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英文版《Timeless》歌曲: Timeless (Duet With Kelly Clarkson) 歌手: Justin Guarini Baby come close, let me tell you this In a whisper my heart says you know it too Maybe we both share a secret wish And you"re feeling my love reaching out to you Timeless, don"t let it end no Now that you"re right here in my arms where you should stay Hold tight baby Timeless, don"t let it fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away Lifting us to where, we both agree This is timeless, love I see it all baby in your eyes When you look at me, you know I feel it too (yes I do) So let"s sail away and meet forever baby Where the crystal ocean melts into the sky We shouldn"t let the moment pass (moment pass) Making me shiver, let"s make it last Why should we lose it? Don"t ever let me go Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah Baby it"s timeless (oh baby it"s timeless) Timeless Don"t let it fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away (just let the moments) Lifting us to where we both agree this is timeless This is timeless, love韩文版uc548ub418uc694 ub0a0 ub193uc544ubc84ub9acuba74 安对哟那儿 挪阿暴利妙 ud798ub4e4uc5b4ub3c4 uc5ecuae30 ub354 uba38ubb3cub7ecuc694 him度老兜药gi套 毛姆老哟 uc870uae08ub9cc ub354 ubcfc uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74 旧故漫道 谱儿数以大庙 ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791ub9ccud07c uc6c3uc5b4ubcfcud150ub370 纳闷沙狼曼谷 无扫布尔腾代 Timeless uc774ubcc4uc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0 仪表冷 阿泥就 ud55cubc88uc758 uc0b6uc774ub77cuba74 汉本业 撒米拉妙 uc9c0uae08ubfd0uc778ub370 几根不宁带 Hold tight baby Timeless uc774 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buc5b4uc694 一嘎色买 墓道哟 uc21cuac04uc758 uc5f4ubcd1ucc98ub7fc 笋干也要本桥栏 uc7a0uc2dcub9cc uc544ud50c ubfd0uc774ub2c8 江西满 阿普 不泥泥 We both agree This is timeless love uc138uc0c1uc740 ub2e4 uac00uc9c0ub9cc 谁商恩大 嘎挤满 uc2acud514ub9c8uc800 ud568uaed8 uac00ub294 uac74uac00uc694 素朴马脚涵盖 嘎能工嘎哟 ub108ubb34 uadf8ub9acuc6cc 脑牧歌里窝 ub610 ub0a0 ubd88ub7ecubcf8 uadf8ub300 兜那儿波老本苛待 ub9c8uc74cubfd0uc778 uc0c1ucc98ub9cc uba38ubb3cuaca0uc8e0 马恩不宁商丘满贸穆尔给就 ud1a0ud574ub0b8 ub208ubb3c uc0bcud0a4uba74 头海南农牧儿商ki苗 uadf8ub54cuc11cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cuc694 苛待搜亚阿而给对嘎哟 ub0b4 uc190 uc7a1uc544uc694. 奶送加巴哟 ub5a0ub098uac8c ub9d0uc544uc694. 导纳改麻辣哟 Timeless uc774ubcc4uc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0 仪表冷 阿泥就 ud55cubc88uc758 uc0b6uc774ub77cuba74 汉本业 撒米拉妙 uc9c0uae08ubfd0uc778ub370 几根不宁带 Hold tight baby Timeless uc774 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buc5b4uc694 一嘎色买 墓道哟 uc21cuac04uc758 uc5f4ubcd1ucc98ub7fc 笋干也要本桥栏 uc7a0uc2dcub9cc uc544ud50c ubfd0uc774ub2c8 江西满 阿普 不泥泥 We both agree This is timeless love yeah baby is timeless Hold tight baby timeless ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85d 多拉卡儿树衣兜楼 uc21cuac04uc758 uc5f4ubcd1ucc98ub7fc 笋干也要本桥栏 uc7a0uc2dcub9cc uc544ud50c ubfd0uc774ub2c8 江西满 阿普 不泥泥 We both agree This is timeless This is timeless love








timeless玻尿酸精华是美国一款非常有名气的玻尿酸精华原液,高浓度玻尿酸,天然纯净,不含防腐剂,单独使用或者搭配其他产品使用效果很棒哦! timeless玻尿酸怎么用 玻尿酸(透明质酸)大量存在于人体的结缔组织及真皮层中,是一种透明的胶状物质,其中充满了水分,是皮肤的保湿因子。玻尿酸是有效的补水保湿成分,可以抓住自身重量1000倍的水分。此款精华液含有1%玻尿酸,是其他类似产品的二十几倍。强大的保湿功能,让玻尿酸成为保湿热门成分,是当今护肤品中公认的保湿佳品,深受人们的喜爱。高浓度玻尿酸,全天然纯净,不含防腐剂,简单有效。 如果是直接涂抹本品,一下子就吸收了,后续不用任何面霜啥的,会感觉用处不大。 这里来分享下正确的使用方法: 1、在化妆水之前先用一两滴玻尿酸。 这个时候擦别的护肤品你就会发现皮肤吸收能力和平时完全不一样 2、加入平时用的乳液或者面霜中使用,比例一般就是加入一滴两滴, 会提升乳液面霜的延展性及保湿持久度。 3、配合水膜使用。你可以在敷面膜前擦一滴, 滴2滴在化妆水中用面膜纸浸透敷上。 一周两次,时间久了,不仅可以改善皮肤缺水的状态,还能淡化干纹。 4、加入底妆(例如粉底液)中使用,尤其对于大干皮来讲,加一两滴玻尿酸效果马上看得到,整个底妆会变服帖。 5、唇部护理。晚上先涂抹薄薄一层玻尿酸在嘴唇上,再使用其他润唇膏,第二天嘴唇不起皮,而且唇纹也淡化很多。 6、身体护理。加几滴在沐浴液和身体乳里。 产品是粘稠液体状,流动性较好: 下面是涂抹开的样子: 下面是吸收后的样子:适合肤质 所有肤质。 使用方法 洁面之后,可以直接用该款玻尿酸上脸(每次几滴精华液,根据自己脸的大小来适当调整),早晚各用1次,一般在几周内可以见到效果(因个人肤质的差异,效果同样存在一定的差异) 也可以混合其他爽肤水或面霜或底妆产品一起使用。 全成分表 Water, Sodium Hyaluronate (1%;100% pure), Benzylalcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid 水,玻璃酸钠,苯甲醇,脱氢乙酸 timeless玻尿酸怎么样 有些人觉得自己皮肤很油,就整天用吸油纸去吸。每次看到人家这样做,就让我像听说有人不一年365天每天擦防晒一样揪心。要知道多数油性皮肤的根源正是缺水,因为真皮层缺水导致皮肤不得不分泌大量的油脂来自我保护。所以越吸皮肤越干,分泌的油脂越多,补水才是正道。 盒子的侧面有成分和使用方法 底部有产品批号,还有开瓶后24个月内用完哦。因为原液不好保存,用了特殊材料的玻璃封装,所以包装保护做的也特别到位 性冷淡的包装,让人感觉真的很干净舒服,瓶口有层塑封,拆开再用哦!为了好控制用量还有避免污染,瓶口是滴剂似的设计 旋开瓶盖后,捏一下滴剂管的头,让滴管吸入原液 每次用量不用太多1-3滴已足 流动性非常强,可见质地真的很清爽,不粘稠,玻尿酸原液属于吸水保湿剂,其保湿原理是吸收周边的水分,补给缺水的部分,它醉主要的功能是帮我们抓住水分来保湿,,如果说你的肌肤里面没有富含的水分并且也没有辅以,可以吸收的水分的时候,它则没有水分可以抓,保湿的效果就不会太好,所以玻尿酸必须要搭配化妆水使用,接着再擦上含有油脂的保养品,保湿效果就会事半功倍了




分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: Timeless[小米子原创音译] uc548ub418uc694, ub0a0 ub193uc544ubc84ub9acuba74 an dui yo, nal nol-a b"o li myon ud798ub4e4uc5b4ub3c4 uc5ecuae30 ub354 uba38ubb3cub7ecuc694 him dul-o do yo ki do mo mul lo yo uc870uae08ub9cc ub354 ubcfc uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74 jo kum man do b"ol su itt da myon ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791ub9ccud07c uc6c3uc5b4ubcfcud150ub370 nam-un sa lang man kum us-o bol thaen dae Timeless uc774ubcc4uc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0 i pyol- un a ni jyo ud55cubc88uc758 uc0b6uc774ub77cuba74 han bon ae sam-i la myon uc9c0uae08ubfd0uc778ub370 ji kum b"un-in dae Hold tight baby Timeless uc774 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buc5b4uc694 i ka sum-ae mud-o yo uc21cuac04uc758 uc5f4ubcd1ucc98ub7fc sun kan-ae yol pyong cho lom uc7a0uc2dcub9cc uc544ud50c ubfd0uc774ub2c8 jam ji man a pul b"un-i ni We both agree This is timeless love uc138uc0c1uc740 ub2e4 uac00uc9c0ub9cc sae sang un da ka ji man uc2acud514ub9c8uc800 ud568uaed8 uac00ub294 uac74uac00uc694 sul pum ma jo ham g"ae ka nun gon ka yo ub108ubb34 uadf8ub9acuc6cc no mu ku li wuo ub610 ub0a0 ubd88ub7ecubcf8 uadf8ub300 d"o nal b"ol lo bon ku dae ub9c8uc74cubfd0uc778 uc0c1ucc98ub9cc uba38ubb3cuaca0uc8e0 ma-um b"un-in sang cho man mo mul gaet jyo ud1a0ud574ub0b8 ub208ubb3c uc0bcud0a4uba74 tho hae naen nul mul sam ki myon uadf8ub54cuc11cuc57c uc54cuac8c ub420uae4cuc694 ku dae so ya al gae dul g"a yo ub0b4 uc190 uc7a1uc544uc694. nae son jap-a yo ub5a0ub098uac8c ub9d0uc544uc694. d"o na gae mal-a yo Timeless uc774ubcc4uc740 uc544ub2c8uc8e0. i pyol-un na ji jyo ud55cubc88uc758 uc0b6uc774ub77cuba74 uc9c0uae08 ubfd0uc778ub370 han bon ae sam-i la myon ji kum b"un-in dae Hold tight baby timeless uc774uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buc5b4uc694 i ka sum-ae mud-o yo uc21cuac04uc758 uc5f4ubcd1ucc98ub7fc uc7a0uc2dcub9cc uc544ud50c ubfd0uc774ub2c8 sun kan-i yol pyong cho lom jam si man a pul b"un-i ni We both agree This is timeless love yeah baby is timeless Hole tight baby timeless ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85d dul-a gal su it do lok uc21cuac04uc758 uc5f4ubcd1ucc98ub7fc uc7a0uc2dcub9cc sun kan-ae yol pyong cho lom jam si man (uc7a0uc2dc ubfd0uc774ub2c8) uc544ud50c ubfd0uc774ub2c8 (jam ji b"un-i ni) a pul b"un-i ni) We both agree This is timeless This is timeless love Side 资料[转载] 歌词翻译 如果时间停止了 现在不会变成这样吧 好想让此刻停止 如果还稍微记得一些事 是你留下的微笑 在我心里 只有心中的伤还停留在此 如果那时流出眼泪 你会明白一切吗 Timeless 不要离开 只要一次就好 还有现在 Hold tight baby Timeless 对于你的胸怀 象瞬间的热病一样 只是稍离开我就感到痛苦 we both agree This is timeless love 时间随世而过了 连悲伤一起带走 非常怀念 再次叫我的名字的你 只有心中的伤还停留在此 如果当时流出泪水 你会明白一切吗 拉着彼此的手 象当初离开一样不舍 Timeless 不是离别吧 只要一次就好 我只要现在 Hold tight baby timeless 在你怀里 象瞬间的热病一样 只是稍离开我就感到痛苦 we both agree This is timeless love yeah Baby it"s timeless (oh baby it"s timeless) Timeless Hold tight baby timeless 想回到从前 象瞬间的热病一样 (因为只是暂时的)心痛 we both agree This is timeless This is timeless love …… ======================================================== 这首歌曲来自外国的,韩国版本是改篇了 原本的是 Timeless **************************** Baby e close, let me tell you this In a whisper my heart says you know it too Maybe we both share a secret wish And you"re feeling my love reaching out to you Timeless, don"t let it end no Now that you"re right here in my arms where you should stay Hold tight baby Timeless, don"t let it fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away Lifting us to where, we both agree This is timeless, love I see it all baby in your eyes When you look at me, you know I feel it too (yes I do) So let"s sail away and meet forever baby Where the crystal ocean melts into the sky We shouldn"t let the moment pass (moment pass) Making me shiver, let"s make it last Why should we lose it? Don"t ever let me go Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah Baby it"s timeless (oh baby it"s timeless) Timeless Don"t let it fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away (just let the moments) Lifting us to where we both agree this is timeless This is timeless, love 专辑名称:Justin Guarini 艺人姓名:Justin Guarini 发行公司:Rca 发行时间:2003年6月9日 演唱语种:英文

timeless 中文是什么意思?

the forever and everlasting and eternal!


timeless的意思是永恒的、不受时间影响的、永不过时的。timeless这个单词通常用来形容那些具有永恒价值、不受时间影响的事物。我们可以说一部电影或一本书,因为它们具有经典的价值,无论时代如何变化,它们仍然能够吸引观众或读者的兴趣。timeless这个单词通常用来形容那些具有永恒价值、不受时间影响的事物,可以用于描述文化作品、品牌或产品等。关于timeless的例句:This timeless movie is still as captivating today as when it was released.这个永恒的电影现在仍然像发布时一样吸引人。Her timeless style will never go out of fashion.她永恒的时尚风格永远不会过时。His timeless music will never be forgotten.他永恒的音乐永远不会被遗忘。学习高中英语的技巧:1、扩大词汇量高中英语词汇量要求相对于初中英语来说更高,因此学生需要掌握更多的单词。建议学生采用多种方式来记忆单词,例如通过阅读、听力和写作等多种渠道来掌握单词。同时,学生还可以使用一些记忆工具,如单词卡片、记忆宫殿等来帮助记忆。2、注重口语和听力练习高中英语考试中,口语和听力也是重要的考查内容。因此,学生需要加强口语和听力的练习。建议学生通过听英语电影、新闻、广播等来提高听力水平,通过模仿英语语音、唱歌、对话等来提高口语水平。3、多进行英语阅读和写作练习阅读和写作是英语学习的两个重要方面。学生可以通过阅读英语文章、报纸、小说等来提高阅读理解能力,通过写作练习来提高写作能力。建议学生多写英语作文,并请老师或朋友进行修改和纠正。


★首先,timeless是个英语单词 adj. 1. 不受时间影响的 2. 永恒的★其次,在娱乐方面,有一首歌也以timeless来命名,并且曾被多位歌手演绎: 《Timeless》曾经是一首经典的老式情歌,低回温婉,2003年由JUSTIN GUARINI首次演唱,其中高昂的女生部分则由KELLY CLARKSON完成。原版歌曲带有强烈的欧美音乐风格,音色辽阔,节奏强劲。  2006年,SM旗下的R&B女歌手张力尹和细亚俊秀重新演绎了这首歌。改编后的歌曲明显带有东方的柔情色彩,节奏舒缓,低回婉转,更适合展现东方人内心强烈但是含蓄的情感表达。  《Timeless》是一首有着东方式的节奏和R&B风格的groove节奏的歌曲 。拥有魅力音色的R&B新人张力尹用独特的演唱方式翻唱了这首经典情歌。




timeless 英[u02c8tau026amlu0259s] 美[u02c8tau026amlu026as] adj. 永恒的,永久的; 不受时间影响的; 长期有效的; 不合时宜的; [例句]There is a timeless quality to his best work.他最好的作品不会因时间流逝而逊色。[其他] 形近词: gameless mameless tameless

造句 take photos,do part-time work,get ears pierce

I am taken photos when i play basketball. 我打篮球时被拍了照,被动语态一般现在时I have done part time work since my entering the university 现在完成时I was got my ears pierced被动语态的过去时I have achieved my first dream,entering the university现在完成时She has gone shopping for three hours现在完成时A choice should be made by mysef有情态动词的被动语态


最近一首歌曲,没茅台开始走红,这其实是一首英文歌曲,但是被抖音还有各种剪辑变成了鬼畜教材,让人捧腹,这究竟是什么歌曲呢? 没茅台是什么歌 很多的空耳帝会把make more time这句歌词听成是没茅台,make more time被抖音,快手,网易云还是b站的鬼畜大神,以及各种表情包达人恶搞,已经成为了一款非常热门的歌曲,每次打开这首歌,你会发现弹幕满满都是没茅台,这不禁让我想到了挤蘑菇这种空耳帝的歌曲。 这首歌其实叫做Time 歌手:MKJ make more time是其中的一个歌词 没茅台time英文歌 这首歌其实叫做Time,来自MKJ 《Time》是MKJ制作的一首歌曲,发行于2015年04月25日。 歌中的独白来自摩根·弗里曼在纪录片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《与摩根·弗里曼一起穿越虫洞》)中的一段台词。 time歌词 Money is not evil by itself 钱本身无罪 Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways 钱只是商品流通的交换介质,只是一张纸 If not money – what is evil you may ask? 那你会问,什么是邪恶? Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more 邪恶是上瘾的道德扭曲的欲望 Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold 是强迫自己无休止地觊觎 at the end of some rainbow which doesn"t exist 那些并不存在的梦幻 Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost 邪恶是你内心不惜一切代价获取经济利益的价格标签 Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again 是贪得无厌,索取幸福 until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone 直到那些虚幻的蜃景消逝 Make more time 让时间更有意义 I"m not saying you can"t be financially successful 我并不是说你不能在经济上取得成功 I"m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success 我是说有一个伟大的生活目标会超越经济方面的成功 Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling 你的灵魂在尖叫着等你最真切的回应 You can change today if you redefine what success is to you 如果你重新定义成功,你可能改变自己的现状 You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones 你可能改善并重新建立你的人际关系 You can forgive yourself and others who"ve hurt you 你可能原谅自己和伤害过你的人 You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like 在你仰慕的人的指导下你也可能成为一个领导 You can re-balance your priorities in life 你可以重新调整生活的重心 You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible 你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建真爱 You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86 你在任何年纪都能成为最好的父母,甚至在86岁 but don"t wait until then… 但千万别等到那时 You will always be able to make more money 你将来可能会赚很多钱 But you cannot make more time 却得不到更多时间 没茅台热评 再秀的韩信还是怕王者小兵,没茅台 昨天真的很开心了,幸灾乐祸的开心绝对不能分享,再查一次物流就睡觉了,没茅台 没茅台,有啤酒 帅了整整21个春夏秋冬了,没茅台



没茅台是什么歌time 没茅台英文歌名

【导读】:没茅台是什么歌?b站和抖音最近超火的视频没茅台是什么梗?没茅台英文歌名make more time谐音没茅台,没茅台歌词make more time make more time超洗脑。 没茅台是什么歌 make more time 因为谐音听着特别像没茅台,因此这首歌被戏称叫没茅台。 b站抖音视频最近很多人都在循环make more time这首歌,实在魔性又洗脑,谐音和没茅台很像,于是成了一个梗。没茅台主要用于该背景音乐下面的弹幕,纯属灌水,但是也可以当做是什么都没有,有什么什么不存在的意思。比如我想要一点钱,就可以回答:没茅台 没茅台歌词 Time 歌手:MKJ 所属专辑:Time Money is not evil by itself 钱本身无罪 Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways 钱只是商品流通的交换介质,只是一张纸 If not money – what is evil you may ask? 那你会问,什么是邪恶? Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more 邪恶是上瘾的道德扭曲的欲望 Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-pulsive pursuit of some pot of gold 是强迫自己无休止地觊觎 at the end of some rainbow which doesn"t exist 那些并不存在的梦幻 Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost 邪恶是你内心不惜一切代价获取经济利益的价格标签 Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again 是贪得无厌,索取幸福 until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone 直到那些虚幻的蜃景消逝 Make more time 让时间更有意义 I"m not saying you can"t be financially successful 我并不是说你不能在经济上取得成功 I"m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success 我是说有一个伟大的生活目标会超越经济方面的成功 Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling 你的灵魂在尖叫着等你最真切的回应 You can change today if you redefine what success is to you 如果你重新定义成功,你可能改变自己的现状 You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones 你可能改善并重新建立你的人际关系 You can five yourself and others who"ve hurt you 你可能原谅自己和伤害过你的人 You can bee a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like 在你仰慕的人的指导下你也可能成为一个领导 You can re-balance your priorities in life 你可以重新调整生活的重心 You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible 你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建真爱 You can bee the best parent possible at any age – even 86 你在任何年纪都能成为最好的父母,甚至在86岁 but don"t wait until then… 但千万别等到那时 You will always be able to make more money 你将来可能会赚很多钱 But you cannot make more time 却得不到更多时间

Old Times Sake 歌词

歌曲名:Old Times Sake歌手:Luciano专辑:Love & JusticeEminem - Old Time"s Sake(Feat. Dr.Dre)(Eminem)Good evening... This is your fucking captain speakingWe will soon be reaching an altitude of 4 million and a half feetThat"s 8 million miles in the skyPlease undo your seatbelt for takeoffYou are now free to smoke up out the cabinet(Dr. Dre)I"m Dre from back in the day fromNWA from black and the grey fromChokin" a bitch to smackin" her face fromStackin" up bodies to rackin" the K"s up?From rackin" up hits to stackin" the crates upI"m still hungry and I"m back with a tapewormAnd what was happenin" in rap entertainmentMe and Shady, far as competition faggot there ain"t none(Eminem)Speak of the devil, it"s attack of the RainmanChainsaw in hand, blood stain on my apronSoon as the blade spun, vrum they run away fromWho wanna play dungeon, no one is safe fromIn search of a brain surgeon, a great oneWait it ain"t funny man, it"s urgent i need oneTwo boxes of detergent and a paint gunAnd an emergency squirt gun to spray-a one(Chorus)So one more time for old time"s sakeDre drop that beat and scratch that breakAnd just blow a little bit of that smoke my wayAnd let"s go (You"re now smokin" with the best, best)I said one more time for old time"s sakeDre drop that beat and scratch that breakAnd just send a little bit of that smoke my wayAnd let"s go (You"re now smokin" with the best, best)(Eminem)Smoke signal in the sky like verizon wirelessA nice environment, suprise entirelyhypnotized by the sound I surround the hydrantTakin" lives of firemen, say goodbye here I am againNaked wives and vicodinBefore I begin to get to so high pussyboy I could spinVin vin Fuck the handle, I fly off the hingeLet the boy off the bench coach, and throw it to himThere he goes in his trenchcoat, no clothes againBaby make us some french toast and show us some skinI show you every inch grows in my foreskinShow me nipple, I pinch both and throw up a tenNow you know it"s a sin to tease, blow us againThe sorceror of intercourse, if it"s forced it"s himDon"t fight the feelin" if you"re feeling the force withinWhen you wake up in the mornin" next to the porcelain(Chorus)So one more time for old time"s sakeDre drop that beat and scratch that breakAnd just blow a little bit of that smoke my wayAnd let"s go (You"re now smokin" with the best, best)I said one more time for old time"s sakeDre drop that beat and scratch that breakAnd just send a little bit of that smoke my wayAnd let"s go (You"re now smokin" with the best, best)(Dr.Dre)Now when there"s smoke there"s fireWhen there"s fire there"s flamesWhen there"s flames there"s ChronicEither you high or you ain"tI got no time for no games(Eminem)Naah uh he ain"t playin"He"s gon" get the AK and aim it right at your bra-ainI"m slightly insa-ane, back on CreatineHypnotic and red bull, it"s an incredible energy drinkAnd It"s givin" me wings, I believe I can flyWhile I pee on a girl, you won"t catch me CSIIt"s as easy as pie, and as simple as cakeDre get on the mic and make "em tremble and shake(Dr.Dre)Now put your smoke up in the air, raise your Henny and CokeAnd if you really wanna get fucked up, just let me knowWe can smoke "til there"s no more lighter fluid to do itLet"s get in to it, your smokin" with the triedest and truestI got the midas touch, when it comes to rollin" shit upYou mother fuckers ain"t smokin" you just holdin" shit upNow here we go let"s get up, get down, hold up a bluntI smoke the kind of stuff that makes the records go number oneCause if at first you don"t succeed, won"t hurt to smoke some weedNow them words are just a little more personal for meSeein" as how, I blew up off from puffin" them trees(Eminem)We"re smokin" up for me, fuck yeah light it up cheechCmon smoke me out cuz, gimme contact buzzGet me on track, they love me when I"m on that stuffBut this is earth callin", Shady man cmon back (What)Man we"re losin" him, he won"t even respond back (Fuck)Now look at all the pretty women in here (Damn Bitches)Dre it"s hot, I think he better go check on their temperaturesI"ll get the thermometer, you get the bandagesNow baby just bend over, just more of the damn bitches(Chorus)Give me one more time for old time"s sakeDre drop that beat and scratch that breakAnd just blow a little bit of that smoke my wayAnd let"s go (You"re now smokin" with the best, best)I said one more time for old time"s sakeDre drop that beat and scratch that breakAnd just send a little bit of that smoke my wayAnd let"s go (You"re now smokin" with the best, best)http://music.baidu.com/song/8100784

my view on free time的英语作文

My view on part-time jobs Some people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school. While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study. In my opinion, I think part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages. 一些人说大学生应该去兼职,因为他们有很多空余的时间。而另外一些人则认为参加做兼职会对学习有负面影响。在我看来,我认为兼职有利有弊。 On one hand, part-time jobs can broaden students" horizon and make their free time more colorful. They do not only have the life on campus but also have many social activities. In this way, they can lead to a varied life. What"s more, their personal development can be enhancing to a better level. Some part-time jobs can have great contribute to the society. For instance, to be a volunteer in the orphanage, or do some cleaning for the community. Through these work, the students will realize their personal value and know that they are capable people. The part-time jobs also help the students to realize that making money is not easy, they should appreciate that their parents hard working. With the money they earn, they can buy the things they want and reduce the family"s economic burdens. 一方面,兼职能够扩宽学生的眼界让他们的课余生活更加丰富多彩。学生们不光光有校园生活,也有诸多的社会活动。在这种情况下,他们的生活多姿多彩。更重要的是,他们的个人发展能上升到一个更好的水平。一些兼职,能对社会有很大的贡献。例如说,去孤儿院当志愿者,或者会社区做些清洁工作。通过这些工作,学生们会体会到个人价值,知道自己是个有用的人。而兼职也让学生们知道挣钱不易,他们应该体谅父母的辛勤劳动。通过兼职赚了钱,就能够减轻家里面的经济负担了。 On the other hand, part-time jobs could have negative effects, too. The part-time jobs may take up too much of the free time that students would have no time to relax and study. What"s worse, some students may play truant in order to make more money. Some students even go to jail because they come under the influence of bad people through part-time jobs. 另一方面,兼职也会有负面影响。兼职会占用过多的空闲时间导致学生没空学习休息。更糟糕的是,一些学 生可能会旷课去兼职,以此赚取更多的钱。一些学生甚至进了监狱因为在业余工作中受到坏人的影响。 In conclusion, doing part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages. Students have to find a balance between their study and the jobs. After all, the main job of the students is to study. 总的来说,做兼职有利有弊。学生们应该在兼职和学习中找到平衡点。毕竟,学生的主要工作是学习。

大学英语作文how to spend your free time怎么写?

Now I am a university student . I have been accustomed to the new life because I find the college life is so interesting that I have been attracted so much. So i think as a college student we have many things to do . First I think we should take as many activities as we can to train ourselves and in the meanwhile we can learn a lot from others.Second we should try to devote more time to learning because it is a good place for us to learn . There are varieties of books in the library and many intelligent people.They are all we can learn from. Finally we should spare some time to do volunteer work, which is significant to society.

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Last checked: Fri Dec 19 11:35:10 2014Check interval: 15552000 (6 months)Next check after: Wed Jun 17 11:35:10 2015Lifetime writes: 32 GBReserved blocks uid: 0 (user root)Reserved blocks gid: 0 (group root)


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翻译一般要词组放在句子里, 最好不要单独拆出来。

谁知道Real Networks、Windows Media、QuickTime三种流媒体技术的不同的特点啊

什么是流媒体? 目前,在网络上传输音/视频等多媒体信息有两种解决方案,即http或ftp下载以及流式传输。 http、ftp下载使用标准的http、ftp协议,但由于多媒体信息容量巨大,下载多媒体文件需要几分钟或几个小时的时间,这就造成为了看一个并不清楚内容的视频,首先需要耗费可能比整个视频都要长的时间来完成下载。这些被下载的文件还必须在下载前制作完成,放在网络服务器上,这样造成的直接后果就是:网络带宽不断提高,人们下载的等待时间越来越少,但最终还是不能观看网上现场直播。相信众球迷们更是无法作到。 流式传输时,声音、影像或动画等多媒体信息由流媒体服务器向用户计算机连续、实时的传送,它首先在使用者端的电脑上创建一个缓冲区,于播放前预先下载一段资料作为缓冲,用户不必等到整个文件全部下载完毕,而只需经过几秒或十数秒的启动延时即可进行观看。当多媒体信息在客户机上播放时,文件的剩余部分将在后台从服务器内继续下载。如果网络连接速度小于播放的多媒体信息需要的速度时,播放程序就会取用先前建立的一小段缓冲区内的资料,避免播放的中断,使得播放品质得以维持。 流式传输除了能够发送已经制作完成的文件外,还可以通过采集服务器实时采集现场音视频,推送到流媒体服务器端,实时提供给用户。因此,流媒体除了能够更好的承担如下载一样的多媒体点播服务外,更能够应用在现场直播、电视转播、突发事件报道等多种对实时性传输要求较高的领域。 流媒体的厂商 流媒体的市场如此巨大,世界上许多厂商都加入此行列,现阶段更是系统集成商竞争的风水宝地。在通用市场上,竞争的公司主要有三个:Microsoft、RealNetworks、Apple,而相应的产品就是:Windows Media、Real Media、QuickTime。而近来,以开发Winamp著名的Nullsoft公司也在自己的MP3服务器中加入了视频支持,欲在流媒体市场分一杯羹。 今天在这里我主要给大家介绍一下最为成熟的Microsoft、RealPlayer的产品。 流媒体的传输协议 大家在观看网上电影或者电视时,一般都会注意到文件的连接都不是用http或者ftp开头,而是以rtsp或者mms开头。实际上,这些和http和ftp一样,都是数据在网络上传输的协议,只是它们是专门用作传输流式媒体。 目前使用的主要的流媒体协议: 1. RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol),实时流媒体协议,它是由RealNetworks和Netscape共同提出的,现在用于RealNetworks的Real Media产品中; 2. PNM(Progressive Networks Audio),这也是Real专用的实时传输协议,它一般采用UDP协议,并占用7070端口,但当你的服务器在防火墙内且7070端口被挡,且你的服务器把SmartingNetwork设为真时,则采用http协议,并占用默认的80端口; 3. MMS(Microsoft Media Server protocol),这是微软的流媒体服务器协议,MMS 是连接 Windows Media 单播服务的默认方法。 流媒体文件和发布格式 有了实时的传输协议,我们应该还能够想到,只有较小的文件才适合网络实时传输,那么,流媒体文件采用了什么样的压缩算法呢? 而使用Windows操作系统的朋友可以看到,我们观看网上流节目时,它们的后缀名一般是rm、asf、wmv等,这些就是流媒体的格式。流媒体文件格式经过特殊编码,不仅采用较高的压缩比,还加入了许多控制信息,使其适合在网络上边下载边播放,而不是等到下载完整个文件才能播放。 常见的流媒体格式大致有以下几种: 流媒体文件格式扩展(Video/Audio) 媒体类型与名称 asf Advanced Streaming format (Microsoft) rm Real Video/Audio 文件 (Progressive Networks) ra Real Audio 文件 (Progressive Networks) rp Real Pix 文件 (Progressive Networks) rt Real Text 文件 (Progressive Networks) swf Shock Wave Flash (Macromedia) mov QuickTime(Apple公司格式) viv Vivo Movie 文件(Vivo Software) 另外还有一个wmv格式,是Windows Media Video的简称,它与asf文件有稍许区别,wmv一般采用window media video/audio 格式,asf视频部分一般采用Microsoft MPG4 V(3/2/1),音频部分是windows media audio v2/1,不过现在很多制作软件都没有把它们分开,所以直接更改后缀名就能够互相转换为对方格式。 制作完成的流媒体文件需要发布到网络上才能够被别人使用,这就需要以特定方式安排压缩好的流媒体文件,而安排流媒体文件的格式就被成为流媒体发布格式。常见的发布格式主要有以下几种:流媒体发布格式扩展 媒体类型和名称 asf Advanced Streaming format. smil Synchronised Multimedia Integration Language. ram RAM File. rpm Embedded RAM File. asx ASF Stream Redirector/ASF流转向器文件 xml eXtensible Markup Language MPEG-4与流媒体 说到流媒体就不能不提及MPEG-4。MPEG-4是当前讨论的焦点之一,只因为它能够在大的压缩比下实现近似DVD品质的视频和音频效果,这也是许多朋友认为MPEG-4格式肯定比rm清晰的原因。但事实上并不是如此,MPEG-4只是一种视频编码技术,它的清晰度也根据压缩时所选择的码率的不同有较大的改变(我们见到的MPEG-4格式文件通常为500Kbps压缩生成,质量当然高了),并且,MPEG-4还有多种压缩标准,如Microsoft的asf视频部分就是基于MPEG-4的Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT),另外还有DivX的免费MPEG-4版本(开始是破解微软的格式而来)。至于音频部分,更是混乱,Microsoft采用windows media audio v2/1,DivX采用MP3或者更高质量的AC3等。相比而言,Real或者Apple的格式使用的是自己开发的编码,在相同码率,特别是低码率下,不见得就比MPEG-4差,采取高码率的rm格式照样清晰可人,所以大家以后说rm格式清晰度差的观念要改变一下:),至少也要加上条件。而且,最新的Helix Producer中的Real Video 9采用VP5压缩格式进行编码,这可比DivX优秀多了! 不过,流媒体服务器开始向MPEG-4格式靠拢是不争的事实,Real最新的Helix就开始支持mp4格式文件的服务,而RealOne Player更是只需安装一个插件便可实现MPEG-4格式的播放。流媒体目前分为三个阵营:微软的Windows Media,RealNetworks的Real Media以及Apple的QuickTime,三个阵营泾渭分明,各自有一套播放软件,互不买账,除了Real Networks的RealOne Player能支持其它的两种格式外,微软和Apple则坚持死守自己的阵地。但RealOne Player并不是播放流媒体格式的最佳选择,首先它不是免费的,其次它的这种支持并不完美,另外它庞大的体积和繁杂的界面也让人颇有微词,这就使得我们常常陷入了在一个系统中安装三个播放软件的尴尬境地。 一、标准的流媒体播放器 但不管怎么说,如果喜欢在线收看流媒体节目,官方播放器始终是最佳选择。 1.Windows Media Player 9 附带在Windows中的Windows Media Player总有种强加于人的感觉,不过最新的9.0可以改变人们的这种看法了,颇具亲和力的界面,强大的媒体管理及音频制作功能足以让人耳目一新了。它是播放微软ASF、WMV、WMA的最佳工具。 2.RealOne Player 2 它有万能播放软件之称,能支持微软和Apple的流媒体格式,同样也能制作音乐CD和管理媒体文件。对RealNetworks的RM、RMVB、RA等支持肯定是最好的。曾经有一段时间,它是惟一能播放RMVB格式的播放器。 3.QuickTime Player 6.3 很多多媒体软件需要Apple的QuickTime的支持,比较典型的就是ACDSee。QuickTime Player除了能播放MOV等QuickTime媒体外,还提供了QuickTime媒体的下载和格式转换功能,这使它在流媒体播放器中显得比较另类。

怎样取消QuickTime作为 浏览器默认的流媒体播放器?


我的天网maze一运行就出现runtime 无法再运行



还有CRI,全称是china radio international.FM91。5

once upon a time翻译

意思是“从前,很久 很久以前”。“before”是一个英语伍乎单词,常用作介词和副词,表示在某个事件或行动之前,也可以表示在某个时间点之前。在口语和书面语中镇橘颂都非常常见。作为介词,before通常后面接名词或动名词,表示在某个事件或行动之前的时间或位置。例如,在交通路口,我们必须先停下来才能在before the crosswalk(斑马线前)等待,等到绿灯亮起后才能继续前行。作为副词,before则通常修饰动词或形容词,表示在某个时间点之前。例如,我们可以说“Please arrive before 9 o"clock”(请在9点之前到达),或者“Please finish your homework before you go out”(请在出门之前完成你的作业)。用“before”造句:1、Please finish your work before you leave.(请在离开前完成你的工作。)2、He had never been to Europe before.(御郑他之前从未去过欧洲。)3、I always have a cup of coffee before I start work.(我开始工作前总是喝一杯咖啡。)4、You should read the instructions before you start using the machine.(在使用机器前应该先阅读说明书。)5、I had met her once before.(我之前见过她一次。)

时间过得很快 用英语怎么说 是time fly quickly 还是 time fly fast 为什么?


《《(HP)time traveler》芸曦》最新txt全集下载

《(HP)time traveler》芸曦 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:这是1970年的一个夏日的傍晚,和往常一样,人们步履匆匆的走在街上。昏暗的夜空下蜘蛛尾巷看起来阴森恐怖,很多家长都告诉自己的孩子不要在夜晚出没在那里。这时,一个衣着破烂,哆哆嗦嗦并且瘦弱可怜的小男孩蹒跚的走在小巷的路上,他叫西弗勒斯.斯内普,一个仅仅十岁的男孩,当然叫他小男巫更合适。今天他因为不小心在家里使用了魔法,又被他的混蛋父亲暴打了一顿,并且赶出了家门。流浪的生活他已经习惯了,独自生活在黑暗中,在逆境里面寻求容身之地,经过这几年的锻炼,已经融入了他的骨血中。小巷中偶尔几栋亮着灯的房子,传出饭菜的香气,让他这个一天没有吃饭了的孩子有些羡慕。突然,他感受到了自己面前的空气有些微微波动,长时间出没在蜘蛛尾巷这种不安全的地方,使他的反应尤为迅速。他警惕的看着前方,做出了面对危险的准备。“不要害怕,我没什么时间了,我也不知道什么时候就会被送回去,所以请好好听明白我接下来的话。我是未来的你,未来……应该是全本了

Time Traveler 歌词

歌曲名:Time Traveler歌手:Rurutia专辑:Chorion07.Time Traveler /时光旅人词,曲,歌:Rurutia翻译:未知 (引自www.rurutia.org)シェイドを突き抜け 强すぎる日差しが /强烈的日光 穿透了阴影真っ直ぐに伸びた道を歪める /弯曲了一直向前延伸的道路コンクリートと白く浊った空の间で /在混凝土和白浊的天空之间积み上げてはまた壊して 灰だらけの世界で /在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏仆らは未来へと歩いてく /我们向着未来走去お腹を空かせて 小さく鸣いてる /轻轻的抱起那只痩せた子猫をそっと抱き上げる /肚子饿得咕咕响的瘦小的猫仔一つしかないこの星に 线を引くのは何故 /为何有一颗流星划出一条线夺い去ってくのは 谁 /那夺去的是谁皮肤の色や形や生まれた场所で /在肤色和形态各异的地方命の重さが変わる /生命的重量发生了变化そんな事が许されるはずないだろう /那样的事应该不会被允许吧でも 争いはまだ続いてて /可是争斗还在继续着铳声の音が届かない场所でもやっぱり /即使在没有枪声地方赤い血は流れていく /仍然流淌着红色的血积み上げてはまた壊して 灰だらけの世界で /在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏仆らは未来へと歩いてる /我们向着未来走去http://music.baidu.com/song/284786


time traveler时间旅行者双语对照词典结果:Time Traveler时光旅人(书名); 超时空女郎(电影名); 时间旅行; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.So you"re a time traveler? 你能做时空旅行?-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

Time Traveler是什么意思

Time Traveler 时间旅行者 双语对照 词典结果: Time Traveler 时光旅人(书名); 超时空女郎(电影名); 时间旅行; 很高兴为您解答 您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,

你们溜冰的时间到了吗?英文翻译 Is it time( ) roller skating.


sometime 与one day用法区别


求John Milton"On Time"中文翻译,望高手不吝赐教

On time——John Milton2009-07-11 22:09我们静静沐浴在繁星余辉中,傲视着一切死亡、命运和时间!— 约翰·弥尔顿《On time》Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race,Call on the lazy leaden-stepping hours,Whose speed is but the heavy plummet"s pace;And glut thyself with what thy womb devours,Which is no more than what is false and vain,And merely mortal dross;So little is our loss,So little is thy gain.For when as each thing bad thou hast intombed,And last of all thy greedy self consumed,Then long Eternity shall greet our blissWith an individual kiss,And Joy shall overtake us as a flood;When every thing that is sincerely goodAnd perfectly divine,With truth, and peace, and love, shall ever shineAbout the supreme throneOf Him, t" whose happy-making sight aloneWhen once our heav"nly-guided soul shall climb,Then, all this earthly grossness quit,Attired with stars, we shall for ever sit,Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee, O Time... ——John Milton无情的时间飞速掠过,直至人们无法跟上它的步伐,而后开始悄然流淌,正如沉重的铅锤般缓缓坠落。人们惯常为之孜孜以求的,无非尽是些谬误与徒劳,甚至一些无用残渣,我们尽管毫无损失,但同时亦将收获甚微。当周围一切都归于平寂,勃勃野心亦将烟消云散,唯余永恒在迎接我们祝福,同时带来神秘的亲吻,我们将被巨大喜悦充溢全身,因为此时所有一切都如此俊美,处处绽放出神圣光辉。真理、和平和爱情,争相熠熠夺目,为至高无上的王者增添光彩,在其炯炯目光注视下,苦难深重的灵魂终于得到救赎,所有烦扰纷争俱已化为无形,我们静静沐浴在繁星余辉中,傲视着一切死亡、命运和时间。— 约翰·弥尔顿


door to needle time的中文翻译door to needle time 门到针时间

Sometime Sunday的《Needle》 歌词

歌曲名:Needle歌手:Sometime Sunday专辑:DrainNeedHana PestleI"m not quite sure how to breathe without you hereI"m not quite sure if I"m ready to say goodbyeTo all we wereBe with meStay with meJust for nowLet the time decideWhen I won"t need youMy hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?Can I feel anyore?Lie to me, I"m fadingI can"t drop youTell me, I don"t need youMy hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?Etch this into my brain for meTell me, how it"s supposed to beWhere everything will goAnd how I"ll be without you by my sideMy hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?My hand searches for your handIn a dark roomI can"t find youHelp meAre you looking for me?http://music.baidu.com/song/2773862

请问中国时间的英语是China time还是Chinese time?


英语China Standard Time怎么翻译?

China Standard Time的中文意思是:中国标准时间

prompt timely 有什么区别?

prompt 快速。We need prompt react.主动timely 及时。We need the timely react.被动

两条横线,填If time permits的同义词,用英文,急求急求

这个问题你会答吗? 如果你知道问题的答案,不如花几分钟帮助他~

如果时间允许的话 用英语表达为什么用If time permits 不用?

permit ,是动词,不是形容词哦






opti-mem和dmem区别为opti-mem释义为adj.最适宜的n.最佳效果;最适宜条件;[生物学] 最适度。dmem是一种含各种氨基酸和葡萄糖的培养基,是在MEM培养基的基础上研制的。与MEM比较增加了各种成分用量,同时又分为高糖型(低于4500mg/L)和低糖型(低于1000mg/L)。高糖型有利于细胞停泊于一个位置生长,适于生长较快、附着较困难肿瘤细胞等。

占用了某人。。时间,occupy sb sometime, 还是occupy sb for sometime

take one"s time,习惯用法

保险丝 说明中 的time lag 和 slo-blo 是什么意思?

time lag 和 slo-blo =>延时 和 慢断

加班单 英语 加班单正确的说法是什么? 是overtime sheet么?


关于stadying overtime的英语作文

Stadying overtime坚定的加班 Stadying overtime is a big problem.坚定的加班会是个大问题。I think it will give you some health problem.我觉得它也给人们带来了健康的问题。So I was not approve for this.所以,我不赞成过度加班。I think that the body is the first important stuff,if you have had the good body,you can do anything.我认为第一,加班对身体不好。And I also think that stady overtime you will haven"t to much insprit to do something,and not efficient.并且我也认为过度的加班导致了不能够使人集中注意力在你的工作上(因为已经过于劳累),(这么说来它)也是没有效率的。I think that if you have had more work,you can stady overtime,but not often.我认为如果你有更多的工作,你可以坚定的决定加班,但是,不是经常。If you also can"t finish your work,I think that you should be pay attention to taking your working skills,got some experience,you also can ask for your colleauge.如果你还是没有完成你的工作,我觉得你应该需要注意你的工作技巧和得到一些好的工作经验,你也可以请教你的同事。But if you come to a new company,I think that perhaps you should be work overtime for two months to six months.I don"t like working overtime too much,but I think that sometimes is ok.But you should be try to finish your work at your working time,I think that it"s a good idea.但是,如果你来到了一家新公司,我想可能在2个月到6个月的时间里,过度加班是需要的。我不喜欢过度的加班,但是,我认为有时候适当的一些加班还是需要的(若你无法及时完成你的工作)。但是,我觉得你应该还是要尽可能的在你的工作时间完成你的工作,我想它不失为一个好点子。

英语有词首爆破吗,have a good time。能说have a goodime吗




在……时期是in the time of还是during the time of


找一首歌。歌词里有一句“it s been a too long time”

是Cake的Long Time吧

ready for the times to get bet 这首歌的中文意思谁帮我翻译出来啊

ready for the time to get betterit"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.i"ve got to tell you i"ve been racking my brain hoping to find a way out. i"ve had enough of this continual rain changes are coming, no doubt. it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.you seem to want from me what i cannot give. i feel so lonesome at times. i have a dream that i wish i could live it"s burning holes in my mind. it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better. na,na,na............ it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better. it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better. 《迎接美好时光》心绪不宁有好长一段时间了。 我打算要好好改换一下心境了。 老实告诉你,我近来挖空心思地想, 就是想找个出路。 下个不停的雨,简直让我烦透了。 这一切就要改变了,无疑的。心绪不宁有好长一段时间了。 我打算要好好改换一下心境了。 你想要的,我无法给你。 有时我真的觉得好寂寞。 在我梦里,我盼望活下去。 这个欲望,烧得我五内具焚。 我太烦乱了, 我需要定下来,好好地改变一下了。心绪不宁有好长一段时间了。 我打算要好好改换一下心境了. (重复..)

英文慢摇歌词里有to long time是什么歌

应该是 (it s been a too long time)ready for the times to get better -crystal gayleit"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.i"ve got to tell you i"ve been racking my brain hoping to find a way out.i"ve had enough of this continual rainchanges are coming, no doubt.it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.you seem to want from me what i cannot give.i feel so lonesome at times.i have a dream that i wish i could liveit"s burning holes in my mind.it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.na,na,na............it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.(music)it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.fade out...参考资料:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?

如何在 Yosemite 控制 Time Capsule 的 Time Machine 备份大小

要知道 Time Machine 是增量备份的,而 Time Capsule 至少 2 TB 的容量可以备份至少3年的内容(以 256 GB 硬盘容量为例)。老实说,6个月前的东西都不一定记得清楚了,现在给你3年前的数据,其实也并没什么卵用。 而 Time Capsule 最烦人的一点是无法对其进行分区,因此,如果用 Time Capsule 来放资料,可能某一天就会发现,可用的储存空间正在一步一步被 Time Machine 的备份蚕食。 所以,这里参考了威锋网关于 《Time Capsule控制Time Machine的备份大小的方法》 的帖子,稍作修改,让方法可应用在 OS X Yosemite 上。 为了更快的速度,建议以下所有步骤通过以太网连接进行。 1. 打开「Airport 实用工具」。 2. 点选你的 Time Capsule 并按「编辑」。 3. 点选「磁盘」选项卡,选择分区并按「抹掉磁盘」。 4. 修改「名称」(如有需要)并 [1] 按「抹掉」,然后按「继续」。此时你的 Time Capsule 会重启,期间指示灯会变成闪动的琥珀色。 1. 打开「Time Machine」。 2. 这是会弹出一个「您尚未选择 Time Machine 的备份位置」的通知,点按「设置 Time Machine」。 3. 在弹出的 Time Machine 配置框中,确认左边 Time Machine 的「开关」为「开」,然后点按「选择备份磁盘」。 4. 点选刚才格式化了的磁盘(如案例中为:Nerve)并按「使用磁盘」。 5. 输入 Time Capsule 的密码并按「连接」。之后会提示正在连接你的 Time Capsule(如案例中为:正在连接“fei-TC”)。 6. 连接成功后,Time Machine 就会在自动倒数约120秒后开始备份。这时打开 Finder,在边栏下方点选你的 Time Capsule(如案例中为:fei-TC),双击打开 XXX(如案例中为:Nerve),确认生成「XXX.sparsebundle」文件(如案例中为:fei-rMBP.sparsebundle)。 注意: 7. 在 Time Machine 备份约 2 GB 时「停止备份」。(2 GB 不是一个必须的数字,只是为了确保上一步生成的 .sparsebundle 文件不再是临时文件而已)这时如果按「cmd + i」显示该文件的简介,会发现其大小约比你停止备份时的内容多几百 MB 到 1 GB 左右。 1. 打开「磁盘工具」。 2. 按「opt + cmd + o」打开磁盘映像(或通过点按工具栏的「文件」-「打开磁盘映像」),选择刚才那个 .sparsebundle 文件。这时会弹出一个「附上映像」的进度框,稍等即可。成功后边栏会出现 XXX.sparsebundle 的映像文件和其下的「Time Machine 备份」盘,且桌面会出现「Time Machine 备份」盘。 3. 点选边栏的 XXX.sparsebundle 映像(如案例中为:fei-rMBP.sparsebundle),然后点选右边的「抹掉」选项卡并按「抹掉」。在弹出的确认框按「抹掉」。 4. 点选边栏的 XXX.sparsebundle 映像(如案例中为:fei-rMBP.sparsebundle),然后点选右边的「分区」选项卡,在下方选择分区布局为「2个分区」,继续选择上面「未命名 1」那个分区,在分区信息里修改分区名称和大小(如案例中为:Time Machine 和 750 GB [1] ),最后按「应用」。在弹出的确认框按「分区」。 5. 成功后边栏和桌面均会出现两个分区,分别为「XXX」(如案例中为:Time Machine)和「未命名 2」。这时点选边栏的 XXX.sparsebundle 映像(如案例中为:fei-rMBP.sparsebundle),然后点选右边的「分区」选项卡,在下方的分区布局选择下面「未命名 2」那个分区,最后按「-(减号)」。在弹出的确认框按「移除」。 6. 成功后边栏和桌面则只剩下一个分区(如案例中为:Time Machine)。重新执行一次 Time Machine 备份(包括重新选择磁盘)即可。 7. 这时你可能从 Time Machine 看到显示的可用磁盘空间仍然是 2 GB 没变,而只要再次打开「磁盘工具」,点选「Time Machine」,就会发现磁盘的 icon 已经改变,证明已经被 Time Machine 使用,且容量是 999.13 GB。 到此为止,所有设置均已完成。可以好好利用剩下的空间啦~

是时候采取措施来保护珍稀野生动物了用it is time that英语怎么说?

It"s time to take some measures to protect the rare wild animals.

times up和time up一样的吗?有区别?

没有time up的用法time"s up 时间到了望采纳

what a perfect time为什么加a

这个a是对于后面prefect time整体这个短语的一个修饰,将prefect time看成一个整体,就是一个名词性的短语,虽然time不可数,但在这里time和前面的prefect连一起翻译成好时光,这里它就指的是好时光这件事,所以当翻译成好时光的时候它就成了可数名词,因此必须加冠词,这个what a prefect time同what a good time一样成了一种固定搭配,通常指玩的愉快,就例如have a good time通常用于当别人表示出去旅游时对别人的一种祝福语或者表示自身的旅游玩得很开心的一种感受。但是在其它地方time是不可数的前面不能加不定冠词a一样。

one step at a time-jordin sparks 中英对照翻译歌词

hurry up and wait 加快速度可是仍然等待 so close, but so far away 尽管靠近却依然遥远 everything that you"ve always dreamed of 每一件你常常梦想的事情 close enough for you to taste 与你的期待已经如此的接近 but you just can"t touch 而你却就是不能触及 you wanna show the world, 你想要向世界展示你自己 but no one knows your name yet 而还没有人知道你的名字呢 wonder when and where and how you"re gonna make it 你总是在好奇在什么时候在什么地方你能做到 you know you can if you get the chance 你自信你能做到只要你能抓住这机会 in your face as the door keeps slamming 可你脸上写着通向机会的门好像总是关着 now you"re feeling more and more frustrated 现在你感觉到越来越失望和挫败 and you"re getting all kind of impatient waiting 所以现在的你那样不耐烦的等待 we live and we learn to take 我们生活着并学习着如何去 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 you believe and you doubt 你确信着同时又怀疑着 you"re confused, you got it all figured out 你很疑惑,你计算着 everything that you wished for could be yours, should be yours, would be yours 一切你希望的事情可以成为你的,应该成为你的,总会成为你的 if they only knew 只要他们知道 you wanna show the world, 你想要向世界展示你自己 but no one knows your name yet 而还没有人知道你的名字呢 wonder when and where and how you"re gonna make it 你总是在好奇在什么时候在什么地方你能做到 you know you can if you get the chance 你自信你能做到只要你能抓住这机会 in your face as the door keeps slamming 可你脸上写着通向机会的门好像总是关着 now you"re feeling more and more frustrated 现在你感觉到越来越失望和挫败 and you"re getting all kind of impatient waiting 所以现在的你那样不耐烦的等待 we live and we learn to take 我们生活着并学习着如何去 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 when you can"t wait any longer 当你再也不能等待的时候 but there"s no end in sight 而你的眼界却依然高远 it"s the faith that makes you stronger the only way you get there 记住那唯一的真理能让你更强大并达到你的目标 is one step at a time 就是一步一个脚印啊 take one step at a time 一步一个脚印的走下去吧 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 one step at a time 一步一个脚印 there"s no need to rush 真的没有必要着急 it"s like learning to fly 这就像学习飞翔一样 or falling in love 或是坠入爱河一样 it"s gonna happen and it"s supposed to happen that we find the reasons why 它总会发生只要我们找到它的原因 on step at a time 一步一个脚印 哈哈.完成~!^^

奥巴马4月26日电视讲话说it is time to ten-ten ,这个ten-ten是什么意思

  ten dollars and ten cents an hour,每小时10.10$,奥巴马推动的最低工资计划。  现行联邦基本工资于2009年7月24日起生效,为每小时7.25美元,但多数各州另有规定州立基本工资,区间约为每小时5.15至8.8美元。美国国会原来有意将最低工资,在2014年前逐年提高至每小时9.8美元,奥巴马和拜登要把最低工资提高到新水平。  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          Obama: Tell Republicans It"s Time For “Ten-ten”   04/28/2014 6:00 am PST    Mark Truppner, MML Reporter  ……     Yasmin"s right. That"s why, two months ago, I issued an 【Executive Order requiring workers on new federal contracts to be paid a fair wage of at least ten dollars and ten cents an hour.】  ……  But in order to make a difference for every American, Congress needs to do something. And America knows it. 【Right now, there"s a bill that would boost America"s minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents an hour.】 That would lift wages for nearly 28 million Americans across the country. 28 million. And we"re not just talking about young people on their first job. The average minimum wage worker is 35 years old. They work hard, often in physically demanding jobs.  ……        And if you agree with us, we could use your help. Republicans have voted more than 50 times to undermine or repeal health care for millions of Americans. They should vote at least once to raise the minimum wage for millions of working families. If a Republican in Congress represents you, tell him or her it"s time to give the politics a rest for a while and do something to help working Americans. 【 It"s time for “ten-ten.” It"s time to give America a raise.】  国内有过报道——  人民网纽约3月28日电(王笑盈) 美国总统奥巴马曾在2014年年初的国情咨文中宣布行政命令,将联邦系统员工的每小时最低工资从7.25美元上涨到10.10美元。他同时呼吁在全国范围内也同样进行类似的最低工资上调。‍  这么说,是一种强化政策印象的修辞。另外,仿拟了日本动漫《火影忍者》中的人物名Ten ten(中译“天天”)。Tenten (テンテン, Tenten) is a member of Konohagakure"s Team Guy.

Time and how we experience ...


英语专八必备范文:Part-time Job

  In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.   In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is virtually unheard of. In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their "job". In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job. Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for students to work while studying.   While it is true that a studentu2019s most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a studentu2019s life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.   For all of these reasons, I firmly believe that most students would benefit from taking a part-time job while they are in high school. Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility. In sum, living a balanced life is the best way to be successful.





sound time和rhyme time什么意思

Sound Time网络音乐钟双语例句1Ability to deal with multi-tasks andflexiblewith sound time management. 较好的时间管理能力,能同时处理多个任务。rhyme time网络歌谣时间双语例句1At least he got itto rhyme this time. 至少这次他写得还像诗了。

rhyme time是什么意思



那电影超没劲啊。一个女特工带着婴儿宝宝 - -

time stamped date是什么意思

time stamped date时间加盖日期双语例句1DBT generates date and time stamped filenames for your backup files to keep snapshots of your data at various points in time.DBT产生日期和用于不断要求你的数据的快照的你的备份文件的时间被印上的文件名不同的点及时。2Here"s gavilan drinking on duty. we"ve got photos, date, time-stamped这是gavilan当班的时候喝酒.我们有照片,日期,还印着时间


你把Timer 改成setTime 试一下.

undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time是什么意思?

undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time限期治理

Praying For Time 歌词

歌曲名:Praying For Time歌手:George Michael专辑:Listen Without Prejudice(George Michael)These are the days of the open handThey will not be the lastLook around nowThese are the days of the beggars and the choosersThis is the year of the hungry manWhose place is in the pastHand in hand with ignoranceAnd legitimate excusesThe rich declare themselves poorAnd most of us are not sureIf we have too muchBut we"ll take our chancesBecause god"s stopped keeping scoreI guess somewhere along the wayHe must have let us alt out to playTurned his back and all god"s childrenCrept out the back doorAnd it"s hard to love, there"s so much to hateHanging on to hopeWhen there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateWell maybe we should all be praying for timeThese are the days of the empty handOh you hold on to what you canAnd charity is a coat you wear twice a yearThis is the year of the guilty manYour television takes a standAnd you find that what was over there is over hereSo you scream from behind your doorSay "what"s mine is mine and not yours"I may have too much but i"ll take my chancesBecause god"s stopped keeping scoreAnd you cling to the things they sold youDid you cover your eyes when they told youThat he can"t come backBeacuse he has no children to come back forIt"s hard to love there"s so much to hateHanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateSo maybe we should all be praying for timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1744896

谁知道praying for time 的歌词?

歌词:Praying For TimeGeorge MichaelThese are the days of the open handThey might just be the lastLook around nowThese are the days of the beggars and the choosersThis is the year of the hungry manWhose place is in the pastHand in hand with ignoranceAnd legitimate excusesThe rich declare themselves poorAnd most of us are not sureIf we have too muchBut we"ll take our chances"Cause God"s stopped keeping scoreI guess somewhere along the wayHe must have let us all out to playTurned his back and all God"s childrenCrept out the back doorAnd it"s hard to love, there"s so much to hateHanging on to hopeWhen there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too much too lateWell maybe we should all be praying for timeThese are the days of the empty handOh, you hold on to what you canAnd charity is a coat you wear twice a yearThis is the year of the guilty manYour television takes a standAnd you find that what was over there is over hereSo you scream from behind your doorSay what"s mine is mine and not yoursI may have too much but I"ll take my chances"Cause God"s stopped keeping scoreAnd you cling to the things they sold youDid you cover your eyes when they told youThat he can"t come back"Cause he has no children to come back forIt"s hard to love there"s so much to hateHanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateSo maybe we should all be praying for time

Praying For Time 歌词

歌曲名:Praying For Time歌手:George Michael专辑:Ladies & Gentlemen... The Best Of George Michael(George Michael)These are the days of the open handThey will not be the lastLook around nowThese are the days of the beggars and the choosersThis is the year of the hungry manWhose place is in the pastHand in hand with ignoranceAnd legitimate excusesThe rich declare themselves poorAnd most of us are not sureIf we have too muchBut we"ll take our chancesBecause god"s stopped keeping scoreI guess somewhere along the wayHe must have let us alt out to playTurned his back and all god"s childrenCrept out the back doorAnd it"s hard to love, there"s so much to hateHanging on to hopeWhen there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateWell maybe we should all be praying for timeThese are the days of the empty handOh you hold on to what you canAnd charity is a coat you wear twice a yearThis is the year of the guilty manYour television takes a standAnd you find that what was over there is over hereSo you scream from behind your doorSay "what"s mine is mine and not yours"I may have too much but i"ll take my chancesBecause god"s stopped keeping scoreAnd you cling to the things they sold youDid you cover your eyes when they told youThat he can"t come backBeacuse he has no children to come back forIt"s hard to love there"s so much to hateHanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateSo maybe we should all be praying for timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8851134

Praying For Time 歌词

歌曲名:Praying For Time歌手:George Michael专辑:December Song (I Dreamed Of Christmas)(George Michael)These are the days of the open handThey will not be the lastLook around nowThese are the days of the beggars and the choosersThis is the year of the hungry manWhose place is in the pastHand in hand with ignoranceAnd legitimate excusesThe rich declare themselves poorAnd most of us are not sureIf we have too muchBut we"ll take our chancesBecause god"s stopped keeping scoreI guess somewhere along the wayHe must have let us alt out to playTurned his back and all god"s childrenCrept out the back doorAnd it"s hard to love, there"s so much to hateHanging on to hopeWhen there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateWell maybe we should all be praying for timeThese are the days of the empty handOh you hold on to what you canAnd charity is a coat you wear twice a yearThis is the year of the guilty manYour television takes a standAnd you find that what was over there is over hereSo you scream from behind your doorSay "what"s mine is mine and not yours"I may have too much but i"ll take my chancesBecause god"s stopped keeping scoreAnd you cling to the things they sold youDid you cover your eyes when they told youThat he can"t come backBeacuse he has no children to come back forIt"s hard to love there"s so much to hateHanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak ofAnd the wounded skies above say it"s much too lateSo maybe we should all be praying for timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13024138

SoulJa的《ONE TIME》 歌词

歌曲名:ONE TIME歌手:SoulJa专辑:COLORZ「ONE TIME feat.一星&冲仁」作词∶SoulJa作曲∶SoulJa歌∶SoulJaこの出会いからone time 君に惹かれて すぐにtwo time 君に振り向いてthree time 君のsmileを见てbut by the fourth time 君を抱きしめたくてfirst time デート散歩してand then the second time 君と手をつなぎたくてthird time なぜか意地张ってbut by the fourth time この思いを伝えたくて……全ては はじめましてから始まって初対面の君はダチの连れbaby face 158 brown eyes in shapeyour beautiful smile に did a double take で一目ぼれとかは マジわかんねえが会った瞬间から 言叶にできないなにかどこかなつかしいような昔からの友达のような気持ちでありながらやっぱ电话初めてかけた时ゃ マジびびった likeまずは080だけ打ってなぜか びびって そのまま切ってた日々もつかのま いつの间にか毎日のように电话をしてた like寝る前にメールでおやすみ君に会ったの 一回きりなのにあの日君と出会わなければ目と目が合い互いに気づかねばこんな気持ちにもなれなかったからこのまま失いたくないから君の smile and 笑い声全て独り占めにしたくてI wanna be with you 君もそうなら今すぐここで抱きしめてくれその出会いからone time 君に惹かれて すぐにtwo time 君に振り向いてthree time 君のsmileを见てbut by the fourth time 君を抱きしめたくてfirst time デート散歩してand then the second time 君と手をつなぎたくてthird time なぜか意地张ってbut by the fourth time この思いを伝えたくて……so now da first time date 散歩して手がぶつかって 気づかねえふりしてマジ胸が押しつぶされそうでけど まだ付き合ってるわけじゃねえ なのに俺たち二人 はじめてなのに昔からの友达のように话盛り上がり 息もぴったしwhatever I start sayin" you finishin" for meで できすぎじゃない? マジでありえないくらいにお互いを分かち合いI"m sayin" 怖いくらい似てるとこ似てて俺に足りないものは持っててbe like bonnie & clydeみたいな気がして正直 girl 今すぐ抱きしめてぇけどこれで会ったの二回目?それだけ? Damn なのに もう俺って…now tell me if I"m 先走り激しいbut honestly 正直君と一绪にいるときマジ どうしても感じる destinyand I wanna know if 君も同じ気持ちあの first time 初めて出会ってand by the second time 君にマジで惹かれてthird time 三度目の正直君への思いをこの歌に 歌に収録:COLORZ発売日: 2009/02/25http://music.baidu.com/song/1318461

soulja的《 one time》

不是,是吉见 一星本名: 吉见 一星(よしみ いっせい) 出身地: 山形県 生年月日: 1982年6月16日 血液型: A型 サイズ: 身长180cm/体重65kg 3歳の顷からサッカーボールを蹴り始め、小、中、高とサッカーに没头。 全国高校サッカー选手権大会に3年连続出场。 2001年、地元のプロサッカーチーム、モンテディオ山形に入団。 その年にJリーグ公式戦デビュー。 2003年、京都の佐川印刷SCに移籍をしたが、思い描いていたサッカー人生とのギャップと、自分の选手としての限界を悟りシーズン途中に退団、引退する。 サッカー选手时代に音楽に勇気づけられていたので、次は自分が勇気づける方に回るべく、第2の人生として歌手を目指し始める。 各地でStreetLive等の精力的な活动をしていたのが関系者の目に留まり、 2008年、10月15日にリリースの「SoulJa×Misslim」のコラボレーションシングル「记念日」のプロモーションビデオに男子高校生役として、主演で出演。 2009年、1月21日には「ONE TIME/SoulJa feat. 一星&冲仁」がリリースされる。 2009年、9月2日ユニバーサルよりSINGLE「~YOU~」でデビュー。

Matchbox Twenty - These Hard Times求歌词翻译

上午适逢像雨融入城市生活有云另一夜失去我的呼吸波明知以往空难bleading沙漏走内乱,从我们的生活大家一直谈他们答应你的一切但他们并不代表什么我们可能会松动,我们的重点有太多的话我们绝对不是要学习我们不觉得这么活着说再见,这些日子都已经过去我们不能继续持有当所有我们需要的是一些救济通过这些艰难岁月通过这些艰难岁月提出你的手,在各界人士让我目瞪口呆权力背后你的眼睛走动,你的卧室,咒骂赤裸的天空你应该今晚在这里但你留独自哭泣说再见,这些日子都已经过去我们不能继续持有当所有我们需要的是一些救济通过这些艰难岁月(哇) ,有什么东西失踪(哦哇) ,你永远不会觉得它,但你(哦哇) ,你在哪里也觉得它的时候,它的经历当它的经历说再见,这些日子都已经过去我们不能继续持有当所有我们需要的是一些救济通过这些艰难岁月(嘿)这些艰难岁月(哦,不,现在)的艰难岁月艰难岁月说再见,这些日子都已经过去说再见,这些日子都已经过去这些日子都已经过去
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