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It was too late for him to realise that he had said somthing wrong.

It was too late for him to realise that he had said somthing wrong.这是从句还是什么?什么从句?成分由哪些构成?这是一个状语从句。主句是:It was too late for him to realise that 后边的 to realise that he had said somthing wrong.是一个动词不定式作状语修饰late,而 he had said somthing wrong是从句作realise的宾语当然也可以理解为realise的宾语从句

has been proven to be wrong能不能改成....?

has 是已经的意思 been是被动The search proved difficult search不能自己证明它需要被证明 所以是被动 如果已经被证明了就需要加has了



there have something wrong with wyl

There be 是固定句型,有什么.的意思. 后面Something是复数形式,所以要用are. 我们的教室有些问题.

the world was my oyster.but i used the wrong fork这句话什么意思


Your gyammer is wrong


The moment I opened the door, I had an () that something was wrong.



肯定: sure,certain,affirm,definite否定:negate,deny,negative

linux 环境下 安装软件 报错 查看错误 wrong error 该如何处理

有错会退出,会在当前目录下生成 config.log ,vim 可直接查看.附:[root@s02 csft-3.1]# ./configurechecking build environment--------------------------checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -cchecking whether build environment is sane... yeschecking for gawk... gawkchecking whether make sets $(MAKE)... nochecking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... nochecking for python... /usr/bin/pythonchecking for python version... 2.6checking for python platform... linux2checking for python script directory... ${prefix}/lib/python2.6/site-packageschecking for python extension module directory... ${exec_prefix}/lib64/python2.6/site-packageschecking for compiler programs------------------------------checking whether to compile debug version... nochecking for gcc... nochecking for cc... nochecking for cl.exe... noconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $pathSee `config.log" for more details. #这里会有提示的[root@02 csft-3.1]#

there is nothing wrong with.是什么意思


wrong mistaken false 的用法有什么区别

wrong [r0007] a. 错误的,不正当的,失常的 ad. 错误,邪恶 例句用法: What"s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? You wronged him by saying that he had lied. 你说他说谎是冤枉了他。 It"s wrong to tell lies. 说谎是不道德的。 mistaken [mis"teik05n] a. 犯错的,错误的 vbl. 误认,弄错 例句用法: If I"m not mistaken, that"s the man we saw on the bus. 要是我没认错人的话,我们在公共汽车上看见的就是那个男子。 You must have mistaken her for her sister. 你一定是把她误认为是她的姊妹了。 If you thought she intended to be rude, you were mistaken. 如果你认为她是故意粗鲁无礼,那你就弄错了。 个人感觉,wrong 是有实质性的错误,而mistaken 只是误会了,没有什么是非的实质性错误。 而false多是用于回答问题错误时会用到的,另外考试时答错了也用false记得采纳啊


I asked her what was wrong with her. 补充:what"s wrong with you?或者what"s the matter with you?用wrong的时候,前面不能加定冠词the,只有用matter才可以加.


关于错误的英文wrong分享如下:错误的英文是一个相当常见的问题,尤其在非母语使用者中间。在现代社会中,英语已成为世界上最通用的交流语言之一,能够说流利的英语已经成为许多人重要的职业技能。错误的英文不仅会给个人和公司带来负面的影响,也会降低自己在市场中的竞争力。因此,正确使用英语是至关重要的。首先,造成错误的英文的原因可能是语法错误。语法误差涉及错误的句子结构、主语和动词的不一致、缺少标点符号等等。例如,错误的英文可以构造“Me and him is going to the store”而不是正确的“I and he are going to the store”。这种错误的英文可能会导致读者或监听者感到困难或不理解,这并不是我们想要的结果。第二,另一个造成错误的英文的原因可能是拼写错误或措辞不当。这种错误的英语可能包括拼写错误,如使用“your”而不是“you"re”或在单复数时出现错误。还有,存在措辞不当的英语,例如使用语气不明确的单词来表达自己的想法和观点。这种错误的英语可能会导致信息的传递不清晰以及造成不必要的误解。最后,错误的英语可能是缺乏词汇知识造成的。在某些情况下,错误的英语可能来自于使用与文化、职业等不同的领域和主题有关的错误术语或表达不准确。例如,在医疗专业中,“diarrhea”(腹泻)和“constipation”(便秘)这两个词相互区分。如果将它们弄混,代表的意思就会完全相反。这种错误的英语可能会导致客户或同事之间的误解,对商业进展和工作关系造成影响。要改善这种错误的英文问题,我们可以使用一些方法。首先,我们可以通过阅读英语文章,掌握如何正确地使用语法和单词,并通过实践练习语言技能。此外,可以使用语法检查和拼写检查工具来帮助校正出现的错误。最后,参加英语课程、语言学校或请教专业博士等可以帮助纠正错误并提高英语能力。总之,错误的英文问题已经存在了很长时间了,它给个人、公司和整个社会造成负面影响。为此,我们要认识到错误的英语对我们的影响,并采取必要的措施来纠正它。通过实践、学习和使用工具,我们相信我们可以逐步改善这种问题,并提高自己在职业场所和生活中的英语水平。

Neither of you are wrong.这种表述方法对吗

必须承认,“either (of) 和neither (of) 这两个词语作主语的情况下,谓语动词用单数形式”的结论本身无可指摘。但问题在于,确系非此莫属吗?事实的回答是,不见得。这里牵涉到英语的主谓关系的一致性问题。英语的主谓关系在数别方面的一致性的确是个令人棘手的问题。历来语法界颇有争议。总的说来,数的一致性并存着3条相互交错(有时看来甚至相互矛盾的)原则。1)语法一致原则(principle of grammatical concord):即主、谓语的数别一致关系纯粹根据主语的语法标记而定。语法形式是单数的主语(如girl),谓语动词用单数形式(如sings);语法形式是复数的主语(如girls),谓语动词用复数形式(如sing)。例如:The girl sings well.The girls sing well.2)概念一致原则(principle of notional concord):即主、谓语的数别一致关系不是根据主语的外部语法标记,而是根据主语内在涵义的理解而定。如family一词,其语法标记是单数形式,但内在涵义既可理解为单数,亦可理解为复数,因而谓语动词既可采取单数形式,亦可采取复数形式。例如:My family is very large.His family are waiting for him.3)就近原则(principle of proximity):即主、谓语的数别一致关系不是根据主语词组中的中心词(head word),而是根据该词组中最为邻近谓语动词的词语而定。例如:No one except his own supporters agree with him.One in ten take drugs.对于涉及either (of) 和neither (of) 的问题,用上述3条原则来衡量,显然存在着两种选择:1)either (of) 和neither (of) 结构,从语法标记看,是单数形式;而从词汇意义的角度看,亦可理解为单数概念,所以根据“语法一致原则”和“概念一致原则”,谓语动词采用单数形式,无疑是天经地义的。例如:If either of you cares to call, I"ll be in this morning.In all the years we"ve been married neither of us has made jokes.2)either (of) 和neither (of) 结构(尤其当介词of后接复数词语作补语时),从词汇意义的角度来看,亦可理解为复数概念,所以根据“概念一致原则”和“就近原则”,谓语动词采用复数形式,亦无可非议。例如:Either of you are wrong.Neither of the books were worth reading.两者似乎显得矛盾,但就现代英语看来,这却是事实!究其原因,这与英语语言本身的发展变化直接相关。英语在一千多年的发展变化过程中,逐渐摈弃了大部分的词形变化,由综合性语言过渡发展成为分析性语言。相应地,英语动词体系也极大地简化了,在使用上比其它欧洲语言方便得多了。但是,不可避免地还存在着某些古英语的残留痕迹,如动词BE和HAVE的人称和数的变化,动词-s式词尾等。正是由于动词词形的变化所致,产生了所谓“主谓关系一致”这个棘手的问题(尽管其范围仅局限于BE、HAVE及-s形式)。现代英语重视助动词的使用,其部分原因就在于消除动词词形变化所带来的麻烦。就现实情况而论,“语法一致原则”比较正式,适用于正式文体;而“概念一致原则”主要用于口语中,但其重要性日益显著。“就近原则”则是现代英语简化趋势的产物,其作用及影响不容忽视。它多出现于非正式文体(尤其口语)之中。如前所述,语法学家对于这3条原则的看法不尽一致。传统语法学派主张严守“语法一致原则”,而漠视实际语言应用的习惯。为了捍卫该原则的权威性和纯洁性,他们便对其它两个原则——“概念一致原则”和“就近原则”大加非难,斥之为“不合语法”。就either (of) 和neither (of) 结构而言,国内外一些早期的语法著作大多沿袭这一观点。本文所列举的若干辞书足以佐证。但语言的潜在势力毕竟要冲破陈旧的语法樊篱,把方便带给民众。因此,一些比较重视口语以及语言实际的语法著作则已充分意识到“概念一致原则”和“就近原则”的意义及作用,并给予了适当的阐述。比如:8. H. Poustma在A Grammar of Late Modern English (PartⅡ, p.307)一书中讲道,某些场合,语法上的变异似乎违背常理。当主语附加其它名词或代词时,谓语动词因受同化转而与紧邻的名词或代词取得一致。该书着重注明,在现代英语中,单数的个体词(distributive)either或neither 加上复数名词或代词作主语时,这种不合法的句子也十分常见。例如:Neither of the sisters were very much deceived.Neither of them are remarkable for precision.Either of them are enough to drive any man to distraction.Have either of them told you that I made an offer to your sister?I don"t mean that either of the writers I name are absolutely thus narrow in their own views.9. H, E. Palmer & F. G. Blandford 合著的A Grammar of Spoken English (§ 127)中举例,I tried both methods, but neither was satisfactory.但注明,即使是有教养的人也常用were代替was。10. G. P. Krapp在A Comprehensive Guide to Good English (p.217)一书中,一方面指出,either和neither总必须带单数动词;另一方面却又承认,在口语中本规则失效,这样虽不合语法,但说起来自然。由于现代英语语法研究十分注重语言实际,“概念一致原则”和“就近原则”也堂堂正正地步入正规语法行列,从而形成3条原则并论的三足鼎立局面。这便是现代英语的观点,近期最新的国内外语法辞书大多如实地反映这种观点。试看:11. R. Quirk等人所著的A Grammar of Contemporary English (§7.24, §7.29)提及,说英语的人对于一致性的规则常常感到没有把握。学校里的语法家相当严格地要求语法上的一致。其结果是,在人们的脑子里,这种一致性常常与在口语中占上风的概念上的一致性发生矛盾。该书认为,作为不定代词用的either与neither,同any与none一样,有单数和复数的意思。因此在语言应用中,用单数动词就传统上讲更“正确”些,但是用复数动词却更合乎习惯。例如:I sent cards to Mavis and Margery, but neither (of them) has/have replied.In fact, I doubt if either (of them) is/are coming.作者进一步申明,如果不定代词之后有一个带复数补语的介词短语,我们便选用复数动词。这不仅是因为概念上的一致,而且也是遵循就近原则。12. Michael Swan的Practical English Usage (§428)明确指出,either / neither of +复数名词或代词时,在正式文体中用单数动词,但在非正式文体中也可以用复数动词。例如:Has/Have either of them been seen recently?Neither of my brothers has/have been outside England.13. P. Procter 主编的Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (p.352)中的Usage一栏注明,either和neither作为代词在正式文体中通常为单数;但在口语中,后接复数词语时却常用复数。例如:Neither of the books are (fml. is) very interesting.Are (fml. Is) either of the boys ready?14. 章振邦等人所著的《新编英语语法》(p.187)指出,either / neither在正式文体中要与单数动词连用,在非正式文体中可与复数动词连用。 当either / neither后面跟有of them,of the books时,用复数动词较好,因为复数动词紧靠them,books等,在观念上主谓更加一致。例如:I don"t think either of them are at home.15. 张道真在《现代英语用法词典》(p.1253, p.2820)中也针对以前的观点作出修正:either作主语时一般跟单数动词,在口语中,如后面有复数名词,也可跟复数动词:Are either of you taking lessons?Are [Is] either of the boys ready?Neither后面的动词多用单数形式,有时可用复数形式:Neither (of them) was satisfactory.Neither of them was any good.Neither of the books is of any use to me.Neither of my friends has come yet.Neither of us are much good.I quite agree with you that neither are suitable for newspaper.至此,我们可以大胆作出结论:当either (of) 和neither (of) 作主语时,谓语动词限于单数形式的观点显然有失偏颇。在现代英语的非正式文体中,尤其是作主语的either (of) 和neither (of) 后接复数词语的情况下,谓语动词采用复数形式,非但合法,而且可取。最后,探讨一下这3条原则的选择标准问题。既然现代英语中主谓关系在数别方面的一致性所形成的3条原则均已确立其语法地位,那么,在具体应用场合的判断及选择上是否有章可循呢?对此,Quirk等人客观地加以概括、评价如下:1)语法一致原则是为教学传统和权威方面所肯定了的。因此,在正式用法中遵循语法上一致的原则是最保险的。2)对口语来说,最好是遵循概念上一致的原则。3)在其它两种原则无可遵循的情况下,就近原则还能起一个次要的决定作用,但人们一般觉得这种原则本身缺乏充分的依据,它更常是在口语中支持概念上的一致起辅助作用。(R. Quirk et al. A Grammar of Contemporary English, London, Longman, 1972, §7.32)

latex q求助 disregard unless something else is wrong

你使用 tex 命令来编译的,这当然不行了。应该用 latex 或 pdflatex 命令来编译。latex 生成 DVI 文件,pdflatex 生成 PDF 文件。 tex 只能编译 TeX 文件,其格式和 LaTeX 文件不一样。

wrongful detention歌词〖日语+罗马音+中文〗

只帮你找到中文歌词,日文如果找到再补上来。Wrongful·Detention作词:般P(ショミ) 作曲:般P(ショミ) 编曲:般P(ショミ) 歌:初音ミク完全弄错而瞄准过来的探照灯 做著无意义地比比谁吃得快 玻璃杯暴走、热情迸发妄想 捕猎羊羔是生命线(固定台词) 举起一只手来 表情全都变了 被不认识的大姐姐抓了起来 就像是依据外表来判断胜利方的拳击般 可我是被冤枉的啊—Believe...老实是唯一的优点。既不喝酒也不吸烟。(you are mean?) 女儿升上小学。而我登上处刑台? 那些警察都好可怕。又在大声「bow!bow!bow!」 地 咆哮著。给了我猪排盖饭。忽然变得和善。真叫人害怕。没做过 没做过 就算你那麼说我也没做 没做过 没做过 还要我说几千次才行啊说著「我没做过」 已经过去几天了呢 说著「我没做过」 有几个人眼光改变了呢 说著「我没做过」 够了 够了 还要多少次喊到声嘶才够时间流转的夜晚 遮掩正义强求不存在的东西的宴会之夜 从旁听席窥视过来的视线 看吧都把我当疯子一样 时代愈是向技术化发展 人的态度就愈是冷嘲热讽 够了 内 心 已 经 差 不 多 要 屈服了啊You handle this...深信不疑的是家人。念念不忘的是遗族。( ^ω^)喔~哦 周围的目光已经不是人的目光。简直像是雷射光线一般。 就连一郎看到都会吃惊。喔呀这边是剧中剧。 妻子带了纸和印章过来。心灵的支撑消失了。没做过 没做过 我应该是没做过的吧 说了几千次的「没做过」只因一次「做了」就宣告结束没做过 没做过 就算你那麼说我也没做 没做过 没做过 还要我说几万次才行啊说著「我没做过」 已经过去几年了呢 说著「我没做过」 已经忘掉多少个人了呢 说著「我没做过」 够了 够了 还要我哭喊多少遍才够啊…时代的进步真是厉害。我的冤罪终於得以昭雪。可是 将我逮捕的巡警已经不在了 分手的妻子也已经不在人世 据说曾经是小学生的女儿也有了孙子。只要她幸福就好了。 太漫长了啊 没做过 没做过 我已经说了多少遍了呢说著「我没做过」 已经过了半个世纪 说著「我没做过」 啊”啊啊”啊啊啊啊啊” 说著「我没做过」 够了 够了 我已经累了喔

wha is wrong /the matter with you?在宾语从句中要变为陈述句语序吗

语序不要变 如: I don"t know what is wrong / the matter with you. 其实这本身就是陈述句语序,what 做主语 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

Tere is something wrong with my cor.(改为一般疑问句)

Is there anything wrong with my cor ?相信我没错的

you look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you.这里为什么用anything?

if 是否, 问句.


《The wrong kind of small talk》是高中英语选修六第一单元的一篇文章,选自外刊。故事内容翻译为中文是:以斯帖Greenbaum是公司的传真机的售货员和商业供应。但她也是世界上最直言不讳的人——好吧,至少威彻斯特县。她的座右铭是“每次我打开我的嘴,Iput我的脚。”以斯帖Greenbaum的主要缺点是,她完全没有闲聊。不,那不是真的。她闲聊,但这是错误的。事实上,她从未学会社会交往的基本规则,因此,她每次都犯了的错误她打开她的嘴。没有巧合,她不是一个很好的销售员。有一天在一次会议上,以斯帖被引入一个重要的客户,一个成熟的女人。“很高兴认识你,”她说。“你多大了?“客户显得尴尬。“四十?45 ?”以斯帖说。“你看上去老得多。和你的朋友…她比你大,但是她看起来年轻得多!”在另一个场合,以斯帖嘲笑一个打字员,“嘿!你的宝宝什么时候出生?”打字员了红色和反驳以斯帖。“其实,我不是怀孕了,”她说。以斯帖说:“哦,对不起。但没有任何道歉。“只是长胖一点,嗯?”以斯帖是从不小心别人的感情。她的一个熟人,一个salwsman公司正在经历一个非常混乱的离婚,非常沮丧。她试图使他振作起来。“忘记她!她是一个完整的傻瓜。没有人喜欢她。”很多时候,以斯帖说首先要进入她的头。在工作的一天,一个店员走进办公室,一个新发型。以斯帖说:“漂亮的发型没有说。”以斯帖说:“好吧,不管怎样,你都支付太多或者太少。”她遇到了一个非常著名的作家。“嘿,真巧!”她说。“你在写一本书,就是我在读的那个”以斯帖麻烦的是她想到什么说什么,并从不对她说的话多加思考。一个年轻人试图对他的新工作是适度的赞许。“我猜公司选择我,所以他们会得到一些和平的办公室,”他笑了。“不,我猜他们选择你是为了阻止你和我们一样将整个职业生涯浪费于此,“以斯帖亲切地回答。一次,以斯帖去一个和一些老校友毕业周年时的早午餐聚会。她迎接女主人。“你还记得那个在和你谈恋爱的家伙吗?他发生了什么事?”她问。“你知道,其貌不扬的家伙。”就在这时,一个男人站在她的朋友身边。“以斯帖,我想让你见见我的丈夫,”她说。“查理斯,这是…”以斯帖打断她,“嘿,你嫁给了他!”

CS1.6运行出mod_loadbrushmodel: sprites/top_left.spr has wrong version number (196608 should be30)

意思你这个文件top_left.spr 版本号错误。。我不知道你是用的什么版本的和在什么平台上面打的要么就找你的朋友给你传一个这个文件放到同名文件夹里面要么就是你自己重新装一哈CS。。

One day a farmer went out fo a walk with his little son.The farmer were wore a pair of wrong shoes

the wrong shoesnoHis son nothing in his handno,he isn"t

寻找Kimberley Locke-Wrong 歌词

Kimberley LockeWrongby N/AYou can say I"m weak, you can say I"m frail But your presumptions won"t prevail I"m made of more than what you see Tell me to twist, tell me to bend But I won"t break just to fit in Just shut your mouth and listen up I was so naive To let you have control of me But now that I believe in me, I know Ooooh You"re wrong, and I"m strong Unafraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free to be me No one tells me who to be Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Un-afraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free, to be me No one tells me who to be Yeah I"m on the outside looking in No longer do I pretend, To be something that i"m not I don"t run, and I don"t hide behind a comfort in disguise What you see is what you get I was so naive To let you have control of me But now that I believe in me, I know Ooooh Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Unafraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free to be me No one tells me who to be Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Un-afraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free, to be me No one tells me who to be Yeah I wouldn"t change a thing Cause life is how you grow You live, you learn, and then you know Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Unafraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free to be me No one tells me who to be Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Un-afraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free, to be me No one tells me who to be Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Unafraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free to be me No one tells me who to be Cause you"re wrong, and I"m strong Unafraid I"m moving on Cause I"m free to be me No one tells me who to be.



There is no evidence that I am wrong 如题,that作什么语法成分?为什么?

that引导的是 名词性从句 所以 that只起引导作用 不能作句子成分 这里 that引导的名词性从句 是作 同位语 的 ,是同位语从句 与前面的名词 evidence是同位关系 是 它的具体内容.也就是 我错 是证据本身.

The Kids Were Wrong 歌词

歌曲名:The Kids Were Wrong歌手:Memoryhouse专辑:The Slideshow EffectMemoryhouse - The Kids Were WrongGo to sleep, nothing"s changingI"ll be right here by your sideBreak the teens, colours fadingIn the stillness of the nightYou"re thick-skinned, but it seemsYou"re hiding in daydreamsCan"t find our way to the lightAnd when this routine ends,through nights and weekendsWe"ll see daylight through the blindsDrifting in a cold state, the glowing cracks of old daysBodies slack and pressed beneath the hour in your eyesFingernails and cold skin, your parent"s bed we lay inArms outstretched to emptiness; the space you"ve left behindGo to sleep, nothing"s changingI"ll be right here by your sideTear the seams, we"re not agingBeneath these trembling star-lit skiesYou"re thick-skinned, but you knowIt"s beyond our controlShadows gleaming through our eyesBeen living a past dear, be free from those dull yearsAnd we"ll see daylight through the blindsDrifting in a cold state, the glowing cracks of old daysBodies slack and pressed beneath the hour in your eyesFingernails and cold skin, your parent"s bed we lay inArms outstretched to emptiness; the space you"ve left behindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15687764

Cohen 的one of us cannot be wrong歌词大意

雷诺柯恩 One Of Us Cannot Be WrongI lit a thin green candleTo make you jealous of me,But the room just filled up with mosquitoesThey heard that my body was freeThen I took the dust of a long sleepless nightAnd I put it in your little shoe,Then I confess that I tortured the dressThat you wore for the world to look through.I showed my heart to the doctorHe said I"d just have to quitThen he wrote himself a prescriptionAnd your name was mentioned in it,Then he locked himself in a library shelfWith the details of our honeymoonand I hear from the nurse that he"s gotten much worseand his practice is all in a ruin.I heard of a saint who had loved youSo I studied all night in his schoolHe taught that the duty of loversIs to tarnish the golden rule,And just when I was sure that his teachings were pureHe drowned himself in the pool,His body is gone, but back here on the lawnHis spirit continues to drool.An Eskimo showed me a movieHe"d recently taken of youThe poor man could hardly stop shivering,His lips and his fingers were blueI suppose that he froze when the wind took your clothesAnd I guess he just never got warmBut you stand there so nice in your blizzard of iceO please let me come into the storm.

东方神起《Wrong number》的歌词,要韩文音译的…(韩国的拼音)

Wrong Number uc900uc218)ud558ub8e8uc5d0 uc5f4ub450 ubc88uc529 uc804ud65c uac78uc5b4 ud655uc778ud558uace0 Junsu)harue yeoldu beonssik jeonhwal georo hwaginhago 俊秀)一天打无数次电话确认 uc5b4uca4cub2e4 ud1b5ud654uc911uc77c ub54cuba74 eojjeoda tonghwajungil ttaemyeon 偶尔占线 uad1cud55c uc758uc2ecuc73cub85c ub10c ub610 uba54uc138uc9c8 ub0a8uaca8ub194 gwaenhan euisimuro neon tto mesejil namgyeonwa 你又瞎猜疑并留言 uc720ucc9c)uc774 uc2dcuac04uc5d0 ub300uccb4 ub204uad6cuae38ub798 uc804ud65cud574 yucheon)i sigane daeche nugugilae jeonwalhae 有天)这个时间 到底是谁?打电话 uc788uc9c0ub3c4 uc54auc740 uc5ecuc798 uc0c1uc0c1ud574 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4 ub0b4 issjido anheun yeojal sangsanghae mandeureo nae 想像出根本不存在的女人 uc228uc774 ub9c9ud790 uac83 uac19uc544 Yeah sumi makhil geos gata Yeah 像要窒息 yeah ucc3dubbfc)"uc0acub791"uc774ub77cub294 ub9d0uc5d0 ub0a0 uac00ub46cub450uace0 changmin)"salang"iraneun mare nal gadwodugo 昌珉)把我监禁在“爱”里 uc9c0uaca8uc6b4 uc794uc18cub9acub294 uc313uc5ec jigyeoun jansorineun ssahyeo 无聊的话语累积成 ub610 uc9d1ucc29uc774 ub418uace0 No tto jipchagi doego No 执着 NO ub110 uc9c0uc6b8ub798 ub2e4uc2e0 ub0b4 uc804ud654uc5d0 neol jiullae dasin nae jeonhwae 要把你删除 为了不想让你 ub124uac00 ub728uc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c I Said nega tteuji moshage I Said 再出现在我的电话里 I Said All)*You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More uc724ud638)ub9c8uce58 ub10c uc5c4ub9c8ucc98ub7fc ud558ub8f0 ub2e4 uc54cuace0 uc788uace0 yunho)machi neon eommacheoreom harul da algo issgo 允浩)你好像妈妈 知道我的行程 uc5b4ub514uc11c ub204uad6cuc640 ubb58 ud560uae4c ubd88uc548ud558uace0 eodiseo nuguwa mwol halka buranhago 在哪里和谁干什么而感到不安 ub0a0 uc704ud55c uac70ub77c ub610 ubbffuc9c0 nal wihan geora tto mitji 并相信这也是为了我 uc7acuc911)"uad00uc2ec"uc774uc600ub2e8 ub9d0ub85c ubcc0uba85uc744 ud558uc9c0ub9cc jaejung)"gwansim"iyeossdan mallo byeomyeongeul hajiman 在中)虽然用“关心”做借口 uc9c0ub098uce5c uad6cuc18duc740 uc0acub791uc744 jinachin gusogeun salangeul 过分的拘束会让爱情 ub354 uc544ud504uac8c ub9ccub4dcub294 uac78 deo apeuge mandeuneun geol 更加痛苦 ub04auae34 uc804ud654uc5d0 ub9e4ub2ecub9acuba74 ubb58 ud574 kkeunkin jeonhwae maedallimyeo mwol hae 纠缠已经挂掉的电话有什么用 ub4e4ub824 uc624ub294 uac74 ubed4ud574 What to Say deullyeo oneun geon ppeonhae What to Say 听到的很明显 What to Say All)*You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More ub2e4 uc9c0uc6ccubc84ub9b0 ub2e4 ubc14uafd4ubc84ub9b0 da jiwobeorin da bakkwobeorin 都删除的 都换掉的 ub108uc640 ub0a0 uae30uc5b5ud558uace0 uc788ub294 uc22buc790, ube44ubc00ubc88ud638 neowa nal gieokhago inneun sutja, bimilbeonho 记着你和我的数字,密码 uc5b8uc81cub77cub3c4 ub0b4 uc774ub984uc774 ub730 ub54cub9c8ub2e4 uc6b8ub9acub358 eonjerado nae ireumi teul ttaemada ullideon 不管何时显示我的名字的时候响起的 ub108uc758 ubca8 uc18cub9ac neoeui bel sori 你的铃声 ucc3dubbfc)ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 uc9c0uc6cc Reset Reset changmin)modu da jiwo Reset Reset 昌珉)全部都删除 RAP> uc7acuc911)wow ubbf8uccd0ubc84ub9acuaca0ub2e4 ub2e5uccd0uc8fcuae38 uc6d0ud588ub2e4 jaejung)Wow michyobeorigetda dakchyojugil wonhaetda 在中)Wow 快要疯掉了 希望你停止 ub108uc758 uadf8ubb3c uc18duc5d0 ubc14ubcf4 uac19uc740 fish neoeui geumulsoge babogateun Fish 你的网里傻瓜一样的Fish uc774uac78ub85cub294 uc548ub3fc? Cash igeolloneun andwae? Cash 这个不行么?cash ub108uc758 uc0acub791uc774 ub0b4 uc0b4uc744 ub3c4ub824ub0b4 neoeui sarangi nae sareul doryeonae 你的爱 如割我的肉 uc544ub828ud574 uc624ub298 ub098 uba38ub9acuac00 uc544ud30c uc640 aryeonhae oneul na meoriga apa wa 模糊了 今天我的头开始痛 ub610 ub2e4uc2dc ud658uccaduc774 ub4e4ub824uc640 to dasi hwanchongi dullyowa 又开始听到幻听 uc724ud638)uad00uc2ec uc788ub294 ucc99 ub0a0 uc704ud55c ucc99uc774ub77cub294 uacf3uc5d0 yunho)gwansim inneun cheok nal wihan chokiraneun gose 允浩)好像很关心 好像都为我 ub09c uadf8ub300ub9ccuc758 uaf2dub450uac01uc2dc nan geudaemaneui kkokdugaksi 我只是你的玩偶 No ub77cub294 uc18cub9acuc5d0 No raneun sorie 没必要去喊 No ubaa8ub4e0 uc228uc744 uc8fduc77c ud544uc694uac00 uc5c6ub294ub370 modeun sumeul jugil pilyoga eobsneunde 而悄声无息 ub2c8 ud488uc5d0 uc788ub294 ub0a0 ub193uc544uc918 Say ni pume inneun nal nohajwo Say 放开在你怀里的我say ubc97uc5b4 ub0a0 uc218 uc788uac8c ub0a0 ub3c4uc640uc918 Say boso nal su itge nal dowajwo Say 帮我解脱say ub2e4uc2dc uc2dcuc791ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc744 ub9ccud07c dasi sijakhal su eobsul mankum 已经离的太远了 ub108ubb34 uba40ub9ac uc640ubc84ub838uc5b4 neomu meolli wabeoryeosseo 无法从新开始 *You Got The Wrong Number You Got The Wrong Number I"m Sorry You Got The Wrong Number So Don"t Call Me No More

Everything But The Girl的《Wrong》 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Walking WoundedEverything But The Girl - Wrong (Todd Terry Remix)I wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what it was likeI pushed you too farAnd you started laying down the lawTil I didn"t love you anymoreNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongSo there we both were in that little houseJust hanging outYou didn"t know what you were aboutAnd you turned to me as you wereThreading daisies on a chainYou said it"s decision time againNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongAnd the ground"s gonna swallow youI was wrong"Cause I was wrongI wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what he was likeNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wronghttp://music.baidu.com/song/661722

短文改错Yesterday everything went wrong to

Yesterday everything went wrong【1.to--with】 me. In the morning, my alarm clock 【2.wasn"t--didn"t 】ring, and I woke up half【3.a--an】 hour later than usual. Having no time for breakfast, I rushed out of my house. I failed to catch the 7:30 subway. And I became 【4.nervously--nervous】 (笔误:anout--about) being late for my English class, because 【5.去掉of】 my English teacher is very strict. After 【6.get--getting】 off the 7:40 subway, I ran all the【7.ways--way】 from the station to my school. Near the school, I knocked into a man 【8.but--and】 broke my glasses I 【9.去掉had】bought for 500 yuan last week. I arrived at the school only 【10.加上to】find the classrooms【11.去掉had】 all locked. It was Sunday! 难点解析:1.sth. goes wrong with sb. 固定结构4.作表语要用形容词,故nervously--nervous.5.因为because后跟句子,而because of后跟单词或短语.6.get--getting, 介词后跟doing形式7.ways--way,因为all the way是固定搭配9.去掉had,因为有明确的过去时间last week,因此应用一般过去时10.加上to,因为only to do sth.作结果状语.11.去掉had,就变成locked作宾补,表示被动及完成的动作 .

一首歌 有一段好像是something wrong/right/ture,it·s angle(忘记了,大概是这样的吧),请大大们说歌名

《It"s alright》?

Ge yun was wrong good!fail to live up to什么意思

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Innovative technology for the rapid growth of AP Tivoli Tivoli Corporation rely on scientific research institutions and technology center,Salvatore Ferragamo outlet, insist on the introduction and innovation combined with self-developed innovative technology for the rapid growth of ammonium phosphate, 6-year production to 30% annually. DAP complete sets of equipment for the equipment operation rate, large amount of ammonia loss, the status of environmental pollution, Tivoli joint research with Sichuan University, the exhaust gas purification process a simple transformation of diammonium phosphate diammonium phosphate phosphate cogeneration exhaust gas purification ammonium, the MAP increase production capacity by a third. Successful cooperation with Sichuan University, developed a complementary. The promotion of technology and equipment in the country, the annual production capacity of China"s MAP fast from 2.4 million t to 800 million t, so that high concentrations of phosphate and compound fertilizer in China has basically achieved self-sufficiency. Increase investment to enhance the ability of technological innovation Tivoli Corporation to increase investment to enhance technological innovation in 2008, plans to invest 66.7 million yuan to carry out 52 research projects, scientific research over the previous year growth of 38.5 million yuan, will focus on recycling economy and industrial upgraded to Tivoli Corporation recently signed a cooperation agreement with Sichuan University, the two sides together key energy saving technology research, development, Especially the generation of sulfuric acid and phosphogypsum into CAN fertilizer technology, will enable the annual use of Tivoli phosphogypsum residue reached 100 million t. (He Quanji) Kailin Group dynamic production and management to achieve double-digit growth in 2007 Kailin Group in 2007, firmly grasp the rare opportunity for development of phosphatic compound fertilizer industry, timely adjustment of product structure and marketing strategy, business indicators of the economic and technical double-digit growth, has been formed mining, phosphate, coal chemical, construction open house, trade,MBTシュ?ズ ??店, and six industrial property, the annual sales revenue of 4.13 billion yuan, up 35 percent over the previous year, a profit of 2 .38 billion, up 36% over the previous year, paid tax 262 million yuan, up 24% over the previous year. 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C++编程问题1395. Rounders 用例答案都对,结果一直wrong answer ,求大神解答!!

看着没有多大的错误 会不会是你没有把值一起输出的缘故 直接把a[cnt-1]扩大相应的倍数再输出看看

weka导入数据出现wrong number of values.read 2,expected 4,read token[EOL],line7


oj上显示wrong answer什么原因

oj上显示wrong answer最常见的原因是边界数据没考虑,低估数据强度,漏看数据范围。其次是编译器差异。然后是系统差异。正式比赛选手机器跟判题都是同配置同软件版本,平时训练很难保证。总之看AC率和绝对数:AC绝对数越多坑的几率越低。AC率越高,犯低级错误的概率越高。扩展资料:OJ作为一种在编程竞赛中用来测试参赛程序的在线系统,也可以用于平时练习。许多OJ网站会自发组织一些竞赛。OJ系统能够编译并执行代码,使用预设的数据对这些程序进行测试。提交的代码一般会在受限的环境下运行,包括时间限制、内存限制、安全限制等。代码的输出会被OJ系统捕获,与标准答案进行比较后返回结果。OJ网站会对用户进行排名,以用户的提交答案通过数多少或某个题目执行时间快慢为排名依据。

mistake,error,fault 和 wrong的区别

mistake(make a mistake)n. 错误;误会;过失vt. 弄错;误解vi. 弄错;误解errorn. 误差;错误;过失fault (find fault with找茬)n. 故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误vi. 弄错;产生断层vt. (通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔wrongadv. 错误地;邪恶地,不正当地n. 坏事;不公正adj. 错误的;失常的;不适当的vt. 委屈;无理地对待;诽谤


mistake:错误,指日常生活中判断和看法的错误,是可数名词; He made a lot of spelling mistake in the test.by mistake:错误地(因粗心、遗忘等导致);I took your bad instead of mine by mistake.error:指违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误;wrong:做名词时,指“坏事,冤屈,不道德、犯罪”;fault:指“过失的责任或性格上的弱点”;


mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house. 买那套房子是个错误。 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误。 He can"t forget the errors of his youth. 他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误。 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错。

辨析英文单词 fault ,mistake ,wrong ,error 的用法,含义和不同点

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误. 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误. He can"t forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误. 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错.

it is likely a robbery gone wrong 有语法错误吗

it is likely a robbery gone wrong 有语法错误吗这里的gone有问题,应该是:it is likely a robbery went wrong。或:it is likely a robbery has gone wrong。意思是:可能有个抢劫案搞错了(信息)。理由:过去分词在独立句子中通常不单独存在,需要有be或have质量之类的助动词一起;而动词过去式则没有这个问题。

there is something wrong with my phone的同义句

something is wrong with my phone

What I did wrong, God is not fair的意思是什么?


法律学中怎么区别unfair dismissal and wrongfui dismissal

其实就是区分 unfair 和 wrongful 两个词之间的区别。前者指“不公正的”或“有失偏颇的”,后者指“没有道理的”或“非法的” :前者是有违反情理的,后者是有违法律的。

ACCA F1 wrongful dismissal还是unfair dismissal?

我记得这是f4的内容吧 wrongful dismissal ---breach of contractunfair dismissal---breach of statutory law我记得法律要求有几种情况是 unfair dismissal 像怀孕,举报什么的所以是wrongful dismissal 吧 两年前考的 都忘了 不知对不对 嘻嘻

it is you that ___wrong


辩题thbt it is wrong to eat whales and sharks什么意思


暮光之城里1小时10分左右时的歌曲(...i done me wrong,and done aii wrong......)的详细资料!

暮色1.Muse — Supermassive Black Hole打棒球那一段 2. Paramore — Decode 主题曲 3. The Black Ghosts — Full Moon一开始飞机起飞那段 4. Linkin Park — Leave Out All The Rest 片尾曲 5. MuteMath — Spotlight (Twilight Mix)爱德华和贝拉一起上学,爱德华下车搂着贝拉那一段 6. Perry Farrell — Going All The Way (Into The Twilight)爱德华和贝拉参加舞会那一段 7. Collective Soul — Tremble For My Beloved大概21:20,爱德华救下要遭遇撞车的贝拉那里 8. Paramore — I Caught Myself贝拉和杰西卡、安吉拉去天使港买衣服时大概在37:30 9. Blue Foundation — Eyes On Fire贝拉与妈妈通完话大概在13:33开始 10. Rob Pattinson — Never Think爱德华与贝拉在饭店一起吃饭时 11. Iron & Wine — Flightless Bird, American Mouth最后爱德华与贝拉一起跳舞的时候 12. Carter Burwell — Bella"s Lullaby 弹给贝拉的钢琴曲 13.Rob Pattinson — Let Me Sign 贝拉被詹姆斯咬后 新月1. Lykke Li – Possibility Edward离开Bella后,Bella坐在窗户面前 一月又一月的时候2. All I Believe In (Bonus Track) 贝拉去找雅各布修摩托车,雅各布把摩托车从车上搬下来的时候3.Sea Wolf - The Violet Hour 拉生日的时候在爱德华家要举行party时4.Thom Yorke – Hearing Damage 跳崖之前,贝拉在卡车前幻想着爱德华的时候5.Alexandre Desplat – New Moon (The Meadow) 教室里看罗密欧与朱丽叶时候,爱德华告诉贝拉关于意大利吸血鬼的时候

i fell nobody but you,i call it sth wrong的意思

nobody 是"谁也不"或"无人"的意思,所以I want nobody就是我谁也不要的意思,but you是个转折,意思就是你除外.所以整句意思是: 我不想要任何人,除了你.

go wrong in time是什么意思


如何理解love all,trust a few,do wrong to none这句话


The old writer could not sleep at night, his wrongs and sorrows ____ him no peace.


Did You Wrong 歌词

歌曲名:Did You Wrong歌手:pleasure p专辑:The Introduction Of Marcus CooperPleasure P - Did You WrongYou know, I want you all to justSit back and think for a second.You know what I mean?Now, there"s a lot of haters out thereHating on peoples relationships and stuff.Don"t nobody wanna see you happy.They always try to take your joy, bring you down.You feel incompleteMan, but you gotta be the oneTo sit by your mate and say"I"m gonna be with you no matter what" that"s what I"m sayingFuck it, I did wrong, you did wrong too.You know what I"m saying?But we gotta put up with each others shit.And the easiest thing to do is leave, you dig?Anyway, check this out...I don"t want to lose this relationshipSo we gotta stay strong, don"t wanna move onI know you"re sick and tired of the fussing and the fighting and the cussingWell, I love you ... and you love me tooI did you wrong, you did me wrongI take you back, you take me backI did you wrong girl, you did me wrong girlI"ll take you back, I"ll take you backNo matter what you doNo matter what you sayNo matter how far you goDon"t take your love awayBecause I love youAnd girl, I want youAnd girl, I need youSo let"s just work it outI ain"t tryna waste your timeAnd, I ain"t tryna waste my timeThere ain"t no need to waste no timeCause we done put in too much timeI ain"t tryna waste your timeI ain"t tryna waste my timeAin"t no need to waste no timeCause we done put in too much timeWhen you"re in a relationshipThe easiest thing for you to doIs to leaveYou gotta stick it out, and work it outAnd stick it out, and work it outAnd stick it outCause at the end of the day...I did you wrong, you did me wrongI take you back, you take me backI did you wrong girl, you did me wrong girlI"ll take you back, I"ll take you backNo matter what you doNo matter what you sayNo matter how far you goDon"t take your love awayBecause I love youAnd girl, I want youAnd girl, I need youSo let"s just work it outI love you baby, I need you in my life.You know what I"m saying?I"m sick and tired of the arguingAnd all that good stuffI mean, I"m pleading on this trackBecause I really really love youAnd, I really want us to work outYou know? I want to marry you baby.You know? I want you to be in my lifeFor the rest of my lifeYou know what I"m saying?Anyway, I"m just talking a whole lot of jibberjabberBut uhm me without you is like the moon without the sunAnd the sun without the moon.Pleasure P without Pretty Ricky.You know what I"m saying?A blunt with no droEcstasy with no bodyYou know what I"m saying, you get what I"m saying baby?You dig? Aight.. you dig, holla at you boy, I love you, come onI did you wrong, you did me wrongI take you back, you take me backI did you wrong girl, you did me wrong girlI"ll take you back, I"ll take you backNo matter what you doNo matter what you sayNo matter how far you goDon"t take your love awayBecause I love youAnd girl, I want youAnd girl, I need youSo let"s just work it outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/382395

救命啊,打开文件出现WRONG FILE FORMAT怎么办


歌词是what a fuck wrong是什么歌

Linkin Park - Given Up Waking to sweat again Another day"s been laid to waste In my disgrace Stuck in my head again Feels like I"ll never leave this place There"s no escape I"m my own worst enemy I"ve given up... I"m sick of feeling Is there nothing you can say? Take this all away I"m suffocating! Tell me what the fuck is Wrong with me! I don"t know what to take Thought I was focused but I"m scared I"m not prepared I have a better way Looking for hope somehow somewhere And noone cares I"m my own worst enemy I"ve given up... I"m sick of feeling Is there nothing you can say? Take this all away I"m suffocating! Tell me what the fuck is Wrong with me! GOD Put me out of my misery Put me out of my misery Put me out of my... Put me out of my fucking misery! I"ve given up... I"m sick of feeling Is there nothing you can say? Take this all away I"m suffocating! Tell me what the fuck is Wrong with me!

The Notorious B.I.G.的《Dead Wrong》 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Wrong歌手:The Notorious B.I.G.专辑:Born AgainThe Notorious B.I.G. Feat. Eminem - Dead Wrong{Puff} Bad Boy baby{Big} Yeah.. yeah..Junior M.A.F.I.A., yeah..{Puff} Yeah.. B.I.G. 2000B.I.G. 2000 Born Again.. c"mon..{Notorious B.I.G.}The weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrong{Notorious B.I.G.}Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the marijuana smokeThrow you in a choke - gun smoke, gun smokeBiggie Smalls for mayor, the rap slayerThe hooker layer - motherfuckers say your prayersHail Mary full of grace.. smack the bitch in the face;Take her Gucci bag and the North FaceOff her back, jab her if she actFunny with the money oh you got me mistaken honeyI don"t wanna rape ya, I just want the paperThe Visa, kapeesha? I"m out like, "The Vapors"Who"s the one you call Mr. Macho, the head honchoSwift fist like Camacho, I got soMuch style I should be down wit the StylisticsMake up to break up {singing in background} niggaz need to wake upSmell the indonesia, beat you to a seizureThen fuck your moms, hit the skins til amnesiaShe don"t remember shit! Just the two hits!Her hittin the floor, and me hittin the clits!Suckin on the tits! Had the hooker beggin for the dickAnd your moms ain"t ugly love, my dick got rock quickI guess I was a combination of House of Pain and Bobby BrownI was "Humpin Around" and "Jump-in Around"Jacked her then I asked her who"s the man; she said, "B-I-G"Then I bust in her E-Y-E (Yo Big, you"re dead wrong){Notorious B.I.G.}The weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrong{Notorious B.I.G.}When I get dusted, I like to spread the blood like mustardTrust it, my hardcore rain leaves you rustedMove over Lucifer, I"m more ruthless, huhLeave your toothless, you"ll kibbitz, I"ll flip itTears don"t affect me, I hit "em with the tech GDisrespect me - my potency is deadlyI"m shootin babies, no ifs ands or maybesHit mummy in the tummy if the hooker plays a dummySlit the wrist of little sisAfter she sucked the dick, I stabbed her brother with the icepickBecause he wanted me to fuck him from the backBut Smalls don"t get down like thatGot your father hidin in a room; fucked him with the broomSlit him down the back and threw salt in the woundWho you think you"re dealin with?Anybody step into my path is fuckin" feelin it!Hardcore, I got it sucked like a pussyStab ya til you"re gushy, so please don"t push.. meI"m using rubbers so they won"t trace the semenThe black demon, got the little hookers screaminBecause you know I love it young, fresh and greenWith no hair in between, know what I mean?{Notorious B.I.G.}The weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrong {Puff} Ladies and gentlemen..{Eminem}There"s several different levels to Devil worshippin: horse"s heads,Human sacrifices, canibalism; candles and exorcismAnimals havin sex with "em; camels mammals and rabbitsBut I don"t get into that, I kick the habit - I just,Beat you to death with weapons that eat through the fleshAnd I never eat you unless the fuckin", meat looks freshI got a lion in my pocket, I"m lyin, I got a nine in my pocketAnd baby I"m just, dyin to cock himHe"s ready for war, I"m ready for warI got machetes and swords for any fagot that said he was rawMy uz" as, heavy as yours, yeah you met me beforeI just didn"t have as large an arsenal of weapons beforeMarshall will step in the door, I lay your head on the floorWith your body spread on the bedspread, red on the wallRed on the ceilin, red on the floor, get a new whoreMet on the second, wet on the third;Then she"s dead on the fourth - I"m dead wrong{Notorious B.I.G.}The weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrong {Puff Daddy} Uh-huh, and we won"t stop, because we can"t stopThe weak or the strong, who got it goin onYou"re dead wrongEndThe Notorious B.I.G. Feat. Eminem - Dead Wronghttp://music.baidu.com/song/52612876

have a look first or you will go the wrong way.是什么意思


open wrong office 哪个o发音 不同

open [u02c8u0259u028apu0259n]wrong [ru0254:u014b]office [u02c8u0254:fu026as]open的o的发音不同。

whats wrong with you什么意思?

what"s wrong with you?你怎么了?也可以说:what"s the matter with you?例句:hello!Lily !what"s wrong with you?喂!莉莉,你怎么了?I am feeling a bit headache!我觉得有点儿头疼!what"s the matter的例句You seem all washed out, what"s the matter? 你看上去疲惫不堪,你怎么啦?

跪求《 wrong hole》的英文歌词

wrong hole歌词:I took her on a date things seemed so brightI knew I would not need my youporn tonightWe go to her place and we fooled aroundWe throw all our clothes to the groundWe begin as she turns out the lightsI start but feel something so very extra tightI hear her cry and I see her frownI look at the condom it is all brownLast night I stuck it in the wrong holeI"m so sorry from the bottom of my soulCause I stuck it in the wrong holeTry some preparation H it"ll make you feel betterIn my defense those holes are so close togetherOh baby baby don"t feel defiledIt"s a common accident during doggy styleIt was so dark I couldn"t see so goodI had no idea where I put my woodI want to make things better want to make it alrightIf you want you can put on a strap on and give it back to me all night ( I"d rather if she didn"t)Last night I stuck it in the wrong holeI"m so sorry from the bottom of my soulI never ever want to make you feel hurtingI guess that"s why God made that hole not for insertingTell me how you feel baby please don"t pauseNow I know how they feel in that HBO show OZMaybe take some advit your pain it will fixFrom the way you are walking you can compete in the special olympicsIf this was Alabama we would be on trialThat"s how my mom took my temperature when I was a childI"ve got a confession and I think you wont mindI kinda liked when you put it in my behindI don"t know baby I"m no SodomiteCan"t we just try it again tonight?Alright!Every night I stick it in the wrong holeIt"s so much fun and we don"t need no birth controlWhen we stick it in the wrong hole.I stuck in your ass.

wrong 错乱 by razetheaxolotl

第一题选C 同楼上,NEXT MONTH,肯定是将来,虚拟语气. 第二题,应选C. 虚拟语气,情态动词都是用过去式来表示的.是委婉的表达.

what i had done wrong


What have I done wrong ? wrong 是副词,还是形容词用?


谁能告诉我wrong hole 这首歌的正确翻译...看好了是正确的不是恶搞的...... 谢谢帮忙....




什么英文歌有 you say i was wrong

歌曲:All out of love - westlifeI"m lying alone with my head on the phone   独自躺着,头靠在电话上   Thinking of you till it hurts   想你想到心痛   I know you hurt too but what else can we do   我明白你也受到伤害,但又能如何   Tormented and torn part   除了折磨与心碎   I wish I could carry your smile in my heart   但愿我能将你的笑容放在心中   For times when my life seems so low   当我的人生如此低潮之际   It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring  那会使我对明天怀有一丝希望   When today doesn"t really know Doesn"t really know   当今天不知何去何从   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   I"m so lost without you   失去你让我感到失落   I know you were right   我知道你是对的   Believing for so long   长久以来一直相信   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   What am I without you   没有了你,我算什么   I can"t be too late   不能太迟   To say that I was so wrong   向你承认我真的错了   I want you to come back and carry me home   我要你回来,带我回家   Away from these long lonely nights   远离漫长、孤寂的夜晚   I"m reaching for you Are you feeling it too   我正向你靠近,你感觉到了吗?   Does the feeling seem oh so right   那是多么棒的感觉   And what would you say   如果我现在向你恳求   If I called on you now   说我已撑不下去   And said that I can"t hold on   没有更好的方法   There"s no easy way it gets harder each day   一天比一天更难熬   Please love me or I"ll be gone I"ll be gone   请你爱我,否则我会死   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   I"m so lost without you   失去你让我感到失落   I know you were right   我知道你是对的   Believing for so long   长久以来一直相信   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   What am I without you   没有了你,我算什么   I can"t be too late   不能太迟   To say that I was so wrong   向你承认我真的错了   Ah what are you thinking of   吾爱,你在想什么?   What are you thinking of   你在想什么   What are you thinking of   What are you thinking o.................f   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   I"m so lost without you   失去你让我感到失落   I know you were right   我知道你是对的   Believing for so long   长久以来一直相信   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   What am I without you   没有了你,我算什么   I can"t be too late   不能太迟   To say that I was so wrong   向你承认我真的错了   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   I"m so lost without you   失去你让我感到失落   I know you were right   我知道你是对的   Believing for so long   长久以来一直相信   I"m all out of love   我已与爱绝缘   What am I without you   没有了你,我算什么   I can"t be too late   不能太迟   To say that I was so wrong   向你承认我真的错了

求My youth romantic comedy is wrong as I expected.这句话的句式结构分析。

My youth romantic定语,修饰comedy comedy 主语is谓语 wrong 表语as I expected 状语从句

(When Things Go Wrong) It Hurts 歌词

歌曲名:(When Things Go Wrong) It Hurts歌手:Eric Clapton专辑:Crossroads 2 (Live In The Seve)Can you tell me where it leadswhen it"s neverending?Can you tell me where to gowhen no one"s home?And I know, you knowIt hurtsIt hurts to be aloneYou"re all,On a one-way train going downCan you tell me what to saywhen there"s no one listening?Can you show me what to dowhen all is done?I know, you knowIt hurtsIt hurts to be aloneThe plan has gone wrongLike a one-way train going downGoing down, down, downGoing downGoing down, down, downOooohhhhYes I know, you knowIt hurtsIt hurts to be aloneYou"re all, on your ownOn a one-way train going down, going downGoing down, down, downGoing downGoing down, down, downIt hurts to be alone,It hurts to be alone.Going downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1527037


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。

if you fellow the wrong star my love will get you home 是哪首歌的歌词什么歌

christine glass my love will get you home

The Fray的《Dead Wrong》 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Wrong歌手:The Fray专辑:How To Save A LifeThe Fray - Dead Wrongby alegrarseIf only I knew what I knowI"d make it a point to say soTo everyone that got me hereAnd everyone that made itClear I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakeThat I would not lose my wayWhen I was astray ...I"m doing the best that I could.Trying my best to be understoodMaybe I"m changing slowlyI get out, turn around.....If only I knew I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakethat I would not lose my wayWhen I was dead wrong all alongMine is not a new storyMine is not a new storyMine is nothing newBut it is for meSo I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakeThat you thought I"d lost my wayWhen I was dead wrong all alongYou said it for my sakeThat I would not lose my wayDid I really lose my wayOr are you afraidThe Fray - Dead Wrongby alegrarsehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1028482

英国文学题目 In the following descriptions of the Neoclassical Period, which is wrong?

uff08the Enlightenmentuff09

If the robot___wrong , you can get a new one for free or get all your money back .

选c这道题考的是虚拟语气。从句使用将来时的形式是should加动词原形或者是were to,但是答案中只有前者,所以选c。希望我的回答对你有帮助。

Patsy Cline的《So Wrong》 歌词

歌曲名:So Wrong歌手:Patsy Cline专辑:Universal Masters Collection献给刘姣Martin Kember(FT.) Taj Jackson - So Wrong献给刘姣Wish you woulda let me knowSo I could prepare to deal with the painBaby cuz my eyes were closedWhen I felt your kiss it blew me awayThe music was to loud to hear to the train comingAnd you left me no way out holding onto nothingLooking like a fool while you stayed there and laughedHow you leave me here to find my way backOne thing is for sure I"m gonna be alright (alright)How could I be so wrong, in my feelings for youHow would something so strong, easily broke in twoWhen you look in my eyes, I want so bad to cryWhat used to be is gone, gone gone,How could I be so wrong.Seem like you always knewJust when to say what I wanted to hearThe nights when you held me closeI felt every word you said was sincereThe perfect love story has a different endingIt was all about you know that you numbed me ?You"re taking what meant the whole world to meMy heart and my soul, the air that I breatheBut one thing is for sure I"m gonna be alright (alright)How could I be so wrong, in my feelings for youHow would something so strong, easily broke in twoWhen you look in my eyes, I want so bad to cryWhat used to be is gone, gone gone,How could I be so wrong.Now I know the truthI cant believe I had so much faith in youThere was no one else I trusted more than youAfter all we"ve been through...How could I be so wrong, in my feelings for youHow would something so strong, easily broke in twoWhen you look in my eyes, I want so bad to cryWhat used to be is gone, gone gone,How could I be so wrong, in my feelings for youHow would something so strong, easily broke in twoWhen you look in my eyes, I want so bad to cryWhat used to be is gone, gone gone,How could I be so wrong.http://music.baidu.com/song/8573820

“right”和“correct”, “wrong”和“incorrect”有什么区别

1、“right”和“correct”的区别:(1)两者均可表示“正确的”、“没有错误的”,常可换用。如:Your opinion is correct [right]. 你的意见是正确的。(2) 两者均可表示“恰当的”,但 correct 侧重指行为、礼貌、 衣着等方面的符合公认标准或得体等;而 rigth 则指同类中的最佳者,即最恰当的、最适宜的、最切合实际的。如:It"s not correct behaviour. 那是不合礼仪的行为。Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion. 这样的便服不宜在正式场合穿。He is the right man for the job. 他是最适合做这工作的人。Those shoes are just right in size. 那双鞋子大小正合适。(3)指道德行为方面的“正确”,或指人的身体或精神处于正常状态,均用 right。如:It is not right to tell lies. 说谎是不对的(不应该的)。I don"t think it"s right to worry my friends with my own problems. 我认为不应该让我的朋友们为我的问题担忧。He is not right in his head. 他头脑不正常。(4)right 的反义词是 wrong,correct 的反义词是 incorrect。所以下面一句的 right 不宜改为 correct:He is too young to tell right from wrong. 他太小,还不能分辨是非。2、“wrong”和“incorrect”的区别:incorrect 比较有限制性,通常用在“回答、答案、方法、方式”这些比较特定的语境中。 行为上的极少会用这个词。 wrong (或有时候wrongful)用得相对要更宽松些,能用 incorrect 的时候都可以用 wrong 或 wrongful 来替代。

right和correct, wrong和incorrect 有什么区别

1. 两者均可表示“正确的”、“没有错误的”,常可换用。如: Your opinion is correct [right]. 你的意见是正确的。 2. 两者均可表示“恰当的”,但 correct 侧重指行为、礼貌、 衣着等方面的符合公认标准或得体等;而 rigth 则指同类中的最佳者,即最恰当的、最适宜的、最切合实际的。如: It"s not correct behaviour. 那是不合礼仪的行为。 Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion. 这样的便服不宜在正式场合穿。 He is the right man for the job. 他是最适合做这工作的人。 Those shoes are just right in size. 那双鞋子大小正合适。 3. 指道德行为方面的“正确”,或指人的身体或精神处于正常状态,均用 right。如: It is not right to tell lies. 说谎是不对的(不应该的)。 I don"t think it"s right to worry my friends with my own problems. 我认为不应该让我的朋友们为我的问题担忧。 He is not right in his head. 他头脑不正常。 4. right 的反义词是 wrong,correct 的反义词是 incorrect。所以下面一句的 right 不宜改为 correct:He is too young to tell right from wrong. 他太小,还不能分辨是非。 wrong 与incorrect的区别同理。

incorrect 和wrong有什么区别

incorrect这个IN 意思就是反义的意思 后面的单词意思是正确 加IN以后意思就是不正确 wrong [简明英汉词典] adj.错误的, 不正当的, 道德不好的, 失常的 adv.错误地 n.坏事, 错误, 不公正

哪位高人帮忙找一下《Wrong》 depeche Mode 的歌词加翻译!谢谢!

I was born with the wrong signIn the wrong houseWith the wrong ascendancyI took the wrong roadThat led to the wrong tendenciesI was in the wrong place at the wrong timeFor the wrong reason and the wrong rhymeOn the wrong day of the wrong weekI used the wrong method with the wrong techniqueWrongWrongThere"s something wrong with me chemicallySomething wrong with me inherentlyThe wrong mix in the wrong genesI reached the wrong ends by the wrong meansIt was the wrong planIn the wrong handsWith the wrong theory for the wrong manThe wrong lies, on the wrong vibesThe wrong questions with the wrong repliesWrongWrongI was marching to the wrong drumWith the wrong scumPissing out the wrong energyUsing all the wrong linesAnd the wrong signsWith the wrong intensityI was on the wrong page of the wrong bookWith the wrong rendition of the wrong hookMade the wrong move, every wrong nightWith the wrong tune played till it sounded right yeahWrongWrong(Too long)(Wrong)I was born with the wrong signIn the wrong houseWith the wrong ascendancyI took the wrong roadThat led to the wrong tendenciesI was in the wrong place at the wrong timeFor the wrong reason and the wrong rhymeOn the wrong day of the wrong weekI used the wrong method with the wrong techniqueWrong我的出生带来了错的的兆头在错误德房子里与错误的优势我上了错路那导致了我走向错误的倾向我在错误的时间,在错误的地方为错误的原因与错误押韵在错误的星期里错误的那天我使用了错误方法与错误技术错误错误我的成分有些错误又混合了错误的基因我由错的意思到达了错误的末端这是错误计划在错误的手与为错误的人得到的错误德理论错误的谎言,在错误德震动错误的问题与错误德回复错误错误我走到错误的鼓与错误的浮渣用了错误的能量还用了所有错误的线并且与错误的标志与错误强度我是在错误的书中那错误的页与错误勾子的错误翻译在每个错误的夜里做了错误的举动,一直弹着错误的调子,直到它听上去对了。错误错误(太长)(错误)我的出生带来了错的的兆头在错误德房子里与错误的优势我上了错路那导致了我走向错误的倾向我在错误的时间,在错误的地方为错误的原因与错误押韵在错误的星期里错误的那天我使用了错误方法与错误技术错误
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