15.6?s x2048行=32ms。 如果使用DFI的主板,tREF和tRAS一样,不是一个精确的数值。通常15.6us和3.9us都能稳定运行,1.95us会降低内存带宽。很多玩家发现,如果内存质量优良,当tREF刷新周期设置为3120=200mhz(?.??s)时,会得到最佳的性能/稳定性比。 Write CAS# Latency(tWCL) 可选的设置:Auto,1-8 Write CAS Latency (tWCL),表示“写指令到行地址控制器延时”。SDRAM内存是随机访问的,这意味着内存控制器可以把数据写入任意的物理地址,大多数情况下,数据通常写入距离当前列地址最近的页面。tWCL表示写入的延迟,除了DDRII,一般可以设为1T,这个参数和大家熟悉的tCL(CAS-Latency)是相对的,tCL表示读的延迟。 DRAM Bank Interleave 可选的设置:Enable, Disable DRAM Bank Interleave,表示“DRAM Bank交错”。这个设置用来控制是否启用内存交错式(interleave)模式。Interleave模式允许内存bank改变刷新和访问周期。一个bank在刷新的同时另一个bank可能正在访问。最近的实验表明,由于所有的内存bank的刷新周期都是交叉排列的,这样会产生一种流水线效应。 虽然interleave模式只有在不同bank提出连续的的寻址请求时才会起作用,如果处于同一bank,数据处理时和不开启interleave一样。CPU必须等待第一个数据处理结束和内存bank的刷新,这样才能发送另一个地址。目前所有的内存都支持interleave模式,在可能的情况下我们建议打开此项功能。 对于DFI主板来说,任何情况下该设置都应该是Enable,可以增大内存的带宽。Disable对将减少内存的带宽,但使系统更加稳定。 DQS Skew Control 可选的设置:Auto,Increase Skew,Decrease Skew DQS Skew Control,表示“DQS时间差控制”。稳定的电压可以使内存达到更高的频率,电压浮动会引起较大的时间差(skew),加强控制力可以减少skew,但相应的DQS(数据控制信号)上升和下降的边缘会出现电压过高或过低。一个额外的问题是高频信号会引起追踪延迟。DDR内存的解决方法是通过简单数据选通脉冲来增加时钟推进。 DDRII引进了更先进的技术:双向的微分I/O缓存器来组成DQS。微分表示用一个简单脉冲信号和一个参考点来测量信号,而并非信号之间相互比较。理论上提升和下降信号应该是完全对成的,但事实并非如此。时钟和数据的失谐就产生了DQ-DQS skew。 如下图所示。 对于DFI主板来说,建议设置为Increase Skew可以提升性能,而Decrease Skew在牺牲一定性能的情况下,可以增加稳定性。 DQS Skew Value 可选的设置:Auto,0-255,步进值为1。 当我们开启了DQS skew control后,该选项用来设定增加或减少的数值。这个参数对系统的影响并不很敏感。 对于DFI主板来说,开启"Increase Skew"选项后,可以将该值设为50-255之间的值。值越大,表示速度越快。 DRAM Drive Strength 可选的设置:Auto,1-8,步进值为1。 DRAM Drive Strength(也被称为:driving strength),表示“DRAM驱动强度”。这个参数用来控制内存数据总线的信号强度,数值越高代表信号强度越高,增加信号强度可以提高超频的稳定性。但是并非信号强度高就一定好,三星的TCCD内存芯片在低强度信号下性能更佳。 如果设为Auto,系统通常会设定为一个较低的值。对使用TCCD的芯片而言,表现会好一些。但是其他的内存芯片就并非如此了,根据在DFI NF4主板上调试和测试的结果,1、3、5 、7都是性能较弱的参数,其中1是最弱的。2、4、6、8是正常的设置,8提供了最强的信号强度。TCCD建议参数为3、5或7,其他芯片的内存建议设为6或8。 DFI用户建议设置:TCCD建议参数为3、5、7,其他芯片的内存建议设为6或8。 DRAM Data Drive Strength 可选的设置:Auto,1-4,步进值为1。 DRAM Data Drive Strength表示“DRAM数据驱动强度”。这个参数决定内存数据总线的信号强度,数值越高代表信号强度越高。它主要用于处理高负荷的内存读取时,增加DRAM的驾驭能力。因此,如果你的系统内存的读取负荷很高,则应将该值设置为高(Hi/High)。它有助于对内存数据总线超频。但如果你并没有超频,提升内存数据线的信号强度,可以提高超频后速度的稳定性。此外,提升内存数据总线的信号强度并不能增强SDRAM DIMM的性能。因此,除非你内存有很高的读取负荷或试图超频DIMM,建议设置DRAM Data Drive Strength的值为低(Lo/Low)。 要处理大负荷的数据流时,需要提高内存的驾驭能力,你可以设为Hi或者High。超频时,调高此项参数可以提高稳定性。此外,这个参数对内存性能几乎没什么影响。所以,除非超频,一般用户建议设为Lo/Low。 DFI用户建议设置:普通用户建议使用level 1或3,如果开启了CPC,可能任何高于1的参数都会不稳定。部分用户开启CPC后能运行在3。更多的人关闭CPC后2-4都能够稳定运行。当然最理想的参数是开启CPC后设为level4。 Strength Max Async Latency 可选的设置:Auto,0-15,步进值为1。 Strength Max Async Latency目前还没能找到任何关于此项参数的说明,不知道其功能。感觉网友的经验,在进行Everest的LatencyTest时,可以看出一些差别。在我的BH-6上,参数从8ns到7ns在Latency Test的测试结果中有1ns的区别。从7ns调低6ns后,测试结果又减少了2ns。 DFI主板建议设置:BIOS中的默认值为7ns,建议大家在5-10之间调节。6ns对内存的要求就比较高了,建议使用BH-5和UTT芯片的用户可以尝试一下,但对TCCD不适用。7ns的要求低一些,UTT和BH-5设为7n比较适合超频。8ns对UTT和BH-5就是小菜一碟,8ns时TCCD通常能稳定运行在DDR600,如果想超频到DDR640就必须设为9ns甚至更高了。 Read Preamble Time 可选的设置:Auto,2.0-9.5,步进值为0.5。 Read Preamble Time这个参数表示DQS(数据控制信号)返回后,DQS又被开启时的时间间隔。Samsung早期的显存资料显示,这个参数是用以提升性能的。DQS信号是双向的,无论从图形控制器到DDR SGRAM还是从DDR SGRAM到图形控制器都起作用。 DFI主板建议设置:BIOS中的该值设置为Auto时,实际上此时执行的是默认值5.0。建议大家在4.0-7.0之间调节,该值越小越好。 Idle Cycle Limit 可选的设置:Auto,0-256,无固定步进值。 Idle Cycle Limit这个参数表示“空闲周期限制”。这个参数指定强制关闭一个也打开的内存页面之前的memclock数值,也就是读取一个内存页面之前,强制对该页面进行重充电操作所允许的最大时间。 DFI主板建议设置:BIOS中的该值设置为Auto时,实际上此时执行的是默认值256。质量好的内存可以尝试16-32,华邦(WINBOND)BH-5颗粒的产品能稳定运行在16。Idle Cycle Limit值越低越好。 Dynamic Counter 可选的设置:Auto, Enable, Disable。 Dynamic Counter这个参数表示“动态计数器”。这个参数指定开启还是关闭动态空闲周期计数器。如果选择开启(Enable),则会每次进入内存页表(Page Table)就强制根据页面冲突和页面错误(conflict/page miss:PC/PM)之间通信量的比率而动态调整Idle Cycle Limit的值。这个参数和前一个Idle Cycle Limit是密切相关的,启用后会屏蔽掉当前的Idle Cycle Limit,并且根据冲突的发生来动态调节。 DFI主板建议设置:BIOS中的该值设置为Auto和关闭和一样的。打开该设置可能会提升性能,而关闭该设置,可以使系统的更稳定。 R/W Queue Bypass 可选的设置:Auto,2x,4x,8x,16x。 R/W Queue Bypass表示“读/写队列忽略”。这个参数指定在优化器被重写及DCI (设备控制接口:Device Control Interface)最后一次的操作被选定前,忽略操作DCI的读/写队列的时间。这个参数和前一个Idle Cycle Limit是相类似,只是优化器影响内存中的读/写队列。 DFI主板建议设置:BIOS中的该值默认为16x。如果你的系统稳定,则保留该值。但如果不稳定,或者要超频,就只有降低到8x甚至更低的4x或2x。该值越大,则说明系统性能越强,该值越小,则会是系统越稳定。 Bypass Max 可选的设置:Auto, 0x-7x, 步进值为1。 Bypass Max表示“最大忽略时间”。这个参数表示优化器选择否决之前,最后进入DCQ(Dependence Chain Queue)的可以被优化器忽略的时间。仔细研究后,我觉得这个参数会影响内存到CPU内存控制器的连接。 DFI主板建议设置:BIOS中的该值默认为7x。建议4x或7x,两者都提供了很好的性能及稳定性。如果你的系统稳定,则保留该值。但如果不稳定,或者要超频,就只有降低到8x甚至更低的4x或2x。该值越大,则说明系统性能越强,该值越小,则会是系统越稳定。 32 Byte Granulation 可选的设置:Auto,Disable (8burst),Enable(4burst)。 32 Byte Granulation表示"32位颗粒化"。当该参数设置为关闭(Disable)时,就可以选择突发计数器,并在32位的数据存取的情况下,最优化数据总线带宽。因此该参数关闭后可以达到最佳性能的目的。 DFI主板建议设置:绝大多数情况下,建议选择Disable(8burst)选项。开启Enable (4burst)可以使系统更稳定一些。

00年代女组合近况逐个看!2R成幸福少奶奶 Twins最成功

00年代女组合近况逐个看!2R成幸福少奶奶 Twins最成功 女子组合2R已经淡出 娱乐 圈多年,粉丝仍然十分关心Race(黄婉佩)和Rosanne(黄婉君)的动向。昨日Race在IG上载了庆祝38岁生日的靓相,穿上Tube Dress的她散发着少女味。不过网民的重点就落在Race同Rosanne的合照上,即时勾起不少80、90后的童年回忆,大叫好挂住当年的组合! 2000年代是香港组合竞争最激烈的时候,单单说红极一时的女子组合,就已经有2R、Twins、at17 以及Cookies。只可惜她们都敌不过单飞或解散的命运,这些曾经风光一时的组合,最后却成了80、90后的集体回忆。而她们的近况又是如何呢? 2R出道时曾被指是用来抗衡Twins,而她们亦早已淡出 娱乐 圈,并成为幸福少奶奶。近年主力从事地产生意的Race,在2016年与富商David Loh结婚后定居新加坡,翌年诞下女儿Cara,她不时在IG晒温馨家庭照,婚姻幸福美满令人羡慕。而Rosanne现年亦已经41岁,她于2009年嫁给混血牙医后育有两子,并乐于做全职妈妈,专心照顾家庭。 2001年出道Twins,人气可说是一时无两,一出道已吸粉无数,更成为了本地女子组合的象征。经典歌曲《明爱暗恋补习社》、《女校男生》、《恋爱大过天》等唱到街知巷闻,就算近年她们分开发展,每次合体都拥有超强号召力。 由卢凯彤与林二汶组成的实力派组合at17,独特的音乐路线令她们收获一班忠实乐迷。2010年二人分开发展后,卢凯彤转战台湾,一度入围第24届台湾金曲奖最佳国语女歌手奖。2017年,at17成立15周年,她们复合推出新歌并举行演唱会。去到2018年,卢凯彤被发现于跑马地寓所堕楼身亡,终年32岁,令一众乐迷伤心欲绝。 林二汶带着卢凯彤的精神一直走下去,最近推出的新歌《再聚》选用了已故好拍档卢凯彤的乐章,鼓励大家珍惜眼前人,她们亦在不同的时空再聚。 Cookies于2002年出道时有9位成员,一度被誉为港版Morning娘,跳唱单曲《心急人上》更风靡一时,《Forever Friends》则成为了经典的毕业歌。后来,Cookies由9人变4人,最后4位成员各自发展。 吴雨霏、杨爱瑾成为人妻兼人母,渐渐淡出幕前。而邓丽欣专注在电影方面的发展,傅颖则由内地回归香港拍剧,刚拍摄完ViuTV新剧《熟女强人》,她经常在IG上载性感相大晒瘦身成果。当年的少女组合成员,有不少已为人母,不得不感叹时光飞逝!


I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drumsOh what a shame that you came here with someoneSo while youu2019re here in my armsLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngWeu2019re gonna die young, weu2019re gonna die youngLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngHearts, out our mindsRunning till we out of timeWild childs, looking goodLiving hard, just like we shouldDonu2019t care whou2019s watching when we tearing upThat magic that we got that nobody can touchLooking for some trouble tonightTake my hand, Iu2019ll show you the wild sideLike itu2019s the last night of our livesWeu2019ll keep dancing u2018till we dieI hear your heart beat to the beat of the drumsOh what a shame that you came here with someoneSo while youu2019re here in my armsLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngWeu2019re gonna die young, weu2019re gonna die youngLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngPunks, taking shotsStripping down to dirty socksMusic up, getting hotKiss me, give you all you gotItu2019s pretty obvious that you got a crushThat magic in your pants is making blushLooking for some trouble tonightTake my hand, Iu2019ll show you the wild sideLike itu2019s the last night of our livesWeu2019ll keep dancing u2018till we dieI hear your heart beat to the beat of the drumsOh what a shame that you came here with someoneSo while youu2019re here in my armsLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngI hear your heart beat to the beat of the drumsOh what a shame that you came here with someoneSo while youu2019re here in my armsLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die youngLetu2019s make the most of the nightLike weu2019re gonna die young

BelAmi 的Twin Boys 电影url


歌词中有one two three four five的英文歌

蝴蝶怎么飞 dj舞曲

有一首歌 里面歌词有one two one two three four的higt曲叫什么名呢?

布兰妮的 3 不常见,也不知道是不是,试试把,应该是因为我也在找,而且找到了.

一首很有节奏感 女的英文歌one two three four 后面.就是 恩恩 啦啦


QQ飞车里有一首歌开头是男生唱的one two three four


求首英文歌 歌词中有five four three two one

Tabata Wod 是一首健身房歌曲

有一首舞曲,前面是“one two three four"


这首舞曲叫什么名字,帮帮,开头是男声one two three four

歌手是PITBALL 歌曲为i know you want me

跪求一首英文歌 男声mv黑人唱的rmb 开始是电子吉他 中间有one two three four


Twenty Four Seven 歌词

歌曲名:Twenty Four Seven歌手:Tina Turner专辑:Twenty Four SevenAll saintstwenty four seventwenty four seven loveIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, love You knowjust what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, love You knowjust what I need, it′s what I needIn the morning, in the evening,In the winter, spring or summerWhat if it′s early, or it′s lateIt doesn′t matter, any timeTender loving, sweet devotionEvery second, minute, hourI′ll be waiting for youYou can put your loving on the lineTake me in your arms and let me know that it′s alrightLook into my eyes and let me see you deep insideTwenty four hours a day, seven days a weekI get to feel you here beside meI get to hold and squeeze you tightIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, love You knowjust what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needI′ve been praying, asking, sayingSend me some more like you just for meSomeone special, I belong toI could be yours and you′d be mineQuiet moments, filled with passionIn my heart, you know I′m yearningAll to please you, touch youSend me your loving right on downTake me in your arms and let me know that it′s alrightLook into my eyes and let me see you deep insideTwenty four hours a day, seven days a weekI get to feel you here beside meI get to hold and squeeze you tightIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I needIf you want me to do you rightYou′re gonna have to love me day and nightTwenty four seven, loveYou know just what I need, it′s what I need

一首英文歌,歌词只记得有 one two three four。。这句的时候声音很低沉,男歌手唱的的

say hello.希望能帮到你。

一首英文歌ONE FOR ...TWO FOR ..THREE FOR ...FOUR什么什么的..!好像有男声也有女声.歌曲有HIPPOP的感觉

Blue的成名曲<all rise>


se7en-热情 ??

求GTV在放高校DOTA比赛前的一首歌,开头歌词是one two three four……

BACK AT ONE it"s undeniable that we should be together it"s unbelievable, how i use to say that i"d fall never the basis is need to know if you don"t know just how i feel then let me show you now that i"m for real if all things in time, time will i reveal yeah one,you"re like a dream come true two, just wanna be with you three, girl it"s plain to see that you"re the only one for me four, repeat steps one tru three five, make you fall in love with me if ever i believe my work is done then i"ll start back at one it"s so incredible, the way things work themselves out and all emotional, once you know what it"s all about, eh and undesirable, for us to be apart i never would have made it very far cause you know you"ve got the keys to my heart one,you"re like a dream come true two, just wanna be with you three, girl it"s plain to see that you"re the only one for me four, repeat steps one tru three five, make you fall in love with me if ever i believe my work is done then i"ll start back at one say farewell to the darkened night i see the coming of the sun i feel like a little child,whose life has just came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine you threw out the life line just in the nick of time one,you"re like a dream come true two, just wanna be with you three, girl it"s plain to see that you"re the only one for me four, repeat steps one tru three five, make you fall in love with me if ever i believe my work is done then i"ll start back at one不知道是不是

一首1994年听过的英文歌,开头是左喇叭one two three four 然后又喇叭 one two three four

您好:不清楚,但是好听的英文歌好多呢~~~本人学英语的推荐这些吧希望你能喜欢。 听歌学英语软件, 里边全是经典的英文歌曲, 列表中搜索歌曲就可以, 还有英文歌曲的伴奏和翻译, 若是有搜索不到的歌曲可以联系主播, 每首歌主播都解说过,里边的英文歌曲全部非常经典,找好歌去听歌学英语。 1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);  2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;  3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;  4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);  5、Apologize--Timbaland;  6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);  7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);  8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;  9、I Didn"t Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);  10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);  11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;  12、Mad--尼欧;  13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);  14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);  15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);  16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);  17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);  18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);  19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力);  20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);  21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor(这个经典的不用说吧,);  22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下,我最喜欢的慢歌之一);  24、Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过,那肯定好听拉);  25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston;  26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯;  27、Love To Be Loved By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!);  28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新);  29、Eversleeping--Xandria(不会让你失望的慢歌);  30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌);  31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor;  32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox;  33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo;  34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls;  35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(后面的才是歌名,曲调有点小特别~);  36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ;  37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;  38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....);  39、A Place Nearby与Unforgivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ;  40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 );  41、classicriver:(第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜,偶然听到了它,刹时间时间和空间好象都凝固了一样!听着它,感觉深藏心底的那份无尽地孤独被慢慢地勾起, 曾经的回忆, 失去的快乐,刻骨的伤心,和短暂拥有,都在那一刻漂浮了起来,占据了身边的所有的空间. 它让我感觉到了这世间最珍贵的是亲情,爱情.金钱算得了什么呢). <classicriver>很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~);  42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~);  43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter;  44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly;  45、Amarantine--Enya(节奏非常棒的一首天籁,经典慢歌~);  46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis;  47、Crush--David Archuleta;  48、You Raise Me Up--Westlife;  49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一);  50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..);  51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。);  52、Doesn"t Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!);  53、It"s Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!><,不会后悔的歌哦~);  54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~);  55、When You"re Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是R&B,都非常棒!);  56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。);  57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。笑~);  58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!);  59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。);  60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。);  61、When You Believe--Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!);  62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!);  63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声);  64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift;  65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay;  66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~);  67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser;  68、When I"m With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是,开场就征服了我,);  69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。);  70、I Ain"t Tryin"--KeAnthong;  71、Buttons--Sia(曲调小特别~)  72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,心里就留下一句话:这歌怎么这么好听啊,笑~);  73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。);  74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼,够特别,可作铃声);  75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢高潮以外的部分。);  76、Eh Eh(Nothing Eale I Can Say--Lady GaGa(GaGa的新歌,开头很特别,可作铃声。感觉风格有点像玛利亚.凯莉~);  77、Before The Down--Jennifer Rush(有点怀旧的感觉。);  78、As Long As It Takes--Meredith Andrews(很纯的嗓音);  79、Stupid In Love--Rihanna(开头的鼓点不错,R的嗓音特别吸引人,但个人还是更喜欢她的快歌);  80、Give You Hell--The All-American Rejects(可爱的背景音乐,很欢快的节奏,不过歌手是男的哟~);  81、Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan(这首要个人慢慢去体味,可能第一遍会觉得一般般,但其实后来会觉得蛮有味道的。)我几乎不听中文歌,所以有很多英文歌都很好听啊。望采纳~~祝好~~~~

歌词: stop telling me to read between the lines it all adds up one things five four three tw


求歌名one two什么什么three four什么什么

Britney Spears

有首歌曲 歌词 one下two下three four 男的唱的英文歌曲

歌手:BRIAN MCKNIGHT 专辑:Back at One And More Back at OneIt"s undeniable that we should be together It"s unbelievable,how I use to say that I"d fall never The basis is need to know If you don"t know just how I feel Then let me show you now that I"m for real If all things in time,time will i reveal yeah one,You"re like a dream come true two,just wanna be with you three,girl it"s plain to see that you"re the only one for me four,repeat steps one tru three five,make you fall in love with me if ever I believe my work is done Then I"ll start back at one yeah It"s so incredible,the way things work themselves out And all emotional,once you know what it"s all about,eh And Undesirable,for us to be apart I never would have made it very far Cause you know you"ve got the keys to my heart one,You"re like a dream come true two,just wanna be with you three,girl it"s plain to see that you"re the only one for me four,repeat steps one tru three five,make you fall in love with me if ever I believe my work is done Then I"ll start back at one yeah Say farewell to the darkened night I see the coming of the sun I feel like a little child,Whose life has just begun.You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine You threw out the life line Just in the nick of time one,You"re like a dream come true two,just wanna be with you three,girl it"s plain to see that you"re the only one for me four,repeat steps one tru three five,make you fall in love with me if ever I believe my work is done Then I"ll start back at one yeah


Warriors - Imagine DragonsAs a child you would waitAnd watch from far awayBut you always knewThat you"ll be the oneThat work while they all playIn youth you layAwake at night and schemeOf all the thingsThat you would changeBut it was just a dreamHere we areDon"t turn away nowWe are the warriorsThat built this townHere we areDon"t turn away nowWe are the warriorsThat built this townThe timeWill comeWhen you"ll have to riseAbove the bestImprove yourselfYour spirit never diesFarewell i"ve goneTo take my throneAbove don"t weep for me"Cause this will beThe labor of my loveHere we areDon"t turn away nowWe are the warriorsThat built this townHere we areDon"t turn away nowWe are the warriorsThat built this townFrom dustHere we areDon"t turn away nowWe are the warriorsThat built this townHere we areDon"t turn away nowWe are the warriorsThat built this townFrom dust

the twist能量不够怎么办

the twist能量不够Twist the knife扭刀双语例句1. By a curious twist of fate, cricket was also my favourite sport. 让人感到惊奇的是,板球碰巧也是我最喜欢的运动。2. Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Joan Baez专辑:The Best Of Joan C. BaezThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:DylanThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Joan Baez专辑:DiamondsThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Joan Baez专辑:The Complete A&M RecordingsThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Simple Twist Of Fate歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:DylanesqueThey sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at himHe felt a spark tingle to his bonesTwas when he felt aloneAnd wished that he"d gone straightAnd watched out for a simple twist of fateThey walked down by the old canalA little confused I remember wellAnd then they stopped in a strange hotelWith the neon burning brightHe felt the heat of the nightHit him like a freight trainAnd moving with a simple twist of fateSaxaphone some place nearby playedShe was walking on by at the arcadeAs a light burst through a bead of shadeBut as he was wakingShe dropprd a coin into a cup of a blind manThat became and both got a boutOf a simple twist of fateHe woke up and the room was bearHe didn"t see he anywhereHe told himself he didn"t careHe pushed the window open wideHe felt an emptyness inside tooHe could just not relateBut by a simple twist of fateHe hears the ticking of the clocksSmall waves whisper to the rocksHe hunts her down by the waterfront docksWhere the sailors all come inPerhaps he"ll see her once againHow long must he wait once moreFor a simple twist of fatePeople tell me it"s a crimeTo feel to much at any one timeAll it cost me was a dimeBut the bells refuse to ringHe was born in the springBut I was born to late to blameIt on a simple twist of fate

twist of fate的歌词?

Twist Of Fate 歌词

歌曲名:Twist Of Fate歌手:Olivia Newton-John专辑:Goldwo....wo......… music …This is my free willThis is my songI"m telliing you boyThis is so wrongYou can"t go on like thisPlaying this game"Cause all it will bringIs hurt and painGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateTurn on the the big red light"Cause here I comeGonna tell the worldHe"s the greatest scumWhen you defied my loveI told my heartThat if I fall againI"ll leave this partGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateAre you lonesome ?look at your pastWhat did you do to make it last ?Are you It"s the way, I wanna beI know that you"ll be missing meYou"ll be missing meA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateRAP


  twist有缠绕;捻;搓;拧;扭曲等意思,那么你知道twist的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来twist的同义词及辨析,供大家学习。   twist同义词:   curve, bend, bow, crook, twist   twist同义词辨析:   这些动词都含"弯,弯曲"之意。   curve 指变成曲线或弧线状的动作或状态。   bend 普通用词,指把某物变成曲线或角形。用于人时,指头部或身躯弯下。   bow 指把头部或上身弯向前方的动作,也指社交中的礼节性动作。   crook 指不规则的弯曲,也指按照规则或模型弯曲某物。   twist 指通过转动、拧或扭使某物成弯曲状。   twist的例句:   1. The battle of the sexes also took a new twist.   两性之争也出现了新的变数。   2. Twist the string carefully around the second stem with the other hand.   用另外一只手小心地把细绳缠绕到第二根茎上。   3. Twist the mixture into individual sausages without splitting the skins.   将混合物拧成一段段的香肠,不要把皮弄破。   4. By a curious twist of fate, cricket was also my favourite sport.   让人感到惊奇的是,板球碰巧也是我最喜欢的运动。   5. It is the turn of Latvia to twist the knife.   轮到拉特维亚落井下石了。   6. A thin twist of smoke curled from the cottage"s single chimney.   一缕盘旋的轻烟从农舍唯一的烟囱里缭绕升起。   7. The bag is resealed with a simple twist of the valve.   只需拧一下阀门,气囊就能重新密封。   8. The roads twist round hairpin bends.   道路呈U字形蜿蜒曲折。   9. Twist the wire to form a circle.   把铁丝弯成一个环。   10. Pull the wire tight and then twist the ends round.   把金属线拉紧,然后把两头捻紧.   11. Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.   用几股麻搓成了一段绳子.   12. You have to twist the lid off, not pull it.   盖子是拧开的, 不是拉开的.   13. The writer takes wellknown fairy tales and gives them an ironical twist.   作者通过讽刺手法对家喻户晓的 童话 故事 进行了新的诠释.   14. Twist the handle to the right and the box will open.   向右扭把手,箱子就能打开.   15. Twist the tourniquet tighter.   把止血带扎紧点.

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基本没用。一般用户 都删除了

求印第安人的麂皮靴也就是walk two moons的中文全文翻译


Twins的《乱世佳人》中唱的 奇勒基宝 是谁呀?


看视频手机显示network error,please try again是什么意思?

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