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答:我们认为turpan的读音与另外的三个词hurt, nurse和Thursday的读音是不相同的。


Thursday的缩写有四种形式分别是Th., Thu., Thur., Thurs.。 词汇分析 单词:Thursday 音标:英["θzde; -d]美[θzde; θzd] 释义:星期四 扩展资料 短语:last thursday上周四 ; 上星期四 ; 表示过去时间的`状语 ; 上周星期四 is thursday它是星期四 ; 这是星期四 Dirty Thursday星期四 Thursday y星期四 ; 周四 ; 赖床大作战 Carnival Thursday星期四 rainy Thursday多雨的星期四 till Thursday到星期四


Thursday是英语中表示星期四的单词。历史与起源Thursday一词最早可以追溯到北欧神话中的雷神Thor(即“星期四”的意思)。在古代罗马时期,星期四的名称为“Joves dies”,意思是宙斯的日子,而宙斯是罗马神话中对应希腊神话中的宙斯的神。全球使用情况星期四被广泛使用于世界各地的日历系统中,包括英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、印度、中国等国家和地区。不过也有些地方使用其他替代的星期四名称,例如在土耳其,星期四称为“Peru015fembe”。星期四的涵义在基督教文化中,星期四是在耶稣被钉十字架前的下一个星期四即“圣洁星期四”。此外,在印度教和佛教中,星期四与木星相关连,因为木星在印度教和佛教中象征着幸运与繁荣。星期四的文化寓意在英语中,有一个习语“Thank God It"s Thursday”(TGIT),与“TGIF”类似。这个习语表达了人们对于已经度过了一周的一半,又即将到来周末的愉悦心情。同时,在美国还有一个名为“Throwback Thursday”(TBT)的社交媒体趋势,人们会在星期四发布自己遗忘已久的旧照片或是回忆录。与星座相关的星期四星期四在某些星座的名称中得到了体现。例如在天蝎座中,星期四被称为“木星之日”,因为木星是天蝎座的主宰星座之一。同样,在双子座中,星期四被称为“水星之日”,因为水星是双子座的主宰星座之一。Thursday是指星期四,拥有着历史与文化涵义。此外,星期四也可以出现在不同文化和社交场合中的各种习语和用法中。


thursday的中文翻译星期四。星期四或称礼拜四,指的是一周中星期三之后、星期五之前的那一天。是一周中的第五天。英文为Thursday。另:星期四是澳大利亚的发薪日,称为Salary day。这一天是用北欧神话中Thor的名字来命名的。Thor是掌管雷电之神,他常驾驭着由山羊拉的战车奔驰在天际间,风儿飕飕成了闪电,车轮滚滚成了雷鸣。星期四的拉丁语名字是dies Iovis,意思就是朱庇特日或木星日;法语是jeudi,来源于拉丁语。英语是Thursday,来源于日尔曼的风雨雷电之神Thor;俄语是четврг,意思是“第四天”。在古代中国,和现代的日本、韩国、朝鲜,一星期以“七曜”来分别命名,星期四叫木曜日。这是从拉丁语直接转变过来的。在中国民间口语称礼拜四,在台湾话也简称拜四。短语搭配:last thursday上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四;Thursday y周四;星期四;赖床大作战;Dirty Thursday星期四;油腻星期四;is thursday这是星期四;它是星期四。双语例句:1、What about Thursday, then?那么星期四如何?2、We play football only on Thursday.我们只在星期四踢足球。3、We play basketball only on Thursday.我们只在星期四打篮球。


星期四。单词:thursday英['θu025c:zdeu026a]释义:n.星期四例句:用作名词(n.)I'm usually free between Tuesday and Thursday.我通常在星期二至星期四有空。词语使用变化:1、Thursday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期四”。2、Thursday表示“某个星期四”时可加不定冠词a。3、表示“在星期四”时,一般用介词on,但如果有this,that,last,before,every等词修饰时,不能再用介词on。4、Thursday可缩写为Thur.或Thurs.。


thursday是星期四。Thursday主要用作为名词,意为“星期四”,在书写时,无论是放于句首还是句中其首字母T都应该大写,例如:Ill see you Thursday week.(译)我们下星期四见。 扩展资料   一、Thursday 词性及释义   (n.):星期四等含义;   二、Thursday 双语例句   例句 1. Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday"s bank raid.   警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行抢劫案有关的男子。   例句 2. I went to Paris on Thursday, and came back the following Monday.   我星期四去了巴黎,第二周的星期一就回来了。   例句 3. The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.   委员会将在下星期四上午11:30开会。   例句 4. It may be possible to fly the women and children out on Thursday   周四可能会将妇女和儿童空运出去。   例句 5. On the Thursday we went out on a day trip   星期四我们出去玩了一天。   例句 6. We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday morning   每周四上午,我们会去采购一周的日用品。   例句 7. Last Thursday, Nick announced record revenues of$ 3.4 billion   上个星期四,尼克宣布公司收入创下34亿美元的纪录。   例句 8. Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.   周四,南极气流给智利南部带来了刺骨的.严寒。   例句 9. He is likely to be called up for Thursday"s match against Italy.   他有可能被选中参加星期四对意大利的比赛。   例句 10. Some of the shops were closed but that"s quite normal for a Thursday afternoon   一些商店关门了,但在星期四下午这是很平常的。


Thursday 英[u02c8θu025c:zdeu026a] 美[u02c8θu025c:rzdeu026a] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四; [电影] 惊爆星期四; 全部释义>>[例句]We need volunteers for thursday!我们星期四需要志愿者!

英语星期的由来Thursday 星期四?



Thursday的缩写形式是什么 Thursday是周四的意思,缩写形式为Thu.正确记得采纳哦~



有首歌曲里的歌词是..monday tuesday...wednesday thursday..请问这是首什么歌曲?

Sarah Connor - Wait Till You Hear From Me ?

Kangkang’s Birthday Party We had a birthday party for Kangkanglast Thursday改为一般疑问句和否定句



2楼正确。craig david转音很好听。



thursday怎么读音 英语thursday怎么读

1、Thursday英[u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026a]美[u02c8θu025cu02d0rzdeu026a],Thursday,英文单词,主要用作为名词,意为“星期四”。 2、短语搭配:last thursday 上周四 ; 上星期四 ; 表示过去时间的状语 ; 上周星期四;Thursday y 周四 ; 星期四 ; 赖床大作战。 3、双语例句:What about Thursday, then?那么星期四如何?




thursday的音标为:英/u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026a/;美/u02c8θu025cu02d0rzdeu026a/。一、释义:星期四。二、短语:1、last thursday.上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四。2、Thursday y.星期四;周四;赖床大作战。3、Dirty Thursday.星期四;油腻星期四。4、is thursday.它是星期四;这是星期四。5、rainy Thursday.多雨的星期四。6、till Thursday.到星期四。7、foggy Thursday.多雾的星期四。例句:1、We agreed to meet on Thursday.我们约定在星期四见面。2、I"ll see you Thursday week.我们下星期四见。3、Thursday is market day.星期四是赶集日。4、On Thursday we went out on a day trip.周四我们出去旅行了一天。


Thursday [??θ??:zdi]


Thursday是一个英语单词,它的意思是星期四。单词Thursday的音标为/θu025crsdi/,发音时需要注意/t/和/s/的连读。在长音中,/θ/是无声摩擦音,需要将舌头紧贴上齿龈向上吹出气声;/u025cu02d0/是短元音,在发音时需要舌头放松,嘴巴形成一个半开的形状;/s/是无声的摩擦音,在发音时需要把舌头贴住上齿龈,向前吹气,使气流自两侧射出,此时出现嘶音。除了表示星期四之外,Thursday可以用于扩展其他语境。例如,有一种称为“Throwback Thursday”的社交媒体活动。每当到了周四,人们便会在自己的社交媒体帐户上发布一些自己遥远过去的照片或回忆录。这类博客通常会在辅助文本中使用”#TBT“标签,意为Throwback Thursday。Thursday还被用作一些人名中的一部分,例如国际足球明星Thierry Henry和Trevor Noah。在西方传统中,星期四与英国神话中的雷神Thor有关。Thor是北欧神话中的一位神,掌管着天空和打雷。由于Thor的名字与Thursday发音相似,因此,有些人将它们联系在一起。此外在一些欧洲国家,星期四又是购物日,商店通常会推出一些优惠活动。总的来说,Thursday是一个常见的英语单词,用法广泛。学习一门语言不仅需要掌握词汇的意思和发音,还需要了解它们的文化背景和使用方法。希望这篇小文章能帮助你更好地理解Thursday这个单词。



thursday怎么读音 英语thursday怎么读

1、Thursday英[u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026a]美[u02c8θu025cu02d0rzdeu026a],Thursday,英文单词,主要用作为名词,意为“星期四”。 2、短语搭配:last thursday 上周四 ; 上星期四 ; 表示过去时间的状语 ; 上周星期四;Thursday y 周四 ; 星期四 ; 赖床大作战。 3、双语例句:What about Thursday, then?那么星期四如何?


Thursday / 5WE:zdi /n. 星期四   字源解析:星期四是献给雷神托尔的日子。这个单词在古英语中写为?urresd?g,其字面意思是“Thor"s day”(托尔日)。托尔是北欧神话中的雷神,相当于罗马神话中的主神Jupiter(朱庇特)。Thursday一词是从拉丁文短语Jovis dies“day of Jupiter”(朱庇特之日)直接翻译过来的。雷神 Thor   文化背景:力大无比的雷神托尔   雷神托尔(Thor)是奥丁与大地女神弗乔珍所生的儿子。在冰岛与挪威,托尔有着大批的信徒。   托尔魁梧挺拔,身形庞大,食量惊人,一餐能吃下一只全羊。雷神的坐骑是一辆双羊战车。他还拥有三件神器,一是神斧奥尼尔,出自伊凡尔狄的两位侏儒儿子之手;二是铁手套;三是一条神奇的腰带,围在腰间便能使神力倍添。   托尔凭借着神力,成为了深受众神信赖的保护者。在神之劫难中,英勇的雷神劈开了巨蟒约姆伽德的蛇头,但自己也被巨蟒的毒液淹死。   在托尔与洛基的冒险故事中,往往都是洛基作祟,之后为从危险中脱身,又嫁祸于托尔。当洛基落入盖若德手中之时,为了脱身,便许诺让托尔不带任何武器,赤手空拳前往盖若德的住处。结果,耿直的托尔果真舍弃了雷斧、手套与腰带,随了火神一路直往盖若德宫中去。快接近约顿海姆的时候,托尔与洛基在冰霜女巨人格瑞德家中借宿一晚。格瑞德忠告托尔应小心行事,并慷慨地将自己的神力腰带、铁皮手套和拐杖借给了雷神。   当两神来到一条湍急的山涧时,盖若德之女姬雅普突然杀出,冲他们泼洒经血,血水仿佛飞涧挡住了两神的去路。这时,托尔挑起一块巨石朝她砸去,刹时瀑止水息。   托尔与洛基来到盖若德宫殿,刚在一张椅子上坐下,突然被一股力量猛然举起,几乎就要顶着屋盖。这时,托尔用格瑞德之神杖往屋顶一撑,巨大的力量将椅子反弹回坐,藏匿在椅子下面的姬雅普与格蕾普顿时被压成了肉酱。   托尔与洛基另一冒险经历便是乌特伽德之行了。两神来到人类的住所——米德伽德,并与农夫一家分享了自己的神羊,并叮嘱不要伤了羊骨。不料,饥肠辘辘的农夫之子契亚非吃完羊肉,意犹未尽,竟折断羊骨吸食里面的骨髓。翌日清晨,托尔用神斧使两只山羊复活,却发现一只跛了。雷神一怒之下,欲杀死他想为神羊偿命。结果,农夫苦苦哀求,并答应将自己的一对儿女献给雷神作为随从。托尔方才息怒,惺惺作罢。   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We have English,math and science on Thursdays是什么意思


What do you have on Thursdays是什么意思



We have art on Thursdays.星期四我们有艺术课。

怎麽排序 do have on what you thursdays?

What have you do on thursdays?

What do you have onThursdays.是什么意思?


What classes do you have on Thursdays?为什么Thursday后面加s?


What do you have for lunch on Thursdays?是什么意思?


what do you have on thursdays.为什么THURSDAY要加S?


what do you have on thursdays和what do you have on

Thursdays指凡是星期四 做的事

thursdays 在句子里t要大写吗

要大写,因为题目中只要是实词首字母就要大写 追问: 我都糊涂了,我们老师说不大写


Thursday 英[ˈθɜ:zdeɪ] 美[ˈθɜ:rzdeɪ] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四; [电影] 惊爆星期四; [例句]On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink.星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。[其他] 复数:Thursdays


"Thursday" 的英文简称是 "Thu" 或 "Thur"。这两种简称都是常见的缩写形式,用来代表星期四。

Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点

若你在东部,美国 Thursday 8 pm 是中国 周五早上 8点钟若你在美国西部, Thursday 8 pm 是中国 周五早上 11点钟et 是eastern standard time 的简译翻译成中文的意思:东部时间pt 是 pacific standard time的简译 翻译成中文的意思:西部时间8 pm et/pt 是指 8点在美国东部和西部同时上演美国本土 的48州共有四个时区,从西往东依次为“太平洋时间”、“山地时间”、“中部时间”和“东部时间”,还有阿拉斯加(州)时间。美国还实行夏令时,美国夏令时始于每年4月的第1个周日,止于每年10月的最后一个周日。夏令时比正常时间早一小时

急求Lovestoned 唱的Thursdays 的歌词

Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time I"m feelin" like a Monday but someday I"ll be Saturday night Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong My life"s a bargain basement, all the good shit"s gone I just can"t hold a job, where do I belong I"m sleeping in my car, my dreams move on My name is Billy Jean, my love was bought and sold I"m only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old My foster daddy went, took my innocence away The street life aint much better, but at least I get paid And Tuesday just might go my way It can"t get worse than yesterday Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind But somehow I"ll survive Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Now I can"t say my name, and tell you where I am I want to roll myself away, don"t know if I can I wish that I could be in some other time and place With someone elses soul, someone elses face Oh, Tuesday just might go my way It can"t get worse than yesterday Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind But somehow I"ll survive Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life I"m gonna pick up all the pieces and what"s left of my pride I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night Here we go Some day I"ll be Saturday night I"ll be back on my feet, I"ll be doin" alright It may not be tomorrow baby, that"s OK I ain"t goin" down, gonna find a way, hey hey hey Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah, I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man, gotta live my life Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night __________,all right, all right Saturday night Made by Conspir@cY Enjoy it !!



thursdays英语怎么读 单词thursdays怎么读

1、Thursdays英[u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026az]美[u02c8θu025crzdeu026az],n.星期四;Thursday的复数。 2、[例句]The store stays open until late on Thursdays.这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。


英[_θ__zde_] 美[_θ__rzde_]。Thursday主要用作为名词,意思为星期四,复数形式Thursdays。扩展资料:《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》The store stays open until late on Thursdays.这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》I"m always terribly busy on Thursdays.一到星期四我就忙得不可开交。《汉英大词典》We do not receive on Thursdays.我们星期四不会客。以下内容供参考:百度百科-Thursday

thursday 的简写格式是什么?



Does Amy always play the on Thursday dat?


What do you have on Thursday? 你周四吃的什么?



on thursday与on thursdays具体的区别

on thursday就是在星期四,比如 He went to swim on thursday在星期四他去游泳了只是在某一个星期的星期四去游了次泳on thursday就是在每周星期四 He goes to swim on thursdays每周四他都去游泳

Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点

若你在东部,美国thursday8pm是中国周五早上8点钟若你在美国西部,thursday8pm是中国周五早上11点钟et是easternstandardtime的简译翻译成中文的意思:东部时间pt是pacificstandardtime的简译 翻译成中文的意思:西部时间8pmet/pt是指8点在美国东部和西部同时上演美国本土的48州共有四个时区,从西往东依次为“太平洋时间”、“山地时间”、“中部时间”和“东部时间”,还有阿拉斯加(州)时间。美国还实行夏令时,美国夏令时始于每年4月的第1个周日,止于每年10月的最后一个周日。夏令时比正常时间早一小时




Thursday 星期四Thursdays 凡是星期四都做同一件事We have English on Thursdays.






Thursday的英语发音为[u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026a]。1、星期四的由来星期四的名称来源于古代罗马神话中的神祇Jupiter,而它在拉丁文中的名字是Iuppiter,缩写成Luppiter。最初的英文名称为Thursdei,后来随着时间的推移而演变为现在的Thursday。2、Thursday与行星在古代罗马人眼中,星期四(Thursday)与木星(Jupiter)有很强的联系。例如在古罗马宗教节日中,对Jupiter进行崇拜和祭祀。同时,木星也被看做是众神之王,所以星期四也被视为吉利的一天。3、与其他语言中的Thursday类似于英语中的Thursday,其他一些语言中也采用了Jupiter这位神祇的名字来表示星期四。例如,在西班牙语中,星期四称作“jueves”,源自于拉丁语“Jovisdies”,意为Jupiter的日子。在法语中,星期四称作“jeudi”,也来自于拉丁语。4、Thursday的特殊含义尽管在英语中,星期四只是一周中的普通一天,但它在某些国家和文化中却有着特殊的含义。例如,在美国,感恩节总是在星期四举行;而在英国和爱尔兰,星期四被称为“early-closing day”,许多商店会在下午早些时间关门,以便员工可以回家陪伴家人。总结:Thursday作为一周中的一个特定的日子,有着很多有趣的历史和文化背景。随着时间的推移,星期四也逐渐成为了与神话和吉祥有关的一天。

英文歌 从星期一到星期天Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday……一直重复唱的,很短的。

歌曲:happy day歌手:蕃茄女孩

求 Lovestoned 的 Thursdays 的中英歌词,不要机翻

Lovestoned——星期四 晨报咖啡越来越冷了 是的,这是星期四再次变老了 这个钟的工作总是慢下来 我的书桌就是一艘船搁浅 它就像只是一个七号公车 之后,让我就站在尘土 我很高兴你来帮我填了十年 但是我们都知道我们要流泪 给我一些小星期六 我会把上帝最后是星期五 或者很多懒惰 如果我们有一万人 让我们住他们,使他们全盛时期 不仅仅是一群星期四在一排 哦哦哦哦 不是一堆星期四不行 不是一堆星期四在一排 想要觉得带你在一个轮子 在箱子里,那里的每一扇门都密封 我想要我的脚跳上不同的立场上 我们要去某地,不是坐著 给我一些小星期六 我会把上帝最后是星期五 或者很多懒惰 如果我们有一万人 让我们住他们,使他们全盛时期 不仅仅是一群星期四在一排 哦哦哦哦 不是一堆星期四不行 不是一堆星期四在一排 我们加一点调味品 我会带您踏上了剧变 让你的手在空中 紧握你的呼吸,也许,闭上你的眼睛 给我一些小星期六 我会把上帝最后是星期五 或者很多懒惰 如果我们有一万人 让我们住他们,使他们全盛时期 不仅仅是一群星期四在一排 哦哦哦哦 不是一堆星期四不行 不是一堆星期四在一排 哦哦哦哦 不是一堆星期四不行 不是一堆星期四在一排

on Thursday afternoon ,Mrs Clarke locked the dioe


完形填空 On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the d

On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clake locked the door星期四下午,克拉克夫人锁的门。




thursday是星期四。复数形式:ThursdaysThursday用法:Thursday可以用作名词。Thursday的意思是“星期四,礼拜四”,指一周的第五天。Thursday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期四”。Thursday表示“某个星期四”时可加不定冠词a。扩展资料:相关短语:lastthurs day上周四;上星期四;表示过去时间的状语;上周星期四Thursday y星期四;周四;赖床大作战其他星期的表示:星期一,Monday,缩写:Mon.星期二,Tuesday,缩写:Tues.星期三,Wednesday,缩写:Wed.星期五,Friday,缩写:Fri.星期六,Saturday,缩写:Sat.星期日,Sunday,缩写:Sun.

In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On that d

In the United States,every year,Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November.Because Canada iS north of the United States,and is colder.The harvest comes earlier in the year.In Canada,people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October. The harvest brings a lot of food to the people.On Thanksgiving Day people in Canada and America like to have a big meal with their friends and family j ust like Chinese people do at Mid—Autumn Festival.Many Canadians and Americans put flowers,vegetables and fruits around their homes to say“Thank you”for the harvest. At a Thanksgiving Day dinner,many Canadians and Americans will eat turkey,pota—toes,and pumpkins pie.These are food like the food of many years ago.They are saying Thank you”for the harvest that comes every year.( )1.Which country has the Thanksgiving Day like the United States? A.Japan. B.China. C.Canada. D.Korea.( )2.In the United States,Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of _________. A.January B.May C.November D.December( )3.Canada has Thanksgiving earlier in the year because_________. A.they like flowers B.the harvest come earlier C.they have a big meal D.they want to be different( )4.The harvest brings to people. B.turkeys D.pumpkins( )5.What do people usually say on Thanksgiving Day for the harvest? A.Good morning. B.I"m hungry. C.Hello. D.Thank you.答案:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D是否可以解决您的问题?

美国的“Thursdays, 8pm et/pt”是中国时间几点?

若你在东部,美国Thursday8pm是中国周五早上8点钟若你在美国西部,Thursday8pm是中国周五早上11点钟et是easternstandardtime的简译翻译成中文的意思:东部时间pt是pacificstandardtime的简译 翻译成中文的意思:西部时间8pmet/pt是指8点在美国东部和西部同时上演美国本土的48州共有四个时区,从西往东依次为“太平洋时间”、“山地时间”、“中部时间”和“东部时间”,还有阿拉斯加(州)时间。美国还实行夏令时,美国夏令时始于每年4月的第1个周日,止于每年10月的最后一个周日。夏令时比正常时间早一小时

下面的美国东部时间换成北京时间是何时: 10am Eastern (Daylight) Time on Thursday October 23, 2014?


新加坡有卖thursday plantation 茶树油暗疮治疗啫喱


Thursday Plantation是哪里的品牌呢,价位高吗?

一一要买的话天猫的那个CW旗见店是,可 以 省钱

有谁用过Thursday Plantation 茶树金缕梅爽肤水的吗?


最近脸上长了好些痘痘,朋友说让用Thursday Plantation星期四农庄茶树祛痘凝胶,可以吗


使用 Thursday plantation 星期四农庄 茶树祛痘凝胶膏+芦荟胶修复膏,痘痘好了但会不会留下痘印呀?

不会的,之前脸上长了好多痘痘,也怕留痘印,后来到CW澳洲大药房买这两个产品, 真的好的,高兴

Thursday plantation星期四农庄天然芦荟胶是怎么使用的?可以说的详细点吗?

其 实 挺 简 单 的 , 一 般 都 是 1 . 使 用 前 先 洁 面 2 . 在 需 要 涂 抹 处 抹 上 适 量 产 品 3 . 轻 拍 按 摩 到 皮 肤 完 全 吸 收 现 在 天 猫 C h e m i s t W a r e h o u s e 海 外 旗 舰 店 就 可 以 买 到 正 品

星期四农庄(Thursday Plantation)茶树精油能添加水杨酸一起用吗


Thursday Plantation的祛痘凝胶我用在痘印地方,用了两三天皮肤会干燥、有刺痛感,还


你们觉得Thursday Plantation星期四农庄茶树祛痘凝胶怎么样?


thursday plantation是什么牌子?星期四农庄是什么牌子档次?

thursday plantation星期四农庄是澳洲一个非常有名的品牌,品牌就诞生于某个星期四的下午,主要是以植物为主的产品。下面为大家介绍这个品牌thursday plantation是什么牌子 1976年某个星期四,诞生了Thursday Plantation(星期四农庄),来自茶树油的原产地-澳洲新南威尔省,茶树油产品系列一直是澳洲、美国、英国及加拿大销量冠军。星期四农庄提供一系列独特的保健和美容产品,来自大自然的纯植物精油的力量来恢复皮肤,缓解皮肤擦伤,使皮肤变得健康、容光焕发。产品成分不包括合成的羟基苯甲酸酯、SLS、SLES或刺激性洗涤剂,无动物试验,以高标准制造产品。星期四农庄是什么牌子 星期四庄园ThursdayPlantation是来自澳洲的品牌。1976年某个星期四,他们种下第一棵茶树。从此,他们的品牌便定名“ThursdayPlantation”。ThursdayPlantation来自茶树油的原产地-澳洲新南威尔省,首创种植茶树以煶炼茶树油的做法。ThursdayPlantation最全面的茶树油产品系列,一直是澳洲、美国、英国及加拿大销量冠军。来自茶树油的原产地-澳洲新南威尔省,质量更有保证。杀菌能力比澳洲指定杀菌标准高出至少20%。100%全天然,不含药性,减少引致皮肤敏感。天然杀菌、抗菌、防止暗疮蔓延。 鼎鼎大名的美容教主牛尔老师的书里曾介绍,星期四农庄的起源也是来自于一个传奇性的故事:1978年的时候,星期四农庄的创始人Christopher Dean在一次非洲旅行时,脚趾甲受到莫名的感染,在很多次医生都束手无策的情况下,茶树精油竟然治愈了他脚趾甲的严重感染问题。于是Christopher就和他的妻子开始了他们的茶树精油事业,直到今天。Thursday Plantation茶树精油的销售历史已竟超过了30年,而他们也被澳洲政府的TGA部门(治疗用品管理部门)认定为最有治疗等级的品牌,并通过了ISO9001标准。 神奇的茶树精油具有再生和舒缓的效果,具有收敛、消炎、滋润的疗效,可使切伤、创伤、瘀青或湿疹、蚊虫叮咬、皮炎及青春痘等早日愈合。其中对于治疗青春痘(痤疮、粉刺)等有着极其有效的作用,这是由于茶树精油对青春痘的爆发密切相关的三种菌体(痤疮丙酸杆菌、表面葡萄球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌)有特别的抑制活性,而且茶树精油有着很强的渗透性和伤口愈合能力,因此在治疗青春痘(痤疮、粉刺)备受推崇!星期四农庄怎么样 试客背景 我的皮肤属于偏油性的,而且经常长痘痘,还有一些小痘印,一到夏天就容易出油,脱妆。 皮肤比较薄,比较容易过敏,夏天晒多太阳还容易起红疹。 期待了一个多月,终于收到了试用品,包装很赞哦,剥开一层层的神秘外衣,白花花的皂体出现在眼前,闻了一下,散发这淡淡的茶树精油的味道。试用过程与体验 下班回家,迫不及待准备尝试,一起准备就绪,拿出白色的皂皂,加水轻轻搓揉,马上就有很多泡泡出来,白色细腻的泡泡充满了我整个手心。 把泡泡均匀地涂抹在脸色,轻轻按摩,凉凉的,很舒服,我的大油田瞬间清爽了起来,我都有点舍不得把它冲掉了。 一分钟后,用水冲洗干净,噔噔噔噔.......... 水水的,很清爽,一点也不紧绷,感觉皮肤白了好多有木有?!试用心得 这款茶树精油洗脸皂去油效果真的不错,用它洗完脸之后皮肤很清爽,而且还很补水,不紧绷!后面还尝试了几次用来洗澡,因为本人背部有长小痘痘,几次下了,感觉痘痘明显减少了。所以碰到这么好的试用品,真心要赞一个哦!!!!

Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点


Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点


Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点

et 是 eastern standard time 东部时间pt 是 pacific standard time 西部时间et和pt中间有3小时时差但 8 pm et/pt 是指 8点在美国东部和西部同时上演。如果你在东部,美国 Thursday 8 pm 是中国 周五早上 8点;如果你在美国西部, Thursday 8 pm 是中国 周五早上 11点。换句话说,你如果能看到东部的电视台,就早8点等着,要是能看到西部的,就11点等着。

根据首字母填空:the day after thursday is f( )

The day after Thursday is Friday


The day after Thursday is Friday and before Wednesday is Tuesday.星期四之后的那天是星期五,星期三前的那天是星期二。



sunday monday tuesda wednesday thursday friday saturday 歌词

这首英文歌名叫《7days》,演唱者是英国的craig david Craig David - 7 DAYS On my way to see my friends who lived a couple blocks away from me (owh) As I walked through the subway it must have been about quarter past three In front of me stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body She asked me for the time I said it"d cost her her name a six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nine Did she decline? No Didn"t she mind? I don"t think so Was it for real? Damn sure What was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24 So was she keen? She couldn"t wait Cinnamon queen? let me update What did she say? She said she"d love to rendezvous She asked me what we were gonna do said we"d start with a bottle of moet for two [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday David Craig took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday [Verse 2] Nine was the time cos I"ll be getting mine and she was looking fine Smooth talker she told me She"d love to unfold me all night long Ooh I loved the way she kicked it from the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way she kicked it) And I oh oh I yeah hope that she"d care cos I"m a man who"ll always be there Ooh yeah I"m not a man to play around baby Ooh yeah cos a one night stand isn"t really fair From the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like that Cos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for that From the subway to my home endless ringing of my phone When you feeling all alone all you gotta do is just call me call me Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday [Bridge] (Break it down, uh break it down) Since I met this special lady ooh yeah I can"t get her of my mind She"s one of a kind And I ain"t about to deny it It"s a special kind thing with you-oh....... [Chorus] Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday I met this girl on Monday took her for a drink on Tuesday we were making love by Wednesday and on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

“Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday”是哪首歌里的歌词?

7 DAYSCRAIG DAVID On my way to see my friendswho lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)As I walked through the subwayit must have been about quarter past threeIn front of mestood a beautiful honey with a beautiful bodyShe asked me for the timeI said it"d cost her her namea six digit number & a date with me tomorrow at nineDid she decline? NoDidn"t she mind? I don"t think soWas it for real? Damn sureWhat was the deal? A pretty girl aged 24So was she keen? She couldn"t waitCinnamon queen? let me updateWhat did she say? She said she"d love torendezvousShe asked me what we were gonna dosaid we"d start with a bottle of moet for two[Chorus]Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayI met this girl on Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday[Verse 2]Nine was the timecos I"ll be getting mineand she was looking fineSmooth talkershe told meShe"d love to unfold me all night longOoh I loved the way she kicked itfrom the front to back she flipped (back she flipped it, ooh the way shekicked it)And I oh oh I yeahhope that she"d carecos I"m a man who"ll always be thereOoh yeahI"m not a man to play around babyOoh yeahcos a one night stand isn"t really fairFrom the first impression girl hmm you don"t seem to be like thatCos there"s no need to chat for there"ll be plenty for thatFrom the subway to my homeendless ringing of my phoneWhen you feeling all aloneall you gotta dois just call me call me[Chorus]Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayI met this girl on Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday[Bridge](Break it down, uh break it down)Since I met this special ladyooh yeahI can"t get her of my mindShe"s one of a kindAnd I ain"t about to deny itIt"s a special kind thingwith you-oh.......[Chorus]Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on SundayI met this girl on Mondaytook her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by Wednesdayand on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday


The English noun Monday derived sometime before 1200 from monedæi, which itself developed from Old English (around 1000) mōnandæg and mōndæg (literally meaning "moon"s day"), which is cognate to other Germanic languages, including Old Frisian mōnadeig, Middle Low German and Middle Dutch mānendach (modern Dutch Maandag), Old High German mānetag (modern German Montag), and Old Norse mánadagr (Swedish and Norwegian nynorsk måndag, Icelandic mánudagur. Danish and Norwegian bokmål mandag). The Germanic term is a Germanic interpretation of Latin lunae dies ("day of the moon").In most Indic languages, the word for Monday is derived from Sanskrit Sōmavāra.Soma is another name of the Moon god in Hinduism. In Indic languages it is also called Chandravāra, Chandra in Sanskrit means moon. In Thailand the day is called "Wan Jan" meaning, the day of the Moon god Chandra".In many Slavic languages the name of the day eschews pagan tradition and translates as "after Sunday/holiday". Russian понедельник (poniediélnik), Serbian понедељак (ponedeljak), Bulgarian понеделник (ponedelnik), Polish poniedzialek, Czech pondělí. In Turkish it is called pazartesi, which means the day after Sunday. Japanese and Korean share the same ancient Chinese words "月曜日" (Hiragana:げつようび, Hangul:월요일) for Monday which means day of the moon.英语名词Monday产生于公元1200年以前,源于monedæi。Monedæi这个词从古英语(约1000年)mōnandæg 和 mōndæg(直译为“月亮之日”)中发展而来,而mōnandæg 和 mōndæg又和其他日耳曼语汇同源,包括古弗里斯兰语mōnadeig,中东低地德语和中东荷兰语(现代荷兰语Maandag),旧高德语mānetag(现代德语Montag),和老扎语mánadagr(瑞典和挪威尼诺斯克语måndag,冰岛语mánudagur,丹麦和挪威语bokmål mandag)。日耳曼语的“星期一”是对拉丁语lunae dies的解释(“月亮之日”)。在许多印度语言中,“星期一”这个词产生于梵文Sōmavāra。在印度教中,月亮之神的另一个名字是Soma,而印度语言又把它称作Chandravāra,Chandra在梵语中的意思是“月亮”。在泰国,这天被称作Wan Jan,意为月亮之神Chandra之日。在许多斯拉夫语言中“星期一”的名称避开了异教传统,被译为“星期天/假日后的那天”。“星期一”的俄语为понедельник(poniediélnik),塞尔维亚语为понедељак (ponedeljak),保加利亚语为понеделник(ponedelnik),波兰语为poniedzialek,捷克语为pondělí。在土耳其语中是Pazartesi,意思为“星期天后的那天”。日语和韩语采用共同的古汉语词汇“月曜日”(平假名为げつようび,韩语为월요일)来作为星期一的名称,意思是“月亮之日”。

thirsty thursdays是什么意思

thirsty thursdays渴了,星期四

They are Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.中文是什么意思

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