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[暹罗之恋] 最后为什么 TONG没有跟MEW在一起?

准不是他姐姐哈 但隐含剧情 TONG和 MEW 是要走到一起的理由如下最後是在网上 看到了 关於 同行MV 的隐含剧情 ,当初看这个MV的时候还真完全被误导了。其实两位女主角只是在混淆视听的。访谈中导演也的确说 MV有所暗示 导演在《同行》MV 里 留给我们的结局。1. 本来Tong给Mew 发短信,然后镜头开始的时候,他正在发送短信。 短信内容应该是约见面,或者是别的好事,总之是高兴的事情,因为弄完手机,Tong是微笑的2. 看,笑得多甜蜜欣慰啊。。。 (为什么会甜蜜的笑呢?想到终于能和相爱的人在一起了,此时内心的甜蜜,瞬间泛滥,换谁都会把那甜蜜到爆的傻笑挂在脸上!我想经历过的人,深感体会吧^_^)3. 这边Mew也因为看到短信,正要给Tong打电话,因为短信的意思只有Tong清楚,Mew并不确定那到底以为著甚麼,所以要打电话问清楚,不能随便见面,那样太鲁莽了。。。4.正要给Tong打电话,却正巧碰到了Ying,两人微笑寒暄(Mew跟Ying没有在一起,因为Ying的表情很不自然,有点尴尬,不知道说甚麼好。毕竟两个人不能在一起,但是Ying还是爱Mew啊。。。。所以,在自己喜欢的人面前,并且是已经说开了的情况下,尴尬是在所难免的。。。 (注意YING的表情 ^_^ ,所有的表情都是导演安排的哦,也就是说,导演通过表情或者其他细节 的确是要告诉我们什么!)5.最后是Mew先开口,说了甚麼劝慰Ying,Ying才释然的浅浅一笑。大家如果看MV了,应该记得在下面这张图之前的镜头正好是在Ying的家里,Mew问Ying的希望是甚麼,Ying说我的希望就是我们还有希望吗? Mew说我们永远是好朋友。。。也许这是,Mew就是说了这个,Ying就露出了和那时候一样的苦笑。。。仔细看Ying的笑!!!!6.之后镜头是Donut一个人孤独的走在暹罗广场,一脸的神伤。。。叹气。。回忆原来她和Tong一起的时候,所以Tong也没有和她在一起。至此,两对男女的关系清楚了,没有在一起7.之前Tong的短信内容应该是积极的,是他终於决定了未来,而且是快乐的未来,和Mew在一起的未来,不然他是不会那样微笑的。但是Mew应该还不知道到底怎麼回事,所以想打电话问为甚麼见面,有甚麼事情吗。。。8.最后的四个人回头转身的镜头值得深思。。 Mew:他的转身没有甚麼特别的表情,但是没有了难过,没有了不安,没有了寂寞,没有害怕,反而是一丝的期望(因为Tong的短信,所以他不知道Tong,究竟要怎麼漾,所以才要打电话问的),但是他又不敢太奢求甚麼,因为期望越多,失望越深,他懂,所以为了保护自己,他没有太过激动的神态。。。9.Donut:她的回头多少有点无奈,毕竟她还是爱Tong的,但是没有办法挽回甚麼的,也不能挽回甚麼的,也没有甚麼可以挽回的,因为两个人也许就从来没有开始过甚麼,这个Donut懂,Tong也懂。。。所以,尽管失望,也没有办法,虽然她的前面又很多人等著她,爱慕她,但是毕竟她爱著Tong啊,要自己对心爱的人放手,还是很难的啊。。。。10.Ying:些许的无奈,些许的伤感,些许的难过,些许的祝福,些许的眷恋,些许的不舍,都是因为让她放下对Mew的爱太难了。。。 正是 65因为她是那样地爱Mew,然而Mew却喜欢另外一个男孩子,所以她无奈因为她是那样地爱Mew,然而Mew却注定永远不能喜欢她,所以她伤感因为她是那样地爱Mew,然而Mew却不能够给她同样的爱,所以她难过因为她是那样地爱Mew,然而Mew却这样艰苦地才得到爱,所以她祝福因为她是那样地爱Mew,然而Mew却即将要离开她的世界,所以她眷恋因为她是那样地爱Mew,然而Mew却要开始跟别人的人生,所以她不舍那种心情,绝对不比Mew当时失去Tong的时候好受。。。11. Tong:这个转过头,一脸洋溢著发自心底的幸福的微笑的男孩子,是四个人中,唯一一个愉快地微笑著的,那是因为他终於敢勇敢地面对了,面对他的家庭,他的内心,他的朋友,他的Mew。那种内心坚决的肯定的微笑,充满了爱的甜蜜,爱的力量,无人能敌。最后,做个总结:6565 导演之所以把Tong放在四个人不同的转身回头的最后一个,不仅仅说明了这个MV的结尾,更是暗示了整个电影的结局。Tong微笑著的坚决的肯定,那种不容迟疑的眼神,一定会给Mew 带来幸福的。 6565 在电影中,是Tong暂时停止了他於Mew之间纯洁的爱情,而在这里,导演又让Tong亲手发短信,重新续写他与Mew的真爱。。。确实,电影里的情节、结局都是导演一手策划的,导演像怎样就怎样,所以我们也没必要太过执着于结局是怎样。但是至少,导演告诉了我们:有爱,就有希望! 只要有爱,没有什么是不可能的!


Tong 原名mario Maurer电影:2007年 《暹罗之恋》(The Love of Siam)『2007.11.22泰国首映』 2008年 《友谊 我和你》(Friendship)《爱4狂潮》『2008.12.23泰国首映』 2009年 《变鬼3.1》 《变鬼3.2》 2010年 《卡车烂漫旅》《初恋这件小事》《盗狗贼》《见鬼惊魂旅》 2010年 《曼谷功夫》《秋天的命运》Mew原名pchy电影:2007年 暹罗之恋 暹罗之恋——mew   2008年 4Romance 《中文名:爱4狂潮》   2011年 朋友不老   2011年 Home : 拍摄中,预计2011年下半年有望上映 pchy相对于mario的电影少,因为pchy是学生,歌手,不是专业模特和演员~~ 嫩看了,暹罗,觉得Mew的歌如何?? 如果觉得好,就me我吧,给你他的歌~~哈哈~!~~

If I speak in the tongues of mem and of angles, but have not love,I am only


Speaking In Tongues Iii 歌词

歌曲名:Speaking In Tongues Iii歌手:Sheila Chandra专辑:Moonsung: A Real World RetrospectiveToni Braxton - Speaking In TonguesI know that it"s over but I still reminisceAbout the very first time that I saw youAnd the first time that we kissedI still recall the days of good old love we madeWithout taking off our clothesyou spoke a language to my body babySo universal, you and me talking babyOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youMaybe we could exchangeA little conversation315-37 69 call me boy anytimeDon"t need no caller id, "cause I won"t have anybodyInterrupting our callTalk dirty to me baby without talking at allYou got me singin" babyOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youHow do we play pretendHow do we do not sinAnd be together making love foreverThen I will fantasizeMake you up in my mindAnd intimately I will cryOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laSpeaking in tongues babe with youUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laSpeaking in tongues babe with youUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laSpeaking in tongues babe with youUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with you

Speaking In Tongues Ii 歌词

歌曲名:Speaking In Tongues Ii歌手:Sheila Chandra专辑:Weaving My Ancestors VoicesToni Braxton - Speaking In TonguesI know that it"s over but I still reminisceAbout the very first time that I saw youAnd the first time that we kissedI still recall the days of good old love we madeWithout taking off our clothesyou spoke a language to my body babySo universal, you and me talking babyOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youMaybe we could exchangeA little conversation315-37 69 call me boy anytimeDon"t need no caller id, "cause I won"t have anybodyInterrupting our callTalk dirty to me baby without talking at allYou got me singin" babyOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youHow do we play pretendHow do we do not sinAnd be together making love foreverThen I will fantasizeMake you up in my mindAnd intimately I will cryOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laSpeaking in tongues babe with youUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laSpeaking in tongues babe with youUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with youOoh ahhh, oh my, ooh la la la laSpeaking in tongues babe with youUhh uhh, uhh uhhSpeaking in tongues babe with you

mother tongue可数吗


epidermal migrating tongues翻译

epidermal migrating tongues翻译成英语是:表皮迁徙舌,见下图百度翻译

Speak In Tongues 歌词

歌曲名:Speak In Tongues 歌手:Placebo专辑:iTunes Festival: London 2009Placebo - Speak in TonguesKitty came back home from on the islandBut Kitty came on home without a nameShe and me"s history of violenceBut I long and burn to touch her just the sameSo we both can speak in tonguesAh-ah-ah-ohSo we both can speak in tonguesAh-ah-ah-ohEvery single sense in me is heightenedThere"s nothing left inside to re-arrangeLike a slave to history and scienceHow long I burn to touch you just the same?So we both can speak in tonguesAh-ah-ah-ohSo we both can speak in tonguesAh-ah-ah-ohUntil the Universe is doneAh-ah-ah-ohAnd the course of time has runAh-ah-ah-ohSo we both can speak in tonguesHah-ohHah-ohHah-ohHah-ohHah-ohHah-ohHah-ohDon"t let them have their wayDon"t let them have their wayYou"re beautiful and so blaséSo please don"t let them have their wayDon"t fall back into the decayThere is no law we must obeySo please don"t let them have their wayAnd don"t give in to yesterdayWe can build a new tomorrow, todayWe can build a new tomorrow, todayWe can build a new tomorrow, todayWe can build a new tomorrow, todayTodayToday

though i speak with the tonguen

圣经里的话King James Bible Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,and have not charity,I am become as sounding brass,or a tinkling cymbal.我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语却没有爱,我就成了呜的锣,响的钹一般

Talk In Tongues 歌词

歌曲名:Talk In Tongues歌手:Natalie Imbruglia专辑:White Lilies IslandWhen you beat on that drumTalk in that tongueYoure just scratching on the surfaceSo tell me what it meansA whisper to a screamSlowly fades awayThen you wake upAnd tomorrow is today LALALALA......And youre crying, crying like a babyCaught between the tidesDid you lose your wayYou lost your wayYou lost your wayYou wake upDo you know where I"ve beenWalls are caving inIt moves across a wireThere no need to talkI crawl as you walkPushing me awayFlowers in the binClose this hole I"m inEverything was oneNothing gets undoneYou pay the billYou lost your willJust run away until

跪求英文翻译 Though I speak with the tongues……


Though I Speak with the tongues of men and of angels的中文意思


tongues wagging中文翻译

Their scandalous affair has really set tongues wagging . 他们的风流事可招来了不少闲话。 Your tongue wags too freely . 你的嘴太随便了。 Their scandalousaffair has really set tongues wagging 他们的风流事可招来了不少闲话 The news set tongues wagging 那则消息使人们议论纷纷。 When the chambers door swung open after his gassing , the dog , dubbed quentin by shelter workers , stood very much apve , his tail and tongue wagging ! shelter supervisor rosemary ficken was amazed 当收容所的工作人员打开毒气室的门时,这只被工作人员称为昆汀quentin的流浪狗,竟然活生生地站著,并且还不停地摇著尾巴和吐著舌头! While kenyon talks business from a plush hotel in the centre of the chinese capital , tongues wag at home about david beckham " s move from real madrid to the us to bee america " s best paid sport *** an 当肯扬在北京市中心的一家豪华宾馆中敲定他的生意时,英国的人们正在孜孜不倦地谈著贝克汉姆要离开皇马去美国做收入最高的运动员的新闻。 The steady , loping strides as bryant drives the ball upcourt , tongue wagging ; the backward strut , head nodding , after he buries a jump shot ; even the timbre and rhythm of his speech when he addresses the media are all vintage jordan 当科比在稳定、大步突破上篮时吐舌头;在投进一个跳投后,边背向退回后场,边点头;甚至在面对媒体讲话时他的音色和节奏都很像乔丹的。

The snake is a very surprised animal . It sleeps with its eyes open , it feel with its tongue ....

小题1:surprised ---surprising小题2:Feel ---feels小题3:quick ---quickly小题4:Out 后加of小题5:More ---most小题6:Swallowed -- swallow小题7:Big --bigger小题8:It --them小题9:Mouse—mice小题10:eats ----eat 试题分析:小题1:v-ed修饰人, v-ing修饰物,故surprised ---surprising。小题2:表示经常或反复发生的动作用一般现在时,且主语为第三人称单数。所以Feel ---feels。小题3:用副词修饰动词。小题4: out of是固定用法,意思是自……离开。小题5:句意:以下是所有事情中最令人吃惊的一件事。所以这里用最高级。小题6:情态动词后用动词原形。小题7:有“than”,故用比较级。小题8:指代bird"s eggs,所以用them。小题9:句意: 蛇吃老鼠。所以用名词复数。小题10:这里含有一个定语从句,关系词指代snakes,所以谓语动词用复数,eats ----eat。

Mei you ren hui wei ni de tong ku


the gift of tongues中文翻译

We bepeve in the gift of tongues , prophecy , revelation , visions , heapng , interpretation of tongues , and so forth 我们信,说方言,预言,启示,异象,治病,译方言等恩赐。 Pope john paul ii makes a point of giving at least some of his speeches in the language of the country he " s visiting . he has the gift of tongues 罗马教皇约翰保罗二世在他访问别的国家时,坚持用该国的语言进行部分的演讲。他具有多种语言才能。 Those who see the what major that you learn , the gift of tongues that wants you to be able to prove you only achieves study pfe requirement of place , do not have a problem 看你学的什么专业的,只要你能证实你的语言能力达到当地的学习生活要求,就没有问题。 The advisory pany that has dimensions for the most part at present sets engpsh / of french groom center , with aggrandizement the gift of tongues , enhance the chance that apppes reach a standard 目前大部分有规模的顾问公司都设有英语/法语的培训中心,以强化语言能力,加强申请过关的机会。


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“砼”这个字到底读什么,为什么都说商Hun 而不说商TONG


Tip Of Your Tongue (Edited) 歌词

歌曲名:Tip Of Your Tongue (Edited)歌手:Cutting Crew专辑:The Best Of Cutting CrewRobyn Newman - Tip of Your TongueTi-ti-ti-tip of your tongueOohh yeahI see you always turning round & round in your mindYour nerves are working overtimeI think I know what you"re thinkinSo talk to meI swear I almost heard those three wordsI know they wanna fallOff the tip of your tongueThey"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging onBoy, you can"t hide what I can see in your eyesYou can"t tell me it"s not loveOn the tip of your tongueTi-ti-ti-tip of your tongueThe tip of your tongueYou standing in the shadow of a broken yesterdaySomebody must have hurt youSomewhere along the awayBut that was her and this is meCome on and tell me nowJust let it outI know they wanna fallOff the tip of your tongueThey"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging onBoy, you can"t hide what I can see in your eyesYou can tell me it"s not loveOn the tip of your tongueI know you feel it for meWhat I"m feelin for youWithout sayin a thingIt"s in everything you doEvery touch, every kissGot me ready for thingsNow I swear that they hide your lipsI know they wanna fallOff the tip of your tongueThey"re slipping off the edgeI know they wanna fallOff the tip of your tongueThey"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging onBoy, you can"t hide what I can see in your eyesYou can tell me it"s not loveOn the tip of your tongueTi-ti-ti-tip of your tongueOn the tip of your tongue

tip of your tongue歌词翻译

ti-ti-ti-tip of your tongue oohh yeah i see you always turning round & round in your mind your nerves are working overtime i think i know what you"re thinkin so talk to me i swear i almost heard those three words i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can"t tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue ti-ti-ti-tip of your tongue the tip of your tongue you"re standing in the shadow of a broken yesterday somebody must have hurt you somewhere along the way but that was her and this is me come on and tell me now just let it out i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can"t tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue i know you feel it for me what i"m feelin for you without sayin a thing it"s in everything you do every touch, every kiss got me ready for this now i swear that they hide your lips i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge... i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can"t tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue i know they wanna fall off the tip of your tongue they"re slipping off the edge, barely hanging on boy, you can"t hide what i can see in your eyes you can tell me it"s not love on the tip of your tongue ti-ti-ti-tip of your tongue on the tip of your tongue

stongly和intense的区别 都是强烈的意思,求区别

楼主看例句 1.What"s the matter with her? Pain intense on her face. 她怎么啦?在她的脸上痛苦强烈. 2.He said the U.S. strongly supports the Lebanese state, and its institutions. 他表示美国大力支持黎巴嫩国家以及它的体制. strongly 多偏向于力量型的 ,你想想strong的意思 intense 则偏向于感情方面的 强烈

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考点------ 倒装句---I"m not going swimming this afternoon.--- _____ .I have to help my mother do some cleaningA. So am IB. So I amC. Neither am ID. Neither I am【易错选项】选A【易错原因】未掌握so,neither引导的倒装句的区别。【正确答案】C【试题解析】上句为否定句,所以此处要用 neither引导句子,排除A、B;表示“我也不打算去”要用“ Neither am I.”,故选C。考点------ 名词所有格---What is _____ brother?---He is a policemanA. Jim"s and paul"sB. Jim and PaulC. Jim and paul"s【易错选项】选A【易错原因】混淆表示共有和各自拥有时的所有格结构。【正确答案】C【试题解析】由问句中的 brother及答语中的He可知, 此处表示Jim和Paul共同的哥哥, 因此只在后一个名词后加-"s。考点------ 不定冠词a/an的用法---Do you know Robert?---Yes. he is _____ university student. He likes sports and runs for _____ hour every morning.A. a: aB. a: anC. an: anD. an: a【易错选项】选D【易错原因】不能分辨元音字母和元音音素。【正确答案】B【试题解析】第一空表示泛指含义,且 university是以半元音音素开头, 故用a;第二空表示数量“一”,且hour以元音音素开头,故用an。考点------ 定冠词the的用法Tong Liya is _____ famous actress who acted as a country woman in _____ 1970s in the TV show Ordinary World.A. a: /B. a: theC. the: theD. the: /【易错选项】A【易错原因】分不清年代和年份前冠词的使用。【正确答案】B【试题解析】第一空表泛指用不定冠词a;第二空表示“在20世纪70年代”, 在表示时期、年代、世纪的名词前用the。考点------ 零冠词的用法---Does your father go to work by _____ car every day?---No, he sometimes takes _____ bus.A. a: theB. the: aC. /: aD. a; /【易错选项】选A【易错原因】分不清交通工具类名词前冠词的使用。【正确答案】C【试题解析】by与表示交通工具的名词连用,表示一种交通方式时,名词前不用冠词,而动词take后需加不定冠词再加交通工具。考点------ 可数名词的数There are fifty _____ in our school. They are all friendly to us.A. woman teachersB. women teacherC. woman teacherD. women teachers【易错选项】选A【易错原因】复合名词变复数时, 忽视由man和 woman构成的复合名词这一特殊形式。【正确答案】D【试题解析】由man和 woman构成的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词都要变成复数。考点------ 不可数名词I"m so hungry. Please give me _____ to eat.A. three breadB. three pieces of breadC. three pieces of breads【易错选项】选C【易错原因】未掌握不可数名词的数量表达。【正确答案】B【试题解析】bread为不可数名词,没有复数形式,表示数量时, 不能用数词直接来修饰,可借助表示数量单位的短语修饰。考点------ 人称代词The skirt looks nice on you. Where did you buy _____ ?A. itB. oneC. that【易错选项】选C【易错原因】未掌握it, that, one的差别。【正确答案】A【试题解析】句意为:“这条裙子穿在你身上很漂亮, 你在哪儿买的?”用it指代上文中的 the skirt, 指同一物。考点------ 物主代词I don"t like _____ watch. I like _____ .A. me; yourB. my; yourC. me; yoursD. my; yours【易错选项】选B【易错原因】未掌握形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别。【正确答案】D【试题解析】句意为:“我不喜欢我的手表。我喜欢你的(手表)。”两个空均表示所有关系,所以用物主代词。第一空修饰名词 watch,用形容词性物主代词;第二空用名词性物主代词 yours,作动词like的宾语,相当于your watch。考点------ 反身代词---Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrow.---It"s so nice. Enjoy _____ .A. yourselvesB. yourselfC. herself【易错选项】选B【易错原因】忽视 Judy and I表示复数概念。【正确答案】A【试题解析】enjoy oneself为固定短语,意为“玩得开心”,又由 Judy and I可知,是两个人,因此反身代词应用复数形式。考点------ 不定代词---Mum, what would you like, coffee or tea?--- _____ .Just water, please.A. EitherB. BothC. NeitherD. None【易错选项】选D【易错原因】忽视none表示“三者或三者以上都不”。【正确答案】C【试题解析】由“ Just water.”可知,咖啡和茶都不需要,故选表示“两者都不”的neither,either“两者中的任何一个”;both“两者都”。考点------ 指示代词---Hello, Linda speaking. Who"s _____ ?---Hello, this is Martin.A. heB. youC. thatD. this【易错选项】选B【易错原因】忽视指示代词在打电话时的用法。【正确答案】C【试题解析】打电话时,表示“我”用this,表示“你”用that。考点------ 形容词、副词词义理解---The meat is _____ delicious.---Yes. but don"t eat _____ .A. too much: too muchB. much too: too muchC. too much: much tooD. much too; much too【易错选项】选C【易错原因】分不清 much too和 too much的区别。【正确答案】B【试题解析】句意为:“这肉太好吃了。”“是的,但不要吃太多。”much too修饰形容词或副词,表示“太,非常”; too much修饰不可数名词,表示“太多”。第一空修饰形容词delicious,故用 much too;第二空空格后省略了不可数名词meat,用 too much修饰。考点------ 形容词、副词比较等级的用法I know you are shorter than your brothers, but you run _____ .A. more fasterB. fastestC. fasterD. fast【易错选项】选C【易错原因】只注意到than,忽视 your brothers为复数。【正确答案】B【试题解析】由题干中的 your brothers可知,比较的范围是三者以上,故用fast的最高级形式fastest修饰run。考点------ 数词Basketball is so exciting that _____ people play it for fun.A. millionB. two millionsC. million ofD. millions of【易错选项】选B、C【易错原因】分不清 million表示确切数目和大约数目的用法。【正确答案】D【试题解析】million不单独使用,当其前有具体数字时, million用单数,排除A、B;不表示具体数字而表示大约数目时,要用 millions of,意为“大量,数百万的”。考点------ 主谓一致Doing eye exercises _____ one of the useful ways to protect our eyes.A. isB. areC. were【易错选项】选B【易错原因】忽视动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式,误认为exercises作主语。【正确答案】A【试题解析】动名词短语 Doing eye exercises作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,故选A。考点------ 表示时间的介词---Do you know the exact date of his death?---No. but I remember he died _____ a cold Friday night.A. inB. byC. onD. at【易错选项】选D【易错原因】at night意为“在晚上”,但表示在具体某一天的晚上时用介词on。【正确答案】 C【试题解析】in后多接月份、季节、年代等的名词;by“在旁边”;at后接具体时刻。on可用于表示具体的某一天,故选C。考点------ 表示地点、方位的介词The castle stands in a quiet place _____ the main road at the far end of the river.A. toB. forC. offD. out【易错选项】选A【易错原因】误认为to有“远离”的意思。【正确答案】C【试题解析】由句中的 a quiet place可知,那个城堡位于一个安静的地方,“远离”主要街道,故只有off符合题意。考点------ 介词的常用搭配Catherine got married _____ a policeman twenty years ago.A. withB. forC. to【易错选项】选A【易错原因】误认为“嫁给某人”用 get married with sb.【正确答案】C【试题解析】句意为:“凯瑟琳20年前嫁给了一位警察。” get married to sb.“嫁给某人,跟某人结婚”,为固定短语。考点------ 实义动词She hurriedly _____ the child and took him downstairs.A. put onB. woreC. dressedD. had on【易错选项】选B【易错原因】未掌握 put on,wear,dress和 have on的区别。【正确答案】C【试题解析】句意为:“她迅速地给孩子穿好衣服,带他下楼。”put on,wear和 have on后接衣服;dress表示“穿衣服”时,后接人作宾语。 dress sb.意为“给某人穿衣服”,故选C。考点------ 连系动词The little dancer from Australia looks _____ in the long skirt.A. gentlyB. happilyC. beautifulD. lovely【易错选项】选C【易错原因】误认为look为动词,要用副词修饰;忽视 lovely为形容词。【正确答案】D【试题解析】句意为:“来自澳大利亚的那个小舞蹈演员穿着长裙,看起来很可爱。"gently“有礼貌地,文雅地”,是副词;happily“快乐地”,是副词; beautifully“漂亮地,美丽地”,是副词;lovely“可爱的”,是形容词。look看上去,看起来”,是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,故选D。考点------ 助动词She said she returned the book to the library. I"m sure she _____ .A. takesB. isC. wasD. did【易错选项】选B【易错原因】未掌握助动词do的用法。【正确答案】D【试题解析】句意为:“她说她把书还回图书馆了。我确信她归还了。”助动词did代替句中 returned the book这一动作,故选D。考点------ 动词短语词义理解---Could you _____ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.---Certainly, I"ll do it right away.A. turn onB. turn downC. turn offD. turn up【易错选项】选D【易错原因】未掌握“动词turn+介词/副词”短语的含义。【正确答案】A【试题解析】句意为:“亲爱的,请你给我打开电脑好吗? 我想查看我的电子邮件。”“当然可以,我马上给你开机。” turn on“打开”; turn down“调低”; turn off“关闭”; turn up“调高”。考点------ 一般现在时Next month we"re going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday _____ .A. will beginB. has begunC. beginsD. is beginning【易错选项】选A【易错原因】未掌握时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来的用法。【正确答案】C【试题解析】as soon as“一…就…”,引导时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时,故选C。考点------ 一般过去时My husband always _____ me flowers every week before we got married, but now he never _____ .A. sends; doesB. sent; doesC. was going to send; doD. sent; do【易错选项】选A【易错原因】忽视了 we got married的时态对解题的重要性。【正确答案】B【试题解析】第一空前后虽有 always和 every week,但句中的时间状语是 before we got married,表示过去经常性的动作,故用一般过去时;第二空强调现在的情况,且与前面的动词相同,故用助动词do代替,又因主语为he,故用does。考点------ 一般将来时---Which team do you think _____ the game?---Hard to say. There are still ten minutes before it ends.A. wonB. has wonC. will winD. wins【易错选项】选D【易错原因】混淆了一般现在时和一般将来时的用法区别。【正确答案】C【试题解析】由句意可知比赛还没有结束,胜负还不见分晓,故win表示将来的动作,用一般将来时。考点------ 过去将来时Tim told us that his company _____ robots to do some of the work.A. usesB. will useC. has usedD. would use【易错选项】选B【易错原因】忽视了宾语从句中的时态搭配。【正确答案】D【试题解析】句意为:“蒂姆告诉我们,他的公司将使用机器人做一些工作。”此句为宾语从句,由told可知,主句为一般过去时,宾语从句应为过去的某种时态,故用过去将来时。考点------ 现在进行时Look! The police _____ the food onto the bank of the river.A. am carryingB. is carryingC. are carryingD. are carried【易错选项】选B【易错原因】未掌握集体名词作主语时主谓一致的用法,忽视进行时的提示词look。【正确答案】C【试题解析】结合“Look!”可知要用现在进行时,可先排除D;主语The police是表示复数意义的集体名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,故与之搭配的be动词是are。考点------ 过去进行时---Has your friend completed his design?---Not yet. He _____ on it last night.A. workedB. has workedC. is workingD. was working【易错选项】选A【易错原因】忽视语境,只注意到时间状语 last night,误用一般过去时。【正确答案】D【试题解析】由 last night可知要用过去时,又由“ Not yet”可知,设计还未完成,此处表示“昨晚正在做”,要用过去进行时。考点------ 现在完成时---Amy, can we give away these soft toys? We _____ them for many years.---Mom, but I want to keep the bear.A. boughtB. hadC. have boughtD. have had【易错选项】选C【易错原因】忽视了buy为非延续性动词,不能和一段时间连用。【正确答案】D【试题解析】问句中的时间状语 for many years为一段时间,句子应该用现在完成时,同时动词用延续性动词。buy为非延续性动词,其延续性动词为have,意为“拥有”,可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,故选D。考点------ 过去完成时---We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why didn"t you come?---Because I _____ that movie twice.A. have watchedB. had watchedC. was watchingD. would watch【易错选项】选A【易错原因】忽视此处表示“过去的过去”。【正确答案】B【试题解析】由句意可知,watch所表示的动作发生在 last night之前,即“过去的过去”,因此空格处用过去完成时。考点------ 被动语态的构成、用法---Claudia, are you going to Jeff"s birthday party on Saturday?---Unless I _____ .A. will be invitedB. am invitedC. was invitingD. invited【易错选项】选A【易错原因】忽视了条件状语从句中“主将从现”原则。【正确答案】B【试题解析】句意为:“克劳迪娅,你参加杰夫这周六的生日晚会吗?”“除非我被邀请。” unless意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句,谓语动词用一般现在时表示将来的动作,且I与 invite构成被动关系,故选B。考点------ 动词不定式Jenny, you should practice as often as you can _____ the piano competition.A. failB. to failC. winD. to win【易错选项】选C【易错原因】误认为此处有can后面就用动词原形。【正确答案】D【试题解析】此处应用动词不定式结构作目的状语,又根据 practice as often as可知to win符合题意。as often as you can为“”结构。考点------ 动名词---The World Cup is coming. I won"t _____ any game.---I"m looking forward to _____ every match of it, too.A. miss; to watchB. miss; watchingC. to miss; watchD. to miss; watched【易错选项】选C【易错原因】分析不清第一空作谓语,不能用非谓语动词形式;第二空忽视look forward to中to为介词。【正确答案】B【试题解析】won"t为助动词,后面跟动词原形,一起构成谓语,故第一空用miss;look forward to表示“盼望,期望”,to是介词,后面跟动名词形式,故第二空用watching。考点------ 分词---Who"s the boy in white T-shirt _____ under the tree?---My friendA. standB. to standC. stoodD. standing【易错选项】选B【易错原因】未掌握现在分词短语作定语时的用法。【正确答案】D【试题解析】句意为:“正站在树下那个穿白色T恤衫的男孩是谁?”---“我朋友。”现在分词短语在句中作后置定语,故选D。考点------ 疑问句--- _____ do you like Huo Zun"s new song?---Very much. You know I love songs that both have great lyrics and beautiful music.A. WhyB. HowC. WhenD. What【易错选项】选D【易错原因】未掌握特殊疑问词在句式中的使用和搭配。【正确答案】B【试题解析】句意为:“你认为霍尊的新歌怎么样?”“我非常喜欢。你知道我喜欢歌词优雅、旋律美妙的歌曲。”“ How do you like..?”为固定结构,意为“你认为…怎么样?”考点------ 反意疑问句He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired, _____ ?A. does heB. isn"t heC. can"t heD. can he【易错选项】选C【易错原因】忽视了句中表示否定含义的 hardly。【正确答案】D【试题解析】在通常情况下,陈述部分是主从复合句时,附加问句的主语和助动词要与主句保持一致。根据主句中的can和 hardly可知,附加问句应用 can he。考点------ 祈使句Please _____ your exam papers once again before handing them in.A. going overB. went overC. go overD. to go over【易错选项】选D【易错原因】分析不清句子成分,判断不出是祈使句。【正确答案】C【试题解析】本句为祈使句,应用动词原形开头,故选C。判断是否是祈使句就看句中是否缺少谓语。考点------ 感叹句_____ terrible news! Three of us didn" t pass the exam.A. WhatB. HowC. What a【易错选项】选C【易错原因】忽视news为不可数名词,不能直接和不定冠词搭配。【正确答案】A【试题解析】引导感叹句时,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词。空格处修饰的中心词news是不可数名词,故选A。刘凯老师介绍:刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士为 北京理工大学。美国亚利桑那大学访问学者,澳大利亚新兰威尔士大学ESL研修。2018年加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者。北京市优秀青年教师,北京市级重点高中示范校骨干教师,多年高中一线执教经验,高三年级把关教师,多次参与东城区模拟试题命题工作,教学理念先进,教学成果突出,多篇教学论文获市区级奖项。教育部课题研究员,参与国家十二五课题计划,并作出突出贡献,参与初中、高中各年级区级试题的命制,多次承担区级和市级研究课任务。北京市科技英语优秀指导教师,所带学生在各级英语口语、作文竞赛中多次获奖;刘凯老师将扎实的英语基本功和严谨的学术思想作为教学的基础,课堂上善于寓教于乐,信息量大,内容丰富,使学生在和谐的课堂气氛下欣赏英语、享受英语、掌握英语、运用英语。曾多次参加高考阅卷工作,参与人民教育出版社、北京教育出版社、外研社等各类高考教学用书的编写工作,有丰富的备考经验,国际核心期刊发表多篇论文。2009-2012年期间,多次受邀在北京广播电台主持英语高考大纲解析及英语新课程改革节目,学术功底深厚,兼具偶像派与实力派特点,教风亲切洒脱,诙谐幽默,思维开阔,屡有奇思妙想,善于引导学生学以致用,对高考动向把握极其准确,深受学生和家长欢迎。尤其擅长英语语法和单词记忆法。海外生活学习十年,社科人文类学科偏爱者;10年雅思教龄,多家知名机构教师培训师;指导上万考生快速冲刺雅思写作、阅读,平均分数7.5分;独创“段落清空”、极简化“针对检索式”阅读法等众多高效技法;每年雅思考试均在10次以上;均分8+;真题回忆准确度97%以上;贴近西式思路和语言指导学生写作;善于帮助学生突破学术写作思维瓶颈。讲授科目有长难句、翻译、四六级考试、阅读和写作;在2014、2015、2016、2017四年考研中,接受其培训的所有考生中有近万名考生取得高分。资深考研培训讲师;英语四六级考试天团高级讲师;雅思阅读、雅思写作培训主讲名师;六级考试阅卷组成员;深谙命题规律和解题套路,对英语的学习规律和方法见解独特。带给学生的不只是考分的提高,更多的是对英语领悟和感知的突破。纯正的英音、独到的见解、睿智的思维和轻松幽默的语言,为其赢得了广大学生的认同和喜爱。高考志愿规划师(2019.03);家庭教育讲师(2018.09);生涯规划师(2019.02);国家素质拓展师(2019.01);高考政策解读名师(2018.03



A Thousand Tongues 歌词

歌曲名:A Thousand Tongues歌手:Michael Neale专辑:Made Me GladA Thousand Tonguesarts:Brent MillerUpload by joy717Thanks ivylilyO for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer"s praiseThe glories of my God and KingAnd the triumphs of His graceThe glories of my God and KingAnd the triumphs of His graceMy gracious Master and my GodCome assist me to proclaimAnd spread through all the earth abroadAll the honours of Thy NameAnd spread through all the earth abroadAll the honours of Thy NameJesus the Name that charms our fearsAnd that bids our sorrows cease"Tis music in the sinner"s ears"Tis life and health and peace"Tis music in the sinner"s ears"Tis life and health and peaceHe breaks the power of cancelled sinAnd He sets the prisoner freeHis blood can make the foulest cleanHis precious blood availed for meHis blood can make the foulest cleanHis precious blood availed for meYour precious blood availed for meYour precious blood availed for meavailed for me.....



she has got a什么mind and a什么tongue

she has got a quick mind and a sharp tongue

Tongue Tied 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue Tied歌手:Faber Drive专辑:2008 Juno AwardsFaber Drive Tongue Tied LyricsBright, cold silver moon.Tonight alone in my room.You were here just yesterday.Slight turn of the head,eyes fell when you said,I guess I need my life to change.Seems like something"s just not the same.What could I say?I"ll need a little more luck than a little bit,cause everytime I get stuck, the words won"t fit.And everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by.I need a little more help than a little bit.Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet.Cause everytime that I try to get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by this time.I stare up at the stars,I wonder just where you are,you feel a million miles away. (I wonder just where you are).Was it something I said,or something I never did?Or was I always in the way? (Was it something I did).Can someone tell me what to say, to just make you stay?I"ll need a little more luck than a little bit,cause everytime I get stuck, the words won"t fit.And everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by.I need a little more help than a little bit.Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet.Cause everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by this time.I know it feels like again, don"t want to be here again.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again.And what it takes I don"t care, were gonna make it I swear.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again, again.I need a little more luck than a little bit,cause every time I get stuck, the words won"t fit.But everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by.I need a little more help, than a little bit.Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet.Cause everytime that I try to get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by this time.I know it feels like again, don"t want to be here again.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again.And what it takes I don"t care, were gonna make it I swear.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again.

Grouplove : Tongue Tied Mv以倒叙方式讲述了这个裸男什么故事啊.看不懂啊??请问大家有什么见解吗?


itouch4广告歌曲tongue tied grouplove的歌词是什么

chappo come home

tongue tied翻译

1.明亮的, 寒冷的银闲渡。 今晚孤独的在我的房间中。 你昨天仅仅在这里。 头的微小旋转,当你说的时候,眼睛落下,我猜测我需要我的生活改变。 只是像某事不一样的。 我可以说什么?2.不知道如何翻译3。注视在星上面,我究竟想知道你在哪里,你感觉百万里之远。 (我究竟想知道你在哪里). 是它某事我说,或我不曾做的某事? 或在方法中总是我? (是它某事我做). 某人能告诉我该说什么, 到仅仅使你停留?4.不知道5我知道它再一次感觉起来像, 不想要再一次在这里。 而且我们可以从地面帮助彼此,因此,我们再一次不再跌倒。 而且什么它拿我不关心, 要做到我发誓。 而且我们可以从地面帮助彼此,因此,再一次,我们再一次不再跌倒。6.我需要一小的较多运气超过小一点点,每一次引起我被欺骗,字将不适合。 但是我试的 everytime 我使系的舌,我需要稍微好运气拿我被。 我需要一些较多的帮忙,超过小一点点。 像完美的字,没有人仍然听到。 引起我试着使系的舌的 everytime,我需要稍微好运气在这时候拿我。7.我知道它再一次感觉起来像, 不想要再一次在这里。 而且我们可以从地面帮助彼此,因此,我们再一次不再跌倒。 而且什么它拿我不关心, 要做到我发誓。 而且我们可以从地面帮助彼此,因此,我们再一次不再跌倒。翻译完成·

Faber Drive - Tongue Tied 歌词中英对照

Bright cold silver moonTonight alone in my roomYou were here just yesterdaySlight turn of the headEyes down when you saidI guess I need my life to changeSeems like something"s just aren"t the sameWhat could I say?I need a little more luck than a little bitCuz every time I get stuck the words won"t fitAnd every time that I try I get tongue tiedI"ll need a little good luck to get me byI need a little more help than a little bitLike the perfect one word no one"s heard yetCuz every time that I try I get tongue tiedI need a little good luck to get me by this timeI stare up at the starsI wonder just where you areYou feel a million miles away(I wonder just where you are)Was it something I said?Or something I never did?Or was I always in the way?(Was it something I did?)Could someone tell me what to say to just make you stay?I need a little more luck than a little bitCuz every time I get stuck the words won"t fitAnd every time that I try I get tongue tiedI need a little good luck to get me byI need a little more help than a little bitLike the perfect one word no one"s heard yetCuz every time that I try I get tongue tiedI need a little good luck to get me by this timeI know it feels like the endDon"t want to be here againAnd we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down againWhat it takes I don"t careWe"re gonna make it I swearAnd we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down againAgainI need a little more luck than a little bitCuz every time I get stuck the words won"t fitBut every time that I try I get tongue tiedI need a little good luck to get me byI need a little more help than a little bitLike the perfect one word no one"s heard yetCuz every time that I try I get tongue tiedI need a little good luck to get me by this timeI know it feels like the endDon"t want to be here againAnd we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down againWhat it takes I don"t careWe"re gonna make it I swearAnd we could help each other off the ground so we never fall down again 明亮的冷银月亮今晚独自在我的房间你在这里就在昨天轻微转动头眼睛向下,当你说我想我需要改变我的生活喜欢的事的似乎都并不相同我能说什么呢?我需要一个比一个更小一点运气每次我的Cuz卡住的话不适合而每一次我尝试我得舌头打结我需要一点点运气好让我的我需要一个比一个少一些更多的帮助像是一个完美的一个字,没有人的尚未听说每次的Cuz我尝试我得到舌头打结我需要一点好运气才能摆脱这个时候我我凝视了天上的星星我只是想,你在哪里你觉得一百万英里远(我只是想,你在哪里)我说了些什么?或什么的我从来没有?或者是我一直在路上?(为我做了?)有人能告诉我该说些什么只让你留下?我需要一个比一个更小一点运气每次我的Cuz卡住的话不适合而每一次我尝试我得舌头打结我需要一点点运气好让我的我需要一个比一个少一些更多的帮助像是一个完美的一个字,没有人的尚未听说每次的Cuz我尝试我得到舌头打结我需要一点好运气才能摆脱这个时候我我知道这感觉像结束我不想再在这里而且我们可以帮助对方离开地面,所以我们永远不倒了什么需要我不在乎我们要让它我发誓而且我们可以帮助对方离开地面,所以我们永远不倒了再次我需要一个比一个更小一点运气每次我的Cuz卡住的话不适合但是,每一次我尝试我得到舌头打结我需要一点点运气好让我的我需要一个比一个少一些更多的帮助像是一个完美的一个字,没有人的尚未听说每次的Cuz我尝试我得到舌头打结我需要一点好运气才能摆脱这个时候我我知道这感觉像结束我不想再在这里而且我们可以帮助对方离开地面,所以我们永远不倒了什么需要我不在乎我们要让它我发誓而且我们可以帮助对方离开地面,所以我们永远不倒了

《Tongue Tied》 i touch的广告里的那首歌 歌词谁有啊?

歌词: Take me to your best friend"s houseRoll around this roundaboutOh yeahTake me to your best friend"s houseI loved you then and I love you nowOh yeahDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t...Take me to your best friend"s houseNormally we"re making outOh yeahTake me to your best friend"s houseI loved you then and I love you nowDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t...One, two, three, fourDon"t leave me tongue tiedLet"s stay up all nightCourtesy of lyricshall.comI"ll get real highSlumber party; pillow fightMy eyes and your eyesLike Peter Pan up in the skyMy best friend"s house tonightLet"s bump the beats till beddy-byeDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t kiss me goodnightDon"t...Take me to your best friend"s houseRoll around this roundaboutOh yeahTake me to your best friend"s houseI loved you then and I love you nowDon"t leave me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t leave me tongue tiedDon"t...[x2]

Grouplove的《Tongue Tied》的中英文歌词

GROUPLOVE - TONGUE TIEDTake me to your best friend"s houseGoin" "round this roundaboutOh yeahTake me to your best friend"s houseI loved you then and I love you nowOh yeahDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t... breakOh, take me to your best friend"s houseMarmelade we"re making outOh yeahTake me to your best friend"s houseI loved you then and I love you nowDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t... breakOne, two, three, fourDon"t leave me tongue tiedLet"s stay up all nightI"ll get real highSlumber party; pillow fightMy eyes on your eyesLike Peter Pan up in the skyMy best friend"s house tonightLet"s bump the beat till beddy-byeDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t take me tongue tiedDon"t kiss me goodnightDon"t...Take me to your best friend"s houseGoin" "round this roundaboutOh yeahTake me to your best friend"s houseI loved you then and I love you nowDon"t leave me tongue tiedDon"t wave no goodbyeDon"t leave me tongue tiedDon"t...[x2]

Tongue-Tied 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue-Tied歌手:Aqualung专辑:Live From Itunes FestivalFaber Drive Tongue Tied LyricsBright, cold silver moon.Tonight alone in my room.You were here just yesterday.Slight turn of the head,eyes fell when you said,I guess I need my life to change.Seems like something"s just not the same.What could I say?I"ll need a little more luck than a little bit,cause everytime I get stuck, the words won"t fit.And everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by.I need a little more help than a little bit.Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet.Cause everytime that I try to get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by this time.I stare up at the stars,I wonder just where you are,you feel a million miles away. (I wonder just where you are).Was it something I said,or something I never did?Or was I always in the way? (Was it something I did).Can someone tell me what to say, to just make you stay?I"ll need a little more luck than a little bit,cause everytime I get stuck, the words won"t fit.And everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by.I need a little more help than a little bit.Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet.Cause everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by this time.I know it feels like again, don"t want to be here again.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again.And what it takes I don"t care, were gonna make it I swear.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again, again.I need a little more luck than a little bit,cause every time I get stuck, the words won"t fit.But everytime that I try I get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by.I need a little more help, than a little bit.Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet.Cause everytime that I try to get tongue tied,I need a little good luck to get me by this time.I know it feels like again, don"t want to be here again.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again.And what it takes I don"t care, were gonna make it I swear.And we could help each other off the ground, so we never fall down again.

英语名言!有句话我只知道一半,请补充:the tongue is not steel yet

Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. (Horace, ancient Roman poet) 苦难显才华,好运隐天资.(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯) Almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. (Lucius Annaus Seneca, Ancient Roman philosopher) 差不多任何一种处境——无论是好是坏——都受到我们对待处境的态度的影响.(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 L A) Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overing of it. (Hellen Keller, American writer) 虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的(美国作家 海伦u2022凯勒) Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. (John Kennedy, American president) 从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧.(美国总统 肯尼迪 J) Sweet are the uses of adversity.(William Shakspeare,British Playwriter) 苦尽甘来.(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W) I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. (Ernest Hemingway, USA writer) 我只知道所谓道德是指你事后觉得好的东西,所谓不道德是指你事后觉得不好的东西.(美国作家 海明威.E.) Morality is the herd instinct in the individual. (German Philosopher) 道德是个人心目中的群居本能.(德国哲学家 尼采.F.) Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. (william shakewspeare British dramalist) 如果送礼的人不是出于真心,再贵重的礼物也会失去它的价值.(英国剧作家 莎 士比亚. W) Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the *** all; it inflames the great. (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer) 离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧.(法国作家 比西-拉比旦.R.) Every man is a poet when he is in love. (Plato ancient Creek philosopher) 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw) 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇.(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G) Friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it. (Josh Billings. American humorist) 友谊就像陶器,破了可以修补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆.(美国幽默作家 比林斯 .J.) Friendship is love without his wings. (George Gordon Byron, Bdritish poet) 友谊是没有羽翼的爱.(英国诗人 拜伦.G,G) Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. (Albert Einstein, American scientist) 并非地球引力使人坠入爱河.(美国科学家) The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. (Burke Edmund, British state *** an) 权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大.(英国政治家 埃德蒙.B.) The greatest of evils and the worst of crims is poverty. (George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist) 最大的恶和最凶的罪是贫穷.(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.) The paramount duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmst prop of the Treasury. (William Mckinley, American president) 国会的最高职责是恢复始终是国家财政最坚实支柱的保护性立法,以制止财政赤字.(美国总统 科金利.W.) The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment. Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. (Thomas Jefferson, American president) 人民是完全可以信赖的,应该让他们听到一切真实和虚伪的东西,然后作出正确的判断.倘使让我来决定,我们应该是有一个 *** 而不要报纸呢,还是应该有报纸而不要 *** ,我会毫不犹豫选择后者.(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.) The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule be-gins. (Soren Kierkegaard, Danish religious philowopher) 暴君死了,他统治也就结束;烈士死了,他的统治刚开始.(丹麦宗教哲学家 基尔克戈德.S.) There is something behind the throne greater than the king him-self. (William Pitt, British state *** an) 在王座的后面还有比国王本人更伟大东西.(英国政治家 皮特.W.) To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. (Junius, Unidentified letter writer) 要了解 *** 的政绩只需要观察民情.(国籍不明书信代理人 朱尼厄斯) To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasure, we must go to those who are seeking it :the pains of power is real, its pleasures imaginary. (C.Colton Charles, British churchman) 欲知权力带来的痛苦,去问那些当权者;欲知权力带来的乐趣,去问那些追逐权势者:权力带来的痛苦是真实的,而权力带来的乐趣只不过是凭空想象的.(英国牧师 查尔斯.C.C.) Too fond of the right to pursue the expedient. (Oliver Goldsimith, British poet) 过分喜欢权力就会不择手段.(英国诗人 哥尔德斯密斯.O.) We need in politics man who have something to give, not men who have something to get. (Bernard Baruch, Averican economist) 在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人.(美国经济学家 巴鲁克.B.) When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. (Thomas Jefferson, American President) 当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作公众的财产.(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.) When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use attempting to rebuild it on the old plan. (John Stuart Mill, BAritish economist) 当社会需要重建时,试图墨守旧的蓝图重建它是徒劳无益的.(英国经济学家 穆勒.J.S.)

名字是 tong二声 you四声 rong二声 求英文名 女……


Now i am a fat house cat,nursing my sore blunt tongue,watching the warm poison rats.是哪首歌中的?

Flightless Bird, American Mouth 中文名称:折翼之鸟   演唱者:Iron & Wine(铁与酒 乐队)   类别:独立民谣   专辑:Iron & Wine 《The Shepherd"s dog》   收录于电影《暮光之城.暮色》以及《暮光之城 破晓》(weeding demo)作为插曲Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)   diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻) All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)   wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)   Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)   I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)   Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)   and called for you everywhere(到处到处呼唤你的名字)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   jealous,(充满了妒忌)   weeping (回荡着哭泣)   or lost you,(还是失去了你?)   american mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)   Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)   Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)   Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)   curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)   Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)   Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)   thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)   blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)   Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)   Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)   grounded (渐渐失落)   bleeding (渗着鲜血)   or lost you, (还是失去了你?)   American mouth(自由的宣言)   Big pill (夸张的承诺)   stuck going down(不再执着)

Seether的《Tongue》 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue歌手:Seether专辑:Karma & EffectSeether - TongueWell the tongue inside my mouth is not for saleAny spirit left in me is fading fastCould you throw another stone to ease my pain?Could you throw another stone to seal my faith?"Cause I don"t believe in this world anymore, anymoreI don"t believe in meAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Second chances are too few and far betweenWill to change this circumstance eludes me stillShould I grow another shell in which to live?Should I grow another shell and not forgive?I don"t believe in this world, anymore, anymoreI don"t believe in meAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Goodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel world at last you see me drownAnd if I can rise above this I"ll be savedCan anybody save me?And if I can die for love, then I"m enslavedCan anybody save me?Goodbye cruel worldGoodbye cruel world



求tongue tied 吉他谱

  Faber Drive  VERSE:  Cadd9  Bright cold silver moon  G  Tonight alone in my room  Am G F  You were here just yesterday  Cadd9  Slight turn of a head  G  Eyes fell when you said  Am G F  I gess i need my life to change  Am G F  Seems like somethings just not the same  G  What could i say  CHORUS:  Cadd9  I need a little more luck then a little bit  G  Cuz everytime i get stuck the words won"t fit  Am G  And everytime that i try I get tongue tied  F G  I need a little good luck to get me by  Cadd9  I need a little more help then a little bit  G  Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet  Am G  Cuz everytime i try to get tongue tied  F G C  I need a little good luck to get me by this time  VERSE:  Cadd9  I stare up at the stars  G  I wonder just where you are  Am G F  You feel a million miles away  Cadd9  Was it something i said  G  Or something i never did  Am G F  Or was i always in the way  Am G F  Can someone tell me what to say  G  To just make you stay  CHORUS:  Cadd9  I need a little more luck then a little bit  G  Cuz everytime i get stuck the words won"t fit  Am G  And everytime that i try I get tongue tied  F G  I need a little good luck to get me by  Cadd9  I need a little more help then a little bit  G  Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet  Am G  Cuz everytime i try to get tongue tied  F G C  I need a little good luck to get me by this time  BRIDGE:  Cadd9  I know it feels like again  G  Dont want to be here again  Am  And we could help each other  F G  Off the ground so we never fall down again  Cadd9  And what it takes i dont care  G  Were gonna make it i swear  Am  And we could help each other  F G F G  Off the ground so we never fall down again...Again  CHORUS:  Cadd9  I need a little more luck then a little bit  G  Cuz everytime i get stuck the words won"t fit  Am G  And everytime that i try I get tongue tied  F G  I need a little good luck to get me by  Cadd9  I need a little more help then a little bit  G  Like the perfect one word no one"s heard yet  Am G  Cuz everytime i try to get tongue tied  F G C  I need a little good luck to get me by this time  BRIDGE:  Cadd9  I know it feels like again  G  Dont want to be here again  Am  And we could help each other  F G  Off the ground so we never fall down again  Cadd9  And what it takes i dont care  G  Were gonna make it i swear  Am  And we could help each other  F G F G  Off the ground so we never fall down again...Again

The Ying Tong Song 歌词

歌曲名:The Ying Tong Song歌手:The Goons专辑:Unchained Melodies: The Complete Recordings 1955-1978This thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)

英语谚语:He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue 中文意思: 懂得缄默的是明白人。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The first wealth is health 健康是最重要的财富。 The fool does think he is wise but the wise man knows himself to be a fool 愚者自以为聪明,智者则有自知之明。 The fool has his heart on his tongue the wise man keeps his tongue in his heart 蠢人的心在嘴上,聪明人的嘴在心里。 The fool talks and the wise man thinks 蠢人嘴巴讲,聪明人用心想。 The foundation of true joy is in the conscience 真正的愉快之根本在于良心。 The fox changes his skin but not his habit 狐狸可以改变皮毛,但不能改变习性。 The fox knew too much that"s how he lost his tail 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。 The fox *** ells his own stink first 狐狸的臭味道,自己先嗅到。 The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve 嘴上真君子,行动烂小人。 The frog in well knows nothing of the great ocean 井底之蛙不知汪洋大海。 英语谚语: He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue 中文意思: 懂得缄默的是明白人。

Chapter 49 long tongue_3000字

She was against war soldiers around cheering crowds, ChengSi yan"s voice is not big, in addition to Zhou Huaixuan, no one could hear. Zhou Huaixuan steps paused, he turned back and waved to her, a mouth, and then pointed to the direction of following her. ChengSi yan I turned around, just see big ya too late back in the car on the head. Zhou Huaixuan mouth is: is she push you! ChengSi yan was speechless.This also want to remind you?When she is a fool?She will never know who is doing? A total of three children in the car, not the *** allest, is o of the biggest.Who is not important, the important thing is she knew these people hostile to her, and to be able to start work. ChengSi yan don"t afraid about talk of man, but she was afraid of man of great strength. Reason without him, because of childhood blindness, protected by the wang, she has no strength to ter eyes are good, or, practice and practice is not a female man, her destiny. Actually just pushed her that person is probably didn"t know she this feature, so too hard and almost ran a catastrophe. ChengSi yan quietly turned his head, for Zhou Huaixuan also waved. Zhou Huaixuan to see her again, frowned, no longer ignore, straight on, following weeks out of the city, and the general. ChengSi yan lean on looked at him in front of the far of figure, my mind only in retrospect that crackle of that a moment, just how Zhou Huaixuan blink of an eye, came to the front of her, boom caught her? This also too fast! Completely beyond the limits of human movement. Although there are some people have such thing as "kung fu", one hand can kill points minutes of ordinary people. But like Zhou Huaixuan were ghosts, or hardly ever seen. One of the entourage ChengSi yan it.this is asked to car."Did you see the week how big childe e?" The following blinked, touch the back of the head.Doubt tunnel: "he is not always stand beside you? See you fall off, we"ll catch you?""Said the.ChengSi yan, please get on the car, said the army out of the city, they will be allowed to return home. Cloud ChengSi yan heart more.She clearly remember, before a second Zhou Huaixuan is war horse in the distance, how can stand beside her?The following is a problem with the eyes? ChengSi yan and ask the driver. The driver said with a *** ile: "like is nearby, see you fall down, he head?" Said didn"t say. But all these people, is Zhou Huaixuan is near her, not in the distant wars at once. When he is standing near to her? ChengSi yan were filled with doubts."Murderer" silently climb into, even have fotten. Bitten by a big ya see her up, biting his lower lip, curiously asked her: "just now, who"s that? Looks really nice. Is too much eye, he looked at the eyes, you could give you to eat. - did you offend him?" Big ya to talk, and then remind the ChengSi yan. ChengSi yan to big ya avoided the question, asks: "is you push me down just now? Why do you want to do that?" Big ya paused, want to deny it.But her brother silurian has scrambled way: "my elder sister is not careful! Didn"t mean it!" Big ya had to give her a gift: "elder sister, just now is my bad. I also want to look at the outside, is pushed on you, want you to make a way out. The results accidentally put you out."Said again in a hurry way: "I didn"t mean it! I will gently pushed a minute! I"m home with big lang, he is such a play! Not letter you ask them!" Big lang silurian and also follow to nod a way: "is it, is. My elder sister like to play with us. Also often pushed to play, accidentally just now. Elder sister you"re fine. Don"t tell dad, ok?" Know if ChengSi yan to whistle.There would be no good fruit to eat their sister... ChengSi yan some envy them three siblings, sister and deep, but she was almost broken, if be this big ya so easily deceive in the past, but the devil in the future. ChengSi yan said with a *** ile: "hand the matter can be really big. You know, you said you wrong hand. Don"t know you, thought you have a life and death electrocuting with me. It"s not bad to push me to outside, under the car, or life is lost, light injury disfigured. - this fault, really make too wide of the mark." Big ya hear heart concern.She is really big hand strength, so since I was a child, is larger than her fellow brother, don"t like a woman.Ky, her mother often told her, don"t, also said that the girls strength is too big, men don"t like.Big ya carefully control their own efforts. Today, she is an ugly just want to see ChengSi yan, have not wanted to let her die, also did not want to let her injury disfigured. "... I said I make amends to you, why are you still rakes!"Ya some guilty tunnel, she is a child mind, more afraid to let dad know, punish her. Sheng qi ye to the rules of the children very seriously, but TuShi very dote on them, apart from the sheng qi ye always hurt his machine. Sheng qi ye therefore more strict with them.Once made a mistake, the punishment is not show mercy. For them, sheng qi ye is a stern father, TuShi is a loving mother. Big lang, he followed to intercede. ChengSi yan *** iled and said: "I didn"t say anything yet, why is it rakes? Said again..."She went to the coachman and glanced over there, "ye do this thing in broad daylight, the other people all know, it"s my turn to say? -- big ya, in fact also nothing. If dad asked you, do you know a fault line. Dad is the best speaker, than my niang acmodating!" Big lang and silurian together a way: "always deceive! Dad worst talk, but also make our palms!!" ChengSi yan zhang the mouth, wanted to say o sentences, but saw that the three sister and clear sense of sheng qi ye is not the same with her, turn a circle the words in her mouth, changed much alike.She *** iled, "is it? Is that dad you pain.", she said the sheng qi ye sit donkey cart over there look, see another entourage has talked in the past.Said, pointing to their side. Sheng qi ye"s face became very serious.He listened to, to look ChengSi yan"s side. TuShi face very anxious.What seems to be persuaded, and pull the sleeve, sheng qi ye would not let him down. , understood ChengSi yan, just happened too quickly, and Zhou Huaixuan faster to catch her, sheng qi ye estimates that need not see. And her followers to see such a thing, but it is not hid from thee, but to XiangGuZhu return immediately. This is the wang to make the rules for the new ChengGuoGong house servant here now. From the inner to the outer court.Is wang"s care, set all kinds of rules. It is because of the wang, ChengGuoGong mansion was soon on the track, with the tide of the pattern and vigour. ChengSi yan had quite admire wang"s skill, but until they entered the ChengGuoGong mansion, ChengSi YanCai found that the wang of the man, really not easy.Resilient, can soft can hard.Can in the *** all mountain village life in perfect order, summer can also hold up again dynasty one of the four big families of home gateway. Wang"s origins, of course, certainly was a tide of woman.Otherwise.She won"t be for a real family of all kinds of food and clothing live line, and an inferior rule arrangement, and clean the layout of the house.Know so carefully, management so in perfect order. Because of these things.Need an insight and vision, not IQ.Does not only depend on wise will be able to know.Must live in the environment, immersion, can really understand. So-called noble, is the need to three or four generations has been in a rich field, can say "family".Was the generation of riches and honour, is only nouveau riche, not family. And the wang gave ChengGuoGong stern told a house with out menial: all out in the outside, no matter master know not to know, want to report to master knowledge.People don"t quote, all sell out! ChengSi yan know, therefore, need not she go to brag, since her menial to return. It is the custom of the family, not a favor. No one miss you need to tell, because have good savings.Master, is self-restraint.Humans do not say, is the malpractice, it is to be punished. Big ya these rules is not very good, thought that only require the ChengSi yan don"t tell her, which know everything just see in the eye of the entourage had to "tell". Sheng qi ye after hearing the whole process, will be angry at losing TuShi hand away, harsh voice way: "big ya is only a few years old, would do such a thing! This day in the week if no big childe, I think yan face? Or not little girl ruined capacity, the day of her life but also that moment?!" TuShi injustice tunnel: "big ya has a kind heart, even the little chickens could not crushed to death, how can to do such a thing? There must be something wrong."Said, and she saw that ing to return after one eye, way: "the servant here are incredibly dare to master. Such a servant, but how to use it? For seven ye, how did you this pick servant here?" Sheng qi ye upon a way: "this is what they should do! Let them follow out of the door, is to the safety of his master. I don"t see things, they saw, will return to me! Otherwise, master were kept in the dark, they used for?!" TuShi bitterly shuts off, follow the sheng qi ye out of the car and went to ChengSi yan they sit in front of the cart. ChengSi yan busy to hold the post of the cart and asked: "dad, you"ve got something?" Sheng qi ye took her hand look busy, especially stared at her face, look very carefully, to be determined without a scar, the only way: "thanks to weeks childe, otherwise, dad really can"t imagine... dad owe weeks childe one, he came back, must be returned to him." TuShi follow a way: "seven ye, your skill, even if hurt, you also can be cured. No big deal, the inferior mouth too long."Say, don"t blame her daughter heart hurt, rather strange servant here. ChengSi yan blinked, way: "the aunt really makes sense. Let big ya also a fall, must knock fall out, and then let the dad cure her, is that ok?"
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