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J Twins----dear my friend arashi标注有假名的歌词

Dear My Friend入(い)り口(くち)も无(な)いのに 出口(でぐち)を探(さが)していたのは青(あお)い空(そら) Oh yeah见上(みあ)げたら 二(ふた)つの云(くも)が重(かさ)なってはまた离(はな)れてくAll right本当(ほんとう)は谁(だれ)もが知(し)ってるはずさ ひとりきりの不安(ふあん)を白(しろ)い靴(くつ)はもう汚(よご)れているけどこの先(さき)どんな未来(みらい)にたどり着(つ)くのだろう※踏(ふ)み出(だ)す一(いち)歩(ほ)が かけがえのないものに変(か)わるつまずいたって(いつだって)駆(か)け出(だ)したくて(今(いま)だって)立(た)ち上(あ)がれるんだよ普通(ふつう)の景色(けしき)がいとおしくなるほど眩(まぶ)しくてこの先(さき)ずっと(照(て)れくさくて)変(か)わらずもっと(信(しん)じたくて)伝(つた)えたい Dear My Friend道(みち)の无(な)い道(みち)を歩(ある)いてゆくのさ だって明日(あした)が来(きた)るOh yeah悔(くや)しさの涙(なみだ)も虹(にじ)に変(か)わるよ いつか雨(あめ)は止(や)むAll right本当(ほんとう)の意味(いみ)なら消(き)えないはずさ この地球(ちきゅう)(ほし)に生(う)まれて巡(めぐ)る季节(きせつ)はまた过(す)ぎてくからこの先(さき)何(なん)年(ねん)経(た)ったって忘(わす)れない今(いま)をつながってるなら たぐり寄(よ)せることがあれば思(おも)い返(かえ)して(谁(だれ)だって)笑(わら)い飞(と)ばして(そうやって)上(うえ)を向(む)けるんだよ旅路(たびじ)にバッグはない 留(と)まらないまま行(い)くから言叶(ことば)じゃなくて(ただちょっと)ふざけ合(あ)って(今(いま)そっと)伝(つた)えたい Dear My Friend(※くり返(かえ)し)伝(つた)えたい Dear My Friend伝(つた)えたい Dear My Friend

j-twins my dear friend 钢琴简谱


Twiggy Frostbite 歌词

Art Brut - Summer Job LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang @ @ Double shifts and early starts I spent the morning hiding in the carpark Oh yeah, I"m so laissez-faire Sometimes I"m not even there If you want me sober and straight I"m afraid I"m gonna be a little bit late Get another job Get another job Just a summer job Get another job Get another job Just a summer job Fire me, give me the sack Bare feet on warm tarmac Fire me, give me the sack Warm feet on bare tarmac Every night and all weekend Can"t remember the last time I saw my friends Don"t think I can take much more of this In the stockroom, I feel like an anthropologist I know exactly what to do There"s just one cure for the summertime blues; Get another job Get another job Just a summer job Get another job Get another job Just a summer job Fire me, give me the sack Bare feet on warm tarmac Fire me, give me the sack Warm feet on bare tarmac Get another job Get another job Just a summer job Get another job Get another job Just a summer job Fire me, give me the sack Bare feet on warm tarmac Fire me, give me the sack Bare feet on warm tarmac I"m just beginning to come alive So hand me my P45

twenty-five 25jewels swss made 这是我表上机芯上的 我不知道这是什么意思请大家帮个忙

你的这块手表是一块机械表对吧?只有机械表才会使用“25 jewels”这类字样。 这表示你手表的机械机芯有25个红宝石轴眼。当然是人工宝石。 因为机械手表是靠许多个齿轮零件等组合到一起使其手表运转起来,在以前手表的轴眼位置都是用金属来做的,这样时间一长零件老化或者过度磨损就会使机械手表走时不再准确。直到后来发明了人工红篮宝石,这种的宝石自然界中硬度为9尽次于钻石10的硬度。即耐磨又不容易损坏,所以就把手表中许多需要轴心的地方,都用上了人造红宝石。 25 jewels 手表行话叫25钻。 就表示这块表有25个宝石轴眼。名牌战略是瑞士手表的制胜法宝,瑞士各手表品牌质量稳定、性能可靠且各具特色。那些享誉国际的著名品牌都没有放弃“瑞士制造”的标志,名牌与“瑞士制造”标志互为支持,为消费者提供了最佳的品质保证。 在瑞士手表业中,除品牌外,手表制造商生产地也成为重要的标志:或是在手表上标出“瑞士制造”(Swiss Made),或是更准确地地理位置的描述如日内瓦。品牌名字吸引购买者的注意力,标出原产地则更具说服力,并可防止其它国家的厂商仿制产品。" x5 h& F0 V- T2 F4 @2 c1 S, N- O 瑞士手表是世界上被仿造最多的产品之一,这当然是成功的代价。盗版的方式有多种多样,盗品牌,盗表款,盗金属上的品质证明标记,盗“瑞士制造”或原产地字样,甚至盗一些技术词语如精密时钟等字样。假冒产品对瑞士手表业造成严重损害,不仅使其收入减少,而且对整个品牌产生不利的影响。不足为奇的是,整个瑞士钟表行业为同这些行为做斗争付出了巨大努力,以保护自身产品的价值和消费者的信心。) o9 w3 r! ]+ B9 A 保护“瑞士制造”标志,与防冒者做斗争是瑞士钟表协会的主要任务之一。这一斗争需要运用各国的法律及国际协定来执行,其中包括瑞士与欧洲数国达成的双边协定、世界知识产权组织及世贸组织制定的多边协定——TRIP协议。瑞士立法机构更是以身作则,通过法律武器来行使保护职责,1992年8月28日新制定的“商标及原产地标志保护法”加强了民事及刑事惩罚的力度。瑞士海关对进出口及转口货物实施更为严格的监管。- t% X E( e# u4 E" g 如何确定“瑞士制造”(Swiss Made),这是一个十分有趣而又众说纷纭的话题。在瑞士制造的表拥有“瑞士制造”或“Swiss made”这一名称(或其简称“瑞士”或“Swiss”),这不仅仅是标明制造者或销售者国籍的商标。这一标牌(用法律术语来说应该是“原产地标志”)在全世界范围内享有很高的声誉。几十年来,“瑞士制造”已在人们心目中建立起高品质的形象。它既代表着可信的技术质量(准确、可靠、防水、耐热),又是美观(优雅与新颖的设计)的代名词。它是传统工艺与现代技术的结晶。- _+ _: L3 r, ?; ^ 瑞士有关法律规定对“瑞士制造”做出了比较详尽的解析。在“表类‘Sw iss"标识使用条例中,详细规定了可使用“瑞士制造”的手表所必须达到的要求。这一条例的基本原则是:判断一块瑞士表的质量要看其有多少工序是在瑞士境内完成的。即便有时需使用部分外国部件,但表的机芯及整体组装以及对机芯和成品表的最终检验都必须在瑞士境内完成。瑞士产的零部件还必须占到50%以上的比例。0 f0 D, m1 G- l; _; { 使用条件:$ ^. M; e/ X6 1 d8 `" Y/ O- p" H 根据瑞士“表类‘Swiss"标识使用条例的第1条款,只有满足以下三个条件,方可在外表使用“Swiss made”、“Swiss”或其它含“瑞士”一词的表达方式,即:机芯为瑞士产;组装在瑞士完成;生产者的最后检测在瑞士完成。: B2 y* u6 {+ ]- u1 b 瑞士机芯:$ A; N9 |2 s, w/ v/ ] 根据“表类‘Swiss"标识使用条例”第2条款,对瑞士机芯的定义是:机芯组装在瑞士完成;机芯的最后检测在瑞士完成;除组装价格外,机芯中的瑞士原件价格至少占全部原件价格的50%以上。( c0 a7 I `. R" a% Y 如果机芯为瑞士制造,而整表不是在瑞士组装的,则“瑞士”标志只能出现在机芯中的一个元件上。表的外表上只允许使用“瑞士机芯”(mouvement suisse或Swiss movement)字样。“表类‘Swiss"标识使用条例”的第3条款规定,“机芯”一词必须完整地拼写而不能使用简称,且必须与前面的“瑞士”一词使用同样的字体、字号和颜色。: Z+ i! u( w2 G0 I" O- i$ r* q “瑞士”标志的使用范围:; t, V2 X+ [) v2 a* C9 z 根据“表类‘Swiss"标识使用条例”第5条款,“瑞士”标志除使用在手表上以外,拥有这一标志的品牌还可以在销售、促销、宣传、广告、说明书、发票及商业函件上使用这一标志。; Z7 Y9 D9 G" P1 N 表带) S+ ]& a! D2 q 只有在手表及表带均为瑞士制造的情况下,才能在表带上标明“瑞士制造”。只有主要工序在瑞士完成且实现价值50%以上的表带方被视为瑞士制造。如瑞士产表带被用于非瑞士表上,则只可在表带上明确标出表带为瑞士产,例如:“瑞士表带”(bracelet Swiss)。, X N& | o0 O1 i! Y1 e$ |! Y 表盒7 e, ( f& g0 W* V# T8 b 用于表盒上的“瑞士表盒”(Swiss case)标志的使用条件是:主要工序在瑞士完成;组装及检验在瑞士完成;至少50%的生产价值在瑞士完成。如盒上标有“瑞士表盒”,而内装非瑞士表,则必须将表的机芯或整表原产地标志贴在表的外壳上。( N+ w; M# }1 C; u2 Z “瑞士石英”(Swiss Quartz)标志3 G4 j# {3 V0 m9 t I, { 这一标志经常被外国生产者用在表面上,以说明使用的机芯是瑞士制造的。而根据“表类‘Swiss"标识使用条例”的规定,只有瑞士原产表才有权使用这一标志。) q! X3 z" p1 z; q# C! A “瑞士原件”(Swiss parts)标志( a9 k# B* ]/ A: m5 ] 当手表机芯使用的原件为瑞士产而装配在国外完成时可使用这一标志。但它只能出现在机芯上,在任何情况下都不能用于表的外部。: Z7 Z# U" {+ O$ L 在保护这一原产地标志方面,瑞士钟表协会所起的主要作用是:1、根据联邦议会授权解释这一标志的使用范围;2、对侵权使用行为进行干预和制止,以保护“瑞士制造”标志的名誉及品质形象



从A、B、C、D中选择一个最佳答案。 The boy with two dogs __________ when the fire broke out .

正确答案选C,with就远原则,谓语动词和前面主语保持一致用单数,排除选项A和D;broke可看出该动作发生在过去,排除选项B。broke out为break out的过去式,意为“爆发、突然出现”。翻译:当火灾爆发的时候,这个男孩正和两只狗在一起睡觉。

The boy as well as the two dogs _____ when the earthquake rocked the city. A.were sleeping ..

C 试题分析:考查主谓一致。句子的主语是the boy,所以谓语动词用单数,又根据从句中的时态rocked为过去时,所以主句谓语部分用was sleeping,过去进行时。as well as the two boys作状语。句意:城市里发生地震的时候,孩子们正在睡觉,当时还有两只狗也在睡觉。所以答案选C。

i see two dogs are sleeping有读法错误么?

错了。see是感官动词,后面接的动词只有两种形式。(1)see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 (2)see sb. do sth.看见过某人做某事(的全过程)因此,原句应为 I see two dogs sleeping.

twelve pigeons

强调刚刚 如果不用完成时的话意思就变为“他买了12个鸽子” 而用完成时的意思则变为“他刚刚买了12只鸽子”




asian cutie needs two cocks to get her squirt on


美国签证two-year residence requirement

指中国人在美国一个J-1签证项目结束之后,必须回中国大陆待两年,然后才能申请其他类型的签证。美国J-1签证是一种非移民签证,签发给来美国参加美国国务院批准的“交流访问者计划”(Exchange-Visitor Programs)的各类外籍人士,目的是提供美国和其它国家之间的教育和文化交流的机会,以增进彼此了解,促进国际合作,发展国与国之间的友好关系。此类签证适用于赴美从事以下活动不超过一定期限的短期访问学者。如果想在J-1项目结束之后马上转其它签证,不回国服务两年,就必须在当前J-1结束前至少6个月申请豁免。先向中国驻美大使馆提交材料,中国大使馆同意之后向美国移民局发去一封允许豁免的信,然后自己再向美国移民局发去相关材料。

squirtwoman trilogy是什么意思


找类似the saltwater room 的英文歌??


我译经典老歌——The Saltwater Room(深海空间)

歌手:- Owl City歌词译文:真念一思 总有那么一段情,就像一曲余音袅袅的歌,让你久久无法释怀 总有那么一首歌,不经意间,轻扯出你心底最深处那一抹温柔......(来自音乐网评) 歌曲简介: 《The Saltwater Room》是一首由歌手Owl City 演唱的歌曲,出自专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》。 这首歌分早期版和增强版两个版本,在歌词、节拍和演唱风格都有较大不同。早期版收录于2008年发布的《Maybe I"m Dreaming》专辑中,增强版则是Owl City在2009年发布的成名专辑《Ocean Eyes》中的重制版本。 歌词区别 早期版的是:"I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights", 增强版的是:"But I feel warm with your hand in mine when we walk along the shoreline..."; "Staring up at the stars that planes/stares aren"t there anymore"中,增强版的为"stars",早期版为"planes"。 增强版的是"Time together isn"t ever quite enough." 早期版的是"Time together is just never quite enough ." 风格区别 早期版的节奏较轻柔,进入副歌之前有一段风铃声的演奏,是Owl City刚出道时的青涩小清新风格。 重制版为了配合整张新专辑的曲风,低音和节奏得到加强,并且分别精简了前奏和第一次副歌部分。 歌手简介: OwlCity Owl City,原名Adam Young来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳( Owatonna, Minnesota )的大学二年级生,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队。他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作。随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年的夏天,为电音界吹来一股凉爽的清风。 女声部分 《The Saltwater Room》后半段出现的女声来自于Breanne Düren,与Adam Young一样来自于明尼苏达州,Owl City的《Honey And The Bee》也是Breanne Düren的甜美女声。声音像奶油冰激凌一般,细腻动听。她的声音清新自成一派,还没有与任何唱片公司签约。Breanne Düren 在My space中有两支单曲,均为她演唱。单曲有《Daydream》 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

“the saltwater room”算情歌吗?歌词是怎么表现的

算情歌啊,男女声各自述说了对对方的情感。还是感情比较热烈但是有种诗意的含蓄的情歌呢。中文歌词 我睁开眼睛,昨天晚上看见你在昏暗的灯光下漫步在海湾的海岸盯着不存在了的天上的星星我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡我像一个性格内向的人,我提着我的衬衫在我的胳膊,开始剧烈的颤抖你注视围绕在我四周的隧道入黑暗的地下运行身边的地铁发出很大的声音我的运动疲劳,告别你的耳朵贝壳你可以听到海浪在水下洞穴如果你真的是一个海水室内在一起的时间不会很足够当你和我是孤独的,我从来没有感觉这么在家制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?只有时间,只有时间你能相信船员已经离去?他们不会让我上岸我所有的岛屿都深陷我几乎不能放松甚至失眠但我觉得你的手温暖当我们沿着海岸线走我想我们永远不会知道麻雀爱雪我们将打开所有的灯,并设置舞厅发红所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?是啊,所有的时间,所有的时间在一起的时间不会很足够当你和我是孤独的,我从来没有感觉这么在家制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?只有时间,只有时间当我们分开的时候你什么都在想什么?如果这是我所谓的家,为什么感觉这么孤单?所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?所有的时间,所有的时间在一起的时间不会很足够当我们分开的时候你什么都在想什么?制造或打破这爱情线索的代价将是什么?所以告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们相爱?所有的时间,哦,所有的时间。 大意如下。男:你是不是希望我们在一起相爱相守?女:我一直都希望这样,所有的时间(都希望)。

saltwater room 歌词

【歌词】The Saltwater RoomI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low lightWalking down by the bay, on the shoreStaring up at the planes that aren"t there anymoreI was feeling the night grow oldAnd you were looking so cold like an introvertI drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violentlyBefore you happened to lookAnd see the tunnels all around meRunning into the dark undergroundAll the subways around create a great soundTo my motion fatigue: farewellWith your ear to a seashellYou can hear the waves in underwater cavesAs if you actually were inside a saltwater roomTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeCan you believe that the crew has goneAnd wouldn"t let me sign on?All my islands have sunk in the deepSo I can hardly relax or even oversleepI feel as if I were homeSome nights when we count all the ship lightsI guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snowWe"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglowSo tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?What will it take to make or break this hint of love?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time...〖永远相爱...〗我也很喜欢这首歌。。


歌名:The Saltwater Room〖泪水伤心地〗 专辑:Maybe I"m Dreaming 演唱:Owl City 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下沿着海湾走下去,凝视不断延伸的海平面 我感觉到夜的老去,而你那么冷淡 就像一个内向者,我提着我的外衣 挥动我的双臂,开始激烈地打碎过去 你注视围绕在我四周的隧道 飞奔入黑暗的地下 四周所有地铁都发出一种美妙的声音 我累了,永别了 把一枚海螺放在耳边 你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声 仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间 在一起的时间总是不够 When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home 你我孤独时,我没有在家的感觉 What will it take to make or break this hint of love 制造然后破译爱的暗示的,将是什么 We need time, only time 我们需要时间,只是时间 When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of? 我们分离时,你在想什么 If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone? 如果我把这称为“家”,它为何如此孤独? So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love? 那么,亲爱的,告诉我,你是不是希望我们相爱 All the time, All the time... 一直,一直。。。Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on? 你相信吗?人群已离去,他们会让我们在此作下标志 All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep 我整个岛都已坠入深渊,所以,我现在不敢放松,难以入睡 I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights 我仿佛又回到家里,回到那些我们一起数船上的灯的夜晚 I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow 我猜,我永远不会知道麻雀爱雪的理由 We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow 我们关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得一片通红

求《the saltwater room》空间链接

owl city 乐队的《the saltwater room》的歌词翻译成中文是什么?

昨晚我睁开眼,看到你在微弱的光线下 沿着海湾散步,在海岸上,凝望着那些不会再在此出现的飞机。 我感到夜正变得苍老,而你看起来如此的冷漠 像一个内向的人,我套着我的旧衬衫。 衬衫紧裹着我的双臂,我开始剧烈的颤抖 你正巧看到周围环绕我的通道 飞奔进黑漆漆的地道 周围所有的地铁发出了巨大的声响 对我疲惫的身心说再见 当你把耳朵贴近贝壳 你能听到水下洞穴里的波涛汹涌 就好象你真的在海底的洞穴 在一起的时间总觉得不够 当我们独处的时候,我从来没有这种在家的感觉 是什么促成了还是毁灭了这爱的暗语 我们需要时间,只是时间 当我们分开的时候,你究竟在想些什么 如果这就是我所谓的家,为什么我会感到如此的孤单 告诉我,亲爱的,你希望我们坠入情网吗 并且一直,一直相爱下去 难道你认为所有的人都已远去,也不会让我来到你的身边吗 我已经不可自拔,难以放松甚至会失眠。 我感觉好象是在家数着船上的灯的那些夜晚 我想有些事情永远都没有答案 我们将关掉所有的灯,让舞厅燃烧起热情。

the saltwater room的歌词的中文意思




the saltwater room最浪漫的意译是什么?

The Saltwater Room 中文意思应该是泪水伤心地、深海空间 但它通常称为盐水屋. 那用我的角度来分析一下,先从英文单字The开始吧,这个英文单字在这里的意思是指强调某件事情,也可以说这件事情是特殊的、只有一个的(英文学得好就明白我指的是什么了).本人觉得The这个单字最浪漫的意译,应该是特殊. 接下来就是Saltwater ,中文意思是盐水,但是盐水嘛,海水也是盐水啊,所以,我们就把这个英文单字定义为深海. 最后一个,Room,中文意思是房子、空间,照理说应该没有什么特殊的定义.不过我们可以换一个角度出发:现在不是很多人喜欢说那些肉麻话吗?例如住到我的心里来、敞开心扉让你住进来……总结一下,房子也可以比喻为心. 好了,我们把它全部都给串起来,那就会变成:特殊深海心. 让我们把它的意思给用另一些文字表达出来,最好的应该是这个:唯有深海心. 所以,本人愚见,the saltwater room最浪漫的意译应该就是唯有深海心,谢谢!:)

求The Saltwater Room的英文歌词

i opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren"t the re anymore i was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold like an introvert, i drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver viole ntly before you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me running into the dark underground all the subways around create a great so und to my motion fatigue: farewell with your ear to a seashell you can hear the waves in underwater cav es as if you actually were inside a saltwat er room time together is just never quite enough when you and i are alone, i"ve never fel t so at home what will it take to make or break this hint of love" we need time, only time when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" if this is what i call home, why does it feel so alone" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on" all my islands have sunk in the deep, so i can hardly relax or even oversleep i feel as if i were home some nights when we count all the ship lights i guess i"ll never know why sparrows lov e the snow we"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow time together is just never quite enough when you and i are alone, i"ve never fel t so at home what will it take to make or break this hint of love" we need time, only time when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" if this is what i call home, why does it feel so alone" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time time together is just never quite enough when we"re apart whatever are you thinki ng of" what will it take to make or break this hint of love" so tell me darling, do you wish we"d fal l in love" all the time, all the time

《The Saltwater Room》中的女声是谁唱的?

The Saltwater Room中的女声---Breanne Düren 这是她的MYSPACE空间: 这个应该是比较真实的说法了参考资料:

the saltwater room 这首歌到底在表达什么.?

一个充满海水的房间 这首歌里面有几句翻译成中文是:“把一枚海螺放在耳边 ,你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声,仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间” 就是这个意思吧



the saltwater room最浪漫的意译是什么?

The Saltwater Room 中文意思应该是泪水伤心地、深海空间 但它通常称为盐水屋. 那用我的角度来分析一下,先从英文单字The开始吧,这个英文单字在这里的意思是指强调某件事情,也可以说这件事情是特殊的、只有一个的(英文学得好就明白我指的是什么了).本人觉得The这个单字最浪漫的意译,应该是特殊. 接下来就是Saltwater ,中文意思是盐水,但是盐水嘛,海水也是盐水啊,所以,我们就把这个英文单字定义为深海. 最后一个,Room,中文意思是房子、空间,照理说应该没有什么特殊的定义.不过我们可以换一个角度出发:现在不是很多人喜欢说那些肉麻话吗?例如住到我的心里来、敞开心扉让你住进来……总结一下,房子也可以比喻为心. 好了,我们把它全部都给串起来,那就会变成:特殊深海心. 让我们把它的意思给用另一些文字表达出来,最好的应该是这个:唯有深海心. 所以,本人愚见,the saltwater room最浪漫的意译应该就是唯有深海心,谢谢!:)

saltwater room是什么意思?




twice mina为什么叫minari




Twins的《Sunny Day》 歌词

歌手:Twins歌名:Sunny Daysunny day oh sunny dayHow i long for a sunny dayI want to dance i want to danceHey hey hey hey oh sunny daySunny day oh sunny dayPlease don"t let up wait for youLet your sun beams shine on usCome out dear and shine for all

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EAR = ( 1 + APR / m ) ^ m - 1 = ( 1 + 6% / 2 ) ^ 2 - 1 = 0.0609 = 6.09%


  networking英 [u02c8netwu025c:ku026au014b] 美 [u02c8netwu025c:rku026au014b]  n.网络化; [计] 网络系统; 人际网;  [网络]网络通信; 联网; 人脉网络;  [例句]For triple jumpers, the traditional hurdles of academics, networking, and job hunting are compounded by language, visa, and cultural barriers.  三级跳健将不仅要面对学术、人际网络和求职等传统障碍,还要跨越语言、签证和文化障碍等壁垒。  [其他]形近词: nonworking

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寻Lucky Twice《Lucky》同步中文对照歌词?

Lucky Twice《Lucky》同步中文对照歌词 Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在宽广的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋抵达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中不断在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让单调的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很侥幸我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 侥幸我所阅历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 侥幸又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不晓得过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等候这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很侥幸我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 侥幸我所阅历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 侥幸又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 侥幸我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 侥幸我们所停留的中央 Lucky to be coming home someday 侥幸某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们商定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风擦过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此心爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以致于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很侥幸我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 侥幸我所阅历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 侥幸又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 侥幸我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 侥幸我们所停留的中央 Lucky to be coming home someday 侥幸某天回到家

歌词有lucky lucky,女生唱的不是lucky twice,貌似是韩国的

suger lucky

LuckyTwice唱的Lucky 歌词是怎样的

Do you hear me, 你能听到吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my b est friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家

找一首说唱英文歌的开头是one two three four

feist 1234



英语 hardware & software

更新1: 是否一定要加s 两个都是可数名词: hardwaresn. 五金器具( hardware的名词复数 ); 硬体 1. Responsible for repair and maintenance of putersofares and hardwares. 负责办公电脑硬体与软体的维修与维护。2. Motor parameters or extra hardwares are notnecessary in this method. 该方法不需要知道电机的精确参数,也不需要额外的硬体。3. Watch Field: Various watches also offer variouswatches accessories and hardwares. OEMwele! 产品范围:各种手表和配件及五金杂件、可根据客户提供样品生产。 sofares n. 软体( sofare的名词复数 ); 软体 1. Do you sell a lot of puter sofares to theUnited States? 你们向美国出口很多软体吗?2. Good English skill speak standard putonghua andproficient in office sofares. 普通话标准、英语水准良好,熟练应用办公软体。3. It almost can support all types of cell phone sofares. 他几乎能安装所有手机软体。

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Mattress Sizes: Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Fitted Sheet Sizes: Twin--39 x 75 inches (or 99 x 190 cm) X-Long Twin--39 x 80 inches (99 x 203 cm) Full--54 x 75 inches (137 x 190 cm) Queen--60 x 80 inches (or 153 x 203 cm) King--76 x 80 inches (or 198 x 203 cm) California King--72 x 84 inches (or 182 x 213 cm)Flat Sheet Sizes: Twin--66 x 96 inches (or 167 x 243 cm) X-Long Twin--66 x 102 inches (or 167 x 259 cm) Full--81 x 96 inches (or 205 x 243 cm) Queen--90 x 102 inches (or 228 x 259 cm) King/California King--108 x 102 inches (or 274 x 259 cm)Comforter Sizes: Twin--68 x 86 inches (or 173 x 218 cm) Full/Queen--86 x 86 inches (or 218 x 218 cm) King/California King--100 x 90 inches (or 254 x 229 c

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《Fool Me Twice》(Shawn Lawrence Otto)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: y47g书名:Fool Me Twice作者:Shawn Lawrence Otto出版社:Rodale Books出版年份:2011-10-11页数:384



项目管理中Network diagram是什么


network diagram怎么画

(1)网络图(network diagram)网络图是用来表示工作流程的有向,有序的网状图形,由箭线和节点组成.网络图有多种表示方式,最常见的有双代号网络(activity-on-arrow network, AOA)和单代号网络(activity-on-node network, AON),其中双代号网络在国内工程项目中常用. 1,基本概念(1)网络图(network diagram)1,基本概念(1)网络图(network diagram)单代号网络图示例1,基本概念(2)节点(node)网络图中箭线端部的圆圈或其它形式的封闭图形.在双代号网络图中,它表示一个事件;在单代号网络图中,它表示一项工作.(3)线路(path)网络图中从起点开始,沿箭线方向连续通过一系列箭线与节点,最后到达终点节点所经过的通路.

有哪位大神能翻译two lights中文歌词,five for fighting的歌

歌曲名:Two Lights歌手:Five For Fighting专辑:Two LightsWhat is CourageIs it BraveWhat are LionsI"ve only seen them in paradesHow is love supposed to readIn a footnote of historyWhat"s a tap on your shoulderThat you"re afraid to look overA soldier"s down in a fire fightNo one can look me in the eyeThis is what it means to be alone.Tear out my HeartFeed it to LionsFor this one wish I beg you this tonightShow me no mercyBut spare me my prideI"m going for a driveAnd if you find out he"s coming homeWhen I come around the cornerI"ll know that it"s alrightJust leave me two lightsHe was young just 23Didn"t have to goBut it was the man he wanted to beLike every son he was an only oneOne day he came to me, saidFreedoms nothing to look overTill each man can stand upon its shoulderI"ll write you mountains of lettersEach one a little bit betterAnd know I"ll never be aloneTear out my HeartFeed it to LionsFor this one wish I beg you this tonightShow me no mercyBut spare me my prideI"m going for a driveAnd if you find out he"s coming homeWhen I come around the cornerI"ll know that it"s alrightLeave me two lightsSilent AngelsLight the road up aheadAs the sentries guard the wayOn the avenue of borrowed timeI"m almost homeThe sun"s to riseI got to knowI"ve been driving all the nightThere"s our corner up aheadI"m alive and I am deadI drive right through the stop signI turn my headAs I lift my eyesMy eyes burnTear out my HeartFeed it to LionsFor this one wish I beg you this tonightShow me no mercySpare me my prideI"m going for a drive




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The Saltwater Room歌曲链接




有没有【The saltwater room】中文版歌词啊

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light〖昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下〗 Walking down by the bay, on the shore〖沿着海湾 漫步沙滩〗 Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore〖凝望着天空中早已远逝的星光〗 I was feeling the night grow old〖漫漫长夜 若是有情也已经衰老〗 And you were looking so cold〖你看起来如此的冷漠〗 Like an introvert〖犹如一个内敛的人〗 I drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violently〖披上我残旧的衬衣 开始猛烈的颤抖〗 Before you happened to look〖你无意的一瞥〗 And see the tunnels all around me〖看见了环绕在我身边的隧道〗 Running into the dark underground〖向着地底那无尽的黑暗延伸〗 All the subways around create a great sound〖地道里的声音响彻云霄〗 To my motion fatigue: farewell〖跟我疲惫的身心说再见〗 With your ear to a seashell〖你的耳朵贴紧海贝壳〗 You can hear the waves in underwater caves〖就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音〗 As if you actually were inside a saltwater room〖仿佛你真的置身于深海空间一般〗   间奏  Time together is ever quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗   Only time, only time〖仅仅需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗   Can you believe that the crew has gone〖你能相信那些人群已经远去〗   And wouldn"t let me sign on?〖且不在我记忆中留下任何痕迹吗?〗   All my islands have sunk in the deep〖我已经泥足深陷 无法自拔了〗   In I can hardly relax or even oversleep〖所以我根本无法放松入睡 更不用说睡过头了〗   When I feel more with your hand in mine, when we walk on the shore line 〖当我牵着你的手漫步于海滩时〗   I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow〖我猜我永远也不会知晓麻雀喜爱雪的理由〗   We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow〖我们将要关上所有的灯 让这舞厅一片火红〗   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗   All the time〖一直相爱〗   Time together is ever quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home〖当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉〗   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗   Only time, only time〖我们需要时间 仅仅需要时间〗   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of〖当我们分开的时候 不管对方想什么都无所谓〗   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?〖如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独〗   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗   All the time, all the time〖一直相爱...永远相守...〗   Time together is never quite enough〖相聚的时间总是觉得不够〗   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?〖当我们分开的时候 无论你在想什么〗   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?〖制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么〗   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?〖告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗〗   All the time...〖永远相爱...〗

the saltwater room的歌词的中文意思

The Saltwater RoomOwl CityI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light昨夜睁开双眼,你躲在昏黄的夜Walking down by the bay, on the shore,沿着海湾漫步沙滩staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore抬头望着早已远去的飞机I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold我想是夜晚太漫长止不住悲伤,你看起来如此冷漠Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt单衣薄衫Around my arms and began to shiver violently before止不住发颤You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me不经然地一瞥,望向那隧道包围着我Running into the dark underground一直漫延,向无尽漆黑的地底All the subways around create a great sound巨大的声音响彻隧道To my motion fatigue: farewell再见吧我疲惫的心灵With your ear to a seashell请倾听贝壳的声音You can hear the waves in underwater caves你能听到洞穴里海浪的呼唤As if you actually were inside a saltwater room就像在那海水做成的房间Time together is just never quite enough相聚的时间总是短暂When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home当我们彼此分开,就从未有过家一般的感觉What will it take to make or break this hint of love?要维系这爱的线索代价是什么?We need time, only time我们需要时间,仅仅是时间Can you believe that the crew has gone你能相信吗,那些人群已远去and wouldn"t let me sign on?离开了我的记忆All my islands have sunk in the deep,我已沉溺无法自拔so I can hardly relax or even oversleep根本无法放松甚至睡去I feel as if I were home some nights我仿佛又回到了家when we count all the ship lights回到我们数着船舶和星点灯光的夜晚I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow我猜我永远也不会懂麻雀爱上雪的理由吧We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow让我们关掉所有的灯,让这个舞厅焕发光彩So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?那么亲爱的请你告诉我,你愿意和我相爱吗?Time together is just never quite enough在一起时间走得那么快When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home没有你就没有了家的存在What will it take to make or break this hint of love?好想知道维系着爱情的是什么?We need time, only time是时间,我们需要的是时间When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?当我不在你身边,无论你在想什么If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?如果这就是家,为何我感到那么孤独?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?亲爱的快告诉我,你愿意爱上我吗?All the time, all the time就那么爱下去,相守到永远Time together is just never quite enough没有太多时间给我陪伴你When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?不在你身边你会想些什么?What will it take to make or break this hint of love?我要如何制造这爱的绳索锁住你我?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?亲爱的请告诉我,你愿意和我相爱在一起吗?All the time直到永远出自百科

The Saltwater Room的歌词

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light Walking down by the bay" on the shore" staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold Like an introvert" I drew my over shirt Around my arms and began to shiver violently before You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me Running into the dark underground All the subways around create a great sound To my motion fatigue: farewell With your ear to a seashell You can hear the waves in underwater caves As if you actually were inside a saltwater room Time together is just never quite enough When you and I are alone" I"ve never felt so at home What will it take to make or break this hint of love? We need time" only time When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of? If this is what I call home" why does it feel so alone? So tell me darling" do you wish we"d fall in love? All the time" all the time Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on? All my islands have sunk in the deep" so I can hardly relax or even oversleep I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow ~~So tell me darling" do you wish weu2019d fall in love?~~ Time together is just never quite enough When you and I are alone" Iu2019ve never felt so at home What will it take to make or break this hint of love? We need time" only time When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of? If this is what I call home" why does it feel so alone? So tell me darling" do you wish weu2019d fall in love? All the time" all the time Time together is just never quite enough When weu2019re apart whatever are you thinking of? What will it take to make or break this hint of love? So tell me darling" do you wish weu2019d fall in love? All the time

the saltwater room 什么意思

海水空间 owl city的成名曲

the saltwater room歌词

Owl City、Breanne Düren - The Saltwater RoomWritten by:Adam YoungOwl City:I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light昨夜睁开双眼 依稀看见你在那暖暖的灯光下Walking down by the bay on the shore沿着海湾 漫步沙滩Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore抬头望着早已远去的飞机I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold愈发觉得长夜漫漫 你我之间也愈行愈远Like an introvert I drew my over shirt单衣薄衫 落寞不已Around my arms and began to shiver violently before抱住自己 颤抖不止 前所未有的孤寂You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me不经然地一瞥 发现周围茫茫一片Running into the dark underground一直漫延 延至无尽的黑暗底渊All the subways around create a great sound车水马龙 熙熙攘攘To my motion fatigue farewell with your ear to a seashell再见吧我疲惫的心灵 侧耳于一枚海螺You can hear the waves in underwater caves你会听见海底世界的咕哝软语As if you actually were inside a saltwater room让你身临其境Breanne Düren:Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够Owl City:When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home当我们天各一方 我便从未有过粲然笑脸Breanne Düren:What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢Owl City:Only time只是流年罢了Both:Only time只是流年罢了Breanne Düren:When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓Owl City:If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone如果这就是家 为何我依旧孤寂落寞Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老Owl City:All the time朝朝暮暮Both:All the time暮暮朝朝Owl City:Can you believe that the crew has gone你可否相信 人山人海已不在And they wouldn"t let me sign on我已不受世俗的纷纷扰扰All my islands have sunk in the deep我已为你倾倒 无法自拔And I can hardly relax or even oversleep甚至难以放松 亦或入梦I feel as if I were home some nights我仿佛又驶回了港湾When we count all the ship lights回到我们数着船舶和点点繁星的夜晚I guess we"ll never know why sparrows love the snow我猜我们永远也不会懂麻雀爱上雪的理由吧We"ll turn out all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow让我们关掉所有的灯 让这个舞厅焕发光彩Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老All the time生生世世Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够Owl City:When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home当我们天各一方 我便从未有过粲然笑脸Breanne Düren:What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢Owl City:Only time只是流年罢了Both:Only time只是流年罢了Breanne Düren:When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓Owl City:If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone如果这就是家 为何我依旧孤寂落寞Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老Owl City:All the time朝朝暮暮Both:All the time暮暮朝朝Breanne Düren:Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老All the time朝朝暮暮 暮暮又朝朝

The Saltwater Room什么意思

saltwater:“盐水”Room:“房间” 叫作:(盐水屋)一听就爱上的歌!

the saltwater room 歌词翻译

Owl City、Breanne Düren - The Saltwater RoomWritten by:Adam YoungOwl City:I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light昨夜睁开双眼 依稀看见你在那暖暖的灯光下Walking down by the bay on the shore沿着海湾 漫步沙滩Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore抬头望着早已远去的飞机I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold愈发觉得长夜漫漫 你我之间也愈行愈远Like an introvert I drew my over shirt单衣薄衫 落寞不已Around my arms and began to shiver violently before抱住自己 颤抖不止 前所未有的孤寂You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me不经然地一瞥 发现周围茫茫一片Running into the dark underground一直漫延 延至无尽的黑暗底渊All the subways around create a great sound车水马龙 熙熙攘攘To my motion fatigue farewell with your ear to a seashell再见吧我疲惫的心灵 侧耳于一枚海螺You can hear the waves in underwater caves你会听见海底世界的咕哝软语As if you actually were inside a saltwater room让你身临其境Breanne Düren:Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够Owl City:When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home当我们天各一方 我便从未有过粲然笑脸Breanne Düren:What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢Owl City:Only time只是流年罢了Both:Only time只是流年罢了Breanne Düren:When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓Owl City:If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone如果这就是家 为何我依旧孤寂落寞Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老Owl City:All the time朝朝暮暮Both:All the time暮暮朝朝Owl City:Can you believe that the crew has gone你可否相信 人山人海已不在And they wouldn"t let me sign on我已不受世俗的纷纷扰扰All my islands have sunk in the deep我已为你倾倒 无法自拔And I can hardly relax or even oversleep甚至难以放松 亦或入梦I feel as if I were home some nights我仿佛又驶回了港湾When we count all the ship lights回到我们数着船舶和点点繁星的夜晚I guess we"ll never know why sparrows love the snow我猜我们永远也不会懂麻雀爱上雪的理由吧We"ll turn out all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow让我们关掉所有的灯 让这个舞厅焕发光彩Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老All the time生生世世Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够Owl City:When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home当我们天各一方 我便从未有过粲然笑脸Breanne Düren:What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢Owl City:Only time只是流年罢了Both:Only time只是流年罢了Breanne Düren:When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓Owl City:If this is what I call home why does it feel so alone如果这就是家 为何我依旧孤寂落寞Breanne Düren:So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老Owl City:All the time朝朝暮暮Both:All the time暮暮朝朝Breanne Düren:Time together isn"t ever quite enough相爱相守 举案齐眉也不足够When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of当我们无法相伴彼此 你的所思所想我亦无从知晓What will it take to make or break this hint of love呵护这段感情 亦或弃之 要付出什么呢So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love吾爱 你可愿与我执子之手与子偕老All the time朝朝暮暮 暮暮又朝朝

owl city 的The saltwater room里的女声是谁?


求 the saltwater room - owl city 歌词 , !! 求正解!

这个歌好像有两个版本 我上学的时候是第一个 也就是 你说的planes的那个 然后最近听的就是 stars的那个版本 你在百度百科搜歌词 然后在百度上搜MP3 都是stars的那个版本 我那天用kugo搜的 还是planes的那个版本


the salt water room盐水室中文读法:ze saote wuter rumu则 扫特 吴特儿 入目希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

翻译一下 owl city 的歌曲 the saltwater room

I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light 昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下   walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren"t there anymore   沿着海湾走下去,在岸边,盯着不再有星星的天空   I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold   我感觉着夜的逝去,而你看起来如此的冷漠   So like an introvert, I drew my overshirt around my arms and began to shiver violently before   所以犹如一个内向者,我把我的衬衫披在我的肩上,开始猛烈地颤抖   you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me   你无意间发现围绕在我四周的隧道   running into the dark underground   飞奔入黑暗的地下   All the subways around create a great sound   四周的地道汇聚出震耳欲聋的声音   to my motion fatigue: farewell   对我疲惫的身心说:永别了   With your ear to a seashell   把一枚海螺放在耳边   You can hear the waves in underwater caves   你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声   As if you actually were inside a saltwater room   仿佛你真的置身于深海空间   Time together is never quite enough   在一起的时间总是不够   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home   当你和我都独自一人时 我从来没有如此自在   What will it take to make or break this hint of love   制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么   We need time ,only time   只是时间   Can you believe that the crew has gone and they wouldn"t let me sign on?   你相信那些船员已经远去,不让我着陆吗?   All my islands have sunk in the deep   我所有的岛屿都已坠入深渊   And I can hardly relax or even oversleep   我根本无处休息更别说睡过头了   When I feel warm with your hand in mine, when we walk on the shoreline   当我与你牵手漫步在海岸的时候,我能感受到你手心的温暖   I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow   我猜,我永远不会知道麻雀爱雪的理由   We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow   我们将关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得一片通红   So tell me,darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?   All the time, All the time...   一直,一直......   Time together is never quite enough   在一起的时间总是不够   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home   当你和我都独自一人时 我从来没有如此自在   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么   Only time, only time   只是时间,只是时间   When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of?   当我们分离时,无论你在想什么   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?   如果这就是我所谓的“家”,它为何又感觉这么孤独?   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?   All the time, all the time   一直,一直......   Time together isn"t ever quite enough   在一起的时间总是不够   When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of?   我们分离时,无论你在想什么   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?   All the time ,all the time   一直,一直....

The saltwater room歌曲的歌词发音谁知道啊????急求!!

则 扫特哇哦特 入目The saltwater room〖泪水伤心地〗爱 偶喷的 麦爱子 拉斯特 奈特 暗的 萨哦 又 因 则 烙 莱特I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light〖昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下〗哇哦可令 荡 掰 则 呗 昂 则 少 Walking down by the bay, on the shore〖沿着海湾 漫步沙滩〗太麻烦了,有时间再帮你弄吧.作业还没写完哦......

求英文歌曲《The Saltwater Room》的歌词翻译!

其实原文已经译得不错了,觉得这歌不错。根据自己的理解再译一下,不求被采纳,最起码表示一下对提问者的尊重。<The Saltwater Room> I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light  昨夜我睁开眼,看见你在昏暗的灯光下  walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the stars that aren"t there anymore  径直走到海湾,在岸边,盯着星稀的天空  I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold  夜是如此漫长,而你看起来如此冷漠  So like an introvert, I drew my overshirt around my arms and began to shiver violently before  象极了一个内向者,我把衬衫披在肩上,感到从未有过的冷  you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me  你无意间抬头发现隧道将我围绕  running into the dark underground  飞奔入黑暗的地下  All the subways around create a great sound  四周的地道汇聚出震耳欲聋的声音  to my motion fatigue: farewell  好象对我疲惫的身心说:永别了  With your ear to a seashell  把一枚海螺放在耳边  You can hear the waves in underwater caves  你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声  As if you actually were inside a saltwater room  仿佛你真的置身于深海空间  Time together isn"t ever quite enough  愉快的时光总是过得太快  When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home  那是我们单身时,从未有过的家的感觉  What will it take to make or break this hint of love  爱的感觉总是突如其来,而又难以割舍  only time,only time  只是时间,只是时间  Can you believe that the crew has gone and they wouldn"t let me sign on?  真不敢相信那些船员竟丢下我扬长而去   All my islands have sunk in the deep  我所有的岛屿都已成泡影  And I can hardly relax or even oversleep  我根本无法休息更别说睡过头了  I can feel the warm with your hand in mine, when we walk on the shoreline  当我们手牵手漫步在海岸时,我能感受到你手心的温暖  I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow  我想永远也猜不出麻雀喜欢雪的原因  We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow  我们将关上所有灯,把这舞厅布置得红光闪烁  So tell me,darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?  那时请告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?  All the time, All the time...  永远,永远...  Time together isn"t ever quite enough  快乐的时光总是一闪而过  When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home  那是我们单身时,从未有过的感觉  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?  爱的感觉总是突如其来,而又难以割舍  Only time, only time  只有时间,时间  When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of?  当我们分离时,无论你在想什么  If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?  如果这就是我所谓的“家”,它为何又感觉这么孤独?  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?  所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你希望和我相爱么?  All the time, all the time  永远,永远......  Time together isn"t ever quite enough  快乐的时光总是一闪而过  When we"re apart what ever are you thinking of?  我们分离时,无论你在想什么  What will it take to make or break this hint of love?  爱的感觉总是突如其来,而又难以割舍  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?  所以,告诉我,亲爱的,你愿意和我相爱么?  All the time ,all the time  永远,永远....

The Saltwater Room的歌词

注意一下这一句:Walking down by the bay,on the shore staring up at the stores that aren"t there anymore.不是planes!

求 The Saltwater Room 中英文对照歌词, 。

演唱:Owl City乐队(中文名:猫头鹰之城) 此歌曲有长短两个版本,较长版本在专辑《Maybe I"m Dreaming》中 The Saltwater Room[1]   (深海)   I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light   昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下   Walking down by the bay, on the shore   沿着海湾 漫步沙滩   Staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore   凝望着天空中早已远逝的飞机   I was feeling the night grow old   漫漫长夜 也仿佛变老   And you were looking so cold like an introvert   你看起来如此地冷,性格内敛   I drew my over shirt around my arms and began to shiver violently   穿上我的旧衬衣 它在我的手臂四周剧烈地抖动着   Before you happened to look and see the tunnels all around me   在你看见环绕在我身边的隧道之前   Running into the dark underground   向着地底那无尽黑暗的地道   All the subways around create a great sound   地道里的声音响彻云霄   To my motion fatigue: farewell   跟我疲惫的身心说再见   With your ear to a seashell   你的耳朵贴紧贝壳   You can hear the waves in underwater caves   就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音   As if you actually were inside a saltwater room   仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间   Time together is just never quite enough   相聚的时间总是觉得不够   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home   当你和我在一起时,我从未有过如此像家的感觉   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   产生或打破这爱情密码的将是什么   We need time, only time   我们需要时间 仅仅是时间   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of   当我们分开的时候 不管你在想什么   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?   如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗   All the time, all the time   一直...一直...   Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on?   你能相信那些人群已经远去 且不在我记忆中留下任何痕迹吗?   All my islands have sunk in the deep   我已经泥足深陷 无法自拔了   So I can hardly relax or even oversleep   所以我无法放松 甚至失眠   I feel as if I were home   我仿佛又回到了家   Some nights when we count all the ship lights   回到了你我一起数着船舶灯光的那些夜晚   I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow   我猜我永远也不会知道麻雀喜爱雪的理由   We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow   我们要关上所有的灯 让舞会火起来   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗   All the time   一直相爱   Time together is just never quite enough   相聚的时间总是觉得不够   When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home   当你和我在一起时,我从未有过如此像家的感觉   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   产生或打破这爱情密码的将是什么   We need time, only time   我们需要时间 仅仅是时间   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of   当我们分开的时候 不管你在想什么   If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?   如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗   All the time, all the time   一直...一直...   Time together is just never quite enough   相聚的时间总是觉得不够   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of   当我们分开的时候 不管你在想什么   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   产生或打破这爱情密码的将是什么   So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   所以告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗   All the time, all the time   一直...一直...   在《Ocean Eyes》中有一个较短的版本,歌词略有不同。      I opened my eyes last night And saw you in the low-light   昨夜睁开双眼看见你在那昏暗的灯光下   Walking down by the bay on the shore   沿着海湾漫步沙滩   Staring up at the stars that aren"t there anymore   凝望着天空中已消失的星星   I was feeling the night grow old   漫漫长夜若是有情也已经衰老   And you were looking so cold So like an introvert   你看起来犹如一个内敛的人如此的冷漠   I drew my over-shirt Around my arms and began to shiver violently   披上我残旧的衬衣开始猛烈的颤抖   before You happened to look And see the tunnels all around me   你无意的一瞥,看见了环绕在我身边的隧道   Running into the dark underground   向着地底那无尽的黑暗延伸   All the subways around create a great sound   所有的地铁发出了巨大轰响   To my motion fatigue: farewell   跟我疲惫的身心说再见   With your ear to a seashell   你的耳朵贴紧海贝壳   You can hear the waves in underwater caves   就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音   As if you actually were inside a saltwater room   仿佛你真的置身于深海空间一般   Time together isn"t ever quite enough   相聚的时间总是觉得不够   When you and I are alone ,I"ve never felt so at home   当你我独处时我从未如此感到自由自在   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   制造或打破这爱情暗语的方法是什么   Only time only time   我们需要时间仅仅是时间   Can you believe that the crew has gone (has gone)   你能相信那些人群已经远去   And they wouldn"t let me sign on?   甚至不给我确认的机会吗?   All my islands have sunk in the deep   我已经泥足深陷无法自拔了   And I can hardly relax or even oversleep   所以我根本无法放松入睡更不用说睡过头了   But I feel warm with your hand in mine when we walk along the shoreline   但当我握紧你的手漫步在海岸线的时候我觉得好温暖   I guess we"ll never know Why sparrows love the snow   我想我们永远无法知晓为什么麻雀们如此深爱着白雪   We"ll turn out all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow   我们将要关上所有的灯让这舞厅一片火红   So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love?   告诉我亲爱的你希望和我相爱吗   Yeah all the time   是的一直都在想   All the time  一直都在想   Time together isn"t ever quite enough   相聚的时间永远觉得不够长   When you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at home   当你我独处时我从未如此感到自由自在   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   制造或打破这爱情暗语的方法是什么?   Only time only time   只是时间,只有时间   When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?   当我们分开的时候你都在想些什么呢   If this is what I call home,Why does it feel so alone  如果这就是我所以为的家它为何让人感觉如此孤独  So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?   那么告诉我亲爱的,你希望我们陷入爱河吗   All the time all the time   一直都在想,一直都在想   Time together isn"t ever quite enough   相聚的时间总觉得不够长呢   (When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?)   当我们分开的时候你都在想些什么呢   What will it take to make or break this hint of love?   制造或打破这爱情暗语的方法是什么呢   (So tell me darling do you wish we"d fall in love?)   那么告诉我亲爱的你希望我们陷入爱河吗?   All the time   一直都希望的   Oh all the time   哦,我一直都想的

the saltwater room 完整中文版歌词

昨夜睁开双眼 看见你在那昏暗的灯光下沿着海湾 漫步沙滩凝望着天空中早已远逝的星光漫漫长夜 若是有情也已经衰老你看起来犹如一个内敛的人 如此的冷漠披上我残旧的衬衣 开始猛烈的颤抖你无意的一瞥看见了环绕在我身边的隧道向着地底那无尽的黑暗延伸地道里的声音响彻云霄跟我疲惫的身心说再见你的耳朵贴紧海贝壳就能听见深海洞穴里海浪的声音仿佛你真的置身于深海空间一般相聚的时间总是觉得不够当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么仅仅需要时间 仅仅需要时间你能相信那些人群已经远去且不在我记忆中留下任何痕迹吗我已经泥足深陷 无法自拔了所以我根本无法放松入睡 更不用说睡过头了当我牵着你的手漫步于海滩时我猜我永远也不会知晓麻雀喜爱雪的理由我们将要关上所有的灯 让这舞厅一片火红告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗一直相爱相聚的时间总是觉得不够当你和我都独自一人时 从来没有家的感觉制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么仅仅需要时间 仅仅需要时间当我们分开的时候 不管对方想什么都无所谓如果这就是所谓的家 为何感觉如此孤独告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗一直相爱...永远相守...相聚的时间总是觉得不够当我们分开的时候 不管你想什么制造或打破这爱情线索的代价是什么告诉我 亲爱的 你希望和我相爱吗永远相爱

the saltwater room翻译成中文是什么意思?


up to twenty times

这句话是祈使句 imagine是动词,后面的部分里a star是宾语 其他的是修饰star的定语

下面这句话中的介词短语“up to twenty ...”做什么语法成分呢?

句中up to twenty times修饰的是larger, brighter and hotter等形容词的比较级,所以应当是作状语,表程度。判断一句话中的介词短语的成分,应该理解该介词的含义和该介词修饰的内容来判断。

Imagine a star up to twenty times larger, brighter and hotter than our own sun,怎么改写,更易懂?

Imagine that there is a star, which are 20-times larger,brighter and hotter than our sun.

有一首英文歌(女声)好像叫take talk 不知道是不是,有些nobay的感觉,中间有喊one two three 的,快速急


One leaf two 什么




英语中玉米复数加不加s? 比如two corn(s)

known in the arts of design as the cima-recta, or ogee.

twins版talk to me 歌词自己看吧!!~~

Twins的《Talk to me》 歌词

歌曲名:Talk to me歌手:Twins专辑:Twins 3650 新城演唱会Talk To Me - twinsTalk to meCome Talk to me不要再 不要再 崇拜自己我是你 我会注意 对方的每一次呼吸Talk to meCome Talk to me在我脸上寻找怨你的痕迹不把我放心里叫我Baby 这样太卑鄙我们用一样的手机 却太多各自的秘密你是我的阳光空气 我是你的遥控器送花并不代表甜蜜 至少证明你在这里我们的恋爱变成默剧 已太深情跟我说你的故事 每次分手的日期谁爱过你 我不介意我有结束的勇气跟我说你的过去 剪接成回忆谁说爱情巧克力 没有香味的嫌弃Talk to meCome Talk to me不要再 不要再 崇拜自己我是你 我会注意对方的每一次呼吸Talk to meCome Talk to me在我脸上寻找怨你的痕迹不把我放心里叫我Baby 这样太卑鄙我们用一样的手机 却太多各自的秘密你是我的阳光空气 我是你的遥控器送花并不代表甜蜜 至少证明你在这里我们的恋爱变成默剧 已太深情跟我说你的故事 每次分手的日期谁爱过你 我不介意我有结束的勇气跟我说你的过去 剪接成回忆谁说爱情巧克力 没有香味的嫌弃Talk to meCome Talk to me不要再 不要再 崇拜自己我是你 我会注意 对方的每一次呼吸Talk to meCome Talk to me在我脸上寻找怨你的痕迹不把我放心里叫我Baby 这样太卑鄙别以为一句我爱你 已失去说服力这是女生应有的权利Talk to meCome Talk to me不要再 不要再 崇拜自己我是你 我会注意对方的每一次呼吸Talk to meCome Talk to me在我脸上寻找怨你的痕迹不把我放心里叫我Baby 这样太卑鄙
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