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jparepository 怎样自定义查询

两种方式:方式1:假设Bean的属性xxx为主键,则在getXxx() 前添加以下注解@Id@SequenceGenerator(name="名称A", sequenceName="库中已存在的sequence名称",allocationSize=递增值)@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="名称A")方式2:假设Bean的属性xxx为主键,则在getXxx() 前添加以下注解@Id@TableGenerator(name="名称A",allocationSize=递增值)//若不指定递增值,则生成的主键值不一定连续@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE, generator="名称A")总结:方式1:针对Oracle效率略高,但需要手工创建sequence才能使用。方式2:不依赖数据库,可移植性好,但相比方式1,效率略低。

We are all busy taking about and using the Internet. But how many of us know the history of the...

小题1: A小题2: B小题3: A小题4:C小题5: C 试题分析:小题1:根据Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s.2012-1960=52,故选A为最佳答案。小题2:根据Computer networks didn"t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped.可知选B。小题3:根据At first the Internet was only used by the government (政府).可知选A。小题4:.根据 Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing” the Internet more convenient.句中定语从句的逻辑主语为software,故选C。小题5:根据Sending e-mails is more and more popular among students.描述可知选C,其它选项找不到合适依据,点评:本文介绍了因特网的发展历史。最开始产生于美国,主要应用于政府部门,后来逐步扩大到学校、医院和银行,最后应用到整个社会,整个世界。本题难度不大,答题时注意找出答题依据,就能很好的完成本题。

可以帮我翻译Taylor Swift -的The Story Of Us吗??

The Story Of Us -Taylor Swift LyricsI used to think one day we"d tell the story of us 过去我常在想某天,我们会将咱两相爱的故事讲How we met and the sparks flew instantly 我们如何相遇,两颗心相碰顷刻间又有怎样的火花绽放People would say, "they"re the lucky ones" 人们会说他俩可真是幸运的一对I used to know my place was a spot next to you 过去我总以为你的身旁一直是我心中那片归宿地Now I"m searching the room for an empty seat 现在我将整个房间寻个遍要找个空位Cause lately I don"t even know what page you"re on 因为近来我甚至都不了解你在哪里Oh, a simple complication 哦,如此简单却又纠结于心Miscommunications lead to fall out 爱缺少了沟通闹的我们都翻了脸So many things that I wish you knew 我有太多事情都希望你了解So many walls up I can"t break through 你有太多的墙道道立起,牢不可破将我阻截Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里And we"re not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语And I"m dying to know 我极想知道Is it killing you? 这对你来说是要命般煎熬吗? Like it"s killing me? 就像对我来说是要命般煎熬?I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂When it all broke down 命运之神随即也转身离去And the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事Looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来多像一出悲剧Next chapter 下一章节How"d we end up this way? 这样不期而遇的局面我们又该怎么收场?See me nervously pulling at my clothes 见我紧张的在拉扯着衣角And trying to look busy 努力让自己看起来忙而不顾And you"re doing your best to avoid me 而你也使尽浑身解数避免能再与我接触I"m starting to think one day I"ll tell the story of us 我开始想某天我会将咱俩分手的故事讲How I was losing my mind when I saw you here 那时你现身与眼前的一刻我变的失去了理智But you held your pride like you should have held me 而你却将你要命的自尊死握不放,而当时你就该将我如那般牢牢把握Oh, we"re scared to see the ending 哦,我不敢看一眼结局变成这般样子Why are we pretending this is nothing? 为何一见面我们都装成一副若无其事的样子I"d tell you I miss you but I don"t know how 想告诉你我想你但又不知要怎样才能和你说到一起I"ve never heard silence quite this loud 我从未听过死寂在大声摇旗呐喊:将一切都埋在心里Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里And we"re not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语And I"m dying to know 极想知道(如鲠于喉的滋味)Is it killing you 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间的一切彻底土崩瓦解When it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复And the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事Looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来很像一出悲剧This is looking like a contest 这看起来像场较量Of who can act like they care less 我们都在角逐谁更能装满不在乎But I liked it better when you were on my side 但我更喜欢你曾总依顺我,那时我什么都不在乎The battle"s in your hands now 此刻,这场决战的号角就掌握于你手中But I would lay my armor down 但我会放下自己的武装If you"d say you"d rather love than fight 如果你说出你宁愿好好爱我而不是要斗个你死我活So many things that you wish I knew 有太多的事你都希望我能懂But the story of us might be ending soon 但咱俩的故事可能很快就此画上句号Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里And we"re not speaking 而咱俩相见都无从开口And I"m dying to know 极想知道(极想知道,咱俩已形同陌路)Is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂When it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复 And the story of us 而且我们的故事Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now 看起来多像一出悲剧,现在,现在,现在And we"re not speaking 咱俩彼此相见都无从开口And I"m dying to know 我极想知道Is it killing you? 这对你来说是要命般煎熬吗?Like it"s killing me? 就像对我来说是要命般煎熬?I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好Since a twist of fate 自从我俩的命运随即反复


he Story Of Us 我们的故事  I used to think one day we"d tell the story of us 过去我常在想某天,我们会将咱两相爱的故事讲  How we met and the sparks flew instantly 我们如何相遇,两颗心相碰顷刻间又有怎样的火花绽放  People would say, "they"re the lucky ones" 人们会说他俩可真是幸运的一对  I used to know my place was a spot next to you 过去我总以为你的身旁一直是我心中那片归宿地  Now I"m searching the room for an empty seat 而现在我将整个房间寻个遍要另找个空位能容身我坐下  Cause lately I don"t even know what page you"re on 因为近来我甚至都不了解你在哪里(谱写哪出戏)  Oh, a simple complication 哦,如此简单却又纠结于心  Miscommunications lead to fall out 爱缺少了沟通闹的我们都翻了脸  So many things that I wish you knew 我有太多事情都希望你了解  So many walls up I can"t break through 你有太多的墙道道立起,牢不可破将我阻截  Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立  In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里  And we"re not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(相互间只存在不予理睬)  Is it killing you ? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂  When it all broke down 命运之神随即也转身离去  And the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来多像一出悲剧  Next chapter 下一章节  How"d we end up this way? 这样不期而遇的局面我们又该怎么收场?  See me nervously pulling at my clothes 见我紧张的在拉扯着衣角  And trying to look busy 努力让自己看起来忙而不顾  And you"re doing your best to avoid me 而你也使尽浑身解数避免能再与我接触  I"m starting to think one day I"ll tell the story of us 我开始想某天我会将咱俩分手的故事讲  How I was losing my mind when I saw you here 那时你现身与眼前的一刻我变的失去了理智  But you held your pride like you should have held me 而你却将你要命的自尊死握不放,而当时你就该将我如那般牢牢把握  Oh, we"re scared to see the ending 哦,我不敢看一眼结局变成这般样子  Why are we pretending this is nothing? 为何一见面我们都装成一副若无其事的样子  I"d tell you I miss you but I don"t know how 想告诉你我想你但又不知要怎样才能和你说到一起  I"ve never heard silence quite this loud 我从未听过死寂在大声摇旗呐喊:将一切都埋在心里  Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立  In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里  And we"re not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(如鲠于喉的滋味)  Is it killing you 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间的一切彻底土崩瓦解  When it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复  And the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来很像一出悲剧  This is looking like a contest 这看起来像场较量  Of who can act like they care less 我们都在角逐谁更能装满不在乎  But I liked it better when you were on my side 但我更喜欢你曾总依顺我,那时我什么都不在乎  The battle"s in your hands now 此刻,这场决战的号角就掌握于你手中  But I would lay my armor down 但我会放下自己的武装  If you"d say you"d rather love than fight 如果你说出你宁愿好好爱我而不是要斗个你死我活  So many things that you wish I knew 有太多的事你都希望我能懂  But the story of us might be ending soon 但咱俩的故事可能很快就此画上句号  Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立  In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里  And we"re not speaking 而咱俩相见都无从开口  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(极想知道,咱俩已形同陌路)  Is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂  When it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复   And the story of us 而且我们的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now 咱俩相遇的故事现在看起来多像一出悲剧,现在,现在,现在  And we"re not speaking 咱俩彼此相见都无从开口  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(结局只有分道扬镳)  Is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我俩的命运随即反复


The Story Of Us 我们的故事  I used to think one day we"d tell the story of us 过去我常在想某天,我们会将咱两相爱的故事讲  How we met and the sparks flew instantly 我们如何相遇,两颗心相碰顷刻间又有怎样的火花绽放  People would say, "they"re the lucky ones" 人们会说他俩可真是幸运的一对  I used to know my place was a spot next to you 过去我总以为你的身旁一直是我心中那片归宿地  Now I"m searching the room for an empty seat 而现在我将整个房间寻个遍要另找个空位能容身我坐下  Cause lately I don"t even know what page you"re on 因为近来我甚至都不了解你在哪里(谱写哪出戏)  Oh, a simple complication 哦,如此简单却又纠结于心  Miscommunications lead to fall out 爱缺少了沟通闹的我们都翻了脸  So many things that I wish you knew 我有太多事情都希望你了解  So many walls up I can"t break through 你有太多的墙道道立起,牢不可破将我阻截  Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立  In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里  And we"re not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(相互间只存在不予理睬)  Is it killing you ? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂  When it all broke down 命运之神随即也转身离去  And the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来多像一出悲剧  Next chapter 下一章节  How"d we end up this way? 这样不期而遇的局面我们又该怎么收场?  See me nervously pulling at my clothes 见我紧张的在拉扯着衣角  And trying to look busy 努力让自己看起来忙而不顾  And you"re doing your best to avoid me 而你也使尽浑身解数避免能再与我接触  I"m starting to think one day I"ll tell the story of us 我开始想某天我会将咱俩分手的故事讲  How I was losing my mind when I saw you here 那时你现身与眼前的一刻我变的失去了理智  But you held your pride like you should have held me 而你却将你要命的自尊死握不放,而当时你就该将我如那般牢牢把握  Oh, we"re scared to see the ending 哦,我不敢看一眼结局变成这般样子  Why are we pretending this is nothing? 为何一见面我们都装成一副若无其事的样子  I"d tell you I miss you but I don"t know how 想告诉你我想你但又不知要怎样才能和你说到一起  I"ve never heard silence quite this loud 我从未听过死寂在大声摇旗呐喊:将一切都埋在心里  Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立  In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里  And we"re not speaking 而我俩彼此相见都缄口不语  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(如鲠于喉的滋味)  Is it killing you 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间的一切彻底土崩瓦解  When it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复  And the story of us 咱俩相遇的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now 现在看起来很像一出悲剧  This is looking like a contest 这看起来像场较量  Of who can act like they care less 我们都在角逐谁更能装满不在乎  But I liked it better when you were on my side 但我更喜欢你曾总依顺我,那时我什么都不在乎  The battle"s in your hands now 此刻,这场决战的号角就掌握于你手中  But I would lay my armor down 但我会放下自己的武装  If you"d say you"d rather love than fight 如果你说出你宁愿好好爱我而不是要斗个你死我活  So many things that you wish I knew 有太多的事你都希望我能懂  But the story of us might be ending soon 但咱俩的故事可能很快就此画上句号  Now I"m standing alone 此刻我孓身无依伫立  In a crowded room 于一所拥挤的房间里  And we"re not speaking 而咱俩相见都无从开口  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(极想知道,咱俩已形同陌路)  Is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我们之间宣告了彻底决裂  When it all broke down 这份爱的命运随即也反复   And the story of us 而且我们的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now 咱俩相遇的故事现在看起来多像一出悲剧,现在,现在,现在  And we"re not speaking 咱俩彼此相见都无从开口  And I"m dying to know 极想知道(结局只有分道扬镳)  Is it killing you? 这对我来说可真是要命般正煎熬不休  Like it"s killing me? 对你而言也同样的感觉在闹心不已,对吧?  I don"t know what to say 我不知该说什么好  Since a twist of fate 自从我俩的命运随即反复"cause we"re going down 因我们两颗心的相碰最终如同触礁都沉没  And the story of us 现在咱俩的故事  Looks a lot like a tragedy now 看起来多像一出悲剧

As is recorded in history, silkworms were first raised in ____we now know as Hebei Province.



terrors-victory恐怖的胜利terrorsn.恐怖( terror的名词复数 ); 惊恐; 引起恐怖的人[事]; 讨厌的人; .很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


Logger来自log4j自己的包。如果用Logger.getLogger,需要一个log4j的jar包,用此方式你只能依靠log4j: LogFactory来自common-logging包。如果用LogFactory.getLog,你可以用任何实现了通用日志接口的日志记录器替换log4j,而程序不受影响。apache的common-logging包是通用日志接口,通过这个中间层,你可以随便指定到底用哪个日志系统。增加系统的灵活性。若log4j它不存在, commons-logging 会另行选择其它的日志实现类。 这样保证了程序中不一定要使用log4j这个日志文件了 增强灵活性的理由: 1)首先在 classpath 下寻找自己的配置文件 ,如果找到,则使用其中定义的 Log 实现类; 2) 如果找不到 文件,则在查找是否已定义系统环境变量 org.apache.commons.logging.Log ,找到则使用其定义的 Log 实现类; 3) 否则,查看 classpath 中是否有 Log4j 的包,如果发现,则自动使用 Log4j 作为日志实现类; 4) 否则,使用 JDK 自身的日志实现类( JDK1.4 以后才有日志实现类); 5) 否则,使用 commons-logging 自己提供的一个简单的日志实现类 SimpleLog ; 为了简化配置 commons-logging ,一般不使用 commons-logging 的配置文件,也不设置与 commons-logging 相关的系统环境变量,而只需将 Log4j 的 Jar 包放置到 classpash 中就可以了。这样就很简单地完成了 commons-logging 与 Log4j 的融合。 根据不同的性质,日志信息通常被分成不同的级别,从低到高依次是:“调试( DEBUG )”“信息( INFO )”“警告( WARN )”“错误(ERROR )”“致命错误( FATAL )”。 基于common-logging的运行方式: package org; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class Test extends TagSupport{ public static Log log=LogFactory.getLog(Test.class); public static void test() { log.debug("111");"125"); log.warn("485"); log.error("error"); } public static void main(String[] a) { Test.test(); } } 基于log4j的运行方式 import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; public class TestLog4j { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestLog4j.class); public static void main(String args[]) { PropertyConfigurator.configure(""); logger.debug("Here is some DEBUG");"Here is some INFO"); logger.warn("Here is some WARN"); logger.error("Here is some ERROR"); logger.fatal("Here is some FATAL"); } } ----------- commons-logging 仅仅对 Log4j( 当然还包括其它 LOG 实现 ) 作了一层包装,具体的日志输出还是在内部转交给身后的 Log4j 来处理,还有log4j会默认的去classes目录下去寻找 文件

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story的读音是:英["st??ri]。story的读音是:英["st??ri]。story的意思是n.故事;传说;谎言;叙述;新闻报道;情节;n.楼层(=storey);v.以历史事件为图案装饰。story【近义词】anecdote。一、详尽释义点此查看story的详细内容n.(名词)故事,传说,传闻,传奇小说描述,叙述情况,内情,真相由来,来历,经历记事,轶事,报导阅历历史假话,谎话Joseph Story 斯托里(1779-1845),美国法学家,最高法院大法官(1811-1845)v.(动词)编成故事叙述, 讲...的故事说假话用(历史)故事画装饰二、双解释义n.(名词)[C] 故事,传说,小说 account of past events , incidents, etc.; account of invented or imagined events, etc.[C] 故事情节 narrative or plot of a book, play, etc.[C] (新闻)报道; 新闻报道的题材 report of an item of news in a newspaper; event, situation or material suitable for this三、词典解释1.(虚构的)故事,小说Astory is a description of imaginary people and events, which is written or told in order to entertain.story的翻译e.g. The secondstory in the book is titled "The Scholar"...书中的第二个故事题为《学者》。e.g. I shall tell you astory about four little rabbits.我要给你讲一个 4 只小兔子的故事。2.(尤指口头的)叙述,描述Astory is a description of an event or something that happened to someone, especially a spoken description of it.e.g. The parents all shared interesting stories about their children...父母之间都会分享自己孩子的一些趣事。e.g. Isak"sstory is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability.伊萨克的故事就是一个具有某种学习障碍的孩子的典型故事。3.传记;史话;纪事Thestory of something is a description of all the important things that have happened to it since it began.story的翻译e.g. ...thestory of the women"s movement in Ireland.爱尔兰妇女运动的记载4.谎言;假话;虚构之事If someone invents astory, they give a false explanation or account of something.e.g. He invented somestory about a cousin.他骗别人说自己有位堂兄。5.新闻报道A newsstory is a piece of news in a newspaper or in a news broadcast.e.g. Those are some of the top stories in the news...那些是报纸上的头条新闻。e.g. They"ll do anything for astory.他们为抢到新闻会不择手段。6.-> see storey;-storey7. see also: cock-and-bull story;short story;sob story;success story;tall story8.但那是另一回事了;那就不相干了You say "but that"s another story" when you have mentioned a subject that you are not going to talk about or explain in detail.e.g. I"d met him at a dance I"d gone to on my own. But that"s anotherstory.我有一次独自去参加舞会时遇上了他。但那是题外话了。9.长话短说;简而言之In British English, you useto cut a long story short to indicate that you are going to state the final result of an event and not give any more details. In American English, you sayto make a long story short .story是什么意思e.g. To cut a longstory short, I ended up as managing director.长话短说,我最终当上了总经理。10.另一回事,不同情况(通常指不好的一面)You usea different story to refer to a situation, usually a bad one, which exists in one set of circumstances when you have mentioned that it does not exist in another set of circumstances.e.g. Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it"s a differentstory.玛塞拉居住的地方,租金比较便宜,但稍稍再往北一点情况就不同了。11.又来了,又是老一套(表示不好的事情似乎总是重复发生)If you sayit"s the same old story orit"s the old story, you mean that something unpleasant or undesirable seems to happen again and again.storye.g. It"s the same oldstory. They want one person to do three people"s jobs.又是老一套。他们想让 1 个人做 3 个人的工作。12.不是事情的全部;只是部分情况If you say that something isonly part of the story or isnot the whole story, you mean that the explanation or information given is not enough for a situation to be fully understood.story的反义词e.g. This may be true but it is only part of thestory...这可能是真的,但它并不是事情的全部。e.g. Jane goes to great lengths to explain that this is not the wholestory.简竭力地解释说那不是事情的全貌。13.对事情的说法;辩解If someone tells you theirside of the story, they tell you why they behaved in a particular way and why they think they were right, when other people think that person behaved wrongly.e.g. He had already made up his mind before even hearing her side of thestory.他没等听到她的解释就已经作出了决定。四、例句The story stirred her sympathy.这故事激起了她的同情心。The story took place in a serene summer night.故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。This novel has been developed out of a folk story.这部小说脱胎于民间传说。He took the girl in with his stories.他用一套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩。The boy"s story has some colour of truth.这男孩的一番叙述听来似乎是真的。He will break the story tomorrow morning.他明天上午将发表这篇新闻报道。The book is recommended for its interesting story.这本书由于其故事情节生动有趣而受推荐。That is a house of six stories.那是一栋六层楼的房子。五、经典引文He would act the biblical stories on which he was commenting.出自:Day Lewis六、情景对话TV Series-(电视剧)B:What"s on TV tonight?今晚有什么电视节目?story的反义词A:Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel.没有很多节目,有那个新写实电视《甜心俏佳人》,哦哦哦,还有《末世黑天使》。B:Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal.等等。我想看《甜心俏佳人》。storyA:Oh, come on. That"s such a girl"s show.哦,得了吧,那是小女孩子看的。B:No it"s not. It"s just funny.不是呀,很有趣的。A:Yeah, if you"re a girl.是有趣,如果你是小女孩的话。storyB:Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl.哦,你不就是因为那个热辣的女孩才看《末世黑天使》的。A:That"s not true. Dark Angel is a good show.不是这样。《末世黑天使》可是一部好电视。B:It"sstory is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits.故事情节无非是那个女孩找各种借口着全套装备而已。storyA:O.K., O.K. Let"s forget it. There"s a football game on too.好了好了,不说了。还有足球赛可以看。story的反义词B:No way. I"m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John"s to watch the game.没门。我要看《甜心俏佳人》。要看足球赛去约翰家看吧。七、词义辨析n.(名词)story, account, chronicle, version这组词都可用来表示对某事物的“描述”“陈述”。其区别是:account表示“记事”“叙事”,多指目击者的客观描述; chronicle 表示“记事”“编年史”,指按事件发生的先后顺序所做的叙述或汇报; story 表示“描述”“说法”,常常与另外的叙述形成对照,侧重叙述是杜撰的,或有杜撰之嫌; version 表示“说法”,总是与另外的叙述形成对照,侧重两者的细节和内在关系的不同。story, history这两个词都可表示“过去发生过的事件”。其区别是:story指可能确实发生过、也可能根本没有发生过的一些连贯性事件; 而history指发生在过去的真实事件。例如:She told the children a story.她给孩子们讲了一个故事。We studied history at school.我们在学校里学历史。story, falsehood, lie这组词的共同意思是“谎言”“撒谎”。1.lie指有预谋地或故意地歪曲事实真相;而falsehood则指与事实不符的假话。从使用范围上讲, lie比falsehood的使用范围要广泛;就语气来说, lie的语气比falsehood强, falsehood是一种委婉语,无论是有意还是无意,确实是一些不实之词。例如:It"s all lies, don"t believe him.全是谎话,别相信他。He told a falsehood to keep from being punished.为了逃避惩罚,他说了谎话。2.story指真实发生过的事件,也可以指书中编写或想象出来的故事,有较强的文学色彩。例如:My children love to hear detective stories.我的孩子们喜欢听侦探故事。He promised to tell the children a story as soon as they had got into bed.他答应孩子们一上床,就讲故事给他们听。She wrote a story about space exploration.她写了一篇关于探索外层空间的故事。story, account, anecdote, fable, legend, myth, tale这组词都可表示叙事性的文字。其区别是:1.account, fable, legend, myth, story, tale是一般用词; anecdote是正式用词。2.account指对于某事的详细说明,原原本本,有头有尾,多用于报道事实; story指取悦于人的完整故事,有人物,有情节,有头有尾,可口头也可书面,可真实也可虚构,体裁上则既可为诗体,也可为散文体; anecdote指轶事趣闻,一般较短,有趣味; fable指寓言,主人公多为拟人化的动物或非生物,多为虚构,旨在说明一个道理或教训,而寓言则多在结尾处点明; legend 指民间传说或传奇故事,多含虚幻成分; myth指神话,特指与宗教或原始文明有关的故事,多以超人的力量去解释自然现象或人生; tale指故事或传说,即或有事实根据也多添枝加叶或夸张,含荒唐不可信的意味。novel,romance,fiction,story,fable,tale这些名词均含“小说、故事”之意。novel指任何有情节、人物、对白的虚构长篇散文体故事。romance系novel早期的代用词,泛指具有强烈神话和传奇色彩的故事,现指爱情故事。fiction指部分或全部虚构的短篇、中篇、长篇小说,也指传奇故事,是小说的总称。story指篇幅较短,常包含一系列情节或事件,口述或书写成文的故事。fable指短小而寓有教育意义的虚构故事,故事的主人公多为拟人化的动物或非动物之类,也作传说解。tale常可与story换用,指以事实为中心作叙述的故事,也指古代流传下来的传说故事或神话故事。story的相关近义词anecdote、description、fabrication、lie、misrepresentation、narration、narrative、tale、untruth、yarn、sagastory的相关临近词stour、stormy、story run、storybook、story rod、story art、storyline、Story Poem、story type、story tree、story book、story unit点此查看更多关于story的详细信息

英国签证immigration history具体应该怎么填丫?


求英语作文an unforgettable story 80字左右 急急急马上要用

My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. There are three tall buildings in our school. They all have five floors. In the teaching building, the is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. The science rooms are on the third floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. The music rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. My class room is on the fifth floor. I am in Class9, Grade 6. There are five gardens in our school. In the gardens there are many beautiful flowers, grass and trees. There is a big playground in my school.I like my school, because my school is very beautiful

美国温德米尔预科学校 Windermere Preparatory School


高分求类似love story的乡村音乐

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Dj Dave Liang的Story Of a city歌词到这上面看看~~~

急求《新视野大学英语读写教程一》Unit1练习题中Story Summary的答案!!!





是美国品牌钢琴,产地分美国产,印尼产(三益代工),上海产。 Story & Clark 公开宣称他们成立于1859年,但其实那时他们并没有真正开始制造钢琴(很明显那时他们制造管风琴)。 Story & Clark 是美国为数不多的几家在美国经济大萧条和第二次世界大战中幸存下来的钢琴制造商之一,他们没有被更大的企业集团所收购。 1962年,Story & Clark 被Lowery Organ Co 洛厄里管风琴公司收购。该公司以“Story & Clark”和“Lowery”两个品牌制造钢琴。 Story & Clark 商标于1991年被Classic Player Piano Co 经典钢琴公司收购,再后于1993年被 QRS Music,Inc.收购。今天,QRS音乐公司仍在以Story & Clark 品牌商标生产钢琴。

哪里可以免费看The Ron Clark Story?找了半天

热血教师(即The Ron Clark Story) 的片尾曲是什么名字?


The Ron Clark Story 中文译名?


谁有saki的The Storyteller的英文原文啊 帮帮忙 急!!!


shoe factory是什么词


为什么shoe factory的复数形式,factory不用加s

shoe factory 的复数形式是 shoe factories. factory的复数变化是把 "y"变"i+es" =factories一个工厂 a shoe factory ; 许多工厂 many shoe factories


factory翻译中文是工厂的意思。factory作为名词是工厂、制造厂、代理店的意思。相关例句:A chocolate factory will be built in one year, which makes all the children excited一年之内将会修建一座巧克力工厂,这让孩子们激动坏了。His high earning comes from his car factory他的高收入来自于他的汽车制造厂。

factory or factorys


为什么shoe factory的复数形式,factory不用加s



工厂的英文是factory、plant或者works。factory:工厂;代理店;代理行;批量生产者。plant:植物;工厂;密探;间谍;奸细;内线;击接触球犯规;设备;设施;草本植物。works:工厂;作品;全套物品;(work的复数)。factory短语搭配:加工厂:processing plant/factory。地下工厂:underground workshop。铁工厂:ironworks。兵工厂:munitions/ordnance factory;arsenal。军工厂:munitions factory;arsenal。化工厂:chemical plant。副食品加工厂:non-staple food processing factory。果蔬加工厂:fruit-and-vegetable processing plant。军需工厂:military supplies factory。工厂监督:superintendent of a factory。工厂破产:bankruptcy of a factory。保税工厂:bonded factory;bonded factory。综合性工厂:multiple-producing factory。石料加工厂:stoneyard;stoneworks。茶叶加工厂:tea manufactory。石油化工厂:petrochemical works。关闭工厂:close a factory。扩建工厂:enlarge a factory。双语例句:1、由于产品滞销,工厂不得不减产。The factory had to cut production owing to sluggish sales of the products.2、经济萧条期间,许多工厂停工了。Many factories were shut down during the recession.3、工厂的倒闭夺走了数千人的生计。The bankruptcy of the factory took away the livelihood of thousands.4、叶子是植物生产碳水化合物的工厂。The leaf is a factory for carbohydrate production in a plant.5、那家工厂的倒闭使许多人失业。The bankruptcy of that factory put many people out of work.6、由于管理不善,工厂连年亏损。Due to mismanagement, the factory has been in the red for years straight.7、化工厂排放的污秽废物会污染河流。The filthy waste from chemical factories will pollute rivers.8、水井被附近工厂排出的废物污染了。The well was defiled by the refuse of the factories nearby.9、这个工厂将迁并到一家大企业。The factory is going to move and merge with a bigger enterprise.10、这家工厂一时还散不了摊子。The factory won"t go bankrupt at the moment.






中文: 工厂 | 德语: Fabrik | 英语: Factory | 西班牙语: Fábrica | 法语: Usine | 日语: 工场 | 韩语: 7032 | 俄语: Фабрика | factory: 工厂;厂;工厂模式;制造厂 工厂 factory ["f03kt05ri] n. 工厂;制造厂;代理店[ 复数factories ]







为何在英文维基词条中 Summer Palace这一词中的History条目下,只有乾隆年间建立的圆明园的介绍,而没有英


请问 statutory disclosue 是什么意思呢 ? 非常感谢。

statutory disclosure 即法定披露。

you are my history是什么歌的歌词

MERCY-Saint saviour Prime-Alliex

求Laura story 的i think of you的完整歌词

I think of the healing fountain of Your grace in my life, in my life. When I think of sunlight piercing through the clouds to paint the perfect sky I think of the silver lining of Your love and I think of You. When I think of streams that weave through desert lands as beauty comes alive in my life. And I think of You who shines with endless light through broken jars of clay And I think of You redeeming every part of each day that You"ve made And I think of You. When I think of children laughing, full of wonder and families reconciled I think of the joy that"s found in answered prayer and it makes me smile makes me smile! through broken jars of clay And I think of You redeeming every part of each day that You"ve made And I think of You for redemption"s now the story of my soul. "Cause it was You who paid the highest price for broken jars of clay. And you still choose to use my life for Your glory displayed. And I think of You who shines with endless light through broken jars of clay And I think of You redeeming every part of each day that You"ve made And I think of You. And I think of You.

如何评价BBC纪录片《the story of China》

对于节目本身我一口气全看完了,确实很感谢Michael Woods的“用心”,但是既然是评价BBC的节目就不能不提观众的反应。 中国的观众就不用说了,非华人观众则褒贬不一。1、 Michael Woods在节目里“过分”的表现出对中华文化的“哈”性,导致很多批评,西方人最喜欢唱反调(if you know what I mean). Theguardian的一篇文章甚至用" an scratching on an old bone"来形容Michael Woods的工作。2、英国人并没有过多的关注中国的历史(我猜他们也没兴趣,我的英国朋友都没听过这部剧),但是英国的报纸倒是很关注一个点就是,"Did Chinese invent football?", 他们觉得中国人跟“大韩”一样,喜欢copy everything.3、一个英国的老师在youtube上留言一开始说Michael Woods就是为了让人掏钱去iTUNE买这部剧,到后面(一个英文不大好的中国人没理解他的讽刺回复了他谢谢)他才开始说自己早就知道中国的大部分历史(因为他班级里有太多中国人了),除了鸦片战争他没听过。 可见英国人其实多arrogant, 不可能承认一个国家的文明比他们的文明好。4、看过一些美国网友的回复,大概意思是如果你因为剧里的中国美景而travel中国你就会后悔了,"horrible traffic and terrible driver, that is to the least",还有人说自己在中国需要随身带厕所纸。5、最后是一些我分不清是中国人还是外国人的评论,大概是I love Chinese culture, I just hated Chinese Governor之类的。总的来说还是别太兴奋,一部剧改变不了hatrism 也改变不了arrogant,我倒是觉得中国应该有自己的“BBC" 用西方人的批判思维来提高我们的文化觉悟,比如在东亚扩大我们的文化影响力,到时候就不是我们求着人家给我们做节目。

in Chinese history.对吗?


in Chinese history.对吗

对的~我想你一定在应该用CHINA还是CHINESE上挣扎吧给你几个例子;in Chinese history :legal thoughts in Chinese history 中国法律思想史changes of deserts in chinese history 中国历史时期沙漠的变迁distribution and migration of population in Chinese history 中国历史时期人口的分布和迁徙in China history:没有这种说法history of astronomy in China 中国天文学史history of biology in China 生物学史(中国)history of geography in China 中国地理学史

She reads a story for her son every evening.

是介词短语,在句子中作时间状语。本来evening一般与in连用,比如in the evening不过前面有every 或者next 这样的词时,一般不加in



麻烦问一下:Mary told her story ___of them. A.more excited B.most excited C.more excitedly


can you tell her a story about easter bunny是用her吗?


英语语法填冠词!Mom tells her little daughter( )old story every nigh

Mom tells her little daughter( an )old story every night. Aa B不填 Can Dthe 选C, 因为old 是元音开头,用an 妈妈每天晚上给她女儿讲一个古老的故事

There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her. One day...

小题1:A小题2:D小题3:B小题4:D 试题分析:小题1:A 细节题根据文章第一行There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.说明A正确。小题2:D 细节题根据第二段第2行The young girl carefully released the Butterfly说明D正确。小题3:B 细节题。根据第二段第三行the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy说明B正确。小题4:D 细节题。根据第二段4,5行the good fairy said to the girl,“I will give you any wish you would like.” The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,“I want to be happy.”什么吗D正确。点评:文章通过一个寓言故事告诉我们幸福的真正含义就是对别人有用。集中考查细节题,要求考生在阅读的时候,在文章中做好标志和符号,减少回读的次数,提高阅读的效率和速度。

is reading a story to her young children为什么这里用to,to这里解释为什么?


she told the story to her parents对划线部分进行提问怎么写?

如果对the story提问:what did she tell to her parents ?对her parents 提问:Who did she tell the story?对she 提问:Who told the story to her parents ?


介词to表示方向,read sth to sb的意思是读东西给某人。

the story什么her sympathy for those wounded

the story什么her sympathy for those wounded填shows---展示;表达

30. Please tell her your story exactly _______ you have told it to me.


the story is she还是the story is her?

She is the story,The story is she。the story is her 很少见,一般不用。



how to write a story

一个典型的短故事 主要有以下4个部份或4个段落: (1) Introduction (第一段: 介绍段落) - 介绍主要人物及背景 (2) Beginning of adventure (历险的开始) (3) Development of story (故事的发展) (4) Ending of story (结尾或结局) 详细分述如下: (1) Introduction (第一段: 介绍段落): 介绍主要人物及背景 通常系主角先 例如: There was once a very rich man named Pierre who gave his three daughters everything they wanted. (Beauty & the Beast Pg.3 - illustrated by Victor Tavares) 从前有一个非常有钱的人 名叫Pierre 他给予他的3个女儿所有她们想要的. 又例如: Over one hundred years ago there lived a man named Phileas Fogg. For many years he led a very quiet life. He spent every day at his club which was where rich men went to meet their friends. (Around the World in Eighty Days Pg.3 illustrated by Adam Stower) 一百年前 有一个人名叫Phileas Fogg 很多年来 他都过着很平静的生活. 他每天都在自已的会所里消磨时间 而这会所亦是他们这些有钱人互相见面的地方. (2) Beginning of adventure (故事发展的开头) 以一个简短的故事来说 通常是述说主角开始一个旅程或出外办差事之类 例如可这样写: Pierre waved goodbye to his daughters and galloped away on his sleek white horse. (Beauty & the Beast Pg.6 - illustrated by Victor Tavares) Pierre 向他的女儿挥手说再见 并策着他那光润毛色的白马而去. (3) Development of story 跟着是故事发展下去的描写 你要为主角这次历程加点地方与及人物的相遇 而这些情节要令读者觉得主角遇到难题 那样读者才会投入去看 例如: As he rode a thick fog filled the air. Pierre couldn"t see the path ahead or even his horse below him. (Beauty & the Beast Pg.6 - illustrated by Victor Tavares) 当他策骑的时候 突然烟雾弥漫 Pierre 不能够看见他前面的路 甚至他下面的马. (4) Ending of Story 通常写主角到了最后解决了问题 快乐地生活下去. 参考: Beauty & the Beast (illustrated by Victor Tavares) + Around the World in Eighty Days (illustrated by Adam Stower) -0-||||||| use big 6 You better read more simple English fictions and those books can improve your imagination writing skills vocabularies also through reading you can find a lot of funs! I think write a story is not difficult and this time you just to have plet a short work! So please try more read more and think more you will then easily to have a goood writing result. 写uecd9title先 然后写Once upon a time ...... or Many years ago.......来开头 再写内容 short story 记得要写短D 只要写得生动有趣 好interesting就得ga la^^

told her a story怎么读


Tell Her a Story 歌词

歌曲:Tell Her a Story演唱:Julia Stone作词:Henboy作曲:Cassinel专辑:《Let"s Forget All the Things That We Say》发行时间:2012-02-24 歌词:Tell me a lie, I""m used to itTell me a lie, I""m used to itTell me to my faceTell me to my faceTell me where""s my placeTell me where""s my placeTell her a story, she""s used to itTell her a story, she""s used to itBut tell her to her faceTell her to her faceTell her where""s her placeTell her where""s her placeTell him a lie, he""s used to itTell him a lie, he""s used to itTell him a lie, he""s used to itTell him a lie, he""s used to itBut tell him to his faceTell him to his faceTell him where""s his placeTell me where""s your grace

I will tell her a story


lll tell her a story 是什么意思s

l‘ll tell her a story,我要讲给她一个故事。

I will tell her a story改为一般疑问句?

will i tell her story?

l tell her a story为什么用 her不用she


she often read her storybooks


The poor old woman usded to tell her story _____we went to see her



Her story books are there

28、 She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ____?

B,1,选B regard ... as ... 把……当成…… 固定词组,记住就好。,2,B regard ... as 是词组分拆考法 true是真实的;real是真的,表示不是虚拟的。,2,regard be/as......选B,1,D,0,B,0,B a true story真实的故事,0,28、 She looked so honest that we all regarded her story ______. A、like true B、as true C、like real D、as real

「女人的故事。Her Story」txt全集下载


listen to Mary continue her story.分析句子成分?

本句为祈使句。句中谓语是listen to;宾语是Mary;continue her story是宾语补足语。

she’s story与her story有区别吗?


Herstory (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Herstory (Lp Version)歌手:The Dambuilders专辑:Against The StarsHer Story作曲:冯颖琪|填词:黄仲凯|编曲:王双骏for Double C music group|寒暄声音 她不想应 不会应陪酒 若是命令 别怪她不会敬流言幻听 在这烂店未免摧毁雅兴人来复去 大概亦记住了她的个性宁死不屈 而这一刻她的想法 很好胜停留於 如此光景 绝对不得要领如同赠兴 若世俗注定与她不对应拳头做证 在这夜决定去找新风景这漫长故事 由她出发开始寻找偏远的 不相似疯恋过疯子 还勇救过勇士还有下次 下次更别致随心出走 她的感性 也很理性沿途的 全新掌声 热烈护送她那狠劲原来任性 就算令笑面两边不对称同伴仍能尽兴 为记念发现了北欧之星这漫长故事 由她出发开始寻找偏远的 不相似(愉快地拍著每节手指)假装过公主 还与恶棍对峙(努力去造次 永远要勇过上次)还有下次 下次 再下次(每个结尾也是开始)世界更坏也未会害怕她会散发最自信优雅纵要对著干未会害怕她会YA YA YA YA世界再大也未会害怕也要建造最自我的家纵要撑下去未会害怕她会YA YA YA YA她叫YA YA YA YABy CrazylingBy Crazyling

Her story made me sad是什么结构?


her story怎么开始新游戏

her story按start开始游戏。她的故事是一款创意十足的解谜游戏,玩家需要利用找到的线索以及视频结合的方式来完成事件解谜,这里介绍一下游戏玩法。游戏在沉浸感的设计上可谓做足了功夫,画面风格是一种精心设计出的简陋,4:3的画面, 在iPhone上横屏运行,留下两面的黑条,乍一看好似在iPhone上运行了一台Winsows的虚拟机,而且是Windows 95 。her story的玩法游戏屏幕上的反光,四周环境的白噪声,机器工作的杂音,甚至白炽灯的灯丝偶尔发出的声音,游戏里输入的时候也会有机械键盘的敲击声,搜索时还有电脑机箱咯吱咯吱的杂音,这些细心的设计都在努力营造出一种玩家真的坐在档案室里一台古旧的电脑前观看这些视频的感觉。一进入游戏,玩家便面对着这个电脑屏幕,主窗口自然是浏览案件视频的程序。桌面上有两个文档,分别叫作《Readme.txt》和《REALLY_Readme!.txt》。为玩家提供导引,除此之外,电脑桌面上还有一个DB Checker供玩家查看视频观看的进度,还有一个时钟,而在回收站里有一个hacknfo的文件,还有一个名为Mirror Game的类似苹果棋的小游戏,而且,真的可以玩儿。

Mary just told us a very fascinating story.


Just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat.


法定审计(statutory audit)与compliance audit(合规审计)有什么不同


white house history


LOVE Story的歌词...英文

歌曲:love story 歌手:taylor swift taylor swift - love storywe were both young when i first saw youi close my eyes and the flashback startsi"m standing there on a balcony in summer airsee the lights, see the party, the ballgownssee you make your way to the crowdand say hello, little did i knowthat you were romeo, you were throwing pebblesand my daddy said,"stay away from juliet!"and i was crying on the staircasebegging you please don"t goand i said,"romeo, take me somewhere we can be alonei"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is runyou"ll be the prince and i"ll be the princessit"s a love story, baby, just say yes"so i sneak out to the garden to see youwe keep quiet,"cause we"re dead if they knewso close your eyes, escape this town for a little while"cause you were romeo, i was a scarlet letterand my daddy said,"stay away from juliet!"but you were everything to mei was begging you please don"t goand i said,"romeo, take me somewhere we can be alonei"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is runyou"ll be the prince and i"ll be the princessit"s a love story, baby, just say yesromeo, save me, they"re trying to tell me how to feelthis love is difficult, but it"s realdon"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this messit"s a love story, baby, just say yes"i got tired of waiting,wondering if you were ever coming aroundmy faith in you was fading,when i met you on the outskirts of townand i said,"romeo, save me, i"ve been feeling so alonei keep waiting for you but you never comeis this in my head, i don"t know what to think"he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ringand said,"marry me, juliet, you"ll never have to be alonei love you and that"s all i really knowi talked to your dad, go pick out a white dressit"s a love story, baby, just say yes"we were both young when i first saw you

The medicine the factory _____ had many side effe


a factory that produces 这句话是什么结构呢

这不是完整的句子,只针对a factory that produces microchips来讲,a factory是名词,that produces microchips是定语从句,修饰前面的factory,意思:一家生产微芯片的工厂。从你问的问题,可以看出你对定语从句还是不太了解。定语从句相当于定语,它是句子,修饰前面的名词,用关系代词来引导从句。这里的that就是关系代词,它代替前面的factory,避免重复,等于factory。拆开这个例子,是这样的:a factory, a factory produces microchips.

Suntory三得利Milcolla蜜露珂娜 胶原蛋白粉 什么时候喝最好?



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