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英语It is alleged he mistreated the prisoners怎么翻译?

It is alleged he mistreated the prisoners据称他虐待囚犯


deal,treat,dream,deaf中ea发音不同的是deaf 读[e]其它读长音[I:]

Stream ciphers

Stream ciphers是对码流进行加密的对称密钥加密算法. 这个方案被称为ECB模式(Electronic Code Book模式)。 它是block cipher可以用来构造stream cipher的众多方法之一。 使用oracle解密block 结论: 攻击者可以分析密文以识别重复模式,甚至在给定访问加密Oracle时解密消息。 产生流密码的最常见方法之一是在特定配置中使用分组密码。这个复合系统的行为就像一个流密码。 ECB模式,是最简单的这种操作模式。 ECB的模式非常无效。幸运的是,还有很多其他选择。 CBC模式,它代表cipher block chaining。 initialization vector (IV ): a random number that takes the place of the ”first” ciphertext in this construction.


大家对于treat这个单词了解多少呢?treat表示款待、招待和乐事的意思,treat的 短语 有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的treat的短语有哪些_treat的英语例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ treat的短语 treat of(v.+prep.) 论及,涉及 take as subject of discourse, discussion, etc. 〔说明〕 treat of通常不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。 This book treats of new trends in surgery.这本书写的是外科方面的新动向。 treat with(v.+prep.) 1.对待 behave in a way towards sb They treated us with friendliness.他们待我们很友好。 2.和…商谈 talk or negotiate with sb We have treated with the three biggest firms in London.我们已与伦敦最大的三家公司谈判过了。 ▼ treat的 同义词 辨析 cure, treat, heal, remedy 这些动词都有"治疗,医治"之意。 cure : 主要指治愈疾病。 treat : 普通用词,指接受并诊治病人。 heal : 侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等。 remedy : 着重用药物对病人进行治疗。 ▼ treat的英语例句 1. New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers. 关节炎的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。 2. They shouldn"t treat their mother in this disrespectful way. 他们不能这样无礼地对待亲生母亲。 3. Her cousin, a hairdresser, was perming her hair as a special treat. 她表兄是美发师,正在免费给她烫发。 4. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease. 没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。 5. The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently. 同盟国称他们将善待战俘。 6. The first part of the plan works a treat. 计划的第一部分天衣无缝。 7. It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage. 很多年以后这个城市才开始处理污水。 8. She adored Paddy but he didn"t treat her well. 她深爱帕迪,但他对她却并不好。 9. The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure. 治疗这种流血的最好 方法 就是牢牢将伤口压住。 10. Doctors refused to treat her, claiming that her problems were all psychosomatic. 医生拒绝对她进行治疗,声称她的问题完全是心理作用引起的。 11. Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness. 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。 12. Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens. 太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当作二等公民对待。 13. It"s a treat to be enjoyed all the year round. 这是全年都能享受到的款待。 14. I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves. 我希望选民们给予其建议应有的鄙视。 15. There were no doctors to treat the sick. 没有医生为病人医治。 treat的短语相关 文章 : ★ treat的短语有哪些 ★ treat的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ treat的同义词是什么 ★ trip的短语有哪些 ★ 总结英文短语 ★ greet的短语有哪些 ★ 常见带介词的to短语归纳 ★ 常用的英语因果的短语 ★ 有联系的英语短语 ★ 英语高频词汇大全 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


  treat有对待;视为;探讨;治疗;处理等意思,treat的用法也有很多,下面跟着我一起来学习treat的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    treat的用法   treat的用法1:treat可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。用作名词的意思是“乐趣,愉快的事”,指不常得到或意料之外的事,常用单数形式,与a连用。   treat的用法2:treat还可表示“款待,招待”,常伴有表明决定这种待人方式的性格、态度和观点的意味。   treat的用法3:treat的基本意思是“以某种态度对待某人〔某事物〕”。引申为“款待”“请客”“处置”“谈判”“讨论”“医治”。作“医治”解时,可说treat sth,也可说treat sb for sth。   treat的用法4:treat作“对待(某人)”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。   treat的用法5:treat作“探讨,讨论”解时,用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。   treat的用法6:treat可用于被动结构。   treat的用法7:treat的过去分词treated可用作形容词,在句中作定语,意为“处理过的”。    treat的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   treat of (v.+prep.)   treat with (v.+prep.)    treat的用法例句   1. New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.   关节炎的新疗法可能是止痛药之外的另一种选择。   2. They shouldn"t treat their mother in this disrespectful way.   他们不能这样无礼地对待亲生母亲。   3. Her cousin, a hairdresser, was perming her hair as a special treat.   她表兄是美发师,正在免费给她烫发。   4. No one knew how to treat this dreaded disease.   没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。   5. The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently.   同盟国称他们将善待战俘。   6. The first part of the plan works a treat.   计划的第一部分天衣无缝。   7. It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage.   很多年以后这个城市才开始处理污水。   8. She adored Paddy but he didn"t treat her well.   她深爱帕迪,但他对她却并不好。   9. The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm pressure.   治疗这种流血的最好 方法 就是牢牢将伤口压住。   10. Doctors refused to treat her, claiming that her problems were all psychosomatic.   医生拒绝对她进行治疗,声称她的问题完全是心理作用引起的。   11. Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness.   它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。   12. Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.   太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当作二等公民对待。   13. It"s a treat to be enjoyed all the year round.   这是全年都能享受到的款待。   14. I hope voters will treat his advice with the contempt it deserves.   我希望选民们给予其建议应有的鄙视。   15. There were no doctors to treat the sick.   没有医生为病人医治。 猜你喜欢: 1. treat的近义词辨析 2. treat的第三人称单数和例句 3. treat是什么意思 4. preserve的用法和短语例句 5. dismiss的用法和短语例句

BLOODY STREAM歌词,要翻译成中文的歌词谢谢。

山峰之巅 寂静深渊传说中的石柱就要苏醒 超越了时间邪恶重现 血色蔓延谁释放对抗魔鬼的波纹 照亮了这黑夜若将传承下的爱 当做宿命不可改变那就露出微笑 迈步向前背弃那冰冷的黑暗飞越那挫败的瞬间出鞘的利剑刺向你的破绽与弱点开辟未来的 是你那 矢志不移的思念Like a Bloody Stream ack(罗马音)Like a Bloody Stream鸣刻在血脉上的命运是无悔的荣耀永不消失的是勇气希望与信念羁绊着那 不屈的尊严

求bloody stream 的中文版歌词 就是翻译

不知道你说的是不是这个电视动画“JoJo的奇妙冒险》OP寂静从心底觉醒的柱子们时越过深红的鲜血站起来的勇气介绍称为命运的话,继承爱微笑眼睛下面的手黑暗欺骗刹那闪过刃穿越混蛋的间隙贯开了想未来开改变像(像这样)a bloody stream热变得像(像这样)a bloody stream血脉镌刻的因缘浮起来不会消失夸周围的绊紧握的力量涨撞击这个证朋友的声音。渗疼痛和现在活下去的意义一边躲避你的意思的黎明导变得耀眼那样的高贵而光芒四射的方向灼热向天空灵魂碰撞踏上旅途悲伤出售的拯救未来像(像这样)a bloody stream燃烧像(像这样)a bloody stream炎撕裂风断绝向前不畏惧什么也不要犹豫进快乐的流动中的共鸣运生命的波纹心中的黑暗欺骗刹那闪过刃穿越混蛋的空隙间贯输了。开未来变得像(像这样)a bloody stream热变得像(像这样)a bloody stream血脉镌刻的因缘浮起来不会消失夸周围的绊握紧


山峰之巅 寂静深渊传说中的石柱就要苏醒 超越了时间邪恶重现 血色蔓延谁释放对抗魔鬼的波纹 照亮了这黑夜若将传承下的爱 当做宿命不可改变那就露出微笑 迈步向前背弃那冰冷的黑暗飞越那挫败的瞬间出鞘的利剑刺向你的破绽与弱点开辟未来的 是你那 矢志不移的思念Like a Bloody Stream ack(罗马音)Like a Bloody Stream鸣刻在血脉上的命运是无悔的荣耀永不消失的是勇气希望与信念羁绊着那 不屈的尊严


earnest 英[u02c8u025c:nu026ast] 美[u02c8u025c:rnu026ast] adj. 热心的; 诚挚的,真挚的; 重要的; n. 认真; 诚挚; 热心; 定钱,保证金; [其他] 复数:earnests



药效研究中 什么是 delayed treatment?有什么意义?


treatment ampoule什么意思


求游戏《真实之泪/True Treas》所有音乐(OP,ED,BGM等)


treatment boosting cleanser是什么意思


electroshock treatment是什么意思



Engine air inlet temperature sensor failure, not ready to start.发动机的进气口温度感应器故障,不能启动。

wpf streamgeometrycontex可以设置画笔颜色吗

查看回滚段名称及大小 select segment_name, tablespace_name, r.status, (initial_extent/1024) InitialExtent,(next_extent/1024) NextExtent, max_extents, v.curext CurExtent From dba_rollback_segs r, v$rollstat v Where r.segment_id =

新手求问Matlab中streamline 及 contour函数的用法


Java ObjectInputStream。只能写一个对象,不能一直写入是为什么?读出对象也不对。


雪花秀timetreasure renovating emulsion ex什么意思?

time treasure renovating emulsion ex时间宝藏前修复乳液

NVIDIA geforce experience gamestream“不起作用,尝试重启您的系统”


统计学中的control group, treatment group 标准的中文译法是什么?


treated equally

B 解析: 略

treat everyone equally


treat sb as equals与treat sb equally的区别?

这两个没什么区别,造两个句子就明白,The shop treats us "as equals". 这铺头平等待客The shop treats us "equally".

We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all man are created__and should be treated__

created equal是指创造出来就是平等的,而不是说是被平等地创造出来




pet [pet] ;tree [tri:] ;beg [beɡ];treat [tri:t] ;bread [bred];see [si:] ;meat [mi:t] ;jet [dʒet];tea [ti:] ;sea [si:];clean [kli:n]音标都给了,如果还读不好的话那么就要好好学学音标了。另外,自己要多翻词典,不要怕麻烦,现在怕麻烦的话以后的麻烦还多着呢。

treat sb equal 还说是equally


求翻译:A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding...Jonathan Swift


求翻译:A Treatise on Good Manners and Good Breeding...Jonathan Swift

良好的礼貌是使这些人很容易与我们交谈的艺术。 谁的最少的人不安的是在公司饲养最好的。 作为最好的法律是建立在理性,所以是最好的方式。而一些律师已引入普通法不合理的事情,所以也有不少教师引入普通的礼貌的荒唐事。 这种艺术的一个主要问题是适合我们的行为的三个男人几度,我们的上级,我们等于,低于我们这些。 例如,按前两任一吃或喝是一种礼貌的行为;但农民还是商人必须粉碎处理,否则将很难说服他们,他们欢迎。 傲慢,虐待性质和见识,是三个无礼伟大的来源,没有其中的某些缺陷之一,没有人会想表现自己生病的经验,或者什么的,在愚人的语言,被称为知世界。 我敢说任何一个指定的事件,其中的原因我们不会直接说什么,我们还是在公司,如果我们不以自豪或虐待nature.Therefore误导我坚持认为,好的感觉是礼貌的主要基础,但因为前者是其中极少数是人类之间,因此具有礼品世界上所有的文明国家都在固定一些共同的行为规则,最适合自己的海关,或幻想同意作为一种人为的好感, ,提供理性的缺陷。没有它们,dunces绅士风度的一部分将永远在袖口,因为他们很少失败时,他们正好是喝醉了,或对从事妇女或播放争吵。而且,感谢上帝,有几乎发生在一年的决斗,这可能不是归咎于这三个动机之一。一旦哪个帐户,我应该非常遗憾地发现立法机关作出反对任何新的法律实践决斗,因为方法很简单,而对于一个聪明人,以避免争吵与荣誉,或在它参与许多天真。我还可以发现在苦难中没有政治邪恶的恶霸,sharpers,及耙,彻底摆脱由他们自己的方式对彼此的世界;其中他所没有能够找到一个有利的法律。 作为礼貌的常见形式旨在规管那些谁薄弱谅解的行为,所以他们已被其使用的人士,他们人为损坏。对于这些人陷入了乘以仪式,并已非常麻烦,那些谁实践,向其他人无法承受不必要的和无休止的方式:以致众人更聪明的人往往在对这些炼油厂不安文明,比他们可能可以在农民或机械的对话。


Bank of Eritrea此为厄立特里亚货币--纳克法

求treat you berrer(ashworth remix)shawn mendes百度资源



stream的意思是:流动。读音:英[striu02d0m],美[striu02d0m]。释义:n.溪流;流动;潮流;光线;(数据)流。vi.流;涌进;飘扬。vt.流出;涌出;使飘动。例句:The limpid stream flows northward.这条清澈的小溪流流向了北方。变形:过去式streamed,过去分词streamed,现在分词streaming,第三人称单数streams,复数streams。短语:mountain stream山涧。sun streams太阳光线。in streams连续不断,川流不息。近义词brook读音:英[bru028ak],美[bru028ak]。释义:n. 溪;小河;小川;vt. (不)允许(某事);例句:God told him to go hide himself by the Brook Cherith.神告诉他去藏在约但河东边的基立溪旁。变形:第三人称单数brooks,复数brooks,现在分词brooking,过去式brooked,过去分词brooked。用法:brook是正式用语,通常用于否定句或疑问句。brook用作名词的意思是“小溪”,是文学用词,指发源于山泉的溪流,一般说来,比creek和stream小。




stream通名brook学名a stream can be a brook or a small river or else.


Stream 从使用范围来讲,stream的含义最广,它指比river小的小溪、小河,又可以指凡是流动或流淌的东西,一连串的东西(包括思想意识等)。;例如: The stream is full of trout. 河里有很多鳟鱼。 A stream of water ran off the roof. 雨水顺着房顶往下淌。 The music evoked a stream of associated ideas. 这段音乐使人浮想联翩。 Streams of people were coming out of the railway station. 人群从火车站涌出。 stream of consciousness 意识流 -----------------------------------------brook 小河,溪。通常指从山泉流出的 stream, 多用于诗。例如: Sluggishly the brook flowed. 溪水缓缓地流淌。 Small rivers and large brooks are both called streams. 小河和大的溪流都可以成为河流。


A stream runs a little faster, may have little falls and pools. A brook runs on the flattest ground of all these waterways you mention, it kind of meanders. A creek is very like a stream but even faster, though less reliable as it can dry"s often run-off from the snow. A river is the culmination of all these waterways...they all eventually flow into the river, which usually flows (slow and/or fast) to a lake, sea, or ocean.

creek, stream, rivulet 都有小溪/小流的意思,请问这三者之间有什么区别

2. Stream 从使用范围来讲,stream的含义最广,它一方面指比river小的小溪、小河,另一方面又可以指凡是流动或流淌的东西,一连串的东西(包括思想意识等)。;例如: The stream is full of trout. 河里有很多鳟鱼。 A stream of water ran off the roof. 雨水顺着房顶往下淌。 The music evoked a stream of associated ideas. 这段音乐使人浮想联翩。 Streams of people were coming out of the railway station. 人群从火车站涌出。 stream of consciousness 意识流4. creek 小河,支流。窄小且流速较慢的stream,一般比brook大。但在通俗用法中,stream,brook和creek 可以互换使用。例如: A creek winds through the woods. 一条小河从树林里蜿蜒流过。 rivulet 小溪。即一条很小的brook或者stream, 也可以叫做streamlet。该词由river加后缀 -let(小)构成。例如: Tadpoles can be found in this rivulet. 这条小溪里能见到蝌蚪。

Treat me right歌词+翻译

Treat me rightAJ: The first night that we met 第一晚我们相遇 I will never forget 我永不会忘记 Baby you were a star 宝贝你是一颗明星 Oh, from that point in time 哦,从那一刻开始 It was always you and I 总是你与我一起 Shining so beautiful 闪烁着美丽的光华 Later out with your friends 后来和你的朋友出去 You treat me like I"m dead 你将我像死了一样对待 It was like I"m invisible 好像我是隐形人一样 Nick: (I can"t let it go) 我不能放手 That was unforgettable 那难以忘怀 (I can"t let it go) I just wanna let you know 我只是想让你知道 (I can"t let it go) Situations unliveable 不适合的环境 (I can"t let it go) I can"t let it go (I can"t let it go) All: So tell me why you say that you want me 所以告诉我为什么你说你要我 When all you ever do girl 当你还是女孩的时候 Is push on my buttons 是开启我的心门? You always bring me down 你总是打击我 In public 在公共场合 When nobody"s around 而在没有人的地方 To say that you love me 说你爱我 Make me say oh, no 让我说,哦,不 I see you all alone 我看到你总是独自一个人 I"m half way out the door 在我在出门的半路上 Unless you turn around 除非你转过身 And treat me right 好好的对待我 Brian: Oh, you got me twisted 哦,你让我受尽折磨 Oh, you got me twisted I"m not someone you can just disrespect, oh 我不是你可以不尊重的那个人,哦 How would you feel if you were in my shoes 如果在我鞋中,你将是怎样? Feelin" used, with a heart bruised 感觉被利用,一颗心被伤得破碎 Nick: (I can"t let it go) The situations critical 危险的环境 (I can"t let it go) Relationship is pitiful 令人同情的关系 (I can"t let it go) Everything"s falling apart 所有东西都在土崩瓦解 (I can"t let it go) Cause you"re so hypocritical 因为你是如此伪善


罗马音歌词:ロマジ:BrushUP!! yu u kyou mo wa ta si no haato ki ra me kuNext Future ha ji ma tte ru re!dare ni mo yuzuru re na i yo so re zo re no puraidomito me a tte ru tte ko to wa na ku te moma ssu gu maemuku ki na no ……wakaruganba tte ru tte u re si i sinpasiitsuyo i kaze ga mikata ka do u ka na n tekankei na i jibunjidai da wa i ka na ku cha!to ma ra na i karada chuu ni naga re da su enajiisaikou no wa ta si de to n de i ke!SUPER∞STREAM kan ji te ru yoima mo mirai mo o i ko si so u na tsubasa ni na ruBrushUP!! yuuki kyou mo ma ke na i haato miga ku yoNext Future mitou sa na i de!yowane mo tsu re te ku ru no? sakimawa ri si ga chi naimeeji wa tokitoki segyofunouso re de mo ya me ta ku na i i tsu momune no naka ni atara si i bijyontsugi no kaze wo ma tte ru da ke da na n tekuya si ku na i jibun jya arienai susu ma na kya!ka ke nu ke te sekaichuu ni jiyuu na rainhibi ki a u shunkan ga su ki da ka ra!MIGHTY∞STORM si tte i ru nokako no wa ta si ga chikara wo ku re te ima ga a ru neProud Me!! da tte i ke ru wa ta si no haato ki ra me kuNext Future sin ji te i ru yo!to ma ra na i karada chuu ni naga re da su enajiisaikou no wa ta si de to n de i ke!SUPER∞STREAM kan ji te ru yoima mo mirai mo o i ko si so u na tsubasa ni na ruBrushUP!! yuuki kyou mo ma ke na i haato miga ku yoNext Future mitou sa na i de!

Surface Treatment: Cromated “cromated”什么意思?

Cromated不认识,应该是Chromated吧Surface Treatment: Chromated 字面意思:表面处理:铬酸盐工业上一般指:表面镀铬


主要是意思区别:前者招待,款待,treat somebody招待某人看待treat…… as,治疗,treat anxiety治疗焦躁后者有出席,定期去如attend class上课attend on照顾二者都可做及物动词和不及物动词使用。

Don T Tread On Me 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Tread On Me歌手:Metallica专辑:MetallicaArtist: MetallicaAlbum: The Black AlbumTitle: The Struggle WithinDon"t Tread On MeLiberty or death, what we so proudly hailOnce you provoke her, rattling of her tailNever begins it, never, but once engagedNever surrenders, showing the fangs of rageDon"t tread on meSo be itThreaten no moreTo secure peace is to prepare for warSo be itSettle the scoreTouch me again for the words that you will hear evermoreDon"t tread on meLove it or live it, she with the deadly biteQuick is the blue tongue, forked as the lighting strikeShining with brightness, always on surveillanceThe eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilanceDon"t tread on meSo be itThreaten no moreTo secure peace is to prepare for warSo be itSettle the scoreTouch me again for the words that you will hear evermoreDon"t tread on meSo be itThreaten no moreTo secure peace is to prepare for warLiberty or death, what we so proudly hailOnce you provoke her, rattling of her tailSo be itThreaten no moreTo secure peace is to prepare for warSo be itSettle the scoreTouch me again for the words that you will hear evermoreDon"t tread on meWords and Music by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich

虐待英文怎么说? maltreat/ mistreat/ abuse 中文意思一次搞懂!

虐待英文 怎么说? 如果你想用英文说某某人被虐待,无论是暴力虐待、 *** 待、精神虐待…等等,该怎么用英文表达呢?常见的虐待英文单字有三个,分别是maltreat、mistreat、abuse。如果你还不知道这三个英文单字的意思,那就赶快学起来吧! 下面整理了maltreat/ mistreat/ abuse 的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.maltreat 虐待 maltreat的意思是指「to treat someone cruelly or violently」,也就是暴力、粗辱地对待某个人。 下面列出maltreat 英文例句与中文意思。 例: The animals were seriously maltreated. 这些动物受到了严重虐待。 例: Never to maltreat children again! 永远不要再虐待儿童! 2.mistreat 虐待 mistreat 的意思是指「to treat a person or animal badly, cruelly, or unfairly」。mistreat 同样是虐待的意思。 下面列出mistreat 英文例句与中文意思。 例: It is against the law to mistreat an animal. 虐待动物是违法的。 例: Don"t mistreat your children. 不要虐待您的孩子。 3.abuse 虐待 abuse 的中文意思非常多,其中一个也是指「虐待」的意思,用英文字典来解释就是「cruel, violent, or unfair treatment of someone」,也就是残忍、暴力的对待某人。 下面列出abuse 英文例句与中文意思。 例: sexual/physical/mental abuse *** 待/身体虐待/精神虐待 abuse, abuse 中文, abuse 意思, maltreat, maltreat 中文, maltreat 意思, mistreat, mistreat 中文, mistreat 意思, 虐待 英文

Treasure Island (More To This Life Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Treasure Island (More To This Life Album Version)歌手:Steven Curtis Chapman专辑:More To This LifeTreasure IslandRunning WildPile of SkullsSquire Trelawny and Dr. Livesay having asked me, Jim Hawkins,特朗尼法官和李弗瑟长官要求我,吉姆·霍金斯,to tell everybody the whole tale about the "Island",把发生在岛上的事情巨细无遗地告诉大家。Flint"s treasure and Mr. Silver.有关弗林特的宝藏,席尔瓦先生(应该是后面‘白银"号船长)Keeping nothing back but its position and that only,带回来的只是它的地点,because the major part of the treasure has not been lifted yet. 宝藏本身现在仍深深沉在海底。I personally think we would never have begun this adventure我真希望自己从未参加and set course with the "Hispaniola", if we had known“西斯帕尼奥拉”号的这次冒险,可惜当初what would happen and that some of us would never return,不知道我们中的一些人永远也回不来,having lost their lives. Sometimes the whole story haunts dreams他们搭上了性命。这件事时常光顾我的梦境,and brings me the worst nightmares I ever had.将我带入前所未有的恐怖梦魇。That"s when I hear the cries of the fallen,梦里充斥着落水者的哭喊,the waves pounding the rocks on the coast and Captain Flint"s海浪拍击着岸上的岩石,以及弗林特船长raw voice screaming: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Hahahah!".冷冰冰的声音在喊叫:‘大卸八块!大卸八块!哈哈哈哈!"。And I tell you, no oxen and wain ropes will ever take me我告诉你们,就算是公牛和战车back to "Treasure Island"!!!也休想把我再拉回‘珍宝岛"!!!Treasure Island珍宝岛Artist(Band):Running Wild编译:jionMr. Bones is fighting "Black Dog"‘骨头"先生跟‘黑犬"打得正欢He want to split him to the chine他要把他扯成两半"Blind Pew" the bringer of the spot‘盲眼裴"带着新目标Horse-hooves trampling his spine快马加鞭赶来We have the map to start our trip我们拿着地图,出发航行The "Squire" has the ship and the sailors‘老爷"号提供船和水手"Long John" is the man with the grip‘长约翰"是掌舵之人(指船长)No one knows he will raid us没人知道他将突袭我们The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世"Long John" is spreading his law‘长约翰"要扩张他的势力Hatching a death bringing plot策划着阴谋带来死亡I show up in a council of war我混进了一场战争议会What I heard in the barrel from this toad躲在木桶里偷听到这诡计The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世We see the land, shining sand我们看见了陆地,闪亮的沙滩But it can be our grave但那是我们的墓地I jump the boat, overload我跳下船,游上岸Trying to be too brave表现太过英勇Burning sun, find "Ben Gunn"烈日如炎,找到‘枪手本"号Assassins claim the ship偷袭者要来夺船I cut the rope, I try to cope我切断绳索,我试图抵抗To free it from "Hand"s" grip不让船被拖走Bulling row, cannon law成排的壮汉,还有加农炮The jolly-boats last trip欢乐的小船赶上它们的最后旅程Killing tried, stockade fight杀戮,围剿"Silver"s" quit‘白银"号上暴徒叛乱Abandonment, to "Silver"s" hand他们将船遗弃A cunning pack is made陷阱已经设好Trick or treat, make scoundrels欺骗讹诈,恶毒无耻Bleed, their dullness will be paid流血吧,他们要为愚蠢付出代价I stumble to the stockade我蹒跚走向栏栅The sweat drips form my brow额头冷汗直冒No one keeps a lockout, oh no!没人被锁在外面,哦不!The rabble owns it now强盗已将它占有"Silver" tries to shield me‘白银"号试着保护我The "Black spot" comes again‘黑斑"号再次出现He throws the map onto the ground那人将地图扔到地面He plays a tricky game他玩着这狡诈的游戏Pickaxe, rope and shovel镐子,绳索和铁锹The dead-man marks the way死尸就是路标No chest, no gold, no silver没有宝箱,没有金子,没有银子2 guineas is their pay两个畿尼〔旧时英国金币,合21先令〕就是酬劳Musket cracks like thunder枪火如同闪电The blood is running red鲜血四处飞溅"Ben Gunn" kept the treasure‘枪手本"号藏着财宝From beginning to end自始至终When we put back to the sea当我们回到海上"Silver"s" chains are doubly tight‘白银"号被死死拴住"Long John" and his counterfeit key‘长约翰"带着他仿制的钥匙Sidle away through the night夜里悄悄溜走The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世Treasure Island!!!珍宝岛!!!【END】

Treasure Islands 歌词

歌曲名:Treasure Islands歌手:David Lowe专辑:Wild Caribbean - Original Music By David LoweTreasure IslandRunning WildPile of SkullsSquire Trelawny and Dr. Livesay having asked me, Jim Hawkins,特朗尼法官和李弗瑟长官要求我,吉姆·霍金斯,to tell everybody the whole tale about the "Island",把发生在岛上的事情巨细无遗地告诉大家。Flint"s treasure and Mr. Silver.有关弗林特的宝藏,席尔瓦先生(应该是后面‘白银"号船长)Keeping nothing back but its position and that only,带回来的只是它的地点,because the major part of the treasure has not been lifted yet. 宝藏本身现在仍深深沉在海底。I personally think we would never have begun this adventure我真希望自己从未参加and set course with the "Hispaniola", if we had known“西斯帕尼奥拉”号的这次冒险,可惜当初what would happen and that some of us would never return,不知道我们中的一些人永远也回不来,having lost their lives. Sometimes the whole story haunts dreams他们搭上了性命。这件事时常光顾我的梦境,and brings me the worst nightmares I ever had.将我带入前所未有的恐怖梦魇。That"s when I hear the cries of the fallen,梦里充斥着落水者的哭喊,the waves pounding the rocks on the coast and Captain Flint"s海浪拍击着岸上的岩石,以及弗林特船长raw voice screaming: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Hahahah!".冷冰冰的声音在喊叫:‘大卸八块!大卸八块!哈哈哈哈!"。And I tell you, no oxen and wain ropes will ever take me我告诉你们,就算是公牛和战车back to "Treasure Island"!!!也休想把我再拉回‘珍宝岛"!!!Treasure Island珍宝岛Artist(Band):Running Wild编译:jionMr. Bones is fighting "Black Dog"‘骨头"先生跟‘黑犬"打得正欢He want to split him to the chine他要把他扯成两半"Blind Pew" the bringer of the spot‘盲眼裴"带着新目标Horse-hooves trampling his spine快马加鞭赶来We have the map to start our trip我们拿着地图,出发航行The "Squire" has the ship and the sailors‘老爷"号提供船和水手"Long John" is the man with the grip‘长约翰"是掌舵之人(指船长)No one knows he will raid us没人知道他将突袭我们The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世"Long John" is spreading his law‘长约翰"要扩张他的势力Hatching a death bringing plot策划着阴谋带来死亡I show up in a council of war我混进了一场战争议会What I heard in the barrel from this toad躲在木桶里偷听到这诡计The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世We see the land, shining sand我们看见了陆地,闪亮的沙滩But it can be our grave但那是我们的墓地I jump the boat, overload我跳下船,游上岸Trying to be too brave表现太过英勇Burning sun, find "Ben Gunn"烈日如炎,找到‘枪手本"号Assassins claim the ship偷袭者要来夺船I cut the rope, I try to cope我切断绳索,我试图抵抗To free it from "Hand"s" grip不让船被拖走Bulling row, cannon law成排的壮汉,还有加农炮The jolly-boats last trip欢乐的小船赶上它们的最后旅程Killing tried, stockade fight杀戮,围剿"Silver"s" quit‘白银"号上暴徒叛乱Abandonment, to "Silver"s" hand他们将船遗弃A cunning pack is made陷阱已经设好Trick or treat, make scoundrels欺骗讹诈,恶毒无耻Bleed, their dullness will be paid流血吧,他们要为愚蠢付出代价I stumble to the stockade我蹒跚走向栏栅The sweat drips form my brow额头冷汗直冒No one keeps a lockout, oh no!没人被锁在外面,哦不!The rabble owns it now强盗已将它占有"Silver" tries to shield me‘白银"号试着保护我The "Black spot" comes again‘黑斑"号再次出现He throws the map onto the ground那人将地图扔到地面He plays a tricky game他玩着这狡诈的游戏Pickaxe, rope and shovel镐子,绳索和铁锹The dead-man marks the way死尸就是路标No chest, no gold, no silver没有宝箱,没有金子,没有银子2 guineas is their pay两个畿尼〔旧时英国金币,合21先令〕就是酬劳Musket cracks like thunder枪火如同闪电The blood is running red鲜血四处飞溅"Ben Gunn" kept the treasure‘枪手本"号藏着财宝From beginning to end自始至终When we put back to the sea当我们回到海上"Silver"s" chains are doubly tight‘白银"号被死死拴住"Long John" and his counterfeit key‘长约翰"带着他仿制的钥匙Sidle away through the night夜里悄悄溜走The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世Treasure Island!!!珍宝岛!!!【END】

treat work as job是什么意思?




刺客联盟游戏进入,弹出Application has crashed: C++ exception Attempt to grow archive bundlesstream


cure a disease 和treat disease的区别!!!~~~



  therapy是对心理、残疾的治疗,名词时有时也当治疗能力讲。  treament是处理,治疗:给病人或为了治疗一种疾病或损伤施加或使用药物;药物处理或外科治疗,个别情况下当处理解释。  cure是治疗,疗法:用来恢复健康的医疗方法或过程,暗含了治愈的意思。  heal是变得完整和健全;重返健康,恢复健康状态,有时候作拯救解释。 e.g. "heal the world".


  treat :治疗,含义最广,包括对伤口、病人进行诊断,制定治疗方案、开药方等,强调治疗过程。多指通过药物,特别的食品或运动治疗病人或治病,不强调结果。   cure :治愈;治疗,多指病后恢复健康,治愈的意思




treat 治疗 cure治愈

treat cure heal的区别



一、含义上的区别用作动词时,两者均可表示“治疗”,但含义有所不同:cure通常强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾病;而 treat则通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不含治好的意思。比较:A few days" rest will cure you. 休息几天你的病就好了。This medicine will cure your cough. 这药可治好你的咳嗽。The dentist is treating my teeth. 牙科医生在给我看牙。Is he able to treat this disease (the wound)? 他能治这病(伤)吗?二、搭配上的区别注意以下两句 cure和 treat所搭配的介词不同:The doctors cured her of cancer. 医生治好了她的癌症。Which doctor is treating you for your illness? 哪个医生在给你看病?有时用于引申义。如:Parents try to cure their children of bad habits. 父母设法纠正孩子们的不良习惯。三、词性上的区别cure表示“治疗”时,除用作动词外,还可用作名词。若表示“对……的治疗”或“治疗……的方法”,一般用介词 for。如:Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? 迄今癌症有无有效的治疗方法?Scientists have so far failed to provide a cure for the common cold. 科学家们到目前为止还没有找到一种治疗普通感冒的方法。注:treat表示“治疗”时,不能用作名词,它的名词形式是treatment。如:I"m sure this treatment will help him (to) be cured. 我相信这种治疗将有助于他痊愈。The lorry crashed into a queue of people, several of whom had to have hospital treatment. 卡车冲进了一队人群之中,其中有几个不得不住院治疗。


cure 治疗treat 对待cure: [ kjuu0259 ] n. 治疗,治愈,治疗法v. 治疗,治愈,改正例句与用法: 1. The only way to cure backache is to rest. 治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。 2. There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。 3. When I left the hospital I was completely cured. 出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。 4. That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever. 那一沉重教训根除了他凡事爱打听的毛病。 5. The doctor cannot guarantee a cure. 医生不能保证治愈. 6. This illness cannot be cured easily. 这种病不好治. 7. Her cure took six weeks. 她的病用了六个星期才治好. 8. Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? 癌症迄今有无有效的治疗方法? treat: [ tri:t ] n. 宴飨,款待v. 视为,对待,论述例句与用法: 1. This meal is my treat, so put your money away. 这顿饭我请客,你把钱收起来吧。 2. This boy is being treated for a heart condition. 这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。 3. My mother always treats us like children. 我妈妈总把我们当孩子看待。 4. This delicate glass must be treated with care. 这精巧的玻璃杯处理时要小心。 5. Smoked salmon what a treat! 吃熏大马哈鱼--那可太棒了! 6. The documentary treated the question in some detail. 这部记录片探讨这个问题有些深度。 7. We were treated to the unusual sight of the Prime Minister singing on TV. 我们有幸目睹首相上电视一展歌喉的难得场面. 8. They treat their children very badly. 他们对待子女很不好.

用cure与treate的适当形式填空,请求详细分析 there is no known___for this disease but it can be____

there is no known__treatment_for this disease but it can be__cured__treatment:治疗方案cure:治愈句子意思是,虽然目前还没有已知的治疗方案,但是这种病能够治愈。这题考的是两个词义的区分。


用作动词时,两者均可表示“治疗”,但含义有所不同:cure 通常强调结果,指治愈某种疾病或某人的疾病;而 treat 则通常强调过程,指对病人进行诊断和治疗,但不含治好的意思。 扩展资料   There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.   她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。   There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.   这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但可以医治。   That is no way to treat another human being.   那绝不是对待他人的方式。   Students were angry at being treated like children.   学生对于把他们当小孩子对待感到气愤。



cure , treat, heal 作"治愈"讲时,有什么区别?


诅咒的宝藏2Cursed Treasure 2怎么玩新手攻略分享


Dutch treat is a late-nineteenth-century term, and it originally refers to a dinner where every...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:B 试题分析:Dutch treat是十九世纪后期的术语,它原本是指每个人都预期支付他自己份额的食品和饮料的一顿晚餐。如果人们去Dutch treat,或简单地“go Dutch”,这意味着他们将分享参与某一个社会活动的费用。有很多其他含Dutch的英语习语,其中许多被发明了在英国在十七世纪,当时荷兰人和英语是商业和军事竞争对手。英语中用Dutch指坏、 廉价和可耻的东西。 一些表达今天仍在使用。事实上,在美国英语中,含有Dutch的习语与荷兰人无关,但与德国相关。这大概是当德国移民在 18 世纪来到美国时,由于当地人把Dutch和Deutsch (德语中德国人) 这两个在拼写和发音上很相似的词弄混了。 小题1:细节理解题。题干问:许多发明的带有“Dutch”的习语含有否定意义,因为什么?根据文中的the Dutch and the English were commercial and military rivals.(当时荷兰人和英语是商业和军事竞争对手。)可知,选 B。小题2:推理判断题。题干问:根据从第二段获得的信息,猜一下You are in Dutch的意思。第二段介绍,英国人用" Dutch "指坏、 廉价和可耻的东西。,故选C。(你有麻烦了。)小题3:细节理解题。题干问:根据本段介绍,一些当地美国人用Dutch习语与德国人而不是荷兰人有关。因为什么?根据最后一段的解释可知,在18世纪德国人来到美国时,当地人在拼写和发音方面混淆了Dutch 和Deutsch(指德国)。故选B。( 一开始弄错了。)

aspen换热器模块出现错误 HEAT STREAMS SUM TO ZERO DUTY.,求高手帮忙



treadwear表示该轮胎的耐磨能力,后面的数字乘以300英里或乘以500公里就等于他的最大行程.当然由于路况不同,往往每个胎的最终行驶里程是不同的. 420X300=126000英里 420X500=210000公里



想看灰熊人2005年上映的由 Timothy Treadwell主演的免费高清资源

链接: 提取码: cdwx 《灰熊人 Grizzly Man》导演: 沃纳·赫尔佐格编剧: 沃纳·赫尔佐格主演: Timothy Treadwell、Amie Huguenard、Werner Herzog类型: 纪录片、传记制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2005-08-12(美国)片长: 103分钟又名: 熊人(港)本纪录片取材于野生动物保护主义者蒂莫西·崔德威尔(Timothy Treadwell)1999~2003年在美国阿拉斯加州卡特迈国家公园及自然保护区所拍摄的素材。崔德威尔从1989年起致力于野生灰熊的研究和保护,并与朋友成立了“熊人协会”,每年夏天来到卡特迈独自野营,观察记录灰熊的生活习性,并义务对数千名学童进行讲解,呼吁社会打击偷猎,关注、保护灰熊。导演沃纳·赫尔佐格(Werner Herzog)探访了崔德威尔的父母和前女友,并对2003年10月崔德威尔及女友艾米·胡格纳德(Amie Huguenard) 之死的细节进行了细致采访描绘,试图在展示崔德威尔非凡经历的同时,回答究竟是什么使他选择远离人类放逐荒野,将生命献给灰熊。本片获圣丹斯电影节纪录片评审团大奖提名及艾尔弗·斯隆奖,并获2005年独立精神奖、洛杉矶影评人协会、纽约影评人协会、美国国家...

怎么理解短语“beat a retreat”中的“beat”?




You are my treasure)什么意思?



你好,chang chun wang and port you want to have a happy trea sure you know 翻译成中文是:王长春和港口你想有一个快乐的处理确定你知道——————供参考,希望对你有帮助。

Treasure boy 什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:Treasure boy.金银财宝男孩。

treasure hunter是什么意思

treasure hunter宝藏猎人例句:1.A statue of treasure hunter Mel Fisher in his Key West museum.

national treasure是什么意思

national treasure[英][ˈnæʃənəl ˈtreʒə][美][ˈnæʃənəl ˈtrɛʒɚ][体]国宝; 网络国宝人物; 形近词:National Treasure双语例句1With the American national treasure level photography master Arab League speech,“ you are using your eye photography. ”用美国国宝级摄影大师阿达姆的话,“你是在用你的眼睛照相

treasure hunter是什么意思


we should treasure it是什么意思


what you treasure is a treasure是什么意思

你所珍爱的东西就是财宝。第一个“treasure”是动词,第二个是名词。 DIKFA丶为您回答 谢谢采纳!

treasure everyday啥意思


美国小学生的语文课本为啥叫 treasure 呢。

我百度了一下,看到这几本书了,Treasure 有宝藏的意思,我觉得挺有趣味性的,不过内容我还没看,可能翻译成“语文”的人是根据里面的内容翻译的。O(∩_∩)O 其实我觉得这个翻译有点怪,相对应我们的语文课的话,那也应该是《英文》。呵呵。我觉得翻译成《探宝之旅》不是更好?还能体现其趣味性。 --------------额,我又想了想,会不会是说他们的语文课教材叫《探宝之旅》,不是《探宝之旅》=语文。--------------囧
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