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apparently 加什么从句。谢谢

Apparently, 是副词, 放在句首时, 后面可以是任何对应词意的句子。例如:1). Apparently, everyone is happy.2). Apparently, the book written by him is impressed by many readers.


apparently The implications mirrored are (apparently) far-reaching反映出的言外之意(很明显)意味深长。

英语单词 apparently到底是显然还是似乎啊的意思啊?语气完全是相反的啊

apparently 的意思的确是模糊的, 它既有”显然“的意思, 也有”似乎“之意 要看语境 例: Apparently I was mistaken 显然我错了 Apparently he is a friendly and kind man,but actually he is a hooligan. 表面上看他似乎是一个友好和善良的人,但实际上他是流氓. 希望帮到了你,


《apparently》是美国说唱歌手J. Cole的一首单曲,讲述了他在追寻音乐梦想的过程中所遇到的所有挫折和困难。下面是《apparently》歌词的详细翻译。我保持冷静,对这个世界感到困惑,我不明白,我应该为我的尽力而自豪,选择出了问题,我知道了,看着别人奔跑,而我还在原地。但我却不能停下脚步,继续前进,我已经独行了这么多年,父母期望高,越来越难满足,但我从不想着放弃,我只是勇敢地走下去。没有导师,我独自面对艰辛,生活比梦想要更加残酷,但我不要表现得很光鲜亮丽,第一次失败,我就要站起来,重新开始。,有时候我在努力逃避,我宁愿待在孤独的角落里,不再去接触这个世界,但每当我回过头看看时,我就突然意识到,我已经前进了好几步。因此,我要继续走下去,总有一天,我终将获得所向往的成功,但那不是全世界,而是我自己,让我们别再停下,一起前进吧!歌词第一句话便是“世事难料”,暗示着讲述者的不确定和迷茫。接着,“我明白,你告诉我,我需要快点成熟”,表达了自己渴望成熟和知道自己想要什么的心声。歌曲中出现了“我在大声喊却无人听见”的句子,揭示出讲述者的孤独感。同时,“我试着让自己放轻松,然而每晚我都会做噩梦”,也大大加深了这种情感。歌曲中的“我该怎么办?”强调了讲述者的无助,以及对未来缺乏信心的心态。但同时,讲述者也努力地挣扎着,试图寻找出路。最后,歌曲以“我只是需要有人告诉我,我会好起来的”作为结束,表达了讲述者想要得到帮助和安慰的渴望,同时也传递出一丝希望的信号。


明显地,显然地,显而易见形容词是apparent 显然的,明显的


本文中介绍了几种常见的利用 plotly_express 作图方法的参数 In a scatter plot, each row of data_frame is represented by a symbol mark in 2D space. In a 2D line plot, each row of data_frame is represented as vertex of a polyline mark in 2D space. In a polar line plot, each row of data_frame is represented as vertex of a polyline mark in polar coordinates. In a stacked area plot, each row of data_frame is represented as vertex of a polyline mark in 2D space. The area between successive polylines is filled. 在堆叠的面积图形中,每行的DF数据代表多边形的最高点。 In a bar plot, each row of data_frame is represented as a rectangular mark. 在柱状图中,每行的DF数据代表一个矩形 In a polar bar plot, each row of data_frame is represented as a wedge(楔形) mark in polar coordinates. In a violin plot, rows of data_frame are grouped together into a curved(弯曲的) mark to visualize their distribution(分布) In a histogram, rows of data_frame are grouped together into a rectangular mark to visualize the 1D distribution of an aggregate function histfunc (e.g. the count or sum) of the value y (or x if orientation is "h"). In a pie plot, each row of data_frame is represented as a sector of a pie In a choropleth map, each row of data_frame is represented by a colored region mark on a map. 通常在地图中使用 In a density heatmap, rows of data_frame are grouped together into colored rectangular tiles to visualize the 2D distribution of an aggregate function histfunc (e.g. the count or sum) of the value z. 参数解释以第一个散点图为例: 其他作图方法的作图参数类似

soon 与quickly与 for a short time 与shortly 与in a hurry 的区别


in a hurry 与 shortly 有什么区别



fequently 没有这儿词



im going to use it prequently是什么意思

im going to use it frequently我会频繁地使用它

关于mainly mostly


mostly 和mainly的区别

mostly 和mainly是ost和ain不一样,也就是说,三个字母一样,三个字母不一样,这就是它们的区别

怎么区分mostly mainly?





分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 单词mostly和mainly的区别??怎么在做题中区分它们??? 解析: mostly有大部分;主要地,多半地, 大部分, 通常 的意思; The audience consisted mostly of women. 观众主要是妇女。 Our weather has been mostly warm. 我们这里的天气多半是暖和的。 The earth here is mostly clay. 这儿的土大部分是黏土。 Most of the Americans use their cars mostly for their job. 大多数美国人的汽车主要是用来上班的。 mainly则有大体上, 主要地 的意思; This school is mainly for boys; there are only a few girls in it. 这所学校主要招收男孩,女孩极少。




mostly 通常表数量,大多数,例如They mostly are girls.表示他们大多数是女孩. mainly 通常表示主要地,不表数量,例如 The article is mainly about friendship.这个文章主要是讲友谊的.


mostly和mainly的意思相近,都是指“主要地”,“大多数地”,但稍有不同:1. mostly用于描述大多数情况下的情况,通常用于一般概括。例如:- She mostly eats vegetables for her meals.(她大多数时候吃蔬菜。)- I mostly work from home these days.(我这些天大多数时间在家工作。)2. mainly用于指出某一件事是更为重要或突出的。例如:- The conference mainly addressed issues related to climate change.(这次会议主要涉及气候变化相关的问题。)- I like sports mainly for the social aspect.(我主要喜欢运动是因为它能提高社交能力。)


mostly有大部分;主要地,多半地, 大部分, 通常 的意思; The audience consisted mostly of women. 观众主要是妇女。 Our weather has been mostly warm. 我们这里的天气多半是暖和的。 The earth here is mostly clay. 这儿的土大部分是黏土。 Most of the Americans use their cars mostly for their job. 大多数美国人的汽车主要是用来上班的。 mainly则有大体上, 主要地 的意思; This school is mainly for boys; there are only a few girls in it. 这所学校主要招收男孩,女孩极少。






这两个是不一样的,mainly是说主要的,一般说mainly because 主要因为或主要原因,而mostly是指大部分的


mostly强调数量上的“大部分,主要地”eg.The sudents in our class are mostly from Jiangsu.mainly强调程度上的“大部分,主要地”eg.This article is mainly about his travels to foreign countries.

Promptly 同 Quickly 用法有咩野分别?

我谂你唔会满足于list字典既definition挂.... 而系想知promptly同quickly系用法上有咩真正既唔同 promptly系立即 而quickly系快 咁即系点? 即系话 promptly通常用黎describe你完左一样野之后"即刻"做另一样野 例如 he did his homework promptly after dinner 这个example唔系好好 因为用quickly都ok 试多几句你可能会好d: he promptly give the wallet to the police 即系话佢拾到个银包之后就即刻俾警察 如果用quickly就只系话佢快 但系交代唔到即刻果个意思 he promptly returned the phone call 都系用promptly会好过用quickly quickly系话快 用黎describe个行动本身快 而promptly就冇咁既意思 例如: a jaguar runs very quickly 当然唔可以写成a jaguar runs very promptly啦 但系如果想讲只豹一见到人就走左 就应该用promptly: the jaguar disappeared promptly after it noticed the presence of a hunter 我谂好多时 用quickly去replace promptly系ok既 不过冇咁靓 而promptly就唔系成日都可以用黎replace quickly喇 尤其是如果你只系想形容一样野好快 用promptly就唔o岩 参考: myself I live in US Promptly (adjective ) 1. done performed delivered e at once or without delay: a prompt reply. 2. ready in action; quick to act as occasion demands. 3. quick or alert: prompt to take offense. Quickly (adverb) 1. with speed; rapidly; very soon 参考: dictionary 都系 basically 快 d 咁解.. Promptly - 敏捷地;迅速地;立即地 Quickly - 快 迅速地 立即 马上 参考: Yahoo dictionary and myself

如何区分 fastly, rapidly,quickly


rapidly 与quickly与 promptly区别

rapidly adv. done or happening very quickly and in a very short time 如: The patient was sent to hospital rapidly. quickly adv. fast; after only a very short time ; for a short time 使用较常见promptly adv. 使用较生僻,侧重于“及时的”如: Your purchases will be delivered promptly .

jonh was constantly (reassuring )me 括号里为啥加ing?

was 是 is 的过去式 是be 动词

constantly growing too

倒装,正常语序为The volume of chemical goods is costantly growing too.too 通常不放于句首.

often / usually / frequently / consistently.表示频率时候都一样吗?谢谢大家




constantly 和 always 有何区别?

constantly 强调不间断always 强调一件事情反复发生(但不一定不间断)

Cliff Richard的《Constantly》 歌词

歌曲名:Constantly歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:40 Golden GreatsConstantly-Cliff RichardAll day I"m walking in a dreamI think about you constantlyJust like an ever flowing streamYour mem"ry haunts me constantlyShadows fall and I tryTo drive you from my mindSo you"re no longer near to meBut my heart sees you there with meEv"ry sunset you share with meThe rain that patters thro" the treesReminds me of you constantlyYour name is whispered by the breedsAnd love-birds bring your song to meJust as sure as each starKeeps burning in the skyYour love will stay a flame in meA flame that burns so brightNot only thro" the night but constantlyJust as sure as each starKeeps burning in the skyYour love will stay a flame in meA flame that burns so brightNot only thro" the night but constantlyTho" we may be for apartYou"re constantly deep in my heart


constantly ["ku0254nstu0259ntli] 基本释义 adv.不断地;时常地

constantly,consecutive 不同

一个形容词一个副词 constantly adv.不断地;时常地 constantly:不变地 | 经常 | 不断 consecutive adj.连贯的;连续不断的 consecutive:连续的 | 连串的 | 连贯的


constantly的读法是:u02c8ku0252nstu0259ntli。释义:adv、总是,经常地,不断地。同义词:不断地;时常地。forever continually unceasing lystraig htendlessly。不断地的英文:at every turn、ceaselessly、constantly、continually、continuously、endlessly、ever and again、every few seconds、incessantly、on and on、perennially、right along、unceasingly、unremittingly、without a break of。相关例句:1、Planes flew overhead constantly.飞机不断从头顶上飞过。2、A nurse attended to his needs constantly.有一位护士经常照料他的需要。3、Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.外科手术技术正在不断得到完善。4、The direction of the wind is constantly changing.风的方向在不断地变。5、He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others.他时常觉得自己必须向人一展身手。


constantly英 ["ku0252nst(u0259)ntlu026a] 美 ["kɑnstu0259ntli] adv. 不断地;时常地

Italy was constantly at war during this period

因为修饰介词短语at war,

Constantly think of you什么意思?



实际上英文中的 usually 和 frequently 并不是同义词,人们通常不会想到用这两个词互换。 usually 含“多数人都做的”、“习惯性发生的

英语constantly nagging怎么翻译?

英语:constantly nagging翻译为中文意思是:不断唠叨


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英语现在进行时造句用constantly 造句

She is constantly reading English all the morning.



高中英语 为什么用constantly,是固定语法吗或者怎么理解,详细解释下

他们一直打电话找有票的人constantly是副词 这个句子结构已经完整了 只能填个副词了你可能以为填形容词 be constant doing something 没有这么用的 be consistent in doing还可以考虑下

是constantly do sth还是constantly doing sth

一般现在时用do现在进行时用doing 。关键看句子意思

Often,friequently,constantly,regularly 的用法区别?

1.often 经常,常常e.g. It very ~ snows there. = It snows there very ~. 那里常下雪2.frequently 频繁发生地e.g. Earthquakes occur ~ in Japan. 日本常发生地震3.constantly 不断地e.g. The affairs of state are ~ on the Prime Minister"s mind. 首相时常挂念著国事4.regularly 有规则 [规律] 地; 定期地e.g. pay one"s rent ~ 定期地付房租词汇例子出处:21世纪英汉汉英双向词典。

continuallycontinualcontinuouslycontinuousconstantly 这个几个单词都有什么区别呀?



不是constantly ["ku0254nstu0259ntli] 是个副词,可以修饰用于其它时态adv.不断地, 经常地


unceasingly,强调不停止constantly,强调永恒或连续的时间很长,没有尽头continuously,用于不间断的连续,(强调无缝连接的连续,比如一条线————————)continually 用于断断续续的连续,(可以略有间断的连续----------------------------------------

英语constantly reminding you to do this or that翻译?


continually 和 constantly 完全一样吗?谢谢解释下

continually 连续,不断的constantly 频率很高的


constantly 英[u02c8ku0252nstu0259ntli] 美[u02c8kɑ:nstu0259ntli] adv. 时刻; 不断地,时常地; 常川; 历来; [例句]His brainwaves were constantly monitored.对他的脑电波进行了连续监测。He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around. 他经常对我撒谎而且开始打我。We"ve always been marginalized, exploited, and constantly threatened. 我们总是遭到排挤、剥削和不断的恐吓。These machines are constantly updated by improving the design of the computers.通过改善计算机的设计,这些机器不断得到更新。I worry about her constantly 我无时无刻不为她担心。We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard. 我们要经常鞭策自己努力学习。


constantly:adv.始终;一直;重复不断地; 例: We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market. 我们必须不时地适应并创新,以确保在不断扩大的市场中取得成功。 扩展资料   The court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind.   这个诉讼案件一直萦系在我的心头。   Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.   媒体不断把流言飞语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。   We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.   媒体不断给我们灌输流言飞语和猜测臆断。   The sun is constantly evaporating the earth"s moisture.   太阳使地球上的湿气不断蒸发。


呵呵,很是感谢各位朋友的热心帮助,觉得 Allen_Romme最详细,但是因为贝贝初来乍到,还真不知道在哪里采纳结束问题,还请朋友们见谅哦!


经常地 常常


constantly不断地双语对照词典结果:constantly[英][u02c8ku0252nstu0259ntli][美][u02c8kɑ:nstu0259ntli]adv.不断地,时常地; 时刻; 常川; 历来; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Life is a dynamic process where one is constantly making choices and compromises among those seven selves. 生活是动态的,人们总是在不断地作出抉择,在7种生活中寻找妥协和平衡。


constantly不断地双语对照词典结果:constantly[英][u02c8ku0252nstu0259ntli][美][u02c8kɑ:nstu0259ntli]adv.不断地,时常地; 时刻; 常川; 历来; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Life is a dynamic process where one is constantly making choices and compromises among those seven selves. 生活是动态的,人们总是在不断地作出抉择,在7种生活中寻找妥协和平衡。

请问这句话为什么不是强调句?it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment

这是so... that..,不是强调句。下面这个才是:it is the frequently-made observation that deserves comment

Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly

them 指的是quais,但是如果是themselves的话,themselves指的就是定语从句的主语——关系代词that,也就是wings了,显然句子就不通了。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

求助大神关于礼品卡 get$10 off instantly的问题

get$10 off instantly 立刻省掉10美元在有的网站或者商场购物的时候,会提示你如果办理会员或者办理什么资格之类的,马上就可以给你优惠,比如你买一样东西是120美元,你只要办了他们要求的会员卡或者其他什么活动,你付款的时候马上就给你优惠10美元

A few mirrors can instantly ______ this room and make it seem a much larger and lighter onE.


亚马逊有个$30 off instantly是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答 $30 off instantly的意思是 使用亚马逊联名卡支付,省30刀。面向美国人民的,和我们没关系。

亚马逊有个$30 off instantly是什么意思


instantly,from the dark holes

史蒂芬霍金的著作的名字。中文译:时间简史:从宇宙大爆炸到黑洞。 这本书有中文译本的,中文译名就是这个。

money is a good give people the courage 什么意instantly

Money is a good give people the courage (almost几乎) instantly.



怎么辨别promptly instantly hurriedly immediately的区别

你好!promptly 、instantly 、hurriedly 和immediately作为副词的时候,都有“快速地、马上”等形容时间仓促的意思。 他们之间并没有明显的区别,就是看习惯搭配吧。


C constant 持续的,增长的. remain + 形容词,排除AD,B意思不符.所以选C


(1) 连词immediately / directly / instantly和词组the moment, the minute意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as.如: The thief ran away the moment / directly he saw the policeman. [注意] a. immediately / directly / instantly也是副词,在句中作状语.如: I didn"t immediately realize how serious the situation was. b. 介词on / upon +名词 / V-ing也表示“一……就……”.如: Yao Ming was surrounded by the media on his arrival at the airport. On seeing the painting by Van Gogh, I fell in love with it at once. 区别不大,只是有各自的固定搭配

presently, currently, instantly, at the present

您好!presently,,当前currently,,当前,目前instantly,瞬间at the present,在目前但要注意,副词currently和presently均可表示“现在”,“目前”,但currently只能表示“现在”,“目前”[at the present time; now],是正式用词,强调在现在这一时刻正在流行,通用或存在;而presently还可表示“不久”,“一会儿”[soon, before long, later on]。如有不清楚的地方欢迎追问!望采纳,谢谢!

instant | instantly 这英语用谐音怎么读?


instantly ,immediately和at once

mmediately,instantly和at once这三个词都可表示"立即,立刻". 其中immediately指两个动作相继发生,暗示没有耽搁; instantly所表示的时间更短暂,后一动作在前一动作后瞬间发生; at once基本与instantly相同,但它多用于口语中,而且用法也更广. 它们和as soon as 在一般情况下可以互用.

关于instantly和the instant在“一……就”用法上的区别

instantly作为副词用于句尾;而the instant作为先行词引导从句,用法类似于the minute、the moment。举个例子来说,“我一到那里就给你打电话”既可以翻译为I will call you instantly when i arrive there.又可以翻译为 I will call you the instant i arrive there.总的来说,一……就……the instant使用的频率更多,而instantly作为副词更常用于强调一般句中具体动作的迅速。


[u02c8u026anstu0259ntli] adv. 立即,马上,立刻; 马上地; 即刻地; 立即地 conj. 一…就 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

关于instantly和the instant在“一……就”用法上的区别

instantly作为副词用于句尾;而the instant作为先行词引导从句,用法类似于the minute、the moment. 举个例子来说,“我一到那里就给你打电话”既可以翻译为I will call you instantly when i arrive there.又可以翻译为 I will call you the instant i arrive there. 总的来说,一……就……the instant使用的频率更多,而instantly作为副词更常用于强调一般句中具体动作的迅速.

谁知道Leah Dizon的那首〈softly〉的音译歌词


Name of Institution currently attending是什么意思

Name of Institution currently attending词典结果Name of Institution currently attending机构名称目前出席


1、这两个词词意不同,但词形相近,前者意为“最”,后者意为“主要地”。 2、用来修饰动词时,most不能放在动宾之间; 而mostly则可以。 3、在修饰含有情态色彩或主观意义的形容词或副词,通常用most而不用mostly。 扩展资料   例句:   Cars are mostly metal.   汽车大多是金属制成的.。   I am working with mostly highly motivated people.   我正与大多都积极性很高的人们共事。   Most bosses are traditional.   大多数老板都很传统。   Most birds are monogamous.   大多数飞禽都是单配性的。


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