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manufactory 和factory有什么区别,分别在哪些场合使用?

factory, 工场,厂房;另有其他工场的用字 plant, 通常 factory 里有不同的 plant纺织厂, 碾米厂通常用 mill e.g. textile mill. rice mill机械厂也常用 works (通常用复数) e.g. loom works,(Toyoda Automatic Loom Works) motor works (Bavarian Motor Works, BMW)需要较多手工的常用 shop, e.g. tooling shop, die shop晶圆(wafer)制造厂用 fabrication, 但通常只称 fabmanufacturer 是制造者,可以使制造厂,或是制造人




名词 N



【factory 中文】秒懂英文「factory」的意思!

factory 中文 意思是指「工厂,制造厂」的意思,factory 的名词复数为factories。factory 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出factory的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.factory 工厂,制造厂 (名词) factory当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「工厂,制造厂」的意思。 factory相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a car factory 汽车工厂 a shoe factory 制鞋工厂 a textile factory 纺织厂 a factory worker 工厂工人 a factory manager 工厂经理 factory相关英文例句: 例:He works for a car factory. 他替一家汽车工厂工作。 例:This factory produces 1000 cars every year. 该工厂每年生产1000辆汽车。 factory, factory 中文, factory 中文意思, factory 中文的意思, factory 中文解释, factory 意思, factory 用法, factory 翻译, 英文 factory

麻烦翻一下这首歌词《my side of the story》

《my side of the story》A cold wind blowsI am shiveringMy body achesAs my heart is breakingWhy is life making me hollowWhy is happiness casting me in the shadows (in the shadows)Hold OnDon"t turn and walk awaySave meAnd I cry these wordsAnd nobody cameI am aloneRunning scaredLosing my way in the darkI tried to get upStand on a prayerBut I keep crashing down hardThis is my side side of the storyOnly my side of the storyNobody caresNobody"s thereNo one will hearMy side of the storyEmptinessIs all around meI try to catch my breathBut I"m barely survivingI can"t go on nowWithout coming undoneThere"s nothing left in meHold onDon"t turn and walk awaySave meAnd I cry these wordsBut nobody cameI am aloneRunning scaredLosing my way in the darkI tried to get upStand on a prayerBut I keep crashing down hardThis is my side side of the storyOnly my burden to bareNobody caresNobody"s thereNo one will [Can"t get this one word]As I fall downAs I"m fallingI cry these wordsAnd nobody cameI"m am aloneRunning scaredLosing my way in the darkI tried to get upStand on a prayerBut I keep crashing down hardThis is my side side of the storyOnly my side of the storyMy side of the storyOnly my burden to bareBut nobody caresNobody"s thereNo one will [I can"t get this word no matter how many times I hear it)Of my side of the story冷风吹我发抖我的身体疼痛正如我的心是打破为什么生活使我空心为什么我的幸福铸造的阴影(在黑暗中)坚持不要反过来就走救救我我哭这些话没有人来我是一个人运行害怕失去我的方式在黑暗中我试图站起来站在祈祷但是,我很难保持崩溃这是我的一方一方的故事只有我身边的故事没有人关心没有人的存在没有人会听到我身边的故事空虚是我周围我试着赶上我的呼吸但我几乎没有幸存我不能现在如果未来撤消没有什么留在我坚持不要反过来就走救救我我哭这些话但是,没有人来我是一个人运行害怕失去我的方式在黑暗中我试图站起来站在祈祷但是,我很难保持崩溃这是我的一方一方的故事只是我的负担,裸没有人关心没有人的存在没有人会[无法获得这个词]正如我倒因为我属于这些话俺哭没有人来我是一个人运行害怕失去我的方式在黑暗中我试图站起来站在祈祷但是,我很难保持崩溃这是我的一方一方的故事只有我身边的故事我身边的故事只是我的负担,裸但是,没有人关心没有人的存在没有人会[我无法完成这个词不管有多少次我听到它)我一边的故事

翻译提问the scientific interest of American history?


fake love story是什么东西?

fake有假的,伪造的,冒牌的,冒充的意思这里可以理解为 泡沫爱情 或者 白日梦 或者像楼上那样直译成 虚假爱情故事 都可以

13. Mr. Brown learned____about Chinese history. A

答案: C用 a lot 去修饰动词, 如: Thanks a lot. / It rains a lot in summer.翻译:布朗先生学了很多关于中国的历史。*********************************************************祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!*********************************************************

The True Story of Treasure Island的翻译。

意思是:金银岛的真实故事。来自《有道词典》“Treasure”:n. 财富,财产;财宝;珍品vt. 珍爱;珍藏n. (Treasure)人名;(英)特雷热例句:She treasured every moment with her husband.她珍视和丈夫相处的每一刻。

l found the film being a true story和去掉being 意思相同吗?

不建议用beingI found the film a true story.就行了。或者I found the film was a true story.I found the film to be a true story.


The movie is about a true story that happened in 1998

original story是什么 那真实故事的英文是什么

original story可以翻译成原创故事或者原著 真实的故事一般翻译成:a true story或a real story

阅读理解 The following is a true story

故事在哪呢 亲?

the film a true story


it is a true story behind


about 后能跟宾语从句么 it is true story about an overseas student lived in Germany

可以啊 只要不是that引导的 it is true story about an overseas student living in Germany



I want to tell you a true story 为什么tell不放在to的前面

want to do ……是固定句型,表示想要……tell somebody中间不需要加 to

[D85] His first book _____ next month is based on a true story.


did this true story happen to author or to a friend of the a?

a friend of the author"s 作者的一个朋友 这个故事是发生在作者的身上,还是他的朋友的?,2,意思是真实的故事是发生在作者身上还是作者的朋友身上 of the author"s friends 指的是作者众多朋友中的一位,2,of the author"s是修饰a friend的 意思是作者的一个朋友 这个真实的故事是发生在作者身上还是他的朋友身上的?,1,这个故事是发生在作者的身上,还是他的朋友的?,0,这个真实的故事是发生在作者身上还是作者的一位朋友身上?,0,did this true story happen to author or to a friend of the author"s 后面的 of the author"s

This is a true story that happened to me


速求《A true story》作文,八句话

棍底上还有小坑,如 果把棍子放下来塔就不转动了

l had to tell him (the true story)对框内部分提问

你好,答案如下:l had to tell him (the true story)对框内部分提问翻译:我必须告诉他真实的故事。提问:What did you ghave to tell him?翻译:你必须告诉他什么?

求助!英语完形填空。This is a true story.....详情请看图片


the true story of pocahontas

故事背景为17世纪的1607年,殖民主义快速发展的竞争时代。一艘船,载着来自维吉尼亚公司的英国探险家们,正前往北美洲,准备寻找金矿和其它值钱的资源。船上的领导者有上尉约翰·史密斯(John Smith)以及总督约翰·雷利夫(John Ratcliffe)两人。途中,这艘船遭遇了一场暴风雨,就在一名菜鸟水手汤玛斯(Thomas)意外地落水时,史密斯也跳入了水中,救了汤玛斯一命,他们两人也成为了好朋友。此时,在「新大陆」上,印第安包华顿酋长(Chief Powhatan)的女儿宝嘉康蒂(Pocahontas)听说了她父亲希望她能够嫁给部落中最强壮的战士——高刚(Kocoum)的消息。不过宝嘉康蒂认为高刚太过于严肃而不想嫁给他,于是就去向森林中一棵会说话的树灵——柳树婆婆(Grandmother Willow)请求建议。而柳树婆婆则告诉了宝嘉康蒂,要她聆听自己的心。那艘载满了英国人的船在维吉尼亚州登陆后,总督雷利夫就下令所有的船员都开始挖掘金矿。史密斯则一个人走进了森林中探险,并遇到了宝嘉康蒂。宝嘉康蒂在她和史密斯相处的期间教导了他要以一种和之前完全不同的角度来观看这个世界,万物都充满了灵性、处处是美、俯拾皆是,而不要将宝嘉康蒂的族人们当成「野蛮人」来看待。但此时,在挖掘金矿的地点,包华顿的战士和英国人发生了一场冲突,其中一名印第安战士中了枪。于是战士们就决定撤退,此举使得酋长认为白人们非常危险,不允许族人靠近他们,并决定召集附近的邦交部落联合起来对抗白人。几天后,当宝嘉康蒂又遇见史密斯时,她就告诉史密斯这附近的土地并没有金矿,两人也相约好当天晚上要在柳树婆婆下再见面。但是,当宝嘉康蒂回到了部落中,却发现附近邦交部落的战士已经抵达了,准备帮助包华顿部落一起对抗白人。另一方面,史密斯回到营地后,告诉了总督这附近没有金矿,但总督却不相信他,认为印第安人私底下藏着许多金矿。那天晚上,宝嘉康蒂最好的朋友妮可曼(Nakoma)发现她又偷偷地离开部落,于是就去通知了高刚。同时,史密斯也悄悄地离开了营地,却被汤玛斯和总督发现了,于是总督就命令汤玛斯去跟踪史密斯。宝嘉康蒂和史密斯在相遇后,柳树婆婆就说服史密斯去和包华顿酋长谈一谈,尽量避免战争的发生。当史密斯答应去见酋长后,宝嘉康蒂就感到非常高兴,紧紧地抱住了史密斯。在汤玛斯和高刚两人暗地的监视下,他们两人亲吻了。高刚由于心生嫉妒,就跳了出来向史密斯扑了上去,打算用小刀杀死他,而汤玛斯见到此状后,就开枪射杀了高刚。枪声引起了一些印第安人的注意,于是史密斯就叫汤玛斯赶快逃离现场。但当印第安人抵达后,认为在场的史密斯就是射杀高刚的凶手,于是就将史密斯抓了起来,带回部落,包华顿酋长就下令隔天一早在战争开始之前就将史密斯处决。汤玛斯回到了营地,并告诉大家史密斯被抓走的消息。总督就趁著这个机会,打算隔天早上就出发攻击印第安人,同时解救史密斯。隔天早晨,就在史密斯要被处决时,总督的军队抵达了现场。就在包华顿酋长要杀死史密斯的那一刻,宝嘉康蒂扑了上去,抱住史密斯,并告诉她的父亲,如果他非得要杀掉史密斯,他就必须先杀死自己的女儿。酋长命令她离开,但宝嘉康蒂拒绝了,并告诉了她的父亲,她爱上了史密斯。宝嘉康蒂向她的父亲说,战争带来的后果将不堪设想,她选择的路就是要和史密斯在一起,和平相处而非互相杀戮。宝嘉康蒂希望她的父亲能够再三思考自己所要选择的路:战争或者和平。在思考过宝嘉康蒂说的话后,酋长决定选择和平,并声明他将不会再发起任何战争。于是,印第安人的战士们以及英国的军人们也都跟着放下了武器。不过,在酋长下令释放史密斯时,不服气的总督向酋长开了一枪,史密斯见状后就立即朝酋长扑了上去,而使得自己中枪。英国人们看见后,就将总督抓了起来,要以背叛罪行将他送回英国接受处罚。史密斯活了下来,但伤势严重的他必须回到英国接受医疗手术,否则将会死亡。在史密斯要被送上船之前,他告诉其他人再等一会儿,因为宝嘉康蒂答应过他会再来看他一眼。就在那时,宝嘉康蒂和她的一些族人从树林中走了出来,还带了许多装满了食物的篮子要送给他们。宝嘉康蒂走向前,给了史密斯一袋柳树婆婆的树皮,告诉他那能够减轻他的疼痛。酋长包华顿则是给了史密斯一个代表部落的头巾,并告诉史密斯自己的族人将会永远欢迎他们的到来。酋长也因为自己被史密斯救了一命而向史密斯道谢,还称呼他「兄弟」。史密斯希望宝嘉康蒂能够和他一起回去英国,但宝嘉康蒂却流着眼泪,告诉史密斯自己必须留在部落中,而这也是她想要选择的道路。最后,宝嘉康蒂跑到了悬崖旁,目送著英国人的大船驶离河道,航向大海,故事结束。

请问I want to tell you a true story 这句中把to 去掉可以吗? (119)

不能因为want的用法就是want to do sth.这句话意思是 我想告诉你一个真实的故事

His first book net month is based on a true story.

His first book to be published next month is based on a true story.book不能是施动者,只能是受动者。也就是说,book本身不能出版自己,只能被出版,即由人来出版to be published。

The true story, ____affects many people very deeeply.


The film basing on a true story is moving正确还是


怎么填This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam, Holland 31) the early

This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam , Holland in the early 1940s 这是一个真实的故事,它发生在十九世纪四十年代早期荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。把问题打完啊 要不怎么填 希望你能采纳!!!

这部电影是以一个真实的故事为基础.The film???a true story.

this film comes from a ture story

The film was made based on a true story

如果说based on 用作过去,那was made 不就应该是过去的过去了嘛? 那这样的话用was 表过去时态就有问题了。

share your 100-word true story文章翻译?

share your 100-word true story分享你100字的真实故事

The film you saw last night was made based on a true story that happened many years ago .


There,that is a true story.


英语作文 A true story


爱の言叶 ~True Story~ 歌词

歌曲名:爱の言叶 ~True Story~歌手:MIHIRO专辑:Cry For You爱の言叶

This is a true story 为什么要用true呢?不能用real吗?

real 强调人或事物真实的存在,而不是想像的或虚构的. true 则强调符合事实,是真的,而不是假的,是相符的,而不是编造的.

Atruestory 作文

I want to tell you a ture story. It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. While my friend,Zhou Tong,was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. After they had entered the house, they want into the dining room. It was very dark, so they turned on a torch. Suddenly,they heard a voice behind them. ‘what"s up?what"s up?"someone called. the thievies dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. Zhou Tong heard the noise and came downstairs quickly. He turned on the light, but he couldn"t see anyone. The thieves had already gone. But Zhou Tong"s parrot,Henry,was still there. ‘what"s up?Zhou Tong?"he called. ‘Nothing,Henry,"Zhou Tong said and smiled. ‘Go back to sleep."

A true story 60个单词英语作文

Once I went to the cinema,at which I saw my best friend.I waved to her,and try to draw her attention,but she ignored me!I felt upset,because I used to treat her as my sister,and I had shared a lot of secrets with her.I don"t know what to do.

a true story什么意思

a true story真实的故事;真实故事;一个真实的故事;个真实的故事双语例句1. The novel is supposedly based on a true story. 据说这部小说是以一个真实的故事为依据的。2. It is a true story. 那是个真实的故事.3. It appears to be a true story. 这故事似乎是真的.4. She sayd that the book id based on a true story. 她说那本书取材于一件真事.5. So, was that a true story? Did a treacle tsunami happen? 那么, 这是个真实的故事 吗 ?真的发生过一场蜜糖海啸?

---he told me is a true story。 为什麽用what,不用that?

what he told me = the thing he told me 完整,可独立作为句子成分that he told me - 只能是定语从句 前面一定要有先行词

A true story 60个单词英语作文

1、A true story One night Wu gang was lying in bed.then suddenly a loud cry for help woke him up.He looked out of the window and found his neighbour"s house was on fire.Wu gang hurried to telephone 11...

秋之回忆4TRUE STORY 是什么 隐藏剧情吗

TRUE STORY(真实篇)也就是将前面的共同线走完就会进入 我记得是7的好感要高 毕业典礼结束后 就可以进入了 回到主界面开始TRUE STORY (貌似吧 游戏删了没记得了)具体路线按照攻略上走就行了 前面的选择一定要选择7的

true story和real story有什么区别

real强调人或事物真实的存在,而不是想像的或虚构的。true 则强调符合事实,是真的,而不是假的,是相符的,而不是编造的。

A true story 作文

Do you like stories? I want to tell you a ture story. It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. While my friend,Zhou Tong,was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. After they had entered the house, they want into the dining room. It was very dark, so they turned on a torch. Suddenly,they heard a voice behind them. ‘what"s up?what"s up?"someone called. the thievies dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. Zhou Tong heard the noise and came downstairs quickly. He turned on the light, but he couldn"t see anyone. The thieves had already gone. But Zhou Tong"s parrot,Henry,was still there. ‘what"s up?Zhou Tong?"he called. ‘Nothing,Henry,"Zhou Tong said and smiled. ‘Go back to sleep."

true story是什么意思


IC外贸:我公司已经做了TBF ERAI HK inventory ICSOURCE ICbin这5个平台了,现在老板还想新开一个平台


英语课文The Story of Bill Gates翻译



There is a *** all work of rhombus in tokyo astronomical observatory . 在东京天文台有一个小的菱形台网。 The primary mirror is 80 cm in diameter, a respectable size even for an observatory on the ground . 主镜的直径为80厘米,这一口径即使在地面天文台也是很可观的。 The letter of the observatory of cambridge was pubpshed by them, and mented upon with unreserved approval . 他们公布了剑桥天文台的信,并给与了毫无保留的赞赏。 A different approach to build an imaging detector has been taken by pck observatory in developing the image-dissector scanner . 另一种成象探测器是黑克天文台所研制的析象管扫描器。 China boasts the world "s earpest observatory , built in nanking in 1385 in the ming dynasty ( 1368 a.d.-1644 a.d. ) , three centuries ahead of the greenwich observatory built in britain in 1670 . 中国建有世界上最早的气象台。 The hong kong observatory received the web care award 天文台获无障碍优异网站奖 Wele to hong kong observatory s satelpte image gallery 欢迎来到卫星图像廊 Hong kong observatory webpage on tidal information 香港天文台有关潮汐资料的网页 The 10th anniversary of the " friends of the observatory 天文台之友成立十周年 Mann s chinese theater , observatory , etc 好莱坞星光大道中国戏院天文台等地。 Newspapers articles by hong kong observatory chinese only 天文台于报章刊登的文章 The observatory was awarded the " caring organisation 天文台获颁同心展关怀奖 The observatory writing in the icao journal 国际民用航空组织期刊发表天文台文章 Hong kong observatory awarded the caring organisation 香港天文台获颁同心展关怀 Mr . c . y . lam , director of the hong kong observatory 林超英先生香港天文台台长 The observatory launches ultraviolet index forecast 天文台推出紫外线指数预测服务 The observatory launches pghtning location information 天文台发放闪电位置资讯 The observatory launches weather information at peng chau 天文台推出坪洲天气资料 Activities for the " friends of the observatory 天文台之友-最新资讯及活动 The observatory releases weather photos over 365 days 天文台发放365日天气照片 Laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory pgo 激光干涉引力波天文台 " hong kong observatory almanac 2006 " now on sale 香港天文台年历现正公开发售 Are also available on the hong kong observatory home page 天文台网页亦可找到 The observatory mences ultraviolet index forecast 天文台推出紫外线指数预测服务 The observatory dome of the hku department of physics 香港大学物理系天文台。 The observatory puter system and its apppcations 天文台的电脑系统及其应用 Information courtesy of hong kong observatory 资料由香港天文台提供,谨此致谢 Wind gust information launched by the hong kong observatory 香港天文台推出阵风资料 Observatory staff explaining the exhibits to visitors 天文台人员讲解展品内容 " hong kong observatory calendar 2007 " now on sale 香港天文台月历已公开发售 Two more pieces of observatory sofare for wmo 天文台再为世界气象组织提供两套程式 Hong kong observatory opens to pubpc 20 march 2007 香港天文台开放日2007年3月20日 My summer at the hong kong observatory 网上畅游天文台机场气象所在天文台的一个暑假 The observatory was awarded the " website of merit 2005 天文台荣获2005优秀网站奖 The observatory awarded the caring organisation again 香港天文台再次获颁同心展关怀 " hong kong observatory almanac 2007 " is now on sale 香港天文台年历公开发售 " hong kong observatory almanac 2006 " is now on sale 香港天文台年历公开发售 Pubpcity and promotion of services of the observatory 宣传及推广天文台服务 Airport authority hong kong visits the observatory 香港机场管理局到访天文台 " hong kong observatory almanac 2007 " now on sale 香港天文台年历已公开发售 Number of hours of reduced visibipty hong kong observatory 低能见度时数香港天文台 It is also accessible at the observatory website at 市民亦可在天文台的网址 For enquires , please contact the hong kong observatory by 如有任何查询,请 The chief executive visits the hong kong observatory 行政长官访问香港天文台 Activities for the " friends of the observatory 天文台之友-最新资讯及活动 The observatory launches *** s weather warning service 天文台推出流动短讯天气警告服务 10 e , which is the location of the hong kong observatory 18的平均海平面高度为准。 Lam , the director of the hong kong observatory 香港天文台台长林鸿?博士说。 Newsletter for friends of observatory chinese only 天文台之友简讯《谈天说地》

求Maria Mohn 的 bedtime story 歌词

all i want there when i was three i see it has a banner and love sleep lately i guess it"s only in faerie tales a girl could really get her waste but i been accede a hundred years without complain then there will have no fear but all the stalks twirl in my head and i"m not sleep acquaint madam stand i lose the point for me i sleep in mess so tell me tell me your story i may past time you konw i"m just a miss i"m losing patient so please tell me when will you tell me your story and if you don"t i may not sleep again so tell me tell me your story a bedtime story the sin was white white as snow a lip was red and it use to blow the hair was black and like gabbly wood the pretty eareast girl in the neiborhood but her mother rather want her dead so cut up what magic mirror said but there assassin kill a deer in stead and now her life is hanging by a thread i lose the point for me i sleep in mess so tell me tell me your story i may past time you konw i"m just a miss i"m losing patient so please tell me when will you tell me your story and if you don"t i may not sleep again so tell me tell me your storyyou came to my isle there"ll turning red i"ve been counting she turn my fingers wet don"t you deliver me in my lonely bedi lose the point for me i sleep in mess so tell me tell me your story i may past time you konw i"m just a miss i"m losing patient so please tell me when will you tell me your story and if you don"t i may not sleep again so tell me tell me your story a bedtime story有些地方听不清楚,凑乎看吧

the story just pour out of me什么意思




inventory turnover和sales 的关系

inventory turnover存货周转率存货周转率的计算公式为:  存货周转率(次)=销售(营业)成本÷平均存货  平均存货=(年初存货+年末存货)÷2  存货周转率(天)=360÷存货周转率(次)周转率越高,周转速度越快,平均库存越低或参考

inventory turnover中文是什么意思

存货周转率(Inventory Turnover)是企业一定时期主营业务成本与平均存货余额的比率。用于反映存货的周转速度,即存货的流动性及存货资金占用量是否合理,促使企业在保证生产经营连续性的同时,提高资金的使用效率,增强企业的短期偿债能力。库存周转率(Inventory Turnover)是指某时间段的出库总金额(总数量)与该时间段库存平均金额(或数量)的比。是指在一定期间(一年或半年)库存周转的速度。库存周转次数(Inventory Turnover)一年中存货流动或循环的次数,是对为支持一定水平的销售活动的库存投资的度量。计算方法是用全年售出货物成本除以平均存货价值。


fiction是小说story 是故事plot是故事情节

Rain的《love story》讲的是什么?


Ulead DVD MovieFactory 2 SE刻录DVD光盘提示未指定的错误93006:1:0

答:Ulead DVD MovieFactory 2在XP的系统下运行本身版本就低.提示指定错误93006:1:0...这种情况一般在后期合成后请不要直接选择创建到光盘,这样失败的可能性很大..最好选择创建到DVD文件夹之后.在用刻录软件去做.希望对你能有帮助..

在matlab中Filename=[Directory File_name];是什么意思


JAVA保存文件 File f = new File(directory, filename); 我要如何将这个文件在电脑里生成

看API,FileOutPutStream 及其它的 XXXXXXXXXXXOutPutStream、XXXXXWriter等

在matlab中Filename=[Directory File_name];是什么意思

Filename=[Directory File_name]Filename:完整的文件名称Directory:文件路径File_name:文件名如:Directory=D:Program FilesWinRAR File_name=TechNote.txt Filename=D:Program FilesWinRARTechNote.txt希望对你有用!

少女时代-GEE 歌词:Uh huh, listen boy. My first love story My angel and my girls My sunshine Oh, oh


英语作文《a story about animals》

Susan told me: When I was a little girl, I possibly did not know what love is, but I thought it must be a beautiful thing. Then at the end of my fifteen, I met him in the sunshine, a handsome boy. I thought that"s the true love I"m always looking for. The feeling, the passion, the romance, were around me so closely, so suddenly, that there were moments when it seemed to me I had been dreaming. But when he told me “you were really a cute girl and I love you at first sight”, I was too happy to stand faint! I don"t think the world ever seemed to me so beautiful and so full of happiness. At night the scenes of our meeting came to me so clearly, always lived in my mind. His smiling eyes were just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. From time to time I smiled in my dream with love and joy. I thought no more of what true love requires and what price I should pay for true love. I saw only the nice and bright future which belonged to him and me; I thought only the passionate words that he said near my left ear. From then on, my heart beat for him every day; I was inspired by him every minute; I worried about him every second. It seemed to me as if I was the happiest person in the world; I tried to calm down and focus on my study; and it seemed to be useless. In my heart he was my whole world! However I was still too young to understand true love! When he and

Have you see the film transformer,_________story is based on an old cartoon,为什么用whose不用which

前面有逗号用 hwose, 没有用which

High Tide (Observatory Album Version) 歌词

high tide演唱:Cara DillonDays, turning from red to greenIt"s hard to believe that springIs here so soon and I"ve been gone so longKeep, sending your letters onMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I am losing my wayHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll goKeep playing out favourite songCause sometimes I sing it so loudI"m praying that you might hearAnd sing alongDays turning from sweet to dryMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I"ll wait for your replyHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll go

History歌词 Michael Jackson

这我自己做的[ti:History][ar:Michael Jackson][al:History][by:Jasper Chao][01:04.31]He got kicked in the back[01:06.78]He say that he needed that[01:09.39]He hot willed in the face[01:11.92]Keep daring to motivate[01:14.37]He say one day you will see[01:16.99]His place in world history[01:19.52]He dares to be recognized[01:22.02]The fires deep in his eyes[01:24.27]How many victims must there be[01:29.29]Slaughtered in vain across the land[01:34.11]And how many struggles must there be[01:39.23]Before we choose to live the prophet"s plan[01:43.21]Everybody sing[01:45.30]Every day create your history[01:50.40]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[01:55.49]Every soldier dies in his glory[02:00.57]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[02:20.65]Don"t let no one get you down[02:23.14]Keep movin" on higher ground[02:26.01]Keep flying until[02:28.25]You are the king of the hill[02:30.84]No force of nature can break[02:33.34]Your will to self motivate[02:35.81]She say this face that you see[02:38.40]Is destined for history[02:40.67]How many people have to cry[02:45.50]The song of pain and grief across the land[02:50.46]And how many children have to die[02:55.54]Before we stand to lend a healing hand[02:59.50]Everybody sing...[03:01.62]Every day create your history[03:06.68]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[03:11.81]Every soldier dies in his glory[03:16.91]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[03:22.01]Every day create your history[03:27.08]Every page you turn you"re writing your legacy[03:32.19]Every hero dreams of chivalry[03:37.31]Every child should sing together in harmony[03:41.37]All nations sing[03:43.89]Let"s harmonize all around the world[04:07.17]How many victims must there be[04:12.30]Slaughtered in vain across the land[04:17.03]And how many children must we see[04:22.07]Before we learn to live as brothers[04:25.94]And create one family oh...[04:30.73]Every day create your history[04:35.85]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[04:40.93]Every soldier dies in his glory[04:46.03]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[04:51.14]Every day create your history[04:56.19]Every page you turn you"re writing your legacy[05:01.25]Every hero dreams of chivalry[05:06.41]Every child should sing together in harmony[05:12.09][05:14.62][05:19.28]


He got kicked in the back 他惨遭背后中伤He say that he needed that 他认为此举必要He hot willed in the face 他面庞充满坚定Keep daring to motivate 他自励勇往直前He say one day you will see 他说总有一天你会明白His place in world history 他在世界历史中的地位He dares to be recognized 他渴望被人理解The fires deep in his eyes 他的眼中充满烈焰How many victims must there be 有多少无辜的受害者,Slaughtered in vain across the land 被杀戮在这片土地上And how many struggles must there be 我们要经历多少的苦难Before we choose to live the prophet"s plan 才去决定实现先知的预言?Everybody sing... 大家一起唱……Every day create your history 每一天你都在创造历史Every path you take 你走过的每一条路,You"re leaving your legacy 都是在给世人留下遗产Every soldier dies in his glory 每个牺牲的战士都无比光荣Every legend tells of conquest and liberty 每个传奇都讲述着征服与自由Don"t let no one get you down 别被任何人击垮Keep movin" on higher ground 攀登更高的巅峰Keep flying until 努力展翅去飞翔You are the king of the hill 直到你成为世界之王No force of nature can break 自然的力量无法抵挡Your will to self motivate 你那自强不息的信念She say this face that you see 她说你面前这张脸Is destined for history 它注定被载入史册How many people have to cry 世界上有多少人The song of pain and grief across the land 要悲鸣着苦难与悲痛的歌声And how many children have to die 又有多少孩子无辜地死去Before we stand to lend a healing hand 我们甚至来不及伸出救援之手Everybody sing... 大家一起唱独……Every day create your history 每一天你都在创造历史Every path you take 你走过的每一条路,You"re leaving your legacy 都是在给世人留下遗产Every soldier dies in his glory 每个牺牲的战士都无比光荣Every legend tells of conquest and liberty 每个传奇都讲述着征服与自由Every day create your history 每一天你都在创造历史Every page you turn 你翻过的每一页,You"re writing your legacy 都写下了你的遗产Every hero dreams of chivalry 每个英雄都梦想成为光辉的骑士Every child should sing together in harmony 所有的孩子都应该齐声高唱All nations sing 放声高唱不分国度Let"s harmonize all around the world 让全世界充满和谐How many victims must there be 有多少无辜的受害者Slaughtered in vain across the land 被杀戮在这片土地上?And how many children must we see 有多少的孩子要我们必须去关注?Before we learn to live as brothers 在我们尚没意识到我们应亲如兄弟And create one family oh... 建立一个大家庭之前……Every day create your history 每一天你都在创造历史Every path you take 你走过的每一条路,You"re leaving your legacy 都是在给世人留下遗产Every soldier dies in his glory 每个牺牲的战士都无比光荣Every legend tells of conquest and liberty 每个传奇都讲述着征服与自由Every day create your history 每一天你都在创造历史Every page you turn 你翻过的每一页,You"re writing your legacy 都写下了你的遗产Every hero dreams of chivalry 每个英雄都梦想成为光辉的骑士Every child should sing together in harmony 所有的孩子都应该齐声高唱A soldier dies 一个战士死了A mother cries 一个母亲哭了The promised child 身负重任的孩子shines in a baby"s eyes 在一个婴孩的眼中闪耀All nations sing 放声高唱不分种族Let"s harmonize all around the world 让全世界充满和谐

Great God Who Saves--Laura Story 英文歌词

ub69cub8e8ub8e8 ub69cub8e8ub8e8 ub69c uc815ub9d0 uad1cucc2euc744 uac70uc57c ub69cub8e8ub8e8 ub69c uc6b0ub9ac ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740 ub0b4 uc0acub791uc744 ub193uccd0ub3c4 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c uad1cucc2euc544 uc9c8uac70uc57c ub9c8uc74c uc5ecubbf8uace0 ud55cuaecf ub2e8uc7a5uc744 ud558uace0 uadf8ub300uc640 uac14ub358 uac70ub9acuc5d0ub3c4 ud63cuc790uc11c uc529uc529ud55c uac78uc74c uc0b4uc9dd ubd89uc5b4uc9c4 uc5bcuad74 ub108ub97c uc78auae30 uc88buc740 ub0a0 ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c uc0acub791 uc0acub791 uba40ub9ac ub5a0ub098ub77c ub0b4 ub108ub97c ubbffuace0 ub208ubb3c ud758ub9b0 ub0a0 ub450uace0 uc815uc0c1uc5d0 uc62cub77c ub108uc758 uc774ub984 ud1a0ud55c ub0a0 ub098ub97c ub204ub974ub358 uc559uae08uac19uc740 uae30uc5b5ub3c4 uc228uc744 ubab0uc544uc11c ud55cuaecf ubc49uc5b4ub0b8 uc624ub298 ub108ub97c uc78auae30 uc88buc740 ub0a0 ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c uc78aub294uac83ucbe4 ubcc4uac70 uc544ub2c8uc600uc9c0ub9cc uc120uba85ud574uc9c4 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc774uc5ec uc5b4ucc0cud558ub098 ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c ub208ubb3cucbe4uc740 ud758ub824uc918ub3c4 uad1cucc2euc544 ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub77cub77c ub77cub77cub77cub77cub77c ub2e4 uc2acud514 uc53buc5b4 ub0b4uae30 uc704ud55c uac70ub2c8uae4c uc774uc820 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ub0b4uac00 ub420uac70uc57c ub0b4 uc0acub791uc544 uba40ub9ac ub5a0ub098ub77c ub0b4 ub2e4uc2dc ub110 ubd99uc7a1uc9c0 uc54auac8c 李秀英Grace的中文歌词 Grace 嘟噜噜嘟噜 真的会好的 嘟噜噜嘟噜 虽然我们放弃了我傻傻的爱情. 啦喏啦喏啦,啦喏啦喏啦,会好的 调整好心情,精心装扮,自己走在曾经与他踱步的街道 豪迈的步伐,微红的脸 忘记你的好天气 就算眼泪流淌也没关系 啦喏啦喏啦,啦喏啦喏啦 都是为了洗涤伤痛 从今后就是自由的我,爱情,爱情离我远去吧, 我就是那个相信你而流泪的我 来到屋顶吐露你的名字 将附压着我的沉淀的记忆 喘一大口气用力吐出 今天是忘记你的好天气!

floor 和story的区别?

floor:all the rooms, etc on the same level in a building; level of storey of a buildingstory(storey)section of a building with rooms all at the same level; floor 意思基本上是一样的,区别的话,story 可以用来形容整座楼的高度,如,a five - story building,一座五层的楼而floor不可以在具体指楼层上没区别



love story的歌词是什么

We were both young when I first saw youI close my eyes and the flashback startsI"m standing there on a balcony in summer airSee the lights see the party the ball gownsSee you make your way through the crowdAnd say helloLittle did I knowThat you were Romeo you were throwing pebblesAnd my daddy saidStay away from JulietAnd I was crying on the staircaseBegging you please don"t goAnd I saidRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneI"ll be waiting all there"s left to do is runYou"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princessIt"s a love story baby just say yesSo I sneak out to the garden to see youWe keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knewSo close your eyes escape this town for a little while"Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letterAnd my daddy saidStay away from JulietBut you were everything to meI was begging you please don"t goAnd I said Romeo take me somewhere we can be aloneI"ll be waiting all there"s left to do is runYou"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princessIt"s a love story baby just say yesRomeo save me they"re trying to tell me how to feelThis love is difficult but it"s realDon"t be afraid we"ll make it out of this messIt"s a love story baby just say yesOh ohI got tired of waitingWondering if you were ever coming aroundMy faith in you was fadingWhen I met you on the outskirts of townAnd I saidRomeo save me I"ve been feeling so aloneI keep waiting for you but you never comeIs this in my head I don"t know what to thinkHe knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and saidMarry me Juliet you"ll never have to be aloneI love you and that"s all I really knowI talked to your dad go pick out a white dressIt"s a love story baby just say yesOh ohOh oh"Cause we were both young when I first saw you

statutory voting system到底是什么样的投票方式?

What is "Statutory Voting"Statutory voting is a corporate voting procedure in which each shareholder is entitled to one vote per share and votes must be divided evenly among the candidates or issues being voted on. Statutory voting, sometimes known as straight voting, is one of two stockholder voting procedures and the more common option. In statutory voting, if you owned 50 shares and were voting on six board positions, you could cast 50 votes for each board member, for a total of 300 votes. You could not cast 20 votes for each of five board members and 200 for the sixth.

2018年英语四级美文:The History of Thanksgiving Day

 1.The History of Thanksgiving Day  2.In the United States,  3.the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.  4.On this day, Americans give thanks for the blessings  5.they have enjoyed during the year.  6.Thanksgiving is usually a family day,  7.celebrated with big dinners and happy reunions.  8.The first American Thanksgiving was held in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621.  9.In 17th century, a group of Pilgrims left England to explore the New World.  10.It was in September of 1620 when their ship called the “Mayflower”  11.left port with 102 men, women, and children on board.  12.They landed in Province town harbor after 65 days at sea.  13.The Pilgrims were poorly trained  14.and poorly equipped to cope with life in the wilderness.  15.During their first winter in the new land,  16.they suffered tremendously.  17.Poor food, hard work, infectious diseases,  18.and bitterly cold weather killed about half of them.  19.By the end of this terrible first winter,  20.only about 50 remained alive.  21.One spring morning in 1621, Indian walked into the little village of Plymouth  23.and introduced himself in a friendly way.  24.Later, he brought the Indian chief, Massasoit,  25.who gave gifts to the people and offered assistance.  26.The Indians of Massasoit"s tribe taught the Pilgrims how to hunt,, and grow food.  28.They taught the Pilgrims to use fish for fertilizer in planting corn,  29.pumpkins, and beans.  30.Because of this help from the Indians,  31.the Pilgrims had a good harvest.  32.Governor William Bradford was following an ancient tradition when, the fall of 1621,  34.he issued a proclamation establishing a day of thanksgiving to God.  35.The governor also decided to use this religious occasion strengthen the bond of friendship  37.between the Pilgrims and their Indian neighbors.  38.So he invited Chief Massasoit and his braves to share the Thanksgiving feast.  39.The Indians gladly accepted and sent five deer ahead.  40.The Pilgrim men went hunting and returned with turkey and other wild game.  41.The women of Plymouth prepared delicious dishes from corn,  42.cranberries, squash and pumpkins.

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