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Tim《请小心》韩文(拼音)/中文 uc870uc2ecud558uc138uc694 - Tim(ud300) uc587uc740 uc885uc774 ud55c uc7a5uc5d0 ucc38 uae4auc774 ubca0uc774uc8e0 yal-beun jong-i han jang-e cham gi-pi be-i-jyo uc704ud5d8ud558ub2e4uace0 uc5ecuae34 uc801 uc5c6ub294ub370 yal-beun jong-i han jang-e cham gi-pi be-i-jyo ubd80ub4dcub7ecuc6b4 uc0acub791ub3c4 ub298 ub2e4uce58uac8c ud558uc8e0 bu-deu-reo-un sa-rang-do neul da-chi-ge ha-jyo ud5e4uc544ub9b4 uc218uc870ucc28 uc5c6ub294 uc0c1ucc98ub4e4uc774 he-a-ril su-jo-cha eom-neun sang-cheo-deu-ri ud574ubb35uc740 ud749ud130ub85c ub0a8uc544uc11c hae-mu-geun hyung-teo-ro na-ma-seo ub208uc5d0 uc775uc219ud574uc838uac00uace0 nu-ne ik-ssu-kae-jeo-ga-go uadf8uac8c uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc544ud320uc5c8ub294uc9c0 geu-ge eol-ma-na a-pa-sseon-neun-ji uadf8ub304 ubaa8ub450 uc78auc5c8uc796uc544uc694 geu-daen mo-du i-jeot-jja-na-yo ub2e4uc2dc uc0acub791uc744 uc54cuac8c ub418uba74 da-si sa-rang-eul al-kke doe-myeon ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc744 ub9ccub098uba74 da-reun sa-ra-meul man-na-myeon uadf8ub308 ubaa8ub450 ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694 geu-dael mo-du bo-yeo-ju-ji ma-ra-yo uc870uae08uc740 ub098uc058uac8c ub300ud574uc694 ub108ubb34 uc0acub791uc2a4ub7f0 ubaa8uc2b5uc5d0 jo-geu-meun na-ppeu-ge dae-hae-yo uc695uc2ecuc774 ucee4uc9c0uba74 yok-ssi-mi keo-ji-myeon uadf8ub308 ub610 uc544ud504uac8c ud560ud14cub2c8 geu-dael tto a-peu-ge hal-te-ni uc81cubc1c uc870uc2ecud558uc138uc694 je-bal jo-sim-ha-se-yo ubbffuc74cuc774ub77cub294 uac83ub3c4 ucc38 ud798uc774 uc5c6ub124uc694 mi-deu-mi-ra-neun geot-tto cham hi-mi eom-ne-yo uadf8ub308 ubbffuc5b4uc694 ucc9c ubc88uc744 ub9d0ud574ub3c4 geu-dael mi-deo-yo cheon beo-neul mal-hae-do ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6b4 uc758uc2ecuc774 ub298 uc774uae30uace0 ub9d0uc8e0 bu-kkeu-reo-un ui-si-mi neul i-gi-go mal-jjyo ud55cuac78uc74c ubb3cub7ecub098 ubcf4uba74 ub418ub294ub370 han-geo-reum mul-leo-na bo-myeon doe-neun-de uadf8ub300 uc783uac8c ub420uae4c ub450ub824uc6cc geu-dae il-ke doel-kka du-ryeo-wo uc228ub9c9ud788uac8c ub04cuc5b4uc548uace0 sum-ma-ki-ge kkeu-reo-an-go uadf8uac8c uc5bcub9c8ub098 uc704ud5d8ud55cuac74uc9c0 geu-ge eol-ma-na wi-heom-han-geon-ji ubab0ub790uc5c8ub358 ubc14ubcf4uc796uc544uc694 mol-la-sseot-tteon ba-bo-ja-na-yo ub2e4uc2dc uc0acub791uc744 uc54cuac8c ub418ub3c4 da-si sa-rang-eul al-kke doe-do ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc744 ub9ccub098ub3c4 da-reun sa-ra-meul man-na-do uc808ub300 ub098ub97c uc6a9uc11cud558uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694 jeol-dae na-reul yong-seo-ha-ji ma-ra-yo ub354 ub9ceuc774 ub098uc058uac8c ub9d0ud574uc694 deo ma-ni na-ppeu-ge mal-hae-yo ub108ubb34 uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ud551uacc4ub85c uc0c1ucc98ub9cc uc900ub2e4uba74 neo-mu sa-rang-han-dan ping-gye-ro sang-cheo-man jun-da-myeon uacb0uad6d ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uac8c ub420ud14cub2c8 gyeol-guk he-eo-ji-ge doel-te-ni ubd80ub514 uc870uc2ecud558ub77cuace0 bu-di jo-sim-ha-ra-go uac00ub974uccd0uc8fcuae38 ubc14ub798uc694 ga-reu-cheo-ju-gil ba-rae-yo ub2e4uc2e0 uc544ud504uc9c0 uc54aub3c4ub85d da-sin a-peu-ji an-do-rok uc81cubc1c uc870uc2ecud558uc138uc694 je-bal jo-sim-ha-se-yo 请小心 就算是一张纸 也能割的很深 从没觉得有太多危险 就算温柔的爱情 也会让我受伤 那数不清的伤口 留下多年的伤痕 熟悉的一切 那刻骨铭心的痛楚 你都已经全部忘记了 不是吗?如果在坠入爱河 如果在和别人恋爱 不要让他了解你的全部 要对他狠一点 你太可爱的样子容易让别人贪心 那样你又会受伤 千万小心啊!信任也常常 会让人疲惫 我也说过成千上万次的相信你 阻止偷偷怀疑的我 躲开以步看看 担心你已经忘记 屏住呼吸拥抱 那有多么危险 还不明白吗 傻瓜呀!如果在坠入爱河 如果在和别人恋爱 不要让他了解你的全部 要对他狠一点 你太可爱的样子容易让别人贪心 那样你又会受伤 千万小心啊!我也在次恋爱 我也和别人交往 绝对不要宽恕我 说更多难听的话 用太爱作借口 只会带来伤痛 结局还回是分手 千万小心吧!希望你得到教训 不会受伤害

tp5 validate验证规则

use thinkValidate; "name"=>"require" "num"=>"number" "num"=>"integer" "num"=>"float" "num"=>"boolean" "email"=>"email" "info"=>"array" "accept"=>"accepted" "date"=>"date" "name"=>"alpha" "name"=>"alphaNum" "name"=>"alphaDash" "name"=>"chs" "name"=>"chsAlpha" "name"=>"chsAlphaNum" "name"=>"chsDash" "name"=>"cntrl" "name"=>"graph" "name"=>"print" "name"=>"lower" "name"=>"upper" "name"=>"space" "name"=>"xdigit" "host"=>"activeUrl" "url"=>"url" "ip"=>"ip" "create_time"=>"dateFormat:y-m-d" "mobile"=>"mobile" "id_card"=>"idCard" "mac"=>"macAddr" "zip"=>"zip" "num"=>"in:1,2,3" "num"=>"notIn:1,2,3" "num"=>"between:1,10" "name"=>"length:4,25" "name"=>"max:25" "name"=>"min:5" "begin_time" => "after:2016-3-18", "end_time" => "before:2016-10-01", "expire_time" => "expire:2016-2-1,2016-10-01", "name" => "allowIp:", "name" => "denyIp:", "repassword"=>"require|confirm:password" "password"=>"require|confirm" "name"=>"require|different:account" "score"=>"eq:100" "num"=>"=:100" "num"=>"same:100" "score"=>"egt:60" "num"=>">=:100" "score"=>"gt:60" "num"=>">:100" "score"=>"elt:100" "num"=>"<=:100" "score"=>"lt:100" "num"=>"<:100" "price"=>"lt:market_price" "price"=>"<:market_price" "ip"=>"filter:validate_ip" "zip"=>"d{6}", // 或者 "zip"=>"regex:d{6}", "accepted"=>["regex"=>"/^(yes|on|1)$/i"], // 表示验证name字段的值是否在user表(不包含前缀)中唯一 "name" => "unique:user", // 验证其他字段 "name" => "unique:user,account", // 排除某个主键值 "name" => "unique:user,account,10", // 指定某个主键值排除 "name" => "unique:user,account,10,user_id", // 多个字段验证唯一验证条件 "name" => "unique:user,status^account", // 复杂验证条件 "name" => "unique:user,status=1&account=".$data["account"], // 当account的值等于1的时候 password必须 "password"=>"requireIf:account,1" // 当account有值的时候password字段必须 "password"=>"requireWith:account" // 使用check_require方法检查是否需要验证age字段必须 "age"=>"requireCallback:check_require|number" 行为验证 "data"=>"behavior:appindexehaviorCheck"

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tpm security干嘛用的

TPM在BIOS中如何启用的?开机按F2,进入BIOS,在Security项目下找到TPM Security;勾选“TPM Security”(默认是不选),系统提示需要关机才能生效。点击OK,关机计算机,TPM即被启用。注意: 关闭TPM不改变您已经设置过的TPM设置。不会删除或者改变您已经储存在TPM中的任何信息;如果只是关闭TPM,您仅仅不能使用TPM;下次再启用TPM时,您TPM中的信息仍可以使用。如果TPM被启用,再开机进入BIOS,仍然进入Security项目下找到TPM Security;可选的设置项目有:Deactivate, Activate和 Clear。Deactivate:TPM处于Deactivate模式时,不能执行任何命令;也不允许访问Owner的储存信息。Clear:允许清除TPM储存的Owner信息,使用Clear可以恢复TPM的出厂默认状态。Activate:如果您需要设置TPM,请选择为Activate来激活TPM。


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Frist(第一次) Payment(付款) Delay(延迟)Second(第二次) Payment(付款) Delay(延迟)Third(第二次) Payment(付款) Delay(延迟)Quarter(季度) Payment(付款) Delay(延迟)

求这个《黑道圣徒3》宣传片中的音乐 貌似是两段

  游戏很不错 我有这首歌的mp3 想要可以找我~  背景音乐是  Official Saints Row the Third Theme Song (The Third Street Saints) f. Speaker Creature by Broken Pixels  歌词:  Lyrics  Money and girls top of the world like Leo  The real deal yeah that"s just how I feel  Invincible indestructible crew of Steel  Who could have predicted our downfall Ms Cleo  Oh oh I used to be on top of the game  Where everybody once knew my name  Well Lately everything thing aint the same  Yeah its funny how times can change  Oh I used to be on top of the game  Where everybody once knew my name  Well lately everything aint the same  Yeah its funny how times can change  What do you do when you"ve lost that power  What do you do when you need that power  How do you satisfy that greed for power  Who do you kill cause the world was ours  Who do I have to double cross for power  Who do I have to make bleed for power  No one crew should have all that power  But the Third Street Saints paid the COST for that power  Post What other gang got a store chain named  with they nom de guerre splayed out in plain view to stay  kids writing essays why they should be a saint  comic nerds ask for autographs because they caint  run up to to car windows through bo duken  final round win to the chin ha do ken  playing chicken in the highway mean street cleanin  Actors kill millions to play parts that we"re seen in  Im a soldier boy tell em sMurder time with prof genki  Whoever said king of Steelport man he meant me  Rollin four deep through the steelport streets  Parachute naked onto penthouse suites  Smacking luchadores down with the purple pecker wrecker  Molitov firewire hackin blackened deckers  Murder brawl mauler air strike caller  Killin zombies with grenades everythings a purple haze  Post apocalyptic brains on my fists way to go  Crashing airplanes with Yonkers on radio  Trailblaze cyberspace virtual reality  Pimpin all the hos with deviated sexuality  climax super ethical Mascots sent to medical  Spotting fuzzy wuzzies through my sniper rifle reticule  Mowing city Cops in paramilitary choppers  Pimps racing gimps if you want it try and stop us  Murdering a Whored of hos bigger than Duce Bigelow  Taking hits on Saintsbook you know I like all of those  Human ammo Manapault head first slammin  Makin you forget with hits from Mollusk launcher cannon  Knockin all beef out the park bitch I bury Bonds  The streets are my dealership I laugh at car alarms  Got skills better than a grand theft veteran  Breaking into bases where a military jet is in  Stillwater grown if you asked you would have known  What I see I own that"s why I watch the throne  Who laid the cross out for los carnales  Who put the halt to the Vice King ballas  Who stole control from the Westside Rollerz  Who showed the Brotherhood whats really good  Who brought the Sons of Samedi to their knees  Who stole the home out from under the Ronin  That"s right Saints Row and I own the Row  I live for the Row I breathe for the Row  I"ll steal for the Row and I"ll lie for the row  I kill for the row And I"ll Die for the Row  If youre from the Opposition then you gonna need morticians  Focused our ambition cant deny Our volition  its Destroy every gang until just one remains  Its Saints Row bitches you cant stop the Purple reign


托福TPO16综合写作范文及材料原文   托福TPO16综合写作材料是关于英国的考古研究问题的。下面是我整理的托福TPO16综合写作范文几原文材料,欢迎阅读!   托福TPO16综合写作范文:   The professor explained three aspects of the new guidelines adopted in the United Kingdom, each of which has successfully addressed the problems mentioned in the reading passage concerning the preservation of artifacts, the funding of archaeological research, and career opportunities in archaeology.   First, the professor pointed out that according to the new guidelines, any construction project must undergo an evaluation process in order for the archaeological value of the site to be ascertained. If a site is determined to contain precious objects, a panel of experts is convened to draw up a preservation plan. This measure has proven very effective in addressing the first problem mentioned in the reading u2013 careless and irresponsible construction projects being pursued without any regard for archaeological preservation.   Second, the lecturer explained that the new guidelines shifted the responsibility for funding archaeological work, from initial examination to future preservation, from the government to construction companies. As a result of this shift, the second problem highlighted in the reading concerning insufficient government funds for archaeological research has been significantly addressed.   The professor"s last point concerned the final problem raised in the reading material u2013 a decline in archaeology-related job opportunities. She argued that thanks to the new guidelines, many skillful, full-time archaeological experts and professionals are now needed to handle work at various stages of archaeological investigation, research, and preservation.   托福TPO16综合写作阅读材料:   The United Kingdom (sometimes referred to as Britain) has a long and rich history of human settlement. Traces of buildings, tools, and art can be found from periods going back many thousands of years: from the Stone Age, through the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the time of the Roman colonization, the Middle Ages, up to the beginnings of the industrial age. Yet from most of the twentieth century, the science of archaeology u2013 dedicated to uncovering and studying old cultural artifacts u2013 was faced with serious problems and limitations in Britain.   英国(有的时候被称为不列颠)在人类居住建筑方面有久远丰富的历史。建筑、建筑工具以及建筑艺术的遗迹的历史可以追溯到数千年。从石器时代开始,历经青铜时代、铁器时代、罗马殖民时代、中世纪,一直到工业时代的初期。但是在20世纪的大部分时间里的英国,致力于挖掘和研究古代文化遗迹的考古学面临着严峻的问题和局限性。   First, many valuable artifacts were lost to construction projects. The growth of Britainu2019s population, especially from the 1950s on, spurred a lot of new construction in British cities, towns, and villages. While digging foundations for new buildings, the builders often uncovered archaeologically valuable sites. Usually, however, they proceeded with the construction and did not preserve the artifacts. Many archaeologically precious artifacts were therefore destroyed.   首先,建筑工程破坏了很多有价值的估计。从1950年以来愈加明显的人口增加导致了英国建筑业的迅猛发展,无论是在城市、乡镇还是村庄。在给新建筑打地基的时候,建筑者常常会挖掘到一些有价值的文物遗迹。然而,常常建筑工人会继续进行工作,而不是保护这些文物。很多很多珍贵的考古文物就因此遭到了破坏。   Second, many archaeologists felt that the financial support for archaeological research are inadequate. For most of the twentieth century, archaeology was funded mostly through government funds and grants, which allowed archaeologists to investigate a handful of the most important sites but which left hundreds of other interesting projects without support. Furthermore, changing government priorities brought about periodic reductions in funding.   第二,很多考古学家都感觉到考古学研究的经费不足。在二十世纪的大部分时间里,考古的`经费大多来自于政府的基金和拨款。经费的不足导致考古学家只能研究很少了的最重要的遗迹,而数以千计的其他有意义的项目都缺乏经费。而且,政府预算优先权的改变也导致了经费的周期性减少。   Third, it was difficult to have a career in archaeology. Archaeology jobs were to be found at universities or with a few government agencies, but there were never many positions available. Many people who wanted to become archaeologists ended up pursuing other careers and contributing to archaeological research only as unpaid amateurs.   第三,考古事业难以为继。只有在大学和很少数的政府部门才能找到考古学相关的工作。但是职位总是供不应求。很多想成为考古学家的人都放弃了,选择了其他的领域,仅仅把考古学研究当做一个没有收益的业余爱好。   托福TPO16综合写作听力材料:   In 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in the United Kingdom that has changed the whole field of Archaeology in that country. The new guidelines improved the situation in all there areas discussed in the passage.   在1990年,英国颁布了新的法规和指南,从而改变了英国整过考古学领域。新的指南改善了阅读部分提到的所有领域出现的问题。   First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start, the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest, the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, either by building around them or by excavating and documenting them properly before the construction is allowed to proceed.   首先,新的指南要求所有建筑工程开工之前都要经由考古学家检查以确定该地是否有考古价值的遗迹。如果有考古价值,那么下一步就是建筑者、考古学家和当地政府的联合行都了。他们要在一起制定一个保护考古遗迹的计划。要么在周围的地方建房子,要么在开工之前把文物妥善地挖掘保存起来。   Second, an important part of the new guidelines is a rule that any archaeological work done on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government. The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan. This is a whole new source of financial support. The funding from construction companies has allowed researchers to study a far greater range of archaeological sites than they could in the past.   第二,新指南很重要的一部分就是规定对于建筑工地的考古学检查的费用由建筑公司而不是政府支付。建筑公司要为工地最初的检查付费,同时随之而来的全部保存计划都由建筑公司付费。这是一个全新的资金来源。来自建筑公司的资金保证研究人员可以进行逼以往更为深入的考古研究。   Last, the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists, work that didnu2019t exist before. Expert archaeologists are now hired at all stages of the process to examine the site for archaeological value, then to help draw up the preservation plan to do the research in a professional scientific manner and finally to process the date and write reports and articles. The increased job and career opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number of professional archaeologists in Britain, which is now the highest itu2019s ever been.   最后,新的指南为考古学家提供了很多新的就业机会,而这在以前是不可能的。整过的考古研究过程都需要雇佣考古专家。从检查地基的考古学价值,然后帮助制定符合专业科学研究的保护机会,到最后处理数据、撰写报告和文章,这些都需要考古学家。增加的考古类工作岗位和事业发展机会使得现在英国有了更多的专业考古学家,而这是有史以来最多的时候。 ;




  第三方类库扩展目录Extend/Vendor目录    如果你直接使用的是第三方的类库包,或者是类名和后缀和ThinkPHP的默认规则不符合的,我们建议你放到第三方类库扩展目录Extend/Vendor目录下面,并使用vendor方法来导入。  例如,我们把Zend的FilterDir.php 放到Vendor目录下面,这个时候Dir文件的路径就是VendorendFilterDir.php,我们使用vendor方法导入就是:  Vendor("Zend.Filter.Dir");  需要注意的是,vendor方法默认导入的类库后缀是php的而不是class.php的,如果你的第三方类库的后缀是class.php,可以使用:  Vendor("Zend.Filter.Dir","",".class.php");  或者使用:  import("Zend.Filter.Dir",VENDOR_PATH);  通过使用第三方类库扩展,我们可以直接使用Zend、CI或者其他框架中的类库。

http error 什么意思

  HTTP Error是一种响应错误。  响应码由三位十进制数字组成。出现在由HTTP服务器发送的响应的第一行。响应码分五种类型,由它们的第一位数字表示:  4XX:客户端错误  5XX:服务器错误  HTTP 400 - 错误的请求  HTTP 401.1 - 未授权:登录失败(访问被拒绝)  HTTP 401.2 - 未授权:服务器配置问题导致登录失败  HTTP 401.3 - ACL 禁止访问资源  HTTP 401.4 - 未授权:授权被筛选器拒绝  HTTP 401.5 - 未授权:ISAPI 或 CGI 授权失败



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ACCA(F5)重难点解析:TPAR 的计算

在ACCA(F5)阶段中,公认难点最多的就是Throughput accounting 系列,关于TPAR 的计算很多同学并不是很理解,下面深空网就跟大家详细讲解。一、管理管理,企业只能管理自己可控的因素,不是所有的瓶颈因素都是企业可以控制的.比如说external demand.那么我们了解了瓶颈,产量会计之后,最后的落脚点还是要用这些方法帮助我们解决问题。不然我们学它干啥? 所以怎么利用它帮助我们解决问题,首先,咱们得先明白问题是什么?1. 怎么改善瓶颈2. 怎么合理利用瓶颈因此,为了方便我们对上面两个问题的处理,TA 里引进了一个概念,TPAR (Throughputaccounting ratio), 与其说这是一个概念,倒不如说这是一个标准,用来衡量瓶颈是否改善,是否得到合理运用的标准!很多学生在计算 TPAR 的时候会感觉特别迷,总有一种似曾相识,却又一次次和正解擦肩而过的无奈感!不要悲伤,因为。。。你们倒是去找找原因,哎哟喂!套公式的计算能有多难,请摸着你们扑通扑通的良心缩话,算不准确肯定是公式里的因素没有掌握牢固!二、TPAR 的计算,分子分母分开走,分子计算两步曲,分母计算一步曲。分子:Throughput (return) per bottleneck resource (factory hour)Step 1: Throughput per unit=selling price per unit-material cost per unitStep 2:1 unit of product = ? how many units of bottleneck resource分子=step 1/step 2 (unit 法)不要偷懒,不要一步到位,尤其是一步到不了位的,就给我老老实实这么算!分母:Factory cost (fixed cost/operating expenses/conversion cost) per bottleneck resourceStep 1: Factory cost per bottleneck=Total factory cost / Total bottleneck resources(total 法)TPAR=分子/分母三、TPAR 分母的固定成本,能够用 total 法做,优先使用 total 的方式。为什么?这是根据分子分母的性质来的,分子的 material cost, sales revenue 这些都是会随着units 的变化而变化的,因此根据 unit 来计量更合理;而分母部分的 factory cost 为固定成本(包括 labor cost),与 units 无关,因此用 total 来计量更合理。OK?现在看 TPAR 的计算是不是没有那么难了呢?其实就是对题目的信息进行分类,然后带数据入公式而已,不要怕!练起来,Practice makes perfect~【Question】One of the products manufactured by a company is Product X, which sells for $40 per unit and has a material cost of $10 per unit and a direct labor cost of $7 per unit. The total direct labor budget for the year is 50,000 hours of labor time at a cost of $12 per hour. Factory overheads are $2,920,000 per year. The company is considering the introduction of a system of throughput accounting. It has identified that machine time as the bottleneck in production. Product X needs 0.01 hours of machine time per unit produced. The maximum capacity for machine time is 4,000 hours per year.What is the throughput accounting ratio for Product X?A$3.41B $2.80C $2.10D $1.90答案:A( 题目选自 BPP Practice Kit)







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US$89.07 UFC Collection DVD/1-108 Episode DVD Boxset on,cheap mlb jerseys, UFC is The Ultimate Fighting Championship, the famous mixed martial arts competitions in America. UFC holds its competition in an eight-sided encease "The Octagon". ... UFC is The Ultiacquaintance Fighting Championaddress, the acclaimed alloyed aggressive arts antagonism in America. UFC authoritys its comaddress in an eight-ancillaryd asylum "The Octagon". The alone aphorism for UFC is NO RULES. To beating the adversary till he is blank to abide! However, the curhire UFC has alumuaccessory alluvioned appear capitalbeck by emanimating stricter rules. As Arnold"s adopted to be the administeror, UFC is fabricated legal in California and this announces that all accompaniments in America admit the acknowledged cachet of UFC. Do you apperceive Knockouts? Yes, Knockouts is "KO" which is actual accustomed to anybody. To UFC, Knockouts is "kcleft benumbed". As tactuality"s no rules, both could put his opponent to "afterlife" with any accomplishment, though if the opponent is not unacquainted,cheap soccer jerseys, he will administer abundant abuse to cause the opponent to abdicate. It is blood-soaked on the UFC competition stage. Howanytime, the babe holds the lath on the date accomplishs this adult abode abounding of animosity. Inacmed by vale tudo competitions in Brazil, the UFC captivated its aboriginal atoneetition in Denver, Colorado in 1993. Showcase actioners of altered assistanticienciesincluadvise battle, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, angry and Muay Thai, a addedsthe UFC approved to analyze the a able exchangeial art in a absolute fight. After a aeon of adroital backfire, the UFC bit-by-bitly beneathwent ameliorate by all-embracing austereer rules and accomplishing acceptance with State Athletic Comabsenceions. With a cable-television accord and amplification into Caaught, Eubraiding and new bazaars aural the United States, the UFC as of 2010 has acquired in acceptance, forth with abundanter boilerplate-media advantage. As of 2010 admirers can admission UFC affairsming on pay-per-appearance television, Spike in the United States and Canada, on ESPN in the United Kingdom as well as in 33 other 809e785efdf6254d45f0ac46d1c407echips common. Davie met Rorion Gracie in 1991 while reanalytic martial arts for a business applicant. Gracie accomplishd a Brazilian jiu-jitsu academy in Torrance, California and the Gracie ancestors had a continued hiadventure of vale tudo matchesa forerunner of mixed martial artsin Brazil. Davie became Gracie"s stucavity. In 1992, aggressive by the Gracies in Action video-alternation aftermathd by the Gracies and accomplishmenturing Gracie jiu-jitsu acquisition assorted martial-arts adepts, Davie adduced to Rorion Gracie and John Milius an eight-man, individual-abolishment tournabbeyt with a appellation of War of the Worlds. The clash would affection martial artisans from alterent conducts adverse anniversary other in no-holds-barred action to see which martial art was absolutely the best which carbond the action of the matches Davie saw on tcorrupt videos.[5] Milius, a acclaimed blur absoluteor and biographer, as able-bodied as a Gracie apprentice, agreed to be the accident"s artistic administrator. Davie abstracted the business plan and twenty-eight brokers contributed the antecedent basic to alpha WOW Promotions with the absorbed to advance the boutnament into a teleeyes authorization. In 1993 WOW Promotions scare a television accomplice and accessed pay-per-view ambassadors TVKO (HBO), SET (appearancetime) and the Semaphore Entertainment Group (SEG). Both TVKO and SET beneath,IPad Covers,cheap throwback jerseys, but SEG a avant-garde in pay-per-view television which had proautocratd such camp contest as a mixed-gender tennis match beamid Jimmy Connors and Martina Navratilova became WOW"s allotmentner in May 1993. SEG contacted video and film art-diabbey Jason Cusson to architecture the branded "Octagon", a sigattributes section for the eaperture. Cusson abideed the Proaqueduction Deattestant thasperous UFC 27. SEG deanchord the name for the show as The Ultimate Fighting Championship. ... UFC Fouls: The Nevada State Athletic Commission currently accounts the afterward as fouls: 1. Butting with the arch 2. Eye gouging of any kind 3. Biting 4. Hair affairs 5. Fish angleing 6. Groin advances of any kind 7. Putting a feel into any breach or into any cut or chaw on an opponent. (see Gouging) 8. Scapital collective abetment 9. Striking to the back or the aback of the head (see Rabbit bite) 10. Striking bottomward application the point of the bend (see Elbow (strike)) 11. Throat bangs of any affectionate, including, without absoluteation, avaricious the tranguisha 12. Claaddition, avidity or agee the beef 13. Gclergymanng the clavicle 14. Kicking the head of a gangled opponent 15. Kneeing the head of a arenaed opponent 16. Stomping a ashore opponent 17. Kicbaron to the branch with the heel 18. Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or close. (see accumulationdisciplinarian) 19. Thcanoeing an opponent out of the ring or belted breadth 20. Holding the abbreviates or cuffs of an opponent 21. Spitting at an opponent 22. Engcrumbling in caitiff conduct that causes an inboard to an opponent 23. Holding the ropes or the fence 24. Using calumniating accent in the ring or fenced area 25. Attacking an opponent on or during the breach 26. Attacking an opponent who is under the affliction of the referee 27. Attacking an opponent afterwards the alarm (horn) has articulate the end of a round 28. Flaadmissionly behindhand the apprenticeships of the accreditee 29. Timidity, including, after lapery,authentic nfl jerseys wholesaler, alienated acquaintance with an opponent, carefully or consistently bottomward the advocate or 073c80e122accomplishmentefb5aa35595b6e5bb4 an abrasion 30. Interference by the bend 31. Thrattributable in the anhydrate during competition When a foul is answerable, the adjudicator in tbeneficiary acumen may abstract one or added points as a amends. If a foul incapacitates a fighter, again the bout may end in a awkwardness if the abhorrent was 2asleepf94502ea64e4af98f5129c8ce7c,cheap nhl jerseys, or a no challenge if accidental. If a foul coulds a fighter to be clumsy to abide after in the bender,Iphone Accessories - Iphone Charger, Iphone Usb Cable, Iphone Accessories, it ends with a abstruse accommodation win to the afflicted fighter if the abused fighter is advanced on credibility, contrarily it is a adjustmental draw. UFC Rules: The current rules for the Ultimate Fighting Championship were aboriginally accustomed by the New Jersey Athletic Control Board.[54] The "Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts" that New Jersey authorizeed has been accepted in other carbones that adapt mixed martial arts, including Nevada, Louisiana, and California. These rules are also used by abounding other brawlotions wiattenuate the United States, acceptable binding for those states that have adopted the rules, and so accept beappear the accepted de actualityo set of rules for able mixed martial arts beyond the country. [adapt] Rounds UFC Octagon girl Arianny The UFC matches are assorted in breadth, deawaiting if the match is for a championship title. Regardbeneath if a championship is on the band or not, a round will endure for five account. Non-Championship bouts are for three annulars; bestship bouts are for 5 rounds. There is a one-minute blow period amid circuit. Weight capacity See aswell: Mixed martial arts weight cdamseles The UFC currently uses five weight classes: * Lightcounterbalancet: 146 to 155 lb (66 to 70 kg) * Welterweight: 156 to 170 lb (71 to 77 kg) * Middleweight: 171 to 185 lb (78 to 84 kg) * Light Heavyweight: 186 to 205 lb (84 to 93 kg) * Heavyweight: 206 to 265 lb (93 to 120 kg). In accession, there are four other weight classes defined in the Unified Rules which the UFC does not acceptedly use: * Flyweight: under 126 lb (57 kg) * Bantamweight: 126 to 135 lb (57 to 61 kg) * Featherweight: 136 to 145 lb (62 to 66 kg) * Super Heavyweight: aloft 265 lb (120 kg). The Bantamweight and Featherweight chices are acclimated in addition advance endemic by Zuffa, LLC, World Extreme Cageed79087a0b48343ff47a8401a830a274. Come to adore the most agitative fighting competion in the apple --- UFC Collection DVD Boxset. ...


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默认情况下,横幅广告管理器并未作为一个菜单选项包含到 FrontPage 2003 中。若要将横幅广告管理器组件添加到“插入”菜单中,请执行以下操作:在“工具”菜单上,单击“自定义”。 在“自定义”对话框中,单击“命令”选项卡。 单击“插入”菜单。 注释 即使将指针从“插入”菜单上移开,此菜单也将继续显示。在“自定义”对话框中的“类别”列表中,单击“插入”。 在“命令”列表中,找到并单击“横幅广告管理器”。 将“横幅广告管理器”项拖动到“插入”菜单中,然后将其置于所需位置。 在“自定义”对话框中,单击“关闭”。 单击“插入”菜单以验证其中是否包含“横幅广告管理器”命令。



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目前做网页比较好的IDE是Dreamweaver,如果你是Frontpage用户,对Dreamweaver操作不习惯的话,可以使用微软的Microsoft Expression Web 3,这个跟frontpage操作习惯差不多吧,毕竟都是微软自家的。微软为了与adobe竞争,frontpage已经过时了,最新的CSS网页制作工具是Microsoft Expression Web 3。


用FrontFage2000制作网页时,经常用表格进行页面布局。故选B。FrontPage使用方便简单,会用Word就能做网页,因此相对Dreamweaver等软件更容易上手。其特点是所见即所得,该软件结合了设计、程式码、预览三种模式,也可一起显示程式码和设计检视与Microsoft Office各软件无缝连接 良好的表格控制能力 继承了Microsoft Office产品系列的良好的易用性。扩展资料:FrontFage2000入门:1、编辑区:编辑区是制作、编辑网页的地方,我们将在这个区域里进行输入文字、插入图片、制作表格等操作。由于与Word非常相似,多数操作都非常简单,这些在以后的学习中将会逐渐体会到。编辑区有三个视图方式,分别为“普通”方式、“HTM”方式和“预览”方式。在编辑区下左边有三个查看标签,可以让用户非常方便地在这三个方式之间切换,为我们制作网页提供了很大的帮助。和Word的“页面”视图一样,“普通”视图方式允许我们以“所见即所得”的方式进行网页的编辑与制作。制作网页的大部分工作都是在这个环境中完成的。2、“HTML”方式在“HTML”视图方式中显示的是这个网页的HTML代码,即所谓源代码。在这个窗口中可以像在文本编辑器里一样对HTML代码进行编辑和修改。由于 Front Page功能有限,有时为了实现一些特殊效果,我们常常需要在此标签中直接输入HTML代码。也可在这个视图方式下对网页进行优化减肥。对还不熟悉HTML的初学者,可以先不去关心它。


【答案】:独立建站仅仅一个软件是不够的需要会美工、FLASH等 要学的东西很多现在建站CMS已经完全可以舍弃写程序了,会HTML已经能应付不是超级复杂的情况看个人想往哪方面发展了

在Frontpage视图中 什么视图可以方便地组织站点中各网页的层次关系?




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貌似没有单独版本的Front Page可以安装。如果你再安装另外一个版本的Office必然会引起冲突。frontpage很早就从office没了,现在流行,用Visual Studio制作强大的网页。



FRONTPAGE ,DREAMWEAVER,flash ,fireworks 这几种软件分别有什么用途。。。

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 问题描述: FRONTPAGE ,DREAMWEAVER,flash ,fireworks 这几种软件分别有什么用途。。。有没有比这些更好的网页设计软件? 还有他们和平面设计的关系是怎样的? 谢谢大家。。 解析: 现在主流的制作网页的工具是:网页三剑客。网页三剑客是:Dreamweaver MX,Fireworks MX,Flash MX. Dreamweaver MX主要是可以在里面写些代码什么的。Fireworks MX的功能和PS差不多,都是处理图像的。至于Flash MX,看它的名字就知道了是做动画用的。 现在做网页的话有很多语言逗可以实现的,比如:asp,jsp,php等等,这些语言一般是和后台的数据库联系起来的。所以应该知道一点数据库方面的知识。 FrontPage的功能和Dreamweaver MX差不多,都是可以做网页的。 Dreamweaver,Flash ,FireWorks三者也可以结合使用制作网页,效果也会很好的。



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Sharepoint Designer和Frontpage到底什么关系




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在FrontPage点。 F是一个网络软件。 希望可以帮到你。


frontpage2003是个软件,html是个语言(你看到的网页都是html这个语言+其他东西来做的)。frontpage这个软件可以拿来编写、生成html网页。你熟悉html语言的话,可以用记事本或然和编辑器通过自己一句一句的写html代码来制作出网页frontpage以及类似的软件有些傻瓜式的功能,对不熟悉html语言的人来说,使用他们不需要你自己去写太多代码,可以图形化的界面来拖拉表格、插入图片什么的来达到制作网页的目地。比如说在网页中插入一个图片,自己写html的话,就得写:<img src="youlogo.jpg" />而用frontpage来做的话你只用按菜单上的按钮或快捷键来插入一张图片就行了,不用你写代码,代码软件自动帮你生成了。


差别挺大的 去百度图片搜一下看看就明白了一个是网页制作的,一个是文档编辑的






word和Frontpage是微软公司推出的一套office办公软件中的两个组件,包括word,excel frontpage等. Word主要用于文字排版,但你也可以用它来作一些其简单的电子表格之类的东西,frontpage主要用于网页制作,非常适合初学者使用, 微软这套办公软件可以说在全球很度很高,主要特点是操作简单功能强大.其经过了office 97,2000,2003等几种主要版本. 类似这样套装办公软件,还有国产wps office ,其组件与office基本相同,功能基本相当,使用起来也不错.


是office中的一个软件,是用来编写网页的应用软件,使用时可以直接界面设计、添加控件,也可以在编码模式下,直接编写HTML和asp代码,是早期制作网页比较流行的软件,现在大多制作网页的人,经常会使用Dreamweaver. 记得采纳啊


分类: 电脑/网络 问题描述: 说出5条以上 解析: Word属于字处理软件,也就是排版软件,像办公室里普通的文件,表格都可以用它制作,打印。 Frontpage是网页制作软件,如果你想建立一个网站,首先申请域名,再用Frontpage制作网页,然后上传到网上,别人就可以访问了


FrontPage由于良好的易用性,被认为是优秀的网页初学者的工具。但其功能无法满足更高要求,所以在高端用户中软件特性所见即所得集成了编辑、代码、预览三种模式于一体 与Microsoft Office各软件无缝连接 良好的表格控制能力 继承了Microsoft Office产品系列的良好的易用性软件缺陷对于新技术缺乏支持,包括无法直接插入Flash文档和使用层技术。 生成代码冗余,早期产品生成代码甚至不符合规范 对数据库支持不足版本历史FrontPage Express (随 Internet Explorer 4.0 附送的简化版) FrontPage 97 (1997年) FrontPage 98 (1998年) FrontPage 2000 (1999年) FrontPage 2002 (或称 XP) (2001年) FrontPage 2003 (2003年) SharePoint Designer 12 Beta 1 (2006年) 未来的替代产品 2006年,微软公司宣布Microsoft FrontPage将会被Microsoft SharePoint Designer和Microsoft Expression Web Designer两款新产品替代。这两款正在开发中的软件都是部分基于Microsoft FrontPage的。




frontpage 微软出的网页制作软件 Dreamewaver是macromedia公司出的网页制作软件,该公司已经被Adobe收购了 flash同上.不过是制作动画的软件 Dreamweaverflashfireworks 并称为"网页三剑客"

ftp是基于什么协议的 TCP还是UDP

ftp是基于tcp的使用tcp 20和21号端口tftp是基于UDP的,使用udp 69号端口


什么是FTP呢?FTP 是 TCP/IP 协议组中的协议之一,是英文File Transfer Protocol的缩写。该协议是Internet文件传送的基础,它由一系列规格说明文档组成,目标是提高文件的共享性,提供非直接使用远程计算机,使存储介质对用户透明和可靠高效地传送数据。简单的说,FTP就是完成两台计算机之间的拷贝,从远程计算机拷贝文件至自己的计算机上,称之为“下载(download)”文件。若将文件从自己计算机中拷贝至远程计算机上,则称之为“上载(upload)”文件。在TCP/IP协议中,FTP标准命令TCP端口号为21,Port方式数据端口为20。FTP协议的任务是从一台计算机将文件传送到另一台计算机,它与这两台计算机所处的位置、联接的方式、甚至是是否使用相同的操作系统无关。假设两台计算机通过ftp协议对话,并且能访问Internet, 你可以用ftp命令来传输文件。每种操作系统使用上有某一些细微差别,但是每种协议基本的命令结构是相同的。 FTP的传输有两种方式:ASCII传输模式和二进制数据传输模式。 1.ASCII传输方式:假定用户正在拷贝的文件包含的简单ASCII码文本,如果在远程机器上运行的不是UNIX,当文件传输时ftp通常会自动地调整文件的内容以便于把文件解释成另外那台计算机存储文本文件的格式。 但是常常有这样的情况,用户正在传输的文件包含的不是文本文件,它们可能是程序,数据库,字处理文件或者压缩文件(尽管字处理文件包含的大部分是文本,其中也包含有指示页尺寸,字库等信息的非打印字符)。在拷贝任何非文本文件之前,用binary 命令告诉ftp逐字拷贝,不要对这些文件进行处理,这也是下面要讲的二进制传输。 2.二进制传输模式:在二进制传输中,保存文件的位序,以便原始和拷贝的是逐位一一对应的。即使目的地机器上包含位序列的文件是没意义的。例如,macintosh以二进制方式传送可执行文件到Windows系统,在对方系统上,此文件不能执行。 如果你在ASCII方式下传输二进制文件,即使不需要也仍会转译。这会使传输稍微变慢 ,也会损坏数据,使文件变得不能用。(在大多数计算机上,ASCII方式一般假设每一字符的第一有效位无意义,因为ASCII字符组合不使用它。如果你传输二进制文件,所有的位都是重要的。)如果你知道这两台机器是同样的,则二进制方式对文本文件和数据文件都是有效的。 5. FTP的工作方式 FTP支持两种模式,一种方式叫做Standard (也就是 PORT方式,主动方式),一种是 Passive (也就是PASV,被动方式)。 Standard模式 FTP的客户端发送 PORT 命令到FTP服务器。Passive模式FTP的客户端发送 PASV命令到 FTP Server。 下面介绍一个这两种方式的工作原理: Port模式FTP 客户端首先和FTP服务器的TCP 21端口建立连接,通过这个通道发送命令,客户端需要接收数据的时候在这个通道上发送PORT命令。 PORT命令包含了客户端用什么端口接收数据。在传送数据的时候,服务器端通过自己的TCP 20端口连接至客户端的指定端口发送数据。 FTP server必须和客户端建立一个新的连接用来传送数据。 Passive模式在建立控制通道的时候和Standard模式类似,但建立连接后发送的不是Port命令,而是Pasv命令。FTP服务器收到Pasv命令后,随机打开一个高端端口(端口号大于1024)并且通知客户端在这个端口上传送数据的请求,客户端连接FTP服务器此端口,然后FTP服务器将通过这个端口进行数据的传送,这个时候FTP server不再需要建立一个新的和客户端之间的连接。 很多防火墙在设置的时候都是不允许接受外部发起的连接的,所以许多位于防火墙后或内网的FTP服务器不支持PASV模式,因为客户端无法穿过防火墙打开FTP服务器的高端端口;而许多内网的客户端不能用PORT模式登陆FTP服务器,因为从服务器的TCP 20无法和内部网络的客户端建立一个新的连接,造成无法工作。 引用:江天暮雪


文件传输协议 可以在网上共享文件 像现在很多的网盘一样


FTP(File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议) 是 TCP/IP 协议组中的协议之一。FTP协议包括两个组成部分。1、FTP服务器。2、FTP客户端。其中FTP服务器用来存储文件,用户可以使用FTP客户端通过FTP协议访问位于FTP服务器上的资源。在开发网站的时候,通常利用FTP协议把网页或程序传到Web服务器上。扩展资料FTP屏蔽了各计算机系统的细节,因而适合在异构网络中任意计算机之间传送文件。FTP只提供文件传送的一些基本服务,它使用TCP可靠地运输服务,FTP主要功能是减小或消除在不同系统下处理文件的不兼容性。FTP使用客户端-服务器模型,一个FTP服务器进程可以为多个客户进程提供服务。FTP服务器有两大部分组成:一个主进程,负责接受新的请求;还有若干从属进程,负责处理单个请求。参考资料来源:百度百科—FTP协议


FTP File Transfer Protocol ****** FTP File Transfer Process (less common) ****** FTP For the People (TV show) ****** FTP First to Post (message board) ****** FTP Free to Play (gaming) ***** FTP Full-Time Position ***** FTP Failure To Pay (court ordered fines) ***** FTP Foreign Trade Policy ***** FTP Federal Test Procedure **** FTP Full-Time Permanent **** FTP Feel the Pain **** FTP First-order Theorem Proving (International Workshop) **** FTP Foil Twisted Pair (cable) **** FTP Fast Track Program **** FTP For the Professionals **** FTP Fawcette Technical Publications **** FTP Federal Theatre Project **** FTP Funds Transfer Pricing **** FTP Fight the Power **** FTP Failure to Progress (obstetrics, labor) **** FTP Fuel Tank Pressure (sensor) *** FTP Francs-Tireurs Partisans (French: Partisan Irregular Riflemen) *** FTP First Time Pass *** FTP For Ten Points (college bowl) *** FTP Florida Teaching Profession *** FTP Functional Threshold Power (exercise physiology) *** FTP Flowing Tubing Pressure *** FTP Family Transition Place (Ontario, Canada) *** FTP Fire Test Procedure (international code; marine transportation) *** FTP Food Transfer Protocol :-) *** FTP Fiber Termination Panel (Sprint) *** FTP Functional Test Procedure ** FTP Field Training Preparation (USAF ROTC) ** FTP Fly-To-Point ** FTP Fire Treated Plywood ** FTP Facility Training Program ** FTP Functional and Technical Program (architectural development) ** FTP Forced Termination Probability ** FTP Final Technical Proposal ** FTP Flight Test Procedure ** FTP Functional Test Program ** FTP Fracture Transition Plastic ** FTP Folded, Trimmed and Packed (printing) ** FTP Full-Time Patch (ophthalmology) ** FTP Focused Technology Program ** FTP Fresh Tomato Pomace (swine feed) ** FTP Formal Technical Proposal ** FTP Foreign Trained Professional (Canada) ** FTP Fuel Transfer Port * FTP Funk the Police (band) * FTP Freedom and Technology Program (ACLU) * FTP Functional Transfer Plan * FTP Flush Terminal Plane (type of occlusion) * FTP Foster the People (band) * FTP Frequent Traveler Program




FTP文件传送协议(File Transfer Protocol,简称FTP),是一个用于从一台主机到另送文件的协议。FTP的主要作用,就是让用户连接上一个远程计算机(这些计算机上运行着FTP服务器程序)察看远程计算机有哪些文件,然后把文件从远程计算机上拷到本地计算机,或把本地计算机的文件送到远程计算机去。与大多数Internet服务一样,FTP也是一个客户机/服务器系统。用户通过一个支持FTP协议的客户机程序,连接到在远程主机上的FTP服务器程序。用户通过客户机程序向服务器程序发出命令,服务器程序执行用户所发出的命令,并将执行的结果返回到客户机。比如说,用户发出一条命令,要求服务器向用户传送某一个文件的一份拷贝,服务器会响应这条命令,将指定文件送至用户的机器上。客户机程序代表用户接收到这个文件,将其存放在用户目录中。




FTP服务器(File Transfer Protocol Server)是在互联网上提供文件存储和访问服务的计算机,它们依照FTP协议提供服务。 FTP是File Transfer Protocol(文件传输协议)。顾名思义,就是专门用来传输文件的协议。简单地说,支持FTP协议的服务器就是FTP服务器。一般来说.用户联网的首要目的就是实现信息共享,文件传输是信息共享非常重要的一个内容之一。Internet上早期实现传输文件,并不是一件容易的事,我们知道 Internet是一个非常复杂的计算机环境,有PC,有工作站,有MAC,有大型机,据统计连接在Internet上的计算机已有上千万台,而这些计算机可能运行不同的操作系统,有运行Unix的服务器,也有运行Dos、Windows的PC机和运行MacOS的苹果机等等,而各种操作系统之间的文件交流问题,需要建立一个统一的文件传输协议,这就是所谓的FTP。基于不同的操作系统有不同的FTP应用程序,而所有这些应用程序都遵守同一种协议,这样用户就可以把自己的文件传送给别人,或者从其它的用户环境中获得文件。与大多数Internet服务一样,FTP也是一个客户机/服务器系统。用户通过一个支持FTP协议的客户机程序,连接到在远程主机上的FTP服务器程序。用户通过客户机程序向服务器程序发出命令,服务器程序执行用户所发出的命令,并将执行的结果返回到客户机。比如说,用户发出一条命令,要求服务器向用户传送某一个文件的一份拷贝,服务器会响应这条命令,将指定文件送至用户的机器上。客户机程序代表用户接收到这个文件,将其存放在用户目录中。




  ftp利润是指:我国的商业银行资金营运中心与业务部门按照一定规则、全额有偿转移资金,达到核算业务资金成本或是收益的目的的内部定价。它对于银行负责就是收益,对于银行资产就是成本,其目的就是核算负责带来的收益,资产带来的成本。  FTP与负责实际利率差就是收入,二与资产实际利率就是成本,所以很大程度,FTP与市场利率有很大的关系。人民币FTP市场收益率,就是银行在进行FTP管理过程中,根据市场变化,而获得的收益率。


  内部资金转移定价(FTP)是指,商业银行内部资金中心与业务经营单位按照一定规则全额有偿转移资金,达到核算业务资金成本或收益等目的的一种内部经营管理模式。  业务经营单位每笔负债业务所筹集的资金,均以该业务的FTP价格全额转移给资金中心;每笔资产业务所需要的资金,均以该业务的FTP价格全额向资金管理部门购买。  对于资产业务,FTP价格代表其资金成本,需要支付FTP利息;对于负债业务,FTP代表其资金收益,可以从中获取FTP利息收入。




分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 解析: FTP是一种上传和下载用的软件。 定义如下:FTP(File Transfer Protocal),是用于Inter上的控制文件的双向传输的协议。同时,它也是一个应用程序。用户可以通过它把自己的PC机与世界各地所有运行FTP协议的服务器相连,访问服务器上的大量程序和信息。 传输文件的一般步骤如下: 1在本地电脑上登陆到国际互联网, 2搜索有文件共享主机或者个人电脑(一般有专门的FTP服务器网站上公布的,上面有进入该主机或个人电脑的名称,口令和路径) 3当与远程主机或者对方的个人电脑建立连接后,用对方提供的用户名和口令登陆到该主机或对方的个人电脑. 4在远程主机或对方的个人电脑登陆成功后,就可以上传你想跟别人分享的东东或者下载别人授权共享的东东(这里的东东是指能放到电脑里去又能在显示屏上看到的东东) 5完成工作后关闭FTP下载软件,切断连接. 为了实现文件传输,用户还要运行专门的文件传输程序,比如网际快车就有这方面的功能,其它还有很多专门的FTP传输软件,各有各的特色.


FTP下载: 是通过 传送文件的协议(File Transfer Protocol) 传送文件用ie 可以进行下载方法如下:在地址栏内输入:ftp://用户名:密码@服务器地址或IP地址 (注意:用户名和密码之间有冒号)如果没有用户名和密码的匿名服务器输入ftp://服务器地址或IP地址即可


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