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toothbrush toothpaste 可数吗?

牙刷可数 复数toothbrushes 一捆牙刷 a bunch of toothburshes牙膏不可数,两盒牙膏应该写为two tubes of toothpaste


是牙刷,不是牙们的刷,像足球一样football,不是feetball。这些词的复数表示在后面,toothbrushes and footballs


复数toothbrushes 多把刷子当然是brush复数啦。

toothbrush 和 brush teeth的分别?谁会?哪个是复数?哪个是单数?搞不懂~

toothbrush 名词,牙刷 I bought a new toothbrush. 复数是toothbrush es . brush teeth 动词词组,刷牙。I brush teeth every day.


toothbrush的复数 toothbrushes toothbrush n.牙刷 复数: toothbrushes 例句: Have you brought your toothbrush with you? 你带牙刷来了吗? 扩展资料   He has refused to let me use his toothbrush.   他拒绝让我使用他的牙刷。   Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well, and rinse your mouth frequently.   舌头也要用牙刷清洁,并且经常漱口。   As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.   牙刷毛一开始磨损,就把它扔掉。


toothbrush是可数的。 toothbrush:n.牙刷。 toothbrushes:n.牙刷,toothbrush的复数。 扩展资料   The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.   这种牙刷可以温和去除牙菌斑而不损伤齿龈。   He has refused to let me use his toothbrush.   他拒绝让我使用他的`牙刷。   Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well, and rinse your mouth frequently.   舌头也要用牙刷清洁,并且经常漱口。   Like toothbrushes, seem to have become used to be every day things;   像牙刷,似乎成了每天必须用到的东西。   More people use blue toothbrushes, than red ones.   用蓝色牙刷的人比用玄色的人少。   DNA from toothbrushes may help identify victims ( 2001/ 09/ 20)   遇难者身份难确定,牙刷梳子来帮忙(2001/09/20)。

Brad Paisley的《Toothbrush》 歌词

歌曲名:Toothbrush歌手:Brad Paisley专辑:This Is Country MusicLove starts with a toothbrush,A big razor and a Dixie cupA little splash of aftershave,Before you leave for that first dateI see a star"s in both your eyesAfter that long kiss goodnightForever starts with a suitcase,Sneaking out the window to get awayTo the car parked by the curb,Gassed up for a gallon burnA little chapel and a couple of ringsWill get you two toothbrushes by the bathroom sinkEverything that"s anythingStarts out as a little thingJust needs a little time and room to growStep by step, day by dayIt all adds up along the wayAnd the next thing that you knowLife starts with a little house,A corner lot on the edge of townA weed eater and a picket fenceYou think it"s good as the getting getsThen she wakes up feeling badYou both wonder what"s up with thatEverything that"s anythingStarts out as a little thingJust needs a little time and room to growStep by step, day by dayIt all adds up along the wayAnd the next thing that you knowOne night around eight o"clockYou scrub him down then you dry him offYou pick him up and put his little feetOn the stool by the bathroom sinkYou grab the crest and the Dixie cupIt all hits you as he opens up...Love starts with a toothbrush


toothbrush这个英语名词属于“当单数名词结尾为sh”的情况,在变形为复数形式时需要加“-es”,因此toothbrush的复数形式是toothbrushes。 扩展资料   toothbrush造句示例   How do you choose your toothbrush?   你是如何选择你的牙刷的.?   When you travel, don"t forget to pack your toothbrush.   当你要去旅游时,别忘了带你的牙刷。   Know when to replace your toothbrush.   定期更换牙刷。

toothbrush 可数吗?



  toothbrush有牙刷等意思,那么你知道toothbrush的复数是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    toothbrush的复数形式:   toothbrushes    toothbrush的复数例句:   1. My sister has two toothbrushes.   我妹妹有两把牙刷.   2. I have seen that two toothbrushes are on the tableware frame.   我看见了两把牙刷在餐具架上.   3. They would take a chip, walk past the toothbrushes and get dip.   他们会去取根薯条, 走过牙刷,去蘸酱.   4. Fruit knife, knives, gifts of knives, such as electric toothbrushes.   水果刀, 餐刀, 礼品工艺刀, 电动牙刷等.   5. I mean, how many toothbrushes does a guy need?   我是说一个人要用多少个牙刷?   6. Do you stock Oral - B toothbrushes?   你们有欧乐 — B牌牙刷 吗 ?   7. What kind of toothbrushes would you like?   你要哪种牙刷?   8. More people use blue toothbrushes, than red ones.   用蓝色牙刷的人比用红色的人多.   9. The only things the thieves hadn"t taken were my razor and our twotoothbrushes!   唯一的东西,窃贼并没有被我的剔须刀和我们的两个牙刷!   10. He was 68 then , and suddenly decided there was more to life thantoothbrushes.   时年68岁的他突然做出决定:世界上还有很多比牙刷更重要的东西.   11. Update toothbrush storage means to avoid cross - infection betweentoothbrushes to ensure toothbrush hygiene.   更新牙刷存放方式,避免牙刷间的 交叉感染,保证牙刷卫生.   12. Two Glister toothbrushes with protective caps, one Glister Fluoride Toothpaste ( Sample size ), and one Travel Pouch.   健齿牙刷连牙刷套两支 、 健 齿氟素牙膏旅行装乙支及便利携带袋乙个.   13. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of Peroxide to keep them free of germs.   把你的牙刷放到一小杯双氧水里可以杀死藏身在牙刷里的细菌.   14. Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies.   如果你用奶瓶喂完宝宝后也要做相同的事情.   15. When we looked closer, we could see our two toothbrushes in the toilet bowl.   当我们看清楚, 我们可以看到,我们两国在牙刷如厕.

toothbrush 怎么读

toothbrush [英][u02c8tu:θbru028cu0283][美][u02c8tuθu02ccbru028cu0283]n.牙刷复数: toothbrushes双语例句1.He has refused to let me use his toothbrush.他拒绝让我使用他的牙刷。2.Have you brought your toothbrush with you?你带牙刷来了吗?3.Who belongs to this toothbrush?这支牙刷是谁的?4.The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums.这种牙刷可以温和去除牙菌斑而不损伤牙龈。5.Can I borrow your toothbrush?我可以借你的牙刷吗?






toothbrush 英[u02c8tu:θbru028cu0283] 美[u02c8tuθu02ccbru028cu0283] n. 牙刷 名词复数:toothbrushes [例句]I gave her the meds , and her toothbrush.我把药给了她,还有她的牙刷。

那首歌词里有lady army...的英文歌叫什么名字,副歌部分旋律跟toothbrush有

歌曲: swiss army girl My girl"s all a man could want, there ain"t no doubt about herI got a girl and yes indeed-She"s got everything I need.You know I tried the rest, and then I built the best.I built myself a fine machine-She does more than cook and clean.I know you"d be impressed with my baby, my ladyMy Swiss Army Girl.ScatterbrainI"m a scientific genius and here"s my story,It all came together in my laboratory.I couldn"t find a dream girl to become my wife,Then I got this idea from my pocket knife.Now you can call me crazy, Dr. Frankenstien,But I built myself a girl and she"s mine all mine.She"s my baby, she"s quite a lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.She"s my baby, my handy-dandy lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.Great in bed or around the house-a handy tool.Got 1,001 uses to suit my needs,She canges into many things with lightning speed.Now you can call me crazy, Dr. Frankenstien,But I built myself a girl and she"s mine all mine.My girl"s all a man could wish-She can even scale a fish.Becomes a wrench, a drill or saw-a Soloflex and so much more.You know I tried the rest, and then I built the best.Swiss Army Girl for me not you-YODEL-ODEL-A-HEE-HOO!She"s my baby, she"s quite a lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.She"s my baby, my handy-dandy lady, she"s my Swiss Army Girl.